I agree with you! As a Christian, I’ve been struggling with breaking out of the kpop, kdrama bondage. When I was at a point in my life, fighting depression I had gone to these platforms for a solace. And over the years, I’ve put these things above my relationship with God. I definitely give them more attention. Dealing with it, asking God to help me. I really want to come out of it.
God sees your willing heart 🥰 The Holy Spirit is doing his work within you, otherwise you probably wouldn't even be able to identify these struggles in your life! I'm including you in my prayers this upcoming week. Doing a fast might really help provide clarity in hearing God's voice! The bible tells us that we need to train ourselves in godliness, 1 Timothy 4:8. These things usually don't come natural to us. Like going to the gym, we have to obtain from certain things and focus on training. It'll get easier overtime as our muscles grow 🤗. May our Heavenly Father strengthen you within this. Cry our to him whenever you need help, he hears you and is eager to help you along the way. You are set free in the mighty name of Jesus 🤍
Yes sis! Me too! The Lord told me a while ago about kpop and even kdramas. The fans are so obsessed including myself with all the daydreaming. It’s really demonic, lustful even, and just overall this weird love obsession. People have came out with idols saying they’ve put love spells on their fans and idols talking about not being able to make it to heaven in their lyrics.
My idols used to be my career (and pleasing my bosses), my physical appearance (working out excessively and even restricting food), my IG and posting pics of the travel lifestyle, and pleasing men. Glory be to God for freeing me from it all! ✨ Life has never been more peaceful and satisfying and it is all because of Jesus ♥
Amennn I can relate to that so much sis! Sameee! When we know that only God can validate us, and that only he is worthy of our praise we get so much peace! Living our lives like Jesus girlies ✨🤍
So glad you spoke on Kpop! It’s borderline worship if not full on. Yes they’re talented and it’s good to appreciate that but a lot of fans really do worship the artists, I also hate that they refer to themselves as idols😔
Yeah it looks so innocent but can overtake peoples life if not careful 😔 the enemy will use anything entertainment to throw us off and get us to worship other things..
Does that mean stopping it completely? I just stumbled on one of your video and found my way here when I saw K-pop. I recently became a fan, and I can say it's become an idol. To an extent, I'm dedicated. Not crazy dedicated, but I do my bit for them. I enjoy their content, I'm on Twitter most times, I stream their music for charts, wish them success and sometimes pray for them. But I know it's too much, I'm not sure how I feel, can't even put it in words, really... I don't want them to be idols in my life, at the same time, I really enjoy their content and I'm wondering if there's balance to this thing. I want to get closer to God again, but everything is just a lot to deal with... I feel like I don't have the privacy for it, the desire for it, but I'm just trying.@@deborahbx_
I used to binge watch k dramas exceedingly. Later on i stopped and realised i was wasting my time. To God be the glory and Praise Jesus for taking me out of it.
Back in 2021 when I was really into kpop, I would constantly bicker with fans online, defend these idols from their wrongdoings, and would become really negative and overall became toxic and obsessive to me. Now, in 2023 I have began to fade away from kpop and switch to worship music that is uplifting and I no longer become obsessed with these idols. I still listen to their music but now I have a better mindset in what I should or shouldn’t listen to. 💓
This really called me out. I discovered kpop/kdrama when I was really depressed and got stuck with it and got obsessed in the process. I’ve found God now but it’s still something that’s difficult for me to stop. Always knew the term “kpop idol” was weird so I always called them kpop stars or kpop celebrities to make myself feel better. I’ve also been so obsessed with self help, almost felt like I was going crazy with the tons of people on here and TikTok telling you how to be better (manifest this, be delusional, feminine energy, etc). How does one improve on themselves without idolizing themselves, I don’t really know how to do that
