
December 2018 CAYA, "Courageous Conversations on Christianity", Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley 

Alfred Street Baptist Church
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December CAYA - A CAYA Courageous Conversation examining the views of inclusivists, exclusivists, pluralists and universalists.
Alfred Street Baptist Church, Rev Dr Howard-John Wesley, Pastor.
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@tyrusedwards4358 5 лет назад
This brother presents a strong case for us as christians to not judge the beliefs of others, because God is the ultimate judge.
@davidmedellin7074 5 лет назад
Tyrus Edwards that is not a strong case at all he is compromising the word of god based off of human emotion and sensibility’s so sad
@raymondgreen5700 3 года назад
**God has already judged****
@elainewagnon6690 2 года назад
I know this is 3 years old but this spoke to me and helped me. Thank you!
@lisacoleman13 5 лет назад
Acts 4:12 (NIV)Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” At the same time I completely understand this pastor's heart. I live by the quote" It is God's job to judge,the Holy Spirit's job to convict and MY JOB TO LOVE." Dr Billy Graham. Its really our part as Christians who should be loving that has not gone so well. When he commented about some Christians who were nasty and some Muslims where were kind...I could totally relate to that.We also have to learn how to agree to disagree WITH RESPECT. We need to honor the difference in people and where they are in life.At the same time not "water down" the gospel of Jesus Christ lest when we reach for it , it wont work for us because we have diluted it of its power in our personal life.I also like this quote by Watchman Nee "Truth is given to set people free, not to find fault." We have to learn how to just minister the gospel and pray for the power it has to emanate within not try to "force" the gospel on people.
@kennethcraddock2313 5 лет назад
Pastor Wesley is a groundbreaking pastor who is not afraid of showing what his years in seminary and personal study should produce in an intelligent yet loving manner to his flock. I am the son of a Baptist Pastor,, attended church as a child through being a husband and father with the whole belief of exclusivity. In my mid 40s as my marriage was breaking up l poured over the scriptures to find reasons why. I began to see the Bible as written by human men with all the elements of hate, prejudice, lust and every evil work. I began to question the whole concept of God l had grown up with, l began reading John Shelby Spong, Marcus Borg and many others and found out they had evolved as l had evolved. They had theories that I had thought prior to me reading them yet stayed in the Christian Church which l departed and never returned as a member but only for funerals and weddings. I believe in a different concept of God/Allah. I don't believe God is a supernatural white being who has feelings or who catalogs our sins. I believe God is an intelligent FORCE that has principles. When we violate them we are punished, when we choose right over wrong we are blessed, yet there does appear to be grace ( unmerited, unearned favor) available as well extended to all within their lives. I am thankful for a Pastor like brother Wesley who is not afraid to deal with the gray areas of scripture in a understanding that as Tindley wrote "We Will Understand It Better By And By."
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
I understand your point of view. As a 42 year old man myself, I think if you are raised or grow into the habits of the religiosity of the church, the perceptions, etc....Corporate church is an industry a lot of times that behind the scenes feels more like a business that transforming lives. That's where believers can become disenfranchised and loose their faith due to church and the mess behind the scenes, or how corporate church preaches this formulaic Christianity; that if you due A, B, C you will get your desired results. Which, news flash, isn't always the case at all. Thus we all become hardened, hurt, or feel betrayed and our faith becomes fractured or weakened. And even worse, becoming mad at God, which leads to us losing our faith, and thinking there really isn't this Christ or God that loves me and cares about my life like what Ive been told, preached, or read. The enemy loves to trip up and cause a believer to walk away. I say all that to say, if you are a regular Bible reader, and search out materials, books, testimonies, etc that cater to your hurts, vices, etc, the Lord always comes in and speaks to you and rebuilds you and restores you to wholeness. This does take time though. I think the dangerous part is having a faith weakened that causes you to believe the Bible is written by men to control men. I disagree, the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. And if you take the religiosity of the corporate church out of it, the Lord can and will speak to you through it. Ask, Seek, and knock. Ask and it will be given, Seek and you will find, Knock and it will be opened to you. Basically, if you pursue the answers, if you pursue the Lord, He will bless you with revelation, restoration, and hope and purpose. A church can give you a foundation, but only the Lord can speak to your spirit personally. I pray brother that you don't give up on Him. He will meet you and lead you.
