
False Confession: How the Police Psychologically Breaks Down Suspects | ENDEVR Documentary 

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False Confession: How the Police Psychologically Breaks Down Suspects | Reid Technique Interrogation | ENDEVR Documentary
Why would someone confess to a crime they didn’t commit?
In America, nearly 30% of those exonerated by DNA tests had previously confessed. For more than half a century, the Reid technique was the favored method of extracting confessions out of suspects. This method of slowly building pressure often made it seem that admitting guilt was the easiest way out. But now, a number of police forces are abandoning the Reid technique because of the risk of generating false confessions.
We hear from the men and women who have spent more than 20 years in prison for crimes they did not commit. They tell us about that moment when, in the darkness of the interrogation room, cut off from the world and terrified by police officers, they finally said what the interrogators wanted to hear…the moment their lives changed forever.
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24 сен 2022




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@ENDEVRDocs Год назад
Honestly, I don’t know how a person can walk away from 21 years of wrongful imprisonment without going nuts. I deeply admire anyone who can. I really do. And I wish them all the best and hope they at the VERY least get a ton load of money.
@chrissoto4878 Год назад
Totally agree. Although while I agree they should get some form of compensation; at the current moment it comes at the expense of the tax payer and not of the ones guilty of unjust perpetuation. We need to be holding law enforcement officers and the investigators accountable directly; or you'll never see the kind of change people are looking for. Until then you'll see a bunch of payouts to people they wronged, and no change as its not coming out of their pockets; it comes out of yours.
@somerandomfella Год назад
Any amount of money can't pay for what was taken away. Valuable time with family and your life. Make the police do an equal amount of time. That's justice.
@missindependentmyway2015 Год назад
It is a challenge enough to be locked up if you are guilty. It seems that often there is pressure to solve a case any person will do to ease public fear and enhance a career. Shame.
@johngodoy2929 Год назад
Mandela became president, just watch and see, this guy is going to become a billionaire in 2 years or less.
@chrilin5107 Год назад
@@chrissoto4878 agree 100%
@joseespinoza4905 Год назад
Ask for a lawyer. Plead the 5th. Say nothing. Let the case proceed based on their evidence alone.
@M00PSY Год назад
Easier said than done!
@mypov8028 7 месяцев назад
My dad demanded a lawyer from the top. His mistake was giving them his alibi first. They came back in hour later and tried to bluff him by saying his alibi didn't checkout. He told them again he wanted a lawyer so they locked him up for almost 48 hour. They do that a lot because most people will change their mind and start talking after sitting in jail for a day. My dad plays bass in a band. He was playing at a gig 3 hours away on video the very second the crime happened. They never checked his alibi a very kick as social worker did their job for them. Asking for a lawyer doesn't always protect you but you should demand a lawyer and stick to it. Even if you have to be in jail a few days. Just t think about it, If they really have evidence they would be happy to let you have a lawyer then keeping you in jail for a few days.
@pumpkinsouffle17 4 месяца назад
#1 is asking if you're under arrest. If not, bounce.
@JustinCote-tr1lz 2 месяца назад
Interrogations are usually the WORST time to plead the 5th!!! Just ask for your lawyer only,!!! The 5th is your right to NOT incriminate yourself, so if you use the 5th during only very certain times, it can make you look more guilty for real!!! You have no need for the 5th unless your already in open court or deposed on record, but in those situations you'd have your lawyer already there, initially you have ZERO ways you can even be made to talk a single word without a lawyer present and spoke to privately beforehand!!! So no 5th except during very specific times that are usually much later in the process!!! JUST POLITELY DEMAND A LAWYER OVER AND OVER TILL THEY EITHER PROVIDE ONE, YOURS GETS THERE, OR THEY END THE INTERROGATION BY LETTING YOU GO CAUSE THEY WERE BLUFFING, OR AT WORST ITS ENDED AND YOUR PUT IN LOCAL COUNTY JAIL, BUT STILL ENDING IT AND GIVING YOU TIME TO GET YOURSELF BACK TOGETHER
@TwinCites4Life Год назад
"we don't care who we get. As long as we get someone" Champlin, MN PD on false accusation
@sentientnatalie Год назад
That's about the size of it, they just need a body; they don't care if they did it, they just care that their "case" cannot be disproved. And with a confession, they've got it made. The Reid Inquisitorial method turns investigators into "confesstigators".
