
Elder Christofferson Provides Context on Handbook Changes Affecting Same-Sex Marriages 

Church Newsroom
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Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reaffirmed the Church’s position on marriage and outlined changes in Church policy affecting same-sex couples and their children. The interview will help Church members, the media and the public better understand the context and purpose of the changes, which have been discussed extensively in the news media, on social media and elsewhere.



13 июл 2024




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@tinselPixie 8 лет назад
Thank you so very much for this interview Elder Christofferson. I am trying calmly to deal with acquaintances that are blowing everything out of proportion and this helps me immensely. Thank you! :)
@mmenrobuel 8 лет назад
+Jeanne Haessler So you, as someone who is likely not affected by this policy in the least, are saying that the people who are affected by this are blowing things out of proportion. I sure hope this helped you minimize their concerns enough to feel comfortable not examining your own role in their upset.
@Malignus68 8 лет назад
+Jeanne Haessler Did you even hear what Elder Christofferson said? He said that this policy change is the direct desire of Jesus Christ. Do you honestly believe that Jesus has decided that some innocent babies are not worthy of His church's blessing because of who its parents are? Seriously? If that makes a bit of sense to you, then you are exactly the kind of unquestioning, unthinking blind follower the church requires you to be.
@dominique___1980 8 лет назад
+Jeanne Haessler - This comment is satire, right?
@mechwd-gaming 8 лет назад
+nbkcq28 Kids are fully welcome. Not sure where you got that from. They are welcome to come to church, go to primary, and interact with everyone there. They just aren't allowed membership without special permission. This is done to ovoid a rift between the church, kids, and parents. The church sees it better to keep the family unit together rather than have strife because of conflicting teachings. The kid is more than welcome to join the church when they are of legal age. They are also not renouncing their parents, only the sin that their parents are happening to be doing. There is a big difference there. Gays are only considered apostates to force a displine, and honestly, it is against the church to act on gay things (like marriage and co-habitation), so why wouldn't you force a displine. Saying they are apostates is just a state where that displine hearing can be enacted. I fail to see the issue everyone is raising. God knows and sees all. He wouldn't just damn a child because of their parents. In fact if a child does die before 18, Im positive that the Lord would give him a opportunity to fully accept the gospel and all the saving ordinances in the after life. So chill.
@mmenrobuel 8 лет назад
They're only renouncing the sin their parents happen to be engaging in: the sin that is the relationship on which their family is built. So, the church is asking grown children of gay couples to first move out, and then turn to their family and say "This? This is not a family." That is the issue.
@rrrrrrrr290 8 лет назад
at the 4min mark Elder Christofferson say "we don't want to mislead people there is no kindness there" but how many times has the church mislead its members?
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 8 лет назад
+S C G Rather bigoted claim to make.
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 8 лет назад
***** Except that he is not telling the truth. And even if he were telling the truth, bigotry is defined as a person's intolerance of another's beliefs, and you can be intolerant even if factually correct. The two are not mutually exclusive. Nice try though with your fallacy of composition, trying to equate truth with tolerance and falsehood with bigotry.
@milesmoore8705 8 лет назад
+fred smith How many times has the church miss lead... never. However satan show has misslead you all... boy he is having a field day. So sad you all are falling for it.
@ElChileno101 8 лет назад
The church is perfect as is founded on the same principles heat christ stablished. The members are not perfect... Your comment makes no sense.
@milesmoore8705 8 лет назад
Fred why is it you all focus on one event out of our amazing history that was done by some stupid members who should have known better (no they have not found any links to BY or the church to this event). All due to their hate for missiourians killing Mormons. Why is it you all do not make comments about the Christians that killed many Mormons? I might add before you all made an issue with moutain meadows the church had helped build a monument to that event so people would not forget the it. There is a reunion when members and non members come together to remember, etc. I assume you are a Christian and so should I list the endless list of Christians killing others, and not just killing Mormons?
@AxelQC 8 лет назад
How about getting an actual reporter to interview you, not an employee from your own PR department?
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 8 лет назад
+AxelQC 1. This is not an interview. This is an announcement in a Q&A format. 2. Which reporter? The vast majority of reporters are anti-religious, anti-Christian, and less than 7% identify as Republican. Getting what you call an "actual reporter" would be like getting a PR representative of a rival company to interview him.
@robpaulson7992 8 лет назад
+AxelQC would love to see that interview. . . Elder Christofferson lacks the empathy, compassion and warmth to persuade anybody that this policy is intended to benefit children of gay couples. He comes across like Donald Rumsfeld supporting the Bush administration's Irag war policy. IN a real press interview he would not be able to effectively answer the difficult questions, and he would end up making the church look even more cruel and unchristian. The church will first have to significantly revise the policy, then they could send in Elder Oaks or Holland to try to explain it and calm the growing public outcry.
@cdowis 8 лет назад
+Rob Poulson His purpose was not to persuade, but merely to explain. The questions and answers were appropriate to that purpose.
@robpaulson7992 8 лет назад
To dictate
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 8 лет назад
AxelQC *Chuckle No, leftist reporters have blind faith in the idea of centralized national governments. They rarely use logic, as it is all about furthering the Agenda. Pushing and prodding people towards accepting leftist ideology. Secondly, you look like a bigot when you call a representative of the Church's PR department a "toady". Extraordinarily disrespectful.
@daveridley4104 8 лет назад
People are wondering. Some are personally torn. Some feel outraged. Simply consider. Before we have a heated debate, consider the context of these children. My view does NOT represent the official position of the Church and I don’t claim to know, fully, what that is. I want to point out that before I saw this video or heard the church's official response or explanation, I thought through the situations of the children and the families who are actually facing this situation. I had NOT considered how these policies already apply to children of polygamous households, but that is consistent there as well. I thought about 6 different ways where the principles behind these policies are already applied: 1) I thought about children of active members of the church first - in an active member family, children are baptized at 8 - because the child needs the support of the parents to KEEP the covenant the child is making. Think about it - the church is in the business of building FAMILIES and we expect the child to be obedient to the parent. It is one of the basic commandments to honor mother and father. So in a family where the actions and lifestyle of the father and mother support the teachings of the church, the child is not forced to choose between the family and the church. The only reason children can be baptized at 8 is because they have the support of the parents to keep that covenant. There is no “right” of baptism - nobody has a “right” to demand God bless them with membership or anything else in or out of the church and, quite frankly, anyone operating under that misunderstanding will find this a hard doctrine. It is about the child’s support team without which proper support the child should not be baptized at 8 because he or she cannot realistically keep the covenant on their own. 2) I thought about the families where one or both parents are NOT members of the church and do not believe or support the baptism. This, by the way, was my own situation. The church does not presume to baptize children without the consent and support of the parents - even if the child believes and really wants to be a member of the church - because we know that the child is not really free to act for herself/himself when their loyalty and duty to honor parents is at odds with their duty & loyalty to Jesus Christ. The covenant of baptism is a FULL IMMERSION - 100%, covered - in Christ and cannot be a partial or split loyalty. My father had said, "When you turn 18, you can do what you want, but while you live under MY roof, you are NOT a Mormon." So I waited until I was 18 and began a formal investigation of the church the day after I graduated high school and moved out of my parents' home. At that time, it did not compete with my loyalty to my family and my obedience to my father's wishes. 3) I thought about other groups that have always been denied baptism on the same principles: prisoners, addicts, members of repressive anti-Christian governments. I had not considered those from polygamous households, but that applies here as well and for the same reasons. Let's take them in turn: a) Those who are under the constraints on their agency placed on them by Prison or ongoing felony probation: The covenant of baptism is a covenant to take upon ourselves the name of Christ and serve Him to the End. A prisoner does not have the basic human freedom to do this. They have placed upon them the name of the state and a prior commitment which they have not completed. Even though HUGE NUMBERS of people “find Jesus” in prison, they don’t have the personal freedom sufficient to act fully upon that faith. If, for instance, they- with real intent and in sincerity of heart - wanted to serve a mission, the STATE first has claim upon them and can prevent them from doing so. They can’t leave their cell to follow Jesus. Even outside of a physical prison, a portion of their agency is under influence of the state until their formal probation is ended. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not baptize prisoners, those on probation, or any other persons who do not have the freedom requisite to keep the covenant they are making. It is the same with children raised in homes where same sex relationships prevail and their parent has first claim upon their agency - whether to attend church, to go to mutual, to freely share in living all of the natural expressions of the baptismal covenant. b) Those who are under the constraints on their agency placed on them by addiction - to “hard” street or prescription drug abuse or even addiction to the legal drugs found in alcohol, simple coffee, tea, tobacco, and legalized marijuana: The covenant of baptism is a covenant to take upon ourselves the name of Christ and serve Him to the End. An addict does not have the basic human freedom to do this. As long as a portion of their spirit operates under the cravings for a substance, their ability to give their allegiance to Christ and Christ only is compromised. Even though HUGE NUMBERS of people with addictions have faith in Christ and a desire to serve Him, they don’t have the personal freedom sufficient to fully act upon that faith. If, for instance, they - with real intent and in sincerity of heart - wanted to serve in a calling as a primary teacher, the ADDICTION first has claim upon them and can prevent them from receiving and acting upon the inspiration to do so. They can’t leave their addiction behind and follow the scriptural requirement “O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength…” (See D&C 4:2) because addiction robs one of ALL of those. In other words, to the very degree that one is addicted - even slightly - to that very same degree, their heart, might, mind, and strength are impaired by addiction and to that exact degree, they are not capable of keeping their baptismal covenant. Far better that the addict clear up and resolve their addiction before entering into covenants at baptism, at the sacrament table, at reception of the priesthood, or at the House of the Lord. Even when a soul is not under the direct influence of a substance, a portion of their agency is under the command of the addiction until that addiction is resolved and their driving need and compulsion for that substance is ended. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not baptize addicts - large or small - who do not have the freedom requisite to keep the covenant they are making. It is the same with children raised in homes where same sex relationships prevail and their parent has first claim upon their agency - whether to serve in callings, share their testimonies as an official representative, or in all other ways to freely share in living all of the natural expressions of the baptismal covenant. c) Those who are under the constraints on their agency placed on them by oppressive, dictatorial governments - such as Communist nations of China, Laos, etc; the Muslim Nations of Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, etc; or even the nation of ISRAEL ITSELF!: The covenant of baptism is a covenant to take upon ourselves the name of Christ and serve Him to the End. A citizen of a nation opposed to Christianity and the proselytizing of other religions does not have the basic human freedom to do this. They have placed upon them the name of the state and a split loyalty to their country from which they receive benefit. Even though HUGE NUMBERS of people “find Jesus” while being citizens of anti-Christian nations and long for baptism and full membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, they don’t have the personal freedom sufficient to act fully upon that faith. If, for instance, they - with real intent and in sincerity of heart - wanted to be assigned as a home teacher and spread the gospel that they so love, the STATE first has claim upon them and can prevent them from doing so. They can’t leave their military service, their civic responsibilities, their national culture behind to follow Jesus - and OFTEN without a serious threat to their lives or the lives of their families. Even outside of the geographic borders of their nation - such as on work visa to the Unites States - a portion of their agency is under influence of the state until their formal citizenship to their nation of origin is ended. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not baptize persons with citizenship in a nation opposed thereto, does not baptize persons with political ties or obligations to such, or any persons without the consent of their rightful government. We desire to empower people to keep the covenant they are making. It is the same with children raised in homes where same sex relationships prevail and their parent has first claim upon their agency - whether to act as a representative of Christ’s church, to go on to partake of the sacrament or other temple blessings, or in all other ways to freely share in living all of the natural expressions of the baptismal covenant. The policy is clear and consistent - whether the conflict impinging upon the agency of a true believer of Christ comes from their imprisonment, addiction, government, or even their own family culture, the Church of Jesus Christ actively avoids extending covenants to people who are not fully able to keep those covenants. I know in my heart that putting a child under a covenant she or he cannot keep will harm the child and weaken the family. I repeat that I was raised in a home of split loyalties. I promise you it is anguish. And so, I myself waited until I was 18 and moved out on my own to join the church - where I could do so without disloyalty to my father. Children of parents practicing same sex relationships need the freedom to do the same at a time which does not damage the love, loyalty, and commitment to their parent. Thank you for listening.
