
"Did I traded my fate for the fate of Spock?" Chris Pike to his future self 

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Star Trek Strange New Worlds S01E10
"He got things to do, fate of the Galaxy Type things...."



4 окт 2024




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@Zhortac Год назад
Spock was not only instrumental in relations with the Romulans, he's also a huge part of opening the door for the alliance with the Klingons. It's crazy to think how important Spock is to damn near everything.
@rubaiyat300 Год назад
Critical in saving Earth not just as a member of the Enterprise crew, but critically during the whale probe incident. Impossible without him specifically.
@victorpradha9946 Год назад
Spock represents a pinnacle of duty, sacrifice, friendship, and tenacity. Being both human and Vulcan he is able to take the best of both peoples and combine their collective knowledge and qualities to form a bridge between cultures, to pursue new avenues of peace and understanding. Spock's creativity, his insights come from his dual backgrounds. He is for lack of a better word, the blend of both Vulcan and human traits allows Spock to appreciate paradigms outside of strict, rigorous logic. When Spock mind-melds as he has with a variety of life forms, Spock's mind and insights and perspective expand. Being half-human, he is able to delve more deeply into the awe and reverence such experiences can provide, than is possible for strict Vulcan logic. In that episode, Is there in truth no beauty, Spock reveals to McCoy that he reads Byron, he appreciates Uhura and the meaning of her name. Those who influence Spock the most are obviously Kirk, Pike, McCoy, Sarek, Amanda, Chapel, and to a lesser extent folks like Scotty and Uhura. Thru Pike, Spock absorbs a deep sense of self-sacrifice and desire for peace (probably what leads him to become an Ambassador later). Through Kirk, Spock learns to follow his more intuitive, gut-instinct side. He learns to take risks, use strategic misdirection and miscues to distract an opponent meaning to do harm. Through McCoy, Spock sees the value of passionate devotion to duty and being deeply driven by ethics and regard for life. From Sarek, Spock of course obtains the strictest sense of Vulcan discipline and self-control, but gets the notion that there's a loophole in it as Sarek has married non-Vulcans, and seeing this exception to the standard protocol, understands that a broader view of matters is required. From Amanda, he learns about generosity, enduring for the sake of another, to performing duty even doing so invites tremendous discomfort. In the way that being both Kal-el and Clark Kent is what makes Superman...Superman, meaning to be imbued with Kryptonian powers but have the heart and soul of Jonathan and Martha Kent residing in him, informing his motives and purpose, Spock too is a rich amalgam of many different POVs, qualities and attitudes which combine to make Spock so pivotal an individual in the Star Trek universe.
@jamesbuchanan4414 Год назад
@@rubaiyat300 And V'Ger. As much as he pushes his Vulcan heritage, he is a child of two worlds, and he's never let either one of them down.
@dirdib69 Год назад
And owes it all to Michael Burnham.
@Zhortac Год назад
@@dirdib69 and that just adds more to why she's a terrible character
@Colin_ Год назад
Love the Wrath of Khan era red uniform.
@davfree9732 Год назад
Did you catch the 25% different restyling? Superficially it's the classic movie era red uniform... but it's not 'the' classic movie era red uniform. It's all about how you hide the differences so they are there, but invisible to the casual observer.
@Colin_ Год назад
@@davfree9732 no i didnt catch that. Tbh i wasnt really looking that closely lol.
@ffhkutdvjjyrdg Год назад
@@davfree9732 Yes, the uniform is a little different, but it's not 25% different. It was changed to better reflect the series atmosphere. The "25% rule", as they call it, does not exist. It's not a real thing. Just search for it.
@KingOfLesbia Год назад
​@@davfree9732how exactly do you quantify 25% differnce in Aesthetics? like what makes changing a style or pattern or fabric amount to 25%? when it's not really number but a more style choice? Are we talking about specific items being removed from his uniform ? And if so How does it equal 25% specifically? I dont understand this 25% thing I've seen brought up from time to time I've seen it mentioned about ships also
@DaSuDanesi Год назад
@@Colin_ I think, in this case, the changes are mostly just the fabric of the uniform (it's subtle in this lighting, but it has the same reflective chevron material the redesigned TOS uniforms have along the shoulders and top of arms) and the angle of the chest flap (the original Monster Maroon is cut to be much more close to a right angle).
