
Does Deep Breathing Really Work During a Panic Attack? 

Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology
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@YourFellowEmetaphobian Год назад
When I have a panic attack, I cry. When I cry, I hyperventilate. Timed breathing excercises work wonders for me.
@vitorfernandes6747 11 месяцев назад
Like what can you give exampls
@sullivanandassociates 11 месяцев назад
Hi there, thank you for sharing your personal experience with panic attacks. It's amazing how something as simple as timed breathing exercises can make a significant difference in such intense moments. Your insight could potentially help others who face similar challenges. Keep up the good work on managing your symptoms, and take care.
@vitorbarradas7430 3 месяца назад
Like what breathing?
@finnthefish7830 Год назад
for me atleast, it’s not about deep breaths, but repetitive and correctly timed ones
@sullivanandassociates Год назад
Thank you for sharing your personal experience, @finnthefish7830. Your comment highlights the importance of individual variability when it comes to managing panic attacks. For some people, the timing and repetition of breaths can be more crucial than the depth of the breaths themselves. Your input is invaluable, as it can remind others to experiment and find what specific breathing techniques work best for them. If you've found a method that's effective for you, that's excellent and could serve as encouragement for others to explore various approaches to find what suits them best. As always, I encourage anyone struggling with panic attacks to consult with a healthcare provider for a personalized treatment plan. Thank you for being part of this community and for contributing your insights.
@nathandevonport7064 7 месяцев назад
I just had a panic attack my arms were tingling and u was sweating I thought I was dying and deep breathing definitely worked.
@sullivanandassociates 7 месяцев назад
Glad to hear deep breathing helped with your panic attack, @nathandevonport7064. Tingling arms and sweating are scary, but deep breathing can really help calm those intense symptoms. Your experience shows how helpful simple techniques can be.
@RupeshKumar-ni1vd Год назад
He left me in suspense , could have told whats really going to fix it
@sullivanandassociates 11 месяцев назад
Hi Rupesh, I appreciate the feedback. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to completely 'fix' a panic attack as everyone's experience is unique. However, I understand that it may have felt like the video left you hanging. I'll take your comment into account for future videos, and we'll strive to provide more comprehensive solutions. Thanks for watching!
@juliaarambula3153 3 месяца назад
Can these adrenaline dumps last for months for half the day?
@sullivanandassociates 3 месяца назад
Hi @juliaarambula3153, thanks for your question. While individual panic attacks usually peak within 10-20 minutes, the underlying anxiety and stress that contribute to them can definitely persist for longer periods. It's possible to experience heightened stress and anxiety for extended durations, even months, which can feel like a lingering "adrenaline dump." This chronic stress can manifest as ongoing physical symptoms (like fatigue, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping) and emotional distress. If you're experiencing symptoms that last for extended periods, it's crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or mental health specialist. They can help identify the root causes and recommend appropriate treatment options, which might include therapy, medication, or lifestyle changes. Remember, you're not alone in this, and there are many effective ways to manage both panic attacks and chronic stress.
@Unkn0wn_user12 Год назад
You can deep breathe in a panic attack but not really because if you do your chest or lungs start hurting or itching and it feels like you can only breathe short amounts of air although thats just from my experience and people can experience panic attacks differently.
@sullivanandassociates Год назад
Thank you for sharing your experience, @Unkn0wn_user12. You're absolutely correct that panic attacks can manifest differently from person to person. Deep breathing techniques are often recommended as they can be effective for some people, but it's important to note that they may not work for everyone in every situation. The sensation you describe of experiencing chest or lung discomfort while trying to deep breathe is a valid point and may resonate with others as well. As always, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized medical advice, especially if you're dealing with frequent or severe panic attacks. Thank you for adding to this important discussion.
@-PopcornEventing- 10 месяцев назад
I had a panic attack last night but some doctors help me how to breath it didn’t really help to be honest it kinda makes it worse (in my opinion)
@sullivanandassociates 10 месяцев назад
Hey @Beadedbyliv1, I totally get that. Sometimes the go-to advice like "just breathe" doesn't cut it when you're in the thick of a panic attack. It can be really frustrating when what's supposed to help just... doesn't. Finding what calms you might take some trial and error. Maybe it's a certain song that chills you out or a weird little mantra that you repeat to yourself. Or it could be something totally out there, like picturing yourself in a totally different place. The key is to keep trying different things until you hit on what feels right for you. And hey, if breathing exercises just aren't your thing, that's okay. You're not the only one. If you're up for it, chatting with a therapist could give you some fresh ideas to try. Hang in there and keep looking for your thing - you'll find it.
