
Different Millennial Views In Eschatology 

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This video briefly states each millennial view: amillennialism, postmillennialism, historic premillennialism, and dispensational premillennialism.



18 сен 2024




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@antifederalist6367 10 лет назад
Regarding post-millennialism, I would just add that it is based on a literal interpretation of the preface of the Book of Revelation, which is the first 7 verses of Chapter 1. These are written in clear non-poetic language. Two major points are established in the preface that must govern our interpretation of the rest of the book, which is largely poetry based on the Old Testament system of symbolism. 1) John told the original recipients of his letter that these are "things which must shortly take place...for the time is near." The "normal, natural, plain, ordinary" meaning of those words for John's first readers would be that he's talking about events in the near future, a few years off at most. Because the temple was still standing when John wrote Revelation (Rev. 11:1), this can be nothing other than the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 A.D. It is an expansion of Matthew 24, which is Jesus' answer to the disciple's question about when the temple would be destroyed and its stones scattered. If John was referring to something 2,000+ years in the future, he would have made that clear to his original readers with a statement something like : "These are things that will transpire in about 2,000+ years..... Seal up the books for the time is not near" In fact, that is in effect what Daniel said at the end of his prophecy (Dan. 12:9). By contrast, the seals are broken in Revelation because the events were close at hand. 2) The kingdom of Christ was clearly an established fact in the first century, based on Rev. 1:5 and Rev. 1:6 which declare that Jesus Christ is "the ruler of the kings of the earth..." and "...He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father....." So the millennial kingdom was clearly already under way in the first century based on the resurrection and ascension of Christ. The coronation and presentation of the kingdom is described in Daniel 7:13,14 immediately after the Ascension. This is a literal kingdom, which grows like the mustard seed until all of the kings of the nations have bowed the knee to Christ (Psalm 2 & Isaiah 2). The 1,000 year reign is clearly symbolic and must be understood in light of the clear assertions of the preface, interpreted literally.
@ExperienceEric 7 лет назад
its a neat little theory but the text of the bible makes this totally impossible. Matt 24 is a world wide event that sees the worst time in the history of man coming upon the whole earth. Nothing of the sort happened in 70 AD. One small nation was destroyed. Words matter, and the text specifically describes the tribulation across ther whole earth. Not only here, but all throughout the OT prophets. Read Isaiah 24 or Jeremiah 30. Every nation on this earth is in revolt against Christ and the Word of GOd, and yet you are arguing that Christ today sits as King of the Kings of the earth. Christ sit in heaven, but he has not yet returned and make the Kings of the earth pass under the Rod. As the scriptures say, when Christ returns with all His angles, THEN he will sit upon the throne of His glory. Matt 25:31 Christ currently sits at the right Hand of God, not on the Throne of David. The Throne of David has never been in heaven, it is an earthly throne that David and Solomon both sat on and was promised to Christ.
@thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад
AntiFederalist. Is that view compatible with a Spiritual Second Coming of Christ, as Swedenborg suggests ? I believe that is the case.
@waltermcfarland7060 4 года назад
@@thenowchurch6419 Matthew 24 -- at least through verse 35 has nothing to do with the 2nd Coming, as I pointed out above.
@thenowchurch6419 4 года назад
@@waltermcfarland7060 Would you agree that Mathew 24, pertains to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and to the future 2nd Coming on the world wide scale ?
@truthtransistorradio6716 4 года назад
@@waltermcfarland7060 So I guess you don't see vs 29-30 as the 2nd coming of Christ? It says 'Immediately after the tribulation of those days (vs 21 for context), ...the son of man coming in the clouds with great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect....'
@John17.24 11 месяцев назад
This is the one I always seek out when I need reminding of what the different views (including my own) are.
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
You should have a song playing bagpipes as an intro to your videos.
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@liberalprolifer1944 9 лет назад
Not all dispensational premillennialists are pretrib. Some are prewrath, and others are posttrib, like me.
@Iffmeister 7 лет назад
Liberal Prolifer Exactly. but the rapture is clearly biblical. pre wrath is the only one that makes sense to me apart from pre trib.
@percyjohnsoniv1794 4 года назад
So, you believe the order of eschatological events will be, the 7 year tribulation, then Jesus return, then the millennium in which we reign with Christ?
