
Dumbest People Of The Emergency Room 

On Tap Studios
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18 сен 2024




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@tomc9453 2 года назад
One time a young woman came in with a sensitive issue. She had been home alone the night before, having an, ahem, intimate moment, with a large candle. Her parents came home sooner than she expected, she panicked and pretended to be asleep when they came to check on her. Unfortunately she actually fell asleep while pretending to be asleep and woke up to find that the candle had melted. The candle that, in her haste, she had forgotten to remove.
@GetDougDimmadomed 2 года назад
I was a medic for my old job. One of my coworkers nailed three of his fingers together with a pneumatic nail gun. He had no reaction, there was no blood (somehow) and all he did was walk to the supervisor's office and shout "Joooooooosh I have an ouchie" like a kid who got a papercut. This was a 5'9, 220 pound full-blooded Scotsman with a full mountain man beard and Jesus hair, so now just imagine that sentence, whining like a little kid, with a scottish accent (he wasn't really whining, he was just talking like that to be funny). It's was funny as shit, and half the crew was laughing uncontrollably, because all the supervisor said was "What the fuck Jake" and called the hospital. The other medic, who literally looks like the reincarnation of Christ, from being Syrian, to being a Carpenter before this job, and having the hair and beard down pat, looked after him while paramedics arrived. Other than that, zero reaction to nailing three fingers together with a 120psi nailer until paramedics arrived. We couldn't extract the nail because it still had pieces of connection wire attached to it. He was gone for about three hours and came back at third break to go back to work. Apparently it missed bone and flesh alike, and only grazed the muscle underneath the skin. The nail somehow merged perfectly between the skin and muscle, else he would have lost those three fingers if it had gone a millimeter more towards the bone. Guy was an oddball and loved goofing off, but my god he was tough as nails. We were buddies, but haven't talked since he moved back to Michigan and gave me one of his cats. There was also a Burmese kid in my division's woodshop that constantly had seizures due to a medical condition, but that's another story. Four people had to hold him down before I left that job and someone put a rubber screwdriver handle behind his teeth so he didn't bite off his tongue and bleed to death. He forgot his medication that day, and it nearly cost him his life.
@harleyangel8239 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo Also please stop putting objects where the sun don't shine, people
@Jakeverhart 2 года назад
Remindes me of a story i heard from Rooster Teeth. I believe it involved a young man from china who was suffering from depression, and for some odd reason he chopped off his p33n. So he immediately hopped on his bicycle and peddled over to the hospital. He gets to the hospital and the doctor is there and said “So did you bring it with you?” The man then gets back on his bike and goes back home to retrieve his member. He goes back to the hospital and was told its too late and its gone for good.
@nicholasnguyen5181 2 года назад
Dang that’s awful… . Also, why?
@nekolalia3389 2 года назад
@@nicholasnguyen5181 at the risk of going full serious business, it reminds me of the stories from the few people who survive jumping off a bridge. on the way down, they have enough time for the reality of what they’ve done to sink in. universally, they realise they want to live before they’ve stopped falling. there’s no Ctrl-Z at that point, though. depression is a hell of a reality filter. dude probably needed to see and feel what a severed 🍆 was like to punch through the fog.
@KingCrusader1280 2 года назад
These are my favorite type of stories. The funny type of pain that is funny later
@TJ-fg3vs 2 года назад
Sleep well Doggo, sleep well! 🐕🐾🐾🐾
@QueenSunstar 2 года назад
Let’s see. Took a kid to the ER with a possible spinal injury because they thought they could jump into their pool from their tree house. Took an idiot to the same ER who thought he could get off by sticking his dong into the opening where water comes out in a pool. There’s the kid who had the bright idea to save his parents a hospital trip by placing his broken leg inside a bucket of cement. That was a fun four hours chipping away hardened cement. There was the guy who thought he could squeeze through an opening 18 inches in diameter in the side of a hill to retrieve his phone. He got his phone, after we spent 18 hours digging him free. There’s the patient We’ve dubbed Malibu Barbie who after being turned down for cosmetic work, thought she could pump her existing breast implants with saline to get them bigger. She got bigger breasts, and a raging infection that ended up costing her her breasts. I love my job.
