
Exodus 12:2 and Timeline of Plagues 

Brother Arnold Bowen
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@brotherarnoldbowen8323 6 месяцев назад
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 6 месяцев назад
When keeping the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover, it is very very important to know that, In Exodus 12:2 YHWH is giving instructions to Moses and Aaron on the 14th day of the month of Abib, in the middle of the month, NOT the first of the month as many suppose. The instructions also covers when they come into the land. Exodus 12:2-3 KJV says, [2] “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. [3] Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the “tenth day” of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house:” I can see how someone could think this is at the beginning of the month because of it mentioned the day of the month, BUT IMMEDIATELY AFTER the instructions were given, they killed the lamb, which among other things which I will present, conclusively proves YHWH was speaking on the 14 th of the month of Abib. Exodus 12:28-29 KJV says, [28] “And the children of Israel “went away, and did as the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they”. [29] “And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt”, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.” Keep in mind that the scripture teaches that all the plagues took place in the month of Abib, referring to young tender ears of Barley which was smitten by the Hale storm. Side note: where it says, for the barley was in the “ear”, the Hebrew word for “ear” is very same word as “Abib” from which the month gets its name, see Exodus 9:31. Now that we know that he was speaking on the 14th day of the month, we can count backwards through the other plagues and see what days of the month they were on. I made a timeline about the plagues many years ago and I will present it here, but let me pull out a couple more facts that will help Leviticus 23:6 clearly says that the 15th of the month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Psalm 81:3-6 clearly teaches that the 15th Feast of Unleavened Bread is on a full moon when they were delivered from Egypt. Look up the Hebrew word for appointed in Psalm 81:3 which says, H3677 (Strong) כֶּסֶה כֶּסֶא kese' keseh keh'-seh, keh'-seh Apparently from H3680; properly fulness or the full moon, that is, its festival: - (time) appointed.” A lot could be said here, but I will now preset my timeline. you could check my website at lunarsabbath.info/ I don’t claim at this timeline is 100% conclusive, I stopped working on it years ago The Scripture teaches that when the plagues started, they were back to back. In other words, when a plague was taken away, the children of Israel expected to leave right away but as soon as Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, another plague hit, some on the very same day and others, the next day. The 1st plague, of bloody water, lasted seven days, and the 9th plague lasted three days and all the other plagues were no more than a day apart and some on the same day. The reason behind this could have been because the other 8 plagues did not need as much time to really be felt. One day of bloody water and one day of darkness may not have been as damaging as one day with the frogs, lice, flies, boils, cattle smitten, hail, locusts, and the killing of the firstborn, and therefore the Almighty saw fit to stretch them out to make a greater impact. At any rate the Almighty heard the cry of the children of Israel and remembered his covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob. He sent Moses and Aaron to speak with Pharaoh, to send forth the children of Israel out of his land and to keep the feast of the Almighty, which takes place on the 15th, but Pharaoh’s heart was hardened so that he would not readily let them go, for reasons I will explain in a minute. Around the time of the Exodus, the children of Israel were making bricks for Egypt instead of working the fields, possibly keeping them busy waiting for the harvest time to begin. They were slaves and were not allowed to sit idle, while waiting for the harvest. Once the Almighty decided to deliver them from their bondage, and Pharaoh refused to let them go, it took about two days for them to see that they could not gather their own straw to make bricks and keep up the same tally, Exodus 5:1 through 14 shows this, it was setting the stage for the plagues. Again, when the plagues started, in the new moon of Abib, around February 20, which we will see shortly, the plagues were one right after the other. A possible reason He hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that he would not readily let them go and sent the plagues is because Pharaoh would have gotten some of the credit for letting the children go, instead of YHWH, if he had readily agreed. Pharaoh could have shared in the glory by saying he decided to let the children of Israel go. YHWH said he would not share his glory with another. The Almighty wanted full credit for this deliverance, and the feast, that would commemorate this deliverance, would be to him alone! He also wanted HIS name declared throughout all the Earth and not Pharaoh’s. Had the Almighty not hardened Pharaoh’s heart, it would have been told that Pharaoh obeyed the Almighty and let them go. But with the plagues, and the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, everything is magnified and the Almighty gets all the glory because He MADE Pharaoh let them go and therefore it was with a mighty hand that he brought them out! Also the children of Israel would have more room to doubt whether it was the Almighty or Pharaoh just decided to let them go, if Pharaoh had said yes, or gave permission, the first time round. Some would probably give Pharaoh thanks and the Almighty wants all the glory! At least these are some possibilities.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 6 месяцев назад
