
Everything YOU wanted to know about Dynasties and Personal Unions! ✦ EU4 Tutorium No. 1 

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@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
Ask me what you want me to answer for the Topic of "Trade" for the next episode of EU4 Tutorium!
@gabri-immortale 3 месяца назад
When in italy do you use both node or only genova?
@GreenDog-ws6uk 3 месяца назад
how dose pushing trade work when there is "unused trade power" as in a country has an amount of trade power but no merchant but you put a merchant there how exactly dose that work?
@gabri-immortale 3 месяца назад
If nobody is inside a trade node e you send 1 pirate ship : do you get 100% value or just the ship value
@rudshut158 3 месяца назад
i am geniunely curious; how does embargo work, what is the calculation for it, and when is it worth to use it on non-rival or is it ever worth using against non-rival
@xDawe36 3 месяца назад
The trade steering being affected by tag ID order is one thing that would be a funny mention
@kvlt1349 3 месяца назад
one thing that i don't think you mentioned is the way that any nation can usurp the kalmar union, regardless of government type. all that's needed is that gotland remain a duchy at game start (10% chance) and if you're not incredibly quick about it, that they continue to remain a duchy after the death of eric (again, 10% chance). the rng isn't great, but the first is literally on game start so rerolling isn't a hassle. the second can be problematic if you don't notice it. just vassalize gotland. make sure to set bleking as vital interest so gotland gets a claim, as they can't begin their missions until they have a wargoal on denmark. duchy gotland's mission tree requires that they have 50 spynetwork on denmark (or +75 opinion of norway/sweden, but there's no way for you as the overlord to direct gotland as the vassal to increase opinion. and even if there were, sweden will never get there as it views gotland as vital interest; you can't force them to remove their core as it's swedish culture). so set a bunch of provinces as vital interest and let gotland get to spying. demanding abo from sweden will help give gotland more provinces they can claim, because the ones they can see from gotland aren't enough to reach 50 spynetwork. this takes a while and is dependent on the ai being ai, unfortunate. if norway or sweden declare independence, you can intervene to help put them down for denmark. once you've got both those missions done, just go to war with denmark and give gotland forts to make them have 50% personally held warscore. including sjaelland obviously. once they have it, they will pop their mission to replace denmark as leader of the kalmar union, but since they're a vassal, all three PUs will go to you, their overlord. denmark gets -100% liberty desire, which will help, but sweden will still have their +50 or +75 liberty desire modifiers, so you gotta keep them in line before the truce runs out.
@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
Cool idea... but honestly you could just PU Denmark for the same outcome (as I did in my "Instant PU" Video) and even the the best part of the Kalmar Union is their unique Government Reform that you can only get if you play Denmark or Gotland
@kvlt1349 3 месяца назад
@@thestudentYT sure, but this is 0 ae
@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
But way harder setup... anyways still a cool idea so keep using it if you want
@RotgerValdes 3 месяца назад
Well, Poland, Lithuania, Novgorod, Moscow, England, Scotland, Brandenburg, Teutonic or Livonic order technically have some chances.
@kvlt1349 3 месяца назад
@@thestudentYT the point of the trick is that it works no matter your religion or government type. setup is relative, if you're a republic (eg sich rada) or a theocracy (eg teutons) then you can get 3 PUs that you otherwise would have no way of attaining
@arthasmenethil4399 3 месяца назад
Bohemia starts without a ruler, so you can RM the Palatinate, get a Wittelsbach on your throne and PU denmark with their subjects for basically 3 free PUs really early (as long as those pesky swedes don't declare independence :D)
@user-fm7xm3nx4s 2 месяца назад
Gonna try this out
@diogomelo7897 3 месяца назад
For the reform progress growth, there are other monuments that give it too, like the one in Naples, but the Venetian one is the one with the highest bonus. There's also court ideas, and some policies if you want to stack a lot
@greenacadian4197 3 месяца назад
Regarding the Spice Girls achievement, I actually had a unique way of getting it: the Order of St. Joan event as Orleans > France and turning into a matriarchy crusader order. The MTTH on firing the event is later in the game (within 100 years after the age of Absolutism begins) but once you become the crusader order it's only a matter of getting the trade goods that you need without trying to fudge the rulership. There's obviously faster ways of achieving it but this will guarantee that you (eventually) get it.
@abrvalg321 3 месяца назад
Much easier to just get a "talented and ambitious daughter" event.