@AlexRising_ 2 года назад
For the record, ice is AWFUL for burns. Use cool water instead.
@101Volts 2 года назад
And Aloe Vera Gel is great for light burns, like if you touch a hot donut maker for a moment. I'm not so sure how well it works with heavier burns.
@unicornPOW1219 2 года назад
That's why the adults always told me to use a cloth if I ever decided to use a bag of ice, it prevents burns
@williamjackson3582 2 года назад
08:46 This injury made me cringe so much more than the chainsaw incident earlier in the vid. Any traumatic injury where the limb or body part still attached to the body has always horrified me.
@williamfincher2260 2 года назад
That sounds like something that would happen to Fred from "SpongeBob SquarePants." "MY LEG!!!!"
@henrikhyrup3995 2 года назад
3:15 I've seen that happen as well. Dude was 150+ kg and the crowd were like "oh no, not going to risk our health grabbing him!" so he landed belly/face first directly on to the floor. Lots of blood and screaming. Concert ended right there.
@BasedZillenial 2 года назад
The 11 Benadryl girl made me laugh so hard 😭 Taking 2 makes me feel some type of way, I can’t imagine taking 11 💀
@Rocky-rx8wl 2 года назад
@ECjj33 2 года назад
O m gosh that cat story was terrible. What a sick owner! I am also mildly disappointed that the comment in response to that was not “GARY YOU ARE GONNA EAT YOUR DESSERT AND YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE IT.”
@randomsand9394 2 года назад
I pulled the ligaments in my left elbow raising my hand in 5th grade. I can only imagine all the questions the er nurse had
@Roadent1241 2 года назад
My main one is 'How?' so I can avoid it XD
@randomsand9394 2 года назад
I literally just raised my hand and something popped
@Roadent1241 2 года назад
@@randomsand9394 .... Human bodies are weird.
@dragula131 2 года назад
as a former alcoholic, i can attest to the hand sanitizer deal. get jonesing for a drink that bad you try anything. thankfully drinking a shot of that helped me ironically get help to stop drinking.
@naturalist10000 2 года назад
I heard Chugging listerene was more common... either way congrats on your sobriety and hop you're doing well.
@CommodoreFloopjack78 2 года назад
This ridiculous stuff is just too frickin' hilarious. I don't think most people could make this kind of goofy crap up if we had to.
@nicholascasey6473 2 года назад
The point of the cold stick of butter is the transfer of heat. Usually suppose to be done while butter is inside the container as butter goes bad very quickly when warmed.
@ianmoseley9910 2 года назад
glue story reminds of a limerick "... if they pay to get in, they'll pay to get out again too"
@Newbihno 2 года назад
1. A Brazilian hospital was losing patients in ER in same bed very often. It turned out that a lady was unplugging the life support to use the electrical outlet for vacuum cleaner. 2. 27 y.o. patient with covid was refusing to stay with oxygen mask and was removing it. Reason - he red somewhere on internet (of course) that oxygen will burn his lungs. He past away! Darwin award?
@KelleysQuiltsandCruises 2 года назад
Two weeks ago I tore the meniscus is my right knee by getting out of bed and stepping down wrong.
@mariahaustin9036 2 года назад
11:20 lol this happened to my sister and me. A few months back my sister had a HUGE knife and she slammed it into the avocado pit. She didn't notice she sliced dow her hand until it was really bloody. I have a funn story to share about me too, one time my family was cleaning up after a barbique and my sister had a can of jalepenos, she took the medal part of it and started trying to cut me (it was opened with a can opener so it was sharp). I stuck my hand up so she wouldn't cut my face or anything, and this b!tch cuts between my fingers like a few centimeters deep. That sh!t starts pouring blood and it felt really spicy since it was a jalepeno lid. I never went to the hospital :) theres an ugly scar now. I remember when it happened I was so shaken and I held my fingers together before it started bleeding, I knew it would start bleeding as soon as I opened my hand
@schechter01 2 года назад
Your sister sounds like she's borderline psychopath...
