
Empath Awareness & Living With Empath Abilities 

Jennifer O'Neill
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Do you ever wonder if you are an Empath? If you think you are an Empath, do you ever wonder if you will be able to "feel normal"? Or do things like everyone else? In today's show I will be discussing these topics and more such as:
*6 Signs you are an Empath
*Empath awareness
*Negative people and Empaths
*Empath health
Many Empaths think they can continue to live their life like they are regular people, and that's just not the case...if you wish to feel good. So I will be discussing exactly why this is, as well as some tips to help you live more comfortably with Empathic Ability's.
📲 THE EMPOWERED EMPATH APP: apps.apple.com...
👉🏽 BOOKS BY JENNIFER: www.amazon.com...
💥 ONLINE COURSES: empath-univers...
💥 PRIVATE COMMUNITY + COACHING: empath-univers...
💥 PRIVATE RETREATS: spiritualbootc...
💥 Jennifer's Website: keystothespiri...



13 сен 2024




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@spiritmoonastrology4278 5 лет назад
When i was 13 years old my parents had me institutionalized for a week, put on serotonin supplement/ zoloft, and basically said I had nothing to be depressed about and it was all a chemical imbalance in my brain. This year, ten years later, is the first time ive felt empowered enough to get off this medication. Ir has been hard. But I cant wait to really embrace these abilities that have been stuffed down for the majority of my life. And figure out the self care that clears and replenishes my energy field. And help others to connect with their core "I Am" Being that society has shielded them from their entire lives. This is my life purpose.
@Jjerichoooo 5 лет назад
The last generation To all empath and spiritualminded people. To all those that feel the awakening of the light that brings truth and knowledge, understanding wisdom and insight. The time has come where we are being targeted by those who have no love and are empty inside. They hate what they can’t be and what they can’t obtain, TRUTH WITHIN. We have a real spiritual fight on our hands for these Narcissists have no mercy or empathy and want to hurt and destroy us, they do not care about the lies they spin and tell. Learn more about Narcissists and toxic people.
@jamespurcer3730 5 лет назад
Calm down, child. Just take a step back and breathe slow and deep. Empty your mind of tumultuous thoughts. It's never as bad as it seems. Even the worst truths become little when our minds can dwell in other realms where learning and understanding are more desirable than this physical and temporal - ugly and evil - world we now inhabit.
@farfanb7 5 лет назад
It is so interesting that I have arrived here today. Literally yesterday I had almost a meltdown and I almost snapped like a nose and did something really horrible to someone that I just happened to meet because he came to me in the middle of nowhere in an empty parking lot I was sitting there writing notes in my car and he came with the excuse of he dropped his key and needed a ride right down the road. However after driving him in agreeing to drive him down the street we ended up driving 20 miles and I was upset but I was concerned that he might do something to me and so I just dropped him to his location and he said he was picking up a key yet he had like $4,000 that he picked up from the store and his hand and then he met a shady guy in the street and I was so upset but I didn't say anything because I knew something was really wrong and so I drove him back to his destination where he had found me and then he said is okay is it okay if I give you $20 and then he got out of the car and said I'll be right back and needless to say he never came back I waited for 58 minutes plus the hour drive I was very upset and I was so angry that I wanted to find him and go to his house and just be destructive about it however I came home instead and I prayed and I meditated and I locked myself in my room but I cried very much because I just don't understand why people want to hurt people that help people it doesn't make any sense to me. I have noticed a pattern in my life of people wanting to use me and literally get a free ride and everything and I just don't understand why if I would be always generous and always help and always nice and I am aware of everyone around me and their feelings but it seems like no one is aware of what I feel or what I like and don't like even when I communicated people tend to call me crazy and always push me down and say ugly things to me and I just don't understand because I'm literally opening a restaurant now and God has blessed me so much that I can help anyone but now I am reluctant to help certain people and I don't want to be that way. I didn't want to charge him any money but he lied to me saying he dropped his key and that's not what he was doing and then he lied and said it was right down the street and it was far and then he lied to me and said he was coming right back to reimburse me for my gas and time but he didn't that was so disrespectful how could some young black man that has so many gold chains on and gold teeth and hair done and smelled like a million bucks need to use a single mother of four children that has been working all her life I just turned 40 and I'm finally reaching my dreams because I have changed my mentality and my mindset and it is working I have struggled all my life and been hurt all my life and I just get so concerned because I never want to feel or experience that again so I'm pushing hard to get to the top to get a better view so I can help more people but I just can't understand for the life of me why someone would hurt the person that is helping them. the only thing that I could think was I asked God why is this happening to me and he said how do you think I feel after I gave Lucifer everything and he turned his back on me and lied to me and was evil and has never repented after I gave him everything? God also told me and y'all rob me by not tithing and not thanking me daily and also you can never judge a book by it's cover he told me that the devil used to be an angel. and finally he also told me that if the guy that walked up to my car asking for a ride would have been a poor smelly dirty beggar I would have rejected to help him or let him get in my car but because the guy looked like a million bucks I assumed it was safe and yet that was not the case. I learned valuable lessons and I have literally not giving someone a Ride Like That A Stranger in many months and I never give a man a ride but in my defense I did have my gun on me and my knife on the other side just in case but I can't believe I did that and I'm not sure why that happened besides of the wisdom that I just explained if anyone else has any comments or thoughts would you please let me know I just don't understand. I can't believe I allowed that to happen I'm not sure why I manifested that weirdo out of nowhere does anyone have any explanations
@katherinelakneranich8573 5 лет назад
I completely agree
@lizafield9002 5 лет назад
All the President's men, USA. Don Jr, Jared, Steve Miller, Roger Stone--get their kicks out of shooting the last lions, destroying old growth forest, taunting the handicapped & degrading the old, young, brown, black or female.
@mariatheofanopoulou8116 4 года назад
it's very easy to understand if somebody is an empath...!!all the symptoms are very obvious to an empath person!he has the ability to see pain in people eyes and feel the pain of other people like their own!if somebody is anger they take the bad energy and they can send it to an abject and brake..is very scary how we can understand and predict things and situation without nobody say anything!They are healers and toxic people try to steal their energy!we suffery phisically and mentally many times because we are high sensitive people and very intelligent to understand us!we are very honest and authentic people and society can't stand us so we stay many times isolated to protect ourselves!
@cherylschreiber2260 5 лет назад
Being an empath is bittersweet. I also believe this is a spiritual gift. I'm extremely sensitive to everything, food, drugs, air, mold, etc. I have to watch where I take my body, went to a cheap trick concert and when the band started the sound waves sent my heart into aterial afib. Airplane rides give me virtigo because I need to be close to earth for the magnetic field. I hear high pitch ringing in my ears all the time. I have a higher vibration level. I suffer from migraines. I'm a hairstylist, and yes my clients exhaust me. I have lonely strange people come up to me all the time and want to talk. Yes I am a healer, and that comes with a price. I suffer from an auto immune disease, thyroid, etc. I can actually feel other people's pain, and I know what most animals are thinking by looking at their eyes. Jesus was an empath, he healed many people. This is a spiritual battle. I have had visits from the dark side. My mother had that demonic entity inside of her. I keep fighting.
@hydebrown1805 4 года назад
Similar circumstances here.
