
Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage? 

With The Perrys
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27 окт 2024




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@asdfghjkl3003 Год назад
I definitely don't agree that the bible supports homosexuality in any capacity. However, I do think that there is a double standard when it comes to gay people in the church. Some christians put way more effort into condemning the lgbt community, but pay less attention to fornicators and cheaters. I know a preacher who spoke out against gay pastors (which isn't necessaarily a bad thing.) But this same pastor has had affairs with several of his female ministers and visits the casino regularly. Why not make sure you're living a holy life before calling out others? I just don't understand why there's so much disdain for one sin but others get a free pass or at least more grace when they stumble.
@basetsana1618 Год назад
Oop- Help us God
@myahill7475 Год назад
I agree, sin is sin… at least clean up your own backyard before talking trash about your neighbors. Yeah, I don’t get that. Especially, when it’s a minister caught CHEATING! 🙄
@chrysanthemums4963 Год назад
💯 The Bible is very clear about this too. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:3‭-‬5‬ ‭ Why do you stare from without at the very small particle that is in your brother's eye but do not become aware of and consider the beam of timber that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me get the tiny particle out of your eye, when there is the beam of timber in your own eye? You hypocrite, first get the beam of timber out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the tiny particle out of your brother's eye. Aka check yoself before you wreck yoself 😂😂😂 ❤🙏🏽
@james-bf1ni Год назад
@@chrysanthemums4963I love this verse, as a lot of problems can be resolved this way. I quote it all the time when people start finger pointing and take no responsibility.
@michaelkinful1915 Год назад
that is because most people are under the impression that there is such a thing as a "big" sin versus a "regular" sin. Sin is sin in the eyes of our Lord. We can't reject one and excuse others.
@JP-ll8iy Год назад
If people just read the Bible, these topics will not be questioned. The Bible is our roadmap on life. Anything outside of that is hell.
@JP-ll8iy Год назад
@@za_warudo477 Agreed, grace, empathy, productive conversations and most importantly prayers are needed. We just had our Pastor preach about this topic, it was profound and compassionate towards the community, yet he was steadfast in his commitment to what the Bible clearly says. See link for the sermon ru-vid.comhoUoNuUX-AE?si=3o-9GW5oZWqurHSD
@GodsGirl850 Год назад
@BrandonLadelleTV Год назад
Questions are never a problem. They are actually the doorway to surety.
@MyMichellle Год назад
@faithgray98 Год назад
I totally understand what you’re talking about but something I’m facing right now is asking God how to approach the topic with someone who does read the Bible but has read books that talks about the Bible not opening condemning it. Do I believe that? Not in the slightest! So a video like this helps me gain more wisdom of how to talk through it.
@kimmyclark1372 Год назад
The Bible is very clear about marriage being between man and woman. People want to say it’s not clear so they can do their own thing. God is very clear about ALL sin. People only feel like they’re being judged when they don’t want to change.
@K82849 Год назад
That’s true. People do that about all sins: vengeance (ppl point out instances in the OT), sexual immorality, and more.
@beingroxy Год назад
@Nominaze Год назад
Thank you!!
@pastorbri Год назад
WRONG, In the OT marriage is clear in the OT as 1 man and many wives.....showing there is no one definition of marriage u hoped for. Homophobic People want to say it’s not clear so they can do their own thing. God is very clear about ALL sin. People only feel like they’re being judged when they don’t want to change from their homophobic lifestyle choice.....
@pastorbri Год назад
@@K82849 homophobics do it to make them feel ok with siding with satan
@Thebookof.joshua 11 месяцев назад
As a man that dealt with same sex attraction all my life, this topic was beautifully handled! One revelation that I had recently was, "Misuse of Gods design" which, once I heard it, made everything else make sense. I chose to remain abstinence for this very reason. I pray that anyone who is struggling with this very topic, seek God and ask him to reveal to you the core issue and how to proceed.
@pastorbri 10 месяцев назад
I pray all homophobics repent
@NeriahShekhinah 11 месяцев назад
I was a part of the lgbt community , even engaged to a woman but then I learned the truth about the spiritual realm. People need deliverance & this is how I broke it down to my ex girlfriend (who received it) John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” Hebrews 10:26 “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,” I am able to understand right from wrong now. Of course my flesh will always want what is wrong & it’s a daily fight. Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” I can not trust my feelings / flesh because it is wicked. I can trust in the word of God alone to guide me on the right path. God has placed us in each others lives but it’s not for us to have an intimate relationship . He does not approve of the lgbt+ lifestyle and it’s not something people want to hear but it’s the truth that He has spoken from the beginning of time. God created man to be with woman & for them to multiply . Genesis 2:18 “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:21-25 “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” “So then why do I feel the way I feel about you if God does not approve of it?” As you know we are spirits having an human experience . We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience . We were created spiritually FIRST. Now, the word of God tells us that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies” What does that mean ? It means that there are rooms inside us that should be filled with the Holy Spirit and fruits of the spirit but sometimes we open doors for unclean spirits to enter our temple . Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 [a]gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” When that happens , we encounter spiritual warfare . Spiritual warfare is simply the opposite of what God wants for us (the enemy starts sending attacks/temptations/hard situations/confusion/etc because we opened a door or more than one door for him. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12‬:‭43‬-‭45‬ “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.” God is able to use what the enemy meant for evil & turn it around for His good BUT we should be vigilant of the enemies traps. Now , I’m not calling you a trap nor am I saying you’re an enemy/evil , no. I am saying that EYE must do what I know is right . We must kill our flesh by surrendering these desires to God.
@brendabarnes-oq8hy 11 месяцев назад
So the Bible says it plain and clear Leviticus, 18 and20, people try so hard to make the Bible fit there agenda, pick an choose scriptures, men have no entry point, they can’t produce anything together, same as females they have no pointers an can’t produce anything by themselves. God did not make a mistake in who you are, he created each of us. In Genesis it says that God put Adam to sleep and took a rib an created Eve, at that very moment he could have made Steve and said I made you a buddy, but he didn’t he made Adam a helpmate Eve.
@NeriahShekhinah 11 месяцев назад
@@brendabarnes-oq8hy their agenda * At the end of the day, if the message isn’t delivered with love then the lgbt community will not receive. People seem to think that because they’re not part of the lgbt community that it somehow makes them perfect in Gods eye. People already know everything you’ve mentioned so I don’t overstand the point in you commenting under my post😂 no one will receive that .
@brendabarnes-oq8hy 11 месяцев назад
If people already know these things then why are we still talking about it, why keep beating them over the head, God not going to keep allowing people to sin and abuse his grace, when they know clearly what he said, I’m not texting in hate or talking in anger, it’s just that it seems to me people just want to play with God, an his word, it’s time to get back to God an do what he wants us to do is love him, tell of his goodness, love everyone, an tell people the truth, no sugar coating his word, God loves each one of us , no God is not acceptable of the LGBQT community, or lifestyle point blank.he is not a God that would lie.