@Microbot97 2 года назад
when we trust someone who shot their own foot to see if the boot is bulletproof to defendthe country...
@DarkWolf22K 2 года назад
I've actually heard a doctor call someone an idiot ಠωಠ and then kicked them out
@scorch2155 2 года назад
I am confuses about the chainsaw story because I've never heard of a chainsaw where the blade spins at all times. The ones I've seen have a sort of button in the handle you have to press to make the blade spin as a safety feature and without it the engine just runs without the blade spinning so i don't get how it seemed to cut his foot off and needed to be snuck up on while idling.
@Syoubat 2 года назад
Some older models would keep running
@sarmajere2866 2 года назад
I had a piercing grow over with skin, even though I was rotating and cleaning the thing as instructed. I decided, like a moron, to push it out myself. I should probably have gone to the ER to have it removed, but I was a dumbass who risked something worse. I also once waited to get treatment for a cat bite for 24 hours, the first day because my family said it was no big deal, but the next day, when it swelled, I opted to use movie tickets I’d already purchased, THEN went to the ER because I didn’t want to be out the cost of movie tickets and it was opening day. To this day, I can’t tell you much about Iron Man 3 because my ass was NOT concentrating.
@avatarrash3805 2 года назад
A girl in my high school bought ghost peppers online and brought them to school. She had to leave early after eating one. Not sure what happened after that, but she was fine eventually.
@JH-lb6qf 2 года назад
Super glue....
@Iianator 2 года назад
Got it on my fingers. Didnt know stopped fucking with you after a few days. Spent 3 hours peeling it off
@jrichard88 2 года назад
I have a penis and I still crossed my legs at that story.
@FlatBroke612 2 года назад
@@Iianator acetone/nail polish remover takes that stuff off...
@Iianator 2 года назад
@@FlatBroke612 do time machines work so i can go back before i wasted my time
@terrybeasley5931 2 года назад
Pregnant woman who came in to the ER (not in labor) to have her baby because it was her due date.
@Andrea-lk6qq 2 года назад
my doctor told me about a woman who came in because of pelvic pain and had either 6 or 8 feminine products up inside of her that she had forgotten to remove.
@skorch9094 2 года назад
Speaking of odd butter remedies, my grandma always insisted that we should always put margarine on bee stings o.O
@Ashebrethafe 2 года назад
What you should actually use is a paste of baking soda and water -- it'll neutralize the acid in the sting. Wasp stings, on the other hand, are alkaline, so you should put vinegar on them.
@tent163phantoka 2 года назад
My own story. When I was 15, I tried to go down a Slip-n-slide standing up. Broke my arm in three places.
@jareddemarzo8196 2 года назад
The one about the cat made me really angry.
@Rainbowdragon2 2 года назад
I did this to myself. You know that saying "We do dumb things as teenagers" well my dumb thing resulted in a delayed effect that caused me excruciating pain the next day. I was taking a shower and I had a nasty case of earwax that was driving me up a wall (this was around the turn of the millenium when I was 13). So what do I do? Well I take showers and like them so hot the bathroom essentially turns into a steam bath. So I spray hot water directly into my ear. It doesn't hurt and it took care of the wax so I thought 'problem solved'. The next day, on my way home, I suddenly had excruciating concentrated agony in the ear I "washed out". We go to the doctor's on the same day. Turns out when the hot water reached room temp from cooling off overnight the bacteria in that ear had a field day and burst my ear drum giving it a perforation. I had to rest my ear on an electric blanket to evaporate the water! And the reason I did such a dumb thing in the first place? That stupid Rugrats episode with that "Ear Whiz" invention (i apparently conveniently forgot that at the end of the episode the invention made things WORSE when it came to earwax).
@jeffb.i.5574 2 года назад
Some citizens in Atlanta used to use ambulance to ER then skip out to the nearby mall. Talk about cheating the system...
@10thletter40 2 года назад
I thought it said "El Doctors" of Reddit. I was like, ooh, some Hispanic spice
@ianmoseley9910 2 года назад
carrying a cup of tea and snacks upstairs for someone else - tripped and tried to save the cup of tea, cracked my shoulder on a radiator pipe instead.
