
Depp v. Heard Trial Day 13 Morning - Johnny Depp Rests. Amber Heard's Motion to Strike. 

Emily D. Baker
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22 сен 2024




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@kat0726 2 года назад
Ben Chew is the real MVP 🏆 He wiped the floor with AH Legal Team & their Motion to Strike 😂 I can’t be the only one who really enjoyed watching that 👏👏👏
@HAPPY-CATTY 2 года назад
„Ms Heard will testify, she didn’t write this headline“ A few days later: Ambers opening statement: „My ex-husband is suing me for an op-ed I WROTE…“…🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂😂 How about that, Mr Rottenborn 😂😂😂 💙Justice for Johnny💙
@shuepsx652 Год назад
I know this is an old comment, and to be clear, I am on Jonny's side in this mess, but she could have acknowledge to have written the op-ed but say that the title was written and chosen by the newspaper.
@terrylaguardia6838 2 года назад
The judge is firm yet unpretentious, consistent yet open, and owning of her courtroom yet friendly. It’s a rare pleasure to see someone of true authority in their profession being also humble. I think she and JD have much in common.
@HB-ey2dk 2 года назад
True, she rubbed me the wrong way the first week, but she seems to have softened a bit. Even seeing her chuckle, sigh, show human emotions is nice. However, I do get frustrated at her terrible objection rulings.
@joyrathstone7706 2 года назад
Mmm Mo I’mm a I’ll
@3thhackz531 2 года назад
Yeah I love the judge she gives me major “my favorite aunt” vibes
@shantoreywilkins651 2 года назад
@tellmesomething2412 2 года назад
How isn't she pretentious? Elaine was allowed to talk about the UK trial, cross examining Johnny's agent, when he opened the door for it to be talked about. When cross examining Dr. Dawn Hughes, the prosecution team couldn't talk about Tasya Van Ree, although Hughes opened the doors for it. Why not? MOST EXPERTS SAID IT WASN'T A FAIR RULING.
@katrinkarlsdottir 2 года назад
I felt the statement, "I can't wait to oppose this." in my bones!
@kkheflin3 2 года назад
That was absolutely PRICELESS.
@markgado8782 Год назад
@luisaramirez7502 Год назад
Right now I'm still witching Mr Chew 😅❤. He is just the snarky guy i love him ❤😂
@natalieclausel6334 2 года назад
Rottenborn being so obsessed with "not wasting the courts time" is so ironic considering he didn't even bother to have his documents redacted before bringing them into evidence and therefore wasted so much time getting them redacted. Like, he doesn't like wasting time when other people do it, but it's totally okay when he does it. Hypocrite.
@Mblackli 2 года назад
@ToryIsCooliest 2 года назад
I roll my eyes every time!!
@missanella 2 года назад
He is a 😘 ass!!!
@rollinstone6622 2 года назад
Yeah, he was born rotten.. Name fits, I guess…🤷‍♂️
@ashleyobrien4830 2 года назад
Lol Born Rotten
@kkheflin3 2 года назад
Your little interjections throughout the Motion to Strike are priceless Emily. I wish the jury could have heard this! I suspect we are getting a preview of Ben Chew's closing argument. He really tore Rottenbone apart.
@Taewills 2 года назад
Are you also catching up? So am I, glad I’m not alone 😆. Even though we know the trial is still ongoing I def wanted to watch the dismiss/strike motions.
@kkheflin3 2 года назад
@@Taewills Yep trying to catch up every day by watching Emily's recaps and commentary! What a case. It's a hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck. So unfortunate.
@cleobinx 10 месяцев назад
I’m sorry but if my client told me all the horrible bullshit amber said Johnny did to her in alustralia I certainly wouldn’t just want them “separated for a few days “ , like seriously??? After R-ing with a “bottle “ and all that , I would immediately try to get her out of that. We all know it was all lies anyways , but if they really believed her at the time then that is preposterous.
@lalayastill610 2 года назад
I don't think it's ok to rule that him swearing at her or venting to his friends should suffice to rule that he was abusive. That would dilute the meaning of domestic abuse to the point where it could describe a majority of marriages, and it would create an unreasonable legal precedent that can easily be called upon to frame people. There was a case in the UK that lead to introducing the notion of provocation in cases of domestic abuse, where the victim snapped. I know it's a different jurisdiction, but I don't think the legal system should consider verbal abuse coming after he'd been physically attacked as an unreasonable reaction and it shouldn't become a standard in these cases. I also want to remind people that Johnny Depp was not safe in his own home for years. He did not have a safe space to retreat to in order to unwind after stressful events. To the contrary, he was antagonized, physically attacked, and there's reasons to believe in some cases it was done intentionally in order to record his reactions. This was an ongoing thing, with no safe space for him, where any human being would have been worn down
@pegaseg70 2 года назад
This, so much this I completely agree I don't get why they didn't get an expert on DV?
@lalayastill610 2 года назад
@@pegaseg70 :( i don't know... i really hope it'll come up
@Leonicles 2 года назад
Excellent comment! I cosign all of this- as a survivor of dv (my then- 2yo & I escaped my husband/her dad to a DV shelter on 12/14/2014. He died 2/11/2015) and in my profession as a social worker. The definition of DV really needs to be codified. We want DV/IPV to be taken seriously as a crime, and watering it down to this will prevent that. I really admire what the UK did at Scotland Yard for defining the criminal line - separating "cohersive control" from a couple arguing. UK based criminal analyst Laura Richard's fought for the law and imo the best resource out there for understanding intimate partner violence and cohersive control. Edit- grammar
@herertolearn3418 2 года назад
Wrong! There are many forms of abuse. Educate yourself 🙄
@babette1762 2 года назад
@@herertolearn3418 Every marriage/long term relationship I am aware of includes people fighting with their words. If yelling is considered domestic violence, please give an example of a relationship where no one raised their voices. There are differences between a couple being completely vile in their word choice during a heated argument and demeaning and devaluing words over the course of a relationship. If we define abuse in such broad terms we miss the truly egregious occurrences.
@elainebrodie4559 2 года назад
love love love johnnys lawyer …. been quiet all this time but boom he showed he’s been preparing !!!!
@JamaicanRain 2 года назад
I am worried that will be the case with Amber, if she is testifying. When I go last for school project presentations, I take some ideas from people and have more time to prepare…JS.
@Gmjd64 2 года назад
He did he was quite forceful which surprised me as he is so quietly spoken compared to her rude lot !!!
@p.and.h 2 года назад
Right?! I was waiting for this!
@hopeku8679 2 года назад
@@JamaicanRain A normal person taking notes and tips from other people presenting is harmless and looks natural. From my experience when a person is a narcissist/overconfident they will always come across as fake.They will perceive reality differently and it will all come crashing down at them. For example if you looked at her testimony in the UK case you can notice the high and low points. When she’s explaining(high) and when she is thinking of what to say/do(low). She looks like two completely different people. Her facial expressions, eyebrows, and hand movement all say different things but in her head it’s believable. Count at that that she is a horrible actor
@juliearaiza3465 2 года назад
The kitchen video aside from the small tussle over the phone she followed him around the house in order to exacerbate the situation. He was gone from the room. Why did she need to follow?