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@Iffmeister 4 года назад
Lol I've changed my position I think Amillenialism is probably correct 😂😂
@seanchaney3086 2 года назад
Doesn't work.....you have to believe Scoffield and Left Behind ideology to be a consistent Dispensationalist
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
Not everybody that believes in a post-tribulation Rapture or pre-trib subscribe to dispensational theology. I believe if a person is not a dispensationalist and has a view that Israel and any non-jew that is believing in Christ are one body. The dispensationalists believes that there is a difference between the church and Israel and that is where they are incorrect and it also plays into their eschatology I would assume. I like the amillennial view and possibly partial preterist or historicism interpretation. But I don't know anything
@graylad 10 лет назад
The only one that makes the most sense to me is an amillennial hermeneutic.
@tentmaker2254 7 лет назад
you mean the one where the book of revelation has no purpose whatsoever ? its literally a blank book for amillenialists. The only BIBLICALLY consistent view is premillenialism
@graylad 7 лет назад
Well, if you mean that the main purpose of Revelation was to prepare and warn John's contemporaries against the cult of Nero, the oncoming Roman invasion and onslaught, the persecution of Christians, the setting of the Statue of Jupiter on the temple mount, the declaring of Nero Cesar as god on earth, the forbidding of a tradesman to work or get paid unless he swears allegiance to pagan gods, etc etc. , I'd say yes, that is correct. As far as a millennial reign, I'd say that you would have to prove it. I'd also say that Jesus Himself taught "this age and the age to come"; 2 ages not 3. I'd also point out that Jesus taught that the next time that He came, He was bringing immediate and final judgement; Matthew 25:31-46. Not to mention that if you appeal to Revelation 20 and tell me to take the 1000 years as literal, then I would have to point out that it would be the ONLY time where the use of "1000" would be taken as literal. Then I would ask you to take all of that book literal but that would cause a theological and logistical nightmare. In Matthew 24:32-34, THIS generation meant exactly that, the generation that was listening to Jesus words. Yeah, to be sure, Jesus is coming back and as He said.. The question is how and when and in what manner. I used to be a per-wrath, pre-trib, millennial Pentecostal, but there were a lot of things that I could not jive with in that view. Church history has supported the three basic views of Pre, Post, and Amil eschatology and all three are considered part of historical Christian orthodoxy. They are secondary issues not to divide over :) This might help you understand the amil position better newcreationstudies.org/Audio/MonteDearth/Second%20Coming%20Week%2011%20-%20Amillennialism.pdf Also, these teachings are awesome and go into depth. Hope these help :) www.monergism.com/legacy/mt/mp3/amillennialism-101-mp3-series-kim-riddlebarger
@tentmaker2254 7 лет назад
thanks for a nice response. i didnt realize book of revelation was abot all that, that would certainly make sense. I love the matthew this generation response too, BUT what about the BOMBSHELl of: Matthew 24:30 Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. Certainly not all people saw the destruction of the temple in 70AD and his elect werent gathered (v31) But i am definately gonna look into this amillenialism, why it kind of appeals to me is because it would seem odd to me that Jesus would have to come back to setup an earthly kingdom with people still dying in it and animal sacrifices and all, when book of hebrews tells us its NEW JERUSALEM in heaven not this current one. etc
@graylad 7 лет назад
OH, I don't know of a single Amil (though there are some called full preterists) who doesn't believe in the literal return of Christ. Matt 24:30, Acts 1:11, and similar passages. It is as Paul said "as through a glass dimly we see"....Our Blessed hope is in the resurrection of the dead. Yeah, take a look. Dr. Kim Riddlebarger the second link I posted is a great resource. He answers all of the objections one at a time and they are in mp3 format!! AND downloadable. BE BLESSED my friend!!
@tentmaker2254 7 лет назад
God bless u. i have lots of stuff to listen to, i favorited that page and will listen to all of it. May I ask, what church do you belong to? if any
@rtpricetag3536 11 лет назад
And then starts the second "Thousands of Years" when Christ raises both saints on throwns given authority to judge (but subject to no mans judgment)... and these two Thousands clearly beginning and lasting different durations.
