
Ezra McCandless Trial: Ezra McCandless Takes the Stand-Part Six: Cross 

Rottweiler Investigations
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5 апр 2022




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@Juliskool423 7 месяцев назад
I love this prosecutor. Totally unfazed, no nonsense. Brilliant.
@danielhkhk7283 6 месяцев назад
@my2cents581 5 месяцев назад
Very professional, but reading excerpts was a bad move, he should’ve had them published to the jury and public, as it would have been more personal and meaningful. Listening to him read is hard to follow and easily makes the listener’s mind wander. Just my opinion.
@Dirtydeeds-un4vw 4 месяца назад
If this turns into a Netflix movie it should be Donald Sutherland that plays him
@amelia_k1082 3 месяца назад
@@Dirtydeeds-un4vw Ah ha! Good choice! I absolutely see and hear the resemblance to Donald Sutherland!! lol
@vikramadoddamani 3 месяца назад
Which one of the three? I think each of them was good in their own way. But I felt the old guy was outstanding.
@finklejinks 7 месяцев назад
The fact that she was so comfortable with reading his journals out of context was disgusting. She clearly has always gotten away with bullshit and thought this situation would be the same
@bobwasamusicman 7 месяцев назад
Yeah. I was thinking the same. She is so use to being coddled and getting whatever she wants. She can't fathom it going any other way.
@cornhole3way694 6 месяцев назад
She thinks she is so smart that she can twist things and people are too dumb to figure things out themselves. She must have loved to have this intelligent young man thinking about her, worrying about her, wanting her. But it was always just about her and what she could take from him. And she took absolutely everything she could.
@kristinludwig4828 7 месяцев назад
Not even a drop of emotion from her when he read from the journal “I love you all. Wherever I am I am smiling at you.” She couldn’t even fake a tear - no remorse at all.
@angeldip5797 Год назад
Oooops she forget her sweet innocent little mask and facade! She felt too much disdain for the prosecutor to act right! She cannot hide or disguise her contempt and there’s no more nasty creepy duping delight. She looks more like a willful child who can’t fight a no/punishment/being caught!
@RebeleneM 7 месяцев назад
Yup, total narcissist.
@jaggybee4704 7 месяцев назад
Nailed my thoughts exactly
@florihauth9232 Год назад
and just like that no anxiety episodes during the entire trial. Especially this grilling.
@victrola2007 7 месяцев назад
Funny how that happens 🤦‍♀️🤬‼
@kenjiyoutube9 7 месяцев назад
She seemed to have some kind of episode after sentenced😂
@susiefoxy8130 7 месяцев назад
@@kenjiyoutube9don’t they all !😂
@COMRVNA 7 месяцев назад
Exactement Héhé (Though she may have been medicated at trial...what a case!)
@TheMary0831 6 месяцев назад
Yes, she must have been strangely cured! It's a miracle!
@tracievendetta1908 6 месяцев назад
“Good Morning”. “ you ready?” 😆
@9babyblu 7 месяцев назад
"I'd have to refresh my memory with the transcript" Translates to "I need to remember the lie I told at that time to keep my story the same, I'm being decimated here"
@0scJohnson0 Год назад
Just curious, how many people can immediately come up with a name of someone they know that is just like this Ezra: pretentious, selfish, arrogant, unstable, but pretends to be an open and loving person?
@ajordan1976 Год назад
Unfortunately I have known a few over my lifetime.
@angeldip5797 Год назад
100% i know someone judt like this down to the name, gender and lover changes at seeming less carefree whim. The false G*rape accusations, the cheating, multiple lovers at once, drama, strange sex, trying to be extra “cool” or off beat, striving to be unique or different so much it’s noticeable CRINGE, the perpetual victimhood, the wanting to be a boy, hair cut, back to femme, back to boy, back and forth so lost and confused between identities yet acts nonchalant, cocky even naive or sorta just blank or unreadable even. Wow yeah this person reminds me so much of Erza, I worry for the people around this “friend” of mine.
@nicholamc2629 Год назад
Yep. I can spot them now so don’t currently deal with any but man, they’re hard work.
@finchvalor Год назад
Even 1 person like Ezra would be too many to be in my circles, but yes we all interact with Ezras on a daily basis unless you live in seclusion.
@nancydaley9646 Год назад
But where is Juan Martinez?
@jessehutchings 6 месяцев назад
I just can't get over how she murdered a guy that genuinely loved her and would probably make any nerdy college girl swoon for basically no reason
@Jordys_Cursed_Camera 7 месяцев назад
She's the real cannibal. Alex wrote those journals, his personal thoughts and feelings, in a very unique way. It offers readers to perceive his writings as they will but having Ezra be the one to interpret them is gross. He should've been the only person who could honestly say what they mean. I find it very off putting to have these in the trial because the evidence against her really strong and her changing stories are ridiculous. I pray Alex and his loved ones are able to find some peace moving forward.
@wsean87 7 месяцев назад
Yes! Why is this woman speaking for the man she killed why is this allowed to happen I'm completely lost
@9babyblu 7 месяцев назад
I'm still trying to figure out the reasoning behind this whole situation.
@honorclarkescatacomb67 6 месяцев назад
i agree. I think having someone interpret another person's journal entries should be hearsay. Look at how many English Lit majors write a thesis on what so and so really meant by their book. They pick a writer that's been dead 100 years, and everyone has a different view. The same thing with songs. How many magazine writers claim they know what a song is about, and then the band tells them they are completely wrong.