@Strykenine Год назад
I was sold on SNW before this episode, but this episode had me. Really good combination of episodic storytelling and Pike's arc. Anson Mount is great as Pike. This whole crew is great pretty much from top to bottom. It's a great time to be a Trek fan.
@gaarastar57 Год назад
The thing I love most about this episode is that Pike, in many ways, was a better captain than Kirk. He truely embodied the ideals of the Federation and did his best to look for a diplomatic solution. Ultimately Kirk's more aggressive stance was the better course of action however. It's a magnificantly nuanced and refreshing exploration of the challenges of being in command. A+++
@MadSpectre47 Год назад
The thing I loved most about this episode is it didn't tear Pike down to make Kirk look better. That was my biggest concern/fear going into this, and they managed to not do that. Pike... is that guy, that unrelenting optimist who will take any chance to try and broker peace. Kirk is more of a militaristic captain, though not nearly as... unyielding as Jellico or Maxwell later would be. This was a tremendous capper to what turned out to be a tremendous season.
@justinmusser8886 Год назад
I think you missed the point. Not a better Captain but a different one, and not one set for the coming and changing times ahead. The "cowboy diplomacy" times that would mark Kirks enterprise would help shape the coming Federation and are definitely not something Pike would see as he is too set/mired in the past/current Federation. Not worse, just different. A changing of the guard. Kirk too embodied the ideals of the Federation and fought for them tooth and nail, but he did it differently at a time when the galaxy around them was changing(new races, new ideals, etc.).
@pderham26 Год назад
Stop using the word "nuanced"
@Hibernicus1968 Год назад
If Pike did truly embody the ideals of the Federation better than Kirk, then I am afraid that I can't think terribly highly of those ideals. I am not kidding. His actions in this episode were both incredibly weak and unconscionably naïve. If _that_ is what the Federation embodies, no thanks. There is a time for negotiation. After your enemy has crossed into your territory in blatant and deliberate violation of treaty, and launched an unprovoked sneak attack on your outposts, killing your personnel and destroying your facilities is NOT it. The Romulan actions in this incident constitute the most egregious act of war imaginable. This is the act of a highly aggressive enemy looking for a fight, and starting it. There is no negotiation at this point. It would be like the U.S. sending peace emissaries to Tokyo on December 8th, 1941. Wrong answer. After the enemy has attacked in such a way, there are only two avenues for peace left at this point: knuckle under, or fight back and win so that _you_ dictate the terms of peace, just as we did to Japan in 1945. I don't accept that Kirk held the Federation's ideal of peaceful coexistence any less highly than Pike did, he simply showed a far more sensible and pragmatic understanding that, just as he said in this episode, there are some fights you can't avoid. The Romulans had started one, and the _only_ hope at this point for peace was to show them right there at the outset that the Federation was too strong to pick a fight with, and therefore the cost of the war they seemed to want would be too great for them to want any part of. In short, Kirk understood the fundamental truth of the old Roman maxim: _si vis pacem para bellum._ Pike didn't. And Kirk was right: in the proper timeline, his destruction of the ship sent out to probe the Federation's defenses and see if this new plasma weapon would give them an edge convinced the Romulan leadership that the Federation _was_ too strong to go to war with. Peace was achieved through strength and willingness to stand up to aggression, not naïve wishing for peace at any price.
@pliskin8116 Год назад
@@Hibernicus1968John wick fan? If you want peace prepare for war…I agree with most of what you said, however, early in the episode when pike and Spock talk after the mind meld…Spock tells pike they are trying to find out why in the estimation of his future worse…and imo that was wat made pike seem aloof and cautious. When he tells Kirk not to question his combat readiness, he’s serious. He’s fought many battles eg against control. Imo IF the romulan sub commander hadn’t called the fleet enterprise and pike wld of opened a diplomatic channel right then n there. Instead of Spock doing it almost a century later.
