
Depp v. Heard Trial Day 24 - Closing Arguments - Heard's team is running out of time 

Emily D. Baker
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@rayluby6659 2 года назад
For anyone wondering, you can support victims of abuse without pretending to be one. You don’t have to pull an amber
@mysticalmargaret6105 2 года назад
From now on, 'Pulling an Amber' is going to become a part of the common lexicon. Serves her right.
@robinsanders68 2 года назад
This is so true!!!
@tarrahschuessler3297 2 года назад
@B_Bodziak 2 года назад
@@mysticalmargaret6105 Unfortunately, it may lead to other abusers walking into courtrooms and claiming their victims, actual victims, are just an "Amber Heard 2.0". THAT is how AH has basically set up every future victim of DV. The positive side of this case is it may encourage more men that are true victims to reach out for help without the fear of a stigma attached. What she has done is set the judicial system for victims back 50 years. I once lived in a metro Atlanta county that did not legally recognize domestic abuse until 1994. Think about that for a minute. Physically abusing a partner or spouse was not considered a criminal act until 1994 and it still took a few years after that for the DA to begin routinely prosecuting those cases. Had this JD/AH case taken place in 1993, it very well could have been a considering factor to NOT pass the 1994 law against DV. I truly hope actual victims don't watch this case and believe they must have a bucket full of recordings and admissions before being believed because it can be incredibly dangerous if their the abuser discovers any attempts to document the abuse. Of course, she didn't do this by herself. She had her sister and former friends help her. I like to think that's why they are no longer friends -- that they finally realized how detrimental their actions will be on real victims. Still, too little, too late
@sariahsimmons6065 2 года назад
@Mico2119 2 года назад
I like how Rottenborn first said that Johnny refuses to take accountability and blames everyone else, then reads text messages of Johnny taking accountability and apologizing for his behavior. Nice one
@dagmarbenson5011 2 года назад
@Lei-AICPhD Год назад
Yes and Amber nor admitted or humbled herself not even once.
@theSpiritofTamzin Год назад
@zoso1980 Год назад
All about projection, and her lack of insight and accountability for her violence and abuse. AH has been doing that all along. "I'm sorry I upset you." -- Johnny Depp. Rottenborn gaslighting. Just like his client.
@argoneonoble 2 года назад
When Rottenbourn said 'you don't have to be perfect to be a victim' it spoke even more in favor of Depp.
@AMYV3 2 года назад
No way. He’s right. I wasn’t perfect You aren’t after being with these freaks. I wasn’t believed because that’s what these men do they lie!!!? But I was the one laughing at the end when he was found guilty of attempted murder. You are wrong. He is a textbook DV Abuser. It’s so obvious to people that know about this. And scary more don’t know what to look for. Nothing is normal about being in these relationships nothing. U end up fighting back and don’t care if you end up dead after so long of that crap. She just had bigger balls then most of us. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 We all have literally seen him intimidate her in that video. That’s abuse right the case over. And we have seen the text of him saying he’s going to ruin her not mentioning about any abuse. Wake up !!!
@KnowingEyes 2 года назад
@@AMYV3 I think you have difficulty discerning between this case and your experience. No one (probably) will disbelieve your account but it is pretty damned clear Amber is not the victim she purported to be.
@Lisah707 2 года назад
@@AMYV3 I beg it differ and although I am sorry for your abuse, and hope you are in a better place now. He had some verbally abusive tirades for sure, seemingly attached to his addiction. She on the other hand was worse. She’s a classic narcissist. I think the two of them together were toxic. I think she’s just delusional enough to try and pull this off. She should have just chalked it up to mutually bad situation without ruining him. All his exes have said he is non violent
@milacruz3970 2 года назад
Exactly my thoughts
@torialbrecht2000 2 года назад
@@AMYV3 honestly myself and many I know have experienced assault and abuse on varying degrees Men and women alike. Ur comment is really hurtful and I’m sorry for what happened but you clearly aren’t paying attention to this trial or the majority’s opinions. EVERYDAY I’m reading comments of women and men who relate to Johnny and feel amber is spitting in victims faces. She surely doesn’t represent me and as a woman I’m honestly offended by your “wake up” and these people haven’t experienced what I have sentiment. All I saw was amber interjecting herself while Johnny was having a mental break and then laughing and smirking. There are just honestly so many wrong and offensive things in your comment I’m baffled. Did you stare down and laugh and smirk at your abuser in court??? You’re invalidating victims of all gender by making baseless claims most likely rooted from your own trauma experience. Please at least put actual evidence that supports ur claims
@marissanicole7220 2 года назад
I started bawling when Camille said "this is the story of all too many women, but it is NOT Amber Heard's story". It has been so incredibly triggering to listen to a testimony that so closely matches my own experience, and so terribly painful to see it all be made a mockery and cash grab. Thank you, Ms. Vasquez.
@TheAnimaAnimal 2 года назад
So powerful, and hopefully helpful against the misogyny some are spreading in relation to this case. Camille is a powerhouse and her words will hopefully reach people.
@GolfingInParadise783 2 года назад
@@TheAnimaAnimal fairly sure it’s misandry that’s the issue in 2022. It’s horrible that this does happen to women and it used to be that DV survivors wouldn’t come forward…however nowadays this is doing a 180 and there will soon be more false allegations that genuine cases of DV (which will make it even harder for real DV victims to come forward) ‘The believe all women/me too’ movements have had the complete opposite effect that wen wanted.
@TheAnimaAnimal 2 года назад
@@GolfingInParadise783 Unfortunately, metoo is the best we can do. Just being quiet hasn't helped and without it a lot of horrible people wouldn't have been exposed. It is really for good and for ill but I'll take over being silent.
@GolfingInParadise783 2 года назад
@@TheAnimaAnimal it’s done far more bad than good. The feminist movement has always lied about not reporting DV to make it look like it happens more than it does. I strongly suggest reading the demographic reports about which relationships have the highest rates of DV….I’ll give you a clue, the highest rates of DV is in lesbian relationships. If anything it’s men that don’t report it when women abuse them, for being bullied…women like to play victims, not just with DV but with many other things too. Think about it, women initiate 80% of divorces, yet cheat at the same rates as men now, yet always come out as the victim and the man as the perp 😂😂
@Ashole024 2 года назад
@@GolfingInParadise783 I'm pretty sure the me too movement has said believe all victims. If not that's should definitely be the narrative. Because it being a gender thing definitely has lead to this
@BoykinMeetsWorld 2 года назад
I didn’t think I’d cry but as a survivor of both sexual and violent abuse, when she said “it’s not her story, it is the story of other women.” I lost it.
@calamityp 2 года назад
@bburgess5003 2 года назад
I cannot imagine what you’ve been through and what this trial may have brought up for you. I hope you’re doing as well as possible.
@mindytoons 2 года назад
Omg, same happened to me. I though I was not gonna cry, but Chu made that happe.😞
@aysegulapaydner 2 года назад
me, too 🤗... suddenly all those heavily suppressed tears just exploded uncontrollably
@Jkjoannaki 2 года назад
This was powerful
@nanettealegado6190 2 года назад
“It’s about restoring his lost reputation. It’s about showing to Lilly Rose & Jack that the truth is worth fighting for” …. Damn! I can’t hold my tears. Watching from Brisbane 🇦🇺 Australia at early 3am my time.
@VallerieMalkin 2 года назад
A better plan if he wants to be a good father to his children is to go to rehab.
@duskripper6650 2 года назад
@@VallerieMalkin that isn't why we've been here for 6 weeks, Vallerie. This is a different matter.
@danielleelise9501 2 года назад
That hasn’t worked. He’s looked worse, like he did at the last trial. The last trial lost him his roles. It’s obvious
@LoryBelle 2 года назад
@@VallerieMalkin they’re discussing matters from 6+ years ago, JD said on the stand that he had overcome his opiate addiction and he remains off the pills to this day. Beyond that, we have absolutely no reason to believe he is STILL abusing substances to this day, because all of the testimony was, again, referencing 6+++ years ago. That said, as someone who has overcome opiate addiction myself, I can tell you that getting off opiates is so unbelievably difficult and takes so much work, that I sincerely doubt he would ever able to remain clean from opiates while continuing to abuse other drugs. If there’s one thing you can trust addicts and recovered addicts about, it’s whether they think another person is on drugs. We can sniff out our own and see the signs from a mile away with absolute ease. I 100% trust that Johnny has overcome his opiate addiction because I’ve been staring at him in a courtroom every business day for the past 6 weeks. Opiates are a physically addictive drug, meaning the body becomes dependent on the drug to function - opiate addiction does not give you the option to abstain from opiates. What this means is that if he wasn’t clean, he would either be on drugs in the courtroom, OR having withdrawal symptoms. I have observed absolutely nothing to suggest he has been high in that courtroom, nor withdrawing. And if he’s not high or withdrawing in the courtroom, he’s not high or withdrawing at home. That’s how that works. Additionally, I haven’t seen anything to suggest he’s on any other substances - nor Amber, for that matter! Sorry, I had to say that as well, I keep hearing people insist she did a bump of coke on the stand, and I’ve never heard anything more ridiculous. Bunch of morons online who have absolutely no idea how drugs work, yet want to insist she somehow did a bump through a tissue? Jeez, the Internet is crazier than usual lately, lol! Apologies for the essay, I understand why you made the comment you did, I just wanted to attempt to offer some clarity and context, again, to please remember that while this is the first time we are hearing about all these stories, they’re not discussing matters that happened yesterday. They’re discussing matters from over 6,7,8,9 years ago, and it’s unfair to take anyone’s admittance of drug abuse from that long ago and infer they are still using to the same degree. Especially when they’ve testified they’ve overcome their addiction and abstain from their drug of choice. That’s all :). Have a lovely day!
@B_Bodziak 2 года назад
Question: Has there been any recent local news coverage about a possible investigation and charges for AH by Brisbane authorities?
@tintinismybelgian 2 года назад
I have a theory for why Elaine's closing argument was so rambling. It was composed entirely of things written on Amber's sticky-notes.
@emma2884 2 года назад
Lol I feel like at least half of Amber's entire case was comprised of her sticky notes. I genuinely feel sad for her lawyers.
@lns4life 2 года назад
Good theory!
@nancifreeman1 2 года назад
@annisaarthur-castro6227 2 года назад
That she actually wasn't writing AT ALL! There a video here on YT that shows her pretending to write on a notepad and a male lawyer watching her and shaking his head in disgust.
