
Elite Dangerous 2024, Is It Worth It? 

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Today we take a look at Elite now, back then, and even in the future. 10 years later, is it still worth a buy?
Videos Referenced:
- UpIsNotJump
• Elite Dangerous VR Is ...
- Nyxson
• The BIGGEST Game that ...
Elite Dangerous: store.steampowered.com/app/35...
- Chapter Information -
0:00 Intro
0:20 Ships
1:44 Game World
2:26 Story
6:30 The BGS
7:50 The FPS
8:44 The Price




16 июн 2024




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@kidm0bius190 3 месяца назад
forgot to mention the monstrous grind.
@ryean8212 2 месяца назад
Unfortunately that's one of my favorite things in video games, doing the same thing over and over might be boring to some, but for me even a slight decrease in run time in something I've done thousands of times is an achievement, efficiency at its best is rewarding, And getting loot from getting better at the video game is a nice bonus, That's why Monster Hunter is my favorite franchise, you can fight the same monster multiple times but learning their moves and turning the battle into a dance is just pure candy.
@the_part_time_geek 2 месяца назад
You're correct about the grind... but if you're into that sort of thing, it can be a beautiful and Zen thing. I haven't played in a couple of years, but one thing I used to love doing is fire the game up in VR at 2 or 3 in the morning, find an asteroid cluster, and just mine for several hours.. Me, my ship, the rocks, the void, and the shining primary off in the distance, the interplay of light and shadows keeping me company in the cold. It was a sort of vibe thing that, admittedly, isn't for everyone.
@gabereiser 2 месяца назад
You can get $300m in like a week with a couple friends
@R0d_1984 2 месяца назад
@@ryean8212 I don't mind grind, but the grind for my pre-engineered FSD and the complexity broke me, haven't played in 6 months, and i LOVE the game...sigh
@Rainman_games 2 месяца назад
@@R0d_1984the pre Eng FSD broke you!?!
@dvdmuckle 3 месяца назад
For what it's worth, the engine changes introduced into Odyssey are now part of the base game too, which means the base game does now require a slightly beefier computer than when the game first came out, which imo makes sense. That being said, some of the on foot activities of Odyssey, such as the on-foot Combat Zones, are particularly taxing in system resources.
@mookithehamster5639 3 месяца назад
On foot combat zones are mainly taxing on cpu and ram.
@ivomuniz Месяц назад
"slightly" is a hell of a understatement
@cozzy124 8 дней назад
i literally have a 9yr budget card, man its so over
@no-replies 5 дней назад
How beefy?
@dvdmuckle 5 дней назад
@@no-replies I have a 3070 and the game can still kinda chug when running around on planet surfaces with ultra settings. Everything else though is a pretty buttery smooth 144fps. You can comfortably play this game on a Steam Deck too.
@marsMayflower 3 месяца назад
The titan content is truly epic, now if i could only keep my vette in the fight for more than 1 minute
@psyanidemcpsy6501 17 дней назад
A few points form someone who quit years ago after putting in nearly 1000 hours, also someone hoping that the updates coming later this year actually fix and rectify the boring monotony of certain game systems like Power play which was noted at the time of its original release as being lackluster and the exact thing 90% of the community explicitly said they DID NOT WANT in the form it was introduced, because I still HOPE that they get new management that actually wants to capitalize on Elite's potential rather than squandering it with cheap and practically dead on arrival updates, because then I might get my game back and feel like investing more time in it.... 1. The flight model is not Newtonian, ships have capped speeds and turning off flight assist simply allows for altering orientation while maintaining current vector, the game still enforces each ships max speeds regardless. 2. Paid (premium) content is no longer simply cosmetic as Frontier have announced their intent to put paid for (premium) ships in the game, injecting a ''pay to win'' mechanic to at least some degree. 3. Frontier's blatant disregard for their player base and community, which is easily searchable as there has been much controversy around Elite. 4. Regardless of the price, you need to ask yourself (and more important in this era of gaming) has the developer actually done anything? rectified things the player base dislikes? behaved themselves as a corporate entity? Because your money IS a vote, and if Frontier are still up to their old tricks, that's what you're voting for. 5. Frontier completely altered Elite's direction. After Braben sold the game as being an ever evolving ambitious project with ever increasing scale and complexity, with ship internals, ''space legs'', boarding actions and EVA.... we got no complexity, just more grinding. We got no EVA nor ship boarding, just a paid expansion that added ''space legs'' and more monotonous on foot combat. Ship internals went from Braben talking enthusiastically and showing graybox renders of the internal spaces of ships only for a 'Community manager' to tell us they aren't doing it as there's 'no gameplay value' in it years later. 6. Yes it has a 1:1 scale of the universe, and that would be exciting... if it were in the real world were we would be able to study new planets, find new minerals and/or life etc, but there isn't, it's just fly here, scan a selection of samey looking rocks in space (again, realistic in presentation, but in real life there's far more to do than just look and scan, if you get me). Now, nobody including myself has asked for 'NMS levels of procedural generation' but what we have asked for are MORE VARIED ACTIVITIES, which we haven't got. It seems Frontier just can't understand the concept of minigames within a game that are tied to a game system. 7. The developer's insistence of 'mile wide, inch deep' game design. Back when they announced multi-crew, many of us got unnecessarily hyped. What we envisioned as the game getting something to tickle that Star Trek itch a little, one friend manning scanners, another weapons etc turned out to be yet another dead on arrival update. Fist and foremost, rewards player crews get is dependent on THEIR relevant ranks in Combat, Exploration or Trade. Secondly.... Most of the time there's literally nothing for your crew to do outside of combat. Someone can't man the scanners/science console and play minigames to 'find' specific scan results like POIs (points of interest). They are also not actually on your ship, they are 'HardLight holographic contracts' projecting from their ship to yours, which conflicts with the Odyssey DLC because if your friends are crewing your ship with you, if you land and get out in space legs for whatever reason, they can't, they are stuck in your ship and if they want to join you they'll have to fly their ship to your position. Tbh, I can just keep listing the BS Frontier has done and how much they've destroyed their own game's potential and reputation (along with their own as a developer) but it's started to depress me a little. So much potential yet so much of it squandered by developers who's attitude is to put in as little effort as possible. Quite the essay, I know, but relevant to get the full picture of what you'll be buying.