@Creasy5678 Год назад
I love it, middle-aged Pike meeting old Pike as he is reaching the point of ageing out of the front line. Such good acting, he grunts as he stands up and isn't as steady on his feet as the younger version. His hair is more grey going white, while the younger version has black hair going grey. Also, older Pike looks battered with more than just age, as though he's seen things and been through things that have aged him. Add in the uniform from Kirk's time as Captain and he really does seem to have stepped out of another time, one where pretty much everything went wrong. Then the way he lays it out-Pike is desperate to avoid his fate as seen through the Time Crystal, but all actions have consequences. If Spock is so horribly injured and left a shadow of who and what he was? The galaxy will burn, possibly a long, long way into the future as the Federation fights the Romulans in a War which has already lasted seven years, killing millions and likely devastating planets. Awful decisions have to be made, the future where Kirk becomes the Captain of the Enterprise and helps lead the Federation into a brighter future alongside Spock and crew? Is dead. This cannot happen. If Spock lives as he is? An amazing, almost unbelievable future awaits. But the decisions you make will determine what happens next, not those of anyone else... Then he holds out a Time Crystal so younger Pike can see for himself what will be. Why he should settle back, sit down in that chair and take the bullet he knows is coming at him through time itself. A very good explanation of just how important Spock really is and how important Kirk comes to be. Pike is a Federation Captain and example to all, he's what everyone wants to grow up to become, THE example. But he's one brave man in a whole galaxy with trillions of people in it who does his best. Spock helps write the future most of a thousand years later, his impact cannot be overestimated. They got this one right.
@jeffreyolin626 Год назад
A great thing about this show is that the viewer knows important things that the characters don't. Pike thinks he is destined for a life of agony. He doesn't know that after he goes through that agony, Spock will hijack the Enterprise and violate one of Starfleet's most severely enforced rules to ensure that Pike will have a future that is better. Even more interesting is that Future Pike is wrong in believing that the only timeline in which Spock will not suffer an agonizing death is the one in which Pike doesn't change things. The viewer knows that Spock will die that way anyway - apparently, Spock dies horribly in EVERY timeline - the important thing is that he had to die at the moment of the creation of the Genesis planet (aka, "Planet forbidden!") so that Spock could be resurrected. It is the delaying of Spock's inevitable death, not sparing his inevitable death, which is the most important outcome of Pike embracing his destiny. But even Future Pike doesn't know that.
@Smeginator Год назад
Whenever they end it, it should end with The Menagerie, but before he beams down, Spock melds with Pike, and you get to see “real” Pike on his feet one last time before the beam down
@drakkondarkspell 3 месяца назад
Green-blooded Space Jesus.
@NatashaEstrada 23 дня назад
Maybe the path that Pike is meant to follow in order to make sure Spock doesn't die isn't the one we've already seen and know.
@thoughtfinder Год назад
The writers of SNW should be commended for good work in their written story lines. Gene Roddenberry would love it. With SNW Star Trek as it should be is back
@victorpradha9946 Год назад
This was Strange New World's strongest episode thus far. It was an excellent rebuttal to those who say the Orville does a better job at this "star trek stuff" than any show with the Star Trek title. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is worthy of bearing the Star Trek name. Discovery and Picard NOT SO MUCH! This series captures the heart of what Star Trek is about...esp the earlier years of humanity venturing into space encountering new phenomena and species and attempting to learn about them. THIS episode, quite simply did a stellar (pardon the pun) job at paying homage to Balance of Terror without getting mired too much in the details of that conflict. It was a brilliant combo of homage to Balance of Terror (S1,E14 Original Series) and an emotionally insightful backstory to The Menagerie, Parts I & II. We now get a palpable sense of just how the deep Spock's loyalty and affection for Captain Pike runs, and WHY he risked his career and his life to give Christopher Pike the peace he so deserved, even if it was an illusion. I get the feeling that at a future point in time, Spock will mind meld with Pike and "see" that Pike traded place with Spock, sparing Spock the fate that befalls Pike. For Spock to know that Pike knows what's coming, and still undertook to 'incur' that outcome knowing that to attempt otherwise would have been to relegate others to that same fate which is something that Pike (being the man of deep conscience that he is) could not and would not endeavor to do, is a character defining moment for Spock. Spock being half-Vulcan, having been raised on Vulcan, had his reservations about humans. Pike's sacrifice allayed those concerns and solidified Spock's deep sense of trust and commitment in believing the very best of humanity is possible, having