@varanchio 2 года назад
Underrated comment lol
@Valcera 2 года назад
I have to say Rottenborn completely lost me at Johnny’s abuse by his mother felt worse to him than his abuse by Amber Heard. As if that somehow justifies anything. Pitting maternal abuse and IPV against each other in a closing statement? Extremely distasteful. How is that not victim shaming? “His childhood abuse was worse so this wasn’t that bad” gross just gross.
@Yume03 2 года назад
It is awful to compare the two. Abuse by a parent can indeed be worse but much of it is bc of how important that relationship is in a life of a child, also the fact that you are defenseless as a child much more than as an adult. Parents are responsible for your survival so when they are the source of distress and hurt it can have truly awful consequences. Doesn’t change the fact that spousal abuse is also awful and should not be minimized by your past experiences.
@shhhkapowww 2 года назад
Rottenborn thinks he wins by saying that. But as stupid he is he just looses people listen to him 👀💀💯😂😂
@DyslecticAttack Год назад
What's worse to me is how irrelevant it is to this case on top of that. Johnny didn't alledge trauma, he didn't alledge ptsd, he alledged losing reputation and monetary harm over her accusations. Whether or not childhood trauma was worse for him mentally than the abuse from Amber doesn't matter to anything. It's just trying to diminish irrelevant things that weren't even alledged. Yet he still thought it important to try, and he still thought the way to do so was by comparing two terrible situations.
@Valcera Год назад
@@DyslecticAttack exactly. I can’t believe he thought this somehow counted as making a point?
@void9938 2 года назад
Elaine having the NERVE to call the court psychological abuse is so unbelievably disrespectful to actual abuse. I was told in great detail how I would be killed and disposed of multiple times, my abuser would mention every time we were near some place that sells guns that he would buy one and kill me, my pets, and my loved ones. THATS PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE.
@SuperDrLisa 2 года назад
@karatekaninen3045 2 года назад
You claiming to be a victim of why do you make excuses for any form of abuse? All abuse is wrong, physical, emotional, verbal, financial, onlineabuse etc etc. This trial is public revengeporrn and we all know it, do not make excuses for it based on who you support.
@nf3841 2 года назад
I'm sorry you went through that! Sending you love and well wishes💗💗
@juliensarcy959 2 года назад
The thing is, if her narrative was true, and Johnny Depp were using this suit to keep degrading her, then yes It could be considered abuse. And while what happened to you is truely horrible, not all psychological abuse is that overt.
@sevanaiaseeto9456 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 I don't think OP is making excuses, also, how exactly is this trial revengeporn? 🤔 like did you watch all six weeks of this trial???
@emilyschneider478 2 года назад
I love how people forget freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. You can say whatever you want but it doesn’t mean you won’t suffer from the consequences at some point.
@jodie8687 2 года назад
I'm an SA survivor. It was IPV. I have been through a criminal trial. I didn't have any evidence except my testimony. My word against his. But I told the truth and I was believed. I was so nervous on the stand and I did my best not to break down and cry. I didn't want to be vulnerable in court or relive those feelings. I had PTSD and the last thing I wanted was to have a panic attack. It's something I avoided with all my strength. Reliving the experience of abuse is extremely unpleasant. I find AH's behaviour in this trial to be suspicious and hard to believe.
@leticiavasquez8566 2 года назад
Im sorry you had to go through that. I mever had photos never called the cops tried to sort it out alone and ended up succeeding to kick him out but as i have a kid with him had to deal with him for years in one way or another.. and so it would definitely be my word against his if i had taken him to court for sure. Im the last person that thinks anyone whonis a dv or sa victim needs proof. Photos etc. But for me its soooo odd that shed have photos of material damage like mirrors and broken bottles etc yet not take any of her bodily harm. Its so bizarre to me as someone that took no photos at all ever. If i had had the wherewithall to do it it would have been of the bodily harm not some broken art frame. And as you say the testimony just didnt ring true deep inside me and i always believe people via my gut instinct. I think he was abusive in other ways however perhaps instigated by her. Verbally and psychologically and breaking things in anger or whatever but the phsyical and SA just doesnt ring right to me. But... ive gave her the benefit of the doubt initially til i saw the confusing evidence and conflicting stuff online now made public.
@spikesgirl9371 2 года назад
I'm so glad you both are out of it. I hope for peace, blessings and healing for you both.
@leticiavasquez8566 2 года назад
@@spikesgirl9371 aww that is very sweet of you. Im ok now thank you though still have PTSD triggers. Im just glad AH and JD didnt have a child together as having one with my ex who was the perp of the DV has been like been extra traumatic and not easy on our child who is now a grownup. Alot of healing has to happen and its harder when kids are involved and you can't just walk away completely. Thank you for your compassionate message. Solidarity helps the healing x
@saffywehren9385 2 года назад
I'm so proud of you, winning those cases is ridiculously hard. I'm (potentially) going to court against my abuser and I've been so nervous thinking about it but this has been really helpful to read.
@leticiavasquez8566 2 года назад
@@saffywehren9385 best of luck. Sorry you have to go through that. X
@LissetteLissie 2 года назад
This happened Six years to the day Amber filed the TRO...on his daughter's birthday. I can only imagine how his daughter felt to know this case is attached to her birth date. I hope Johnny gets justice and that May 27th becomes a beautiful day yet again for Father and Daughter.
@n.martin2276 2 года назад
Tell me about it. When I learned that little tidbit...it takes a special piece of work to file then. Esp now that we know she called the press for it.
@Loubeelou 2 года назад
@iqramalik8114 2 года назад
This is an interesting fact. But then it's nothing surprising. Narcissists love to make themselves center of attention. They love to snatch limelight and importance from others so as to focus on them.
@BBB-rd2qi Год назад
@@iqramalik8114 - Exactly! They are known for ruining birthdays especially.
@haute03 Год назад
@@n.martin2276 She also filed on the day Johnny's movie premiered. She was very intentional with her timing for a few reasons it seems.
@motherofone979 2 года назад
Vasquez is just a star. She's clear spoken, strong, argues passionately without being aggressive or overly emotional. To top it off she is gorgeous and I love her clothes.
@wingedhussar1453 2 года назад
She's awful .she's passive aggressive doesn't react to answers. The guy lawyer is miles better
@veryimportantperson3657 2 года назад
@@wingedhussar1453 lol she's not passive agressive. that criticism doesn't really make sense in this context.
@1111rogerfederer 2 года назад
@@wingedhussar1453 You don’t know much about how cross examination works I guess by your statement. Camille was as polite as she could be. Cross examinations are supposed to be brutal and there are lawyers who go to great lengths to disprove the person in the stand. Compared to that Camille was very ethical and only focused on facts presented.
@felixoupopote 2 года назад
I am definitely hiring her to sue the vet that hurt my cat.
@mochabearry 2 года назад
@@wingedhussar1453 Passive aggressive? She's suppose to be aggressive. Have you never watched a case before? Not a tv show one, an ACTUAL one. This is definitely your first.
@mtavegas 2 года назад
You’re featured on the online version of Los Angeles Times “Editor’s Pick” today! Congratulations! Love you and your channel.
@mosaicgirl4002 2 года назад
@tinataco236 2 года назад
I want everyone to know that someone who is abused never mocks the abuser a lot of people think she is guilty but I know I know her she has been apart of my life for a long time metaphorically speaking if this was real she would never smirk or record you’d get beat to a pulp …. I’m in therapy and doing my best she is a black mark on all survivors I’ve lived this and the tears would flow and be a problem …. We have a voice and we don’t need to word it in our favor …. Rip- ma I love you and I don’t forget
@Shineyme101 2 года назад
However you can't prove Law that is baseless.
@VallerieMalkin 2 года назад
@@tinataco236 not true.
@katiethibeau3526 2 года назад
@deyedrah 2 года назад
Interesting that the two seconds of Ben Chew getting choked up was more emotionally engaging than two days of Amber Heard’s direct testimony.
@dagmarbenson5011 2 года назад
@recipequeen7850 2 года назад
100%, so true. if her stories had even an ounce of truth in them, it would have been a totally different vibe, Camille simply couldn't have been so tough in questioning her and the court and we would have felt it.
@slister45 2 года назад
That's exactly what I just said!
@slister45 2 года назад
That's exactly what I just said!
@aelh123 Год назад
He’s got to be a father, when he mentioned how Johnny is fighting to clear his name for his children, man I know he put him self in his shoes ❤️‍🩹
@harpy2602 2 года назад
Both Camille and Ben's emotion felt so genuine. They believed their client, and knowing the law was against them, fought to help a man get his life back. They knew the facts were with them. Thank you to the team for fighting for Johnny, and for the truth.
@ayplan 2 года назад
The most worrying thing about the high profile status of this case is that if Amber wins it will open up so many opportunities for people with the same tendencies as her. It would impact society beyond belief. It's about justice for all true victims in the past, present and the future.
@Khaterate_Laptopi 2 года назад
exactly!!! that's why it's important for Johnny to win. Many people say that it's not important since the world already believed him, but I guess it's not enough!!
@laron2239 2 года назад
Couldn’t agree more.
@karlinesegan2165 2 года назад
As a mother of boys it is terrifying to me that it could be that easy to ruin someone’s life. Should you just be able to claim something and say in your mind it happened and then you have a first amendment right to defame someone?
@amethystfeathers7324 2 года назад
Very good point. I said a couple of weeks ago that this case is so important on so many levels because if Johnny wins it will set a precedent for abused men but if Amber wins, it will be an absolutely devastating day for abused men but also another blow to the justice system and public faith in it and that's really, really bad.
@danicas3599 2 года назад
@@amethystfeathers7324 I so agree with you. As Runkle on the Bailey has stated, there are no abuse shelters for men and men with children and if JD won, this would be a huge impact on society to do something about it. When I worked in a hospital,one of my coworkers told me he was abused by his wife and he couldn't defend himself because she could easily tell the cops that he abused her. And this man was 6 ft tall and his wife was 5ft 4in. I was so shocked and sad. He was thinking of suicide-as the only way out because he was so ashamed. I cried that night after my shift. I alerted the E.R. psych nurse the next day and she called him into the office and took it from there. This was in 1992.
@pumpkinpieforever8875 2 года назад
Listening to the first few sentences of AH's closing and I'm already like, "How is drinking in front of and doing drugs with your husband and allowing your friends and family to do drugs with your husband doing everything to get him through addiction?"
@hawkeyescoffee6399 2 года назад
Right? That was the moment I turned it off for my own sanity. I didn't need her layers to try gaslighting us too.
@gracenurse3365 2 года назад
Wasn’t his “sobriety” all about just sticking to wine?
