
Dr. Greg Carr Discusses His Black Curriculum 

Karen Hunter Show
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Dr. Greg Carr, Chair of Howard's Africana Studies Department, discusses his inclusive history curriculum that he has helped implement throughout the country and abroad.



4 июл 2024




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@omolola15 3 года назад
“You can’t have strategy if you don’t have any memory.”
@KarenHunterShow 3 года назад
@starbucksgirl6715 4 года назад
How am I just now discovering Karen Hunter? This is a great curriculum, it doesn't just focus on dumping facts but creates paradigm shifts. Thank you Dr. Carr.
@Teddy-fm9nt 4 года назад
I stumbled on this channel early this year. A good stumble I might add...
@KemetNubian1 4 года назад
Brother Dr. Carr is an absolute treasure and has to have genius level intellect. His communication skills are elite. His well trained mind is something to marvel at. Thank you for sharing his wisdom with us. I learn something new every time I hear him speak and it inspires me to learn more and share it with others, especially my young adult daughters.
@purpleness64 8 месяцев назад
He sure is watching this 3 years later odd to see him in a studio.
@Aquil84 4 года назад
Dr. Carr brings the fire every time! Thank you Ms. Hunter
@lebaronking1581 4 года назад
This is the conversations we used to have with my family growing up during holidays dinners. The older taught the younger and the younger used their new education(College, High School) to argue their points and got corrected and we both learned................
@DCBrown005 4 года назад
Dr Carr: "Sugar tobacco and coffee is why we're here speaking English... Karen : You better tell people that sugar was the drug trade - Gotta love Karen Hunter and Dr Carr
@hopefullady5051 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Carr. You bring out a certain eagerness to want to learn more.
@oRuTRa45 4 года назад
Please have Dr. Greg Carr on more.
@KarenHunterShow 4 года назад
that's easy.
@truthistruth 4 года назад
@@KarenHunterShow “Not following behind people that are not telling the whole truth. Nothing but the truth. And we’re repeating lies among ourselves we are repeating ideology that is not useful or productive for black people and we’re following people who do not have the discourse who don't’ have the knowledge who don't have the scholarship to be able to even teach. “ I decided to reach out to you after watching a few different interviews or discussions with you and Brother Greg Carr. A most recent one in regards to Martial law there was a point in the discussion where you asked Greg what do we do pray? Of course Brother Greg’s answer and your response alluding to ideologies sparked my interest in you and brother Greg’s perspective on faith in the Most High especially in these times as written aforehand. This response is not so much as to condemn you or brother Greg but more so edification according to the scriptures. Contrary to popular belief the scriptures were not concocted by the modern Europeans but are in fact ancient artifacts of a special people who have been stripped of their identity as a nation as prophesied. This whole why are we are holding on to the white man's religion has to cease in 2020. This is deception at its spiritual core. The Bible is more of an integrated message system constructed outside our reference of time. When enough of his own tap into the frequency of the elect, ALL of the seals will be opened. Unfortunatly in these end times not many have taken oil in their lamps. Nevertheless.......... And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame [and] everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:1-4 KJV And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. Revelation 5: 1-5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day [that] I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this [shall be] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. Jeremiah 31:31-33 One shall say, I am the LORD'S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel. Isaiah 44:5 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. Amos 3:2 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. Romans 11:25 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he? Job 9:24 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.Hosea 6:2 I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes. Hosea 13:14 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:21 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, Romans 16:25 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter Proverbs 25:2 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 1 Corinthians 15:51 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: Ephesians 1:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: Ephesians 3:9 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell. Proverbs 30:4 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me. Psalms 40:7
@truthistruth 4 года назад
@@KarenHunterShow I would love to see guests on your show that can expound on the concept of Separation of Church and State among other issues such as the Reconstruction Acts that created second class citizens for the so called African American" negro. Or even the Dred Scot decision and racist rhetoric that the 14th amendment overturned that decision as if our rights are not reserved in the original Bill of Rights. Therefore I've referenecd 27 scriptures which in accounting terms would "discharge and offset" the 27 amendments to the Constitution of the United States which is a defacto corporation doing business as United States with a registered office in Washinton D.C. (Act of 1871) i.e. not a lawful dejure government as falsely presumed. See 28 U.S.C 3002(15)(a)
@truthistruth 4 года назад
@@KarenHunterShow As Brother Greg mentioned on your show “The person who keeps the memory in society has the same function as blood in the human body. Without your memory your body dies. “ This is in fact the essence of the Gospel. If there are any scholars or theologians that you respect I would be interested in hearing their answer to the following questions proposed below. Question 1.Did the Christians not first originally start in Africa? Question 2. Can you tell the difference between the sheep and goats? Question 3. What is the interpretation of the sheep and goat judgment? Perhaps you may be able to answer the questions once you have a chance to read through the scriptures below. I pray that the Spirit reveal deeper truths with respect to the Word of God and that you are empowered to bless others. Love is Love #Juneteenth
@MyRadicalWealth 3 года назад
He is amazing.