@belleblaas3843 6 месяцев назад
@@honorclarkescatacomb67 Indeed. Very wrong, to interpet Alex's writings. I think, he felt very guilty, because she was Jason's girl. He betrayed Jason, because of her. They all knew eachother through the coffeeshop, where Alex worked. Ezra thinking, it being fine, officially being with Jason, but under the radar, she was also with Alex. Went on for months. The little girl, playing with 3 men. Untilshe had no home anymore. By Jason. And if you have to choose between a sort of stable man Jason, and an Alex, with probably no money to support you, because a student, Ezra wanted to be with Jason. Because she didn't want to go back to her parents. Alex was in love with Ezra. But also left her alone for a whole month. And little needy Ezra couldn't cope with, no attention anymore and no place to stay anymore and Jason pulling away, and Alex pulling away.... I'm still wondering: with trial, I miss Alex's perspective. His phone. Messages. How he felt about Ezra. Know they hadn't had contact for a month. And 1 friend on the stand as a witness. Short. But I haven't seen, anybody for Alex's side. If he was glad, to be rid of an energy taking leach. Really think, Alex saw her true colors in that month, of no contact. But it isn't shown with trial.
@belleblaas3843 6 месяцев назад
Alex wrote beautifully. But imagine, having a girl, being in love with a girl, who belongs to another. Stays with Jason. Officially being Jason's girl. Then you write dark in those months. Is there somewhere to be seen, just simple, the textmessages, between Alex and Ezra? Or was that not allowed in court? Like the textmessages of John Hanson also weren't allowed? Alex truely had a gift. Writing. Extrodinairy guy.
@SmittenKitten. Год назад
Using Alex's journals in this way seems incredibly effed up. These were his private thoughts. Yes, he shared them with those he trusted, but this is just another way she was able to open him up for scrutiny, and this time, it's on a global scale. We all have had strange thoughts at different times in our lives, but very, very few of us have them laid bare for strangers to gawk at. She is beyond reprehensible. Not only did she murder him, but she was a conduit through which his words will be the ghostly memento mori that speaks for him in absolutes for all eternity.
@izzaduck8896 11 месяцев назад
Completely agree with you. I wonder if she got 'a kick' out of hearing Alex's obsessing and intellectualising about his feelings for her? Or, did she experience some embarrassment about how pretentious (and pseudo-intellectual) SHE comes across as a party to Alex's musings? My reaction to Alex's writings was a sadness for his apparent loneliness and desire for connection... Had he lived, I think he might have moved away from the coffee shop culture and developed a more pragmatic maturity. Just so sad that he got tangled up with an arrogant, selfish, immature, unstable little snake!!
@FireChild1208 8 месяцев назад
Fortunately, the rest of the world will move onto the next trial. Hopefully his eternity will be spoken for by his family and friends who know him as a whole life, and not just a dark period in his life.
@victrola2007 7 месяцев назад
​@@izzaduck8896No embarrassment. I am sure. She was still likely getting off on it as flattery and convinced that content, all that angst, actually helped her case. She also twisted comments ludicrously. That whole "we talked about cannibalism" nonsense. He clearly speaks symbolically. She's a deranged narcissist.
@victrola2007 7 месяцев назад
​@@FireChild1208she was trying to get the case re-tried as of 4 months ago. I'm going to check if this is still on-going. 🤬
@mlliana 7 месяцев назад
I agree. I don’t see how any of his writings are relevant, unless the title is “ this relates to myself and Ezra’s relationship and feelings towards her” other than that. I don’t see how they are relevant. It’s all speculation beyond that. It’s all what the reader thinks he was talking about , or talking to . So how is that relevant ?
@Island-lava 7 месяцев назад
Such wonderful philosophical musings from a sensitive being and she couldn’t care less. She simply annihilated a whole universe. It’s so very sad.
@nando9195 7 месяцев назад
Sorry but didnt he sleep with his friendd girlfriend?
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
@@nando9195What!?!? What!!! You can’t possibly think Alex deserved this!! Not the same!! People cheat!! How many people murder! She was the one in a committed relationship with Jason Cheating 🤷‍♀️ vs murder!!😳🙄🥴🥴🤦‍♀️
@nando9195 7 месяцев назад
@@tracievendetta1908 hi. I agree i dont think he deserved this at all. And you are correct, cheating isnt murder. But im saying is that he was no angel, and i dont think his philosophies were wonderful musings as the intial comment suggests. Especially "love and do as you will," aside from being just absolute cringe, is actually just a way to justify his being careless and selfish with his actions. Its almost like he was trying to justify doing bad things by euphamizing it as a philosophy. And i stand by what I said, he slept with his friends girlfriend. Its morally reprehensible. Doesnt mean i think he should of been killed
@ladygreenlife 6 месяцев назад
​@@nando9195, this comment is quite cringe-worthy too. Shows that you cannot objectively analyze any physical evidence or deep thoughts for example at 30" when he says "i can do what i want so long that i do no evil". Anyway, I feel so sorry for you!
@nando9195 6 месяцев назад
@@ladygreenlife u can feel however u want. Idc
@whatsyoursign3910 6 месяцев назад
So she can remember every little supposed interpretation of every one of Alex's journal entries, but she can't remember stuff she just heard in court about her police interviews 🙄
@crob949 2 года назад
Only cross examination I’ve found on this case thanks
@amelia_k1082 Год назад
AMAZING CONTENT! Thank you. I tend to watch trials a few months after the conclusion of them, so this is my GO-TO channel to watch them on because i find it to be the most comprehensive collection of trial video. Thanks very much again!
@brianlopez8855 7 месяцев назад
I am taking notes on the Prosecutor's techniques, ready for my next day at court. He has it all tied down and ironed out. He's playing 4d chess; while she is still struggling to play 2d checkers. "Your'e a complete liar: Correct ?" "Correct".
@mbailey5784 Год назад
This is the best cross! She is so fucked at this point. I think her attorney knows it too.
@TheMary0831 6 месяцев назад
The female attorney has literally put her head in her hands couple of times. LOL.
