
Experts discuss Daniel Penny charges after the death of Jordan Neely 

Good Morning America
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@unforeseencircumstances Год назад
GMA would ask the experts with biased opinions rather than the actual witnesses in the subway.
@kevinfox1780 Год назад
Daniel should move when he gets acquitted....get the hell out of NYC! This GMA panel is completely biased.
@hmenef Год назад
Iceland would be preferred.
@lizxu322 Год назад
A place with 'stand your ground' law lol. Although wherever he moves to he'll probably become meek as a mouse
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
@@mikebrin2002 who was more violent than Neely do you mean the seven year old little girl he tried to kidnap or the 67 year-old woman hit in the face or the other dozens and dozens of victims that he victimized once again Neely got what he deserved Penny deserves a medal
@mecaa6780 Год назад
Not getting acquitted 😊
@dannyc2261 Год назад
Picking the right Jury. This is why the system is broken.
@Avoid_The_Clap-Jimmy_Dugan Год назад
Semper Fi ! Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine ! As a Black Hispanic Marine who grew up in Bed Stuy , I salute him ! Now, I am NOT advocating for murder and nor do I rejoice in Jordan Neely’s death. I am simply saying Sgt Penny was trying to defend the passengers on that sealed F Train. I grew up in Brooklyn, lived and worked in some not so nice neighborhoods over the years. I grew up learning both academic and street smarts. I had to frequently take the trains ( especially the F Train which have their front and rear doors locked to prevent passengers from walking car to car while its moving.) during the day and also late at night. I kept myself on alert for any bad people. I left alone the folks walking around the trains asking for money. About 50% time I would dole out a dollar to them as I didn’t have much money growing up in Brooklyn. Funny, none of them EVER screamed to me that they would easily do me harm if they didn’t get some money or food. Have you Leftards ever been in that situation ? Go ask yourself how you would REALLY feel if it had been your own grandmother stuck in that train car with a mentally unstable man screaming his intent to do bodily harm to any an all in that car. Jordan Neely screamed his intentions to harm all those passengers ( Liberals omit that part but a Latin man and little old woman in that subway car testified to that in a news interview and were terrified and fearful for their lives ) in an enclosed train car. To all those who have never been in that situation, it is a real threat. The F Train cars are locked on both sides so you can’t exit and go into the adjacent cars. There is no where to escape ! And even if they weren’t locked, just how fast is a 68 yo woman in that car going to run ? How were the passengers to know if Jordan had any weapons on him ? How did they know if he was/ was not a master in lethal martial arts ? Those innocent productive members of society passengers were on their way or on their to home. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a man comes into their car and screams his intent to do physically bodily harm as “I’m not afraid to go to jail!”. Go ask yourself how you would REALLY feel if it had been your own grandmother stuck in that train car with a mentally unstable man screaming his intent to do bodily harm to any an all in that car ? We as Marines took an oath to fight all enemies to the U.S. , both Foreign AND Domestic. That True Marine Sgt Penny said “ Not on My Watch !” Jordan Neely could have been another Frank James who shot up passengers on the N train 4 months ago. And Sgt Penny then tried to save Neely. Do you think if Neely killed one of the passengers, he would render First Aid ? Or would you rather have passengers simply watch as a young woman was r@ped on the Train in Philadelphia a year ago. Jordan Neely had been arrested 40+ times, including for physically assaulting / punching an innocent 78 ( SEVENTY EIGHT ) yo woman who suffered facial and skull fractures. You see, many frail elderly people are on blood thinners including baby aspirin which promotes active bleeding. This is to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Now with the force she sustained she could have easily bled out in her brain even without being on any blood thinners ( see articles on elderly folks sustaining significant head trauma sustaining subdural hemorrhages ). I have been a medical provider in the ER for many years including in NYC. I have to take care of ALL who are hurting, both physically and mentally. That also includes me screening my patients for ANY signs of Sexual Abuse and/ or Domestic Violence. It is My Job to ensure their safety. And for those Liberals who say “words don’t kill. Wait till someone physically harms you.” Yes, I’m sure I heard that somewhere. Oh yes, the entire world said the same in the first half of the 20th century as Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party spewed horrific anti-Semitic remarks constantly from 1919 until 1945. My heart goes out to all the 6 Million innocent Jewish Lives brutally killed. I have visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. and it was heartbreaking. And of course let’s not forget that Jordan was a “Lovable” Michael Jackson impersonator. This apparently gets him “the NYC Citizen of the Year” Award. We see so many videos of him doing his act. Neely admired and impersonated a known Pedophile ( Michael Jackson ).It’s remarkable that people are thinking Neely was a saint because he did Michael Jackson impersonations.I actually had a Leftard write back to me, “ Jackson was famous, regardless of all the other stuff ”. So Little Kid’s Lives DON’T Matter and you approve of Pedophilia ??!! Did you know that notorious convicted serial r@pist/ killer of boys and men, John Wayne Gacy, worked as a clown at Kids’ parties ? So that should make him a “Saint” as well. Did you know the Notorious Serial R@pist and Killer, Dennis Rader ( aka BTK ) was an upstanding citizen in his hometown of Wichita,KS ? In fact he had been interviewed on the local news channel while working his job out in the field. And you can see home movies of John Wayne Gacy dressed up at as a clown at a kid’s party. And Neely