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27 сен 2024




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@adamdanilowicz4252 5 лет назад
He's so knowledgeable, knowing every single component that goes into the car. A good CEO.
@sanjamatsuri 5 лет назад
Rimac's first invention was the "iGlove", an electronic glove that replaces the keyboard and the mouse on computers, an awarded high-school project...
@smellyfish36 5 лет назад
kinda crazy some madlad from croatia who shoved batteries in a hollowed out old M car to win drag races now supplies most of the high performance electric power components for top manufacturers
@potatosmuggler7927 2 года назад
But meh! Its so boring seeing the factory tour,Engines are a different engineering altogether,1000s of moving parts in sync.No underapprecriation for Mate Rimac,but making 4 wheel EV appliances is so boring. Compare it to factory tours of Koinegsegg,that factory is on another level.
@igorivanovic7328 5 лет назад
Gledam ovo i ponosan sam do neba i natrag... jedna nova, pozitivna struja domaće inteligencije, znanja i ambicije. Čovjek koji je krenuo od nule iz strasti i ljubavi, predano slijedio svoj put i cilj...pokazao da se može! Kao neka pozitivna paralelna stvarnost u ovom zatrovanom sivilu. Nije uzalud ona stara mudrost da sve istinske promjene kreću od nas samih. Respekt!
@MrChuckGOLD 5 лет назад
@@Mr11ESSE111 kako nema drzava koristi zaposljava 500 radnika, jos se siri, 500 radnika koja nisu napustila drzavu jer imaju posao, a I budzet se puni, ima drzava koristi od njega
@miner1310 5 лет назад
@@patrikmarcan Stvarno ste jalan, ispodprosjecno inteligentan i ljubomoran Balkanac.
@patrikmarcan 5 лет назад
miner1310 lijepo mi je viditi vas kako se svi sakrivate iza ovih kanala sa ovom negativom...cine se da drugacije ni ne znate pa mi vas je i na neki nacin zao
@miner1310 5 лет назад
@@patrikmarcan Mislim da vam je bolje priupitati se, "tko sam ja, zasto ovako radim i zivim" a ne da brinete o drugima.
@marcokucko 5 лет назад
@@Mr11ESSE111 Nauči osnove pravopisa prije praznog pametovanja.
@ocereijo 5 лет назад
This is not about building a car, is about building a dream!!! Thanks for sharing!
@Hassaan911 5 лет назад
Who’d dislike a self-made pioneering engineer who manufactures parts to hyper cars and his own super car!!! Big thumbs up to Croatia 👍
@Jer_Schmidt 5 лет назад
The story of Rimac is incredibly inspiring. It's great to see them growing and I'm excited to see what's next!
@salvadormarvin8522 3 года назад
Pro tip : watch series on Kaldrostream. Been using them for watching loads of movies during the lockdown.
@armanifrank7131 3 года назад
@Salvador Marvin definitely, I have been watching on kaldroStream for months myself =)
@maxwelllucas4877 3 года назад
@Salvador Marvin yea, been using kaldrostream for years myself :)
@akvinus5741 5 лет назад
I am so proud that something like this was possible to come from Croatia. Keep going guys!
@petkokrushev3840 5 лет назад
I'm from Bulgaria, but somehow, I'm very proud
@isuckatthisgame 4 года назад
Greetings from Croatia and God bless ya bro. Love y'all.
@rexcro 3 года назад
Petko, 🇭🇷🇧🇬
@teocikes621 5 лет назад
I love how he goes around the factory, picks up any random part and knows exactly what it is. XD
@Divljak55 5 лет назад
hahahahha ist called directing, you rly think that parts are left on tables, just like that? :D
@janbugel3283 5 лет назад
Divljak55 lot of times yes
@KimJakab 5 лет назад
Rimac and Koenigsegg are signs of pure inspiration and motivation! Thanks!