@Mblackli 2 года назад
I was a licensed therapist in private practice for years. Also specialized in DV and Licensed in Substance Abuse Treatment. This witness is violating many professional ethics. 1)Therapists notes are NOT FACTS! We note things for many reasons and often miss or forget key points when making them. They r not verbatim of what happened and they only reflect what is relayed by clients. They are notorious for being incorrect and inadequate. They are often done in haste and when the therapist is tired. Also, they are often purposely vague depending on what the therapist is really thinking about the session or they may be a CYA note that does not reflect what the client has actually said. 2) CLIENTS ALWAYS LIE TO THEIR THERAPIST TO VARYING DEGREES! TRUST ISSUES. SOMETIMES THE THERAPIST KNOWS HE/SHE IS BEING LIED TO AND IN WHAT WAY AND SOMETIMES THEY DON’T HAVE A CLUE! THERAPIST ARE PEOPLE NOT ORACLES OR GODS. 3)A therapist’s job is to believe IN THEIR CLIENT NOT BELIEVE THEIR CLIENT. As a therapist I can only help those I believe in, and that allows me to help them find and face their own truth . Thus when lies are uncovered in the process of the therapeutic process, they can be dealt without drams shame etc and growth is the result!
@janeelizabeth9838 2 года назад
I agree, I’m working as a school psychologist now so the notes I take tend to be careful but more direct because of the institution and the fact that I’m working with adolescents. but generally there are things I don’t take notes of purposefully. What people fail to realize is that patients can request their files and not many do but when they do it can be really damaging to a therapeutic relationship. I think that’s much more so the case when looking at personality disorders. There were patients I worked with for years where I suspected BPD or NPD but the damage it would cause to the therapeutic relationship at that point in time outweighed the benefits of providing psycho education on diagnosis, particularly if I was going to provide the same type of treatment with or without spelling out the diagnosis. So I could be working for someone for years and my notes may not reflect any diagnosis outside of what was needed for billing purposes.
@texastornado9918 2 года назад
You put that so well! I’m almost done with my bachelors (just finished one last night, 3 classes left!!) and am planning to get my masters (I think. I feel like I have to, in order to do anything I want to do..) and I’m positive you know way more than I do! But you’re so right on all of your points and put this so so well! Especially “…to believe IN THEIR CLIENT NOT BELIEVE THEIR CLIENT”. So true!! Even if not being purposefully deceptive, it’s completely expected and sensible that any person, when speaking of themselves will either make themselves sound a little better, or a little worse, depending on their self awareness and confidence level. I’d say the majority make themselves sound better. Additionally, when discussing arguments or something that has already occurred, a persons perception is always going to be different. I really enjoy watching police interviews/interrogations, and it’s very fascinating that 2 people who witnessed the same thing (even if we’re not taking people who are guilty and have reason to lie) view the exact same scene so differently. I’m sure this has so many factors, even just taking their history, past traumas, even the ways in which they were raised can be factors that skew their viewpoint. For example if someone grew up with very racist parents, they would view a suspect (or victim) of that race so very differently than someone who maybe grew up close to people if they race, and/or was that race themselves. Super interesting (to me!). I’m so psychology minded, I tend to get so into this stuff!! (For example, I have been in college way too long, longer than I would even have to because I didn’t have a good advisor and just took every psychology class I could find! I didn’t realize you needed a certain amount of specific classes, but I don’t mind because I enjoyed them!!!
@AmirKhan-ng8ut 2 года назад
Exactly !! I'm an intern working under a very very well-known psychologist ( fortunately)🥲 We're really interested and disinterested in this case We discuss about it and many other What makes this special is they both are really good actors and to manipulate there emotions is a piece of cake for them But I really want jonny to be Genuine and hoping ..
@Mblackli 2 года назад
@@janeelizabeth9838 Great points Elizabeth. You clearly understand the real nuts and bolts of everyday therapy done in the real world. Thank you for sharing additional details from the therapist’s viewpoints. Amber’s “expert” was behaving as an advocate not a forensic psychologist. Her storytelling narrative spewing things as if she were there and even inside Amber’s head as if everything she was factual and therefore evidence was the most unethical outrageous behavior I’ve witnessed in a court setting in a long time. And finally, thank you for addressing a vary important tenet of interpersonal communication. People generally view and report their own behavior in ways that favor themselves. This does not have to rise to the level of fabricating or distorting the truth. A good bit of therapy is educational. We all grow up learning and reflecting the world views of our parents, others authority figures and our friends. Adulthood is the process of sorting through the things we want to keep and learning how replace things we wish to change with more constructive alternatives. We also learn there are many ways to see the world that are as valid as the ones we grew up with. EX: Newlyweds can discover they have married a partner who believes grocery shopping ends not begins in the produce section, or differing ways division of labor happens in a household etc. Learning to navigate and compromise on simple differences can be challenging. These things can often lead couples into therapy but are far from the toxic soup most therapists find their practices jammed to overflowing with. In addition to my practice I taught interpersonal relationships and psychology on a collegiate level. I am so grateful for therapists like yourself for your frontline service. In my practice I dealt with the more difficult end of the treatment spectrum. The relationship on display in this case is a reminder to me the difficulties therapists face in the intervention role in these situations. You sound like a wonderful therapist and please take care of you.😎Blessings to you❤️
@Mblackli 2 года назад
@@texastornado9918 Thank you! Good luck in your future endeavors! Hope you did well on your finals.
@scottnunnemaker5209 2 года назад
Rewatching this it’s amazing how much she blew up her own case with her testimony… listening to them argue that the abuse she faced was emotional and verbal and then listening to her testify to a ton of physical and sexual abuse… and all I’m left wondering is who messed up? Did Amber mess up or did her lawyer mess up by letting her go on and on about the physical abuse stuff?
@aClownBaby- Год назад
I love rewatching now we know the outcome of everything
@Mindyobiz-fy7ef Год назад
She controlled her Lawyers
@bethanychatman9531 Год назад
They all messed up, she lied and they were trying to prove a lie.
@pootyjay69 2 года назад
I’m a mandated reporter (licensed clinical social worker) and I know the laws are different in every state but I’m pretty sure you aren’t mandated to report abuse/neglect of legally competent consenting adults so it was really up to either Depp and Heard to report the abuse themselves. You are supposed to provide them with resources (reporting, domestic violence shelters, advocates, etc) because they have the right to make/not make decisions (also known as self determination) same reason why we don’t report drug use/selling because that’s not our job. I wish Depp would have reported before the statute of limitations expired because she is going to hurt more people in the future regardless of the outcome of this trial PS - I wish Depp would release a small coffee table book with all of his court doodles/drawings/art after the trial I think it would be soooo interesting
@katchristensen4211 2 года назад
This may be a stupid question but, I am just curious about your comment saying that laws are different state to state but your pretty sure mandated reporters aren't mandated to report abuse/neglect of legally competent adults, so it was really up to each party to report it. Is it possible that they aren't considered legally competent due to their use and or abuse of drugs and or alcohol? I do know when in court cases they ask if defendants are under any medications prescribed or not.. Thanks in advance for your time.
@Tina-de6lb 2 года назад
I said the same thing! I'd buy a few.
