
Do 'Slow Metabolisms' Exist? What Does The Science ACTUALLY Say? 

Ben Carpenter
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Do 'slow metabolisms' actually exist?
It is commonly claimed that people who struggle to lose weight have a 'slow metabolism' or 'metabolic damage', and we know from an abundance of research that the likelihood is they are simply misreporting their energy intake.
It is VERY hard to accurately calculate how much energy you are consuming and burning, so it makes sense that people do not get this accurate very often.
However, this has caused a bit of an overreaction, and many people claim that slow metabolic rates don't exist.
Well, it depends on your definition of 'slow', because we have a lot of research showing that slower metabolic rates definitely exist.
Two people could have the same height and weight but one could burn a lot less energy than the other. Even if they have the same amount of muscle mass, one could burn far less energy than the other.
So, it's smart to know that:
1) 'Metabolic damage' is often overstated, and simply a result of people underreporting their food intake
2) However, this doesn't mean that interindividual variance doesn't exist. Humans are complex little buggers so it makes sense that some of us burn slightly more or less energy.
Make sense?
P.S. my best-selling book, ‘Everything Fat Loss’ is currently on sale at Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Google, and at Amazon with an extra 24% off in Canada. Feel free to grab it before the price goes up.
- Discrepancy between Self-Reported and Actual Caloric Intake and Exercise in Obese Subjects
- Thyroid Hormone Action and Energy Expenditure
- Short-term Change in Resting Energy Expenditure and Body Compositions in Therapeutic Process for Graves' Disease
- Basal metabolic rate is decreased in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and biochemical hyperandrogenemia and is associated with insulin resistance
- No consistent evidence of a disproportionately low resting energy expenditure in long-term successful weight-loss maintainers
- Specific metabolic rates of major organs and tissues across adulthood: evaluation by mechanistic model of resting energy expenditure
- Daily energy expenditure through the human life course
- Accuracy and Validity of Resting Energy Expenditure Predictive Equations in Middle-Aged Adults
- Intra- and interindividual variability of resting energy expenditure in healthy male subjects - biological and methodological variability of resting energy expenditure
- Resting Energy Expenditure in Older Inpatients: A Comparison of Prediction Equations and Measurements
- Revised Harris-Benedict Equation: New Human Resting Metabolic Rate Equation



