
FFXIV Community vs Criticism w/ Serenaya & Llamatodd 

Frosty Mogborn
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Guests: Serenaya & Llamatodd
Discussion: The FFXIV community has been known to take criticism a little more harshly than other communities, which roots from multiple reasons. We bring on two guests that have dealt with the blow back from that recently and dive into the topic on what's going on. In the end, it turned into more of a therapy session between the three of us, but was a ton of fun either way!
Rating: 10/10
Guest Socials:
Serenaya's Twitter: / serenayacarrin
Serenaya's Twitch: / serenaya_carrin
Llamatodd's Twitter: / llamatodd
Llamatodd's Twitch: / llamatodd
Show Socials:
MogTalk's Patreon: / mogtalk
MogTalk's Twitch: / mogtalk
Frosty's Twitter: / frostytvstream




18 ноя 2023




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@SpellboundTutor 7 месяцев назад
My biggest problem when it comes to criticism and the defense thereof is that each side of that argument loves to invent strawmen and present them as the representative of the majority opinion. There are critics who will make defenders out to be a monolith of sycophantic fanboys who can't tolerate any criticism, from the most problematic to the most trivial. There are defenders who will make critics out to be a bunch of seething neckbeards who are playing this game because they hate themselves. There are constructive, vital criticisms of FFXIV that absolutely need to be voiced. And those criticisms should be heard. By that same token, not every bit of criticism thrown at FFXIV is something I would consider reasonable. Let's take housing, for instance: Is it a fair criticism to say that housing, as it stands, is in a very rough spot with way fewer houses than there are players, and that walls off an entire set of content from a majority of players? Absolutely! Is it a fair criticism that the person or people on the development team who are responsible for housing should get punished somehow? Absolutely not. And there are fringe people on both extremes. A fringe extreme on one side loves the exclusivity of having a house and, if you don't have one, sad day for you. Just try harder. Then another fringe extreme is that the devs in charge of housing should be fired and the whole thing rebuilt from the ground up with a new team. Do those fringe extremes represent a majority opinion on either side? Absolutely not. But the strawmen constructed to conflate an extreme and moderate take are absolutely wild. The whole "criticism vs defense" debate is why I stopped using Twitter and will no longer go on Reddit. You're either operating at 100 or -100. There is no middle ground recognized on this battlefield.
@MogTalk 7 месяцев назад
I think there is a bit more to it in regards to criticism for the FFXIV community. We talk about that on the show and experiences outside content creators have as well. Of course perspectives are wildly different, as is the FFXIV community. Just hoping to share insight of the perspectives on the show.
@tazersmurf4689 7 месяцев назад
This exactly. So many who critize the game act like they can't do so the instant they get push back from someone who likes how something currently is and act as though the defenders love every aspect of the game no matter how minute it mightbe. While yes there are defenders that are on the opposite extreme. Frosty is correct as well with their reply where this community doesn't like getting criticized itself. Take for instance how many don't enjoy how dungeons are currently. The playerbase has always W2Wed dungeons. Took the shortest route, ignored all trash that you could, didn't explore side rooms. While consciously or unconsciously putting pressure on new or experienced tanks and healers to W2W pull. Even if no one says or asks them to do so. There were many who even back in HW that didn't enjoy it. Yet we'd get told to just suck it up. Cause no body has time to for anything slower than a 15min dungeon run. It's also how we tend to no longer have adds before the boss in 8 mans. As everyone would go and get checkpoint skips so that their static wouldn't need to beat up Faust or have their ninja sneak past the mobs. We constantly complain about something or constantly do content the same way for years which give a strong message to the devs that make them think we want the game to be like that. Yet when they give us what we said we think we want we react to the change like many did to the Gunbreaker sword sounds. Of oh no I didn't want it like THAT change it back. Ugh no one ever asked for this.