Each time, a plague was taken away, the Israelites were expecting to leave and had their backpacks prepared to leave rapidly, however, each time YHWH had one more miracle before their Exodus! Would they have unpacked their bags because of a long intermission between each of the plagues? Remember the Almighty heard the cries of the children of Israel and was going to deliver them and they were to hold a deliverance feast to Him, for their deliverance, and that feast was referring to the 15th of the month ABIB, time was of the essence. The Almighty made it more memorable with the plagues but they didn’t get to go 3 days journey from Egypt to begin the feast so they kept the feast of unleavened bread on the road but did get a three days journey away from Egypt during the feast. There is no record that they put up a lamb on the 10th, but the Almighty gives them specific instructions for future Passovers in Exodus 12:1 through chapter 13:16, but he gave these instructions on the 14th day of the month/moon in which these plagues happened! [All the plagues happened in the month of the field] Most people miss the fact that he was speaking on the 14th in Exodus 12:2 because they are not reading far enough before and after chapter 12 and possibly have their own version, or private interpretation, of what happened. Verses 21 and 28 and 29 of chapter 12 should be enough to prove he was speaking to them on the 14th of the moon/month but if you read all the chapters, it becomes undeniable to the truth seeker. Now let’s examine the timeline of the plagues. I intend to show conclusive proof that there were plagues that were followed by another plague the very next day and some possibly on the same day and therefore there is no reason to believe that the other plagues, that are not so specific, did not follow suit. When we read the narrative, it appears that there was a deadline to meet, on the 15th, and the plagues were escalated, not postponed! The deadline is the feast feast/chag that was to be observed to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt’s bondage. Moses explains to Pharaoh that they must leave Egypt and hold a feast/chag to the Almighty-- Exodus 5:1 and 10:9. At any rate the hail and locus and darkness was sometime before the chag deadline! They were asking to be a 3 days journey away from Egypt to begin the chag of unleavened bread on the 15th. This deadline proves there was no major delay between plagues! Ex 10:9 And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD. Ex 23:15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty:) the time appointed of the month of Abib is referring to the full moon of green ears/15th, not the new moon, because it is not the time appointed. Strong's Hebrew Dictionary 2282. chag Search for H2282 in KJVSL gx chag khag or chag {khawg}; from 2287; a festival, or a victim therefor:--(solemn) feast (day), sacrifice, solemnity. See Hebrew 2287 It sometimes helps to count from right to left, when trying to find a timeline. Beginning with the first hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, in Exodus 7:10 - 13, where Aaron’s rod became a serpent, it was the next morning, verse 15, that the first plague of the water began, there was no time wasted. This plague lasted seven days, verse 25. When the whole thing started, there was no more than 2 to 3 days passed, from the time that Moses first went into Pharaoh, and Pharaoh made them gather their own straw, unto the serpent event in Exodus 7:10 which was the day before the first plague, i.e. only 3 to 4 days had passed between the time that Moses first confronted Pharaoh and the first plague. It seem longer but absolutely not so, Read Exodus 5:1 through 7:10. In chapter 8 it does not mention that Pharaoh hardened his heart, after the water was cleared up, but we can safely assume that he did, because of the many other times. Neither does it specify the length of time from the clearing up of the water until the frogs came by saying, in the morning, or on the morrow, but there is no reason to believe this was not the case because of the many other times, as we shall see shortly, plus they had a deadline to meet/15th. Chapter 8:10 does mention the word, tomorrow, concerning the taking away of the frogs, which were obviously present on the day before tomorrow which most likely was on or after the next day after the plague of the bloody water, and in verse 15, Pharaoh’s heart is hardened. And then in verse 16 the Almighty told Moses to tell Aaron to stretch out his rod and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice. It does not say how long after but appears to be as soon as Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. Most likely the people would have been expecting to leave as soon as the frogs were cleared up. In verse 20, Moses was told to rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and tell him to let the people go or else the flies will come. He says he will put a division between his people and the people of Egypt: it says, TOMORROW this sign shall be-verse 23. There is no question that these plagues were back to back and in verse 29 Moses says that he will get rid of these swarms of flies TOMORROW. And in verse 32, after the flies are gone, Pharaoh hardened his heart. The 8th chapter ends but the thought is still going on into the 9th chapter. Chapter 9:1, the Almighty told Moses to go in and tell Pharaoh that he was going to kill the cattle if he did not let them go and says He will do it tomorrow. This was after Exodus 8:32, where Pharaoh hardened his heart and now in Exodus 9:1 He says he will do it tomorrow, meaning the day after Pharaoh hardened his heart. [Every time Pharaoh hardened his heart, there is no reason to believe there was a long space of time before the next plague.]
