
Dragon Ball MANGA Power Levels (Saiyan & Namek) 

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50% 1

IMPORTANT! Turn on the subtitles for additional explanations!
Both the anime and the official guides contradict the manga at many points, making the power scales seen in them not representative of what Toriyama had in mind when he drew Dragon Ball.
This graph only shows the theoretical maximum power of each fighter, therefore, in the cases of fighters who do not get serious until they are already worn out from the fight, we will not see their actual power in combat but what they would have had if 'having fought to the maximum from the very start.
We will see several versions of the most important characters (Goku fighting Raditz, him agains vs Vegeta, etc.)
To make the ranking I will take into account the transformations but not the special techniques such as the Kaio-Ken, and I have left out the Oozaru forms because they occupied TOP positions that I thought were more interesting for other characters (like Guldo from the Ginyu squad) since they're just whatever power the one transforming had multiplied by 10.
Except for the (french-catalan) opening of Dragon Ball Z , I have taken the rest of the songs from the following channel (an excellent work considering the materials available, congratulations @DesiertoLaEspada):
/ @desiertolaespada



17 сен 2024




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@hernancollado5322 3 месяца назад
Aquest vídeo de la saga d'en cèl·lula serà brutal. L'espero aviat. Gràcies
@ScouterSSJ 3 месяца назад
Si em busques a Instagram podràs veure la previsió dels vídeos de la saga Cèl·lula al missatge que vaig fer del vídeo de la Intro del Trunks (veuràs la imatge de la portada del vídeo). Es un post que vaig actualitzant constantment (així si se m'acut alguna idea m'asseguro que no se m'oblida) malgrat ja tingui unes setmanes. En resum: la saga Cèl·lula és la que tindrà més vídeos de tots i el dels nivells de poder és l'últim així que encara queda una mica U_U
@hernancollado5322 3 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ Ja ho he vist, és l'última -.-'...Però hi ha títols interessants, com el dels androides, atac d'en kaito, explicación del ssj2, el de les línies temporals, etc. Va a gustos... Gràcies per l'aclaració.
@ScouterSSJ 3 месяца назад
@@hernancollado5322 Bé, pensa que el de les barres sol ser on faig les últimes correccions als poders de la saga (per exemple, al de Nàmek vaig rectificar a l'alça el poder del Krilin i el Gohan quan lluiten contra les forces especials), per això el reservo pel final. En qualsevol cas, els nivells de poder més rellevants ja els hauràs vist de molt abans. Pensa que el combat contra el Cèl·lula és un dels vídeos de la meitat aproximadament. Ara m'has fet pensar que m'havia descuidat els vídeos de personatges extra (de combats no coberts però que trobo interessants, com l'A16 o el Trunks per exemple). Realment el de les barres quan el publiqui ja no tindrà gaire misteri (els faig més de cara a caçar nous espectadors aquests. Com que no hi ha narració, només musiqueta i dibuixets, em va molt bé per arribar a públic nou ^_^). Salut!
@hernancollado5322 3 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ T’entenc, però es molt entretingut veure com van intercanviant posicions els personatges. Salutacions
@ScouterSSJ 3 месяца назад
@@hernancollado5322 Hahahah cert! Això no t'ho rebatré pas ^_^
@FriendlyDarkwraith 4 месяца назад
So the "legendary Super Saiyan" that Frieza feared... was weaker (i.e. had a lower power level) than his 3rd (or 2nd depending on your order of things) form? I guess Toriyama (RIP) really loved Alien, huh?