@FastHandAndy 2 года назад
I really love the coffee table book idea!
@debpalm8667 2 года назад
COFFEE Table BOOK!! Johnny would make a fortune. I want 5 of them.
@pootyjay69 2 года назад
@@katchristensen4211 not a stupid question!! alcohol/drug use does not make you legally incompetent in the state I work in. In order to be deemed incompetent by the court you have to fail a mini mental status exam so for example you have to answer the month, year, your name, who the president is, etc. I worked with an elderly lady once who said the President was Abraham Lincoln so we went to court to file for guardianship as she was obviously “incompetent” so if any abuse/neglect/exploitation happened to her it would need to be reported. But I also worked with an elderly lady who laid in bed all day in her feces and her grandson who was “taking care of her” just did heroine all day but she passed the mini mental status exam and kept saying she was happy with the way she was living her life so we couldn’t do anything about it because at the end of the day it was her decision to live like that. It’s a wild concept but it’s just a way to protect people’s right to self determination whether you agree with it or not.
@crystalfarmer4074 2 года назад
Ben Chew is ripping their argument to dismiss to pieces right now and I'm here for it. The way AH is looking at him is daggers. She looks so over his rebuttal to the motion.
@babysnowowl 2 года назад
Yup. She hates anything truth related.
@Smaugette 2 года назад
She knows she's f*cked, that's why.
@thesingleequestrian413 2 года назад
I love how he looked directly at her!
@kathleencampbe3ll70 2 года назад
Are you here for it like Jada claims she is here for 'peace and healing' after she destroyed Will Smith's peace of mind and reputation?
@bethanychatman9531 11 месяцев назад
​@@kathleencampbe3ll70you're strange. You have no idea as to what actually went on their marriage. Especially because will smith joined a cult on his own free will, he's a scientologist and they've both only showed the world what they wanted. If Will wanted to be "free" of Jada, then he should've granted her a divorce like she asked.
@TheTAFY102 2 года назад
Had no idea law could be so interesting. Your commentary makes it understandable. Love it. Thanks!
@krystynagaglio874 2 года назад
Can you talk after they done testifying ???????
@TheTAFY102 2 года назад
@@krystynagaglio874 absolutely!
@maraedelacruz 2 года назад
I have been trying to keep up with all the trial coverage but i have a full time job with a bank and it's been so disruptive to my EDB law nerd time! I am now 2.5 days behind! I promise to watch each minute Emily. Thank you for riding and educating all of us!
@Xosidhe 2 года назад
I work in a hospital and I’m like a week behind 😭
@EC-iy7js 2 года назад
Mic drop response from Mr. Chew on the attempt motion to strike. I love to see it! 🎤
@ciaravalenzuela2467 2 года назад
What is her lawyers obsession with the courts time??? It makes no sense. Especially when that particular lawyer wastes more time trying to figure out what he is arguing and looking for documents?
@sww3405 2 года назад
I think that’s just his passive aggressive way of implying that JD’s lawyers ARE time wasters. He’s a knuckle dragger 🦧
@allanahmooney-ricketson1060 2 года назад
It’s him trying to suck up to the jury, it’s going to come off as bullshit to them. Like when people say an obvious 80 yr old looks like she could be her granddaughters sister, it’s very phony
@maddy6764 2 года назад
AND not having his redactions in order ever
@thecraftbykellyann4722 2 года назад
Every time Rottenborn says, "To be respectful of the court's time..." I sass at my computer. Hypocritical and grating.
@Smaugette 2 года назад
He's a buffoon! I'm almost embarrassed for him.
@elliekaytea6710 Год назад
😵 I’m dead with the captions reading “Pirates #6” as “Pirates sex” 😂
@markgado8782 Год назад
"Mr Death"... 😂🤣😂🤣
@alliee17 2 года назад
Ughhh she chose to put her name on the article. She chose. It’s not like they spring that on her. Her name is attached to it so therefore her responsibility. Don’t allow your name on something if you don’t “agree” with it. 🙄
@johannaalim2715 2 года назад
This just shows her lack of integrity and how poor her credibility is..
@jnbg61584 2 года назад
And she would have had to chose or agreed to the release date, which is shady af
@bleack8701 2 года назад
Frankly, while I agree that psychological, emotional etc abuse are very much a thing I'd say all of that gets trumped by a finger being severed. It's just not the same category
@JupiterSlim 2 года назад
It’s funny how she says Dr Curry can’t make a diagnosis on the results of one test but she can apparently make a bunch of diagnoses on just the word of Amber.
@radvibes 2 года назад
She was just passing on what Amber confided in her which all informed her mental state at the time. It was all very relevant information. Depp had his turn and we heard a lot of stuff from the plaintiff witnesses including Johnnys sister, his artist friend etc...We got his whole family history and how little Johnny used to run in his room and hide etc... So now it's Amber's turn.
@TonyTars 2 года назад
@@radvibes That's the point! Johnny's account is corroborated by countless witnesses AND Amber's own words admitting she hits him and he "splits". This so called therapist treats Johnny as an abuser purely based on Amber's one sided account. God knows how many innocent men this biased hack has railroaded. She's not a therapist, she's just an activist.
@KD-de7pk 2 года назад
@@radvibes You can't just repeat whatever a patient has said to you and sell it as facts of what happened. Or even more horrifying diagnose someone without ever talking to them. Did she buy her degree? She would definitely loose it here in Switzerland after this
@anondecepticon 2 года назад
I hope the jury remembers what Dr. Curry said about the difference between a psychologist who provides therapy (who has an obligation to take the client at their word) and a forensic psychologist who provides facts based on psychological assessment and analytical testing.
@dontaylor3274 2 года назад
It was discussed how hers wasn’t based on the word of Amber alone, but a multitude of tests, Johnny’s own words, the videos, and the statements by all the professionals involved.
@lalayastill610 2 года назад
you know what i can't shake? the man was told that he'd lost his entire life savings of a whopping 650 million dollars, AND that he was in debt of 100 mil, and he did not go coo coo over it and he did not take his anger out on her.
@NurseSue425 2 года назад
Most times he never raises his voice unless horribly antagonized . He’s very even tempered I think
@deedot912 2 года назад
And he still went to her friggin Bday party!!! WTH??!?
@allier1867 2 года назад
exactly! and he was willing to give AH what she wanted just for her to shut up and leave him alone...
@Eli-pi4eh 2 года назад
@@NurseSue425 As someone who grew up with a mum who was Not Great emotionally, I can relate to him so hard with this. Amber pushes and pushes and pushes, and now uses the times that he rarely snapped out of tired frustration as some form of verbal abuse. Hours, weeks, months of that sort of grinding down and the most he ever did was raise his voice from time to time.
@greeneyedsoutherngirl6468 2 года назад
I am so sick and tired of them using “addiction, addiction, addiction”!!!! It’s a way to COPE. It does not make someone an “abuser”!
@dontaylor3274 2 года назад
That’s not the argument. The reason it’s being mentioned is that he allegedly abused her WHILE he was drunk or high. That he himself admitted to their couple’s therapist that his addictions alone were hurting his marriage, and that he was a monster while drunk and high. It’s a basis on both sides, so it’s going to consistently be brought up because his addictions are really bad and he is a different person when drunk or high.
