
EVE Online | The Scope - Stellar Transmuter Crisis and Escalating Conflict Around Athounon V 

EVE Online
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Alton Haveri reports on the growing concerns surrounding Stellar Transmuter experiments and escalating tensions in the race to acquire mysterious Triglavian technology found on the planet of Athounon V.
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19 окт 2022




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@Recessio Год назад
The graphics and production value of the recent Scope videos are great, keep up the good work!
@SokolSolovey Год назад
Graphics ?? This game must have own internet inside long ago
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
Gives me chills everytime when i see animations of the Eve universe and important NPCs interacting along with clips. Says so much about the very very far future of humanity even if it's science fiction.
@chrisklugh Год назад
What makes you think we will make it that far...
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
@@chrisklugh sheer optimism 🥲
@chrisklugh Год назад
@@M1551NGN0 Have you seen the News. Every Demographic is attacking another Demographic. Everyone is the Enemy of someone else. You are at war with people as they are with you. And this is exponentially growing. Just watch the News.
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
@@chrisklugh i know right and that's why only optimism is helping me cope 😭
@chrisklugh Год назад
@@M1551NGN0 Lucky you! Cause I'm all out of that...
@Kenabukanyo Год назад
I wish they'd announce the updates the same way and give deeper meaning to them than just raw data. We'll see the data in the patches anyway and give feedback. The main thing is the story / lore and it's development linked with players actions.
@UgoNeiva Год назад
A nice reflection with the real world and the real threat of war. Nicelly done.
@PandaMationsCC Год назад
2:47 yall forgot to hide the lights
@EskaronVokonen Год назад
At last! You finally cover the new story arc...
@the_real_kevin8996 Год назад
best thing about this news source is that there are no ads
@aleverettes2789 Год назад
2:14 (edit, 2:51 my RU-vid playbar had a stroke) Someone forgot to hide those lights source indicators
@Dr.Snip3r Год назад
@EaglefireflyGaming Год назад
The scope! I have been looking forward to this!
@EskaronVokonen Год назад
That is what I meant when I commented on one of your video a few weeks ago. The Scope should have covered the story about the cloak station in Athounon V and they should have been the one releasing the footage of both the Caldari military taking control of the stations, and the footage of the drones filming the Triglavian structure on Athounon V surface. Instead, these footage was released on some random youtube channel no one is subscribed to. If they wanted to have the players involved early in the story, the story arc should have been covered by The Scope on Eve Online channel, with the usual links directly on the game launcher!
@mrhooke_gamer4077 Год назад
hmmm... sounds like we might need to help Gallente in the up coming weeks.
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
Yes please! Wtb support for The Federation
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
@@potato88872 no u
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
@@potato88872 NaBrO
@paske1924 Год назад
I enjoyed this. Always gets me excited to watch Scope videos.
@charlesgordon5886 Год назад
2:50 light bulbs ?
@Yupplae Год назад
It’s sad to hear that Gallante is struggling…
@Remitonov Год назад
The Caldari still control the entire constellation to date. It's a brutal snowball effect for both campaigns, and it seems a lot like Galmil had given up in favour of other FW systems.
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
Really sad, i know right. Caldari are winning by unfair means i must say, why is there so much support for them?! Just because of Jita?
@theexhunt1437 Год назад
go and do something about it then ... its in the players hands
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
@@theexhunt1437 we are
@stephoik4193 Год назад
@@theexhunt1437 right... """players"""
@KentClarkVoiceover Год назад
Alton Haveri has a lot of late-breaking news on this episode!
@demigod8522 Год назад
I hope this big event isn't going to be as disappointing as the triglavian finale
@goalorientedgaming7052 Год назад
I mean, the finale wasn't dissapointing to me? I wasn't on the trig side either. You can't please everyone.
@VerkingKerng Год назад
How was it disappointing?
@demigod8522 Год назад
@@VerkingKerng I just wasn't a fan of how they retreated back into their own space and just stole the systems they conquered. I wasn't a big fan of trig space either
@FAILG0AT Год назад
I loved that in matari space we were hard edencom but in amarr systems we went hard trig. We gave the triglavions amarrs trade route through high to jita. Now they waste time or go through low...
@mariuspuiu9555 Год назад
This was a long but good one.
@nebulouslive8176 Год назад
A scope broadcast? Well, guess I'll play again.
@samuelshield6307 Год назад
@TheArchitectOfDreams Год назад
Dust 514 would have been cool to fight over that Triglavian Relic / Ruin
@Passvax_ Год назад
seems like the empires are going to clash soon, can't wait !
@doubleohryo7606 Год назад
And thus the plot thickens...
@doubt3430 Год назад
According to the amarr it's a "special operations" to improve the "industry in their territory"
@duncanirvine4657 Год назад
Come on Caldari - Yakiya Tovil-Toba Never forget!!
