
Did Jesus deny he was God - and was there a cover-up? 

Blogging Theology
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I read from Professor William Barclay's commentary on The Gospel of Mark



26 янв 2021




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@NadDew 3 года назад
It's fascinates me how a man named Paul hide the truth and here a man also named Paul trying his best to uncover the truth.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
@nitochi3 3 года назад
Paul the apostle received direct revelation from Jesus.
@muhammadabdulmateen8473 3 года назад
@@BloggingTheology are u the one in the video? The man speaking
@nitochi3 3 года назад
@Faisal Siraj didnt jesus himself said "the father and I are one" "he who's seen me has seen the father"? Didn't the pharisees told him they would stone him for making himself to be God and Jesus didn't refute them that statement? Didn't he forgive sins to the people he healed and the jews said that was blasphemy because only God can forgive sins and Jesus replied that he also has authority to forgive sins? Didn't Jesus say "before abraham I AM just like when moses asked God who he was, God said I AM?didn't Jesus said "I won't leave you orphans " showing that he's the father? Didn't the wise men worshipped him when he was born? Didn't Thomas kneel before him and called him my God and my Lord when he appeared to him after his resurrection? You haven't read the gospels, have ya?
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
@@muhammadabdulmateen8473 I hope so!
@SamiaB2009 3 года назад
My mother was Christian until I was 16 years old....the answers to these and other worrying quotes of Jesus was found in the Quran. As a Muslim one has to believe in Jesus but as a prophet not a God.
@AhmedadanAli 3 года назад
Maasha alaaah
@ismailjamshid9234 3 года назад
@nasrayusuf5350 3 года назад
Mansha allaah
@TheMuslimPerspective 3 года назад
@feras7027 3 года назад
@Sakis 33 So you claim with no proof what do ever. He’s really no Lord. He was abandoned by God, he said he’ll return in his disciples’ life time and failed. He’s not even good. Only God is Lord. Sorry Nician Paulite fake Christian.
@shahidmiah917 3 года назад
He refuses to call himself even good, how will he call himself GOD?
@Steven_Rowe 3 года назад
That simple he was dyslecic and confused God with good. Lucky he wasn't an atheist or we would say there is no Dog. Wa aliekum Salaam
@teachmetheway7081 3 года назад
When something is too high for you, you just can't reach it. So what you do instead is try to topple the structure on which it stands. Jesus Mark, Matthew, Luke, John (if they really are the authors) snuck one past all of you in glaring burning hot son daylight. The same problem Jesus himself accused the Jews of is the same problem you Muslims have. you have eyes but you cannot see, ears to hear but you cannot hear. You so want to take up after the Jews religion with all its laws and ordinances you become unable to even cope. And when you are offered something better just like them after leaving Egypt you say "would to God we were back in Egypt". Anyway Shahid Jesus wisely says which ever account you take God is the only one good. He however never said that he wasn't good. You got to humble yourself. You need to realize that Jesus as revealed in the Bible was a master of debate and speech. If you keep thinking from the muslim anti-Christ perspective you will always miss it.
@Steven_Rowe 3 года назад
@@teachmetheway7081 belief what ever you will . remember this it is belief, nothing more like all belief You can't really debate belief as much as you like. I respect your belief, im it going to challenge it just believe whatever
@Steven_Rowe 3 года назад
@@teachmetheway7081 what I find really interesting is people like you never make an original comment, you critique who makes a comment that doesn't fit your religious comfort zone. I dare you to make an original comment attack what Paul said in the video. You deny the truth perhaps.
@Mike-vvwvvwvv 3 года назад
John 10:11 Jesus said: I am the good shepherd. Do not bow down to a pagan building and kiss its black stone!
@robertsethole4574 3 года назад
I love JESUS that why i have REVERTED to islam
@staceygrove7295 3 года назад
So much perversion and mistranslation of scripture, to fit pagan notions have turned so many people AWAY from the Bible. But the truth can still be found in it. One just has to dig for it and leave behind the trinity and other pagan notions. Peace
@memobio288 2 года назад
Welcome brother
@ahmadmasudi490 2 года назад
Ur welcome our beloved brother
@mdjamal563 2 года назад
May Allah grant you jannatul ferdouse
@upzyys9286 2 года назад
"If you love me keep my commands" -Jesus
@faisal17822 3 года назад
May Allah Almighty give brother Paul strength to overcome all the trials
@barryirlandi4217 3 года назад
@Sakis 33 Such a stupid story, that really sums you up, this guy is giving you scholarship and facts and you reply with a dream and silly stories....
@aaronharun1394H 3 года назад
@Sakis 33 They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my rabb (lord) and your rabb." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers. They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the third of three." And there is no ilah (deity/god) except one ilah. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. So will they not repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded. Say, "Do you worship besides Allah that which holds for you no [power of] harm or benefit while it is Allah who is the Hearing, the Knowing?" Say, "O People of the Scripture, do not exceed limits in your religion beyond the truth and do not follow the inclinations of a people who had gone astray before and misled many and have strayed from the soundness of the way." (Al-Quran 5:72-77)
@aaronharun1394H 3 года назад
@Sakis 33 From the OT: God is not a man (Numbers 23:19) Jesus is a man
@aaronharun1394H 3 года назад
@Sakis 33 None you mentioned means or implies Jesus is God None you mentioned means or implies Jesus is son of God. Jesus is a man. He ate just like the rest of us.
@aaronharun1394H 3 года назад
@Sakis 33 God is the Creator and Provider of this world. We humans require provisions including food. Jesus required provisions. Jesus got hungry and ate.
@sulaimanNabi 3 года назад
"And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen." (Noble Quran 5:116)
@cainblue448 3 года назад
Wow, Quran thinks Christians think Mary is a god. Well done!
@sulaimanNabi 3 года назад
@@cainblue448 Don't catholics call Mary the Mother of God?
@cainblue448 3 года назад
@@sulaimanNabi She gave birth to the incarnation and I have no problem admitting they twisted things, that’s why the reformation happened.
@sulaimanNabi 3 года назад
@@cainblue448 Brother, right now I am busy at work and also listening to Paul's videos. I am not here to win an argument or to belittle your faith or anything of that sort. Me and you dont know one another and not here to impress the other. We beleive in the day of Judgement and the heaven and Hell. The Devil is our common enemy. He wants to take both of us to the Hell along with himself, however we want to go to the Paradise. So it's a serious matter. I want you to consider the below and contemplate over it. Suppose that you are a student in a class. In the begining of the semester, the teacher hands out a syllabus to you and tells you that if you follow this, you will pass in the exam at the end of the year. Few days later, the teacher leaves and then comes a man with a different agenda, a man who is know to hate your race. He says forget about what the teacher told you and just relax and take it easy. it will be fine. Please reflect over this: 1. Jesus said, I have NOT come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Paul said the opposite. 2. Why thou call me good, only good is GOD. Christians call him God. 3. Jesus never said in his own words that he's God and never asked people to worship him. Christians call him God or son of God There are dozens of other grave differences between what Jesus preached in his life time and what Christians beleive and do today. My brotherly advise to you is to prostrate/put forhead on the ground and call out to the creator of the heavens and the earth and ask him sincerely to guide you and every other human being to the RIGHT path, the path of Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus and the path of those whome he has blessed rather than the path of those whome he has allowed to go astray. May God Almighty guide us all to the Right path. Ameen.
@cainblue448 3 года назад
@@sulaimanNabi See my comment to Paul on that statement by Jesus, he ignores the common commentary on it because it does not suite him. Think about it, what God promises you endless sex, money to use for more sex on images you can enter(assumption based on description), boys that don’t bleed, and now alcohol, which was haram on earth, is now halal. A perfect God doesn’t know or use abrogation.
@nahidgani 2 года назад
Hands down the best channel on theology. No drama, just pure respectful conversation based on facts and books. Need of the century. Thank you for doing this. Can these videos be shared?
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Glad you enjoy it! Please share.
@chooselife1953 2 года назад
Pure facts? He just blatantly lied to the simple minded who won't actually question what he's saying and believe him blindly. If you literally read the verses that he quotes it does not say what he says it does. Mark 10:17-18 "And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God." Matthew 19:16-17 "16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." He literally lied about what it says and completely misquotes it.
@cadenp 2 года назад
@@chooselife1953 It depends on the "translation", doesn't it? And even if you are granted this point, the point still stands about Jesus' rejection of his own divinity.
@syhillahmed3824 10 месяцев назад
As Paul Williams said this is serious Mainstream Christian scholarship who are debunking Jesus is god myth . , not some Christian whose read a few verses from the gospels . This is the truth it may be heard to accept .
@64rpj 2 месяца назад
​​@@chooselife1953Don't call someone a liar too quick, will you? What is the translation you are using? I don't myself have any english translation of the Bible, but here is how the french goes, in the most classical translation used by the Church, that of Darby: Mark : same as in the video and your comment. Matthews 19:16-17: "Et voici, quelqu'un s'approchant, lui dit : Maître, quel bien ferai-je pour avoir la vie éternelle ? Et il lui dit : Pourquoi m'interroges-tu touchant ce qui est bon? Un seul est bon." This is the exact equivalent of the translation presented in the video.
