
F-16 vs F-35 Demo teams. Female Pilots Major Kristin "Beo" Wolfe and Captain Aimee "Rebel" Fiedler. 

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Of Interest and related, during the Super Bowl, for the first time in history, an all-female team of U.S. Navy aviators will conduct the pregame flyover. They will be commemorating 50 years of women pilots in the military branch. In this video, you can see the air force demo pilots for the 2023 season and what the F-16 Viper and F-35 Lightning II demo teams have demonstrated in the recent past. The Lockheed Martin (Originally General Dynamics) F-16 Fighting Falcon is a 4th generation multirole fighter aircraft. The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is 5th generation multirole combat aircraft. Please note that this comparison is from previous years and various pilots. They are however the same maneuvers performed from every pilot. Ukrainian air forces are looking into getting F-16s. #femalepilot #f35 #f16 #airforce



31 дек 2022




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@serverninjas 11 месяцев назад
Amazing footage. Thanks for sharing your work.
@airshowguy916 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for watching!
@JK-dj1zj 9 месяцев назад
What you ladies are doing today. I dreamed of doing after I got out of high school during the early 80's. You make me proud!!!
@ShurlockHolmes Год назад
The 16 doesn't look or fly like a plane as old as it is. It always looks like a hot knife going through butter when it's flying. The 35 looks awesome too. But nothing will ever look like it owns the sky with ease like the 16 does.
@LRRPFco52 Год назад
When you see them live, the F-16 looks and sounds like a toy compared to the F-35. F-35 is loud like no other, with a really massive bass sound that shakes everything at a deeper resonant tone. It feels like looking at the future, same as the F-15 and F-16 made us feel in the 1970s. F135 motor in the F-35 cranks out 43,000lb in burner. It’s a beast, and they’re already going to overhaul it on the depot schedule with a new core that will do 47,300lb. F-16’s motor in the Block 50/52s does ~29,200lb in burner. F135 right now does 28,000lb in dry power without burner. I never though we would see a fighter engine with that kind of power. I was already amazed when they did the F119 in the F-22 with 35,000lb each.
@ShurlockHolmes Год назад
​@@LRRPFco52 I get the 35 is the superior of the two. (Somewhat) I still don't think the 35 would want to dogfight the 16. But the 35 isn't designed to dogfight. Look and shoot is what it is suppose to do. And take advantage of stealth. Even with the Eagle's flawless air to air record. I still think the 16 is the best dogfighting plane ever created.
@LRRPFco52 Год назад
@@ShurlockHolmes F-35s Key Performance Parameters were to match or beat combat-configured MiG-29, F-16, and F/A-18, with more emphasis on combat radius/range. In Large Force Exercises against F-15Cs, they humiliated them in BVR. In BFM, F-35 will do 28°/sec yaw rate sustained, not that it matters.
@buckbuchanan5849 Год назад
Awesome, great to see those pilots doing what they love and showing the public what the Air Force has to offer.
@user-fb1dr1pv7e Год назад
В 2022 году израильский Технион окончили 1993 студента. Среди них были инженеры-электрики, компьютерщики, механики и авиаконструкторы, математики, физики, химики, биологи и преподаватели этих предметов в средних школах. Кроме того, 886 студентов института закончили аспирантуру и 212 докторантуру, а 134 врача окончили медицинский факультет. Аналогичное количество студентов по тем же разнообразным специальностям окончили другие исследовательские университеты и колледжи по всему Израилю, принадлежащие к системе высшего образования страны. Все эти выпускники присоединяются к предшествующим поколениям - все они продукт израильской системы высшего образования - и составляют тот костяк, который до недавнего времени делал Израиль экономической сверхдержавой, одним из мировых лидеров в области научных и технологических инноваций. Эти инновации, включая систему «Железный купол», которая всего полторы недели назад спасла столько жизней, были созданы теми же инженерами и учеными, и именно они защищают нас и обеспечивают наше выживание здесь. Каков годовой бюджет Техниона? Во сколько обходится налогоплательщикам обучение этих тысяч инженеров, ученых и врачей? Около 1,1 миллиарда шекелей, которые скупо выделяет комиссия по планированию и бюджетированию Совета по высшему образованию Израиля, возглавляемая в настоящее время министром образования Йоавом Кишем. Более или менее аналогичные бюджеты у других университетов, у колледжей - гораздо меньше. В