@NeriahShekhinah 11 месяцев назад
@@brendabarnes-oq8hy the bible says to work out our own salvation and that is what people need to focus on. their own salvation. God is not gonna ask you about the lgbt community on judgement day. let God do what He wants to do with them. their story is for His glory. He will use them as a living testimony to help others.
@Elle-hx8ji 7 месяцев назад
@@brendabarnes-oq8hyand this is the problem with the “church”. You didn’t even read her response.
@tembelihlechifamba1790 Год назад
I don't know if it's because I'm African but there's something called deliverance and people don't speak about it. It's important to talk about it.
@michaelkinful1915 Год назад
Ghanaian here, and yes, deliverance is a very powerful thing. That's the issue I have too, we should be attacking the spirits behind these things. But issue is those being afflicted won't see the need for deliverance if they don't see anything wrong with it. An adulterer won't seek repentance if they are justified in their mind.
@tembelihlechifamba1790 Год назад
@@michaelkinful1915 and the thing is people are not living to their full potential. It's really saf
@UnyimeFrankal Год назад
I agree with you.. but deliverance can happen right in your room..you can pray psalm 139. Ask God to search you. Get rid of sin and any openings. Forgive people and practice Love. Some things don't need prayers and fasting and a man of God while some actually do. But most importantly, the answer to everything is is God's word. Renew your mind by studying God's word.
@michaelkinful1915 Год назад
@@UnyimeFrankal this one is true. A consistent and intentional time spent with God alone, would always yield deliverance. Always. "...For who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?" - Jeremiah 30:21
@asonti Год назад
Can I add a different perspective here? Deliverance is definitely important and real and I’m seeing more people talk about it. Here in the USA there are quite a few “deliverance ministries” gaining popularity, even on social media. I do agree that there ARE demonic spirits that can perpetuate and manifest all kinds of sexual immorality, homosexuality included of course. However it’s not just demons that can cause sin. In Psalms 51:5 David states “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; And in sin did my mother conceive me.” When Adam and Eve sinned it stained all of our flesh with sin. We were born into sinful flesh that desires things that are contrary to Gods nature. I know same sex tempted people who’ve prayed, fasted, cried out to God for years to take their homosexuality away, AND who’ve been through deliverance; and there’s still a temptation. I don’t think it’s always a demon, I think it’s that we live in sinful flesh that we must crucify daily, and pick up our crosses to follow Jesus daily. All of us have temptations, even Jesus was tempted. We do have a choice of if we obey our flesh OR the Holy Ghost. Remember when Paul had a thorn in his flesh and he begged God to take it away, but God didn’t. Instead He said, “My grace is sufficient enough. My strength is made perfect in your weaknesses.” I guess my point is that yes, there’s demonic influences that should be casted out, but theres also just the fact that in our own flesh is sin.
@K82849 Год назад
To that question Jackie asked about gay ppl that are basically in covert same-sex marriages but trying to eliminate all sexual aspects, logically that would be fine if sexual immorality was only about sexual acts. The thing is, it’s not. It’s about the heart. 🙇🏾‍♂️
@keke7085 Год назад
so true
@sashatierra Год назад
@akosuaserwaa_ Год назад
wow! true
@dyanimoriah Год назад
She agreed to what her husband had said. Basically if it’s trying to emulate marriage without the sexual aspect. It’s still wrong. And that’s when Preston S added in the heterosexual aspect of bf/gf living together.
@wahomengatia5922 Год назад
this is so so so so so deep! thanks for sharing
@gabriellesullivan9846 Год назад
I have a position to Jackie’s question that I’ve usually taken even for heterosexual attraction. ie When someone asks me how to avoid cheating/ Why does someone cheat…etc.. My response has been this and it’s served me well in relationships especially where I know I’m attracted to someone outside of my relationship. The Bible says to “flee lust” and I think that it’s no coincidence that those specific words were used as an imperative command. I think when we think that we can be faithful and loyal, there’s a bit of self dependency and self trust which opposes another verse in the Bible which instructs us to not trust our heart/emotions, because by nature it is wicked. I think the comfortability of trusting in your own strength to not commit sexual sin is exactly what Satan wants for us to open that door and tempt us to commit it. My response and advice is always to not engage. Keep the door locked, shut, and bolted while asking God to take control over that sexual desire; obviously because even though we physically may reject it, our mind can still sexually be involved in sin. I think that God honors our honesty with him and doesn’t want us to make a fool out of the fact that he’s all knowing. He knows our true intention whether we want to dress it up as “we’re just friends”. And I also think that honesty with him when it comes to any kind of sexual desire is what he truly requires from us in order to take full control and give us victory through sexual temptation.
@YahIsLove777 Год назад
So well said!!
@denisem5437 Год назад
An eye opener. Thank you for the realness.
@lexviolet Год назад
you are very wise, i love how this was put and phrased
@gabriellesullivan9846 Год назад
Glory to God. I’ve been working on being honest with him and understanding my humanity instead of pretending that I don’t fight between it and holiness everyday. But I’m happy to see God speak through me in this way. I appreciate your compliment.
@hannahsimpson7964 Год назад
Listen, this whole conversation is so thoughtfully and wonderfully approached. But the loving awkward clashing of church cultures when Jackie points at Preston is so hilarious and such a wonderful representation of the body of Christ coming together between cultures
@godzshadow9001 Год назад
The laugh I had because we knew, he didn’t but now he does😅😅😂😂😂
@ddrse Год назад
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨
@quint6s Год назад
@ddrse no you cant. Repent
@sovereigngodlisaloves9525 Год назад
​@@ddrseI think it's a tragedy that you go around to different Christian RU-vid threads making the exact same comment, but your spirit and intellect never welcome a moment of reasoning or education.
@ddrse Год назад
@@sovereigngodlisaloves9525 is it possible you're missing something?
@alysarenee3915 Год назад
I love how Preston S. always comes across so humble and genuinely curious. I’ve heard him on a few podcasts and he’s consistent.
@Dr.K.Harris 11 месяцев назад
The fact that there are so many people who can't comprehend WHY these discussions are necessary, particularly in this season, demonstrates how out of touch many "Believers" are. This discussion is about "HOW" to engage in these discussions to reach a multitude of people...with the love of God. If you can't understand that, you can't exhibit the heart of the Father. Pride seeps in...let us all be humble in our well doing. 👏🏾
@user-xr4xq7zl9m Год назад
Stop saying traditional or historical or old school or conservative or old fashioned christianity It’s biblical Christianity We act like believing the bible is old school and not important for today
@kimelywilson8497 Год назад
Exactly, God fire boom homosexuality ...
@Nominaze Год назад
Exactly. I also don’t like when people act as if the Old Testament isn’t important either, so I guess psalm, proverbs, Isaiah, & etc which every one loves to quote, isn’t important either 🤦🏾‍♀️
@pastorbri Год назад
but homophobia is old school
@Nominaze Год назад
@@pastorbri thats not homophobia.