@-PopcornEventing- 10 месяцев назад
@@sullivanandassociates ty
@lukebell7131 10 месяцев назад
I walk around pacing splashing cold water for 20 minutes until i feel it slowing down
@sullivanandassociates 10 месяцев назад
Hey @lukebell7131, pacing and splashing cold water on your face are definitely some tried and true methods for dealing with the rush of a panic attack. It's all about what works for you. That shock of cold water can sometimes act like a reset button for your nervous system, and walking can help burn off some of that adrenaline. Keep doing what helps, and remember, each time you get through it, you're proving to yourself that you can handle this. Hang in there!
@LolaBug99 10 месяцев назад
It doesn’t fucking help at all I’m tired of being told to try to control my breathing when I can barely breathe and concentrate
@sullivanandassociates 10 месяцев назад
It sounds like you're really frustrated, @LolaBug99, and that's completely understandable. During a panic attack, especially when it feels like you can't even catch your breath, being told to just focus on breathing can seem like an oversimplification of what you're experiencing. It's important to remember that while deep breathing can be helpful for some, it's not a universal solution. Everyone's experience with panic attacks is different. If deep breathing isn't working for you, it might be worth exploring other strategies. Some people find that distraction techniques, like listening to music, focusing on a specific task, or even stepping outside for a moment, can be more effective in the midst of an attack. Others find relief in grounding techniques, which involve focusing on the physical sensations around them (like the feel of the ground under their feet or the texture of an object they're holding). If you haven't already, discussing these experiences with a mental health professional could also provide you with more personalized coping strategies. Remember, it's okay to feel frustrated and it's okay to find that certain popular methods don't work for you. You're not alone in this, and finding what works for you is what's most important.
@lydiabotros7953 10 месяцев назад
788th like 😁 I’ve always wondered how on God’s earth all these physical symbols can happen for literally no medical reason, and now I know! Thanks for the information! 😊
@sullivanandassociates 10 месяцев назад
It's great to hear that the video was informative and helpful for you, @lydiabotros7953! Understanding the science behind how our bodies react during a panic attack can be really eye-opening. It's amazing (and sometimes a bit unnerving) how powerful the connection between our minds and bodies can be. Thanks for your comment, and I'm glad you found the explanation useful! 😊🌟
@Rain-vi3ih 11 месяцев назад
Just got panic attack few minutes ago. Maybe because im thinking that i got heart attack, cancer, etc
@sullivanandassociates 11 месяцев назад
Hey there, I'm really sorry to hear you experienced a panic attack recently. The fear of having a serious illness like a heart attack or cancer can be a huge trigger for panic attacks. It's essential to remember that while the symptoms of a panic attack can feel life-threatening, they usually aren't. Of course, we always recommend speaking to a healthcare professional for diagnosis and tailored advice. Remember, you're not alone, and help is out there.
@jfgghjdf 8 месяцев назад
@drawmelikeafrenchgirl 10 месяцев назад
Had a panic attack for the first time last night while sitting on the couch watching “Road House” - high on edibles, and talking to my father on the phone. Never experienced anything like it, and I had no idea what was going on. One of my cats - who never approaches me - jumped into my lap and it made me think of “Dr Sleep” and how there was a cat who could tell when someone was close to death…etc, but this was more of a “wouldn’t that be something” type of thought. Well then a second cat jumped into my lap and something about both of them there while my dad shared stories about his teenage experience - the edibles hitting hard - and my cats both staring at me like they were waiting for it to all be over… it got me I felt this warmth radiating from the pit of my stomach begin to slowly gravitate - like a warm stream within my veins - right into my chest, and then it just stayed there over my cardiovascular area - like a water balloon tightening from too much pressure - and I was up on my feet wondering if I was having a real heart attack - my dad still on the phone with no idea any of this is even going on. Ive got my phone in one hand, an empty bottle of Dr Pepper id taken with me from the arm of the couch in the other, and then it felt like all that pressure released - all at once - right into my chest, and all of a sudden I could feel my heart pounding through my chest as if I’d just sprinted a full marathon. Now my head was spinning, I’m beginning to panic at this point, I try to gauge the severity of what I’m feeling and realize I’m also lightheaded and possibly might even pass out there in my hallway - dad is still talking to me on the phone without a care in the world - it’s 2am and I’m throwing open the bedroom door, hanging up on my dad without even a word, to tell my wife that something is wrong and that I can’t control my heart rate, and she immediately asks the obvious: “Did you eat