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
Legends can sometimes be a bit overrated XD That being said, in a 1 vs 1 fight Goku SSJ would win against that Frieza, or at least push him to a point where he gets mentally unstable. Since Frieza is the fighter with the highest defense in the whole series his PL is higher than it seems at first glance. That's why Goku SSJ managed to fight at equal terms with a 100% Frieza that had almost double his strength and win thanks to Frieza losing his strength so fast due to lack of training. Another thing is that the SSJ is going to evolve a lot in the following season (the Cell saga). Unlike the guides that mistakenly treat the SSJ form as if it was a 50x Kaio-Ken, in the canon the form will evolve and eventually reach that point where the legend is 100% justified ^_^
@FriendlyDarkwraith 4 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ When you say FP Frieza had "almost double" SSJ Goku's strength, does that still somehow fall within the 10-15% lead in power necessary for one fighter to have a decisive advantage over the other? Additionally, how much does Frieza's overwhelming defense compensate for SSJ Goku's increased combat power? It seemed like Frieza was largely physically fine until he cut himself in half with those Death Pizzas (hold the stuffed crust) of his. If the fight had continued instead of that happening, would Frieza have been eventually able to outlast Goku's SSJ transformation and secure a victory? Is that part of the reason why Goku "quit" the fight and was preparing to leave (apart from the planet being seconds from exploding and him being unable to breathe in space)? Because even if he was physically stronger and faster than Frieza, he couldn't hit him hard enough to actually finish him off, at least until he was severely injured (Death Pizzas)? Or was ol' Freezer Pop only somehow 1 Super Kamehameha away from destruction, and Goku quit because he wanted to see if Frieza could become a stronger fighter in the future, like what is stated in the series? And considering that there are 4 (technically 5) grades to SSJ, it should most certainly evolve as the series progresses. One of the things I dislike about how the official guides handle SSJ power increase is that basically everything between grades 2-4 is barely touched on. SSJ is a flat x50 multiplier, and SSJ2 is x2 SSJ, even though we see it get considerably stronger throughout the entirety of the Cell Saga. I'll be looking forward to your analysis on how the form was actually conveyed in the manga.
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
@FriendlyDarkwraith Tons of interesting questions, I hope I can answer them all. 1. The 15% rule. While it still holds true when it comes to defensive fighters like Frieza, what in normal conditions would be a very fast fight (one that is ended in 1 or 2 minutes) becomes more even at first glance, and it would be decided more in the long term thanks to the fighter having a higher defense losing less strength for each hit received. So even when the superiority will still be there, it would take a different form (one fighter receiving less damage instead of one fighter completely overwhelming his opponent). 2. Now, going more specifically into the SSJ Goku vs Frieza fight, we have to take into account another factor that is not included in the Power Level which is the stamina (in the character screen is the "resistència" field that appears below a fighter's power level). Due to him not having trained in his life and not being able to use full force without forcing his body like any other fighter of the series would, Frieza has an additional problem: his power starts to fall rapidly as soon as he reached his peak. That flaw goes completely against Frieza as a fighter. I mean, having low stamina is already a big flaw, but if the one having low stamina is a fighter whose main trait is his outstanding defense, the problem becomes 10 times worse. Because if Frieza's superiority is one that will be seen over time, having your power constantly plummet completely negates it. Regarding how Frieza's high defense affected that fight, it affected everything. I mean, even the fact of him destroying himself with his own attack was a product of him getting up from Goku's attack (one that would have KOed anyone else) like it was nothing, putting himself in the path of his own attack. 3. Goku quitting is no trick like when he provoked Frieza to not destroy the planet, he was truthful in what he said. Frieza's defense would've given him the edge in the long run IF he didn't have the stamina problem, but that's precisely what Goku saw. Even if Goku's hits did nothing to him, he was losing strength at a much faster rate than Goku despite Goku taking more damage. The only chance Frieza had to win the fight was just after he won over Goku's KameHameHa and left Goku clearly injured and weakened. But then he insulted Krilin, reignited Goku's rage and threw his chance at winning the fight. In short: when Goku quits is because there's no point in fighting anymore as his victory is already granted. Of course, Goku knew perfectly that he didn't win on his own merits alone, which is proven during the Cell saga when he is aware of Cell's immense potential much before fighting him and also helps him get his perfect body although more indirectly than Krilin and Vegeta (I'll make a video on that subject when the time comes). 4.Finally the SSJ forms, yeah, the explanation of the guides of said forms is very weak. Not only is short, but it's also very, very imprecise. The sole fact that they say that there is more difference from SSJ2 to SSJ3, than from SSJ to SSJ2 in power, already proves that they didn't read the manga to make the guides. I mean, the SSJ3 is 10 times cooler than the SSJ2, but it was always the refinement of the refinement that already was the SSJ2, not some kind of new pool of power hidden within Goku. Heck, I'm sure Toriyama must have been so pissed at those explanations that in Super he specifically made Vegeta's SSJ2 stronger than Goku's SSJ3 and Trunks SSJ2 also matching Goku's SSJ3 just to make that point clear XD Regards!