@tantiwahopak101 5 лет назад
@@Mr11ESSE111 someone looks jealous. Burn baby burn
@MoZ1899 5 лет назад
@@Mr11ESSE111 there are alot of people who daily their exotics lol. i know that you can't afford to buy any one of em, but that's just too harsh
@MoZ1899 5 лет назад
@@Mr11ESSE111 they haven't even started their road car production. have you watch the whole video though ?
@aslambatcha5683 4 года назад
& Tesla
@balazsh5080 5 лет назад
Mind boggling to think that in a few years this guy went from tinkering in his garage to build batteries for the most exclusive and expensive hypercars. Huge respect to Mate!
@vladimirradovic3585 5 лет назад
Yes. That is realy incredible. Like a Holywood movie scenario, but in a real life.
@hmerki 5 лет назад
Predivno! Strateška industrija za Republiku Hrvatsku! Obrazovanje u osnovnim i srednjim školama te fakultetima mora biti u službi ovakve i ostalim STEM proizvođača u Hrvatskoj!
@sckvkrc4732 5 лет назад
Tužno je kako neki to nisu shvatili. Susret sa vrhunskim tehnologijama i njihova praktična primjena. Do sada su mogli to vidjeti samo na TV. Država, ako ništa drugo, mora radi toga da podrži Rimca. Ako ne naiđe na podršku, vrlo lako će to riješiti odlaskom u neku zapadnu državu. Momak ima viziju.
@cristi_ei 5 лет назад
Outstanding, great job guys
@vikiandreeva 5 лет назад
Bravo , bravo Rimac Croatia
@moneypowertron 5 лет назад
You know you've got something good when every other automotive titan that's serious about electric performance is coming to you for parts and production!
@dragotomasic2219 5 лет назад
Želim ovome čovjeku da postane Najjači igrač u ovome Poslu na Svijetu. Samo Napred😊😉😉
@lukakoda3105 5 лет назад
Nemaš mu šta želit ,on je već prvi u ovoj tehnologiji na Svijetu .Mate je kralj .👑👑.
@dragotomasic2219 5 лет назад
@@lukakoda3105 mislim dasi u Pravu, samo još mu treba dosta da postane Stabilan🤗
@marijanmaric5501 5 лет назад
As a croat, im so proud that our young nation is able to become so succesful in such a short time! Samo dalje Mate! ;)
@travaa54 4 года назад
Young country not nation
@denisflegar8579 5 лет назад
Svaka cast majstore! Pokazi nasim glavesinama da se u nasoj Hrvatskoj ipak moze uspjeti ako se ima zelje, ambicije, volje i prije svega inteligencije, bez da se kradu pare i obogacuje preko noci! Vidi se da postujes svoje radnike, sto je u nasoj zemlji rijetkost. Kapa do poda i puno uspjeha u daljnjem radu! 👏👏
@plonkerification 5 лет назад
Zapravo bravo svi koji tamo rade, ja ne bih znao ništa... eventualno napumpati gume. Sjajno!
@stevenkelby2169 5 лет назад
Sounds like some commie gobbledegook to me!
@edvingrabar5229 5 лет назад
Very good presentation by Mate. He knows every little detail of every little part, a true CEO that knows his company inside out.
@rrimac 5 лет назад
Congrats Mate! Company's rapid growth is mind blowing. We need more companies like this in this "vukojebina"!
@MrKilekico 5 лет назад
Svaka cast. Voleo bih raditi kod ovog coveka pa taman i kao cistacica bez plate iako sam ekonomista. Jedino sto bih voleo je da napravi neko pristupacno vozilo da prestanemo mi balkanci kupovati iz Nemacke, Francuske, Italije i ostalih bogatuna. Sa njegovim znanjem moze pokrenuti lagano masovnu proizvodnju el motocikala koji bi verujem bili trazenjiji od bilo cega slicnog na trzistu. Pozdrav iz Srbije
@saff3356 5 лет назад
Rimac je rekao je da neće ići u masovnu proizvodnju, znači ništa od pristupačnih vozila.