@perspgold8945 7 месяцев назад
She cannot answer a question directly to save her life "You shut the door. Correct?" "Yes. That is correct. I had shut the door at that time." Also why does she not know how tabs work and why is she so bad at reading? I usually wouldn't shame someone's literacy level but isn't her whole thing literary and philosophy scholar?
@sinda_hella 7 месяцев назад
Notice how she doesn’t turn to look at the jurors as much during cross? None of the smug looks, coy glances, intense stares. She really is a gross human.
@TheMary0831 7 месяцев назад
Lots of quick daggers to her attorneys, though, I noticed.
@LostSoulsmusic22 7 месяцев назад
That is very interesting. I really don't understand why people on direct always answer their questions looking at the jury. Are attorneys telling them to do that? It really does make them look weird and manipulative. It makes people uncomfortable.
@Winter-Lake 6 месяцев назад
​@@LostSoulsmusic22 Yes. The attorneys instruct them to do that. They are told that everything being said is meant for the jury, and you (on the witness stand) are to look at them when answering (court room etiquette). But yea, it looks weird to observers.
@dianneking3616 4 месяца назад
Yes her smirking is not a good look for a murderer.
@VS.VideoZ 2 месяца назад
​@@LostSoulsmusic22their attorneys instruct them to. It's to make the jurors feel a personal connection to the defendant, to feel more personal guilt if determining someone is guilty, hoping to sway the ruling.
@asdfghjkllkjhgfdsa1022 Год назад
So happy you got this cross! you are amazing! Thanks for posting this!!!
@mstat7776 Год назад
Intellectual hipsters- so original. 🙄
@angeldip5797 Год назад
@RebeleneM 7 месяцев назад
So stunning, so brave...so annoying 🤮
@darkbeach72 7 месяцев назад
And spend all their time in an indie coffee shop. I would never have guessed.
@Herewearenowentertainus 7 месяцев назад
Keep changing gender so they stand out and seem ‘so much more original’ than everyone else - meanwhile they all blend in the same to me.
@crystalshaw8744 7 месяцев назад
@farmerchick3040 Год назад
Funny how they left all this out before...when she remembered every detail and feeling he had about his own writing.
@Nephthys-ness 7 месяцев назад
I think Alex won this case from those writings. What he wrote and the intelligence of everyone to see what he was speaking of and to see how Def were trying to twist the meanings is more character evidence on the machinations of the perp than most people can get in a trial. A special Coup de grace ✨️ Was when defense and Ezra both agreed one title was in French, and then prosecution came in and said, "(sic) I don't have my LATIN brushed up on. So I'll skip reading that title", and put them right in their places. I think it was their ownership of Alex's writing that has gotten people so upset because the writing themselves are beautiful. I think. But they don't belong to his murderer I agree. They belong to everyone and as he wrote, "I know these will be released postmortem." It was a soup of appropriation until prosecution put those writing back in Alex's hand & Domain.
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
@ynwakabayashi 6 месяцев назад
This is so beautifully said. Yes!!
@vikramadoddamani 6 месяцев назад
Agree with what you say. I was disgusted by the way the Defense was twisting the “Cannibalism” writings to demonise Alex. And I was afraid the jury will fall for such nonsense and defendant’s theatrics. To my shocking relief, I was wrong.
@crinklescat1871 3 месяца назад
Beautifully written 👏👏👏👏👏
@basiathomas2600 7 месяцев назад
IDk why everyone is complaining that it's so boring to watch. People do realize that most trials are like this. They aren't all theatrical and big drama productions. Especially with the material that is on hand. He's bored with reading the materials lol
@Nephthys-ness 7 месяцев назад
I think this trial is an amazing display of Law and the pursuit of truth and justice. But, i haven't read any comments here that say it's boring yet. Didn't think that sort of commentary came from people who choose @Rottweiler. I did think once that the prosecution didn't highlight some of the gotcha moments that they definitely got. But they can make their case in closing in case the jury missed it and they have a very clean record for an appeal, If defense does that.
@LostSoulsmusic22 7 месяцев назад
Whats crazy is she was so determined to senslessly murder alex that she did it immediately after the cops and jason both saw her with alex and knew something was wrong. She was never going to get away with it but she did it anyways. Either the least emotionally stable or the most determined evil ive seen.
@Hereford1642 7 месяцев назад
Seems to me her plan all along was to go somewhere lonely with no witnesses and then accuse the victim of sexual assault which would potentially be a solid defense. I think she probably left Alex still alive and played the memory loss game hoping that he would be dead by the time they found him. Alex headed to the car mortally wounded probably to try and get his phone but she had taken it away to prevent that. So when she knew the car was found that is when the memory loss game was over and the sexual assault game began. Her memory was suddenly back but when things did not add up, her memories took some more 'processing' before she was satisfied with them. Her ruthless lies and behaviour are monstrous. Does anyone even have a clue why she did it?
@mad7fisher 6 месяцев назад
I agree, but both at same time!
@mad7fisher 6 месяцев назад
​@@Hereford1642no clue. Makes no sense. She was crazier than folks realized, and chaos is all around her. As soon as she arrived at that shop. It sounds like chaos just....! & the lies, the stories, everything chaos with her at center
@vikramadoddamani 6 месяцев назад
I’ve a vague idea.. methinks she was looking for a scapegoat to pin all her mistakes on. And then somehow make Mengal as the knight in shining armour who saves her; so she can start afresh with him. Her life had come to a standstill. All the lies had come out in the open. She had to wipe the slate clean now. And somehow create a heroic narrative out of it. The story that she was selling: Alex is a loner, slightly crazy. He tries to emotionally manipulate her (always trying to make her his lamb). His eroticism and desires had been growing and now had become violent. He SAs her in a desolate place. And when he becomes violent, she defends herself and in the ensuing fight, he ends up dead. Now, he shouldn’t be alive to refute the notion or story. So he had to go. Fortunately, he didn’t have a car. So she had to take hers. She takes Alex to a desolate place; and probably stabs him when in an embrace. Then she stabs his groin area as female SA victims usually do to convey their disgust. Why the urgency? - Well, Alex was growing apart quickly. She had to lure him before it’s too late. On the financial front, she was struggling too. I believe that had it not been for Mengal and police showing up at Alex’s room on that eventful day, her plan would’ve gone smoother and story would’ve been a bit more convincing.