was “such a gentleman” that the NYPD had to arrest that old woman who broke his hand with her skull, kick that 3 yo girl and abducted a 7 yo child. Yes, Neely is a “Saint”. Now he’s a Martyr. Neely unjustly “arrested, tried, convicted and doled out corporal punishment “ to that 87 yo woman, 3 yo girl and 7 yo boy. isn’t that what you Leftards are accusing about Sgt Penny ? And for those blinded hypocritical Leftists that scream, ‘that White Marine is sick in the head and suffering from PTSD !” Shouldn’t Penny be given the same compassion and understanding as PTSD is a mental illness. I had one Leftard remark , “All Marines are crazy”. Wow, isn’t that profiling ?? And again, where is the compassion for those “crazy Marines” who might be suffering from mental disorders like PTSD ? Or does that compassion and understanding ONLY apply to a Black man who smashed the skull of an 87 yo women, kicked a 3 yo child and abducted a 7 yo kid ? By the way, Jumaane Williams, NYC Public Advocate, did those poor victims’ lives matter ? “Reverend” Sharpton in his thousand dollar tailored suits isn’t out walking the streets helping out all the homeless and mentally ill brothers and sisters. The same Reverend Sharpton who backed Tawana Brawley back in 1987. She falsely accused white men of gang raping her. Turns out she made that all up. Reverend Sharpton NEVER apologized. My own people in Bed Stuy mock all the homeless and mentally ill living on the streets. They want to have no arrests for crimes, but one White man protects PEOPLE ( Black White Latin Asian Young Old ) and he is accused of being racist. I fought side by side with all races and religions in Iraq. We were a true Band of Brothers. Who killed Jordan Neely ? Biden, his Cronies, The Leftists Democrats, NY Governor Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, and DA Alvin Briggs. They all failed him and failed the safety of all upstanding NYC citizens.. They do not help all the homeless and mentally ill. They do not take care of the Veterans. You can see that as the VA system is still broken. They release all criminals immediately and back out into the streets without any real assistance especially mental health aide. For all their BS talk, they are more interested in building tall luxury condos ( see downtown Brooklyn as a prime example ). Our country is in debt over $31 Trillion Dollars and yet Biden is sending Billions of Dollars overseas to Taiwan and Ukraine. Oh, Hunter Biden was a very highly paid “Consultant” to a Ukrainian company back in 2019. What exactly was his expertise needed for ? How to snort Coke and hire adult escorts ? His Paintings ? Billions more will be sent taking care of all the influx of migrants. Where is the funding for all the infrastructure ( “Build Back Better” ), College Loan Forgiveness, and healthcare that was promised ? Where is the funding for a total revamping of the VA ? It took a Marine to wake them up. If you want “Justice”, look to all the Leaders you voted into office.
@TacoBellCheatDay Год назад
Yeah but a pepperoni pizza is better with pineapple on it. Sprinkle some crushed peppers and you're on your way! Damn.
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
DEFENDING passengers from a yelling man???? But you're right.He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
Where is Jared Kushners experience at when he took FIVE BILLION from the Saudis?????
@erickanew Год назад
Marine ain't shit but some dummies. My hispanic nephew went in the marines he said they were some freaking idiots. Army Air force wouldn't have did this to a helpless guy, what a freaking punk!!!
@Railhog2102 Год назад
Same here as a military enthusiast I hope all charges against Penny are dropped
@tonyvang2127 Год назад
I would sue GMA for everything after all this for defamation...he wont be able to live his life normally with all this negative towards him...GMA better start writing that check...
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
He killed a person for yelling in the subway NO ONE there said he was aggressive towards ANYONE....He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@tonyvang2127 Год назад
@@mikebrin2002 ok keyboard warrior...if you knew that much go ask any MMA fighter will look at that "choke" and can see that it was not deadly...it was not even proper..
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
@Tony Vang so why is Mr Neely dead???
@tonyvang2127 Год назад
@Manuel Lewis being labeled as a killer by the press and politics flaming hate/death for political reasons...look at the case of the NY nurse Citi bike...NY is gonna go broke with all these lawsuits
@tonyvang2127 Год назад
@@mikebrin2002 who knows what killed him...if you look at people choke on a MMA fight and compare it to this he would have passed out in a few seconds...the chole show he was able to breath and move his arms around...
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
Where can I find the petition to have Alvin bragg removed from office
@mcdonald0205 Год назад
You people make me sick. His death is a tragedy but Daniel Penny is the one not to blame it’s the system. Mr Penny along with two other passengers we’re restraining this guy due to his threats and violent behavior. Even his family turned their back on him, but instead of blaming themselves they blame Mr Penny. The system and his family need to look in the mirror and see who’s really at fault.
@tcolors Год назад
Sure you can blame all kinds of people but, none of them killed Jordan Neely.
@marshallsvideo Год назад
You people?
@mcdonald0205 Год назад
Killed, so what your say is that Mr. Penny had a plan to kill this person. You really got to ask yourself how did he get(violent) this way. Because so many ignored all the warnings signs and now a tragic death happened.
@dellphillips4370 Год назад
This is bull he is a hero! He was trying to help a whole bunch of people that were going to get attacked by a criminal !!!!!
@Armed-Forever Год назад
still can't choke ppl out
@mecaa6780 Год назад
Yea right
@motoman869 Год назад
Everyone is a fighting expert.
@groucho9748 Год назад
Daniel Penny is a hero.
@josevanloo3442 Год назад
@bake2299 Год назад
@@josevanloo3442 A murderer…
@anniekierstead5419 3 месяца назад
It's outrageous to charge this man with ANYTHING! I am so disgusted.
