
Do Humans Only Have Extrinsic Value? 

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What is God really like? What attributes does he have? Why are they important for us to know?
This is a Q&A follow-up on our animated video, God is Spirit!
• What is God Like?
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@elgatofelix8917 7 месяцев назад
The notion that humans have no intrinsic value is often expressed in atheistic talking points such as "we are all nothing more than just clumps of cells." And "there is no such thing as a soul." It can be quite disturbing what this kind of mentality leads to...
@LawlessNate 7 месяцев назад
There are two types of atheists who suggest humanity has no objective, intrinsic value. The first type recognizes this as the logical outworking of their worldview but they live a lie in that they live their life as if humanity somehow does have objective, intrinsic value. The second type recognizes this as the logical outworking of their worldview and then actually live their life accordingly and in the process commit the worst atrocities known to man. Look at the officially atheistic Chinese Communist Party as a modern example; they kill prisoners of conscious to harvest their organs and sell them on the black market, among other things.
@benjaminwatt2436 7 месяцев назад
It never ceases to amaze me that an athiest can assume intrensic value and not see the clear contridiction to his world view
@somerandom3247 7 месяцев назад
What contradiction?
@tarp-grommet 7 месяцев назад
Yeah. Please elucidate the contradiction. We really do want to know.
@fanghur 2 месяца назад
We’re still waiting?
@mattwisher6899 7 месяцев назад
Contrast this message with those of Yuval Noah Harari or Sam Harris. Which promotes human flourishing? 🤔
@somerandom3247 7 месяцев назад
Do you have evidence against it? or do you just disregard it because you dont like it?
@dotails 7 месяцев назад
So what is valuable about us except what we can do for God?
@juliogomez9145 7 месяцев назад
It's not about what we can do for God. That doesn't determine our value. Is that because we are His creation and bear His image, we have intrinsic value.
@Jewonastick 7 месяцев назад
​@@juliogomez9145 Apart from your beliefs in a god..... What do you life for and what's keeping you from killing those around you?
@juliogomez9145 7 месяцев назад
@@Jewonastick There is no morality outside of God's moral standard. If there is no God and no standard to point to, morality would just be arbitrary. And the reason why i wouldn't k!ll someone (apart from the fact that i have no desire to do so) is that you and I and the rest of the human race bears God's image, giving us infinite value far beyond what we would ever value each other.
@juliogomez9145 7 месяцев назад
@@Jewonastick There is no morality outside of God's moral standard. If there is no God and no standard to point to, morality would just be arbitrary. And the reason why i wouldn't k1lllll someone (apart from the fact that i have no desire to do so) is that you and I and the rest of the human race bears God's image, giving us infinite value far beyond what we would ever value each other.
@juliogomez9145 7 месяцев назад
@@Jewonastick There is no morality outside of God's moral standard. If there is no God and no standard to point to, morality would just be arbitrary. And the reason why i wouldn't k!ll someone (apart from the fact that i have no desire to do so) is that you and I and the rest of the human race bears God's image, giving us infinite value far beyond what we would ever value each other.
@BenStowell 7 месяцев назад
Here's an alternative theory, for your consideration: Humans are “only” extrinsically valuable, but they are a special kind of extrinsic value: They are _required_ for there to be value in the first place-the kinds of deep, rich, and varied value states we see in humans. Most sources of extrinsic value are not required in this way; pizza makes us happy, but if there were no pizza at all (heaven forbid!) there would still be other things that make us happy. This view does nothing to justify slavery, etc., as those atrocities cause horrendous suffering. So why think we have extrinsic value? It has to do with what it _means_ for something to have intrinsic value, which is to be desirable for its own sake. Happiness is like this, and you can tell by the absurdity of the question “Why do you want to be happy?” If you understand what happiness is, you understand why someone wants it. Is it equally absurd to ask “Why do you want [human]?” It doesn’t sound like it. If someone were to want a human, we could sensibly ask why. If someone wanted a bad human, like Hitler, we most certainly would want to know why. We know for sure that happiness is good in and of itself because we experience that goodness directly. Do we experience the goodness of humans directly? It seems not. Certainly our loved ones _cause_ us to be happy, and we cause _them_ to be happy, but that just describes our extrinsic value. And we see not only the goodness of our happiness, but the goodness of the happiness of others, so we are not devaluing humans by seeing them as a "secondary" good. This means that while humans are a means to an end, that end is for their own sake. Again, humans have a special kind of extrinsic value: without humans, there would _be_ no value states of the kind we are discussing. So humans are still valuable in a very primary way.