@par3433 5 месяцев назад
I always think about this… like the police being there didn’t shake her up at all.. Jason’s bad feeling was so accurate it’s insane
@hannah3146 Год назад
Just like Jodi Arias she can't remember so let's just let them free
@Poecuz 7 месяцев назад
Her arrogance is unbelievable. I think she believes she is going to get away with this. Her attorney is so scattered and clueless.
@honorclarkescatacomb67 7 месяцев назад
Thankfully! Could you imagine if she had a really great attorney? She could get acquitted like OJ did.
@Darrylizer1 7 месяцев назад
I don't think her attorney had much to work with.
@ScottGuertin 5 месяцев назад
@@honorclarkescatacomb67 I don't think even OJ's team could pull a win out of these facts.
@honorclarkescatacomb67 5 месяцев назад
@@ScottGuertin Well, hopefully not! Even though we might all suspect it sometimes, I don't think any of us wants to believe that any murderer can be acquitted as long as he is able to afford the best counsel.
@LeighStewy Год назад
She doesnt remember what she told the nurse, but she remembers that she didnt remember? Ok then.
@TheMary0831 7 месяцев назад
Love the prosecutor. Really up on his game. Lots of great moments in the last video and this one too.
@cateellington4081 7 месяцев назад
Starting around 42:00 min in Defendant finally realizes on the stand the absurdity of her saying minutes before that she “could not remember what happened” to seconds later saying she could and that she “could not get the images, sights & smells out of her head”. 😂 Oops.
@krystalsutherland8392 7 месяцев назад
I thought I was the only one who caught that. She's sooooo smart.
@bassofclubs 3 месяца назад
The way the prosecutor just leaves that sentence hanging while he flicks through the file is absolute genius
@mambutuomalley2260 5 месяцев назад
Her pissed off and panicked looks to her lawyers are priceless. What a masterclass from Dufour. I also love how the defense tries to object on supposed repetitive questions when all they did during this whole trial to every witness was ask repetitive questions 🤣
@tantheman1100 7 месяцев назад
I was completely unaware of just how much journalling people do
@larrycrabs5995 7 месяцев назад
Right! I thought the same. Why would you write an essay outside of school?
@nando9195 7 месяцев назад
​@@larrycrabs5995they arent essays though. They are just journal entries.
@rsera420 7 месяцев назад
@Darrylizer1 7 месяцев назад
@@larrycrabs5995 As someone who does a lot of writing for work, if I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it.
@normamimosa5991 6 месяцев назад
Just the young pseudo intellectuals, not yet latched on to adult life, who hung out at Racy's Café. Makes sense that Alex, with a passion for philosophy, wrote in a journal. Ezra probably copied the activity to be in with the crowd. Very young and the victim of appalling education, she did not have the intellect to understand much philosophy. As far as I can gather, she was newly out of high school, wrote nonsense herself, and judging by the drawings on her car, isn't a very good or promising artist. My reasoning for saying she had appalling education? Young enough to have been indoctrinated into absurd pronoun and gender fluid bs. Those who bombarded her with all that destructive nonsense should hang their heads in shame. Her s. confusion appears to be a significant ingredient in creating such a damaged individual. As far as her ex-boyfriend is concerned, hard to fathom how he (so much older and more worldly than her) could have had such a severe lapse in judgement to become entangled with her.
@9babyblu 7 месяцев назад
The 80s called and said stop trying to bring back this style.
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
Right. She’s not dressing the way she did as his/her self! Like Arias! She dressed in Wilmot’s 80s hand me downs vs her “sexy” clothes. Nobody is buying this bullshit!! And their non shower hair days crack me up!! 🤣. It’s what they deserve!!
@venusallure9752 6 месяцев назад
The way she keeps shooting her gaze over to the defence with nothing short of an eyeroll as to indicate "can you believe what the prosecution is asking me?" when she should be taking some responsibility as to why she's on the stand.
@cindystpierre2572 Год назад
She is such a liar and a very bad and unbelievable one at that. You can tell just from her demeanor that she's completely making this whole story up. Her memory loss act is awful and so far fetched. Its funny how she keeps up the "i cant remember" routine even though it makes absolutely no sense. Too bad Alex's family will never get the truth from this evil thing.
@soilmanted 7 месяцев назад
@cindystpierre2572 writes "She [Ezra] is such a liar and a very bad and unbelievable one at that. You can tell just from her demeanor that she's completely making this whole story up." Maybe you can tell. By listening to her and looking at her I have no way of telling. What makes me think she is lying are the facts presented by the state that contradict Ezra's reports of what happened. Also her actions and statements visible in the body-cam video taken by the policer who arrived at the farmhouse after her she arrived there after supposedly being assaulted. Things like she says she started knifing the victim while they were both in the car, and the policers found that there was not much blood from him in the car. Also her history of making, and admitting to, false accusations. Just from listening to her and looking at her in court, I can't ell anything one way or another.
@susiefoxy8130 7 месяцев назад
‘can’t find the page ‘giggle’ oh there, silly me’ act is doing my head in. Trying the ‘little miss innocent girl’ act just doesn’t work when you have stabbed someone 16 times and lied continually to get away with it… still lying on the stand!