@semirawatkins5822 4 года назад
I learned something new today at age 48.Thank you Dr. Carr
@trisha1989 4 года назад
I wish I could take one of Dr Carr’s classes!
@lebaronking1581 4 года назад
You just did............
@vw1649 4 года назад
Me too!!!
@vw1649 4 года назад
@@michellehenson984 Thank you soooo much for sharing Dr. Carr's videos. This will bring a lot of knowledge to People that no longer want to be in the dark like me...You have truly blessed me.
@trisha1989 4 года назад
Michelle Henson ikr. However I am an in person type of student!
@vw1649 4 года назад
@@michellehenson984 Yes indeed.
@randy3432 4 года назад
This is a dope interview. I learned so much from this interview.
@randy3432 4 года назад
siriuslyspeaking Thanks for taking the time to write such a lengthy essay about me using the word dope in the comment section. I know you may mean well deep down, but this was totally unnecessary and it makes you look small.
@bs070667 4 года назад
Much respect to Dr. Carr!!! I wish that I had a teacher such as him in college. His knowledge of Africa is remarkable...
@Cneph1964 3 года назад
I'm going to study this outline by listening to this video over and over again. Thank you, Prof. Hunter and Dr. Carr! After I absorb this knowledge, I'm going to apply it to my African American Walking Tours. Blessings Family.
@JFullerTruth 4 года назад
Dr. Carr is brilliant. I love his voice!!! You can't really hear his contribution when he is on Roland Martin's panel, but I always wait for his turn to speak and always appreciate his more sensible input!
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr "we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening. Dr. Karen Hunter- Let's organize a workshop online to discussion Training and Education of our people. We love the Big and blossoming work that you're doing to Enlighten our people. "The only way to fall the JERICHO wall of white supremacy is to build the JERICHO WALL of Black unity"- warie Blip Porbeni . radiozeaterclub@gmail.com #RadioZeaterclub
@mrcead 3 года назад
Dr Carr reminding folks they already have super powers
@jessicafields1726 4 года назад
I've spent my entire workday watching as many videos of Dr. Carr and Dr. Hunter. Im soaking all this knowledge in. I didn't realize how thirsty I was lol . Thank you both for taking the time teach.
@KarenHunterShow 4 года назад
Thank you! I didn't earn that doctorate. I'm in class right along with you!
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr "we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening. Dr. Karen Hunter- Let's organize a workshop online to discussion Training and Education of our people. We love the Big and blossoming work that you're doing to Enlighten our people. "The only way to fall the JERICHO wall of white supremacy is to build the JERICHO WALL of Black unity"- warie Blip Porbeni . radiozeaterclub@gmail.com #RadioZeaterclub
@greenbyrd3665 4 года назад
Very informative interview! May I just say that Dr. Carr is one beautiful man. Ahh...there now I feel better.