seen it with his own eyes in Christopher Pike. Spock's mind-meld with Pike, seeing what Pike gives up to spare Spock and the others, would be an extraordinary moment of television. It would a bit like Harry Potter using the Pensieve to learn the truth about Snape and all that he did to protect Harry. It would also solidify the bases for Spock's deep and mutual friendship with Jim Kirk. The episode's main thrust focused on juxtaposing the peace first philosophies of Pike and the Romulan commander and how they are both the right philosophy at the wrong time. It seems that the point being made here is that PEACE is only pursued after a great deal of pain is endured or at least the credible threat of such pain and loss has loomed for a long time. Destroying the Romulan vessel (in Balance of Terror) sent the message that the Federation is not only strong, but that it is willing to adopt a martial posture which of course conveys the sense that any conflict with the Federation will result in a heavy losses for the Romulans too. A real life example is of course Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), whereby the U.S. and Russia avoided direct warfare because they both believed the other would engage in an eradication/annihilation scale of warfare the two ever tangled militarily. MAD kept them from risking direct conflict. The Russian invasion/occupation of Afghanistan is a clear example of the mistake that can be made if one side assumes the other will simply roll over and fully capitulate to the might of its invaders. Putin is experiencing the same regret with his invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. suffered the same delusion insofar as Afghanistan in 2001. Similarly, Pike's approach of attempting to broker peace first creates the impression that the Federation has no stomach for military conflict, that it is unwilling to make the sacrifice (of the loss of life) to gain victory. In Balance of Terror, Kirk risked the lives of the Enterprise crew and the flagship of the Federation to send a clear message to Romulus that their aggression at the [Federation side of the] neutral zone border will NOT go UNANSWERED. SPOILERS AHEAD for Episode 10: In contrast, Pike arguably wrongly pursues achieving some level of understanding between the two species. It should be noted that the Romulans destroyed, without any provocation, 3 federation outposts along the neutral zone ON THE FEDERATION SIDE. So Pike's pursuit of peace promotes the perception by the Romulans that the Federation is weak! And this is the wrong message at the wrong time. It also shows how Kirk, being the risk taker, the gambler and military strategist/tactician is exactly the RIGHT MAN at the RIGHT TIME for THIS situation. Pike is too much the philosopher and diplomat. He's a man unwilling to risk lives simply to 'send a message' of strength. I should note that the reason for this may very well be because Pike saw his own future and saw the loss of life of his own crew and wanted to avoid loss of life in pursuit of either a sense of vengeance (in making the Romulans pay for destroying the outposts) or posturing to convey strength and power. Pike doesn't want to be the growling dog, with his back raised, bearing his fangs...trying to look bigger and more menacing, especially if doing so would cost lives. And we see in this episode that no matter what, there will be a loss of life and irreparable harms. We see that Pike realizes that he is simply trading blood for blood, but that it's just a matter of whose blood gets spilled (his Spock's or some one else's). The result is that we get a wonderful sense of exactly WHY Spock risked his Starfleet career and in fact the death penalty and the same fate for Kirk too in order to give Pike some peace, even if it is a illusion. It's a wonderful partial backstory to Spock's motives for his actions in The Menagerie, Part I & II. In that same vein, we see that Pike now realizes that he too must risk himself in order to offer peace to the Alpha Quadrant. This was an episode with far reaching "interstellar" political implications and deeply personal introspection and a showcasing of differing leadership styles and how certain styles are more appropriate then others given the situation being faced. It's a strong episode and truly one that feels inherently Star Trek. And while there will be some who will quibble and bicker about Jim Kirk having a command too quickly or the Federation getting a glimpse of the Romulans too soon or the notion of Klingon Monks or Time Crystals, one thing is inescapable, and that is that Strange New Worlds has recaptured the heart and spirit of Star Trek and that this season finale was damn good television!
@thewewguy8t88 9 месяцев назад
seriously i am not sure why people seem to not be giving this show the fair chance it should get. that being said i do think this show is still trying to find its footing but so far its coming along.
@atraxisdarkstar 8 месяцев назад
Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks are keeping things running. I don't even mind Prodigy
@ablaze1989 Год назад
This is one of my all time fav episodes of TV let alone star trek. So good. Balance of terror was allready a fantastic episode but these two together just create such a fantastic combo.
@AllenorLP Год назад
"If you do something, and your future self doesn't turn up to stop you, how bad can it be?"
