
True Count to Pentecost 

Brother Arnold Bowen
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18 мар 2024




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@1bassman9 4 месяца назад
Ezekiel 46:1 is so clear about the gate being opened on the new moon and Sabbath's and you must have 6 days in between, but until eyes are opened, people will follow the traditions of men ! Thank you.
@markcali1130 4 месяца назад
Thank you brother Arnol, you set me straight on the new moons an sabbaths, brother Zola Lovett , Rest In Peace,he helped me in seeing yashua rose on first fruits, an code searcher was a big help!😃thanks again.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 4 месяца назад
Thank you!
@java1708 3 месяца назад
I'm wondering if you know anything about "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" in the Book of jonah.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 3 месяца назад
Yes, a very important subject, let me think of where my notes on the subject are. Meantime check most all notable scholars agree it does not and cannot be referring to 72 hours in the grave, you can count for yourself. He was placed in the tomb late on the preparation day and the sabbath drew on and rose again early the first day of the week while still dark which is mathematically impossible for that to be 72 hours as some suggest, and when they finally realize that, they try to create another sabbath, i. e. 2 Sabbaths in the crucifixion week, that doesn’t work either. Brother Mathew has a good article on it also, but check with the commentators on it in the meantime. This might help. The Bible often uses Inclusive reckoning, which means that any part of a day that something happens in, is counted as a whole day, much like someone being born in the middle of a day, that whole day is counted as the day of their birth, or their birth day. The following shows that the Messiah used Inclusive reckoning because he said he would be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights, but we know that was NOT 72 hours BECAUSE, Using Roman calendar days, for easy figuring, let's say he was put in the tomb late Friday evening as Saturday Sabbath drew on, and rose sometime the 3 rd day, which would be on Sunday, the first day of the week, that’s NOT 72 hours, from late Friday evening to early Sunday morning! It would be part of a day on Friday, all of Saturday, and when they got there early on Sunday, the first day of the week, he had already risen. Again, that’s not 72 hours. He said he would be in the heart of the earth, for 3 days and 3 nights, and some people teach that is 72 hours, but not with Inclusive reckoning. He was laid in the tomb on “preparation day” late on Abib 14, and was in the tomb all night and all day on Abib 15, which is a weekly sabbath, and he rose on Abib 16, which is the first day of the week, and he calls that 3 days and 3 nights, when from Friday evening to Sunday morning is only part of one day on Friday, and one night and day on Saturday, and part of the third day on Sunday, again that’s NOT 72 hours as some suggest! Now with Inclusive reckoning, that is 3 days and 3 nights, BECAUSE any part of a day is counted as a whole, and many times it is used in scripture, as we see here! The Messiah was not confused as wound be the case if the Bible didn’t use Inclusive reckoning, i.e. including the whole day when something began or ended in it, it was counted as a whole! When someone was to be circumcised the eighth day, and they were born in the middle of the day, or near the end of it, that is the first day of their life, but that’s NOT 24 hours, but it is considered their birthday, and the first day of their live even though they were only in it for a short while before a new day began. Again, "Part of day one on Friday", "all of day two on Saturday", and "part of day three on Sunday" the first day of the week, is called three days and three nights", using Inclusive reckoning. Now let’s talk biblical time. We know from Scripture that the crucifixion took place late on Abib 14, which was preparation day, the and the 15th was the weekly Sabbath, and the 16th was the first day of the week, instead of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He was put in the tomb late on the 14th, and was in there all day and night on the 15th, and rose again early the first day of the week on the 16th, that is still NOT 72 hours! Mark chapter 15:42 through to chapter 16:2, gives a clear running account of what happen. Keep in mind that the chapters were added by man and sometimes the thought is still going on into the next chapter, as you will see in the following. Mark chapter 15:42 through to chapter 16:2, says, [42] “And now when the even was come, because it was the “preparation”, that is, “the day before the sabbath” (14th), [43] Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus. [44] And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead. [45] And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. [46] And he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre. [47] And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid.” (And Continuing on into chapter 16) Mark 16:1-2 [1] “And when the sabbath was past”, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, “had bought sweet spices”, that they might come and anoint him. [2] And very early in the morning the “first day of the week”, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.” (We know he had already risen when they arrived at the tomb.) I hardly now where to begin to unravel this. Some people assume there were only one set of spices, but there "two sets of spices", one they had on hand, knowing they would need them, being that he was being crucified, and certain others that they bought after the sabbath passed, which would have been purchased from a merchant or someone around 8:00 when the sabbath was over, probably needed a few more in addition to the spices they already had, that they prepared on preparation day, after