@radwan2186 2 года назад
The Bible is like an app every day they update it
@awaqar2 3 года назад
Finally, someone who speaks british english calmly, and let's passages sink in. First time watching you. :) Peace be upon you.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
welcome aboard
@arnolddaries8668 3 года назад
@@BloggingTheology l am amazed that you use this passage to assert that Jesus taught His non divinity....and you say that this passage CLEARLY shows that. But l find that you dealing with this passage very dishonesly....let me make my case. I believe you right in saying that Jesus wants you to stop, take a pause and think about His word choices in His response to be called GOOD. The big thing to take note of is...."that God alone is good." To understand ALL that Jesus taught, you must listen to ALL that He said. Now...scripture is very clear that Jesus didn't sin.... and He taught that Himself by asking those around him..."who can prove me guilty of sin?" He also taught that He was THE GOOD SHEPHERD (very telling when one considers the opening line of psalm 23) But what this ultimately netts down to is this....Jesus is actually hiding his true identity in the saying that God alone is good. Let me place it in argument form to see it more clearly. Premise 1....God alone is good Premise 2...Jesus alone is good Conclusion.... Therefore Jesus is God To escape this clear rational argument, you have to show that Jesus is NOT GOOD....and I'm afraid you just don't have any scripture backing for this.
@zainulabideen2135 3 года назад
@@arnolddaries8668 😞
@arnolddaries8668 3 года назад
@@zainulabideen2135 pulling faces doesn't weaken or strengthen my argument. You simply not saying anything. Perhaps 'Blogging Theology' can help you out....lets wait and see if he is able to falsify one of the premises in my argument (it's actually Jesus's premises...because it's His words). For now....my argument still stands.
@truthprevails5173 3 года назад
@@BloggingTheology Jesus did claim as God! Here it is: John 10: 31 The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. 32 Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?” 33 The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.” Some one directly confronting Jesus Christ "“It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.” Jesus's answer to the question settles the issue! What did Jesus say? Did he say I am not God? Or did Jesus say I am God? Here is Jesus's reply: John 10: 34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? 35 If he called them gods to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be broken- 36 do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?
@islamafridi5055 2 года назад
@simonfalk1337 2 года назад
A question then, if I may, why do people worship Jesus and he never corrects them or tells them to stop? Matthew 2:2: "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him." Matthew 14:33: 33 And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God." Matthew 28:9: And behold, Jesus met them and said, "Hail!" And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Matthew 28:17: And when they saw him they worshiped him; but some doubted. Mark 5:6: And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped him; Luke 24:52: And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, John 9:38: He said, "Lord, I believe"; and he worshiped him. When I read these verses there is nowhere Jesus tells people not to do this, or to stop. If Jesus is just a man and a prophet, he would immediately correct people and tell them to stop worshipping a man.
@kaceesnow 2 года назад
@@simonfalk1337 Kings receive praised and receive bows, that doesn't make them God. Many Kings in the bible were praised and were bowed down to. Jesus told Satan, to only bow down the YHWH GOD, and only him shall be worshipped. Malachi 2:10 Have we not all *one father? hath not one God created us?* 1 Corinthians 8:5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6 *But to us there is but one God, the Father*, of whom are all things, and we in him; and *one Lord Jesus Christ,* by whom are all things, and we by him. John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know *You the only true God,* ..... 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is *One God,* and *one mediator* between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; John 20:17 .....Touch me not; for I am not yet ascend unto *my Father,* and *your Father;* and to *my God, and your God.* Ephesians 4:6 *One God and Father of all,* who is above all, and through all, and in you all. James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. Jude 1:4 Turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying *the only Lord God,* and *our Lord Jesus Christ.* Why calleth me good, there is one that is good, and that is God. Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Mark 12:32 And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: *for there is one God; and there is none other but he:* Isaiah 45:21 .......*There is NO God else beside me*; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me. Isaiah 44:8 Ye are even my witnesses. *Is there a God beside me?* yea, *there is no God; I know not any.* Deuteronomy 4:35 Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that *YHWH he is God; there is none else beside him.* Deuteronomy 32:39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
@simonfalk1337 2 года назад
@@kaceesnow Greetings! I appreciate your response. However, you seemed to have changed the word worship to instead to say bow down. The verse you quoted of Jesus in the desert has two different Greek words often translated to worship. The first would be a form of the word 'latrea' and the second would be a form of the word 'proskyneo.' A form of the word proskyneo is used in every one of the verses I quoted as referring to people worshipping Jesus. Proskyneo is also used when talking to the Samaritan woman in John 4 about worshipping the Father. So Proskyneo is worship given to God. What happens when people try to proskyneo other human beings? Let's see. Acts 10:25-26: 25 When Peter entered, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him. 26 But Peter lifted him up, saying, "Stand up; I too am a man." Peter instantly rejects proskyneo when it is offered to him. So this is worship of God and not honor sometimes given to men. If Jesus was not claiming to be God, he should have instantly corrected people when they worshipped him, just like Peter did. But he did not. Here is a link to a Greek interlinear Bible so you can check my Greek: www.scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/Greek_Index.htm John 4:21-22 mentions the word in reference to worshipping God a few times, so compare that to the other verses I quoted earlier. Also, you quoted a verse(from Corinthians and also Jude) that calls Jesus Lord. Thanks for helping me make my point! Jude is saying God is Lord and Jesus is Lord! It's nice that you recognized Jesus as king. What is he king of?
@kaceesnow 2 года назад
@@simonfalk1337 Fair Enough, even the Angel's of God worship him, however; the bible was very clear about who God is. The only verses that prove Jesus to be God is 1 John 5:7, 1 Timothy 3:16, John 8:58, John 1:10, these verses have texual Variants, and were victims of bias translators. And Jesus told Satan, that Only The Father Should be worshipped. But God said over 50 plus times in the old testament alone, that he is God alone, there is no God next to, with him, beside him, he even asked a rhetorical question? Is there a God beside me? No, I know not any. So I would fine it very dishonest for God to say such, knowingly having a God next to him. 1 Corinthians 8:6 and John 17:3 is clear. John 17:3 And this is eternal life that they may know You ( The Father), the ONLY TRUE GOD. BUT TO US THERE IS ONE GOD, THE FATHER OF WHOM ARE ALL THINGS... 1 TIMOTHY 2:5 For there is ONE GOD, and ONE Mediator, between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
@simonfalk1337 2 года назад
@@kaceesnow I'm glad we are having a good exchange. I'm glad also you are starting to see my point about people worshipping Jesus. If angels worship Jesus like you say, that helps me make my point even more. Angels would know even better than us humans who is God and who is not. So are they in some kind of grave error? Worshipping someone or something that is not God is the definition of idolatry, so angels would not do that. Plus, if Jesus was only a man and people started worshipping him, he would immediately correct them in order to keep them from falling into the sin of idolatry. I sympathize with your confusion that you expressed about God revealing one thing in the OT then suddenly doing another in Jesus. It seems like a contradiction, God says there is no other and Jesus acts like God and claims to be God. What if I told you both statements can be true? I dont want to ignore one or the other general themes, that God is the only God and that Jesus is God. That would mean Jesus is not claiming to be some sort of separate God like in polytheism, but rather one with God, since Jesus quotes the Shema at one time while claiming to be God elsewhere(John 8:58)? I would prefer to try and reconcile the supposed contradiction rather than trying to ignore one or the other parts of it. BTW, you missed quoting the next sentence in Corinthians, which says Jesus is Lord. So in one sentence does Paul mean to say Jesus is not God and Jesus is God right after each other? Or does Paul believe there is a way to reconcile this supposed contradiction? In John 17, read three verses later and you will find, " Now glorify me, Father, with you, with the glory that I had with you before the world began." (John 17:5) Is Jesus just dumb or crazy here? If John 17:3 is proof that Jesus is denying all divinity of his own, then why is he claiming the opposite two verses later? Forget religion or scripture for a minute, does any sane, thinking person say two things right after one another and mean two contradictory things? When people sound like they are saying two different things they explain later or know their audience will understand by background knowledge or something. Also, you quoted Timothy to say Jesus is a man. Sure. He was born, lived, ate and drank, wept at the death of Lazarus, died(though later resurrected) like any other man. But he also claimed to be God. So he is lying, or crazy, or telling the truth. You said that there are verses that prove Jesus is God but they are victims of textual corruption. I would like a little more proof on that. Bart Ehrman said that the textual variants in the NT do not change any major Christian doctrine, he would have a field day if he could prove variants that would change doctrine. If there are textual corruptions, that doesn't prove the verses are unreliable. For instance, if we find 50 early manuscripts containing a verse, then 5 later ones that do not contain said verse, that doesn't prove the verse was fabricated(I just made up those numbers for the example). So someone could say there are textual variants and sound convincing, but not tell you the whole story and make it sound like this proves the verses are unreliable. Also, those are not the only verses that can be used to show Jesus is God. Here is an easy one: When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven.” 6 Now some of the scribes were sitting there asking themselves, 7 “Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming. Who but God alone can forgive sins?” 8 Jesus immediately knew in his mind what they were thinking to themselves, so he said, “Why are you thinking such things in your hearts? 9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, pick up your mat and walk’? 10 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth”- 11 he said to the paralytic, “I say to you, rise, pick up your mat, and go home.” 12 He rose, picked up his mat at once, and went away in the sight of everyone. They were all astounded and glorified God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this.” (Mark 2:5-12) Jesus does what only God can do, forgive sins. When the Jews are rightly shocked, Jesus heals the paralytic to prove he can forgive sins. Read this with Jewish eyes, not as Muslims with a bias to the contrary, and we see Jesus is acting like God here.
