
Everything Commanded In Scripture Is Ethical 

The Atheist Experience
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27 сен 2024




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@ghurcbghurcb Год назад
"I left the religion, but I felt guilty for doing harmless things it condemns, so I came back" This dude has been traumatized by his religion and it's obvious to everyone but him...
@snooganslestat2030 Год назад
Yep. Truly indoctrinated.
@EmiSuess Год назад
He sounds like me at a younger age. I hope he ends up in a different place when he is farther along his journey
@skateboardingjesus4006 Год назад
His answers are almost instantaneous and very poorly thought out. It's as if just contemplating them immediately induces his deepest fears. This pitiable behaviour is exactly why religious practices and rhetoric are loathed to the extent they are.
@oliverthompson9922 Год назад
Yep, It's a clear case of the harm religion can do. The poor guy feels guilt and shame for natural feelings. It may not be the direct cause of his anxiety and depression, but it will certainly make it worse. Its very sad to see.
@kinglyzard Год назад
Another form of Stockholm Syndrome. Emmanuel needs to seek counseling and psychiatric help with his depression and anxiety, awa probable PTSD. I suffer from depression and anxiety, but thankfully, meds are controlling my worst symptoms. I do not need any imaginary friends or dictators in my treatment plan. Emmanuel needs to deal with the stress of unnecessary guilt and shame head-on.
@NM_rocker Год назад
The caller made a great argument against Christianity
@st.facosa1087 Год назад
@kinglyzard Год назад
I feel like even more of an atheist than ever! 😆
@ethanainsworth Год назад
For real.
@Andrea.1tree Год назад
I wonder if he keeps returning because he has serious doubts about what he believes? It takes a long time to self-deprogram without outside assistance. Even with help you need therapy. Hopefully he is getting ideas here.
@_Somsnosa_ Год назад
Amen Bwomen
@Aencii Год назад
"If it were possible to make me more of an atheist, you would be doing that." You spoke for all of us there, Forrest. Thank you.
@dx1450 Год назад
Needs to be said to every religious person out there. Unless you can prove with factual evidence that your god exists and that your religion is the correct one to follow, you're confirming our atheistic stance.
@skateboardingjesus4006 Год назад
They're always stumped by the revelation that their God continuously picks the most incompetent people to do it's bidding. The only success they ever have , isn't success at all, as those people are already religious to begin with. They're preaching to an increasingly shrinking choir.
@kinglyzard Год назад
My mother had a saying: Everyone has a use in life. Some to serve as good examples, and some to serve as bad examples.
@nonyabidness8676 Год назад
The god that Amanuel is describing is definitely one that lacks credibility. *If* it is real, it's one that we would need to resist with every ounce of our being. A cruel, mad god, that continues to punish people with the thorns, nettles, and pain of childbirth he supposedly forgave us for after sacrificing his son to himself. One that holds twin blades over our heads in life; an eternity of mindless worship, robbed of everything we were, or an eternity of blinding, choking, and burning suffering without end.
@rickmiles2955 Год назад
@@dx1450 nah, evidence wouldn't help. I mean it would stop me being an atheist, however it would not change the moral stance I have that the God of the Christian Bible is absolute evil, and I would never follow him.
@EustaBAracer Год назад
"Stop sinning yourself, stop sinning yourself" - Says Immortal Being who created the concept of sin and impressed it onto its own creations
@divekyra Год назад
What always gets me is that those who are "moral" out of fear of punishment think they are better than those of us who have a moral compass knowing that the world is indifferent to it and there is no eternal reward OR punishment for doing the right thing.
@gourdguru Год назад
right? it's like "you're being good to try and win a cookie, i was being good even before i knew there were cookies available, and somehow you think you have the high ground?"
@jackwhitbread4583 Год назад
​​@@gourdguru it always baffles me that anyone could ever claim any moral high ground when instead of doing good to do good they are either doing it for reward or out of fear of eternal damnation.
@giovannicarosa8819 Год назад
Me an my wife both always say we don’t need a book to tell us that killing, raping, stealing, lying, etc is bad. We know it is…lol
@CookiesRiot Год назад
​​@@gourdguru Not to mention offer for a cookie comes from a bunch of anonymous books which make the existence of the cookie extremely suspect. Plus, I would much rather put actual effort into pursuing a better understanding of what "good" is than blindly trust some random dudes who seemingly wrote the stuff down to influence the Israelites to do what they specifically wanted.
@CookiesRiot Год назад
​@@giovannicarosa8819 Even among those who use the book as a moral guide, there are disagreements on what counts under, "Thou shalt not kill." So apparently having the book to tell you what's bad doesn't actually improve your understanding. I'd go so far as to say that people don't learn morality from the book; they impose their own morals into the text or are convinced by other people's opinions, then gaslight themselves into thinking the book was the source of their understanding.
@jolene6911 Год назад
When the hosts collectively sigh with your call … that is a sign, it’s time to take a break from calling.
@squeakD Год назад
This caller is an excellent example of how Christianity literally poisons the mind. He is morally bankrupt because of his religion, but he can’t see it because of how abusive his holy book is.
@kinglyzard Год назад
The abuse is stark as daylight on snow when he describes his thought-crimes against the Holy Bum Jebus. He most assuredly has a form of Stockholm Syndrome.
@joshuabartlett3589 Год назад
How does Christianity poison the mind? Have you read the Bible or does that idea scare you?
@kinglyzard Год назад
@Joshua Bartlett Christianity, in its purest form, poisons the mind because the Bible is a toxic, miserable piece of work whose time should never have come. I have read it, and it is abhorrent. awa, the God there within.
@vowel8280 Год назад
@@joshuabartlett3589 Did you listen to the caller? If that's not christianity poisoning the mind then you are poisoned as well
@joshuabartlett3589 Год назад
@@vowel8280 That's silly. If someone's mind is poisoned Christ forgives sin.
@robertschwalb4469 Год назад
There is not a chance he convinced a single person to be a Christian during this call. Ironically, it's much more likely he's convinced some Christians to leave Christianity.
@Ghostwriter78 Год назад
"Have you ever looked at another woman with lust?" "Ohhhhhhh.....yaaahhh!" LMAO! You guys are killing me!
@revwillyg6450 Год назад
Hilarious 😂
@kinglyzard Год назад
I have never, EVER looked at a woman in lust. My boyfriend wouldn't understand.
@Alexander59059 Год назад
Not once I only do that to other men
@Meggsie Год назад
Oooh that's me hai
@Steveman27 Год назад
If guys didn't look at and sexually desire women based on their looks alone to at least some degree, they wouldn't be making out with, or making with and having sex with them to begin with. Even the caller, if he were to, at some point, have a girlfriend or a wife, would most likely look at and sexually desire and enjoy sexual activity with her to at least some degree, and or else he probably would have never hooked up with her to begin with.