@pastorbri Год назад
oh...it so is@@Nominaze
@vanellejosue1344 Год назад
Random fact: The way I love the intro music, I wish I could explain it. It fits you guys perfectly, the tone of your voices, vibe, energy, house, curtains everything!!! Another good video, thank you guys ❤
@viertelvoracht965 Год назад
I disagree with the statements made on the topic of same-sex-attracted people living together but not having sex. This is not only unwise, it is sinful. Being lustful begins in the heart, the emotions, just as Jesus said, a man who looks at a woman with list as already committed adultery in his heart. So it's not just the sexual act thats sinful, it's everything lustful that comes before that. There are whole movements who justify this thing, so we should really be more careful with our words I think.
@socb5642 Год назад
They said the same thing too ... jackied said it is very dangerous
@viertelvoracht965 Год назад
​@@socb5642yeah you're right, she said it's dangerous, and Preston Perry said it's unwise, but I think the problem its not just dangerous or unwise, this whole concept in of itself is sinful. And I was truly unhappy to hear the response of Preston Sprinkle who doesn't seem to have a problem with it.
@socb5642 Год назад
@@viertelvoracht965 Yes it is sinful. If they lust in their hearts it is still considered adultery in God's eyes. I think understanding that sin starts at the heart is key here
@nikole9305 Год назад
Maybe you should be more careful about making judgment with your words because you need to take that beam out of your eye.
@pastorbri Год назад
so love is sinful? Jesus only mentioned heterosexual lust as if this was worse.
@teach.her.glam9986 Год назад
I am a Kingdom citizen but I serve as a middle school science educator. I absolutely appreciate this conversation! I was able to listen and take in so much valuable information; I absolutely believe in proper use of language when engaging with those who you desire to lead to Christ/plant a seed. Beautiful interview! ❤❤
@Ariel_LionofGod Год назад
My God richly bless your students through you and bless you in your work. Thank you for loving and serving our youth.
@AmusedBatman Год назад
I was ready for a 5 second video "No." Kidding aside, I have continually prayed about wisdom in how to treat those in lgbt community with love but holding fast to the truth of the Word.
@pastorbri Год назад
its the homophobic community we need to pray for who are all off to hell
@lollian2782 Год назад
The church has overemphasized the importance of marriage as a way to stop fornication and keep families together. But it has made an idol of marriage that has caused many to stumble. So there needs to be a course correction
@socb5642 Год назад
@taahiramcgee Год назад
No it didn't. Literally it's the first thing talked about in the bible. We have made a mess of it and now people say oh it's better to be single because I don't think I will find anyone to be with. These are lies from the enemy. The problem is we look at society, we look at our lives, we look at our past dating history and say this is impossible for God. So I will lean to my own understanding concerning this. I will not put down my thoughts and conform to yours. I know this because I live this. I thought I will be single for the rest of my life. I thought that there was no one for me. I thought that I'll just live my life serving God and that will be fine. As a Christian, God rebuked me for those thoughts and began to show me where I was in error concerning his promises. If there was an indictment on the church it's how to live this married life correctly for real and how to stay married not just for appearances. How to be accountable to the word of God in your marriage and the people of God live that for real. I think people forget that you have to live for God with your life. Not just how it looks but how it is. I can't preach against sin and be in it too.
@shainaboyd8022 Год назад
Lawd!!! This has been the BEST response that I have EVER seen anyone give as it pertains to people that say the church idolize marriage which in essence is one of the reasons for failed marriages. No matter what we as humans believe, God ordained marriage because he said that it is not good for man to be alone. He also speaks in Matthew and says that the word of knowledge that "it is better not to marry" is given to some. To those people, they choose to remain unmarry for the sake of the kingdom. I will not continue to talk about Jesus's bride (the church) that he loves and built with constant blame for a flawed humanity. With the word of God, the Holy Spirit and wisdom; as the church, we can just do a much better job at helping believers understand what marriage is from God's perspective and not from our flawed perspective. @@taahiramcgee Blessing to you both from one believer to another
@AshtynWashington Год назад
@@taahiramcgeetwo things can be true at once. Marriage can be holy and a representation of God and His bride, and still have become an idol for MANY Christians. There are a lot of churches and ministries that have attempted to use marriage as an end all be all for sexual temptation, and then we wonder why people can’t remain faithful. Married or not, we have to deal with the sin and lust of the flesh while simultaneously encouraging marriage, if that’s the will of God for someone’s life.
@Bildade Год назад
The depth of this statement!!! The ‘idol’ of marriage has absolutely motivated many individuals young and old to enter into covenant relationships that God never ordained. Maaan sooo much I could say and so many examples, however, THIS is spot on!
@PraiseGodall Год назад
My prayer to any random person reading this the Lord will turn your weeping into dancing. He will give you a reason to not just smile but laugh again. The Lord will see you through this difficult situation and comfort you on all sides..
@katycollie7952 11 месяцев назад
Man, that was very timely. God is here!
@katycollie7952 11 месяцев назад
You even quoted the Psalm I was just reading, Psalm 30:11-12 😮 Thank you Lord!
@traceysanders719 Год назад
2 things I have a problem with in this podcast: 1) Every point is not biblically sound, and 2) The conversation is supposedly meant to clarify, but to me, it does more confusing. It can be difficult to engage any Non-christians, not just the LGBTQ+ community, but being vague is not the answer. One point I totally disagreed with is about Same-sex attraction not being sin. It depends whether any attraction is lust, according to Jesus himself. Jesus said if a man lusts after a woman (who is not his wife) he's already sinned. So then its a safe jump that its absolutely possible for a same-sex attraction to be lustful, and therefore be sin. So it's not only the behavior, its weather that attraction crosses a line into lust. And if it does, is there repentance. I would never want to have this vague of a conversation with anyone who was not a Christian. If you listen to Becket Cook's testimony, when he was a gay man, he encountered some Christians and he asked them what they're belief was about homosexuality being a sin (yes he used the word homosexual and he was a gay man, but that was 2009). He said he was left impressed because their simple, loving answer was that it was sin. You don't have to beat around the bush to be loving. Maybe one answer is to not be a person who writes books and have discussions, but doesn't have enough knowledge and Godly wisdom.
@Nominaze Год назад
Exactly, I sometimes cannot stand when people beat around the bush to a simple fact & truth.
@brittanycooke-mcmath1131 Год назад
Lust does not equal attraction though.
@Nominaze Год назад
@@brittanycooke-mcmath1131 Can you explain?
@traceysanders719 Год назад
​@brittanycooke-mcmath1131 I didn't say attraction is automatically lust. I'm not trying to judge that, I'm only saying that Jesus said that behavior isn't the only sin. It's better to be clear and acknowledge that a behavior is or could be wrong than to lead people to false doctrines.
@sw9868 Год назад
Agreed! We don't need to soften words to make people feel comfortable in their sin. It is called HOMOSEXUALITY. It is a SIN. Period.
