
Elon Musk is AWFUL to Employee, Lives to Regret it 

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19 сен 2024




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@queenshelaine5539 Год назад
He strikes me as a man who was told he was THE BEST!!!! when actually, he’s just mediocre with a lot of money.
I agree
@carlyo7538 Год назад
Ding ding ding!
@danielbroome5690 Год назад
He's also the kind of person who shrugs off all his bad behavior onto a mental condition he may or may not even have.
@matthewlucas4990 Год назад
Mediocre is being a little generous lol
@Jane-oz7pp Год назад
oh, so all wealthy men lmao
@danielbroome5690 Год назад
As a long-time Musk hater, it's been easy to find terrible things he did as far back as 2012, but you needed specialized skills to recognize how stupid some of his takes were back then. We've seen lately that he only really got people in the tech-space questioning his intelligence when he started saying incredibly stupid things about coding and technology and they realized he was full of it. Designers/Engineers have seen this a LOT longer back when he was proposing things like the hyperloop which are impossible, or how he refuses to just admit that rail/train systems are the superior form of transportation and he just keeps trying to reinvent trains, but worse. A lot of his bad social takes are made on the DL, but even as early as 2018ish and certainly into the covid pandemic his anti-worker traits came on full display and it was clear he was a union-buster. I think it's enlightening to people once he starts speaking on a subject they're intimately familiar with where the whole house of cards comes tumbling down and they realize "OH he's just a fucking idiot." Whether that's back in the day when he talked about design, truck drivers realizing he has no idea how to design a truck that they could use or be profitable with, or tech people realizing he has no idea the basics of coding for example, then everything unravels and you realize he's a spoiled rich-kid who got money from his daddy from partially owning an apartheid-era emerald mine and then he faked his credentials and got onto a startup board of directors who fired him for incompetence but he still sold his stocks for millions, then he used that money to get onto the board of the tesla startup and then forced the actual founders out of the company and claimed he founded it, then he puts out poorly built, overpriced garbage quality cars and makes most of his money selling carbon credits to polluting companies, then he supports doing coups in 3rd world countries to "take their lithium", then he basically has Tesla evaluated as a tech company rather than a car company and its stock is GROSSLY over-estimated by at least 400% value and that gives him the money to buy twitter when he's forced to because he made a truly moronic joke that he was forced to follow through on. Oh ya, and SpaceX only exists on government subsidies and he forced them to work through the holidays because they were unprofitable. The only thing they exist to do is siphon money away from NASA who can actually do their job. Because the USA is a nightmare world where they worship private businesses so much that they force the government organization go through them for contracting while giving that private business free tax money rather than just fund the space program directly...
@ashmusing6118 Год назад
Very much this. My father has been a Tesla fanboy for years and years, and it didn't take me long to see through Elon's hype. He's has a skill in hyping things, or at least, he DID. And he succeeded because he had smart, passionate people who believed in the mission of whatever he was selling, and they were willing to look past his erratic and cruel behaviour to other employees. Now, we're seeing the unvarnished truth combined with just how cracked the pandemic made some people.
@michaelasteele77 Год назад
the behind the bastards podcast did a 2 or 3 parter about elon a few years ago, it's a good listen
@solo-bold Год назад
@@michaelasteele77 thanks for the rec.
@sharimeline3077 Год назад
You know what this made me think of - when trump suggested we could put disinfectant or light inside our bodies. Sure, it's a bad opinion from a layperson who has doesn't know how these things work, and normally that's forgivable, but when you're a leader with people's lives in your hands, it becomes a huge problem. I get a pretty good "read" on people, just gut feelings combined with listening carefully to what people say and do. And I just never thought Elon was on the up and up. I can see how he could appeal to people who didn't know the things you know, about coding and all that. But he never sat right with me, even when some of my friends were Tesla fans (at first, the ones who got one aren't happy with them). Anyway, I'm glad to see the truth of his incompetence and cruelty coming out, because I'm sick to death of hard right Elon fanbois. And hey government, give NASA all the money they need to do their jobs, for fucks sake.
@TheTriniTea Год назад
@@michaelasteele77 Thanks for the recommandation.
@RikardPeterson Год назад
Another thing: When Haraldur sold his company to Twitter, he chose to be paid the sales price as wages rather than the usual tax-avoidance ways these things are usually done. Because he wanted to pay proper taxes in Iceland, as he recognise the value of the education and heathcare systems!
@sharimeline3077 Год назад
Iceland is heckin cool because of their people.
@velaethia6 9 месяцев назад
I thogght it was the temp@@sharimeline3077
@wendyheatherwood Год назад
"You can't be fired if you weren't working in the first place!" That'll be news to some of my former colleagues, who were in fact fired specifically for not doing any work.
@punk_loki4294 Год назад
I only fire my hardest workers!!
How he could say something so vile and inaccurate is disgusting
@sharimeline3077 Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS And you just know he was smug and pleased with himself when he posted that. Ugh.
@Sophie_Cleverly Год назад
As a disabled person I really hate it when people say "if you can do X then you can do Y". Like no, I can do X! X and Y are two different things! In fact I have a very similar deal because I get bad pain in my hands and wrists. Typing on a phone does hurt but it hurts much less than extended periods of computer typing, even with all my ergonomic stuff in place.
@disastereli6716 Год назад
From what I understand, the reason Halli is so expensive to fire is because of how the acquisition was conducted. Basically, Twitter owes him the difference between what he's earned since then and what his share of the company was worth at acquisition.