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@ryangallmeier6647 5 лет назад
The only PROPER view of the "Millennium" of Rev. 20 is not mentioned in this video. Amillennialism is an improper view of Rev. 20; so is Postmillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, and Dispensational Premillennialism. While Premillennialism is the only PROPER view of the Millennium, more needs to be said. Both Historic Premillennialism and Dispensational Premillennialism are WRONG in asserting that the Millennial reign of Christ with His saints takes place ON THE EARTH. The Millennial reign actually takes place IN HEAVEN, while Satan and his fallen angels are on the desolate earth (all the wicked are dead at this time). The Saints, along with their Lord, will be in heaven during the Millennium, and the "books will be opened". These "books" contain the "deeds" of all the wicked who are not in heaven. This is how the Saints of Christ will participate in God's judgements of the wicked. We will examine the judgements that God has made concerning the wicked, and why He made them...and we will ALL AGREE that "His judgements are JUST!". Only after the Millennium will the saints and Christ return to the desolate earth; the New/Heavenly Jerusalem will descend from heaven to the desolate earth; the wicked will be resurrected; Satan will go out to deceive them once more; they well surround the "beloved city"; and God will send fire and brimstone down upon them; they will be utterly destroyed...; then, the saints, with Christ, will inhabit the newly-created-regenerated earth. *Soli Deo Gloria*
@truthtransistorradio6716 4 года назад
I believe that is what the 7th Day Adventists believe. However, I don't see this in scripture. At one point, Satan and his angels are thrown to the earth. It says 'Woe woe woe to the inhabitants of the earth.' Revelation 8:12, 13. Then in 9:3-6, it says the locusts came out of the smoke of the bottomless pit to torment men for 5 months. Thus, the bottomless pit is not the earth!
@rogermetzger7335 4 года назад
I'm about to leave for work and don't know whether I'll be able to find this thread of comments at a later time. There are several texts that can be understood as meaning that the Christian church is modern Israel. When the prophecies are studied from this perspective, they can be made to fit with the promise of Jesus, "I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, there you may be also. The context is that he was going to prepare mansions (or apartments) for us so I'm comfortable with any understanding that he plans to take us to where those mansions are. Alas, the majority of professed Christians seem to either think his promise (and Bible prophecy generally) is either allegorical or ascribe a meaning the opposite of what Jesus said, i.e. many believe he will return to be with us where we are. Ryan Gallmeier, if you can, please explain the BASIS of your eschatology. What method of interpretation do you use when you study the prophecies?
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@777STEFANDANKO 5 лет назад
I´m an amillennialist. Who else brothers? :)
@irishhomedeemob677 5 лет назад
Štefan Danko Yup....AMil /partial preterism
@jofo817 5 лет назад
Some, but I find allegorizing everything in revelation (like the amillenial view does) troublesome and somethings do not fit well
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@rtpricetag3536 11 лет назад
Evident from Rev 20:4-8, both saints given authority to judge, also saints martyred for faithfulness to Christ. Paul then says (both) They came to life and reigned (during the remainder of this earth age... with Christ. After judgment (all) saints gathered from one end of heavens to the other, reign with Christ for eternity... Read Revelation chapter-20 YOURSELF.
@truthtransistorradio6716 4 года назад
It doesn't say eternity in those verses. It says we shall reign for 1000 years.
@pelinalwhitestrake1176 3 года назад
Always interesting
@terrigreen100 12 лет назад
Time and space / mystery.......... God exist outside time and space, so do the saints when we pass, I believe perceptive is key
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@dennisneo1608 7 лет назад
As a Christian, I find it highly disturbing that we can't even reach a consensus on our own scriptures. Surely God did not want us to bicker about end times prophecy. Four different theories = 3 are probably wrong. This is false doctrine.
@francsiscog 7 лет назад
dennis neo true, at least three of them are wrong, and maybe all of them are wrong. It's hard to understand. But it is best to be taught all of the major theories and state which makes the most sense to us, than to simply not even try to understand it.
@rogermetzger7335 6 лет назад
dennis neo: Sir Isaac Newton made a statement about people who study Bible prophecy. It is reproduced below. It doesn’t apply to all of us, of course. Newton was, himself, an ardent student of Bible prophecy. You can find his Observations on Daniel and the Apocalypse on the Internet. (It is in the public domain.) There are probably people who prefer the historic (or “historicist”) method of Bible interpretation and who believe the purpose of the second advent of Jesus is to bind Satan, resurrect his people and reign on Earth for a thousand years. Why is it important to challenge this assumption? I think the main reason is that people who expect an earthly millennial reign are predisposed to accept a false messiah. Now I haven’t actually met any premillennialists who expect an earthly reign during the millennium but, if there are such, I think they make the same “mistake” as the futurists do, namely to misread some portions of scripture simply because they have been taught that it “means” something it doesn’t say. Let’s start with John 14:2 & 3. “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” I once attended an adult methodist Sunday school class that was being taught by a baptist. He pretended to read the first few verses of John 14 but misquoted the passage thusly, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where you are, there I may be also.” I asked him to read the