@daisydenis9365 5 лет назад
Being around negative people is really draining...at times I can protect my energies... 24/7 real hell
@deepederson8507 6 лет назад
I'm still not really sure if I am an empath or not. Since I was a child I've been told I'm too sensitive by many people. Therefore, I've lived thinking there was something wrong with me. Until recently I've become open to the possibility that perhaps I'm not too sensitive and that I am rather gifted. I believe I might be empathic, especially in the last 5 or 6 years. I get very strong feelings, perceptions about people and what their motives are. I mean I always have, but more so now. The issue is I have no proof and if I tell someone, anyone, I sound like I'm crazy, or paranoid, or "too sensitive". I'm 61 years old and just now learning about the possibilities. It's kind of sad, but I can't think that way because what I have is today and for however long I'm in this physical body I believe I can make a difference in the world. I know what I feel when I'm in certain situations and I'm learning to trust myself, especially in situations with people who don't necessarily want the best for me. I tend to think everyone I meet is like me in that they have good intentions, but to my dismay that's just not the case. I've become very disheartened by the actions of others and for a long time stayed home alone. I also have some health issues and feel stressed and anxious much of the time. I can't live this way anymore. Thank God for u tube because every time I watch it, I am led, guided to topics such as this. I want to learn. I want to be the change I want to see in the world. I know I have much to give to myself and others. Thank you for the information it helps tremendously!
@bobbalumartin1292 5 лет назад
I really enjoyed reading your comment. I myself am 63 years young, lol, I look back on all the years i have lived and the people that have crossed my path, Jobs i have had, the many different places i have lived, there is many things i have learned and the one lessen that has stayed with me each and every day that i carry with me and am still learning from is that i am, like each and every one of us should always remember is who we are ,and that is, and we all are important links in the chain that makes this world go round. I hope that what i said makes sense....... My mom gave me 3 rules to guide me and told me if i follow them that what ever path i choose at the time will be the one for me. If that makes sense. And they are 1) Don"t ever worry about anything that can be washed off. 2) Don"t ever worry about anything that you can"t do anything about. 3) Don"t ever worry about anything you said as long as it was the truth. And there is a wide margin for all 3. The most powerful word there is is the word ( why ). When we figure out the reason why for what ever then everything eles will make sense. and fall in place. I guess what I"m saying to you is not to be afraid of who you are and embrace each and every gift that has been given to you. You are a beautiful person, i don"t even know you but can feel that in your words. I used to feel the same as you in staying home and not wanting to feel dis heartened by the world, but we are the ones that will make it a better place to live in harmony with all that is around us. Thankx for letting me ramble on, it felt good to express my self. I"m not at all a good speller, of all my gifts and talants, that one i have yet to master. Blessing to you.............Bobbalu
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
Guard yourself because they sense the light and they are dark
@bobbalumartin1292 5 лет назад
@@sungirl9951 If more people would just understand that one"s most strongest and most powerful force that no one can brake through is with-in
@samanthajane11.11 5 лет назад
Dee this could have been written by me! Thank you for your comment saves me writing it all out but I can relate 100% to what you have said. Now we know we can learn why we are here and what we should be doing. Finally theres some direction in life for me
@commonconservative7551 5 лет назад
bobbalu........."whatever path I choose at the time will be the one for me"..........life's decisions can send us down the wrong path.......be ready to re- evaluate your life path , decisions made in life affects you and can sometimes be the wrong path, do not assume you have made the correct choice............do you think transsexuals made the correct choice?.........drug addicts?.......people that work dead end jobs their whole life , rather than getting a skill to be able to raise a family in comfort?
@rgrateful 5 лет назад
I Am an Empath. I cried as little girl, almost for everything. I'd see animals in pain and I'd cry. I always watched over younger children even when I was a child. I love to draw and read, it's my escape to recharge. Today I work as a nurse, and as a Hobby- I am a Celebrity Wardrobe Stylist. . I can literally feel people without any word said. I've had patients cling to me. I know how to make people feel safe, aware, awake, and in tune with the moment. I believe that love heals, and listening is so important. I'm constantly reversing negative conversations into positive conversations, it works for my benefit and theirs. It becomes healthy and peaceful. Words are Powerful! I think that we should feed uplifting words into Souls. I've learned how to recharge and appreciate all for that is. I have learned to save my loving energy for my self as well. I'm aware this world is in pain but theres Heavenly realms as well. I am an Empath.
@dlcoba2979 5 лет назад
I used to work @ the deli in Walmart, drained every ounce of physical & emotional I had within me. I used to almost run out of the sliding glass doors at end of shift. One very nice girl who was a cashier said to me one time "you have to quite this job it's taking away all your light". How true. I worked there twice & quit twice.
@gailland8681 4 года назад
I work in a place that is mostly nice. except for one person who is draining all my energy.. I won't stay there for too long
@nancyd636 7 лет назад
I'm empath too so when I go to Walmart I always go very early when there's not so much people Also I don't go out a lot on the days I don't work to allow myself time alone I just started my own journey where I'm learning to release energy that does not belong to me that affects me, Specially listening to videos such as this to help me with ideas, Thank you 😊
@JenniferOneillHealer 7 лет назад
Your so welcome Nancy! I do an Empath Transformation class that helps Empaths with these things as well...you might also find some helpful stuff here: keystothespiritworld.com/keys-to-spirit-world-library Plus I've written a book you might find helpful: www.amazon.com/Energy-Vampires-Deal-Negative-People-ebook/dp/B008U4922U/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
@lynnmariestroizer6754 6 лет назад
Nancy Demara I find myself sifering energy..i hv the ability to chande the energy..filter it wth my body..its a new trick I've learned..yayyy. Being sarcastic ofcorce..another reason to stay away....but it has brought me closer to nature
@farfanb7 5 лет назад
Oh my goodness I thought I was the only one that refused to go to the store during peak hours I go either very very early or very very late or I order online because I seem to be spazzing out when I am around a lot of crowds and no one does anything to me in particular per say it's just that I feel so out of control when around certain types of crowds and people and then I usually end up fighting with people it's just horrible sometimes I just stumbled upon this today and I find it very interesting because I feel a lot of the things it's talking about I thought I was just a f****** sensitive person who was bipolar and out of control and apparently we are just very receptive and other people do not understand how we are so receptive and understanding and sensitive of what everyone else is doing around us we are so aware of everything and everyone at all times
@katherinelakneranich8573 5 лет назад
I always have felt a feeling of anxiety while being in an environment like Walmart after a few min! And, I always run thru there in record time lol But not in fear, I've always thought it was a part of my Bi polar, Anxiety disorder, ADHD & PTSD, whether it's part of those issues at times or not, the Empathic Abilities aggravates it, also
@tinaknox5269 5 лет назад
@tess44mom 5 лет назад
I'm a empath and I understand everything your saying I stay away from people that put me under the weather..thank you for letting me see that I'm strong empath also..
@mysticalmess9292 5 лет назад
I grew up with my mom being an extremely negative person...all my life it's always felt as if she were sucking the life right out of me...in the past few years she's getting so much better, I have been teaching her about energy and the subconscious and how she's basically been jinxing the family for years... she's learning, finally... 🤗🤗🤗 I wish I had had videos like these and/ or a mentor when growing up... I'm very happy this generation has teachers like yourself, Blessings to you and your family...🤗🤗🤗
@dlmalley8639 5 лет назад
When I was a little girl, I hated it when the teacher called on me to answer questions, I would cry because I could Feel all of the kids looking at me. ( overwhelming) Cities are very uncomfortable... Anywhere with people. Animals are my saviors in the 3rd dimension. Plants are also my friends. Growing up with a narcissist mother... I AM still healing my self worth. Learning about Narcissism explains Everything about my Lack of self esteem. My Pets ( UNCONDITIONAL LOVE)have saved my life ♡ 32:00 min.in , Both of my sisters Died from Breast Cancer... stuffing the emotional pain ... eating / Killing them from the Inside out. :( DIS- EASE ...
