
Eve online Equinox, Love for nullsec expantion 

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More of the usual, and more dissapointment for most.




22 июл 2024




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@TRITECHTIFF 3 месяца назад
Your opinion and thoughts are your own but here's some of mine: Stating "License to print isk" and "if you live in Null you now get a big advantage" are phrases that will never get you Eve Partnership. You sound very salty in this video, and almost depressed, may just be you may just be the way you talk, may be you were expecting something bigger and better. Now specifically on the topic of Equinox, I have no idea how it will be implemented and I don't really care, lets just see how it goes. New stuff, is just that, new stuff. We need to play with it, before we truly know what its capabilities are. Oh and on the point of "I dont have the time needed to dedicate to playing the game to play in a big alliance" well from my experience thats absolute rubbish. And even if its true for you, you are actively discouraging new players (in a public forum, here on youtube) from joining a big alliance and that the time required to be in a big alliance is massive which is NOT True. The only requirement in my Corp which is part of one of the big alliances is that each person participates in at least 5 fleets per month. It may different for other Corps and other alliances, but not mine, just 5 fleets per month, the rest of my game time is doing whatever I want. You may want to ask yourself why would CCP / EVE Partnership want to team up with me?? What positives will I provide for them?
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
much appreciate the comments, and they are always welcome espically when they dissagree with me. your first part, you are absolutly right, i doubt ill get the partnership specifically because of this, but hopefully CCP is better that that and im wrong :p, either way it needs to be said and too many people chase the clicks and sponsors compromising their oppinions and values for free stuff, im not and never will be that. Also, as for depressed, you are bang on! I am utterly dissapointed, and it is my fault for expecting a bit more catering to all the players instead of just the nullies, but regardless, and industry update that provides a huge advantage to nullsec corps (auto mining moons) that already have understandable advantages, thats kind of taking the piss. As you say, new stuff is new stuff and we have to play with it, but with the 75% of eves players being high sec, most cant.... As for your point on alliences, you stated that i was wrong about requirements, then stated an example where your corp only needs 5 fleets participations per month. most players log in for under an hour a day, i dont know what your fleets are like, but ive never been in one that lasted under an hour. The average age of eve players is in their 40's, life comes first. i only get an hourish to able to play most times, and need to be able to walk away from the keyboard. then 1 day every 2 weeks for 4 hours or so. so max 2 per month if i dont want to do anything else. when abyssal first cam out CCp spoke about player time specifically, the average account log on time per day was under half an hour and the average player log on time (accounting for multi accounts was under 1.5 hours. so most players play less than enough time for a roam. Then there is the whole side that most players in eve and all MMOS are actually pvp adverse. CCp's figures support this, and theres been studies on everything from wow to bdo. Thats not disuading people, thats managing expectations. Null is community driven, thats not a bad thing, its great! But new gamers might not expect joining a corp, espically on top of taxes, and then being told 'you have to do what we want several times a month'. Jesus if i could find a null corp that didnt demand my social media (i have none) and my phone number, and was fine with my putting my alt in, me not being on comms most of the time, and just 2 fleet ops a month, id probably go back in. I like cap fun :D
@CruentusV 3 месяца назад
wish in one hand and...
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
@@CruentusV I never realised i still had hope :p now onto wishing for a munchie box from scotland....
@CruentusV 3 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland ha. no, that response was for the rather polyannish (if not shillish) thoughts of TRITECHTIFF, as i've been asked to hold an opinion and "be reasonable" once too often by EVE shills to fall for that nonsense. i actually think your take on what you see is spot on (though coming from my rather bleak view of EVE management, you're refreshingly optimistic)...
@bf2fool 3 месяца назад
To @TRITECHTIFF - stop even suggesting that being a bootlicker or paid shill is something remotely required for being a partner. What our content creator here has is someone with honesty, personality and integrity to name a few and its their opinion on the game. Go take your corporate brainwashed fake 'positivity' elsewhere. Do it yourself if you want but don't preach it.
@user-ly3uu1tv3v 3 месяца назад
2005 playet here, been on a 3 year break. Just reactivated my main and sorting out omega for the army of alts, thanks in part to your channel. It's been fun and somewhat inspiring, thank you. See you in space.