@RandomFlask175 7 месяцев назад
This is the perfect explanation to this minefield, I have no problem with criticism or defending it. I do have a problem when you're so on your own side that you're completely incapable of recognising the other side of the argument.
@24hr-Gaming 7 месяцев назад
Even if the criticism is considered in your eyes "unreasonable" what makes you the FFXIV police to tell them they can't say it? If someone says they hate all non-lalafell characters and want Yoshi-P to change everyone into a lalafell, that is their opinion. You can disagree with it and not think that's a good idea, but you shouldn't police someone on expressing it. I really wish FFXIV players would play other games because then you'd see how bizarre the discourse around FFXIV is. Every game people have their likes, dislikes, things they think are amazing, things they think that are dogshit, and that's normal. Even something as mild as "some people attach themselves too hard to the game" gets this kind of wall of text. Bro. Maybe people should actually listen to the criticism and decide for themselves if they disagree, and if they disagree don't take it as a personal attack that something dislikes something you like. I've seen plenty of people who try FFXIV who actually do like both Final Fantasy or MMOs say something like they're not too sure about the ARR story or the low level leveling experience sucks and get absolutely swarmed by andies and quit the game. That is way more toxic than anything I've seen in any other game.
@marslara 7 месяцев назад
Honestly I think the whole debate lord persona has tainted most disagreements these days. It's like you say, people are always arguing against an imaginary person instead of having a conversation with the person they're actually talking to. And that's assuming they're even comprehending the conversation and not just parroting other people's statements without even understanding the context of what they're repeating 🙄
@melissas4874 7 месяцев назад
I have to be honest and say you guys have not hung out in WoW's official forums or certain other WoW-centric forums if you think the majority of WoW players are okay with their game being critiqued or insulted. They do not and will use your raiding/collection numbers in the same way some will use streamer view counts. There is always some metric you have not met that doesn't allow you to criticize WoW. Part of the reason people in WoW dislike Asmon is because he constantly criticizes. I think the only critiques I have issues with are when streamers use an aspect of FFXIV as a negative which they had bragged about years earlier (especially when courting players from WoW). I just feel I can't take that person's opinion seriously (streamer or not) if the positives are now the negatives? And the idea of "complaining about something means you love it"? Both WoW and FFXIV players say this, but that logic is used by most abusers towards people they "love". There is a reason why managers in the corporate world are taught to be sure to praise and not just criticize. If all you do is complain? Then you are eventually tuned out by others including those you are critiquing. Also, if only have complaints about something, then you don't love it anymore. Maybe you are telling what would make you love it again. People change and that's fine and we should accept change in ourselves and others without being bitter. Frosty - I think you are viewed as a "journalist" in the FFXIV community which is why people expect this neutral stance from you. Your show is a lot of interviews or where you are acting as a sort of "moderator". Maybe you want it to be more of a blog, but the style really does come off more as "journalistic". At NA Fan Fest? Most players I met were not there to meet content creators and I was surprised at how many long-time players had no clue who most of the streamers I named were. They had no clue why so many people were going up to Arthars and Xenosys. Content creators can get players into the game, but they can't keep them. I think it's okay for creators to get a Fest pass up and to a point - that it doesn't reduce the number of players who get to go and the devs don't think interacting with creators is equal to interacting with the player base. This event is partially why people play the game - Fan Fest makes the average player feel appreciated even if they don't get to go. If I went to Fan Fest and it was just a glorified media tour? And streamers got extra goody bags etc? I'd be very disappointed. I also would not want to feel "forced" to watch Fan Fest through a creator's lens because SE started to invited creators to cover it and then felt they no longer needed to. There is a very good reason Blizz invites streamers to Blizzcon and to do panels for them - they are garbage when it comes to communicating with the players ("don't you guys have phones"). They have realized they aren't good at communicating with their player base and that if they court streamers they will sell the game for them.
