
Doctor Who: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - REVIEW | Review of Death Podcast 

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@MylesD1 7 месяцев назад
Definitely where the rot set in for me aswell guys really couldn’t stand this 2 parter for a number of reasons.Saying that I can watch the next 3 stories and I do actually enjoy them but that’s it in this season 6 for me ,I could say lots more but mammy always says if you can’t say something positive then stay quiet 🤫 Thanks 🙏 for bringing us our Who-News lads seeya’s next time 🙂
@whatsup4825 7 месяцев назад
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon is the perfect distillation of Steven Moffat - a very clever writer dealing with a huge amount of stress. A sparky concept with no plot or rhyme or reason to exist. Hollow.
@Freezer28528 7 месяцев назад
This story has the funniest cliffhanger ever, like what were the editors thinking?
@CJFS00s 7 месяцев назад
( 12:09 ) Just like how Big Finish cancelled Torchwood: Absent Friends, I don’t think we’ll ever see that unless they time travel to get Barrowman to un-flash his sonic screwdriver on set.
@phantomsidious2934 7 месяцев назад
Nothing really matters in this season, nothing is explained properly, they don't explain how the silence were able to blow up the TARDIS (which never made sense anyway) and the whole revelation of river's identity later is flatter than a plate full of piss, and the payoff to the Doctor surviving his death is just silly and makes the whole season pointless
@k_who-7706 6 месяцев назад
From what I remember it’s revealed in Matts last story that Madame Kovarian’s chapter was part of the church of the silence that broke away from the church because they refused to be apart of the battle on Trenzalore they believed assassinating the Doctor in his early time stream would prevent the question to be answered bringing back the Timelords. This Ark was so convoluted and doesn’t help that it’s just chucked in as a throwaway line just to wrap up the madness of that Trenzalore story ark
@Petit784 7 месяцев назад
The Silence are a great concept bungled to the utmost. Really, the whole idea of this intergalatic, intertemporal, organisation designed to eliminate the Doctor is silly. They really overemphasis his survivability; I reckon some well-cordinated snipers could do the job.
@CrispyPro 7 месяцев назад
This two-parter was PEAK!
@nocturne8333 7 месяцев назад
The episodes pretty clearly state that the spacesuit is meant as a self repairing life support and weapons system that was designed to help Melody kill the Doctor at Lake Silencio. It’s around when River states that the suit absorbs sunlight to provide nutrition for the occupant, and that it can move on its own when in the field. At this point in the timeline, Melody hasn’t broken her programming, so the suit is there to help her assassination attempt. When they catch up with River in the finale, they place adult River in it because they know the Doctor won’t kill her to save himself. Also, by this point they’ve already blown up the TARDIS and created the crack in time at Trenzalore they wanted to prevent, so an assassination attempt was a Hail Mary by the Kovarian Chapter. We learn in The Time of the Doctor that these members of the Silence broke away from the Church of the Papal Mainframe because they wanted to stop the Siege of Trenzalore going on for 900 years, so it’s understandable that they want to achieve that by killing the person prolonging the siege in the future. The Silence chose the spacesuit to create a fixed point in time after hearing the stories Madame Kovarian mentions in Closing Time. Also, they’re parasites who are stated as not wanting to do the work themselves. It’s easier for them to manipulate humanity into doing their work for them. That’s also why they kept and trained Melody at Greystark orphanage. The reference to Neil Armstrong’s foot is just the Doctor coming up with the idea of hijacking the moon landing footage at the moment everyone remembers. His plan wasn’t to kill all the Silence, he tells them that their only choice is to leave Earth because the humans have given them “a kick up the backside”. I know these episodes have some set up for future episodes, but they needed to be included here otherwise you don’t get a series arc. The Ganger Amy plot point sets up A Good Man Goes to War and reveals why the Silence want to stop the Doctor. The assassination has to happen to build to the finale and the arc of the Doctor deleting himself from history in series 7A. It’s how Moffat brought the Doctor back down to Earth after RTD hyped him up as a deity, and links to the thematic arc of the whole Moffat era: the Doctor is just a man in a box who tries to live up to the mantle of ‘The Doctor’ that they have in their mind.