@cryonim 4 дня назад
The video motivated me to get back and buy odyssey, the comment made me realize I'm better off avoiding this bs altogether.
3 дня назад
@@cryonimdont listen crying
@ZachlyS 2 дня назад
This comment sums up the situation perfectly. The game has more potential than any other game out there, but it was ruined by lazy and greedy leaders. Do NOT vote for these evil people with your money.
@Coffee-vw2bu 3 месяца назад
One thing I didn't see mentioned is the absence of P2W, which is another selling point of Elite over games like EVE Online and Star Citizen. If you get blown up by some ganker in a fully engineered FDL or Cutter, it's because they worked for the ships, not paid real money for them. While you can spend money for ARX, as mentioned, they only affect your ships and weapon colors. EDIT: Of course, it happened. FDev has just announced, today, 23 of April, that you can pay to purchase the Python Mk2 three months early for real-world money. Additionally, pre-configured ships can also be bought with ARX. Modern monetization strikes again! God knows they need the money though, lol.
@indigointoblack 3 месяца назад
I did say that its purely cosmetic but yea I probably should have illustrated it clearer.
@lsswappedcessna 3 месяца назад
technically Odyssey is P2W because exobiology is fucking busted
@niklasdahlgren7641 3 месяца назад
I would argue that the SC PtW is not that clear cut since everything can be earned in-game and the ships you buy are no better than anyone else earned in-game.
@Underb00t 3 месяца назад
I heard green pew pews make it better :v
@zevjohnson 3 месяца назад
then it still falls on the problems that WoW had with people spending lifetime amounts of time on the game to become very skilled/powerful to the point where they're unbeatable to the average person (the majority of players) and take another lifetime amount to even have a chance against him. Though even that, to me at least, was more bearable than knowing I was screwed because I didn't want to spend money on a "free" game.
@tonysanderson7741 3 месяца назад
ED is still truely an epic game even after 10 years, its the game to have in VR and VR is becoming stronger by the months. Would love to see Odyssey work in VR rather than a grey box flat screen, more variations of stations, it has lost players but i'd expect if a few tweeks here and there were made and some extra level of love then the player base will pick up again.
@VIRTUALCENT 26 дней назад
yeh kinda sad it is such a great vr experience, a shame they didn't make odyssey for it.. stopped playing because of it.
@pgm1673 3 месяца назад
The Taranis moment we had last week was truly epic. I have never seen anything like it in a game.
@Profane_Pagan 3 месяца назад
Ok let me add bc I felt silly bc I started with nitpicking: Indigo this video is a must seen for people who are interested in ED. Thank you for making this. I love how the story of ED is the history what we live through. With a lot of immersive events, news segments...
@Android_ELITE 2 месяца назад
I played elite for a good while actually years ago, had fun solo and doing some missions with friends, little bit of exploration, even came back to get my name on a couple first footfalls near nebulas when odyssey released. the thing that ultimately drove me away was that if I wanted to progress further it seemed like I would have to spend dozens of hours grinding tedious repetitive tasks to engineer modules. personally I’m not a fan of that. it was a duel in kraits with my buddy that ultimately opened my eyes to how necessary the engineering grind was; I could match him shot for shot and even outfly him occasionally and I’d just get shredded because he had upgraded guns and shields. never really played much after that.
@theimperious1 20 дней назад
This is why I quit in like 2017 too. I exclusively PVP'd and then all of the upgrade stuff came out and I had to grind another 100+ hours just to get a single ship up to spec to play how I wanted to play again. Nope. Not doing that. I was sick of the grind already and was not about to go back to PvE just to play PvP.
@tydendurler9574 5 дней назад
Time Investment that actually matters and pays off, well damn.
@Dante3214 5 дней назад
@@tydendurler9574 It's actually been an issue in gaming for a long time. Is your game about actual player skill, like counter strike, or is it an artificial form of progression like in Dungeons and Dragons? Both are valid, but being disappointed that a person's superior flight combat isn't more of a factor would understandably be a turnoff to a typical flight sim player. I can understand why they may have designed it this way, but it has it's drawbacks. Similar to the way travel works here or in a game like EVE online, it's slow for a reason and that is balance.
@tydendurler9574 5 дней назад
@@Dante3214 yeah, whatever. The game is an MMO. Period. How silly would it be to grind 100hours only to beaten by someone who plays the game for 5 hours?!? It's just that skill shouldn't be pointless. AND it's just like real life. The guy who worked 20 years for a Ferrari will beat you in your Honda, no matter how good you drive. No complains there.