@essentialfriend 2 года назад
I wish in the closing JD’s team would have thought to emphasise that if AH was concerned about her husband’s addictions (which AH team harped so much about) why didn’t JD’s team mentioned her addictions and her luck of support to help him with his??? Specially since “the monster” came back during his “circle” 🙄
@IthacaEmpress 2 года назад
Yeah,I haven't been able to get past that either
@bethanychatman9531 Год назад
​@@gracenurse3365no. She claimed as well as everyone else on her side that he was an acholic, even tho alcohol seems to not be his actual problem, but opioids. He was trying to be sober from all of it. The one thing he was doing was smoking weed and cigarettes.
@marygooden2905 2 года назад
Johnny is the only one who has talked about taken responsibility. He’s the only one who has.
@karatekaninen3045 2 года назад
You do know there is a difference between talking about taking responsibilty and actually do it? Did he take responsibilty and stop doing drugs when he got his kids? No Did he take responsibilty when he left drugs out for the dogs to eat it and get sick? No Did he and AH take responsibilty and walk their dogs or get a dogwalker? NO (they let them shit on the floor and on the furnitures and except for that being really disgusting its also animal abuse from them both) But I guess it ok as long as he 'talks' about taking responsibilty 🙄
@pencilsniper 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 I think what OP meant when they said he "talked about taking responsibility" was that he did take responsibility for what he did. He admitted to things he has done while Amber has not and very clearly denies everything.
@karatekaninen3045 2 года назад
@@pencilsniper I'm sorry but admitting to things and then keep doing them again and again and again is not taking responsibilty None of them have taken real responsibilty for their behavour against the other, and they wont as long as they have friends, family and fans enabling their behaviour
@silentplays122 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 But the point there trying to make is, is that he ADMITTED to it.. i understand what your saying but we not talking about that, is the fact that at least johnny will admit to it, while amber will go on and make a story around it and not answer only in her form and she's never to blame for anything.
@pencilsniper 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 Enabling? So you're blaming the people around them for not taking responsibility for what they do? That's not right at all. Nobody is responsible for anything anyone does except the ppl who are committing these acts. Johnny *HAS* taken responsibility for what he has done and he admitted to what he has done. I don't think you comprehend what I said before. He seems to be out of that dark place he was in, meaning he has taken responsibility. Now he's able to stand up for himself and speak up. He has great ppl around him and he looks and seems to be doing a lot better. Amber on the other hand *HAS NOT.* She keeps lying even after all of the proof that has been presented. She made up more stories and lies on top of all of those. She's not a reliable person. She can't even admit or take any responsibility for anything she has done wrong to anyone and blames everyone else for her wrong doings. And everyone she is around now looks like they're all on drugs. It's sad.
@lynneadams5360 2 года назад
So impressed by you! You remind me so much of my daughter who passed at age 24. You’re like watching her on a 20 year fast forward to your age! She loved the law, cursy words, and she had purple hair on and off through college & grad school! Heartwarming - and super, super coverage!
@dianaa3336 2 года назад
My condolences 💐💜💜💜
@byrnieravencraft4092 2 года назад
Much love to you💖
@nybakg 2 года назад
@tcconnection 2 года назад
So sorry, may you have signs she's around you
@annacostello5181 2 года назад
Wow so young. I’m sorry. 🦋🦋🦋
@m0L3ify 2 года назад
"Objection. Facts not in evidence. Heart not rendered." is probably one of my _favorite_ quotes from this trial. Thank you for the laughs!! 😄
@internaloptometrist2702 2 года назад
@Xavierpng 2 года назад
I knew nothing at all of Amber Heard before this trial. I couldn't imagine the jury believing her.
@alwayslernin4400 2 года назад
Amber who?
@WalkerColors 2 года назад
I’ve never heard of her either, even 2 years after Aquaman
@eight3467 2 года назад
@BornInsane0 2 года назад
I only knew of her from the 2 dogs thing in Australia
@WahrheitMachtFrei. 2 года назад
Unfortunately there's more than a slim chance a couple of people got on the jury who did know who she is and believed her, and nothing was going to change their minds. All they need is a weaselly defence argument on the letter of the law, for the jury to hang.
@annaknepher570 2 года назад
I like how Camille and Ben just stood at the podium and read out the facts. They didn't need to pace around and lecture and explain everything; they just let all the evidence speak for itself. I feel like it was a lot more impactful and captivating than Elaine's - and some of Rottenborn's - closing.
@ThatCho 2 года назад
but that evidence has nothing to do with whether Amber's word choice defamed him or not in the article.
@skinnypomegranate 2 года назад
@@ThatCho its all foundational evidence and goes to several of the claims, so it definitely is important
@OuraInFlames 2 года назад
You know I'm super late with this, but I just now clocked that when Cammile said "no further questions" in cross ex and walked off while Amber was still raving, it was a huge power move and trigger for her not wanting people walking away from her arguments.
@veronicavatter6436 Год назад
That was totally on purpose. Chef's kiss
@hollycrocker923 2 года назад
As a survivor of child abuse, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, marital rape and domestic violence, this trial has been riveting. I have complex PTSD, something Amber Heard claims to have. I routinely am excused from jury duty because I cannot be composed in a courtroom. I was 11 when I read my diary aloud as testimony, during my own child molestation case, in a Los Angeles Circuit Court. Amber sits smirking. Amber has not shed a tear, where I would be sobbing and shaking. The statements about the Me Too movement and the entire closing statements of the Depp legal team, had me moved to tears.
@rachaelesque3 2 года назад
i'm so sorry for what you've endured, Holly. Hugs and healing to you.
@Rebecca-ei6zs 2 года назад
Wishing you peace, dear. I’m sorry to hear you’ve experienced so much pain.
@bethanychatman9531 2 года назад
May God bless you and may you find so much peace.
@hollycrocker923 2 года назад
@@bethanychatman9531 Thank you
@veronicavatter6436 Год назад
I'm so sorry baby. Nobody should ever have to do that.
@sueperdue6174 2 года назад
My grandson had to wear an eyepatch for most of 3 years. He was always calling himself a”pirate”. Since his name is Jack, we called him Captain Jack.
@MotherOfNinjaTurtles 2 года назад
When he’s smashing those cabinets she’s not even scared at all. She’s actually saying things to him to try and get him to argue with her.
@themaskedman221 2 года назад
So, a grown man is throwing a tantrum like a child, destroying property, and the only thing you can think of is, "She's not even scared." How the fuck do you know what she's feeling inside? What he did in that kitchen is a form of abuse.
@JDAfrica 2 года назад
@@themaskedman221 nope. Not abuse at all. She had 24hr security literally outside, she had 911, she had her bestie next door, and James Franco in next building ... she clearly had ample time to set up her Ipad while Jonny was banging cupboards (understandably upset as he found out his lawyer/accountant had stolen money) .... the clips of her gleefully smirking before and after (when she setup and removes the device) was omitted. Now ... is shouting nice? No, we can agree. But if he was so ‘abusive’ ... why did she break the TRO to visit Jonny and beg to just touch him again? Wasn’t she scared for her life then? Her entire story is full of inconsistencies and holes.
@roslynbrown6176 2 года назад
Why didn't she just leave the kitchen area when it was apparent that he was upset over something? Even when he caught her filming him, he did not strike her. In fact, he was the one who left the kitchen.
@themaskedman221 2 года назад
@@JDAfrica Maybe this is how adult men act in your trailer park, but this is not normal behavior, and it absolutely is a form of abuse. If you knew anything about domestic violence you'd know that it's not limited to physical abuse, and in fact most domestic violence isn't physical, but emotional and psychological - screaming, swearing, insulting, destroying property etc. Behavior that Depp has undeniably engaged in. "Now ... is shouting nice? No, we can agree." You're an idiot. Call up your teachers and demand a refund.
@Lielac 2 года назад
@@themaskedman221 his mother was dying. she was egging him on. yes, he shouldn't have banged those cabinets around. but that's also not typical of his behavior from what we've seen. it is however, very much apart of her normal behavior. they're also saying she wasn't scared because it was later revealed that Amber was smirking and laughing at the end of that video. she clearly wasn't scared, and from what we have seen of this trial she was never scared of him. she was laughing at his emotional distress.
@carmengeorgeweddings3906 2 года назад
The trial turned me around. I came in believing her and by the end I was horrified by the story told by the facts. I hope Depp gets justice.
@bradjohnson4126 2 года назад
You think that's crazy? Wait until you find out about Black Lives Matter.
@beepboop4016 2 года назад
I’m glad bc it would be sad knowing someone saw all the evidence and heard it and saw her throw that terribly disgusting acting on the stand
@izzeypally 2 года назад
yeah, I'm in the same boat. I took her word for it too. I felt so stupid after watching the trial. My mind got changed real quickly, but I feel like an asshole. :/
@taylors445 2 года назад
@@izzeypally you shouldn’t feel like an asshole! We all took her claims seriously at first. No one wants to believe a person would go to a court house with a fake bruise and blatantly lie about being the survivor of the horrific acts of abuse she described. She is the one at fault. She took advantage of the work so many activists and survivors of DV have done to make it possible to be believed and supported in our society. She took advantage of all the goodwill people are willing to give to anyone claiming to be a survivor. She’s the only one making it harder for DV survivors to come forward. I myself even questioned if someone would accuse me of pulling an “Amber Heard” next time I told my story. You did nothing wrong because you listened to the facts and changed your mind to what you believed to be right based on that evidence. You went into these allegations with an open mind and were willing to hear both sides. That’s more than half of what these so called journalists have done and continue to do after the trial. Don’t beat yourself up for wanting to be compassionate to someone who you initially believed to be telling the truth.
@JWildberry 2 года назад
@@izzeypally You shouldn't feel bad. When someone tells you they've been abused, your initial reaction SHOULD be to believe them, just like you would believe people if they told you they had been mugged. Please don't let Amber, an abuser, change your attitude towards victims reporting abuse. Most of them are telling the truth, and shouldn't be met with doubt. The best society can in abuse cases is react like you did: believe, but verify.
@bravofighter 2 года назад
Remember, we’re talking about 5 penthouse apartments…the entire top two floors of the swankiest high rise in LA…ONE ENTIRE PENTHOUSE was her closet. ANOTHER entire penthouse was her sister’s FREE apartment. ANOTHER entire penthouse was his best friend’s place. ANOTHER entire place was Josh and Rocky’s place. He beat up his OWN kitchen. She had an ENTIRE ROOMFUL OF DESIGNER HANDBAGS on racks he tipped over after she punched him in the face.
@JM-dx1xv 2 года назад
But she couldn't follow thru & donate the money to children's hospitals as she said but instead she lied over & over to keep it. Her greed is beyond words. But remember as she said, she didnt want anything but to be free from Johnny. Yeah right!!