@michaeledwards9219 5 лет назад
Aye man. Its odd that many Christians miss the fact that the religious leaders and their obsession with exclusivity and condemnation were just for the sake of power. But then again there are many Christians use Christianity as tool of power and/or status. I remember sitting in church and it dawned on me that I was being taught that I was better and entitled to more then others because I was a Christian. And I realized that I believed it for so long and that I was a Pharisee in the making. And it changed my life. Church boy all my life and at 33 (I just realized the irony of that) I walked away. And now 7 years later I’m thinking about going back. But with a different mindset and to a ministry that will have to seek truth - real truth.
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
Michael Edwards good stuff sir. I did the same. Wasn’t raised in a church but when I started going in my early 30s I got a good foundation but then it became like a second job. And serving behind the scenes became a lot about perception, and brand, and money. I got up out of there because it became like a second job. You started with a heart to serve the Lord but then you become a part of this “brand of Christianity” and next thing you know I’m like, ‘Am I being used?’ ‘I’m acting churchy instead of being real’ ‘am I judging more ppl now’ Ended up walking away shortly after that. I didn’t like the machine of corporate church for 2 years after that. That type of Christianity left a sour taste in my mouth and honestly my faith was shaken. Now I’m back serving when I feel like it and being more of a believer and a blessing out in these streets more than in the four walls of a church. Personal study is very important to make it thru such times
@michaeledwards9219 5 лет назад
Rob B Yessir. I think you just spoke exactly how I felt. Once you work behind the scenes and those eyes are opened there’s nothing you can do. You can’t go back and not see what you already saw.
@gloriajohnson2778 2 года назад
WOW! So much I could say, this was definitely a teaching that got me “thinking!” As I thought about your 4 categories E, I, P & U it seems to me the the E has 4 out of 4 chances! They get into heaven in every group! I do believe that Jesus is the ONLY way, however I don’t claim to know what that looks like in every case, especially in reference to starving children in Africa who may have not heard the gospel as some Christians believe it should be presented. But God, who is just and loving knows, and He won’t make a mistake with them. If He can interpret my tears, my silence surely He knows beyond my understanding of what “confessing Jesus” looks like for them. To whom much is given much is required. And I would say the flip side of that is true as well; to whom little is given less is required. (Luke 7:43) I trust Him with them🧡 And that comforts me. I appreciate everyone’s perspectives and I too am evolving. I especially appreciate your challenging Christians to THINK and not simply piggyback off the pastors beliefs and to focus more on being peacemakers. Blessings 🤗
@novsophiah.150 5 лет назад
Thank you Pastor Wesley - as a fellow Methodist, I have trouble with the exclusivist position because it can legitimise the commodification of people, justify the holocaust, ancient and modern-day slavery, fighting proxy wars in other people’s country, deny health-care - just because they are not Christian. That position devalues other humans beings, rather than seeing all of us as children of God. `Jesus was repeatedly impressed by those from outside the community - Samaritans, soldiers, syro-phonecians - who displayed faith and trust in God. We have a living faith with a living God who is always revealing I AM WHO I AM.
@fadez_by_isaac 5 лет назад
Praise the Most High for this message! I absolutely love it! The Lord God is waaaaaaay bigger than we can even imagine! The Most High is waaaaay bigger than just a Bible that man can and did manipulate that’s why some books are missing! Thank you Dr. for this powerful word!
@egnalynngweforbi 2 года назад
I stand with you Pastor.
@maryreynolds2944 5 лет назад
I believe Pastor Wesley did a wonderful job with this discussion. I will not condemn nor judge him on what he is so passionate about. I believe he is a Mighty Man of God who loves the Lord and God's people. Who preaches and teaches the Word of God without contradiction . As he clearly stated he is not asking us to believe what he believes. He graciously wants us to think. I personally stand with exclusivity who welcomes awareness and who is evolving as well. But also believe somethings just are! This was very informative. Thank you Pastor Wesley. Continue to preach and teach the Gospel as God reveals himself to you and you share with us. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. .