@abuumar444 3 года назад
It’s not the Christian that is hated by any true Muslim, it’s the lies that misguide that are hated. No one is happier than the Muslim when a Christian discovers Truth. My mother visited the mosque for the first time at age 71. All Praise is to Allah Alone.
@arhamimam8547 Год назад
@danielfiore8865 Год назад
What specific lies are you referring to?
@Maestro7228 4 месяца назад
Islam is a lie
@kwalmbeamos5278 2 месяца назад
He's s just doing business. Come to think of it, who is capable of forgiving sins? Only God right? But Jesus forgives sins
@hanifali2566 3 года назад
There is absolutely no one worthy of worship except God, very glad I found this video
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 So does every stone idol, and they also cannot eat and drink like Allah.
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@Akilah-Ayden On what do you base your assumption that Jesus is an idol?
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@Sakis 33 Thank you for this video.
@aaronharun1394H 3 года назад
@@johnzuma4688 We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no ilah (deity/god) other than Him. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a tremendous Day. (Al-Quran 7:59) Amongst the earlier idol (false deity) was a pious person, who after his death, later generations would take him as a deity or ilah. Statues are made, their names are called upon, They are prayed to. This practise of taking a human as a deity or a god exist in many religions, past and present. Taking Jesus as a deity or God parallels the above belief and practise which the messengers of God were sent to warn against in the first place. The Day mentioned in the verse (7:59) above refers to the Day of Judgement where everyone will be judged based on their deeds in this world.
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@@aaronharun1394H Thank your for comment. First of all Christians believe in only one Almighty God not many Gods. Now Jesus said that He and God are one, which means that Jesus said the He is God and more importantly that He is one with God, so no second God here. If that has been told to you then either that person was ignorant or he was lying. Either way your understanding is wrong. But back to Jesus and Him saying that He and God are one. Now if Jesus is God then Mohammed insulted God by calling Jesus just a prophet. On the other hand if Jesus is not God then saying that He is one with God makes Jesus a liar and blasphemer which means that Mohammed insulted God by calling a liar and blasphemer a prophet of God. Either way Mohammed insulted God by calling Jesus only a prophet. And that proves that Mohammed cannot be a prophet of God. And lets face it how much more pagan can you get than bowing down 5 times a day to a man-made structure. We know from John 3:16-17 New International Version >> 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
@fearnonebutone4977 3 года назад
The same type of impact you spoke of when studying these things in university, is exactly the same things that rocked the faith of Dr. Bart Erhman and Dr. Jerald Dirks (Rahimahullah). Both men were of Christian belief, and sought to deepen their knowledge and subsequently left their beliefs after their findings. Dr. Erhman began writing books about it from historical and factual standpoints, and Dr. Jerald Dirks became Muslim and wrote a few books as well. I left Christianity as well for similar reasons. I would ask questions to the heads of the church’s I attended and I was told by many of them to not ask any questions and to “just believe”. When I would quote problematic verse and/or contractions, they sometimes didn’t even know the verses. It was-almost as if they never heard the verses before. Hopefully my inquiry probed them to go and read them and seek truth and evidence.
@macanmalaya1 3 года назад
Wow,good to know u all were from establish high educational bckground.stories like this inspire ppl.why ddnt the rest of the world be like the 3 of u.1cnnot call his self a good muslims just becaus he/she was born as it,theres lots more to cncider.thats why smtimes the muallafs apearance/face glitter with nur.that goes to anybdy that is near to Him..i am not cndemning my fellow cntrymen or talking bad thing upon them,but smtimes that was the case(i meant the nur that other makhluk sees at u.)thanks to ur friend,may Allah always protect anbdy that say the thruth,most importantly,the painfull sad thruth'wassalamualaikum
@johnmark5717 3 года назад
Your problem, you went to the wrong source -man for answers about God. You should have seek him and ask him directly like I did, and he would have revealed himself to you as he did to me. The only one from God the Father who is absolutely him is the Son. That is what he revealed about himself to me.
@macanmalaya1 3 года назад
hello mr mark,hope u r feeling well.i as a nobdy,no phd,nothing to be proud of(only syukur alhamdulillah)an ordnary low level in education asking sincerely n politely without favoring any side,can ask u of the possiblty of practicing whatever ppl beleived in,freely without any sorts of force,hatred,or the sense of unsecure thinking that our neighbor was planning smthing evil,pretend to be smbdy else etc,now,is there any chances that we all can get rid of that,n if we realy can at last live hpply ever after,what would it be that we hv to do in order to make it happens n what was the main obstackle.its ok if u ddnt answer as my lvel of education n knowledge is too far behind if it is compared to urs.i understand.i just asking if except for syaitan/iblees/dvil himself,is there anybdy in this world we lved in,was there anybdy,power,country that from the bgining till the end that is againts the "together happily everafter".tqvm🙏
@johnmark5717 2 года назад
@Seydou Kone I have to correct you, Jesus is our God, the Father, who manifests in his fullness and glory in the beginning as the invisible & visible image of God, the first born (heir) over his own creation which was made by his own hands. Yes! Heaven and earth was made by him alone -so how in the world can you, or I, or anyone, or anything for that matter compared to him: Isa 48 (NKJV) ¹² "Listen to Me, O Jacob, And Israel, My called: I am He, I am the First, I am also the Last. ¹³ Indeed My hand has laid the foundation of the earth, And My right hand has stretched out the heavens; When I call to them, They stand up together. ¹⁶ "Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord God and His Spirit Have sent Me." (Also, Col 1:15-19 ¹⁵ He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. ¹⁶ For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. ¹⁷ And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. ¹⁹ For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell).
@johnmark5717 2 года назад
@Seydou Kone Go to Phil 2:5-11 & Isaiah 59 and hopefully you would get to see who that man is in Matthew 26:36-46 and the God that he prayed to. In Isaiah 59:1-2,16 when we could not save ourselves and when God could not find any man as a mediator through which he could save us, what was it that he did? Verse 16 tells us what he did >>> Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him.
@nasharudinjumadi8450 3 года назад
I saw brother Paul at Hyde Park in RU-vid. He is one of my favourite speakers. Keep it up brother and remain humble as you already are. 👍🏽🙂
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
I appreciate that!
@daacadyare7791 3 года назад
@@BloggingTheology brother paul, definitely god likes the truth, and I want to send you a gift from the east of the world 🌍 it is a verses that god reveled to the prophet through angel Gabriel talking about the king of najaashi ( a king that was in maqala, the east of Africa , specially in Ethiopia), who was at that time a Christian but finally he accepted the message without meeting the prophet, it’s 5 verses in the Quran that’s better than what is in this world, it clearly says “:--- 82:((You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.)) 83:((And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth. They say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses.)) 84:((And why should we not believe in Allah and what has come to us of the truth? And we aspire that our Lord will admit us [to Paradise] with the righteous people.")) 85:((So Allah rewarded them for what they said1 with gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. And that is the reward of doers of good.)) 86:((But those who disbelieved and denied Our signs - they are the companions of Hellfire.)) Quran >>>>chapter 5. Verse 82-86
@truthprevails5173 3 года назад
@@daacadyare7791 Islam stands on the words of one person Jebreel who got no witness whatsoever! Still 1.8 billion people ask no questions, but follow blindly. How sad!
@sah1681 3 года назад
Anyone knows Paul Williams's contact info? He is so common-sense, explains plainly with documentation. I have been saying this all along and left my comment with life-example in another Paul Williams blog.
@ejaj1783 3 года назад
@@truthprevails5173 Did the people of prophet Jesus's (pbuh) time seen The Angel Gabreal?They didn't.Yet they believed prophet Jesus(pbuh).The revelation from The Creator only matters.You should read the Quran in open mind instead of throwing flying baseless questions.May Allah SWT guide you to straight right path.
@johnmohammed2582 3 года назад
This guy is a scholar himself continue with your work
@johnmohammed2582 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 ?? Wow you can speak some Arabic words 😂 your God is wired sometimes you kill him on the cross sometimes you pick and choose. What kind of God dies and has a father as a God who leaves him to die. What type of religion gives a new born innocent baby a label of sin.
@johnmohammed2582 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 your are more stupid than I realised you can’t fix stupid. There is nothing like Allah He is not a creation but the Creator. Secondly Waraqa was a monk who recognised the prophet from thy brethren who was muhammed. He died shortly after. Your lies makes you desperate. I can’t take from a man who believe prophets raping their own daughter like lot whilst eating cow dung for eziekeil. The council of nine altered the bible many centuries ago. Get over it and listen to the guy on the blog you idiot.
@alenizi07 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 when u realize Waraqa died after the first 3 verses revealed and had the hebrew gospel only (sahih albukhari 3) this theory is so stupid, stop embarrassing urself, think for urself for once
@libertyg5136 3 года назад
@@johnmohammed2582 Yet the Quran honors both the Jewish and Christian scriptures, interesting.