@-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад
I swear, if I had that kind of money, I would just rent designer clothes-especially considering that lifestyle assumes you're not supposed to get caught wearing the same thing twice. That way, money not spent on all that extra stuff could be used to help people and invest with. At least the property is an investment.
@ripley4155 2 года назад
If Amber had just written honestly about her experiences she could have gained a lot more sympathy. If she'd talked about how difficult it was to live with JD's drug problem, and how his harsh words and slamming things about the house felt intimidating at times she could have spoken for lots of people in that situation. She lost the public with the hysterics and embellishments.
@christineriv9561 2 года назад
Yes! And she takes no accountability, she tries to come off as little miss innocent. She would have prob not been attacked if she came in saying yes we both were toxic i am not innocent by no means etc… never mind the outright lying but her true colors and personality came out to the world
@nf3841 2 года назад
Right! I love JD, but I believe he's no angel and would be hard to live with(with the drugs and what not). But her saying he was a hell beast of unimaginable horrors...girl stop.
@twwdc 2 года назад
100%. I've got alcoholic parents and it IS really hard to deal with people with addictions. I can fully believe that dealing with his drug issues etc was challenging, whatever behaviour they did cause.
@theConquerersMama 2 года назад
@marandamoos96 2 года назад
Couldn’t agree MORE
@crystalfarmer4074 2 года назад
Most of what Rottenborn is saying feels shady & disingenuous to me. He is mis stating testimony & rewriting the narrative.
@kerrisabo4697 2 года назад
I thought he started off strong.... but then he just lost me and I couldn't stand to listen to him anymore
@RS-or8sh 2 года назад
Re writing the narrative is awful. I heard it so many times I lost complete respect for anything he said. If was on the jury I would of just switched off from his speech
@alycianaidoo8718 Год назад
It’s genuinely so interesting how I was balling from a 10 second clip of Ben Chew choking up but sat through hours of testimony of Amber crying and shed not one tear …and this was when I watched the trial in real time and even now a year later 👏🏾
@melindawarthman8026 2 года назад
In my experience as an attorney, the more a lawyer uses "clearly", "obviously", and "you KNOW that...", the less clear, obvious, or legally known things are.
@he1802 2 года назад
Gaslighting the jury
@amandac1577 2 года назад
Umbridge's closing argument feels like when you get stopped in the grocery store by a crazy stranger that wants to tell you their life story and no matter how much you nod and smile while trying to leave them in the aisle they follow you throughout the store...
@helloworld441 2 года назад
That is oddly specific lol
@amandac1577 2 года назад
@@helloworld441 it's not a first for me 🤣🤣🤣
@mookiepook7808 2 года назад
🤣😂🤣 My god..! Absolutely that's what it's like! Lol!
@bambiwolfric1606 2 года назад
Relatable af😂
@CJAmara 2 года назад
Perfect descriptor
@mysticmama_3692 2 года назад
I love how when Rottenburg says, "Let's see the monster in the flesh", that the first image on the screen is Amber secretly setting up the Camera, lol.
@sookie.smooth 2 года назад
Yup! 😈🤣 And to use that video and call it abuse? It was hilarious! Was Rottenborn serious? Or is he “tricky” enough to do this silly maneuver just so he can turn around and mock JCD for laughing?
@kimjorg 2 года назад
She was smirking at the end of that video. And she 100% was antagonizing him. Someone who is truly abused doesn’t antagonize their abuser.
@anonnyanonymous4800 2 года назад
She was not abused. She claims to have been abused by him in 2012. They got married in 2015. Why would you marry someone who was abusive?
@izzeypally 2 года назад
@@anonnyanonymous4800 Another good question: Who starts abusing people in their 50's? Then beats someone for 5 years without leaving 1 mark that can't be covered by make-up? On a woman who is constantly photographed. Not 1 picture in 5 years except for the one that showed up when she filed for a restraining order and then disappeared the next day.
@zoso1980 Год назад
She was pleased with herself. She at that moment had more goods on him for leverage to hurt him. THAT'S Amber Heard.
@mindyphillips862 2 года назад
They’re saying Amber apologizing because that’s what victims do, but using Johnny’s apologies as “proof” he was the abuser. Talking out of both sides of their mouths
@user-et2ng1qb2m 2 года назад
And she was apologising explicitly for hitting JD (multiple times) but JD has never apologised in all the audio or evidence provided. So more b.s.
@karatekaninen3045 2 года назад
I think that both JD and Ah need to take responsiblty for their behavour against eachother, so far I have not seen that I just see them blame the other and declare themself to be all innocent wich is not true for any of them
@debbielockhart7762 2 года назад
@@user-et2ng1qb2m Nor was she implying that he had ever hit her in any of those recordings. You would think at least once there would be an "I'm sorry I hit you, but you hit me first" out of her at least once if he had ever hit her.
@babyangelally 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 jd has apologized for his behavior he said he is not a Saint and owned his mistakes, alcohol abuse, drug abuse and for talking in an awful manner to amber heard but he never physically or sexually abused her it's amber who claimed she never did anything wrong that's why I believe johnny more than amber and also the evidence talks for itself.
@karatekaninen3045 2 года назад
@@babyangelally He has not taken responsibilty for has behavour(and neither has AH for that matter) an addict saying sorry over an dover again and then doing the same thing over and over again is not behing honest
@ultikfa8971 2 года назад
So, Amber ALWAYS wears makeup to cover up her bruises? She NEVER leaves the house with her bruises exposed? Then why didn't she wear makeup to cover her bruises when she was photographed by TMZ?
@jessicacook5722 2 года назад
She was already wearing makeup. The bruise itself was makeup. I've bruised my cheek before from not watching what I was doing (I really did hit a cabinet door). It didn't just miraculously appear or disappear. And makeup didn't cover it. I tried that. But I didn't use a bruise kit, so that may have been the problem... and I used arnica mixed with vitamin E&D to help heal it faster.
@LatinaLatina1011 2 года назад
Seriously. This lady’s voice is like nails on a chalk board
@jessicacook5722 2 года назад
@@LatinaLatina1011 - it's definitely grating on the ear drums. I couldn't listen because it made my tinnitus way worse. I turned on subtitles... never laughed so hard at the transcription in my life. I know that there's no way that everything was transcribed word for word.
@bonnienelson7373 2 года назад
@ravendesignstudio 2 года назад
No makeup will cover a bruise completely unless it's SUPER heavy stage makeup in the right lighting. It would be apparent one was wearing heavy makeup. I know, I've tried. Plus bruising also causes swelling.
@sandjoshsky 2 года назад
Elaine’s closing was like watching an SNL skit. It’s was the weirdest, most head-scratching thing I’ve ever seen. It literally left me speechless 😂
@dijanapepic7344 2 года назад
Hahahaha snl skit😂😂😂😂
@emhoj97 Год назад
The problem for Team Heard is that it's nearly all "she said x is what happened". Where Team Depp has recordings, confirmed by Amber to be her voice, admitting to being violent, and saying abusive things. Even Ambers own Dr Hughes testimony was "she told me this". And Dr Curry was like a prophet, nailing exactly how Ambers testimony would play out. Amber brought a sword to the fight, but Johnny had an army.
@uberrayray1055 2 года назад
AH’s side’s closing arguments were nuts, I felt like we were being retold the *entire* trial (gaslight version)… and Rottenborn’s appeal to the first amendment just felt cheap, like playing on party politics over the actual facts of the case.
@Rae777 2 года назад
Complete agreement. The first amendment argument might have made more sense if that's what they were appealing to during the trial. But the tactics during the trial didn't match the closing arguments on their side.
@Busstavo 2 года назад
Unfortunately they are playing to where they are, Virginia. A more conservative area where an argument of free speech may gain more attention than if it was in New York or California.
@Rae777 2 года назад
@@Busstavo You may know more than me about the specifics of this, but I live in VA and that area is actually pretty liberal. It's right outside of D.C. The more conservative part is in mid and southern VA.
@Busstavo 2 года назад
@@Rae777 I mean I don't know more than someone who lives there I just base it on how they usually vote
@Rae777 2 года назад
@@Busstavo For all I knew you could've been a political researcher lol. I don't live in that part of VA so I'm just sharing what I know. Some parts of VA are super liberal and others are extremely conservative. I think that's why we're usually a swing state.
@annaknepher570 2 года назад
The defense's closing made me feel really icky at how they were misrepresenting evidence and misrepresenting the instructions to the jury. I think Rottenborn started strong with his opening statements, but once he started getting into the details, it fell apart for me.
@crystala8020 2 года назад
That's because the facts are NOT on their side.
@JLynnEchelon 2 года назад
For me, it's his delivery that ruins it for me. He did say the things he needed to say, but he goes too fast and runs over his own point. He also didn't stop when he said something powerful. But, then again, Elaine's unhinged closing would make anyone sound good.
@JackieMeadow 2 года назад
He should have just stopped after his initial statements, 90% of Rottenborn’s closing was absolutely awful. I completely tuned out after a while. Trying to make fetch happen, ugh…
@dream0froses 2 года назад
If I was a juror, that would confuse me. I assumed that lawyers always told the truth about the law before this trial. I'm really shocked at how much they can lie and get away with it.
@irisjoan1 2 года назад
I was appalled when Rottenborn indicated we would be “accomplices” if we didn’t find Amber not liable. Really?!? Seriously?!? I guess that would also include him and the whole defense team as well. SMH
@Type1MomRN 2 года назад
So it’s okay for her to laugh and smirk while Camille is doing her closing, but Rottenborn is claiming JD is terrible for smiling while the “bad video played”🙄🙄
@karatekaninen3045 2 года назад
Both sides have been so hypocritical, both the lawyers but mostly the fanatic fans of JD and AH. Both Jd and AH have been smiling and laughing in court but according to those obsessed fans it's ok when he/she do it and a proof of him/her being guilty 🙄
@strat4096 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 then some fans are pretty stupid if they believe a giggle or smile constitutes guilt.
@Herstyleseduier 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 He laughs mostly whenever there’s absurd lies being thrown. And he laughs whenever Amber heard steam takes his words absolutely the wrong way just like the sexting messages About her throat. It wasn’t abusive Context it was in sexual context.
@-._.-KRiS-._.- 2 года назад
@@strat4096 That's why Heard fans are making a big deal out people commenting on her laughing. They feel like that means people are saying that abuse survivors are never allowed to move on and rise above the abuse. Personally, I find _when_ she laughs to be odd. It appears like laughing at inappropriate moments, to me. Depp appears to laugh when something is funny or, like X said, absurd. But, most all of the court footage I've seen has been from this channel so maybe I missed Depp also laughing at inappropriate moments.