@mrki412 5 лет назад
Teško je u masovnoj proizvodnji, ni Tesla ne može opstat, drže ga velike subvencije i investitori, da bi tu imao profit moraš proizvoditi cca. milijun vozila godišnje, inače cijenom nisi konkurentan jer je na vozilima mala zarada (u usporedbi sa drugim granama).
@ivankraljevic1 5 лет назад
​@@mrki412 Nemogu upojmiti da volkswagen zaradi tek cca 7000 eura po autu
@mrki412 5 лет назад
@@ivankraljevic1 prosjek zarade po vozilu je 6 %, sve ostalo su priče za malu djecu, hvala Bogu sve je danas javno i dostupno.
@mrki412 5 лет назад
@@bangi2757 greyp nije za široke mase.
@martinfromaustria 5 лет назад
Dobro Mate!! It's just incredible what this company has become in such a short time. I'm a big fan of Rimac since the first concept car. I hope this company will be just as successful in the future as it deserves!
@manuelcoliano1101 5 лет назад
Impressive Company, great film! Keep going RIMAC
@vladimirradovic3585 5 лет назад
Ovaj momak je velika inspiracija za sve mlade ljude, ne samo na Balkanu nego sirom svijeta. Svaka cast Mate Rimac. Samo naprijed!
@j.o.g.s8179 5 лет назад
Hello from #Kenya Mate! Thank you for being so inspiring
@26081976ful 4 года назад
Vjerojatno ne postoji još jedan vlasnik tvornice automobila osim Mate koji poznaje svaki vijak na svom autu !!!
@kjellski 5 лет назад
Really great videography! Great video! :) Thanks for the Update!
@tikkivolta2854 5 лет назад
don't get me worng, i love everything about rimac, but pa-leeze do a white balance before shooting. MATE IS BLUE.
@Chijousaikyo 5 лет назад
Absolutely Amazing! You guys do an excelent job! Can't wait to see the C2 in person! All the best for the coming years!
@matan2903 5 лет назад
Bravo imenjak, triba nam više ovakvih pozitivnih priča iz lipe naše, sritno!
@honestinfo7452 5 лет назад
Amazing innovation from Croatia. Keep pushing forward Rimac
@honestinfo7452 5 лет назад
Ps. extremely excited about the concept 2 and new tech.
@demontero5214 5 лет назад
I‘m so proud that these awesome company is from that country my roots are from ❤️
@MrDuck-oi3qc 5 лет назад
Well at least you know now that there is one factory there . WOW factor!!!
@robertjurkovic 5 лет назад
Mate, ti si Čudo! S ponosom gledam i pratim sve što se radite, ti i tvoji ljudi, svaka čast!
@hrvatterminator5166 5 лет назад
Ako ode iz Hrvatske i ako preseli proizvodnju u neku stranu državu onda on neće biti naš ponos jer onda Hrvatska od toga više neće imat nikakvu korist. Najavio je da seli iz Svete Nedelje na neku drugu lokaciju, sada nam samo ostaje da vidimo hoće li ta lokacija biti i dalje u Hrvatskoj ili negdi vani.
@incognitotorpedo42 5 лет назад
Megawatt Inverter! Rimac is Legend.
@nicokuhnle6733 5 лет назад
Love to see every Video of Rimac since 2015. So inspiring the history of the company.
@hadytarabay 5 лет назад
Can't wait to see more from you!
@DigitalDissident 5 лет назад
Won't see Jack because they are all garage queens owned by the super rich.
@cesarcastillo2405 5 лет назад
It's amazing how much you do in-house. It's better for you to control everything to your levels and also reduces costs a lot.
@georgerosebush9754 5 лет назад
Reduces costs? Only in very low volume, it would be super expensive to do this at higher volumes.
@cesarcastillo2405 5 лет назад
@@georgerosebush9754 that's what they are idiot
@shannons1886 5 лет назад
Wow. I’ve heard of Rimac from Top Gear, but never knew they were this legit.
@jm036 5 лет назад
Suprisingly legit for a balkan shithole, How any car company from here manages to actually be successful I have no idea.