returning from the tomb, and then resting on the sabbath. Here is the account, saying basically the same as Mark, with a little more detail. Luke 23:52-56 KJV says, [52] "This man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. [53] And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid. [54] *And that day was the *preparation*, and the *sabbath* drew on*. [55] And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid. [56] *And they returned, and *prepared spices* and ointments; and *rested the sabbath day* according to the commandment." Those spices were prepared BEFORE the sabbath, but the certain others were bought AFTER the sabbath had passed, making TWO sets of spices. Mark 16:1-2 KJVS [1] "And when the *sabbath was past*, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had *bought sweet spices*, that they might come and anoint him. [2] And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun." Luke 24:1 KJV says, [1] "Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices *which they had prepared*, *and *certain others* with them." The certain other spices were obviously the ones they brought after the sabbath passed, probably discovered they needed something else, and the Sabbath would have been over around 8:00 that time of year, giving them plenty of time to purchase them, and I’m sure that some merchants would be glad to sell them after the sabbath had passed. In conclusion, we see that they prepared some spices BEFORE the Sabbath, and bought more spices AFTER the Sabbath which would have been over at around 8:00, at that time of the year/March. The question arises, how could they have prepared spices that they hadn't bought yet, unless there were TWO sets of spices? This is just one of the many problems wrong with the Wednesday crucifixion scenario that is presented, and I can show that there was “only one” Sabbath mentioned in the crucifixion week, NOT two, as some suggest, and the weekly Sabbath was called an "high day", not a high day Sabbath, as some suggest, but the scripture says, "that” Sabbath day" was a high day, and it was called that because it was also the first day of unleavened bread, which is on the 15 th , which is the weekly sabbath. Being that this is such a lengthy subject that branches out into many studies, I would admonish everyone to study for themselves. Brother Mathew has an article, called the sign of Jonah, which explains how that the scripture does not teach he was in the tomb 72 hours, and show we must understand how they counted, using inclusive reckoning, which many have never heard of, but without it, the Bible would be full of confusion and contradictions. All the scholars agree that they used Inclusive reckoning, as is the case in the crucifixion week. lunarsabbath.info/id45.html It was brought to my attention that there may be a couple places where it looks like they did not use inclusive recognition, I haven’t had too much time to look into it, because of Preaching the oneness of God, and the Sacred name, Yod He, pronounced, Yuh, which are essential to Salvation, but even if they didn’t always use Inclusive reckoning does not negate or nullify the “fact” that it was used by our Savior in the crucifixion week. It is so obvious, do the math and draw it out on paper whatever you have to do
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 4 месяца назад
“The moon is not “fresh” on day two” of the lunar cycle, but at the BEGINNING of the lunar cycle, Numerous 10:10 Need to say listen up all Feast Keepers, tired of being deceived concerning Pentecost? Download the free “True Count to Pentecost book” at lunarsabbath.info which “conclusively” shows that the “The “Traditional Count to Pentecost” is “mathematically”, “scientifically”, “agriculturally”, and “scripturally” “IMPOSSIBLE”, urging listeners to visit my website for the free book: at lunarsabbath.info be sure to click on the Pentecost link at lunarsabbath.info/ [if possible, Opening with attention-grabbing sound effects] You can contact Brother Arnold at 678-300-8676 or go to lunarsabbath.info and see for yourself under True Count to Pentecost. Me or no one can publish a more important book than the book I published on the True SOUND of the Name of God, which conclusively proves what the name of God is. I do not charge anything for these books, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. You can order from Amazon etc., you only pay the shipping and printing, which is not much, probably around $10.99, and if you can’t afford it, get in touch with me, and I will take care of it for you. If you know someone that is interested in keeping the true Pentecost, you can copy and paste the following and send it to them, and also give them the above article, thank you. This amazing Pentecost discovery takes the guesswork out of how to count to Pentecost by conclusively proving from Scripture that the numbering of the 50 days begins on the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete, (Leviticus 23:16) instead of numbering from the wave sheaf. By doing this, it places Pentecost at the end of the FOURTH month instead of the beginning of the THIRD month. Did you know that there is not even a THIRD month FEAST OF ANY KIND found in Scripture But there is in the fourth month? WOW! Did you know that there is not even a conclusive WHEAT HARVEST or harvest of any kind in the THIRD month found in Scripture But there is in the fourth month? WOW! Did you know that the law that was written with the finger of YHWH was not given to Moses until the END OF THE FOURTH MONTH which is 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete? WOW! Did you know that Pentecost was one of the three major Pilgrim feasts that were called Chags in the Hebrew, where the children of Israel were commanded to travel up to Jerusalem each year and there is not even a Chag found in Scripture in the THIRD month but there is in the fourth month? WOW! Did you know that there is Historical evidence of Eyewitnessesof people who lived at