@starryb4309 2 года назад
But it can, and that is what is at the forefront of this. That his addiction causes these outbursts of verbal and physical abuse. So it is relevant in this case.
@terrylaguardia6838 2 года назад
@@starryb4309 Why don’t you mention that AH’s use of alcohol and drugs causes not only emotional outbursts but also physical violence?!
@stephanniestarr717 2 года назад
Hey Emily, love your channel! Representing Northern California here! Both Johnny and Dr. Curry were very impactful and their veracity seems believable. My sister was a court reporter and judge’s secretary, the first black woman to hold those roles in Flint, MI. I was always amazed by the stories she told me.
@nathalie3601 2 года назад
rottenborn saying that the words that johnny has said to and about amber are worse than the abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother while implying that the alleged emotional abuse he suffered 'isn't that bad' because the worst of it was being called one-eye really doesn't sit well with me. (im sure my sentence made no sense but i don't know how else to say it) what we're not going to do is invalidate his experience as a survivor of abuse just to make a point.
@katie1867 2 года назад
Exactly! Bringing up a man’s childhood abuse - verbal, physical, in any or all forms is insensitive. That was his mother!!! Do not brush that aside and claim it less than what amber experienced damn there’s a line and this lawyer crossed it a long time ago.
@greeneyedsoutherngirl6468 2 года назад
You made perfect sense! I agree!
@00s.v.n.s00 2 года назад
Exactly. It's really quite disgusting, and just pathetic.
@00s.v.n.s00 2 года назад
Not to mention lazy 🙄
@morganbrooke193 2 года назад
Rewatching this back with your commentary is AMAZING lol so much better than watching without
@sdtwinlife5072 2 года назад
The most important thing in Heard’s recordings IMO is her confirming that Depp “always splits” when they argue.
@pootyjay69 2 года назад
I agree!!
@Tamar-sz8ox 2 года назад
Good point
@radvibes 2 года назад
How come Amber is Ms. Heard and Johnny is Johnny?
@radvibes 2 года назад
That could indicate that he doesn't care about working out differences
@valerieshort8083 2 года назад
@@radvibes because Johnny seems down to earth and relatable. And she, well she probably demands to be called Ms. Heard or she’ll poo your bed 💁🏻‍♀️
@kat0726 2 года назад
Girl, I love how rowdy you get watching the other lawyers, especially during their Motion To Strike 😂
@myrnapowell1637 2 года назад
I am so grateful that you explain the lawyer language. It gives me a headache. I tried watching others discussing this trial but they also give me a headache. So glad your back full time 💜
@susansheldon2033 2 года назад
I LOVE this judge. She's so fast AND accurate, but still seems calm. No twittering energy, just moving it along.
@Inspiredfitness2012 2 года назад
Question: Can the ACLU be held accountable & how could it affect their reputation if AH has used this for leverage in her case???
@Deadspooky-Gore 2 года назад
I checked out their Instagram page, at least in the comments people are pissed. Especially that she's still an embassador and I think (don't quote me on this one) their making merch off of the situation.
@leonorrivera6379 2 года назад
@@Deadspooky-Gore it's wise for Depp to focus on Heard. She is the culprit of his loss of projects and income and the abuser. I think that's the reason why Depp did not sue Washington Post because he wants to focus all efforts and energy to make Heard accountable and pay for her atrocities. That way, he has bigger chance of winning the case.
@patrickreynolds5463 2 года назад
Not entirely sure, but I think that because he's a public figure, the anti-slapp laws come into play, which means knowledge of the falsity of the statement has to be proven, which effectively means only AH can be the defendant. This was why the first case was against the sun in UK (which does not have these requirements), which was supposed to be easier to win (except they drew a simping judge)
@lindaf114 2 года назад
@@leonorrivera6379 lol say what?! He couldn't sue the Post even if he wanted to. He was never mentioned by name and there's also this little thing called Freedom of Speech.... especially when a person's name is not given. Come on now.
@illuminatethemainstream7778 2 года назад
@@lindaf114 you're super smart and people who don't know what you know should totally be talked down to! Calm down Ms attitude 🙃😆
@kei-chwan 2 года назад
Ben Chew is a 👑 That speech was feisty and I loved it :)
@g.m.4877 2 года назад
Sooooo thoroughly prepared and professional and clearly believes in his client. Total contrast to Heard's team.
@elainebrodie4559 2 года назад
loved it !!!
@kei-chwan 2 года назад
@@g.m.4877 Right? 🤩 I can't wait for him to cross examine AH witnesses.
@kei-chwan 2 года назад
@@frankiewise7952 I think JDs team will present some kind of timelime in their closing arguments. At least I think they should, I'm still a little bit confused sometimes when they drop the dates randomly 😅
@m0L3ify 2 года назад
"Did someone give Rottenborn breakfast?" is going to be my new go-to snark 😂
@blackcoffee. 2 года назад
Drugs ruined Johnny's career and life!
@howinellierosietsang223 2 года назад
@@blackcoffee. Drugs don't ruin you. It entirely depends on how you conduct and control your actions afterwards. Btw, late? I was always late for school but I didn't take drugs. This is just one example of course.
@lifelvr9509 2 года назад
What was life like before I discovered you, Emily?! You are my people. This case is something I would have normally discounted. Nope, I'm fascinated. Thank you so much for what you do!! I now feel like maybe possibly my brain won't become mush.
@kyarilee 2 года назад
I am a mandated reported. You are only supposed to report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of children, disabled adult or elderly ( 65 plus)
@karencunningham214 2 года назад
I want to sincerely Thank You Emily for all your hard work in keeping everyone updated on this case. From Kaslo BC Canada.Keep fighting the good fight !
@adamwatson8329 2 года назад
I have been looking for someone making content just like this for so long, I love how you describe all these legal terms, it really makes the court process easier to understand. Thanks so much for what you do.
@cassidybrewer 2 года назад
Can’t believe you were just celebrating 200k and you’re already almost at 300k! Your growth lately has been freaking AMAZING, Emily!
@m0L3ify 2 года назад
"Support given and ct's feelings processed." Goddamn she needed so much daily hand holding! As someone who's had to do a ton of personal psychological work on my own, this just blows me away. Most of us can't even find a decent therapist who will listen once, much less watch us sleep, wake us up in the morning, and talk us through every tiny thing every day. Goddamn.
@sww3405 2 года назад
Apparently all that holding wasn’t too effective though. She’s a mess!
@m0L3ify 2 года назад
@@sww3405 Absolutely, which just emphasizes the point that she's so malignant, there probably aren't a lot of intervention options that are going to help.
@mrsamurica 2 года назад
It must be nice!!
@leticiavasquez8566 2 года назад
As someone who has been in relationships with people with behavioural and mood issues to say it that way, it is indeed alot of handholding/hostage negotiation style tactics/ lots of placating/ walking on eggshells and being a therapist in order to avoid being on the sharp end. Being on the sharp end is what is deemed more clearly abuse but having to be doing all the formerly stated is also in a way being beholden to a toxic if not psychologically abusive relationship. It is exhausting in my own experience. At least the nurse was doing her job and getting paid for it whereas others would have been doing it out of love slash manipulation for free or for in the case of some of her friends, for access to fame and fortune via her and JD because he really loved the sides of her that are endearing. Ime people with modd stability challenges etc are very charasmatic and charming and sweet and generous when they want to be and so its hard to get away from.