@therarestdiamond4792 4 года назад
Thank you for saying that the 1st sin was the invasion and the slaughtering of the indigenous. People tend to forget that
@StrategicWealthLLC 3 года назад
The problem with the argument you make is that you fail to acknowledge that “the indigenous” invaded and slaughtered those that came before them. Research the Comanche. Research that massive graves in Colorado that are hundreds and thousands of years old.... full of skeletons with broken arms, legs, and bashed skulls. Human behavior has been one of conquering other tribes and taking their lands. That was the English/Americans vs. the Cherokee, Creek, Nez Perce, etc. It was the Incas and the Aztecs. It was the Zulus and the Ethiopians. Etc, etc. It’s not pretty, but it’s real. Study it so we don’t do it again, but don’t portray it as a “sin” unique to America.
@409CJ 3 года назад
@@StrategicWealthLLC I can follow that through! Very logical. My only push back would be saying that this is "just the way of the world" type reasoning, justifies or marginalizes what occurred. But I do appreciate that reply. AND yours too Rarest Diamond!
@StrategicWealthLLC 3 года назад
@@409CJ - I don’t think it marginalizes anyone, but it does justify the behavior in some sense. It is what humans generally do. Like eating meat and plants... because we have teeth for both. I appreciate your reply, too. Stay well.
@patielli7 4 года назад
Speak to the truth my brother!
@amoswellington480 3 года назад
So blessed to see that one year later we have In Class with Dr. Carr. During the greatest health crisis we've ever seen. Blessed
@fiasc0b0x 4 года назад
Karen: PLEASE PLEASE ask Dr. Carr if he can provide a few essential readings on AA liberation strategies and organizing. He discussed a couple of cities in this conversation and, as an organizer, I would love to read up on how to adopt some of those strategies in Houston.
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr "we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening. Dr. Karen Hunter- Let's organize a workshop online to discussion Training and Education of our people. We love the Big and blossoming work that you're doing to Enlighten our people. "The only way to fall the JERICHO wall of white supremacy is to build the JERICHO WALL of Black unity"- warie Blip Porbeni . radiozeaterclub@gmail.com #RadioZeaterclub
@ronaldcovington7474 4 года назад
This is exactly what I did when I taught 3rd grade in Los Angeles. At the beginning of the year I asked each student to ask their parents about the origin of their name. Next I instructed them to talk to the oldest living relative in their family they can find and ask what it was like when they were the same age as the student. Then we moved on to a conversation about the earliest memories of the oldest people in the family and what they remember about their parents. In a sense I was using "constructivist" methods to delve into history. My personal contention is that history becomes relevant when it's realized that it's a tangible, living, breathing, constantly moving force. I started this over 20 years ago and got the idea from my Grandmother, a school teacher (my father's mother) in Florida, born in 1900. She's deceased now but I learned so much about where I am in the continuim (sp) and what my responsibility is and what it's evolving into. (I know, bad grammar but real thought)
@sheritamitchell1036 4 года назад
You know, without COVID, would I have discovered Karen Hunter, Dr. Greg? I am in joyful tears,being thankful to God, for this time to spend this time to remind, relearn who I REALLY am. My heartfelt, thanks!
@theunderdogmentality3430 3 года назад
Same here !
@sheritamitchell1036 3 года назад
If you haven't joined "In Class with Carr" on Saturdays, you're missing it! Please, check it out!
@sheritamitchell1036 3 года назад
7 months later, this is still the most beautiful exchange of information and instruction. It still moves me to tears of joy! See ya Saturday!
@KarenHunterShow 3 года назад
thank you. That was the first time we met.
@robert33469 2 года назад
I’ve come back to watch this 5 times from Dec 2021-present. This is a gem and EXTREMELY important. Thank you professor Hunter!
@neith1919 4 года назад
;~`~; As a child, I overstood taking care of the Elders...no one was in a "Nursing Home"; WE took care of our OWN!! I did it and watched it with my own eyes...