@verbosedy9947 Год назад
"Our World is Fallen and can't get up". That is seriously the funniest thing I've heard in the last month. GOLD!!! Amanuel is so lost....I really started to question my beliefs when another atheist asked me "So God makes people so he can have them raped? Sounds like a bad god." I didn't have an answer to that and it quickly led me to my "Deconstruction" phase of my beliefs. I would hug that atheist now if I saw him today. He's a righteous dude. (not biblically though thankfully)
@wmd1520 Год назад
To sum up God gave us free-will, also No-free will allowed everything pre-ordained
@joshuakohlmann9731 Год назад
A world that is predestined to go bad isn't "fallen": it's been thrown.
@cy-one Год назад
@@wmd1520 additionally, the best place in existence (heaven) is incompatible with free will and personality
@theunholinesswithin70 Год назад
The thing is, the christians constantly complain about the world being fallen, which is its nature (according to this religion), as they blame non believers for their own nature.
@dx1450 Год назад
Even worse, God creates people who he knows (because he's all-knowing) will end up suffering in Hell for eternity. And God set up this system where "bad" people who don't worship him get sent to Hell to be tortured. And even worse than that, according to this system the vast majority of humans who have or ever will exist will end up being tortured in Hell forever while a comparatively small number of people will end up in Heaven. So the vast majority of people ever created by God end up being tortured for eternity because they weren't born to Christian parents or born to parents who practice the correct denomination of Christianity.
@davidkillens8143 Год назад
"When I was 14 I started to stray and had lust." Golly gee whiz, that is called puberty when a young man discovers breasts and masturbation.
@marasmusine Год назад
And a special thanks to Maria Whittaker for helping me through that very difficult time.
@blatherskite3009 Год назад
I remember well the day when I looked at my dad's vinyl copy of the "Xanadu" soundtrack album, saw the pic on the back, and noticed that Olivia Newton-John had an absolutely stunning pair of legs on her. Don't think I'd ever noticed a girl's legs (or other bits) prior to that moment. Pretty sure that's when I knew what "lust" felt like. And it was good.
@autonomouscollective2599 Год назад
Lust is such a weird “sin.” We kinda need for the continuation of our species. 🤔
@martysmovies7892 Год назад
@@blatherskite3009 Lust is bad enough, but lusting after Zeus's daughter is the worst sin. ;-)
@uninspired3583 Год назад
I'll never forgive Christianity for gaslighting me into thinking my biological chemistry was letting God down. That shit drove me to a dark, dark place.
@konnosx1213 Год назад
i can say that when I was Christian my anxiety and OCD were much worse, not that they were cured by me becoming an atheist but at least I no longer fear I will be literally divinely punished for my inner thoughts
@middlegroundlogic Год назад
Yes!!! I had that relief as well. Also no longer worrying about my family and children
@unknownx7252 Год назад
Same here.
@chocolatehersheykiss7412 Год назад
It’s stupid because we were here to reproduce..It’s natural to want to have sex…
@geradhoyt Год назад
@Lloyd S Why do you reject Muhammad, Zeus, Vishnu, L Ron Hubbard, Joseph Smith, etc? For the same reasons you reject all other Gods and prophets, atheists also reject Jesus.
@josephlagray9276 Год назад
That makes two of us lol.
@beauvorndran425 Год назад
Johnny and Forrest are a killer duo!! Them playing off of each others banter is making me roll🤣
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
These 2 hosts are fools (atheists) and their less-than-worthless, asinine, lost & clueless religious cult of atheism is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS. No atheist has a RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step-by-step atheist explanation for reality. That's because there isn't one. THESE GUYS ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE NO ANSWERS!!! The fact remains that along w/ DYING/FINITE space/matter/energy, TIME had a cause. The logical conclusion (when we follow the evidence) is that such a cause is TIMELESS. And if you're TIMELESS, do you have a beginning or end? No. We call that cause "OUR INFINITE, SUPERNATURAL GOD," who by definition is TIMELESS, CHANGELESS, BEGINNINGLESS, SPACELESS, IMMATERIAL and ENORMOUSLY POWERFUL. These topics are the most important topics known; thus, EVERYONE should have a vast understanding of the facts that frame the truth of these topics and not be so content to gulp down the false propaganda of channels such as this one. THESE GUYS ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE NO ANSWERS!!! And you're praise makes you even more lost than they are.
Ethical like deleting facts for the biased woke agenda! which the atheist experience loves to do! you are no better than kent hovind!
@pranavghantasala6808 Год назад
I like Forrest's style and he usually takes the lead when responding to calls, but I also really dig the chill vibes that Johnny introduces to the mix. Really refreshing!
@ashwayn Год назад
Yes but their antagonists are not that good
@mb3775 Год назад
Amanuel converting more Christians to atheists.
@BrendanWhelan Год назад
Imagine believing there’s a god that created us and programmed us to have lust and attraction to others biologically but expects you to ask for forgiveness for doing that and if we don’t we get burned forever.
@soobinism Год назад
It's even more ridiculous than that. Imagine believing that being born as a human, something none of us chose to do, is a crime. It makes us inherently sinful beings that need to atone for it, or yeah, we burn forever. Or that there's even a need to exist and be tested and observed by our creator at all, when our alleged creator is OMNISCIENT. If anyone truly deserves to burn forever, it would be God himself. The ultimate creator of all sin, the one true root of all evil. There would be no Hitlers, Dahmers, slavery, physical/mental illnesses, rape, starvation, birth pains, no suffering without him.
@Dragonmoon98 11 месяцев назад
@@soobinism He made us and put us in a no win situation, and he's the one that expects *us* to live our lives as a punishment for something that, even if it were real, none of us alive had any input on, and is a 4 year old oopsie compared to what happened much more recently
@dwendt44 Год назад
the errors, contradictions, nonsense in the bible is glossed over or ignored by believers for some reason. The bible supports slavery, condones incest, exemplifies polygamy, advocates child abuse, sanctions genocide, demeans women, and tell true believers to 'eliminate' any one who doesn't believe or doesn't believe correctly.
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
Are you really this stupid? The Bible is a record of observation that's written by God himself. If you think the Bible wasn't observed and documented by God, then you are poorly educated as there is more evidence for the Bible then any other historical writings. God wrote the Bible & used mankind to pen it. You actually think God would depend on weak stupid humans to think up and print his Word? That we'd be judged on "Judgement Day" by what men wrote and not what God wrote? God promised that he'd preserve his Word and he did (Psalm 11:6-7). Science in the Bible? That's easy: Genesis 1:1 tells us that God created/designed time/space/matter/energy. The Bible says to circumcise a baby boy on the 8th day, which is what doctors do today. We have the 2nd law described, the effect of an Atom Bomb on the human body, The earth is round and the universe is expanding from one point (God). Historically science advanced because of Biblical rationale. Science is based on Biblical rationale. Clearly, you illogically reject historical proven evidence for the Bible, while "accepting" speculation (e.g. multiverse, big bang, abiogenesis, mistakes (mutations) gaining in complexity/new information, star formation, evolution) that's not proven, not possible, nor has ever been OBSERVED; thus, you have a mental problem. Mental illness (atheism). The Bible is the ONLY coherent documented factually witnessed verified explanation of the full spectrum of true reality before nature (time/space/matter) was even created and it’s UNIMPEACHABLE. We know God wrote the Bible, due to it's content. Example: No goat herder knew that God created time/space/matter and thus, we know God wrote the very first verse of the Bible: "In the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter)." - Genesis 1:1. Science has only caught up with the Bible in the last 70 yrs, regarding the fact that this universe had a beginning. Try to learn.
