
Did the Church ALWAYS Believe in the Assumption of Mary? w/ 

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A caller asks about early belief in Mary's Assumption into Heaven. Jimmy Akin gives the Catholic Answer.
Jimmy's Channel: ‪@JimmyAkin‬
Full episode: ru-vid.com...
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4 окт 2024




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@SacredReason 9 часов назад
@KnightsHospitaller333 10 часов назад
thanks Jimbo
@shanehanes7096 8 часов назад
Also, if one defends the early writing of the gospels and of the New Testament epistles, Mary’s passing from the world likely hadn’t happened until after they were written. Which would corresponds fine with John seeing what would come to pass in regard to the future for the Church in the book of Revelation.
@JC_Forum_of_Christ 2 часа назад
I think you guys are confusing stars for the actual Mary!! “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬ This scene happens in the Heavens… and it referring to celestial bodies
@RedRoosterRoman 3 часа назад
My favourite is canticles 1:3-4 your name is oil poured out; therefore virgins love you. Draw me after you; let us run. The king has brought me *into his chambers*
@awjs74 3 часа назад
If all public revelation ended with the death of the last apostle, would Mary’s Assumption had to have been known by at least one of them? In other words this event couldn’t have just come to the Christian community by some post apostolic reasoning “connecting the dots”, but as a known event taught by an Apostle (e.g. John).
@NUKE.2024 14 часов назад
How can we defend the statement that Rev 12 is "divalent" - that it could mean the woman clothed in gold is both our Blessed Virgin AND Biblical Israel ? Are there other Biblical examples of double meaning accepted by non-Catholics ?
@twoody9760 12 часов назад
The fact there are many denominations of non-Catholics is evidence non-Catholics have different interpretations of various Bible verses.
@whiterose41380 11 часов назад
Thats a great question that I don’t know the answer to, but I think the evidence speaks for itself. Most protestants already accept that the woman is Biblical Israel, but if you are familiar with Genesis, (and I think Mr Akin misspoke here, saying Jacob’s dream), Joseph’s dream also includes the sun moon and stars (Genesis 37). In this allegorical framework, Mary is the new Rachel (Joseph’s mother). Whereas Rachel was the Matriarch of all of Israel (wife of Jacob, name changed to Israel), Mary is now the Matriarch of all Christians. With the vision of the woman clothed in the Sun, standing on the moon and with a crown of twelve stars, is indicative of this woman’s royal dominion over Israel itself. Therefore in this meaning, the woman CANNOT be Israel. However, we as Catholics accept multiple meanings when it comes to the spiritual sense of scripture. Many protestants won’t accept this interpretation even though it makes awesome sense because they read scripture “literally” with little to no concern for the allegorical, and is part of the reason they have issue understanding John’s book of Revelation in the first place. I recently learned this from Brant Pitre’s book “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary”.
@FrJohnBrownSJ 10 часов назад
How about the snake in Genesis, which both the most "cunning" of all the animals and the most "naked" of all the animals. That's multivalance of just one Hebrew word. But you could also look at things like Jesus descending the mountain to teach being both a symbol of the law on the stone tablets and a symbol of the life giving waters in Ezekiel.
@RedRoosterRoman 4 часа назад
I'd say when Jesus says "who are my mother and brothers? Those that hear and believe the word of God" He is equating motherhood and brotherhood with the Church; showing that this carnal physical relationship is sacramental of the Church. Therefore every Marian dogma has a reflection on the Church and vise versa. As ecclesiology and Mariology are intrinsically linked. (It's no coincidence that Catholics have the highest of both) So anything true of Mary can be seen to reflect the Church. And anything of the Church can be seen to reflect Mary in a *particular* way. The immaculate conception shows us how our past can be erased by grace. Every sinner can be made spotless by Christ- not because Mary was a sinner but it shows the immense love of Christ. Perpetual virginity shows us the need to preserve in the faith and love *until* the end. The assumption gives us hope. And the mediatrix should inspire us to mediate Christ to the world. Every Christian must accept the multiple "telescoping" of prophecy. A whole bunch of the prophecies about the Messiah were written in a specific context about a specific person (other than Jesus)
@twoody9760 3 часа назад
Phil 1:23 : Paul's statement about desiring to depart and be with Christ can be interpreted as a desire for physical death or longing for a spiritual union with Christ. The verse can be seen as having a literal and metaphorical meaning.
@jeffreybomba 5 часов назад
“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;” ‭‭ Actually that is a picture of the sky on the day Jesus was born. “Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she *had a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.” You really have to stretch that as being taken into heaven.