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
Just curious how bigs your army? Aslo if you dont mind saying, why the break? im always curious about these. In the past mine where for moving with work, then moving country then kids.... life is full of problems :p
@user-ly3uu1tv3v 3 месяца назад
You got an in game channel I can pop into ?
@user-ly3uu1tv3v 3 месяца назад
About 8 accounts ish.... RL stuff, you know how it is etc....
@SHOTSLAPOUT 3 месяца назад
Great video. I do wish some of this filtered up to hisec.
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
it will do eventually, i just want to help it along by makeing it more noticable to ccp
@nullx8 3 месяца назад
oh also you can go to the Auviken system .. at Planet 6 (the one show in the video) is the Development station, they give you "Upwell Loyality Tokens" if you bring certain materials .. material cost is about 30mill and the tokens are bought back by NPC's for about 16mill ;) not so sure what the fuzzis about there.
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
yeah i was doing that, might be why im annoied at it, though i did get a few tractors and 4 mtu's for all my stuff.
@thomashafner2224 3 месяца назад
Depending on how the actual mechanics work on these changes I can see them as being a positive for the game as a whole. I’m hoping the moon drill has a trade off that it’s significantly less efficient than normal active mining. If so it will make sense for use on lower end moons that wouldn’t get mined anyways. If the PI and moon drill drive down the cost of certain manufacturing items it will bring the cost of battleships and capitals down over time. That will make fighting over Sov less expensive and possibly more appealing. It sounds like the new Ihub structures need to be fueled, if the existing ones have to be replaced or start requiring fuel as well it will also put a strain on alliances that just have a flag somewhere and don’t really use the space. So it’s possible that some of these additions could be laying the groundwork to break up some of the blocs and open up space for others. It’s a big IF and MIGHT but these could be a step in the right direction for NS. I also do agree I wish there was something that was geared more towards smaller corps/alliance in HS
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
yeah i agree with aall of that, i doube that it will be less effective than before because in the history of eve there has never been a null sec industry change that lowered amount refined. also the bottle next for battle ship production isint the new stuff its the mineral cost, e.g. jst normal roid minerals a rave need over 300 mil, 178 mil of isogen alone. the Invasion expantion coming out happened ened in may 2019, the exact time a drop in players started, going from an average of 36k per day to 25 k per day average in under 6 months as a section of highsec dissapeared and apparently miners with it, because this is exactly when the BS price started skyrocketing. See eve ofline for player numbers, and the eve financial reports for the price increase in ore at the same time.
@nullx8 3 месяца назад
a cool thing would be if players would be able to deploy small bases like the Dread Guristas FOB's i still use POS Towers .. but they are nerved beyond usability. pandemic is a great choice to get into null, plus those regions usually "safer: than highsec is ;) i think the equinox upwell structures are kinda mshing PI and vanguard together ... i doubt they going to replace customs offices .. well maybe its a choice now .. use a equinox station or a customs gantry .. thats would be kinda cool.
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
I had the idea of smaller stations like poses for pi processing, just moving the production more space bound, with the same pi limits structure limits and docking for a cruser and industrial at the same time.
@nullx8 3 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland yeah i'd sell a leg for that for sure .. plus you almost described the functionality of a FOB tower ;) they are severely limited in space and what they can do, but would be just perfect for small operations like that, plus you can put them anywhere. but those things are NPC-only .. such a shame.
@NihilusMike 3 месяца назад
I've no issue with Null players getting new stuff to do, but does it have to be the entirety of the new content? IMO, one of the things that keeps players coming back to a game is balance. This expansion contains not one shred of that from what I can see. Does it have to be "Yay Null" and "Meh" everyone else? Surely adding content across the range, spreading the love a little, can't be that hard? I mean, it's just good business
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
yeah espically when you realise that null is only 10% of players by eves own data. and its not even that balenced for null, how many people will build the satations, like how many used the new titans, or the t2 dreads, faction captials etc. this gear is caterin to the mega rich inside eve within null. with soem toke stuff for the other nullers, and zero for hibears, lowpers and hole thumpers which make up 90% of the player base when combined.
