
Defining a Biblical Marriage.. (It's Not What You Think!) 

That Bible Study Channel
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Modern Christianity and the world.. have ALOT to say about Marriage and what it is.. as usual modern Christianity and the world is wrong..
Today we correctly define what a Marriage is.. it's origins.. it's purpose.. etc.
It's very different and controversial.... So ENJOY!
Thanks for watching and God Bless!



15 окт 2024




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@daughterofchrist5795 Год назад
Thanks that did help me alot. I think i am tormentet by a religious Spirit!! Now i see better. Me and my husband we did not get legally married because of financial reasons to feed the family. We both came out of broken relationship with children. As we got together in Relationship we got closer to Jesus. We recive liberation and healing getting closer to the Lord. but i was tormentet 24/7 with the thaughts that we are doing wrong not being married legally. I almost wantet to run away!! I the last few days i recived liberation about that thormenting thaughts. Your video now did help me too as a confirmation. Thanks alot for that!! Greetings from a sister in Switzerland!!
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Год назад
Amen praise God. I would still get the commitment on paper legally as well just for testimony and the world etc. You know? God bless you both in your journey together though.
@daughterofchrist5795 Год назад
@@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Amen. Yes we will trust the Lord and follow his plan for our live. May the Spirit of God guide us to understand Gods wil!
@semi2893 Год назад
@Daughter of Christ: I'm from Switzerland too. Anyway, don't believe this false doctrine, sex doesn't equal marriage. It's an important part of marriage but not the only one. Marriage is a covenant, has to be publicly announced so that everyone knows this man and this woman are together and sex is then blessed within that covenant. The Bible also tells us to obey the law of the society we're living in and therefore, we must get married according to the laws of our country. Right now, without being officially married, you're living in sin. Becoming one flesh is an important aspect of marriage but outside marriage, it defiles the body. That's why Paul warns in 1 Corinthians not to sleep with a harlot since we don't want to become "one flesh" with her. Not because we would then be married to her, but because we give our precious body to someone other than our spouse.
@daughterofchrist5795 Год назад
@@semi2893 you are right in a worldly view. But from heavenly view marriage is a covenant with God to be a unity with one another in heart mind and soul. The purpouse is giving adam back the rip he gave. The purpouse is to be intimate and pure in every area of live. It means much more than a publicly anouncemont. Can be part of it but does not have to be. What you do, you have to do in faith and fear of the Lord allmighty. It is not necessarily to go to an altar in a church or to the covernant if you can go to the altar of Jesus Christ The Lord Allmighty creator of heaven and earth directly and seal your marriage in front of your high priest in heaven ☺️ There is nothing you should do without him in life. Jesus first!! from a spiritual view sleeping together is the phyical seal you practice to join together in union it is not the ceremony, the ceremony is before in prayer and comitmand of unity. If you are in marriage union it is lawful to join together physical. If you join together with selfish amitions or unpure thaughts you are already breaking your marriage in adultry and furnication. God Bless you
@semi2893 Год назад
@@daughterofchrist5795 Read Hebrews 13:4 “But fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” Who are “fornicators”? The original Greek word for “fornication” means “various kinds of ‘unsanctioned sexual intercourse’; unlawful sexual intercourse.” Think about that definition. God placed “lawful” sexual intercourse inside a marriage, between a husband and his wife (Gen. 2:24-25; 1:27-28; 1 Cor. 7:2). Therefore, any kind (or as the definition states, “various kinds”) of sexual intercourse outside of a husband-wife relationship is “unsanctioned” by God and “unlawful” in His sight. Regarding “fornication,” the Bible teaches us that “God will judge” fornicators (Heb. 13:4). What does that mean? They “will not inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9), for they do not have “any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God” (Eph. 5:5). Instead, fornicators (i.e., those who engage in any sex outside of a God-approved marriage) will be on the “outside” of “the gates of” heaven, with no “right to the tree of life” (Rev. 22:14-15); indeed, they “shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone” (Rev. 21:8). Don't listen to false teachers, listen to the Bible.
@ryoji7 Год назад
Amen. God bless
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Год назад
God bless you as well! Thank you
@lauratempestini5719 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this video!! I suspect since that woman being taken out of Adam that when a man goes into a woman he marries her!!!! Please please pray my daughter is reunited with her husband. Oh how we need to teach children the TRUTH!!
@JBarbarosa Месяц назад
If she left him for another, the marriage bed is defiled?