@gregory2272 2 года назад
2 Timothy 3:16. The Bible was written within the first century. God used the apostles through his spirit that lived in them to write the scriptures, none of it came about by man's will but by God's will.
@bkj58 5 лет назад
Read the old testament major prophets; God addresses the issue clearly and routinely refers to other religious and other "gods" as being worthless and disgusting. I'm not judging the pastor or anyone else but the answer to the question is in your bible. People will swallow anything now because they don't take time to read the word and spend time studying.
@LawrenceStroman 5 лет назад
There are some issues that are grey and some are black and white. Salvation by Jesus alone is black and white and to think otherwise is heresy. Esteeming one day above the next is a grey area. Romans 15 on doubtful things. John 3:16- ONLY begotten son. John 14 the whole chapter which includes the way, the truth and the life.. Read “So What’s the Difference, by Ridenour. It will break down all religions and belief systems and biblical Christianity stands alone.
@senorahemphill7414 2 года назад
Is Christ the only way to be saved? (John14:6) The way to Heaven is only through Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. Our Lord Jesus Christ is Himself the way to Heaven. He does not merely show the way; He is the way. Salvation is only in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the one who saves because he saved us from the evil one (the devil). God is Almighty, and we should thank God every day for saving our lives. God is the only god that saves. Jesus Christ our Lord has saved his children from the hands and power of the enemy.
@Hereigns62 5 лет назад
I saw the Jude3 discussion and I have been part of your RU-vid congregation for a couple of years. I am so glad you addressed this. I was really feeling some kind of way after watching you on that panel. God Bless you. You are a great preacher and teacher.
@michaeledwards9219 5 лет назад
People swear that the BIBLE is the ultimate guide. Jesus said that He would send the Comforter who would guide in ALL THINGS. Was he talking about the Bible or the Spirit? If he was talking about the Spirit then how is it that the Bible became the ultimate guide? And where in the scriptures was there ever any prophecy that there would be a book put together that would be the ultimate guide for the followers of Christ? I ask with pure intentions - not to fight. Or throw shots. Just a question that I have been wrestling with.
@coreybrown9595 5 лет назад
You ask a great question that not many consider. The Bible as we know it is a fourth-century creation. Humanity decided that it would need a way to regulate the faith which would be used as the religion of Constantine's Roman empire. Many people lift up the Bible as not being separate from G-d, but it is. G-d didn't create the Bible, man did, much like man created the Golden Calf to worship during the Exodus of the Israelites. We long for the physical when we should long more for the spiritual. The Bible contains the Truth but is not the Truth, in and of itself.
@thedust850 5 лет назад
@@coreybrown9595 So well put bro. I don't understand why most people cant understand that God does not write physical books. God or Source has itself written inside of you in your heart.
@kevinhill24 5 лет назад
You asked and raised a provocative and genuine point.
@thedust850 5 лет назад
Bruh I'm just amazed that this dude is 46 looking like he is 34.
@Zee-jv1nb 4 года назад
SchoolTrap fine as.....Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. A handsome somebody
@lancebrown9762 5 лет назад
Excellent conversation!!!
@missyla2u 5 лет назад
I don’t know where I am right now, but I’m leaning towards pluralist
@michaelcleveland3997 5 лет назад
Dr Wesley I love you. Please take another look at you argument.