@ChukwudiUnonu 4 года назад
Facts!!! Left, Right, Up, Down (perhaps A,B, A,B). Appreciate the surface scratching this dialogue presented - especially on black communities in Brasil 🇧🇷, Nigeria 🇳🇬, and Ghana 🇬🇭 & communities outside the USA 🇺🇸. - #NigerianLibrarian
@alexiswilliamsinc 4 года назад
C.T. Unonu Aaaahhh! Did you say A,B,A,B? Haahhahaha! I love it, and not even as much as I love the rest of what you said! Say it again and again!
@ChukwudiUnonu 4 года назад
@Alexis Williams ☺️😊🤓😁😬👾
@Penny3131977 3 года назад
Now we have #InClassWithCarr every Saturday. God is good. 😄
@KarenHunterShow 3 года назад
yup...this was the genesis!
@crazi1kaf0x 4 года назад
That was one of the "best" meals of history I have ever consumed!
@marcustoney7762 3 года назад
It's crazy how this convo started #inclasswithcarr and Knarrative! I like to come back and take it all in! This is spiritual! It was supposed to happen!🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
@DrMichaelWalker 2 года назад
@MarcusToney, here I am today, doing what you stated a month ago. Visiting the "spiritual" roots of Knarrative. Asé
@MooreVoicesMedia 2 года назад
It’s why I am here for the 3rd time after taking in In Class with Carr Episodes 79 & 80. I can’t wait to tell my story, in person, on how I discovered them both and predicted this union of the minds.
@DonBrownII Месяц назад
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 man do I enjoy listening to y’all
@Johnged15 3 года назад
With all the people and things I could watch this is always worth it.
@jaymillymills 4 года назад
Thank you Karen. I perked up because he in many ways he reminded me of who I already am and who I want to regrow within myself. Dr. Carr may be familiar with Sis Clara Muhammad in Philadelphia even if he did not work with them. I had the privilege of good caring teachers , but because many of our elders did not in some cases even seem to know to think about what happens to that student after going out in the world and how preserve and cultivate the seeds that were planted, many lose our way to the outside world.
@DonBrownII Месяц назад
Hearing Dr. Carr answer those questions by Dr. Hunter gave so much enlightenment to the phrases that they use on in class with Carr on Saturdays! “Who are we to each other?”, “ways of knowing”…. It all makes sense now! Four years later. lol
@KarenHunterShow Месяц назад
this BEFORE we were In Class with Carr...this was our first time meeting.
@DonBrownII Месяц назад
@@KarenHunterShow wow 🤩 this is yall origin story ! 🤣 the prequel! thank you for sharing
@r.indigenous6128 4 года назад
MR. CARR... You are treasure 💖...
@blkstang83 2 года назад
I learn so much watching this channel!
@UsikuA 4 года назад
Today, Word was reborn through Carr and Karen.
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr "we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening. Dr. Karen Hunter- Let's organize a workshop online to discussion Training and Education of our people. We love the Big and blossoming work that you're doing to Enlighten our people. "The only way to fall the JERICHO wall of white supremacy is to build the JERICHO WALL of Black unity"- warie Blip Porbeni . radiozeaterclub@gmail.com #RadioZeaterclub
@antoniohopson5287 3 года назад
Dr.Carr Is A BEAST👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👊🏽👊🏽
@ctez1023 4 года назад
This is very informative thanks Dr Gregg
@cecilhayden585 4 года назад
The power of education enlightens and frees.
@Mr.RelationshipMan 4 года назад
Listening to this brother is another level of listening!
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother Dr. Gregg Carr is another level of Listening.
@KaygeeAllah 2 года назад
When you have no other agenda , except to build and share knowledge…no egos, no ulterior motives, just this is what I have, come, let’s eat. No debating, just conversing. You have to love it.
@JudyChilds-fu4em 4 года назад
Wow, that's never taught to our children...But SHOULD!!
@ettaadams8842 3 года назад
You feed my Soul!!!!