целом бюджет системы высшего образования Израиля - да, всей системы - составляет 12,5 миллиарда шекелей. А теперь нам сообщили, что религиозные и ультраортодоксальные партии получат от коалиции 13,5 миллиарда шекелей в основном на религиозные цели. 13,5 миллиарда - это сумма, которая может профинансировать 13 университетов, ориентированных на исследования, в то время как на рынке требуются тысячи инженеров, ученых и врачей. В настоящее время израильтяне ждут много месяцев, чтобы попасть на прием к врачу-специалисту. Не будем даже говорить о хронической нехватке учителей в невообразимых количествах. Эти учителя необходимы для обучения следующего поколения. Я не буду углубляться в вопрос о культурных, национальных и исторических преимуществах поддержки религиозных потребностей - они, несомненно, жизненно важны. Однако большая часть этого фантастического бюджета тратится на «образование» и подготовку сотен тысяч детей к жизни в Средневековье, к преступно непростительной нищете и невежеству. Для удовлетворения всех своих потребностей, включая жилье, здравоохранение и социальные нужды, они будут и впредь полагаться на других, на тех, кто работает, чтобы заработать на жизнь. Сомнительно, что знания, которые ученики получают в ультраортодоксальных школах, могут быть использованы для разработки новых лекарств, спутников, систем киберзащиты или «Железного купола». Также неясно, соответствует ли действительности утверждение о том, что изучение Торы вдохновляет инженеров и исследователей в их работе. Возможно, их вдохновение проистекает из желания жить свободной достойной жизнью в своей еврейской и демократической стране? Теперь ко всему этому добавился еще один вид грабежа в виде передачи налогов на недвижимость из более богатых городов и местных советов в более бедные. Это грабеж на большой дороге, ибо некоторые слабые местные советы слабы по идеологическим причинам, сознательно и добровольно: их население входит в число тех, кто получает выгоду от этих коалиционных платежей. Они не предпринимают никаких усилий, чтобы выбраться из нищеты. И вот только что мы получили еще одну радостную новость. Международное исследование под названием PIRLS (имеется в виду международный проект «Исследование качества чтения и понимания текста») сравнило способности к чтению у четвероклассников в разных странах. Оно показало, что средний уровень чтения на иврите - да, уровень чтения на нашем национальном языке, языке, на котором мы молимся, - упал до уровня 20-летней давности. Другими словами, мы регрессировали на 20 лет. В эти дни ведутся вялотекущие переговоры в попытке найти хоть какой-то компромисс в усилиях по перестройке судебной системы. Это бессмысленная трата времени. Груда из 150 законов, более или менее серьезных, а также перекрученный закон о госбюджете и другие странные постановления, призванные разрушить основы государства, а не только его юридические основы, ждут, угрожая физическому существованию государства. Непрактично идти на компромисс по тысячам деталей, и даже соглашение о составе комиссии по назначению судей не спасет страну от грабежа и превращения Израиля нынешним правительством в страну третьего мира. Этот процесс происходит со скоростью света, средь бела дня и на наших глазах. Наше существование здесь находится под угрозой, и каждый, у кого есть зрение, кто беспокоится не только о судьбе своих детей, но и о собствелжен выйти н и протестовать любыми доступными средствами против пожара, намеренно разожженного в этом доме.
@orangecats.3 Год назад
I love this video! Great comparison!
@f38stingray 7 месяцев назад
"Beo" Wolfe is the most badass callsign ever, and that's including fictional ones!
@pedroeloyrdeoliveira4045 13 дней назад
From Brazil, south... my respect to Captain Aimee. You will certainly have many stories to tell in the future. God bless and protect you in the air and the ground.
@westyjah 11 месяцев назад
These Women are incredible, truly amazing skills.
@airshowguy916 11 месяцев назад
They do. Thanks for watching
@brianfalls5038 Год назад
I spent 9 years working on F-16's and I can honestly say that it is a fantastic plane. I'm sure the F-35 is a great plane too though I really don't know a lot about it other than what I have seen on the videos. Either way it is always a thrill to see and hear a military jet going into full afterburner. There is nothing like it in the world in my humble opinion
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Brian Falls. All the advantages an f-35 has I don't believe anyone can see at an airshow- situational awareness, the helmet and what it can do etc. That said, the demo team put on a great show imo. The F-35 engine is an afterburning 43,000lb beast however!