@cheenjoopearl 5 лет назад
Woooow, so this is how popularity can cause compromise; as to make sure to keep "peace" with a world that is in opposition to Christ being the only way compromisers start using a beloved worldly word like "evolved" that puts people at ease. Jesus made it clear where life outside of him "leads" to; He preached on hell MORE than He preached on heaven...JESUS is not a liar and when you muddy the truth He preached, you make Him out to be one. In order to make sure to keep elite friends and powers unruffled and patting a back with a peaceful smile, this is usually the way compromisers go when they cower to the world as to not lose their lofty positions, church tax exemptions, and friendships with people who ARE uncompromising in their UNBELIEF of Jesus Christ being the only way...and make no problem in saying so...in a way a follower of Christ should be just as bold to say, "HE is the ONLY way." At 59:32, there it all is: don't offend people with the truth, just focus on your life and don't judge by telling someone the truth about where rejection of Christ will lead them. Keep a grey area by INCLUDING them...by saying, "Who knows but God?" Inclusion is a hell of a drug; it compromises leaders and does not love someone enough to tell them the TRUTH. They now call that "judging". As Dr. Walter Martin used to say, it is not unloving to tell someone the truth. JESUS did and they wanted to kill Him for it. HE said HE did not come to bring peace but a sword. If you must smooth out feelings because the world gets upset with you over the truth and it causes you to neutralize the TRUTH of God's word by calling it "judging"...you have totally minimized and devalued the purpose of HIS horrific death that drew the line between damnation and eternal life. Compromise is death of a leader and doubt for the follower. What a shame.
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
That was perfectly worded. Good post. Jesus offended many who came to him, not just the scribes and pharisees. Look at Nicodemus, when Jesus told him you must be born again to reach the Kingdom. The rich young ruler. What about when Jesus told the crowds you must love me more than your father and mother and children, or you will not see the Kingdom of heaven. Many people walked away from Him. Even as He did all these miracles of healing and deliverance among them. People want their blessings, but dont want to be challenged to live differently and walk in holiness. Inclusion doctrine is saying everything is OK, just do you. Dangerous is what it is.
@cheenjoopearl 5 лет назад
@Juice J F Because we have the mind of Christ. ;-) We hear our Shepherd's voice and know it. Praise God!
@cheenjoopearl 5 лет назад
@@robzilla0107 Applause! Yes! Jesus told it as it is and like Him we follow His lead. Nicodemus along with Joseph of Aramathea at some point had to reveal who they believed Jesus to be amongst their elite friends. They finally did when they asked for Jesus' body in order to prepare Him for the Jewish burial ritual. There were those the word said "believed" but did not say it publicly for FEAR of the Jews. The believers "up there" who fraternize in the elite group are going to HAVE to take a stand at some point and admit who they believe Jesus to be. They will have to choose Him or their status. They think that this "inclusion" stance has given them their neutral zone to have the best of both worlds. It's funny Rob, I used to think that being excellent (academically, economically, socially, etc.) was harmless, but now I see it as a trap...a snare. It is a way to be put on the radar for the world to find you. Like Herod wanting to know where the Christ was born...so he could kill Him. The higher and more excellent a person wants to be is a way of showing ones-self to Herod. If he or she is a Christian, it's to be murdered by compromise. I'd rather be born in a manger...in a way that is not so excellent to the world (or put in a basket up the river like Moses...then abandon the Egyptian palace for a Shepherd's field). It keeps us under the radar and also keeps us from the pressure of compromise. The higher one goes and the more they are highlighted with their valedictorian, suma cum laude, private school status, the more people they meet who can further their earthly comforts. They then have to make a decision about Christ amongst their new universal friends (who tend to practice everything against God's Word) who can further their careers and ambitions. Thereby, deciding to compromise their faith...and ultimately denying Him. I will pray for all of those brothers and sisters making their mark in the excellent circles of the world...because they don't see where it is leading them in their innocent desire to be successful.