@FriendlyDarkwraith 4 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ Damn, so when it's all said and done, Frieza's actually kinda ass. Good thing he trained for those 4 months (and maybe some extra in a certain hype ebonics rhyme changer) then. One more question: would Frieza's power have continued to drop from 100% to 70%, and at that point would he somehow have been able to put up a better offense against the fatigued SSJ Goku, since 70% was his maximum "comfortable" power level at the time? I think any confusion is coming from seeing just how beefy Frieza's number is in comparison to SSJ Goku's, then trying to figure out what percentage of power goes to which attribute. With Goku it's more or less straightforward, since he's such a relatively balanced fighter, but it seems like Frieza min-maxed DEF and literally never put a single point into anything else, and all the physical strength, speed and ki abilities came solely from how much bigger of a number he had than everyone else, like how leveling up in an RPG usually gives a flat bonus to all stats regardless of where you spend your points.
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
@FriendlyDarkwraith Well, that's the thing about Frieza, he was an exceptionally gifted fighter whose arrogance made him perform much worse than he should (that's why I like so much his development in Super, where he learns the lesson and starts to work his ass). Now, regarding Frieza's power falling down, it's different than him powering down to 70%. Even if his power fell down a 30% or even a 90%, he would still be using 100% of the strength he had at that point, so all the drawbacks are still there. But if instead of powering up to 100% he had stayed at 70%, and instead of trying to overpower Goku he had fought according to his stats, yes, he would have won that fight. But Frieza would've never done this. In fact, I don't even think that he was aware that his best trait was his defense, since he was so powerful that he always managed to get the upperhand with ease. Regarding Frieza's stats, if you go to Frieza's character screen you'll see that I give his defense a ZZ in his original form. B is perfect balance, then it's 15% for each letter uppwards up to SSS+ (SSS would be 60, so SSS+ is 65%). Then, for the Z letters, their value is triple that of a normal letter, so its another +90%. So 100% (B) + 65% + 75% = 240% higher defense than his PL indicates. Him surviving the Genkidama Goku threw at him leaves no margin for less considering the Genkidama gains extra-effectivity the more evil its target is. And just as you've said, it's as if Frieza spent all his upgrading points into his defense, but then it's as if he wanted to play the game like he was the barbarian that has everything spent in offense. That's why I devoted a whole video to explain how much of a hindrance to his performance was his arrogance (in the video called "Frieza's fatal weakpoint"). Regards!
@dictator1650 27 дней назад
Uhhh once you start hitting piccolo vs frieza this becomes inconsistent. For example, piccolo in that fight was NOT 530K PL. He was over a million just like frieza. Him and frieza were relative.
@ScouterSSJ 27 дней назад
That's missing half of the equation. Scouters evaluate the 4 characteristics that define Power-Level (Strength, Ki, Defense and Speed) individually and get the number from there. Piccolo and Frieza were close offensively speaking, but Frieza is the fighter with the highest defense in the whole series in his original form, and I assumed that that was his LEAST defensive form. So, Frieza's 1 million takes into account his brutal defense, and Piccolo is 570 really, 530 is just with his clothes on (and he still was surpassed by Frieza's 3rd form at that point). Maybe he could be argued to be a bit above that without his clothes, but not by as much as you say. In fact, that's the same logic (though in a much bigger scale) than Nappa's power-level of 11K ^_^ Regards!
@dictator1650 27 дней назад
@ScouterSSJ Frieza doesn't have any forms that's "more offensive or defensive" than the others. That's headcannon. You literally made that up. His 1 million PL refers to ALL of his abilities. Power, speed, and defense. When someone transforms in DB, all of their stats are buffed. Not just individual parameters. That is a fact of DB. You even say in your statement that you ASSUMED his 2nd form was his least defensive. Headcannon. There is no least defensive form. Power Level is taking into account ALL of those factors of Power, Ki, etc. A scouter doesn't just judge the number based off of 1 particular stat. Not how scouters work.