@Nitidus 5 дней назад
The engineering grind is the worst thing they ever did to the game. It is completely braindead, the gameplay behind it is non-existent. Imagine you're leveling in WoW - but instead of venturing through Azeroth, killing ever stronger enemies, delving into dungeons, and completing various quests, you grind level 1 hogs for 200 hours. Like in that one South Park episode. It's the most important, most impactful part of the game and it's designed so badly that the people responsible for it deserve jail time. The people who try to defend this with their utterly nonsensical, fallacious arguments are completely delusional. I don't care about your "sunk cost" driven self-defense reflex.
@toasty1510 Месяц назад
Never forget when I first learned about automatic stabilization, between switching it it off and on in mid combat really gave me an immersive experiences. Performing maneuvers that place you out of enemy weapon range and you unleashing a barrage of weaponry. Or that one time pirates attack, leaving me for dead space! Bought my ship HP down to 1%, cockpit canopy broken. I thought I was stuck, then my buddy told me to turn off the ship and turn it back on. Did that and got home safely on one freaking percent!
@bigbangerz5856 3 месяца назад
Elite is a great game “for players who haven’t been negatively impacted by various Frontier decisions” and/or are happy to ignore them and move on because it doesn’t effect them or they simply don’t care. Personally I think Elite has a good 200hrs gameplay in there for most people but it could be so much more and it is to a core group who basically fall under the 1st sentance…
@indigointoblack 3 месяца назад
I think that ultimately the hate this game receives is overblown. Skyrim is not a perfect game and is still to this day broken even though it’s been released like 10 times. But people still love Skyrim. Star Citizen has over half a billion in funding now, and the bots still don’t work. As for the past, I wasn’t there for a lot of it, but for the now… Elite is 25 bucks, comes with mountains and mountains of content that is finished and functional, the opinions on the content vary. Regardless, beyond worth it imo, and that opinion will never change. It was worth it to me full price, but now… even more so.
@Deepkeel 3 месяца назад
​​@@indigointoblack Comes with tons of functions that were finished, but they gave up on the Xbox community a bit before the Series models were announced, Odyssey never came to Xbox, despite their promises.
@bigbangerz5856 3 месяца назад
well you say that @@indigointoblack but imagine for 1min Frontier decide to drop support for something that effects you say joystick and hotas controls you'd be pretty pissed then I bet...
@ImBarryScottCSS 3 месяца назад
​@@bigbangerz5856he would, as would I. But that is a strategic decision on Frontiers part. It's not personal, you're allowed to be pissed, but that doesn't invalidate other peoples love for the game.
@bigbangerz5856 3 месяца назад
I literally said that in the OP@@ImBarryScottCSS
@Boemel 3 месяца назад
Haven't played in 2 years but i remember the day the first Hyperdiction happened and i was logged in every night all night. It was so exciting all the things happening.
@torquaymouse2236 3 месяца назад
I'm just going to say " This is my all-time favourite game ever" I've been playing nearly every day since kickstarter back in 2012, if your even slightly intrested in space flight, give it a go!
@neilsmith8427 3 месяца назад
Great video good to see positive ones about elite. Its a special game that shaped alot of the industry. Elite needs to survive
@murdurmuffin7872 3 месяца назад
Elite needs to be BETTER. We've been promised, and let down, repeatedly for a decade. There's SO MUCH POTENTIAL, but the devs refuse to capitalize on it. Elite needs to evolve.
@KinkyJalepeno 3 месяца назад
They need to stop ruining it then with crap like Odyssey and pandering to investors. Start listening to players, stop being greedy and ignorant and include VR !
@LordTea1 3 месяца назад
@@murdurmuffin7872 in contrast to many other games out there, Elite has evolved - a lot. Only the core elements of the 2014 game are still present in the latest 2024 version after 18 large updates. And there are more large updates to come. That can not be said about many 10-year old games still on the market. At the asking price of now $25 Elite with Odyssey is an absolute steal.
@irish7460 2 месяца назад
Shaped the industry? in what way? as far as I can't tell, nobody gives a shit about it.
@Graterstuuf 2 месяца назад
Elite in 1984 was special.
@user-on4lv8eu9h 2 месяца назад
One thing that must be said about Elite's story is that it is told in the most realistic and /immersive/ manner. You learn about events either by participating in them or reading about them in the news, some episodes can take months to reach their conclusions, alternatively you can ignore everything and do what you like far away from trouble... and it's the same in Elite.
@Glorious_Memes 2 месяца назад
For a game that can sometimes go on sale for less than a McDonalds visit and will give you thousands of hours of gameplay while still discovering new things, I'd say its worth it
@pablo.gonzales945 2 месяца назад
I’m a brand new player about a week in and I have to say where has this game been all my life!! Exploring the community a bit I can see how some veteran players have been wronged in the past, and may feel bitter. But as a completely fresh player I have nothing but great things to say about the game and I’ve convinced some of my other friends to play too :)
@victoryeung2844 3 месяца назад
Bought this game quite awhile ago and forgot about it. Just start it these 2 days. Play the the tutoroil once and then auto launch my sidewinder, absoultely my mistake, totally panic at the space. What an experience ! Just like car broke down on nobody land. Clear the scave, run tutorial 3 more times. Done around a bunch ultra low risk delivery jobs and got a bit kowning of the control and the on screen display. It is a good game.
@pluto419 2 месяца назад
I remember the event of Titan tirranis, i was there on hip 22460, we had two dozen ships or so in the instance dicking around until the cutscene kicked in, truly amazing. I've been playing for a little over 3 years now, and its truly a masterpiece of a game
@JosephLinares 3 месяца назад
I wholeheartedly agree. I started with Elite in 2017 on the PS4 and moved to PC Odyssey about a year or so ago. 2500+ hours combined and I still find reasons to play every week.