@BossUitoh 3 месяца назад
I'm the ceo of my Corp so I can see where and when everyone logs in and for how long. I have guys logging in for under 10 minutes doing eve discovery and or just getting the daily gift and others like me who stay on for a couple two tree hours. Sic. I mine and run missions with an mtu in order to reprocess and build more battleships and cruisers and frigs and mods. I'm in npc null for a good 5 years so far. Alot of guys just log in to get the free stuff and do their clicks and log off in 5 minutes. Edit: we also have a very intricate pi setup but don't pay attention to it out of boredom
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
thats a good description of some of my time at the moment, missions, salvage with mty, refine, build, PI on a 2 day cycle. but i also switch to FW, larger manufacture, and some hauling contracts. Then comes the randomness. like poppin a null filimant and searching for ESS's :D
@MrMejIT 2 месяца назад
I was the same, but simply too much time required to reload pi factories, find gas sites, set up for ore/moon anoms. Indy often hit hard by changes, recent tax hike that nobody really discussed- Oz in particular in the past would have analysed such a change but now on csm. Have 4 accounts-mainly for indy/pi but will now reduce to one account. Have I started doing fw need to now burn 40 bill in ships as I feel this is my exit strategy. Guy's in fw have been awesome and I can do an hour (rl job busy) and have fun. Indy stuff got mind-numbing. Also did 3 solid days in catch with explo, so dull such poor returns for hard work jumped into a gatecamp just to get podded and stop the activity. Had structures recently reinforced in ls and spent 4 days moving stuff; that was the straw breaking the camels back- dull, depressing activity and I myself was to blame turning a game into a job. Many of the events became a disappointment. Things may change as I do more fw and perhaps a corp will pick me up and give me a new angle. For now I will continue to get blown up by helpful players lol.
@CruentusV 3 месяца назад
i had to cheer a bit over this as it's more of hilmar reminding the majority of players that we just aren't playing HIS game the "right" way. another of HIS best efforts somehow causing the game to hemorrhage even more players making HIS company less profitable (for some inexplicable reason HE can't fathom). every single time he does this sort of "grand gesture" (which almost always solely benefit HIS players), the skies in my game get easier to fly and null corps playing HIS game a bit less populous...
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
its funny that this isint the first time ive heard that, i dont follow much of the behind the scenes ironically, all the time i have to play the game is spent playing instead of reddit or other stuff (hence the low quality videos) but there has always been a bias for null over all. I didn notice or care untill about a decade after i started because i was in and out of null a lot, but 2016 was bad for highsec, and higlited how little care was aimed that way, over the next while, my corps all left, high sec at first because of the ganking, then the low /nullies because of the changes to all of that, from jumping to sov etc. With alot of the stuff being said recently i though there was going to be a big change in thinking.... New ships will be fun though
@MrMejIT 2 месяца назад
Thanks for all your honest, real vids been great fun listening to you. All the best in game. I don't like the direction the game is taking and am now leaving EVE. Feel ccp killed the small indy dude Also recognise there are more areas they could have fixed ie missions, standings etc. Fly safe. o7
@aloneinfinland 2 месяца назад
I wouldent leave at the moment, or at least not permanently, they are always changing things, and there is always a niche for us soloists. But what I would say, is let them see your feedback, qualified and devoid of emotion about eves direction. You can submit this in the tickets on the support page, because at the moment the smaller groups have no voice, they csm was all alience or tubers, and of the tubers most of them where big corpies, so ironically the largest section of the player base have the lowest voice
@MrMejIT 2 месяца назад
@aloneinfinland the other view is once you leave, you leave. Not going to be that out of touch returning player. Have already given 10 bill away and need to clear items worth 200 bill. Will delete the characters when I am finished. The real question for ccp is: don't you think your players are paying enough per month? Events/updates too limited to specific areas of space, awash with microtransactions, yet an older demographic that probably don't want a pay-to-win game and just like solving complex problems. The capsuleer day for me was ccp's last chance to convince me to stay. Instead, it was so awful that it confirmed my choice was correct. Was obsessed with EVE for so long but as they say, "when the love is gone. It's gone". Enjoy your adventures in space. You were the real voice of EVE the experience of tye typical player and not the "you can earn 12 bill in 5 mins using this metod" RU-vid charlatans. o7
@nigelroberts7986 3 месяца назад
One thing CCP wants to do is create areas of conflict, i presume this is part of it. IMHO CCP doesnt create conflict players create conflict. Does seem to be a waste to not at least add to losec
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
yeah, their changes to cause conflict or lack there of, the beganning of the CFC was always fun with that, and i know a lot hated the sov changes, but at the same time the PI stuff dosent need to link into that, and making moon farming hands off wehn they had delibratly made it hands on after the POS empires got out of hand, seems a daft thing to reverse. Its not like null was lacking in resources and needed a boost....
