
Did You Ever Have a Moment of "Evil Genius"? 

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▶ Fresh AskReddit Stories: Did you ever have a moment of "evil genius" that you actually went through with?



19 сен 2024




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@SilveryBlue1010 3 года назад
The one that cause his younger brother paralyzed was sad.. Remember kids, don't do a slippery prank on the bathroom.
@lcoq19 3 года назад
Or at all, preferably! Reminds me of a show I was watching where people were telling stories of severe accidents and the like and one guy was in a wheelchair and told about showing off doing gymnastic-type stunts with friends. They were seeing who could do the most back flips and on his last go he landed on his neck. Paralyzed for life at age 13 for doing back flips on soft grass with his friends. You might land it perfectly 1000x but it only takes one wrong landing, slip, fall, etc. to change your life in a negative way!
@Trainmaster16 3 года назад
Yeah I thought it was a bit funny at first, but when he ended up paralyzing him, it wasn't anymore. I feel really bad for his brother.
@boocrimson7720 3 года назад
It was sad cause he got hurt so badly. Like I'm sure a part of him understands his sibling was a dumb pre-teen at the time and forgives them, but at the same time like I'm sure he is a little pissed and resentful and has the right to be and I feel bad that the OP to this day feels so awful when mistakes just kinda happen and they didn't mean to hurt him but it's just an unfortunate situation all around. That is quite literally why things come with a "don't try this at home" warning now. Cause if it's realistically possible and particularly dangerous they don't want anyone repeating it :( Poor both of them. I'm glad OP learned from that though just... it is really sad
@bluejayfabrications2216 3 года назад
The bit where the video plays that fun grab after was icecold
@YayoOver 3 года назад
Atleast put pillows
@ericb3157 3 года назад
that "cinderblock sandcastle" story reminds me of several stories involving super-strong mailboxes...
@SpaceShark-ck2tg 3 года назад
OMG, right? I bet that guy *still* isn't the dream quarterback he wanted to be!
@idioticdragon5689 3 года назад
@WorldWalker128 3 года назад
My father did that. When I was 8 some punk teens kept driving down the road every two weeks at night and would smash everyone's mailbox within half a mile on the street. After mailbox three my father had enough. He got a bunch of quarter-inch iron plates and welded them together, then spray-painted it black before driving it into the ground where the old mailbox used to be. The support was also half of iron support beam that his workplace was throwing out when they remodled and was firmly welded to the mailbox as well. Oddly enough after that no more mailboxes were smashed ever again. I can only assume somebody got a broken arm and a ruined baseball bat.
@iamalbertwesker2 3 года назад
@idioticdragon5689 3 года назад
Oh wow
@brujachingona2175 3 года назад
The night shift worker always ate everyone's food. I didn't know this and had put my 10 pack of burritos in the freezer, with my name on it. He ate the ENTIRE bag full and left the empty bag in the freezer. I wasn't making much money at the time, plus I was supporting myself, my then husband, and my four children on my salary. I invested in another 10 pack and thawed them, shaking a ton of Insanity Hot Sauce into each, then froze them back up, writing my name on the bag again. The next day, three of the burritos had been eaten and he called off for that night. And the next night. And the next night. When he finally returned to work, he couldn't speak because the inside of his mouth was full of blisters. I can't imagine what his asshole looked like. When he checked me out at the register the day he came back I told him those were my burritos he ate And he better not ever touch anything in the refrigerator that wasn't his anymore if he didn't want to suffer even worse consequences. Everyone's food was safe from that day forward.
@danielsilver1244 3 года назад
You are the hero we need, but do not deserve.
@lloydlandrum3040 3 года назад
Reminds me of how my dad had a similar jerk at work.. who did something Very similar .. Long story short my mom and me cooked up a odd idea make a salsa so hot the guy would not dare try it again.. it was so spicy and acidic it ate the enamel off a brand new ladle that was never used prior when all it was used for was stirring and dipping the salsa out and my mom still after years at times gets blisters on her face happen from how bad the fumes from the salsa was .. Dude actually was sick for some time when he swiped it. But he never tried it again...
@lloydlandrum3040 3 года назад
Also reminds me oil of epicarp something once used to get drunks to quit.. Well take that .. Mix it with Mineral oil.. Some people stealing home grown tomatoes.. Find a way to inject the tomatoes with the mixture that others wouldn't notice and catch the thiefs as a result.. And it actually happened they thought they caught something but tomates hadn't went missing after that atleast while they lived in the area
@MrGivmedew 3 года назад
These are the most vile people imaginable! I had 2 roommates that on top of not paying rent on time didn’t ever buy toiletries. I only use teatree shampoo and conditioner and I only wash my hair a few times a month unless I mow the grass and I try to time mowing the grass with that. Anyways my shampoo was disappearing like crazy! I kept telling my friends you buy your own shit and use your own shit. I started taking the TP in with me and out with me but I didn’t think I needed to do the same with my shampoo! That is exactly where I drew the line! I’m not carrying this in and out. You all know exactly what I did with that fucking shampoo! I moved it to another bottle, added 50% cheap shampoo, 50% nair! The bottle never emptied itself! I think my girly ass roommate who def has used nair before immediately knew what the smell was and knew I had called him out! I left the shampoo in their for months and kept taking the real stuff in and out! I did something worse to the other asshat! I noticed the other fucker never bought toilet paper and took showers at odd times… well I decided to test my fucking theory on how he kept his asshole clean! I turned off the hot water intermittently and yeh I’m 100% sure I was right! He went to take a shower and just cold water! Took the shower anyways instead of waiting. Did this several times because the water kept fixing itself and breaking again. The behavior didn’t end till he got a girlfriend that spent the night often! She was the next insufferable problem! She was a flusher! As in she you would never see any female products or tissue (with female products inside) in the garbage… when that shit clogged up I knew exactly what I’d fine. For me that was the last straw… I said move the fuck out or I’m moving out and if I move out you’ll be paying full rent like a man. It wasn’t worth my sanity! After that I was very careful about roommates.
@AngrySeagullBoi 3 года назад
Lol imagine being so lazy you eat other peoples food, bet he learned a hard ass lesson for that😂
@TheLooterArmy 3 года назад
When my dad was a kid in the 1940's he was very very poor, and it was a big deal when he would get a chocolate bar in his lunch. A girl who was a bully would always snatch it off his desk and say "Thanks, Bobby!" and smirk while she ate it, knowing he couldn't do anything about it. So he replaced the Hershey bar with a chocolate Ex-Lax bar and carefully rewrapped it with the Hershey wrapper.... She was out of school for a week, and noone suspected him. He found out later she almost died but he still chuckles about it to this day, "thats what she gets for being a bully and a thief!"