@davidcampanella7846 Год назад
they get pissed when you want a lawyer, so they make accusations that only guilty people want lawyers and make statements that "I can't help you if you get one." I was falsely accused of a crime once and I came in for questioning voluntarily and they advised me of my rights and I got up and walked out and they couldn't stop me, they just kept trying to get in the last word like a bunch of little kids...a week later they found the real person who did it and didn't even say sorry or admit they were wrong to me ,and I'm sure that happens every day in this country. When you get a lawyer you are forcing them to solve the crime on their own, which is what they should be able to do anyways to get a conviction, but it takes time, money, and a lot more energy than taking a few hours to get someone to confess even if they didn't do it.
@jackstevens585 Год назад
Very good program. Very eye opening. I’m only 16 years old, and with each passing day I lose more confidence in our justice system. I still want to work in the legal field, but for the wronged. I cried by then end of this program. Thank you for sharing it. I hope it serves as a wake up call.
@chriswaters3442 Год назад
The system is aptly named: the CRIMINAL justice system.
@jamiesuzanne5781 Год назад
Always, ALWAYS ask for a lawyer!!!!!! NEVER say anything!!! Whether you are innocent or not, it is never in your best interest to speak during an integration
@raelik777 Год назад
People get this idea from movies, TV, etc, that demanding a lawyer makes you look guilty. THEY ALREADY THINK YOU'RE GUILTY, that's why they have you there. If you know you aren't, say nothing except to ask if you are being detained or are under arrest, and if so, demand a lawyer (or your phone call to call your own lawyer). At that point, they are compelled to tell you if you are being detained or release you, or to read you your rights if you are under arrest. "Anything you say can and will be used against you" means not only exactly what it sounds like, but more importantly that NOTHING you say to them will help you. Hence, lawyer. You gain NOTHING by talking to the police.
@chrilin5107 Год назад
@@raelik777 great reply: ANYthing you say CAN & WILL be used against you...so demand your right to legal assistance and until that point don't say anything. Sadly these young lads probst didn't know about this and also being innocent probably felt like when this goes to trial (fair and just) it will show I'm not guilty. They were young boys...sadly not any longer. And just imagine not being there for your own child 😱
@Agapy8888 Год назад
Don’t talk to cops, no eye contact, dont even cough. I am so sad.
@GadeadelCid Год назад
"They haven't charged the real aggressor because that would be to admit they were wrong". For God's sake, they have his fingerprints but they don't care that a killer is at loose, and can kill more people. But they didn't had any problem charging and innocent man before, and holding him in jail for 21 years. There is not justice, we can't trust police, judges, attorneys, to do their job right. May God help us.
@jeffcampbell2710 Год назад
No we can't trust them. Because it's about the numbers, that's what a judge told me, "It's about the numbers".
@GadeadelCid Год назад
@@jeffcampbell2710 What do you mean..?? About the numbers...what numbers? If u can explain that to me , it would be great. Thanks.
@RandomChristianMusings Год назад
@@GadeadelCid "About the numbers," typically refers to the "number of convictions" that a prosecutor is able to achieve. "Numbers" as it pertains to a Judge would be the number of years (I'm guessing) the convicted person receives. In my State, California, Superior Court Judges are elected by the voters, and typically serve a 6 year term. Those who are "soft on crime" have remarkable short careers, imo. *BTW-Great question, sweetie. Keep right on asking them! SHALOM* 💜💗💜
@thawkxing Год назад
A great documentary that I hope reaches a lot of people. I recently had to take a polygraph exam for a job that I applied for, and it was one of the worst experiences of my entire life. I was asked the same inflammatory questions over and over, and the person conducting my exam continuously tried to get me to admit to something regardless of whether I did it or not. I ended up “failing,” despite the fact that I was completely truthful. After doing some research, it’s obvious to me now that my examiner was using this technique during the exam. They raise the tension in the room so high that you feel like the only way out is to admit to something, even if your admission isn't true. I never ended up admitting to anything, but it gave me a whole new perspective on coerced and false confessions. Before this experience, I had no idea how anybody could admit to something they didn't do, but now I see how possible it really is.