@coreybrown9595 5 лет назад
I find it amazing that when we talk about a very Jewish Jesus, who taught from Jewish teachings about including everyone, including us, we appropriate those very Jewish teachings and use them to exclude people, even the Jewish people from which our scripture comes. John 3:16 says that "For G-d so loved the World." I'm sorry but that sounds pretty inclusive to me, not compromising but inclusive. The scripture even goes on to say that there is neither Greek, nor Jew, nor Gentile, not male, nor female. This is the Bible's way of explaining inclusivity on a scale that we humans can't even grasp. We humans don't have a hell to put people in, no matter how holy we think that we might be. We do not have the powers of condemnation. Jesus' death is where we get stuck in the Christian faith. Jesus claimed victory with his ascension into heaven. His physical suffering was merely something for our sake. Can an omnipotent, or all-powerful Being really suffer at the hands of us mortal human beings? Exclusivity is based in hate, while inclusivity is based in love. If what you are saying is true, then just as Dr. Wesley says, Hitler should be in Heaven because he professed Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. This was the basis for the atrocities he committed against the Jews.
@manuelgarr3517 5 лет назад
I agree 100%! Teaching such as this, at best, "muddies the water" on the Exclusivity of Christ and, at worst, is heretical. A wholesale condemnation of this teaching was made this past weekend that provided #ClearAnswers to this issue of the Exclusivity vs. the Inclusivity of Christ. Here's the video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BklclP7XjgY.html
@kansaspeach7727 5 лет назад
Jesus is the only way for me. I cannot reconcile what happens to those who came before Christ. Hitler and other wicked people= whomever calls on "confesses" the LORD, doesn't truly know him nor accepted HIM in their hearts. Great discussion. I cannot put another person in Hell or Heaven.
@davidwashington9928 Год назад
I don't get him....Jesus called in others besides the Jews. Don't know why this brother going outside😮
@runeesmith1184 5 лет назад
This Video is The Truth & Nothing But The Truth!
@AmAfrican 5 лет назад
Please study to show yourself approved. Pray and get a clear understanding. I suggest people hear another biblical point of view before you settle on his positions. There is a lot of information he is leaving out that need to be considered.
@raymondgreen5700 3 года назад
This man should try another profession,he uses the word( I) Like the 😈 devil*I will do this I will do this.thus saith the Lord means God has spoken and there is no room for discussion.his word is absolute.***************
@leratomolele 5 лет назад
For those who dont know Carlton Pearson (Young Ones 😆), watch Come Sunday on Netflix
@juanitatillman2158 5 лет назад
whats more critical than a person's soul- Mr. Wesley is confused and I say that in love and knowledge-carry on
@randyquinonez8646 4 года назад
@Eugeneus1Iv 3 года назад
When you're in ministry you deal with many people that cause you to reexamine why Jesus had compassion on sinners, so I get where pastor Wesley is coming from, but he misspoke, it's not evolving into something else, but rather maturing into what we should be (compassionate to the lost). However with that being said I believe that salvation comes through Christ alone (and HE can save anyone regardless to religion) not that I FEEL it is true but because I believe Jesus is the TRUTH and HE said "I am the door all the others are thieves and robbers..." (John 10:9-10) As pastor Wesley is flawed like every one of us I will pray that his interaction with the ungodly does not cause him to lose focus on his ministry of salvation in Christ alone but to remember Paul 's dilemma of the same wishing the Jews would also be saved... (Rom. 10: 1-2) So my prayer is that we hold this brother up in prayer that he be not overtaken in the fault of acceptance doing the work of the Lord. Let the mature in the Lord say Amen.
@davidwashington9928 Год назад
I am glad someone else see the brother confusion 🧐
@mrduckett4006 5 лет назад
"Wounded"....they were more than nice to him.
@live150withcoachmoon 3 года назад
Bro, Love you man, but the thought on Hitler and Ghandi is founded in ideology that doesn't equate to what salvation truly is. Just because one confesses Christianity doesn't mean that they are truly Christian. I don't have the degrees that you have, or the scholarship and accolades that you've earned, but it feels like you're not speaking or defending true Christianity. Ephesians 2:8 sums up on any ethical or moral discussions connected to salvation. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. The only thing that I can say I truly agree with you on in your argument, in a different context is, we are not the judge. True Christians know that we are not the judge, but God is, and he's clear on a lot of things that you through his word and through the leading of the Holy Spirit. There is no justification of any wrong doing that can then create justification for another - meaning, just because some Christians judge foolishly, doesn't mean that God's judgment on a matter will be any less real. Finally, I respect anyone's experience and know that God deals with each and every one of us according to what HE knows about our heart that no-one else knows (1 Samuel 16:7), but our experiences don't trump God's revelation, nor do they give us any authority to alter what God has spoken, or is speaking - Romans 3:4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar. As it is written: "So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge."