@dwendt44 Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 Total nonsense. The short list of contradictions and errors is at least 50 items long. The long list of contradictions and errors is over 400. Many of the bible stories is copied from other older religions of the region.
@mil401 Год назад
The disagreements / contradictions between the authors are honestly part of what makes the texts so interesting. Take something as simple as the question of “on what day is Jesus depicted as being killed?” In the synoptic gospels, he’s depicted as being crucified _after_ the Passover meal. The author of John however, deliberately places Jesus’s death _during_ Passover so as to symbolically represent Jesus as being the final Passover lamb (i.e. the lamb of God). It’s a striking piece of literary and theological imagery that a reader could very well miss if they were attempting to harmonise away all contradictions. The Bible is a messy, fascinating window into how authors spanning centuries made sense of their own identities and their relationship to what they understood as the divine. I’m not even Christian and I love to listen to chill theology podcasts like Pete Enn’s _The Bible for Normal People_ just because ancient texts are so intriguing (I still can’t, for example, get over just how much scholarship there is out there about Homer’s _Iliad!)_
@happyninja42 Год назад
they ignore it not "for some reason". they HAVE to ignore it or else their entire worldview collapses.
@johnd.shultz7423 Год назад
the Fear of the biblically taught satan, hell and death= the ending of the ego/ plus the wholesale Greed for immortality,heaven is the prime mover for the x-tian mind, without these conditioned ideas- x-tianity would be completely de-nutted....
@jackbrigoli7452 Год назад
Essentially, God is Syndrome from the Incredibles. He sends the robot to the city to attack it for the sole purpose of Syndrome swooping in and pretending to save everyone while secretly controlling the robot for his little charade to make him look brave and heroic. Amanuel is describing a scenario that is pretty much a spot on frame by frame comparison to that scene. God is creating a world full of evil and suffering and forcing us to suffer through it just so that he can swoop in and look all heroic. And he's doing it by sacrificing one human. What's actually funny is that in that same scene, the robot's AI becomes so advanced that it not only figures out that Syndrome is only using it for his own needs but its also grown a sense of self awareness whereby it realises that Syndrome's actions in using it for his own selfish vanity is immoral, at least to it, and asks itself "what right does he have to treat me like this?" Which is a perfect analogy to our response to this God and what Amanuel says he's like. I don't believe God is real but if he is and he really is as Amanuel describes, he's a cruel, immoral, childish, pathetic, lazy wanker.
@lorencalfe6446 Год назад
a mediocre human who comes up with mediocre analogies and practices the placebo effect on diseases that already have a chance for spontaneuos remission (even if the healing shit actually happened). For example a stage 2 macular hole (which causes symptoms like blindness) has a 50% chance of spontaneous remission and restoration of sight.
@jackbrigoli7452 Год назад
@JONAH CHICKERING Well of course there's that. But essentially that particular scene describes the scenario that Amanuel is describing as love. Manufacturing evil and suffering and then using lame and ineffective methods to remove next to none of it from the world while expecting the people you brought the suffering onto in the first place to praise you as this great and powerful saviour is just barbaric and evil. It has nothing to do with love and nothing to do with salvation and it breaks my heart that people like Amanuel have sacrificed critical thinking and independent thought to buy into this mental gymnastics based fallacy. Luckily the amount of people who are waking up is growing.
@scottblack7182 Год назад
Spot on ❤
@unknownx7252 Год назад
Well said.
@lorencalfe6446 Год назад
@Anon Ymous you misunderstood me i was talking about the charlatan jesus
@JJMDude Год назад
"When you commit a sin, don't you feel BAD...?" No, dude, not the things you consider sins, because my moral compass isn’t dictated by your religion. I feel NO guilt for feeling lust because I know that's a natural, healthy fact of human biology. We feel guilt or shame based on what we already believe "right and wrong" are, which in my case is informed by reason. Ergo, your conscience comes from you and what you already believe inside; it's not a god telling you how you should feel.
@jackwhitbread4583 Год назад
Even Christians choose the church that most resonates with their own beliefs and set of morals. Christians have their own set of morals no matter how messed up they are, if that were not the case then so many Christians would not leave certain churches that don't share their same view set.
@josephoswald2292 Год назад
"I try not to do it while I'm driving " LOL 😂😂😂
@MrCanis4 Год назад
I had already passed your comment when I heard it. Had to come back and give you a 'like'. 🤣🤣🤣
@huffpappy Год назад
Faith is evidence of gullibility, nothing more.
@amtlpaul Год назад
@@JimCastleberry How does that logically follow?
@dwightdhansen Год назад
@@JimCastleberry ya just did 🤣🤣🤣
@TheCthulhurlyeh Год назад
@@JimCastleberry incorrect!
@MrMarcusIndia Год назад
@@JimCastleberry That's an easy one to prove, Jimmy-boy. You have absolutely zero evidence that your magic skyfairy exists, yet you still insist that it's real and you're terrified of it. That's because you're gullible. Hence your faith is evidence of gullibility. If you believe in your delusions for reasons other than gullibility, please speak of them. Perhaps you're just demented, devoid of any intelligence, etc. rather than gullible, for example.
@Djr67 Год назад
@@JimCastleberry you only have faith because you are threatened into believing in it, it's not faith it's fear.
@odinson6348 Год назад
This is just one of the reasons it's important to refute the validity of religion. It is able to justify any atrocity. Human beings can become MORE morally good when we realize scriptural morality was just made up by other humans.
@raysalmon6566 Год назад
you will not be able to refute what Jesus said Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
@odinson6348 Год назад
@@raysalmon6566 Luke 14:26 If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
@raysalmon6566 Год назад
@@odinson6348 Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple. well doesn't look you will be a disciple anytne soon...
@odinson6348 Год назад
@@raysalmon6566 Not to some dick God as that.
@raysalmon6566 Год назад
@@odinson6348 bv14 john 18:37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
@anttuber Год назад
"Why bake all that into the sauce" -- Forest Vakai. What a great line.