@Graniteheart Год назад
there's a blink and you'll miss it Easter egg at 0:10 . in that photo older Pike is holding of Pike and April(likely when Pike was promoted from the Enterprise's XO to become her captain, succeeding April), they both seem to be wearing an updated variation of the uniform worn in the Cage(and Where No Man Has Gone Before)
@ulphil08 Год назад
It was pointed out on those episodes analysis channels
@anubhavpal5782 Год назад
man what a first season that was !!
@averyvaliant Год назад
Can someone clarify something for me. So in this episode, future Pike comes back to warn past Pike not to try and change his fate, because if he does, another Romulan VS Federation war will start and the Federation will be in deep trouble Not only that, Spock will face that same horrible mangled body/mind as seen at the end of the episode. If he accepts his fate instead of changing it, he will be severely injured due to the radiation breach, but Kirk will be in command of the Enterprise and because of his different style of tactics/leadership, will destroy the Romulan scout, thus preventing the war and injured Spock?
@sciencefliestothemoon2305 Год назад
@averyvaliant Год назад
@@sciencefliestothemoon2305 Thanks! Poor Pike
@bemasaberwyn55 Год назад
@@averyvaliant fixed points and time paradoxes
@WarGrowlmon18 Год назад
Yeah basically. It was an episode from the original series called The Balance of Terror which actually introduced the Romulans. This acts as a reimagining of that episode. Kirk's response was much more aggressive which caused the Romulans not to see Starfleet as weak as they did here. The Enterprise was severely damaged, but it ultimately came out on top and the Romulan Commander self-destructed his ship rather than surrendering after giving Kirk his respect the same way that he did to Pike.
@averyvaliant Год назад
@@WarGrowlmon18 Thanks for that, I really should give the original series a try.
@shreddersaurusrex323 Год назад
1:20 Spock’s gotta help save the whales!!!
@2Scribble Год назад
Pike was a great captain - the very ideal of a Federation leader... ... ... but, in this moment, in this instance, Kirk was the one they needed
@paulmartin5642 Год назад
I can't believe that by pike altering his fate has doomed the federation to war with the Romulans. And kudos to the costume department making the twok starfleet uniforms look very good.
@WarGrowlmon18 Год назад
The reason that all of this got included in the shows is that this is LITERALLY Christopher Pike's canon fate: he's horribly disfigured in that accident. TOS has a 2 part episode covering the aftermath of that. In the end, Spock arranges for Pike to settle on that planet with the telepathic aliens, Talos 4. Remember the ones who helped Spock when his memory got screwed up??? Well, they're able to give Pike a comfy life using their illusion powers so to him it seems like he's back to normal again and he lives out the rest of his life with the woman who helped Burnham and Spock when they went there. Pike met and fell in love with her on a mission in the original pilot episode TOS.
@gm2407 Год назад
It makes for compelling tragedy. This is the reason for the series. It allows them to hang everything that they do on that peg. Pike is making the best of what he has for everyone when he knows that he must eventually lose to a terrible fate.
@TheCormTube Год назад
This was really good writing. SNW seems to have taken all the good writing in new Trek.
@James.G.Ireland Год назад
What else is there that's new?
@chunmunsgoel3633 Год назад
Prodigy is pretty good and Lower Decks is fun and you can also tell both where made by people that care and love the past series.
@giftheck Год назад
Picard Season 3 is really good so far too, which is unexpected. Interesting... TNG took three series to get really good too 🤣
@EnterpriseKnight Год назад
@@giftheck Season 3 was shot back to back with Season 2. Something really fishy happened in the backstage to have made S1 and S2 so bad. A lot of old TNG/DS9/VOY and ENT people got hired for Season 3 so fast.
@travis8850 Год назад
@@EnterpriseKnight What changed is that Alex Kurtzman stepped down as showrunner after season 2 and Terry Matalas, a total TNG fanboy, took over and made the show really special.
@Mr.Derogatory316 Год назад
Love those uniforms
@suburbantimewaster9620 3 месяца назад
I know this is a retelling of Balance of Terror with Pike as captain instead of Kirk but I also saw a parallel to City on the Edge of Forever. Pike, like Edith Keeler, believed in peace and would do anything to achieve it. Yet, while he's right that peace is the way, he was right at the wrong time and it led to disaster. So Pike has to sacrifice himself to prevent a horrible future from happening.
@Jordacar 6 месяцев назад
Like Tony said: "When you mess with time, it tends to mess back."