@breelynnhone1059 8 лет назад
I really do not think a same sex married couple is going to be actively going to the LDS church every week. they do not live the doctrine. right? why would they want their children to be baptized into a faith they don"t believe in enough to follow?
@justthefacts1910 8 лет назад
+Breelynn However, there are same sex married couples that go to the LDS church every week and want their children to be baptized. This is the exact reason why the LDS church is changing its policy. You are creating a false dichotomy (only two choices). You don't have to live all of the doctrine to go to church. You don't have to follow everything to believe in all or some of the things.
@johnnyman562 7 лет назад
My initial take on it is this. First of all, the church isn't banning anybody, it is simply saying you cannot get baptized until you are 18 and independent if you were raised by a gay couple. You can still go to church, go to activities and the hope is that they will be welcomed and encouraged and loved when they do. There are a lot of requirements to get baptized, so its not like this is randomly the only rule. Second off, I think the reason they are specifically waiting till a person is 18 and living out of the parents home is because in a lot of circumstances, both in the U.S. and around the world, people, especially children, want to get baptized but their parents do not approve. And unfortunately, some parents become so angered by their child's decision to join the church that they will disown them and throw them out of the house. Now if you are younger than 18 years old and you are thrown out of your house, that is a horrible situation to be in. I personally know a few different people who were disowned for joining the church and they were left for a time to live on the streets and beg for money. Luckily they all landed on their feet and are doing better. But the point I am trying to make here is that I think the church in a way is protecting Children from these types of circumstances. While it may seem rather persecutory to do this to a child who cant even control where they are raised, they also cant control whether or not those parents treat them well after joining a church where they are taught that their parents are basically engaging in an adulterous, and very grievous sin. And especially when the Child is being taught these things about their parents behavior where their parents have very strong convictions in the opposite direction, it can cause a lot of conflict. Now I am not saying that all, or even many gay couples would disown or even hate their child for joining the church, but there would for sure be lots of contention, arguments, and confusion in that situation. So I think in order to keep balance in the Childs' lives and make sure they join the church when it is best for them, especially for those being raised in these conflicting circumstances, the Church has set up strict guidelines to ensure the protection of those who want to join. I am grateful for the standards and morals that I've been taught, and the happiness that this church has brought to my life. My hope for all children everywhere is that they do look into the church & learn what I have learned to be true happiness.
@jeffs.3348 8 лет назад
Then why do kids still get baptized who's parent(s) don't personally believe in the church, who are NOT married, who have murdered, raped someone, choose anything contrary to the church? Doesn't this fall under the same category as "difficulties/challenges/conflicts?" Please, anyone?
@Malignus68 8 лет назад
If a same-sex couple had presented a baby to Jesus himself, would He have turned that baby away? Did Jesus ever once interview a child's parents or review a child's circumstances before inviting that child into His midst? How could any Christian say to a new-born baby "you are not worthy of our blessing because of who your parents are"?
@dominique___1980 8 лет назад
+Malignus68 - This comes from the assumption that any modern day religion who identifes as "Christian" .. actually represents The Christ. WWJD? NOT THIS!!!
@nna00100 8 лет назад
+Malignus68 I don’t think that is what is being done here. I think the idea is to help avoid any strife in the home. If the church doesn’t believe in homosexual marriage then why would a homosexual couple want their kid to be baptized in the LDS church? This is meant to remove that option and any discontent that the child would have with the parents if he or she wanted to be baptized against the will of their parents. When they are 18 they are now capable of starting their own lives and making their own decisions, and all parents (regardless of sexual orientation) will have to live with that. Also at the very end of the video, 9:37, he states that everyone can receive a blessing of healing and comfort, including these children. Of course this is just my understanding, you may choose to disagree.
@TeetMauLau 8 лет назад
+Malignus68 "If a same-sex couple had presented a baby to Jesus himself, would He have turned that baby away?" No, he would have just taken the child away and offered it a moral environment for his/her salvation.
@Malignus68 8 лет назад
Jesus the Kidnapper.
@TeetMauLau 8 лет назад
God save the child! (Not the "Queen" in this case)
@rollnbowl8070 8 лет назад
The handbook changes don't affect same-sex marriages--they affect their children. Something, something...punished own sins...something something Adam's transgression...
@enilknj 8 лет назад
"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 8 лет назад
+nathan kline Christ was talking about teaching the children the gospel. Not putting them in danger of condemning themselves as anyone who denies the Holy Ghost (the sin of knowing the truth and turning against it like Judas).
@romanempire8705 8 лет назад
either you are accepting this is the true Churh of God, or your purpose is to troll. Well look for my comment about the children, I don't mean to know the reason for all things, but if you put yourself in the children place you will understand what truly is going on...
@romanempire8705 8 лет назад
+GreyWolfLeaderTW wow, that's also really logical too, thanks!
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 8 лет назад
Brad Beachell Your rationalizing your prejudice against the LDS Church and Mormons in general here. I have to also question the truthfulness of your claims, as this is the internet, and you can claim anything on here without being held accountable for lying.
@nirtlocj 6 лет назад
Nice try, Nathan.
@micknat7665 8 лет назад
This is what I figured. Glad they released this interview.
@JeffreyQProductions 8 лет назад
That's exactly what I thought when I saw all the hubbub on facebook today. I thought about one of the guys in my elder's quorum who grew up as a polygamist. I thought "You know, he probably had to do the exact same thing." Great response.
@A-1BurmaShave 8 лет назад
I've made this point with several individual posters and one poster suggested I post this as a separate comment rather than just a response so that others can read it. The points made by many posters that are critical of the LDS church's decision to delay name blessings and baptism until 18 years of age contain a logical flaw that readers should be alerted to. There are only two positions aren't there? 1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is exactly what it says it is--namely the only true and living on the face of the earth, the only church to contain the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only church to contain the priesthood of God with the power to seal families together forever in eternity, and the only church to offer the ordinances necessary to allow individuals to walk back into the presence of God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. or.... 2. It is a false church founded by the devil designed to lead people away from heaven and consign them to hell and damnation for all eternity, forever shut out of the presence of the Father and the Son, to be subject to the devil and his minions forever. There is no third option. The Church is either of God or the devil. Therefore, why on earth would anti-Mormon individuals be upset with the Church's recent announcement of delaying name blessings and baptism until 18 years of age if they believed (as they surely do) that it is a FALSE church? Why would they want children baptized into a false church founded by the devil and designed to deny people of salvation for all eternity? Wouldn't a more logical position be for these anti-Mormons to applaud this announcement? Unless....they actually, deep down believe the LDS Church IS what it claims to be, in which case their concern, while misguided, would at lease make sense. It is completely ridiculous for these so-called "Christians" to be angry that children can't join the church of Satan. If I read that the Catholic church (which I believe is a false, man-made organization) was denying baptism for children until they reached the age of 18, I would rejoice at that news since I would feel that now these children wouldn't be indoctrinated with what I consider false doctrine. Therefore, all of these anti-Mormons, if they choose to express anger over the LDS's church announcement are really admitting one of two things: 1. They believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true and living church on the face of the earth or... 2. They WANT to see children baptized into the church of the devil and be denied salvation for all eternity. There is no third option.
@unsealedrex3446 8 лет назад
Even Jesus taught things that caused outrage and caused people to stop following Him. Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. 60 On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” 61 Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? 62 Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! 63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you-they are full of the Spirit[a] and life. 64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. 65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.” 66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. 67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
@help4343 8 лет назад
+Bry H After you doubt your doubts, you should doubt the doubt of your doubts.