@lauratempestini5719 Месяц назад
@@JBarbarosa Exactly!!!!! Council of the heathen turned to nought!!
@edmoran869 Год назад
Considering I knew much on this subject already, I still learned considerably more. What helps is that even though my wife of nearly 29 years is not a perfect wife or woman, but I am a much better man than I could ever be without her. In fact, it's my desire to renew our vows before Jesus takes us home together. I know that we're not going to be husband and wife once we leave here, but should we be given another chance in the next world, I'd be honored by the idea of her company for eternity.
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Год назад
Amen brother. I believe, although I cannot prove it worh scripture... I believe that there will still be some sort of unity, covenant, relationship between husband and wife.. I just don't think it will be husband and wife in heaven due to no reproduction and no physical relation. 👍 God bless you and your wife.
@edmoran869 Год назад
@@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 I understand that according to Jesus, there's no husband and wife in heaven, but for some reason I have this feeling that on the subject of the new earth, God may... and I'm not quoting scriptures here, but if I'm not horribly incorrect, God did command Adam and Eve to procreate and occupy the world. When he creates a replacement for the first one that was so badly contaminated by sin, I was entertaining the thought that once we are given a new world that will no longer be mostly covered by the seas as it now is, there's going to be a lot of space for God's people to live. If those that will live here, and if I'm correct, the population density will roughly one person occupying an area of a small to moderate sized country. At minimum, the size of a medium size US state. If not a lot larger. But then, I have no numbers of how many people will be involved here, so I wouldn't dare try to give anything that could be passed off as a fact. Also... along the same line, if the residents of the new earth have received crowns from God as our rewards, what is there to make us distinct? However, if there was a possibility of future generations, then there would be a sort of hierarchy on earth as there is in heaven. I know that this hypothetical situation may just be wishful thinking, but what if this idea of mine was not the product of my imagination, but something passed on to me by the Holy Spirit? I would dare give this "Thus sayeth the Lord" credence to this, but it's been weighing on me a lot lately, especially since we're rapidly approaching the end of the end times. I wonder if this is something that just may have been given to offer hope for those that stand firm in their faith and service to God. I know I could be wrong, but if I'm not, this could be something to inspire us to stand strong and faithful and have something to look forward to in our eternal life.
@Pretty_Gemini Год назад
So no paper or Gov't or rings are needed for marriage??
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Год назад
Not necessarily. In God's eyes.. sex marries someone. So ideally sex between 2 saved people joining flesh with flesh would legitimately marry them in God's eyes. Now as for a Christians testimony and example to the world and other younger Christians I think getting engaged and saving sex for the wedding night is actually pretty ideal in today's world.
@ndanji8234 5 месяцев назад
I think an even better example to younger Christians is each man keeping his own woman… Completely demonizing sex prior to a wedding ceremony has actually done more harm than good… And it actually does not align with scripture or biblical advice… In fact, it promotes fornication (porneia) as young couples would have gone through several sexual partners without realizing that they have a biblical obligation to remain married… That’s because the church has preached that ONLY sex after a ceremony is considered “righteous” “but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. But if any man thinks he is behaving improperly toward his virgin, if she is past the flower of youth, and thus it must be, let him do what he wishes. He does not sin; let them marry.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭9‬, ‭36‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “But even if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Nevertheless such will have trouble in the flesh, but I would spare you.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@servantofyahisraelite613 2 месяца назад
Nope!’they mean nothing those are made up pagan practices.
@abideintheWord 2 месяца назад
@@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023this is an unbelievably dumb doctrine. It completely does away with adultery and fornication. what is fornication then?!? Don’t be deceived!!! “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@JBarbarosa Месяц назад
But this is not what God is then saying...technically we are married to whomever we lost our virginity to and commit adultery with everyone thereafter, including our 'spouse'?​@@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023
@lilwarrioraleena 4 месяца назад
hi, btw what is fornication? My common law husband and I been together for 16 years, and l've only been saved for 2.5 years (my husband not yet saved) I've been searching the scriptures and don't see a marriage ceremony (wedding in Cana was a celebration I believe) We never got officiated by the government bc he doesn't want them in our business. He wants a wedding but it's going to be expensive the one he wants, and we can't afford that for a while, as we are saving for a house and hopefully kids in the near future. I get in despair thinking about this bc I haven't gotten a clear view of this. I mean, our parents call us husband and wife. We have been committed to each other. I even recently made a covenant document where it has our vows and we repeated it and initialed it and signed. Your video on this is giving me some clarity.
