
Disagreeing with Pope Francis 

Brian Holdsworth
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*** For the record, my views on this topic have evolved or even changed and I do hope to do a response video... to myself when the time is right. ****
I became a Catholic right around the time Pope Benedict XVI was elected and one of the most frustrating experiences for me as a new Catholic was the media’s consistent portrayal of him in ways that were fairly inaccurate.
For Benedict, they saw him as a conservative and so whatever they reported about him was an attempt to reinforce that interpretation. And Catholics like me, I think, rightly complained about this constant portrayal or Benedict and the Church for how inaccurate it usually was.
Unsurprisingly, the same thing happened when Francis was elected but on the opposite end of the spectrum. He was cast as a liberal and if you are a casual observer of news coverage, you’d have no reason to think that he was anything but a champion of the left.
At first, the same Catholics that laboured to correct deceptive coverage of Benedict would often jump at the opportunity to correct the inaccuracies about Francis and produce the appropriate context that the media neglected to balance out their one sided portrayal.
But after a while, it seemed like those voices grew silent while a new trend of subtle criticism and even hostility towards Pope Francis began to emerge in certain corners of Catholic Media.
So where this became a more relevant concern for me was in my own surprising experience of finding myself disagreeing with the Pope. The more headlines I read, the more I couldn’t help but be influenced by that constant one sided portrayal.
Take for example his recent comments that equated wasting food with stealing food right off of the table of impoverished people.
To compare the accidental mismanagement of food resources that can occur from trying to keep a family of children fed to maliciously stealing from people who are already destitute seemed like it was unbelievably sophistic and hurtful to those of us that are trying our best.
So in an attempt to gain some perspective, I’ve started to do my best to go back and read actual statements that he’s made in their proper context as well as to listen to the common complaints that are being made against him by his critics to see if they truly measure up.
One of the more common complaints about Pope Francis, among his critics, is that he lacks clarity when he speaks. The claim is that if he spoke with more definitive precision, there would be less confusion and diversity in interpretation which can lead to the spreading of misinformation.
It seems like they want every statement from the Pope to be entirely without the possibility of differing interpretation. As I thought about it, I realized that if we held Jesus to that same standard, we would have likely found ourselves on the wrong side of that story.
We modern Catholics benefit from generations of theological clarification of everything that Jesus said so we’re used to a lack of ambiguity, but the people that heard Jesus preach did not have that same benefit and Jesus said all kinds of things that were ambiguous and open to interpretation.
Jesus’ own disciples even questioned him about his use of parables as a teaching mechanism and he replied by quoting Isaiah saying that the hearts of the people are calloused and they do not hear with their ears and they have closed their eyes. I think Jesus is pointing out that we have to encounter the mysteries of God with our hearts as much as our minds.
Jesus used metaphorical and poetic language often and he even used hyperbole to exaggerate or emphasize his point. He said things like, “among those born of women, none is greater than John the Baptist.” Taken literally, we’d have to assume that John was greater than Jesus.
If using exact language to avoid confusion is what we expect from our religious leaders, then I think we’re in the wrong religion because the guy who started it all didn’t seem to agree with that notion.
In my experience of finding myself disagreeing with Pope Francis, I’ve decided to respond in a few ways. The first is to not jump to conclusions about headlines framed by secular media. The second thing is to give him the benefit of the doubt. Too many people are jumping to the worst possible interpretation of the things he says. Lastly, I’m learning to accept that there is room for disagreement and diversity under the umbrella of orthodoxy.
At the end of the day, even if I disagree with Pope Francis about a few things, I’m certain that I agree with him on the majority of things. That should be a good enough reason for me to consider myself on his side.
Please comment with your ideas about the video and if you find it interesting, please share it and subscribe.
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14 дек 2017




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@BrianHoldsworth Год назад
Now, 5 years later, I'm revisiting the content of this video. A lot has happened since then and a lot more context informs my thoughts on this pontificate. I will say, for now, I'm far less eager to excuse the objectively poor leadership in the Church today, including Francis' pontificate. At this point in his Papacy, I was far more eager to give the benefit of the doubt. As a matter of charity, that still is my first impulse, but I also recognize the considerable problems in his behaviour and opinions (that get distributed as if they are magisterial). In short, take what I have to say in this video with a grain of salt and not as something that is fully reflective of my thoughts today.
@ricoparadiso Год назад
I appreciate your video, especially this clarification. Im reformed protestant but I have been studying Church history and am inching closer to doing the RCIA but I have hinderances on certain topics like this Pope’s words and conduct not being in line with the Faith and it seems im not alone.
@user-bez-usermame Год назад
Brian, thank you for your content! I am Orthodox, but not hostile to Catholicism, I really appreciate the music, the legacy, etc. But some things still just rub me the wrong way. And this issue is a prime example of that. Some people think Vatican II was this liberal conspiracy. But look at Lumen Gentium: "This religious submission of mind and will must be shown in a special way to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even when he is not speaking ex cathedra; that is, it must be shown in such a way that his supreme magisterium is acknowledged with reverence, the judgments made by him are sincerely adhered to, according to his manifest mind and will. His mind and will in the matter may be known either from the character of the documents, from his frequent repetition of the same doctrine, or from his manner of speaking". Assuming this is literally canon now, is it really possible to criticize any word of any pope at this point? Even bishops? That's one of the main Orthodox objections to Catholicism, especially post-Vatican I: it seems like the Orthodox can still rely on their consciousness (given you are striving for a proper spiritual life) and the Church Fathers, whereas even the most liberal Catholic documents seem to indicate that the way to salvation is basically listening to the Pope 24/7. It's hard for me to accept the concept of "institutionalized charisma" of the papacy per se, but with regards to Vatican II it gets even more strange, considering the fact that a lot of trad Catholics are still comfortable enough going against the pope which essentially might mean going against their own canons. How do you deal with this issue? I'm genuinely curious, it's not a dig, even for me as an Orthodox Christian it's an open question. God bless.
@sacredartsource8297 Год назад
The problem is the internet. Here is a video that shows how people get their information on the pope from people on the internet: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uKUdy0xRjxI.html
@humblepiuspeter7750 Год назад
Brian do you give perfect obedience to the holy father that's my question
@SaltShack Год назад
The Pontiff, doesn’t represent Christ. If he or any Bishop makes such a claim run away screaming. The Pontiff, Patriarchs, Bishops, Priests, Presbyters, Pastors or Ministers can at best represent the Church and least their individual churches.
@coldforgedcowboy 6 лет назад
The job of the Pope is to bring clarity and unity to the teachings of the Catholic Church not confusion and disunity which is where we seem to be with Pope Francis. I think most Catholics who take their faith seriously are pretty frustrated with this aspect Pope Francis' Papacy because our job of doing apologetics and evangalisation that much harder.
@catholics4unity 6 лет назад
coldforgedcowboy I agree with what you said ambiguity is not the work of the Holy Spirit. The Pope needs to be very clear on the teachings of the church. Amoris Laetitia contradicts John Paul's exhortation familiaris consortio of 1981. John Paul had clear guidelines to whom communion should be distributed and who should approach Holy Communion. Those in the state of adultery or irregular unions were not allowed to receive the sacrament. It would be sacrilegious.
@LauFiu 6 лет назад
where does it specify in church teaching of the Pope Obligation to "clarity" and "unity" please cite your statements that I may better understand it.
@coldforgedcowboy 6 лет назад
marcel Fiu...... Read the decrees of Vatican I. :-)
@outofoblivionproductions4015 6 лет назад
What rubbish. Blaming the Church for everything. Get a life. The Pope has brought a new inspiring perspective that embraces creation and a holistic outlook of integralism- something very needed in our times of atomised and specialised voices. Stop criticising and get out there and use your talents for the City of God.