@casanova0102 Год назад
A few things: 1) Neely was not pronounced deceased on the scene, he was pronounced dead at the hospital. Presumably, hours after he was restrained by Penny. 2) It’s still not clear how long Neely was placed in a chokehold for, I believe the charging papers against Penny state 6 minutes. 3) Just because Penny had Jordan in a chokehold position does not mean he was choking him for the full duration of the hold, he may have applied pressure at full force or at very little force. 4) Jordan’s history is important to consider since it provides context around the type of disturbed person he was. None of us were there, but it’s easy to imagine how threatening Neely might have been given that 3 people (Penny and 2 black men) needed to act and restrain him. 5) I do not believe Penny intended to kill Neely, and the NY district attorney agrees given the charges they filed.
@lalab1071 Год назад
It wasn't hours later that he died. He died shortly after he was brought to a hospital. Get your facts straight.
@@lalab1071He was *pronounced* dead at the hospital.
@lalab1071 Год назад
@@PWNINSWAGMASTER True. You're right.
@johnnysupreme5718 Год назад
@Mike S "losses will occur in battle" so just let the guy kill as many people as he wants?
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death.
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
The people who hold the real responsibility for Neely's death is his family and Alvin Bragg
@hmenef Год назад
Are you saying that this is a conspiracy and Daniel Penny was actually sent by Jordan Neely’s family and Alvin Bragg to kill him.😳😳….Please expound on this theory and divulge your sources for this idiotic crap that sounds a lot like the typical anti Black racist garbage I’m hearing from droves of other racist white people.🤔
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
@Recco Suave nearly got what he deserved
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
He killed a person for yelling in the subway NO ONE there said he was aggressive towards ANYONE....He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
@@mikebrin2002 boohoo all of Neelys victims now have Justice like the seven year old little girl he tried to kidnap or the 67 year-old woman hit in the face and everybody on that Subway have already said many times that Neely was being aggressive he got what he deserved Penny deserves a medal
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
You're Right Nelly is dead he will never victimize anyone else and I go back to my original statement he just got what he deserved
@frankrodriguezit Год назад
Is there a GoFundMe for Daniel Penny? Looks like this Marine was acting to defend himself and those around him from a dangerous and mentally unstable individual
@imata9876 Год назад
Damn we think alike. I’m asking same thing man. Someone make one for his family and him. 100k people donate. I stand with the marines and the people who are tired of being harassed.
@Andu_music Год назад
But he unalived him. It was not his intention but he should still face small charges, manslaughter like 6 months jail or something
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
The man was doing NOTHING but yelling no one said he was aggressive towards ANYONE and they WERE THERE...He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@DC-rd6oq Год назад
@@mikebrin2002 He was yelling that he was going to harm people and that he was willing to go to jail for a long time for it or even to die.
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
@DC typical of a repuke to lie on a dead person who never said he was going to hurt anyone....
@mtvta1981 Год назад
Will the other peoples holding Neely down be charged with accessories to murders? From the video we can see that other peoples, including a black man holding Neely down.
@lenaprice6239 Год назад
The guy holding him down was a mixed race latino. He was not Black.
@Fdesouza Год назад
@marshallsvideo Год назад
@choochoothelilsavage9573 Год назад
This is true shit! You would never see this if it was a white man on a white man or a black man on a black man. Less than awesome GMA!
@tonyducks1121 Год назад
Daniel Penny is a HERO Jordan Neely *was* a ZERO
@jberrocalucf Год назад
The law
@tcolors Год назад
and you are?
@jberrocalucf Год назад
@@annieandelsieofarendelle3294 I can understand that. Laws can be changed. But this case needs to go to court. The devil is in the details, which none of us know anything about. Someone died . Justice needs to be served. Either in no guilty or guilty verdict. You can’t just Willy nilly conjure up justifications on why you think penny is not guilty. Which has nothing to do with Neely’s past. If you like laws and justice so much . Become a lawyer and start to fight the laws that you do not like. Stop the Willy nilly .
@tonyducks1121 Год назад
@@tcolors A tax paying, law abiding citizen. Nice to meet you.
@tcolors Год назад
@@tonyducks1121 Mentally stable? Hey, Tony I'm just tired of people propping Penny up for killing a man, That's all. Neely was mentally unstable. I think before People praise Penny and tear the now-deceased Neely apart. We should wait for all the facts. Hey, It's good to meet you too. Stay Cool and keep paying your taxes, lol. I'll do the same.
@asruluveira Год назад
I am from Malaysia. does this guy have a go fund me? my cousin lives in NY and literally got beat up because she ignores sexual advance. she lives trough fear till this day cos the perp is still at large
@erismana2105 Год назад
Yes but cant post it here please look him up
@asruluveira Год назад
@@erismana2105 OK thank you. Ive found him. so happy to see many PPL help this guy and not buying into media bs
@shaza66t Год назад
GiveSendGo is the fundraising site being use by Daniel Penny's attorneys to raise money for his defense. Any proceeds collected which exceed those necessary to cover Mr. Penny’s legal defense will be donated to a mental health advocacy program in New York City.
@danwachter4717 Год назад
This is a case that hits me and others at another level. This is such a political trial. People in NYC or the State can do nothing to protect ourselves against criminals in our society. The public is being taught to hide in the corner in fear. There is no question in my mind that Mr. Penny's actions were of a defensive nature. The offensive side was to neutralize the threat. As a member of the Demo Party, I am stunned at the Political Atmosphere regarding this case. I expect this case to go to a trial. I also expect that the jury will Not come to a clear verdict. And then, people will riot, due to they did not get their way.