@Felinaxo 7 месяцев назад
Im gonna bite the bullet... I enjoy the 2 minute meta, partially What I don't enjoy about the 2 minute meta is the ramifications from it, and as a disclaimer, I have been playing from late-shadowbringers so I didn't get to experience the non 2-minute era that came before Pros: - I can swap jobs more comfortably and by following similar guidelines of, build resources, burst on 1 and 2 minutes, I can have a decent skill floor across MOST jobs - I can tell when a player is having issues or drifting when I notice their burst is not lined up, and I can help them or offer advice - I can talk with my team about delayed burst windows more comfortably as we all have the same timing for it - SE can design intense mechanics to line up to 2 min windows to spice things up, wich is something I enjoyed a lot on P9 and P10 prog Cons: - I can't get gear for all the jobs I want to play now that is easier to swap (This only matters for the tomestone armor pieces, savage could afford to make accesories cheaper, and relics.... thats another can of worms) - Classes feel same-y, especially tanks - The fun gets optimized out of encounters a lot faster, there is a lot less thinking when everyone bursts at the same time - Deaths feel like a "oh well, I guess this run is dead" as buffs get missaligned and gauges are reset before the 2 min windows - Classes with outliar damage rotations have been unplugged, like Paladin, that had a more "consistent" damage, and had their damage moved to burst windows to comply with the 2 min meta (While I personaly enjoy the 6.3 PLD, I know old players felt shattered and I get that) My 2 cents on how they could improve on it: - Make classes feel less same-y, OUTSIDE OF COMBAT. Take a lesson from racials and the toy box from WoW, give Dragoon a double jump, give Paladin the res out of combat back, give Warrior a reverse-provoke Roar that makes world enemies run away, give scholar a pencil to draw on the boss arenas, give astrologian the ability to read fortune for the day, etc etc... Its the little touches that give life to a job, without the need to throw a wrench in the endgame balance they have pushed for Addling onto this, if you are the crafter of your group of friends, you know that fuzzy feeling when someone asks if you can repair for them, thats what I'm getting at, give players tools to have interations beyond "o/" and "gg tyfp" in dungeons - [Insert 2 pages of text about making Gear more accesible for alt jobs]
@SuperRamos619 7 месяцев назад
Here's the issue with the 2 minute meta in my opinion, and why I personally think it's bad. The jobs are now designed around the 60/120 cooldowns, instead of a job being designed in a vacuum for more job identity/class fantasy.
@thehurricane6767 6 месяцев назад
The problem is, even if the 2 minute meta doesn't exist and everything is on a different cooldown, everyone will like up cooldowns whether it's 90s or 3 minutes. So people complaining about it is moot as they will go with what's meta snd either delay or sync up cooldowns.
@chaheezor 7 месяцев назад
So I think the difference in perspective is a big part of the issue between content creators and average players. One of the things I think _some_ people feel is that content creators words are held in higher regard than anyone else because of their percieved fame. So it allows them to get extra bitter when there is a take that they feel potentially could ruin the game for them, or what they personally believe is a bad take. Content Creators aren't an authority, but they are treated like one because of fame/notoriety. I'm not saying it's right, but that what I imagine people feel. I do believe you need to take that into account to a degree. But not to the extent that you allow people to dominate your online presence. You would do it in a similar way to talking with a group of strangers in-person. Everyone basically self censors to a degree. I think the healthy amount of in-person self censoring should also apply to online interactions. I have a few thoughts on this topic myself: 1) The kind of criticism I see is a mixed bag and I know people want to value their negative feedback because you need to highlight what isn't working, you also need to highlight what is. I don't think feedback for something as complex as a game can be compared to giving feedback to a restuarant about their food/dining experience. Games have so many variables that it's even more important to highlight what works when presenting what doesn't. And I say this as a game developer myself, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do this when giving feedback! It's often one extreme or the other. I think the sweet spot is 70/30 in favour of criticism to praise. 