@brianfalls5038 Год назад
@@airshowguy916 One of these days I'm going to make it to another air show to see an F-35 up close and personal. With my work schedule and all I don't get to see many air shows these days.
@Mrfailstandstil Год назад
can you confirm that Ukrainian pilots are learning how to handle these birds in Nellis air force base?
@phonseng-hs6tp Год назад
thank god they will be fighting the chinese pilot in a war because asian cant drive a car or fly a plane.
@brianfalls5038 Год назад
@@phonseng-hs6tp I think any Chinese pilot that tries to come against our Pilots are going to have a real fight on their hands.
@ricardomejia Год назад
I can't get enough of watching BEO fly! She is my favorite pilot on the airshow circuit!
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@pakjohn48 Год назад
Added bonus - you also got to see my favourite - Aimee "Rebel" Fiedler.
@bjjace1 Год назад
agreed. She is amazing.
The two fighter planes are great, one is agile and reliable, the F 35 power turbo machine is very strong 😎❤👍
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@Bagman-qe3ci 3 месяца назад
Awesome show ❤
@DvdFrlng Год назад
It's a once in a life time opportunity to be part of a team. And an awesome power everybody can be proud of. 🇺🇸 💫
@airshowguy916 Год назад
I agree. :) Thanks for watching!
@DvdFrlng Год назад
@@airshowguy916 You bet bud. Those are some of the best action "movies" around. Keep tuned to Lockheed/Martin and the news on SDI, Naval, and Airborne defense. And SpaceForce, artificial gravity and maybe Interstellar spaceflight. Years ahead, but now in sight. Soon enough, travel to the edge of our solar system & beyond. Light years away, noh about 10 years depending on funding. Ain't that always the way...
@jasonricchio5139 Год назад
It has to be more than a little frustrating to have achieved what these 2 pilots have achieved only to be asked what they do with their hair when they are flying at airshows
@PCG1970 9 месяцев назад
IKR?!?!? I said the same thing right away!!!
@user-rt7xw7dj7u 6 дней назад
That's an excellent point.
@rowbeartoe1695 Год назад
I'm not sure I can pick what demo team I like more. Both demonstrations are great! :)
@LRRPFco52 Год назад
I’ve been watching F-16 demos since the 1970s at Edwards where it first flew. We were on the F-16 CTF at 2 different times in the 1980s. The F-35 is thunderous compared to the F-16. The speed difference is noticeable as an observer in real life that doesn’t come across on video. Th climb rate on the F-35 is freaking brutal. Viper has a better sustained turn rate clean. F-35 has way more nose authority like a Hornet, but is heavier so it bleeds energy pretty fast. It also recovers energy better than a Hornet though. F-16 looks and sounds like a toy in comparison now though. When F-16 came out, it roared with that big Pratt F100, but the F135 in the F-35 has as much power in mil as the latest F-16 motors have in burner. F135 then cranks out 43,000lb in burner. It’s so loud and deep, with lower bass tonal range like nothing I’ve heard before, other than maybe the Blackbird’s motors.
@kecurroj Год назад
Love the video. I'm an old school egress mechanic who worked on F-105s.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching. I love the f-105.
@MBailey1977 Год назад
I'm an 80s kid so I love the Viper!
@waitingforyourlove3020 Год назад
I really salute this these two beautiful though women, carrying figther jets... success is always beautiful.. 👍😘❤
@mjc1389 Год назад
Why do we have to have to have a favorite? Both the F16 and F35 excel at what they are designed to do.
@kawai99100 Год назад
Music at air shows are like tennis commentators that won't hush. These ladies care COOL!!! The engine is all I want to hear.
@OSUfan757 11 месяцев назад
Luckily for you, both of these aircraft are stupidly loud in person! You’ll barely know the music is there.
@kawai99100 11 месяцев назад
@@OSUfan757 that is not true. I served on two carriers in Pensacola and went to endless shows. I still go today and the music is blaring. I know all the jets.