@ScouterSSJ 27 дней назад
Bro, you defend the numbers from the official guides and clearly haven't seen my video explaining how a Scouter works, so first do this. I've never said that a Scouter only measures defense, what I'm saying is precisely that because the Scouter MEASURES IT and you ignored it (when you said Piccolo and Frieza were equals, you weren't taking his deffense into account). Regarding Frieza's weakest forms being more defensive, yep, that's my assumption. But I did this because I went for the absolute possible minum defense for OG form Frieza. OG form Frieza could perfectly argued to have an even higher defense but I thougth that would make the numbers even harder to understand so I went for this in the end. And no, again you're mistaking a transformation for a Kaio-Ken. A Kaio-Ken multiplies all your stats evenly. A transformation can multiply them or can be unbalanced and multiply some stats much more than others and even diminish some stats while increasing others. Each form has to be judjed in isolation, something you seem unable to do. Regards!
@theveryproudmoroccan2834 4 месяца назад
In your opinion, was Goku post SSJ awakening fighting at his full energy restore post transformation or did he just get a immense power boost while he was still tired from the crazy battle against Freeza?
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
His energy got completely restored from the rage boost (and then increased past his peak at the moment), as proven in chapter 325 when he distransforms and can fly at full speed and even dodge Frieza's kienzan. Regards!
@maximods2419 2 месяца назад
Todos los niveles en la saga de Freezer son canónicos, por lo que estás dando niveles sin sentido. Piccolo fusionado = 1.500.000 Goku post zenkai = 3.000.000 (estado base) Ssj1 = 150.000.000 (el ssj1 incrementa 50 veces el estado base) Freezer 100% = 120.000.000 (la razón por la que duro tanto el combate es por qué así lo quiso Goku, no solo por que es un guerrero saiyajin, si no, por que necesitaba hacer tiempo hasta que todos salgan del planeta Namek) En la saga Androide al menos todos deberían aumentar 2 veces sus capacidades o algo más, siendo el mayor aumento el de Piccolo que rondaría las 100 o 150 millones.
@ScouterSSJ 2 месяца назад
No he creado este canal para repetir unas cifras que son un disparate. Goku 150 millones y Frízer 120 es un disparate tan grande que es obvio que el que puso los números lo hizo a boleo. En serio dicen que la diferencia entre Goku SSJ y Frízer es más grande que la que había entre Vegeta y Dodoria? Cómo puede tener Frízer 120 millones tras quedar mal herido por la Genkidama? Lo de que el SSJ multiplica el poder por 50 es otra tontería de las guías, el SSJ no es un Kaio-Ken, su multiplicador no es fijo (es obvio que el SSJ dominado post-RoSAT multiplica mucho más el poder que el que está sin entrenar)... Hasta Toriyama tuvo que salir en una entrevista donde le preguntaban por el color del pelo de los SSJ a decir que lo del x50 era una exageración, que él dibujó aquello con una idea más cercana al x10 (que es lo que realmente tiene sentido leyendo el combate). Estas guías ni siquiera tenían en cuenta las distintas características de cada luchador a la hora de poner sus cifras... quienes las hicieron no sabían mucho de Dragon Ball! Saludos!
@maximods2419 2 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ Si el ssj multiplicaría por 10 no sería necesario usarlo, ya que Goku usa el kaio-ken x20 contra Freezer y superaría su ssj1 y no fue así. La diferencia entre Freezer y Goku si es así, Goku no estaba luchando en serio pq necesitaba que sus amigos e hijo salgan del planeta antes de que explote, cuando lucho en serio Freezer no tuvo oportunidad alguna, aparte de su desgaste, Goku no tenía uno tan inmenso cómo el. El ssj si tiene multiplicador, al igual que el ssj2 y 3. Estos multiplicadores y cifras son dadas por akira hasta la saga namek, poniendo los multiplicadores del ssj2 y 3 en posteriores sagas, además, el ssj no incrementa su multiplicador, en la habitación del tiempo lo único que hizo Goku fue dominar la fase al punto de no tener desgaste y parecer su estado base, el único ssj que incrementa sus multiplicadores son las variantes del ssj, siendo estás el ssj1 de grando 2, 3, el ssj2, el ssj3 y el ssj full power, esas son las únicas formas de incrementar sus multiplicadores, con más variantes.