@kingdomofgodisathand 9 месяцев назад
"I FEEL LIKE YOU WERE TRYNA MARRY US AGAIN" LMAO!!! I have just discovered this podcast from this episode ❤ I was LGBTQ before Christ and HE TOOK AWAY my attraction to women! So crazy! I know it's not the exact same for everyone but I FULLY put my trust in Jesus and he renewed my mind and heart ❤
@Ronni74 8 месяцев назад
Could you share more of your testimony? Lately, I’ve been suffering with SSA and I see no hope in God building me for his purpose. I know i shouldn’t have my main focus to be “straight”, but to deny myself , pick up my cross, and follow Jesus. And, that along the way he’ll clean me of my sins. I just feel like God won’t deliver me from my sins. Will I need to follow Jesus and along the way he’ll build me up for the purpose he has for me?
@kingdomofgodisathand 8 месяцев назад
@Ronni74 God will certainly save you and show up for you! I have SUCH a past: drugs, sex with random partners, alcohol, abuse, childhood trauma, etc. The list goes on and on my friend! Not everyone's journey looks the same with sanctification and God, but I promise if you put your trust in Jesus he will never forsake you. You've got this 🩷 Repent truly from your heart, read the word of God daily (start with new testament + psalms), find a local church community you can lean on. God's set boundaries for us for a good reason. It's true freedom to walk with Jesus. I know it doesn't feel like you can get through this right now, you can't. Jesus can. Jesus will get you through it! Lean not on your own understanding. Pray for God's wisdom, discernment, pray for guidance to get you through this. Community is so important, lean on good friends. You're so amazing, you're a child of God 🩷 I was bi-sexual my whole life (in my 30's now), and somehow I don't have those desires anymore! I prayed for a renewal of the mind. I want to be obedient to God but he shows us so much grace, you gotta have grace for yourself. We are all broken in this world until we have Jesus 🩷
@gbemisolaobayemi 7 месяцев назад
​@@Ronni74Don't listen to the devil's lies dear. God is interested in making you holy and He will. Follow Jesus and build your relationship with Him and you'll see the affections and desires of the flesh dying because you're giving room for His Spirit to work in you. God loves you so so much
@Ronni74 7 месяцев назад
@@gbemisolaobayemi Thank you so much, really. I truly hope my savior will build me for his purpose. And, I know in my heart that this isn’t his plan. So, it must be a trail to teach me how to rely solely on faith in Jesus Christ. God bless you🫂
@NaimBlizzard 11 месяцев назад
"The experience of it is a temptation that you either respond to or reject" and you are not the only one being tempted with things child we need to grow up! I once was same sex attracted and have been saved for almost a year now. I got Baptized April 9th, 2023, ALL FOR JESUS!
@pastorbri 10 месяцев назад
as ex gays don't exist, were u bisexual really?
@juanitasellshouses Год назад
I started watching these talks because of my awe and deep respect for Jackie's teachings. I actually had no idea how wise Preston Perry was. Such a gentle heart you have Preston. May God continue to use you to reach the lost. And may He continue to refine all of our knowledge and faith, for His ultimate glory!
@samuelmulala838 Год назад
Mr Perry's response was lit!!! On the topic of people staying together who are not together. Godly wisdom is important!
@SchayCo-vr4wg Год назад
This was an amazing conversation. I'm surprised by so many comments where people have expressed that this conversation was confusing, or didn't get straight to the point, etc., etc - but then I see that the subject of this episode, which obviously pulled people in, could be misleading because that's technically not what the focus of the discussion was. Still, I will say this to people who found it confusing: it's possible you don't understand because this is not your ministry or this group is not really a group you care about. If you're approaching this conversation thinking it will just be about telling gay people how wrong they are, then that may explain why you don't get it. That's not what it's about. There are specific nuanced issues that people in same-sex relationships and the LGBTQ+ community face that don't look or sound like what we think, and I commend those who deep dive to understand how to better reach them - not by throwing the truth away, but understanding the arguments that keep them from hearing or seeing clearly. That is what this conversation was really about - ways of speaking ton this topic - not just to be right or to be able to say we quoted Scripture, but to truly address the arguments and questions of their experiences...
@Chandrell_S Год назад
@traceysanders719 Год назад
It wasn't that it was confusing to me; some things were vague and very indirect, and therefore, could be confusing to others. I am not a person who believes in beating anyone over the head with the Bible. Engaging respectful discussion is good; but it's better not to comment on some things than to come across as agreeing with untruths. They made the comment that same-sex attraction is not a sin, only the behavior is wrong. That is not true, because the attraction COULD be sin (i.e., lust). Not that we should be telling lgptq people how sinful they are, but there could be a point where we would say what the scripture says, in a loving way.
@SchayCo-vr4wg Год назад
@traceysanders719: I think the point is that the temptation (same sex attraction) is not the sin. The starting point of realizing you have a desire that goes against God is not necessarily a sin. Wrestling with the temptation is EXPECTED, and that is not sinful. It's being blind to the temptation, or pretending like we don't have them that can be the precursor to falling into sin (taking action in ways that are contrary to God OR having attitudes/ hearts that are not right...which leads to outward actions). Yes, each individual will have to address and deal with lust, IF that is something that comes up for them - but lust cannot be assumed to be the automatic starting point of same sex attraction or heterosexual attraction. Many of us liked little boys or little girls in elementary school. We wanted to be around them. We talked about them, perhaps, we liked how they looked abd maybe how they made us feel, etc...using that as an example to say that attraction isn't necessarily sexual lust. Even dating as teenagers or adults doesn't mean people are having sex or lusting after each other because of their attraction...so that's something else to stop assuming about gay people - that they can't have relationship interests that don't involve sexual pursuits. I don't have enough information to assume that - I would need to ASK that and LEARN that from them - to know how to speak to it. But yo wrap up: temptation is not sin, and wrestling with temptation is not necessarily sin, so I cannot say that people who have same sex attraction are sinning, if they are not taking part in sexual acts....just like I would not accuse a heterosexual couple of sinning because of they are dating/ in a relationship or attracted to people of the opposite sex.
@SchayCo-vr4wg Год назад
I'm not saying that. It's clear that God cares about our hearts and it's desires, and we have a Biblical example of one lusting (but not acting, yet on the lust) and Scripture clearly says the man committed adultery in doing so. I'm saying that we cannot decide for people whether they are lusting, and we go too far to assume that same-sex ATTRACTION is constantly lustful. Even if they are constantly lusting , they can still be WRESTLING to not give into that temptation and continually being renewed as they work toward Godliness....the same way everyone else wrestles constantly with the temptation or desire to sin - by cussing someone out, or lying, or fighting, etc. So, someone COULD have a TENDENCY to be same-sex attracted but not necessarily LUSTING sexually all the time (the same way a man and woman can be attracted to one another and not necessarily be lusting for one another all the time). Their ACTIVE RESISTANCE and abstinence from pursuing the desires sounds very much like what heterosexuals are constantly doing - if not with sex then some other things THEY wrestle with. Wrestling and having to constantly put away sin is part of the process of Godliness. Repentance is Godly...but I fear we often want to write off people with same-sex attraction as being so much less worthy of being able to go through this process. I am willing to be wrong - but from what I can gather scripturally anyone who is convicted by Scripture of being sinful in their same-sex attraction and is ACTIVELY working to be Godly in their lives (sexually and otherwise) by abstaining from the sexual act AND working to renew their minds so that they are also not lusting is doing the same thing heterosexual Christians are doing: working out their salvation day by day to the best of their ability. Some of their struggles are simply different.