@curly_headed_rat 3 года назад
And then they all clapped
@curly_headed_rat 3 года назад
@@aSipOfHemlocktea reddit post?
@oofgeneral 3 года назад
@@aSipOfHemlocktea hold on, I know this isn't my business, by I'm a very curious guy, so.. can I at least know what happened 🤏
@yodagaming8051 3 года назад
@aSipOfHemlocktea 3 года назад
@SpitfiretheCat16 3 года назад
For the typing program story: >Computer teacher cons students into making him a teaching tool >Students make a fake upgraded version for him that he blindly accepts >New version also has a virusy thing attached to it that makes a fake bluescreen you can't exit out of after a random number of startups >The only way to fix it is to factory reset the whole computer >The first thing the teacher installs after wiping the whole computer is the typing program
@Angel3x111 3 года назад
Thank you, that made much more sense.
@danielsilver1244 3 года назад
>Rinse and repeat
@maggiem6209 3 года назад
Quite possibly the best karmatic justice I have ever seen in my life. I hope he had problems with every computer he ever had to this day. XD
@pikachuneoncat6480 2 года назад
Thank you very much for explaining that.
@sirenofthesea7802 2 года назад
Thanks for the TL/DR! 😄😄😄
@immortalsofar5314 3 года назад
I love Schroedinger's Christmas present. Who knows what was in the box that got thrown away?
@fuzenakuhei8223 3 года назад
Did the box even exist then?
@immortalsofar5314 3 года назад
@@fuzenakuhei8223 I think that might be a yes and a no!
@liagamer4265 3 года назад
A cat
@IVIaximus77 3 года назад
It was both garbage and a christmas present... for the parent.
@bigboynow7936 3 года назад
Schroedinger had a fuckin' hoarding problem it was so bad he cannot remember what he had
@sombrs44 8 месяцев назад
Oh God the paralyzed little brother prank broke my heart. I couldn't imagine the crippling guilt. And the poor little brother
@Watrepuss 3 года назад
When i was about 10, and my little sister was 8, we had separate bedrooms, and being little kids, early bedtimes. My sister had quite a few teddy bears, including one only a bit smaller than she was, all in the bed with her. It was pretty crowded. The biggest one was pressed between the far edge of her bed and the wall, otherwise it would have been hard for her to fit in her own bed. That year was the year i began to suffer from insomnia, and even if i could get to sleep, waking up for any reason meant another hour of lying there in the dark. (I had been told i should not turn my light on and read, as i then found it hard to stop reading and my parents thought that was keeping me awake more) So one night i woke up, realised it wasnt morning, and started counting sheep. After what felt like hours, but was probably about 45 minutes, i heard my sister get up and go to the toilet. As the bathroom door shut, i had a moment of evil genius. You see my sister had neglected to turn her bedroom light on, and her room was around the corner from the bathroom, so only enough light to see silhouettes would illuminate her way back in. I dashed into her room, grabbed the giant teddy, carried it out of sight, then climbed into its place, without fully thinking through what i was doing. The bathroom door opened. As she got close to the bed i began to have second thoughts, but it was too late, she was between me and the door! Not knowing what to do, i just froze. She climbed into the bed. There was no possible way this could end well, and i was going to be in trouble, so i stayed still for a minute or two, desperately trying to think of a way out of this. I couldnt have planned it better, because that time let her get comfy and start to drift back to sleep. Seeing no other option, i reached out in the dark, touched her arm lightly and said from in the bed with her (somewhat sheepishly, and in a voice slightly hoarse from being dry) "hey em...im here." XD it went about as well as you would expect, and i still feel both guilty and greatly amused to this day
@metarcee2483 3 года назад
That's epic.
@Loaves_of_Cat 3 года назад
@memyselfandi7782 3 года назад
Pfft. Whatever pee she didnt get out of her system surely wouldve come out then
@_EllieLOL_ 3 года назад
@JanMaynz 6 месяцев назад
Pffffft, that is horrible and if I was your sister I would give you a playful smack whenever I thought of it... as well as share the story at almost every family get together just so we can laugh at silly kids xD
@agcacustoms2852 3 года назад
The story about the paralyzed brother was really sad, makes me thank god I’m not paralyzed from all the wrestling I did with my brother. As kids we don’t really think of the consequences but later in life we realize just how badly things could have gone.
@friendly.neighborhood.weirdo 2 года назад
I rescued a baby squirrel a while ago. Long story, but she was easy to train with sunflower seeds. I trained her to attack people on command because my siblings would CONSTANTLY come into my room looking for a toy or book or whatever. I value my privacy and would often post signs telling them to knock, which they ignored. I didn't have a door lock so there was nothing I could do. So one day my older sister comes in looking for her phone, and I'm sitting on my bed with my squirrel, just reading. I look up at her, and at Frankie (my squirrel) and I just snap my fingers and point at my sister while clicking my tongue, which was my attack command. She went wild. Leapt into her hair, squeaking and biting. Sister never entered my room without knocking again. I had to have Frankie attack 3 more siblings before they got the memo though.
@Toldoris 3 года назад
I must admit: I think tricking (bad) people into hurting themselves with their own bad behavior is morally justifiable and pretty much okay! Of course there is a limit! A shotgun behind a locked door to defend against thieves is overkill and actually using lethal poison to stop a food thief is way to much. But other than that, they just get what they deserve.
@CausingChaos. 3 года назад
It’s actually illegal(in America) to set up a lethal trap, it’s not just overkill
@MagicalMaster 3 года назад
There's another trick that can be used. I grew up with two brothers so when we hit the teenage years meal times would almost break out into violence. So my solution was to simply load up my food with things they both hated and learn to love em. No one wanted to touch my spicy or salty messes. I'm sure it wasn't healthy, but it kept me fed.
@raaston9761 2 года назад
@@MagicalMaster I deal with that from my sister so I slowly built up tolerance to a insane amount of salt and put a shitton of food
@MagicalMaster 2 года назад
@@raaston9761 I did that too, one of my most cherished memories is my brother pulling his stunt by getting me to look away, he grabs a fry and then starts gagging on the sheer amount of it. Just thinking about it makes me smile. Although to be fair it was mostly a lot of hot sauce or onions on my food to keep em away.
@newflesh666 2 года назад
I saw some post somewhere where the person getting their food stolen repeatedly told the person to stop and (when it didn't stop) started putting small amounts of marijuana in their food, and then reported the thief for a drug test. I thought that was pretty clever and funny.
@TheNormExperience 3 года назад
Mine is little; any Halloween I can’t hand out candy personally and have to leave a bowl out for neighborhood kids I put a sign on it saying; “Only take 1 please - Christmas is coming soon and Santa is watching. This is your test.”