@ScouterSSJ 2 месяца назад
@@maximods2419 El SSJ desentrenado de hecho multiplica menos que por 10, pero eso es ya otro tema. Y Goku no podría haber hecho nada con el Kaio-Ken cuando Frízer salió vivo de la Genkidama porque estaba a 0 de poder. Qué le debían quedar, unas 500 unidades a lo sumo? El SSJ le vino con el ataque de ira que restableció su poder por completo. Y Goku ni siquiera podía ser consciente ni del poder que le quedaba a Frízer, ni del que tenía él, porque todas sus referencias cambiaron en un momento. Lo de que Goku no luchaba en serio no es cierto, menos aún cuando Frízer lo está a punto de matar cuando le supera en un principio. Mírate el análisis del combate de Frízer de mi canal, con las cifras de poder en tiempo real y la justificación a todas ellas. Hasta debunkeo lo de los 3 millones de Goku demostrando que luchó contra Frízer usando el Kaio-Ken x10 en todo momento ^_^ En cuanto a lo de si el SSJ incrementa el multiplicador o no, sabemos porque lo dice el manga directamente que el estado base tiene un límite físico a partir del cual no se mejora (en el vídeo "Análisis en profundidad del estado base (+Oozaru)" explico este tema en profundidad). Si el estado base de Goku no puede hacerse más fuerte, es obvio que lo que mejoró es el SSJ. Lo de que las cifras las da Akira Toriyama es falso, la única que ha dado es la de Goku SSJ en Námek siendo unas 10 veces más fuerte aprox. que cuando empezó a luchar contra Frízer. El resto, humo de unas guías que jamás entendieron la obra! Saludos!
@JoseGonzalez-yp3sh 2 месяца назад
¿Por qué Goku paso de 325k a 440k con el Kaioken?
@ScouterSSJ 2 месяца назад
Hola buenas, no es por el Kaio-Ken que pasa de 325 a 440K, sinó por el ataque de ira que le vuelve SSJ. Para llegar a SSJ, un saiyan normal tiene que romper el límite de poder de su estado base con un ataque de ira, y personalmente me encaja más que este límite esté un poco por encima de cuando empezó a luchar contra Frízer. Pero vamos, que si alguien me dice que para él el poder de Goku no aumentó más y se quedó en esas 325K (o la cifra que haya llegado él) también me lo podría creer heheheh En la lucha contra Frízer Goku usa los Kaio-Ken x10 y Kaio-Ken x20, así que su poder seria unos 3,25 millones con KKx10 y unos 5 millones con KKx20 (cuando lo usa ya ha perdido bastante poder por la paliza de Frízer). Saludos!
@JoseGonzalez-yp3sh 2 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ Gracias por la aclaración. La verdad discrepo del uso del Kaioken (el *10) desde el principio de la pelea, pero estoy totalmente de acuerdo en la perdida de poder. Literal las guías nunca toman en cuenta el desgaste que sufren los personajes, y no entiendo como hay gente que las defiende a diestra y siniestra cuando rara vez brindan datos coherentes con la obra.
@ScouterSSJ 2 месяца назад
@@JoseGonzalez-yp3sh Siii lo de no tener en cuenta las heridas cuando es precisamente el aspecto más fundamental de las luchas de Dragon Ball y lo que hace que la obra siga teniendo los mejores combates nunca vistos en ningún shounen es criminal XD En cuanto al Kaio-Ken x10, ¿en qué punto de la pelea crees que Goku lo activó? ¿Crees que antes del x10 Goku usaba ya el Kaio-Ken o que luchaba sin él? Muchas gracias por el debate respetuoso! ^_^
@JoseGonzalez-yp3sh 2 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ Desde mi perspectiva, Goku usaría el Kaioken*5 desde el principio de la pelea (lo que implicaría qué el Zenkai le dio alrededor del doble de poder en tus cifras) y este recurrió al Kaioken*10 cuando Freezer lo atrapó en la bola de energía, y Goku escapó milagrosamente de la explosión. Aunque me cuadra más que Goku solo estuviera usando su estado base, pero no con 3M ya que es muy exagerado. Yo le daría la mitad, es decir 1,5M pero ya es cuestión mía.