@UriPhoneCracker 3 года назад
@@libertyg5136 it honours the Torah and Injeel revealed to Moses and Jesus, not what you have now
@mirakbar9029 3 года назад
We Muslims knew these all along but it's great to see honest non-muslim scholars are finding out through genuine reading testing and research. Thank you so much for the great video
@nabipedofmuhammadpenciptaa4163 3 года назад
@Blogging Theology Why no muslim answer this question honestly? 👉WHO IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA IN QUR'AN & BIBLE? give the verses, please thanks. Please do answer honestly only the devil & its followers believe that TAQQIYA as the TRUTH
@whatever-tp2ek 3 года назад
@@nabipedofmuhammadpenciptaa4163 manusia terbodoh .. apa bedanya kamu dgn penyembah lembu .. ?
@mirakbar9029 3 года назад
@@nabipedofmuhammadpenciptaa4163 have a read Quran and try to understand it. After that ask questions. There is no such a thing Alpha and Onega in Quran. And taqiya is honourable behaviour of Muslims who lives by Quran and Sunnah. If you read or at least listened to this blogger, then you know Quran is more accurate then any religious scripture
@wokewoke3964 3 года назад
@@mirakbar9029 taqqiya was never an hounourable action, we have been forbidden from hypocrisy and lies.
@LUCASSENSELESS 3 года назад
@@nabipedofmuhammadpenciptaa4163 apa yg kau merepek ni setaaaannn...😂😂😂....lantak kau la nk jadi kapir ke....pegi la mampus
@Angela_1438 2 года назад
As a previous Catholic I always tried to prove my belief of Jesus being the son of Mariam, rather the son of God, simply was madness to my family and in in whole with a truthful discourse, I considered mis guided, and doomed to hell. Knowledge from are creator is only acknowledged by those whom seek the truth and truly the truth is totally self-explanatory in the holy Quran. May Allah keep us all on the firm path and bring the truth to those whom desire to be guided Ameeeen 🤲🏻❤️🤲🏻
@shabinanaaz7581 2 года назад
More power to you may Allah swt help us.
@stranger9216 3 года назад
I love truth seekers such as yourself, sir . Keep up the good work
@aminsaddique 3 года назад
Brother Paul.... Haven't seen him for a while in speakers corner... He's lost alot of weight... Bless you brother for getting the truth out.
@democracyforall 3 года назад
If the words were changed they would all be the same like either methew or Mark but there is a difference and this show they are original words. How many hadith are the same on one topic? This is how we know those hideth are real. Paul starts up something good but then he suddenly fall on his own words of unable to see that the diffference itself showes it is original because there is a difference for you to see it. If there is no difference then you would be fooled by a changed gospel and you would not have known about it- including hadith as well. But now, you can see clearly who says what and there is nothting to hid what each one thinks. Thus, the man in the video falls on his own words. One of the reason they killed othman because they said, 'gave us one copy of Quran'. Where prophet Muhammad said-it has seven different ways of saying it. Very simple minded people will be fooled by this. A wise man- who is a Muslim will say: " Brother paul, is the is only thing we disagree with the Christain or Jews?" No, the name of God, the History of God, The prophets , the entire of law of moses.. This mean that the disagreement is on the thousands upon thousands of text not just Jesus been God. Which mean, no one else in history forgot the name of God but the most religouse people on earth "The hasidik jews did?" The Hindu did not forget the name of their God or gods-on and on we go, so a single topic like this- "is fools gold and also with a twist."
@alikhan7903 3 года назад
Brother paul is so afraid so he deleted my comments because he is afraid of the logic ha ha ha. Did the Hindu forgot the name of their God? Did the Muslims forgot the name of their God? Did the zorastrian forgot the name of their God? Did the buddest forgot the name of God? How can it be that the most religiouse people on the planet earth like the Hasidic jewes for thousands of years forgot the name of God? If a human being cannot work this out then his brain power is too small and he will bow down to anything. The person is unable to see that no religion has ever forgot the name of God and so therefore it would not be possible for the most religiouse people on the planet earth like the Hasidic jews to forget the name of God. And when the person cannot work this out he will bow down five times to Kaba even surround kaba like a circle- will bow down to it and then will say "we do not worship anything but God."- Because the person brain power is too small.
@amjadmuh1422 3 года назад
Speakers corner?? Where Ali da'wah n shamsi are there
@hahaloser3914 2 месяца назад
@@alikhan7903 what are you talking about??
@d.bcooper2271 Месяц назад
​Shamsiiii. 😅😅@@amjadmuh1422
@bigfish291 3 года назад
Paul, I enjoy and like your ability to present information in a way that lay people like us can easily grasp/digest. Your efforts are appreciated.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
I appreciate that!
@hammurabibabylonionking224 3 года назад
He called him, O good teacher and Lord Jesus Christ. He asked him why do you call me good... and I ask you why we call Christ good because he is God manifest in the body.... Christ asked a question and he was waiting for an answer, because there is no one good except God
@bigfish291 3 года назад
@@hammurabibabylonionking224 "God manifest in the body" is a contradiction. It's like saying a human became a rock and still remains a 100% human. A rock cannot be a 100% rock and a 100% human at the same time. It does not work.
@richardho8283 3 года назад
Thank you for enlightening me. Please continue with your contribution to imparting knowledge to us. Good teacher. Thank you.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
Thank you, I will
@jelani9863 3 года назад
If jesus doesnt even want us to call him good, then why would he ask us to call him God
@riorosadi3000 3 года назад
When & Where Jesus Chris or (Essa Alayhi Salam) ask you to call him GOD?
@jelani9863 3 года назад
@@riorosadi3000 I dont think u read my comment properly. In The NIV bible mark 10 18 luke 18 19 and mathew 19 17 a man calls jesus good master. Jesus replied with "why do you call me good, there is none good except God". So I'm saying jesus doesnt want to be called good. So if jesus doesnt want anyone too call them good then why do Christian call jesus god. Jesus basically said god is good and I am not good so he is excluding himself from being god. So we are both on the same team here and we both agree with each other and we both call isa AS a prophet
@hyawill8944 2 года назад
@@jelani9863 John 10:11-18 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me- 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father-and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
@abd.- 2 года назад
I am truly impressed by the fact that this gentleman can read so many thick volumes in such a short time. May Allah guide us all.
@mortezporter7365 3 года назад
ALHAMDULILLAH, thanks for teaching people the truth, even though I already new this for like at least 15 years now because I study for myself I don't follow man, I follow ALLAH (swt), MAY PEACE BE UPON YOU!
@woodriver2072 2 года назад
@Val It's hard isn't.........?? To find the truth and turn a eye blind .. ear def on it .......!! Because that will lead you to the (full submission .. Islam )
@portogasdjerico1811 3 года назад
This man ( paul) just did a good research !!
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
As Jesus never says that He is not God, how is this good research?
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@Justoo If you say so.
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@Justoo Thank you, a very good video.
@rh7732 3 года назад
@@johnzuma4688 that's ridiculous. why do christians think like this? he didn't say he's not God therefore he's God?? he obviously never called himself God because people KNEW he wasn't God
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@@rh7732 You seem confused, Jesus tells us in many places that He is God. For one Jesus was that He and the Father are one. (John 10:30). That should raise the question "one what". If we read in we find that the Jesus leaders who Jesus is talking to want to kill Jesus because they understoood that Jesus said that He is God. so logically when Jesus says that He and the Father are one Jesus us saying that He and the Father are one GOD and not two Gods. That is one of the many places in the Gospel where Jesus says that He is God. On the other hand if Jesus had not been God, then when His disciples worshipped Him, Jesus would have told them not to do so. Yet Jesus never rebuked His disciples for calling Him God.
@vehement-critic_q8957 3 года назад
Guess what, this is mentioned in the Quran and it has been known to Muslims since then. May Allah enlighten everyone to convert to Islam.
@olaitan6960 2 года назад
Islam has its own issues too.
@vehement-critic_q8957 2 года назад
@@olaitan6960 Thou art confusing thyself with thy issues with Islam.
@josephkonneh1726 2 года назад
You are one of those Christians who are sincere, humbled & very, very close to mercy. Bravo!
@alexanderv7702 2 года назад
Is this Paul a Christian? Ask him.
@Hayatt1 Год назад
Brother Paul is our brother in Islam alhamdolilah
@thewallcometh1444 3 года назад
A X'tian neighbor literally told me the original scripture says, "Why do you call me god (not good)?" but the scribes accidentally added an extra 'o' which made it 'good' instead of 'god'. He suggested Jesus was actually determining the questioners faith. When I pointed out the original text wasn't in English, therefore his 'O' argument is 100% invalid, he said I'm mistaken and blind to the truth because I don't have the Holy Spirit in me. The extent some people go through just to support the deity of Jesus is absolutely mind-boggling.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
@arnolddaries8668 3 года назад
@@BloggingTheology and @ The Wall Cometh....l agree that your neighbour's argument is a false one and that you rightly exposed it by pointing out the bible wasn't written in English. However...to win an argument wirh an ignorant persont, don't in anyway render the conclusion "that therefore Jesus isn't God" to be true. Just because your neighbour is silly and Blogging Theology is prepared to laugh at them...this don't make you right. The heading 'The day Jesus denied he was God'....is false. It is in fact the very day that He claimed to be God. Let me make my argument.... Jesus always taught that He was good and that He didn't lie. Therefore, the day that He claimed that "God ALONE was good"....was the day He very subtly said "Therefore l Am God" This conclusion is inescapable for anyone who holds to both teachings. 1...God alone is good 2...Jesus is good Conclusion...Jesus is God This isn't mental gymnastics, this is honesty and truth....and a lot more difficult to shoot down, than the foolish neighbour's argument. Blogging Theology can't help you here my friend....The Wall Cometh, I'm afraid you on your own to defend your position. For now, mine stands....but it doesn't just stand to defeat your position, but the very position of this video too.