@superbura9 4 года назад
@@jm036 ​@Google Is Fucking SJW Scum Why don't you crawl back into your cave, your meningless drivel doesn't interest a single soul on this planet. I'm convinved you couldn't perform 1% of what any employees at Rimac can do, and still you somehow feel superiour? It just baffles the mind how someone can be this stupid and still flaunt their ignorance.
@stipevuk9682 5 лет назад
Osječam ponos kad vidim vaš napredak. Bravo ljudi!
@sol0matrix 5 лет назад
It all started in your garage I hope those haters see how much you endure and over come. As a entrepreneur of a startup technology based company I surely can say I've feel your pain as in not be able to keep the utilities on but the harder we work the more we learn and find solutions for each problem the better we become. I'm glad to see how much your company grew. Cheers 🥂
@michaeljordan7733 5 лет назад
Mate and Chris will dominate car industry in the future years to come.
@olivierl2172 5 лет назад
Who is Chris?
@nikolaschannel2622 3 года назад
Rimac is a fantastic company mate is pretty much my motivation to start a car company one day
@vojozlojutro1 5 лет назад
Svaka čast ljudi, želim vam puno uspjeha i divim se dosadašnjem. O Mati mi je pričao brat (koji je zaljubljenik u bmw) prije više od 10 godina kada je on kod nas u BiH na sa svojim modifikovanim e30 pobjeđivao na trkama na 402m. Životni san mi je da radim na ovakvim projektima, da i ja budem dio tima koji iz nule gura ka uspjehu, ka tome da postane kompanija koja proizvodi najmoćniji automobil na svijetu. Naklon do poda i svaka vam čast.
@anupjoshi3423 5 лет назад
For such a young and small company, having such incredible manufacturing facility is a wonder! Hope to work with Rimac one day! 😀
@SuperHddf 5 лет назад
Big love to Rimac! You are amazing!
@AnthonyGriz 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing Mate, it's very inspirational.
@gery4870 5 лет назад
Could you make a video about the Rimac C_Two in action, please ?? Thank you and KEEP IT UP with the amazing work that you are doing !!!
@mijosipek5052 5 лет назад
He will probabli invite Hammond to do a test run🤣
@gery4870 5 лет назад
@@mijosipek5052 I don't hope so ! hahahaha
@fancyprinc4486 5 лет назад
@@mijosipek5052 He should indeed invite hammond for the first drive it would be awesome!
@antecaleta2859 5 лет назад
Nico Rosberg will drive it very soon ;)
@antecaleta2859 5 лет назад
@jkrolo4 5 лет назад
bravo momci, strava je vidit nešto ovakvo da se kod nas radi, samo tako dalje!
@hrvatterminator5166 5 лет назад
Ako ode iz Hrvatske i ako preseli proizvodnju u neku stranu državu onda on neće biti naš ponos jer onda Hrvatska od toga više neće imat nikakvu korist. Najavio je da seli iz Svete Nedelje na neku drugu lokaciju, sada nam samo ostaje da vidimo hoće li ta lokacija biti i dalje u Hrvatskoj ili negdi vani.
@saff3356 5 лет назад
@@hrvatterminator5166 seli se u kerestinec
@MattsPaddock 5 лет назад
Awesome Mate! Keep up the good work!
@T.S.CUSTOM 5 лет назад
Can't wait for part two!
@iancho9587 5 лет назад
Damn, this is the work place I've dreamed of my entire life. So happy for the continuous grow, keep up the great work and thanks for the series! "Long time" follower.
@trxndesign3331 5 лет назад
Na ovog čovjeka sam ponosan kao da sam ja na njegovom mjestu... bravo Mate, veliki si uzor i motivacija, pozdrav iz BiH 👏🏼👏🏼
@iPhoneScreenFix1 4 года назад
Mate je jedan naj pametnijih ljudi ovog stoljeca nije cudo daje toliko uspjesan. On vidi nove stvari unaprijed i vrlo brzo ih skonta. Izvinjajem se na hrvatskom jer sam Kanadjanin. Veliki pozdrav Mate i vasem timu koji ste naj bolji u svijetu.Sretna vam Nova 2020 i veliki uspjeh zelim vam Bok.