@Lollipop_Lexi 2 года назад
AH’s team has stuffed this big time with this argument. Now they are saying they are not referring to physical abuse after carrying on about bruises, make up, etc… and it is obvious that they know no one is buying that he physically abused her. And whether the sexual violence was written by her, it still defamed him and she was responsible for it. If they don’t lose I’ll be shocked.
@Mblackli 2 года назад
You’re right.
@DeniseLaFranceCDNpainter 2 года назад
What they're going to call Johnny's verbal abuse towards Amber was just Johnny verbally- responding / reacting to Amber's instigating abuse towards HIM. *_"He gave as good as he got"_* already implies that he was just responding and SHE was ALWAYS the instigator. In fact, all witnesses stated that, when they heard shouting, shrieking and screaming, it was always Amber and she was ALWAYS the instigator.
@Deadspooky-Gore 2 года назад
This is exactly what I said!!!!
@Mblackli 2 года назад
Hopefully this will come out in cross. However, this may be beyond the skill level of the attorneys involved. Emily would get to it, but these folks are Emily.
@kathrinfischer5253 2 года назад
Nice that Dr hughes confirmed that amber made the sexual abuse allegations.... no possibility that her team can fix this
@Deadspooky-Gore 2 года назад
@@kathrinfischer5253 you know what's funny (at least to me) is that phycologist has a rating of 1.4 on Google and Dr. Curry has a 4.9.
@aradamichaels927 2 года назад
@@Deadspooky-Gore Honestly who is going to take Heard's "expert" witness seriously when she can't testify without using her notes she didn't even disclose she brought with her and then tried to testify for everyone else and make everything she said seem like it was fact when it was just what Heard reported and others claimed etc. Half the time I wasn't sure if she was supposed to be an expert witness or a personal one with all the he said she said moments. Curry didn't even talk all that much about Depp.
@Moms_on_Main 2 года назад
Emily's professional comment "this is disingenuous as Fuck!" 😂😂😂 Case Closed.
@natalieybarra5207 2 года назад
after the high profile male acquaintance sentence it says "Ct: reported that her husband was not aware of male visitor, nor illicit drug use." Also, the pictures are NOT consistent with Johnny hitting her with rings on. she would've had much darker bruising and bigger swelling also possibly gashes on her face. her Lawyers said it was with his rings on.
@Mblackli 2 года назад
Yes, these things are all true and should be addressed in cross examination. The quality of lawyering will determine if these crucial points are appropriately addressed. If they’re not, JD could easily lose his cast against AH. I believe the evidence shows he was abused and she violated her signed non-disclosure agreement to vindictively torpedo his career and further her own. If anyone believes her phony testimony, I have a bridge in the Arizona desert I’d recommend they purchase. She harmed real victims of DV and SA, male and female, everywhere with her disgusting testimony. Shame on the ACLU 4 promoting this disgusting person. And shame on Disney for their hypocrisy and mistreatment of a man who made billions for them and priceless amounts of goodwill around the world. We as a society MUST do better.
@RhomanysRealm 2 года назад
I’m just catching up on the motion to strike. Rottenbottom is a lot more bearable at 1.75 speed.
@pootyjay69 2 года назад
1.75x speed has been a life saver haha
@lauramoore9465 2 года назад
I wait so I can watch the whole stream at 1.5x but I don’t think I could keep up at 1.75!!
@Smaugette 2 года назад
@@lauramoore9465 watching on 1.5x as well. It's the only way.
@oddlyanzie3110 2 года назад
Over here with severe ADHD having to watch at 2x speed 😂
@Amber-yq9ee 2 года назад
Me reading these comments like wait, WHAT? We can speed up the playback? I had no clue & that would help me a BUNCH! Thanks! ❤️💕
@brittah.2127 2 года назад
It's interesting to get a psychologist 's take (watch "Psyhology in Seattle") on Dr. Curry's testimony...
@thebulldogfarm 2 года назад
I love Dr Honda. He’s always so respectful when presenting his opinions. He didn’t always agree with Dr Curry’s wording, but he was always respectful when giving his thoughts.
@DeniseLaFranceCDNpainter 2 года назад
Doctor Curry stated that people with BPD and histrionic personality disorder often falsely posit themselves in victim stance and take on the princess role. The way, pay attention to Amber's hairdo. Very 'damsel in distress'... tho she's giving off a real Karla Homolka vibe.
@Queenfox2424 2 года назад
I second that
@NububuChan 2 года назад
2:03:40 "I can't wait to oppose this" lol 2:16:05 - Ben Chew goes off yeaaah
@cherryciderxo 2 года назад
Ben went OFF and i love it 😭
@wynchym2 2 года назад
I’m shocked your not allowed to refer to your notes especially if things happened so long ago so I am learning so much from your commentary Thankyou for keeping us so informed 👍👍👍👍🙏💪💪
@marta0929 2 года назад
It makes sense. You read your notes ahead of time. And if you are an expert, you should really know what's in it. You wrote it, you administered tests, reviewed it, analyzed it, looked at your own data etc etc.
@markgado8782 Год назад
@@marta0929 yuuuup. A real expert knows their stuff. Period, no excuses.
@amykyllo 2 года назад
I'm at the 2:18:00 mark ish, and DAMN look at that lawyer gooooo!!!! Get it son!!!! Educate the judge, the jury, and that ridiculous defendant. Let's goooooo!
@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 2 года назад
00:53:29 That's how they write medical notes _"patient admits to dizziness, but denies headaches..."_ and so on. I suppose it's a type of shorthand, rather than _"The patient reported that they suffer dizziness but do not suffer headaches."_ They do this even in the UK. {:-:-:}
@j.c.7555 2 года назад
This nurse doesn’t want to get involved….afraid of really telling what she saw! If there was any abuse she is required by law to report it and document.
@Kiterpuss 2 года назад
Not necessarily, most states only mandate reporting abuse of a child, an elder, or a disabled adult. If two grown adults have the capacity to reasonably seek help or report the abuse for themselves, then they have to be the one to report it. A therapist can certainly help them do so, but it's recognized to be more dangerous than helpful to report abuse of a competent adult without that adult's consent.
@agrace9089 2 года назад
I’m catching up today, on my birthday with this video! Happy belated Emily!
@stephanniestarr717 2 года назад
Johnny definitely wore it better! 🤣🤣
@jaelancaster5506 2 года назад
And then she proceeds to spend hour upon hour of testifying to the most bizarre and horrific supposed SA
@HB-ey2dk 2 года назад
Managing to squeeze out two single tears, while apparently reliving the "worst trauma of her life" that caused PTSD says her weird expert lol. It's incredible, really.
@caroler4297 2 года назад
Honestly think she believes she will win this, She took so much from him, but she believes she was justified in doing what she did, He was not supposed yo defend himself as he did not strike bake when she abused him. Totally believe that there are abusive women, she is one and when this is over with I hope a lesson is learned.