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 6 месяцев назад
When we do away with the man-made chapters and keep reading, we see that the cattle killing plague came immediately after the plague of flies which in turn came immediately after the plague of lice, which most likely came immediately after the frogs which most likely came immediately after the bloody water which definitely came after the serpent event when Pharaoh’s heart was hardened for the first time, which was that the most three days from where everything began. So far we have some conclusive back to back plagues, and some not so conclusive but the conclusive back to back plagues outnumber the not so conclusive ones, making it a better choice to assume the plagues were back to back, than to assumed they were not back-to-back. After Pharaoh’s heart is hardened in verse 10:7, after the killing of the cattle, then in verse 8, Moses and Aaron are told to bring on the boils. There is no reason to think this was not immediately after Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. Remember, each time, the people were hoping to leave and they had a deadline to meet because the chag/15th was drawing near. Pharaoh’s heart is hardened again, after the boils, in 9:12, and then verse 13 - 18 says for Moses to rise up early in the morning (morning after V-12) and tell Pharaoh that tomorrow the hail will come. The morning would be referring to the morning after Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. When the plague lasted more than the day it was specified of as was the case concerning the water and the darkness. I will finish this later but as of now I can only count about 19 days from start to finish, not the start of the plagues but when Pharaoh was first visited by Moses. I know this is not real clear yet but I will try to clear it up some more. I believe the Scripture teaches that all of the plagues took place in the month of Abib. The Scripture teaches that they were brought out of Egypt in the month of Abib and it was by a mighty hand and stretched out arm with signs and wonders. The plagues happened in this month. Deuteronomy 4:34, 5:15, 7:19, 11:2, and Deuteronomy 26:8, all show that they were brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm and with the great terribleness and signs and wonders. The first plague was the water turned to blood and lasted seven days. I believe the new moon of Abib began when the seven days were fulfilled - 7:25. Assuming this is correct, everything should line up all the way through to the 14th day of the moon, when they spoiled the Egyptians - 11:1 through 4. It not only lines up, but the eighth day of the month, which we believe to be a Sabbath, there was no plague poured out. This doesn’t mean he cannot bring judgment on a Sabbath day and could be just a coincidence, but I found it interesting. It’s not at all likely that the Almighty waited any length of time to bring on another plague, once Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, there would be no reason for him to. Someone could argue that he had to think about it for a while before he brought on the next plague, or maybe give him more time to change his mind but it don’t read that way. If the above is the case, the plagues had to be back to back because the Egyptians could not have stood very long plagues because when the lice etc, got a hold of them and crawling up their nose and in their eyes and ears and every part of their body, they would have immediately sent for Moses and he would have came immediately or they all would have died. Once the plague was gone the Israelites wanted to leave right away but Pharaoh hardened his heart right away and was immediately hit with another plague, one right after the other so that the Almighty brought them out with a mighty hand and stretched out arm with signs and wonders, and the signs and wonders was in the month of Abib. I am trying to find the correct timeline for the plagues in Egypt. I believe the following will work and put the signs and wonders in the month of Abib, for it was in the month of Abib that he brought them out with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm with signs and wonders, in the month of Abib! When I count backwards from the 14th day of the month, through the plagues, I come to the 7th day of the first plague where the water was turned to blood, as the new moon day. Exodus 7:25, seventh day of the plague on the water, 1st day/new moon. Exodus 8:5, frogs came, 2nd day. Exodus 8:10, frogs leave 3rd day. Exodus 8:16 lice came, 4th day of the month. Exodus 8:20 - 23 flies came, 5th day of the month. Exodus 8:29 - 32 flies left, 6th day. Exodus 9:5 - 12 cattle killed AND plague of boils on 7th day of the month. Exodus 9:13 - 18 weekly Sabbath nothing happened 8th day of the month. Exodus 9:13 -18 the hail came on the 9th day of the month. Exodus 10:4 -20 the Locust came on the 10th day of the month. Exodus 10:22 three days of darkness, 11th, 12th, and 13th day of the month, with one more plague to go, Exodus 11:1. The 14th would be after the three days of darkness. This timeline may not be exactly right but it is somewhere in the ballpark. Maybe you can help line it up better.