@mattisback4more Год назад
Best remembered by bringing Chimeras to Gallente space
@MrShasle Год назад
For the glory of the state
@M1551NGN0 Год назад
@RushlockMedia Год назад
Diplomatically, how will the Minmatar view the Galmil not 'showing up' to fight the Caldari State?
@nairnodrums Год назад
Amygnon = Amignon We've been calling it Ameegannon for years.
@tiefblau2780 Год назад
It cost way more to reship for Mins and Gallen cause the only cheap hub is at Jita by Caldari and Amarr
@sdhority Год назад
It really doesn't, we field rifters for under 150k. Minmil ships are dirt cheap.
@stefanstoyanov2586 Год назад
Walking in Stations. When? (Next I'll be asking about Walking on Planets :p )
@Spumoon Год назад
What is a Stellar Transmuter? 🤔 What is it transmuting?
@iondustt Год назад
@VerkingKerng Год назад
It's transmuting stellar stuff
@shinigamishinda1803 Год назад
Who knows, some hope is that it would allow to tmeper with the systems and allow to spawn trig ore or a new kind of ore that the trigs used to use for the trig ships to build. Per lore the trigs ship we use rn are replica of the original ones which materials had been translated into the known types. This does not mean that the trigs don't use a different material similar to the capsulier known materials. But I would also love to see some downsides. Like can only deployed in deep LS or null, wh space due to the risks. And then create besides the field a system debuff as payoff for the tempering with the sun.
If history is a guide - It will be able to use the stars energy to modify the contents of the system it is deployed in e.g. Rakovene and Tallasonite Ore Fields (Really good Ore), changes to the space "weather" (ship Buff/debuffs) and if you want to go "All the Way" Remove the system form the map and place it a Pochven like abyssal Pocket.
@Catalyst375 Год назад
@@3revelectrosonicsyndicate570 It could also be used as a resource harvester, converting a star's matter into usable materials. Whatever the case, it could be game changing if they become available to players after all this.
@TheBudkai Год назад
Haha! Love it
@richardmasseri8906 Год назад
The Intaki Liberation Front condemn the pendulum wars and I personally am disgusted by the actions of the Amarr empire though it seems no-one will now stop what has been started. ((Loving it CCP keep up the good work))
@alphapredator1472 Год назад
its more fun watching the scope or any other video than playing the game it self.
@lazydeer4843 Год назад
When I see NPCs interacting I cant help be think "Look walking in stations that's were the content went"
@MannyKunV Год назад
I thought the construction of the stargates was impossible bc they couldn't get the science behind it right until that one trailer a decade ago Did I miss something?
@armoredlightdragon Год назад
they always been able to build start gates, its just a slow and costly process they do not do to often now that have such a wide network off gates
@Iemmings Год назад
It would be nice if there could be buildups and conflict like this between empire factions, with ability for anyone to opt in, yet no ability for 3rd parties to destroy any chances for growth. The concept around FW is great, groups like Snuffed Out, Shadow Cartel, Deepwater, etc, etc ruin the potential for any real growth within it. Similar to ganking groups like Safety destroying high sec for everyone. Sure people argue nowhere is safe in EvE, however 20-100 characters in 1m isk destroyers should not be free to roam high sec an alpha anything regardless of HP, etc. Make a cap on how many people can engage the same target via PvP in high sec, suddenly ganking becomes a viable part of EvE, not an over exploited part. requiring some actual commitment from less people to aquire a kill, IE a marauder, freighter, etc.
@99999bomb Год назад
2:51 lol
@scoutboy776 Год назад
it's funny to me that everyone says eve is dying, but everyone can see the plex volume being sold daily and its 580,000 plex ($23,200 usd) i don't think eve is going anywhere
@Mehhl81 Год назад
That's not necessarily a sign of the health of the game. The population is the biggest indication of how the game is doing. No one who has played this game like I have since 2005, wants this game to die. However the reality is, the company has a vision for this game that the majority of veteran players don't agree with and it will be the death of this game. Most people have already TRIED eve online, this incessant obsession with new player reworks and getting new players is a waste of time, that's why the MMO's that have focused on keeping the players they have happy have survived the longest. Eve is a great example of this, the past 4 years has been them giving the middle finger to the vets and its showing in the population decline of this game.
@electrofunkk6134 Год назад
That's why you never listen to echo chambers on the internet and decide for yourself if something is worth the money.
@Mehhl81 Год назад
@@electrofunkk6134 I mean clearly I have made the decision my self? I could easily say your opinion is formed from an echo chamber but that isn't necessarily true because I don't know that.
@hiroki_rinn Год назад
I can help but think: "Ugh... How's this going to mess with me now..."
@mattisback4more Год назад
Minmatar must be stopped from researching the stellar transmuters!
@Quzxpon Год назад
Come and stop us then :) Proud to be Minmatar
@BulukEtznab Год назад
Do these videos mean that character animation and station-/planet-visits are soon to be possible? 😉🤔 I mean, it's obviously "there" somewhere...