@jaimeeoxoo6073 5 лет назад
This video gave me the clarity I needed to hear. I’m so emotional right now because each situation literally described how I feel and what I go through on a daily basis. I feel weak often, I don’t understand why I have to feel stuck to the seat of my car for 20 mins plus before I feel comfortable enough to enter any store. Thank you so much. I have a lot to think about and mentally re-adjust. Thank you
@susanstanley7942 5 лет назад
Hang in there. Keep studying about our gift.Things will improve as we learn more about ourselves.Be good to yourself,and always stay on the light side.Jesus loves you.
@wanjuchien4208 5 лет назад
It is a Success and Healthy life by all means for an Empath to live in Solitude. That is the way the stay in high vibration and live in joy. The most important thing in life is to follow ones joy. Do not try to RUIN and Empath's life. The Ordinary people are mostly Souless and they FEED on the Empath. Empath can do a LOT being alone to transmute the energy without being suck dry expose in the FILTH.
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
Have to disagree with you and hope u know that God didnt put u here to hide. You are made of Gods light and we were put here for a purpose. Recharge but dont hide.
@mikeconnor3602 5 лет назад
I don't think she was implying that it is important to hide, it is important to live in Solitude that is not hiding. I do not know anyone that is like me, I have difficulty explaining my joys and passions to people in general. Most people are knee jerk thinkers, they are not deep thinkers. I think differently than most people and the average person is a huge distraction. I used to reach out for validation until I realized that the only person that can validate my thinking is me, because no one has traveled the path I have. Its not hiding.
@MelModica 5 лет назад
Wanju Chien I agree! Avoid toxic people! Time alone is mandatory for an empaths well being!
@cts3380 5 лет назад
I love with all my heart and I help people all the time. But I’m left alone when I need it. My purpose in life is to just help people but I get burned a lot.
@lindagalloway859 5 лет назад
I cant stand negative energy l like being in my room a lot l do things that make me happy ! Sometimes l feel down !
@jwp6049 5 лет назад
Linda Galloway same for me x
@LoneWolf-yf2rb 4 года назад
Linda Galloway always prays God Jesus and ask for help with him and those guardians they help you in the best way.. use that negative energy to contact God and Guardians from heaven
@Kabaselefh 5 лет назад
I am also an empath but I consider my spiritual abilities as gifts from the Holy Spirit, such as constant dreams, and reading of energies.
@copperhead9437 5 лет назад
I feel the same way. You are expected to use it for good purposes. There is a dark side to it.
@edie4321 5 лет назад
Me Also The Comforter is my go to Source .
@cathytrowbridge2618 5 лет назад
Same here....God, the Universe, or whatever you choose to call it is all the same source... it makes no difference what name you assign to it. It is our free will to use it positively or not. If you choose not, then you choose to face the karma that comes with it. What you put out comes back to you.
@Kabaselefh 5 лет назад
Greg Wilkinson there is no dark side on the gift of God. He only gives good things to his children. If you look at it as a gift from God, you’ll see it as a blessing, not a curse.
@Kabaselefh 5 лет назад
Cathy Trowbridge there is only one God, the creator of everything. Universe hasn’t created anything, but God created the universe, don’t fool yourself.
@stacyguthrie-witt 5 лет назад
I'm definitely an empath. I'm an Author and Poet. I must have my quiet time and solitude to restore my energy after socializing. And I feel good and bad energy and vibrations from other people. I without a doubt have my social limits in order to balance myself out. I'm also a night owl who becomes more creative under the moon. Empathic night owl who desires peace and tranquility.
@MrKillswitch88 6 лет назад
I had no clue until a couple of months ago and this video/radio is spot on about having bad people in your life and what it does to one's health. My previous job was pure hell between the back stabbing coworkers, narc boss and his rolly polly wife who is also very toxic, and the cherry on top was that most of the customers were some of the most horrendous people to be around. The whole town is mostly "energy vampires".
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
Me too exactly. They all decided to get rid of me and laid me off. I was so happy!
@tinaknox5269 5 лет назад
What town was harboring the narcissistic psychopaths? We are the lightworkers911@ gmail.com ...we hold the DIVINES TRUTH! We all recieve the ARMOR OF THE CREATOR. THE 8 EMPATHS ARE. HIS SOLIDERS WHO HOLD THE SWORD OF TRUTH! OF THE THESE 8 THE HEYOKA EMPATHS ARE HIS MOST POWERFUL . WATCH OUT. LUCIFER WE GOT UR NUMBER! HEYOKA EMPATHS OF THE DIVINE LIGHT ......
@blisteredblues1255 5 лет назад
I figured out that a was an empath in the last 4 years. I noticed that several folks are also my age and finally figuring out what they are. I've "had a way" with animals since I was very young. I've been too sensitive and called a crybaby in school. And Walmart...holy shit!!! I have gone there to shop and could not make myself get out of my car. I get it now. Lower vibrations. My ex is a narcissist and I'm out of a failed marriage for 5 years. I live alone now. What a total relief! The physical symptoms due to stress almost killed me. Becoming aware is so vital! Please get your empath school online asap. You are saving people's lives. Mine! Thank you!!!!!
@MrMsadley 5 лет назад
Man the part where you get sick around negativity makes so much sense to me right now. This is such an eye opener for me.
@christinemclaughlindpt7433 5 лет назад
I figured out that I’m an empath about five years ago and I’m really just starting to learn about it. The funny thing is I’ve ALWAYS hated Walmart and could never figure out why, until today!
@stellaspencer3335 5 лет назад
I thought I was bi-polar. I had really low, low, moods where I couldn't function outside or often inside home. My high moods were high, but not outrageously so. I didn't go on binges and screw up my life or anything like bi-pols do, but I felt like I was confident and a worthwhile human being....like we normally ought to feel if we are healthy. I was married to a covert narcissist and realized I was feeling for BOTH of us, since he didn't have feelings at all...that's why I chose him, I'm sure! Then I decided to stop being his feeler connection to the world and his family. That was a turning point for me. It's taken a long time to claim myself, but so worth getting away from those that drain you and use your compassion for their having lack of it. Now I realize I can CHOOSE when and where and with whom I share my gifts, rather than FEELING OBLIGATED to hand them out like candy to anyone who shows their abrasiveness and non-feeling "coolness", evasiveness, and unwillingness to express their vulnerability.
@thesiren7486 5 лет назад
Very insightful stuff! Never knew what i was till recently, however i knew always that i was special,definitely different from anyone in my family! I'm not as strong as i was when younger, however listening to this and many others alike, have raised my vibrations almost back to when i was younger. At times i hear people before they speak. Many times finishing sentences as if we had the conversation already. Even getting annoyed sometimes thinking someone is repeating themselves. My animals always take not only my energy but sometimes my habits. I've had turtles, dogs and cats mimic yoga poses after me. I've had strangers come to me thinking they know me and may never have met but will have something in common as if we did know each other. The list can go on&on! Babies love me and I've made objects move unintentionally 3 times that i am aware of. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL AND I'M BLESSED TO BE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE ALL THESE WONDERFUL THINGS WHILE LIVING IT!
@Babydollmaddiee 6 лет назад
God led me to you. Thank you so much for helping Empaths. You are a gift. You have helped me immensely. God bless you. 🙏💛🙏💛🙏💛🙏💛🙏💛🙏💛🙏
@JenniferOneillHealer 6 лет назад
So glad you found the info helpful Tonya.
@youngtouch4201 5 лет назад
Empaths dont need help the world does fyi most woman have that intuition Built in
@ryanhill906 7 лет назад
Good points all throughout this! I've found out about being an empath, and come to understand that I am one in the last year (and love this!! btw). So many lifestyle changes I've had to make and am continuing to make. I have for the longest time thought of people as giving me positive energy or negative energy, or sometimes I've called it neutral or no energy, long before looking at it in terms of ACTUAL energies. Come to find out my instincts have been pretty close to how people who work with energy describe it. And it's true, as an empath especially you have to be very careful who you allow into your life, and what part they play.