@yusufibnliban1177 2 года назад
@@arnolddaries8668 The Apostasy - “that fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; From this time onward - the Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the heathens….” -John Wesley (Wesley’s Works, vol 7, Sermon 89, pp. 26-27) “The religion builders have so distorted and deformed the doctrines of Jesus, so muffled them in mysticisms, fancies, and falsehoods, and have caricatured them into forms so inconceivable, as to shock reasonable thinkers. Happy in the prospect of a restoration of primitive Christianity…to lop off the false branches which have been engrafted into it by the mythologists of the middle and modern ages.” -Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson’s Complete Works, vol 7, pp 210, 257). “The Churches don’t want you to hear or understand that Christianity was changed. And that the churches that we have today do not resemble the churches of the early believers - and what they lived and died for. We’ve been sold down the river of deception for almost 1700 years.” -Where The Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages By Sherry Shriner “As this massive apostasy from His teachings was taking place, what happened to the group labeled Jewish Christians? As startling as it may sound, the religion the world knows as Christianity was not founded by Jesus Christ! Within the span of three hundred years, this religion had become a vast organization with a clergy presiding over rites taken from pagan mysteries and it had borrowed the best elements of Greek philosophy and had formed a dogma appealing to human reason and emotion. This religious organization had become a powerful political force in the Roman Empire. But it was not the Church established by Christ!” -In Search of Early Christianity (part 1 & 2) by Wesley White “The Christian Church is entrenched deeply in the ancient Babylonian mystery religion, only today it is referred to as ‘traditions’. Many of God’s people, as well as the secular earth, are guilty of giving in to Babylon’s pageantry and paganism. Most Christians either don’t know or care to know the truth of these pagan ties.” -The Pagan History of Christmas by Dr. Joel Ehrlich “By the turn of the second century, there were thousands of professing Christians -but only a tiny few held fast to what they had been taught by the original apostles. This new “Christianity” altered and rejected the true teachings of the Bible and embraced many pagan traditions and customs.” - Popular Religious Holidays Where They Really Came From BY LOUIS F. MASCHIO Easter and Christmas - “These holidays represent only part of the great apostasy that has come upon God’s people in the latter days. They cumulatively fulfill what are known as the latter day prophesies that predict a great apostasy before the coming of Messiah.” -The Pagan History of Christmas by Dr. Joel Ehrlich “The forms and ceremonies of paganism gradually crept into the worship.of Christendom. Some of the old heathen feasts became church festivals - with change of name…. “ - (Story of the Christian Church, p.79) ; Jesse Lyman Hurlbut “Like Christmas, the origins of Easter are deeply rooted in pagan customs. It was A.D. 325 when Easter displaced Christ’s Passover. Christ actually commanded us to keep the Passover, in memory of him. (Luke 22:13-20).” - Popular Religious Holidays Where They Really Came From BY LOUIS F. MASCHIO “It is interesting that the holiest day of the liturgical Christian year, Easter Sunday, bears the name of the pagan sex goddess Eastre and the pagan sun god Solis.” -Panati, Charles. Sacred Origins of Profound Things. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1996. “Again, the history of these days shows that they began in heathen paganism and were adopted by an APOSTATE so-called Christian group. To participate in them religiously is to participate in pagan, apostate religion.” -Should We Observe Religious Holy Days Such as Christmas, Easter, and Lent? The Gospel Way; by David E. Pratte (1999)
@yusufibnliban1177 2 года назад
@@arnolddaries8668 By the end of the first century, all of the original apostles had died. This vacuum was quickly filled by false leaders, who taught that God’s laws were no longer necessary and that Christians were now solely under grace. All one needed to do was simply “believe.” Works were no longer required. Thus, grace was turned into a license to sin.” (I John 3:4). - Popular Religious Holidays Where They Really Came From BY LOUIS F. MASCHIO “Intimately acquainted with the Scriptures, Porphyry showed that the Christians of his day had abandoned the teachings of Christ and had introduced a new cult in which Jesus Himself was deified. Since they were unable to counter his accusations, the church fathers grew even more vehement in their attempts to destroy the Bible.” -In Search of Early Christianity (part 2) by Wesley White “A Great apostate pagan trinity doctrine has infiltrated the Christian Churches. Trinity or polytheism came from Babylon. The infiltration of this great apostate pagan doctrine has cause a great deception by Satan in theology. Most churches are teaching this great apostasy and worship the Trinity, which in actuality is pagan. Most Churches have departed from the true doctrine that was given unto the church by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.” -Trinity Is The Great Apostasy To Infiltrate Christianity by Thunder Ministries “By adopting the trappings of paganism, Christianity reverted to an ancient past. By converting to Catholicism, they fell back into a form of polytheism evidenced by belief in the trinity.” -Those Incredible Christians; pg. 225 Sconfield “The changes in the church over the first four centuries were bound by a subtle but. common thread: - which was the incorporation of the symbols and imagery of sun worship.” -In Search of Early Christianity (part 1) by Wesley White “It is astonishing how much of Christian theology is pagan in origin. First Century Christians never believed their souls went into the starry firmament of heaven at death- Dead people do not “GO” anywhere. Good dead people do not go to heaven to float on clouds and walk streets of gold, and bad dead people do not go to a place called hell to be tortured in fire for all eternity. Dead people are dead and will remain dead until the “Resurrection from the DEAD,” and that resurrection is yet FUTURE.” -The Lake of Fire - “HELL” Installment XVI-Part A by L. Ray Smith “Pagan ideas of a fiery underworld date back as far as Nimrod of Babylon. By the third century AD, many distortions of Bible doctrine had resulted from the church carelessly allowing pagan beliefs to mix with Apostolic teachings.” -Shedding Light on Dark Age Doctrines: Eternal Torment Bible Students.com “The doctrine that Jesus Christ the Son of God was - God the son - was decreed by worldly and ecclesiastical powers. Men were forced to accept it at the point of the sword or else, Thus, the error of the trinity was propounded to the end that ultimately people believed it to be the truth. Thus Christianity became in essence like Babylonian heathenism, with only a veneer of Christian names.” - Forgers of the Word -1983 Victor Paul Wierwille
@yusufibnliban1177 2 года назад
@@arnolddaries8668 “Surely, disbelievers are those who said: ‘Allaah is the third of the three (in a Trinity).” But there is no Ilaah (god) (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One Ilaah (God -Allaah). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them”[al-Maa’idah 5:73] ·The Messiah son of Maryam was a human being. He was born from a mother; he ate and drank, got up and went to sleep, suffered pain and wept… and God (Allaah) is far above all of that, so how could he be God? Rather he is the slave of Allaah and His Messenger: “The Messiah [‘Eesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother [Maryam (Mary)] was a Siddeeqah [i.e. she believed in the Words of Allaah and His Books]. They both used to eat food (as any other human being, while Allaah does not eat). Look how We make the Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to them; yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth)”[al-Maa’idah 5:75] ·The Jews, Christians, crusaders and their followers distorted the religion of the Messiah, and deviated and changed it. They said that Allaah sent forth his son the Messiah to be killed and crucified as a sacrifice for mankind - so it doesn’t matter if anyone does whatever he wants, because Jesus will carry all his sins for him… And they spread that belief among all the Christian groups until it became a part of their beliefs. All of this is falsehood and is lies against Allaah, and speaking about Him without knowledge. Rather “every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds”. Man’s life cannot be sound or correct unless they have a path to follow and limits at which to stop. ·Look at how they fabricate lies against Allaah, and speak about Allaah with no guidance: “Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, ‘This is from Allaah,’ to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby” [al-Baqarah 2:79] ·Allaah has taken from the Christians the pledge that they will follow ‘Eesa and follow that which he brought, but they changed and distorted that; they differed then they turned away. So Allaah will punish them with enmity and hatred in this world, and with torment in the Hereafter, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And from those who call themselves Christians, We took their covenant, but they have abandoned a good part of the Message that was sent to them. So We planted amongst them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection (when they discarded Allaah’s Book, disobeyed Allaah’s Messengers and His Orders and transgressed beyond bounds in Allaah’s disobedience); and Allaah will inform them of what they used to do”[al-Maa’idah 5:14] ·On the Day of Resurrection, ‘Eesa will stand before the Lord of the Worlds, Who will ask him before the witnesses what he said to the Children of Israel, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And (remember) when Allaah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): ‘O ‘Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men: “Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allaah?”’ He will say: ‘Glory be to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours; truly, You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden (and unseen). Never did I say to them aught except what You (Allaah) did command me to say: “Worship Allaah, my Lord and your Lord.”’ And I was a witness over them while I dwelt amongst them, but when You took me up, You were the Watcher over them; and You are a Witness to all things. (This is a great admonition and warning to the Christians of the whole world). If You punish them, they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, verily, You, only You, are the All Mighty, the All Wise”’ [al-Maa’idah 5:116-118]
@adebowaleolowa4027 3 года назад
Few are courageous enough to dive into the ocean of truth and fact,you have consistently shown to be a helping light of true religion.