@lilrabbitcuz 4 года назад
People try to say college is not important and this is why. Not to study history but to ask questions!!! College teaches you to ask questions about why do you want that question. The typical person does not think that deeply! That’s what’s hurting us.
@fbaallied 4 года назад
You don't need college to learn all of this, pick up a book!
@KarenHunterShow 4 года назад
But the discourse IS important. The iron sharpening iron...just picking up a book and reading is not as beneficial as having a discussion and examination of what is read. That is why we need those spaces. They don't have to be in college, but we need them.
@lilrabbitcuz 4 года назад
Amen Knowtech I agree with you all. My bro and I was talking about this yesterday. He hates how frats have become exclusive to college when having social gatherings. He’s trying to create a space where everybody can come and hang out. Scholars and regular folk alike. Also I went to college to be around people smarter than me, and for the diversity. You can’t get that by picking a book up. Again, the common man is not going to learn critical thinking by just picking up a book. What book would he/she pick up? What book to follow that? Talking about it with someone else that’s a scholar. That’s college. Do you know how many black kids from super small towns or well off families from good neighborhoods didn’t know who Federick Douglass was until I told them? Do you know how many said they wanted to be white because they seemed to have it going on and that’s all they saw growing up? Not to mention the girls that joined the black sororities just for the letters but didn’t have ONE black friend. Imagine if those people NEVER went to college? I’m sure you see examples of those type of black people siding with trump. Moreover, this stuff needs to be a requirement not an elective and taught at private schools as well. If white/middle eastern/again folks had no choice but to learn our history because it IS American history there just might be a change.
@fbaallied 4 года назад
@Amen Knowtech You can lean to critical think without clocking up a never-ending debt in the process.
@fbaallied 4 года назад
@@randomuser5736 Again! Digging a massive debt hole in the process, ain't worth it!
@MrCstokes23 4 года назад
Dope interview!!! I love ❤️ this show !!!
@wallacewallets7557 2 года назад
i was a freshman at ohio state when he was a grad student.. he's STILL the best reference of absolute intelligence that i have ever witnessed
@kwekuhodgson1976 3 года назад
Today’s my 48th bday: Discovering these two giants of diasporic learning has opened so many angles of thinking 💭! Oyewaladon (Thank you in the lingo of the Gã in Ghana 🇬🇭)!
@KarenHunterShow 3 года назад
Happy birthday, Kweku! Many blessings.
@ruebenwillis3639 4 года назад
Thank you Doctor Carr, thank you Karen Hunter, beautiful ,beautiful ,beautiful !!
@leoneranger9348 2 года назад
7:33 We feel you Professor Hunter 😩🙌🏾
@startpage717 3 года назад
OMW! You Prof Hunter and Dr. Carr have been putting out/in wisdom for A LONG moment in our history. You both bring the passion and fire and understanding. What a great interview. Thank you
@KarenHunterShow 3 года назад
Our pleasure!
@lakeshaarmstead3241 4 дня назад
Hi everyone I love this podcast ❤️😀❤️😀 I get educated every time I watch it.
@KarenHunterShow 4 дня назад
Welcome...these are clips from a live M-F, 3-6 p.m. ET radio show on @SiriusXM.
@Danny-fs1hk 4 года назад
Another Karen Hunter interview on 🔥🔥🔥 Adjoa & Dr. Carr are on point
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr "we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening. Dr. Karen Hunter- Let's organize a workshop online to discussion Training and Education of our people. "The only way to fall the JERICHO wall of white supremacy is to build the JERICHO WALL of Black unity"- warie Blip Porbeni . radiozeaterclub@gmail.com #RadioZeaterclub
@ShinyBusterBaby 4 года назад
Wow!!! He's fucking AMAZING!!!! I mean, I had to cuss. 😆😆😆 That's how deep that landed for me.
@kennethdupree4207 4 года назад
I love your show K .Hunter..
@franchettabeckford6753 4 года назад
I want a summer workshop.