@csqw 8 лет назад
+Bry H "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith" has got to be the most blatant piece of brainwashing speech ever muttered by an LDS apostle. The line is LITERALLY saying that one should not question things that are illogical. They are saying that if I doubt that the Native Americans are descended from the lost tribe of Israel (based on extensive genetic data that says the contrary) that I should not think critically about this new piece of information. I should instead doubt my own judgment and faith. It is truly a brilliant line of propaganda speech...
@unsealedrex3446 8 лет назад
+Trent csqw We just have to pray and seek and we will find. I've found marvelous, amazing and very real answers to my prayers. The aforementioned quote about doubts is saying, before you discount all of the spiritually positive experiences you've had, take a look at your doubt and seek answers instead of a knee jerk reaction throwing it all away. God answers prayers, He truly does.
@csqw 8 лет назад
Bry H Prayers are simply based on probability. Some prayers work out for you, but some don't. You praise God when your prayers are answered, yet when they are not answered, then you state "well, I guess it is in his plan". Thus, under this false premise, God is never wrong because he will do whatever he wants regardless of your prayers. Prayers are pointless.
@susancluff9371 7 лет назад
Your saying prayer is just a statistical probability issue - and it doesn't sound like yo believe God even is there. He IS there, HE is your and my Father - and I couldn't live in the despair you are when I know differently.
@gongoozleriam9783 7 лет назад
I like watching this information in video format. I love seeing the apostles in person having conversations.
@AlbersFamilyVids 8 лет назад
Glad to see that the interviewer doesn't avoid asking pointed questions about why bring the kids into this, fairness for all, blessings of the sick etc.
@VctrRc 8 лет назад
So what if a child from a same sex couple simply wants to attend Church? Will they be sent away? If they are allowed in, won't they be exposed to differing philosophies anyway and still be placed in the same conundrum?
@LifeyApp 8 лет назад
Thank you for sharing, we love and support you Elder Christofferson!
@Malignus68 8 лет назад
+Prepare to Serve! No, we don't. The man is a liar. In one breath he says this is the will of Jesus Christ, and in another breath he says that questions within the church spurned this policy. So are we to understand that Jesus heard all the questions and in response decided to stop giving His blessing to certain babies? Don't make me laugh. To know that even one person hears and accepts that asinine story is utterly shameful. I'm embarrassed for you.
@ceemaiden8908 8 лет назад
+Prepare to Serve! yes we do love and support you Elder Christofferson!
@ceemaiden8908 8 лет назад
Meh. I don't care. Bullying members of the Church just shows who the real hater here is. And anyone can see that, your antics are getting old. If you don't like us, why are you so absessed with us? We all know it dude
@yashaouchan 8 лет назад
Hakken Krax Howl Sarcasm?
@ceemaiden8908 8 лет назад
Except that I have never seen a Mormon bully or name call a gay person, EVER! The anti mormon crowd, on the other hand... As Elder Christofferson said, there is no compassion is teaching false truths. It is the new religious fanatics (progressives) who won't accept anyone with different views than them. The difference is they do try to bully us into silence. But get ready, because tradicionalism is growing with full force, and many will find in the Mormon faith the beacon of light they were looking for
@832colleen 8 лет назад
Well, I am convert to the Church, and I am sexually attracted to both women and men. I am active, faithful, 100% worthy and agree with this change in POLICY. It's not a change in DOCTRINE. For some reason loads of people think that GOD and members of the Church can't love a person but disapprove of the sin. We all have our trails in life that we struggle with. Same-gender attraction is one of them. I don't choose who I am sexually attracted to (no joke women are gorgeous), but I can choose to control my actions. Just my two cents that no one will really care about.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
+Glen Danielsen Thanks! It's super beautiful that sincere prayer will help the pure in heart understand the true reason behind this change in policy. I would be lying if I said it was easy to be in my situation, but I am so happy and full of joy because I feel the Lord guiding and teaching me.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
+Brad Beachell (blad) You can call me evil all you like Brad or other religious people. If you had any idea the woman I was 9 years ago before I found Christ and His Gospel, back then you would have called me evil and a hypocrite. Your words are hateful and hurtful so I can tell that your words lack love which mean they are not guided by the Spirit. You are untitled to your own opinion, but pretend that you know me or other people in the Church. I used to be an Anti-Mormon so I know that loads of the things you are reading are not from accurate, reliable sources. But you go right on head and think what you want, your words won't change what I know to be true.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
+Glen Danielsen That is 100% okay with me. I hope it helps.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
+Brad Beachell (blad) Too bad it says right in the post where you sited D&C 132...."the PRINCIPLE OF PLURAL MARRIAGE". Trust me Brad, I know the doctrine of the Church, but you go right on and keep believing that you do, because your posts are evidence that you don't.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
+Brad Beachell (blad) So, you think "training" is needed to represent God? Wow. Then you shouldn't believe the words in the Bible, because those men that wrote words as inspired by the Spirit were not trained.
@markjackson3944 8 лет назад
The perspective of one active Latter-day Saint I have been deeply saddened by the many misled and misleading comments that have been made in response to the policy changes of the LDS Church regarding same-sex marriage and custodial children. Hearts of good people are broken, and that breaks my heart. Certainly, these events are a trial of faith for many people. Trials of faith can lead us closer to God-or, if we let them, they can distance us from Him. The outcome is up to us. Opposition to these policy changes-ironically, even among people who disregard the LDS Church-has been unmistakable. Nevertheless, the rightness of the policy and the truthfulness of the principles involved are independent of personal belief and opinion. We know that "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14). Also, God said, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" (Isaiah 55:8). We have read and heard many arguments that the new policies are unjust or even hateful. Nevertheless, we know that God "doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world" (2 Nephi 26:24). For many people, greater faith is required to sense the mercy and love that are the foundation of the changes. How are the policies founded in love and mercy? First, I will refer to homosexuals who obtain marriage status. On a number of occasions, we learn in the Book of Mormon that when the people forsook their covenants and rebelled against God, the promised land was "cursed for their sake." Their prosperity and, more importantly, their ability to propagate grievous sins through the generations were hindered-often through famine, natural disasters, war, and so forth. These kinds of calamities functioned much like a flame retardant for these people-a mechanism to prevent the corruption and corrosion from progressing intergenerationally. The new LDS Church policies regarding homosexual marriage are also much like a flame retardant. God has “cursed” the marriage of homosexuals “for their sake.” To God, His children's companionship with Him in the eternities and their ability to become as He is are much more important than their often misguided pursuits of self-gratification. In fact, God's greatest goal-His work and His glory-is that we become like Him and our Mother-divine individuals whose very existence is characterized by Their Parenthood. Homosexual relations can never result in the kind of Parenthood that characterizes God, and God's perfect manifestation of love-a guided path by which we can become as He is-does not include homosexual relations. Further, God did not "create" homosexuality-instead, it is the product of a fallen and imperfect world in which weakness, illness, brokenness, and eventually death afflict us all. All things that prevent us from being like God are the result of this fallen state. And we-not God-are solely responsible for this state. He gave us agency, but He does not dictate our exercise of it. And to suppose that homosexual relations are good or right just because they reflect some people’s natural dispositions is to suggest that virtually all behaviors should be deemed acceptable, without regard to their immediate or long-term consequences. Understanding homosexual marriage in the context of its effects on eternal trajectories and the progress of God’s work of salvation can help to provide justification for identifying this practice as apostasy. Classifications of apostasy are instituted to provide an unmistakable distinction between the path that can lead us back to God and the many other paths that exist. Such distinctions are particularly important when a behavior that leads us away from God receives widespread public or legal support. In this kind of situation, God prevents the broad acceptance of such behavior from corrupting and weakening His Church from within by classifying the behavior specifically as apostasy. This classification clarifies to people of the world that homosexual relations preclude full participation in the LDS Church, and it clarifies to members of the LDS Church that such relations make one unworthy of full fellowship in the Lord's kingdom on earth and unworthy of entrance into His kingdom after this life. In this way, the new policies enhance our ability to exercise agency by illuminating the true nature of two paths whose distinction is blurry to many people-including some members of the LDS Church-but which are nevertheless very distinct in the eyes of God. Thus, the new policies give light and direction to those who have not yet become convinced that they should forsake homosexual behaviors, and it prevents those in the LDS Church who might be proponents of such behaviors and lifestyles from spreading their influence among other members of the LDS Church. The bottom line is that the new policy changes illustrate God’s efforts to entice His children to choose behaviors that can allow them to feel comfortable in His presence. Those who have engaged in homosexual relations have an unmistakable invitation to bring their lives back into harmony with God’s path. The policy is an act of love. It’s an act of mercy. Now I will address the implications for adoptive children of homosexual couples. When someone is repeatedly taught that the lifestyle of his or her homosexual parent or adoptive parents-a lifestyle that might be easily misconstrued as good-will lead to severe and potentially eternal negative consequences, the resultant intense internal conflict that involves having to choose between two fundamentally important sources of identity might cause permanent psychological and emotional damage for many children and adolescents. These implications and the threat of family conflict and disruption have already been spoken of by Elder Christofferson and others. Another important consequence of these policy changes as they pertain to children is worth noting. As I implied before, homosexual marriage is different from murder, child abuse, and rape-which virtually no one suggests are "good" or "appropriate" behaviors-and therefore which do not pose a threat of widespread apostasy WITHIN the LDS Church. Homosexual marriage, on the other hand, has received a tremendous amount of public support and now legal support. A rapidly growing number of people associate homosexual marriage with love, fidelity, understanding, belonging, and other ideals that are virtually universally accepted as “good”-including among members of the LDS Church. Accordingly, when not considered in a perspective that involves the guidance of a Divine Father in Heaven, the creation of eternal families, and the process of becoming like God, homosexual marriage can easily appear acceptable or even desirable. However, because it is-in the reality of our eternal existence-an institution that halts and even reverses one’s progress toward God, classifying the behavior as apostasy is, again, essential to provide a clear and renewed distinction between two paths that for an increasing number of people in the world are virtually indistinguishable. How do these principles apply to the circumstances of children who are in the custody of a biological parent involved in a homosexual relationship or the custody of two adoptive same-sex parents? The widespread appeal of homosexual marriage-and the consequent growing multitude of children and youth who condone or encourage it-could lead to generalized apostasy WITHIN the LDS Church. Such a process would involve a tragic paradigm shift away from eternal truth that could change the entire identity of the LDS Church and generate a period of disintegration as sweeping as the forms of internal apostasy that led to the complete falling away of Christ’s ancient Church. Just as continually broadening the definition of marriage has made the institution virtually meaningless, making accommodations in the LDS Church for the endless array of deviant behaviors that some people condone would destroy the very identity of the Church. This threat of widespread apostasy within the LDS Church is perhaps the greatest justification for not permitting full participation of children of homosexual custodial parents. In other words, the new policies are, in effect, prolonging the life and protecting the purity and integrity of the LDS Church and its doctrine and mission. Without the policy changes, affected children and adolescents might otherwise never have an option to join the LDS Church as we know it, even when they reach age 18. The new policies ensure that the LDS Church will remain intact, pure, consistent, and dependable for both the immediately affected children and youth and their posterity. They ensure that the Church will remain a stable vehicle for carrying out God’s work of salvation. In sum, the new policies regarding homosexual marriage and custodial children perform a number of important functions, all of which are manifestations of the love of God for His children. • First, they illuminate the distinction between two paths that are becoming less and less distinguishable to most people in the world but that are nevertheless very distinct in their acceptability before God and in their eternal consequences. • Second, they serve as an invitation for those who have considered or have already chosen a path that distances them from God to bring their lives back into harmony with God’s laws. • Third, they protect dependent children and youth from deep and poignant internal psychological conflict and intense family disruption that can result from having to choose between the two fundamentally important sources of identity. • Fourth, they protect the purity and integrity of the LDS Church and its mission and doctrine, so that the organization can persist into future generations and continue as a vehicle of salvation.