@annabeinglazy5580 Год назад
Which is funny that He is then fired in a Type of manner that is extremely illegal in plenty of countries, with an added pinch of ableism (and elon seems to forget that Not all of His employees are based in the same place), by a Guy of apparently doesnt even Take the time to ask a Secretary to Look Up who Hes fighting with on Twitter. It's honestly fascinating.
yup! what a strange decision for elon to make
@Darca1n Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS Not quite so strange when you consider that, most likely, this was a spur of the moment decision, like the other couple on-twitter firings he's done in the past. No research, nothing, just tantrums.
@spacedino91 Год назад
Just remember there no such thing a good rich person. Even if they do good things they generally only do to benefit themselves and not disrupt the system.
Someone tell Jen Sincero
@theycallmejodamo Год назад
Nah. There can be good rich people. Just look at Dolly Parton. It’s a question of morals. Most rich people didn’t have ethical beliefs before they got rich. The money only made it more obvious.
@MissaBrevis Год назад
​​@@theycallmejodamo But you also have to remember scale! Dolly Parton is hundreds-of-millions rich. Musk is hundreds-of-billions rich. Her net worth is less than 1% of his. Some very rare people can make millions and keep their moral center. There is NO WAY to have billions of dollars without it being built on a foundation of exploitation and monumental selfishness
@theycallmejodamo Год назад
@@MissaBrevis I seem to remember an article a while back where if she hoarded her wealth, she’d most likely be a billionaire, given her songs, theme park, movies, and various bouts of philanthropy. So I understand she’s of a different caliber. My original point was to say that yes, billionaires are morally unethical as a whole. But I do also think we can’t blanket all “rich people” as terrible, when there are those few outliers like Ms. Parton. Y’know?
@emailkanji Год назад
I think you need to more clearly define what you mean by rich. I've never heard of a good billionaire. But there are plenty of people who qualify as upper class in the US who are good people.
@PrettyGuardian Год назад
I'm so proud of everyone out there who stands up to cruel bosses.
Me too!
@nephthys0xa499 Год назад
Having watched this as it went down, I think you give Elon too much credit. I don't think Elon is being "funny" and trying to be "the cool boss." He's the top troll and he delights in embarrassing people, this is exacerbated because he knows that his sycophants will pile on and bully the victim relentlessly. This is out-and-out cruelty. He luxuriates in making his employees (especially former employees) look small and worthless. He's a deeply insecure man who isn't as funny, charming, or smart as he thinks he is. This isn't the first time. He's publically trolled former employees this whole time. This latest escapade is just the most disgusting one. He doesn't need a nap. He needs humility, humanity, and a soul. Remember when he accused someone of being a pedophile after the gentleman told him his ideas were unworkable? Yeah. The list is endless.
@ashmusing6118 Год назад
The thing with Elon is that the cruelty is the point. Why didn't he take this conversation with Halli private? Because he, Elon, wanted to humiliate someone smaller than himself in public. He wanted a target to mock and thought he found one. That Halli is someone with enough clout and contractual obligations to get Elon to back down is fortunate for him, but just look at how awfully Elon's been treating everyone else who doesn't have the ability to fight back.
@HopeGardner3amed Год назад
The ASD community has known he is a bad person for years
@punk_loki4294 Год назад
Is this short for Autism Spectrum Disorder or something else? (Acronyms can stand for so many things 😭 😭). Also what did he do to that community? I know he’s been spreading bad takes about all sorts of things but idk about anything he said about autism in particular
@bakedpotato1717 Год назад
@@punk_loki4294he’s claimed his monkey killing neualink tech can “solve” autism (and schizophrenia) Many people feel their autism doesn’t need a “cure”; just as one example I’m sure there’s plenty more problematic things he’s said
@danielbroome5690 Год назад
Weirdly the designer community has as well. That's one of the first groups that got red flags about things he said back when he was first a public figure talking about hyperloop.
@electronics-girl Год назад
Hasn't Musk also claimed he's autistic himself?
@HopeGardner3amed Год назад
@@bakedpotato1717 yeah we don't want a cure.
@botheyesopen Год назад
Haraldur is also a prominent activist in Iceland who has used a lot of his personal wealth to improve access for people with disabilities. Something that lead to him being voted person of the year 2022 by multiple media outlets in Iceland!
@marlyd Год назад
Elon went after a literal Saint, basically.
@bioluminescence2373 Год назад
I had never heard of Halli before this and he has my endless respect now. Killing Elon with kindness. And some top tier digs at Elon's deadbeat dad status and his independent wealth. Absolute king. Meanwhile Elon, doomed and determined to respond like a 14 year old.
@probablyrajir638 Год назад
I want to point out that one of the reasons Halli is/was on the DO NOT FIRE list is because the contract he sold his company to twitter under stipulated that he'd get part of the payout as wages from twitter. Obviously, if Halli's fired, Twitter has to pay him a lump sum (I'm assuming) and possibly more than the whole wages deal. I'm Icelandic like Halli and he's a great philanthropist and a disabilities advocate. While it sucks he's having employment issues, he's getting recognition that he deserves (at the expense of someone whose recognition is not deserved)
He seems like such a wonderful person and I'm glad the public is standing behind Halli and calling out Elon for the bully he truly is
@isaacbenrubi9613 Год назад
Elon Musk strikes me as one of those things that's really cool in concept, but is executed horribly. Like - look at this cool plan that I have. I'm going to fuck it up in spectacular fashion. Regardless, billionaires are dragons and should be slain... or at least taxed out their ass
@Stitchers_Whimsy Год назад
I must respectfully disagree here. Dragons are much cooler than billionaires and we only run into trouble w/dragons if they decide you're part of their horde. Billionaires on the other hand, give them to the dragons to eat. then build a community with the dragons. Mutually satisfying partnership.