@kukijaksic 5 лет назад
Svaka cast!!! Samo naprid
@easyx9mm 5 лет назад
I’m in automotive industry, involved with most expensive, most engineered cars, produced and sold in the world. This guy is a genius. Wow, I’m blowing away!
@FMAL_FreeMusicAudioLibrary 5 лет назад
After I have seen how much effort your car was built with, the sales price is completely justified!
@ShaliShaun 5 лет назад
Mate you inspire me 🙏🏾🔥🔥
@Tony-lf5vw 5 лет назад
Very good work Mate! I followed your work almost from the start. As car enthusiast i can say that you are a true visionary. Big like and support from Tirana.
@hameedi229 Год назад
Dear Mr. Rimac, I am car design maniac. Every month my mind always thinking outside the boxes, with implementing pretty silhouette on my drawing, playing with lines and divided car body panel sections, and the result is always outta my head. For example last week ago, I drawing future concept McLarenF1 body cues with futuristic shapes, hidden front lamps, pass through air bumper to bonnet air dam designs and refine identical F1 body lines and silhouettes...
@gooran136 5 лет назад
Svaka čast. Puno uspjeha u daljnjem radu...
@irdmoose 5 лет назад
I hope you're going to give Richard Hammond the keys to a C2.
@SmallBlogV8 5 лет назад
@Julien Lindauer Or perhaps recognises Hammond's face and refuses to open!
@darko1601 5 лет назад
Bravo legendo, ponosan sam što si moj sunarodnjak, jednog dana će se pričati o tebi kao o tesli, edisonu i ostalima. Samo jako 💪
@homeworld1031tx 5 лет назад
Didn't realize you guys were suppliers for so many supercars. Very impressive, well done.
@ibria7986 3 года назад
When a saw for the first time and a heard This car was produce in Croatia a felt proud great albenia
@RizLazey 4 года назад
The coolest thing about him besides an amazing CEO is that everytime he randomly touch a part, he immediately know what it is, whats the function etc really dope
@ZoneKei 5 лет назад
Great video! Thanks for letting us take a look into the future Mate.
@Abrikosmanden 5 лет назад
This is a very interesting and impressive look into Rimac! Very cool!!!
@danneil8778 5 лет назад
Thank you guys. Dan Neil, WSJ.
@RimacAutomobiliOfficial 5 лет назад
Thank you Dan!
@NenadBach 3 года назад
Brilliant Mate! Amazing knowledge! + execution
@miodragilic3348 5 лет назад
Bravo Mate , ponos Hrvatske i Livna ...
@hrvatterminator5166 5 лет назад
Ako ode iz Hrvatske i ako preseli proizvodnju u neku stranu državu onda on neće biti naš ponos jer onda Hrvatska od toga više neće imat nikakvu korist. Najavio je da seli iz Svete Nedelje na neku drugu lokaciju, sada nam samo ostaje da vidimo hoće li ta lokacija biti i dalje u Hrvatskoj ili negdi vani.
@miodragilic3348 5 лет назад
@@hrvatterminator5166 uvik se gleda motiv, koji je uvik vrlo važan . Po meni politička mafija hoće da umiša prste , u početku ti obećaju brda i doline a na kraju ti ostave mrvice uopće ih ne interesuje dali ćeš moći da preživiš . Po meni ako i preseli našim ljudima su uvik vrata otvorena (ali kompetentni ,dobri radnici) ja Livnjake poznajem dobro , oženio sam se u tom kraju .
@hrvatterminator5166 5 лет назад
@@miodragilic3348 Livnu svaka čast. Stari hrvatski grad.
@denisljutic9182 5 лет назад
Čestitke i poštovanje cijeloj ekipi Rimac. Želim vam puno uspjeha još naprjed. Radite velike korake za bodučnost :)
@MrShimizoo 5 лет назад
Woohoo, new release from Rimac! Keep them going, great presentation!