2) Response to Llamatodd: When you say we do know that they could fix the the netcode issues, I felt the need to push back. Unless you are on the development team, you don't know. Always when talking about what a dev team could do qualify that as a guess. Because you just don't know. It'd be better for all of us to not assume we know the inner workings of a dev team because we have no idea what they're working on until they mention it. I'm assuming he meant he could hazard a guess, but there are too many people who mouth off about what devs do/are doing that don't know anything and it would be better to tell yourself, "I don't know". Even other devs will be like "I have no idea." (granted, I think you were ultimately saying you think, but to me it didn't quite come across so I though I should pushback a bit). I am on the same page in that I also think it might come in the next MMO though, but we'll see. 3) The forums feel unmoderated in a way that puts me off adding feedback there. I wish it were a better environment that was geared towards discussion but at the moment it feels like there is too much vitriol. It feels too much like forums in the early 2000s where people just wanted to flame each other. 4) People need to understand that you can push back on something someone says while still acknowledging the emotions of their statement. Like, sometimes feedback is given in a way sounds like the person thinks it can be fixed tomorrow. Like they don't understand that stuff takes time. Some people intend to push back and aren't good at doing that. Now, it might be given where they do understand, but it's an emotional reaction so it doesn't come across. It's on the person responding to not escalate things, and assume they do understand and be like "I get it, that might be part of their tech debt, but who knows. Still annoying though", or "Yeah, I wish it were higher priority we need to make sure they know it's irritating". 5) People mad about others getting good opportunities for no other reason than the fact that they got opportunities need to get over themselves. Hope this all makes sense.
@hundset 7 месяцев назад
This comment is not getting enough love... What you said about the forum worries me as well, because if that's the primary metric they use for articulated criticism then I have to wonder if any of the more constructive stuff came through. Also, to your point; a lot of what people state missing right now are things that the people who were happy about were also often silent on and that got mostly only dunked on as far as the discourse went (the relic grinds, the exploration zones, the varied buff timers). We need to be better at pairing criticism with what we like... and yet I wonder how many balk at saying positive things right this moment or in certain channels because they expect to be shot down as a sycophant.
@nekromanta167 7 месяцев назад
Content creators underappreciated by Square? That's an interesting take when media tour exists. And media seats at fanfest. Content creators weaseling their way into meeting YoshiP and Sakaguchi on the fanfest. While regular players have to win a lottery to meet any of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@wolfair 7 месяцев назад
I only got two issues with this conversation. - when bringing up ppl who disagree with any FFXIV criticism you guys where giving examples of absolutely insane xitters (twitter users). looks more like you need to chill on your twitter consumption, then the game or it's community suddenly being bad. - issues with netcode existed for years, but suddenly everyone felt like complaining about it. I think that's why it feels like content farming. but on issues themselves: we need to formulate a proper feedback on how current netcode problems affect everyone to the dev team. instead of just flaming each other on twitter.
@shyl1on 3 месяца назад
I feel like netcode became a more apparent issue because of updated pvp and stuff like fall guys since it is content that requires more reaction it starts to feel awkward with delays pvp genuinely feels way too unresponsive and janky because of built-in lag
@JenovaGirzz 6 месяцев назад
The part where llama said they 100% could fix the snappy-ness then talked shit about the textures and how hard SE worked/how proud they were of it lmao
@Serenaya 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for having me on again, Frosty! This is very much a case of "if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it." We are not referring to criticism of opinions that are just that - criticism. That is normal, human and healthy. We are discussing the variety of overly-defensive, emotion-fuelled, take-a-bullet style corporate phallus-sucking that occurs from some whenever we or others have something negative to say about the game, and why that's a problem for both the game and the community. It is normal to complain because you care, and want it to be better.
@MogTalk 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for coming on man, I had a lot of fun talking. It's important to let this stuff out and just have an unfiltered conversation about it.