@m0L3ify 2 года назад
That's entitlement for ya...
@m0L3ify 2 года назад
@Ky And punished him severely when he didn't comply.
@ToryIsCooliest 2 года назад
She's also abused other women. If we're to always believe women when they claim they're victims, who do we believe in the instances where her partners were also women?
@purpletearat 2 года назад
my cat got tired of the motion to strike and laid on my phone to muffle the arguments
@refreshingAnd 2 года назад
I believe Chew emphasized that Amber admitted the poop incident to a MARINE because the judge was actually a marine, too. Interesting fact!
@LorE_aka-midwestmemaw8555 2 года назад
Emily, I listened to an audio that on snips where played in court, ohh wish I could remember which one it is but listening to her and the way she spoke to JD is just over the top!! It's one regarding the Uber...
@kelliryan464 2 года назад
WHen fraudulent abuse claims are made it makes it harder for real victims to be taken seriously. Many make minimum wage or less. It doesn't appear AH was isolated from friends or family. Why didn't she leave? Why did she stay? Why don't the lawyers ask these questions? Some people are addicted to drama...even if they perform without Grace or dignity.
@patriciazabala5480 2 года назад
Not that its an excuse for AH but a lot of abused women think they did something to deserve it, feel its better then being alone, really love the person or been threatened they'd be killed if they ever tried to tell anyone or leave. Which are all really sad that this even happens and that a person can lie about all this shit when its really happening to women out there
@jennybenners3683 2 года назад
I think they probably have to be careful so they don’t come off insensitive. I think it would get a little messy and Amber’s lawyers could twist their words.
@angiewinstead4055 2 года назад
My son was the victim of spousal abuse for 13 years. I knew about one incident until she really beat the crap outta him Friday November 13, 2020. He was raised to respect womanhood and he’s broken a door frame from head butting it and put his fist through a closet door. But he never hit his partner. Following the incident in 2020 his dad and I discovered the first time she punched him in the face was six months after they were married. And it wasn’t the last time!! What is wrong with our society??? Male on female, female on male, NO abuse should be tolerated…PERIOD! But, unfortunately it happens. These allegations make it harder in REAL victims of DV and abuse! It is time we as HUMAN BEINGS take a stand and say enough is enough. Outside of self defense or defense of your family there is NO reason to put your hands on another human being!!!!
@reinadelaluz1573 2 года назад
That’s a great point! her friends were always there with her and she was free to leave and go to things like Coachella 😑
@MrsSurrealista 2 года назад
“Why didn’t she leave? Why did she stay?” I don’t think these questions are really easy to answer
@wendyfay16 2 года назад
Hi, I'm from Australia and I love learning about the law and the way courts work. I SOOO wish that websites would show what days and dates each day is so that people like me who are coming in late, will know where to start and which videos I've already watched. Without this information it's very difficult. Thanks. BTW - I Love this Judge! She's very fair and seems to have a very pleasant personality, but is also very intelligent!
@Kiterpuss 2 года назад
The way Chew started talking and it woke me right tf up though. He really brought the emotion and the framing into this in a way that I can see judge/jury connect to if he gets to bring that out again. He didn't dramatize mundane things or huff when he was told to wait for a minute.
@angelaray5375 2 года назад
Mr.Chew got his "Legally Blonde" moment!!!🙌🤣🔥
@SomaShiori 2 года назад
I gotta say Emily I love the fact that no matter the side in this case you always just sound like a teacher; when Rottenborn was actually doing a pretty good cross you cheered and although still gave criticism here and there it really goes to show you aren't actually biased; you just like watching people play in court like watching your kids at a sporting event 🤣🤣🤣
@pegaseg70 2 года назад
OMG I know AH lawyer is doing his job, and he does it very well But as a victim of DV, that motion to dismiss was painful to listen fo Ample evidence of physical abuse -> where? On the photos without meta data? Verbal/emotionnal abuse is abuse -> true, but when your partner does everything in their power to provoke you and has been calling you names until you break, responding to the verbal sling is not abuse, I would argue that throwing something on the ground because again, your partner has pushed your buttons is not abuse as long as you don't become threathing towards them Adding that JD would try to leave to descalate and AH would prevent him to do so, and then she is angry that he responded? Was he just supposed to sit there and take it? The therapist didn't say JD initiated the fights but that AH was, can misstating the testimony be brought up? I had to pause when he said that what JD did was worse than his mother calling him one eye, this was not needed in my opinion and I doubt it will sit well with the jury Anyway, no shade to the lawyer again, I know he is doing his job, but darn it that was painful Edit: Ben Chew thought! That was beautiful to watch, he went all in
@cortney3798 2 года назад
I think a professional witness about reaction caused by a perpetrator would have been helpful
@pegaseg70 2 года назад
@@cortney3798 I agree, I am still not understanding why they didn't
@dontaylor3274 2 года назад
Yes, but our opinions don’t matter. It’s the law that matters. And per the law, you are wrong. Plus let’s remember, the perpetrator of domestic violence often uses the excuse that the victim made them do it. It’s your choice how you choose to react. He always had a choice.
@WolvesinFrance 2 года назад
$500 a bottle of wine? Their wine supplier is making a fortune.....a true red great wine here in France max 2Oeuros... we call those prices tourist prices lol
@patrickjean-philippe7679 2 года назад
That's absolutely incorrect. I am French, wine amateur too, now just go and try to buy a Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, Romanee-Conti Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits, France. It's more, so much more than $500... Same for Petrus, Cheval Blanc, Le Pin Pomerol, etc...
@melissacoxen6001 2 года назад
I toured some parts of Europe and France is such a gorgeous country. I loved it there and the wine was very nice.
@susiem.2068 2 года назад
I don't know where you buy your wine for maximum twenty euros. There are plenty of wineries that will not sell bottles under twenty euros.
@tigwe6 2 года назад
Rewatching two months later: Maybe it’s just me, as an inquisitive person, but I cannot understand how it is possible that Nurse Erin (Aaron) Fuladi did not ask Kipper WHAT the circumstances were surrounding Amber’s return to Los Angeles and Johnny’s injury. If my coworker told me that two students needed to be separated, I would immediately inquire as to the reason.
@janaR457 2 года назад
Ben Chew is a quiet one but a King nonetheless. We love him 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@misscriss80 2 года назад
Why did he marry her if they were having major issues while they were still dating or courting??? It was doomed from the start!!
@yllilallacetihw 2 года назад
It has to be so agonizing for JD He sounds so calm and trying to keep patient And why were there so many recordings, It seems she had this already planned?
@radvibes 2 года назад
I think he always sounds drunk especially when you hear him enraged and aggitated in an audio recording.
@NurseSue425 2 года назад
I totally think the same thing. She planned it all. Otherwise why always tape record all their arguments etc. she is a sick mo fo !!!
@yllilallacetihw 2 года назад
@@NurseSue425 I definitely agree with you too
@TheTownNarcoleptic 2 года назад
She was either planning false accusations or adopting blatant blackmailing as a way to keep JD with her
@valerieshort8083 2 года назад
My question is how is she going to argue it was just emotional abuse when she sent people pics of her supposed bruises? If someone can answer, I would appreciate!!!
@veronicaroy1766 2 года назад
They were marks left after Botox jabs.