@jono_cc2258 3 месяца назад
As someone who’s was out of the game for several years and came back around 8 months ago I genuinely see nothing for me in this expansion, I’m sure it’ll shake some stuff up but for me this isn’t inspiring sadly.
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
yeah, my sentiments exactly. Nullsec makes up 10% of the players, but gets over 90 of the attention, and already has so many advantages. to put more there at the expence of everyone else is ... dissapointing
@Booster45 3 месяца назад
This update is about making nullsec more active and conflict more common. It's less about the income it will make and more about making fighting over sov more common (and easier to do). It was also pretty well known that this patch would be nullsec focused. (this is from a wher btw, the one thing i wouldve liked is if the pi changes applied to all of space).
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I agree with all of that, that's the problem. It was ccp changes that lowered the conflict, and not to fix that its making manufacturing more null focused not less. They could have implemented those changes while applying the same to HS and WH, but they just don't think about us. And the irony of making the intro activity an HS display, then nothing outside of null.....
@fatiguejras 3 месяца назад
All of the pirate expansions were about engaging high sec. Null sec needs some action. Also if you want to make ISK, get out of high sec. And have an alt.
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
over 80% of the player base lives in high sec, it is enguaged, more than null which accounts for 10% of the player base. It wasent about enguaging the playerbse, it was about trying to force them to play a different style than they play, an in the process changing the security status rules that had existed for 20 years in the game. Nullsec has action, player and pve based, more than anywhere else. And i agree everywhere could do with more, but this isint that, this is a continuation of 'the only way is nullsec'. new faction and navy capitals, havoc - bringing null rules to low and high, trig invasion, making a chunk of highsec into null sec+, FW warefare revamp - nerfing the money making ability in lowsec, because people where doing that instead of null sov changes, pos changes, outposts to citadels, all built for null. at leas citadels could go anywhere. Its not about making isk, its about a game company making content for its gamers across the board. Not just gamers that play in one particular style. And in this case, its a minority thats being catered too, a minority that already has tonnes of content. Even amongst nullies, how many get to fly a titan, im dread and carrier built for null and spent a decade there, and i havent lucky enough to fly motherships let alone titans. Niche content for a small group of people while putting nothing out for the majority isint a good thing in my oppinion, and looking through alot of the comments im not alone in this thinking, though admittadly more dissapointed than most. Thats probably my hatred leaking through from KSP 2's failure and fallout 76's abortion before that.....
@fatiguejras 3 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland Tbh I wouldn't be so sure about those numbers. Sometimes statistics add new player accounts who left after the game after few days. I mean, EVE has maybe 8k players, and if you look at big fights it's impossible that's just 10% (not to count those who don't fight). Also I recon half of those active HS accounts are alts of null dwellers. All in all I think it's too early to judge, we got to see the expansion in full force.
@burnouttx2415 2 месяца назад
Gotta remember a couple of things here. 1) Nobody cares about 100 man jackdaw fleet flying around. CCP got noticed when a fuck-ton gaggle of capital ships slammed into each other turning everything to scrap. Even wormholes haven't done that in a very long time and they still have access to all the minerals. 2) Null sec has been practically dead for the past 3-4 years thanks to Rattati's scarcity and some very whiney small gang pvp'ers crying about getting dropped on by a super. You stick your nose into block null sec space, block null sec space gonna chop it off if they don't like you. And they gonna use what ever tools they have. Even capitals. People get bored and they WANT TO FLY CAPITALS. 3) Faction warfare has been getting all the attention for the past couple of years. Null sec's turn right now.