@venusallure9752 6 месяцев назад
Yeah, she conveniently claims that she only remembers certain things in order to be able to just say I don't know whenever she is backed into a corner
@tracievendetta1908 6 месяцев назад
Alex loved her! No matter what! Even stopped contacting her when she told him too! She didn’t and probably couldn’t appreciate that! Or Jason for that matter! She used people! Succubus!! She killed Alex for absolutely no reason other than to be seen as the victim! And to get Jason back! Sick and twisted!!
@nomfundokomotolo7887 6 месяцев назад
I think she thought she was going to get away with it UNTIL this cross happened. Then reality set in and justice humbled her QUICK.
@larrycrabs5995 7 месяцев назад
Her character assassination of Alex is disgusting. She's as bad as Jodi Arias. She did the same to her victim.
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
I think she’s worse! Based on how she treated everyone around her! She fucked everyone up!
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
Same but different I get ya! What does it say that all of these monsters. Kept journals!! 🤔
@aklemmer8936 6 месяцев назад
Nearly carbon copy of Jodi Arias case
@DarkBayTB 5 месяцев назад
@@aklemmer8936except Travis was using Jodi. Travis didn’t deserve to die, but Alex was truly innocent.
@TheMary0831 7 месяцев назад
Wait, she went to trial for her life, and she didn't bother to read her own transcripts? What a dummy. Or just super arrogant.
@emo_penguin420 7 месяцев назад
unearned arrogance to hide deep insecurities... that's why she had to have a harem of men constantly worshipping her and telling her how wonderful she is. And when that threatened to come crashing down, she unalives someone. Pure evil.
@TheMary0831 7 месяцев назад
@@emo_penguin420 Aptly articulated, thanks.
@tracievendetta1908 6 месяцев назад
This she monster standing with the attorneys like she’s one of them gets me every time 🤣
@danielhkhk7283 5 месяцев назад
As if she could make an objection any time she wanted.
@Feverm00n 4 месяца назад
It does look extremely comical
@pla5730 7 месяцев назад
😮 its funny the defense puts her in a baby pink blazer and her hair is styled to make her look like a little innocent girl as if she couldn't possibly murder someone in cold blood 😮
@tracievendetta1908 6 месяцев назад
6:38. Her attorneys. Head down. No eye contact. Trying to figure out how to untwist her shit!!
@tracievendetta1908 6 месяцев назад
Behavior Panel should cover her crazy ass!! I’d love to hear from them on it!!
@christallh24 2 дня назад
Lost all respect and unsub'ed from them over their Karen Read video. That woman is *not guilty* !
@mikimiyazaki Год назад
Demented dumpster fire
@attilafry Год назад
She needs mercy and help with love .
@mikimiyazaki Год назад
@@attilafry youre a sucker huh? Get taken advantage because you have 0 ability to accurately judge anyones character?
@That_Trans_Kid Год назад
@@attilafry She needs to be picked on in prison.
@Ocrilat 11 месяцев назад
The situation. None of the versions of the story she told make any physical or logical sense. Plus, she told a bunch of extra lies all along the story, and had lied and changed details as the trial had progressed. There is no way now to tape them all together, and because Dufour skillfully asked his questions so skillfully, pinning her down, she had to contradict herself even more. He also asked the questions but jumped around the timeline...screwing up the coaching she obviously had. Along the way she accidentally admitted to remembering things at the wrong time, that Alex's journals spoke of cannibalism symbolically not literally, that she wasn't afraid of Alex, and Alex was afraid of her, among others.
@mad7fisher 6 месяцев назад
It doesn't make sense. All I can think of is she was a lot sicker than she portrayed herself, and the chaos and the lies and the stories that was all just her being a psychopath. 🥺
@andrewpinsent4618 5 месяцев назад
@@mad7fisherif not that, some form of very severe narcissistic personality disorder.
@mad7fisher 5 месяцев назад
@@andrewpinsent4618 definitely 😳
@jennifers8843 Год назад
I bet she insisted on taking the stand
@cglenn1457 7 месяцев назад
she had to, considering she's claiming self-defense, not innocence. That's how it works. She should've learned from Arias that being contemptuous of your victim on the stand is not very useful.
@crystalshaw8744 7 месяцев назад
They always do. They think they can testify themselves out of guilt
@leahhegen7930 7 месяцев назад
It's unfortunate that I know people like her. Luckily none of them have ever killed a man.
@sonia354 6 месяцев назад
She doesn’t need to be ‘naked’ to expose her own flaws. They are there for everyone to see.
@jenniferb3136 7 месяцев назад
Me sitting here right now watching hours and hours of trial footage of this woman, and her trainwreck of a life is reason enough not to commit crime..
@scentlessapprentice88 7 месяцев назад
You know i find it a huge waste of two lives here. She should have just been honest about it instead of dragging everyone along for this circus act. She'd have been better off taking a plea and begging for mercy. I find this disgusting. She's also not the worst looking person by a long stretch. Shame her actions were so ugly and repulsive. I can see why guys fell into the trap. She comes off as someone you automatically want to protect and get to know about, and even intuitive and intelligent. Until you realize its all a fraud, even down to her wardrobe. Scary people who seem so innocent on the surface, can be so repulsive and dangerous just under.
@anactualpirate7867 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for posting these videos, and thank you for leaving comments open for discussion. I came from dreading, and don't particularly like that they've closed comments. Ezra's gender identity is such a small part of her and it doesn't make sense to me that this one factor makes her worthy of shielding from criticism by dreading. In fact I think this kind of coddling of the LGBTQ harms them more than it helps, placing them beyond reproach this way will only strengthen existing prejudices and resentment.
@maggiemiller1007 7 месяцев назад
Mainly I think it’s to protect other trans people that may read the comments, not to protect Ezra. I totally understand the frustration though, I love reading comments.
@Isa-ji4xc 7 месяцев назад
@@maggiemiller1007protecting people from reality…what can go wrong?! I’m a woman so I shouldn’t watch woman trials. How stupid is that? Also, the gender identity issue is very lateral here, as it should be. Was used by the killer and only when convenient. The most important and central part of the trial was the homicide, where and how it happened, prosecution didn’t care about the motive.