@pharaongaming8617 5 лет назад
it looks like working with you would be fun and adventurous experience, you seem like a cool boss
@moveaxebx 5 лет назад
Mate, nema ti se sto oduzet ni dodat. Necu seruckat i reci kako si ti jedino osvjezenje. Vjerujem da je hrvatski covjek uvijek bio nevjerojatan potencijal i ti si dokaz tome. Puno srece i blagoslova u daljnjem radu. Sve ostalo vec imas.
@JohnKreeseTactics 3 года назад
This video motivates me to start my car company one day
@chmlc9057 3 года назад
@PhoneAppS1 5 лет назад
I love how Mate Rimac and Christian koenigsegg are like here is exactly what we are doing heres what it looks like and heres how we make it while other companies are afraid to show a pre-production headlight bracket. love it well done.
@upendradani6187 3 года назад
Feels like a formula Student team but 100 times bigger
@TechDriven365 5 лет назад
Hello from #SouthAfrica, amazing video.
@ilchobogdanovski 5 лет назад
Just got impressed.
@fazilmuhammed5410 5 лет назад
Iam so proud of my idol❤❤❤
@mannab2975 2 года назад
Absolutely amazing!!!
@sottenad 5 лет назад
Mate seems very much like a younger Christian Koenigsegg - engineering driven and to the point - no wonder they're working together! Keep up the good work!!
@korculabuggyofficial4517 5 лет назад
prvi put kad dođem gore doć ću upoznati Matu,,, danas sam staja i gleda novi model njegovog auta,.. stvarno sam oduševljen,,, tako da se nadam pogledati sve iz stvarnosti !!!
@Allan_Melon 5 лет назад
Just amazing , what you have done, such an exciting company , I love what its accomplished and where its heading
@realnutteruk1 5 лет назад
Brilliant... I love how you and Christian are shaking up the super car market by doing things that the established guy's can't do.... I'm not a big fan of super cars, but appreciate how the technology will trickle down and we'll all benefit..... keep it up, guys!
@willtercossak9081 5 лет назад
This is so cool ! Guys : congratulations !!
@1ramus1 5 лет назад
Wonderful, fantastic, great, perfect and 100 times better than Tesla. Good luck Rimac 👍😎
@LastWish90 5 лет назад
But you also have to keep in mind that they don't have to build a few thousand cars a week. Rimac and Tesla are two different Companies but they are both doing their part to accelerate sustainable transportation and that is a good thing.
@JRP3 5 лет назад
100 times more expensive too
@lahiru_sandeepa 5 лет назад
Mate is always an inspiration for me
@creativeearthian1702 5 лет назад
This is like a Formula 1 team facility!
@dariozupanovic2112 5 лет назад
Mate,i was wondering where is yours bmw e30 with green colour,when i was coming to your country to visit my cousins i saw that your first project was electrical bmw e30,so that car should be in showroom of your factory.
@mirko1604 5 лет назад
Proud to be Croat ...!
@Scotty66 5 лет назад
Brilliant, if you need a test driver just let me know
@dorianvrbancic7976 5 лет назад
Bravo susjede
@DEVILGAARA8 5 лет назад
Best of luck to your company sir. You guys are doing an amazing job to move the whole automotive industry.
@ricardoefcbrito 5 лет назад
Mate knows every single piece, every step, every employee, everything. He must achieve greatness for the pure human being he is. What makes me more speechless, is the open company he have: no secrets, no bull shit; he shows everything of is company, making it very appreciated for the other car companies to invest in Mate. You're changing the world, thanks!
@EtaCarinae230 5 лет назад
I follow this company from the beginning! great work!
@Rightlime7923 5 лет назад
rimac is such a nice guy --- I really love his personality 😍😍
@igorsiscanu7878 Год назад
Rimac great and sow strong👏👏👏
@dariusEMPEROR 5 лет назад
Mate, did you thought of having a partnership with Tesla, or at least some exchange of ideas with them? it will make both of your companies progress even further and faster! Anyway you are doing an awesome job!
@brenki81 3 года назад
Pametan i kulturan momak. Ovo je budućnost.!
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