@MrGivmedew 3 года назад
I’m totally borrowing this
@kalea.b06-39 3 года назад
id be the kid that would empty the bowl and then yell 'fuck you santa' into the night
@SakariWolf13 3 года назад
@@kalea.b06-39 ...only to find that they were sugar-free and eating too many can cause laxative effects 😈😈
@poliproductions9516 3 года назад
@quinnception631 2 года назад
@@SakariWolf13 ok satan
@exasperatus2002 3 года назад
One year my daughter was misbehaving bad around Christmas so I invented the repo elf. He's the one that comes after Christmas to kids who only behaved enough to get something other then coal and then takes it away when they act up shortly after Christmas. Sure enough, she got what she wanted and had an attitude about something boarding on ungratefulness. SO repo elf came that night and took it. He left her a note with conditions. It was the only year she acted up.
@omniXenderman 3 года назад
I almost want to say that was cruel but I think the holidays draw the worst out of people(and I mean your daughter not you)
@staceyoverley6148 3 года назад
My kids are adults now, but that would have been hilarious!! (though none of my kids were any worse than usual during the holidays)
@maomaomi5434 2 года назад
@@omniXenderman it applies to adults too, sadly. Black Friday, anyone?
@snowwhitehair485 3 года назад
Many years ago, the mercifully small, slightly younger boy who moved in next door was just nasty, nasty, nasty. My brother and I had to be friends with him as ignoring him would make you his enemy and he was not someone you wanted to have as an enemy. He regularly took a dislike to other people on sight for no valid reason. He was always supremely self-important and selfish and always had to be 'leader of the gang' etc. One day I came across this line in the dialogue of a comic, "You're kinda big for your age . . ." This gave me an idea, so I slipped it into a conversation with him and watched his chest fill with pride and over-confidence although it was so not true. A short time later in the street he insulted a passing tall boy from another school because he had red hair. The boy immediately flew into a rage and gave my nasty neighbour a thorough beating. Nasty neighbour never realised he had been set up.
@akala-bluesaville9866 11 месяцев назад
I have a vision of you. In a luxurious. Black. Italian leather. Over-sized. Swivel armchair. Stroking a menacing hairless cat.🐱😉🫡 I truly loved your story💙🙏bless😊
@Jetstream_Selrach 3 года назад
My little brother wouldn’t stop stealing a treat of mine the I got ( it was bars of chocolate if I remember correctly) and I bought a mould and melted the chocolate and put some ghost pepper Chile flakes in the melted chocolate and then moulded it into the shape of the chocolate. Woke up one night to screaming from the kitchen. So much work but so worth it.
@memyselfandi7782 3 года назад
Glorious. What happened up next?
@Jetstream_Selrach 3 года назад
@@memyselfandi7782 he tried to get me back and miserably failed
@ZelenskyPlane 3 года назад
@@Jetstream_Selrach continue
@ahmed4363 3 года назад
@@Jetstream_Selrach please, continue.
@Prix-cp5qc 3 года назад
@@Jetstream_Selrach continue.
@The_Dudester 3 года назад
From 2003-2006 I was a feature writer for a celeb website. I got a heads up that Nicole Ritchie was marrying Joel Madden. I decided to have some fun and wrote a press release that Nicole was marrying football legend John Madden. I added that they would honeymoon on the Madden cruiser, checking out NFL stadiums. Also that he bought her an engagement ring with a football shaped diamond. It was three days before anyone fact checked that.
@asurasyn 3 года назад
I once posted a fake story about someone shooting up a Westboro protest that got reported by local news here. Fact checkers are important, people!
@Loaves_of_Cat 3 года назад
It’s be so funny if they actually did all that after u got fact checked. Everybody would’ve become so confused.
@MrGivmedew 3 года назад
@@asurasyn wow, you are aware that something like that crosses a line. If someone read that and reacted to it in a violent way I’d say that it’s provocative enough that it could be called “incitement” and that is not protected under free speech. People could have read that said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and then decided to gather peacefully to protest what happened. Then if violence broke out then at that point you’d certainly be in a shit load of trouble. However even if violence didn’t break out if there had been a gathering and protest, peaceful or not it could be argued that people had been put at risk by the gathering… people do get arrested for “incitement” without injury taking place and without clear cut evidence that their is enough evidence to support a verdict. In other words actions like that can lead to an arrest even if they can’t lead to a conviction. I know from experience that once arrested… innocent or not conviction or not your career outlooks change until the statute of limitations is up (because you are a risk even if the chargers are dropped until then). So I’d highly recommend you refrain from that kind of behavior and maybe not be so proud of it either and before someone misunderstands how it works… no you don’t get to say well any lie or mistruth can cause violence so everyone needs to worry. That’s not how it works. This person is specifically talking about violence against a specific group of people that never happened during a time in which tensions already exist and are already very high.
@asurasyn 3 года назад
@@MrGivmedew "wah wah wah wah wawah wah wah!" Yeeeeah, save the self righteous lecture for someone who gives a shit. I'm not responsible for the stupidity of others. The Onion has put out similar shit for years, no acts of terrorism have cropped up.
@MrGivmedew 3 года назад
@@asurasyn I’m not saying you give a shit about other peoples or that you are responsible. I’m not saying you qualify as a decent human being. I’m saying that’s not a prank and it isn’t actually funny. It’s as funny as a kid lighting a building on fire. You probably work a part time menial job with no education or responsibilities at all. So I’d never expect you to understand why the Onion would never write anything like that and never has. I don’t even have to check. Using real locations and claiming violence took place at that location isn’t something they would do.
@theodorethewyvern2640 3 года назад
I think that paralysis story killed the mood.
@michaelbujaki2462 2 года назад
"And then I blacked out". I think his parents beat him senseless.
@lilmanjoshplayz7478 3 года назад
Holy crap that Mew one was incredible. As a pretty big Pokémon fan, it physically hurts me, but also he really deserved it.
@smsff7 5 месяцев назад
Mew is my favorite pokemon so I feel it. It is sads that many years later I learned of a glitch that could be used to get one. I've seen it in speedruns.
@DerpyPenguin4747 3 года назад
I was doing a drivers ed course. There was this one kid who would steal my pencils. They were Ticonderoga pencils so they were the good stuff. He'd give them back but it became a bit of a game. One day I loaded my hoodie pocket with an entire box of those suckers. He snatched the first one off my desk. No biggie, I just pulled another out. He snatched that one too. I pulled another one. Predictably he snatched that. Once again another pencil to the rescue. He's five pencils scored and he's getting increasingly confused and finally asks "How many pencils do you HAVE?!" I just smiled. I think he stopped after that.