@jarrarwinks8470 2 года назад
How many must suffer before there are warnings on star shaped cookie cutters?
@lightning1580 2 года назад
Every day I feel stupid but when I look at these I feel like I have 2000 IQ
@inferlynx737 2 года назад
Oh oh ! I can add to this! My dumbass decided to climb a tree during a heavy rainstorm I fell hit a limb on the way down don’t remember much after that besides ungodly pain woke up in the hospital my mom told me I broke my femur in half basically the sad thing is I was a smart and responsible 14 year old girl who would always hover over my little siblings to make sure they didn’t do anything stupid 😅
@janisbentzen4503 2 года назад
Worked in ER for over 25 years. I could normally keep a straight face but when the guy told me he was working under a car and heard something spraying..... So he lit a match. I laughed out loud. Burns to face and inside of nose so l felt bad...he called me a B.
@Beregond1861 2 года назад
4:19 Sent those little piggies to the market lol.
@iamgroot6965 2 года назад
I was in A&E with menoragghia and the woman in the bed next to me was getting all angry at the fact that they wouldn't admit her because she had rug burn on her knee but they were admitting me,i found it quite funny even though i felt like i was about to pass out
@islandofazrael8344 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@HECKproductions 2 года назад
i am the stupid patient there one of those rolly uppy gates at my place where my bike was stored but some imbecile neighbor had sabotaged the swich such that it could not be opened from the outside i was like ok i will just absail out of the lowest window and open it from the inside problem 1: lowest window couldnt be opened so i tried next one up problem 2: absailing down a vertical wall is much more difficult than the movies would have you believe at least now i have a coucple of screws and a cool scar in my foot
@rembem8007 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo sleep well doggo 🤗
@labtechsuperstar 2 года назад
Sleep well, doggo.
@deborahorwig465 2 года назад
Sleep well, doggo
@williamkowalchik572 2 года назад
Was sitting in the doctor office for an ear infection. Office was located the other side of the ER entrance at the hospital. People drug there daughter into see the doctor she had O.D. Nurses and resecptionn freak out called the ER half carried half drug her the 100 yrs to the ER while screaming at them about how stupid could they be.
@rubysroom9469 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo sleep well doggo :)
@nicholasnguyen5181 2 года назад
Hilarious, and sleep well doggo
@Darthbelal 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo, dammit...
@spacedragon2753 2 года назад
That thumbnail reminded me of Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke
@GothdaddyEG 2 года назад
Im the dumbass I went into the hospital for cellulitis and it came back and now I got to go to the hospital again that's what I get for itching.
@TriviaFreak 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
@Longingtobesomeone 2 года назад
Interesting. I've heard this video before.
@canondocre8650 2 года назад
I wonder if that first story was in WV. A very similar thing happened in Charleston lol. I don't remember the details
@catcatraz6216 2 года назад
Avocado hand is real and this fool can attest to it
@anthonypyritz2927 2 года назад
The sad thing is that these are probably not made-up
@squdineycarolsims4825 2 года назад
Have freaking dessert you freaking cat
@Smalldog444 2 года назад
Sleep we’ll dogo sleep well
@Solomonwo 2 года назад
@Kafj302 2 года назад
I am like number 741
@squarewalnut240 2 года назад
I'M THE 1,000TH LIKE!!
@IcarusClovis7308 2 года назад
Sleep well,doggo
@JayTh3Fox 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@tent163phantoka 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
@yourlocalhockeygirl7719 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@ellenryan701 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@lizmowrey9866 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@ShooberTimber 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@ipplays8617 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@DanielLeonis 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@HadesTheFighter 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@kranberry3318 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@apacheattackhelicopter8410 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@JadeShade09 2 года назад
Sleep well doggo
@figurez5779 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
@miyawedaplayer1237 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
@facistbuster 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
@gobbolily2873 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
@theairisamagician830 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
@Xxfoxy4070xX 2 года назад
sleep well doggo
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