passage again, more carefully this time. He misquoted it again. After the class, I asked him privately why he would misquote Jesus like that. He said it was “to make the text easier to understand”. I’m no expert on the Hebrews’ use of language but I’ve been told that, for many centuries, it was their custom to repeat things a way of providing emphasis. Twice in this passage, Jesus repeats the part about going away and twice he repeats the part about preparing a place for us. Even if the original manuscript was damaged so we didn’t have the last part of verse 3, could we assume that the purpose of him coming to receive us to himself would be to take us to the mansions he has gone to prepare? But we do have the last part of verse 3 and, according to John, that is what Jesus said was the purpose of his coming again. How many Christians think there is a Bible text that says this: “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years upon the earth.” The first part of this “quotation” is biblical (Rev. 20:6) but the last part is entirely missing! It isn’t there! It is an assumption that many people read into the text because they have been told “that’s what it means”. Jesus said, “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert’ go not forth: behold he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matt. 2:26 & 27) I believe every person who investigates claims that Jesus has returned--even if he is a Christian in the sense of believing Jesus to be the true Messiah--will be deceived, even if it is turning on the television to investigate such claims. If the purpose of the return of Jesus is to resurrect the people who have died in faith and take the living believers with them to the mansions he has gone to prepare (I Thess 4:13-18), every report that Jesus has returned will be about a false messiah. Will even the elect be deceived (Matt. 24:24)? Or will only those be deceived who think they are the elect but have failed to trust Jesus enough to carefully study his words so as to be able to follow his instructions to the letter. Here’s that quote from Sir Isaac Newton: "The folly of interpreters has been to foretell times and things by this prophecy [Revelation], as if God designed to make them prophets. By this rashness they have not only exposed themselves, but brought the prophecy also into contempt. The design of God was much otherwise. He gave this and the prophecies of the Old Testament, not to gratify men's curiosities by enabling them to foreknow things, but that after they were fulfilled they might be interpreted by the event, and his own providence, not the interpreters', be then manifested thereby to the world. For the event of things predicted many ages before will then be a convincing argument that the world is governed by Providence." - Sir Isaac Newton - copied from a website: traditional historicism - christian eschatology
@johncantrell9993 6 лет назад
dennis neo Hello Dennis, I understand your frustration at this, and I am a Independent Fundamental Baptist and I disagree with all the 4 views presented in the video although I used to adhere more or less to the Dispensational idea, please look up the Steven Anderson and Roger Jimenez documentary "After the Tribulation" there are 2 versions and the 2nd one is more condensed and is shorter called "After the Tribulation: Revisited" they say the same stuff it's just that one is shorter and they go into heavy Biblical detail explaining the Rapture, the Tribulation, The Millenium and other Eschatology doctrines, it's very heavy on Bible and they spend alot of time comparing scripture with scripture to find a harmony between passages and books and after watching the documentary everything made much more sense to me. I hope you watch it and are blessed by it.
@waltermcfarland7060 4 года назад
If as they say prophecy comprises about 1/4 of the Biblical text, if we don't understand it, we're misinterpreting at least 1/4 of the entire Bible. So it's not just trivial bickering. Newton was an alchemist, so not a reliable authority on anything Biblical. Reams of notes on alchemical experiments were discovered after his death. The key question for interpreting the Olivette Discourse and thus the book of Revelation is, "What question was Jesus answering?" "As for things that you are looking at [stones of Herod's temple], the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down. And they questioned Him, saying, Teacher when therefore will these things be? And what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?" (Lk 21:6,7) The disciples recognized that the destruction of Herod's temple would mean the end of the Old Testament Age of animal sacrifices. It would be a momentous event. If you refuse to take those 2 questions literally and seriously, then you are doomed to endless confusion and speculation. His answer had nothing to do with the second coming -- only the destruction of Herod's temple in 70 a.d.
@truthtransistorradio6716 4 года назад
@@rogermetzger7335 Why would we be presupposed to worship a false Messiah? We know that comes before Christ returns. So when Jesus says, "I Will come again", do you think he was lying?
@rtpricetag3536 10 лет назад
How many 'resurrections' Acts 24:15-16 "...and I have the same hope in God as these men, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked", this simply saying there will be those having a part in one of two separate and different resurrections. And how long do saints reign with Christ, a 'one thousand years', no for eternity... so the Greek words 'Chilioi etee' properly translates into English as "Thousands Of Years"... or the two events of Rev-20 last the rest of this (unk) earth age, the end happens shortly (after Millennium) Satan is release from the Abyss as 'ruler over earth'.
@rtpricetag3536 10 лет назад
Earth ages of the bible are said to be three, one past, one present, and the age to come. The 1000-year teaching apparent from mysticism of a people wanting to be ruler's over lesser people. The only verse near this within the bible, tells of a 70th Week ruler, and this lasting but seven years.
@timmyy24 4 года назад
So which one is Left Behind?