@krokikrumpsun624 2 года назад
@@karatekaninen3045 Yeah, that stuff really means nothing, so it’s a crap subject to bring up in closing. Bring up the evidence not the theories lol
@waterphoenixx8512 2 года назад
I have now come back multiple times to watch back Camille and Ben's closing arguments. They're truly a thing of beauty.
@loriburnip Год назад
I'm here almost a year later rewatching it 😂
@kendallneason3645 Год назад
Me too!
@96Jazangel 2 года назад
When Ben Chew retorted to rottenborn who tried to misrepresent Kate Moss’s testimony it was powerful. That single moment proved, Ben, Johnny and his entire team stand for TRUTH!
@diannechamoun6411 2 года назад
Totally agree. Candid and powerful moment. I really felt the genuine advocacy for his client. He showed a lot of depth.
@harpy2602 2 года назад
"that's *exactly* what she testified to" and the little glare over his shoulder sent me. So very Ben Chew in it's delivery. I love this entire team, they're amazing lawyers.
@summerdawn423 2 года назад
As someone who had endured a "real" 11 yr marriage where a lot of this was my life amber really should seek help. I hope she does for her child's sake, she's truly disturbed. My testimony was done in chambers due to me not being able to recount the stuff that happened in front of my ex. Prayers and strength to all the survivors of DV IPRV or any a***e of any kind 💜💜💜💜
@rendajones7368 2 года назад
She seriously has a way of offending actual people who have and are are now living with an abusive partner. Her personality disorders are so obvious to victims. We have all seen our abusers act like that. Example: Yes. That’s true. I pledged 7 million. That was classic “you didn’t see and hear what you claim. Another example: You weren’t “punched” Jawney. I hit you. You weren’t punched. Minimizing your reality.
@amalaylay 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing. Hope you’re doing okay now. I really hope this case doesn’t make other real victims less likely to come forward in the future.
@TK-ib7rm 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you are healing 💓
@Grace-ht3qz 2 года назад
she should have kept this private - why tell the world except for defamation - if he wasn't Depp she would have. It's truly disgusting that she aired their dirty laundry - based on that one thing alone, I don't have sympathy for her
@mayflower5193 2 года назад
@@Grace-ht3qz she didn't just "air out the dirty laundry" she created the damn laundry lol one thing that bothers me so damn much with this case, people saying they are both toxic or that the abuse was equal. I just cant see how anyone could believe a single word she says. It's clear he was responding to being abused and that's not fair to hold against him. She said insane stuff and none of it happened, I'd to fucking crazy too.
@WildHart_z 2 года назад
“The jury must feel like they’re being assaulted with words and I can un-OH JESUS. Right back into it!” 😂 my favorite moment.
@katbullar 3 месяца назад
I am watching this trial again in 2024, and I am amazed by your commentary and analysis. Sending all the love to you, Emily, all the way from Germany.
@marilynsmith365 2 месяца назад
And Australia 🇦🇺
@jiawu9521 2 года назад
I’m glad they fought for the trial to be accessible to the public. People can see for themselves who truly is the abuser.
@ada_pink 2 года назад
Can you imagine what tiny tidbits, carefully selected, would have been presented in mainstream media and most would believe it? 🙈 Oh wait... Glad I can form my own conclusion by watching everything unfold in real-time and unfiltered.
@taylors445 2 года назад
@@ada_pink exactly we would only see the photoshopped pictures of her crying on the stand and the Vogue article saying because she’s a woman we should believe her 🙄 the MSM has been crafting the narrative in her favor even though we’ve all seen the trial. They blatantly lie about the evidence even when they know people can watch for themselves and easily find out it’s not true. It’s insane how easily they lie, thinking we will be stupid enough to take them at their word. I can’t imagine what they would say if the trial wasn’t publicized! Funny Amber talks about Johnny being protected by powerful institutions when all I’ve seen is people blatantly lying to cover for her.
@mr.pillow7023 2 года назад
All trials with a few exceptions should be televised. The MSM has already done a terrible job of covering this, and I often wonder if they are watching what we are!!
@ada_pink 2 года назад
@@mr.pillow7023 Yes, this really shows how twisted MSM is. I knew they were always exaggerating things, but this trial still shocked me by how blatantly they LIE. And that in a case were people can actually watch it themselves and KNOW they lie. So what else am I supposed to believe from now on? Guess I'm now too in the camp of people who seriously distrust MSM in everything. 🙈
@CloudslnMyCoffee 2 года назад
especially since the media has had such misleading reporting. Are we all watching the same trial?
@katego370 2 года назад
Let's just throw away any favor for Depp for a second. If I'm walking into that jury room, I'd say: "Look, AH's side keeps misrepresenting all kinds of things. They say admitting to something they never did is just what victims do, yet they misrepresent JD's apologies to be about physical violence. There are massive gaping holes in their story. They keep trying to make arguments that they then contradict. I don't know about you, but why would you need your lawyers to be disingenuous if you're just telling the truth? Why would you need to tell little lies or portray yourself as a saint? If you're actually honest with me, why lie, why tell half-truths, why be condescending, why change your mind constantly about the facts, why do you need to misrepresent anything?" If AH is actually telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, she wouldn't need to lie, she wouldn't need to change her recollection of the facts every two minutes, she wouldn't need to allude to far-fetched theories of amazingly brilliant makeup application that are even indetectable with HD flash photos and harsh lighting. She wouldn't need her lawyers to be so condescending half the time, she wouldn't need her lawyers to misrepresent evidence, she wouldn't need the "come fight me, bro" attitude. Also, if she is actually so vulnerable and crying during direct, why on earth would she be so strong and entitled on cross? Wouldn't she just break down? I would. I might be strongly disagreeing but it would be with tears in my eyes. I simply couldn't hide it and I certainly would be too shaken up to magically recover from my emotion in a mere second.
@brownfox2494 Год назад
I had not watched Elaine’s closing until this week. That was the rambling of a woman who knew they had lost that jury and was desperately trying to get them to believe her. It was like she was testifying the whole case all over again. The poor jurors I know they had to be done.
@paulaeppley3569 10 месяцев назад
I died laughing when Emily said she needed an emotional support dog to help her get through Elaine’s rambling! 😂🤣😂 I think we all do after this!
@minkie4155 2 года назад
Elaine’s closing sounds like me trying to explain the entire plot of Game of Thrones to my mum in under 3 minutes! It feels like when I read a book when I’m really tired, I’m seeing the words but they’re not registering, in one ear out the other!
@daritxlin 2 года назад
His worst mistake was and has been marrying her. Little did he never could see it coming. A young thirsty upcoming artist would utilized him, mistreated him and disposed him later on. She has destroyed him, her family and friends and herself along. A self destroying machine... is what she is.
@gracenurse3365 2 года назад
They were a couple for 6 years or something before they married. It’s not like she was a mail order bride he married sight unseen.
@debbielockhart7762 2 года назад
His worst mistake was ever giving her a second glance. Their relationship was hellish long before the marriage.
@AshB_Watercolors 2 года назад
She will self destruct herself in life if she doesn’t get help for her lying, blaming, personality disorders and any mental ones. She needs some deep therapy. As does Depp, but she’s going down a very slippery slope…. Scary
@evaghazi144 2 года назад
Johnny gave Vanessa $150 million when he left that relationship. Think about that. They weren’t married and I think they lived in France with their children. There are many implications to be derived from that.
@mysticalmargaret6105 2 года назад
Depp should seek an annulment. Have it erased as if it never happened. That 'marriage' was no true marriage.
@77andsunny 2 года назад
This is why we should never dodge jury duty. You never know when you will need a fair jury of your peers.
@CHOOKIE67 2 года назад
Very well stated. Thank You.
@alexandriav3956 2 года назад
Imagine if this was the other way around. If this was JD saying this to AH. Like damn Ms. Camille… THAT. RIGHT. THERE. The double standard is so beyond disgusting. The fact that she can openly speak about punching him, and think it’s ok, is ridiculous.
@ScorpionFlower95 2 года назад
Yes thank you. Plus, I find it so worrying that people are like "okay, even if he is the victim, why is he going after her so hard? Why don't just write a book and profit off of it?" Like WHAT. If the victim was a woman, we'd all be cheering for her going after her abuser. so now why are we asking of him to just let it go?
@varanchio 2 года назад
Rottenborn said it wouldn’t matter if she chopped his finger with an axe…sir wut
@sallycinnamon5370 2 года назад
More importantly…even when he bring up her hitting him…she never once, that I have heard, mentions him hitting her. That only violence she talks about is figurative violence of how much she hates him leaving.
@freeburlington1 Год назад
Rewatching this a year later, and I still can’t believe what a trainwreck Elaine was. I would feel bad for Amber for having such a bad lawyer if Amber herself wasn’t so awful.
@tay_kenz5862 Год назад
I’m so glad I’m not the only one coming back to this almost a year later! Elaine really was an absolute disaster
@sillyk6688 Год назад
Well, to give her a little benefit of the doubt, Camille was an absolute rockstar. Elaine was much more like 99% of real world lawyers. Also, one might reasonably suspect that AH is lording over her own case and dictating what her lawyers did. One might suspect that Elaine has a bats**t client.
@serenetiv Год назад
Funfact: Rottenborn used like 1 hour and 15 minutes and Elaine used around 40 minutes, according to the timestamps on the stream. So it wasn't Elaine who burned their time, it just felt that way. And yes, it still feels that way for me as I rewatch this a year later xD (No, I'm not defending Elaine.)
@AmandaPaige71 Год назад
​@@serenetivI think that's what made Elaine so frazzled-- Rottenborn's waste of time-- so she was scattered and stressed? Who knows lol Elaine was a hot mess. Her and amber deserve each other imo.
@serenetiv Год назад
@@AmandaPaige71 I mean, she was all over the place in her opening, too. But I think Rottenborn had a different plan than Amber and Elaine tried to take her wishes into account more or something ^^' But I agree xD
@LadyLightOwl 2 года назад
I can’t lie this is very emotional, that man sustained abuse as a child, and adult,but still showed love care and concern for his predators.. The most high is with you Jonny💜 love you so much
@helenaharrington1922 2 года назад
He's got a soft heart.
@jessicapirnat 2 года назад
i DETEST when someone uses the 'if i did do that, i would have done it better' sort of argument. it's NEVER the serve people think it is
@7856841 2 года назад
Literally!!!! Like huh
@lyndacrosfill6340 2 года назад
A star of Aqua man had the alleged evidence of violence against johnny Depp why didn't she go public then instead of waiting till the divorce, Any women in her public position or not raped with or without a bottle would seek medical treatment, and the restraint order pending domestic violence charges. She did nothing she didn't leave him she begged him not to leave ? Showed no physical evidence in any photos following the alleged attacks
@TangledTrueCrime 2 года назад
Diane Downs said this as well. Bad idea Amber! Use the same explanation as a woman who murdered her children.