@ghg12374 3 года назад
U r doing great job. Keep up. I pray to Almighty God to keep u in good health. Ameen
@frankdeenproject 3 года назад
Then the Muslims we are right, calling onto one God, the Muslims says that prophet Jesus peace be upon directed his fellowers towards one God and not to himself, the Quran has made things clear
@tneita3166 3 года назад
Frank He also said I am the way, The truth and the light, No one Commeth unto the father save Through me,,
@tneita3166 3 года назад
Christian's says due to the downfalling State of humanity a, or prophecy's was Made, "that a woman in her virginity Will find herself having a child ( pregnant. ) The basic rest you can read in the Bible, ALL OF WHICH CHRISTIAN 'S BELIEVE,, Just saying, have a good day,,.. Ps if the Woman was a Vergin, then the father MUST BE GOD,, MAKING THE CHILD, "THE CHILD ( SON. ) OF GOD,,."GOD WORK IN MYSTERIOUS WAY,s",,.
@majinvegeta3284 3 года назад
Atleast Jesus was not a sex crazed kiddy fiddler warlord.
@thejokhadaar 3 года назад
@@tneita3166 Please tell me you are joking and you dont really believe what you wrote ....I am the way makes so that makes him the biological son of God ?????? What ...and marry peace upon her had a child Jesus peace upon him without a man's seeman so that makes him the biological son of God???? what .. Adam peace upon him was made of clay had no mother or father and came from God's sole ....does that make him the biological son of God ....in the courts today Adams clam that he is the sole of God is much stronger then Jesus which you clam
@thejokhadaar 3 года назад
@Cookiemonster Yeh right and we must trust you. Because ....ps who are you by the way .... Mohamed peace upon him has the biggest nation of non alcoholic drinkers in the world .has the biggest nation of non believers in the right of lghtb+ .has the biggest nation of one God blevers in the world .has the biggest nation of ...of ...of ......so I rather listen to him then you ....
@gracefulheart7910 3 года назад
Wow! What an explanation and eye-opener !
@abdulmunim318 3 года назад
Dr. Shabir Ally also mentions this unavoidable fact when debating Christians such as Dr. James White etc
@fred1534 3 года назад
Matthew 16:13-20 Christ's apostles knew who he was.
@AdrianMuslim 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 Bart Erman was a biblical scholar. Was more hardcore Christian than you and he left Christianity after knowing the truth about it. So you're know nothing. Or you know Christianity doesn't make sense yet still believe in this pegan religion
@AdrianMuslim 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 Quran has nothing to do with the question I asked you. *Jesus spoke Aramaic. Not Greek. The earliest manuscript of Bible we have is in Greek. Where is Bible in original language which is Aramaic?!* *Who wrote the Bible?! Where does it say the authors of gospels were eyewitnesses of Jesus?!* *Where does John, Mathew, Mark, Luke say they were inspired by God?!* *You can't defend your bible. You avoided the questions! Bible is corrupted, inauthentic! Your Bible doesn't even have the foundation to be trusted!*
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
Mark 1:1-3 New International Version >> 1 The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah,[a] the Son of God,[b] 2 as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way”[c]- 3 “a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”[d]
@johnzuma4688 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 neither was Arab. Abraham was a Jew and Hagar was Egyptian.
@jameelhassan1304 3 года назад
I consider u one of my teachers ...may Allah reward u here and hereafter .
@rawmeatypooanwar2679 3 года назад
Ameen ❤❤❤
@shahnazbi8346 2 года назад
@fuckingsean8922 3 года назад
I look forward to your videos everyday Thank you Paul!!!
@mohsinwaqar1224 3 года назад
Good to see our fellow Christians discuss this.
@KamilHussainShaikh 3 года назад
Christians argue that Jesus PBUH accepted worship from his deciples and he did not reject their worship and all. Here he is no even accepting to be addressed as good, as only God is good. Here it is clear that he is not good and hence only God is good. This is common sense. Tell this to Christians they will be like oh Jesus was both man and His at the same time. Here it is the Human part telling that he is not good. Intentional Deception. Christians don't even need shaytan to decieve them.
@wuw385 2 года назад
It didn't rock my faith, it confirmed that we must only submit to the one God and it's Islam, the religion perfected by God Himself, that gives us the keys to be successful in this life and the next. Al Hamdoulilah 🤲🏼💗
@olaitan6960 2 года назад
One God. You cannot limit God to Islam
@wuw385 2 года назад
@@olaitan6960 Absolutely. But Islam is the one that gives the clearest and the most keys to be successful....i don't remember Christianity giving anywhere near these.
@ABasicMuslim 3 года назад
John 20:17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (ie, The Originator and The Sustainer). Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
@ShammuaMekonnen 3 года назад
Great job Bro. Paul.........i miss your debates on the Corner, and i admire your strength.
@bawazeerable 3 года назад
Every time I come across this topic, I always remember this verse from the Quran “These are nothing but names which ye have devised,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah has sent down no authority (whatever). They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire!- Even though there has already come to them Guidance from their Lord”. May Allah guide them.
@StraightPath21 3 года назад
I am so glad you have researched and understood what the bible actually says and what jesus actually said himself and not what one person wants to believe. I am a revert to Islam and I hope Allah guide's you too. I recommend you read the the holy Quran and you will see there is a whole chapter about Mary :)
@rickjohnson7951 4 месяца назад
The Pharisees accused Him of blasphemy. Apparently they thought He was claiming to be God.He said my Father and I are one. And other places that denote His deity. He is now seated at the right hand of the Father.
@xmarksthespot4916 3 года назад
The ultimate in Collective Consciousness : Islam, believe in Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, Adam and Eve , etc…
@djamalmegari6891 3 года назад
Love and respect to you Paul in religion and George Galloway in politics.
@dawahgym9623 3 года назад
Brother Paul may you be blessed with good health and happiness,ameen. Love how you do the blogging bitesize each episode as im learning so much from you. 🙏
@dawahgym9623 3 года назад
@@twnb7733 🤣 does jesus god have a face,hands,private,legs,arms,hair etc ? Try again 😂
@bella_m23 3 года назад
The thing is, a lot of times when it comes to ''religion'', people become emotional & refuse to reason. Hence, the LATER Christians just refused to listen to the Bible & all the evidence that pointed to the son of Mary being just a human being who ate food, slept when he got tired, & was even persecuted. In Islam, everything makes sense. The guy was a prophet. Both Jesus & his mother were truthful to the message of their Lord, Allah swt. Thank you, Mr. Williams
@MoxiVejarant 21 день назад
Philippians 2:9-11 NIV [9] Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, [10] that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
@cpthekufarbuster8605 2 года назад
In addition, the bible says that when the hour for Jesus to be crucified drew closer, Jesus went to Gethsemane with Peter, James and John and he instructed them to stay alert and watch just in case the Roman soldiers were coming for him. If Jesus was God as alleged, how couldn't he tell what was happening a few miles away? God is everywhere! Right? Further, he proceeded to pray. He prayed till his sweat looked like blood! If Jesus was indeed God, it begs the question. Was he merely acting? We also see a God who was powerless on the cross, and kept on crying to another God (i don't know which one!). Not unless, they Christians believe in smaller and bigger Gods!
@karimb972 2 года назад
It's unresolvable because it's a lie. You cannot have a father ( God All Mighty, the Omniscient, All knowing, the Wise) be himself and his own son ( human, faillible, created, mortal) and another party ( the Holy Spirit) and be all one and the same yet separate and different at the same time. God does not have a son, a daughter or children. Every single historical, logical and textual analysis demonstrate without a doubt that this is a mix of Greco-Roman paganism with Judaic monotheism and that bad people conspired to conceal Jesus' (PBUH) real teachings of monotheism and respect for Judaic law to replace it with a pagan style cult. This trinatarian doctrine is contrary to what Jesus (PBUH) thought and what all the Prophets tought. It's against the Bible and it's a grave sin to believe and propagate this lie. It's senseless, incoherent, contradictory, blasphemous, confuses the brain and hurts the soul.
@mkq0007 3 года назад
As Salamu Alakum Paul great video as always.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
Very kind!
@rpol8787 3 года назад
@blogging theology He said assalamualaikum, would be polite to you responded back to him saying waalaikumsalam. White prophet mohammad must have been so glad with your works
@SoldierOfAlIah 2 месяца назад
@@rpol8787 coping Christian 😂😂😂. . All mainstream scholars in western scholarship say that the historical Jesus (pbuh) never claimed to be God. You are also bringing race into this which shows you Christian’s don’t act upon what you preach.. it’s over for you
@pedroamee8538 3 года назад
Good job ! I'm glad someone is doing all the work and searching to find out the truth and show it to people. God bless you.
@anayetanayet7113 3 года назад
@richardrallo6605 3 года назад
What God do you believe in Pedro?