@nocturne8333 7 месяцев назад
@@dommoore6180 To be fair, we get all of this information in a much more concise manner throughout the course of series 6. I think the problem with Moffat’s era is that he has too much confidence in his audience to engage with what is on their screens. Combine this with his experimentation with structure and theme (and his shift away from the repetitive style of RTD) and you end up with an extremely interesting and imaginative era of the show (also the best cinematography wise) that many refuse to engage with because it’s different
@nocturne8333 7 месяцев назад
@@dommoore6180 I think parts of series 6 were trickier to follow than intended, and I don’t blame casual viewers for not noticing everything on a first viewing. I’d agree that series 7 was messy (though that seems to have been caused by its production). But fans of the show should absolutely be able to understand the story after almost 13 years. Part of the problem might be that the Moffat arcs are more intertwined in individual episodes than the RTD trope of repeating phrases until the finale. Even if people dislike Moffat’s work, and I’m all for constructive criticism, I’d argue Moffat’s ambition is a noble failure. However, in my experience in the fandom, until very recently there has been a problem with vitriol against Moffat in particular (usually from RTD purists) for experimenting with the format of the show. I love series 6 for its ambition, but I absolutely get that it’s not for everyone. I am slightly concerned that Moffat and Chibnall’s eras can be roundly critiqued but I’d be hounded if I put forward my gripes with the first RTD era (especially comparing it to the classic series). I do think it’s great that people can find an era of the show that speaks to them (mine being the Verity Lambert and Steven Moffat years).
@nocturne8333 7 месяцев назад
@@dommoore6180 I’d agree, it’s great that people love different eras. My issue is bad faith critiques. I personally don’t gel with Journey’s End as an episode, but I can appreciate what RTD was going for. I think sometimes people can overlook details in scripts they don’t enjoy (which happens more with Moffat scripts with this space 😅) and come out of a rewatch frustrated because the episode wasn’t what they wanted it to be. Healthy debates are always a good thing though, I always enjoy when people have different perspectives on the same text.
@TheValeyard92 7 месяцев назад
None of what you've said... not a syllable of it... describes why it needed to be an Apollo programme spacesuit, not why they needed to push humanity to develop Apollo programme spacesuits for this purpose. And as far as Moffat being "too smart for people" is concerned, I'm frankly a bit tired of being told I'm too stupid to understand a series where I called literally every single one of the "twists", tbh.
@nocturne8333 7 месяцев назад
@@TheValeyard92 Madame Kovarian and River Song discuss accounts from history that state that “an impossible astronaut will rise from the deep and strike the Time Lord dead” at the end of Closing Time. The Tesalecta also has knowledge that this is a fixed point in time. Kovarian and the Silence decided to reverse engineer the accounts by creating the spacesuit themselves. River states that it’s a story and Kovarian tells her that “this is when it begins”. I absolutely don’t want to say that people who don’t like series 6 are in anyway unintelligent, but I think sometimes those who didn’t like series 6 for legitimate reasons ignore details that do exist in the text. They’re not always conveyed well, and that’s on Moffat, but most parts of the arc do link together.
@Primodummy92 7 месяцев назад
Listened to the podcast this morning and the advert that popped on in the middle, just after the Rory tirade had a co-host called… 😆 perfect timing!
@S_Pepper 7 месяцев назад
Post 50th the regeneration doesn't even make sense now, and in the husbands of River song she has pictures of all the doctors faces so you'd think she would of questioned it too from a story point of view
@nocturne8333 7 месяцев назад
It’s not the Doctor regenerating on the beach, it’s a light show by the Tesalecta. River only has photos from Hartnell to Matt Smith as she didn’t know the Time Lords gave him another regeneration cycle. She also knows that the Doctor on the beach is inside the Tesalecta, as he showed her when they got married.
@hellsw0rth 7 месяцев назад
Yay! Another RoD! Glad I’m not the only one who noticed just how much of the music for Night/Day of the Doctor was recycled. I wonder why? Time pressures?
@batmanmarch 7 месяцев назад
I think there was no money available to do a whole new score for the minisode.
7 месяцев назад
Oh boy didn’t expect I’d be watching this 2 parter tonight! Lookin good lads ❤️ miss Billy’s Wings (Venus and Mars) tee
@Jaketherobonrd 7 месяцев назад
I don’t mind this opening two parter, i do like it definitely. I really like the Silence, there are a great monster i’ll give that a merit. But yeah i was a-bit mixed with the opening story being a two parter. After being use to the format in the RTD1 era but it was weird to have it changed When Moffatt took over. But that was round the time my interest in the show died down a tiny bit. Nonetheless it’s a good story. Btw I wouldn’t mind seeing a Review on The Silurians at some point because thats my favourite Third Doctor story.