@thomashoward4178 5 лет назад
Can you be of more that one group?
@bebeowens9842 5 лет назад
I wonder what category would fall under. I’m a Christian, however, I don’t believe in hell or heaven. I believe in reincarnation. 🤔
@juanitatillman2158 5 лет назад
Ask Mr. Wesley
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
@@juanitatillman2158 lol....exactly
@randyquinonez8646 4 года назад
@BeautifulJeye 5 лет назад
This sermon has me having doubts.....
@patriciae9952 5 лет назад
i watched the panel. He talked the most the time he was respected and heard. What did he expect was going into panel to talk for an hour long straight?
@tavaris79 5 лет назад
Pastor Wesley I heard some of your previous sermons and appreciated how you handled and preached the word of God. But after watching the courageous conversations conference I couldn't believe what I was hearing from you and your associate pastor. I'm posting a copy of your statement of faith directly from your church website and it completely contradicts where you stand. Please seek Jesus for guidance back to the truth or remove these statements from your site. The Inspiration of Scripture The sole basis of all our beliefs is the Bible, God’s infallible inerrant written revelation of His Word. We believe that the scriptures, both the Old and the New Testament, are uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and serves as the supreme and final authority in all matters in which it speaks (II Timothy 3:15-17; I Thessalonians 2:13; II Peter 1:21). The Salvation of Man Man’s only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God. It is wholly the work of God’s free grace and is not the work, in whole or in part, of human works, goodness or religious ceremony (Ephesians 2:4-10). Salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ by the regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, being justified by grace through faith, man becomes an heir of God and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ according to the hope of eternal life (Luke 24:47; John 3:1-21; Romans 10:13-15; Titus 2:11; 3:5-7). It is the privilege of all who are born again by the Holy Spirit to be assured of their salvation from the very moment they trust in and confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This assurance is not based upon human merit, but is produced by the witness of the Holy Spirit, who confirms in the believer the assurance of their salvation according to the testimony of God’s Word (Romans 8:35-39). The inward evidence of salvation is the direct witness of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16) and the outward evidence to all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness unto God (Ephesians 4:24; Romans 6:1-18; 8:1-9).
@amcra1 5 лет назад
tavaris mccoy Thank God you’re not the Pastor
@tavaris79 5 лет назад
@@amcra1 are you saved and if so how?
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
Tavaris McCoy, bravo sir. Sometimes holding these pastors accountable for why they began their pastoral ministry is necessary. This dude need to do some self inventory of how far he has gotten off the path
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
amcra1 you get in your feelings much?
@amcra1 5 лет назад
Rob B do you?
@davidwashington9928 Год назад
Brother, my advice to you is that you may need consider abdication of your position as a Pastor. Rejoin the church as a follower, be humble to avert destruction. This isn't a philosophy or education, but Salvation. You are misleading people with your skeptical perspectives😢
@sherronwalker3749 5 лет назад
WOW, this was interesting. Why don't he jus throw the bible away because its apparent he don't believe anything in it. This is wrong in so many ways. Lord Jesus, reign down on us!
@poppeye03 5 лет назад
Sherron Walker right!!!!
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
You right, and I have been in comments to help give people Biblical perspective to those that believe this is good teaching. Its not. Its wrong. But hey, most people think....."well he sho'll can preach though." Yeah but getting your ears tickled, and having you jump and shout is just an emotional response and a feeling. Does the preaching actually transform and convict lives to do better and live for Christ? Or you just like coming to get your fix from a new age preacher?
@cheenjoopearl 5 лет назад
These last days are going to be something else! True to what he said in this vid, we have no idea who is going to be in heaven...due to wolves in sheep's clothing who we could've sworn were one of us. But as Jesus said, if they leave, they were never with us. Satan has perfected deception. So disappointed. Eternal life is an "exclusive" club, you only get in via the name of JESUS Christ. Amen.