@bobbyjoehenry797 8 лет назад
Please, let the hate continue. People will see the church for what it is: a hateful, bigoted organization that has an axe to grind with good-hearted, genuine, kind, loving people who don't happen to fit their idea of "traditional values".
@832colleen 8 лет назад
Well, I am a Mormon that's sexually attracted to women and I have never felt hated one bit since I joined the Church. :-) Lots of love.
@bobbyjoehenry797 8 лет назад
Colleen O That's very fortunate for you. I personally know LGBT people in and around the Mormon community whose experiences have been quite different. I've generally seen older Mormons less accepting and younger more accepting of LGBT people & lifestyles. This policy change/clarification is a definite strike against the LGBT people and community, there's simply no other way to frame it.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
+Colleen O I know there are people both inside and outside of the church that are punkfaces towards the homosexual people. I have seen it. Everyone sins differently. Being sexually attracted to someone of the same sex isn't a sin, but acting upon it is. I have to control my actions with both men and women so that I don't cross a line and fall into sin as well. It's hard but possible.
@bobbyjoehenry797 8 лет назад
Colleen O Having attraction isn't sin but acting upon it is, is the mantra of the modern church. You'll find that level of kindness wasn't present anywhere in the church until recently. I can recall some particularly hateful quotes from Spencer W. Kimball. It was such a vile subject to him he hated to even call it by name in his church talk, referring to homosexuality.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
+Bobby Joe Henry I feel that the world in general now is more open to differences. My grandpa who isn't a member of the church (I'm the only member in my family), is SUPER racist and homophonic. I feel the older generations were just raised different by their parents.
@hrhbear 6 лет назад
Interesting how he claims it s only a problem if the person becomes an advocate against church policy. But isn't that what the church did when they put out lots of money to lobbyists against proposition 8 a few years ago in California to stop it from passing forward?
@genehandyside449 8 лет назад
it's interesting to see, so much confusion, so much hate and so many opinions and yet not a leg to stand on.... I'm a man of color and understand the reason why it took till 1978 to get the priesthood, I have grown up with Gay Uncle's who have more a father figure to me then most... I've had the privilege to serving a mission and help people with Same gender attraction join the church and are now married in the temple... and when see this video an apostle of the Lord speaking, I feel the spirit. I understand that this is God's church not man's and this is what is put in place for a reason... there is nothing wrong with having genuine questions about such a topic or any topic but how we came to know this church is of God is the same way we can find out if this is revelation of man or Revelation from God... it's so simple that we can miss the very essence of Heavenly Father's plan..
@sunnivalindekleiv8450 8 лет назад
Baptism and ordination to the priesthood are not just "important life events". It is a setting where we make covenants. I think this new Church policy protects children from feeling a conflict of loyalty between the doctrines of the Church, the content of the covenants they would make, and how their families are living.
@funkyut 8 лет назад
President Monson has also said to follow the commandments. Love thy neighbor as thy self. Yet they are in no way loving their gay neighbors, dividing families is not love and is a contradiction to Families are Forever and Family isn't it about time. President Monson has said Love one another even as I have loved you, yet he doesn't love gay people the same way as heterosexual people. God teaches he is no respecter of persons how has the LDS church chosen to ignore that simple truth? And go against God's teachings. President Monson has said follow the Articles of Faith. Yet it seems to be ok to ignore article two sins of the fathers. Article 4 ignores baptism for children, thus cutting off eternal blessings. That is NOT love. Article 6 except when it involves Polygamist, Blacks or gay people. Article 8 One of the most important thing spoken about in scripture and since the being of time is unconditional Love! God's gay children are not being translated correctly nor are the scriptures or commandments. You can not say you love a child and are protecting them when it sets out to endangers their eternal salvation by disallowing them, that which helps everyone else get through life. This is reckless endangerment of a child. How would All Church members like to be told sorry you are heterosexual therefore your children couldn’t receive the entire blessing afforded to gay parents? Article 12 you can not say you sustain the laws of the land, then go against the very law you sustain. God is not a contradictory God, nor is his he a hypocrite! President Monson has also taught to not be a hypocrite, The lord hates a hypocrite. The bible say's you are a sinner just like gay people, if you have been divorced and remarried you have committed adultery. Is the church going to tell those people, your children can't be baptized because of the sins of their parents, or will they be excommunicated for breaking God's law? According to the word of God their sin is the same as homosexuality. Our all the children of Illegal Immigrants, Their parents are breaking God’s laws by lying and not honoring obeying and sustaining the law, Not only are they breaking moral law they are breaking civil law worse then gay parent’s. Will they too be told their children can’t be baptized until 18 and must disavow their parents because of their wickedness? Our how about women who have children out of wedlock. Are their children unable to be baptized and will they have to wait until 18 and disavow their mother? God is not a god of confusion or a God of contention or contradiction. The Devil is the one that orchestrates everything the church has put out regarding his Gay Children. God does not orchestrate hate, division, judgement and hypocrisy.
@danieldelapena6363 8 лет назад
+funkyut That's like saying "oh Jesus said love thy neighbor as you love thyself, but in another verse he said Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword for I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW..." This policy has never stated that we have to hate homosexuals, or that we have to be disrespectful to them. Jesus always condemn the sin, not the sinner, that what the Church does! And is not about "oh the church loves straight people but they hate gay people!" in the Church the commandments apply to everyone! For example let's say I'm a straight non-member of the Church, if I was cheating on my wife I wouldn't be allowed to be baptize, I wouldn't be allowed to sealed to my family, etc etc. until i fully repent. Does that mean that the Church hates me? no!
@paigettie 8 лет назад
I do have a question: How does this new policy apply for couples who have had a child together, but then one spouse divorces because of same gender attraction and then marries and becomes a same gender marriage? They still have a faithful mother or father attending church each week with them, but the other parent now places them to be in this scenario. Can any clarification be given here? Thanks.
@dominique___1980 8 лет назад
+J Paige Polson Edwards - Just like the old .. 1 drop of black blood makes that person ineligible for participation in "full faith and fellowship" ... 1 drop of the gay makes these children ineligible.
@wkinne1 8 лет назад
+J Paige Polson Edwards If they are attending Church every week with a non gay parent that means they are not being raised in a same sex marriage, so it would not fall into the cookie cutter here, so I am sure more things would come into play.
@ceemaiden8908 8 лет назад
+J Paige Polson Edwards I am "tired" of the faulty logic in saying that those who are unmarried cohabitants with a child are similar. That they are both in sin, no doubt. But let's consider how this works. Hetero-Unmarried: They will be taught that they are living in sin, but that greater happiness and/or rightness can be found in marriage, and eventually sealed for eternity. Their family, complete with children, can be together forever. Repentance brings the family, including their young child, closer together. Homo-married: They will be taught that they are living in sin. Greater rightness, but not necessarily mortal happiness, can be found in hetero marriage. They cannot be sealed to their current spouse or their children. In fact, the young child they want baptized will have to face the reality that their family has exactly zero chance of being together forever. If they are to align with God in this life, the child's parents must divorce, and must disavow the lifestyle they once lived. One family draws closer together and to God through the gospel. The other must break apart to draw closer to God and the Gospel. So, while one can use this as a case in point of how teaching against homosexual relationships hurts adults and children alike (to which their are plentiful easy responses from both sides), the main consideration is that the two children, both with parents living in sin, could not be in any more different situations, and should not be made to choose between family and faith at that time. Sure, you want full acceptance, but that won't happen. It is however, interesting that instead of saying "we'll keep trying to pull your children away from you" they are choosing family over the gospel in a sense. "
@MrJamesBecca 8 лет назад
+Dominique ___ LOL! One drop of gay!
@jackmcdermott3715 8 лет назад
It does affect families like this... Families like mine. The policy has been enforced differently based on how local leaders interpret it. Luckily, my daughter who is on a mission, her President has been great and has not required her to disavow her dads' marriage. In the US, this has affected my youngest daughter's choice to go on a mission. She will not be able to live/stay with us and would have to formally disavow our marriage..., which she won't do... So the LD$ church has missed out on an amazing future missionary...
@jesuschrist3455 8 лет назад
This is no church of mine. Suffer the children to come unto me, regardless of their parents' situation.