@danwachter4717 Год назад
Mr. Neely has a violent criminal history. Pictures of him smiling does not show how violent he can become.
@emiherd1327 Год назад
I personally don’t think Daniel did anything wrong. My opinion. He doesn’t deserve the charges or humiliation. He did what he thought was right to protect people from someone that was having mental issues wich by now we know they can do anything to hurt themselves or others…
@jberrocalucf Год назад
I understand it’s your opinion. But I’ll bite . “He did what he thought was right “ can be said about Any evil villain . So that won’t hold scrutiny. The road to hell is filled with good intentions. It was a accidental death but how much culpability does penny have ? I saw a video of man in the train saying “let him go now that’s enough your going to kill him “. Let’s let the facts come out in my opinion.
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death
@justinjohnson8551 Год назад
@@jberrocalucf i agree. what these people are saying is you can kill someone as long as your intentions were honourable you are a hero and should not be charged. if he did it to one of their loved ones they would be saying lock him up.
@thenerd3639 Год назад
Shame on you New York policeman you all should be ashamed for arresting this guy.
@monicavillarreal3902 Год назад
Where can i send money to help him. Free that Marine.
@erismana2105 Год назад
Can't post his GoFundMe but he has one
@freddiemac327 2 месяца назад
It's sad Daniel Penny is walking around free after killing a man with his bare hands on camera. It's embarrassing that he is claiming self defense. He came up from behind Jordan and applied a rear naked choke. Then 2 grown men held Jordan down as he died slow. It was all caught on camera.
@sprPee Год назад
Neely should of been in jail.
@coreyboldt9604 Год назад
We should be aware of the difficulties of the mentally ill as though they walk around with a sign letting everyone know, and that somehow excuses violent behavior
@Doug_M Год назад
Defending yourself is a no no if you live in a democrat city. That Bodega worker, the parking lot attendant, and now this.
@shadowman6350 Год назад
What was Daniel penny defending himself from?
@HondaWyo Год назад
@@shadowman6350 he was doing what anyother good person should do and that is to protect others
@shadowman6350 Год назад
@@HondaWyo From what? A hungry, thirsty, obviously mentally distressed homeless person who hadn’t attacked, threatened, or harmed anyone on that train? Come on.
@@shadowman6350 You are weak.
@ent66 Год назад
@@shadowman6350 A crazy black man with 44 prior arrests. Was out on bail after punching a 67 year old woman. I'm glad he dead!
@sindycarroll4596 Год назад
Daniel Penny IS A HERO! #TRUTH! thank YOU for your service! .. a REPEAT VIOLENT CRIMINAL - no longer TERRORIZING the public while living off their tax $$ = problem solved! 👏
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
He killed a person for yelling in the subway NO ONE there said he was aggressive towards ANYONE....He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@randywatson341 9 месяцев назад
Both of these lawyers misstated things that most lawyers would get correct. The female lawyer said that we need a jury that can humanize the mentally ill. Neely’s mental illness is actually 100% irrelevant to charges against Penny. The male lawyer said that Penny’s right to apply deadly force requires a risk that Neely would use deadly force. That’s not correct. You may apply deadly force if you believe there is an imminent risk of deadly force *or an imminent risk of severe bodily harm* which is really the factor in this case. These lawyers do seem generally professional in many ways, but these are also basic mistakes. A show like GMA should’ve been able to locate top experts.
@avivacohen8785 Год назад
The ex marine is a hero and should hive him a medal
@wakeupsheeple513 Год назад
I agree
@shadowman6350 Год назад
How and why
@erismana2105 Год назад
No such thing as an ex Marine
@coreyboldt9604 Год назад
Great to see such an unbiased report of this case. 😂😂
@guiltytrain3689 Год назад
Nope, Penny doesn't have to prove anything. The burden of proof is on the State.
@jorge31415927 Год назад
CLEAR YOUR MIND OF COLOR OR RACE.. He broke a 67 year old woman’s nose and orbital bone .. maybe if he did that to your mother, you would not feel such pity and would have shot him dead on the spot in a stand your ground state. Did he deserve to die, NO .. but the system failed him AND his victims .. you cannot pin the blame, however convenient for a political narrative, on a man trying to stop an attack. How many lives did this save? Only God knows ..
@willbygosh4887 Год назад
Daniel Penny is a hero being victimized by race hustlers.
@Elchamuc020 Год назад
We don't need experts Jordan neely skipped the the old as time lesson of: F*ck around and find out
@tcolors Год назад
And now it's Daniel Penny's turn
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death
@louiseelliott936 Год назад
@@oneofgodsangels - And if he'd been in prison, it wouldn't have happened. We are a lawless country.
@metro6926 Год назад
@@louiseelliott936 arrested 47 times I think it was, wow this guy should have been admitted into a mental hospital at that point.
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
@Manuel Lewis Tragedy should never justify vigilantism
@thomaslecour2462 Год назад
Such a hero, I love this guy, god bless you thank you
@believer7779 Год назад
God will not bless evil in this world nor the world to come. Woe unto him that calls evil good and good evil.
@erismana2105 Год назад
​@@believer7779 * yawn
@tcolors Год назад
@@erismana2105 You need Jesus
@acktuwally Год назад
@@believer7779 You are exactly right. Which is why you can't in good faith side with the multiple times, convicted criminal, over someone defending people from said criminal.
@asantewaa89 Год назад
Racists will not inherit the kingdom of God
@ent66 Год назад
He is a hero.