@ulphil08 Год назад
This episode explains why Spock risked his career to take Pike to Talos IV
@Linchpin_TF Год назад
for a long time i wanted a story plot in TNW. how spock contacts the talosian to develop his plan.
@AzguardMike Год назад
my fave part of this episode is when Kirk does the same manoeuvre from the TOS episode, on the Farragut this time, with the commet. But because the ship is different to the Enterprise, its destroyed. His reaction afterwards to Pike being "you're hesitating, stop it. Go at them with 100%" Because the Romulans only respond to power. They literally back down if you got a bigger stick. By talking to them, by showing mercy, the Romulans decided "our stick is bigger, time for war"
@kyleyuen245 Год назад
This makes Spock willing to risk death for Pike later make much more sense
@esean1 Год назад
I'm a life long dyed-in-the-wool Trekkie but an even bigger (if possible) Superman fan, so every time I see someone open a box or case to reveal a green crystal I expect to see someone doubling over in agony.
@leoismaking 9 месяцев назад
Can I just say that the Time Crystals are a*holes? No, seriously. They keep showing Pike bad stuff, implying the chair is his ultimate fate. But in truth he literally ends up in a mental paradise with a woman who loves him and is into Orion cosplay(!). But noooo. When they're getting to that part, suddenly the crystals are all worried about "spoilers" and change the channel. I was hoping that when Boimler was having the private chat with Pike, he'd blurt out "well at least you end up at Talos IV with that Vina lady"! , just to watch Pike's reaction. Though who knows how much of Pike's fate ended up classified - Boimler might have no idea.
@pazuzu66613 7 месяцев назад
Just noticed that not only is future Pike wearing the movie-era uniforms, but in that photograph Pike and April are wearing Cage-era uniforms.
@seankkg Год назад
When old man you has better hair than current you.
@prion42 Месяц назад
Imagine being future Pike and having to go back in time to tell yourself to cget crippled by radiation.
@eschatollog9968 Месяц назад
This episode was so good it left me feeling horrified
@maltesefalcon85 10 месяцев назад
pikes smile at the end is him remembering kirk, i imagine that in his timeline kirk joined the enterprise and became a good friend
@WarGrowlmon18 Год назад
The reason that all of this got included in the shows is that this is LITERALLY Christopher Pike's canon fate: he's horribly disfigured in that accident. TOS has a 2 part episode covering the aftermath of that. In the end, Spock arranges for Pike to settle on that planet with the telepathic aliens, Talos 4. Remember the ones who helped Spock when his memory got screwed up??? Well, they're able to give Pike a comfy life using their illusion powers so to him it seems like he's back to normal again and he lives out the rest of his life with the woman who helped Burnham and Spock when they went there. Pike met and fell in love with her on a mission in the original pilot episode TOS.
@pderham26 Год назад
What? What the hell is this comment?
@WarGrowlmon18 Год назад
@@pderham26 Have you ever watched The Original Series???
@pderham26 Год назад
@@WarGrowlmon18 I have. As has every other Trekkie. What's the point of this comment?
@Leto2ndAtreides 8 месяцев назад
This was frankly, great.
@alexpalmer9101 5 месяцев назад
1:03 I wonder how many times he tried...
@andrewarnold9818 10 месяцев назад
Whats crazier if you look further ahead is that, had it not been for tentative alliance with the Klingons and tentative peace with the Romulans, the Dominion would have taken over the Alpha and Beta quadrants. And destroyed Earth. Cant remember which episode, but they had planned on destroying Earth once they won to prevent an uprising.
@jensreiberg8086 9 месяцев назад
I mean they only wanted to do that because Earth was the base of the federation and the federation pissed them off. A losing or taxing war with the romulans and or klingons would leave starfleet way weaker. or way more focused on military so it is not possible to really accuratly guess what the state of the federation would be almost 90 years after "future Pyke" A weakend Alpha Quadrant would not lead to the dominion destroying earth. but if earth is even still around they would for sure conquer or subjugate it like they did cadassia.
@Taospark Год назад
1:40 If you can't laugh at your own corny jokes, who will?
@sundaygolessons Год назад
"I just didn't like how big they made Michael Burnham, as if the galaxy hinged on her." But Spock? Yawn.