@gulgul877 Год назад
i love how Johnny said 'oh yeah' when asked if he ever looked at a woman with lust
@heyidaroo Год назад
Johnny’s “Oh yeah” and Forrest’s “All the time man. All the time” was just to fuck with this guy and I’m here for it
@claudiasolomon1123 Год назад
Caller: God predetermined literally everything we have no free will on earth. AXP Hosts: So r*pe & Hitler are a part of god's plan. Caller: wait .. *NO*
@Mark73 Год назад
These people never actually think about the implications of their beliefs because they're trained to not question.
@burningmisery 7 месяцев назад
​@@Mark73 These people never think.
@secularsunshine9036 10 месяцев назад
*"When religion ruled the World, it was known as the dark-ages."*
@wesmahan4757 Год назад
Johnny's answers and approach are great! Bring him back on the show again.
@brucewilliams4152 Год назад
Faith is no evidence , it is belief without evidence.
@kurman4749 Год назад
You are absolutely right Bruce.
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
Faith? Wrong. Let me educate you: All faith is not blind faith. Faith itself carries with it the ideas of belief, trust, commitment and is therefore only as robust as the evidence for it. Faith in Jesus is based on Biblical truths, science and God-given common sense. “Blind faith” is faith w/ no evidence. But Christianity is “faith” in FACT, REASON & LOGIC that are based on a preponderance of the evidence, whether it be scientific, theological, historical, archaeological, sound rational logic on given facts - coupled w/ personal intimate and profound experience w/ G0D and spiritual research. You need to learn the difference.
@hegyak Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 Webster's New World College Dictionary defines faith as "unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence; unquestioning belief in God, religious tenets." "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
@@hegyak Sorry, but secularism can't define the spiritual. Blind faith is nothing but hope. But faith based on good reason(s) to believe is rational.
@pheimeioon Год назад
If you had evidence, you wouldn't need faith. Religion makes people say foolish things.
@redmed10 Год назад
Catholic church has done it's classic number on Amanuel. The first thing he talked about was guilt which is the bedrock of catholic belief.
@nagranoth_ Год назад
Christian in general...
@johnscaramis2515 Год назад
The Catholic church is not responsible for weirdos like Amanuel. At least not for all of them. All the other -Christian denominations- religions do the same.
@johnd.shultz7423 Год назад
@@ookeekthelibrarian Thanks for the clarity!..
@Bryan-ig2zp Год назад
I feel for this poor kid. He's clearly honest and is arguing in good faith. Just so so lost. He's in pain and the people in his life have failed him.
@teshlafreeman4040 11 месяцев назад
It does seem like he has been brainwashed. He is earnest but so blind
@powbobs 5 месяцев назад
He’s very unintelligent.
@hazmatt4637 2 месяца назад
When using the word "good," the word "faith" doesn't logically follow.
@vincentking2552 Год назад
"Have you ever looked at a woman with Lust?" Johnny, "Oooh yeah!!!" 😂😂 Mr P Angel never fails to make me laugh out loud any time I see him on a show.
@johna3789 11 месяцев назад
His response was that of a horny teenager
@sophistichistory4645 Год назад
Amanuel FINALLY showed his hand. Earlier, when one of the hosts said they never sinned in their life, Amanuel asks "have you ever lusted after a woman??", indicating that he thinks sexual feelings are sinful. Then at 20:13 he says God's ways seem like folly to us because we are "carnal beings". Amanuel is an incel who couldn't get laid in a women's prison. So, as a substitute and a salve for his bruised ego, he's turned lock, stock and barrel to religion which decries sexuality as wicked and sinful.
@dandotvid Год назад
Or it's possible in his past he had some bad sexual experience and this is his brain's way of dealing with that. We don't know for sure what has happened to him, but there is definitely some conditioned response here.
@joshuakohlmann9731 Год назад
Amanuel seems like a decent person who is dealing with some serious issues. I don't think it's helpful to judge him too harshly.
@darkstar4494 Год назад
You’re reading in way too much. He didn’t reveal anything except deep fundamentalist indoctrination. He’s crazy all on his own. I don’t think a girl did this to him.
@daveg-Vancouver_Island Год назад
I never get laid and no way in hell am I turning to religion!! Lol
@DrMonty-yr1kc Год назад
@@joshuakohlmann9731 Considering the amount of horrible sht he says I couldnt give a single fk about him…if he is actually serious and not a troll then yeah, poor stoopid guy, but he is still a horrible person
@manoblancos Год назад
It was so incredibly painful to listen to this caller speak, that after watching this entire video I feel a brotherly connection with you boys. It's how I imagine soldiers who've gone through combat together, and survived, must feel.
@Zoulz666 Год назад
It's very sad that there are people like this that are so delusional and confused. 😑
@Angel-Kitten Год назад
By his death on the cross, Jesus freed people from the burden of original sin, so why didn't God immediately return people to Eden and free women from suffering during childbirth? Something is not right here.
@jim.h Год назад
It's all about the second coming when Christians get "raptured". Or, in other words, churches need to keep talking about the second coming to keep the money coming in!! 💰💰💰
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
His sacrifice only opened the door to salvation. You have to walk through that door to actually RECEIVE it by your own free will. God's not going to force salvation on you.
@holgerlubotzki3469 Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 You already told me that your g0d doesn't want me to believe he actually exists. That's fine with me.
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
@@sideboob6851 Sin = death. You have free will to choose if you go to hell or not. You're going to hell because you refuse to be saved from hell.
@amtlpaul Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 No I don't. I choose not to go to Hell.
@allisonrodriguez8937 Год назад
Poor caller, I wish the guys had told him that it's perfectly normal and natural to feel lust as a teenager.
@oxidize11 Год назад
"we are all sinners and worthy of death unless you do what we say" how do people not see that as blatant manipulation?
@jesperjee Год назад
Amanuel is so lost he couldn’t find himself in a house of mirrors.
@BootBizarre Год назад
"I wanna know more about this lust." 🤣🤣🤣
@kurman4749 Год назад
Me too!
@sdozer1990 Год назад
@@kurman4749 Me Three!
@jquest99 Год назад
Most of us, outside the theists, don't need to feel all "icky" because of lust. 😁
@uninspired3583 Год назад
@@jquest99 it's a wierd impulse but that dopamine hit is delicious
@BootBizarre Год назад
@@jquest99 yes, we want all the *_juicy_* details. 😏
@panqueque445 Год назад
"Okay here's the thing" *proceeds to dig himself into a deeper hole*
@tigdogsbody Год назад
A Christain caller who knows little of Christain Canon. Sirs, you are being very generous to this gentleman.
@garretnarjes782 Год назад
If he knew Christian canon better, he'd just be lining his own BS up with other people's BS better. It doesn't solve the underlying problem.
@uncleanunicorn4571 Год назад
The wisdom of God is indeed foolishness.
@theodorevibritannia7988 Год назад
At first I was thinking: "Why do you type like that, Christain?", then I actually gave it a second thought and realized, yeah, it's very fitting since it is a stain in the human history that continues until today.