@SchayCo-vr4wg Год назад
We also have to think: for the heterosexual there is a Biblically acceptable promise of being able to enjoy your desire for sex - if you get married. Biblically, for the gay person, there is no provision to indulge in your desire. So, we're talking a lifelong struggle if you find that your flesh is constantly lusting against God's pattern. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Again, their struggle is not the same.
Man this was sooo good. Thankyou all for introducing me to Preston. I will get the book asap. "Truth and grace" Yes & Yes. Because of the 1st man Adam we are born sinners. We have to get down to loving the person but not upholding the sin. We tend to shun people we disagree with or don't understand that can push them further away. Whether we are Christian or not. It's in our human nature to reject uncomfortable issues and run away. I like how he said we are all complex and have a different history that make us who we are. I may never understand a person who wrestles with stealing or drugs, because its not my struggle. But it all comes down to we are born into sin and we are in need of Christ to redeem us and in need to be reborn in the image of Christ. Knowing that...a person may not even receive the message if we can't even show them love or give them the room to be open and feel safe. Christ came loving people and showing them the way. He never sugar coated the truth, but He continued to point them to freedom and professing God's love for them. I am almost reminded of the story of Mary Magdalene. I think Christ gives us the purest approach to ministering to others.
@nondidumeko1 Год назад
How Jackie sit like that for more than an hour 😭
@K82849 Год назад
lol I know right 🤣. My legs would break like a bag of chips
@patiesward Год назад
I sit like that too😂
@FavHerofGodMinistry Год назад
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I thought the same
@keke7085 Год назад
I listened to the interview and did not come out clearly with an understanding of the objective of the author. Some of us know we are all born in a sinful world with sinful inclinations. Knowing this some of us realize that the only way to overcome these issues is through continually seeking Jesus, and overcoming per se isn’t just a one and done thing- it’s something that has been continually done. At times taking deep dives into subjects like this can cause more doubt and confusion, investigating, researching, and more questions. Not to say one should not have questions but are we framing the questions to get the answer we desire? Faith must help us in such issues. Christ even says will should have faith like children. Sounds simple but it is very difficult for our adult mindset. Same sex attraction is nothing new, it was something ancient civilizations dealt with, just like other issues of the flesh. We seem to have a hard time taking the counsel of the Bible at face value. We love people, speak truth to them in love, but also let them know that their identity in Christ calls them to higher living.
@NathiM03 Год назад
I can’t believe we are still having this conversation.
@Ashleyunfiltered Год назад
😴 same .
@jemimajanvier4706 Год назад
It’s an important conversation. The same we continually discuss grace and the resurrection in the church, we have to speak about other truths within the Bible.
@pastorbri Год назад
I know as we all know homophobia is the sin
@serogolemogole2685 11 месяцев назад
​@@jemimajanvier4706no, thats a false equivalent
@arleanlove8656 8 месяцев назад
I think it's because The Church is accepting it and not speaking/teaching against it!❤
@SiyandaLotus Год назад
I’m glad I watched this and wasn’t swayed by some of these comments. As I was watching this, this thought dawned on me: we should approach their community and all non-Christians similar to how doctors and nurses approach patients whom are criminals. They still treat them, serve them and take care of them even if they disagree with them because a persons actions should not define how we treat them. BTW, I’m not calling people of that community criminals. That would be absolutely rude, mean and uncalled for. 26:19 Scripture on thoughts and desires: - “Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” James 1:14-15 “And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”” - Mark 7:20-23 “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” - Matthew 5:28 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” - Philippians 4:8 *These scriptures were commented in relation to the above time stamp
@robynharrison7631 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for these conversations. As a mother of a transgender step-son, I need SO much info and ways to approach him in love while speaking Gods truth 🙏🏽
@pastorbri 10 месяцев назад
love ur step daughter as God made her
@renee1507 10 месяцев назад
⁠@@pastorbriI believe it’s her son not daughter. Whoever the child was at birth is who God created them to be. Unless I’m misunderstanding that the stepchild is actually a girl.
@pastorbri 10 месяцев назад
@@renee1507 It doesn't work that way. Does this mean God created disabled people as thats how they were at birth or born blind folk....sorry a trans born male is a girl.
@celestea_. 9 месяцев назад
@@pastorbri Step son* God didn’t make him like that sexual sin can cause that.
@pastorbri 9 месяцев назад
@@celestea_. homophobia and transphobia is a bigotry sin causes u to lie. Its her step daughter.
@marissacherichel2676 Год назад
The genuine confusion Preston had when Jackie pointed at him 😂 he needs to get ready for them shoes though
@normtheadvocate 8 месяцев назад
"Paul was coming for verbs not people" - In regards to this entire issue of sexuality in the Christian context, that is the most important sentence I've ever heard! Thank you sister.
@sheilamarshall1510 Год назад
Thank you for being bold enough to talk about the subject. Someone has to do it.
@rcsavedbygrace Год назад
Just listened to the podcast on Podbean. I appreciate Preston Sprinkle clarifying his stance. I do think there is some confusion about his ministry; I know it was unclear for me. I started to read Embodied and he was making good points then there was an Enneagram reference and I lost interest. I just can't. It is another identity identifier outside of Christ. Hopefully, with Jackie's influence he has thrown that in the trash. Yes, as Christ Followers we need to do better with those who struggle with same sex attraction and I do appreciate this verbiage vs the other and I am not one to embrace that sort of thing yet I do feel it important here. I think it is ok to understand pronouns but not on board with affirming them. This might be where I draw the line. I love the conversations; we need to have them. I think Christ focused on the definition of marriage for a reason instead of getting in the weeds. I get some blowback from far right folks on supporting you all. Don't care. I am not right nor left. Kingdom focused. We make everyone mad. 😉
@closely-stitched4088 Год назад
In-joyed this conversation. Definitely need more of it. ❤
@katycollie7952 11 месяцев назад
So cool to see THREE wonderful people in the same room just sharing. My podcast worlds collided! ❤
@YahIsLove777 Год назад
I would love to hear their stance on adultery, divorce & remarriage.
@Lashett Год назад
They address this on their other episodes. May have to go back a few months tho.
@pastorbri Год назад
more so when we know LGBT is not a sin
@chanellovely2836 9 месяцев назад
Especially divorce and remarriage. That subject is a very hard one for folks.
@YahIsLove777 9 месяцев назад
@@chanellovely2836it is very hard to
@pastorbri 9 месяцев назад
@@chanellovely2836 more so when so many encourage same sex marriages to divorce.