@aloneinfinland 2 месяца назад
Nullsec hasent been dead at all over the last 20 years its accounted for 10% of all players through the whole time. You might be mistaking the lower player base in general for a local issue to where you based. Im kn low atm and its quiet as it was in 2006 these days. But thats because active numbers are the same as 2006
@aloneinfinland 2 месяца назад
Other parts of that, ccp dosent notice a hundred capitals getting mullered, thats a constant in nullsec, and no recent battled has hit the numbers of the earlies2010's, though it looks worse because the material prices and inflation in the market. Look at the old losses prior to plex and you will see some serious issues. But thats the nature of the game, and its accounted for within the montly economy data from ccp. I dont know your point about small gangs getting dropped, thats always happened since capitals came in, hell i use to do it in my moros when they still had drone bays and could kick out 25 drones! And sure people want to fly capitals, but individuals dont fly titans solo (though it would make for some fun). But none of what you said is a good reason for taking the most mineral rich section of eve and giving it another boost that will harm and disadvantage the other 90%of the player base. High low and why will have to do mining fleets, with 2 of them needing to secure space to do it, but null is already securing their space and will have to dedicate zero manpower on top of that to the auto miner... thats bad, and not just for the other 3 sections, that drives costs up not down because if the others can't compete they will be less doing it (exactly what happened with t2's and the POS's last time). Costs go up again, more players get disenfranchised. I'm not sure if you've seen my other stuff, but the reason I want to make videos for eve isint being a tuber, it's to try and get people into the game, because I know alot that left because of changes like this, and because I've seen far to many videos that are clickbait misrepresentations of eve, that would put off players when they see how the game really is. Whereas players coming in with and accurate idea, and not thinking they will make 59 billion in their first 40 days, will stay if they like it, because their idea is accurate. As always thanks for the comments, and you are always welcome, I love the feedback, espically when people have different views. Fly safe o7
@burnouttx2415 2 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland You mean like M2- or the battle of Asaki or the battle of B-R5RB... cry harder.
@BalefulStar 3 месяца назад
Bro, with all due respect, you're talking about huge increase here, massive isk there, like you have the numbers (which nobody has currently) try to speak more objectively, because objectivity is what separates you from content you're often dunking on (I'm talking about those trillion isk a second credit card warriors)
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
hit me up man, what numbers specifically do you want, because the numbers are available to all for most thats happened, and there is historical examples of this thing happening again before, abd befroe etc. Eve dose reports ingame every month. player numbers are tracked by eve off line, ccp dtat talks have sown how many individuals play, how many accounts people ahve on average. Tell me a number you want and ill link it. player retention, eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility logon time, www.eveonline.com/news/view/eve-player-data eve onlien charictar distrobution, imgur.com/a/KOdub ccps charictar data from last year in a talk ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-qfwZft7W2u8.html moons mined www.eveonline.com/news/view/monthly-economic-report-march-2024 also if you're interested, go onto eveoff line and look at the the dates of expantions that changes major things in highsec and lowsec and how many players left in the months after. eg pochven is the reason battle ship prices trippled becasue tho ore mining in HS dropped and prices went up. as average player count droped from 36k average per day to 25k average in the 6 months after pochven. when your saying noone has numbers for future events, thats true, but we do know what has hapened time and time again in the game, pos's had auto moon miners, it started in null and it massivly unbalenced the game, so they brought it to highsec to try and balance it, but it was still innaccessable to most, so they got rid of it because it was a massive advantage to the defending corp unless they got blobbes, and then biggest blob consumes all. This is a well traveled road, and i was one of the blobbers and moon mining at the time! then we moved to active harvesting, chances for attack and defend, but linked to sov, smoothed it out. now its going back to auto mining, hell they advertised it as passive income! So null get another passive income stream but hibeears, lowpers and hole thumbers get nothing to balence it for the forseabale future. That dosent bring costs down for anyone becasue people dont ship from null to highsec in general to sell, they build in situ, so that wont lower costs, but will give them better profit margins, plus as the documents mention in a different way, a monopoly on new resources over 90% of players not in null. It dosent change what i do, but it dose mean that any of the new stuff is out of reach. You do have a brilliant point though, my points come across as not objective, Partly becasue their cant be any truly objective prodiction in econimics, its all theory basen on eperience, and partly because of my noggin and the various conditions in there. And i do dunk on abstracts without evidence, liek "how i made" just being 'look at my shinies but you cant see my wallet'. If you have a look at some others liek cptn benzie, you will see the same reservations, in a more politer form, but alot of us that have been in the game for a while, seemed to have the same thoughts it looks like. That all being said, thanks for the comment, you are always welcome to critisize comment or take th e piss :p , it helps me in alot of ways and i hope your do some more in the future! Fly safe o7 !
@BalefulStar 3 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland Fair enough
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