@MSNBCult Год назад
Next time that lady gets sexually assaulted and potentially raped on her next subway ride, have empathy for the assaultants and don't help her. 😂
@pooppoop4805 Год назад
Daniel Penny is a hero. We need more of him. Any authorities who harass good people like this need to be replaced.
@tcolors Год назад
Hero? I don't know. I mean he killed a man when he didn't have to.
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death
@amaranusa Год назад
​@@oneofgodsangels t know man, with assault charges and kidnapping, why is still neely on the lose, why was he not in jail
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I understand your concerns about Mr. Neely's past charges and the question of why he was not in jail. It's important to note that the criminal justice system and its processes can be complex, and I don't have specific information about Mr. Neely's case. However, it's crucial to remember that the focus of our discussion is the tragic loss of a life. While addressing criminal behavior and ensuring public safety are important, it's equally important to consider alternatives to lethal force and explore ways to prevent such incidents from occurring. By fostering a comprehensive approach that emphasizes prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation, we can work towards a safer society for everyone involved.
@pooppoop4805 Год назад
​@@oneofgodsangels Here's a non violent alternative. Yeet the blacks back to Africa.
@MrMRW14 3 месяца назад
I doubt think he would have acted any different if it was a white man, an Indian or an Arab. Why do black people never get that
@imata9876 Год назад
Let’s start a go fund me for the marine. Least get him lawyer or if he went to prison let’s protect his family. He protected these people on the subway. If 100k people donate a dollar that’s better then nothing
@DC-rd6oq Год назад
There's a Give Send Go fund for his legal fees. It has raised over $2.6 million so far.
@Railhog2102 Год назад
Looks like we have a Marine on trouble, Hope this gets figured out the best way possible
@Cohiba23396 Год назад
“Dehumanization of the mentally ill” and a “level of criminalizing blackness on its face” what the hell kind of ideas are that to put on national television? What a divisive and idiotic thing to say. This case is about Penny and Neely, not national race relations.
@shaza66t Год назад
This race baiting has distracted people from what is happening in our country. Nobody is talking about our borders, illegal immigrants, Ukraine, China, inflation, etc. People are being led like sheep. This racial division is being magnified to distract the populace, and the race baiters are making money off of it.
@seewulf2385 Год назад
sharpton trying to lynch another young white Lacrosse player...Oh yes it is..
@metro6926 Год назад
you know what I do when I am walking to work or from school and see a crackhead speaking to nobody and screaming, I keep my fucking distance and cross the street or something you never know what those people will do, they should not even be on the street, they should be in some type of mental facility getting some help or something like that.
@weirdautumn Год назад
Lock up the subway strangler!
@thenerd3639 Год назад
See this News lady was sexually assaulted on one of those trains the same train this guy just trying to help
@deenzmartin6695 Год назад
he is an american hero
@tcolors Год назад
Don't insult America this way.
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
​@@tcolors letting Lily Go free after attacking all of these people is not America true responsibility for Neely's death is his family and Alvin Bragg they are all pathetic losers
@deenzmartin6695 Год назад
@@tcolors leave america
@amoapoksia1534 Год назад
​@deenz martin white women and latina women like to get their ear lobes nibbled on😂
@gai_ninja Год назад
Did she said I got sexual assault and it’s ok,?😂
@seewulf2385 Год назад
Hott dam..progressive AND woke.. sho nuff sumbuddy's type..
@imata9876 Год назад
If y’all were so worried about his mental health then y’all should have made a go fund me for him to get help. I’ll make one for Daniel Penney. Screw this.
@hstone-kf7su Год назад
Neely got what he had coming.
@escherita Год назад
Funny how easily she discussed her sexual assault, and with a grin.
@seewulf2385 Год назад
fun gal Yo..super ball half time show..
@tcolors Год назад
Funny how easily you can cheer on a murderer. Bet you are a riot at a funeral.
@leChandler24 Год назад
She is lying ….. just balblabla
@DP-hp7vb Год назад
Trump 2024 🇺🇸
@rogerlombardo96 Год назад
The fact that Mr. Lee is being charge is ridiculous. We have a gentleman who has victimized 40 people is a career criminal. I could care less if he’s as crazy as a shit house rat this gentleman stepped in provided safety so other people, then the victims like the people the last few days in New York disfigured stabbed in the neck paralyzed. We don’t have time to help these criminals and then evaluate later.
@thenerd3639 Год назад
People needs to help this marine fight for him he just was trying to save others on a train this no Justice no peace no Justice no peace bull crap needs to be shut down fast this is awful they even arrested this guy for helping others my gosh am I missing something here🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@rosejames5172 Год назад
Does Penny have a rap sheet?
@rosejames5172 Год назад
Does penny have a rap sheet?
@fauxbro1983 3 месяца назад
@rogerlombardo96 Год назад
Thank you for providing safety to passengers on the train
@abelardogreen Год назад
How many people does it take to subdue Michael Jackson? R
@abelardogreen Год назад
He looked like a boa constrictor.
@fordeycent1 Год назад
Can any American answer me why ye always bring race into it? Asking from ireland
@ThisIsWar_B1_FBA_ADOS Год назад
My guess is the same reason you’re obsessed with black people. Always best to start with the person in the mirror.
@tcolors Год назад
Our race thing is like your religion thing.
@fordeycent1 Год назад
@@tcolors we got over the religion thing a generation ago
@tcolors Год назад
@@fordeycent1 Ok, but it's still like your religion thing. Just not open warfare.
@louiseelliott936 Год назад
It's an ignorant liberal thing they do.
@kendi1417 Год назад
Should be charged with murder.