@JC_Forum_of_Christ Час назад
I think the mistake is with Revelations 12…. “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬ This scene happens in heaven and it is with celestial bodies
@DoingItTheHardWayAgain 5 часов назад
The same person who asked the question most likely believes that The Ark of The Old Covenant is preserved and protected miraculously by God. Yet he or she refuses to accept that Mary was and is sinless as the woman created by God Himself from which His only begotten Son shall get His human body from is preserved and protected miraculously by God Himself. Likewise she or he probably skips over the passages in Holy Scripture in which The Archangel Gabriel (messenger of God) addresses Mary. She or he probably skips over the passages in which Mary's cousin and child (John The Baptist) who are "filled with The Holy Spirit" (God) are jumping for joy as THEIR LORD in the womb of Mary approach them, they ignore all the passages showing how God accepts and communicates with Mary, they IGNORE & REJECT the veneration, love and respect shown to Mary by The Father and The Son. They ignore the fact that Jesus NEVER disrespected His Mother, even when He didn't quite want to do something he did it when Mary asked Him to ("wine into water"). She or he also rejects all the passages CLEARLY defining Church authority and responsibilities on Earth and definitely ignore the fact that God's will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and whatever the Apostoles bound on Earth is bound in Heaven. Yet she or he most likely says "sola scriptura" in her or his ignorance. Let us pray for all our brethren who have been mislead down the path of deception. Especially in these times. Ref: Romans. 'be the feet that God uses to crush the serpents head'.. WHOS FEET? Wom is the letter addressed to? Tenete Traditiones, God bless.
@EliteMedia-kj6dc 2 часа назад
And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace And those who spend [part of] the night to their Lord prostrating and standing [in prayer] And those who say, "Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Hell. Indeed, its punishment is ever adhering; Indeed, it is evil as a settlement and residence." And [they are] those who, when they spend, do so not excessively or sparingly but are ever, between that, [justly] moderate And those who do not invoke with Allāh another deity or kill the soul which Allāh has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty. Multiplied for him is the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein humiliated -
@reinhardfuchs5181 5 часов назад
No Mariologie from Paul etc. and nothing in 3 centuries
@vercingetorix5708 13 часов назад
Just feels like to hold this as a dogma, so the same level as the trinity, is odd. When you compare the absolute mountain of scripture and early church evidence for the trinity to the assumption of Mary which has only been relatively recently made a Dogma. It also makes me worry about Dogma creep. Especially the new push to make Co-Redeemer the 5th dogma.
@twoody9760 12 часов назад
The Church has accepted the Assumption of Mary long before it was declared a dogma. Catholics have been praying the rosary for many centuries and one of the mysteries is the Assumption of Mary.
@iggyantioch 11 часов назад
Creeping doctrine/ dogma is a good thing.
@whiterose41380 11 часов назад
I partially understand your concern, but if we stack up everything Christians believe against evidence for the Trinity, most things are left “lacking”. Should the only thing that unites Christians be the trinity? Or is it more good that all Christians are united on a whole slew of dogmas? One thing that I am reminded of is Christ’s prayer for the church to remain “one”, and if you believe that the living teaching authority of Christ’s church is guided by the Holy Spirit, there is no worry about “dogma creep”, only a deep joy that comes from knowing that Christ’s church won’t be bound to errors but that the truth is known and a unifying force for those who follow the Church as it guides the faithful toward Heaven. Personally, I am happy that Jesus’ mother was brought bodily into Heaven because it gives me an even greater hope that he will do the same for me. God bless!
@evangelion1962 9 часов назад
Tha Arian heresy of the 4th century occured because the Trinity was not sufficiently obvious. The heretic arius wanted to play sola scritura and argue his novelty rather than submit to tradition and the magisterium.
@iggyantioch 9 часов назад
@@vercingetorix5708 Context of the "times" with which it was declared . The end of the bloodiest periods in human history with more on the horizon with the rise of Mao
@andreeattieh2963 16 часов назад
James 2 24 not by faith alone
@RobertWCornell 9 часов назад
Does it really matter? Only Jesus Christ matters, He is the Savior, Mary says this herself!
@OHCA-p5c 8 часов назад
Are we not to marvel at all of the mighty works of God? You do not? You take the Savior and to hell with the rest? What exactly does that tell God? Do not be hard of thinking! Since Christ created His own mother, and since she carries Jesus' Divine DNA in her body (fetal microchimerism), is this not one of the mighty works of God? Does not His mother have His ear? Did she not BIBLICALLY intercede with her Divine Son on behalf of the faithful? All biblical, for those who lack faith and demand written proof. There seems almost nothing left of your faith except a magic name to be uttered from time to time.