@williamstreet4304 Год назад
I love the video. Years ago, I had an employee who's sister was an astronaut. She usually got to pick the plane she flew. One day, he told me that he was leaving. His sister had just let him know that she was refueling at Dobbins AFB in Marietta. She was just coming over Denver at the time. He told me that if he rushed, he could get to Dobbins to meet her. We were an hour away. The next day, he told me that the most impressive memories of his sister would always be when she left him, waggled the wings, turned a 16 to the sky and lit the candles. She had a great way to wave goodbye. I never met her.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching and sharing ur story
@user-pn8nd1ir3t 3 месяца назад
@user-pn8nd1ir3t 3 месяца назад
​@@airshowguy916we can go 8 Is. Ok fighting. Pepito comment
@Rekcoj Год назад
you know, i have no idea about planes, sure i've seen a few, watched documentaries and played video games but... seriously, getting paid to fly these things every day or even just once every two weeks, must be the greatest, most interesting and fullfilling job in the world...
@user-im6ob9fc1m 8 месяцев назад
Amo Los aviones, lo que hacen estas chicas, es increible, profecionalidad al tope. Horas de duro trabajo, estado mental y fisico. Admiro sus trabajos. Sigan asi, con tanta pasion. 👍👍👍😁
@bilalahmad-vj8rp Год назад
Great job
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thank you
@calou024 4 месяца назад
Tanks BEO and REBEL sublimeeeeeeeeeee.
@RobertErickson7100 Год назад
Awesome Video, And So Cool to See Kristen "Beo" Wolfe, Her Base Covers My area of SW Wyoming 80 Nearby. She is Awesome, Would love to meet her someday, Perhaps at an Air Show or Visting the Museum there at her base maybe, Who knows. Is a Goal of Honor. Loved this Video I haven't seen till now, Than You to All Our Military Fighter Wings of the Sky's all around the world and our Corresponding Allies. I Have great confidence in our USA And Allys if Present condition's get worse it eases my mind to see our Military Vs other countries.. Maybe a Dream Some Day Soon. I Hope.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Robert
@catherinetoczek Месяц назад
An honor to serve with & beside these lady warriors ..How grateful we all should be'' Long my you ride these DRAGONS Dan
@johnlang150 8 месяцев назад
LOVE IT, great Vid
@airshowguy916 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for watching. I am glad you liked it.
@paulgoodwin8616 Год назад
Awesome show !
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@michaelcarrier4374 3 месяца назад
The Viper reigns supreme with me. But I am so proud of those two ladies.
@rogermurray5582 Год назад
Women Rule the world 🌎 ♥️ My Sister Carolyn U.S.ARMY Nurse Fort Hood Texas 🌎
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching. Thank your sister.
@jameslemley1758 Год назад
Respect to the ladies👍👍
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@jacquelinewilliams6713 Год назад
Is there anyway you could put on screen the type of jet and possibly what the manover is?
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Hi JDesigns. In this video the twin tail Jet is the F-35 while the single tail is F-16. As for the name of the maneuvers, I don't know what everyone is called. Thanks for watching.
@natehirsh 6 месяцев назад
Amazing, Incredible mighty and outstanding control of such beasts. Hat off to these Airforce pilots. May the lord keep them safe in the horrendously difficult maneuvers in the sky and keep the US SAFE
@kindnuguz Год назад
6:47 that is so bad ass Is that breaking the sound barrier or just condensation? Imagine the first pilot to see this happen lol I can't wait to see engines that don't use fuel for the combustion but small fusion for the heat. I know the time isn't right at the moment but I hope in my lifetime I get to see it.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching. That's moisture in the air at extreme speeds. No sonic booms.
@speedyelloco7967 Год назад
Great video work, @airshowguy916!
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thank you Speedy El Loco.
@C7888 Год назад
Amazing 😮
@airshowguy916 Год назад
I agree. Thanks for watching
@ilphi08 9 месяцев назад
"Beo" Wolfe One of the best call sign out there XD
@scottworcester2693 10 месяцев назад
which show was that with both of them together?? awesome!
@airshowguy916 10 месяцев назад
They were both at Travis AFB in 2022. That said, this video is not just from that show, but several showing what the demo teams do with their Jets. Thanks for watching.