@Freezer28528 7 месяцев назад
The Silurians is awesome!
@Fff99901 7 месяцев назад
The toy lets you record a voice message that it'll then play back the next time you 'fire' it. You can also pull out the slot at the back that the 'chip' would be placed in and then it snaps closed when you pull the trigger. Think there might also be a red LED but that's about it.
@JayKreuz 7 месяцев назад
Do they ever explain how young Melody Pond, who regenerates in 1970 NYC, winds up as Mels in 1990s Leadworth? Or how she apparently doesn’t age in that 20 year interim, only to grow up in tandem with Amy and Rory?
@batmanmarch 7 месяцев назад
I don't think so!
@drwhotvwam 7 месяцев назад
Great review as always guys I like this episode Whether it was intentional or not, the silence always remind me of the gentlemen from "Buffy" creepy grey faced guys in black suits They should have got Billy west from Futurama to dub over Nixon's voice......Aroooooo😂
@guygrist4436 7 месяцев назад
I think from what I remember I think the fit episodes from The Pandorica Opens to Day of the Moon is possibly the best string of stories for the 11th Doctor.
@mediakira6621 7 месяцев назад
Oh you poor souls…you poor poor souls. Didn’t even hate it but it was the start of Matt Smtih’s doctor being exaggerated to being a utter idiot and river shoved down our throats. Feel like the silence would have worked a lot better if we never saw them in full focus. Like see brief snippets of them or take them out of focus when they’re in the same shot as someone else. Makes them more mysterious ya know?
@Freezer28528 7 месяцев назад
Or just give the Silents better stories.
@Freezer28528 7 месяцев назад
Funny that now I remembered the Ambassadors of Death doing the same thing with the Ambassadors true form that you mentioned.
@AnubisX1 7 месяцев назад
Damn I never twigged about thr night of the doctor music! Naughty Murray lol. You guys pretty much summed up my feelings for this and series 6. If they had focused just on the silence preachers and not done the whole river song, cum amy, madam what's her name and the doctor dies. This would of been a brilliant opener. The silence influencing humanity for ages behind the scenes etc brilliant idea. Just ruined by the rest of series story arc and then, Moffat recons them in time of the doctor, by making them genetically engineered priests!!! Also for the toys, if RTD is taking who into more fantasy settings then the Entertainer will probably not stock the toys. Now I worked for them for 5 years, I know the CEO Gary Grant, an absolute wonderful person and fantastic ceo, he tries to get to know the store staff, xmas eve wants you out the store by 3. But he doesn't stock his stores with fantasy, wizards or witches etc. Its why you never get any Harry Potter or certain DC/Marvel characters, because they are wizards etc. It's also why the Entertainer only really stocked daleks, cybermen and the more sci fi monsters. This is just one of his beliefs. Now smyths toys would be the one you'd want to get them on the shelves in.
@mediakira6621 7 месяцев назад
No way! I work for the entertainer too :)
@AnubisX1 7 месяцев назад
@mediakira6621 nice! I really enjoyed my time with them, in my area there was sadly not much chance of advancement to managers, as I got the bug for it after being picked to manage the night shifts, but at supervisor pay rate. So had to leave, which is sad as I really really enjoyed the job and would of stay if the positions where available. Oh I do miss the as we called them the Gary pallets. The ones where everything on it was picked by Gary and you would be like why have we been sent this lol. But an utterly lovely bloke.
@nathanadlerinc2790 7 месяцев назад
season 6 wasn't for you??? But happy with the show now? Mindboggling
@mediakira6621 7 месяцев назад
@@dommoore6180I didn’t even like Matt Smith’s era at all. Refreshing to see people are seeing its flaws.
@nathanadlerinc2790 7 месяцев назад
Yep as usual chaps. Ignore any critisism against you but give a teeny little red heart to anyone kissing your arse
@nathanadlerinc2790 7 месяцев назад
@@dommoore6180 and I'm not critising you in any way. I'm calling out the channel. My original post was that they don't like season 6 but are happy to be fine with how the show is now and NEVER reply to anyone addressing the issues. They are shills.
@TheValeyard92 7 месяцев назад
"Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill... Even though they've actually criticised the last two broadcast episodes about as much as they've criticised this one." Buy a helmet, mate.
@JB-vq6xv 5 месяцев назад
@guygrist4436 7 месяцев назад
Honestly I haven't watch for about 10 years or so, therefore I'm a bit fuzzy about it.
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