@MissIncorrigibleOfOz Год назад
I’m sure I would be exactly the same. I’d like to take one out of interest but not if the outcome was of any importance. Does that mean you didn’t get the job?
@deidregreathousedg Год назад
Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m 21+ years of a life sentence for my son who was coerced into signing a false confession. I’m forever watching (researching) how it was possible that he did this , because I knew better and now I know!😢
@deidregreathousedg Год назад
Same city I might add.
@thawkxing Год назад
​@@deidregreathousedg Yes, it's very sad. I wish I had researched the polygraph as well as interrogation tactics before taking my exam, but I operated under the naive assumption that because I didn't have anything to hide, I didn't have anything to fear.
@thawkxing Год назад
Here's a much more detailed account of my experience if anybody is interested in reading, which I'll have to break down into several comments: The exam was conducted by a company called Northland Investigations, and by the owner of this company, Dan Caputo. I name him because I think it is important that these individuals stand by their behavior, and not be shielded by anonymity. Anyhow, the experience was extremely bizarre from the moment I step into the exam room. When I first walk into the exam room, I'm holding a cup of coffee, of which I've drunken about a half of. Upon seeing this, Caputo basically jumps out of his seat and goes "Oh, let me take that from you, we don't like when people drink coffee, it changes your physiology." Mind you, along with the pre-exam questionnaire I was sent a list of instructions for the exam, which included things like not drinking alcohol 24 hours before the test, trying to get adequate sleep, not being sick, etc. Nowhere on this form did it say anything about not drinking coffee. So, Caputo was essentially playing mind games from the minute I walk into the exam room. What was also strange (and I promise I'm not saying this to sound petty) was that it appeared Caputo was wearing a shirt that seemed too small for him in an attempt to try and accentuate his biceps. In the first few minutes of the pre-test phase, he proceeds with the typical good cop routine. He thanks me for applying at DPS, because "we need good people like you." He assures me that everybody's violated at least some of the requirements, but in his experience, most people who fail do so because they lie about the frequency of their transgressions. He even tells me that he used to work as a game warden, and even he broke some of the rules. The rest of the introduction was basically right out of TLBTLD, which unfortunately I hadn't read up to this point. He gives me the whole spiel about how the machine detects homeostasis based on your fight or flight response, and how you couldn't control it even if you wanted to, blah blah blah. (I was shocked when I read TLBTLD, because he was basically quoting it verbatim.) As we moved into the pre-test interview portion of the exam, it became obvious that this would be a harsh interrogation, not an opportunity to "clarify your answers" as is so often (and misleadingly) described in polygraph jargon. As Caputo was looking over the question sheet, he, seemingly off the top of his head, goes "Have you ever like, fondled a girl while she was sleeping?" In hindsight, I'm confident that this was asked to make me uncomfortable and provide him an opportunity to observe my body language, because after asking a few more questions, he, much more seriously this time, goes "Have you ever fondled a girl while she was sleeping?" While I'm sure there's reasons relating to polygraphy that he continued to ask me this, I think the main reason was that he observed my level of discomfort at being asked this question and enjoyed watching me become angry and upset. As someone who has never and would never do something like this, being asked this question multiple times definitely succeeded in making me upset and extremely uncomfortable. Caputo's creepy physical appearance and demeanor certainly did nothing to assuage my feelings of discomfort (I would encourage you to Google this individual for a better idea of what I mean by this.)
@musicfan2135 Год назад
If we would get rid of qualified immunity and absolute immunity, I guarantee you the miscarriages of justice would decrease exponentially.
@johnluck2279 Год назад
Absolutely have to remain silent and speak to a lawyer.
@monicascott2354 Год назад
Imagine if that chick had opened her mouth earlier. 20+ years is waaaay too long.