This was such a moving word! Definitely needed to hear this today. Sometimes I fail at differentiating between idolization and “passion”. I use “passion” and “hard work” as an excuse to feed my idols, and cover up my selfish acts, which is why it’s so important to ask God for a change of heart. Our hearts can be extremely deceitful! But I’m thankful to know how much God loves us!! 🤍✨
Amen sis!! You’re speaking so much truth, I think so many of us do this. Like you said: the heart is deceitful. We have to be honest with ourselves in these situations. God wants to help, but he can’t if we keep up a front. May we continue to be in awe by God’s love and patience for us. He’s so so good 🥰
Food , shopping, binge watching social media were big idols for me and I’ve been getting out of those by just fasting alone. I did a social media fast last week and it completely changed my compulsive scrolling when I’m bored or sad. I’m still working on not binge eating my emotions and I’m buying less stuff out of my emotional state. I know that God can cure me from all this things I just need to put him first and go to him with everything that bothers me. Thank you for this faith talk and many blessings on you ❤
Amen sis! This is so amazing to hear. Like most things in life, this is a journey also. I still struggle laying certain things down as well! But our father in heaven is so patient with us. His grace for us is always sufficient 🥹🤍 let’s be kind to ourselves and allow God to work on the areas where we need his help. Much love xx
I can relate sis especially the browsing and shopping...May The God of all creations set us free from all these addictions and idols 👏🏽👏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏾in Jesus Mighty Name 👏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏾DELIVER AND TRANSFORM US OH LORD
Something the Holy Spirit recently laid on my heart. “Sin is not benign” No matter how small or trivial it might appear. And idols don’t start out as idols. But quickly become idols. Great topic. Thank you
God gives us talents like examples : Playing drums , Guitar, Piano, violin, harp , singing, etc. He gives us these talents not for the world but for him, God is the creator of music
This is an urgent call to die to self, and I am learning herein that holding on idols is actually the manifestation of the spirit of unbelief based on self and myopic view as idols are about instant gratification and sacrifice the permanent for immediate. Amen to all the prayers, and thank you once again for saying yes to the Lord Jesus
Yes, amen Amos! You’re so right, seeds of doubt and unbelief very often lead us to cling to and depend on idols. These can grow and uproot everything that God has for us. May we continue praying against the schemes of the enemy. He has no right over us!
That’s literally what God told me this week over and over. It’s not MY responsibility to make it happen because it’s HIS promise. I’m just letting it go for real now. Also I like your song (the one at the end) your voice is wonderful
I listen to kpop but only the good songs with the good lyrics and I'm not like some Korean fans, bcs some of them are like you said and it's not right, we know that. I listen a lot of groups but I don't spend much time with them. And, I respect so much Mark, Haechan and Doyoung bcs they are Christians and always they are not ashamed to express their faith, I think we need to ask God first about everything and spend more time with God! I agree with you! Thanks for this video!❤
Yes amen sis, it’s so important to involve God and ask him what is and isn’t good for us. We’re all different with different boundaries. Our father knows us so well! May we always keep him first in everything we do 🥰🙏🏽
You make such a good point about kpop. When I started listening to them, I was so obsessed and was following their every move on socials, even when I was an avid listener of One Direction. But once God opened my eyes to what is really going on, my spirit just got an ick whenever I see people being obsessed over them. I still struggle with listening to secular music but I'm glad I'm not an obsessed fan anymore.
Deborah! GIRL! Keep allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you!! I could scream at how accurate this is. Thank you so much for your obedience to his will! Somethings I run to when I am sad or in my head, is Chick fil A, seafood restaurants, RU-vid and even my gospel music. Instead of talking with the Lord, I escape the problems by running TO the things that can DISTRACT me rather than running to the one who WILL give me peace and rest about the situation. I love you so much, my sister in Christ!