@homarcarrion1293 3 года назад
Let me show you the truth. Quran 33:72. We indeed offered the truth to the heavens and the earth and the mountains but they refused to undertake it being afraid of it but MAN undertook it and he was indeed unjust IGNORANT and FOOLISH.🤔😂😂😂 Your own funny book the Quran call you ignorant and foolish.😂😂😂
@anayetanayet7113 3 года назад
@@homarcarrion1293 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-A-q0PNefB5U.html
@homarcarrion1293 3 года назад
@@anayetanayet7113 You are busted. The trinity in the beginning of the Quran.😂😂😂. Then he said allah have 99 names😂😂😂. The devil have many names.😂😂😂 Did Abraham kissed the black stone?😘⚫️😘⚫️😘⚫️. 😂😂😂
@rakyatjelata8500 3 года назад
DEAR BROTHER.... i'm subscribe your channel because in the era of Pandemic. Many countries do online school or study online in home. And i've found your channel with many knowledges. And i'm glad. Thanks, brother.
@shihabkabir968 Год назад
Thank u so much for adding Bangla... Now i can share this video with all my friends and other folks
@marshallmuki2924 2 года назад
I'm curious, do general Christians read the bible?
@ahmedshakib3883 3 года назад
As always I really enjoy the content , not just for the knowledge but the critical thinking and the ideas proposed in your videos, I normally don't care about getting likes or comments from content creators but I do like getting a feedback from you , you're one of those rare content creators and the way your channel is growing I don't think it will be possible for you to reply to all the comments.You have a growing audience and soon a huge tidal wave of subscribers headed towards this channel.May Allah(swt) guide you.Peace.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
Thank you
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology why is your video comment showing under unconventional aussie's channel video?
@someone-mz2wl 3 года назад
How can the Quran have informed its readers about previous books that were corrupted, added, subtracted, as the bible scholars themselves concluded 1400 years later. It's really a miracle.
@usmanmbo5339 3 года назад
To have such genius philoshoper who does contra flow in spreading the truth againts the mainstream is priceless. Thanks for your deeper digging so people can grab the gold of truth.
@Nasreddiin 3 года назад
👍👍👍 very instructive. Thank you. Jesus never said he came with a new religion too. The Roman Empire in its décline was in need of more authority and more power over the peoples in its vast territory all around Mediterranean sea. That was an opportunity to make a new religion melting monotheism and paganism to please the believes in the Empire. That was the purpose of the Nicea Council ...
@AhmedAli-sr5jp 3 года назад
Assalamalaykum rahmatAllahi Wa barkatahu Paul you are doing a good job, the same argument is mentioned in quran in several places. To mention one sura Al Maaida verses 117-118, very touching dialogue between Jesus and God..... let truth prevail....... and as always good job Paul carry-on.
@ashahadalmuthaab793 3 года назад
well done, Marvelous, you have nailed it Paul and exposed them and revealed what is being hidden for centuries. Thanks
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
@genericuser-1 3 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 Sorry, but in regards to your 2nd point, you seem to point out how it is "Muslims" that try to "discredit" the authorship of the Gospels. Is there not a near consensus within Biblical Scholarship that the Gospels were anonymously written?
@mohsinm4933 3 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 I think you made your point about WB and it’s good to have a good discussion, I respect that. But the point here is not about WB, it’s about Jesus (pbuh) and how his words were changed to convince you Christians that a human being is equal to God. That makes you worship multiple Gods and that is exactly what Jesus was trying to eradicate.
@NeoLegendX 3 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 lol Non muslims agreeing that the qur'an is not divine while Christians say the bible is. Lol You are so dumb. Really dumb.
@AbdulJabbar-rq6ec 3 года назад
@Alex Ander the typical islamaphobic insults
@walnutsoup4316 3 года назад
When someone does not like what he's seeing he turns a blind eye to it no matter how overwhelming the evidence is so sad
@mustafadean456 3 года назад
Very good you have cleared lots of minds the truth will prevail.
@ku6229 3 года назад
Salaam, good work my brother in humanity.
@zoume675 3 года назад
May Allah reward you for the great work. This a library to be conserved. A complete guide, concise with academic references, from a whole fresh new perspective. My sincere respect since i discovered your debating skills at Speaker's Corner.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
Wow, thank you
@Mike-vvwvvwvv 3 года назад
So is Allah going to reward him with 72 virgins, right? You believe that? I sure dont but i can only wish he does.😄
@FreePalestine_____ 3 года назад
(Mark 12:32) “Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that *God is one and there is no other but him.* (Notice he didn't say 'but you')
@redbluelife4297 3 года назад
I like Dan Brown. I read The Davinci Code (twice). His fictional novel reached millions got the mainstream opening their eyes and at least questioning. He took the taboo out of looking at Christianity in a critical manner. There is nothing wrong with that! Every belief system should be looked at critically and sensibly and, before his novel, Christianity seemed to be exempt from that for many people. Of course, I’m not saying that they should look to Dan Brown for factually accurate information.
@m_collins 3 года назад
"I think all the problems in speaking of the divinity/deity of Christ arise from our inadequate efforts to conceptualize and speak of the mystery of the triune God. The problems are caused by our unwillingness to recognize the inadequacy of our language and our inevitable use of analogy and metaphor in speaking of God. The language becomes problematic when we insist in taking the language in a literal sense, that is, when we try to encapsulate the mystery of divine being into our all too human categories." -- Jimmy Dunn
@adamjan8011 3 года назад
And U r trying to encapsulate what is totally bezar and actually never comes even near to intellectual paradigm human physiology when regarding something as God with its true definition and entities which can't b like any thing....
@ahmadradwan5914 3 года назад
What are u building up on to cancel ur critique??
@kevintaylor6293 3 месяца назад
I agree with this post. I have always known instinctively that these things are self-evident if we read the text in a balanced way. However thank God, Jesus never said blessed are the scholarly. If you have to go to University you will see that these things are hidden from the wise. I bless you Paul and keep up the good work, for one day we will all stand before him and see ourselves as we truly are.
@trustgod2120 3 года назад
The man approached Jesus and started, “Good teacher…” The questioner’s mind set was that he was addressing another human being who could have taught him i.e. A GOOD TEACHER. There is no inference from the man that he believed that he was conversing with God. Jesus merely responded to the same level as the questioner’s mind set. Jesus always took a humbling approach rather than a proud, boastful or arrogant, eg. Mark 1:40-45. 3:28 - 3:46 This interaction doesn’t end at verse 18 but at verse 22. At the end of verse 22 Jesus said, “…take up the cross and follow ME.” Sadly what is actually in the bible, just a few verses down, was totally disregarded drawing an opposite conclusion. 3:47 - 4:07. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. Does anyone make a mental attachment of you, a teacher, to God? Did anyone do the same with King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived? What about the authors of the books you are reading? While you were doing your studies did you make any mental attachment of your professors to God? 3:57 - 4:07 Side note. The author said, “…the pupil, scholar, young person MAY form a personal attachment…” Using the word MAY makes this is a speculative assumption yet it is contextualized as a decisive conclusion. This is a farfetched attempt to classify a teacher in the same category as God then to claim Jesus is denying to be God.
@anwarkhan7879 3 года назад
Brother Paul Allah may bless you health and prosperity in this world and hereafter.
@lilygrace9071 3 года назад
Brother Paul thank you for this video!!
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
My pleasure!
@ImamMurrahTheTimeTraveller 3 года назад
Congrats on surpassing 10k subs!
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
Thank you!
@m_collins 3 года назад
Here's a more detailed quote...from Jimmy Dunn - I think all the problems in speaking of the divinity/deity of Christ arise from our inadequate efforts to conceptualize and speak of the mystery of the triune God. The problems are caused by our unwillingness to recognize the inadequacy of our language and our inevitable use of analogy and metaphor in speaking of God. The language becomes problematic when we insist in taking the language in a literal sense, that is, when we try to encapsulate the mystery of divine being into our all too human categories. ‘Person’ is the obvious example. You will not need reminding that the creeds use ‘person’ in a technical way, which is NOT the same as what we mean in our daily use of ‘person’. At the same time, we naturally think of Jesus as a person, but in our modern sense of person. The trouble comes when we transfer the sense of Jesus of Nazareth as person to the three persons of the Trinity. That way we destroy what the Fathers were trying to do when speaking of God as three persons. For a person as Jesus of Nazareth was/is a person means inevitably that we no longer think of God as Trinity but have become tri-theists, having a concept of God as three distinct individuals as you and I are distinct individuals. By failing to appreciate the mystery of God adequately we undermine Christian monotheism. My concern in the pre-existence issue is that we do the same. Pre-existence belongs only to God, because God alone is Creator, so God alone pre-exists creation. I have absolutely no difficulty in speaking of divine Wisdom and Logos as pre-existent - because Wisdom/Logos are ways of speaking of God in action, in creation, in revelation, in redemption. Jesus however, as John 1.14 puts it, is the Word become flesh. So one can speak of the pre-existent Logos, but one cannot so speak properly of Jesus as pre-existent, unless we mean that the incarnation pre-existed the incarnation. Incarnation is God become man; God is pre-existent, but is the man that God became? What do we lose if we retroject the incarnation to before creation? The metaphor of ‘generation’ becomes less clear, since ‘eternal generation’ is one of the places where our analogical imagery simply cannot be taken literally. More important, we undermine the very concept of ‘incarnation’, losing, indeed, something vital in the uniqueness of Jesus, the incarnate Word, as God’s revelation of himself in a particular historical time and place. The pre-existence of Jesus is rather like the Jesus = Yahweh claim - a too simplistic formulation which actually creates more theological problems than it is attempting to solve. One of my major concerns in that by treating the analogical/metaphorical language we use to speak of God in a clunky, literal and pedantic way, we undermine Christian monotheism.