@LawlessNate 7 месяцев назад
That's just special pleading. The same logic could be used to justify atrocities like the holocaust by claiming the state had this mystical, magical, unexplainable, extra-special extrinsic value sauce. You have no objective reasoning for the existence of extraordinary extrinsic value in the first place, let alone any objective reasoning why such value should apply to humanity.
@hwd7 7 месяцев назад
This is why I am Pro Life Abolitionist. Human Beings have intrinsic value from fertilisation because of the type of substance that we are as image bearers of our Creator. Not a property value because of what we can do as Dr Craig mentioned like a hammer.
@damianabbate4423 7 месяцев назад
It seems that believers only have extrinsic value to their god if he finds them useful. Their god gives gifts of the spirit, hardens hearts, sends lying spirits, uses human sacrifice, church is the bride of Christ and humans were created to worship god. It seems they're only valuable in this gods service, otherwise their god curses, drowns, burns and murders if they're of no use to him. In reality the earth and our universe are indifferent to any species survival, including ours. We have intrinsic value when we choose to give others that value. Our intrinsic value has been growing and getting better statistically as our societies become more fair and empathetic. It has nothing to do with gods and everything to do with us treating each other with value. There is no evidence of it being otherwise. Everyday 20,000 people die from simple hunger, 10,000 of them children. 28,000 a day die from cancer. 52,000 a year die just from the flu in the US. 703,000 people a year die from suicide. If we actually had intrinsic value from an all powerful god, he's doing a terrible job of showing it.
@Jewonastick 7 месяцев назад
@TomCollinsRocks 7 месяцев назад
I've listened to WLC for years and I am perplexed at his ability to "dodge" questions and constantly go down "rabbit holes" so whoever is trying to follow him usually falls asleep or forgets what the original question was because he really knows how to do this whole "circle of confusion" that all Calvinists do in order to keep you asking, "what is the point?" WLC is a teacher of FALSE DOCTRINE, just like the Apostle warned about in the NT! Run Away From Calvinist Teaching-It Is From SATAN!
@tarp-grommet 7 месяцев назад
So in the Old Testament, with all its calamity and death, did humans only have extrinsic value to god? It sure looks that way, don't you think? I mean, the Old Testament is certainly not about a loving and merciful god.
@michelangelope830 7 месяцев назад
How to escape the faith mindset? I know how to do it because I did it. I am a psychologist and I abandoned religion and atheism being honest. To discover God you have to understand it is better for you if God exists. If you could choose how is reality would you prefer God existed or not? and why?. Reality is the only that matters and if God exists it is not going to stop existing believing it doesn't exist. To understand God exists you have to understand reality is eternal because from nothing can not be created something. Nothing is absence of existence. Nothing is what innocent and vulnerable children understand by nothing. Nothing minus something is nothing. Nothing is what you get when you give to ungrateful people. Something always existed. Do you accept something always existed? If you accept reality is eternal you are halfway in your goal to discover God. To escape the faith mindset you have to be open to the possibility of being wrong or deceived. The universe can not be eternal because it is impossible logically the existence of an infinite number of causes and effects, therefore an eternal first uncaused cause that caused what has a beginning of existence must exist. Something eternal and intelligent created the universe. It's fact. It's reality. It's truth. It's what happened. Nothing existed before God because God is eternal. To discover God you have to understand it is impossible to understand God because regardless of when the universe was created God existed always before. Thank you.