@julieeverett-fx3su Год назад
some one hasnt watched the first 6 movies and next gen, they show just how important Spock is. Although I agree with the making Michael the most important person in the galaxy really annoying
@Nighthawke70 Год назад
"Time... Is complicated." To say the very least. Honestly, with all the pop science going on round us speculating about time travel, PLUS multiverse theory now, I'd not be surprised that we have some strange happenings popping up soon. Just how soon? Time will tell.
@pendarpr Год назад
similar feeling as the conversation between Admiral and Captain Jainway
@rayzermaniac5218 5 месяцев назад
Im no expert in intergalactic politics but maybe just maybe Pike wouldn't have caused such a shit storm if he wasn't taken out of his time and thrust into a dangerous situation without any warning, any guidance or any knowledge of what was going on. "Ok why is there another me here?" "Oi young me, you done screwed up the timeline. Go see how." "Wait what is happening, where am I and who are half of these people?" "Sir we have already lost 4 outposts" "What year is this?" "Sir they are attacking" "Who is attacking?" "Its an invisible thing, omg everyones dead." "FGS CHRIS, why didnt you do something?" "Who even are you?" "Forget about him, now its war!" "Wait is that the Romulan Praitor?" *Pike is thrust back to his own time. "See, you done messed up the universe" "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?"
@WarGrowlmon18 5 месяцев назад
Except that's obviously how it went without his future self's intervention
@jiberish001 Год назад
It's not the line that has bad grammar. It is the uploader that misheard the line. "THAT I traded my fate......"
@alexlifeson44 6 месяцев назад
If this situation happened to me I'd surely think it was alien I should not trust l
@Theomite 8 месяцев назад
Thing is, Una's DNA could be a clandestine way to regenerate Pike back to his prior self. If, that is, there were some bold and intrepid allies of his willing to brave breaking Starfleet regulations to do so...
@WarGrowlmon18 5 месяцев назад
We already know how Pike's story ends and it's not just terrible disfigurement either. He gets his own version of a happy ending
@natekarpowicz7564 Год назад
Honestly, I would have thought that all of the regulars and Sam would survive including Kirk & Spock and the consequences of the changed timeline was suppose to be about the death of the bride Angela Martine. For all we know, she and Robert Tomlinson were getting married because they were having a baby that died within Angela in that alternate timeline, because that child's descendent/s could play a crucial role in the future of not just the Federation but the whole galaxy. Because, though Spock decided to dedicate his life to reunite the Vulcans and Romulans, it took centuries after he died for the reunification to be a success and the descendent/s of Angela and Robert could play a huge role in finishing his work along the road but that change in that timeline would make Spock's life's work die with him.
@TheRealCaptainJamesTKirk 9 месяцев назад
The Romulans never wanted any of me.
@johnlavery3433 6 месяцев назад
Gotta say Anson Mount looks good in that uniform
@CaptainPlainJaneway 4 месяца назад
"Did I traded" 🤦‍♀️
@B.Wayne1939 4 месяца назад
Imagine being Faced With Yourself and Having to Make the Same Choice 🤔 Would You Do it, I know I Would,There's More Lives at Stake than My Own.
@Da40kOrks 10 месяцев назад
If Pike knew his TRUE final fate - living out his natural life on Talos IV - if he would fight the future at all.
@salilbhatnagar 5 месяцев назад
Why are my eyes sweating?!
@sarahberkner Месяц назад
Chris Pike, that's interestingly close to Chris Pine.
@tnwhiskey68 4 месяца назад
Well, did he traded?
@Trek1663 10 месяцев назад
Captain Pike and Captain Kirk, both great but Kirk was the captain for this situation
@Mr-Rinn Год назад
But, why couldn’t Pike just handle the accident in a way that saves himself and the cadets, and then just resign?
@themocaw Год назад
"Every time we try to prevent that accident, Spock dies."
@Mr-Rinn Год назад
@@themocaw I guess, but it's weird to think that that would happen from Pike retiring at around the same time the accident would've happened, would he slip in the shower or something?
@h.n.i.c.9989 Год назад
Watch the original captain pike episode from the 70s
@Luke_Stoltenberg Год назад
I thought Pike was horribly disfigured and that is why Kirk captained the Enterprise in TOS after the pilot. Or am I getting confused?
@kingbeauregard Год назад
Kirk didn't even learn about Pike's accident until "The Menagerie". We don't know why Pike left the Enterprise, but the accident happened later.