@wendyhughes2234 6 месяцев назад
Pharaoh was so evil that he even forced the Israelites to place [bury] their very young babies in holes and use them in the place of bricks [and of course] cover them with mortar where they lacked bricks. [And they literally could hear their baby's last cries until the poor baby died]. It is utterly evil.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 6 месяцев назад
Yeah that’s terrible. You know the first 2000 years they were killing babies trying to kill Moses and the next 2000 years they were killing babies trying to kill the Messiah, here we are 2000 years later and they’re killing babies again.
@wendyhughes2234 6 месяцев назад
@@brotherarnoldbowen8323 Really evil.
@1bassman9 6 месяцев назад
I truly enjoy.the information from your channel. I do have a question about your February 20th being the beginning of the month of Abib. Doesn't the barley have to be abib and ready to harvest which is generally around April/May ?
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 6 месяцев назад
The barley will always be ready if you take the first New Moon between February 19, and March 20 A new moon any where between February 19 and March 20 will always be the first month of the year THE FIRST month of the year, according to the teaching of Philo, and will never be a new moon after the equinox, or a new moon before February 19. It is scientifically and mathematically impossible, that a biblical new moon can “ever” come “after” the equinox. Both Philo (who lived during the time of our Savior) and Scripture teach to keep the 7 day feasts AT the equinox, which will be on the 15th, or the full moon closest to March 20. ON THE CREATION XXXIV (116) Philo writes, “And the sun, the ruler of the day, making “two equinoxes every year, both in spring and autumn”. The spring equinox “in” the constellation of Aries, and the autumnal one in Libra, gives the most evident demonstration possible of the divine dignity of the number seven. “For each of the equinoxes takes place “in” the seventh month”, at which time men are expressly commanded “by law” to celebrate the greatest and most popular and comprehensive festivals; since it is owing to both these seasons, that all the fruits of the earth are engendered and brought to perfection;” (It is very important to note that the Equinox is a one day event, and if the Equinox takes place in Aries, that means that Aries would have had to have already begun first, in order for the equinox to take place “in” it. As I demonstrated above, Aries would begin first, and then the Equinox sometime later. Let's say Topical Aries is a 30 day event, and begins on March 1, and the equinox enter the constellation Aries on March 20, and the Passover killed in Aries or the equinox could not be in Aries. in other words, the equinoxes takes place “within” that particular month, i.e. within the first month/moon and within the seventh month/moon, which is corresponds to our March and September!) [Notice he teaches and understood the “equinoxes” were “in” the 1st and 7th month (March and September)! In other words, “the first and seventh month will always begin “first”, and “then” the equinox will take place “within” the month/moon, same as was the case in creation, and he goes on to say, “at which time, it is commanded by law, to keep the festival in that month”! It will also be the lunar month when the sun is in Aries! When the sun enters Aries, is strictly a solar event, which happened on March 20. A new moon anywhere between February 19 and March 20 is the lunar moon/month in which the sun enters Aries! In other words, Philo believed he was commanded by the law (of God), to keep the feast in the month that the equinox takes place in, which is March and September! Philo certainly knew when the first month of the year was! Remember, Philo lived during the time of the Messiah, and when the temple was still standing, and it is unthinkable that he was keeping a different first month of the year than the Messiah and the Priest in the temple! lunarsabbath.info/id49.html I am fixing to go on a live broadcast at 7:30 Eastern standard time on WWCR and you may click on this and get it wwcr.gsradio.net:3863/listen.pls?sid=1
@1bassman9 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Brother Arnold !
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 6 месяцев назад
Check this out as to when a true biblical year begins ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eTxZP9SOw2w.htmlsi=8lEUcwG3Z0dJtnol
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