@kimberlybyers7679 5 месяцев назад
Please say a prayer for me. I walked away from my faith and my husband who was consistently unfaithful. I fell deeply deeply in love with a woman and we have been together for almost six years. We recently got engaged. We own our home together. She is my best friend and to be honest one of the best people I know. I have two kids from my previous marriage. I have loved her more than I have loved God and I feel unable to love God enough to lose everything I have with her. I have lived a very hard and painful life and I was finally happy. I feel God has pulled me back towards him but I still feel unwilling to start my life over alone. The pain and the fear is what’s keeping me here. I keep praying and praying that God would show himself to me. That he would restore my heart and my mind. I feel maybe I’ve gone too far. I have wrestled with him for too long and have been back and forth with the faith too much that at this point he doesn’t want me anymore. Even during the day I think horrible angry thoughts against him, like I hate him. Then I feel sorry and I ask him to forgive me and that I love him and want to follow him. That I’ll do his will but I need the faith, the strength, and the desire . I feel like I’m talking to nothingness. I’m extremely lost and miserable.
@cfire123_ 4 месяца назад
I am definitely praying for you! Keep seeking GOD!!!
@is5488 9 месяцев назад
Wow! Grateful for this conversation!!
@ronwilson7588 Год назад
This is not even a topic for discussion. Just read the Bible. Every true believer knows that the word of God does NOT SUPPORT homosexuality/gay marriage.
@pastorbri Год назад
sorry God doesn't support hate lies and bigotry of the hjomophobic lifestyle choice, do u hate Gods word?
@preciousnneoma4370 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for saying this 😢 is so obvious that the world is coming to an END
@desthedon 6 месяцев назад
You pointing at him TOOK ME OUT😭😭😭😭😭😭 he was LOST. Bruh said “wassup 👀”?!?
@tynishadavis2537 Год назад
That black church moment was hysterical🤣
@ThrivewithJesus Год назад
😂😂Mr Sprinkle getting a crash course in black culture!
@deriabner Год назад
This is good. A needed conversation❤️‍🔥
@pastorbri 10 месяцев назад
homophobia is a sin is a better needed one
@Joy_InTheJourney_1Co13 Год назад
Thank you for this discussion. Great listening, learning and opportunities to contemplate the root of our approach to things in general and on this topic of same-sex attraction and the wisdom approach. Thanks Preston's 😅 and Jackie. Thank you for the compassionate conversation with a commitment to the Truth of God & His word seen from the perspective of culture course corrected by the conversations of Christ. Finger pointing at the three of you in the black church pre-shoe throwing affirmation & agreement way. LOVE you all to Life...Thank you.❤🙏🏽🕊🙌🏽
@bochaquemada7787 Год назад
You guys are so gracious and beautiful. It’s such a blessing to listen to your channel 🤍
@amberthomas7506 Год назад
❤ oh, my gosh, can I just speak to what he just said about caring for people just.Period that Statement right there just took my breath away🙏🏽🙌🏾 that is a true Jesus follower
@sherrisweet1288 Год назад
Love the compliments to wifey in the beginning ❤
@deejea5413 Год назад
Okay so I’ve listened to his podcast before … and maybe it’s just me but it feels like he talks AROUND the topic.. never bullseye. Not gnna lie it’s kinda annoying. Not trying to be rude .. it’s just like GET TO IT. Hahha all the fancy words.. just speak plain. 🤦🏽‍♀️
@janellegrace5815 Год назад
Oh my goodness, my thoughts exactly. This is a bit too much and too slow all at the same time.
@sharpeningiron101 Год назад
Like pederasty…why not just say pedophilia?
@philw9787 Год назад
Still driving in circles
@UneakTershai 8 месяцев назад
Are the words fancy or you just prefer to minimize them as non important bc they don’t fit your views?
@trinareed2536 8 месяцев назад
The question/topic was straight forward "yes or no", but Noone straight out said that. 😊
@cecechampion4 Год назад
I’m not sure why this is a question when it’s very clear, people just want to change things to fit their narrative. It’s appalling when “Christians” olay it safe to please their flesh and mere humans. Christ followers shouldn’t be afraid to stand for God’s truth no matter how humans evolved because Jesus Christ is still the same and so are HIS standards. The same immorality, sinful nature that happened among people in the old testament is happening today. God spoke through prophets then to call Jews and Gentiles to a place of repentance because they turned away from God. The new testament speaks about grace to strive to live a righteous life not to become comfortable and do as you please but to surrender and in alignment with Christ.
@pastorbri Год назад
yes homophobics have always tried to change the bible to make their hate fit.
@charisnajorelus9745 Год назад
I don’t like the fact that if someone does not act on their attraction they turn immediately to celibacy, but our sexual attraction has to be submitted to God. So I think many are choosing celibacy while God can give them attraction to the opposite sex.
@Reshae Год назад
Right! He did that with Jackie. However, I think those people may have been hurt or feel like they may want to live like Paul? I’m still seeking God about this topic, this episode didn’t really answer much for me- beside seeking God for the answers.
@K82849 Год назад
@@ReshaeJackie specifies that God didn’t make her attracted to men in general, he gave her a specific attraction to the husband he gave her. There is nothing wrong with celibacy.
@K82849 Год назад
There is nothing wrong with celibacy and sexual abstinence for the sake of combatting particular sexual immoralities. Yes, believe and allow God to have sovereignty even in the area of your sexuality, yet there is no guarantee God will give gay people straight attractions. It’s possible God’s will is for someone to remain single and thereby sexually celibate/abstinent
@basetsana1618 Год назад
When God calls us repentance, He heals us in that area or that is his intention. Right."Return to me you backslidden children and I will heal you of your backslidings". So, I think in most cases people do not know or understand that part of God thus do not expect Him to heal that area of them and just shoulder it their entire life. But the same God who can give an addict new desires is the same God who can make someone sexually whole.
@Quinnbrand2016 Год назад
@@basetsana1618 bingo!! People have a hard time believing this is possible so they suffer in silence
@brianheyward9200 7 месяцев назад
I appreciate you all having this conversation. I am so interested in the language used to have conversations with those in same sex lifestyles. I have some family and friends in this lifestyle and always want to make sure I am communicating the truth of the gospel while talking to, not at fellow whosoevers (John 3:16). Thanks y'all. I am grateful!
@bellavita2484 Год назад
Thank you so much for your message at our church today. Speaking the truth in love about this topic is so important these days. I believe we need to embrace all that God has for us and that is not same sex realtionships. That's the enemy's counterfeit and it will never be the kind of blessing that a marriage between a man and a woman could be. Homosexuality is a spiritual issue and Jesus can set us free and the Holy spirit can help us live a life that glorifies God and will actually bring us joy and peace. God bless you and keep shining for Jesus ❤🙏
@pastorbri Год назад
No homophobia is a counterfit of satans doing old chap
@Naa_Louiza Год назад
Off topic lol but I love Preston's Jesus & Therapy shirt!!! Where could I get one???
@earasmith3884 9 месяцев назад
I’ve seen them on Etsy.
@InfluentialPetite Год назад
I really don’t understand anything Preston Sprinkle is saying. Overall the word of God is the word of God. If more people read the Bible they would know that God forbids same sex relationships and marriages period…..
@K82849 Год назад
Thanks for being honest you don’t understand what he’s saying. I’ll summarize: God’s will for people’s sexual expression is within the bounds of a heterosexual covenant marriage between a man and woman but that doesn’t mean we should stop loving gay people as image-bearing human beings in the way we treat them, see them and minister the truth of The Gospel to them.