@believer7779 Год назад
The charges need to be upgraded to homicide. Very wicked evil man.
@shanman3265 Год назад
I agree and hope they throw the book at him.......I hope he also gets sued in civil court too
@ghost11282 Год назад
You're trolling right? He was trying to help and you call him wicked and evil?
@HondaWyo Год назад
so if someone is attacking you on a subway everyone should sit back and let them attack you. noted.
@sleepforever3494 Год назад
Hero! Stepped up when needed like most people don't.
@believer7779 Год назад
@@HondaWyo No one was attacked. Thou shall not kill.
@ninocrown3247 Год назад
The subway doors were open, people had exited the car and Penny was still choking him out. Dude needs to go upstate for a decade plus. I’m sure the Aryan Brotherhood would give Penny a hero’s welcome and offer protection inside. However, even if he gets convicted, they’ll probably appoint a judge who will go soft on him. Like we saw in the Peter Liang case in Brooklyn. The system of WS, provides multiple layers of protection, inside and outside for those who harm Black people. Wish the NYPD didn’t anonymously let him go, so he could scrub his social media clean.
@avenue8822 Год назад
What a joke. Playing the victim card again. So predictable and disgusting. Neely was the criminal, Perry wasnt. But typical making excuses for low life criminals playing the imaginary 'victim' card. Black Privilege at its finest. If Neely was WHITE, you wouldnt care. If Perry was Black, you would be worshiping him. Crawl back in your hole loser.
@shaza66t Год назад
Yet the criminal who assaulted elderly people, and tried to kidnap a little 7 year old girl was on the streets. If NYC wasn't so soft on crime, Jordan Neely would have been in jail. The authorities were very soft on Neely for his crimes, yet he is black.
@noahyetter2707 Год назад
@shaza66t Год назад
@@oneofgodsangels Hindsight is 20/20. I am sure Mr. Penny has thought of what he could have done differently many times. We don't always have perfect clarity at the critical time when threats or fear are involved. Yet no one thinks about that.
@groucho9748 Год назад
Daniel Penny is a hero doing the job the police refuse to.
@Noms_Chompsky Год назад
Damn Murderer
@narimenrhodes-zh7tr Год назад
@MsPinkCrusader Год назад
Daniel Penny chose to kill him...
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@TheJusDon Год назад
At this point. Show me where he lives 👺
@avenue8822 Год назад
LOL...OK Rambo.
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death
@seewulf2385 Год назад
jussie is that you....??
@abelardogreen Год назад
He killed him.
@jjgreen5206 Год назад
This guy isn’t brave, he isn’t a hero. He’s a coward who snuck up behind a mentally Ill man who wasn’t going to hurt anyone
@guiltytrain3689 Год назад
@metro6926 Год назад
mentally ill man who was shouting threats to people in an enclosed space........
@julesmarcus4868 Год назад
Mon gars ... t'es fini !!!
@abelardogreen Год назад
How tall is Penny compared to Neely?
@tonytiger9020 Год назад
It has nothing to do with size.. at least I can say we still have real men around, because most young men today are so FEMININE lol.. Jordan Neely got what he deserved 👍👍 it's called KARMA BABY
@abelardogreen Год назад
@@tonytiger9020 yeah the guy is the size of a superhero, Peeny Power. He attacked Micheal Jackson from behind, while the other linguines held him down. That's your hero.
@tonytiger9020 Год назад
@@abelardogreen he was a Michael Jackson impersonator lol.. don't forget he was also a FELON.. just another scumbag with a rap sheet as long as my street.. KARMA 👍👍
@simsfish8728 Год назад
Marine veteran Penny is tall in his conviction to save people from the little belligerent thug who should have been in jail.
@abelardogreen Год назад
@Manuel Lewis He's not. He's like 5'8". He came up behind Nelly and put him in a chokehold. He killed him like a boa constrictor. Disgusting!
@Charmander009 Год назад
I don’t get it . Don’t they usually charge people wit 500 charges and hope one sticks . So they could charge him wit murder and manslaughter . Hell put in vehicular manslaughter in there . Just charge him wit everything and the kitchen sink
@deanpendarvis4917 8 месяцев назад
All about skin color, if he were black he wouldn't have been charged at all.
@luckydog7226 Год назад
After watching that them pull every woke bumper sticker out of their arses on GMA I’m sending $20 to Mr Penney’s defense fund!
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
He killed a person for yelling in the subway NO ONE there said he was aggressive towards ANYONE....He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@wakeupsheeple513 Год назад
Daniel is an American hero. We need more heroes like him.
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death
@RunOverHomeless Год назад
​@One Of Gods Angels He should've just hugged the mentally ill homeless guy screaming and threatening to kill everyone
@erismana2105 Год назад
​@@oneofgodsangels He harmed an elderly woman he was past his time to be dealt with
@Steelers-rk3ig Год назад
How is this a fair and balanced? Both of them think he is guilty, yet 70% + of the population thinks he is a her? Do better
@tcolors Год назад
@@erismana2105 I didn't read anything that said he harmed an elderly woman. Still, no one would get a death sentence for that. That's what Daniel has to deal with in court. Because no matter how you want to spin this Daniel Penny killed a man.
@aganeko Год назад
@josevanloo3442 Год назад
yeah, he even looks like a gestapo agent, cute.
@Raygun915 Год назад
Daniel Penny saved people on a train
@justinjohnson8551 Год назад
the issue is not whether he saved people it's did he use excessive force?