@steveswangler6373 Год назад
In fairness, there are many Christians that have no familiarity with Christian canon, only a cursory knowledge of their “good book”
@Blackmuseops Год назад
Good on Johnny for giving some advice abt psychological help! ❤️ 🧡 💛 Great video as usual guys. You're a killer duo
@raouldemer2300 Год назад
Have you noticed how many times they have to tell him : " Can you give me something OUTSIDE the bible" before he eventually understood the question ! His is so indoctrinated that he cannot imagine anything OUTSIDE the bible.
@mr.pavone9719 Год назад
This is the first AXP video I've watched in about 3 years and I must say, not a damned thing has changed.
@Leishtek Год назад
As well versed as I consider myself on these things, I still pick up little things from various people. Forest basically saying that not only are you not convincing him, but that you are actually pushing him further away by how horrible it sounds may add on another meta level. If we start telling people this, just maybe they will be less inclined to try to do it.
@SnakeMan448 Год назад
It's surreal hearing how much cognitive dissonance Amanuel has. He has so many ideas that clash with each other and he's stumped when the hosts spell out their simple conclusions.
@lobban2 Год назад
His mind's in a knot xD
@whatsupinspace854 Год назад
*"Our world is fallen and it can't get up"*
@remoevans7847 Год назад
“The lord Jesus spoke to me” is evidence of psychological damage
@agbleu 3 месяца назад
“If god wants to convince me he is real, why would he send YOU!?” That line just killed me hahahahahhahaha
@coeal2680 Год назад
Amanuel calling every week here and The Line, is creepy. Almost stalkery. Someone is very.. insecure.. about thier faith
@kuromyou7969 Год назад
I don't know how tf he keeps getting in. I called the line this week and only got a busy signal.
@L_o_c_a_l_G_u_y Год назад
"I feel guilt when I break God's law." Really? The New Testament says believers should not eat meat with blood in it. How much guilt do you feel over eating a hot dog? Because that law is written on your heart!
@Trash_Panda_Manifesto Год назад
“So here’s the thing right…..” The phrase that signifies their cognitive dissonance is kicking in.
@MrRamical Год назад
I love all AC hosts, but Forrest and Johnny should do all the shows from now on!
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
Not even close. These 2 hosts are fools (atheists) and their less-than-worthless, asinine, lost & clueless religious cult of atheism is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS. No atheist has a RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step-by-step atheist explanation for reality. That's because there isn't one. THESE GUYS ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE NO ANSWERS!!!
@TBomb39 Год назад
They are great at what they do.
@zakfulci854 Год назад
They're my favorite pair.
@wrencestondwanson3437 Год назад
@@TBomb39 No, not even a little bit. These 2 hosts are fools (atheists) and their less-than-worthless, asinine, lost & clueless religious cult of atheism is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS. No atheist has a RATIONAL/POSSIBLE, step-by-step atheist explanation for reality. That's because there isn't one. THESE GUYS ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE NO ANSWERS!!! The fact remains that along w/ DYING/FINITE space/matter/energy, TIME had a cause. The logical conclusion (when we follow the evidence) is that such a cause is TIMELESS. And if you're TIMELESS, do you have a beginning or end? No. We call that cause "OUR INFINITE, SUPERNATURAL GOD," who by definition is TIMELESS, CHANGELESS, BEGINNINGLESS, SPACELESS, IMMATERIAL and ENORMOUSLY POWERFUL. These topics are the most important topics known; thus, EVERYONE should have a vast understanding of the facts that frame the truth of these topics and not be so content to gulp down the false propaganda of channels such as this one. THESE GUYS ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE NO ANSWERS!!!
@TBomb39 Год назад
@@wrencestondwanson3437 Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown, And things seem hard or tough, And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft, And you feel that you've had quite eno-o-o-o-o-ough, Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving And revolving at 900 miles an hour. It's orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it's reckoned, The sun that is the source of all our power. Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see, Are moving at a million miles a day, In the outer spiral arm, at 40, 000 miles an hour, Of a galaxy we call the Milky Way. Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars; It's a hundred thousand light-years side to side; It bulges in the middle sixteen thousand light-years thick, But out by us it's just three thousand light-years wide. We're thirty thousand light-years from Galactic Central Point, We go 'round every two hundred million years; And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions In this amazing and expanding universe. Our universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding, In all of the directions it can whiz; As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know, Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is. So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure, How amazingly unlikely is your birth; And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth! Also, Science takes care of the gaps in our knowledge, and the ever-shrinking pocket of scientific ignorance we once called a god.
@sdozer1990 Год назад
"No, that wouldn't make sense" rapidly comes out when a realistic example of something that doesn't make sense (analogous to concepts in their belief system) is provided. Gotta love them believers with their realistic sensibilities. Haha!
@hdub8093 Год назад
One of the common denominators with these callers is their inability to listen to the questions they're asked, they just wanna plow through with their nonsense, they beat around the bush and can't even have an intelligent conversation AT ALL... can't even answer the simplest of questions
@neverendingparty7741 Год назад
These hosts are lost & clueless and will remain. Like you & these hosts, the atheist cult is INFAMOUS the world over for having ZERO ANSWERS.
@maretranquillity Год назад
If we don't have free will, then why is god punishing us for things that god predetermined?
@wwlib5390 Год назад
@maretranquillity Why is this such a mystery to you? society has written laws and has pre-determined that robbing a bank is criminal and the punishment is time in jail. Free will enables you to rob a bank. Are you then going to say the punishment is so unfair? Meanwhile, the sins that God KNEW you would commit and for which the punishment is death - have been paid for in full at the Cross- all you have to do is go to Him and say a grateful sincere 'thanks'. (John 3 16)
@amtlpaul Год назад
@@wwlib5390 In order to deter such behavior, which makes no sense in a context where behavior and outcomes are predetermined and known in advance.
@MrMarcusIndia Год назад
@@wwlib5390 Oh, look, the vile hate preacher seems to have woken up and is already squeaking about "John 3:16".. Do you get an orgasm every time you squeal about that particularly pointless passage, I wonder? That would at least explain why you insist on mentioning it incessantly. Remember though, too much of a good thing and all that...
@wwlib5390 Год назад
@@sideboob6851 why don't you know God exists yet? That's on you and your lack of sincerely wanting to know, not me.
@wwlib5390 Год назад
​@@sideboob6851 But I do know you GAVE UP. Jesus says so many times I can't count in scripture PERSEVERE. At some point in your searching you began to 'toy' with the idea 'this is garbage...this isn't real...I'm being lied to....this Bible is a myth, etc' and I guarantee those thoughts came LONG before the 35 years was up and you didn't press further into God but let them begin to rule you. Remember what God warned Cain - 'sin is crouching at the door. It desires to have you, but YOU must rule over it." I've been seeking and learning from God for over 40 years. That doesn't make me more perfect or more holy or more righteous than any other, but it DOES mean I am still persevering. So what's the difference with your seeking and mine? You tell me.