any edibles?” I tell her yes - more than usual even - but that I legitimately felt like I might die right then and there, but she just hushes me and rubs my back while I basically rock myself back and forth on the bed for half an hour while an invisible war is being waged inside my body: The warm stream has now changed direction, as if to go south toward my stomach or up toward my throat. So I begin to wonder if I’m just experiencing some form of acid reflux from the soda (I don’t regularly drink soda), and that perhaps this was just a strange manifestation of the lingering physical sensations associated with acid reflux or heartburn; maybe it’s just gas even. I try burping when the stream of warmth reaches the pit of my throat, but nothing changes. This warmth continues to cycle between going toward my chest, my stomach, and then my throat again, but every time I gets to the chest I almost feel like I have to hold my breath to keep the pressure from popping the water balloon for a second time. I could feel it gathering, the balloon filling again, and then seconds ticking by as I waited for the stream to move elsewhere - until it finally moved back toward the stomach or the throat. I spent a while like this - hunched over on the bed while I rocked back and forth trying to ‘keep the warmth from reaching my heart’ a second time - almost slipping back into the panic once or twice - before I finally felt like I could get up and move around again without collapsing. Four things about last night: - apparently when I think I’m about to die, the only person I want to be around if my wife - so that’s kind of sweet. - if I ever actually do have a heart attack, I’m probably just going to die if I lose consciousness, because my wife never even mentioned calling someone or taking me somewhere. - You get right with Jesus FAST when you think it might be over. - There were no cool songs playing in my head or mental slideshow-reels to browse through - instead I was completely overwhelmed and immersed in the realization that my life was about to be over.
@sullivanandassociates 10 месяцев назад
Wow, @drawmelikeafrenchgirl, that sounds like an incredibly intense experience. Having a panic attack for the first time can be really scary, especially when you're not sure what's happening. The mix of edibles, the late-night conversation, and your cats' behavior might have all contributed to heightening your anxiety. It's interesting how in those moments of panic, our minds can jump to all sorts of conclusions. The sensation you described, that warmth moving around your body, can be typical in a panic attack, where physical sensations feel amplified and scary. It's a relief to hear that your wife was there to help you through it. Regarding deep breathing, it can help some people during a panic attack, but as you experienced, sometimes the symptoms can be so overwhelming that focusing on breathing just isn't possible. In cases like these, having a calming presence, like your wife, can make a huge difference. It's important to remember that consuming substances like edibles can sometimes trigger or amplify feelings of anxiety or panic, especially in larger quantities than you're used to. If you continue to experience these kinds of symptoms, or if you have concerns about your health, it might be a good idea to discuss this with a healthcare professional. And absolutely, intense moments like these can bring some profound realizations about life and relationships. Take care of yourself, and maybe consider talking to someone about this experience to process it fully.
@pris_pris 9 месяцев назад
This was like a good story yo read. I’m sorry about your panic attack experience 😢but you write really good. Hope you haven’t experienced another one.
@hm2011100 9 месяцев назад
It definitely worked for me.
@sullivanandassociates 9 месяцев назад
That's fantastic to hear, @hm2011100! It's always encouraging to know when strategies like deep breathing prove effective, especially during something as challenging as a panic attack. Your experience might inspire others to give it a try and find some relief as well. Thanks for sharing your positive outcome! Keep up the great work in managing your responses to panic attacks. 🌟💪
@ellatrammel-vw2jx Год назад
When I have a panic attack I walk around and hyperventilate and I also throw up cuz of how anxious I am how can I prevent it😢
@sullivanandassociates Год назад
Thank you for sharing your experience, @ellatrammel-vw2jx. I'm really sorry to hear that you're struggling with such intense symptoms during your panic attacks. The physical and emotional toll can be overwhelming. It's crucial for me to note that while I aim to provide helpful general advice in these videos, they are not a substitute for professional medical help. If you're experiencing frequent or severe symptoms like hyperventilation and vomiting, I strongly recommend that you consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and a treatment plan tailored specifically for you. There are various treatment options available for managing panic attacks, which may include medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or a combination of both. A healthcare provider can guide you through these options to find what may work best for you. I hope you find the support and help you need to better manage your symptoms.