@nelsontriana5397 Год назад
Wow it's amazing it's incredible this country need pilots
@handsoff2236 Год назад
rebel the day i saw you doing your airodynamicks me heart lift;d with the unity of machine an today against 35 s was you two girls settting binnary code to fly your pre stageing working as a team love it
@christinebarnes3493 Год назад
These girls, these planes 😎❤
@Plinio. 4 месяца назад
Los movimientos de la aeronave con los mandos del piloto básicamente son el cabeceo (morro arriba o abajo), la guiñada (morro virando a la derecha o a la izquierda) y el alabeo (inclinación de la nave a derecha o a izquierda). Al poseer el F-35 además de mayor potencia o fuerza de empuje y contar con dos aletas posteriores que no van paralelas sino con un ligero ángulo, le confieren mayor maniobrabilidad.❤
@chrisfisher5660 Год назад
video wth the music reminds me of the canon race in Iron Eagle
@shannahuffman4655 Год назад
Very cool
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@user-kf2fm3ui2q 9 месяцев назад
@scottweir6799 День назад
Stunning show of female skill. The G''s applied are absolutely brutal at this level. Ill stick to silly fast sports bikes 🙂
@touchofgrey5372 Месяц назад
So young and flying the F35 already!
@biswajitghosh622 Год назад
Major Christine n F 35 made for each other, Great feeling.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@user-fb2wg5ux4e 6 месяцев назад
@Captndarty Год назад
That 35 just eats vapor for lunch
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Captndarty. The F-35 is surely an impressive aircraft.
@reynracoma9834 Год назад
We all know what the Viper is all about, but it looks like Fat Amy can pull off some maneuvers that fighters with thrust vectoring can.... or is it because that F135 engine producing all that thrust so it can push itself out of very slow AOA?
@jamesmatthews7786 Год назад
Nice flybys 🎉
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@Tbone1492 7 месяцев назад
These women are amazing.🙏
@daisycheng9865 Год назад
@alissd7332 6 месяцев назад
سلام آیا برای مهره L5 وS1 خوبه
@righteousbyfaithinChrist Год назад
This is so awesome! Female fighter jet pilots!!! Send them to Top Gun School.
@martinw245 Год назад
People go to Top Gun if they deserve it, not just because they are female. If good enough, they may visit. Top Gun is the NAVY training school.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
They would, or perhaps already have, gone to red flag. It's like the Navy Top Gun but also involves nato aircraft.
@ghazajawaid3100 Год назад
Wow awesome 👍 headsoff
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching.
@user-wx5ro7oe2v Год назад
@nenoamos783 2 месяца назад
2 women beautyful performance😎😎👍👍
@user-zq5vi5wf2m 5 месяцев назад
Great achievements for Women in AirForce More dynamic than Astronauts
@niceKamrul 2 месяца назад
What is the difference between the demo pilot and the test pilot?
@airshowguy916 2 месяца назад
A test pilot is usually an experienced pilot who will test experimental aircraft like the yf-22, x-15, etc. Their role is to test and assist in the development of it. A demo pilot is an experienced pilor representing the aircraft, service branch, and country. That's my simple understanding. Im sure there is a more detailed answer. Thanks for watching.
@fedupamerican6534 Год назад
The F-35 is a great plane but there is just something about the F-16 that takes me to a place that the F-35 doesn’t
@Kyte001 Год назад
The 1900s?
@dungly8691 Год назад
Hay .tin vao chua gie su ki to .biet kinh so nguoi..phuc ai kg thay ma tin .alleluia ❤
@dimensionmanagement2256 Год назад
One BAD ASS video
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching!
@Hallands. 5 месяцев назад
Apart from all else, the F-16 is a thing of exceptional beauty imo
@airshowguy916 5 месяцев назад
The F-16 is a historic aircraft and my personal favorite. It's not the best, but still very capable.
@fabianmuro870 Год назад
Tē felicito amiga muy promocional lo k haces Saludos
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@anujistan Год назад
women fighter jet pilots >> Instant crush ❤
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Anujistan
@f0rumrr Год назад
I have to go with rebel cus i seen a lot of her and she can push that f 16 to the limit.
@CrazyRussianPilot Год назад
@ramzanburiro8457 3 месяца назад
@annesmall19 22 дня назад
@horizon1460 Месяц назад
Bien ❤
@omerkaraduman1165 Год назад
@user-yc9bb3ir8u 10 месяцев назад
These girls, these planes . Вау! Летающие пилотки! Это круто..
@airshowguy916 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for watching
@Raleva1000 Год назад
Oh Aimee, I love your flight...(and you); you have a nice smile...have no fear for me...🙂Come to kaiserslautern....
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Raleva1000
@user-ib9gm4uq5u 20 дней назад
Que inteligente y hermosa la piloto del f16
@raynal-RDIABLO Год назад
오~~우 파일럿 누나 !! 어마하게 멋지다 !