@Master_vp101 3 года назад
Dude, Ticonderoga pencils are sacred covenants. I'm astonished that a) he had the audacity to steal those priceless treasures and b) that you were able to withstand that devine power of having a whole pack of those relics at once.
@RinCrypt8959 3 года назад
When I was ten my brother broke my favorite picture frame that was also a snow globe. So I set his alarm to ring 5 minutes late than got a whole bushel of sandspurs and put it in his shoe, it worked he in a rush did not look before he shoved his foot full force into the shoe. I don't regret it.
@hajnalmini 2 года назад
Any prank that involves the bathroom is seriously life-threatening. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
@castielsgranny4308 3 года назад
In my office in the WTC in NY, early 90’s, someone always stole my milk I kept for coffee. If you’re a coffee lover and like it a certain way, you’ll know how infuriating that is. So… I brought an extra carton of 1:2 & 1/2 in, opened it, and set it under the far end of my desk, for 9-10 days. I then put that carton in the fridge in place of my usual fresh. It didn’t take long. BTW, if your company leased a smaller office in the WTC you’d share a washroom with the rest of the floor. Yep. The thief had to run out of our office, down the hall to the toilets, gagging all the way. I said nothing. My cream was never messed with again.
@LordBloodraven 3 года назад
When I was living in LA, I noticed someone stole the registration sticker off my license plate. Knowing that my paperwork was up-to-date, I decided I'd get it replaced when a cop pulled me over or next year's registration sticker came in the mail. On three occasions, a cop car started changing lanes to get behind me to try and pull me over, but with LA traffic, I could legally change lanes and easily pull away before they had a chance to turn on their lights. I finally got pulled over when I moved back to suburbia and a written warning to get a replacement sticker. Those were fun times.
@m.j.piazza7853 3 года назад
I tricked my sister into eating a mint after doing a spicy food challenge. She didn’t know that mint and spicy activate different pain receptors in your mouth. I essentially made her eat hellfire. 100% worth it.
@sethyuikora2 3 года назад
Shared this before, but I started pre-medicating my own personal tea bottles (which happened to get stolen from the break room on a daily basis) with laxatives happened to coincide with the same day the entire grocery department went home from work early. I'm sure those events are unrelated.
@bluesuncompanyman 2 года назад
When I was away for college my little sister was in HS and broke up with a guy. Ex BF came to the house a week later at 2am and did doughnuts in my dad's front lawn. A week later it happened again. We generally knew who was doing it but there was no proof. I came home for fall break to see my father in the garage with an old boy scout steel tent stake and he was using a grinder to sharpen it to a viscous point. He then used it to spike the yard. Sure enough that Saturday night the donuts were attempted again but the dude blew a tire in the 1st pass. It never happened again after that.
@poppasmurf4115 3 года назад
i was running all maintenance for a mill that made carpet yarn. i helped build and set up all aspects, from blending, carding, spinning, autoclave to shipping finished product. i was by far the highest paid employee, salary, but was working about 60 hrs a week. all was running smoothly, product going out the door, when owner decided since all was going well, they no longer needed to pay me as much. of course, i walked, and within 2 weeks the plant had gone to shit. they asked me to come back, i told them i'd come as consultant...200 dollars an hr, 3 hr minimum. they balked for a few weeks, then accepted. i'd come in about 3 times a week, get them running in less than an hr, then go back fishing. this lasted a bit over a year before they found someone with my skill set, whom they had to pay much more than my original salary. anyway, they wound up paying me 6 figures for a bit over a year.
@maraudershields283 3 года назад
06:00 “spa shower” haha, nah he was totally going blind in the shower.
@sambaker6969 3 года назад
4:12 “quench thirst you thieving gobshite” that had me laughing.
@johnxina2465 3 года назад
The Nair one was crazy.
@brianmcgill1290 3 года назад
Did one on my dad by adding dog shampoo to his shampoo and the dog keeps looking at him funny.
@alienangel777 3 года назад
Yeah, I have my doubts. If Nair couldn't remove the soft blonde hair on my legs after leaving it on until it literally burned my skin but not remove the hair, I don't think it would work on anyone's head hair.
@johnxina2465 3 года назад
@@alienangel777 interesting, thankyou!
@alexandershaer1079 3 года назад
Straight outta Matilda
@Master_vp101 3 года назад
@@alexandershaer1079 thats exactly what I thought reading that
@MrsShocoTaco 3 года назад
Going into a persons contacts in their phone and swapping a few names around.
@Kayenne54 3 года назад
"Mom" for "Natasha Hotstuff"...I hope.
@MrsShocoTaco 3 года назад
@@Kayenne54 🤣
@Derppudding404 3 года назад
I would've filled the sprite bottle with lemon juice so I'd still have something to drink
@asurasyn 3 года назад
Bleach. No one would ever cross you again.
@phoebusapollo8365 3 года назад
@@asurasyn yeah, cause prison doesn’t have school bullies.
@asurasyn 3 года назад
@@phoebusapollo8365 it's not a crime to have a bottle of poison stolen by someone who's dumb enough to drink it.
@asurasyn 3 года назад
@Baba Ganush there is no law against poisoning your own food. If some dipshit steals your poisoned food, eats it and dies, you are not at fault. If I spread rat poison on my own property and some idiot lets their pet/child get over the fence and eat it, I'm not liable for that.
@asurasyn 3 года назад
@Baba Ganush there's the law, as written, that agrees with me, and then there's the law, as practiced, which agrees with you. All it takes is one good argument and one decently intelligent juror to overturn the interpretation back to the law, as written, to turn practice in my favor. I'm fine with that. Also, yes, you could be sued for a trespasser dying on your property, but it's unlikely you'd be imprisoned. Moreover, you can counter sue the family for damages and actually make money for killing someone's kid. 'Murica!
@readmarx420 2 года назад
I was tasked with babysitting my brother and his friend. They were acting out and I decided to punish them. I like unusual punishments, so I decided to make them watch church (one of the worst punishments to me). This was met with the response "we like church". I smiled and said " OK I have something else for you then" and made them watch The Amazing Atheist. My brother is now an atheist, and I always was an atheist.
@musicallydisneyamvs6731 3 года назад
I’d hate to burst his bubble but that kid mostly likely knew the difference & just didn’t care to say anything because Sprite & Serra Mist are similar enough to not really care about the difference. Probably just took the drink because hey it’s all the same.
@wozaow 3 года назад
Yeah, you can definitely taste the difference, but most people really just don’t care. Sprite and Sierra Mist are both fine. Similar enough flavors.
@iClone101 3 года назад
Uh, I don't believe that either Sprite or Sierra Mist contain caffeine...