@danielbroome5690 Год назад
No, he steals ideas from other people AND executes them horribly. You should check out some Adamsomething videos for more details on just how fundamentally flawed most of his ideas are from conception to execution. His biggest claims to fame would be the hyperloop - a vacuum train concept that is literally over 100 years old and known not to work (literally every hyperloop company founded since 2012 btw has closed up shop now quietly because it doesn't work), and the Tesla - a car company he bought into and didn't design at all, and the concept of an electric car is fundamentally the same as it was when it was invented back in the 1920s. His main "revolutionary" technology is self driving and it doesn't work and tries to kill you when it's used.
@frankmccormick5499 Год назад
I virulently disagree. Musk is great at spotting a good investment, but he sucks at concepts. Boring, the Tesla truck, and Mars colonization were all terrible ideas to start with. But, yeah, their executions make it even worse.
@autobotstarscream765 Год назад
​@@Stitchers_Whimsy Billionaires are the Cult of the Dragon?
@linzonn Год назад
My husband and I were talking about this last night. He was hoping that it would allow more people to see what he's actually like, and I reminded him about the previous US president, and we both lost a little more hope for humanity.
@Uneclipsed Год назад
Honestly, I don’t think the human brain is equipped to handle having unfettered access to seemingly unlimited resources. He’s playing life on God mode. It’s gotta be doing something to him. The only cost to making stupid-ass decisions is to his reputation. His wallet is secure and there will always be people and companies looking to get a piece of obscene wealth, no matter the character of the person who holds it.
I think there's a lot of truth to that. He has too much access to everything and it's not good for himself or for others
@ashmusing6118 Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS Have you head the article by Elon's first wife? "I Was A Starter Wife". It's illuminating - he's always, always been a callous asshole. But maaaaaan, the obscene amount of wealth he's accumulated hasn't helped at all.
@sharimeline3077 Год назад
There's that old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We have a long track record of human beings having too much power and being shitty because of it.
@theswissmiss69 Год назад
And not even to mention how anti-LGBTQIA+ he is.
@onceuponamelody Год назад
Yeah, it was HIGHLY inappropriate for Elon to ask Halli to disclose his disability on a public platform, when (as Halli said) that was info he could've gotten from HR if he truly needed it. I really think you were on to it when you suggested that Elon was intentionally trying to get publicity from the incident. Of course, billionaires are gonna billionaire.
@megdalena01 Год назад
I think Elon really just believed that Halli was lying about working for twitter.
@Grounded_Gravity Год назад
You're sooo on with the Michael Scott vibes. He has this almost cartoon villain quality where he keeps trying to make some big spectacle to build himself up in the public eye and invariably makes a fool of himself in the process because he's so disconnected from the ACTUAL public.
@danielbroome5690 Год назад
Oh I dont believe for a second that Elon musk works at ALL, let alone working to the point of exhaustion. I think at best he attends one meeting a day and then goes off flying in his little jet to go play xbox or something. IF he's working hard, it's only working with lawyers to avoid being sued.
@electronics-girl Год назад
Yeah, when I first read the quote, "He's independently wealthy and doesn't actually do anything, but he tweets all day", I thought that was referring to Musk. Then I realized it was Musk talking about someone else.
@unfortunatelyevil1767 Год назад
For me, it was when he was talking about buying a private island that I noticed some clear parallels to super villains. So I pulled back on opinions of him. In hindsight, he was always bad, but had the pr to hide the worst away from casual observers. Through the build up of post MeToo, I am now definitely suspicious of anyone who sounds good or says good things. (Politicians lying to get office doesn't help the confidence of what people say either)
Yes! I think he had great pr for a while
@unfortunatelyevil1767 Год назад
@SAVY WRITES BOOKS It didn't help that back then I was young (adult) enough to not look too hard into people who I heard were doing good stuff. I think the english world was just like that back then, if things *were* known, it was just open secrets and nobody looked into anybody too deeply. Post MeToo and the fall of all the systems seems to have changed a portion of us into being hyper vigilant... and I find it so hard to even compliment an actor without looking them up first and seeing if there are any public controversies.
@autobotstarscream765 Год назад
Did he remember to make sure that the island came with an active volcano?
@pegasos1986 Год назад
I saw a story in "Der Postillion" (a German joke news site like the Onion) about Elon Musk firing his image in the mirror because he's not doing anything. Now I know where that came from... (He ended up having to re-hire the mirror image for double pay because he found out that he can't do his hair without him. 😆)
@ashlynonline Год назад
i think since he grew up wealthy he has been disconnected from reality and working class people his whole life. he doesn’t know how to communicate effectively and with empathy, since it hasn’t affected him much if he didn’t, until now since we see him speaking/tweeting more we can see how he truly treats people and discards them if he doesn’t deem them as valuable. i’m even thinking about deactivating my twitter account, but i do find a lot of information and things i’m interested in on there. it’s difficult to want to keep using the app.
Yeah i agree
@marlyd Год назад
Do rich people not show empathy to one another? Do they jot connect to each other on a personal level?