@ghostnoodle9721 Год назад
"Gone wrong" That is the system working as intended, police do everything they can to arrest everyone for anything and judges are supposed to see the merits of case against them. But obviously having a job is difficult and its way easier to just do whatever your coworker seems to think is right
@jeffcampbell2710 Год назад
No cop has an IQ over 125, fact! There's a supreme Court case about it. But, they will hire a person with an 80 IQ. One point above challenged. That's who is in charge of sending people to prison.
@zunaidkajee4540 Год назад
"Your Freedom is being Syphoned away from you". Powerful words bud. I am glad you out ok, but feel your pain. Be strong bud. You an amazing person. Love from South Africa 🇿🇦.
@peep4674 Год назад
I hate the American system.
@melissaok9713 Год назад
U mean the american justice system. It is deplorable. But as americans (people who live there) We hate it just the same but we are not the system. We are blinded, distracted, and confused which we allow so we are not innocent at all. Im just saying that in America there is a distinct difference between the system and the people.
@peep4674 Год назад
@@melissaok9713 correct 💯,
@samiazidane5041 Год назад
The german justice system are f…ed up as well. Despite the history.
@scroogoo99le24 Год назад
@@peep4674 gotta say tho, USA is bad - but better than anywhere else, bc at least documentaries and courts and even cops can criticize themselves. anywhere else, theres no afterthought, let alone good due process. count your blessings, and dont let the woke commies turn the entire system in to a political enforcement system.🙃
@robbzooi Год назад
where do you guys even source all these docus? I used to have a great website with 1000s of 'm but they got taken down years ago
@ENDEVRDocs Год назад
hard work. We do license all the docs that aren’t in-house productions. Maybe that’s why yours were taken down?
@robbzooi Год назад
@@ENDEVRDocs whatever it is, I'm really glad I stumbled upon your channel, only ever see quality content here, so thanks for that:D
@Agapy8888 Год назад
This is what happened to the innocent boys who were accused of assault on the Central Park jogger. Shane shame shame.
@chrilin5107 Год назад
Excellent episode...chilling but very enlightening. I hope those interrogation techniques are prohibited now.
@hunnybadger442 Год назад
They have not
@nenecastillo7497 3 месяца назад
I am a 2nd yr Criminal Justice student, and have to watch these videos for my Criminal Law class. To say I am disgusted is an understatement. To legally allow these tactics of entrapment is beyond comprehension. Things has got to change for the better or else we are all in trouble.
@syntaxerorr 2 месяца назад
Cops and Detectives shouldn't be allowed to lie. What a joke.
@melissaok9713 Год назад
"All I want to know is why" Why What? How can that question be answered if the accusation is false? The innocent suspect thinks: "I want to know why too."
@christyjohnson5618 Год назад
Exactly! And at this point, idgaf what u wanna know. I'm remaining silent right after I request an attorney.
@birdflipper Год назад
@Agapy8888 Год назад
Sinister. Always have a lawyer present. So many innocent people in jail and executed.
@jennifermoody6987 Год назад
I plead the 5th and I want a lawyer is all ANYBODY has to say whether they're guilty or not.. unless they have REAL evidence to detain a person, they aren't supposed to be able to hold you for hours on end.. it's different for every state/city/town I guess.. the saying "innocent until PROVEN guilty" is actually the opposite in the eyes of law enforcement.. they're trained to look at EVERYONE they have to interact with in a case, as guilty EVEN WHEN there's absolutely no evidence to support that mindset.. all they want is someone that they can hold accountable for a crime so they can close the case.. the tactics and techniques used are usually psychologically damaging and are designed to serve whatever the law enforcement's agenda might be.. it's an extremely flawed and unjust system that definitely needs to be addressed and reformed in every way if we want more integrity and morality to be implemented into our justice system... cases like this one shouldn't be allowed to happen
@ENDEVRDocs Год назад
thank you for a great comment.