@EuOctane 27 дней назад
Give me some reasons
@JosephLinares 27 дней назад
Honestly, the player community is the best reason. I’ve been involved in Squadron play since 2020 with a very active in-game squadron and it’s 100% the reason I keep coming back.
@EuOctane 27 дней назад
@@JosephLinares But, what have to do with all of it? Just drive a spaceship?
@JosephLinares 27 дней назад
I mostly focus on bounty hunting wanted ships and trading for profit in furtherance of my squadron’s goals set out by the leadership. But you can play any way you want. Explorer. Pirate, power player, miner. Best is to try a little of everything and then focus on what you like best.
@alphatt_1 11 дней назад
@@EuOctane you have NO IDEA
@thelionsam 3 месяца назад
Great intro/summary 👍 10k hours + and counting in game.
@psyanidemcpsy6501 16 дней назад
As Yoda would say ''Life, you have not.'' that's like someone saying they have 10000 hours in Call of Duty, like, bro, reassess your life choices, seriously.
@thelionsam 16 дней назад
@@psyanidemcpsy6501 thanks.....what a nice community this game has 😏 been playing since 2015 ish and remember both my kids' names so it's all good. My job is pretty stressful and chilling in Elite has been a great counter to the hurly-burly over the last 9 years...
@no-replies 5 дней назад
​@@psyanidemcpsy6501why be a cunt?
@bogdanrotaru6101 3 месяца назад
please for the love of God bring VR for on-foot, that's the only thing holding me to return to elite. Once you play it in VR, you can NEVER return to flat monitor
@Dummyplugg 2 месяца назад
100% When Odyssey came out with no VR I played for a little bit. But then it became clear that VR wasn't going to happen. I haven't played since.
@JRo250 3 месяца назад
Completely agree with everything you said. It's a fair and balanced synopsis of the game. I also agree regarding the cost/value equation of ED; it's a bargain. Beyond that, dude, awesome voice-over and presentation skills. Your audio is immaculate, including the oft missed compression, voice EQ, and excellent mix which makes for very easy listening. Your projection and articulation into the mic is also topnotch, pro level. Nicely done!
@indigointoblack 3 месяца назад
Thank you! o7
@topflightrec7200 Месяц назад
DMAN that was the greatest comment I’ve read in a while, explained why I was immediately sucked in, the voice made it very easy to listen and watch through. Props!
@ToCoSo 3 месяца назад
Awesome vid!! Great that people are noticing how good Elite is, its not the usual game, its a cool environment you can play in and has the best community. Playing with people makes Elite amazing!
@vincore2845 3 месяца назад
I'm very much liking the change to the narration of your videos. I think you nailed it in this one. GG
@vincore2845 3 месяца назад
Imma comment my own comment... I think this might be one of your best videos yet. totally loving the mix of narration and in-game footage!
@OwOUwUOnO Месяц назад
Is there any possible chance I would be able to use a Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS controller along with the mouse & keyboard? I've had a few games that would disconnect & reconnect with noticeable feedback delay the HOTAS whenever I'd move press any hotkeys or move the mouse around.
@ShockandMaw 2 месяца назад
What's the VR controls like with motion controllers? Is there any support? I've been considering getting into it but i can't find any good answers on that. I have a Quest 2.
@gabereiser 2 месяца назад
You’d be better served with a HOSAS like the VKB NXT Gladiators. Theres no touch controller support.
@asingularhuman 2 месяца назад
I just use an xbox controller and it works great, there are no motion controls and it would likely not work very well if there where any.
@LumusDigital 2 месяца назад
the only thing personal that upset me about Odyssey DLC was lack of VR this game is amazing to play in VR and i would have loved to have Done That In Odssey As Well
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
If odyssey was fully VR supported it I would be absolutely insane
@aavvv_ 2 месяца назад
I’m really enjoying starting over again after a four year absence. It is a space game experience like no other.
@tomii1132_ Месяц назад
I remember like it was yesterday when we first encountered thargoids. No one knew it was coming and it was pretty scary. Also, the thargoids planet bases were epic. We were landing our ships around and exploring the beuty there... there is so much more u didnt notice but whatever. I guess people have to try it themselfs...
@wilhelmwolf7260 5 дней назад
Used to play on console and loved it. Never will forgive them for shutting down further support…
@AuraSparks 2 месяца назад
Great video, excited to start my Elite Dangerous journey very soon
@tgherman3619 Месяц назад
Been playing since release. I've done a little bit of everything. Just got a fleet carrier, helped kill Titan :Oya and all that good stuff. This is the perfect space game for me.
@ali07saad 2 месяца назад
i stopped playing around 2018 when i got triple elite, never got the chance to do engineering as the material gathering was just too much for me, even with enough mats it was just gambling on results. i understand that it's end game thing but still it felt like taking forever just to unlock an engineer and level up to upgrade a heat sink. is it better now?
@RyneLanders 5 дней назад
Man, I used to play Elite Dangerous at release in VR with the Saitek X52 sticks and a CV1, and it was AN EXPERIENCE!
@johnny5alv 5 дней назад
How does the MMO aspect of it work? Is it one mega server or multiple? Or do you just invite friends to your game?
@indigointoblack 5 дней назад
so, Open is kinda a giant server, theres more going on in the back end but yea. Private Group Session is kinda like a private game, where you and whoever you add to the session are the only players youll run into, everyone else is an NPC. Solo is solo. You are still connected to the simulation when you play in any of the modes, which is why its online only. You can invite friends to a Team with the top left panel in your ship, this will make it more likely you will instance with each other if you are in the same area, and you can share team missions with each other, which enables 2 people to get the reward of a mission.