@wilts43 6 лет назад
Ardent But The Bible tells you that The Church (not "The Bible)....."IS THE PILLAR & FOUNDATION OF TRUTH?" (1 Tim 3:15) (1)How do you even know that 1 Peter is "God-breathed"? Because Catholic tradition held it as such; & 3 Councils of Catholic Bishops included it in their SELECTION of such books, permitted to be read from at The Holy Mass....Ratified by several popes, this selected library became known as "THE BIBLE"! All around 400 AD!.....after preaching The Gospel (with no Bible) for 350 years. (2)It is a routine error, of many Protestants, to equate "Word-of-God (The Lord)" with "Bible" ....which is the third part. (beware of bibliolatry) THE "WORD-OF-GOD" is (A) Jesus Christ. The Logos. (B)The Apostolic Traditions/Teachings (Acts 2:42; 1 Cor 11:2; 2 Thess 2:15 & 3:6) (C) The Bible....compiled circa 400AD by Councils of Catholic Bishops with Papal ratifications. (3)Jesus didn't write a book, Nor tell his Apostles to... "Go & write....", Nor did He use his tools to build the Printing Press to make Protestantism possible. Nor did He say: "There'll be a new book in 350 years" (or KJV in 1600 years!) He NEVER gave us a book to argue over the meaning of (This is a retrojection imagined by Protestants to expain the situation they find themselves born into ) The Jews were awaiting The Messiah that would "re-establish the Davidic Kingdom, that would last forever & encompass The Nations". They were not expecting "A New Book". So Jesus talks about "The Kingdom" incessantly. And in Matt 16:18-19 Jesus calls This Kingdom-of-Heaven "MY CHURCH" . He tells Peter IT WILL NEVER FAIL & He gives Peter "The Keys" of This Kingdom-of-Heaven. He selects 12 Apostles as the princes for the 12 tribes and sets Peter up as The Davidic Steward.....a succesive office. (cf Matt 16:18-19 with Isaiah 22:19-23) So, instead of writing a book Jesus founded a living Church... "that would never fail" (Matt 16:18); that he would be with until the end of time (Matt 28:20); & "lead into all Truth". (John 16:13). And if you want to hear this "Word-of-God" he said ""Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me." (You call this "being led by the nose, listening to the teachings of mere men") His Word was entrusted to His Apostolic Church.....not to a book. THE CHURCH IN ACTS (Acts 2:42) "And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ TEACHING and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." ie "The Mass" & "The oral Apostolic tradition" (Notice "Apostle's Teachings"....NOT Scripture) HOW was this "Tradition" preserved? 2 Tim 2:2 Paul says "You therefore, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard me say among many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be qualified to teach others as well." You take what I taught you (1 generation) Teach this to others.... (2 generations) Who will teach others.... (3 generations) THREE GENERATIONS! THIS IS CATHOLIC ORAL APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION (Nothing there about writing books, printing them up, scripture studies etc.) So Paul told Timothy to prepare generation after generation of Apostolic Bishop-successors ..."to lead people by the nose". And we see these same in the writings of St Ignatius circa 105 AD & in the other Apostolic Fathers. it was these same Apostolic-Successors that much, much, much later discerned, SELECTED, compiled & authorised this "Bible-thingy" that many Protestants think fell from the sky! (4)The Church in Acts When the first major issue of contention arose ("Must Gentile converts observe the Jewish Law?") what did they do? Peter, the Apostles & Elders had a Council at Jerusalem(chapter 15). They discussed; and made a decision of what was required; NOT BASED ON SCRIPTURE, but solely ON THEIR AUTHORITY & FAITH TRADITION. They than sent their decision out to all the Church in a letter. (This was the first Ecumenical Council of The Catholic Church). The same Catholic Church still does this. This is exactly how they settled the confusion over which writings were inspired & created the Bible. It was the same Catholic bishops, & the same method, & the same authority. HERE'S WHAT THEY DIDN'T DO ....... In every local Church they said let's have a "Tanakh (Old Testament) Study". Then they all said "what the spirit is telling ME". Of course the "Spirit" told them all different truthes". So they said "Let's all do our own thing!; It doesn't matter as long as we "love Jesus" or "Have a personal relationship with Jesus" or "are born again" or "speak in tongues". And when we still disagree we can do Church-Splits or Church-Shopping". The absolute hoot is, these types of Christians claim to be the "biblical" Christians! Just how do they do it with a straight face? Do they read the Bible at all?.... or just a few misunderstood anti-catholic proof-texts? Reading The Bible "through Protestant lenses" is another form of "being led by the nose by the teachings of mere men".....Luther, Calvin, Smyth, White, Taize-Russell etc. etc. etc. or just "my pastor"
@jerryuallera3437 6 лет назад
Pope Francis is very "selective" in his ambiguity.. He is ambiguous and inaccurate only on certain topics.. but at the same time he knows very well how to be understood when he talks of other topics: capitalism, ecology, social justice etc.. How's that? He can't respond to the "dubia", but He can rebuke Cardinal Sarah for not implementing "Magnum Principium". But what I question is not the Pope's selective ambiguity.. my first concern is that I can't recognize in Him a devout man of prayer, a man of God.. instead I see in Him only a smart politician and a good administrator. I would like to say more, but my English doesn't allow me to go any further.
@el-sig2249 6 лет назад
You've already succeeded in saying much that is true! Pls just remember to pray hard and for him too.
@tophampaul 6 лет назад
Stop right there at 14seconds. I'm an I tenzi e student of scripture, born of the Spirit of God. Revelation will tell you to come out of the church of Rome, not in as many words but their coloured clothes and the enigmatic allusions. Do d an E a geki al protest-ant shut h and get it explain ed.
@creativecatproductions 6 лет назад
.....is he even a good administrator?
@GustAdlph 6 лет назад
Hi Jerry, your English is just fine. I think God is telling us loud and clear, do not trust any church for your salvation, trust Jesus alone. He paid for your sins in full at the cross. I am a former Catholic and I know I am saved. Best to you.
@GustAdlph 6 лет назад
HI Mary, I agree with everything you said. We are in the end times and Jesus is coming soon.
@SaleSarajlija 6 лет назад
Brian, I can't believe this! We have identical stories. I, too, became Catholic during Benedict XVI and I, too, have significant disagreements with the current Pope Francis, yet I still love the Catholic Church and remain part of it. What concerns me that people/media who usually praise Pope Francis are the same people who have been and still are the enemies of the church. Pope Francis's tendency to want to be liked by everyone in spreading of his globalist message (which is very often in opposition to the fundamental teachings of the church) is concerning. Those people, unfortunately, are not flocking to the church. On the contrary, they are hoping that Pope Francis will tarnish the heart of the Church in order to "modernize" it to the liking of secular/atheist/globalist elites. This has nothing to do with being liberal on some issues. I am. I chose to ignore some of his controversial messages as the Church has existed long before Pope Francis and will exist after him. Instead, I focus on practicing and living my Catholic faith daily. Thank you for your videos.
@cornuschristi1814 5 лет назад
I have problems with any organized religious power structure that big, regardless of its leader. Since we're talking about the Catholic church, the abuse of children remains a serious concern for many, one that many Catholics snidely dismiss.
@KM-zn3lx 5 лет назад
Cornus....I have to agree with you! I'm still Catholic but also attend a Protestant church. I am holding Priests accountable no longer trusting. My eyes are open. I never liked him, he's a clown! I wouldn't be surprised if he's hiding his own secrets!
@lydiapetra1211 3 года назад
The Roman catholic church is a false pagan and apostate church and Cult that leads people to hell! You follow doctrines of demons rather than the Word of God! You are all idol worshippers bowing and serving Satan and you don't even know it... Your eternal future is Revelation 21:8 Please seek Jesus and His Truth in the Bible only! " cbcg.org Roman catholism vs Biblical Christianity"
@marcuslow1386 3 года назад
@@lydiapetra1211 how did protestant church got its bible?! If it is only sola scriptura why are there sooooo many denominations? Is it because all are intrepreting differently!
@lydiapetra1211 3 года назад
@@marcuslow1386 IAM not a Protestant..... you would have to ask them! At least Protestant don't serve and worship Satan.. like the Roman catholic church does!
@dariogagliano4218 6 лет назад
I'm not sure if it is fair to equate some of the Pope's ambiguous statements with that of Jesus. Jesus had a specific purpose for speaking in parables, sometimes to ensure certain people didn't understand him, sometimes to test the apostles. Pope Francis on the other hand has not yet responded to some very important questions regarding Church teaching (such as with Amoris Laetitia), and he's even received criticisms from a lot of high profile clerics (one of which recently was an American who was forced to resign after releasing his letter to the public). Also, Christ gave Peter a mandate to "feed and tend" to us, his sheep. So while we should give the Pope the benefit of the doubt, and give due deference to his office as Peter's successor, I do think he also has a responsibility to try to clarify himself with the faithful are concerned, especially when the media is so ready to pounce on everything he says.