@servantofyahisraelite613 2 месяца назад
No one is saved and Levi 18 shows fornication notice a man having more than one women n ok t part of it because men can have more than one woman if they choose it’s in New Testament also.
@abideintheWord 2 месяца назад
What?!? You don’t see a wedding ceremony? Really?! It’s all over. How many parables did Jesus give an about a WEDDING CEREMONY? Come on just get married! You will perish if you don’t repent. Look up the word “gamos” in the Greek it’s the word for marriage and you’ll see it used numerous times. How could you have missed this?
@abideintheWord 2 месяца назад
Fornicators will NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM! Don’t listen to the lies! Your soul is at stake.
@servantofyahisraelite613 2 месяца назад
@@abideintheWord wrong!!you not saved either those the endur til the end will be saved.
@servantofyahisraelite613 2 месяца назад
@@lilwarrioraleena the covenant is when man and woman have sex there’s not pose to be any papers ppl only pose to keep they word !
@KindestGrace Месяц назад
He is a divocee, we have had no physical contact or met before but we are engaged. Can i call it off? Will it be seen as a divorce according to the Bible ?
@spencerbrown5063 8 месяцев назад
For the physical Domain but not just flesh alone for the spiritual domain. Adam called Eve Flesh and bone. But after the fall they say Flesh and blood, which is why Christ blood was required. Then Christ goes back to Flesh and bone.
@KindestGrace Месяц назад
Can you break an agreement with a man you have agreed to marry but have never met or have physical contact with? He is also a divorcee.
@diego-wn2vk 29 дней назад
yes. do it quickly.
@natanyaaberra8735 Год назад
If Miriam was pregnant before Yosef married her, then wouldn't that have made Yosef and adulter?
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Год назад
What scripture are you referring to?
@daughterofchrist5795 Год назад
The Angel told Josef to wait to take Maria as a wife until Jesus is born
@armandosauceda309 Год назад
Every person that has ever been born thru a woman is born in sin. That is because we are all angels that left our first estate,(Heaven), to come and have sex here on earth. We are the 1/3 of those angels who were deceived by Satan. We enter into this dualistic system thru sex. We are angels yoked with a demon (Cain and Able, twins)and we must be converted turning both eyes single so we can see the light,Christ. Mary was untouched by man so Christ (The Lord) came as a man without the need for sex. We come here without any knowledge of our previous existence and we must choose Christ's sacrifice for our sin of turning our back to Him. WE LEFT HIM HE DIDN'T LEAVE US. He Purchased us with His blood. John 3:16
@daughterofchrist5795 Год назад
@@armandosauceda309 where do you have that teaching from?
@natanyaaberra8735 Год назад
@@armandosauceda309 please no Christian doctrine here!
@vegasveteran6308 5 месяцев назад
Fornication is consensual sex between single people...I don't think you realize this.
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 5 месяцев назад
I don't think you realize the Biblical definition of Fornication.
@mark-koba Год назад
I respectfully disagree. The act of sex is not marriage, but it does consumate a marriage. Deuteronomy 22:28-29 28: If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; 29: Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. Notice how it says that "she shall be his wife"? It does not say that she is his wife? Therefore, a man and a woman having sex together does not make them married.
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Год назад
I believe the other verses I quoted specifically say it does. I think in God's perspective they are married.. but by man's perspective its a bit different. Look at what Jesus says to the woman with 5 husband's. I do understand what you're saying though. It seems as if when the law was implemented it was changed a bit.. probably to account for man's wickedness I'm sure.
@mark-koba Год назад
@@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 If a man and a woman having sex constitutes marriage, then why does the Bible distinguish between a wife and a concubine?
@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 Год назад
@@mark-koba Again I believe that's man's perspective rather than God's.
@mark-koba Год назад
@@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 If sex is marriage, then why is there a specific sin called fornication?
@mark-koba Год назад
@@ThatBibleStudyChannel2023 In the KJV, read Matthew 1:18-25 and notice how in verse 24 it specifically says "his wife" and verse 25 says "knew her not"? Mary was still a virgin but already had the title of wife, therefore sex is a part of marriage but sex by itself does not make two people married.
@lauratempestini5719 3 месяца назад
I am so so grieved!!!!! What of all this generation having many body counts ( having sex with many different people) What ‘s a person today do? What if the persons are heathens!!!😩😫😫🥵
@KindestGrace Месяц назад
Repent of all, call out each person's name youve ever slept with or as many as you can remember and ask God for mercy. Ask Him to bless you with your actual spouse if you are already not married to them
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