@Gazooka Месяц назад
The way they can fix the engineering is to make it just require materials with no credits to upgrade completely (no multiple rolls just the one per grade) or use credits to roll the grade up to full with no materials, the odyssey weapons and suits are worse as they require both parts and credits, honestly it should be one or the other, or it’s free if you have all the materials and would cost a surplus if you don’t have any materials (discount if you have some of them).
@Rykaas 2 месяца назад
I've played other space games before Elite but there was always a "lack of freedom" which is ironic considering the genre. This is the first game I've played that allows me to go and do whatever, whenever, however
@CH-hp6ow 2 месяца назад
VR Headset + HOTAS + Voice Attack also makes this the coolest VR experience I have played so far. I last played a couple years ago though and didn't get to check out the FPS gameplay with this setup so not sure how it translates.
@Mike-yv9qs 2 месяца назад
VR is no longer supported
@CH-hp6ow Месяц назад
@@Mike-yv9qs whaaaaaaaaaat!? That makes me sad even though I don't have a PC or headset to play it anymore. Others not being able to experience how cool this was sucks
@Mike-yv9qs Месяц назад
@@CH-hp6ow You can still use it, but it's unsupported now, so any VR issues/bugs may not get resolved.
@E1Streamz 2 месяца назад
One of the best most imersive and relaxing games i have ever played, Recently ported my console save over to PC and was blown away by how much better it looks and feels especially with the odessey stuff. I only wish i had more time to play this game as you really do need to sink a few hours at a time to feel any real benefit. I also play EVE (Echos and online) but Elite is my favourite space game, and the comunity are helpful and welcoming
@dirtyvinyl8817 2 месяца назад
I have 2003 hours in that Dangerously Elite game. Ive been to Beagle Point and I've seen the center of the Galaxy. I've seen the largest star and some of the most breathtaking nebulas. I have only 4 more leaders to serve in the powerplay and have mined Void Opals, LTD, Painite, you name it, just to pay for a fleet of ships. I have won a free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital that came with a pretty cool mug from the gift shop. and i'm so close to my own carrier... and with this short video, you have shown me how little ive played this game. wow. P.S Please Frontier update the ship HUD omg... it did not age well.
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
ship hud i still think is pretty sick but in terms of QOL yea it could use some looking at. and to be honest, there are things out there thatll make me feel the same way, even after hundreds or even over a thousand hours somehow elite can still make me feel like im new lol, its insane.
@AikweidHaast 2 месяца назад
Your channel is really well put together so far, mate. I reckon a solid "Getting Back Into Elite" type video could do well and ease the re-entry of players back into the game.
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
great idea, will do!
@krellis1000 Месяц назад
I bought ED + Odyssey 3 weeks ago and have already got my money's worth, and have only scratched the surface. I also still have the original Elite badge from the 1980s BBC micro version.
@thenetrunner2331 2 месяца назад
Started playing elite around 2018 and loved every moment of it, then wehen odyssey launched, was unhappy with the state of the game (as many were/are) and moved to star citizen (which has become my most played game in recent time). But i'm definitely gonna check out elite D again, still have plenty of asteroids to crack and stars to visit =] and boy do i love the asteroid mining in elite
@ContraGrain 2 месяца назад
My favorite aspect of elite really is the chill gameplay. My maimship at the moment is a dolphin.
@kaplishk Месяц назад
Elite Dangerous is really a niche of the space genre because it the only game that let us explore our Milky Way Galaxy with gameplay on top of it.
@YoreHistory Месяц назад
PLaying Elite Dangerous with VR/HOTAS + HCS Voice Packs+Voice Attack is honestly the closest to flying in space you will ever get. Just a next level experience.
@Astro648 3 месяца назад
Fantastic video, keep up the great work!
@tallll70 3 месяца назад
Do you know what is the game play space in ED? I mean the space used to change content in depends where you are? You spoke of skybox, i guess you meant something like spacebox or universebox which displays area which can be traveled to, that is super nice... Like in case of SC it started with 1mil x 1mil x 200k, then it expended for solar system size to roughly 100mil x 100mil and Pyro will be or is for some about double, i was always wondering what it is for ED or NMS, NMS also uses single solar system which changes it's content during warp and that's how big gameplay space is in there really
@Sighman 17 дней назад
Elite uses instances. So you have an instance for the current star system while in Supercruise (all of it, even hundreds of thousands of light seconds across). E.g. a system containing a secondary star with planets 400,000 LS away would be 120000000000km, and you can fly the whole way without a break. Some systems have secondary stars over a million LS away. When you exit supercruise you exist in an instance as well - e.g. planet surface (you can drive right around a full-size planet with no loading screens, pauses, or pop-in). You instance at space stations, or in deep space, or asteroid belts, or anywhere else.
@tallll70 17 дней назад
@@Sighman thank you... Instance is a word which I needed because now I have much more results online.How big they are and how it works, and thank you for your explanation too
@PraetorianAU 5 дней назад
My biggest issue was the fact they didn't tell us they were going to charge us for the features promised during early access. A paid for DLC just for the ability to land of very few planets. Then another paid for DLC that gives the feature to get out of your ship. Both of these were listed as future features coming to the game. There are many competing games that already have these features and do a better job of it. And they didn't charge me anything extra to use them. This is basically the horse armor DLC all over again. At least in the case of the horse armor, the DLC didn't cost as much as the base game.