@ohyafoundme4836 Год назад
​@@marlyd it's safe to assume when you're rich (&/or famous)a lot of relationships are surface level as people view you as a way to get money/ fame and networking. It would after a while (especially if you don't know anything else) change how you view most people. Of course that's just my opinion, I'm broke af so I could be way wrong lol
@tkay7126 Год назад
Can I be my own favorite small business? Cause my current project is a Kickstarter for the Vulcan themed tarot deck I’m painting and I can’t shut up about it 😂
@katesclabassi3857 Год назад
This sounds sick af
@tkay7126 Год назад
@@katesclabassi3857 thanks! I’ve wanted to to it since 2015 and I’m SO excited that I’m finally able to do it! I’ve finished the majors and now I’m working on the wands.
@emilia48tc Год назад
Link, please! I would love to support that.
Dude that's amazing!!!! Congratulations
@tkay7126 Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS thank you so much!! It’s SO EXCITING.
@AMFibers Год назад
Employment lawyer here adding some thoughts but not legal advice: 1. When they say this dude was on a do not fire list due to cost, I assume that's because his contract provides that he gets a large severance when he leaves. When a company is acquired and the CEO of that company starts working for the new company, that CEO definitely gets an employment contract (something the vast vast majority of employees don't have, unless they have a union) and that employment contract is negotiated as part of the sale. Most CEOs won't sell their company unless they get a good contract. So I would imagine, but obviously don't know, that this guy's contract provides for a hefty severance amount. And I wouldn't be surprised if the amount varies depending on the circumstances of his separation, (fired for cause, fired without cause, retirement, voluntary quit, etc.) 2. To clarify, the Americans with Disabilities Act does not protect disabled employees full stop. It protects disabled employees who are able to complete "their essential job functions with or without a reasonable accommodation." So first, an employee must be disabled. The ADA has a broad definition of disabled which essentially is "has a medical condition that affects their life," or "is perceived as disabled by their employer." Next the employee must be able to complete the essential functions of their job with or without a reasonable accommodation. For example, if someone has a back condition and cannot sit for long periods of time, they cannot perform the essential functions of an office job. However, if a sit and stand desk makes it so they can perform the essential functions of their job, that's generally a reasonable accommodation. If, on the other hand, part of an employee's job is to lift heavy objects and they can't lift more than 5 pounds, and the only accommodation is to create a new position for them, that's generally not reasonable. In this case, it seems pretty clear that this dude was completing all the essential functions of his job. And if typing is essential, there are all kinds of software that allow for speech to text, which I would argue is more than reasonable. 3. All that being said, I see one of two things happening here. Option one: we never here about it again which tells us Twitter offered this guy a lot of money in a confidential settlement. Option two: this guy files an EEOC charge for the disability discrimination and either immediately files a breach of contract lawsuit, or waits until the EEOC investigation is done and files on suit for both.
@RoseWater20 Год назад
There was a giant billboard in my city that said “thank you for standing up for freedom” and Elon’s face. Yeah… that billboard didn’t age well
@sicilyamarismcraven Год назад
I've definitely seen a few employers that fire people by not speaking to them anymore especially if it's a contract based job.
@isaacbenrubi9613 Год назад
Also: Savy - SaaS is "software as a service." It's basically creating computer programs that are web-based and are generally used on-demand.
😂 yes you're right! I remembered that yesterday after I'd finished this video
@justineberlein5916 Год назад
Yep! SaaS, pronounced /sæs/ (like "sass"). It's short for Software as a Service and as a really rough description, it's essentially things like Google Docs, where you don't actually have any software installed and just access it over the Cloud
@jamesrule1338 Год назад
When I gave up on Musk: June 2018.
@lindsay6518 Год назад
@marlyd Год назад
Is that when he called the diver who saved the thai children a pedophile for not accepting his useless submarine that was too big?
@caitlinhogan5258 Год назад
I don’t think Elon has ever actually worked much in his life (although right now might be an exception since he fired so much of Twitter he’s essentially become their hr department), but I do agree he needs to take a break. His is the worst case of needing to touch grass I think there has ever been ever.
@FeministCatLadySpinster Год назад
Does he regret it, tho? 🤔
@angelaholmes8888 Год назад
I highly doubt that man has any regret on what he did
@Alyssa_M513 Год назад
He will once he finds out how much he has to pay.
He probably will if he ends up having to pay
@danielbroome5690 Год назад
Only once the courts are done with him lol
@danielbroome5690 Год назад
He ACTS like he doesn't need the money, but the reality is that he is NOT liquid at all and his entire fortune is based on speculation of his stocks. He's only worth a few hundred million at most.
@sasamafrass Год назад
Man he's been a horrible boss since he built a Tesla factory in Northern Nevada. Micromanaging employees because he has nothing better to do, threatening whistle blowers, allowing blatant racism, doing stupid shit like building roof top bonfires on the Tesla factory (also while the sprinkler system was off). His turnover rate at Tesla is awful.
@CreativaArtly Год назад
I called it out on my channel too and so many Elon supporters I had to end up deleting their comments and setting comments to hold for review. It’s absolutely insane that they’ll support blantant ableism. As someone with disabilities myself, I absolutely hate it and will have absolutely none of it. I call it out a lot.
@ababy6074 Год назад
Love watching Savy coming into the room with her mug. What's in it anyway? Tea? Coffee? Water?
😂 thank you. Usually coffee
@ababy6074 Год назад
@BurnedToe Год назад
It's so cringe to watch someone desperately try to be the coolest and funniest person on Twitter. I'm like you, I had a vaguely good opinion of him years ago when the only thing I knew is that he was behind Tesla and Tesla = good, but the more he reveals, the worse he gets
@frankmccormick5499 Год назад
People on other platforms derisively ask why I "need" to use Twitter. It's partly because I get to watch stories like this (and not just about Musk!) unfurl in close to real time. Things I see today on other platforms I actually read yesterday on Twitter.