@JenniferOneillHealer 7 лет назад
Here's a good place to start with these things Ryan: www.amazon.com/Energy-Vampires-Deal-Negative-People-ebook/dp/B008U4922U/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
I have pissed people off so many times by mirroring back to them what they are feeling and or wanting to get away with me. I did notice this during my divorce and I wondered why I had this gift but I didn't know at the time what it was. It was only after I got with a narc that I found these videos. Now I am at the stage to figure out how to control my anxiety and feelings when I'm visiting with people...work...Walmart. etc.
@tobyjackson7139 5 лет назад
You'd think thay was bomb the way the blow up when your sit with smile on your face after you dish their on shit back.priceless
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
@@tobyjackson7139 exactly kinda fun now but still draining ..gotta story about that also..I knew this time when this girl invited me to her house for dinner and my gift told me I was the entertainment. I went anyway so I could get info on her. She passively aggressively attacked me, asked me personal questions, and proceeded to try and upset me at the end of the night with the finale. I was still new at this in responding but I'm getting better. Gonna def use this in the future tho
@charchar7897 5 лет назад
This has to be the best video I've seen to help empaths. I've only discovered I was an empath 2 yrs ago but I'm glad I can finally know what's wrong with me. Thanks for this and you've got a new subbie.
@enricio 4 года назад
Hi Jennifer, I discovered the word 'Empath' just a couple of days ago. My American friend pointed out to me that I'm an empath. Since it's December 2019 it's my retreat time of the year, looking inside. Many videos I watched and yours is (just) one on my list. Of course I write here since 'just' does not cover it all. At about 28 minutes you mention that empaths can not deal with negative people. My wife and I put a dot o the horizon last summer. We live in the most crowded country on the planet, The Netherlands. The town we live in is little cohesive; people are not friendly, try to damage others without a reason and have no positive encounters in there lives; it's numb. After our summer holiday we felt tired being in our home again. I told my wife we'll have a new home with July 2020. We found a 2nd home in September 2019 and still experience being sick and tired at our first home. Others told us unasked the place we live (our 1st home) is not good. Our 2nd home is in the forest. Simple, silent, squirrels around us, no human interference, just living as a tramp in harmony with our family. Our daughter thrives; she's born after 2000 you know what this means. ♥️. We tend to say low energy is measurable. Thank you. 🎼😎💃♥️
@verdevalley1966 5 лет назад
@GloriaTorres8888 5 лет назад
My mom is a narcissist and I had to move to another continent... 😊😊
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
No need for all caps
@queenofscrolls7585 5 лет назад
I dont know how you managed so long!
@trishm7527 5 лет назад
That's a long time wow 53yrs😳. I was with a covert narc for 10yrs. After I kicked him out I found out I was a empath🤯. I didn't understand why or how at first. But everything made sense. I had to learn the lesson to love myself and know my worth🥰. Its empowering once your free. I think of myself as a song bird that was caged for so long and got out🤗. I'm out now and can speak my truth and love. I won't let anyone cage me again. I know I'm worth more🥰. I'm trying to learn more about being a empath. I wish you the best, know your worth and love yourself💕 so emotional vampires can't affect you and take advantage of you
@CoreySaraPeru 6 лет назад
Jennifer you are awesome and you make me laugh talking about Walmart and low vibrations!
@JenniferOneillHealer 6 лет назад
LOL! Glad you enjoyed it... :)
@cassiesmithjones1641 5 лет назад
I am an EMPATH have been all my life I'm just know learning to name it and with your help understanding it . I'm so relived because I thought at one point that I was having mental illiness
@timmosier2250 5 лет назад
First time listener, so well connected and right on. And you're knowledge on the grounding, protection for all is great. I will definitely be listening more. Thanks you.
@annaosentoski658 5 лет назад
Oh my goodness, I love you already. You were describing me when I took on my neighbors pain, my gutt started hurting for no reason, come to find out he had to go to drs, he was having a siezure. I can also tell when someone is lying and I can feel negative energies, cannot be around large crowds of ppl. I get suffocated. I always drop whatever I'm getting get into the car and go home. I CANNOT tell you everything, but this is so me and I constantly exercise, I have to run, when I exercise it seems to get stronger. Geeees.....I knew smthng was wrong, it's been going on since I was tiny, I can remember.
@kimberlysoto3490 5 лет назад
I’m both bipolar and an empath. It’s literally hell and took me so long to figure out.
@yolandawilliamson1940 5 лет назад
I learned that being aloof does not mean being standoffish
@deborahfarris6349 5 лет назад
God lead me to you too, I knew I was something but had no name for it, this has already changed my life, and can't wait to learn more, Thank you from the bottom of my ❤
@vc-on8qz 5 лет назад
I am an empath to the 10th degree. I am a Trauma Nurse. I sometimes get physically ill from it. I am about to change jobs because of the amount of negativity I am constantly surrounded by. I am totally drained from it. I have started taking sea salt baths to draw out a lot of the negativity, I use white linens and bedding, avoid heavy foods and drink alkaline water. Lots of prayer. I will get your book. I used to do forensics Nursing but had to quit... It seems I am gifted for such things...the "knowing and healing". I get a lot of people afraid of me or they hate me and send that energy my way. I even feel pain in my body from their hate and deceit. Good to listen to this teaching. Thanks
@voided3366 5 лет назад
Bless you i couldnt imagine dolng and knowing more tham dm and dont get the correct pay or praise but I praise you thank you for your passion and care I know you have to be exhausted!!
@waterdragon5418 5 лет назад
Why do they fear you or send hate your way? Can you explain further please.
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
@@waterdragon5418 shes mirroring them back to them and when they feel it ..they get upset, frustrated and take it out on her. Shes just a mirror. It's a gift of discernment from God. I have it also and have pissed so many people off through the years.
@waterdragon5418 5 лет назад
@@sungirl9951 I experience this also. The mirroring back with the strong negative reaction from others. I can be beaming with pure joy and they are snarling. Its physically painful to me and i am trying to understand this on a deeper level. What do you mean by its a gift of discernment from God?
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
@@waterdragon5418 God gives us the gift of discernment to know what were dealing with. Not everyone has it or wants it or they are closed off to it. He wants you to discern what is right or wrong...light or dark...genuine or fake. Teach your kids discernment if they show signs of this in a early age. Teach them to recognize it and how they can protect them selves
@scottabrahams694 5 лет назад
If only I knew this when I was growing up I may have avoided a lot of pain.
@cosmogtopper 4 года назад
Same here, I would have prevented many problems in my life.
@richgirlro 5 лет назад
I feel that way about Walmart I don't like to shop there not unless I have to go for some reason. I prefer to go when no people is there.
@derekscarrsr2688 5 лет назад
This fits me like a glove my ability to read people and feeling negative energy is off the chart, dealing with crowds and such has vastly improved where it's no longer an issue and eliminating negative narcissistic people from my life has given me peace of mind, it's a growing process.😎
@MoM2ALL45 5 лет назад
I've been Empath my entire life of course. As a child, I remember feeling like the odd one. I remember that as a teen I really started noticing people coming to me with challenges. But one of the biggest things that I noticed as a young person was my ability to not only feel living energies, but also the energies that I know know as being a spiritual realm. While I am resonating with what you are saying .. I've searched to know if this is part of being an Empath. I can connect with spiritual energy. While I am also intune very deey with others feeling and emotions, I dont keep them. I am one that can step in and step out of another's shoes. I'm actually a Gruef and Trauma counselor. I have helped thousands of bereaved parents to heal and inspire them. The first time I had a spiritual connection was when my uncle was killed in Nam. I was only 5 years old. I know this sounds mixed up .. I dont wanna make a book of this. Thank you for this Podcast .. this is something I've just been wondering about for years.