@indigointoblack 5 дней назад
Like I mentioned in the video the game is way cheaper now, 25 usd for the whole deal, odyssey and all. on sale its like 12 usd. Insanely good price imo. and yes there are a few really strong competitors, none of them actually pull off the simulation part, either the galaxy, or the bubble civilization thing. the sim is just too cool, and i cant really get it anywhere else ive found.
@jackmarston2515 Месяц назад
This game would rule over all other space games if it had some more interesting planets and ship interiors.
@zaniusmaximus2490 12 дней назад
For $25 dollars you are getting alot of value, but you need to put in some 50+ hours of dedicated grinding to get to the endgame like engineering, faction-locked ships, Thargoid hunting, guardian weaponry, and fleet carriers. Ontop of the credit grind, it's a massive time investment.
@Deepkeel 3 месяца назад
I only abandoned playing this because I cant afford to get a new PC still, used to be on the Xbox side of the game, but the devs abandoned Console before the Series models were announced(?), way back when Odyssey was about to come out.
@Kindofsavvy 3 месяца назад
I got this game from a giveaway but i havent touched it yet. It looks intimidating, any recommendations for getting started or finding a community to join to learn from?
@Rykaas 2 месяца назад
Avoid new player guides, they're just about how to do everything as fast as possible and kill the all fun out of it. I started after watching some new account playthrough. That really helps
@asingularhuman 2 месяца назад
play the tutorials, and just play the game and enjoy it.
@BurnerJones 2 месяца назад
I haven't played this since 2016 but you've convinced me to give it another shot.
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
you got a lot to catch up on XD
@Markuskittelsen 2 месяца назад
It is illegal to make such a good video with so few subsribers!!
@BruhLordEternal 23 дня назад
All I remember was driving a ship around with cargo for like 5 hours. I call it space trucking simulator because you really don't get to do anything else for probably a very long time.
@indigointoblack 22 дня назад
you do get to do a lot of other things, but if you only space truck that all the experience youll get.
@BionicFreakOfficial День назад
I'd dive back in if they gave us FULL VR support and ship interiors.
@bigcat514 2 месяца назад
Nice vid 👍. How is Elite work out in co-op? Is it clunky, non existing, or awesome, or…?
@STRIDER_503 Месяц назад
What I like about this game is it doesn't force you to do all the stuff it features, YOU choose what you want to do in this game. It's the freedom that makes this game appealing to those who play it, me included.
@Tamburello_1994 3 месяца назад
Subbed for positive ED content
@Sir-Complains-a-Lot 3 месяца назад
As long as its not pvp, right?
@asingularhuman 2 месяца назад
whenever I see someone use "ED" as an acronym for elite dangerous I need to remind myself what they meant.
@Tamburello_1994 15 дней назад
@@Sir-Complains-a-Lot Still looking for a friend, eh?
@chrissumner6046 3 месяца назад
I got well over 2k hrs and still loving Elite, thankyou Big Daddy Braben 😁
@Nyxson 2 месяца назад
Strange seeing myself mentioned in the video like that... Not in a bad way though 😊😊 Thank you for that. And thank you for showing your side of the game and why you love it and want to share your passion with everyone else. Your passion is really contagious. Wish you all the best and amazing work on the video. Cheers.
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the comment! Really cool to run into you here!
@TexTheMaster 20 дней назад
Its fun if you like to fly around and do little missions like collecting resources or fighting. The community is fun, it feels great, all the sounds and motion is great. My first time in a black hole was cool, i grinded for like 2 months then set out on a journey to the center of the galaxy
@Skyx700 2 месяца назад
At about 7:40, are you telling me I could single handedly change the fate of a small system? Additionally, if I provided enough to a system, would it get it's own orbital station? The last question, for myself, is if it were worth effort....
@AllericEnslin 2 месяца назад
As a Star Citizen nerd, i've been struggling to get myself into it, though i really want to
@jonlorber5911 8 дней назад
The one thing had prevented me from playing this game still in 2024 is a mouse useable UI within the ship. Why can't we have a simple toggle button to toggle a mouse pointer on / off for use with the ship menus? I hate navigating the menus with the keyboard. So unintuitive when the same controls are used to fly the ship.
@nevilovermann797 2 месяца назад
I'm fairly new to the game. I've clocked about 80 hours in it and I think this is one of the most amazing games I have ever played. For anyone interested in space sims this is a must play. I'm sure it won't be for everyone, it's a hard sci-fi experience to the core, but it is truly spectacular.
@danobb 13 дней назад
How are you able to figure out where events will take place? And when? I just want to be there when it all happens but I don’t know how!
@indigointoblack 5 дней назад
community goals have a dedicated little icon above they system that they are happening in, and Galnet is great if you want to keep up with the big Thargoid stuff, Inara (3rd party website) is also an amazing resource.
@MrRocksW 3 месяца назад
Great video and very good summary
@ZeugmaP 2 месяца назад
I'm coming back into the game and I've decided to take part in the war against Thargoids. I actually had no idea there were huge events like this until a few days ago and I'm kinda sad that I didn't participate haha I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment because there's a lot of information to digest but I can't wait to go flying again !
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
It is a very extensive system, if you want a more intro friendly POI to participate in, try to find a surface settlement that is under attack, as they offer quick repair and restock without leaving the conflict zone. I earned a couple billion there with a totally unengineered ship, with the usage of guardian tech. There are also great unengineered AX build guides here on youtube
@ZeugmaP 2 месяца назад
@@indigointoblackThanks for the advice !