@jennifermoody6987 Год назад
@@ENDEVRDocs No thank YOU for taking the time to provide the public with so many amazing videos about such vitally important and crucial subjects, such as this.. I'm absolutely in love with your channel and I am always excited to see what you put out next.. your dedication and indepth research is utterly awe inspiring and I commend your devotion and efforts immensely.. keep doing what you're doing, because it definitely makes a difference and impact on people, which is desperately needed in this day and time.. MUCH LOVE! Side note: I think you'd be surprised and inspired to find out what subjects your subscribers and fans would be interested in seeing you cover.. simply because your work is so brilliantly done, I enjoy WHATEVER you cover, however I've discovered that subscribers tend to be more devoted to the channels whose creators choose interact with them more often.. whatever you decide, I'm grateful for all you do..
@melissaok9713 Год назад
What I dont understand is how can they not admit they made a mistake? I mean, making mistakes is natural and human so for them to not admit a mistake is like saying that they arent human like everyone else. I can see how they would explain that there are many people handling it by a specific formula but thousand people can still make a mistake or else wouldnt that equation be like a law of math or/and that system being well known and trusted to prevent mistakes?? One would think so, or rather more likely, one would like to think so. The evidence does not lead to this being a viable conclusion. So what is it that is preventing the next right thing from being done? I know the answer but I dont want to have to accept it, and I believe deep down, we all feel the same way.
@kellywark5149 Год назад
Surreal they will not Prosecute the real killer. 21 years for a Crime You did not commit. How many Innocent People are in Jail truly innocent staggeeing I believe. We have the Innocence Project in Canada. Yes Police definitely are allowed to lie. Great Documentary. Thanks.
@jasonmuller1199 7 месяцев назад
Tell the cops to pound sand and demand a lawyer and say nothing
@charlesgray6149 Год назад
then they wonder why we have a code of silence, the trust is broken. So we see them as another enemy but to strong to defeat so they is just another obstacle to over come
@lince4824 Год назад
It may be worse if you see them as a friend. I'd better see them as alien abducting machines...
@charlesgray6149 Год назад
The girl who died family should be sue
@birdflipper Год назад
I recently saw an interrogation where the suspect asked if he was being video recorded and looked directly at the camera on the wall. The detective told him no, there were no audio or video cameras in the room, that it was just the two of them and nobody else would know what they talk about. I was totally surprised that the detective was allowed to lie about being recorded. I've seen other interrogations where there is a big sign that warns that there is audio and video recording in the room, and the first thing the detective said to the suspect was to inform him that he was being recorded and asked if that was okay, which I found equally strange because what if someone said no- it's not okay! Are they going to turn them off? 😂
@sallylauper8222 Год назад
Never talk to the police unless you wanna.
@christyjohnson5618 Год назад
Unless you wanna go to jail.
@Liverpoolboy01 Год назад
No don’t ever talk to the Police!
@jennifermoody6987 Год назад
Government is as functional or dysfunctional as we design it to be, and Government was intentionally designed to be dysfunctional. ~Catherine Rampell~
@christyjohnson5618 Год назад
To think the police are there TO PROTECT AND SERVE. We assume to protect & serve us. Smh. Ask for an attorney, after that remain silent.
@Diesel257 Год назад
"First call is to your lawyer not your Momma" -Louise Belcher
@oscarlindelof1736 Год назад
This is such bs... Don't they want to put the right person in jail?
@lizh4933 Год назад
I want an attorney before I talk to you. Simple. So simple. The police are not your friend.
@lince4824 Год назад
And you'll be gifted with a drunk one... Better wait for the judge...
@shadowprince4482 6 месяцев назад
I would not false confess but only because I've learned to always ask for a lawyer and invoke my 5th amendment right. Otherwise, I could totally see it happening.
@shadowprince4482 6 месяцев назад
21 years of the police not trying to find the actual killer.
@kellywark5149 Год назад
I live iin Canada very familiar with the Reid Technique. I have seen it used masterfully along with Forensic evidence in the Russell Williams Case. Also watched this technique go bad keeping this Individual who was completely innocent and kept at Him for hours and He confessed and served 8 years before being exonerated.