@moet131 Год назад
I was confused by what he was saying as well. I love all the Perry episodes. This one...not so much. But thank you to the person on this comment for clarifying.
@InfluentialPetite Год назад
@@K82849 thank you for sharing, this was helpful.
@pastorbri Год назад
not so, read 1 and 2 sam where we see the same sex love of David and Jonathan blessed by God, try again and repent
@pastorbri Год назад
Not so, in the OT marriage was 1 man and many wives or did God lie?@@K82849
@mariaprimm9148 6 месяцев назад
Great convo!! Gonna have to check out the book!
@lesliewebster5448 Год назад
We need more merch!! I need more lol
@savedwomen_ Год назад
I would love to connect with Preston Sprinkle. I am an ex lesbian for 17 years, and Christ transition my heart 5 years ago. I think that too many people are human judgmental rather than being follower. Christ came for sinners, doesn't mean they will always be in that lifestyle. I love conversations with LGBTQIA and Christian Leaders. We start to interpret the Bible the way we want and not how God intended. I love thee conversations.
@pastorbri Год назад
ex gays don't exist. Read 1 tim 2;8-14. Might be written for u.
@jesusislife2837 Год назад
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:9‭-‬11‬ ‭ [9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, [10] nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. [11] And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Emphasis on ...."And such were some of you." God bless.
@savedwomen_ Год назад
I assume "you" have never committed any of these sins in your life. Jesus died for the SIN of the world. Let's just start with John 3:16 (Study that scripture, digest it, and then come back to me). Have a blessed day.
@pastorbri Год назад
@@savedwomen_ never support the homophobic lifestyle as satan wants us to
@pastorbri Год назад
@@jesusislife2837 no mention of homosexuals there.....as homophobics abuse mankind with their hate....note such were some of you
@mamierose609 Год назад
I got baptized at the age of 10 and became a catholic I stayed in the church for quite a few years until I got older. The way the bible was preached back then it caused church hurt for me and made me feel as though I would never be accepted and that me being honest about who I was would cause the people to tell me that all I am destined for was hell because of love. now FastForward to 2023 I have faith in God despite not be associated with a church and I now know that a person gender isn't what really matters to me it more about their soul and their morals and their personality.
@SoneySue 6 месяцев назад
This was insightful and it definitely made sense. This topic requires a spiritual maturity bc this is more than milk for the bones. There’s a lot of people confused in the comments, but all of you spoke clearly and used scripture correctly and made it very apparent that you do not agree with a gay lifestyle in any fashion and that the Bible doesn’t agree. Just because the word “sin” wasn’t used to describe it, doesn’t take from the fact that it is sin. Stay encouraged even though some people get too caught up on the wrong things and try to deflect onto your testimony and teachings. Much love ❤️
@UneakTershai 8 месяцев назад
Using the word, “FRIEND” is sooo disrespectful towards those in same sex / same gender loving relationships. Js. Also, a reason that people who lack knowledge, understanding etc around this topic are “out of touch.”
@HakeemTheDreamRealtor 7 месяцев назад
I’ve learned so much from this episode of the podcast. I appreciate the content yall are providing. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
@TheLaLaLove2012 Год назад
I prefer to listen to the audio, but I HAD TO COME HERE to see Preston’s reaction to the point 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Too funny!
@ITISKONY Год назад
Accountability is always necessary. So, when people point out the questions you should have asked. Don't make it sound like they are crazy! People aren't crazy! Yall know why yall danced around, not asking him certain questions.
@td7868 Год назад
Great conversation!!
@Awholelady 6 месяцев назад
PAUSE. Bc when Jackie had to explain the point 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 iight let me keep watching 😆❤
@bethzaidaguerra3656 Год назад
In other news idk what led me to think that this man’s face had a really weird face tattoo, and that distracted me for the longest till I realized it was the shadow…
@justinsummers1757 8 месяцев назад
I thoroughly enjoyed this segment, especially when you brought up the word "homosexual." I haven't found too many receptive ears (again depending on the platform) when using that word to describe anyone, that would be willing to listen much past the use of the word. Outside of scientists or other biological studies done by a group in a specified field (i.e. the Kinsey scale), the use of that word can be misinterpreted by the communicator, (again, depending on context). In my opinion, Gay or Queer has been a term developed to create a more cohesive reference when discussing or interacting with the LGBTQ+ community.
@zara.beckii Год назад
The way the guest is just dodging these questions 🤔it shows that he needs to do more research. And I strongly feel that Jackie should have led the interview and got more of an underrating of what he knows🙏, but anyways I think yall are on to something 👏👏❤️
@victoriapierre9511 Год назад
Great interview, I'm definitely going to read Preston's book.
@biancawilliams3296 Год назад
I feel like the other Preston guy is not being direct & tip toeing around the subject. Like I don’t feel like he is outright saying it’s wrong but being gentle in what he says & how he says it to not upset the community. I don’t like it because let’s be real about what the Bible says.
@pastorbri Год назад
well we need to upset the homophobic community with truth
@aisherwasher6959 Месяц назад
He seems pretty clear to me. He's not comprising truth in his gentleness, and harshness doesn't always equate to truthfulness
@yvngapollo7234 Год назад
Bruh Preston said “you gone get a shoe 👟 thrown at you next!”😂😂😂🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@devoneciaswartz2026 Год назад
When Jackie pointed and Preston looked behind him!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 "You talking good!"
@Candie4JC Год назад
Oh I’m ready for this!!
@olyveab806 Год назад
God is not a God of confusion! There is no gray area with sin.
@pastorbri Год назад
yes as homophobia is a sin
@thefoodtubeprincess Год назад
@pastorbri Год назад
@BigAkwes Год назад
26:13 I’m sorry didn’t Jesus say even the thought of someone else’s wife is adultery? Or am I wrong
@pastorbri Год назад
yes but never mentioned same sex lust as if he knew straights were the worst for it
@staceylampkin741 10 месяцев назад
Matthew 5:27-29 is what I believe to be the scriptural reference.
@pastorbri 10 месяцев назад
@@staceylampkin741 Jesus only spoke of heterosexual lust as if even he knew heterosexuals were the worst for lust than all sexual orientations.
@ChrissyGotTheCoils 6 месяцев назад
When Jackie started pointing and he was confused 😂
@aar3325 11 месяцев назад
Preston Perry…thanks for giving the best response to your own question.
@kylacrump Год назад
When Jackie was pointing at Preston Sprinkle 😂
@NewCreationInChrist896 9 месяцев назад
Leviticus 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” Romans 1:26 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.”
@jthompson2468 10 месяцев назад
Love you guys so much ❤ don’t mean to get off topic but there was a line on Preston’s face during this talk😩
@anneishaJohnson-q5f Год назад
This was a hard one it was so many land mines. It disrupted the conversation quiet a bit. I think we won’t really be able to have the conversation for some time now. I love that the Perry’s keep trying.
@keyboardwarrior5315 Год назад
“Many times, you must let others go their own way to discover truth in their lives. Suppressing them is NOT the answer. I suppress no one, unless they are hell bent on injuring others, then I do suppress. But for those who are searching, it is wrong to suppress them."