@angelamcdonnell5157 Год назад
I’m extremely surprised to learn you haven’t hated him for at least 5 years
I've hated him for maybe 2 years?
@colonelweird Год назад
I think you're underestimating just how bad Musk really is. While watching this video I went to Twitter and scrolled through the past few days of Musk's tweets. It's absolutely deranged. He praises or retweets far right extremists and far right delusions again and again, such as the idea that the Capitol insurrection was not a serious crime; his jokes are all painfully cringe, but he seems to think he's really funny; he seems obsessed with posting memes that were out of date a decade ago; and he even retweeted one explicitly misogynistic meme. This would be terrible for anyone to do. But for the owner of the company? If he was consciously trying to destroy the company, he could hardly do it more effectively. I think he's an extreme narcissist with no talent or skill of any kind, except manipulating or deceiving people into praising him. When Halli tweeted at him, he took it as a challenge to his ego, so he decided to knock Halli down a peg. He probably had no idea who Halli was, until it was too late. Even after he found out how wrong he was, he still could only issue a half-hearted apology. As for those who still follow Musk, you're right to question their motives. I think at this point it consists entirely of right-wing extremists who think Musk's cruelty is an expression of his business genius. It's all just a sad, pathetic spectacle.
@burke615 Год назад
I used to admire Musk, too. Then he called a guy trying to rescue children a pedophile because the guy said that Musk's stupid idea for rescuing them was stupid. It's been all downhill from there. The more I learn about him, the less I like him.
@DryPaperHammerBro Год назад
You have a voice fit for podcasts, Savvy.
Thank you 😊
@DryPaperHammerBro Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS Would you ever consider audio publishing or however the fuck audiobooks work?
@OrlaTheVillain7466 Год назад
I've had 0 hopes for the guy seeing how his family made money on slavery in an emerald mine and any profit this guy has ever had is due to government handouts, but then the same people that love elon hates them for poor people
Once an employee is fired, the former boss has ZERO authority over ANYTHING that employee may say or do outside that former boss's property. Period.
@electronics-girl Год назад
Musk first came onto my radar when he "founded" Tesla. (Of course, he didn't actually found Tesla, but at the time I thought he did.) I was really excited because Musk was the first person to make electric cars desirable. Previously, electric cars had an image of being "toys" or "science projects" that were not as good as the "real thing". Tesla made electric cars a luxury good that people aspired to own, so I thought Musk was doing something good for the environment. It's been all downhill from there, although at first it was gradual. But things started to add up. He fired Telsa's PR team, so that the media literally had no way to contact Tesla. He made that "pedo guy" comment about the guy involved in the cave rescue. Tesla was having avoidable engineering problems, such as touchscreens failing because they used consumer-grade parts instead of automotive-grade parts. (To say nothing of all of the autopilot failures and "full self driving" nonsense.) Then there was the very poor way he handled the COVID restrictions from the county where the Tesla factory was located, followed by his decision to move to Texas because he was mad at California. Then all of the Trumpism and transphobia. Then finally buying Twitter and all of the ridiculous horribleness after that. Musk claiming to be a "free speech absolutist" who banned or fired, on the spot, anyone who criticized him. And Musk being a billionaire "businessman" who was too dumb to realize that he would make a lot more money (or at least avoid losing so much money) if he just stepped back and let the "professionals" manage Twitter. As for Halli's situation, obviously Musk is the top-level cause of all of the problems at Twitter. However, I feel that the head of HR was failing to do their job. I feel like, at the bare minimum, the HR department should be able to tell you whether you work at the company or not. I don't think it was Halli's responsibility to try to contact Musk and find out whether he still had a job. I feel like it was the HR department's job to keep track of who was an employee and who was not. (After all, they must have some list of who they are going to send payroll checks to, right? Right?) I realize that Musk probably made it very very hard for the HR department to do their job, but I still feel that they failed at their job.
@indigopines Год назад
I have to wonder if the reason HR did so badly is that Musk fired them all...
@cynthmcgpoet Год назад
Give that man a novelty cigar! 😂
@TheWordN3rd Год назад
There is a fantastic set of episodes on a podcast called Behind the Bastards that goes into great detail about how he was always been this way. Definitely worth a listen if you have time.
@stelanie28 Год назад
Prominent business owner? With all of the other awful things he has done in his past. I am not surprised at all and for this to be talked about during disability awareness month is perfect. He has been like this for years and even when he owned Twitter certain degrading words skyrocketed 3 times and pictures of hangings and other racists things and the people who report see nothing done or progress. He is a bully (in my opinion).
@VAL420 Год назад
The people in the comments with their hindsight set to 20/20. I think it's super important when we address our perspective changing and why. 10 years ago everyone was sucking down Musk's musk as a super genius Tesla inventor. I think it's very brave of you to focus on a subject where you were wrong about something and narrating what details changed your own mind. I was never a fan of Elon but that had to do with being naturally critical of rich people. That's as foolish as looking up to them on that basis alone. I happened to be right about him but that doesn't mean it was necessarily the right mindset. Thank you for overviews this specific case with the employee, I'd heard quite a bit about Elon but not these details. ♡
THANK YOU so much. I needed this comment. Sure i believe some people did know Elon was bad all along. But just like many people get sucked into MLM companies or manipulated by business gurus, i fell for Elon's grift back in the day. I appreciate you not considering this a moral failing on my part 😅
@VAL420 Год назад
@SAVY WRITES BOOKS People with charisma can fool us in any field, and people with PR teams even moreso. There can be things we look up to in a person for some things they do, but I feel it's equally important to recognize where that idolatry ends for us as people... JK Rowling for example.