@constanceescobar58 4 года назад
I think the knowledge of intention is the most valuable part most worth developing. Although there may be nothing you can do with their intentions and it may be good to remain quiet about what disturbs you.
@keeleehudson 5 лет назад
Omg!! Yass!! Walmart😓 I hate when I take on the physical pain of others.. every time I empathize with someone’s physical pain.. I end up taking it on😫
@rita2264 5 лет назад
Keelee Hudson i hate it too then I have to guide the person and sometimes I feel people even sadness
@vickywrightson7527 5 лет назад
Omg this info is mind blowing. I always wondered why I struggled with shopping in supermarkets especially certain ones . I first felt it 15 years ago , to the point where I was so anxious and dizzy by the time I got to the tills that it’s given me a weird fear of shopping. Wow
@jenniperkins4260 5 лет назад
This is so helpful. I can also tell nearly everything about a person just in a few minutes - i thought it was bc I was a professor for 2 decades and it was a learned skill. I also hate Walmart and any shopping. I immediate get stressed. I get a weird kind of headache (which never happens - it’s the only time I get a headache.) I am an extrovert but I only can be around ppl for a short period of time. I love animals more than ppl. I hate small talk. I get bored w/ ppl. But not alone or w/ my pets. I’d rather be alone than in bad company. I am picky who I hang w/. I find it hard to find ppl who are deep and fun. Most ppl are too boring and fake. I get hurt easily bc I care too much. I tend to want to fix and heal ppl more than myself. I will give away to anyone anything they want regardless if I know them. I’m not materialistic and I just don’t care about status even tho my fam all do (I’m the black sheep). I also have adhd - ocd and general anxiety.
@JenniferOneillHealer 5 лет назад
So glad you found it helpful!
@kawaiikelsey7639 4 года назад
I have bipolar disorder and am an empath. This makes navigating my ability even more of a challenge. I just discovered your videos and found truth to your words.
@roberthadley5957 5 лет назад
Thank you 🙏 that was the most intelligent explanation of empath empath abilities I’ve known for most of my life thou did not know what exactly was going on with me until a about five years ago. I’ve developed this to a place that almost scares me. I have been able to deal with it but boy you’re sure right about being around low energy. I do study numerous things like astrology Astro theology and really pick up on the movements in the heavens. And can actually watch this energy’s affect my two very low energy vampire roommates. Your right I’ve been dealing with some people that just drain me with there drama and low energy. I’ve learned over the years how to do with my family but I’m at the point now that I have to let the dead bury the dead as Jesus would say. Blessings Always to you ♒️🌞♈️🌛♋️☝️
@stacyk8449 5 лет назад
Jennifer. You are a GOD SEND. Thank you. I am going to watch this again and take notes. I feel hope again. I'm going to message you as soon as I find out how I can! God knew I was at the END of my rope...as is my mother and my 19 and 21 year old children, regarding what is "wrong" with me. They witness my gifts, and the intelligence I receive to help others, but they can't figure out how WHY I can't help myself. (DITTO! lol I can't figure it out either!) But I've heard of grounding, shielding, all of it, but you went into details that I LIVE. Every day. And honestly, I haven't been living, I've been existing. I stay home because the energies throw me off. I started becoming sick with something EVERY month about 9-12 months ago. (I used to get sick maybe once a year, and that wasn't even always the flu, blech!) But I have been begging God to send me guidance. I believe your guidance is the answer to my prayers! FINALLY! I have so many stories! I seriously could write a book on my experiences. If I could PAY ATTENTION long enough! (yes, diagnosed with ADD about 15 years ago) I have almost sworn I was bi-polar and had a psych evaluation. You know what he told me? (He's a very reputable Psychiatrist that comes to our small town to see patients). He told me I was very intelligent and indeed not Bi-Polar. I laugh now, but I'm thinking, Well, what the heck is it then? He did observe my physical behavior, for example my reaction to loud noises in the hall, loud people....etc. (we were in a medical facility of course) and I was basically showing signs of an HSP. Noises, lights, smells, sounds. Just wow. I'm blown away. I had an energy healer message me from India, randomly from a group of 25,000 people a few weeks ago. I'm in on Facebook, and he told me I caught his eye because he believes I have the "Clair 8". I had to look that one up. Hadn't heard the term. lol But yes. It resonated. I haven't even been able to work for almost 2 years now. I can't wait to dig in to more of your material! THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS! P.S. I hope this made sense, I was so excited typing it because I feel like I've FINALLY came across someone who "GETS" me!
@keepitrational6105 5 лет назад
My marriage therapist (years ago) told me I was spongy. I work as a psychotherapist in corrections. Today, I am listening to this in my backyard oasis by the pool. I need water, sun, green plants, and breeze.
@mbaratucci13 5 лет назад
I know all too well the nausea when walking into a room. I've been an empath since a baby. My family also told me I was sensitive but I would insist not. But after years I've now know I'm an empath. It's hard since seeing a therapist I understand so much more about myself.
@lavonnecmurphy 5 лет назад
I just subscribed to your channel and I was number 4444! So cool! I just found out 2 days ago that I am an empath and I am 52 years old! Apparently I am a functioning empath because I have worked in nursing homes as administrator for the last 30 years, but it was very difficult and draining, and I never knee why. I have been sick for the past 10 years so now I am figuring out how to still be involved in this world without taking on negative energy and staying well. I have also been extremely involved in community, church, and organizations like Rotary, but I am quitting everything now because I can no longer serve others until I get myself straight and well. Thank you for this information. I need your class, if it is still available.
@colleenyoung6016 5 лет назад
Lavonne Murphy-Guzman I absolutely cannot work at nursing homes. I have in the past on two separate occasions and both times were just so draining. It is almost like suffocating from all that hate and negative energy. I can only do Wal-Mart late at night or early morning, very crazy energy coming from all four walls🦋
@klee4086 4 года назад
I am reading your book right now, and I have thrown up, it's also true once we accept who we are it's no going back our lives are now different, 100%, my location is changing, I'm dropping negativity from family to friends, we do have a gift and I had to realize someone is going to appreciate all that we have to offer, I know for me, I'm being called to move on, my mom was like you are really giving it all up, I said yes, I'm not happy and I have to he happy and love myself today
@erniecochran350 5 лет назад
Me... INFJ - Empath, with every Spiritual Gift (excl speaking tongues). Still learning to manage everything. Super high vibrations... I've only mentioned my gifts to a couple of key people, but seems like 1/3 of everyone at church has to speak to, or touch, me. (Information overload) If I walk into an unoccupied room, but had an earlier altercation there, I can feel the (very tangible) residual. I barely passed HS due to all of the everythings; Walmart any day is an adventure; lunch at the mall food court during Spring break (all the teenager emotions)(a roller coaster). Black Friday shopping, OMG, it can take 3-5 days just to process and discard all of that info, and that's if I prep before hand. I pick it all up! just 5 mins standing next to someone... physical aches and pains (and arousals), emotions, oppressions, depressions, suicidal thoughts, MS, MD, bad joints, heart probs, just everything. 2 summers ago, I went to the ER cause I stood in line for less than 5 mins with someone that had a 95%+ blockage. People say.... I was thinking about this, or that, or suicide.... my response.... I know and felt all of your emotions. I can go from fully rested and everything clicking, to crashing in 10 minutes, just by standing 5 minutes next to someone that has barely slept a couple hours over 2-3 days. They walk away happy because they took every drop of energy I had. I literally have to find "sacred" places nearby to recharge, i.e. ponds / lakes, exposed granite, etc. I purposely live in the country to get away from all the negative energies. Yet, I still get physical and emotional stuff thru the (emotional) psychic and telepathic connections..... even 100s of miles away. Some of my ex-coworkers picked up on it; just think about him, and he will show up where we need him. The mirror effect is quite entertaining.... walking away and asking myself.... what was that all about? It does have its pros..... after I learned what I was dealing with, I can use it to help people; you need to get that checked; or, you need a stint; or, I can be that shoulder or ear; or, whatever! Since it's emotional, I usually know what they will say or do before they say or do it. Having all of the spiritual gifts, my day is so unusual that it's my normal. Stuff flies, hovers or falls, lights on and off, TVs on and off, doors slam, voices, light (orb) flashes, partial or full apparitions, random songs play on my phone, movies pause, random smells, etc, even demonic attacks. At least 2 or more things happen everyday. Sometimes my response is a laugh.... or really?