@musicallydisneyamvs6731 3 года назад
@@iClone101 You know what I meant, but thanks for the info.
@shinobiighost6946 3 года назад
Remember, be kind to others as well as erratic in your routines so that you're not so easily victim to a trap.
@TekkenGirl4Lyfe 3 года назад
Hooked my best friend on Fire Emblem: Three Houses. She's smitten with Dimitri. Her last update was being stuck on chapter 12's main mission... she _hasn't_ told me how she handled his reaction to the previous chapter's reveal (a reveal she totally called btw). I'm just here laughing because I _know_ it's all gonna go downhill from here.
@MrsShocoTaco 3 года назад
I'll never understand "pranks" that involve injuring a person. How is that funny?
@saturnianrings3920 3 года назад
It just is. I don’t know why. It just is.
@Abandex369 3 года назад
Only in cartoons
@happenedshow8322 3 года назад
In my opinion it depends what kind of injury. If injury is planned and it will hurt for a bit then it's okay. But not this kind that will hurt for week or two
@asurasyn 3 года назад
It's not funny. It's just an expression of the desire to harm someone in a socially acceptable way.
@boocrimson7720 3 года назад
Well the one that wanted their brother to slip wasn't intending on there being an injury that's probably part of why they feel so guilty too. Like that was intended to make someone look silly with an unintended consequence. But I agree pranks where people get injured mentally or physically really aren't funny. If it's really deserved then it's petty revenge not a prank, but outside of that it's just mean. Not that the shampoo on the floor thing was funny either but I feel bad for the both of those kids in that situation cause they really did just mean for their brother to get covered in sticky feathers and look silly and it went awry.
@abstract1dea 3 года назад
My son had a roommate who had a friend that liked to eat other people's food when he came to visit. Son lived Thai food and one evening he had some leftover food that was Thai spicy. And he ordered it extra spicy that night. Next day friend came over and had a smug look on his face as he grabbed the leftovers that had all night to sit and get even spicier. He didn't say a thing but just smiled as theif took a big bite and quickly turned red and struggled to manage the pain. Son just said in a calm voice "dont steal my food that I paid for" A-hole never did it again
@TeamCat1128 3 года назад
“Sand engineering” and “army of 2nd graders”, made me laugh.
@lunachable1 3 года назад
Ouch my hand hurts from just listening to that story
@demirarol2201 2 года назад
Read that out of context
@lunachable1 2 года назад
@@demirarol2201 Oh god lmao
@thirddegree1017 3 года назад
17:48 I pulled this video up expecting to just laugh, but goddamn that was brutal.
@BobTheGodly 3 года назад
Step one agree to drive your friends home. Step two walk in a random direction away from your car. Step three ??? Step 4 profit.
@BobTheGodly 3 года назад
@Tanmay Sharma G7 to be fair step three could very well have been break into a random car.
@HorizonIncarnate 3 года назад
@@BobTheGodly you sir have got a damn good point
@Master_vp101 3 года назад
@samuelplyler1511 3 года назад
When I was in high school there was a bully in my grade who thought he was a big shot because he had made the Junior Varsity Football Team (a task that literally anyone could have done at my school as we were a small school with only double-digit graduating classes each year with not many people being interested in football) and this idiot decided to try and show dominance by making the lives of others a living hell. With me he kept challenging me to fights despite the fact that everyone knew I was one of the more passive students in the school. Finally I took some advice from a story in my mother's past and when he said you could easily beat me in a fight I challenged him to meet me at a location off school grounds roughly an hour after school let out and made sure everyone around heard. He accepted and after school my mother (who had to pick me up and drop me off as I was from another school district and bussing was not offered for school of choice) drove me there and we waited for about an hour and a half with other students there also waiting for the bully to show up. He never did, just as in the case when my mother had challenged a bully in high school, and the next day was when part two of the plan went into action. The bully then came to me and bragged about how he could beat me in a fight and I called him out by saying those were strong words from a coward who chickened out of a fight with me. He was confused at first until another person said "Yeah, we were waiting in the park for you to arrive and he was there too waiting but you never showed." and similar remarks. To rub salt into his preverbal wound one of the other students pointed out that the park was not even a block from his house. He was so embarrassed that I never had a problem with him again and he was then known as the school coward on top of already being known as a jerk. Funny part is when the principal found out after the fact that I had challenged him to a fight and called me into the office to question me. I told him the basics and when he said he was going to have to notify my mother I told him she already knew as she drove me to the park. The look on his face was priceless! Never the less he still did meet with my mother who pointed out that it was all the bully's actions that lead up to this whilst many of the teachers never bothered to put the bully in his place and that since ultimately nothing happened and that if it would have it would not have been on school grounds so the principal had no further jurisdiction of the matter. Another funny thing wads that the principal's son was aware of the arrangement but never told his father until the principal mentioned the event to him and his son told him that he was there when I challenged the bully to a fight and that he knew the bully had chickened out, showing how this was really only a secret from the principal and some of the teachers who would have mad a stink about it. Later the bully went up to the Varsity Football Team's quarterback (big guy, well over 6 ft. tall, strong enough to pick overweight me up without breaking a sweet, but never the less the nicest guy ever) and reached up and started slapping him in the face. JV Quarterback clocked him once and fight was over. Bully, whom had just supplied the straw that broke the camel's back, was suspended for the rest of the semester and had to make it up after graduation. The Quarterback was suspended for three days with all the teachers giving him all of his assignments ahead of time as most of the teachers were happy to see bully finally get the kick from reality that he deserved. Quarterback's one teacher even threw in an extra credit assignment for the class he was in and included it in his homework as well just to make sure his grade did not suffer from missing three days of class. Edit: adding a TL:DR here. Basically bully kept bothering me and other people so I made him out to be the biggest coward in the school.
@henriquebecker4453 3 года назад
In highschool, my elder brother did a homework about Egypt than presented the same homework to three different classes to gain extra credits. When it was my turn to go to highschool I got inspired by him and recycled research material from my english homework to use on my history school work, but that's not the evil part of it. The history school work was to make a parody of a music from the 50s or 60s about a dictatorship in Latin America and my teacher was a crazy socialist, so obviously I would make my parody about Cuba just to make her mad 😈. Funny enough, I put a considerable effort on my work, even asked the opinion of my classmates despite being the only one to make it's on work alone, and got maximum score. By the way, I parodied the song It's Along Way To The Top(If You Wanna Rock-'n'-roll) from AC/DC's first album, High Voltage.