@maggiemiller1007 7 месяцев назад
@@Isa-ji4xc I just don’t think that trans people should be targeted for their identities, and in cases like Ezra’s, a lot of innocent trans people also get stray shots due to her actions. So while I wouldn’t do it, dreading Turing off comments to stop some of the transphobic comments is a kind thing to do. Obviously women face discrimination, but let’s be real, it’s not nearly as much as trans people. More trans people are murdered for being trans then women are murdered for being women, there’s an obvious societal bias.
@Feverm00n 4 месяца назад
@@maggiemiller1007 You can’t be serious right now. I would *LOVE* to see you cite some legitimate sources about your oppression hierarchy you’ve created there. Even in places where comments are allowed I’ve seen more misogyny than transphobia as it relates to this trial. This kind of nonsense is what makes people on the left (and in the LGBT community) look like chronically-online children. It’s not winning us any friends (and insensitive, inaccurate sentiments like your last paragraph just invite people to become TERFs) so for the love of god stop it.
@angelicap7611 8 месяцев назад
Thank you, RWI! Your video editing is impecable
@romeosaintsmusic Год назад
I’ve been looking for this thankyou 👍🏾
@elenik4337 11 месяцев назад
I've been looking for this thank you!
@annievvho 5 месяцев назад
Listening through her explanations of the journals and their conversations on the topic, especially as they compare to what’s actually written by Alex, makes me believe she’s actually describing her views that were discussed in there conversations. It even makes me wonder if at least some of the blood that was around her mouth, that was cleaned off before it was able to be photographed or swabbed, might have belonged to Alex.
@cyndihunter6022 3 месяца назад
I thought the same!!!! I wondered if she maybe partook a little 🤷 I would not doubt it 😆 really wish someone would have considered/checked in to that at the autopsy but I don't think anyone anticipated all this!
@McRohrer1012 7 месяцев назад
You can tell from her eyes, she has no idea what a metaphor is used for. 😂
@mrivard81 7 месяцев назад
You perfectly captured what's so insufferable with these 20-something pseudo-intellectual wannabes ...
@Sharon_L_W 7 месяцев назад
She was busy doodling during those school English lessons 😂
@danielhkhk7283 6 месяцев назад
She didnt know the word metaphor.
@Darrylizer1 7 месяцев назад
Don't be like Ezra. Be better than Ezra.
@Winter-Lake 6 месяцев назад
Good Better Than Ezra ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-acK0KH2uJGc.htmlsi=4AXRiEBIC_8cDFFS Looking around the house Hidden behind the window and the door Searching for signs of life, but there's nobody home Well, maybe I'm just too sure Or maybe I'm just too frightened by the sound of it Pieces of note fall down, bbut the letter said Aha, it was good, living with you Aha, it was good, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Aha, it was good, living with you Aha, it was good, ah-ah-ah Good, good, good, good, good, good Sitting around the house Watching the sun trace shadows on the floor Searching for signs of life, but there's nobody home Well, maybe I'll call or I'll write you a letter Now maybe we'll see on the fourth of July But I'm not too sure, and I'm not too proud Well I'm not too sure, and I'm not too proud to say Aha, it was good, living with you Aha, it was good, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Aha, it was good, living with you Aha, it was good, ah-ah-ah So good
@healthycathy9782 4 месяца назад
@@Winter-Lakenice! I really enjoyed the music! Good catch!
@Winter-Lake 4 месяца назад
@healthycathy9782 Not exactly a name befitting of her. When I hear the lovely name, "Ezra," which means, "help/helper," (abbreviation of Hebrew "Azaryahu," meaning “Yah helps”), I think of Ezra (of the Bible), a leader, scribe, priest, known for the reformation. The next thing I think of is the band, Better Than Ezra 😄 I'm not sure how they got their name? If it was a reference to Biblical Ezra, or something else? The song, "GOOD," sure does sum up her brief, fleeting time loosed in society amongst others, and even more compartmentalized, living with Jason. I wonder if she first heard the name, Ezra, from the TV show, "Pretty Little Liars?"
@Winter-Lake 4 месяца назад
@@healthycathy9782 Yes, great song
@ermo5623 4 месяца назад
Best comment!! 😂 great band! ❤️
@cateellington4081 7 месяцев назад
44 min in while defendants attorney stalls to give Ezra time to think up another explanation for the next lie you see Ezra straining to read the page the prosecutor has in his hands while he waits for her lawyer to find the page she pretended to misplace 😑
@this.is.pointless 7 месяцев назад
Man she is in lo0o0ove with herself.
@grizzlyg4008 Год назад
If you're telling the truth you don't need to rely on a good memory.
@canileaveitblank1476 9 месяцев назад
Try having Aphantasia, and attempt to recall details. Most difficult, if not impossible, for me, having Aphantasia. ❤️🍀
@crystalshaw8744 7 месяцев назад
Thanks Judge Judy...smile. ( That's what she always says...smile)
@cateellington4081 7 месяцев назад
All of Alex’ writing was metaphorical It was so obvious that Ezra McCandless attempted to distort manipulate & twist his words in order to create some kind of self serving defense Her lawyers were silly to think that would’ve ever flown w a jury & should have told her so. Otoh, maybe they did but this narcissist thinking she’s the smartest person in the room thought her performance skills would save her. What a disastrous decision by the “genius” Ezra. 😂
@Darrylizer1 7 месяцев назад
I agree but in defense of Ezra's attorneys I don't think they had much to work with. It was inevitably a lot of grasping at straws.
@croach2194 7 месяцев назад
Her face is totally different under cross-examination. She looks hard a cold. Her voice has also changed from warm and fluid to clipped and terse.