@calebvance4774 5 лет назад
@jonbibbs 5 лет назад
The discussion of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral was not accurate. The inaccuracy on this point destabilizes the whole argument. Wesley believed primary authority rested in scripture, second was tradition, third was reason and experience - the part that this Pastor Wesley emphasized - was last. The argument he is making is basically this: "I preach Christ because that's what works for me." This is problematic. The Gospel argument is this: "I preach Christ because He is King!" His invitation at the end... I don't know. It seems to me, given he is saying... should sound more like this: "I want to persuade you to find salvation in Jesus - or whichever other means you choose." I wouldn't dare judge a man's heart. But I can say this: his arguments here, are pretty shaky.
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
Whole heartedly agree. Certain online sermons he does are great. But if you pay attention to his Caya's and Bible studies, and forums like this. There is a lot of troubling views that he spouts. And if you are not rooted in the Bible on your own, or not very mature in your faith (we all werent at one time or another,) Wesley's arguments can cause, not some, but a lot of people to stumble in their faith. This dude is dangerous to new believers. This dude also is a product of the cultural times, more than what scripture says, "preach the gospel in season, and out of season." The cultural norms of today and the world, are that Christ, and the Word of God is out dated and need to be skewed to fit the times. This brother is doing just that. People need to be careful of the doors that he is swinging open. Courageous conversations, border if not kick open the door to heresy.
@sherronwalker3749 5 лет назад
Rob B Anytimes I hear someone say times has changed I always remind them that the bible hasn't. If the bible isn't the standard of authority, there's no need in giving me ur opinions. Notice how he keep saying "I think". I agree some things he teach are enlightening but one definitely has to be grounded in the Word. Again I say God B With Us! 🙏
@shanicejoseph170 5 лет назад
Are y'all actually listening and learning from what this man is saying or are you just listening to respond. Your comments show me you're just listening to respond.
@shanicejoseph170 5 лет назад
@@sherronwalker3749 every other sermon this man says culture and context matter when interpreting the bible, if you don't understand that I feel sorry for you.
@robzilla0107 5 лет назад
@@shanicejoseph170 here is the problem with this pastor. He talks about inclusion and not to judge other religions or people and not using the Bible as a way to condemn them. That's always been his main theme correct? Shanice what do you know about Islam? Has this pastor actually talked about Islam, and studied it himself? Has he divulged that to this church? No he hasn't? Why is that do you think? Do you know that fundamental Islam allows for the persecution and killing of gay folk? (So his stance on acceptance of people that walk in that, while trying to say Islam is a way to God as well, is highly contradictory. Do you not see that?) Do you know that Islam doesn't condemn incest? Do you know that the koran allows a person to lie for their own gain? Now tell me Shanice, does that sound like doctrine that a God of love and a God of peace would condone and pass along to His creation? Of course not. But in Islam, their holy koran explains that in plain detail amongst other things I wont go into detail about. So do i think we should persecute and condemn other people of different faiths? No. But can you call another faith wrong and not the truth? Would you call Mormonism wrong? Mormonism doesn't believe in Jesus as the Son of God, who was God and man at the same time. So if we can agree that Mormonism is wrong doctrine. Why cant we believe that Islam is wrong doctrine? Why would you not want to help people come to the one true faith in Jesus Christ? Instead of what this pastor is saying which is, "hey believe what you want to believe, as long as your a good person." That isn't spreading the Gospel of the good news. That is allowing people to continue living in error with dire consequences. Before you defend someone, make sure you know the facts and context of what you are defending. Just because you believe this pastor and his stance, doesnt mean you shouldnt do your own research for yourself before you fall in line with everything that comes out his mouth.
@calebvance4774 5 лет назад
Heading down Carlton Pearson territory.
@kofaali 5 лет назад
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Exclusivity vs Inclusivity: Is Jesus the Only Way?
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