@zanzibarr9195 2 года назад
@@veronicaroy1766 LOL
@juliearaiza3465 2 года назад
Doesn't getting along coincide with compliance to Amber's wishes.
@theaniacz 2 года назад
Just wanted to say at around 12 min in when they read the cocaine addition bit this was Amber talking about herself not JD! I think you missed that one Emily, it was very confusing, I had to watch it twice and zoom and read the note 😂 love, thank you for amazing and educational coverage!
@traceycolebrook1083 2 года назад
I'd love to see a book with all of Johnny's little drawings in at the end of this trial... Benjamin Chew definitely seems to be amused by them 😂😂😂😂
@liseklerekoper2441 2 года назад
I wish someone had explained to Depp’s counsel the distinct difference between mutual abuse and reactive abuse as that explains a lot of Depp’s behavior, imo, & would blow baby Rottenborn’s second argument focusing on any behavior of Depp’s that could be considered abusive & putting it in the same category as what Heard did. Reactive abuse doesn’t have the predatory piece as it is a direct result of someone else being the primary aggressor and holds a very different meaning. I say this as a licensed psychotherapist who has worked with many clients w/ trauma & abuse histories.
@peacockreffner7 2 года назад
Agreed! LPC candidate here
@VadimBolshakov 2 года назад
there is no difference - here I explained that to you
@liseklerekoper2441 2 года назад
@@VadimBolshakov - If you really believe there’s no difference, then you have no idea what you’re talking about. Reactive abuse has been studied and researched for years and there’s plenty in the professional literature & in mainstream sources about it. I suggest you educate yourself as your comment is blatantly false.
@Kyra-pp9zp 8 месяцев назад
Some people will always think that the defense lawyer was just doing his job, but for me, during the motion to strike, he didn't need to bring up the humiliating nickname his mother gave him (1:57:57) to say that she was abusing him. To say that Johnny himself recognized that verbal abuse was more serious than physical abuse was more than enough. Recalling the nickname was a way of humiliating him. Besides, I wonder if she has a link with the fact that during his cross-examination Johnny had more influence than him and also with the treatment he received on social networks.
@VirginiaGeorge 2 года назад
Hearsay, PA is where they manufacture the hearsay papers.
@just.jules.973 2 года назад
Love your commentaries Emily! I've learnt alot from it. I jumped up and screamed hell yeah when Depp's Lawyer stood up and present his argument, BOOM! That was a great piece!!
@Jannesverige 2 года назад
I was a bit nervouse that this would been the end just becouse of some random courtrule. But Im happy we r moving forward. Was happy to see Johnnys backpatting of shu!
@RedShambles 2 года назад
Ben chu showed he’s worth the money with that motion to dismiss argument, so good
@jese1978 2 года назад
Wounds healing like Wolverine, or a vampire. I just never believed the allegations for those reasons alone.
@reneewoodside45 2 года назад
I can't believe I didn't watch this before! Ben Chew is spicy! The whole argument that she didn't write the title was bs to me right from the start. An op-ed by nature is coming from the person whose name is on it. It's very common for them to actually be written by someone else but the byline means that person adopted it as their own. And then her other bs about not seeing the digital headline or not noticing it when she allegedly didn't want that info to come out is just cray cray. I mean for fucks sake.
@abigailh1893 2 года назад
If this case is dismissed right now most of the general public will think Amber is an abuser, if they want her to not be seen as such they shouldn’t dismiss
@cuddleyzoey 2 года назад
Is it odd that Amber is the only one staring at Ben chew while the rest of her lawyers are looking straight ahead ??
@DeniseLaFranceCDNpainter 2 года назад
Too bad Johnny Depp isn't suing Amber for abusing him.
@blackcoffee. 2 года назад
Drugs ruined Johnny's career and life!
@Your20droid 2 года назад
@@blackcoffee. okay?
@reinadelaluz1573 2 года назад
@@blackcoffee. no it didn’t lol she did.
@dontaylor3274 2 года назад
And he won’t, because she can counter sue (like this case) and there are already professionals and witnesses who have proven abuse on both ends. Plus he’s making it very apparent this is more about money than anything else. Hence the reason it’s years down the road, after several public accusations and statements, and also his last ditch effort (considering he tried to sue everyone else before her).
@Your20droid 2 года назад
@@dontaylor3274 abuse isn’t mutual. That professional has a one side conversation, and extremely biased, while Dr. Curry was professional and an expert on PTSD. Victims reacting to the abuse is called reactive abused. And Johnny made it clear from the beginning that he doesn’t care about that, what he wants is to clear his name, his kid’s life, and tell his story even if he looses.
@catherineelisabeth4864 2 года назад
Court Reporting Student here! Thanks for the commentary on her different headphones for side bar. Anything new to learn is much appreciated!!
@karilevasseur6124 2 года назад
I do not agree with Johnny Depps verbiage and things he has said to her, but I do believe he didn’t physically abuse her. I believe that being taughted by anyone can push u to a breaking point.
@kathleencampbe3ll70 2 года назад
Yes, that's exactly what narcissists do, taunt and provoke you until you explode on them and then they use your reaction against you. They accuse the victim of being the aggressor and ignore the fact they provoked you to begin with. This woman is mentally unstable and is a pathological liar and will do and say anything to destroy Johnny Depp. I'm so glad he's standing up to her mind bending abuse.
@MsAlix11 2 года назад
Part of the rewatch crew! Your streams start at midnight here. I knew if I started it I wouldn’t have slept at all.. being in Australia is the worst sometimes!
@dr.atishdasrajib7819 2 года назад
Hello, I am from Bangladesh . your way of explaining cases are so good. listening you for last 2 weeks ,i really became your fan. I think AH told so many lies ,now there are no way back from it. she has been caught in her own empire of lies . wish you all the best mam.
@jamieosaka6208 2 года назад
Motion to call him something other than "cat lawyer". It remides me too much of the cat face lawyer and that's too happy of a memory to associate with her team. 🤣❤
@Conformist138 2 года назад
He's baby Rottenborn, so maybe Rottenkitty 😄
@anondecepticon 2 года назад
I don’t understand why they keep calling Ms. “I Don’t Recall,” R.N. as a witness. If the only thing she’ll confirm is what’s in her notes, can’t they just use her notes as evidence and leave her out of it? Or do they have to have her testify to confirm the validity of her notes?