the same time of our Saviour and the Apostles, keeping Pentecost 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete? WOW! Did you know that Acts chapters 20 and 21 shows that it is a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY that the Apostle Paul and thousands of believing Jews were keeping Pentecost BEYOND the traditional 50-day count? WOW! WOW! WOW! See Scripture where the apostle Paul and thousands of believing Israelites observed Pentecost beyond the traditional 50-day count at Paul's Pentecost at lunarsabbath.us/id9.html Did you know that the Children of Israes kept Pentecost on the day that the Law was given, and they called it a Chag/Feast to YHWH, and it was exactly 50 days AFTER the 7th Sabbath? WOW! Did you know that in light of all of this, along with the evidence that I am going to produce in this book, people will still keep their tradition of Pentecost in the THIRD month? WOW! Did you know that what you do not know can DESTROY you? Hosea 4:6 says my people are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge. WOW! Did you know that if we reject knowledge, that He will reject us? This is also found in Hosea 4:6 i.e., if we do not know something or have no knowledge of it, we are damned and if we reject the knowledge that is presented to us, we are damned. Did you know it is our duty to search out a matter, and if we do not well held accountable? WOW! Having said that I will conclusively prove that Leviticus 23:16 should be understood the count to Pentecost is 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete, NOT 50 days after the wave sheaf! Here are some of my notes on what the Scripture teaches is the true count to Pentecost which is 50 days “after” the 7th Sabbath complete, not 50 days after the wave sheaf or 1st Sabbath. Lev-23:16 “Even unto the morrow "after" the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto YHWH” If you have Questions and wish to talk, my number is (770) 483-8542 Below is an abundance of evidence from scripture and nature that conclusively proves a later Pentecost. Go to lunarsabbath.us/id7.html and you will see that even Nature Proves the 4th month Pentecost. Go tolunarsabbath.us/id11.html and see that it is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the children of Israel to have reached Mount Sinai in time for the traditional third month Pentecost. Shalom Remember, TRUTH is FREEDOM, he says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, and once we know it, our lives will never be the same, we will be new creatures in the Messiah/MessYuh, Anointed Yuh. Hallelu Yuh. Go to RU-vid and type in Brother Arnold Bowen for videos Brother Arnold Bowen at 3466 E. high tower Trail Conyers, GA 30012 Website lunarsabbath.info Email lunarsabbath@aol.com and list other books Radio station WWCR Live broadcast at wwcr.gsradio.net:3863/index.html?sid=1Saturday 7:30 Pm Est and 4:00 Pm Thursday, click on listen Also TUESDAY at 7:00 PM Est click on wwcr.gsradio.net:3763/index.html?sid=1 And click on listen Also Monday through Thursday at 10:15 Est on 3.215, and Saturday at 10:15, on 3.215 [if possible, Background music transitions to a curious tone] [] "No conclusive wheat harvest, no biblical feast in the third month, and eyewitness accounts contradicting the traditional 50-day count. It just doesn't add up. “The moon is not “feast” on day two” or should I say fresh go to lunarsabbath.info/id50.html
@wendyhughes2234 4 месяца назад
Approximately what date would the actual date of Pentecost be in the Gregorian date? Thank you for this information. May Abba Father continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 4 месяца назад
Thank you, I’m not sure if I have counted to Pentecost yet, it seems like I have and I always get several people to see what they come up with, and make sure we’re all on the same page because in the multitude of counsel is safety, let me look in my almanac, and I can tell And make it back with you. I don’t see it. I lost my other almanac, I generally don’t bother with any counts until it gets fairly close. It’s not hard to figure what you understand the biggest 23:16 to count seven complete salvage first up into the more after the seventh sabot and then number 50 days all the way through and then you will be at the Feast of Pentecost when the new grain offering is offered The Messiah himself said say not there yet four months then cometh the harvest. I just remembered my free book is online at.lunarsabbath.info/id4.html Be sure to click on the Pentecost link, and you can see conclusive proof as to when the true Pentecost is, you will be amazed of how much People has missed because they don’t study to show their self approved, they just follow what some preacher says, and please don’t do that about me because the Bible says to prove all things and hold fast that which is good! PS, I set Chrome as my browser in settings and it opened right up. I’m not too good on fixing Internet and stuff. You can order a True Count to Pentecost book off of Amazon and they will bring it to your door but they will charge about $13 I think And I do not make any money for any of those books, but they do and I do not take any offerings, etc. not because the book is worthless but because it is priceless if you want to keep the feast at the right time/season and be blessed. You can download it free off of my website, may have to copy and paste because I don’t know how to fix download. I may work on that later. Shalom. Be sure to click on the Pentecost link to get it to open up.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 4 месяца назад
Thank you and may his hand be open wide to you and yours!
@wendyhughes2234 4 месяца назад
@@brotherarnoldbowen8323 Thank you for the information.
@wendyhughes2234 4 месяца назад
Has the New Year started, and if so, is it according to this moonth's calendar date? It sounds as if this is the case. But confirmation would be appreciated. If this is the case, would Passover be this month? This coming week, even?