@StupidMovieMan 3 месяца назад
I got the spice girls achievement last night, I was finishing my rome/byzantine achievements and noticed I just needed a female ruler and to trade in the spice good. I luckily had a daughter as an heir so I began buying as many spice provinces in Asia. Still didn't have enough so I invaded the indonesian countries and got trading in spices while sieging them down. Luckily my male ruler died and I was put in a queen regency during the war and got the achievement.
@robagtheunmarked4073 2 месяца назад
Regarding trade. What is the better modifier? Trade efficiency, trade power, merchant trade power, etc? Give the best three in general
@haritos90 3 месяца назад
How to choose the best merchants allocation? Trying all possible combinations can be really frustrating... Take Novgorod/Muscovy as an example, there are: 1. Collect and compete in Novgorod (but then a lot will be stolen to the Baltic and Lubeck); 2. Collect in Kazan and conquer Novgorod to make it a pseudo-end node (but then loosing Novgorod production trade I guess?); 3. Collect in the White Sea (but then you need to conquer North See to make White Sea a pseudo-end node?); 4. Collect in Novgorod, then Baltic, then Lubeck then the Channel through the conquest (hundreds of years OR whole Europe in coalition, and counter to your natural East expansion). I mean it is not just about 'try what gives you the best income', but rather what long-term strategy to use here...
@RomanTheNotARoman 3 месяца назад
The only best option is to conquer the Baltic trade node and collect in Novgorod and Baltic. Then you'll only lose like 5% from Lubeck merchants in Novgorod. Bonus points if you move capital to western Europe so you can trade company eastern Europe. You can 100% spawn global trade.
@chadstrats2431 3 месяца назад
For early game as Muscovy, is it smarter to conquer first into the Baltic to prevent ducats from leaving, or go after trade nodes that lead into your main node like Kazan or Kiev? Thank you for previous answer!
@Jalinar861 2 месяца назад
Could you show some good set up for trade? Like where to collect/transfer, how many ships using, what are the best modifier for trade, where to build marketplace and better CoT first?
@manana1444 3 месяца назад
As of 1.37, how much should I TC? Only up to 51 + extra for the merchant, or should I try to max the production increase bonus?
@pileofcheese5017 2 месяца назад
About trade. what the hell is "caravan power", and why does paradox think that's a good enough explanation to give Venice about 40% of the trade power in Persia when I'm playing as Persia, without them owning any provinces anywhere near the place?
@yoshimeier3060 3 месяца назад
I lately played a Austria game and had much of Europe under controll but then my leader died and I my large Burgundy, Hungary and Naples PUs at the same time and that killed my interest in playing further as I was instantly over gov cap by a really large margin.
@HopefulInnocence 3 месяца назад
Question: In regards to the light ship 'Protect trade Mission'. May I ask on what factors are considered in what number it calculates over the regions that you can send ships to?
@stalingaming9304 2 месяца назад
if i am the only power in a node - is it worth it to put a merchant transferring trade power? For example, if I control 100% of trade power in North Sea, and my home node is English Channel, does having a merchant transfer trade do anything? likewise - does caravan power change the math at all on this?
@Lineja1 3 месяца назад
Which Government Reform (Trade Tier) shall I pick under what circumstances
@henrimosser4608 3 месяца назад
About trade, are light ships worth the investment in the age of discovery before the conquest of the home node, or is it just better to invest in the military to conquer immediately ? In the reformation age, is it worth it to make a light ship fleet for trade protection ?
@felixfricke6069 3 месяца назад
I am a bit supriesed: I remember that relativ Prestige used to play a role in Inheritence. Was that a misconception on my part or was it changed somewhere along the way?
@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
Idk if it changed but now relative Prestige only matters for claiming their Throne... and for nothing else
@diogomelo7897 3 месяца назад
I remember prestige playing a role in which ally would be elligible for the PU, but maybe I'm wrong
@combrade-t 3 месяца назад
How does amount of value Steered away from a trade node work? I swear I see the AI having very little trade power in a node yet managing to steer away quite a bit of money.. (I was under the impression trade steering was the % added to any trade steered away and not just amount stolen but idk)
@danielmatheus6620 3 месяца назад
I think Bohemia is best for atwix achievement due to their government.
@deborahsabourin 2 месяца назад
How much trade power do you need to collect any amount of money in a non home node?
@herr_culas9408 2 месяца назад
Wait, can Trebizond then get a Timurid Prince through the heathen marriage mechanic and form Timurids?