@jackmomma7481 2 года назад
I would have did something from Flick Of The Switch or Fly On The Wall. This House Is On Fire... I love the opening guitar line in G minor where Angus plays with his fingers
@moony5097 2 года назад
You have my respect for parodying ACDC
@TheNintendoGamer64 5 месяцев назад
My Psychology teacher flubbed giving proper notice for our final exam in an Asynchronous class during the first COVID semester. Then tried to deny me access to the make-up timeslot because he didn't like my excuse, being that there was no indication of the proper date outside of the syllabus he buried in the online learning platform over three months prior. So I had a sudden moment of clarity, and decided to change my excuse to my dog dying, (which she actually did, it was just earlier in the semester), and when he asked why I suddenly changed my excuse, I gave him a full rundown that was meant to cater to his "psychology brain." I didn't want to use her death for personal gain, based on trying to avoid old habits of using deaths in the family to garner for sympathy. I then started acting upset, (which I frankly was because this would make me fail a course I had an A+ in all semester) saying he's forced my hand and made me disrespect my precious baby girl. (Not actually a lie here, I didn't take any bereavement time when she passed because I didn't want to use it to my advantage, but I felt backed into a corner here.) Idk if I convinced him, or if he didnt wanna risk calling my bluff to the Dean, but regardless I was able to take the Final without issue. 😏 Thanks Lilly, I hope you can forgive me and I still miss you honey.
@jegg2898 3 года назад
Love the one where you got someone rejected from all firefighter schools within a 200 mile radius. Plus the Count of Monte Cristo being my favorite book.
@thebaldcat6708 3 года назад
Not me but my brothers best friends uncles coworker’s grandpa’s cousins son’s acquaintance’s story
@MisterKargar 3 года назад
Fathers, brothers, sisters, nephews former roomate…
@dameanbible1694 3 года назад
Twice removed
@pianomanhere 3 года назад
@Hiii265 3 года назад
Sister's daughter's bestfriends's fiance's friend
@snellfraucki863 3 года назад
Half brothers step grandma’s god sons ,1st cousin once removed..........
@lordodin92 3 года назад
Yeah don't put baby oil on a shower floor . Put rice or flour instead . When they step out of the shower they now have rice stuck to their wet feet and it's a pain to get off or end up haveing flour coated to their toes
@maggiem6209 3 года назад
Great idea! And unlikely to be dangerous.
@lordodin92 3 года назад
@@maggiem6209 the best part is it's easy to clean cos they're right next to the shower but annoying enough to actually be a prank. A prank shouldn't hurt anyone
@maggiem6209 3 года назад
@@lordodin92 Flour would likely be my favorite method, since it turns to a sticky sludge.
@blademaster2390 2 года назад
3:40 My parents once came up with a similar method of punishing me when I was younger. Basically, whenever I acted up, I had to drink a small paper cup (basically a cup you would use to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth) filled with vinegar. That punishment was abandoned after they had to make me drink 1 of those vinegar cups a week. They stopped using that punishment 2 weeks after they started it.
@storyjumper 3 года назад
I don't remember what this guy did but I remember seriously not liking having to sit next to him at the table and him being a few years older. Anyway my tennis shoes were the kind that had tiny holes on and around the toe. I realized I could partially unfold a paper clip, stick it through the hole, and pull it back with my toes. Yeah little 3rd grade me had an assassins creed style shoe before that was even a thing. Poke the the guy repeatedly over that day and he thought there was a nasty bug biting him. He was too distracted to bother me though.
@gabrielbruce1977 3 года назад
In high school, I had an art teacher who hated me on a personal level- she confirmed as much to my face- and would always give me terrible grades, knowing full well I was aiming to go to art school and trying to fuck me over; while at the same time demanding I decorate the hallways with my work for no extra credit and make the art department look good as the only art student with any "classical" college-level training. At first I tried not to let her bother me and just get my work done, but when she gave me a failing grade in my medium of choice, I had fucking had it. My boyfriend at the time, as upset as I was, vowed he would get even for me, and *I didn't stop him*. So naturally, he poured his love juice on the useless wicker chair with expensive useless cushions in the corner of her office that no one was ever allowed to sit on. I got straight A's the rest of my senior year in that art class and got extra credit for all the work I did making the department look good. Pretty sure she knew I'd called in help dealing with her, lmfao
@Fcutdlady 2 года назад
I was badly bullied in school. I was in my third year of secondary school (Loretto convent in Dublin Ireland, all-girls school) It spread from the bully in my year to her sister who was in 6th year, three years older than me and happened to be our class senior prefect. At assembly She stood behind me, we were dressed for p.e as it was our first class. She kept pulling my bra strap and letting it twang back against my back. I stepped backwards and stepped on her foot grinding my heel on it too. I was always a heavy person so I did some damage. She screamed, our year tutor who was taking assembly cane to see what had gone on but I faked crying and kept saying I didn't mean to do it was an accident. Thankfully as I was a bit of a swot . that meant I was believed. It was declared an accident. No come back other than making the an apology.
@hellbunni7957 3 года назад
My grandfather told me a story about what his sister did to the bully that would steal her lunch at school. One day she got sick of it and took wet dog food and put it inbetween two slices of bread and when the bully snatched it from her, he got a big old mouth full of dog food. He never stole her lunch again 🤣
@HorizonIncarnate 3 года назад
22:50 the above average Sprite enjoyer would realize immediately as the taste of Sierra Mist kinda flats out at the end very unlike Sprite
@Master_vp101 3 года назад
Yes, we Cola Connoisseurs know the difference between the divine, palpable taste of sprite and the plebeian filth that is Sierra Mist
@chillwill2918 3 года назад
Pretending to not know one of my ex friends at all and was scared that he was a stalker that stalked me for months because they started dating my crush even though they promised not to make a move on her or anything like that just to make him seem crazy af and cause issues in their relationship so they'll break up. It worked.
@rolo8950 3 года назад
I hope the parylyzed story was fake. It was hilarious at first and then my heart sunk into my butthole when it finished like that....
@DoktorSick 3 года назад
The 12 year old girl that used the nair is fucking hilarious !!!!!
@dutchguy977 3 года назад
That sandbox story remind me of something that happened back when I was (I think in) preschool. We had just recently been told why eating sand was bad, you could get worms, and the older brother (still a preteen) of a classmate tried to get me to eat a small shovel worth of sand in exchange for something. I pretended to accep, was handed the shovel and swung the sand in his face, making sure not to actually hit him with the shovel and ran off.
@josephjones611 2 года назад
I come from a family of drivers and had experience driving before going to school to get my CDL . The instructor thought we were all newbies, and tried to play pranks on us. I cought all but one , he didn't catch any that I pulled on him. Things like marbles in the fuel tank, popcorn in the exhaust , and super glue in the door lock. He started the truck to do a break check , letting it run got about 20 min. The popcorn started cooking and blowing out the smoke stack . He shut it down , burnt popcorn cooled down and harden into a brick. Almost got kicked out of school for that trick.