@cmdrsorrowful4823 3 месяца назад
i have thousands of hours in elite and some memorable adventures with players. also i say that the game is not an energy rush of epicness, it is more subdued and melancholic and "boring" even. it is commonplace for gamers to listen to podcasts while playing the game. but if you get attached to your ship and progress in game then you acquire the persona of a pilot, who in real life must handle long periods of boredom during travel, but this boredom will be merged with your new identity as a commander and make you feel like a ship captain even more. rumor has it that base building is gonna be added to elite one day.
@gadafthegreat Месяц назад
I've Owned ED and Odyssey for years now and have never played it. Your video has me downloading it now and jumping in. Thank you! c:
@indigointoblack Месяц назад
something i regret not pressing on this video is how brutal the game is to new people, you will be tested lol. but if you make it through its an insane video game not yet done anywhere else as far as ive known.
@gadafthegreat Месяц назад
@@indigointoblack There are a ton of mechanics that I need to learn for sure! Flying is a little hard coming from No Mans Sky but with practice I can see becoming an amazing pilot! Thanks again for making this video!
@RedBeardAUGames 2 месяца назад
Elite dangerous currently on sale 60%-70% off get it while it's hot
@SgtAwesome97 2 месяца назад
I notice you didn't mention anything about the agony that is the engineering grind. Understandable given that knowing of it would chase away new players. But I agree with a lot of what you said.
@jimeththemelancollie351 20 дней назад
*The Nitty:* Elite is a fine, chill single player space sim experience. The persistent server and instancing issues/limitations ruin it as a multiplayer game though. VR exists but do not expect a polished experience outside of lone, ship-based activities. *The Gritty:* This is not a gamer's game, it is a dreamer's game. Outside of playing make-believe space pilot and basking in the novelty of (very well) simulated sci-fi space flight, the mechanics available for intrinsic fun are shallow and unfulfilling. The systems are complex, but they are not well designed as *game* systems. The community of this game (and those of other space sims) have a tendency to fixate on what the game *could* be rather than what it is. They focus on the *potential* of being set free in a simulated galaxy, rather than the lack of direction inherent in that. They will parade the very well built simulation of Elite in front of you and tell you the sum of it's parts make a game. They do not.
@georgetaggart7714 2 месяца назад
How powerful of a pc should i have? The specs on steam seem minimal. I want to try but not confident in my 5 year old gaming laptop
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
Elite's optimization is very here and there, the most intensive it will get on your system is probably a High Intensity On Foot Conflict Zone. Space is pretty light and can run well on a lot of systems, I would also try Supersampling on Normal at 1.25x as elites anti aliasing is like... either not working right or broken and makes the game look way worse than it can.
@michaelcestero3168 4 дня назад
Is the Odyssey and Horizon DLC VR supported as well? I know the base game is, but not sure if the DLCs are. Would be cool if you can play the ground stuff in VR too.
@ttownscott 2 месяца назад
Newbie here. I just bought Elite Dangerous, and it starts me out in a bunker with a mission to get stuff from another bunker. But when I get to that bunker, I run out of oxygen and battery for my cutter and can't seem to operate my controls and die. Is there a good beginner guide?
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
There are tons of guides out there, most of which will focus on money. If you are talking about the very first tutorial mission you get in to, thats teaching you some of the Odyssey (fps) mechanics. Hold ALT on your keyboard to bring up your util wheel and you can recharge your suit, you need quite a bit to overcharge to do so, and to overcharge a door without access youll need to activate "illegal mode" lol, which is Q when you have your charger out I believe, best to check your keybinds.
@ttownscott 2 месяца назад
thanks @@indigointoblack I'll check my bindings
@engineer1003 3 месяца назад
Looking forward to the next defeat of a Titan. Don’t want to miss it like I did the last one.
@RikkiNakesone 3 месяца назад
I'm not good at the space combat, or surviving it. I focus on exploration, how's the FPS side of the game now? is there more for that than before?
@indigointoblack 3 месяца назад
more so been polished up and visually tweaked, like the game looks really really good now if you supersample (fdev please give us proper AA) and exobiology is like one of if not the best money in the game.
@BandwidthMusic 3 месяца назад
Excellent video!
@liranm24 23 часа назад
Hi mate Thanks for the video! Can you please share and upload your keybinds settings files? I want to come back to the game and I really hate rebinding everything Thanks❤
@Wolfox360 6 дней назад
I don't hnow if Odyssey is completley supported, but Elite and Horizon was Mindblowing in VR. I used to play this game in VR with Voiceattack and it was like a dream come true. Loved it, but Life took me a bit away from it. Now I'm curious to see it with my Quest 3 and those fantastic lenses.
@richardshade7052 Месяц назад
Just swooped the steam deluxe edition on sale for $10 gonna try it out soon
@TheBlackSpastic 5 дней назад
Just bought the deluxe edition again on a new Steam account. I wanna start fresh, with Odyssey being in the game. I made my start back in 2016. Crazy how long this game has been around.
@indigointoblack 5 дней назад
@jellowiggler 2 месяца назад
so much too do, soo much to see.....BGS 2.0 coming, new ships, the culmination of the thargoid war.....I've been playing since 2019 and there are still types of gameplay I haven't even done. Thousands of hours in and there are game play loops I haven't experienced yet. Insane. You are correct, it is the best time to get into Elite. The software and service are in the best shape its ever been in. The price is low. The player engagement is high. Frontier Developments has been forced to pear down and concentrate on titles that have been delivering. Elite Dangerous is one of those. It's a good time to put on your space boots and go for a fly!