@TheFaro2011 2 года назад
Especially when she testified she doesn't have a clue how to
@nedandmiasvideos2174 2 года назад
Rottenborn has strong closing argument but it felt like he doesn’t have a sort of ‘emotional’ connection with Amber, it doesn’t feel like he was there fighting for Amber but rather he was there because he wants to win this case for himself and build a reputation for him and show the world he is a good lawyer. Ben and Camille, on the other hand, you can see and feel they were there to fight for Johnny. There is more depth, more substance.
@norahdacy3790 2 года назад
I agree, Ben and Camille feel like people going to bat for a person, rottenborn and Elaine feel like lawyers in the way we joke about lawyers in media, twisty snakes
@rampage3337 2 года назад
@@norahdacy3790 apparently elaine was crying after the court had ended. som of the people who stayed there to see if there was anything cool gonna happen after the trial said they saw elaine run to the bathroom crying and then when she came out she had a red nose as if she was crying alot. the people there comforted her and said they know she ain't a bad person and that she is only doing her job and that it must be so hard to defend somebody like AH. and elaine said thank you and smiled. i think AH lawyers don't like her ether and know how bad this is for them. personally i'm conflicted. on one side i think shady practices in the court room are bad but on the other hand it can be important when there is a real case when it's needed.
@rajib17cmc 2 года назад
That hug was telling.....
@Rae777 2 года назад
Great point. I completely agree. The emotional distance between the lawyers and their clients is extremely important.
@ollinolle1433 2 года назад
I'm truly believe Ben, Camille and Johnny have already bond great friendship before trials. Johnny will definitely invite them and their families to his vacation property after this.
@AurorasWindow Год назад
I didn’t think that re watching Depp’s closing arguments 5 months later would make me emotional again 😢 So grateful of Camille and Ben and all the team
@judyb950 2 года назад
JD abusing cabinets is not sexual abuse, mental abuse or physical abuse. That incident wasn't even about AH.
@sandcastle2069 2 года назад
Actually, it can be mental abuse to have a spouse that suddenly goes into an uncontrollable rage and destroys your home. Again and again. Every thing you have and do to make a cozy home ripped away by someone who is either always angry or sedated on drugs. You are never safe in your own home, you can never bring people home, because you never know which state he is in. You can never plan anything or go anywhere as he half of the time is drugged and half asleep. While I do believe Heard suffered mental abuse, I doubt all the rest. I think she thought that “only mental abuse” was not enough to get world wide attention, so she made up the rest.
@terrimccracken9486 2 года назад
Seems to me she injected herself in to his situation there. She could have walked the other direction but she enjoyed winding him up. He didn't see her long game.
@amalaylay 2 года назад
Agreed. He had no anger directed towards her either, he was just upset in general over something in his own life
@pegaseg70 2 года назад
@@terrimccracken9486 the mere fact she didn't freeze or flight when she entered the room shows she wasn't scared
@professionalcommenter 2 года назад
​@@terrimccracken9486 Because most people wouldn't think that their spouse had a long game.
@syngen462 2 года назад
He took responsibility, for a number of his faults on the stand. Amber on the other hand, never, not once, did she admit to anything! Elaine wants us to believe that our eyes are ears are lying!
@MegaSuziek 2 года назад
Um... showing a bottle up her? Did he accept it?
@mysticmama_3692 2 года назад
@@MegaSuziek no...because it didn't happen! He took responsibility for what he actually did...not the insane, unbelievable stories he's been accused of.
@mysticmama_3692 2 года назад
@@lauraburger1272 She only admitted to hitting him on the stairs and agreed that she called him names when confronted with audio of herself saying those things. Everything else she's done, that people have witnessed....including the DV arrest she had for assaulting her ex wife, she has denied and weasled away from answering. She also MAJORLY downplayed HER drug use calling cocaine, shrooms, and mdma "laughy" drugs....but when Johnny takes them he's a monster. She doesn't admit to any faults that she doesn't want people to see....even with hard evidence staring her in the face. THAT'S why people can't stand her...she lies even about small, insignificant details and it makes her look non believable and cold.
@syngen462 2 года назад
@@mysticmama_3692 Well said, I endorse this post!
@syngen462 2 года назад
@@lauraburger1272 I must have missed that. Did we watch the same trial?
@AutumnWytch999 2 года назад
I served on a jury once - a murder case - and it's such a relief to walk into the jury room and be able to talk to your fellow jurors, FINALLY. You spend, in my case, a week and a half, avoiding or simply making small talk with the people you sit next to everyday in the jury box. It's a weird dynamic, because you're all strangers, yet you're supposed to reach a decision as a whole. It is weird, it feels weird... and I can't even imagine what six/seven weeks of it looks or feels like. But I am happy for the jury, that they can now convene, discuss and come to a consensus to put this thing to rest.
@hcrsongbird74 10 месяцев назад
Let's be fair... yes, slamming and smashing things around somebody is abuse. Sure is. IF, and I mean IF, he came to her and started slamming and smashing shit in the room where she was, intentionally in her close proximity, to intimidate her. Is that what we see here? Or do we see a man who left the room she was in, went to a different part of his house, had a fit in his own kitchen against his own belongings believing he was alone, and she came to where he was and decided to record and then antagonize him while he was clearly needing space? I don't understand how this very big distinction was never addressed in court.
@cleobinx 6 месяцев назад
1,000% accurate. She choose to come in the that room , set up the camera and then start bullshit about their relationship trying to make him look bad when he is clearly in distress. She is the absolute worst
@rhondazuschnitt7666 День назад
Yep... reactive abuse ​@@cleobinx
@mferrariish 2 года назад
I think it’s funny that they say that “if Johnny hit her just once, that’s abuse and amber wins” But amber admitted to hitting Johnny “in self defense” but is it not ok for Johnny to defend himself? I just think her lawyers are so shady!
@cy4330 2 года назад
The laws are shady that's why I have zero faith in the justice system
@coyoter9691 2 года назад
I got confused when he said "even if just something he said was abusive, amber wins". I was like what? Its the claims of physical and sexual abuse that are defamatory, everyone accepts there was insults from both. I swear he even said "even if you dont think johnny abused her", and I was like wait excuse me.
@itsme1719 2 года назад
As someone that's not familiar with trials, Camille's statement broke it down in a way that anyone could understand. Elaine confused the eff out of me.
@skontheroad 2 года назад
As someone who has been a layleader for many non-profits over the past 25 years, I am DISGUSTED by Elaine's presentation about donations/pledges. Shameful!
@BrittenThompson 2 года назад
The thing that really solidified that Amber was lying for me, is how often her friends and sister, who claimed they knew JD was abusing her, is how often people left her alone with him. There is no way I would ever leave anyone I know, alone with a partner I know to be abusive.
@TheJustin0583 2 года назад
Watching Elaine’s argument in 2x speed is incredible. Like giving a squirrel coffee.
@TheVeganVixenBlog 2 года назад
It got so painful I 2xed it as well.
@ada_pink 2 года назад
Or Hammy in "Over the hedge" 😂
@Veeliscious 2 года назад
I feel Johnny opening up his incredibly personal life details, and even giving the world access to inside his mind from psychaitry notes when he has always been such a private person has done so much more than just bring peace to himself for clearing the Injustice against his name - he has shone the light for abused men, women & children. He's given victims who never had a voice the chance to feel "heard" & gave those who'd not experienced it, insight & understanding. I hope this leads to a more compassionate world where abused will feel safer to speak up & feel "understood"
@themaskedman221 2 года назад
He's a drunk, a druggie, and a degenerate. He's an "abused man" in the same way that Trump won the 2020 election.
@lollymac2259 2 года назад
If I was a juror I wouldn’t care for being told “you KNOW” this or that. I’ll decide what I KNOW, Elaine. Elaine and her frenetic pace makes me dizzy and slightly nauseated. Poor closing choice.
@showcrazy2139 2 года назад
That's what I was thinking. Don't tell me what I know, Elaine!!!,
@cherokeegrandma4135 2 года назад
Think not only is Elaine a victim of Heards abuse but also must be very stressed & sleep deprived. Like Emily said, Heard is running the show for her Attorneys & Elaine’s having a hard time trying to make that happen. Not only is Heard ruining Johnnys life but she ruining Elaine’s Reputation too !! 😢
@mysticalmargaret6105 2 года назад
I thought the same thing. I'd be like 'GUURL! Don't tell me what I know or don't know! Very presumptuous of you!' 🤨
@mysticalmargaret6105 2 года назад
@@cherokeegrandma4135 Elaine chose to take on Heard. I have zero sympathy for her and her incompetence. I also resent her because her Closing argument was such a babbling run on mess that she had to go to the Bench a bunch of times after an objection, then she had to go back and correct herself.
@MrsM1878. Год назад
I'm watching this back. Camille is my hero! She was incredible during this closing argument. This solidified everything in my mind, that Johnny is not a domestic abuser!
@Deadpool-k-n 2 года назад
Regarding all of his texts of apologies to Amber: In my opinion he is apologizing for his drug use and drinking. Nowhere is he apologizing for physically harming her. He is ashamed of himself for falling off the waggon time and time again.
@esmaproductions 2 года назад
Yes… I also feel like in these types of relationships you might feel guilty or use that feeling to try and solve problems. Imagine if there’s constant fights, there would be also constant strategies to cope (from both sides). Johnny Depp has been quite accepting on him being a mess in various aspects, she on the other side seems defensive and even agressive… I obviously cannot know exactly, but… it looks to me he would be always apologizing, firstly because he felt he could do better at his addiction as you said, secondly to make the situation calmer. To generate a reconciliation or get to a good moment when the relationship was non toxic.
@DeBoomTori2 2 года назад
I often talk to people that are in my life daily through text, in person, and over the phone. I think relying solely on the words in the messages for the context of that conversation doesn't make sense. They should have discussed and asked for outside context. Apologies could be for drinking, drug use, slamming a door, saying something hurtful, or anything really. Sure, you can interpret that as an apology for physical abuse, but without discussing the context around that text, how would you know, ROTTENBORN?? Also, Rottenborn literally states that abused parties will apologise for things that arent their fault or responsibility. MAYBE some of those apology texts were for things he didn't do but still felt guilty for, like when someone throws a tantrum and throws something that hits someone, that hit person might apologise for being in the way of the throw instead of admitting that the thing was thrown AT them BY the person having the fit.