21 сен 2024




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@kaileek8805 10 месяцев назад
Love that V Shred shade 😂
@adonno 10 месяцев назад
I had to take a second look to be sure he really did 😂
@patelien 10 месяцев назад
That was legendary slide in shit talk. Love it, Just subscribed
@AndyPresto75 10 месяцев назад
I nearly spat out my coffee. So good!
@richsimm221 7 месяцев назад
So clever I didn't hear the rest of the video
@catche85 10 месяцев назад
I think what people often mean when they are talking about slower metabolism is also just metabolic adaptation and homestasis. If your body is very good at protecting your fat stores, you have very favourable genes in the event you get stuck on a deserted island. Unfortunately, the body slowing down other processes to ensure you don't use fat stores is a reality for some. I don't know why we think we (consciously) decide how many calories we burn and how our fat is used. Our weight is well regulated just like breathing, blood flow, our heart, water levels, fertility/menstrual cycle, etc. Why we think that everyone has absolute control over their weight and their own body contributes nothing to the equation is beyond me. Yet if people have asthma or something we never say "just breathe more".
@stargazerbird 10 месяцев назад
True. If I dig too deep to cut fast I barely move and feel the cold and get grumpy. If I cut less and move a lot more I don’t get those low metabolism signals.
@catche85 7 месяцев назад
@@marytudor-iw2dw that's not at all how it works, but excellent oversimplification.
@FeniksGaming 8 месяцев назад
1:40 explains why I got Vshred advert before this video made me giggle
@jackwalter5970 9 месяцев назад
Love the V Shred comment! Tiny heart and brain!
@otarala 10 месяцев назад
There's also how 'denial' gets addressed in the fitness industry in general. Love the angry PT bit.
@jamiemckeegan5066 10 месяцев назад
Will you do a video on how cortisol affects belly fat? I keep hearing that doing hiit workouts or anything above steady state cardio will just increase my cortisol and therefore prevent me from losing belly fat, which is really discouraging. Thank you! 😊
@joshuaw8873 9 месяцев назад
High cortisol can have negative effects, but that's really more a concern from your lifestyle and how stressed you are generally. The cortisol you generate from exercise is short term and won't have any serious impact on you.
@stargazerbird 10 месяцев назад
It’s so refreshing that this is admitted now. I guess because we have new ways of measuring like doubly labeled water. They always used to say overweight people and lean people had the same calorie burn rate and that metabolism doesn’t explain why some can eat more than others. Clearly that’s rubbish. Been with my husband for decades and I eat way more than he does and we are both the same BMI. His sister is morbidly obese and his mother is always on a diet. My family are all lean without effort. I find the suggested calories on those calculators are about right for me. But only if I pretend I am 20, not 70. At my age the suggestions are pitifully low. As the advice goes - track what you eat on a normal week or two when you are weight stable and use that to work out your deficit number. I have always been pretty strong for a girl so maybe for me it’s muscle mass. Couldn’t a scan determine organ size?
@AlessAbreu 8 месяцев назад
So, 500kcal is the lower limit? That means a person who should be on average burning 3000kcal per day and says they are eating only 1200kcal, then something is really off, and it is not (only) their metabolism
@AllieBoBalliee 10 месяцев назад
I have been overweight since I was 10 years old. I am now 40. I feel like I've tried it all and it always end the same way. I lose weight but it pans out and I lose faith and gain all or more. I feel so educated in this but such a mistake. I have PCOS, and I just recently gave up toward the medical peer pressure to go to our countries diet clinic lead by experts in the field. But basically all they had (after unsuccessfully trying to persuade me toward a gastric bypass) was a low calorie diet and said that if I ate 1800 kcal I maintained my almost 300 lbs frame so I had to eat significantly lower than that. I just feel like that's not the life I want to lead. Starving myself for years and years. I measured my kcal and I eat around 1500-1800 most days but then some days I eat more unhealthy and can reach 3000 kcal so I have no disillusions about the kcal I eat. I've gone years of eating 1500 kcal per day for 90% of the time and only losing maybe 30 lbs and falling off the wagon majorly and having a huge binge and then having big problems in restricting myself again.
@PSA78 10 месяцев назад
It can be hard for some that have medical conditions that could reduce the metabolism, some might be treatable and some might actually have lesser impact than what one might expect. As you pointed out, too restrictive diet can lead to binges instead, and it's always the total amount of calories of all the things we consume over time that matters. There is a difference in how satiating food is, so sometimes a small change can make a big difference in how we feel. Lean protein and fibers is a good bace, combined with plain potatoes and you have a highly satiating meal. It's hard to know exactly what you have tried and how precise it all has been, but there might be some 'mistakes' made, which is good as it might help you a lot if you 'figure it out'. 🙂
@stargazerbird 10 месяцев назад
It’s the 10%. You out binge any calorie deficit in a day every week. I know it’s boring but consistency is powerful. Keep to a smaller deficit but never ever cheat and you will get there.
@ETBrooD 10 месяцев назад
One of the most obvious explanations for greater calorie consumption is: activity level. People who are more sedentary burn less than those who move around more. This can easily make the difference of several hundred calories more being burned. We can prove this by simply measuring people's HR throughout the day.
@RuRaynor 10 месяцев назад
Also people just forget the "little bites" of things they take. I made the decision to start photographing everything I eat, including the stray bite of cheese or spoonful of peanut butter. It's been pretty eye opening to see how much I actually eat.
@paladindanse98 10 месяцев назад
Most online TDEE calculators put me just over 3000 calories, when in reality I maintain on 4300-4500 when I’m not depleted
@AdrianColes 10 месяцев назад
Great video, but wven greater was the correct use of “fewer” rather than “less”. Like.
@clubbizarre 10 месяцев назад
Dat v shred roast
@ondrej1893 10 месяцев назад
I think the problem isn’t that much that for the same effort, people get different results due to slow metabolism/shorter thermogenesis after exercise. It’s true, but…rather, their genes heavily influence their long term behaviour. How much they spontaneously move, what calorie level will satisfy them enough to hit it long term, how they react to sudden presence of ultra-processed food in their proximity or in advertisement. We are quick to blame them for failure, not recognising this is also “genetics”.
@Hat65 10 месяцев назад
Genetics are bs that’s why you see a family of 4-5 people and some are fat and some are slim. Genetics lol. A lot of time people use genetics as an excuse not to lose weight.
@stargazerbird 10 месяцев назад
Yes, addictive tendencies when it comes to UPF is a huge factor.
@Summerfast 10 месяцев назад
I’m starting alternate day fasting to loose weight, I’m eating clean on non fasting days (limited processed foods) and drinking broth (all electrolytes accounted for) before bed on fasting days… if anyone out there has tried something like this, do you have any advice or tips from your experience?
@PSA78 10 месяцев назад
It's still just a (possible) calorie restriction, and highly restrictive diets have a higher risk of developing ED. But if you find it helpful for a short time then maybe that's the most important thing (long term I would say that it could be hard to maintain LBM as we can't store amino acids and need say 3-5 meals over at least 8 hour feeding window to make the most of it).
@Summerfast 10 месяцев назад
Definitly a short term solution, If it goes well and I reach my goals, I may fast once a week, with how sneaky calories can be nowadays (sauces and drinks), one day of fasitng a week may be a good countermeasure to accidently overconsuming. @@PSA78
@rrasch8125 10 месяцев назад
Looking hot there on the right! ❤😂
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