@michaelzresendes 6 лет назад
But what if Francis is trying to show us a parable too? What if he is trying to bring some fresh air into this and people do not want to the fresh air like that of the pharisees. What if Francis does also have a specific purpose to doing the things he does and says and we are just not properly understanding him? I feel as if his plan will not be completed until the end of his papacy.
@janusg8680 6 лет назад
If the section in Amoris Laetitia on Catholics in objective sin being allowed to the Eucharist is an Parable - then Francis has told us that the Argentinian bishops interpretation of it is the only correct one. (But that troubling section is no parable, of course not).
@dariogagliano4218 6 лет назад
Mike, does a parable violate Church teaching? It's a silly argument. Jesus had a specific purpose in speaking in parables, he was either trying to confound enemies, illustrate points for not learned people, or doing it for the apostles. Part of the role of the Pope is to speak clearly on matters of faith and doctrine - that's why his role exists, to promote the unity of the Catholic Church. Not responding to his own bishops asking questions about Amoris Laetitia is not "a parable."
@patrickfoley4990 6 лет назад
Dario Gagliano I think Jesus mostly taught in parables because the simple people of the time were familiar with passing on knowledge throigh story telling.There were no encyclopedias , no internet.People had knowledge entrenched and passed on through generations of story telling . I imagine right up until the different contributors to the Bible could put things in writng.Mark, Matthew Luke, John etc...
@patrickfoley4990 6 лет назад
Mike R The question is, What is Pope Francis parable? Jesus parables are all the parables I need. No need to update or modernize Jesus parables.
@fbrlajes 6 лет назад
What's your thoughts on Amoris Laetitia?
@andiamolireforexcrypto 6 лет назад
It's gone beyond causing confusion and being misunderstood. He's made himself very clear on the proper interpretation of Amoris Laetitia and that is the problem amongst many. Having said this brother​, I like your stuff. Keep posting and hang on tight, it's about to get far worse.
@tenaciousb4731 4 года назад
Andiamo Lire Forex & Crypto a year later.......... and it has
@codhibb 4 года назад
Brian Holdsworth is nothing less than a charlatan that is using the hook of religion to promote his own pocketbook. His comments are neither substantive or relevant and he is only making these videos in hopes of cashing in on some quick bucks.
@thadwhitley2970 4 года назад
Yes! A year-and-a-half later, and Pope breaks with tradition and uses his birth name Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the 2020 Vatican year book, he drops all previous Tittles and goes by 'Bishop of Rome'. Shades of Fatima.
@andiamolireforexcrypto 4 года назад
@@rosamurphy6988 All is still good. Jesus is still in charge. He is just sleeping in the bow of the boat for the moment. Watch "The Chosen" for a little relief from your sufferings. The lead actor is a devout Catholic. It is wonderful stuff.
@lydiapetra1211 3 года назад
@@andiamolireforexcrypto wow....that's absolutely blasphemy against Jesus!
@Fatality0999 6 лет назад
What was that song at the end? I’ve heard it before
@robertdipaula1623 5 лет назад
Remember in the Old Testament the people always got the shepherds they deserved that's how God works most of the time people are looking to point fingers at Pope Francis but the majority of us catholics don't realize that it is because of are infidelity to God that we have issues in the church. especially the hierarchy. God bless
@Jacob-hr2vf 3 года назад
This hit me in the feels. I can no longer defend him. And I doubt you feel the same now as when you did when you made this.
@gabriela6584 4 года назад
This video seems even more relevant now than when it first came out. So many Catholics jump to conclusions based on what the media says about Pope Francis, rather than checking things for themselves.
@seasonalliving2881 6 лет назад
Do you have a video about Laudato Si?
@matthewbateman6487 5 лет назад
I am a new Catholic as well (just Confirmed Aug. 2017), but my heart is eager and all in like you. I have to say, thank you for a level, thoughtful video.
@bumponalog5001 6 лет назад
My issue with Pope Francis are less to do with things like how wasting food is bad, but when we blatantly promotes anti Catholic positions.
@franciscaviani786 4 года назад
@williamterrill1441 6 лет назад
My bad I meant to say fraternal Priestly Society of st. Peter
@AnnInFL 6 лет назад
Im not sure your comparison of the ambigities in Pope Francis' s statements with the various interpretation of Our Lord's statements is a fair one. Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice." Anyone following the evil ways of the world who by choice had hardened his own heart would not understand Jesus. But those who had repented and made themselves humble and meek would understand the hidden meaning. This ambiguity of Jesus was intentional. It allowed him to call His own disciples spread the Gospel of the Kingdom while evading the authorities until the time when He would offer up His life for our sins. By contrast, Pope Francis' unclear statements have sown division and confusion within our Lord's holy Church. Is this the Pop'es intention?
@playstationuniverse1 6 лет назад
where i disagree with this is that every parable Christ spoke he also provided the proper context of what it officially meant after, or the church provided its interpretation via the sacred tradition. The argument by Brian here is not only naive, but also sinister in the regard that most people coming into the church or who have grown up in the church have had little to no catechesis, and therefore have been relying on what the church officials have said, and now with the AL document those already malformed catholics will be caught unprepared theologically and even spiritually in a lot of cases, and who will Christ judge for the lack of instruction of his flock... those who were charged to teach the flock, and who is the head teacher... Pope Francis! Sorry but Brian needs to look at the fallicies within his own argument from a much broader standpoint, he might've had good instruction, but that doesn't mean every other catholic had a good catechist teaching them the faith, as we know by much more recent polls done by think tanks such as the pew institute, on various key issues such as Contraception, Abortion, and even same sex marriage a vast majority of catholics think these abhorent activities are okay. so this argument fall on its face as soon as you look at the much broader state of the church
@paneofrealitychannel8204 6 лет назад
AnnInFL - I was going to make the same point.
@catholics4unity 6 лет назад
Sister Lucia The Seer of Fatima mention that towards the end there would be a diabolical influence in the Vatican. She called it a diabolical disorientation. We know our lady of Akita also said that apostasy would begin at the top or with the Pope. Whether it's attentional or not he is working for an evil force. I do not know what's in his heart
@playstationuniverse1 6 лет назад
i would like to say it was his formation, but even the post conciliar popes prior to Francis weren't as Marxist as this man, however i tend to go the way that many trads go as far as how the pontificate of Benedict XVI ended, and that's by obvious blackmail and strongarming by the far left, and how Francis hails from the land of liberation theology a theological philosophy the coincides with the leftist prelates and even the radical left wing ngo's of the UN, end point is this papacy has very evil plans for the church
@nadinephillip8269 6 лет назад
what has Francis said that is so troubling & anti catholic? these claims that he’s marxist & anti biblical seem not only inaccurate but slanderous. which isn’t Christ like in the least.
@feaokautai7354 5 лет назад
Media who is inaccurate about POPE FRANCIS. Regardless what the media is saying POPE IS RIGHT.
@kikaromero1689 6 лет назад
I have never read anything from our Pope that leads me to any sort of confusion or disagreement. In regards to the point that you mentioned about the waste of food and stealing from the poor, I strongly believe that Pope Francis point was and still is to make us realized how much food we waste, as we might go to a restaurant pay for a plate and then just eat a bit of it and trash the rest... as for at home it might apply the same, as sometimes we make more that what we already know we will eat and instead of saving it for the following day, or go and share it with a homeless person, instead we trash it...or we buy so much food that we think we will use to prepare our meals for the week or so, but in reality we end up letting some rotten in our fridge because we either take decisions of not cooking that day or other plans pop up... I strongly believe Pope Francis was calling us to be more conscious about our brothers in need, to realize that every bit of food we take we should ask our Lord to give same to those in need, and understand that if we have more that we ought to eat we should share it with others before we let it go to waste. Our Pope is simply following and teaching Jesus’s example and teachings. To best understand many things Pope Francis is saying and doing I recommend anyone to read “The Life of St. Francis of Assisi and The Treatise of Miracles” by Brother Thomas of Celano. Also life of St. Mother Terese of Calcutta, St. John Paul II The Great... when we read the life of the saints, it’s easier to see what God is working on and through His Vicar on earth... and division and confusion will definitely not be the case. Blessing to you, your family and your work.
@JRobbySh 5 лет назад
That’s as deep as his concern for the poor goes. He lives simply, but not. You need to know that the people of Germany thought of him as a man of simple tastes. Well, to the help ,he was very kind and uncondescending to them. In many respects he was just an ordinary German Burger. That was one side of him.
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
Kika, I have read so many bad things about Pope Francis, I would not know where to start. Perhaps you need to do some basic research and find out just how bad a pope we have.