@Timeward76 Год назад
Pike's accident is why he left active duty, eventually leading to the menagerie. Here we see what would've happened had pike still been in command of the Enterprise instead of Kirk when the encounter with the Romulans happened. Unfortunately for Pike, it simply isn't meant to be him, here.
@WarGrowlmon18 Год назад
SNW takes place years before the original series.
@hagamapama Год назад
@@kingbeauregard Pike got promoted, that's why he left enterprise. Pike became a Fleet Captain, which is basically a support position for the admiralty and able to lead squadrons of ships. He could no longer command just one ship so a promising young Commander was promoted to take over enterprise (Kirk) while Pike moved to Starfleet Headquarters and took his Number One with him. Pike also taught at Starfleet Academy and took an active hand in training new cadets, which is what led to his accident.
@MadSpectre47 Год назад
The bulk of this episode takes place in an alternate reality where Pike evades his foretold fate.
@johnnysukhumvit9242 Год назад
No...the answer is more firepower.
@jerryjones2818 4 месяца назад
Did I traded? Did he really saided that? Starsip Captains learneded a different languaged?
@Peter-vg4sx 7 месяцев назад
The episode just proved Kirk was right.
@simondaniel4028 Год назад
Alright. I've skipped most of Kurtzman-era Trek but this didn't turn my stomach like any give four seconds of Discovery does. Maybe SNW is worth a watch?
@Borealis-Rainbow 4 месяца назад
SNW is well worth the watch, its steeped closer to TNG, VOY and ENT with character arcs that go across episodes but in a episodic format, it's some of the greatest Trek written imo. I think its important to just enter without hyperfixating on the negative assumptions. It's not like Discovery at all, they mention it of course due to Pike in season 2 but its not relevant to the plot itself.
@doom7ish Год назад
Ah yes Wrath of Khan shirts..... Oh God his alive in that timeline it's fucked.
@johnnyhellfire6 5 месяцев назад
"Did I traded..."? Thats some bad grammer there
@jameswigggg 8 месяцев назад
So does older Pike just cease to be the moment he touches the crystal since younger Pike embraced his fate?
@WarGrowlmon18 5 месяцев назад
After Pike decided not to change the course of history yeah
@SiXiam 10 дней назад
@@WarGrowlmon18 Hard to say given the parallel universes, like those seen in TNG.
@alexoblivion9295 Год назад
What is this from? I thought Pike was in that chair thing and he died
@girl1213 Год назад
Pike is experiencing a future him that should not have been: a him that avoided the chair. And he's learned that if he avoids the chair, someone he cares about will sit in it and the whole future will be ruined. Because that someone is Spock... And we all know how important Spock is... Because without Spock, there is no Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. There is no peace between the Romulans and the Vulcans (and subsequently Starfleet) because Spock is not there to stop the supernova that destroys Romulus, thus no Kelvin timeline either. And...Pike doesn't die in the chair because Spock will risk *everything* to take him to a place where Pike can live the rest of his days in peace and regret no more. But that can only happen if Pike accepts his fate and sits in that chair. No one likes to know their fate: especially if it's one so tragic and horrible because it happened just because it's who you are. It's natural to want to find a way to avoid it but...we can't have everything we want because someone/something has to pay the price for it. And you may end up making things worse in your pursuit of making things better for yourself. Pike's whole journey throughout this season was coming to accept he cannot, in good conscience, avoid his fate.
@-M0LE Год назад
Who wrote the title 😂
@CollinZaffke Год назад
"Did I trade", not "did I traded". When you ask a question in past tense, the aux verb "did" indicates past tense and the main action verb remains in its base form. Example: Did you go to the mall? Yes, I went in the morning.
@Eric_Von_Yesselstyn Год назад
"Did I Traded"...??? Uh Engrish Prease...????
@raxsavvage Год назад
trade* so many stupid titles lately
@pderham26 Год назад
I like SNW but the dialogue needs serious work
@Billzor991 Год назад
How do you ruin the WOK uniform this bad LOL
@ahumanbeingfromtheearth1502 9 месяцев назад
It looks great, the fuck are you talking about?
@JoshuaKevinPerry Год назад
No thanks. You ruined Star Trek for 0ver a decade, and gave 1 good season of Picard. Meanwhile, DS9 rots
@ocp0027 Год назад
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