@gb259 6 месяцев назад
Hearing him talk triggered my panic attack. The fast talking really did something. Don't understand why but it did
@sullivanandassociates 6 месяцев назад
It's interesting how different triggers affect people differently. The rapid pace in our short video aimed to cover a lot of information within the brief one-minute limit, which might have inadvertently heightened your anxiety. This reminds us of the diverse ways our content can be received and the importance of considering such effects. Exploring calming techniques or mindfulness practices may help manage these triggers. Remember, managing anxiety or panic attacks is a personal journey, and finding what works best for you is crucial.
@liam.4454 8 месяцев назад
I'm high on adrenaline 24/7, unless I stay in bed and even then I get 2/3 adrenaline rushes a day
@sullivanandassociates 8 месяцев назад
It sounds like you're dealing with a lot, @liam.4454. Constantly feeling high on adrenaline can be incredibly draining and challenging to manage. Finding ways to relax and reduce stress, even when it seems like a daunting task, is crucial. It might be helpful to explore different relaxation techniques or speak with a healthcare professional for tailored advice. Remember, it's important to take care of your mental health, and seeking support is a strong and positive step.
@racheljuchniewicz688 11 месяцев назад
I have been having panic attacks one a week for the past five weeks. I dont know why i keep getting them, and they all lasted over an hour. I felt like i was being smothered and choked by someone before
@sullivanandassociates 11 месяцев назад
Hey @racheljuchniewicz688, I'm really sorry to hear you've been going through this. Having frequent panic attacks is incredibly distressing. While I can't replace professional medical advice, I can say that if you're experiencing symptoms that last over an hour, it might be helpful to consult a healthcare provider for a personalized treatment plan. Sometimes, underlying issues can trigger these episodes and it's important to get to the root cause. Thank you for sharing your experience; take it one step at a time and consider seeking professional help.
@racheljuchniewicz688 11 месяцев назад
@sullivanandassociates thank you for your response and suggestions! The panic attacks have lasted an hour. The hangover symptoms have lasted 1-2 days after. The rest of the week, my body feels tense, shaky, and is preparing for the next. I'll definitely look into your suggestions, though!
@racheljuchniewicz688 11 месяцев назад
I've had symptoms of feeling like I'm losing control of myself, can't breathe/talk/swallow, couldn't move as much, can't fully think, trembling, and many more. I haven't felt like myself since the beginning of September, which is before I had them
@racheljuchniewicz688 11 месяцев назад
@sullivanandassociates since I know they all last an hour, should I let my panic attack happens or should i/someone else stop it
@sullivanandassociates 11 месяцев назад
Hey @racheljuchniewicz688, I'm really sorry to hear you've been going through such a tough time with frequent and extended panic attacks. While this platform isn't a substitute for professional medical advice, I strongly recommend consulting a healthcare provider for a personalized treatment plan. The symptoms you describe, and their duration, could indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. A healthcare professional can help get to the root of the problem and provide you with tailored strategies for coping and recovery. Thank you for sharing your experience, and please consider seeking help to get the relief you need.
@caioribeiro8582 Год назад
20 min …. Huhum.. 👍🏼
@sullivanandassociates Год назад
Great point, @caioribeiro8582. The duration of a panic attack can vary from person to person but they often peak within 10 minutes and can last up to 20-30 minutes or more in some cases. It can certainly feel like a long time when you're experiencing one. If you have any more questions or would like to know more about managing panic attacks, feel free to ask!
@BobbyTomMathew 11 месяцев назад
Holy shit. The video made a key and peel reference.
@sullivanandassociates 11 месяцев назад
Haha, glad you caught the Key & Peele reference, @BobbyTomMathew! Sometimes a little humor can make heavy topics a bit more approachable. Hope you found the video informative as well!
@youraphrodisiac.895 10 месяцев назад
I can’t even fickinf breath then u ask me to deep breathe
@sullivanandassociates 10 месяцев назад
It sounds like you're experiencing a lot of frustration, @youraphrodisiac.895. It's definitely challenging to focus on deep breathing during a panic attack, especially when it feels like you can't catch your breath in the first place. Deep breathing can be helpful for some, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it might not work for everyone or in every situation. When you're in the middle of a panic attack and struggling to breathe, it might be more helpful to focus on grounding techniques. These can include focusing on objects around you, feeling the ground under your feet, or even just acknowledging the panic and reminding yourself that it will pass. Sometimes, changing your environment, if possible, can also help to break the cycle of panic. Remember, everyone's experience with panic attacks is different, and finding what works for you is the most important thing. If you continue to struggle with panic attacks, it might be worth speaking to a mental health professional who can provide personalized strategies and support.
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