@HermosoDelfino 12 часов назад
Catholic dogma
@OHCA-p5c 8 часов назад
What is it?
@StringofPearls55 7 часов назад
Dogma or the Assumption?
@OHCA-p5c 6 часов назад
@@StringofPearls55 I was asking HermosoDelfino to define what he meant.
@StringofPearls55 6 часов назад
@@OHCA-p5c Right on.
@gainsofglory6414 13 часов назад
Why would someone ask a question for evidence and then make a premise that there is literally no evidence? Wtf are you asking for then? You just show that all the evidence you hear in the answer will go in one ear and out the other because you now have a premise to defend instead of a question to ask.
@OHCA-p5c 8 часов назад
Try humility. You know, like your claimed Savior.
@gainsofglory6414 8 часов назад
@@OHCA-p5c agreed that humility is what that type of question is lacking. If understanding was the goal, one wouldn't feel the need to insert their pre determined premise into the question as an artificial limitation. Thats asking for the sake of an argument. Pointing out a fallacy isn't lacking humility and I'm not the one answering to the person. I'm just showing why that fallacy poisons the conversation by making it about defending a premise, not hearing an answer. Of course the best way to respond in person to the question is the calm and capable manner that Jimmy is skilled in.
@OHCA-p5c 8 часов назад
@@gainsofglory6414 Christ is a premise. Where is your physical evidence?
@anthonyburke2353 8 часов назад
@OHCA-p5c Look into the Shroud of Turin. Look at where the 4 Gospels come from and their historicity. Look at Eucharistic Miracles which have been scientifically tested.
@gainsofglory6414 7 часов назад
@@OHCA-p5c He's the most documented person in all of history. We have his tomb, burial cloth and such things, though tangible evidence of individuals isn't how we do history from such an age as its incredibly rare to have such remnants. We don't have physical evidence of nearly any figures we know of from such times. Christ actually has a significant amount of tangibles compared to other figures, though due to his nature people will accept or reject those pieces based on their opinions of him, not the items themselves. Of course with documentation, there is no contest he has more evidence for his existence than neaely any other figure of antiquity. Not even Hitchens or Dawkins, or the concensus of secular academia denies the existence of the person of Christ in anyway. Dawkins did briefly before changing. I used to be a big atheist fan of them. I don't know what you want me to say in a youtube comment to convince you of evidence that spans entire fields of study. I converted after several years of contending with the subjects, historical record and evidence. I deemed it not only conclusive enough to justify its claims, but also fitting and more reasonable if drawn out over all of history and philosophy. If you were actually looking to contend with that, Id say skip the history and Christian part to start. Wrestle with the base arguments for a creator of any kind, an unmoved mover with no religious claims attached. Once that is in place you can build then on discerning the nature of that creator, and judging the claims of revelation we have along with the historical record and your reason. Don't bring any of revelation or mans claims as baggage into your discernment of that first question. Best of luck to ya.
@sunnyjohnson992 11 часов назад
A Catholic theologian writes: “In the beginning, no memory of the death of Mary was linked to the Christian community.” The New Catholic Encyclopedia states: “There is no explicit reference to the Assumption in the Bible.”
@whiterose41380 11 часов назад
What’s your point?
@evangelion1962 10 часов назад
Do you know what explicit means?
@OHCA-p5c 8 часов назад
@jworthington8186 17 часов назад
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
@stellamaris5365 16 часов назад
Your "god" is Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. Your religion is "British Israelism"/Freemasonry/Gnosticism/Zionism.
@twoody9760 11 часов назад
So what is your point. This video is about the Assumption of Mary. Catholics believe Heb 9:27 and every other verse in the Bible.
@jworthington8186 17 часов назад
Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.
@andreeattieh2963 16 часов назад
Protestantism removed 7 books from the bible the plagues are upon them
@andreeattieh2963 16 часов назад
Protestantism removed 7 books from scripture
@andreeattieh2963 16 часов назад
The catholic Church gave us the new testament
@1DEROBO 15 часов назад
@@andreeattieh2963 did the church fathers accept the apocyphra as canonical?
@vman9347 15 часов назад
@@1DEROBOYes sir they did it was part of the Septuagint which is what the NT authors referenced in their writing.
@jworthington8186 16 часов назад
John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
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