@barmy8219 5 лет назад
Thank you for expressing this. I agree with this completely especially with respect to the life of St. Francis of Assisi as a clarifier. There is a reason that this pope chose the name Francis.
@wms72 5 лет назад
@@barmy8219 Pope Francis changed the teachings of the Church on the receiving of Holy Communion by the divorced and remarried, and the teachings on the legitimacy of the death penalty.
@louisc.gasper7588 5 лет назад
The exact problem is that Francis is not clear. Yes, he can always be interpreted in a benign way, but he allows people, for example, to identify waste of food and stealing from the poor, which is false. You cite Mother Theresa, JPII, and so on, but the problem is exactly that you have to have recourse to them to make Francis acceptable. On his own terms, he is equivocal at best.
@veeivanhoe3420 4 года назад
On the subject of Father... do you feel this is ambiguous or is Christ who is the truth and not an inerpretaion of it mean exactly that.... Do you not think it extremely important to know and be like the Berean who searched scripture themselves to fund out if what they heard from mere men were true?
@mariepaukowits1709 4 года назад
We love him and pray for his conversion. but today in 2019 we know his motives are. Not good for our church
@kingjames104 3 года назад
Francis is but a lost sheep and yet he carries the crook and has been leading the others to the cliff... will we ever get a shepherd who can turn back the flock before it is too late?
@texaslocoman1 6 лет назад
Pope Benedict might have been forced to resign by the liberal cardinals
@thomasjhenniganw 6 лет назад
It seems to be that one has to believe the motive he gave himself and avoid such speculation.
@TheMrJoltz 6 лет назад
No, he seemed to have planned his resignation as a retirement many years in advance. He made bishops all across the world resign by the age of 75, for him to resign himself is doing what he preaches.
@TheBrencel 6 лет назад
Jesus said the first Mass in the vernacular, Aramaic. If the vernacular was good enough for Jesus should it not suffice for us?
@ragejinraver 6 лет назад
Carmelo Junior he definitely was there's something going on. There's a reason why lightning struck the Vatican twice The Day He resigned
@petercarlson811 6 лет назад
And here is the topic that will draw the attention of the crowd with shiny foil hats.
@j.r.r5863 4 года назад
I would love to see an update if this video or a video about the Synod
@christusvincit6696 5 лет назад
I am late to this conversation. But I am really struggling right now with Church hierarchy. I came into the Church in the early 90s. I have loved the past 2 popes. And I wanted to love Francis.....but I find some aspects of him; disturbing. I need to pray. Brian , God bless you and your family!!
@PedroAntonioLea-PlazaPuig 5 лет назад
You don't have to agree with the mere opinions of the Pope if you are basing your disagreement in previous Church teaching. This Pope will eventually die and we have to pray that the next one will be faithful to the Holy Tradition and Scriptures. This wouldn't be the first time that we have a Pope that is misleading it's flock (check the story of Pope Honorius). Remember that if you don't pray your daily rosary you are not part of the solution. God bless you!
@erickchastain2519 6 лет назад
If you read Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia and his approved interpretation of it under the Buenos Aires bishopric, there is no ambiguity or confusion about what he says there. And he explicitly contradicts Our Lord's words on the indissolubility of marriage, or at best advocates a kind of moral relativism, like what Benedict condemned.
@berwynsigns4115 5 лет назад
I dont get it. Does that mean he isnt pope?
@el-sig2249 6 лет назад
Good talk! I think you have a healthy approach to these issues. I would like to encourage you to study and learn about the Magisterium and Sacred Tradition in addition to the scriptures. This will enable you to know the mind of the Church. This is important for those times when the Holy Father seems not to be in sync with traditional Church teaching.
@GameFunHQ 6 лет назад
What do you do with liberation theology?
@nancyfreeman9641 5 лет назад
Brian, just saw this podcast which is a year old. Do you still hold the same opinion?
@BrianHoldsworth 5 лет назад
No. It has evolved, but I'm not quiet ready to do a follow up yet.
@ca4882 6 лет назад
Love this video. I feel sorry for ANY pope..... but we Catholics must follow the authority of the Church. .. it will NEVER be overcome.. God bless
@lapapadopoulos 6 лет назад
I am a catholic and I disagree, that catholics must follow the authority of the church ( Vatican) many sensible catholic bishops and priests and lay people have come out of the 'ROME CATHOLIC CHURCH' but are still very strong , good practicing catholics, called the 'REMNANT CHURCH' Catholics must follow the 10 commandments and the True words of God, but not to any false or Sacriligious caused to the Body of Christ the church by any pope or priests. past popes and priests have led like flocks to the path of Hell, and the same thing is going on at the moment. I need no pope or priest to tell me what is right or wrong. I ask my Lord and the Blessed Mother and the Angels for their guidance.
@johnknight2012 6 лет назад
The authority of the church is the Bible the Catechism of the Catholic Church and church tradition and if the clergy don't follow that you don't follow them all the way up to the Pope. We have had anti popes this is a fact in church history it can happen again.
@photofather1 5 лет назад
Thank you for this,I feel the same way and have felt conflicted over it
@TheCrunchyCatholics 6 лет назад
Just found your channel and I'm really glad I did! "I’m learning to accept that there is room for disagreement and diversity under the umbrella of orthodoxy" YES! well said! God bless you!
@Ptony 6 лет назад
I was so nervous when I saw the title for this video, but Yes!! Once I watched I'm so glad you made this! The trend of disagreeing with the pope and calling him unorthodox frustrates me all the time. Well done
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
Ptony, maybe you would do well to consider why the faithful are so upset, shocked and disgusted with the worst pope we have ever had. Do some basic research and maybe you will become as frustrated as the rest of us.
@michaelzresendes 6 лет назад
disagreement does not mean that their is diversity or that you joined a different side completely. Disagreement means that discussion is fruitful and that their is passionate people who want truth to come forward. In our modern age, disagreement can often have such an adversarial notation attached to it, but it really should not. Difference does not mean hatred, suppression, or exclusion, it just means there are different ways of looking at the same paper. Think of it in this terms too. Just because you vote republican, does not mean you are going to agree with every single thing the republican leader does or says, but you still consider yourself a republican. Just because you disagree on small stuff does not necessitate in any form right away that a stark dichotomy exists. No! We need disagreement in the world, in our church, to continue to uncover the truth and what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Difference and disagreement is healthy. I regard also to your worry about that phrase with wasting food and what the pope said. We must look at the larger picture. If we are just throwing away food on purpose and with full offence then it is a sin, where we rob from those who go without- we who are rich have taken from the poor. If we are making our best efforts not to throw away food, and to try and conserve as much as possible with kids, then there is no sin. The sin, I will hold, lies in the bigger picture. Remember also, to always go down the path that is least traveled. That is the path of the messiah. That is the hard path that no one else travels voluntarily. We are meant to follow the king down that path where he first lead us. So then, our faith life is called to be challenging. It is suppose to challenge us and keep us from comfort. I think it is amazing when we are challenged by the Pope or a rule by Christ because we are not to be complacent but active and thrive in the challenges. ( I am in no way judging your stance as a Catholic. I don't even know you, and I am just being highly general here for all Catholics)
@MaiehSa 6 лет назад
Well said. And always have happened this kind of disagreement in the Church (Galatians 2, 11-14; about St Paul and St Peter). We just need to trust in Jesus Christ above all things. Our Church is His Church.
@finniangallagher8172 4 года назад
Dear Brian you never disappoint; thank you for the continuous flow of well thought out reflections that affirm, confirm, stimulate and challenge. Have you considered sequentially numbering or dating each video? I look forward to listening to you and I pray that God will continue to bless you, your family, your work and this ministry.
@richardmcleod1930 Год назад
Watch the videos of Father Josiah Trenham of St. Andrews Orthodox Church in Riverside, Calif, if you want to have clarity between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches.
@michaelpolcin4049 6 лет назад
you seem like a smart man. you should look up stuff on Fatima, and a Vatican insider by the name of Malachi Martin.He wrote so many good books about the faith ,the church, and about popes. or if you want you can look it up on RU-vid! God bless you:)
@JRobbySh 5 лет назад
Martin was a bit nuts. Lots of good stuff, lots of crazy stuff.
@williamterrill1441 6 лет назад
You ought to take a look at the fraternal Society of St Peter
@rykellim 5 лет назад
Hi, thank you for this video. I would like to know what is your opinion about videos made by Vatican Catholic, because they look credible.