We’ve all been there sis! In our generation self love is so advertised that it seems innocent. But we can’t do anything without God. He gives us breath! He’s our portion and our source 🥰
This message is so important!! I began my walk with God very recently and that made me realize some things. I used to be really into self love and manifestation but then I learned how egotistical it all was. And as a kpop fan I've noticed how i used to idolize and put those artists above God. I still listen to their music and follow the news but I'm much more aware of the time and attention I give to them. Sometimes the things we find comfort in may seem innocent so is easy to get lost in them. And like you said we have to be able to identify our idols and ask God for help with that. Thanks for this video!! 🙏✨
Thanks for sharing sis! It's so amazing to hear how the Holy Spirit is at work within you. If he was not, you wouldn't be able to identify these things is well! Praise the Lord. He will always be there to help you when it gets tough. Just call on him 🥰 Keep your eyes on Jesus, he loves you sooooo much. You're special ☺
Thank you Holy Spirit for laying up these words in our hearts ❤️ 🙏😭! I can relate to this because I experienced this when I was idolizing my job and money. Right after high school, started working and seeing money in my hands made me backslide from God which I thought I was okay. Like, see my thoughts by then, really😟? I understood this in my pastor's teachings and I've been holding on to it since. My pastor also said that there was this member of her who wanted a travelling breakthrough from God and God being so good He gave it to her. She then travelled and forgot that it was God who made her like that or gave her what she wanted. So she was idolizing the travelling door whereby she thought that was all so she wouldn't need anything from God. Hmm, she got frustrated by the enemy in every aspect of her life and realized she needed God again and reached out to our pastor for prayers. Hmm, beloved, let's stop taking God for granted! It hurts! It's like you're in a relationship with someone whereby the person keeps on doing toxic things but yet still you love them and take them back again. See, God is so loving that if you obey his commandments, teachings, instructions (Job 22:21-22), etc you'll be able to feel at home with Him (John 15:9-10). If you've gotten or are in your breakthroughs, miracles, Good news, testimonies, etc season doesn't mean that is the end. Let's not be deceived, because God Loves us unconditionally. Remember, that we'll need bread again, again and forever from God. May God help us all, Amen. Thank you sis and have a peaceful week, Amen.
Amen!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It's so beautifully said! In the book of Kings it also shows us the story of many successful men who followed the ways of the lord, but went off with the blessings God gave them. This ultimately resulted in their downfall every single time. Our father loves us so so much, he doesn't want our love for the things that he can give us, to overtake the love we have for him. We constantly have to remind ourselves of this and stay strong in prayer. The enemy will always use his same tricks to lure us back ( he's so unoriginal 😑) Stay blessed! love you sis xx
@@deborahbx_ Amen!!! Thank you so much for this empowerment decree you've also shared! Absolutely, because God is God and His love for us won't change. May God give us the spirit of vigilance to always be Expectant and Bold in Him as you said in one of your videos. I pray that we're delivered from all loopholes by the enemy in Jesus' name, Amen. Love you too sis.
Amen Deborah, when i saw the title of this video immediately the holy spirit said “this is a prophetic word” and not even 2 seconds after he confirmed it through another video🙏
I've had bad anxiety for the bulk of this past week. Anxiety/fear I don't think I've felt before over what my future will look like, desiring a new career but fearing I can't transition until I have a certain amount of money in the bank in the event I fail, that I can sustain myself until I get another job in the field I left. I believe preparation is ok. But, I was idolizing money for security instead of God. The heaviness started breaking around Thursday with the help of prayer, reading, and listening to faith talks such as this. I'm praying for strength, security, and faith in God❤
For the past 2 weeks I’ve been soo stressed about school, I really thought I had to be perfect for him to give the grades I needed and wanted. But now I’m letting it go for good.
Hey Deborah! I love when you speak about your apartment and what it took to get it in faith! I do try not to idolize the home that I have been praying about because of your own testimony with yours , so I just pray , fast but I do get weary because I ask the lord when ? it’s a very deafening silence at this time regarding my own home , like absolutely nothing is giving me a glimmer of it coming to past! But I continue to pray even though I’m becoming weary about it and just trusting in Gods timing and not “Idolizing “ the place at all! Thanks for always speaking on that it really helps🙏🏽 God bless you always!
You are spot on with this video topic. Holy Spirit has called me out SEVERAL times on idolizing things I didn't see as such. This is confirmation for sure. Several things mentioned in this video, I have/still idolize. Time to give it to God and put Him first. Thank you beautiful Queen for continuing to be obedient and spreading the word. Wishing you continued blessings!