@ExpandYourTribe 8 лет назад
Why not address the elephant in the room. What happens to children who have shared custody with a ex-spouse who is not in a gay marriage?
@MiguelRobles 8 лет назад
it is very clear and plainly explained that church membership is not being denied to anyone, not at all. All the blessings of the Gospel will be avaliable when those kids are mature enough and completely free to conceive a family according to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, and understand that before the Lord marriage is only between woman and men.
@IslandGrotto 8 лет назад
+Miguel Robles Is going without the gift of the Holy Ghost an additional ten years no big deal now, then? Either this "precious gift" is truly helpful in one's life or it is not. If it can wait to this degree without undue danger or difficulty then why not just delay baptism and confirmation until 18 for everyone without "sinful" parents also, when they have also "matured?" Is the age of 8 in the LDS Church no longer truly the age of accountability? I wonder if we can agree at least that fairness and personal merit must be tied in individual determinations of worthiness. The application of this doctrine seems very much in need of clarification now to me, even more so now than before I watched this interview. In almost all other cases, even if the parents are murderers, rapists, criminals, etc., their children can still be baptized with their consent. I'm disturbed in part that the LDS Church seems to be quite apparently singling certain groups out for this treatment and I'm finding it very sad but telling which ones they are choosing. I welcome them in informing any of us including me why such a concern isn't warranted, by the way. I'd be happy to learn my concern is misplaced. Maybe an interested, authentic reporter will still get a chance to ask about this... It's easy to sound clear and plainspoken, by the way, when you don't contend with any of the most difficult questions you face and gloss quickly over the real personal concerns and feelings that are involved in your actions, especially it seems when your statements are mostly made to be seen by the eyes of those who already agree with you fully and, for the most part, those who aren't likely to change their minds no matter what they hear from any perspective. Clearly I didn't get the same effect from this video that you are describing here. I just want you to know that I replied in this way because this issue really does matter to me and I'm sincerely concerned about the process of your conclusions. Please understand that there is genuine frustration in this for myself and I suspect many like me and that I don't intend such to come across as disrespect. Thank you.
@SOREMX 8 лет назад
It's simple the LDS Church is all about the traditional family and those principles that creates the traditional family and traditional marriage there is no hate or discrimination it's simply gods laws.
@gergalurg 8 лет назад
+SOREMX Then it's this god (who I would say you've merely imagined, honestly) who is discriminating unfairly, fine. Your move, knowing this, is to worship him. So, screw you guys either way.
@SOREMX 8 лет назад
I'm sure they will be just fine. They always lived by those principles
@DaveDaily42 8 лет назад
What would really protect young children would be to delay baptism and other promise-makings until legal adulthood. An eight-year-old child, whether or not she still believes in Santa Claus is not in a position to, nor is legally permitted to sign a contract, much less make an eternal covenant, real or imagined. Thus, this policy of prohibiting the making of binding covenants and directing it at children of gay parents, polygamous parents, and Muslim parents, etc., is not about protection, it's simply about control. If you truly cared, you wouldn't need to ostracize some members of your community, you would apply wisdom equally, thus eliminating bias. Remember 1978 and and the 5th of November, 2015. The outcomes are and will be the same. Please Mormon leaders, stop being on the wrong side of history in matters of social policy. Be like the Jesus you profess to represent. Be the first to embrace and accept, not the last. And make your embrace real, not this policy-laden sophistry.
@RosequistJared 8 лет назад
I'm so grateful for living prophets and apostles. God endows them with this gift to make even the most complicated truths clear and simple. This is not just some church, it is not just men running it. It is the church of Jesus Christ. He is at the head and He directs His work through these wonderful men He has called. The decisions the prophets and apostles make are the decisions that God would put in action if He were physically upon the earth right now. What a tremendous blessing to have modern revelation.
@funkyut 8 лет назад
+Jared Rosequist God is all knowing all powerful and of Supreme intelligence. He is not a contradictory God, He is not a respecter of persons he loves ALL of his children unconditionally. He does not turn a certain group of his children away. There is room for everyone in his house, All sinners even you. He doesn't make mistakes, he is the same yesterday today and always, he is unchanging. It is man that pretends to know more than God that causes problems. When the church turns away from God like this, he is not pleased. Then he has to intervene with the Supreme Court to fulfill his will (Polygamy and Gay Marriage, civil rights). Then it leave the Church back peddling and digging themselves out of the hole they have berried themselves in. Just as with Polygamy, Blacks in the Priesthood, Interracial mixed race marriages. Supporting aiding abetting and harboring illegal immigrants with in the church. This is no different. They make the decisions you are right about that. But history has clearly proven they have made the wrong decision multiple times and because man is inherently flawed. God has to come in and fix the mess they've created. Even when that means using the courts to correct their bad behavior. God's will always accomplish what he needs to whether you like the way he does it or not.
@RosequistJared 8 лет назад
While I appreciate that your response seems to be heartfelt, I'm sorry you feel that way. I know these brethren to be true prophets and apostles (on which, God founded His church) and that He will do nothing, save He reveal His secrets unto His servants, the prophets. I support the brethren in all of the decisions they've made and I don't see them as back-peddling at all. I know they speak truth and are directed by God. As I've studied their words in depth, hand in hand with the holy scriptures, the Holy Ghost has testified to me of the divinity of their callings and the truth of their messages.
@funkyut 8 лет назад
Jared, I hope you got married in the temple. I hope you have a perfect marriage with out any heart ache. And I hope you are never blessed with a Gay child. Because it is impossible to love someone and be told it is wrong to love that very person, simply because they were born Gay. Exactly how their loving Father in Heaven created them. It's easy for people to give the canned answer Love the person hate the sin. But by hating the sin, honestly aren't you hating the person you love a little too. Especially when you are told you must disavow them. If that isn't serious mind control, brain washing and taking away someone free agency, What is? In the war in heaven did you choose free agency or did you chose Lucifer that wanted to take that away. We know the answer to that, why have other people forgotten? Especially Apostles? Meet a gay person in your life and then dig deep.
@RosequistJared 8 лет назад
I've known a lot of gay people in my life. And I don't think at all that it is a canned answer. Why is same-gender attraction so different than any other temptation? If you say someone is born gay, you must also say someone is born a pornography addict or an alcoholic, or any other temptation. We all have inclinations that seem natural and powerful; that doesn't change the fact that it is a bad behavior. To have a temptation isn't a sin, to act on it is. Surely you wouldn't tell a pornography addict "it's fine, I'm sure God is fine with you doing that because it seems to come naturally to you". How does that approach help anyone overcome their weaknesses? I think it is very possible to love a person and disapprove of a behavior. Ask any parent. Does God not hate the sin of adultery? Fornication? Murder? Does that mean He hates those guilty of those sins? He loves all His children, and He demonstrates that love by teaching and guiding us so we progress and become like Him. We show our love for people by helping protect them from sin that will enslave them and lead them away from correct principles. No one is saying to disavow your loved ones. We are being taught to put God first, above any earthly material or relationship. I believe we show that love and loyalty to God by standing with Him, regardless of how difficult it may be, and we show our love for others by helping them put God before anyone, even themselves.
@jodiwood8134 8 лет назад
+Jared Rosequist Jared in this message you have spewed more hate than I have seen in a long time. I am an ex mormon, a lesbian and I feel bad for you. You have managed to dupe yourself into thinking the words you wrote were full of love, but they were not. I hope you do not have a gay child, because that child needs more love and caring that you are capable of giving them. Religion has taken your humanity. It has taught you that telling people they are wrong makes you right. And that is not correct. There is zero evidence to support the claims the church makes, and in doing so the claims you make. You are not born with an addiction, those develop over time. There is now factual evidence that sexuality is from birth, and defined in genes. Whether the person realizes it at a young age or when they are older. Saying "its possible to love a person but not like the behavior" is hurtful when you are not the one saying it. You say you cannot accept and love a person with those terms, it is really sad that you have been brainwashed too think so. You cannot say, I dislike this massive factor of who you are, but I love everything else. That person should leave your presence and never return. You are helping no one, and you are hurting people. If you want to actually help, and honestly it seems like your good heart has been taken for advantage by being brainwashed by religion. No one likes being called brainwashed, I didn't. I hated it, I stood up for mormonism after I left for a while. BUt my eyes were opened. Look at the suicidal rates of members, look at domestic abuse numbers, look at poverty in the church, racism. The church is full of hate disguised as love. They warn you about sheeps in wolves clothing. Remember what the lord calls them/you: Sheep. I don't even believe my message will get through to you, but I saw my old self in yours. If the religion you love so much and you claim to be the right one, go to sites that typically dispel mormon doctrine or values and see what the other side is saying. Open your mind, I mean if it is true, then nothing should be able to break it, not even... gay love.
@machupicchushow 8 лет назад
I was very grateful for the CLARITY that this change has brought to the situation. Of course this is offensive to those who thought things were going in another direction, but this makes it clear that the doctrines don't change, the 20+ year old Proclamation on the Family is still strong as ever (of course it is!). Every child is entitled to a Father and a Mother, DOCTRINE. And marriage is defined as a sacred union between a man and a woman. Just like the Bible stated. Nothing has changed in the eyes of the Lord.
@tazhaws 8 лет назад
assent is certainly not a different way of saying disavow. . . here are some synonyms of disavow: synonyms: deny, disclaim, disown, wash one's hands of, repudiate, reject, renounce "the chairman disavowed the press release"
@janicew9 8 лет назад
Such compassion involved! I am so grateful they released a video and not just a paper statement, I hope the humanity of this moment will touch those struggling with the announcement.
@A-1BurmaShave 8 лет назад
What a blessing it is to live on the earth in a day and age when there is an organization that stands for what is right; that doesn't shift its values with the passage of time; that doesn't alter its standards to fit public opinion; and that declares without blinking the gospel of Jesus Christ as it has been revealed to man on earth through prophets. How refreshing to see a religion that actually knows what it believes, stands up for what it believes, and lovingly declares what it believes without hedging, apologizing, or diluting the truth. A ship with a sail AND a rudder that follows the direction it is traveling in spite of criticism, negativity, and falsehoods. We live in a great age.