@repenney Год назад
Penny deserves a medal for his quick-thinking and decisive action. It's stunning that the mayor and district attorney of New York have arrayed themselves against him with their outrageous and prejudicial comments.They have wittingly turned New York into a banana republic, with a rule of law more akin to Zimbabwe. Tragic and shocking! That Penny was charged at all simply defies credulity.
@mikebrin2002 Год назад
He killed a person for yelling in the subway NO ONE there said he was aggressive towards ANYONE....He's a TRAINED MARINE that has seen DOZENS of conflicts were he"s had to fire and NOT FIRE his weapon around folks much MORE violent than Neely, he knew what he was doing.
@martinblake2278 Год назад
​​@@mikebrin2002 he was threatening and causing harm on some passengers. He has 44 convictions, most of them assaults on strangers. He punched and injured an old man. He pushed and broke the jaw of an old woman. He once kidnapped a child. He also pushed people into train tracks. Guys is a criminal under heavy drugs and ready to harm or even kill that day. Marine is the hero in this case.
@rosejames5172 Год назад
Does penny have a rap sheet?
@fernoodle7826 Год назад
Hero 🎉 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@jes6628 Год назад
I think the truth will come out after an investigation
@thomaslecour2462 Год назад
This is such an outrage arresting this hero Daniel penny for protecting people on this train from this scum. Prejudice, not going to happen on this one,
@garyjohnson8327 Год назад
Yeah.. that was both sides of the story lol
@tcolors Год назад
Don't be stupid. They didn't say they were going to rehash the story. They had specific questions to ask their guests in their given fields. What's so hard to understand about that?
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death
@AndrashSpooshkash Год назад
In the clip that is shown Penny had Neely in a proper hold to restrain without choking with Neely's throat in the crook of his arm at the elbow.
@BruteStrength99 Год назад
That's a blood choke. Not an air choke. Cuts off the blood of the carotid artery.
@GG-sk3tw Год назад
Really?! So how did he end up not breathing? Was it a fentanyl overdose? 🙄
@BruteStrength99 Год назад
@@GG-sk3tw fentanyl is unlikely here because it usually kills a lot faster. ME report said cause of death was compression of the neck. Which is common with chokeholds. That's why you don't do them.
@brianmendez4068 Год назад
Why was the black guys face blurred out? Oh wait... I just answered my own question. 🙄
@lyricallycorrect8249 Год назад
Jordan Neely did not deserve to be murdered...these comments are heartless & u see ethnicity more than what's wrong about this..when this young man was 14 he lost his mom..he wanted to say good bye to his mom one morning before going to school but the boyfriend said she was sleeping when he got home from school he found out his mom's boyfriend had murdered her cut her up & put her in a suitcase..he lived with so much guilt feeling he could have saved her..he was never the same. His family & friends couldn't reach him mentally..he was a nice young man having a bad day..he emulated Michael Jackson on nyc streets & train..he could sing & dance..actually the ones holding him should be charged too..the only people who are justifying this is non black..this is the same wolf in different clothing!!✌🏿🙏🏿❤
@avenue8822 Год назад
Who is making this all about race? You are.
@seewulf2385 Год назад
bolshoi..Black men helped hold the terrorist down..Do the meth...I mean math..
@groucho9748 Год назад
He wasn't murdered. He died while attacking others. Daniel Penny is a marine and an American Hero defending the people from a criminal parasite.
@lyricallycorrect8249 Год назад
@@avenue8822 White people are always saying this shit.. are u blind u idiot?? So Yep I am so what the fuck are u going to do about it dumb ass?? "I'm free" to give my opinion If those were black men choking & holding down a white man he wouldn't have a chance! Gtfoh✌🏿
@lyricallycorrect8249 Год назад
@@groucho9748 Gtfoh you're such an idiot🤦🏿😂
@drewcatch5171 Год назад
Semper Fi hero Marine
@blessing6370 Год назад
Marine wasn’t holding him he was Choking him, their is a difference. If you sneak behind someone he could have done a bear hold on him and laid on his back. Choosing to continue pressure on the choke hold causing death was intentional causing DEATH. Nothing honorable about his actions.
@petefortenberry8767 Год назад
And you are as pathetic as your statement
@avenue8822 Год назад
So your an expert huh? Choking is the restriction on the airway because of a constricted or obstructed throat. The hold he used was a 'carotid restraint' hold, that restricted the blood flow, causing unconsciousness. Get your fact straight. Perry continued applying pressure until Neely stopped struggling, and then put Neely in the recovery position.
@jberrocalucf Год назад
@@avenue8822 what happens after you continue “carotid restraint “ after unconscious? Dr.Avenue
@oneofgodsangels Год назад
I acknowledge that Mr. Neely's actions were wrong and that they had severe consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that no matter what he did on that subway or in the past, it does not justify the loss of a life. This situation could have been prevented and managed differently, without resulting in someone's death
@avenue8822 Год назад
@@jberrocalucf Have you seen the entire video or just a few seconds of it? Tell me Mr. Legal Expert. You continue with the hold until the person stops struggling. Pretty simple concept. The only video I can find shows Neely resisting/struggling.
@schemp001 Год назад
@schemp001 Год назад
I’m fine with it
@GG-sk3tw Год назад
I get that guy was crazy and unhinged but why did Penny put him in a choke hold and not let go until he stopped breathing? Wasn’t there another way for him and the other guy to subdue him without choking him to death?
@mecaa6780 Год назад
@robcarey4189 Год назад
​@@mecaa6780 what is your fax number?
@elliematt4718 Год назад
Might be another pull up summer ... Wait until the new video comes out!