@Mblackli 2 года назад
Your point is well taken. Like you, I don’t believe her lapse of memory for a second. She and I differ greatly as to our professional ethics. AH and JD had to sign waivers to release their medical records and to allow her to discuss them. In other comments I mentioned as a therapist and If I were a medical doctor it would be the same for me, I believe it is my job to believe in my clients not necessarily to believe them. Telling the truth to your client is as important as listening to them. How one tells the truth is also important, but truth telling is the basis for integrity in any relationship. It was not credible to me this woman could not remember anything in her notes. In my opinion she was perjuring herself. However, there is no way to prove she remembered what she swore she didn’t. In my career court appearances were not all that frequent, but they happened. Medical records became public information. Testifying under these conditions was never pleasant. In my view, it came with my role as therapist and I felt an obligation to my own integrity to testify truthfully. I always testified I could only report what was told to me or what I observed. I also testified my notes and my observations were only that and could not be substituted for factual evidence. Ex: If I saw a bruise and my client reported being hit, I could not testify as to how that bruise was obtained because I had not been present to witness it. Also, If I noticed inconsistencies in statements etc made or reported to me I would address that with my client. That is part of the therapeutic process. Reporting standards to authorities have tightened over the years. This would often be an issue to be addressed in therapy. As a therapist I did consult with my colleagues and the psychiatrist I worked with, but ultimately the decision was mine. Occasionally a client would drop out of therapy if I felt compelled to report the results of violent behavior I believed I was witnessing. However, I always discussed these things in great detail with the client involved and explored options with them. I wasn’t privy to what went on between that professional and AH or JD. I don’t agree with her choice to claim no memory beyond her notes. In my opinion it dishonored her role as a credible professional. I hope she will find a way to adopt better ethics in her continuing role as a professional. Her testimony was disturbing to me.
@Mblackli 2 года назад
They call Miss I don’t recall because her actual notes reflect things they want to bring into evidence. She’s not denying what she wrote in her notes.
@TipTheScales27 2 года назад
What? You know how many patients nurses get each day?? How the hell is she supposed to fully remember what happened on a specific day years ago? You’re delusional to think she’s a bad witness! Besides, it’s so much better to rely on the notes she took rather than memory anyways. Studies have shown time and time again that our memories aren’t the most reliable. But notes made quickly after the moment happened, is very reliable
@Mblackli 2 года назад
@@TipTheScales27 How many of those patients are AH and JD. Some patients are more memorable than others for various reasons. In my practice I saw hundreds of patients overs the years. I would run into them in other settings and details of their time with me would flood into my mind. People shared their real lives with me with real consequences. I gave them part of my life energy as well. Sacred time in so many ways. In so many ways the time we shared will always be with me. I did not remember every single moment we spent in our sessions, but much was memorable. The toxicity of the relationship of AH and JD would be unforgettable. And the public airing of this truth and lies will be with many for years to come. JD has grown. AH is struggling to escape the damage she had wrought in the name of her ambition. My hope for her would be she will drop the exaggerations and falsehoods and find time to embrace her own wounds and heal. She clearly has the potential to be wonderful in many ways. If she could find an authentic anchor for her positive energy and charm her life could be truly wonderful. She is so much more than the shallow hysterics and attention seeking behaviors she clings to. I would encourage all those who have been abused by others to not identify with AH tales. There are many of us in this world rooting for you and for a wonderful future for each of you. Blessings to all of you.
@deeanndavis1256 2 года назад
Emily! I've been watching you live and I wanted to show my husband part of this day from when it streamed-the markers/time stamps you added are just excellent! Thank you for doing this!!
@operatorhelper 2 года назад
Hi Emily. Thank you so much for your channel I love it. I know why they call you the bad a__ lawyer. You are great. I’ve always been a law nerd myself. I was a lead clerk for my local court County court I loved everyday, I’ve always been a sponge I loved it.
@susanlund967 2 года назад
Did somebody give rottenborn breakfast? Hahahahahahaha
@Songbirdstress 2 года назад
Rottie made a mistake, she didn't write the headline, headlines are written by staff on the paper. One of the reasons the Sun won, headline was retracted and Wootton didn't write it.
@jamstraight2000 2 года назад
From what I understand, the plaintiff (JD’s team) is saying that she endorsed the title by sharing the published article, including the title, via her public social media accounts. i.e. If she wrote an article and it was published with a misleading headline, she still put it out to the world basically saying ‘hey go read MY article,’ thereby claiming ownership.
@jrveloria 2 года назад
Once this is done, whoever thinks AH is innocent and is a victim of domestic violence think again, the truth has came out. Your victim isn't what she proclaims herself to be.
@mamaboocee 2 года назад
This is a great channel. I like how even handed you are with ALL the facts. Thank you.
@Venery-_- 2 года назад
That voice crack tho 🤣🤣🤣 1:17:04
@catbeara 2 года назад
A meandering beginning and then a fiery finish today!
@gia7705 2 года назад
I'm a nurse and a remember every patient I have especially DV. Victims
@myrnapowell1637 2 года назад
When JD’s lawyer is talking to the judge saying there is not grounds for dismissal. Amber Heard gives serious Sharon Stone Basic Instinct vibes. She is a PR’s nightmare. The girl can’t even look innocent to save her own skin.
@angelapolykandrites2422 2 года назад
In Australia nurses and so on are mandated to report domestic abuse, regardless of who the perpetrator.
@chantallennox1201 2 года назад
I think AH’s expert today explained very well the dynamic between the abuser (AH) and the abused (JD) and how JD was provoked into defending himself verbally and getting physical with some inanimate objects to vent his frustration and anger caused by AH. Just listen to all the audio recorded by both AH and JD and then listen to the expert but take out the gender bias because we know men don’t report because….this!
@herertolearn3418 2 года назад
Not necessarily. Everything the witness said is true. They were both abusive. Are you saying he couldn’t leave? I don’t recall his attorney or his witnesses verify he was so beaten down by her and so abused, a broken man and for whatever reason chose not to or ‘couldn’t leave’. They are both to blame, in my opinion. I could have missed that part. But to me his case isn’t strong enough (so far I’m the only one in the world 😂) I love Johnny and hope they both get the much needed help so no one else they date/ marry end up like these two..
@hoptoit5910 2 года назад
@@herertolearn3418 well she’d stand in the doorway blocking him from leaving. He could have physically pushed her out of the way but didn’t. Thank God he’s decent and didn’t do that
@herertolearn3418 2 года назад
@@hoptoit5910 I understand and agree. I meant he could have left/divorced her..
@leticiavasquez8566 2 года назад
@@herertolearn3418 the basis of her abuse hinged on stopping him from leaving. No victim whether it is him or AH or anyone should be victim blamed for not leaving wtaf? Plus his childhood trauma causes him to do what his dad did retreat but mot give up and leave. His dad finally did leave but it took ages for him to leave. So he seems to mimic that behaviour. Doesnt at all excuse him retaliating but it is an explanation to their dynamic. I think the recordings of hin asking AH to just let everything go and go their separate ways peacefully is the most telling. Its him saying this may get messy..this isnt going to be good for either of us etc. And this is way before any trials etc. This is when he is trying to leave her before they divorced. I think he even let her adsk for the divorce so she could feel empowered yet she stabbed him in the back. Went against the agreement in their divorce settlement and nobodys even talking about that. I think it was clear there was alot of Tit for Tat...cyclical toxic stuff...where BOTH were not behaving right so the recordings seem to show JD sort of saying hey neither of us are perfect our relationship has run its course and best to just move on. Had she done that both their careers wouldnt be at jeopardy. And i say this as DV survivor. If she was solely a victim id say sure go for it drag him. But its clear this was reciprocal and messy to the enth degree. And more and more showing her as the main aggressor. So why she did this all is what i want to know. Its bonkers.
@herertolearn3418 2 года назад
@@leticiavasquez8566 I agree with you. Sounds like you are way more informed on the situation than I am. It’s unfortunate they both continue to hurt each other. All of it is a mess. Sad