@ericthompson9016 4 года назад
I am a cradle Catholic. Your comparisons between Pope Francis and Jesus I find very insightful, I would take these comparisons a step further to not only looking at what they say, but (and more importantly) what they DO. Jesus, it seemed to me, frequently followed his sayings with ACTS To provide clarity and authority. Think about this, my compliments, you made me think..........
@simpleravenraven6358 6 лет назад
Thanks young man and thank you Lord for creating his kind of people. I always judge by the Beatitudes. What fits in, I believe. Pope Francis fits in. This is the generation in which the sheep are on one side and the goats on the other. With all the ambiguity, it is easy to determine who is what.
@philipb7400 2 года назад
I disagree with Pope Francis on some things, is that okay? Am I still a good Christian?
@KMF3 6 лет назад
I'm wondering what you're saying now over a year later after making this video.
@NequeNon 6 лет назад
Boy what a joy to find your channel! On disagreeing, I don’t think it’s only about holding onto the overwhelming majority of things, but about our common obedience we have to the Magisterium of which he is custodian.
@cellomon09 6 лет назад
If the Pope were merely lacking clarity in his speech, that would be fairly benign. The trouble is that he seems to _avoid_ trying to clarify what he means, even when explicitly asked to do so.
@mariselabecerra1675 5 лет назад
Pope Francis is not perfect as Peter himself wasn't... and still Jesus chose him. We must pray for him and all our clergy in these turbulent times.
@ireenzee1882 4 года назад
Marisela Becerra Well said. The Pope and the Church needs our prayers more than our criticisms...
@lydiapetra1211 3 года назад
The Roman catholic church is a false pagan and apostate church and Cult that leads people to hell! Please seek God and His Truth only in the Bible! please google:"cbcg.org Roman catholism vs Biblical Christianity"
@lydiapetra1211 3 года назад
@Assyrian Man this is coming from a loser who doesn't even know that he serves and worships Satan! Yep... you got that right! Satan is your god and Master!
@lydiapetra1211 3 года назад
@Assyrian Man Roman catholics and Eastern Orthodox are Not Christians!...
@lydiapetra1211 3 года назад
@Assyrian Man Look at you... you don't even know God or His Word the Bible .. you have a worthless religion that's leading you to hell! You are Not a Christian... you don't even know what that means!!!
@JPGiardina 6 лет назад
I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a year or two. NOT anymore......
@annemangold7080 5 лет назад
That was very helpful, I am seriously tired of the media (even Catholic at times ). It can be so confusing and disheartening! You have very level headed advice! Thank you you for being a faithful witness!
@bagobeans 5 лет назад
Didn't Jesus lack clarity? Were not His disciples always asking Him to explain things?
@alexandrepereira3902 6 лет назад
God bless you...
@TheAbrunqaj 6 лет назад
4:13 I disagree with you when you say " generations of theological clarification ". Are you trying to say that someone today can understand the religion better than someone who lived with the prophets? Sounds weird to me. In everything in life the further we go and the latest thing we have the more updated we are the better it is. But in understanding a religion it's the opposite. The more back you go the better. Just like a river, the water is clearer closer to the spring. How can someone be a better Jew/Christian/Muslim today than the people who lived among the prophets and knew the mentality and social norms of that time?
@edwardkudlack4530 6 лет назад
So does this mean the doctrine of papal infallibility no longer holds when a pope starts to speak of the implications of what it means to love your neighbor? Was it to much for you to handle that he implied that in order to follow Jesus's commandments you need to change your hearts?
@BrianHoldsworth 6 лет назад
I didn't say anything like that. Also, Papal Infallibility doesn't mean that everything the Pope says is true. It has a very clear and limited range of use.
@edwardkudlack4530 6 лет назад
I agree, you didn't really say what I was saying. I was commenting more on the posting in the comments section than what you said in your video. Many comments to your video took a very anti-papal stance, you took a more nuanced approached though, to not form steadfast opinions without having all the facts (if I am understanding your position correctly). I think this is a good way to approach things a person takes issues with. I don't understand when papal infallibility applies and when it doesn't however, I seem to be missing some facts myself. Could you perhaps make a video explaining this or give a link to a reliable explanation of it and why Pope Francis's words should not be taken as infallible?
@BrianHoldsworth 6 лет назад
Gotcha. I appreciate your concerns then! Here's a good explanation on infallibility: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ufv41h3AAko.html
@terioze9 5 лет назад
I know 3 people who became Catholic when Benedict XVI was pope. 2 of them now attend FSSPX masses and the other one goes to the same church as I (FSSP).
@BradleyKisia 4 года назад
Thank you. Pope Francis was orthodox in his diocese before becoming pope. In addition, sensible cardinals guided by the Holy Spirit, elected him. Give him the benefit of the diubt
@BradleyKisia 4 года назад
@ADayWithoutYesterday 6 лет назад
Good video. The Catholic Church, with all its faults, is a grown up church. It's okay to disagree with our Pope. Remember he is just our first of all equals.
@jerryuallera3437 6 лет назад
no he isn't...
@hulsfamcalcan 6 лет назад
You can disagree with his "prudential" comments, i.e., when he is discussing topics that are not part of the deposit of faith.
@hulsfamcalcan 6 лет назад
Yes he is: www.ewtn.com/v/experts/showmessage.asp?number=533453&Pg=&Pgnu=&recnu=
@mattnd20 6 лет назад
The Holy Father is NOT a first among equals. That contradicts the very fundamental basis of the chair of Peter. The Papacy is the supreme office of The Church. If you don't accept that, you aren't Catholic.
@mattnd20 6 лет назад
www.catholic.com/tract/peters-primacy www.catholicfaithandreason.org/papal-supremacy-in-the-bible-and-church-fathers.html "The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's successor, "is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful."402 "For the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered." - Catechism of The Catholic Church If you do not accept that the Vicar of Christ is the Supreme Pontiff over the Universal Church then you are not Catholic. It is Hersey to not accept that. Period. Dominus Vobiscum.
@Puglia506 2 года назад
This video is 4 years old. I have only had problems with Francis since he started undermining the Traditional Latin Mass in Traditiones Custodes.
@bballaguy298 6 лет назад
Brian, I appreciate your outlook on the faith. I also think many can engage with the quality content you produce. I hope your content gets more attention. I'll tell my Catholic friends to consider your voice in the online Catholic media landscape.
@kimzef 6 лет назад
Converted to RC in 2003. After 4 years of Francis, I'm done. Moving on to Orthodoxy.
@triples4good 6 лет назад
Kim Bo I
@bp015534 6 лет назад
I can sympathize.
@Skanderberg79 6 лет назад
Kim Bo Jajaja, well, prepared to be dissapointed. After you realize that the orthodox churches have the same problem, what will you do?
@ElKabong61 6 лет назад
Search on RU-vid for a sermon on Sensus Fidelium called "Christ is the Point". Great sermon and it helps give perspective to Francis.
@sissybrooks8588 5 лет назад
Try Byzantine
@BeASaint 6 лет назад
Great points Brian! Love this!
@ligerzpwnall 5 лет назад
Brian you really need to get a patreon. I think people would support you on this channel. This is by far one of the best philosophical channels out there.
@BrianHoldsworth 5 лет назад
Thanks for saying that. I'm working on getting something setup, but I don't want to rely on big tech to facilitate it, so I'm building my own.
@elisa1323 6 лет назад
Wow! Brilliant! Thanks for your time in putting together this thoughtful and intelligent reflection.
@matthewchristovich 6 лет назад
I find it fascinating that so many people find fault with this Pope instead of looking at themselves first. The man is the first Pope from the Global South, the first one to not share a collective legacy of being the oppressor, but rather spending his life among the oppressed. As such, his teaching, praxis, and persona look more like Jesus (who also grew up among the oppressed) than any Pope in history. Like Jesus, he is more concerned with the health and wellbeing of the souls under his care than he is about the institutional power of the Roman Church. The reason his statements fall so discordantly on the ears of the Global North is that he isn't burdened with generations of having to assuage the guilt and fears of the powerful to advance the interests of the Church. His statements on things like capitalism, ecology, social justice, etc. are 100% biblical and within the ancient traditions of the Church, they're just not what Catholics have been led to believe in the West; the reason for this is simple: we sold out to 'conservative' economic and social power structures, baptizing them without requiring they conform to Scripture, or Jesus, in order that they would extend power and patronage to the Church. So when a man who is Christ-like to the core takes the head seat, most of the religion loses their mind (ironically, in almost the exact same way as the Pharisees, et al did in Jesus' day). In a very real sense, Pope Francis is the most qualified for the title of "Vicar of Christ", precisely because of the controversy he stirs, which stems not from a desire to cause controversy, but from a genuine calling to fulfill Christ's charge to St. Peter: If you love me, feed my sheep. He's feeding his sheep, including the Church, deep medicine: the kind that stirs controversy the same way a violent cough purges mucous, or the a fever fights a virus. The Church has been deeply sick for generations, and instead of keeping that sickness going, he's trying to be a healer.