@Norwolf2097 29 дней назад
nice video, thinking about getting this as it's 10,- for the deluxe edition right now (until may 27)! two questions though: 1) What does MMO mean here? I thought this was singleplayer. Can you see other players and interact with them? Can you do multiplayer with random people? 2) Does this constant story progression mean I can not experience the moments everybody else had when I start playing now and that I can miss story if I stop playing for a while?
@indigointoblack 29 дней назад
1) It is an MMO, you can play in Solo where you wont run into others physically, but the simulation is shared. There is Private Group Session which is pretty self explanatory, and Open, where you can randomly encounter anyone.
@Norwolf2097 29 дней назад
@@indigointoblack thank you! my second question was too dumb? xD
@barrycompton8972 3 месяца назад
Thank you. Good content. I enjoyed this, thank you.
@BrandonS-lk2qc 2 месяца назад
Excellent content and quality production. Subbed.
@indigointoblack 2 месяца назад
thank you!
@CatS2TailS 2 месяца назад
I would honestly love to get back into that game, but by myself feels terrifying
@211tfahey 26 дней назад
I reinstalled it earlier this year, but the stars looked blurry. Did the graphics get worse?
@indigointoblack 26 дней назад
head to graphics, set your upscaling to normal, and supersampling to 1.25x or higher if you can
@Brevski 26 дней назад
I still remember playing this on the xbox one. Honestly surprised it could run this game especially horizons.
@fonsy8944 21 день назад
Bro this video sold me back on it. I played it years ago but fell off due to the complexity and being lost on what to do. Had no idea about these massive events. How does one find out about them?
@indigointoblack 14 дней назад
so, by technicality there are events running everywhere, all the time. the game is fully simulated so if you are talking about the wars, system states and stuff, you can just read up on how BGS works online, find some place you like, and get to work as long as the system has like 1 million people in it or less, unless you get a few buddies, you can take over a system with millions living there, bgs guides are good. the story events like that explosion happen from time to time, and have had dull periods in between them. but usually have some activity attached to them, like a community goal or CG (just like major orders in helldivers) or in this case a fully simulated war weve been fighting for nearly 2 years now. game is as deep as you are willing to go lol.
@MadHaterGaming Месяц назад
I haven't played since they added planet landing I need to get back on. I was in a group they actually added our own station in a system do t know if its still there.
@sidrat2009 3 месяца назад
There are a few things to love about Elite Dangerous but on the whole it comes up woefully short due to lack of vision on the part of FDEV. That thing that's happening right now will never be experienced by anyone coming to the game in the future. Why should they ever care about ED's story line as they are not able to be a part of it? Why should lapsed players come back? Is it because the grind has been replaced with positive and engaging story missions? That would be a great reason to return to Elite Dangerous. Are there more than a handful of useful engineering mods that will turn your ship in to a hybrid? No well speciality is great when you're focused but being able to do combat and mining at the same time would be nice, I don't mean the best combat ship and the best mining ship rolled in to one engineered hull that would be a tad silly, but something to make it worth while 80t capacity and a three medium combat turrets would be great stuff. Have the FSD engineered max distance of 15-20 light years and that's a balanced best of both worlds but not greater than either dedicated roles. I came up with that just now. This is how lacking the ideas are with FDEV. Let's talk missions. Can you name without looking it up the corporations in the system you're in? Didn't think so - they're meaningless as they're too abundant and for that reason inconsequential. Have a maximum of 125 -150 mega corporations split between the three factions, and let's not be Emperor by delivering 55K packages between systems.
@bilLYNX 2 месяца назад
Was getting the dlc for planet coaster and saw this and cant wait to try it out
@dewalashape1224 2 месяца назад
Feels like a dev account trying to market the game
@samarthur407 2 месяца назад
Hah, I wouldn't be surprised tbh.
@tydendurler9574 5 дней назад
So don't fall for it? Because he's doing a good job... I was always curious but never tried it. Had a lot of fun with No mans Sky though if that's an indicator?
@axeell92 5 дней назад
@@tydendurler9574i think if you never played it its worth it to try. You would need at least 50hrs to fall in love with the game and its world. However for me after 600 hrs the game doesn’t feel alive anymore. My squadron closed down, there are not many people online (not that you could meet any when there were people playing it). I still love the game and have fond memories exploring the universe. I might go back to it one day, but not sure.
@90Ferd День назад
@@tydendurler9574 absolutely no indicator. These games are so different to eachother that it almost feels like they don't even belong to the same genre. Elite is ultra hard game for a newbie. It has it's beauty and undeniable massive potential, that is sadly being neglected by developers. And the devs very often feel like they are trying to make everything they can to discourage people not only to the game but also to themselves. If you are planning to try Elite out, be aware that it's almost a full time job, if you are even remotely serious about diving into it.
@baddiemcbadbad9231 5 дней назад
I want to get into this game. But like most massive sandbox games like this, I have no idea what to do.
@indigointoblack 5 дней назад
I don't blame you, the new player experience is BRUTAL. but if its your thing, you wont find it anywhere else. try for it on sale maybe. the deluxe edition goes for like 12 usd when its on sale, easiest 12 bucks ever imo.
@sandevelops 19 дней назад
Totally worth it. Elite in 2024 is amazing and totally worth it. Imagine a game where the story is unique and the amount of relevance of your character actually depends on the amount of game play you dedicate to the game. It does not repeat itself. If you are there you get to see it and participate. If not you don't. That simple. I've participated in bringing down 3 of the Titans. Missed the first one and I regret it but there's no way to to fix it. It's amazing.
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