@finchfry Год назад
My friend had an internship at SpaceX a few years ago and quickly learned that the salaries of the engineers are not competitive for that market, and their benefits are mediocre. People were expected to put in overtime or potentially get fired, no matter extenuating circumstances. I despise Elon Musk. I suspect most of his "70 hours of work per week" that people laud him for is spent just tweeting crappy things at people.
@finchfry Год назад
He expects people to be so passionate about what they're working on that they'll put up with subpar pay and working conditions. Having worked in the non-profit sector where that kind of expectation is rampant, I don't appreciate that thinking. It leads to people putting their whole soul into something, and then getting kicked to the curb by their employer as soon as they burn out because their employer can just fill in the slot with another bright young thing who is just trying to do good in the world.
@MusaMecanica Год назад
I think what people fail to realize is that being a CEO is not really that much work, actual operations are delegaded to a bunch of VPs. That's why he keeps failing to deliver on almost all projects he announces. He has no clue whats going on with the companies on the day to day. How do you think a man with 5 companies has so much time to beef on Twitter? I don't think he's overworked, I think what he calls work a lot of us would call a vacation. His problem is probably a lot of paid symcophants, he has no one to tell him what an idiot he sounds like. That's all.
@chilljelloton2089 Год назад
I bet elon genuinely wishes he could be a modern day ceasar now
@theswissmiss69 Год назад
I saw this Tweet too… and some of the responses to it were so horrendous.
@SnootyFarkleboob Год назад
I don't think it's a matter of some people being too trusting of others. I think we're all socially conditioned to offer wealthy white men an enormous benefit of the doubt. The evidence that his every contribution to any discourse is narcissistic gibberish and he's destructive to everyone unfortunate enough to interact with him has been abundant for many years. It's dismissed as "haters" simply because of his status and privilege. If you stripped some of that away, people would have been far more inclined to investigate the negative chatter. He was (and is), instead, offered the benefit of the doubt that wealthy men enjoy, at all times. EDIT: I think it's also worth considering that not identifying his behaviour for the malicious bullying that it is offers him that same benefit of the doubt and continues to enable him (and probably more importantly, the young men that idolise him). He was acting as nothing more than a school yard grade bully, picking on the kid he thought was too small and weak to fight back. The minute he was informed that this kid is actually more powerful than anticipated, his tune changed immediately. He's more than capable of professionalism and respect when the person on the other end can harm him. But will mock, belittle, and reveal personal medical information of anyone else. That's not just someone trying to deflect conflict with humour.
I definitely think you're right about a lot here. Especially that Elon is a bully and is using others for his own power and ego. It's truly disgusting to see. However I will say that when it comes to me personally, i do actually have a tendency to be too trusting. I'm sure his wealth played a factor; as you said, many of us are conditioned to trust rich people especially when they don't deserve it. But I'm just too trusting of everyone in general; idk if it's something i need to work on, because I also find that it's helpful for keeping my criticisms and arguments honest
@Ferreneh Год назад
This is probably the ruthest way to get laid off. This poor guy asked for over a week of his employment status, not even HR is responding to him, then gets bullied by none other than your company CEO on Twitter before finally getting to know that you were in fact laid off. A weaker person (like myself) would be so devastated about the whole drama. I used to look up to Elon as the shining light of hope in the future, but this is just a nail in the coffin that he is a horrible person, who gets enjoyment out of tormenting others, especially minorities.
@MareaRayneOleander Год назад
Heu savvy, i'm curious. Have you ever worked for anyone, like in retail or food? I'm genuinely curious. I don't mean this in a snarky or demeaning way. I would like to know how you were able to take what you love and turn it into a business in a way that doesn't destroy your love for what you do.
Yes! I've worked many jobs in my life. Not in food service specifically. But i started planning for entrepreneurship around age 23 while also working multiple other jobs. The part about not destroying live for what you do, that's a tough question and I'll have to think about it!
@hayleyruth710 Год назад
Also Musk saying this guy is "independently wealthy?" Okay blood diamond baby......
@amandamandamands Год назад
Actually Emeralds but point is still accurate.
@mckenna_L_ Год назад
*Rät by Penelope Scott plays in the background*
That's exactly the song i was thinking of!!!! For everyone in the comments who's mad i could've ever had hope in him, they should listen to that song, it explains the sentiment perfectly
@kdandsheela Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS I think a lot of people our age (born mid 90's to early 00's) were a part of a cultural shift where we saw a lot of pro STEM and futurism themes in our schools and media (who else loved those space documentaries on the discovery channel?) but entering the work force with wage stagnation and worse benefits than our parents, seeing tech start ups become dystopian-like oligopolies, and trying to survive a pandemic and recession while public programs break down and fail has changed many of us. It used to feel like science and technology was going to save us all, and now it feels like science alone won't save anyone as long as it's being controlled by the wealthy few.
@@kdandsheela spot on
@Sailor_Scout_Raccoon Год назад
Ok but….when was Elon ever a good dude?
I'm not sure he ever was, but maybe I'm foolish because he had me fooled a few years ago
@Sailor_Scout_Raccoon Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS I wouldn’t say foolish. Just means his PR team was doing their job right.