@JRobbySh 5 лет назад
Francis is an Argentine. He grew top under Peron and his whole settle of governing asa bishop and as pope is Peronist. Peron came in as a man of the right, but he adopted leftist policies as it suited him and his celebrity wife. Francis’ social and economic view reflect his peronism.
@sarak6860 5 лет назад
You are a voice of reason in a sea of Pharisees. Thank you!
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
Mathew, I have never read such emotional tosh. Get a grip. We have a very bad pope. Wake up.
@ingridayarza 5 лет назад
@edwinkubena9944 6 лет назад
Read Amoris Laetitia it is pure heresy
@JRobbySh 5 лет назад
What the bishops Argentine and Malta said is heresy, and he agrees with them.
@philgouge9041 5 лет назад
That is an extraordinary accusation to make. What are your reasons for saying this?
@SanzL1 6 лет назад
Interesting and well articulated points. Unfortunately, I have so many problems with these statements that they are too exhausting to get into.
@MBFModernHomesteading 6 лет назад
You should be disagreeing with the Pope, Brian. There are some statements he has made that are in their entirety that can be watched and listened to; Such as when he told the little boy who had an atheist father that he was in heaven and told the boy to pray to him. Catholic or not, this man has said things not only against Christianity but agains Catholicism also.
@esprit-critique 6 лет назад
I agree totally with you. Pope Benedict was a great theologian but because he was a conservative, he has been often demonized by the press, which has a strong ideological "liberal" bias (and for this reason has now a serious problem of credibility). Pope Francis is a media pope. His main concern is to please the press. Of course, he is not a bad man but he wants to be seen as a "modern" pope, a pope of our time. The danger is that to want too much to be "in", you run the risk of moving away from the traditional message of the Church that has made its strength. When the Church began to move away from its tradition, with the Vatican II, the consequences have been serious. For instance, before Vatican II, the Church had no problem with vocations. After Vatican II, the number of vocations fell dramatically as Rodney Stark (the great American sociologist of religions) points out. Why? Stark asserts (I hope not to betray his explanation that I summarize here from memory) that there is a deep psychological and "rational" reason for that. Christianity is a demanding religion and this exigency is also the condition of salvation, of an eternal joy. If this exigency is weakened, we no longer see why it is important to stay Christian and behave accordingly to get such a reward since the difference between Christianity and the "liberal way" is blurred or no longer exists!
@Ignasimp 6 лет назад
P Belgazo oh please, The Vatican II is one of the best things that have happened to the church.
@JRobbySh 5 лет назад
Ie agree with the assesment of the man who says he is a dictator pope. He is a maverick. pope, Who is doing things unprecedented in church history.
@sarak6860 5 лет назад
I agree. Vatican ll is wonderful. Anyone who opposes it is not accepting the will of God.
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
Vatican II is in need of clarification without any doubt. In particular when people like you say it is wonderful. What in particular in the Vatican II documents is wonderful?
@Knobsmacker 6 лет назад
This video is cognitive dissonance in action.
@TomLandry1 6 лет назад
Brian, I'm a recent convert and I LOVE your videos. Interesting (at least for me) - I was discerning the Church as Francis was elected, (almost exactly one pontificate after you!) and I won't lie - Francis' outward "persona" was immensely attractive to me. Initially I expected Francis' pontificate would be vastly better for the Church than the tenure of Benedict. But - Fast forward just a couple years, after I've studied and learned enough about the Faith of accept it, and gone through RCIA to grasp just a bit more, and the "shine" I had initially seen in Francis had all but disappeared, and my appreciation for Pope Emeritus Benedict - almost negligible just a few years prior, had soared. I totally agree with you about the media coverage of the Pope - I've seen interests on both sides of the (sick) American political spectrum try to stake claims for or against the Pope. You are absolutely right about taking and secular media report about any pope with a HUGE grain of salt. I often find myself searching for source documents to find out what "Really" happened. And I can't tell you how many times that search has lead me to disappointment. I respect Pope Francis immensely, and find myself in agreement with most of what he says, and at least capable of obedience to most of the rest. Then there's what remains. And frankly, it's not very pretty. I respect your analogy to Christ, but I respectfully disagree. I know why Christ spoke in parables - but it should not be acceptable to any rational Catholic to endure blatant manipulation of Synods, Purges of Church institutions to remove faithful scholars and replace them with cronies, and intentionally vague "Loophole" statements in Encyclical letters - which the Vatican later uses as excuses to eviscerate 2,000 year old Church Dogma. Nor is it becoming "IMO" for a sitting Pope to openly belittle and flagrantly insult those who don't share his..... well, shall we say... "interesting" theological positions. Forgive me - I know that sound horribly harsh. I try to be charitable. I pray for understanding. But I'm still left to wonder.....
@BrianHoldsworth 6 лет назад
Thanks for watching and your comment Tom. I sympathize with much of what you said.
@shawnpierce6285 6 лет назад
Brian, thank you for your videos. You always offer an answer or perspective that I had not considered. I find myself both challenged and uplifted by your content. God bless you, your family, and your ministry to the Church.
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
Shawn, the only ministries in the Catholic Church are; bishop, priest and deacon. Do not confuse lay peoples (very good apostolates) work as a "ministry" - that thinking is straight out of the non-sense thinking of wooly minded, poorly formed western clergymen.
@catholics4unity 6 лет назад
Do any of you recall when Pope Benedict resigned on February 11th 2013, lightning struck the Vatican twice at 5:55 PM? Some took this as a sign that the Eternal Father was not pleased with the resignation of Benedict XVI. 555 in numerology refers to Genesis 3:15 Mary and Jesus will crush the head of Satan Mary is the new Eve Jesus is the new Adam. Mary will crush the head of Satan because of her faith in love and God. Look at it this way 555 has three fives. It also adds up to 15. Again, Genesis 3:15. Let's examine those numbers again. If you change those numbers you get 513 or 5/13 or May 13th. Mary's first Apparition at Fatima. I want to you to recall when Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus told his disciples to cast their nets into the sea. In their nets they caught a hundred and fifty-three fish or 153 which is 3:15 in reverse. There are exactly 153 Angelic salutations or Hail Mary's in a 15 decade Rosary. The rosary actually looks like an old-fashioned Fisherman's Net with the balls floating on top of the water. The symbol of the Fish represents Christ and Christ told his disciples and apostles become Fishers of Men. If you look at the Rosary it is a circle with the crucifix on the end. Mary always leads us back to Jesus. Now if you count the number of days between May 13th and October 13th you get a hundred and fifty three days. I do not believe this is a coincidence. The footnote in Amoris Laetitia that's giving us the most problems is footnote 351 which is the opposite of 153. We know that the final are divisive battle between Lucifer and Our Lady will be over marriage and the family. That is exactly what is happening today. We also know that the dogma of Faith would always be preserved in Portugal which would mean the Dogma Faith would that be preserved elsewhere. I believe that Dogma faith is transubstantiation. Pope Francis is trying to open up communion to those in irregular Unions, which would change the Intent of those who could receive communion. In order to have a valid consecration you have to have proper matter: unleavened bread and Wine. Form: this is my body this is my blood. The exact verbiage that Jesus used at the Last Supper must be proclaimed at the SACRIFICE at the MASS. Intention: The Church's intention must Mass Christ's intention is to give communion to those in the state of grace. Francis is trying to change the church's intention, which would invalidate the Eucharist. We know from Sister Lucy is memoirs at the true Mass would be suppressed. Francis is trying to promote sacrilege deliberately by allowing those in irregular Unions to receive the Eucharist. This is all under a guise of Mercy. It is even in scripture he who drinks the body of Our Lord unworthily, eats and drinks himself to condemnation. The Book of Daniel also speaks of the continuing sacrifice being taken away from the prince. The continuing sacrifice is the Mass the Prince is Jesus Christ. It is also in the catechism of the Catholic Church (675 & 677 ) that the church will go through a great trial. Many people will be deceived and the deception will shake the faith of many believers. The church will also walk the road to Calvary and die and resurrect, like Jesus did. Everything that I discussed seems to be pointing that we are living in the last days, like Our Lady of Fatima in Our Lady of Akita predicted. Our Lady of Fatima is a woman clothed with the sun in the Book of Revelation when she perform the miracle of the Sun at Fatima on October 13th. Our Lady of La Salette warned that Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. Our Lady of Akita warned that apostasy would begin at the top. she wanted it would be Cardinal against Cardinal Bishop against bishop and that is what we're seeing today. Cardinal Burke issue the Dubia with 3 other Cardinals and Pope Francis ignored it. We are in serious Danger. Satan wants to claim as many Souls as possible and he is using the clergy and deception to do so. God help us pray the rosary to defeat heresy. one other thing the Saint Michael prayer was composed on October 13th 1884 by Pope Leo XIII. The pope heard Jesus and Satan arguing by the Tabernacle. Satan told Jesus he could destroy the church if he had the time and Power and the influence of the clergy to do his bidding. Jesus gave him the time and the power to do so. It is like a giant jigsaw puzzle and all the pieces are coming into place. It is time to wake up! Too many people are sleeping or ignorant other Catholic faith. Many priests are under diabolical disorientation as described by Sister Lucia in her memoirs. It is up to us to save our own Souls. We need to wake others up as well. I'm sorry if there are spelling and grammatical errors in this response. I used Google dictation to reply to this post.Read more Show less
@martinfrancis3196 6 лет назад
What a load of crap.!!!!!!!!did you think this up by yoursel or you had help from Satan?