@harpy2602 2 года назад
He's not apologizing for hitting her because it didn't happen. All those hidden recordings and she never caught it? All the security guards and friends that say they never saw a mark on her? It never happened. So what if hes apologizing for his drunken outbursts? That doesn't mean he hit her and is hiding it. SHEs the one who was recorded saying "I started a physical fight, I was hitting you" and SHE is the one who others testified was the one hitting and berrating the other. You can't apologize for what didn't happen, but at least he apologized for something. More than Amber can say
@Ollie.with.a.G 2 года назад
The closing agreement for JD side made me feel comfortable enough to call a lawyer finally. I know it sounds stupid but my ex is an abuser and abused not only me but my child i had with him and his other 3 kids i took care of.. and did everything to protect. Hearing Johnny's lawyers speak about all of that truly made me able to write a statement for a protection order while I'm going for full custody and what I want to ask the lawyer incase things go to court in any way
@JumpAndStretch 2 года назад
Wishing all the very best as you take such a brave and strong step.
@norahdacy3790 2 года назад
Definitely not stupid at all, good luck to you and best wishes on your journey to justice and healing
@Mutnojdet 2 года назад
I wish you all the best on your journey. When you feel like you don’t have the strength to go on remember that you do and you can.
@Ollie.with.a.G 2 года назад
Thank you guys for your support. Frankly its all just scary... me being only 22 atm and him being 36.. but all that matters is making it safer for my child in the world no matter what it takes. Watching this trial has been so hard (and so many others) and made me not want to talk to my lawyer because of the anxiety and pure panic it caused me...all the "what ifs". Im just happy I have the strength now.
@ClearandHealthyBoundaries 2 года назад
Good for you! God bless you and be blessed. Do it!
@skipper523 2 года назад
The “woe is me” pitiful look on AH’s face during Elaine’s rambling, is ridiculous. I hope the jury decides that JD needs to be fully redeemed. That poor man.
@markgado8782 2 года назад
@#PrisonForJohnnyDepp righto crazy person. Make a statement that makes sense next time. Smh
@alexp2915 2 года назад
Agreed! The exaggerated pitiful look she does where she sucks in her chin and lower lip drives me up the wall! Then she’ll abruptly sneer and do fake smiles, then immediately back to the pitiful look. She’s a complete fraudster and psychopath!
@Seaprimate 2 года назад
I feel like her emotion is real. i feel like she knows this isn't going well. At several points, Rottenborn and Amber have the same expressions.
@skipper523 2 года назад
@#PrisonForJohnnyDepp Prison for JD? That’s a bit much. He’s owned up to his wrong doings, unlike AH, who has denied everything. EVERYONE else is lying, right? She’s the only one telling the truth. BS. She’s been called out, and instead of admitting to her lies, she’s claiming even worse. If anyone should get locked up, its AH. She is the abuser. SHE hit him. SHE threw the bottles, cutting off his finger.
@endrose3771 2 года назад
@#PrisonForJohnnyDepp I was going to call you an idiot but after looking at your channel, I can't tell if you're fucking with people or if you're just plain crazy.
@michelle6337 6 месяцев назад
Watching Depp's team react to Elaine's closing is like a Renaissance painting. Jessica in particular is my favorite.
@katkatzia9718 4 месяца назад
So true 😅😅😅
@TheHockeyChick87 2 года назад
Elaine says JD blames everyone but himself. I’m confused cause isn’t her clients defense is everyone lied on the stand? Under oath?
@brynna8619 2 года назад
She was so ridiculous for this and she said it multiple times! The jury has AHs testimony fresh in their minds too
@edgeworldpictures6831 2 года назад
You have about a much hope of understanding IPV as you do understanding the way both sides have presented their cases.
@Lielac 2 года назад
@@edgeworldpictures6831 what?? Lmao that has nothing to do with the closing statement being contradictory to their own clients (who has committed perjury multiple times) testimony...
@deborahallen3318 2 года назад
The huge difference between Amber in the recordings, to the prim and proper one who is sitting in the courtroom is like day and night! I can't believe a word she says!
@kristinelucia567 2 года назад
Hair crown today
@jessicasantamaria7547 2 года назад
When I’m having a bad day I come to this video and watch Elaine’s closing 😆 makes me feel better 🤣🤣
@sarahk1609 2 года назад
Me too 💀
@lenhoukamau1097 2 года назад
Me too hahaha. I also go back and watch Elaine on cross saying I’m trying multiple times a week 😂😂
@J-Bird88 Год назад
Coming back to watch. I love that the podium they are standing at for closing is Ben Chew’s late mothers. Ben brought it in so they had SOMETHING but not the big podium they been talking from. And I love that Ben let ambers team stand at it as well for their closing. Class act man.
@brattysarita5084 10 месяцев назад
And Ben even had a small plush Alpaca inside the small podium drawer too! 😂 It was only Afterwards that he told RottenBorn about his "good luck charm"! 😅 I love Ben chew!
@BohemianScandalous 2 года назад
Every time the defence says that Johnny never admitted to anything he’s done wrong in his life it’s like….. he admitted more wrong than Amber has.
@AshDub86 2 года назад
Right? Throughout most of the closing arguments, I was like "I know you were present and a part of the trial, but did you *ACTUALLY WATCH* the trial?"
@veronicavatter6436 2 года назад
The man admitted to to doing every drug under the sun and drinking. He also admitted that he hides when abused. He didn't lie
@katchristensen4211 2 года назад
I have a really good feeling that it will be ruled in Depps favor. The day of the closing statements is exactly 6yrs to the day since she said it. I don't believe in coincidences as everything happens for a reason. Camille said it best when she something like "Six yrs ago he was accused of abuse so he should be vindicated"
@hazelangus 2 года назад
Absolutely. He's been open about the level to which he has screwed up, the drugs he's used, the drinking, the text messages, the fact that he was ashamed and regretful about the language used. He has acknowledged a heck of a lot. She has acknowledged nothing, unless she could point the finger at someone else. Unless she could say "I did this because Johnny did this", she didn't admit anything.
@cindymccafferty8346 2 года назад
Amber’s team kept overemphasizing that Johnny was a drug addict and a drunk. But nothing was said about hers.
@chumpess 2 года назад
Cammile had the tears get me when she mentioned that dv is a story heard too many times, but that it’s not Ambers story. For some reason that hit me in the feels. Well, I know the reason. I watched it happen to my sister. I ran to her house when her nose truely was broken by a purposeful headbutt, and I assure you, ice doesn’t fix that in a quick 24 hours. It can take weeks.
@janicemurray23 2 года назад
Wow @chumpress, your comment turned my stomach. It brought tears to my eyes recalling my ex partner karate kick me in the face, ( he did martial arts , so knew exactly what he was doing ), his whole foot came straight into my nose. My nose EXPLODED , the pain was searing, the shock and total disbelief soon kicked in when I saw the copious amounts of blood, just pouring from my nose, like a garden hosepipe had been turned on full. My eyes in two hours were both deep blue, my nose scarlet red, and the septum swelled more than double the size, I couldn’t breathe through it, it was that swollen. Ice made zero difference, as it’s such an awkward place to hold ice to it. The remorse came fast, the panic to witness what he had done, he was scared I would tell the police, but by then, I was too entrenched in the coverup, it was my fault for winding him up, why couldn’t I just do things the way all wives are supposed to, what am I making a fuss over, it was a tap. I truly believe he still thinks to this day, that he was the perfect man, and I should have been grateful to have caught such a catch, that yes we had ups and downs, but so did most couples 🙈🙈🙈 I would say you couldn’t write it, but Amber Heard has just done that very same thing today in court, she has tried to convince herself, she was perfect in the relationship, that the verbal abuse was just banter, and the physical abusive, just a woman having a physical fight , with a man, who clearly is a gentleman, and he just wouldn’t give in to her idea of him being a , “ Real Man “ !!! and refused to use violence ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@kimberlyr872 2 года назад
Elaine’s crossing sounded like she wrote out her crossing without commas and periods.
@BeautifulBrainTrained 2 года назад
Lmao so true.... lol like a million words with with points in parenthesis. Lmao
@jamesoraltheacatlett1258 2 года назад
Lol! ~ Althea
@kendlegarcia5863 2 года назад
That’s exactly what it sounded like!!! Lol
@elizabethkrupski5424 2 года назад
Yes! One never ending run on sentence. My 10th grade English teacher is rolling in grave.
@beesilva9085 2 года назад
She’s a mess 😂😂😂😂
@katty5003 2 года назад
Courts should take cases in camera because it is too dangerous not to. After seeing how the MSM gaslights & lies to the public, imagine what they would have said if we didn’t see it. It’s exposed so much. Great job Emily, ur channel is education & entertainment.
@elizabethbrown5443 2 года назад
Yes he gets choked up when he mentions Johnnys children and says to show them “the truth is worth fighting for”.I def cried!
@kaoru8668 2 года назад
Yes i got the same feeling as well. I thought he felt the weight of the words that he is speaking
@fiona140485 2 года назад
Apparently Johnnys daughter felt safer to travel alone with amber than to stay with her father during one of his drunken rampages
@AilurosDia 2 года назад
When Ben and Camille were doing their closing arguments, I teared up both times. I think they both did great! When Rottonborn and Elaine were presenting, I felt icky and like they were trying to manipulate me. I get the whole "in the light most favorable" to their witness but it felt more like they were trying to twist the facts around to where they were just different.
@kripaharris237 2 года назад
Yes Johnny's team are really caring ,smart and love johnny It wouldnt be like this if they didnt 100% believe him
@alishamarie3777 2 года назад
Exactly this .....I felt real feelings & emotion from his team , they are not only representing him but they believe and stand behind every word their saying . Her team made me feel like they were twisting the truth .
@irisjoan1 2 года назад
I got confused…I felt like Rottenborn and Elaine were both attempting to re-try their case before the jury whereas, Camille and Ben spoke to the evidence that supported their case.
@fairlind 2 года назад
A gaslighter found gaslighters to represent her. Makes sense, no?
@WickedDelight038 2 года назад
Camille looks disgusted and amber's lawyer next to her looked like he was in pain during Elaine's closing statement. 🤦‍♀️
@reclusivelovey 2 года назад
I’m glad you mentioned that lawyer’s facial expression. During this trial when their side looked bad he hold a facial expression like he was going to cry. Cry like “I’m on a loosing team.” 😭
@snohinds 2 года назад
Even amber looked defeated. Like “if I am this lost and annoyed, I can’t imagine how the jury feels”. When she loses, she will say it was due to her representation and that closing…. And she won’t be completely wrong.