@@Sailor_Scout_Raccoon yeah i think he had great pr for a while and has spent the last few years showing his true colors
@Sailor_Scout_Raccoon Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS agreed. I also think him never having to have the consequences for his own actions in the past have emboldened him to be more public with how trash he is. I’m a raccoon. I know trash when I see it. And even I would pass that dumpster up lol 🦝 🗑️
@Akiku2 Год назад
It’s called being passive aggressive.
@TheMagdalenaBB Год назад
This is stuff he should keep out of emails nevermind Twitter! If he had some humility he'd maybe leave day-to-day people handling to a more boring sane stable Tim Cook type and stay off Twitter. He has been fined by the SEC for making a dumb 420 joke on Twitter. He cannot stay away from Twitter. I think he might be addicted to the attention.
@liul Год назад
Your first mistake was to expect something from this person.
@LordTails Год назад
I'm no engineer or geologist by any means as I work in software development (so I could write an essay on why what Elon said about Twitter's API and the handling of that was, well, stupid) but a few things made me suspect Elon was maybe not this visionary he was made out to be, the most memorable being his underground tunnel idea. He proposed this for LA and Florida. In LA, this is not very doable because it is near a very important fault line that causes a lot of earthquakes in the western US, the San Andres fault. The amount of money that would go into making an underground tunnel in a place prone to earthquakes and a crazy traffic volume would be ridiculous. I don't know about anyone else but the concept of being in an underground tunnel when an earthquake struck or even not long after one sounds like a terrible time. In Florida (my home state), we don't get earthquakes but there is something important to consider: a lot of the state is built on limestone, a very porous material which is very good at collecting water (why basements in Florida homes are fairly rare south of the panhandle). Even assuming you manage to not create a tunnel that does not cause compounds to seep into our drinking water (big if when Elon is known to cut corners), you still have the problems of draining a lot of water out of the ground and ensuring you don't create sinkholes (physics is a problem when you have areas as crowded as Fort Lauderdale or Miami and not enough support). This is once again in a traffic-rich area where one road being blocked off for construction can cause real issues. How Elon cut corners with the neural chip research confirmed my concerns about him. This whole thing confirmed them yet again. Elon comes across as a bully not too dissimilar to Dave Ramsay and I applaud anyone who calls him out. God help us though if he decides to make a political run...
@naomistarlight6178 Год назад
The kind of extreme wealth inequality we allow to continue by allowing the ultra-wealthy to avoid taxation, is the problem. It makes it harder for the poor to build any security at all, while it gives men like Elon Musk a pure God complex.
@angelaholmes8888 Год назад
I once thought Elon was a decent guy but he's truly showing his true colors
@Moony1568 Год назад
Never look up to billionaires.
@Paulxl Год назад
He has never been a decent person. I still remember how he called the man who saved all those kids in the cave in Thailand a pedophile just because he dismissed his incredible stupid idea.
I feel that. Back in 2015 i really liked what he was doing with SpaceX. Over the years the respect has dwindled. As of now i have less than 0 respect for him
@kbird6208 Год назад
Halli sounds awesome and I love the digs he made at Elon (Twitter was a big company, now it's not). But he also has the ability to push back that many don't because of his financial position with Twitter and being able to absorb a layoff without fear of losing everything. Not taking anything away from him but most employees of people like Elon don't have that position to fight from if they push back.
@COREcasual Год назад
I mean... he's a right wing goon...I don't know why you were surprised
Perhaps i missed it in the past, but didn't he just become a right winger a year or two ago? Previously i thought he was more center left. I never looked up to him as a political role model for sure, but i thought the alt right stuff was fairly recent
@suzannewdowik Год назад
No nuts? 🥺
I need to redo my intro song and haven't had time yet
@fiercerodent Год назад
Little disappointed by you kinda perpetuating the idea that billionaires work hard. The man has been rich all his life. I'd bet my left ass cheek that he's never worked half as hard as you, and I strongly doubt his behaviour comes from that. I love that you're so charitable with people, but I don't think people with this amount of power need or deserve it.
@Moony1568 Год назад
Preach. Especially people like Elon who directly benefited from the suffering of others during apartheid South Africa.
Idk if he works hard or not. I just wanted to examine whether hustle culture is perpetuating this effect onto the world. I'm sure some billionaires work hard and some don't. I'd never assume a billionaire works harder than the average person, though. I think we're in the same page and just using different words
@mjjoe76 Год назад
Maybe it’s time to move to Mastodon? It has less reach, but it is free of that musky odor.
@GooberFace32 Год назад
Elon Musk is irrefutable proof that it is possible to make too much money.
@sapphirewarrior Год назад
I never met an Icelander I do not like. As for Elon, I thought he had to most potential for good. A few times he proved it. Sadly though, evil is more tempting.
@Eruza9306 Год назад
the 'nicccceeee' audio has become my vocal stim lol. or one of them.
@T.E.S.S. Год назад
You had high hopes for him? Um.
Yeah like 6-7 years ago? And slowly I've begun to distrust him. I think people think i was a fan of him much more recently than i was. I've been speaking against him on both my channels for almost a year now
@faunaprince4466 Год назад
Stick it to the man 🤘
@Senidhr Год назад
Elon is always a point of desagreement between me and my boyfriend. I dislike him because i know in a long time most of the bad shit he did and because i dislike/don't trust none of the billonaires. My boyfriend is very apologetic regarding him, because i loves Space X and Tesla. I always try to say that if those company do something cool is because of the employees, not him. Maybe if he sees what is been going on, maybe i can change his mind..? (i got to say none of us, have tweeter, we are not much of social media people).