@BBThumper1939 6 лет назад
catholics4unity That is a misinterpretation of Genesis 3:15. The Catholic bible goes so far as to say the serpent will bruise HER heel. The proper interpretation says the serpent will bruise HIS heel meaning Jesus. Jesus and Mary are not a tag team. There is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
@catholics4unity 6 лет назад
Andy Maynard The Original Latin Vulgate or Dewey Rheims version gives this feminine her heel. It would be her seed Jesus Christ and Her spiritual children will crush the head of Satan. We have statues of Our Lady of Grace with a serpent under her heel. We have the image of Our Lady Of The Miraculous Medal with the serpent under her heel. We have the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary written by Sister Mary Agreta. She wrote the City of God which is the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So newer versions are trying to distract from the role of Mary. God is using her again to usher in the second coming of Christ as he did the first coming. This also fits her promise that one day through the Rosary in the scapular she will save the world.
@catholics4unity 6 лет назад
Martin Francis perhaps by dissuading people from believing what I wrote you are doing the work of Satan. Lucifer hates the Blessed Virgin Mary because he knows that she will crush his head. See the response I wrote below.
@johnb4632 6 лет назад
catholics4unity; Great post.You are right.I like the way you described the rosary circling back to the cross to Jesus and the rosary described as a fisherman's net balls floating on top of the water brilliant.I never heard of that description before.Very good. The miracle of the 153 fish caught is interesting.The miracle was not how many fish caught but that the net never ripped apart signifying the unity of the catholic church.Another point you made was the first apparition at Fatima May 13th to Oct 13th 153 days wow!
@augustas9844 5 лет назад
You are breath of fresh air. You were blessed with a gift of diplomacy and reason. Thank you so much for sharing!
@crazygenx2539 6 лет назад
Good job, my fellow convert! You're a very sharp guy.
@jorgegonzalez426 5 лет назад
This video is amazing I was becoming one of these Catholics that was getting caught up in the media about the pope even though I loved pope Francis in the beginning. Thanks for this I’ve been praying about this matter for a week now think you brought my clarity.
@luismongemora2190 6 лет назад
I love the way you explained this critical topic. Thank you so much for enlighting me.
@gezzababe8888 2 года назад
This is a great angle and a commendable line to follow. However, short of saying that a pope is only as good as his last speech, we do need to keep an eye on where he is going, as he clearly is.
@kathleenmacellis751 6 лет назад
What a JOY to find your channel! Thank you for your clear , concise and honest words !
@BrianHoldsworth 6 лет назад
Thanks Kathleen. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
@cristoforodelnero5138 4 года назад
That was a very mature, well-considered, balanced presentation. Congratulations.
@sue-by7sh 5 лет назад
"It's very entertaining to be pope" he said. I wonder if St. Peter felt that way. O wait, he was crucified. Former popes were always clear about Faith matters and we didn't have to research and clarify etc etc. thanks.
@nonfecittaliter4361 Год назад
We must be patient with this pontificate, strive not to be scandalized to the point of abandoning the Church. Christ allowed this for a reason we don't understand now, He knows absolutely better than we do, and His ways are mysterious but not random or absurd at all. Let's not forget that everything is written. "But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved". (Matthew 24:13)
@johncronin9540 6 лет назад
I think it’s important in trying to understand a pope is to try to understand where they are from. Pope Francis is the first modern pope who is not from the developed world. Most of his stances are not exactly progressive. For instance, despite the shortage of priests that is rapidly approaching a crisis point, I have not heard him even discuss changes in a requirement of celibacy or ordaining women. But he does have a concern, common in Latin America, regarding the global inequality of wealth, for many of those nations have large percentages of their population living in poverty or in genuine destitution. And this gap is growing even in the United States. This was an issue that Jesus spoke about quite often, even calling wealth an impediment to salvation. What Francis is saying is not really new, there have been Latin American theologians and bishops concerned about these issues for decades now. Francis other concern was that Western bishops have been so focused on abortion, birth control, homosexuality, to almost the complete exclusion of other moral issues. Francis is trying to restore the balance in moral theology. Ironically, Jesus himself never mentioned these sexual ethics issues. Not once. But he spoke about wealth and poverty, especially the neglect of the poor by the rich, quite frequently. But the pope does seem able to listen (something many of his predecessors were not good at), and even to publicly apologize for his mistakes. This happened recently over the crisis of sexual abuse of children by the clergy, with bishops enabling serial abusers to harm many more children, by keeping this all a secret. When the pope visited Chile a few months ago, he was not very kind in his treatment of victims. But when Boston’s Archbishop Sean O’Malley, who has had to deal with this a great deal, he chastised the Pope’s lack of understanding, and his response. And Francis did this, in apologizing. How much he commits to solving this problem remains to be seen, and he is trying to deal with an entrenched bureaucracy in Rome. They have been trying to throw all kinds of obstacles in the path of reform, and are continuing to try to protect bishops who covered up these crimes. Now in the past, this issue was more or less a crisis in developed nations, where victims are now encouraged to speak out. It’s only now beginning to be revealed in developing nations, and action is needed, or people will simply abandon the Church. At least, however, Francis seems more willing to deal with it than his predecessors. John Paul II was not a hands on administrator, and he delegated the resolution of this crisis to perhaps the most ill-equipped administrator of all, Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger was really the wrong man in the wrong position. He has a brilliant intellect, but not very good pastoral skills, not a good listener, and not a good administrator. He should have remained in academia, where his skills would have been better put to use. I’ll credit him for doing something revolutionary, that is retiring, and stepping away. I know many have a deep admiration for John Paul II, but when your health is at a point where communication is virtually impossible, it’s time to step away. Retirement is not a new idea for bishops - they are required to retire at 75. Pope Francis was retired when elected pope. Perhaps a rigid retirement date is not the best option. Some people are quite able and healthy well into their eighties, and Pope Francis looks quite fit as he approaches 82. Others, however, are not as fortunate, and should retire sooner. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts, but what each of these popes are really going to be remembered for is how they deal with this abuse crisis. It is not just going to go away, and bishops need to be held accountable. Civil governments are not going to sit back and do nothing. It’s now a crime for bishops to not immediately report even a suspicion of abuse to the proper legal authorities. This crisis is by far the most important crisis since the Reformation, and many bishops are really not aware of this. The laity in general “get it”, whereas it’s a huge blind spot for many bishops and prelates.
@augustinpalanovic5459 6 лет назад
What is Catholics Church view on veganism?
@levisando 6 лет назад
The idea of avoiding certain foods for your own reasons is not frowned upon as far as I know.
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
Smiles at it foolishness.
@kevinross6200 4 года назад
Brian, you thanked me for listening, I would like to thank you for speaking.