@ScouterSSJ 2 месяца назад
@@JoseGonzalez-yp3sh El problema es que la única referencia que tenemos de Goku base después de que haya desbloqueado su SSJ en la saga de Bu lo deja claramente por debajo de las 500K unidades. En cuanto al Kaio-Ken x5, pasar al Kaio-Ken x10 implicaría multiplicar el poder por 2. El problema que plantea esto es que Goku no pilla por sorpresa a Frízer en ningún momento, y Frízer había estado relativamente igualado con él hasta aquel momento. Fíjate en cuando Frízer pasa del 50% al 70% de repente, cómo incluso Goku que puede captar energías se ve sorprendido por el incremento. Y esto es solo un incremento del 40%, mucho menos que el 100% de incremento que supone pasar del KKx5 al KKx10. Si Goku no usaba ningún KK y activó el x10 ahí, ese problema aún se magnifica más. Saludos!
@th3gow409 4 месяца назад
Bro... What... What is this? 😦 Almost nothing have logic, this broken with concept of level powers in dragon ball and vision from toriyama.
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
In fact I think it's the opposite, the guides are what BREAK Toriyama's logic. Those power levels are 100% based on the manga, but if you disagree with one, be my guest and tell me which so we can discuss about who is right ^_^
@th3gow409 4 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ i need a traductor for speak english in a large text, so i need a lot time for explain all a need say 🍷👌.
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
Don't worry, use google translator if you want. Or we can discuss it in Spanish or Catalan if one of those languages is easier to you. I'm interested in your opinion and where do you think I'm wrong. Regards!
@ScouterSSJ 3 месяца назад
Still waiting for your answer. Why don't you write it in your language and let me do the google translator thing? ^_^ My numbers are the most faithful to the manga you'll find anywhere (me thinks) but I'm open to other views (I myself have corrected some numbers I gave in previous videos in this one). Regards!
@theveryproudmoroccan2834 4 месяца назад
Interesting. I find these claims more logical to the random numbers thrown by the baseless guides.
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
Thank you! ^_^ The problem with those guides is that they didn't understand Toriyama's writing or didn't pay much attention. That problem gets even worse when we get to the Cell saga, where they explain everything wrong: From how the SSJ forms work to the time paradox explanation they make (which is horrible, to say the least).
@theveryproudmoroccan2834 4 месяца назад
​@@ScouterSSJTry to play with the algorithm in order to make your videos more popular. I think that if you do them with your English and make highly edited videos while playing with the titles and thumbnails(by making eye catching ones that will hook people up to click on your video and yeah through the title and thumbnail your videos may get popular it's just a matter of your marketing strategy to grow your channel).
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
@@theveryproudmoroccan2834 Thank you! Since I have my own job and this is more of a hobby I've prioritized making the videos than making them popular. Furthermore, my spoken english is BAD (I know the words, but my accent... XD) and when it comes to videos as long as those, even when I tried to record in Spanish I had more problems than anticipated XD So in the end I decided to make it as easy as possible for me to be able to follow a somewhat regular schedule. Once I finish with the Bu saga maybe I'll try something new in that sense, but for the moment I'm content with how things are going. Thank you again for your support and your advices ^_^
@FriendlyDarkwraith 4 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ What about using AI or text-to-speech? It's gotten pretty sophistocated in the last couple of years, and it's everywhere on RU-vid now.
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
@@FriendlyDarkwraith It could very well be an option, I didn't think about it so maybe when I can get a new PC (the one I'm currently working is not fit to host any IA XD). Thank you very much for the advice. Another idea I've had is to re-make the fights I've already done with bar-charts and no voice, but that would be something to do in the future. As of now I'm writing the videos from the Cell saga and I don't want to pause it, since it's what I considere the most important saga of the manga (for this channel at least) since it's the most complex one and the most misunderstood of the bunch. Regards! ^_^
@JamesPv500 4 месяца назад
Astas molt requetehipersupermegaasclafat
@mega_guerrero88 4 месяца назад
Esto no tiene sentido en absoluto
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
Dime qué cifras son las que no tienen sentido, y te demostraré porqué no solo sí lo tienen sino que las que tu me digas (seguramente las oficiales de las guías) son las que están mal ^_^ PD: No te lo tomes como un ataque, simplemente me encanta discutir este tema porque considero que las guías oficiales con sus estimaciones nefastas no solo se cargaron la escala de poderes del manga, sino que al hacerlo también hicieron que muchos fans se perdiesen los mejores detalles de Toriyama como escritor de mangas. La saga Cell en particular se la cargaron completamente con sus explicaciones nefastas... Saludos!