@johnfitzgerald8879 Год назад
I don't have free will to not be an atheist. My God's will, I am an atheist. God has commanded me to be an atheist. 😆
@ruthoglesby1805 Год назад
Well, that tracks. If one has no control, one is blameless😉😉
@ksdogg Год назад
You also don't have the free will to suppose that your beliefs are true, and therefore no reason to suppose that the belief that _thoughts are a generation of atoms in the brain_ is true. This worldview is self refuting, it reduces thoughts to have no more logical significance than where the snow lands in an avalanche.
@Sure0Foot Год назад
props to Johnny for the Dark Tower reference at the end!! And may you have twice the number!
@Mark73 Год назад
"If you choose to believe that god exists, you will see that god exists." Christians do not see the circularity of this.
@cullenjohnson0 Год назад
Harlan Ellison would like a word with Johnny P about the authorship of "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream".
@dean244 Год назад
At one time he probably would have, but he isn't really up to a conversation right now.
@georgewilson5957 Год назад
That story is f’ed up.
@ritawing1064 Год назад
@@georgewilson5957 it's certainly memorable!
@cullenjohnson0 Год назад
@@georgewilson5957 what, you don’t see it as a feel good romp? 🤔
@marasmusine Год назад
I didn't spot the rerefence in the video but Johnny is known to troll sci fi fans, for example by mixing up Star Trek and Star Wars,
@MrCanis4 Год назад
I'm pretty convinced that everyone on this planet is much more ethical than the god they worship. But sometimes someone manages to make me doubt that.
@johna3789 11 месяцев назад
Where do you get your standard of ethics from?
@isaacbruner65 6 месяцев назад
​@@johna3789definitely not from the Bronze Age rape manual called the Old Testament
@noelgonzalez9549 7 месяцев назад
“Our world is fallen and it can’t get up…” I literally lost my coffee there.
@watsonwrote 6 месяцев назад
I remember when I was 6 I was horrified at the concept of heaven and in some ways thought it was worse than hell. I felt so much better when I stopped believing in an afterlife not long after. How this convinces so many to hold on to the religion baffles me
@victorhiggins2118 Год назад
Faith is evidence - of a lack of critical thinking skills
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
"Critical thinking skills?" Says the lost and clueless atheist fool that thinks star dust, moist rocks and mud puddles have the INTELLIGENCE, POWER, PURPOSE AND MEANS to create/design LIFE, INTELLIGENCE, LOVE, CONSCIOUSNESS, MORALITY, the human being and ALL the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in co-dependent order in the human body :) Atheism is pure idiocy.
@victorhiggins2118 Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 yeah argument from incredulity is a fallacy. Just because you don't understand science doesn't make it wrong but by all means keep believing a man was made out of dirt and talking snakes and donkeys totally existed. You are absurd.
@ajclements4627 Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 Still waiting for new copy paste, your old stuff is boring AF.
@69eddieD Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 Get some new material Professor Moistrock.
@scubasteve2169 Год назад
So....Jesus never sinned? There is something God can't do, he can't sin. So how could he understand the human condition of he never sinned?
@jquest99 Год назад
Well, I think that BECAUSE he did it, it's not sin. He could murder someone, but since it was Jesus, it wasn't a sin. He could have been beating his meat five times a day, but that's ok, it was Jesus. It's like when he broke the sabbath, which God had commanded against. But because it was Jesus, he just says, "chillax, you don't need to keep the sabbath."
@69eddieD Год назад
I'm sure Jesus felt lust and probably popped a woodie or two.
@freddan6fly Год назад
I am getting more and more convinced that "Amnauel" is "Armando L Calvo" or "ChristRigheteus". That does not make him smarter than he sounds. Logicked has made some videos about this "special child".
@pullyb3701 Год назад
I think you could be right
@hayuseen6683 Год назад
How's that? They sound different
@creativewriter3887 Год назад
He has multiple names to avoid the "2-week before calling" requirement they put on him. He's also known as "SlavetoChrist" .. He needs an S&M group to get with.
@ksdogg Год назад
Materials science is your religious faith. Trust in some bloke in a white coat and some paper work🤣🤣🤣🤣 😂😂😂😂😂
@creativewriter3887 Год назад
@@ksdogg Yeah... that's hilarious. Even if that were so, some "bloke in a white coat and some paper work" actually has more training, more knowledge and more real-world relevance and MORALS than some sandal shod, long haired, illiterate mamzer goat-herding, demon driver into pigs, whose morals are straight from a sadistic hell he threatens to throw people into.
@grayintheuk8021 Год назад
Forrest and Johnny are just two fantastic presenters. Long may you both do this very helpful work. Thank you.
@sandralouise1961 Год назад
Lol! Johnny! I'm getting that on a bumper sticker!!! "Our world has fallen...and it can't get up". 😂😅
@tessalyyvuo1667 Год назад
My lust or lack of it, is none of Jesus' business. Thoughtcrimes are a nonse dystopian concept, what matters is how we treat each other. And no third party, including Jesus, can grant forgiveness when we hurt each other. We have to make amends ourselves.
I love how Christians say they were atheists if they looked at porn one summer or whatever. Believing the entire time God is watching.. ya know, like a theist..
@SuperJal1979 Год назад
God's into voyeurism obviously!
@69eddieD Год назад
@@SuperJal1979 He likes to watch you spank, then he revels in burning you for eternity for said spanking. God's pretty kinky.
@andrewwatts1997 6 месяцев назад
" our world has fallen and it can't get up " Cracked me up XD
@azazelsiad3601 Год назад
“There is only one creator.” Ur would like a word with you kind sir. So would Gaia, and Amun, it would seem, in your haste, you have forgotten that there is multiple theisms that have creator gods.
@Lupinemancer87 Год назад
"There are different gods, but there is only one creator." Then by all means, Amanuel, explain why some of these other gods are also described as having created the world? Odin and his brothers created the world out of the body of Ymir, the Primordial Being. Chaos in Greek Myth spawned the Primordial Entities whose very bodies make up the world. Gaea is the Earth itself, Pondus is the Ocean, Tartarus is the Abyss below, Ouranos is the Sky itself, etc. And this is only 2 of the hundreds of creation Myths out there. So please explain to me how there can only be one creator when these other gods that you acknowledes are real also created the world?