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
Do u have evidence to back it up on a daily basis? Or u think u know
@28peruvian 4 года назад
Being an empath can be extremely overwhelming at times....since going through spiritual awakening I have finally come to understand the gift I had all of my life. I also have a soul bond to another person, twin soul, twin flame, whatever label people give it. At the beginning of our energetic connection I went to extreme anxiety, sadness, anger, etc...I have now learned to separate his emotions from mine...it’s been a long journey..i have an amazing job but unfortunately I’m surrounded by many people all the time, needless to say the attention i often get is very uncomfortable for me.
@28peruvian 4 года назад
J B you are absolutely right...I used to ask spirit if I had done anything wrong in a previous life to deserve such a punishment...the punishment to love someone with more than your heart but rather your soul just to be rejected by him. I now understand that what we have for each other will never be diminished by distance nor time. It’s a spiritual connection after all. My love for him will never end....i have already moved on and I’m focusing on my self and my gift.
@28peruvian 4 года назад
J B love is amazing, is true. The reality is the twin flames are the same in essence...deep in our core him and I are the same. Unfortunately, we’ve been conditioned to believe the opposite, cultural backgrounds etc...that’s the whole purpose of twin flame connections. To overcome all the programming we’re been subjected to and to truly follow our hearts desires, we are heart centered beings after all. To be able to reach unconditional love ....
@28peruvian 4 года назад
J B I noticed that twin flame connections are very narcissistic. Choose your self, i have. I know what I have to offer and what I’m deserving of. Choose unconditional love, but most importantly, Love your self above all. When I think I’m ready, I’ll date. I’m most certainly not putting my life on hold.
@lavonnecmurphy 5 лет назад
Within this past year I began something I have never done before. At first, and even sometimes even now, I feel like I am being rude, but I usually do it anyways. I will put my earbuds (both, not just one and half available, lol) on and listen to healing or meditative or metaphysical informational videos while I go into Walmart, and most other places. Sometimes even in the car with my husband (sorry dear). It is like I'm there, but I'm not. Lol! When I go run errands, or go out in public, or even go with my husband to visit his dad at their nursing home, I am blocking out the negativity, or instantly replacing the draining of my energy with something positive. I know it is extremely rude and selfish, but it is a way that I am coping now. If I see someone I know I just nod and smile but keep going so I don't have to talk to anyone. Lol! Life is great!! Sorry, not sorry.
@audrawilkens6640 5 лет назад
That is an excellent coping strategy.. I'm going to try that next time I NEED to go into public but am avoiding it for obvious reasons. It's not rude or selfish, if that works to help you not feel drained by going to negative energy places, that could be something others might try to protect themselves as well. Remember, we are not like others...we have to protect ourselves because we (empaths) are highly susceptible to negative energies, where many others (non-empaths) somehow remain untouched by negative draining energies
@bodazaphfa 6 лет назад
I’ve only recently found out what’s been “off” or “different” with me for my 43 years on this earth. If I were to label myself, which I’m not a fan of but that’s the only way to convey specifics, I would be a highly sensitive, intuitive, emotional, physical, precog empath. Yes, all of it and it’s been somewhat overwhelming throughout my life;however, something has been “happening” in the last few weeks (not sure what it is) that drive me to look for answers. Everything has become even more intense...I’d say 10-fold or more. I’ve been scouring the web for answers, education, and advice, and this Saturday, since I live in Va Beach, I will be going to the Edgar Casey School Library. I’m not sure what I’m looking to find there;however, something strong inside me is telling me to go. Currently, after a day of work, I am almost not able to function, yet I still force myself to go to the gym a minimum of 3-times a week. I eat well and have started meditating using grounding and sacral chakra focuses. I’m in a very well paying career but I just don’t feel it’s my purpose despite the lie I tell myself. I’ve been to the doctor/emergency room recently due to a heart issue but the couldn’t find anything wrong with me. All 4 doctors told me I’m in comparable health to world class athletes and they were all baffled. I know I’m on a new journey but as of right now this ability is out of control and I’m in a dire search to learn to manage this overwhelming sense of presence and energy within me that I soak up from others...as well as learning what’s mine and what isn’t....not to mention I am able to read anyone like a book without a word spoken...when driving I sense other drivers around me and tonight, driving home, I noticed that I was able to accurately predict the movements of other drivers around me before they moved. As a kid I always wanted a “super power.” Im not sure I’d classify this as a “super power,” but I guess I got what I wanted as a kid...I really don’t think I want what I’ve got now, but there’s nothing I can do now. Anyhow, I came across your channel on my travels down the rabbit hole and I hope to find more answers. Just thought I’d share my story. P.S. Not gonna proof read. Best of luck to you and yours and thank you for sharing the knowledge I’m about to hear from you.xx Edited: P.S.S. My Mother is a HSP/Empath. I never knew this until I shared my “happenings” with her. She’s an angel as far as I’m concerned.
@DavidRobinson-wh6fv 5 лет назад
Thank you so much. I have been looking for answers my whole life. I was adopted when i was a kid by a family of bullies. I never understood why my brothers dad always abused me. For things my little brother always did. I didnt understand until seeing this video. Because brother was a voilent and mad kid. These people punished me for not being the same.
@hollowman1 2 года назад
I can relate, only I was not adopted. My older brother and father still shun me although they would both publicly deny it.
@gonzalescarrie69 5 лет назад
I am just recently come across the information that helped me be aware that my high energy is me being an empath. I am nearly 48 years old and I have become a prisoner in my own world. I am a single mother and need a quick fix because me nor my children understand what is going on with me. How do I get the hell I need. Can you please help me.
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
Read Joy books on controlling your own mind. You have to do the work. No easy fixes because think about how long you have had bad habits letting your thoughts run amok. Control your thoughts. Baby steps. And you will have peace. Gods peace
@jeanetperico 4 года назад
Being an empaths is hard but I accept it as a gift of God to protect me from bad people around me and my love ones as well
@sharonhorvat8022 5 лет назад
Thank you for this video. I am an empath and I need that class to learn more.
@jeantave8562 5 лет назад
Feeling other people's pain is still frustrating. It takes me a couple hours of self Reiki to meditate the pain of out of my body. What really helps is when I can target where the pysical pain is coming from, the pain instantly leaves.