@mega_guerrero88 4 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ Bueno, primero quiero saber, ¿porque no tomas los poderes de las guias? ¿que es lo incoherente?
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
@@mega_guerrero88 Porque las guías cometen una serie de errores "imperdonables" que se cargan la coherencia interna de la serie. Pongamos Raditz y sus 1500. Si Raditz tuviese 1500, porqué Nappa lo compara con un Saibaman de 1200 y le tiene tanto pánico a ataques de 1300? El cabezazo de Gohan (1307) lo deja tan mal herido que luego hasta Goku puede inmobilizarlo, por tanto primera cifra imposible. En Dragon Ball diferencias de poder del 15% son decisivas en combate (con algunas excepciones que se justifican por escenarios muy concretos), cosa que queda clara con Raditz pero también con Vegeta y Dodoria. Raditz con 1500 rompe con esto totalmente. Siguiente error grabe, Nappa y sus 4.000. Para empezar, aquí se olvidaron directamente de medio combate y solo se acordaron de que Goku le mete una paliza a Nappa. Pero de que Nappa a medio combate se calma e iguala a Goku ofensivamente a pesar de ser un luchador que destaca en defensa y ya haber perdido poder antes de calmarse (sobretodo por la paliza que le clava el propio Goku al empezar el combate) también se olvidan. Lógicamente, Nappa con 4000 es la prueba que ni se miraron el manga. Un error que cometen de manera generalizada es que no tienen en cuenta una regla FUNDAMENTAL de Dragon Ball que es la pérdida de poder por las heridas. Cualquier cifra de las guías que sea de mitad de un combate se olvida totalmente del estado del luchador: 1. Goku con KKx4 vs Vegeta con 32.000, totalmente imposible (cuando Goku usa el KKx4 ya ha perdido muchísima fuerza tras usar el KKx3 2 veces). 2. Frízer tras la Genkidama, que queda mal herido pero los de las guías le siguen contando el poder como si no hubiese pasado nada. Luego está el otro gran error de no ver cómo Goku, en el manga, jamás activó el Kaio-Ken x10 a mitad del combate, sino que ya lo llevaba activado desde antes de plantarse ante Frízer y devolverle su 1r ataque. Todo esto lo explico con mucho más detalle (y con pruebas sacadas directamente del manga) en los vídeos de análisis de combates que tengo (vs Raditz, vs Nappa, vs Vegeta, vs Zarbon y vs Frizer partes 1 y 2). Y ya para terminar, otro error que cometen las guías es que desconocen cómo funcionaban los scouters en realidad a la hora de medir poderes. Los de las guías solo se fijan superficialmente en cómo va una lucha (a veces ni eso) y tiran el numero a ojo. Un scouter mide fuerza, energía, velocidad y defensa de manera individual, por eso las pantallas de personaje de mi canal contemplan estas 4 características y el nivel de poder se calcula en base a todas ellas individualmente. El funcionamiento de los Scouters lo tengo explicado en profundidad en el vídeo "¿Qué es mejor? Scouters vs captar energías" y por si tienes dudas de cómo interpretar mis pantallas de personajes también te recomiendo ver el vídeo explicativo "Explicación Pantalla Personajes". Saludos!