@revskull Год назад
The only way any Religious person would claim scripture is wholely ethical, is because it’s becoming more acutely aware that a big part of scripture isn’t something that can be considered MORAL
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
Atheism is a religion, because the evolutionist has BELIEVES/HAS FAITH that evolution is the "CONTROLLING POWER" over life, instead of God. A religion is just a belief system that justifies your absolute origin and way of life. Religion is the enemy of God w/ it’s ritual, liturgy & man made tradition. Do you not BELIEVE in your atheist ideas? The religion of atheism is a belief/faith just like any other religion, else you wouldn’t tag yourself an “atheist” and believe atheist ideas. Does God have the authority to play God? Then all you lost people can STOP with the "God is immoral" garbage for God taking life WHEN HE ALONE gave it in the first place. Does God owe you a certain amount of time on earth? No. God created ALL LIFE & thus OWNS all life and can do as he pleases w/ his own property (sovereignty). And since God is PERFECT, we can be assured that he will judge PERFECTLY.
@hegyak Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 Evolution can be, Monitored, Influenced and studied. Can't do that with magic sky daddy. He went for Smokes 2000+ years ago and never came back.
@holgerlubotzki3469 Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 RESAUCES & MEANS to productive, mud pulmonic, diges can intertwined with tiny moist rocks, moist rocks, molecular, nothe reproduced INTELLIONS of the co-existent DESIGN seen incredible living, star maching, sause that a causage. So WE DO KNOW. Try to lean in that have to produced in accordinated with the DNA. How they werely sause you’d have to have they werely skin, etc., etc., etc. incredible living constructive, a causage. So WE DESIGNATED bodily blobs. None understood that a sausage required a never ending parody
@craedonbillstowe4587 Год назад
@@hegyak No, not even a little bit can new anatomy/evolution be "studied." That's because new anatomy/evolution hasn't been observed for +/- 10,000 yrs in any human, plant or animal. It simply doesn't exist.
@Andrew.J.ODonnell Год назад
@@craedonbillstowe4587 1. Atheism isn’t a religion and has nothing to say about anything other than the existence of a god/s. 2. Rejection of a claim is not a positive claim of the opposite, for example (Being unconvinced of the truth of a claim), also the one making a positive claim has the burden of proof, it’s not up to people who aren’t convinced to prove a claim false. 3. Evolution is a scientific model for the diversity of life on our planet and how micro changes cascade into macro changes of an organism over time via selection processes of organisms that successfully survive and can mate and spread their genes in pairing and recombination and re-sequencing of genes with various effects of which, unlike untestable claims of the supernatural, can be demonstrated and tested and artificially pressured into happening. To make it clear, evolution is not a controlling force in the sense you are thinking, it has no goal or thought process, and it is not random by any means but it makes no choices in the way a thinking agent would. 4. The beginnings of life have nothing to do with Atheism, as again it’s not a religion with any tenets, teachings, or dogma, unlike Theism. 5. Abiogenesis unlike the untestable claims for the supernatural is at least shown to be possible via the Miller-Urey experiment. 6. Unlike Faith which can lead you to both right and wrong conclusions as there is nothing you couldn’t take on faith, science is self-correcting when it does get something wrong and keeps going until a thing is no longer falsifiable and thus as accurate at that point until it isn’t. Again, unlike Theism which has no mechanism for determining what is likely true, science at the very least does. To end I think your attempts at straw-manning so you can try to drag everything down to your level to be a very amusing dodge, which in no way helps you with the rest of your fallacious reasoning.
@ChrisM-zm4li Год назад
"I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" was written by Harlan Ellison.
@aldebaran4154 Год назад
I noticed that too. You can tell science fiction in the written form die-hards when we notice that one mistake in the entirety of the conversation. 🤣
@JonathanBushnell-h8w Год назад
As an outspoken atheist, hearing people quote the Bible; puts that person on par with quoting "Peter Pan" and "Harry Potter." It's the exact same fiction w/o all the immoral, divisive, hypocritical bullshit thrown in!
@Trollsagan69420 11 месяцев назад
I think the concept of hell is the least ethical thing imaginable period. It somehow makes midevil torture look easy, because at least as horrible as they are, THOSE AT LEAST END WHEN YOU’RE DEAD!
@nick281972 Год назад
Why doesn't god provide the evidence for us to believe in him instead of waiting for us to believe in him and then providing the evidence which the believers never provide?
@nick281972 Год назад
@@jaflenbond7854 lol, a lot of words to say absolutely nothing and not even address the actual question, typical believer answer, throw up lots of word salad in the hope that the person asking the question will just go away or not see through their avoidance tactic 🤣🤣🤣🤣 nice try.
@nick281972 Год назад
@@jaflenbond7854 Can you please answer my original comment with some facts or a well reasoned argument.
@QMulative Год назад
Great job, Amanuel! Please keep calling in and showing examples of why Christianity is evil and Atheism is the way to truth and goodness.
@AngryBoozer Год назад
Atheism is NOT the way to truth and goodness. I know an atheist who is against vaccinating. I know countless evil and dumb as bricks atheists. Atheism is not a belief system that is a way to ANYTHING. It is nothing more and nothing less than simply not believing one particular batshit crazy proposition. That is all.
@johna3789 11 месяцев назад
Where are you getting your standard of good and evil?
@burningmisery 7 месяцев назад
​@@johna3789 Not from a child murdering deity that approves of rape & slavery, that's for sure.
@tjw9985 Год назад
I love the Forest and Johnny! They are wicked fun!! 🤣🤣🤣
@terranhealer Год назад
We’re fallen and we can’t get up without god’s help, except he knocked us down to begin with 😂
@adarkerstormishere Год назад
"Is it correct to punish my grandson for something I did?" "No." "Was it correct for your god to punish me for something that he claims Adam and Eve did?" "Yes." ... It's a shame Christians aren't better at making movies. Their ability to operate in two completely different realities at the same time is... well it's almost magical, is what it is. Imagine being able to compartmentalize a whole set of ideas and beliefs that run completely contrary to how things demonstrably work, sincerely believing the make believe world to be the *real* world. If they weren't all one-note and otherwise terrible actors I'd say we boost their film industry. Call it "Gollywood".
@canbest7668 Год назад
This is one of the worst attempts to justify Christianity. No wonder this religion is dying in the west.
@smochygrice465 Год назад
Plus I can't see kids of today doing religious stuff, which makes recruiting new theists all that more difficult.
@mattwhite7287 2 дня назад
​@@smochygrice465 this is true. Im 37 now.. but 30 years ago i went to church with my dad and grandma, they were all getting on their knees and whatnot for prayer, my dad noticed me pause and look around. He noticed at that moment that i thought they were all fkin mental and said dont worry about it just sit there. He is no longer a christian.. in his 60s. Why the fuck were any of us playing along at all?
@TheBox225 Год назад
I feel like if he heard himself in this, then he might change his mind.
@GregorBarclay 8 месяцев назад
He might. He’s clearly very young and troubled. When he’s older and wiser he might feel he was taken advantage of here, that his ignorance was exploited for entertainment, inadvertently or otherwise.
@jake4904 Год назад
You guys have so much patience...I really admire the way you keep calm, and focused on setting one trap after another, which catches out callers like these, every time, showing the nonsensical idea of a god.