@tamora.monique Год назад
Awesome! Truth and grace! 👍🏼
@kamilaguerrero7264 Год назад
@jellieloveee Год назад
I was literally crying at this part 😂🤣
@jajasmike7818 Год назад
That was absolutely hilarious! 😂. I saw this at church the other day
@brendaomeze6851 Год назад
@thebiblesaid Год назад
✨Hi guys, From a perspective of negotiation: If one read the Bible and studied the word “homo***tual” they can also study Jesus. When we continue to question the sin thereof then that becomes a RED FLAG on the individual negotiating with God and not trusting in him. At some point there would be God in his wisdom training, correcting, rebuking in righteousness. So, the concern should not be convincing the individual multiple bible scripture and behaviors regarding said topic. Yet, shifting to questions of “why is God not enough for them”. Teaching the individual to trust Jesus with all thy heart and soul. And having the individual make room for Jesus to love them back through his righteousness? This is the first thing in the Bible is Genesis 1 “God created the heavens and the earth”. And ended with Revelations 22:21 and may the peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Ahh- the seduction of sin first begin with doubting and negotiating with God. Peace and love 💕
@janinepeabody1890 Год назад
It’s taking way too long for this gentleman to express his scripturally backed point! I’m waiting with baited breath….let’s go!
@K82849 Год назад
He said he tried to be careful with the things he says because he knows different people can be triggered by different things that block the way they hear what he’s trying to communicate.
@keke7085 Год назад
isn’t that a bit of a concern that you have to be so careful with what you say that no one is convicted? Conversations are needed but when the conversation is so ambiguous it can lead to nowhere….
@lifeonthewestcoast Год назад
it’s cause these people are homosexual themselves they trying to find justification for themselves
@Nominaze Год назад
I agree..Being careful of telling the truth to people shouldn’t even be a thing.
@K82849 Год назад
@@keke7085 We’re commanded to give the truth with gentleness and love. We should always be careful and intentional with how we speak to others. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. People have triggers that can close them to what you’re saying that wouldn’t happen if you simply said it differently.
@KingskidAsh 11 месяцев назад
You said a mouthful the experience isn’t the sin. Submitting is the key. 🔐
@Tjijandjeua_Kavirindi23 Год назад
Sounds like y'all are saying having the desire is not wrong unless you act on it. Buh desires shape thoughts, and we all know how important our thoughts are according to the bible...
@kimelywilson8497 Год назад
It's just wrong Homosexuality...no reason ...
@Ashleyunfiltered Год назад
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. PERIOD
@pastorbri Год назад
@pastorbri Год назад
no homophobia is wrong @@kimelywilson8497
@pastorbri Год назад
thats all homophobics stuffed then@@Ashleyunfiltered
@kosie4031 Год назад
I love how boldly and authentically your channel adresses these conversations. I have this burning question that no one can seem to answer and maybe you guys can do a video on it? My question is, does God permit polygamy? Would I be sinning if I married 2 husbands? Jacob married two wives, Solomon had many wives and concubines and the bible doesn’t seem to portray these marriages in a negative light. So, how did we get to the understanding of one husband one wife?
@Ashleyunfiltered Год назад
It’s wrong. And remember even with Solomon that was the cause of his downfall, It has always been one man and one woman. You are not called to have multiple husbands or the bible would’ve told you that . Just because people in the bible sinned doesn’t make it okay for you to do the same thing
I believe Genesis 2:21-24 and Matthew 19:5-6 paint the picture of God ordained marriage for all questioning this. The Holy Spirit will always guide us unto all truths. Although Solomon etc had multiple wives there is no where in the Bible were God ever commands anyone to take multiple wives. It was a cultural practice but one that was condemned even for the appointed King in Deuteronomy 17:17. God oftentimes gives us story's to teach us lessons. I hope this helped. Always pray and confide in God about such things as He will lead you to all truths, God Bless.
@binghamguevara6814 Год назад
What’s your sexuality?
@pastorbri Год назад
in the OT poligomy was marriage
@pastorbri Год назад
yet God said 1 man and many wives blessing is called marriage @@Ashleyunfiltered
@shinninyaheard6494 Год назад
Do a podcast on fasting please
@meu2488 11 месяцев назад
The main thing missing from these discussions is the spiritual aspects of these things. We not not against flesh and blood but “spiritual principalities” The major problem with western believers. Travel to Africa, Asia and see how they address these things. A very different approach.
@godzshadow9001 Год назад
23:10 😅😅😂😂😂😂When two different cultures meet for the first time!!
@ggmcsassy 9 месяцев назад
Great discussion!
@chubbuck35 9 месяцев назад
I really appreciate the thoughtful and respectful way ya’ll have approached this topic. That being said, I personally don’t believe in a God that in this day and age would condemn gay marriage where they are conducting themselves like any other straight couple. I don’t believe in a God that would create someone who is naturally attracted to the same sex, and then tell that person they have two choices: 1) They must either live their entire life married to someone they are not attracted to, or 2) they must live a life of celibacy. What kind of God would torture someone like that? I don’t believe in that God. For example, if you are a straight man, how would you feel if an institution was telling you that it is God’s will that you spend your life with another man? That’s how gay people feel about this topic. There are dozens of things you can pick out of the Bible that support behaviors we all do or don’t do based on modern cultural changes. For example, the Bible clearly condones slavery. 200 years ago many Christians used that to justify the horrors they committed to other humans. The difference with gay marriage is that it’s literally happening right in front of us so it feels wrong. 200 years from now the gay issue will be full embraced and attributed to a closed time and place from the Bible’s past, like so many other of the silly topics it used to condemn. We will look back and this preventing gay marriage topic will feel like a dark time of the past. Edited: grammar
@parkerneathery829 8 месяцев назад
I just saw the title, but I feel like it could be answered in 40s rather than 40m.
@altonkiing 8 месяцев назад
how many gay people have you discipled and have gone on to be faithful followers of christ? Do trans people come to your church or have you brought a lesbian into your home for dinner to walk with beyond teaching on sexuality or same sex attractions being wrong in the bible?
@alanhill6018 Год назад
Times often hit a Sodom and Gomorrah or a Rome moment, where spiritual darkness rises up, and it either gets wiped out by a “flood” aka divine intervention, or, a group of people repent and turn to God, like Nineveh in Jonah. And we seem to be in one of those Tower of Babel generations/countries, especially in the US. Let’s keep praying and being obedient y’all! ❤
@pastorbri Год назад
sodom was wiped out for not helping the poor n needy (ezek 16;49)
@jocelynhuang8914 Год назад
I’m just here cuz Spotify couldn’t give me the full culture clash of Jackie pointing at Preston Sprinkle 😂
@christianperryman6126 11 месяцев назад
I couldn’t even bring myself to watch this video simply by the title alone so I don’t know if it’s just for Clickbait or if it’s a rhetorical question or what… But as believers true believers anyway the Bible is very clear about homosexuality, so why are we even having these ridiculous discussions as if it’s an option?
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