@maximods2419 2 месяца назад
​@@ScouterSSJSi bien lo que planteas es cierto, las 1500 unidades de Raditz son hechas por fans, Raditz realmente tiene 1200 cómo más se ve en las guías, daizenshuu y chozenshuu. Para la saga de Namek los niveles se dispararon de manera exagerada ya que un saiyajin se adapta al enemigo, siendo que luego de un zenkai un saiyajin supera el máximo poder al que se enfrento y con una diferencia, según lo visto a lo largo de la saga namek, siendo que Vegeta paso de las 24.000 a las 30.000 en su zenkai luego de ser apalizado por Zarbon, quien contaba con 23.000 y en su transformación unas 28.000, lo necesario para superar a Vegeta de 24.000. Vegeta luego de luchar contra Recome recibe un increíble zenkai de 72.000, lo suficiente para derrotar a las fuerzas ginyu individualmente sin contar su capitán, Vegeta luego de su lucha contra Jeise y Ginyu recibe otro aumento, esté si es un aumento regalado ya que pudo hacer fuerzas con las 530.000 de Freezer, siendo que lo ponen a Vegeta entre las 250 a 400.000 unidades, Goku luego de haber vuelto a su cuerpo moribundo y recuperarse recibió un absurdo zenkai que lo elevo a las 3.000.000 ya que su cuerpo lo hizo incrementar sus poderes al punto de superar sus anteriores poderes al máximo poder. A mí parecer el zenkai hace que superes tus máximas capacidades, no solo en base, sino en general, siendo que Goku con 90.000 y un kaio-ken x20 alcanzaría casi 2.000.000 ,siendo a mí parecer que el zenkai incrementa tú máxima capacidad y con un plus de diferencia de 1.5
@ScouterSSJ 2 месяца назад
@@maximods2419 Las 1500 unidades de Raditz salen en la misma guía que los 150 millones de Goku SSJ, hasta tengo 2 vídeos en el canal precisamente desmontando estas páginas de la guía (uno para la saga Saiyajin y otro para la saga Namek). En cuanto a la saga de Námek, sin duda los niveles de poder se dispararon por el Zenkay Power, pero el Zenkay desaparece (junto con la posibilidad de mejorar entrenando normalmente) una vez se llega al límite del estado base, por tanto, una vez terminado Námek ya no hay Zenkays para justificar dopajes exagerados (para los saiyans por lo menos). Los 3 millones de Goku los tengo más que debunkeados en el vídeo del combate contra Frízer (eran poco más de 300 mil) así que aún siendo un incremento notable no es tan "absurdo" como lo pintas. Saludos!
@fulsted7167 4 месяца назад
Nappa was never stronger than Goku
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
He had to be for the following reasons: 1. When he calmed down, he managed to match Goku's speed and power while having a much greater defense than him. That alone already puts him above Goku in raw power level. 2. Before calming down, he had been fighting and losing strength. Had he not lost that strength, his superiority over Goku would be even more apparent. I recommend you to watch my video analysis for that fight: "Fights with real time Power Levels: vs Nappa" where I demonstrate what I say with more arguments. Regards!
@fulsted7167 4 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ He was never shown to be more durable than Goku. Goku was holding back, until Nappa got too far away so he used kaioken. Nappa MIGHT be equal in raw power, but not skill.
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
@fulsted7167 What??? His endurance was so big that Goku was taken by surprise by it TWICE, first after Nappa tanked all his hits and then when he tanked his Kame-Hame-Ha. Goku had better techniques (the KK alone already put him above Nappa in every sense) but when it comes to raw power when they fought, Nappa was above. Nappa matched Goku's offensive capabilities AFTER having already lost some of his power, that alone puts him above Goku's 8100! Regards!
@fulsted7167 4 месяца назад
@@ScouterSSJ Again, Goku was holding back. Also Nappa was adapting and getting stronger during that fight. If Nappa was stronger, he wouldn't have been surprised by even PL 5000
@ScouterSSJ 4 месяца назад
@@fulsted7167 How could Goku be holding back, when he is clearly pissed off while avenging his friends? But if Goku was holding back, then what was Goku's real power level? Because "more than 8.000" is what he uses against Nappa, are you saying that Goku could go higher? Look, if Goku was playing while avenging his friends' deaths, wouldn't this make him too much of a psychopath? And regarding Nappa being surprised at 5000PL... it's the exact same thing as Vegeta being surprised by that very same number or the 8000+ he shows afterwards. If Vegeta could be surprised while being stronger, Nappa could be as well!