@Self-replicating_whatnot 2 года назад
2:20 I was actually in a position of being trained as a replacement for previous IT guy. When i arrived at the office it transpired that he has a total of two work days to pass on his knowledge. Guess how that went.
@hotcocoa8373 3 года назад
16:25 sounds a LOT like Matilda's hair dye trick. If you haven't read Matilda, the main character's dad regularly uses a hair product. As a reward for his stellar parenting, Matilda dumps out a quarter of the bottle and fills it with hair dye.
@HalleXena 3 года назад
Having a good time listening then the home alone prank played and now Im depressed
@Skeltered 5 месяцев назад
Had an annoying and very smelly roommate in college. His odor combined with a small room was dangerous. He also got waayyy too into his videogames, oftentimes shouting callouts to his team in Destiny 2. Let's just say "he" kept running over his headphone cord at his desk until it eventually broke. Oddly enough, my X-Acto knife's blade got suddenly dull one night and his headphones didn't work at all the next morning...
@wizardkot2052 3 года назад
The one with the firefighter was a bit weird considering he didn't punish his shit girlfriend in the same way.
@Tinf0iI 2 года назад
yeah i never understood that logic. why punish the person who might not even know the girl was in a relationship instead of the person who betrayed you?
@davelastname8074 3 года назад
I had a roommate in school who would always steal my candy. One day I bought two boxes of chocolate laxatives and put them in a bowl, (they had a plain wrapper) I came back to the room 2 hours later and he was on the toilet the rest of the night. Never stole from me again 😂😂😂😂
@getoutofmyface 6 месяцев назад
Some years back I was making candy for Easter Sunday, when it suddenly clicked that Easter coincided with April Fool's Day. Needless to say, a few of those candies were sabotaged with garlic and chili powder, and I shaped a few pieces of play-doh and dipped them in chocolate. It was a pretty fun April Fools prank IMO.
@moonsaces2122 6 месяцев назад
In middle school everyone at my school was really into the “Living History” thing our teacher would do to get us to engage more with the material. So when we got to the Medieval period we of course did the Black Death, using little slips of paper that said “You’ve got the Plague” (this was way before COVID I swear!). She passed them out at random a little at a time and once you got one you were meant to pass it on to someone and by the end of the time period we’d see who was left alive. Well I got it and a girl who’d been bullying me was bragging to her friends how she hadn’t gotten it yet. So one day I asked to go to the bathroom and secretly went to her locker. We had these two part lockers, a big lower part and top part that was only supposed to unlock when the bottom did. Only I knew her top part was broken and could pop open if you pulled just right. So I did and taped up the plague paper so she and everyone would see it when she opened it again, shutting the locker door properly so it would lock. She was SO pissed and never found out it was me.
@pabloporta9635 Месяц назад
Never screw over your IT. People often forget IT is a literal branch of Operations.
@bland9876 3 года назад
20:13 i know why but it seams wrong for it to say "FUN" after that
@willthegrete4276 2 года назад
The only time I've really hatched and carried out a plan was when my best friend/roommate was getting abused by a woman. They were dating. She was sleeping with multiple people and tried with me too. She was really rude to him. Insisted on fancy dates. (We were 17 in our first apartment, barely making rent.) Once she dumped him, I started dating her... then I slept with her older sister. I still feel bad.
@Epicgirl368 2 года назад
Flipping the table when I had to leave a tabletop game (the game on steam) the pure panic in discord was glorious before I shut my computer off.
@gamerguy2259 Год назад
3:02 This reminds me of that one Captain Underpants book where it's mostly about George and Harold when they were in kindergarden and they keep sending embarrassing messages to the bully's friends on his phone
@alpharius3045 3 года назад
I did the sprite thing at work except with Dr. Pepper. A guy kept drinking my sodas. Little did he know that at the time I used chewing tobacco (I have since quit). So one day I replaced my Dr. Pepper with an old spit bottle because he wouldn’t stop (tobacco spit is the exact color of Dr. Pepper). A he didn’t come back from lunch and my manager called me into his office to ask me about it. I told him what was going on and how I’d asked him several times to stay out of my sodas. Since he was basically stealing my belongings it was deemed as his own fault but I was told not to do it again.
@michaelbujaki2462 2 года назад
There's a tale of a dispatcher at a trucking company who had her lunch stolen. This made the rest of her day uncomfortable because the lunch food contained her prescription laxatives. Meanwhile on the 401, Trucker Lunch Thief wasn't feeling so great. His guts were running faster than the Shinkansen Express. Leaving out the gruesome details I'll just relate the end. He was fired, and given the option of buying a new truck for the company or cleaning the current truck for free. It took him two weeks to get the truck clean enough that he could go home.
@nyashahardley 3 года назад
The paralyzed younger brother is an awful story. They should feel bad for what they did. It irrevocably changed the brothers life.
@flimsyenthusiasm5769 3 года назад
Tbh I would murder my son if I found out he’d done that to his brother.
@spudmuffin2688 3 года назад
Jolly-oh-gosh!! Here I was thinking Sierra-Mist and Sprite were the same thing.
@charimonfanboy 2 года назад
I was on a team project once, I was a straight A student and the guy I was partnered with was one of my bullies. He left me to do all the work, didn't even mention it until the class it was due, secure in the certainty of an A with zero effort. He bullied me a bit too much the day before it was to be handed in and I had an eff this, I'm done moment and did not bring the project in to school. When questioned I said I thought the bully was bringing it. Teacher said to bring it in by the end of the week and we would get a C maximum or we would fail the coursework (about 50% of the grade) I told Luke the he needed to get it completed before then which prompted the teacher to say we each needed to do our own project now. I brought the finished project in the next day and with the exam scraped a high B for that subject, I heard later that the bully failed the subject completely.
@johnmcconnell7052 3 года назад
Someone kept hacking into one of my video games destroy my saves etc I finally made it where when loaded in if you weren't careful you would be launched into explosives constantly set the volume to high. After a few minutes of this I walked up to him I gave him a glass of coke when he drank it gave him an upset stomach he was puking for a few hours.
@bugcatcherjacky1334 3 года назад
So the friend got in trouble for putting a needle inside HIS clay volcano but the person willingly smashing it didn't? Reminded me why I hated school...
@j.eremy.z 3 года назад
We were at sleepaway camp, and we were sneaking out at like 3am and were super tired. We had the absolute 1000 IQ idea to move all of the slat and pepper shakers to one table. We are fucking evil masterminds
@charismatic9467 5 месяцев назад
That girl that was mad her stepmom was making her eat more healthy because she was fat that then made her sepmom go bald is an absolute sociopath. Self snitching fr. Scary there's people like that in this world hiding among us.