@ScorpionFlower95 Год назад
I don't know guys, he always gave me "I'm an asshole, don't trust me" vibes
You're right. I'm way too trusting of everyone. A lot of people get swindled by rich businesspeople though; that's why this channel exposes scams and hustle culture. I can fall for someone's grift just as easily as anyone else. But good job staying skeptical
@ScorpionFlower95 Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS that's why i enjoy these videos 😋😋
@glitschqualle Год назад
all of this reminds me of that tumblr post from a while ago from an (alleged) tesla intern that said tesla had a bunch of Elon handlers that just made sure he didnt fuck shit up and guided him in his decisions for the company while making it sound like it was his idea and a bunch of stuff like that. And that twitter just doesnt have that and thats why its such a public shit show. And I mean, sure an anon person can make up that stuff but watching everything that has gone down incl. the halli thing? I believe it. There is just no other explanation as to why his public persona has changed so rapidly.
@1handedtyper Год назад
Is SWB from Texas? I ask because she sounds a lot like RU-vidr "Rawrist". 🦖
@Darinadon Год назад
Not surprising, sadly. All the behavior lately (and not just lately, but now it's just very obvious) is very childish and insecure. A mature professional person (not necessarily a good person, just a proper grownup) would solve this privately and wouldn't need to stir up this whole thing for public validation. Frankly, things were pretty clear to me since the 'let it sink in' stunt. Which I guess a lot of people liked. But to me that was very unprofessional and a weak attempt at showing how cool and funny he was.
@serene1172 Год назад
As someone with a twitter account, the last few months have been interesting…….& not in a good way. I just hope him showing his entire sorry ass to the whole world, shows how incompetent the stupidly rich actually are.
@kellyinCT09 Год назад
🫶 see you in a half hour!
@leonyxx9576 Год назад
for the apartheid emerald guy you had respect and hope...
Was that always common knowledge? I didn't know about the emerald mine until about a year ago and even then i could find very little info on it. Perhaps i didn't research him well enough in the past, but no i obviously never thought the emerald mine was good?!
@amandamandamands Год назад
@@SAVYWRITESBOOKS I haven't looked at the way back machine to see how long ago it was put there, that currently is in his wiki though it does just say that his dad owns it.
@RainWhitehart Год назад
You are the most innocent person I have seen in my life. I can't remember the last time I heard an adult expecting anything but the inhuman behaviour that profit motive dictates from a business owner. It's like you just popped in from 2007. Honestly it's sweet. I hope you can find your way back to wherever you were hiding before, there is nothing good out here.
@emdeo Год назад
haha yeah emerald mine wealth boy bad
Yeah he's bad i agree
@user-by6mv9tb1f Год назад
The title is based
Wanted to channel another bad boss, Dhar Mann
@velaethia6 9 месяцев назад
Long time ago, in a familiar planet called earth. Okay lets say like ~10 years ago give or take. I used to think Elon Musk was genuinely a genius and truly wanted what was good for the world and was one of if not the only "good billionaire". He wanted to push us into that star trek future. Over time I realized there is no such thing as a good billionaire. But I also learned about his past. How he came to money. The fact that he isn't a genius at all, the fact that he hasn't invented anything. The fact that he's a petulant manchild. The fact that he's transphobic. The fact that he's a terrible boss and just a terrible person and lies constantly about products and cuts corners. Somehow, I've come to the conclusion that Zuckerberg is somehow less evil than he is and that's not to say Zuckerberg is good. Like if on an entirely made-up chart of evil-ness Elon Musk is a 420 then Zuckerberg is 400. Still both evil, still capitalists. But one is now helping to bring upon a right wing hellscape socially as well as fiscally. I wish him the same fate as all billionaires. Being taxes back into millionaires.
@Heothbremel Год назад
@ruthspanos2532 Год назад
I think he and his company are victims of our current culture that worships “entrepreneurs”/job creators, and also undermines the importance of expertise. He thinks he’s some kind of superman who can and should do everything. None of us are good at everything. I guess he’s good at selling things? Maybe he should stick to that part of the job. An actual smart business leader wouldn’t be trying to do HR himself. He would have people for that. He would also understand that running a social media platform is NOT just writing code. Apparently he himself has stated he has Aspergers or is otherwise on the spectrum. If he does believe that, then perhaps he should seek assistance in his social skills. Let me be clear, I am not pretending to diagnose him, or make broad generalizations about anyone with any type of disability. But social skills do not seem to be a strength for him. He has the resources to get help to improve himself, or to pay someone else to ensure his employees are treated well.
@seongates Год назад
Kind of disappointing to hear you say you didn’t understand why people disliked Elon so much before. A lot of people dislike him bc he is one of the wealthiest people in the world. That’s reason enough to dislike someone if you understood capitalism. You don’t get that far up without mass exploitation and disregard for human life in general. I thought you’d have better judgement when it comes to that, Savy. Guess not…
I think we're all conditioned to be pro capitalism when growing up in most western countries. Maybe i should've had better judgment in my early 20s, but like many people who come to this channel, i was still going through my "boss babe" deconstruction. Elon and other wealthy people manipulate many of us with false promises the same way MLMs and business guru courses do. I'm not a perfect example of proper judgment and morality at all times, especially when I was in my early 20s and trying to teach myself about business. We learn over time who's scamming us, and then we try to expose that. At least that's what I aim to do.
@evelynread3156 Год назад
Bunch of jealous haters!!
@lorsod3380 Год назад
and teach him how to be successful and hot launch rockets and landing rally 99% percent of peole are stupid only 1 person have succes the rest work for us
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