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching.
@Plinio. 4 месяца назад
El F-35 L II, en su modelo A, B para la US NAVY, y el C, es de lo mejor que surcan los cielos en modo bélico actualmente. El F-35 L II modelo B puede hacer aterrizajes y despegues verticales. El F-22 Raptor tal vez posea características que lo posicionen mejor, pero como todo en él está clasificado y no se exporta, sabemos poco de él.❤
@bumiprtama5996 Год назад
mantab ibu,sukses selalu.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@marklambert4793 Год назад
Man! I miss air shows! 🛩️✈️🛫🛬 These pilots are top notch! Maybe the Ukrainians will get F-16’s …..maybe. Seems more palatable for all concerned, if we replace all of the old Warsaw Pact countries Air Forces with them, in return for giving the Ukrainians the jets that they already have. But I don’t see them getting a much closer look at an F-35 than I just got.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Mark Lambert
@hollonbischel5786 Год назад
C141,c5,crew chief training 4 Ys got out.1984 -88.Mchord Afb.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@omairadaza7066 Год назад
Excelente avion
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
@erodz1892 Год назад
Very impressive they pushed that f35 to the limit
@covidhoax7646 Год назад
That’s the limit of F-35 ? LOL..
@mikegoddard3417 11 месяцев назад
@@covidhoax7646 well yeah kinda. it wasn't made to be some bad ass air superiority fighter like the 22 or 16. its a combined strike aircraft with amazing bvr/situational awareness capabilities. the jet doesn't need to be a kick ass maneuver king when it can quite literally fire a missile at a target directly behind it.
@Raleva1000 Год назад
Aimee, have you fly the MRCA in Europa, I have make the system by Telefunken...
@jeffdragna316 6 месяцев назад
Navy jets have 2 thrust turbines versus 1 jet engines what is the difference one is faster than the other
@airshowguy916 6 месяцев назад
Navy F-35 Jets are single engine. The F-18 has two, just as the Airforce f-22 and F-15. Thanks for watching
@clay6145 Год назад
Christie look beautiful no matter what❤😮😅
@wantomie1067 Год назад
tank's and the soting
@jeffdragna316 6 месяцев назад
Amy and Kristen are awesome
@shansummons9615 Год назад
New gen fighter jet can do cobra stance wow.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Shan Summons
@moussaouizineb4746 6 месяцев назад
God bless you and protect you Amiee❤❤😘❣️❣️😘😘🌹
@airshowguy916 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for watching
@aramando5315 Год назад
🇺🇸 💪💪💪 💯. 🌟
@user-sj9se9gl4e 4 месяца назад
Dios bendiga amishermanas ihermanos pilotos ❤
@kularace7351 Год назад
Imagine the Viper with the F135 engine......drool
@airshowguy916 Год назад
That would just be crazy awesome. Thanks for watching Kularace.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
@Blob B I'm not sure the difference in fuel, but I suppose a 43,000lbs of thrust would require more than a 29,000lb would.?
@kularace7351 Год назад
@Blob B PW-F135 is more fuel efficient than the GE-F110. It's a technologically step ahead from the 110. The intake wont necessarily have to be much larger, but more efficient. The PW-F135 engine in a Viper would give it all the benefits the F35 have on MIL power. That be cruise altitude, supercruise, even less need to go AB than the F35 etc etc etc. Ask yourself this: How can the F35 have a larger combat radius, higher ceiling and super cruise when it's larger, heavier and bulkier than a Viper?
@mracer8 Год назад
Is so much easier to get in and out of a F-35!
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Lol- I know right! Thanks for watching T C
@RAWGRIP54 Год назад
The Real Top Gun.....
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching Rex Worthy.
@Iden889 11 месяцев назад
@airshowguy916 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for watching
@Iden889 11 месяцев назад
@@airshowguy916 )Thank you for the amazing video
@johns818 Год назад
F16 was bending physics
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Lol. Love that Jet. Thanks for watching
@sdoc3 Год назад
I hate that high speed passes are not fast at all. Ugghhh.
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching. High Speed Passes are at around Mach 0.95-0.97 or just under 720 mph. A lot of fighter Jets can go around 900 mph but they are not allowed to break the sound barrier at air shows.
@nelsontriana5397 Год назад
God bless America this country needs more God
@airshowguy916 Год назад
Thanks for watching
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