@funkyut 8 лет назад
+Steve Anderson Except when it comes to, Polygamy, Black in the Priesthood, and Interracial mixed marriage to name a few. What rock have you been living under? And this is new doctrine they have never policed whether someone had gay parents in the last 185 years. If none of this is change and they don't alter standards to fit public opinion then what exactly is your definition of change and not shifting its values? A very confusing contradiction. If they don't alter there standards to fit public opinion. They why on earth did they alter this? Maybe because of Public opinion. Food for thought! .
@tyleryates74 8 лет назад
All I can say is, I am glad I left this church, and that I live in a time a place where I could.
@tyleryates74 8 лет назад
funkyut I have heard how complicated it can be to get your records completely removed, so I haven't even tried. My records are now in Salt Lake City, because I have moved and never provided a new address to have them sent to. Their numbers have to be inflated, even with active members. Religion is general is seeing a record loss of members and the rise of people identifying as non religious is increasing every year. I wonder why haha.
@funkyut 8 лет назад
Very good point and very well said. Thank you for your reply.
@calvingibbons8903 8 лет назад
What question would you ask regarding the stance the church has taken?
@FFM115 8 лет назад
It comes down to whether this change in policy was given by revelation from God or it is just another "men" created idea. I don't think God is going to spend time telling our leaders not to baptize children's whose parents are gays, especially when so much more going on in the world that is affecting the lives of billions of people.
@languefrancaise13 8 лет назад
I need more clarification on why the blessings of Church membership is being denied the children of gay couples. I understand why they cannot be sealed to their "same sex couple parents," but why cannot they partake of the blessings of Church membership? Is it fair to punish the children for the sins of their parents????
@Roy-hd1pg 8 лет назад
+MormonGuy13 This policy requires a little patience and foresight. It is true that blessings come from the church, but crucial blessings also come from the family. Remember the Proclamation on the Family teaches "the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children." Commandments are inherently divisive (Matt 10:34) when some family members do not keep the commandments. This policy does more to save and redeem the family as a whole. It encourages the parents to take a more significant role in their child's spiritual development, does more to stop the sin of active homosexuality, strengthens the parent-child relationship, and in the long run offers all essential church blessings. There is nothing punitive about this policy and time will show the wisdom of it.
@faithmatters1004 8 лет назад
Jesus speaks in Matthew 19:14, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence."
@theCatsCradleBiz 8 лет назад
This policy is politely veiled discrimination and nothing more. Hiding this policy behind a protecting the family message does not make it any less hurtful or wrong. Love is not at its center, but rather fear of that which we cannot control.
@bessiebraveheart 8 лет назад
may our saviour continue to guide our leaders in the way he wants his church to be organised on this earth. may they stand firm in these last days of corruption.
@joejarvis2497 8 лет назад
What would Jesus do?
@FelipeAdventures 8 лет назад
Thank you Elder Christofferson for your service and for your kind words. I sustain you as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you and may the Lord bless you in your service.
@TheBigjoe1373 8 лет назад
so what happened to same sex couple goes to church every Sunday with the kids what happens to them see this is why I disagree with church policy
@michaelfrancisragragio9813 8 лет назад
"Satan’s greatest threat today is to destroy the family, and to make a mockery of the law of chastity and the sanctity of the marriage covenant" - The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, 227.
@funkyut 8 лет назад
+Michael Francis Ragragio Yet it is the Church that is out to destroy the family. By making the Church family members chose between the church or their immediate family and their loved ones. Good quote you are saying Satan is destroying the family, The Church is telling children to destroy families once they are 18. Seems like this prophesy is being fulfilled. Little did we know the very Church woull be the orchestra-tor of that prophesy. Shameful!
@robpaulson7992 8 лет назад
+Michael Francis Ragragio "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so . . . " - The Teachings of Prophet Brigham Young, Second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Journal of Discourses, v 10, p 110.
@robpaulson7992 8 лет назад
Claiming to be a prophet of god so you can tell other people how to live their lives and judge them is a dangerous thing. People have a tendency to remember and question the things that you say and do, and rightly so. We should all be asking the obvious questions. . . if Brigham Young could teach racist hate speech from the pulpit as official church doctrine, enact a ban on ordaining black men to the priesthood, and threaten interracial couples with death, then was he truly a prophet? If not, then are any of the men who he called, ordained and set up to lead the church who continued to promote and sustain those racist teachings up until 1978 truly called of god? These are fair questions for the membership to ask in light of these bigoted, hateful policy changes to the handbook 1 that are being defended by the church in this video. This is 1978 in reverse and it will discredit the church for generations to come.
@jeremymurff1530 8 лет назад
Solid, well said Elder Chistofferson. Obviously we need to confirm our own testimony of this and not just take his word for it. I do believe he is called of God and that his intentions are pure. The Church is directed by Jesus Christ, not by man.
@cecewebb1223 8 лет назад
At 6:05 Elder Christofferson says "... and they [the child] can make an informed and conscious decision about that. Nothing is lost to them in the end if that's the direction they want to go". I disagree with this, because would the child not be losing, at least in part, a connection with their parents by declaring that they think their parent's love for each other is a sin?
@rayannespottedbull8578 7 лет назад
Orson Pratt also warned: All churches which have not faith to obtain revelations and laws by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, are not the churches of God. Though they may pretend to great piety; profess to be Christians; make long prayers; preach eloquent sermons, and meet together every Sabbath day under the pretense of worshipping God, yet if they have not faith to obtain new revelations, and visions, and the ministry of angels, they are not the church of God, and are deceiving themselves and others with a false and [101] delusive religion; a religion by which they will perish, as the scripture saith, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” (Orson Pratt’s Works, p. 70) It is evident that the early Christians had so far changed the Gospel of Jesus Christ that it soon became a “form of Godliness without the power thereof,” and the decisions of the councils of men superseded the word of God. the Holy Spirit was that which would enable them to prophesy, see visions, dream dreams, and guide them into all truth, reveal unto them the things of the Father, and show them things to come; hence it was a Spirit greatly to be desired, and they wished to know how they might obtain it; . . . (JD 14:177) Here is an indictment of the Church: if they have the true Gospel, they will have the Holy Ghost, all the spiritual gifts and the power of God. Conversely, if the Latter-day Saints today have no spiritual gifts, lack the power of the Priesthood and have no manifestations of the Holy Ghost, then it follows that we no longer have the true Gospel. The early Christians lost the power of the Priesthood and gifts of the Holy Ghost because they changed the ordinances, broke their covenants, and transgressed the laws of the Gospel. The question now remains-are we doing the same things and following the same path? All must travel to their own personal Gethsemane, and some may continue to their Calvary. It seems strange that the Apostle James would say, “whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God;” (James 4:4) yet the Apostle John said, “God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son” to save it! When Jesus sent His missionaries out into the world, He warned them: “I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.” (Matt. 10:16) The question now arises as to why the righteous are always persecuted? Looking through history, the most righteous seem to have suffered the worst forms of persecution, plundering and death. The Prophet Joseph Smith gave a key to the reason for such persecution: He that will war the true Christian warfare against the corruptions of these last days will have wicked men and angels of devils, and all the infernal powers of darkness continually arrayed against him. (TPJS, p. 259) It is evident that the Priesthood is to speak out against corruption, but in doing so, it arouses opposition. I prophesy, in the name of the Lord God of Israel, anguish and wrath and tribulation and the withdrawing of the Spirit of God from the earth await this generation, until they are visited with utter desolation. This generation is as corrupt as the generation of the Jews that crucified Christ; and if He were here today, and should preach the same doctrine He did then, they would put Him to death. (TPJS, p. 328
@benshaw851 8 лет назад
Helpful clarification. Thank you.
@IAmNumber4000 8 лет назад
+Ben Shaw Yup. Sure helped open my eyes to the hatefulness of the Mormon Church. If they hadn't made themselves look like a hateful cult before, now they've done it.
@IAmNumber4000 8 лет назад
Brad Beachell I should sign it. But then again, I want the Church of Scientology labelled as a hate group first.
@ramdasormond395 8 лет назад
Thank you, Elder Christofferson.
@adolfonieves2163 4 года назад
How would you disavow the practice of same sex marriage when going on a mission?
@christophertolman7023 8 лет назад
The purpose of the policy is to protect the children. It wouldn't be fair for small children to have to decide between their parents and the church. God stated his purposes for men and women in Genesis chapters 1 to 2. "So God Created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God Said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply... Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
@carlwatkins346 8 лет назад
Those who oppose this policy stubbornly place their emotions above the will of God. It's much that same as with those who feel justified in breaking any other of God's commandments. We were born into a world of various self-destructive temptations. In His wisdom, God warned us not to succumb to these temptations by giving us His commandments and other advice through His prophets. Those who think they are wiser than God will be sadly disappointed in the end.
@rrrrrrrr290 8 лет назад
+Carl Watkins I'm not saying that I'm wiser than God, I'm asking is this from God. I ask this because we know and the church agrees that leaders make mistakes. and many mistakes have been made. I could make a list if you like. .
@JaneDoe-nb7zf 8 лет назад
+Carl Watkins I think you meant "stubbornly place their conscience above abusive policies put down by men". Or at least I hope deep down you have some sort of conscience and ability to see how feelings of religious confirmation are merely a placebo effect that people stick with because they fall for the sunken cost fallacy.
@utubecomment21 8 лет назад
Why are those in favour of same-sex attraction in relation to marriage & religion, so incapable of debating the point with any form of intelligence? Why is it, people are more than willing to shout about how God loves everyone, but fail to accept that God has also pointed out who we are and aren't to have sex with ..... As Peter Hitchens pointed out 16:40 (18:15) - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wrwuk6NoMv8.html _"You make a point and they neither rebut it nor acknowledge it. I don't mind they can do either, but as long as they do one, if you make a point and they just ignore it, and change the subject as if you never said it, then that's not an argument. Arguing with people who don't know how to argue is like playing chess with a squirrel, there's no future in it!"_ All i see are weak comments and people who no more know how to create a cogent argument in favour for same-sex attraction & religion, than my 3-month-old nephew.