@TheMary0831 6 месяцев назад
Mentally, she has to put all her energy toward guarding her lies. She can't do it. It's an impossible task. Can't keep up the fake personae PLUS try to protect those lies. Fun to watch.
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
This prosecutor is kicking her ass!! I like him!! I think he refers to her as he. And then she. Purposely!! He says it a few times in a row! Never apologizes and corrects himself!! 🤣
@nowirehangers2815 7 месяцев назад
Why let her speak on his writings? I’m so glad she’s rotting in jail
@KayD 7 месяцев назад
They have to, unfortunately. Because the defence brought them out and labelled them proof that Alex was dangerous. So the prosecution needs to use them to show he wasn't.
@fanofthedog 7 месяцев назад
I love that every time I start watching Rottweiler videos my cat gets up and runs away when he hears barking.
@Herewearenowentertainus 7 месяцев назад
My dog sits up straight too 😂😂😂
@crystalshaw8744 7 месяцев назад
​@@HerewearenowentertainusMine's too...smile
@stacyhenry5578 7 месяцев назад
My dog starts barking😊
@BKLisaP 7 месяцев назад
In the prior day the defense attorney tried to break the prosecutor's momentum with requests for sidebars. Today she can't find her place in the transcript. Lame.
@SarahJohnson-vq7qi Год назад
can't stand people who play stupid..
@Act1veSp1n 7 месяцев назад
Man, this case was a layup, but she made it even worse by smiling through the whole thing like it's some kind of joke.
@jackielove2737 Год назад
Thank you!!!
@TheMary0831 6 месяцев назад
I missed the point of the questions about Alex's "severely injured hand" around 33 minutes in when I watched this the first time. Hilarious - how did he attack her with a knife with a severely injured hand? Yet she is struggling to claim his hand was injured. She wants it both ways, and the prosecuting attorney is surgically exposing every lie, one by one, and even better, her inconsistencies and nonsense.
@m_christine1070 6 месяцев назад
Doesshe actually know what a paragraph is?🙄🙄🙄🙄
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
Her attorneys body language 😂😂
@Winter-Lake 6 месяцев назад
So defeated. And seething mad. Why in the world would they ever let her take the witness stand? They can't possibly be that dumb?
@tracievendetta1908 6 месяцев назад
@@Winter-Lake taking the witness stand is up to her
@aprilina2580 7 месяцев назад
Have never heard of an 'independent memory' before 🙄
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
Independent means what you remember. In your own head
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
1:03:57. Senior Prosecutor is impressive!! Defense couldn’t explain themselves. He understood!!
@amelia_k1082 3 месяца назад
Poor Ezra.....I'm not sure she'd know the difference between a metaphor and an oxymoron!
@tonybarden9187 7 месяцев назад
Kinda feel sorry for the defence, when you have to defend the indefensible. She is such a manipulator of men, that fell into her trap.
@cornhole3way694 6 месяцев назад
The defense comes across as incompetent. It seems like they are complaining about missing pages and stuff like that just to interrupt the rhythm that the prosecutor has going. It’s seems like a desperate ploy. I’m not sure if their page is missing but it comes across as a pathetic tactic.
@meilei8716 7 месяцев назад
It’s so messed up they used his writings and had her read them. What a disgrace. 😂
@QuinnieMae 7 месяцев назад
I agree with you 100%. He wrote his heart into those pages. His fears, insecurities, desires, interests, _everything._ And regardless of whether they are the same fears, insecurities, desires etc the rest of us have doesn't matter. What _matters_ is that Ezra was allowed to present _AS IF_ she was familiar with their content AND she was allowed to manipulate and twist his words to mean whatever she and the defense team _needed_ them to during a murder trial for which the writer was fucking butchered and she was responsible!! It's absolutely abhorrent. I could tell she had absolutely ZERO comprehension of his musings. I could see that with the one journal entry she _DID_ understand (having rubbed her existing two brain cells together real hard), twisted Alex's writing all the way to hell and back. It's _disgusting_ and her arrogance? Jesus it is just _breathtaking_ in its depth. She's un-fucking-real.
@Nephthys-ness 7 месяцев назад
I think he won this case from those writings. What he wrote and the intelligence of everyone to see what he was speaking of and to see how Def were trying to twist the meanings is more character evidence on the machinations of the perp than most people can get in a trial. A special Coup de grace ✨️ Was when defense and Ezra both agreed one title was in French, and then prosecution came in and said, "(sic) I don't have my LATIN brushed up on. So I'll skip reading that title", and put them right in their places. I think it was their ownership of Alex's writing that has gotten people so upset because the writing themselves are beautiful. I think. But they don't belong to his murderer I agree. They belong to everyone and as he wrote, "I know these will be released postmortem." It was a soup of appropriation until prosecution put those writing back in Alex's hand & Domain.
@-GRAVESITE- 5 месяцев назад
Of course SHE would name herself after someone who also gave no F’s about the ones who loved him, making them worry and only thinking of himself.
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
She doesn’t understand Alex’s writings…. She has difficulty with pronouncing or understanding words She just thinks everyone thing is about her! And she’s repeating what her attorneys came up with! 😡
@Feverm00n 4 месяца назад
Agreed her interpretations are laughable
@unstoppable39 5 месяцев назад
Who is Ezra McCandless? She seeks to be the centre of attention. She uses gatherings to garner attention for herself, milking every bit for her personal advantage. She uses people to serve her own selfish desires and preys on them. She wanders through life, selecting who she will use for what purpose and then schemes how to exploit them. “Friends” are to be used. She experiences exhilaration, a contemptuous delight, at deceiving other people. She is astute at sizing up a person and knows exactly which buttons to press to create misery while scoring points for herself. She does this in a calm and cool manner that is second nature to her. She intentionally hurts or disappoints others, leaving her exhilarated by her success and feeling superior. The exhilaration is short-lived. Afterwards, she thinks how stupid the other person must be to have fallen for her scheme. She could look a person in the face and say something deliberately hurtful and then walk away thrilled at the offence. She may sound sympathetic and sincere while offering advice and assistance - only to change her mind at a moment’s notice, providing a poor excuse with no help. She may be industrious at getting what she wants, while the most important tasks are left undone. She may appear wonderful from a distance. Up close, you might capture a glimpse of her devious manner. But if you get too close, it may be too late like it was too late for Alex Woodworth!!!