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 4 месяца назад
Yes, the Roman calendar has a year beginning at the vernal equinox which actually means equal night but the night is not equal on that day because you have app one hour more light by March 20 then you do darkness. I discovered this when I was tracking the sun with a 4 x 8 shade of plywood and a string in my pasture. At Creation, he “equally” divided the light from the darkness which would give you 12 hours of light from the Dawnlight all the way “through” the evening dust light! I think this site linked may explain it, if it don’t, I’m sure I have something on when a biblical year begins and you must know that in order to find the first new month/moon of the year is. The definition of year is a revolution and the sun will come back to the same place year after year after year, nothing has changed, and the first New Moon after the year begins is the first New Moon of the year. Try lunarsabbath.info/id43.html The Passover is this month, the lamb is killed on Saturday the 23rd and is eating that night with unloving bread which goes into Sunday the 24th Sunday
@wendyhughes2234 4 месяца назад
@@brotherarnoldbowen8323 Thank you very much.
@thomasprice1320 Месяц назад
All months and Biblical Feasts are marked by the sighting of the renewed moons. See Genesis 1:14.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 Месяц назад
David and Jonathan never sites the New Moon! “1 Samuel 20:5 KJV [5] “And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, “to morrow is the new moon”, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even….. 1 Samuel 20:18 KJV [18] “Then Jonathan said to David, To morrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.”
@thomasprice1320 Месяц назад
@@brotherarnoldbowen8323 You just showed Scripture that said they did sight the renewed moon. Did they or didn't they? Did they not say, " tomorrow is the new moon?" That's what I read in 1 Samuel 20:5 Didn't you ever read Genesis 1:14? The new moon starts a new day and begins at sunset to sunset. It also governs months and years. It's YHVH'S reckoning of time.
@brotherarnoldbowen8323 Месяц назад
@@thomasprice1320 David and Jonathan never sites the New Moon! “1 Samuel 20:5 KJV [5] “And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, “to morrow is the new moon”, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even….. 1 Samuel 20:18 KJV [18] “Then Jonathan said to David, To morrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.” Ask yourself, how could they site a new moon one or two days in advance??? Or site it BEFORE it even happens? Furthermore there was no one to site a new moon in Genesis 1:4! The Creator was speaking to his creation when he said, let there a firmament in the heaven to divide the light from the darkness, and let the waters bring forth earth winged fowl, etc, man was not even created yet and we can’t cause the waters to bring forth anything.
@thomasprice1320 Месяц назад
@@brotherarnoldbowen8323 It must have been at the end of the month. Because the renewed moon is every 30 days and begins the month. Site means to declare. Sight means to physically see the first sliver of the monthly renewed moon. What you are trying to tell me is that Genesis 1:14 is a crock. Israel has been watching every month for the renewed first sliver of the renewed moon every month for 6,000 years. This method is YHVH GOD'S method of time keeping. The keeping of the Feast months, so Israel can keep their Feasts on the correct day.
@thomasprice1320 Месяц назад
@@brotherarnoldbowen8323 We know the times and seasons of the Feast days. At the sighting of the renewed moon in the month of the Aviv is the beginning of the year for Israel. Exodus chapter 12. From there, every month can begin at the sighting of the renewed moon. A calendar is of no use to YHVH. Passover is on the 14th of the Aviv, which means ripe barley, and the day Israel came out of Egypt. Passover always falls on Aviv 14. Aviv 15 is the first day of Unleavened Bread. During the Feast of Unleavened Bread there is a weekly Sabbath. The following day, the first day of the week is YHVH'S Wave Sheaf and First Fruits Feast. That is the beginning of counting the omer. After 7 Sabbaths and one day is the Feast of Weeks commonly called as Pentecost which means 50. This was when the disciples received the power of the Holy Spirit to perform miracles to promote the gospel of the kingdom. These are the spring Feasts and Yeshua fulfilled all of them to the exact day and hour. He will fulfill the fall Feasts in like manner. The fall Feasts are the book of the Revelation. Feast of Trumpets happens on the first day of the 7th month. Because no one but the Father in heaven knows when the renewed moon will be sighted, comes the saying, " No one knows the day nor hour but the Father in heaven." But we do know the times and seasons of the Feast of Trumpets as it happens in the 7th month. Trumpets is the resurrection Feast. ( Revelation 11:14-18 ). One must learn how Israel rehearsed this Feast since the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. I don't have time nor space here to show you, but it is represented by the parables of the workers in the fields at harvest time. One is taken and one is left. It also concerns the foolish and wise virgins and oil in there lamps. Do you even keep the Feasts of the Lord, sir? I will in another post show you how Israel rehearsed the Feast of Trumpets if you ask. It parallels the resurrection at the 7th and last Trumpet. It concerns the two witnesses in Revelation 11: 1-13.
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