God has been speaking to me through you A LOT lately. It’s amazing. I found your chanel recently and I can relate to you so much. I also have the same hair texture as you hehe. Seeing you wearing your natural hair inspires me to love my hair more, even tho I dont see many people in my country that look like me. God bless you woman of God🤍🙌🏽
Ohhh so we really are sisters 🥹🤍 I love how intentional our father in heaven is in bringing us together. We get to share life experiences and parts of our testimony! May God continue to speak to you and bless you. You’re so special to him, don’t forget that 🥰 it’s a blessing to have you here sis!! Xx Debs
So… I haven’t finished the video yet, but I believe God is talking to me through you with this video. About 10 hours ago I journaled about how I need to get closer with Him & how I don’t know myself, probably because I’ve been straying from Him. I’m a big K-Pop fan. I also wrote about how it was making me uncomfortable that I can say a lot about xyz idol, but if the same question was asked about myself I couldn’t answer. I like the genre for various reasons, and I’m not ashamed or opposed to collecting the albums and all. At events I’ve been able to meet tons of people & those events help a lot of those who have never been able to make friends because they didn’t fit in at school or elsewhere (I’m passionate about seeing people make connections and be happy). However, I’ve been questioning my dedication to my favorites most of all. Ironically, one or them I admire for his faith in God, thinking “I wish I was like that” seeing how diligent he is and how he leans on God to get him through work. Meanwhile, I should be working on my own relationship with God instead of just admiring his. I’ve felt unworthy of a relationship with Him for reasons I won’t go into here… but all I can do is take it 1 step at a time. I want you to know that I get suggested a lot of content similar to yours suggested to me on youtube lately, but none of it made me feel comfortable or open enough to actually listen. I found you yesterday and for the first time I feel like I’m being spoken to in a way that I can understand and digest. You might not see this, but I want to thank you. Looking forward to more videos.
Glory to God. On the Holy Spirit calling us out, it's so real. Once you give Him room to correct you and perfect you, it becomes easier to hear from Him 🥰 Rn I'm in a waiting season for employment, and I can see what He wants me to sort out and prepare for that job. He's truly amazing and has my best intentions at His heart.
And also for me personally not listening to secular music really makes me to hear God clearer,it removes that hindrance on my mind to clearly hear God .
Amen sis, our dad is stronggg! He can carry us when we're too weak to make it out of certain patterns ourselves. Just allow him in, continue to call on him. Social media is a great tool, but the enemy is definitely using it to numb our spirits. May God help us through this!!
Hi Deborah ❤ I'm an 18 year old girl from Namibia, I grew up I the word of God and along the way I got into the world but this year I decided to give my life to God again. It was so hard because I was used to things I used to do before, not bad things though but addiction to my phones and all that, but I started getting spiritual attacks, all my old habits started coming back, that used to get me away from God. I remember one night I was watching your video on RU-vid and I was thanking God on how he helped me come across your videos, and I was telling him how much I love your videos too....I really love your videos, they motivate me alot tbh, I watched all of them😭 I'm still struggling with my phone addiction and I keep on praying about it too, I really hope God will help me break this phone addiction ❤🥺. I love you so much, continue inspiring us and thank you for being a willing vessel to our Father in Heaven, we're so proud of you!🥺❤
Hi sis 🥰 First of all, congrats on the decision to return back home to our father in heaven!! The whole of heaven is rejoicing in your return :). Secondly, thank you so much for your beautifully honest, and encouraging comment. It is such a blessing to have you here and I'm beyond grateful that God is speaking into your life through me! I pray that he will continue to do that. Life in this world is hard, let's be honest, especially when you're 18! So many things are fighting for your attention. And the enemy is doing whatever he can to keep you away from the hands of your dad in heaven. Just know that Jesus is with you every second of every day. He loves you so much and I pray that you may experience his presence like never before in this season. God sees your willing heart to break your phone addiction. In our weakness he is strong. We need his help in these things! Just look to Jesus, try to read your bible a bit more or pray some more. Even if just a few minutes a day. One step at a time sis. Jesus is strong, he can carry you where you can't carry yourself. I'm praying for you! Sending much love and hugs xx Deborah
This was much needed and helped me to identify the idols I have in my life. So glad you mentioned manifestation as well. Sigh it’s been used soo much this year and it never sat well with me.