@user-tl8lt8zt1c 7 месяцев назад
54:20 , that was a boss move
@Koldeman 8 дней назад
LOL! This prosecutor is stone cold & I love it! When asked to verify her actions & behaviors, Monica wants to "wax poetic" & he's having NONE OF IT! She thought that she could manipulate the proceedings by presenting a dramatic narrative using big words (some of which she clearly didn't understand - 🤣) and would be able to endear herself to the jurors & lay bare the villainous depravity of Alex. Fortunately, a real Dist. Atty saw right through this & didn't give her a chance to spin her web. What we are left with is the truth, expertly handled by the fantastic State Atty team. WELL DONE!
@my2cents581 5 месяцев назад
The prosecutor should’ve used the overhead projector for all of the written excerpts, being read to makes people lose interest and their mind wanders, also it is confusing and difficult to follow. In seeing what a person actually wrote, makes it more meaningful and personal!
@wobe244 Месяц назад
“Always prefer life and never stop affirming survival. I love you and I’m smiling at you from wherever I am” Didn’t one of the medical examiners say that Alex didn’t have defensive wounds. Almost like he didn’t want to hurt her. Like he said- he really still loved this monster all the way to the end
@grannygoes7882 7 месяцев назад
Wow.......those are some serious bangs she's got there! Jailhouse beauty salon??
@scentlessapprentice88 7 месяцев назад
Lol I'd say that is a safe assumption.
@TheMary0831 6 месяцев назад
Looks like she's going for some late-stage Roman Empire look.
@VS.VideoZ 2 месяца назад
They no longer bangs. They are bungs.
@bloopbleepnothinghere 7 месяцев назад
She still posts to her Facebook. She keeps threatening to delete it, but not surprisingly she lies.
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
Dumb and Dumber Defense!! 🤦‍♀️🥴😆🤣
@tracievendetta1908 6 месяцев назад
She keeps her head down a lot throughout this cross! Even when she doesn’t have to look for a page 😆
@mad7fisher 6 месяцев назад
How does savagely killing a man, stabbing him 16 times -( & let's say it was self-defense in some other universe) How would that help to win back her ex-boyfriend?. I don't understand this case at all
@danielhkhk7283 5 месяцев назад
Nobody does.
@ermo5623 4 месяца назад
I think she thought she’d be able to play the victim again because it worked when she cried assault on John Hanson. She got Jason upset & trying to protect her.
@mad7fisher 4 месяца назад
@@ermo5623 the machinations of a crazy woman. That makes sense 😐
@krystalsutherland8392 6 месяцев назад
Id love to see this channel cover the Joel Guy Jr trial. That was an absolutely absurd case, and Joel Guy Jr behaved unbelievably strange.
@johnryder557 7 месяцев назад
She was picking her nose up there
@KellyMcEntee-bp9no 4 месяца назад
I think Ezra and Jody Arias have a lot in common 🤔
@kylie2648 6 месяцев назад
Its so sad that Alex words are used in a mean way from her.. bloody sad 😔
@Fallen5321 Год назад
Why is she dressed like a 1970's house wife
@RiotHomeRecording Год назад
Because she’s trying to come across innocent. Once she’s convicted her true self comes out and she’s a boy that wants to be a man name Bruce. Watch the sentencing.
@jackielove2737 Год назад
She becomes a boy/stud because that is how to get a lot of attention in a women's prison.
@jackielove2737 Год назад
She is insufferable.
@sourgummiez Год назад
@@jackielove2737 100%. The moment I saw her I knew why she became masculine in prison. She gets way more attention, lovers, commissary and women under her control. She isn’t trans and she isn’t even a real cross dresser. She dresses masculine to get attention and be an edgy liberal hipster 🤮
@tracievendetta1908 7 месяцев назад
She’s Jodi Kendhammer. Todd arias. Maybe she is “fluid”” Sociopath!! Scary!!
@johnhonker437 7 месяцев назад
So, the first time she met Alex he was alone, writing in his journal at the bar... These hipsters are sickening.
@lostintechnicolor 7 месяцев назад
What exactly is sickening about writing to yourself at a bar? I’m seeing a lot of people’s comments on here about people simply hanging out and talking about things and how that’s somehow ridiculous behavior. Yeah I’ll agree, a lot of those people are no doubt immature and naive. What would you rather they be doing? I’d rather see young people hanging out and talking or writing than doing some of the crazy shit I see them doing these days.
@VS.VideoZ 2 месяца назад
She was lurking, trying to leech onto anyone that didn't swat her away. Was loitering on a bench when she met jason, interrupted alex & linked on like a parasite, and john who just hit it cuz he could was being pursued by her relentlessly & shamelessly. But he knew to evade...
@amelia_k1082 3 месяца назад
CAUGHT IN ANOTHER LIE BY MINUTE 1:45! Remember on her direct she said Alex ended every text message with "Love and do as you will?" Astounding, she couldn't fine ONE example of that with every text exchange they had fro Nov until Feb when she childishly broke it off with him through a text message. I'm so glad these prosecutors were so on the ball to catch her every many lies!
@caterinascarcella 7 месяцев назад
She’s on the verge of laughing steady.
@harrisonmode8046 6 месяцев назад
She and Jodie Arias are made of the same BS.
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