@jamielee7404 Год назад
The dude needs therapy. I mean it in the kindest way possible. It sounds there might have been something traumatic in his childhood.
@stutastic14 Год назад
Honest question; why do you give this caller the air time?
@reflexnight Год назад
Johnny "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" is not Robert A. Heinlein, but Harlan Ellison, both great writers :)
@chocolatehersheykiss7412 Год назад
If it was real we wouldn’t need faith..
@wwlib5390 Год назад
@chocolatehersheykiss7412 No, if God was VISIBLE, you wouldn't need faith. God is NOT VISIBLE to us today. There are many things we cannot see with our natural eyes that exist and are quite real. God requires a step of faith. Faith comes by reading/heeding His Word. Faith grows and evidence comes by implementing the teachings and character of Jesus into your daily life. Without that step of faith first, tho, the rest doesn't follow. Even if God were to present Himself visibly in front of you, you could still lack faith and declare it to be a hoax, a magical illusion, or an hallucination. Faith leads you to God. John 3 16 invites you to know God's love and promise to you.
@TBomb39 Год назад
@@wwlib5390 Matthew 7 13-14 is Jesus's promise that most people are going to hell. Because he made this prophecy, only a select few can be saved. Unfortunately, this negates the invitation of John 3 16 for all but that selected few, in spite of belief.
@jquest99 Год назад
And being real doesn't necessarily mean VISIBLE. But there has to be some detectable, measurable impact to us. For example, if a burning bush talked to us and we couldn't find any other way that could happen. Or if there was a specific prophesy, such as an eclipse at a certain time that did not fit our current prediction of an eclipse. Or if we received a piece of knowledge that humans couldn't know, such as someone coming up with a grand unified theory that they said came from God. Or someone had their limbs regrow. Or someone who was LONG dead, coming back to life. Or someone just floating in the air or walking on land and we could detect no other technological method. Or a multitude being fed with very little amount and we could directly measure that more matter was being created out of nothing. There's a LOT more. Stuff that God supposedly did in the past. It just needs to be done in a documented way where we can rule out chicanery.
@chocolatehersheykiss7412 Год назад
@@wwlib5390 Your correct on us not needing to see things in order for them to be real,However ,these things aren’t seen by our naked eyes.. Ex:wind,sometimes electric,germs, sperm cells are all unseen by the naked eye..Furthermore,These things are empirical for all of us that live on this planet;No faith is required ..There’s no confusion about those things amongst anybody or anything on the planet because they are plain clear and simple to grasp and we see the result from every living specie and organisms on the planet.. we can see the effects of them on a day to day basis.. However, any religion has no evidence just assertions and anecdotal experiences.. Anecdotes aren’t sufficient because if it were the truth like you claim we wouldn’t be in these comment sections going back and forth.. There wouldn’t be any confusion if it was true…Truth doesn’t need faith..
@chocolatehersheykiss7412 Год назад
@@jquest99 if it were true those things would still be happening now.. None of those things happened every since that book asserted that it has… Nobody after that time has seen those things ever happen again… If it was true it would still be happening today and it’s not..
@tw3235 Год назад
Poor kid is so confused.
@HidingFromFate Год назад
Got to say that I do kind of appreciate Amannuel for his relentless cordiality and patience in the face of frequent interruptions and pushback. His arguments are bad but he's a lot more sympathetic than lot of these theist callers.
@DrMonty-yr1kc Год назад
Considering the horrible shit he supports I dont think he is very sympathetic…
@timothyhowson2775 Год назад
Talk about making things up as you go along, tap dancing comes to mind. However I have a cunning plan. Why don`t call in shows put a fixed time limit on persistent callers, or don`t allow them air time at all? Amanuel and Mark from NY come to mind for starters.
@josephbearpaw Год назад
Why would an entity that is both the alpha and Omega need the mandate traits of : jealousy? What would such a an entity be jealous of anything or anyone? It answers itself , such an entity with such parameters would have no such need.
@Spyd77 Год назад
I don't know if Amanuel is an aspiring actor, and he's just practicing. If it's that, kudos to him, because his impression of a person that has parts of his brain totally coated with vaseline so any coherent reasoning just slips and gets jettisoned out is astounding. If he's not an actor and he's actually for real, there goes my (minuscule) hope for humanity out of the window.
@ajclements4627 Год назад
Unfortunately, he’s all too real.
@johnd.shultz7423 Год назад
Amanuel is a dyed in the wool Wannabe Preacher to the tenth degree.
@lotanerve Год назад
That's the old Testament. So what? Is it in the Bible, or isn't it?
@stevenbatke2475 Год назад
Agreed. I like to remind Christians that Jesus says he came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. Also, you can throw the whole “god is the same, yesterday, today, forever”, back at them. And, I’m pretty sure the Ten Commandments are Old Testament too. 😂
@jeromemccollom936 Год назад
for the life of me I don't understand why all people say when they learn about Christianity (and probably every religion) "this is all so fucking stupid."
@LordZurkov 9 месяцев назад
I love that lust is the go-to example of unavoidable sin for many people. I'm asexual, so I'm not vulnerable to that particular thoughtcrime.
@pencilpauli9442 Год назад
According to Christianity, babies are not innocent as they are born into sin. So therefore they are not in a position to forgive on behalf of others. But don't worry folks. If a babby dies they get a bit of a pass and go to Limbo rather than Hell so that is okay then
@luv2fly745 Год назад
Oh, no, didn't you hear? The Catliks canceled Limbo awhile ago...
@pencilpauli9442 Год назад
@@luv2fly745 I didn't know about that. Having done a quick Google it turns out that: 'Pope Benedict XVI . . . considers (Limbo) consistent with the Church's teaching, though it is not an official expression of that teaching.[35] Media reports that by the document "the Pope closed Limbo"[38] are thus without foundation.' (wiki)
@jacksonbauer5199 Год назад
How do people not realize how ridiculous “predestination” sounds?.!?.?? Why does anything matter then? Why go through the process?.? That’s like me writing a screenplay and then being surprised by the twist I wrote. If everything that has or will happen is “on rails” why did “god” waste so much time and effort? There’s nothing for him to “test” if he already knows who drinks the koolaid and who doesn’t! I have similar discussions with devout family members in a fairly regular basis and I really appreciate this content being a resource on how to approach these conversations for those of us that live in reality.
@Haroldbeavis1969 Год назад
ROTFLMAO!!! Pee in your pants funny! “Did you ever look at a woman with lust?” “All the time but I try not to do it when I’m driving.” HAHAHAHA!!!
@richardmooney383 Год назад
The wisdom of God is like foolishness to us! I'd buy that tee-shirt.
@_Omega_Weapon Год назад
Amanuel is too scared to think for himself so he constantly just parrots his ridiculous book. There's no hope for this guy.
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