I love how you always enlighten us on the things we do on our daily lives that we are unaware of. Your topics are always aligned to a strong consistent build in our faith with Christ. The holy spirit is definitely leading you sis. I pray I eventually reach this point of faith once again in my life. I will as I am working hard at it. Thanks Sis for the wise words of wisdom as always and stay blessed ❤
Thank you so much sis for your sweet words 🤗🤍 To God be all the glory. I’m glad to hear that you’re aligning your life with the Lord, but please remember that it’s not all about doing. Getting to a place where our trust is without borders is found at the feet of Jesus. Just rest in him! Everything else will follow 🤗 We on our own can’t strive to come to a place of faith. The spirit is willing but our flesh is weak. In our weaknesses God is strong! So let him in, the Holy Spirit is your helper. In Jesus name he is transforming your heart into the woman he’s called you to be!! Amen 🤍
Every single thing that’s in your title is exactly what I’m going through right now and the message is right on time. Praise God for putting me in your direction 🙏🏾
Such a timely message! Especially for me today. I felt like I started idolising the blessings God had given me instead of prioritising him. I definitely need to do a lot of repenting and fasting in the next few days to rid myself of this familiar spirit.
I know the feeling sis. So many of us have been there, it creeps up! But trust God with the blessings. He’s got you in the palm of his hand. He wants good things for you 🤍 lay them at his feet and rest in his presence. He’s trustworthy :)
you really have such a way with words. i'm not on tiktok much, so i haven't come across you there, but i watch youtube like it's television. you've come up in my recommended so much lately, as i'm also tapping back into God after a period of deterrence from Him. i've put off watching them because of fear, and the fear of being faced with my own truths. but finally, after my own bible study this morning, i decided to finally watch. first was your apartment testimony and its related videos, and now these faith talks. i don't think you've been put in my face for no reason, and God has certainly blessed you with this platform you've been given to speak and share your story. please keep doing what you're doing and i seriously pray for nothing but your continued success in sharing the beauty of God, as well as any other personal endeavors you're pursuing 💓
Thank you for this video! As a k-pop / k-drama/ anime fan, I try my best to be mindful of my relationship with these things. I often find myself sucked in the fandom world, and I honestly thank the Holy Spirit for being a voice of reason inside my head to remind me that I'm straying away. right now, I'm doing a twitter fast and it's been so helpful for me to prioritize my time and thoughts to God. I've also dedicated 30-40 mins of my daily running to playing worship songs as my run playlist to help focus my mind on the Lord. I'm not gonna lie, it's not been easy since my mind keeps wandering, but I continuously pray that I will be able to focus better. One of the lyrics that's been speaking to me is from MTM Isaiah's Blessings, it says "If it's messing with my blessing then I gotta leave it", and I've been praying for this for a while now that I will be able to break away from the things that are pushing me away from God.
Thank you again sister for being a Vessel! Im currently in season where God has me in isolation to focus more on him. Your videos definitely help me through this time. Im currently in a space of really having to let go of things and people I feel I can't live without. Ironically, I was on my Pinterest and came across that picture of the little girl and teddy bear earlier this week and then seeing it now again in this video was confirmation and I receive it. I needed this reassurance to know there is indeed a grass that's greener on the other side through our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you! Be blessed
Deborah thank you for allowing The Most High God to use you. Far much greater than an artist could begin or ever do. Much precious than silver and gold 😊I appreciate it 😊 it has helped me in so many areas of my life, all along I thought I was the only one struggling with all these topics you speak on. God bless you 🙏😇
I'm so glad that God sent me this message, I was so obsessed with the Avril Lavigne conspiracy after I started fasting, and I felt so much sorrow because of it, she's one of my childhood favorites. But THANK GOD, I finally be at peace with it and start listening to Godly music again❣. Will you share with us how u worship God? Thank you soooo much!!💕
Hello! I am new to your channel. I am 18 years old, and I have been struggling with getting out of K-Pop since 9th grade. I am so thankful that God has led me to this video. After hearing about you talking about K-Pop, my mindset on that has just changed!! God is the one we need to worship. Not other idols. God is bigger than anything else. Thank you so much for talking about this! He has answered my prayers! Thank you so much, sister!! 🙏🙏🙏 God is so good!! I am ready to start over...🙌🙏
Loved this message from our heavenly Father , thank You Father for speaking to me through my sister in Christ Deborah. To God be all the honor and glory. 🙏❤️
Oh I can relate to this video so much! I had so many idols in my life and little by little, God slowly took them away. I realized I truly had nothing to rely on completely except Him. Thank you for sharing this! Even such a simple thing like an apartment can turn into an idol.