@big.fan.of.justice5754 2 года назад
I saw JamesFromCourt tweet that Elaine was crying after court. She really had an uphill battle given the emotionally-absent-arrogant-contradictory testimony of her client. Can you imagine spending time with Amber, questioning her story, being told you must do this or that when your advice is the opposite, and the probable abuse you get from her, since she abuses everyone who works for her? Elaine has been made to look foolish, been made into memes on the internet, would have worries that the hate against her client will translate into hate against her and her team, and sees that her case really doesn’t have much merit. And after six weeks of fighting for someone she quite rightly would dislike at best, or even hate, the stress a has finally caught up to her. All that energy she had to summon every day is now out of her hands and if the jury doesn’t believe them, SHE still has to face AH. That’s a lot to deal with. Poor Elaine. She’s only human after all with a massive case to prove, with NO TRUTH. She likely believes JD and that must be so hard if she’s a truthful person, knowing she’s not got any truths to present.
@emdueck6250 2 года назад
Arguing like this in court is such a heavy, emotionally charged experience and they have to hold all of that back in front of the public. I don't blame any of them for crying the moment they have some semblance of privacy.
@helianabanes4875 2 года назад
I mean, yeah it would def be hard but I stop short of feeling sorry for her. She took the case and it involves a financial transaction.
@zindoe 2 года назад
you don’t know a single thing about elaine’s thoughts or feelings and yet you make up this dramatic story in your mind bc you’ve heard she’s shed a tear.
@Self.exxpress 2 года назад
Woah chill out
@abstractsolid 2 года назад
@@helianabanes4875 do y’all really think amber painted her “abuse” story to the law firm the way this has unravelled during trial? she had a bunch of fake evidence and friends to back her up (or she’d blackmail them lmao). if the entire internet can dramatically speculate on AH/JD then we can speculate on their lawyers feelings - they’re human and the ones we see actually fighting the case every day. there’s no way they don’t feel conned by amber after patching up hole after hole during trial. elaine’s messy recap of amber’s story as her closing argument was pretty telling of that desperation to piece it all back together. literally everyone involved on her side has essentially been conned with money and lies. i’d be pissed.
@GenericaQwerty 2 года назад
Ben Chew getting choked up for 5 seconds, showing more genuine emotion than Amber has in 6 weeks
@RS-or8sh 2 года назад
His whole team seem genuinely fighting for Depp. They appear to really like him. AH team ,especially the male lawyers never comfort her, never look sympathetic to her , Depps lawyers all comfort him , smile at him, etc constantly throughout the trial
@sciiidup4047 2 года назад
Emily I try to respect your rules but.. as a recovering drug addict, clean almost 5 years, Rotenborn has my eternal hatred after his closing today. In so sick of hearing that drugs cause abuse. I'm sick of them mischaracterizing the monster, that's clearly his addiction and there's nothing wrong with having that problem. This trial has really vast that into a bad light. It's a slap in the face of abuse victims and anyone who has suffered from the lies of this woman
@NicolaMaxwell 2 года назад
I'm in recovery too and feel the same as you. Congratulations on your recovery! Stay connected. Much love💞
@sciiidup4047 2 года назад
@@NicolaMaxwell congrats on your recovery as well..
@livingthedream8539 2 года назад
I don’t know you but I feel so proud of you. Keep going
@lilkri594 2 года назад
I agree. Research proves that the LEADING cause of addiction is trauma. I'm a recovered addict too, and I'm too afraid to even raise my voice sometimes, even when people have treated me horribly. The argument that AH's lawyers made indicating that addicts are by default abusive is ludicrous.
@kathym4860 2 года назад
I loved listening to Johnny’s attorneys but I can’t even listen to Amber’s. It’s so hard to listen to lies and so easy to listen to the truth.
@missmentha 2 года назад
It really feels like they think talking fast and a lot makes things true.
@kathym4860 2 года назад
@@missmentha Right?! Elaine literally gave me a headache. LOL
@dacarshiine1526 2 года назад
same here, i can’t stand her lawyers.
@GenericaQwerty 2 года назад
Same, I am so thankful Emily timestamps them because I can just skip to Johnny's attorneys 😂
@Aimes604 2 года назад
I almost can’t listen to her side. It’s so painful lol
@xdra31 2 года назад
The start of Rottenborn’s closing was seemingly powerful stuff, until you realise none of it actually applies to AH. As he continued, I found it difficult listening to him tbh, had to switch off. AH’s lies have been exposed. One only hopes the jury will reach the same conclusion.
@beckychristopherson8001 2 года назад
I'm literally crying listening to Ms. Vasquez and Mr. Chew summarize the torture Mr. Depp has endured time and time again. I am struck by Mr. Depp's demeanor as he sits there and looks visibly hurt once more having to listen to the claims and evidence. He looks sad, embarrassed, and just deeply hurt. Meanwhile, Amber is doodling, smirking, eyes darting around the room between the gallery and the jury. All I can do is hope for vindication in the court of law for Mr. Depp, and hope he's able to find some peace in his life when this is over.
@AmandaBabyyyyy 2 года назад
I saw a post on Twitter from someone who was in court yesterday that Elaine left the courtroom in tears. Although she’s been completely insufferable at times, I actually feel bad for her now that it’s all over…I think she’s a good lawyer who got duped and did the best she could with an absolute nightmare client. I looked up her credentials out of curiosity and it seems she’s had a really solid career, won tons of awards, made it on all the top tier lists year after year…I think she’s just as much a victim of Amber’s manipulation and lies as anyone else… I truly can’t imagine the torture of slowly realizing that your client lied to you every step of the way, and having to defend her anyway in the biggest televised celebrity trial since OJ Simpson. All things considered, I’d say she took it like a champ and I hope she’s on a lonnnnng vacation right now. Preferably somewhere without internet, for her sake 😬 6/4 Edited to add: I no longer feel sorry for Elaine after seeing the interviews she’s done since the trial ended. She’s trash and she deserves all the misery Amber will undoubtedly continue to put her through. They deserve each other 😌
@uberrayray1055 2 года назад
Yeah, I can’t say I’ve enjoyed her mocking JD or that her style has always been smooth. But I also feel like I’d start to crack under the pressure if millions of people were watching me do my job, all while having to argue an unpopular position. I just feel bad for Heard’s lawyers.
@emeraldfox76 2 года назад
Totally well said, and I agree! I hope Runkle gets to do his video in defense of Elaine. She grated me so hard this past six weeks, but I can't help but feel so much compassion for her. I even cheered when she improved as the trial went on in certain ways... and we'll always have "what if any". I hope the public can show her compassion, too.
@AmandaBabyyyyy 2 года назад
@@emeraldfox76 I think now that the trial’s over and we have some time to reflect (and don’t have to listen to her screeching everyday), people will soften toward Elaine and really sympathize with her position. I don’t like her approach or her demeanor AT ALL, but I don’t think I’d trade places with her for all the money in the world.
@cynthiajenkins3478 2 года назад
Now I feel really bad for her. She wasn't my favorite person in the trial, but I wouldn't want her as stressed out as this seems to have made her. In sight of millions of people, no less.
@eddiemac6648 2 года назад
Girl bye. She chose this client for clout
@dancingtracey2005 2 года назад
Elaine’s closing statements feels like she is testifying !! She is raising things that haven’t been raised in the entire case ! Is that normal ?
@bleachedrukia 2 года назад
not sure but i do know sometimes lawyers will raise questions just so there's reasonable doubt, so if there's a seed of that planted the jury might say not guilty
@yashmn 2 года назад
@sherihalbur-gnetz3068 2 года назад
@@yashmn I’m
@lily4813ds 2 года назад
@@sherihalbur-gnetz3068 yes
@big.fan.of.justice5754 2 года назад
No, she misrepresented the evidence and was told off by the judge several times. Normally no one objects during closing, but chu had to do it at least 3 times
@majorzipf8947 2 года назад
I think Ben Chu was just as surprised at his emotional moment as the rest of us were. And immediately I was in tears as well. That felt very real. Wow.
@vejit 2 года назад
Somebody should tell Amber that she should have the same reaction to the topic of her abuse, no matter who is talking about it. When she testified for her lawyers, she was "emotional", "sad", "crying". But during cross examination, she had that look of defiance on her face, even when talking about the same situations. Same thing here. During Johnnys team closing, she had that emotionless face. When her team was presenting closing arguments, suddenly she's so emotional. That's sooooooo fake, and I really hope jury noticed that, I mean it's hard not to.
@fb8015 2 года назад
I can NOT with her “sad” expressions.
@irisjoan1 2 года назад
In my opinion, throughout this trial, she is very much aware of where the court room cameras are and doesn’t hesitate to ensure she is filmed. Johnny just merely keeps is head down, and has done so for the majority of this trial. If you are seeing this everyday, I think we can easily determine who the victim is and who the abuser is. Hoping for justice so that other victims will have more confidence coming toward. I think it would be a travesty if she wins. Sending Prayers.
@quietmaiden 2 года назад
Elaine reminds me of an elderly relative at a Thanksgiving dinner party who had a little bit to much wine and is telling everyone at the table the most uncomfortable past story in a very exaggerating manner..
@NeoakiraIV 2 года назад
I think a lot of us have that Aunt
@itsmarinah 2 года назад
@ClearandHealthyBoundaries 2 года назад
@AW-uv3cb 2 года назад
Rottenborn's opening part about disbelieving victims is very good and true in the general sense - it's just that the evidence in this case doesn't actually support the vision of AH as the victim. I can see it being applicable in different circumstances, but the lack of convincing evidence and witnesses in case of a couple that was constantly surrounded by staff and in the public eye just doesn't hold water. Everything that he said later about victims not having to be perfect, about not taking responsibility for anything etc. - it sounds like he's mixing up AH and JD.
@Ara_Arasaka 2 года назад
43:54 You can see Camille’s heart breaking having to hear that. Even now, after so long working on this case. Hearing it so many times. It’s still affecting her. It’s affecting everyone. I think it always will. It’s such a perfect capture of what the very definition of Gaslighting is. It could be used in textbook case studies. And you can see, clearly, tragically, how… heartbreaking it is that someone is on the receiving end. Especially one so beloved as Depp. That everyone can be victim of these abuses. I hope that Depp’s team can relax and get some time to decompress and compartmentalize all of this stuff. I hope they have such great lives. I hope Johnny has a lot of happy years, and will know that his legacy is restored, so even when he’s gone, he will still be remembered as the light.
@sekichdawn3913 2 года назад
That was absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ Camille's and Ben's closing statements made me cry, I felt it. You said everything that most people are thinking and feeling, thank you.💜 Rottie is just a fool Elaine is a basket case who by all purposes looks like she's on some kind of upper.
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