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr " we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening. Let's organize a workshop online to discussion Training and Education of our people. "The only wayto fall the JERICHO wall of white supremacy is to build the JERICHO WALL of Black unity"- warie Blip Porbeni . radiozeaterclub@gmail.com #RadioZeaterclub
@azmadu 3 года назад
Come on Dr Carr! Wow! Even after watching you InClass every Saturday since our brother George Floyd made transition, I watched this episode and everything that you've said since May 2020 you summarised it here so succinctly. Being a truth teller to pass our history (not their story) is what makes us, US! That part about everybody eating is specifically African! You come to my house, yeah take a plate YOU'RE eating! I go to my aunty's house, yeah I'm chopping jellof rice! This transfers into everything that benefits everyone even though they vote not to have it! Prof Hunter I fully understand now why you started what you have because Dr Carr IS a special person, but the fact that you recognised this makes you a special person too. Thank you for starting what you have because it's giving meaning for so many people even here in UK. Peace & Love, I'm out, till Saturday!
@joekelly4 4 года назад
I just subscribed. Mind blown 🤯
@MyRadicalWealth 3 года назад
This without a doubt is one of the most powerful conversations I have had the good fortune to witness.
@jolivettejanderson-douonin3698 4 года назад
Thank you!
@jcjcviews 2 года назад
The density of Dr. Carr's knowledge about that which is black makes us thirsty for more. But I don't think I can handle it this morning. This is because, like Mom's Mabley once said, just one of Dr. Carr's thoughts could "blow our minds wide open," I paraphrase.
@91WriterzStatus 4 года назад
I'm glad I found this! I want to take his class.
@hj8501 3 года назад
Teach the truth! We all are teachers ...lets not cause no one to fall....
@vmarshall324 Год назад
I'm playing catch-up. I first watched Dr. Asa Hilliard then started coming across Dr. Carr. My Awaking... However, Dr. Asa Hilliard is the truth and Dr. Carr's teacher.
@justicemuhammad2631 3 года назад
Dr. Carr is an institution he’s an infinite dispenser of viable information....
@Debzxx 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing . Dr Greg. Keep spreading the knowledge. Need to know more. The UK has a real problem admitting to its racism, which is very different here. Its deep.
@rudiannwildgoose-laing4629 4 года назад
Wow...power information
@HBCUBandTalk Год назад
This is the Genesis of In Class with Carr!!!!!!
@KarenHunterShow Год назад
@MsMottz 4 года назад
OMG Thank you!
@ettaadams8842 3 года назад
Great Great Great Praise God
@rolandalbert680 4 года назад
This should be in every urban school on every black website. How can you not feel empowered after hearing this just look how we are creating things in this Internet age. In the great words of Rafiki: "It is time"
@geraldinebyrd4393 4 года назад
Ase’ Karen thank you and Dr. Carr thank you.
@islandmotivation Год назад
Nice video. We are a written word people also. Recently, many documents have been discovered in Timbuktu. Please investigate this.
@1NicoleD 4 года назад
Dr. Carr always bring me to tears.
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr " we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening.
@imanimtendaji7421 4 года назад
The Cotton Gin Was Initially Engineered In The Three Digit Ages...In Africa (Tombee: A Cotton Plantation (South Carolina) What Is Egyptian or Nile Valley Cotton)...The Cotton Gin had been REengineered many times by World Africans...In Savannah, Georgia there was a change from growing Short and Medium Staple Cotton to cultivating Long and Extra Long Staple Cotton...The Ginny had to be altered...This Alteration was done by the mechanics/machinist/engineers on the Mulberry Plantation which was one of the many "power" plantations on the Savannah River..."Power" meaning Wind/Water Mills and Solar Reflectors...This Plantation was owned by Nathaniel and Katy Green...Nathaniel Green was Aide De Camp to George Washington during the Revolutionary War...A Patent was applied for...by a governor...who was then a private teacher for the Greens' children...This governor was also a lawyer...His name...Eli Whitney...Who had no such knowledge for Reengineering any type of apparatus nor penning diagrams for such...Unfortunately the names of the true skilled technicians...Who were no doubt African are not known...At This Time...If Anyone knows...Please Share...Jus'EachOneTeachOne...B1Eternally...