@justsomejerseydevilwithint4606 2 года назад
I made a WMD in minecraft. Long story short, when Mojang added honey blocks, it opened the way for potentially infinite blocks to be pushed by a slime block flying machine. If you have enough honey, iron, cobblestone, wood, quartz, redstone and Slime, you can push anything easily. I used this to push massive chunks of dynamite, and a collapsing-detonation function so that when it crashes, it explodes.
@wesleythomas7125 2 года назад
1)Order a massive burger at the local greasy spoon, using deliberately confusing house-lingo 2) hide the pickles under my tongue 3) Complain and get the meal comped 4) Profit! 5) show the teller the pickles to rub his dumb squid face in it
@erikajoyal765 3 года назад
The peppered Gatorade mom is a beast xD I bet he never won with her 😂
@exceptedpanic7431 3 года назад
19:25 that got dark quick
@k.chriscaldwell4141 3 года назад
Not getting angry and confrontational with the extremely rude and/or dangerous driving or parking of others. Just follow them to their destination and "touch up" their paint job and "remodel" their car. There are few things as satisfying as feeling a key or screw driver break through the paint to the primer and then through the primer to the metal. It just soothes the soul.
@rnedlo9909 2 года назад
I worked for a man who shorted me pay. I brought it up that he owed me $1,100 and he ignored me. Needless to say, I didn't work for him very long. Jump forward four years and I was working for a large company that decided to do business in the county my former cheating boss lived in and needed the services that he provided, the contract was for $380,000. My manager asked if I knew anyone in that county to do the work, and I said, "Nope". Another business got the contract. Never mess with a patient man.
@six-colors8314 3 года назад
19:34 HOLY SHIT-
@Prince_Benevolence 3 года назад
That’s exactly how I felt- like, I expected them to get hurt- but not that severely-
@spicytee133 3 года назад
Lemme just say, I KNEW IT.
@redturtle234xd5 2 года назад
My family had just moved into a new house and ask anyone who has moved and they can tell you things get mixed up or lost easily, anyways my sister hadn’t grabbed a new toothbrush (we usually stockpile a few in case we need to replace) and hadn’t brushed her teeth in the first 2-3 days we were there. As good parents do my mom and dad asked us each day if we had brushed our teeth and surprisingly 11 year old me was keeping up with it but my younger sister had been lying about it because she didn’t have her toothbrush. One morning she finally decides to brush her teeth but instead of going to the designated cabinet where we store toiletries I encouraged her to go ask my mom to get her one because she had been kind of annoying the past few days when I told her to stop lying about brushing her teeth. She goes to my mom who is talking with my dad in the living room and asks her “Mom can you get me a toothbrush I don’t have one I can use?” I’m standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth, listening to all this knowing she’s gonna realize that she exposed herself for lying. My mom just simply asks her “so how have you been brushing your teeth these past few days?” She ended up with a lengthy speech on dental hygiene and I laughed on the inside.
@jacobkohr7243 3 года назад
10:20 Eat your heart out Team Rocket!
@renalin6864 3 года назад
I was once bullied by a classmate in the second grade, so I took my realistic looking toy snake and made it fall on her when she opened the door to the class. Oh, the look on her face
@SkiggsMoDiggs 2 года назад
I play this game that's based off a reality TV show called Outlaster. You basically have to win competitions and be popular to avoid being voted out, because at the end of each game, someone has to go. You can dress up your avatar and how you look. I've dawned many personas to avoid being voted out, from being a communist to please the gamers and being a cute little puppy to melt everyone's hearts (I've found the puppy is way more effective). It works EVERY TIME. Those suckers fall head over heels for me. Let's not mention planting those little seeds to get people to turn against another. If someone does or says something petty, I'll use that against them. "Penny has shown to be a poor loser and has a negative attitude, do we really want that as a winner?" and let's not forget when some guy was REALLY desperate to avoid getting voted out when the odds were against him and tried to say "Skiggs is so good at this game, don't you guys think you deserve to win? Voting them out is your only chance of winning and actually be good at the game!" That last sentence was their downfall. I retorted with "Do not insult their efforts, they are plenty good at the game." This instantly turned the whole server against them. The effects were a little harsher than intended, because they were getting bashed on even after being voted out, but oh well. I won that game by a landslide. I absolutely LOVE doing this, it's so much fun, and so rewarding when something goes to plan.
@Tinf0iI 2 года назад
if you're talking about roblox, i've played that game and i find dressing as a girl lets you get a lot farther in the game 😂
@SkiggsMoDiggs 2 года назад
@@Tinf0iI Lol.
@blakedabner9338 3 года назад
The empty Christmas present is still one of my favorite stories Ever!!!
@Lunashadow-qn3ms 3 года назад
Jesus christ the one with the nine year old , you should get therapy it was an accident you didn't know that would happen
@saskewoo 2 года назад
14:50 honestly, why ruin the guy's life instead of the cheating wife's? I mean, yes, he knew she was married and still had an affair with her, but I feel like the person who is actually in the relationship and decides to cheat is by far the more culpable. I actually feel a little bad for the big dummy
@moonTerfixx. 3 года назад
When me, my mom and dad went to the beach, i just wanted them to accidently drink the water. I hoped the waves would be high enough for them to accidently drink it (i was so evil) but they were barely high enough. Some were high but not to much, so i made a plan. The plan was when a wave that was big enough approaches us, i would splash my mom or dad so that they would get distracted by the water and then my plan worked. The wave covered them. Also im lucky i didnt get a whooping. Im sorry if this comment made you feel uncomformtable, i know its weird af. I was so weird back then. Also i did that for fun, it was boring at the beach.
@girlywench 2 года назад
I'm guessing, based on grammar and story, you're currently about 8?
@moonTerfixx. 2 года назад
@@girlywench lmfao wtf im not 8 i was 9 back then. Im literally a teenager now. Im not gonna tell u my current age cause you know. Its dangerous.
@salina5715 2 года назад
i almost cried listening the paralyzed brother one :( That is way too sad
@WinterWolf1045_ 3 года назад
The sprite story is honestly THE BEST!
@aaranjones833 3 года назад
Sweet victory "striker heluva boss ep 5"
@socketyellow3 2 года назад
The step mother losing hair is messed up, unless she was constantly insulting that 12 year old. She essentially said oh you stop me from eating cookies? Imma make you go bald. Makes me think the mother in law did that diet for a good reason
@Zanthra434 2 года назад
the typing program was the best, i bet the teacher inevitably got into trouble for that one
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