@katherinelakneranich8573 5 лет назад
She gave me some confidence in the subject Being 45, I'm just figuring out all this I was diagnosed w bi polar 35 yrs ago, so I'm trying to differentiate between the 2. I feel the Bi polar is enhanced in whatever it's a high or low mood
@darsimccarthy1025 4 года назад
I am thankful for your attention to this subject,that is grossly misunderstood.Perhaps a very young or a new empath may have these problems with the energy of others,but you will adapt as there is no way you can overload yourself like that for a life time. There are some disciplines that can be learned to speed things along.Nei Kung is the ability to manipulate internal energy. This means you can actually change it before releasing it. Dark to light, tense to relaxed,sick to well, it is simple.Basically,first match your energy frequency to that of the subject.Then take control ,by intention ,and bring your frequency to the desired level.The subjects frequency will stay with yours. You can control the frequency of others. This is also how to heal and how to remote view.My first time here..................................................lolly
@ellaparie7624 5 лет назад
Thanks you so much for making this clear for me. I'll have to learn how to live with this ability. It drove me to a totale burn-out 3 years ago. And things will be different from here on.♡♡♡
@caribaez5711 5 лет назад
I am an empath but I feel I am maturing these abilities.. I noticed more of who I am.
@seigneurjesuistoipshaw.5359 5 лет назад
I never want to feel "normal"! I can feel Everything at once at will. ( Better than drugs.) Now how are we to save the world then?
@jamesearlvanderfordjr4158 5 лет назад
I new I was ,kinda cool!
@belle69ish 3 года назад
I identify with all you have said. I was diagnosed bipolar generalized anxiety disorder and ADHD. My counselor called me an HSP.
@user-il9cy3jr5k 5 лет назад
When I was a teen, it was cool to go to the mall and hang out. I would go, but as soon as I got there, I would speak in a whisper and my friends wouldn't invite me to go to the mall after a while. I realized I whispered because I didn't want everyone else to hear me as I heard them. Talk about over compensation! And nobody else I knew was an empath. As an adult, everybody with an emotional situation hates me. Hermits are us. Lately changes are happening. I want to go to school please!
@hollowman1 2 года назад
I experienced 'The Three Knocks (twice in one day!) last week and found your video on the subject which was so helpful. Thank you. I've been wrestling with the question of whether or not I am an empath for several years now, though so many signs point to 'Yes'. Denial? Resistance? Your having mentioned that empaths potentially being more susceptible to 'The Three Knocks' caught my attention which is why I am here watching this video. Thanks again. I believe that, being a middle aged man who grew up in a very conservative family / community, I feel a bit repulsed by the idea of maybe being an empath, and so have largely ignored it. I will say that, in the last several years, having been in hot pursuit of truth and 'the real me' I've lost virtually all of my 'friends' (note: those are air quotes around the word 'friends') and family relationships. I feel that I am really heading in my authentic direction, but also I am dealing with extreme isolation as a result. Simply put, the more I start to feel like I am living in alignment with the real me, the more isolated I become. PS: I just heard your diabetic analogy which is spot on. I also have type 1 diabetes and have long suspected that it's manifestation may have been, at least in part, due to having a sociopath as 'best friend' for 12 years. My diagnosis came within days of catching him and my ex girlfriend ( broken up for 'days' not months or years and likely because of their relationship). That was over 20 years ago and I'm still trying to sort out all of this business. The more I learn, the more I realized how absolutely CLUELESS I've been about the reality of my circumstances.
@JenniferOneillHealer 2 года назад
If you are wondering if you are an Empath, you might want to take this quiz. It was created to help those who are not sure. www.empowered-empath.com/empath-quiz-new-website/
@hollowman1 2 года назад
@@JenniferOneillHealer I've taken these multiple times. I've been told I'm a super empath by someone who had no idea that I knew what an empath was. I'm in denial. 'Empath' doesn't really fit the identity I've constructed over the last 53 years. Even when the quizzes say 'You're an empath' I still don't know how to accept it. I'm not going to be sittling around over a beer with the boys and say "Hey guys, I just got a new Harley and ... I'm and empath!' I've attempted my spiritual coming out in other ways which were met with rejection and distance. I feel like a stranger now to those I thought I knew the best. I'm A OKAY whilst in my own world (which I'm also creating through writing) but the outside world is a different story. It's weird because, for the first half of my life, I navigated the world like a boss. Or at least so I thought. Now? Grocery shopping is an achievement and I've backpacked through numerous countries, am an actor and musician, snowboarder and all around outdoors dude. Now I mostly hide out. with my housemate who is exploring the possibility that she too is an empath. I don't know why I'm writing this as I don't expect a reply. Just sharing / venting I suppose. I'm still obsessing about the three knocks, but I don't have anyone to indulge my ranting's. lol
@hollowman1 2 года назад
@@JenniferOneillHealer Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it.
@JenniferOneillHealer 2 года назад
I did a podcast I think might help. I just posted it today. Let me know if you found that one helpful. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Ma8PSfyCUe4.html
@daniellecorbin7615 5 лет назад
Thank you for this video. It's so important for us to have this input and support! 😇
@lizettefont8954 4 года назад
I get angry like everyone else but I get over it and I'm happy all the time
@christinabailey2092 4 года назад
Omg I thought I was the only one who felt that way about Walmart and wawa. I absolutely cannot go there, you so right..
@cts3380 5 лет назад
I’m struggling with my empathic abilities. I’m lonely because nobody understands me. I just want to help people but I have difficulty asking for help. I don’t have many friends even though people love me at first. But they run. I have anxiety and fatigue. It’s extremely hard to be an empath. I need to speak to a stronger empath.
@twirrybird8039 3 года назад
I'm in this exact spot right now and in a way it's frustrating. How are things now with you?
@Vidya740 5 лет назад
When I'm around people with negative emotions, I want to run away as fast as possible. If I'm forced to stay there, I feel extremely disoriented, and confused; especially if the negative emotions are directed towards me. I need to learn to block negative energy, because I'm not able to do that. I also need to learn coping strategies, because it's extremely draining. It can lay me out for weeks if im exposed to a large group of negative people.
@candicemariebeadco 5 лет назад
I can't go to Wal-Mart. Haven't been in 3 years. Let's just say, I find myself ordering online A LOT! LOL...
@cindyklaassen3391 4 года назад
Thank you. You helped a lot!
@LoriLeeSurfCityTemptations 5 лет назад
Jennifer you are amazing I thank you for this video so much. I'm a people pleaser as well. Narcissitic Parents. I have had panic attacks at 25 after my son was born still taking medication for that and I'm 53. Have A.D H.D. P.T.S.D. major depressive disorder, and I've learned to dissociate when I get overwhelmed. I have Fibromialgia and memory issues big time. I couldn't do it anymore had my own bath and body Candle biz working on the beach making everything i sold for 14 years. I made a bunch of money but the last couple of years there were brutal. I waited 3 years for a hearing and have been on s.s.i. for I months. I'm tho king being an Empath living with A sociopath / Narc about 4 years ago sent me over the edge. I'm exhausted and I'm not sure what to do. The Empath thing never really had me stop and say holy shit this really is me. I've ignored it since my therapist asked me what month I was born and said Cancer , I believe your an Empath , forget taking this man to court and getting a restraining order even though he's stalking you you're so much stronger than him go handle it and I did I brought those papers to have ripped them rapid LED don't fuk with me I'm stronger than you anyway all that being said thank you for listening to my story it's pretty long I'd love to talk to you I'm going to try and get a hold of you through your website I think I'd love to take the classes something I've got to know what's going on I'm pretty I'm pretty much have a couple time between last night and your video it all makes sense I have sat down in the middle of Walmart twice I've got a couple years ago and just been so overwhelmed I sat down in the Isle I felt like my legs were going to go out I just couldn't take it Walmart twice hate it
@tracyernst3958 5 лет назад
L L your story mirrors mine. I wish we knew of each other. We could be protected each other. I’m in Southern California. Don t. Know how to get in touch... But I’m here. T racy
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
God bless stay strong..me too were here for u and were in it together
@beau-riche-1111 3 года назад
I consider myself as an indigo, Scorpio, yellow worrier and a heyoka , Gaia send Scorpio to hunt the hunters and destroy the only thing that is very precious to them; ..................there EGO!! We transmute negative energy’s into positive even if it is at my own expense It’s what we are here for!!! I am protected so I can handle lot of negativity Please do not shut yourself down, just love yourself enough and put your boundaries very clear, you’ll be fine, again don’t run away from it coz it’s what you are here for To help Gaia transmute negativity New earth is on it way so we need you guys 2024; new earth 🌏
@genovevadelarosa3487 5 лет назад
I am an INTJ-A person.... I don't really know if I'm an empath.. But i can remember taking a public transport before and i suddenly had a panic attack.. Lately, i observed that everytime i go to this government office( first time i went there, i suddenly felt disgusted and there was one person tbere, who made me feel like she was antagonistic towards me, i really felt that she didn't like me and I tried to be amiable to her)... Unfortunately, i had to go there to process my business permits.... Everytime i come back home after going to that office, i felt sick and drained....most times i get these itchy welts all over... So i go to my room and just try to sleep... These days i spend alnost 60% of my time inside my room...40% is me doing what I have to do( i still do job effectively though) . ...it just feels peaceful inside my room... Just thinking about going out of my room and facing people makes me tired, i don't dread it though....