Hi Deborah 🙂 I'm not into K-pop music but living in the UK, football is the big thing. I am passionate about my PL club and watching them on television but I need to remember that the Lord must come first. I hope you have a good week. 🙏
Yess you’re definitely right! Football can also be an idol for many. It’s good to be conscious of these things. We’re all prone to idolise something 😭 the enemy is trying to throw us off wherever he can! Stay close to the father Alan. He’s with you 👏🏽 praying you’ll have a good week too!
Too many people I know are struggling with many forms of idol worship, it’s become easier to see after I started turning to Him more often. Your personal experiences with all of this definitely helped point out what these things can sometimes be. You’re so right in that many of us get so caught up on focusing on the rest, it hinders what God has to offer. Praying that more of us can recognize, and make the effort to correct our ways with these things in order to seek and find Him alone, before the rest! 🩵 God bless!!
My first ever verse to memorize is MATHEW 6:33🎉because of this wonderful platform that the holy spirit made Debbie to use.. Am so glad and happy cause anytime I feel that my life is stagnant I always refer to Mathew 6:33 and the fact that it's literally behind you when u make ur videos, it's always a reminder for me to always and ALWAYS put God first. Plus I struggle with idolizing food 😅, working on it tho. Be blessed Deborah ❤
Ahh sis this is so amazing to hear!! That verse really is the core of our faith in God. I also always remind myself of it in times of trouble and stagnant days. Our father is always with us. You are sooo special to him as his beloved and precious daughter. May you always know that sis 🥰🤍
Deborah you really spoke to my heart in this post when you talked about your apartment search becoming an idol of sorts. I have been on the search for the "right" job opportunity for me and it has taken much longer than I anticipated. I was doing the same things you spoke of. Completely obsessing. I trust God and His timing but the wait is difficult.
I agree that I want to walk through these things with Christ. Learning each day what that means 🙏🏾 I still struggle with my music idols as they were such a source of creativity, inspiration, and empowerment for me. But seeing how human these people are and how some of them have been involved in such questionable things, it pains my heart to still love them. And maybe that is God telling me to take them off that pedestal and prepare my heart to be okay with whatever happens and let him take control. Today I realised that I have to let go 🙏🏾.
i definitely needed to hear this. i’m so glad i found your channel. i’ve been idolizing food for so so long 😩😞. i’ve tried and tried but it definitely has been something i’ve been struggling with. can you do a video about fasting from idols/different types of fasts?
At first I felt okay, until we got to idolizing your blessing and wow--conviction. I've been consumed with growing my business in order to have income and I don't think that's bad but I definitely have lost sleep thinking about it instead of just trusting God about it all. Thanks for sharing....I definitely need time spent with God regarding this issue.
I haven’t watched the video yet but I saw kpop in the title and I just know this one is from God and this is yet another timely video! The Lord told me sometime last year that Kpop and even kdramas are demonic. I have been listening to kpop and watching kdramas again and it’s like this obessession and demonic pull that I get and I start to daydream and fantasize about the kdrama actor male lead all day everyday. It’s so tormenting thinking and daydreaming about one person who doesn’t even know you exist and who’s not even your husband. It’s creepy and weird and I hate it but thank God for deliverance!
Thank you so much for this message! For reminding me that laying down everything doesn't mean living boring and losing it all. I feel like I am idolizing things unknowingly in my life so I want to be careful to not overdo things. Keep creating content because I always look forward to your faith talks every Monday (Japan time). I hope you share here how you bible study 😊
Amen in Jesus’Name. Thank you for this message, it really hit home regarding idols (Job and food). I see where I was putting both these things before my relationship with God. My our Father God continue to bless, protect and use you to help others. Amen in Jesus’s Name 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Deborah you are such a blessing ❤ These talks are encouraging🙏🏾✨✨You could be my daughter, but If you were in France, I swear we would be bible study buddies😂😂
Ahh this is so amazing to hear 🥹🤍 what a blessing it is that God is allowing us to connect on here though we’re in different seasons of life! To God be all the glory, he blessed sis, I’m so grateful to have you here 🥰
It's like I know but.... The flesh is weak! When I'm in doubt I still run to chocolate.🤷🏾♂️ All's a work in progress. Great message today, your words ring true! Have a good week and keep prayer in the air.
Haha it’s definitely a journey. And a chocolate here and there isn’t bad 🤗 We just have to find the balance. May we always call on the Lord in our moments of weakness!