@My2CentsYall Год назад
more footage is coming out as to what happen on that car. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3kx-xkvGEwU.html. where is the rampaging man.
@abelardogreen Год назад
Penny relaxed into the chokehold like he was on heroin
@petep5207 Год назад
I swear to god, if I were Penny's lawyer and this went to trial: I would get up there at the podium during my opening argument......move toward the jury....and scream at the top of my lungs....in their faces... "I WANT MONEY. I WANT FOOD. I'M NOT TAKIN' NO FOR AN ANSWER. I DON'T GIVE A FUK IF I GO BACK TO JAIL. I'LL HURT ANYONE ON THIS TRAIN. I DON'T GIVE A FUK IF I GET LIFE !!!!" (All this as I gesture threateningly and throw off my blazer--just inches from jurors) You know the jurors are kind of freaking out due to the suddenness and volume of the loud tirade Then, I would stare the jury down again, eyes bulging, and ask menacingly, "Are you scared? Nowhere to run?....Well, that is exactly the position Mr. Daniel Penny and 9 other people in a closed off train car were unfairly placed in...as they feared for their lives. A situation that prompted a hero to take action to protect his life and those of every one else. A noble deed that changed his life forever."
@tcolors Год назад
lol, No more late night crime shows for you, Perry Mason!
@louiseelliott936 Год назад
What a great idea! That would really give the jury the "FEEL" of what everyone was thinking while Neely was going berserk on them!!!
@tcolors Год назад
@@louiseelliott936 It could also show them how mentally ill this poor soul was. You know that someone needed to hold him down until people who could help him arrived. A chokehold is not a life-saving maneuver to perform on someone.
@louiseelliott936 Год назад
@@tcolors - They didn't know if it was mental illness or someone perhaps on drugs or just gone crazy. He and the other two people who came to help him subdue Neely didn't know if he had some kind of weapon like a gun or knife in his possession. They acted like anyone would to eliminate the threat to everyone on the subway. I know if I was on that subway I would have been very thankful to have them take him down. Daniel Penny did what he needed to do to get this guy under control. However, he did NOT have any intention of killing him.
@Da_Fonz Год назад
Penny is a HERO!!
@sleepforever3494 Год назад
Enjoy the ratio.
@thekow3273 Год назад
Neely attacks penny, penny defends and subdues attacker. Penny then does what he can to ensure the survival of his attacker when everyone else would just let him sit there.
@Armed-Forever Год назад
you're not allowed to choke ppl, restrain yes, not choke.
@abelardogreen Год назад
They killed him!
@abelardogreen Год назад
@@itzasweater9621 yeah right, 3 men fought for their lives against a Michael Jackson impersonator. Talk about the courage that took. What heros. That's stupid
@simsfish8728 Год назад
The thug, kidnapper, older woman abuser, criminal terrorized innocent commuters. Too bad you weren't there to save him
@maryammohamed8111 Год назад
Daniel has no right to act in the way he did. Mr Jordan was never violent in that specific day and lets not forget he is suffering from mental health issues. I am hopeful Daniel will get at least 30 years charges if not more. People talking about Mr Jordan's previous convictions at least he made mistakes and served time. There is no point reminding us what is background was. Irrespective of his background and convictions Daniel and the other two bullies had no right to take his life. The Law should be equal for all. I see Mr Daniel got privileges and was not detained immediate because he is white!
@ennieminee4470 Год назад
Multiple witnesses said he was threatening everyone on the train then 3 unrelated people felt the need to restrain him so he couldn’t be “mentally ill” with his fist.
@wakeupsheeple513 Год назад
Dude are you high? He made mistakes? So you call punching a old woman in the head, throwing another woman on the tracks, and trying to kidnap a seven year girl mistakes? What the hell is the matter with you? He went to jail for punching the old woman in the head and only got a year, the other two he didn't even get charged. He was a dangerous violent criminal who would have hurt someone had Daniel not intervene in time. Daniel shouldn't have to go to jail for doing the right thing, he's a hero, that bum had it coming. He should have been taken out years ago. The world is a better place without him.
YEAH HE DID!!! That SPECIFIC day, Jordan NITWIT was threatening people on the train like a crazy person, INCLUDING Daniel himself. And the reason that dead CRIMINAL is suffering from mental issues is because of the FAILED and BLACK SUPREMACY-advocating NY system that refuses to police, imprison, and confine the mentally ill to mental institutions! Daniel DOES NOT DESERVE A MINUTE of prison time! And punching an ELDERLY woman IS NOT A MISTAKE! It’s the product of a FAILURE of a human-being! And I will remind you of Neely’s background I MILLION TIMES if I want to, because Penny IS NOT the one in the wrong!!! He is NOT the bully! And the system is NOT racist in favor of white people, it’s racist AGAINST white people(unless of course you’re of the protected left-wing pro-corruption class). Penny wasnt detained because he TURNED HIMSELF IN and served the country with HIS LIFE!!! NOTICE how PENNY is the one charged and not the hispanic and black “bullies” that held Jordan Nitwit down. Why werent they charged!? Because the point is to racially target WHITE people. That is what the racist NY system believes in RELIGIOUSLY!!!
@seewulf2385 Год назад
wudda pile... Already $2.3 Million raised for the courageous hero..
@doctorshutup9817 Год назад
if you threaten ppl you find out.
@UserForYouEh Год назад
"George Floyd also death by chokehold"..... wtf she must've meant also death by asphyxiation...
@UserForYouEh Год назад
Daniel Penny breaks silence on subway chokehold death
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