@NutsNBarksFamily 8 лет назад
I think this video is a great way for someone to understand how this new policy will really protect children, their family, and the LDS church. I have talked to a friend who is gay and she understands the policy and why it is in place. She said she would be happy if her kids choose to attend the church and to not have resentment towards anyone because of their home lifestyle. I hope that everyone can do their best to love everyone and act in a way that reflects what they believe.
@ldgarland405 8 лет назад
It seems funny that they come out with the changes to the hand book at the same time the new mayor of Salt Lake is elected and that she is in a same sex marriage. hhhhhmmmmm makes ya think.
@emjm9383 8 лет назад
It sounds like our detractors here either didn't listen carefully to this message from Elder Christofferson, or are not familiar with Christ's teachings in the New Testament. There should be compassion for all AND a firm stance against sin. Compassion-for-all includes not introducing tension into an impressionable young person's home by instilling a belief system in them that contradicts what they're taught by their parents.
@rsstnnr76 8 лет назад
They don't want to understand. That's the problem.
@JeffDrakeX 8 лет назад
Beautifully said.
@funkyut 8 лет назад
Laren Edward, You clarification in two paragraphs make more sense then the entire 10:28 interview. What kind of world do we live in when you clearly understand the importance of Baptism and the Holy Ghost more than a General Authority does. What would happen if he said all heterosexual marriage that have children must also wait until 18. After all their parents might just sin along the way of the 18 year life. They might get divorced, they might commit adultery, they might turn to drugs, they might get thrown in jail, they might become alcoholics, they might become hypocrites. Or the child themselves might sin. This is contradictory because of the bible and church teachings. This is evil segregation at its core. I agree with you 100% God would not want to withhold blessings from a child during critical development years.
@jfb4186 8 лет назад
Well said Elder Christofferson. Thanks so much for clarifying.
@emilynicoline 8 лет назад
You know it's bad when you refuse to give any interviews with media and have to stage an interview with your head of public affairs. Carefully planned and rehearsed.
@minehelen2 8 лет назад
To those of you who insist that Christ would never ask people to wait to receive his gospel I point you to Matthew 10:5 where he forbid the teaching of the gospel to the gentiles....it wasn't until after the the death of Jesus Christ that Peter was commanded by God to take the gospel to the gentil nations (Acts 10: 11-28) Sometimes God requires our faith even when he asks things that we do not at the present time understand. (see Isaiah 55:8-9) These children are not being denied anything....they are being allowed to wait until they are old enough to make the decison.
@thinkagainVarela 8 лет назад
now you know why the need of restoratio in person not by books but by himself and his father who sent him for this special ocacion Isaiah says nice and clear
@ceemaiden8908 8 лет назад
All of the people crying that they're leaving the Church because of this, who are you kidding? We all know you weren't committed to begin with, and would have ended up leaving sooner or later. And don't you dare say this is about the children, you're just trying to feel self righteous over this. Why didn't you leave for the children of polygamist families? They've been dealing with this same policy for a while, and I bet this affects them more than children of SSM, since most of them live in Utah and come from religious households.
@mrobins2532 7 лет назад
whoathere! no joke. I heard that most of the people who left the church over this were inactive. No surprise.
@jimmycaljr 8 лет назад
I love the way Elder Christofferson explains these changes in a firm, loving and understanding way!
@priscillaw522 8 лет назад
Wow, I hope they "disavow" this policy asap, otherwise there may need to be a new version of the LDS Scriptures that says: "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not -- unless they are related to our gay brothers and sisters."
@justinredd6054 8 лет назад
Elder Christofferson, is a great man and a did a great job on explaining a difficult issue. Thanks!
@alicediamond1204 8 лет назад
this is sarcasm right?
@alicediamond1204 8 лет назад
It's OK the leadership consists of an elderly generation of white middle class right winged men who will all die off soon due to old age and the American health care system. They'll be replaced by younger members who are more likely not to have these outrageous views and fix numerous policies - just like 1978.
@user-mj8ix2lc5z 8 лет назад
requiring children of same sex marriage to disavow their parents' marriage? so cruel.
@JasonAllred 8 лет назад
I always appreciate hearing from Elder Christofferson, who uses such clarity.
@LOMU925 8 лет назад
@BrysonCHill 8 лет назад
Powerful and full of love.
@RCSVirginia 8 лет назад
I honestly do not understand why gay Mormons, and their Mormon family and friends, do not simply seek out the Community of Christ, formerly known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. It is the branch of the Mormon faith the followed Joseph Smith's son Joseph Smith III instead of Brigham Young. It views Smith as a prophet, and it views the Book of Mormon as a holy text. However, it is supportive of gay rights, has gay clergy and congregants, and allows it's churches to conduct gay marriages should they choose to do so. Why stay in one Mormon sect that does not accept and support you when there is one that will accept and support you?
@warioman91 8 лет назад
whelp if missionaries come to my door, I'll just tell em I'm gay(not that I am), but then invite them in. lol. what would be the point. even though they consider homosexuality a grievous sin, they won't do anything to "help" you about it. I mean they did in the past(electro shock), but now they figured out it's not a choice but still just want to be bigots over it.
@dottie7033 8 лет назад
The TRUTH is that while Christofferson says the church never changes it's mind, "it was what it was and is what it is...just like Jesus taught," he is greatly mistaken. Before 1978 Mormons, did not give Black men the Priesthood. They are changing the More-MAN church all the time. The man-made institution is bound to crumble as more people wake up to the truth of a non-judging, unconditionally loving God. My heart goes out to the Mormon LGBT youth who have to tolerate this and be called "sinners" when they have done nothing wrong. There have been thousands of Mormon suicides because not only do they equivocate being gay to being a murderer, they try to reprogram them to not being gay anymore using a system that has brought death to many people. It's outrageous. Please hang in there LGBTQ Mormon kids, you are loved, and there is nothing wrong with you, so don't buy into this nonsense.
@kurtclement 8 лет назад
We are not going to yield in our efforts to bring people to the path that will lead to happiness. There is no kindness in misleading people to believe that sin will lead to happiness.
@kurtclement 8 лет назад
If you don't believe he is an Apostle then why would it matter to you what he says? Do you see the irony of criticizing him for declaring what is wrong and then declaring that my belief in paying 10% is wrong?
@kurtclement 8 лет назад
You are talking about a church policy for church members how is that not a decision for ourselves? I may have mistaken your tone for one mocking my belief that tithing is a commandment from God. I apologize.
@kurtclement 8 лет назад
They can choose. They are encouraged to choose. At least that is my perception as an insider. Are you saying there should be no rules? No consequences? That is not my idea of freedom No street lights would not make the roads "better" I think if the church wanted more cash flow it would certainly not make policies like this one.
@Phornax7 8 лет назад
What happens with a child who lives part time with a heterosexual couple and part time with homosexual couple such as in a joint custody after a divorce situation?
@Zarisification 8 лет назад
It seems to me that this new policy is just a way to reaffirm the stance on same sex marriage. With the legalization of same sex marriage that the next step would be the lose of religious rights. For example to be forced to allow same sex marriage in temples.
@832colleen 8 лет назад
@ Brad Beachell I love that you think you are more informed about my faith than I am. I used to be an Anti-Mormon, so I totally understand that you actually believe the unreliable sources that you are reading. And if you honestly think that your comment will have any influence on me, you are sure wrong sweetheart. Discerning truth and lies is really easy when you take it to the Lord in prayer. But I am going to assume that that's not something you are willing to do. So your search for eternal truths is in vain. I am a bi-sexual Mormon how struggled with change in policy, simply because I thought it wasn't fair to the kids of same sex marriage couples. But I took my concern to the Lord, and received an increased knowledge and understanding. But like I said before, my opinion and life experiences don't matter to you. I don't know you, but I am sure deep down you have a great heart. I love people know matter what differences they have. That's basically what this world needs more of.
@Richard.Atkinson 8 лет назад
One of the best days of my life was when I realized this kind of sugar-coated hatred was not actually coming from God.
@hippiedachshunds1632 8 лет назад
@wkinne1 8 лет назад
+Richard Atkinson so your God is not the one that wrote the Old Testament. He clearly states it is a sin for a man to lay down with a man, you can disagree all you want but you can not rewrite the Bible. And as a active Mormon I can say we do not hate gays, we do not agree with their life style but we do not hate them. I know a gay member, but he does not live a gay life, he is married to a woman, they have children, and are liked and loved by everyone. I have had gay fiends for most of my adult life, I was however born in a very small mid-west town and we called gays "queers" and "fagots" as kids, it was the LDS Church that taught to love everyone.
@alexabplanalp4455 8 лет назад
+Wayne Kinne amen
@robpaulson7992 6 лет назад
@robpaulson7992 6 лет назад
+Wayne Kinne - yes you have evolved a little because you don't call them "queers" anymore. But please don't feel too complacent or think that you can stop evolving just because you are a Mormon. The church has many failings, the greatest of which has been, and continues to be, its stance on diversity and equality. Open your heart and mind more! You still have a long way to go on this topic. The old testament is 4,000 years old and frankly isn't the best reference to use to define our morality, since it contains many teachings that are currently considered to be outside the scope of a civilized society, even by the Mormon Church, such as animal sacrifice, slavery, polygamy, death by stoning for interracial marriage and picking up sticks on the Sabbath, to name a few.
@sthomaslewis 7 лет назад
The Supreme Court does not make decisions; it renders opinions. There is nothing in the Constitution that gives the Federal Government any jurisdiction in marriage, as per the 10th Amendment. Therefore, the Supreme Court had no right to render such an opinion, and the Church needs to challenge the constitutionality of the opinion of the Supreme Court. The states and counties have the right to nullify the Supreme Court opinions.