@gigabyte7431 Год назад
No, there's been scope videos since I started in 2018, they cancelled walking in stations because it wasn't very popular
@BleedingSnow Год назад
Hail Zorya
@nightwhisper4115 Год назад
Amarr Victor!
@MrLeandrus Год назад
15-17yrs is the time I have been waiting to get new 3D models Tier 2.5/3 of normal Battleships for each factions... Not talking about Navy recolors of the old Tier 1 and Tier 2 BShips. We've gotten new utility ships of different classes, with increasing costs to produce them or buy them. But having a nice T3 Bships or maybe Tier 2.5 with not just a new skin or color... but a new shape.. is long overdue... Battleships and cruisers... T1 and T2 are the bread and butter of the game, when u get shot down, u can hop into one and still do something.. but always the same old 3D shapes and no design innovations in shape and form... just cheap skins and recolors... it reminds me of WoW when they do 5-9 recolors of mounts... the basics of the game have gone down... forcing people to use expensive ships for special content, but forgetting the rest... I lived months in 0.0 and even in higher sec space, but sometimes, a good not expensive ships is all you need to chillax... I love Amar and Gallente ships... imagine grabbing the Tristan frigate 3d Model and modify it to a Battleship size with moving arms and effects... well these are my 2 cents... been playing since 2003, maybe I have to wait 20more years to go back to Eve when they finally decide to bring new standard BShips models, pls don't count the hybrid Bships, navy or specialty ones... those hurt to lose :) The new 4 ships are the same old ships with maybe new features, but similar design to other ships... come on guys... but some work on the 3D department... bring more variety from the bottom up... Good video nonetheless, prefectly edited with good viasuals and compelling story :)
@satinthrone Год назад
Space Wizard!!
@_s.i.m_ Год назад
Good afternoon. Can I use your video on my channel, but with translation and voice acting into Russian ?
@neighborhoodsoiocpath7063 Год назад
GULP the only thing that sounded positive is concord trying to make peace with people
@ltmando2755 Год назад
We need to help gal get that gate done asap
@lukasmurch6976 Год назад
Lol, 525 likes, almost 12K views. Come guys. 🤣
@devilmaycare2809 Год назад
Good video.... Still not enough to make me re-sub my accounts.
@Smarglenargle Год назад
@hulkgqnissanpatrol6121 Год назад
I wish my PC would play it over 7fps. 😑
@gfox9295 Год назад
Even in potato mode? There's a new potato mode that turns off all the in-space graphics and just turns everything on grid into symbols. it's true spreadsheet mode!
@halilemiralioglu682 Год назад
The CCP is making changes again. With the changes they made after the ESS patch (I think the ESS patch was nice by the way), it caused many players to lose. Should we be afraid?
@caffeinejavacode1475 Год назад
Amarr laser very poor and need more color
@Mehhl81 Год назад
Disable BRM
@peterstein6923 Год назад
RY - as a beginner, the community really sucks! Chat "German Recruitment" I have been shipped there several times now. Unfortunately, I can't recommend it, even though I like EVE.
@Andrew-tf5rz Год назад
EVE!@! YOur sub fee is too expensive!!! I want to subscribe, but 20 euro is too much. If it was still 13 euro I would've subscribed without hesitation. 7- 10 euro is the most social fee.
@MoltenUprisingMK Год назад
My dislike of Amarr grows.
@bradb3245 Год назад
I love how these video's portray this as an opportunity for exploration and adventure, when in reality, these are just yet another death trap with little hope of gaining anything. Eve needs to fix it's mechanics and stop pandering to large alliances, and stop raising their prices and then they will have success.
@zman_o7 Год назад
How’s that $20 a month sub price working out for ya CCP? 🤣👍
@electrofunkk6134 Год назад
Complains about $20/month, yet throws money at a game that won't be complete for years. 🤣👌
@zman_o7 Год назад
@@electrofunkk6134 $45 for a one time game package that gives me unlimited access to a game with more immersion than Eve will ever come close to having and it is still in Alpha and no monthly sub to pay? Yea I am going to complain about a 20 year old game that charges $20 a month for a game that took away all the game play I enjoyed.
@auxiliaryaccount808 Год назад
@@zman_o7 Sounds like a vaporware scam. What game are you referring to?
@Sserxe Год назад
12.49/month if you pay by the year 🤔
@zman_o7 Год назад
@@After_Pasta the fact you are hardcore fanboying for CCP after they continue to abuse their players is in fact hilarious. I have thousands of hours in Eve Online and spent thousands of dollars over the years on the game so if my stating the obvious upsets you so be it but I have every right to voice my complaints about a company that has done everything it can to destroy what was once special about Eve Online. o7
@markboreland5550 Год назад
dead game ty pearl abyss
@Mehhl81 Год назад
Ty Hilmar and Retardi
@electrofunkk6134 Год назад
Yet you can't help from watching and commenting.
@Mehhl81 Год назад
@@electrofunkk6134 Yeah that happens when someone of us have been playing this game since 2005 and our love for it makes us passionate about the way it's being ran. Imagine not being able to understand that.
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