@mysticalmess9292 5 лет назад
Walmart on Saturdays and Sundays after church let's out...😱😱😱 your description is awesome, much better than many others doing these types of videos...🤗🤗🤗👍👍👍
@zsazsastratton 5 лет назад
@isabellebrasher6530 5 лет назад
I avoid Walmart and if I have to go in I can’t wait to get out of there. I try not to go even though their prices are lower. My Church is Tiny and I Love it. Walmart has too many different energies that are mostly negative. Jordanne
@maryhill4079 4 года назад
If you are a true empath you will NEVER have to hire a private investigator to check on your husband !!! YOU KNOW !!!!
@cts3380 5 лет назад
My parents don’t understand me. I’m shunned a lot by them. Im lonely a lot
@carljohnson6264 5 лет назад
Christie Stone hey Christie 😊 Here to talk if you want. Really understand not being understood.
@miss.conduct8083 5 лет назад
These annointed gift are rarely singular.
@bobbalumartin1292 5 лет назад
Thank you for all your info. It took me a while to find the right person to open up my thoughts to and learn from. I am a natural born Empath and want very much to be a part of all your teachings and classes. I would hope you read this comment and get back to me. Again thank you for your words and please let me know how to get into your group.
@julsonapril 5 лет назад
Wow,I can't go to Walmart,Bad Aura There,im a Empathic,My whole life,I love being weird,original recipe😎😆,lol,Illuminatimart is What I can say bout Walmart,Thank u 4 being ur authentic self,Ur Beautiful and we r here to show all what we r made of,True Love of self,Im Ready Love and Light Woman😘
@pattylaskareed3689 5 лет назад
Thank you! You have explained it perfectly!
@lunalukitty4545 5 лет назад
So so true! I'm an empath that has stupidly stayed married to an abuser, narcissist, energy vampire for 28 years at the cost of my health because I always thought if I can just try hard enough he can change. HUGE mistake.
@GloriaTorres8888 5 лет назад
Thanks a lot!!! 😊😊
@kristineschilling6917 5 лет назад
more info on Empathy linked to Anxiety and bi-polar disorder please!
@listenup1711 5 лет назад
First step for a bipolar person that has learned that they are an empath is to consciously separate the two. I've recently learned this and it is helping me. But I have a long way to go yet. This is just what I have learned so far.
@carljohnson6264 5 лет назад
William Sr. Donaldson anymore information you would like to talk about dealing with bipolar and empath.... Would love to hear more
@kimlee05 7 лет назад
@sungirl9951 5 лет назад
No caps
@dancingqueen2526 5 лет назад
yup I definitely always experience the Walmart thing, never knew this until someone told me I was one. I thought I was going crazy. peoples moods affect me and yes I always feel the low vibration in Walmart, I didn't understand what that was but now I know, and yes there is a difference verses going to a yoga class and a musical. different people, different energies
@GloriaTorres8888 5 лет назад
I've met some low energetic people who go to these events...I suppose to look for energy...that's why I don't go any more...
@Concerned2012Parent 5 лет назад
Good information for empaths!!! I learned that I picked up other people's energy win I had no rationale to feel that way!!! I can also sense blocked energy and tight muscles in people's bodies.
@jacquelinemanzano9328 5 лет назад
RE: @ 19:00 in the video; IMO; There is much confusion with ADHD/anti social disorder and a person who is anti cultural. People tend to confuse the two and auto analyze a person who simply desires to live and let live. Society is a toxic soup and the analytical people seem to have conformed to the 'one size fits all theories that society attempts to indoctrinate us with, when in reality, conformity is an enemy in that in inhibits one's ability to think critically. Lastly, our desires exist because we exist and we are meant to experience them which ever way we so chose. Jennifer, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
@listenup1711 5 лет назад
Being bipolar myself is very hard to live with. About 6 months ago I learned I was an empath and that turned my life around. Understanding what was creating my instability has helped me become more stable. What I am having a problem with is getting rid of other people's emotions that linger with me for a long time after I am with those people . It's emotionally painful and makes it hard to concentrate on my own life. I would like to learn how to detox from these negative emotions so that I can concentrate on my health. Negative emotions feel like battery acid constantly eating at my heart.
@cts3380 5 лет назад
I literally feel like I’m being pulled toward the earth. I don’t understand. I can tell when people are in pain and will sometimes sacrifice myself for another.
@valentinagoward527 5 лет назад
Good morning to you and everybody else may you all have a blessed day I am so very grateful thank you for sharing your message I've been an empath since I was 3 I am 56 now I barely found out four years ago it has been a roller coaster ride you are so amazing thank you again for your amazing message Love & blessings to you and everybody else✨💜🌹🙏🌹💜✨😇✨
@gwillis9797 5 лет назад
I feel with the uprising of technology there is an uprising of information. That Said, it with be an uprising of confusion about who you are inside and out. Like 99% of the people in the comment sections of these empath channels I to started out life the same way and with parents, relatives, and people that didn't understand, that didn't want to understand, that try to heal you or correct your behavior ( their ways ) which lead to more harm than good. To me I see that a lot or most people in the past found out whom they really are in past later in life and found understanding and people that understand. My journey took me to where I am at now ( with no regrets) to a place that is open to me that I can see better and control me better. How about being born with high functioning Asperger's syndrome and living in the ghetto of the Bronx, N.Y. in the 70's. I realize that I was different at the age of 10 years old. I was also a deep Christian at that age. I don't know why because the Christians around me was surely not deep. You may ask ( did they have a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome back in the 70's??? I will tell you this I am glad they didn't find out about me because the psychological medical industry back then was barbaric, besides remember I live in the ghetto. I also discovered my ( Empath abilities) at 14 years old. Ok, their was two strange things going on that no one had a clue about including me, but people ( with good intentions) still tried to heal me before I grow up to become a man. Oh yeah, their definition of what a man is supposed to be. I was left in the 70's to try and save my own life. Asperger's syndrome and being a empath and being a FOLLOWER of Jesus on top of that! Holy shit! It was plenty of time I asked God to take me out but instead he would put someone in my life to use my empathic ability on which I never would of done myself because it was very dangerous situations. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I am an ( beta male ). Yeah yeah yeah, I know, this shit just got ridiculous. You are right, because I wish wasn't in my own story. Most people find out whom they really are late
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