@sentientnatalie Год назад
Lol "masterfully", it was never intended to discover the truth. The PEACE method is much better for that, Reid is just for forcing confessions, that's what it was always for.
@Berengier817 3 месяца назад
3:00 The first man that the Reed technique was used on falsely admitted to the crime, that's all you would need to know
@giorgioveno2101 Год назад
This is explain a lot now, to bad, to late.
@melissaok9713 Год назад
Sounds like guerilla gas-lighting
@hunnybadger442 Год назад
When the cruelty is the point... There's not much you can due to fight and defeat such pointless and irrational hate Because you can not reason with unreasonable... You can not shame the shameless... And you can't argue logically with liers... Who's followers and supporters have lost all touch with reality itself... How do you even begin that battle... Where truth, justice and the American way are now in the minds of far too many violent people nothing but a fever dream of conspiracies dredged up from the bowels of the internet and set lose upon an unsuspecting world... As far too many kept denying the true nature of the dangerous, disastrous delusion that is tearing our country apart at the seam... People always find solace in the denialistic mantra of... "O that could never ever happen here"... And my response has always been and always goes unheeded... "Yeah, until it does"...
@garystinnett8321 Год назад
I thought they got Ray J to admit he was behind the Kanye and Pete Davidson feud based on the thumbnail.
@terolaitanen 5 месяцев назад
If it would be about justice a techniqu which provides so many wrong convictions would be rejected. But it's not.
@timg2655 Год назад
Better late than never I guess. But damn you waited 20 years to say something!
@sallylauper8222 Год назад
You can take the 5th, right? Or I mean I have the right to silence, right?
@nightshockplayz5894 Год назад
Yeah, and it is in your best interest to do it. To every question say, "I invoke the 5th and demand a lawyer." No matter what question they do, and don't sign stuff willy nilly.
@MoroMoro1 3 месяца назад
Wow that child working selling drugs, then to be murdered by a crackhead. The real killers gf and bloody fingers prints point to him, but her killer will never be charged due to investigators not wanting to admit failure in the initial investigation. And to lose 21 years of your life when you were innocent. Just sad all around.
@Liverpoolboy01 Год назад
Steve driving, is wrong so wrong!
@charlesgray6149 Год назад
they should have knew it wasn't him first if it was he would be so from murder seen. plus with all that blood he would have it on them
@wastbs Год назад
Selling drugs is murder. A slow death.
@lince4824 Год назад
What is letting the real murderer go free for 20 years just to avoid working "just a bit"?
@charlesgray6149 Год назад
they don't ammit it beccouse they don't want to be sueded
@melissaok9713 Год назад
They need to study body language and micro-tells. It is a sad fact that innocent suspects show similar body language as someone who is guilty and there needs to be more study on why and how this is.
@michaelw.8331 Год назад
I'd imagine it's similar to white coat hypertension. I uses to only get hypertension when my physician checked it and found out it was because I was scared of being diagnosed with high blood pressure like my parents. Turns out I was just fine. Me, a healthy person, had the same readings as an unhealthy person, because I was scared. If you're innocent you're scared of being wrongfully convicted and if you are guilty you are afraid of getting caught. I'd imagine the body language would be extremely similar.
@Liverpoolboy01 Год назад
Body language, like polygraphs are junk science!
@sentientnatalie Год назад
It's very simple, body language is not remotely reliable, especially not for such an important activity as this.
@niklassjvar1635 Год назад
There is more study and knowledge on those fields, including how to differentiate similar "tells". Pretty much like telling difference of crying from joy or pain but way more advanced. Unfortunately it takes time to master it and a drizzle of natural knack-for-it which makes it time consuming and E X P E N S I V E, basically sending your officers for a graduate degree, go figure why it hasnt happen
@Liverpoolboy01 Год назад
Reid, training 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣👎
@elizardoruiz770 Год назад
Only quilty people confess , if you don’t have strongs values
@JoshuaJohnson-zj8sr 7 месяцев назад
If he wasn’t slanging crack he’d never be arrested
@diggernick8535 Год назад
The System: Working as Intended would have been a better title.
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