@zuzuriibrahim3072 3 года назад
Lots of people knew it but they closed their eye due worldly interests
@shahmd6 3 года назад
For us common people, this is an huge eye opener. As a Muslim, i understood what the old and new testament represented to the Christians. So this earliest gospel...gospel of mark is changed & altered by matthew , luke and so on, is so ground breaking....hence your title. Wish your work (in general) and this video (in particular)....would go main stream. So many people know THE TRUTH.
@mohammedkhan6745 3 года назад
You will always be guided by the almighty "IF YOUR INTENTIONS ARE HONEST FOR HIS PLEASURE.
@mimianwar5448 3 года назад
Thank you very much for telling the truth may God bless you and keep safe for all the work your doing and all your efforts
@ismailatiamiyuabdulsalam9496 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing this with us
@maestromagungaya5082 3 года назад
Thank you much. Love you brother.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
You are welcome
@BeeM25-yc6li 9 месяцев назад
Have always find your videos insightful. Always respectful and keeps fact finding separate from emotions and loyalty to any religion or social group. The truth is confident and doesn’t feel the need to raise it’s voice nor does it seek to destroy others. It speaks so that only those who can hear will pay attention.
@mentor2079 3 года назад
Jesus prayed to God:God prays to no one. Jesus prayed,saying:"Abba,Father,all things are possible to thee;remove this cup from me;yet not what I will,but what thou wilt."(Mark14:36) Jesus fell on his face and prayed to God,begging God to save him from death.This also shows that Jesus had a will different from God's will. The writers of Mat,Mark,and Luke tell us that it was Jesus' wish to be saved from death.This shows that Jesus had a will different from the will of God,at least for a moment.There fore he was not God.He declared in a moment of desperation:"My God,my God,why hast thou forsaken me?"(Matthew27:46).
@jaluepo 3 года назад
Excellent updates
@salimdr9739 3 года назад
That's great! That's a great piece of reseach. In Islam, it's blasphamous to consider Jesus The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
@sultansalmansapal3625 3 года назад
An intelligent individual and a TRUE BELIEVER is he who can differentiate the CREATOR and the creation. My prayers that people around the globe can realize this truth... The INFINITE MAKER is only ONE and the rest are HIS creations..
@sultansalmansapal3625 3 года назад
@helengabr5743 3 месяца назад
Dear Paul, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ For years, since aged fifteen i was in the charismatic church and totally programed. So much of what we were taught didn't feel right but the pressure to comply was so strong. I have been effectively ostracised by people that were friends and i forgive them. I feel sad that they put religion before humanity. I think people project their idea of who Jesus was and he would be sad to see the adulation and focus on him alone. A friend of my late mother who is in her nineties, wrote me from UK when i married my Egyptian husband: "please be careful! I am afraid you will lose your soul!" Fear stops people from questioning but if we give away our critical thinking its a downward slope. I suffer guilt at times and some fear, but i know i did the right thing becoming Muslim 👍. I still loveJesus and i feel he led me to Islam and to freedom from all the doctrination.
@amankadir5133 3 года назад
Thnk for sharing bro.. You re diff not like many god bless u
@muslimguardian6514 3 года назад
Asalamualikum brother Paul, always brought interesting topics. may Allah SWT rewards you for your hard works.
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
Many many thanks
@lovekingdomofbelievers.2893 2 года назад
John 17:5 Jesus claim to share the Glory with God in the beginning (before creation)….
@owaisiqbal2191 3 года назад
I want to forward this to a practicing Christian ex-colleague but scared he will take this negatively. This channel should be spread around and promoted as much as possible. I knew brother Paul for such a long time through RU-vid but it's a shame I found this channel just yesterday.
@jeffxcc 3 года назад
Honestly the more I study the Bible the more confused I get! It was better when I didn't take the advise of " Read Your Bible" the more I dive in the more I go yikes!
@xvxv360 3 года назад
me too in one verse he said the father is greater than me in the same bible different verse he said the Jewish were upset because he is saying that he is equal to god?! And they wanted to kill him for saying this.
@rahimerayane4298 3 года назад
@@xvxv360 With all due respect sir The Jews were persecuting Jesus because they accused him of making himself God. However, Jesus rejected their accusation. He made it clear to them that his actions did not come from his own decision, but they came from God. Jesus was only doing as the Father was doing. During his entire ministry Jesus was a messenger just like Moses and Abraham and Solomon and David and Ismail and Isaac before him, Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified, It was the plan of Jesus’ enemies to crucify him, he Demanded that the children of Israel Worship the One True God they instead mocked him and conspired with the Romans against him but God saved him and raised him up to Him,And the likeness of Jesus was put over another man. Jesus’ enemies took this man and crucified him, thinking that He was jesus
@supernatural3796 3 года назад
Thank you sir ..
@ryanschwarzkopf5286 2 года назад
“Jesus took him on his own legal ground.. Why then address Jesus as good, unless indeed one recognized in Him the divine Son of God, for God alone is good” H A Ironside
@jackjohnhameld6401 3 года назад
Three books I recommend off the top of my shelves ... *Incarnation* (2008) by Thomas F Torrance (1913-2007) professor of systematic theology at New College in Edinburgh for 27 years, after having studied under Karl Barth ... *But is he God?* (2014) by David J Lambourn ... *Christ of the Bible and the Church's Faith* (1998) by Geoffrey Grogan. William Barclay is not read today, in his time he recommended silly books like The Passover Plot by Hugh J Schonfield, but was much loved in his day by people in television because of his liberal theology, rather as the BBC promotes the godless heretic Richard Holloway whenever there is a discussion on Christianity, but would never have a real theologian like Professor Donald Macleod because he holds orthodox views.
@FZ2HELL 3 года назад
Thanks for a brilliant clarification... I thank you for the video.
@ccx9562 3 года назад
Fascinatig.Good work.Thanks
@BloggingTheology 3 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@johnbradshaw2902 Месяц назад
Similar events are recorded several times in the Bible. When angel messengers appeared before a number of prophets and others, they all dropped down, mostly in fear, but the angels all immediately responded, do not worship me only worship God. The Bible often gives us examples of similar events from the past, present and future. It sets a pattern of repetition, so we can learn, be reminded and act accordingly.
@zandzkids3862 3 года назад
Absolutely true As far as our teaching ,he never claim divinity, or he said he is god , it is very clear now , provided god open their heart to accept the truth . Abdullah
@allykhan8594 3 года назад
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin. There are so many numerous hands that have written the bible, confusion is abound. Blind loyalty, refusal to admit the plain and obvious is the malady that affects their hearts and minds. It is tragic really. .
@youtubechannel3399 3 года назад
Lol how many hands wrote the quran??? Paul the wasteman gets terrorised at the park. How many times have you been schooled by Bob the builder aka the Islamic nightmare
@allykhan8594 3 года назад
@@youtubechannel3399 If it were in your Power, burn every Qu'ran on the planet we can re-establish it the next day. The birmingham Qu'ran shows that not a dot or letter has changed in 1400+ years, 1 of the oldest Qu'ran's in existence. Whereas the bible are numerous and as contradictory as individual leaves on an oak tree in summer, they look the same but placed against each other they are different and unique! The Qu'ran original version is in the minds and hearts of men, women and children, thus preserved and unchanged. So you live in the U.K. How empty are your churches and how abandon? Seen them on auctions sites of churches for sale? Where are your virgins, where are the fathers of the fatherless? GO READ your bible and see the punishment for fornicators and adulterers.
@gdrsgggsdrgdgdg7961 3 года назад
@@youtubechannel3399 1 author. The Quran hasn’t been changed
@youtubechannel3399 3 года назад
@@gdrsgggsdrgdgdg7961 if I prove it has been changed, what will you do?
@youtubechannel3399 3 года назад
@@allykhan8594 you joker the birmingham quran even though its not complete illustrates changes in the quran. What kind of drugs you been smoking???
@khalidislam5422 3 года назад
The Catholic scholarly position seems to be converging to this understanding - please review this book: Islam: Past, Present and Future, by the leading contemporary Catholic scholar Hans Kung. Wikipedia has a good reference to the author and this work of his. May God bless your efforts and shower you and us with His mercy and guidance
@husseinm.m1170 2 года назад
I think this paul willisms is a'submarine' muslim there are many other submarine muslims in the world today as it was yesterday Allshu musthaan
@Mindhumble 3 года назад
It is good to see nonjews thinking critically about their religion, it is the only way to know truth. Unfortunately most people dont have access to analysis like this or are to lazy to do the hard work themselves, and just accept what they are taught without questioning. This makes me appreciate more the jewish approach of questioning everything, to reach the truth, and not taking ANYTHING on blind faith without having a rational structure to support what we believe. Good luck to all those who search for truth and never give up searching!
@Mindhumble 3 года назад
@usman rafique not sure who you are referring to, the only tribe i know like this are the ethiopian jews, and i think most of them dont have blue eyes, but i may be wrong.
@alvirarahman1559 3 года назад
They keep the fact that Jesus (PBUH) had a brother, because that doesn't go with their corrupted God "narrative",
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