@jbpink5026 7 лет назад
I'd encourage you to read about "Cooperative federalism" before making such a grandiose statement.
@Zooksboardshop 8 лет назад
That one time the church made a video to explain their policy and all those crazy anti mormon (and anti God) people showed up to yell their hate without even watching the explanation. Ya that just happened.
@roberthall6609 Год назад
"We believe a man should punished for their own sins and not Adam's transgressions". Meaning not being punished for sins of the father. The church might not allow these kids be baptized but the church will turn around and do baptisms for the dead of these very names after they have died without permission General Athority please just once lead, just once please be ahead at the front of social equality!
@losiglowful 8 лет назад
That helped clear some things up. The Church is not requiring a child to disavow their parents. That's ridiculous. But they do have to "disavow" or be clear in the understanding that homosexual relationships are considered Immoral by God's law and therefore, by the Church.
@losiglowful 8 лет назад
+S C G There's a huge difference between the two. Disavowing a sinful behavior doesn't mean you don't love that person. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
@amiamos 8 лет назад
Great clarification.
@selotkd 8 лет назад
Why do they not closed caption these videos for the deaf?
@lancekotter927 8 лет назад
Regardless of whoever would've or will interview Elder Christifferson or any of the leaders of the LDS church the answers would be the in the same context of understanding, not only does this make sense but following this and understanding it is more of a reflection of our faith in God's will and his calling of prophets and apostles of this day. I sustain the prophets and apostles.
@MegaCoxRox 8 лет назад
There's a big difference between homosexuals and polygamists. For one, Mormonism wasn't founded by homosexuals.
@hrhbear 7 лет назад
then why are the children expected to deny their parents if they want to serve in the church.
@scoredfilms8262 7 лет назад
Do gay couples want to force children to make and renew and oath every week that teaches the child to oppose what their parents do? While I find it curious that any gay couple would join a church they disagree with, I wonder more why they would intentionally put a child in that conflict. What for? Our church isn't the Supreme Court. We don't have a 5-4 divide. There's no confusion about how to interpret the 10 commandments or other teachings and instructions throughout scripture or in General Conference talks. We don't dispute over them. We don't welcome a dispute either. We welcome people, including gays, to worship and strive to live by God's moral code. We believe in showing kindness to others who don't believe as we do. But we believe contention is evil. Strategies to divide, cause dissension, and heated arguments within the church are not welcome. God loves His children. In doing so, our church leaders have been inspired to protect everyone, especially children, from any confusion over what the church teaches. As he said in the interview, there is no kindness in misleading people. The path laid out for our happiness is a very simple one, a loving one, and one that never changes. So anything that might, intentionally or unintentionally, cause confusion over what that path is, will be met with clarification. Only someone far removed from a love of the truth could ever see that as hatred.
@jofenbat 8 лет назад
Everything boils down to faith in Christ and humility. Let me share with you my experience in the same way I would speak to my own brother: We can all be arguing for years or even centuries and reach no solid conclusions on any policy or doctrine of God...and all conclusions would be based on our own logic. Whenever we accept that the things of God are to be discerned spiritually and confirmed by the Spirit of truth, then we will stop wasting our time and energy trying to prove or disprove what is truth by logic, opinion, personal agendas or what it may seem a good cause. Just one experience only under the influence of the Holly Ghost can vanish away all the reasoning of man. I wish you, all who oppose the Mormon faith or its leaders, because you cannot understand that there is a prophet on earth, that you will get to the point to exercise faith in Christ, and read the Book of Mormon and the words of living prophets with an open heart (clean from preconceptions and negative judgments) and then kneel down in all humility to ask God with a sincere heart to confirm if these things are true and come from Him. Then, and only then, if we meet the requirements of being humble enough and ask with an honest heart, having faith in Christ the Lord, we will get to know the truth of these things. It may take us many attempts, till our hearts are ready to receive. Otherwise, we will be abandoned to your own logic and desires (which will always be limited and inaccurate, and eventually it will be foolishness when contrasted with things as they really are). I hope and truly wish we achieve this knowledge sooner than later (so we don´t have to discover these truths when we stand in front of the Lord or in the other side of the veil and will feel really bad for fighting against what we did not know, just because choosing wanting to be right, and choosing spiritual darkness over light and truth). And when we reach this knowledge, then we will be proclaiming to the world, filled with joy and gratitude, the same message the prophets, missionaries, and members of the LDS church are sharing with you yesterday, today and tomorrow. You will be asking opponents to the Mormon faith or even members of the mormon faith who have lost the perspective, and everyone else on this earth that the only way to reach truth is to pray with a humble heart so we may know the truth from the only source of pure knowledge, God. I know Elder Christofferson is a true Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know we have living prophets of God. I paid the price to reach this knowledge through much praying, fasting, praying, fasting, studying, seeking, asking, searching in all sincerity, denying myself from my own personal agenda. If you have not reached that knowledge yet, I invite you to pray about it. Then, when you know that we have living prophets, you will rejoice for that. May the Lord bless you all so you may pursue such path of light and truth. Your brother, Joaquin.
@justthefacts1910 8 лет назад
+jofenbat Did you just try to use a version of Pascal's Wager? Also don't knock the scientific method of learning if that is what you were trying to do because it works. How can you not say that pray is just an exercise in confirmation bias?
@middlemarie7033 6 лет назад
horrible. and what about children who have one parent in a same sex marriage and the other in a straight marriage.
@darcey55 8 лет назад
At 4:02 - "There is no kindness in misdirecting people and leading them into any misunderstanding about what is true, what is right, what is wrong." The irony in that statement is KILLING me!!!
@sabrinareagan3193 Год назад
@BradenWBarty 8 лет назад
Thank you.
@lateshastephens9343 8 лет назад
I assure you that God is real. He lives! He loves you! Everything he and His Church leaders do- is out of love for you. I know this to be true. If you only knew how much He loves you, If only you could understand how much He cares, oh how it would change your life. I know that the Prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are true and living Prophets of God. I am so grateful to have their inspired guidance in these latter-days.
@robpaulson7992 8 лет назад
+Latesha Stephens Think for yourself. Open your eyes and look at what they are doing. The wagon train is on its way to mountain meadows again. People are being hurt.
@lateshastephens9343 8 лет назад
"We are not obedient because we are blind, we are obedient because we can see."
@lateshastephens9343 8 лет назад
I did not make it up myself. I am not aware of the author. But I can testify of the truthfulness of the statement. I can also testify that we each choose which master we will serve and when our work is done, we will receive wages of the master we have chosen to serve. One choosing to turn his/her back on God and His principles will never find true, lasting joy and peace, because wickedness will never lead to happiness. The further away from this truth the world gets, the more unhappy and unpeaceful it will become.
@csqw 8 лет назад
+Latesha Stephens Wow...So inspiring. It sounds familiar though. Like it is the EXACT SAME memorized, recycled garbage testimony I've heard in any sacrament meeting in every church ever. Just because you can parrot every other members testimony (who in turn parrot every other members testimony themselves) means nothing... Also, please stop with the capitalized pronouns of "Him", "His" and "He". Imaginary things don't need to be capitalized.
@lateshastephens9343 8 лет назад
***** Thank you Glen! God Bless!
@Drummerjl1 8 лет назад
Wonderful doctrinal consistency and purity.
@mikestewart6517 7 лет назад
The Truth: It is a Natural Law that if you do good things you go to Heaven, if you do bad things you go to Hell. Oil floats on water, pebbles sink. Anything else is delusion. Elder Christofferson, even you can find happiness by living your life according to Natural Law. Be Happy.
@rayannespottedbull8578 7 лет назад
1 But the laborer in Zion shall labor for Zion; for if they labor for money they shall perish. 2 Mephistopheles 26
@andywaynebrooks 8 лет назад
"Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Im going to let the words of Jesus Christ sit here and stand as a testimony against the LDS leadership. They deserve to be ashamed and embarrassed for this.
@andywaynebrooks 8 лет назад
And yet the above scripture from Jesus Christ still sits there, plain as day, never changing. The child of a rapist, murder, abuser can be baptized if the parents consent to it. So why not a child of gay parents who also consent? I wonder how well you can defend something so openly hypocritical as this? you can't and you know it, and you know that i know it too.
@lukeslc-xd8ds 8 лет назад
The Church could have not allowed any comments on this video. But, they are permitting people to express their thoughts. Let's see just how many of those comments are not just outright attacks against the Church.
@trevortrevortsr2 8 лет назад
No there is no parallel between Polygamy & Same Sex Marriage - One is an INCLUSIVE contract and involves 3 or more the other EXCLUSIVE between 2 - Same sex marriage is paralleled with opposite sex marriage - they are both exclusive with the same unique position of the spouse
@jodiwood8134 8 лет назад
+Trev S exactly
@trevortrevortsr2 8 лет назад
John Hylton So you think Inclusive & exclusive contracts are the same - interesting - Lets hope you never practice law
@trevortrevortsr2 8 лет назад
John Hylton Thanks
@Soulerous 8 лет назад
+Trev S It You're right that polygamy and same-sex marriage are different. That is not the point that Elder Christofferon was making. The parallel he spoke of was the fact that both practices are seen as sinful by the church and are handled in the same way; his example for one was an example for the other, for the principle remains that it is undesirable to place children of either same-sex parents or polygamous parents in a position where their growth may be compromised. His was not a statement that they are parallel practices. The parallel is the potential problems that may occur with opposite things being taught in the home, and how those problems are avoided.
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 8 лет назад
+Trev S *facepalm You don't even know how polygamy functions. In polygamous arrangements, the husband has an individual contract/covenant with each one of his wives. Calling it "same-sex marriage" doesn't make it a marriage. Secular judges have no authority over God, who's authority on the matter is absolute and overrules them. In point of fact, federal judges don't even have authority to define the Constitution or lone authority to declare something constitutional or unconstitutional. Thomas Jefferson pointed out to a friend in a letter how dangerous a doctrine the belief that judges have final arbitration over the Constitution is.
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