@thestudentYT 2 месяца назад
Yes but they need to be Muslim as well
@dzzykzzy8683 3 месяца назад
Is it better to put the whole state into a trade company or just the provinces that have trade bonuses and leave the rest of the state as is?
@lordhelmchen4645 3 месяца назад
i made the archivement 10 pu easy with austria
@LaborikPravdberg-jy4zl 3 месяца назад
How is production income determined, and how does it differ from goods produced?
@attacheli9591 2 месяца назад
They are actually rather different. Goods produced increases the actual amount of goods produced(this seems stupid but follow me); Think of a province with 5 production dev province making cloves, thus 1 local goods produced, take the trade value and this means you are making yearly with no bonuses you are making 8 ducats (cloves trade value) production income and addicionally throwing 8 ducats to trade for you and others to colect. Any goods produced bonus just increase the amount you make additively, a 20% bonus would increase trades good produced to 1.2, another 20% would only bring it to 140%, not 144%. Production efficiency is ONLY INCOME RELATED it does not actually increase the amount of goods produced, thus NO BONUS TO TRADE. With the above example and a 10% production efficiency bonus you would be making 8.8 production income instead of 8, any goods produced bonus thus acts multiplicatively a 50% production efficiency bonus and a 20% goods produced bonus would result in a 20% bonus to trade value from provinces and a whopping 80% bonus to production income (1.2 goods produced x 1.5 production effiency). I hope you understood?
@LaborikPravdberg-jy4zl 2 месяца назад
@@attacheli9591 Yeah, that clears it up, thanks for the detailed answer!
@attacheli9591 2 месяца назад
@@LaborikPravdberg-jy4zl No problem
@burningcherry97 3 месяца назад
How does the penalty for collecting outside the main node work?
@kirebub 3 месяца назад
Being muslim gives you a 100% heir chance though so even with a royal marriage you wouldn't get a foreign noble heir no? Unless you play Trebizond. However the easiest way I can see getting a Timurid heir without the decision is to ally a Timurid run country and disinheriting your heir when you owe them 90+ favors, so they can request a member of their dynasty on your throne using them.
@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
No that's wrong... it's "+100% heir chance"... that doesn't mean that you have 100% chance for an heir... it's just double the chance of other Religions (btw Austria has +50% of this as well) so you can still easily disinherit your heirs until your ruler dies especially when he is like 50 or older and a general... then it won't even take long at all Also the Favour Request thing takes insane amounts of Time as the AI uses Favours for Money or Manpower as soon as they can so it only even works if you are very weak in comparison so that they get insane Favours on you... otherwise it just takes ages :)
@kirebub 3 месяца назад
You still get your rulers suddenly appearing uncle or cousin showing up when you die though. I can't recall ever getting a different dynasty as a muslim country without either introducing an heir, inviting a Timurid or getting asked with favors by another tag.
@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
Maybe that's because a lot of Tier 1 Reforms for Muslims have "fixed Dynasties" but if you have a normal one then it works like a Christian Dynasty
@carltonleboss 3 месяца назад
What happens if you stack your trade steering as high as possible? Does it just mean you get all the trade in a node regardless?
@MagwellB 3 месяца назад
Trade steering is a ducat multiplier not a trade power multiplier
@carltonleboss 3 месяца назад
Huh. I didn't know royal marriages depended on religious group.
@adriangirlea1092 3 месяца назад
how dare you stand where he stood?
@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
who? XD
@adriangirlea1092 3 месяца назад
@@thestudentYT atwix
@thestudentYT 3 месяца назад
I am just trying to carry on his legacy ;)
@Torero2901 2 месяца назад
The claim that you keep your PU if you change gov type is either outdated or just wrong. In my Holland to Netherlands runs in 1.37; once you become a Dutch Republic you LOSE your PU (Burgundy or England), because they (PUs) are NOT supported by your government type.
@tadadada609 2 месяца назад
Maybe you had bad relations when you changed gov type? I think republics keep pu's they had while they were monarchies
@Torero2901 2 месяца назад
@@tadadada609 no, it specifically said it was because of incompatible gov type. In my unique playthroughs relations are optimised, so that definitely wasn't the case
@tadadada609 2 месяца назад
@@Torero2901 idk why that happened, i remember that in one of my games i wanted to switch to republic and was worried im going to lose my PU, i googled it and found out it doesn't happen, and i really kept them
@ichnehmzweidoener9939 2 месяца назад
That’s just wrong, I stayed as a monarchy to get the PU CB, then waited for my opinion to go up and then switched to a republic, keeping England
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