@paulmcquerry6815 4 года назад
@rtpricetag3536 12 лет назад
No 'Millennium' exists in anyones bible except the Catholic Vulgate, a 382AD translation of the Hebrew/Greek language into Latin resulted in an erroneous Mille-annuim. In the original Greek the word 'Chilioi' translates (plural) 'Thousands' rendering into English as "Thousands (of) Years". Do websearch for 'Chilioi Millennium', my in depth study will explain all of this.
@dennisking4589 4 года назад
Dispensational Premillenialism adheres to Daniel 12:4
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@R1K2G3 12 лет назад
Excellent video explaining 4 views on the millennium (Rev.20). But the only true view of the millennium is not presented here.
@FollowerofYahuwah 6 лет назад
What is the true view
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@rtpricetag3536 11 лет назад
Pope Damasus in 382AD commissioned St Jerome to translate the Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) into Latin... so there is no Millennium in our English bible. Todate, the Catholic Vulgate (origin of Millennium mystism) rebukes and condemns the common Millennium teaching that began when Jerome translated the uncommonly used Chilioi (singular 6-times in Rev-20 and 2-times in 2Pe 3 3:8)... found in this unusual singular manner only 8-times in entire New Testament.
@mobadat632 10 лет назад
As a muslim watching this, the 3rd portion of dispensational millenialism is very similar to our eschatology where Eesa (Christ) comes to earth to fight the Dajjal (Antichrist). Also scary to see Israel seems to be integral to your eschatology - how comfortable are you that it's creation has been ushered in on the blood of Arabs.
@lumileaf3389 8 лет назад
by that premise let's give the native Americans their land back. your vitriol speaks for itself.
@invisibleleprechaun3600 8 лет назад
Daniel Swindell you have not studied your history lessons. You seem to have overlooked the Ottoman Empire which lasted for centuries after God dispersed Israel. Read II Kings 17, Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9. Ashkenazi Jews are not genetically Abraham's seed. The ones who emigrated to Israel in 1903 and 1905 were mostly communist and atheist so they are not spiritually Abraham's seed. The people of Israel are usurpers funded mostly by Dispensationalist. The passage from II Kings 17 explains where Sephardi Jews came from and why God dispersed the majority of Israelites. Abraham descended from Shem not Japheth. Genesis 10: 2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@seanchaney3086 2 года назад
Except it is the Crucified lamb of God who comes back as a warrior to avenge all of the persecuted saints in the name of Muhammad. You better study who the Mahdi and his false Christ is more. In Revelation, they are called the Beast and the False Prophet. Keep seeking. God love you.
@Apex_wolf 8 лет назад
actually aremgedon isn't future that was the roman legions in 70 ad . what's next is gogmagog
@ExperienceEric 7 лет назад
Totally absurd. Christ destroys a gathering of nations from across the earth at Armageddon. Israel was destroyed by Rome. Pagan Rome is NOT Christ.
@jofo817 5 лет назад
Who told u that?
@wisevirgin3405 4 года назад
If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2] --------------- The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom" ----------------- Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven". Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven" ------------------ Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven" (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats" sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30] ------------------ The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom" is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms. AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts). ------------------- The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah. -------------------- Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up" and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher" can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology. --------------------- However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11] ------------------------ In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"... ---------------------- When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's "Abomination of Desolation", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven". --------------------------- You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination" (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below). ---------------------------- www.5thkingdomofheaven.com/chapter-8 ---------------------------- No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven" on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints or Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints [who are specifically NAMED as the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13] ----------------------------- Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS. We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed" in the "twinkling of an eys" into our eternal and incorruptible spiritual bodies as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs. ----------------------------- www.5thKingdomofHeaven.com -----------------------------
@SuperEROQ 7 лет назад
The amillennial just doesnt hold to logic and especially not scripture
@seanchaney3086 7 лет назад
It makes the most sense.
@SuperEROQ 7 лет назад
I disagree....it is the last choice and really doesnt fit scripture well at all
@seanchaney3086 7 лет назад
It fits the scripture perfectly. Jesus describes the events of his eschatology to be "This age, and the Age to Come"....nothing about a temporary Millennial Kingdom leading into the eternal. Of all the places, Matthew, 2 Peter 3, John's Gospel, and the Pauline Epistles are Amillennial....Revelation 11, after the final Trumpet says that the Kingdoms of Earth become Christ's and he reigns forever. Revelation is not just chronological. There is pause in reflection, redirection, and then a continuation of the narrative. People press so much into Revelation 20:1-10 that simply isn't in the rest of the bible. Chilasm, and especially Dispensational Premillennialism is a misunderstanding of scripture.
@SuperEROQ 7 лет назад
partial preterist view
@seanchaney3086 7 лет назад
You're a partial preterist?
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