@coachchris548 6 лет назад
We as baptized Catholics are called to pray for our Pope,Bishop's and Priests daily.They need our prayers I need your prayers,you need prayers,this is a communion. Church Triumphant in Heaven. Church suffering in purgatory. Church Militant on Earth. Praying for the souls in purgatory, Church Triumphant praying and interceding for us , Church suffering praying for church militant when they get to Heaven
@yayamary56 6 лет назад
Bravo Btian for your additional research. We also need to remember that the Pope speaks as a man with his background & opinions. And at other times he speaks infallibly, officially, & inspired by the Holy Spirit.
@heatherwhitehead3743 3 года назад
Would love for an update!
@micheleellis4074 6 лет назад
Thank you for your informative videos. You explain things in a way that's understandable.
@edwardelkins8723 6 лет назад
I converted in 1993, living in a small city, I just wondered into a newly built parish to see the inside, one of the nicest buildings in town. I talked with the priest and secretary and ended up going to baptism class , I loved the music being a singer and musician and converted. Then Hell hit, I was stuck with a mafioso aristocrat fellowship, totally early american , Israeli last name, Scottish, Irish, Norwegian, French, Anglo. No one in my family catholic for hundreds of years both sides of the family, cannot trace a catholic convert back as far as can trace. I went through a ministry at age 19 and was anointed by an Assembly of God ministry for full time ministry. I went on my new catholic adventure only to find out it was going to be over 20 years of never actually being honored by the catholic and their families, never actually made one catholic friend, never could actually believe anything they believe about themselves and the world, who they are in the world, and especially who they are to God. I think one of the most important things I realized is that Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan, what Satan did was take him up and show him all the kingdoms of the world, Jesus resisted and didn't want those kingdoms. I am quite sure that Rome was one of those kingdoms, Rome was one of the greatest at the time. Yet the Papacy is about a kingdom in this world. Somewhere the devil did it again and not being Jesus himself the person didn't resist. Then there is the gospels teaching that many will come in Jesus name and say they are the Christ. The Vicar , Holy See, Pope , all of it is to say "I am the Christ". So therefor I am leaving the catholic roman institution behind me, I still love the music and even a good mass, but its not enough for me to stay. I am so anti catholic aristocrat now, I will never forget being mobbed by religious mafioso or the heresy involved. Just tuning them out not agreeing and not giving them honor anymore I think will help me to continue to serve the Lord and have more peace in my life.
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
Edward, sad that you have turned your back on Our Lord's Church. However, just to be clear the Sacrifice of the Mass does not need any music and if it's music you like then you are only going for crumbs not the real deal.
@ElCinePensado 4 года назад
I couldn’t agree more on your three final conclusions, Brian. I would just want to say that those comments that Pope Francis made about the waste of food probably weren’t meant for big families as yours (or mine). I think that he was referring to the tons of food that are wasted by big companies. Still, we shoul not forget that after the feeding of the multitude, Jesus instructed the Apostles to pick up the brocken pieces that were left over
@ziadassaad1371 4 года назад
Romans (8:26-27) Saint Paul states: In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
@user-tu2xf4uf3n Год назад
Can you start a Catholic library. Also, you might want to take a look at Holy Apostles College & Seminary just to take some more indepth courses. - its cheaper tuition then the rest of them universities for the same material. I never thought I be in a Seminary at age 45
@hglundahl 6 лет назад
As to Ratzinger, there are things I learned about him "too late" when I had already rejected him on other grounds. Like, his signature under a document condemning Fundamentalist exegesis. Around the time of Assisi II (which occurred before Srebrenica), of changing Christmas proclamation and ... Wojtyla "making peace" (according to a headline, I have so far no access to story) with psychiatry. That latter issue was what I rejected Ratzinger over.
@jamesconboy1491 4 года назад
I believe Pope Francis was referring to the wanton waste of food we see on an industrial scale with Countries reaching quota's. Also by raising awareness of the sin of wasting food is surly a good thing. I believe all great religions have a lot to say about wasting food and resources after all it is common sense. God Bless all.
@iBEEMproject 3 года назад
This is very enlightening. Keep on making this kind of content Sir. The transparency that Pope Francis in the Vatican makes us the faithful more curious and at some point reactionary. There is a reason why the Successor of Peter is being mostly covered by media than any other Pope.
@RGTomoenage11 5 лет назад
Ppl just don’t get it, one time the pope said Jesus is light and we compare him to the sun (metaphorically). But people were saying that pope Francis said Jesus was the sun.
@bachatamusica 5 лет назад
I miss Benedict XVI as Pope. I'm somewhat worried with this current Pope.
@RonDee0817 6 лет назад
I had quite a few comments mostly responding to Jeff Fenske and a Mary Louise that I thought were very relevant and pointed out why we should be opposed to "pope" Francis and that he was destroying the Church. I spent a lot of time writing them and it seems to me the entire thread has been deleted! I think I made very valid points. Is this discussion being monitored to delete comments that show why your view is wrong?
@Cationna 6 лет назад
Thank you for this video. The issue is one I've been struggling with recently. I think your conclusions are extremely on point. But I'm not sure I agree with your comparison of contemporaries of Jesus' not being able to understand Him with perfect clarity to our own misunderstanding of Pope Francis; Jesus not only used language that was often metaphorical, poetical or unusual, but also often spoke about mysteries that could not possibly be interpreted right before His Resurrection and before the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Church. With the Pope, taking aside that he's not the Messiah, the issue is somewhat reverse; he usually uses (as far as translations allow me to analyse) very simple language, with figures characteristic to every day use, including certain kinds of metaphor and hyperbole as a part of his tendency to put what he means in simple but strong terms understandable to everyone. His style differs from our last two Popes who were amazing scholars (although JPII somehow always managed to make even complicated theological issues easy to understand, I find), and Francis puts an emphasis on speaking to those least knowledgable about faith, furthest from the language of Church, most ordinary people. However, the problem is that vernacular will always be less precise when speaking about specific fields that have developed their own terms in order to best put a name to an issue. And using terms more colourful than precise might be confusing, especially to people who don't have that familiarity with Christian thought in the first place, but also in general to anyone who just doesn't happen to grasp the speaker's intent. Which often happens to me, I must say. What I'm trying to say is: I think the reasons Pope Francis is often misunderstood are very human (heck, maybe sometimes his tongue quite simply gets away from him? I would certainly get that, especially when talking about emotional issues of some harm coming to someone), and that should probably make us more merciful and understanding; he's one of us, after all, not a perfect machine. I do regret very much that it's REALLY hard to find a place to get unbiased, well-researched news that might also give the original text; even Catholic portals seem... well... even fear-mongering when reporting about the Pope. With all that, to find out the facts of his teachings and try to see the direction he's taking us in is to me so hard as to be impossible right now. But I will definately, definately take your advice to heart; I think you've got the right attitude precisely.
@Cationna 6 лет назад
(btw, sorry for any awkwardness/mistakes and for the lengthiness, English is not my first language)
@gtaylor178 5 лет назад
We have a very bad pope, pray for his conversion.
@dianadeap572 6 лет назад
You spoke my thoughts about Pope Francis.. He worries me sometimes because his words spread confusion in our church. I want to love this pope more than I do because he is the pope, but....
@pauloicaro 5 лет назад
Of course that demand of him absolute clarity is unrealistic, but the duty of our shepherd is to clarify not to confuse the flock. So, taking into account that he'll never be Cristal clear in all of his announcements and at the same time his duty as Vicar of Christ we conclude that he has to be more careful with the language and of course pay attention to the messenger and it's intentions. At the end of the day, of course there is space to disagree of the Pope, we just hate to have a legitimate reason to do so.
@lizgmail4155 3 года назад
Thank you for videos, your words never disappoint. I look forward to an update to this outdated video and see what you think now. God bless!
@thirdactwarrior317 5 лет назад
As a cradle Catholic who grew up with the Latin Mass and the old catechism, I agree with you. I have lived through a lot of Popes and if I took everything every one of them said a face value, I would be very conflicted and confused. On another video, you talked about "cafeteria Catholics. I will say that there is a type of Catholic who is every bit as bad on the other end. I call them "paint by number Catholics." They want to be spoon-fed their relationship with God, to have a rule book that leaves no doubt about anything. I think that is wrong headed and not a model of a loving relationship. A great priest we had at a parish I was at said, "Certainty is the opposite of Faith, and of the two, Faith is greater."
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