@refinedqueen2260 4 года назад
Dr Carr, I want to hear you on the Breakfast Club morning show.
@melaniehicks7815 3 года назад
So dope
@jblaze2467 4 года назад
This was dope I love Dr.Carr. I also feel like a major issue is that the world is hypercapitalisitic and I feel that breeds the disregard to learn things of the past. Nowadays it's "chasing the bag" or "I have to be successful" and whatever isn't doing either of the two is worthless to 99% of the ppl in today's world. Just my opinion.
@sheryl5874 4 года назад
@HH-vg5sb 4 года назад
Part 2?
@shonclrke1045 4 года назад
Go to podcast: This is Karen Hunter. The entire conversations are there.
@BlindMellowJellyInc 4 года назад
Dr Carr is the more brilliant of our black academia and it is always good to see him speaking. I like Karen too so this is a good find for my old ass....lol
@dexterforeman 4 года назад
@alexomar7464 4 года назад
Dr. Carr, where have all the black people gone? They use to be everywhere throughout the globe.
@Nita253 4 года назад
I love the way Dr. Carr thinks!
@eddierocksteady5740 3 года назад
Listening to this Brother, Dr. Gregg Carr " we shouldn't be fighting the same fights, we should be building on the victories of the past" is another level of Listening. #RadioZeaterclub
@samcox443 Год назад
Love what these teachers were doing and how they're still doing it. Looking forward to the dam bursting on the jailbreaks that are building. I have a recollection of being taught that the Indigenous People/Native Americans were also victims of enslavement by the Europeans who invaded this continent in the early colonial period. That didn't work as planned and other options to accumulate wealth were employed while the genocide of the original people in residence began. Someone else will have to determine if slavery or genocide is the greater sin. Archaeological, biological and biblical evidence indicates that Africans traded with the Indigenous People of Central America thousands of years before the Vikings "discovered" this land and like Dr. Carr shared, "everyone ate."
@earnestgray6443 4 года назад
Love him
@ikembaojore3877 2 года назад
Sugar and tobacco, I tell folks all the time it was the drug trade
@jayceeharb1305 4 года назад
Please have Dr.Carr on more ... maybe ads for upcoming series of important topics. #GOBIGBLUE
@KarenHunterShow 4 года назад
He's on EVERY Saturday. Are you subscribed?
@shunblack1004 4 года назад
@Poppy-jp8ng 3 года назад
Is this put together somewhere for us to teach in our communities and train our children?
@yts40Promo 2 года назад
@theeldersaysso5600 Год назад
We raised 9 million dollars. We can do a lot of good with that kind money and we stop letting the foster system keep our kids in the foster system
@glasses4513 Год назад
1. Social structure (who are we to other people) [wheatley] 2. Governance structure (who are we to each other) [fatima] 3. Ways of knowing ( relationships/community based) [maze] 4. Science & technology ( how to improve life on earth) [agriculture/architechture/braiding] 5. Movement and memory (cultural creations that reflect our stories/achievements) MEMORY IS THE BLOOD OF THE PEOPLE corrections?
@h.e.rcollective7201 3 года назад
How can we bring this curriculum to Ghana? I'm an educator and repat here and new citizen.
@jamespatterson6972 2 года назад
*A curriculum that embraces both African & African-American history & culture is a benefit. Add Science & Mathematics, in which both originated on the African continent, could only enhance a educational system rooted in a pluralistic curriculum.*
@Che1980s Год назад
@coletteeloi6400 4 года назад
Your point is good other then that part.
@jethrojames1911 4 года назад
Brazil could be the motherland
@piankhikaheru512 16 дней назад
The Genesis of Knarritive and Knubia, the Ancestors are pleased...A'se O.🙏🏿
@coletteeloi6400 4 года назад
They don't even teach about Toussaint Louverture in schools.
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