@somerandom3247 7 месяцев назад
"To discover God you have to understand it is better for you if God exists" Why would that matter? If a god doesnt exist, it doesnt matter how much i want it to, or think its better for me if it doers, it still wouldnt. And vice-verca. "If you could choose how is reality would you prefer God existed or not? and why?" It would depend what god we were talking about. Becasue some are very clearly evil, and others are less so. "Reality is the only that matters and if God exists it is not going to stop existing believing it doesn't exist" Yer, the opposite works too. if god doesnt exist, it is not going to start existing no matter how much you believe it does "Do you accept something always existed?" Yes, as far as we can tell, energy can not be created or destroyed, only transfered to and from matter. so the universe always existed in some form. "you have to be open to the possibility of being wrong or deceived" I am open to that possibilitty. All that is needed is some evidence to show the current understanding of physics is incorrect, and that energy can be created. "The universe can not be eternal because it is impossible logically the existence of an infinite number of causes and effects" No it isnt. And even if it were impossible, any infinite god you posit would have the same problem.
@CorbinTheChristian 7 месяцев назад
​@@somerandom3247These are very, VERY bad objections that Craig has absolutely destroyed time and time again.. and the athiests keep spewing them. Yikes.
@TheMirabillis 7 месяцев назад
Yet, on Craig’s position, the only reason God creates the unsaved is that those who will be saved will get saved. In other words, God uses the unsaved in an instrumental way so as to save those who will be saved. On Craig’s position, God is being cruel and immoral to every unsaved Person He creates.
@tenacitytone 7 месяцев назад
Don’t misrepresent him. Go look into what Dr. Craig teaches about Molinism. You don’t have to lie about his view because you disagree.
@TheMirabillis 7 месяцев назад
@@tenacitytone What makes you think I am misrepresenting him ? What makes you think I am lying ? This what Craig writes…. “His ( God’s ) goal, then, is to achieve an optimal balance, to create no more lost than is necessary to actualize a certain number of the saved. But it is possible that the balance in the actual world is such an optimal balance. It is possible that in order to create the number of persons in our world who will be saved, God had to create the number of persons who will be lost.” Excerpt From William Lane Craig, “The Only Wise God".
@tenacitytone 7 месяцев назад
@@TheMirabillis The quote you used does not lead to the conclusion you made: that “God is being cruel and immoral to every saved person He creates.” In the quote, he is responding to the objection of universal salvation. So Dr. Craig offers a middle knowledge perspective that aludes to feasibility. But obviously you have minimal understanding of Molinism. So you read a quote and attack a straw man. I waste my time engaging with someone who is dishonest, pretending that they are accurately representing a position they have the slightest knowledge of then reply with a quote out of context that doesn’t support their view. Do better. Do the hard part and understand the various perspectives, steel man their position, and refute their arguments
@TheMirabillis 7 месяцев назад
@@tenacitytone God chooses to create a World where Bob will reject Him and be lost. Once that World has been created and Bob now exists as an actual Person, can Bob now get saved so that he is now actually saved and not lost ? Yes or No ?
@tenacitytone 7 месяцев назад
@@TheMirabillisWhy are you trying to straw man this perspective so badly? I know you want me to say in your possible world where you have determined that Bob is not saved, Bob cannot be saved. But Molinism is a view that affirms God’s sovereignty and human free will. So yes, it is possible that Bob can be saved. However, from God’s perspective, in every possible world God knows who will eventually be saved and who won’t. That’s what being omniscient and having middle knowledge means. And God’s foreknowledge does not negate human freewill.
@SeekingGodGrace 7 месяцев назад
Cause everytime our families or peers tell us that what you do is what defines you not what inside you. like what's my job or what school did I graduate from is more important than my intrinsic self or value.
@elgatofelix8917 7 месяцев назад
Wow less than 5 comments so far? Last time I was this early, it was still "only two weeks to flatten muh curve"
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