@rexex345 7 месяцев назад
A perspective i don't think gets brought up is that, I don't think the devs like the super defensive sycophancy either, especially seeibg some of Yoshida's recent comments about us making up our minds as a community. Its probably hard enough to for the Devs to sift through all the complaints people provide on various channels and sort the braindead, or other game tribalist, or just complaining for complaining sake stuff from the genuine critiques; then be able to sort those into stuff thats feasable and stuff thats going to have to wait or just impossible. Now, imagine doing that while you have a very loud portion now screaming "No, thats bullshit, everything they do is perfect!" It muddies the water and makes sorting it all even harder cause they have to now also verify the legitimacy of the counter complaints and see if they're also bullshit or not (more often than not the answer to this second part is yes, but thats still an extra step that gets in the way). Best part, when the message is so muddy and positively biased its hard to actually find problems or cracks that might become a thing later, it also means that anything they do create they now have to actively work to temper expectations to negate the hype trains that then cause things to get out of control and leads to a sudden flip in opinion, while also dealing with how much we as a community really have had a tendency to go from "this sucks, we never want this again", or "we want this" to "no we loved this, you're bad for taking it away" or "we hate this, you never should have added it". TLDR: Its becoming very clear that if the toxic positivity stuff as well as this wierd flip of a coin thing the community seems to do isn't sorted out, the Devs may just stop listening to us all together because they simply won't ve able to trust what we say on either side of the conversation... And thats just bad thing for everyone.
@melissas4874 7 месяцев назад
I stated in another comment, but will reply here as well. I feel many content creators gave some "selling points" to WoW players years ago. Some in particular would use the YoshiP line that he wants you to play other games. This was brought up by these creators because most WoW players felt they had to log in or they would be left behind (and it is true in retail). So these creators used this as a selling point, but the same ones are now using it as a complaint and saying they wished it was more like WoW. My issue with this is more the hypocrisy of those creators. The same creators also told players just how nice people are in party finder and everyone loves helping people out, but some of them won't go into party finder because they don't want to group with people who don't know the fights. So it's okay to complain, but I feel many streamers sold WoW players a line of BS to entice them to the game and to watch. And I feel many creators who complain about the "fake" niceness were fake themselves.
@Serenaya 7 месяцев назад
It's really not that deep. Collaborations that occurred as a result of the exodus weren't due to creators telling them to come and play. At most we'd have outlined the general loop of the game (if asked) to those interested and if that appealed to them then so be it. We are not complaining about the same things that brought us here. Almost none of us that started our Twitch/RU-vid journey with FFXIV, even came directly from WoW. Not sure who you're pointing at here and your point makes very little sense. As for PF, it can only ever be based on personal experience so saying it's "nice" or not is very subjective. No one "sold" anything to anyone. The whole "play other games" comment is one ridiculed by many because people want to play an MMO and want reasons to do so. In previous expansions we had more reasons, but EW's patch cycle has been less than fulfilling in that department.
@MrNick62780 7 месяцев назад
Great show its nice to see people that feel the same way as me, Ive been playing ff14 since arr and wow off and on since wrath, I always play wow during ff14 downtime and there is nothing wrong with that. Both are companies and not your friends. Both have ups and downs and both are toxic at times but I still love and enjoy them
@Trakan1 7 месяцев назад
I am somewhat new to the game having started in June of 2021. Maybe it's just how bad the game I came from was (Destiny 2) but I constantly find myself impressed with how good XIV is. I realize that some things aren't perfect and there is always room for improvement though. There are also parts of the game that I don't even touch and don't really have an opinion on. Sometimes though it can feel like some players don't know how good they have it with this game. As a fan of Todd's I don't really agree with some of his opinions here but have zero problem with him saying what he wants addressed or how he feels the game could be better.
@Aurwenn 7 месяцев назад
Some of the frustrations are long standing, Yoshida is aware of that and has acknowledged it in the past but he has also said himself that between making new content and going back and fix the wheels of already stablished content or older content he will always take making new content first, so a lot of the glaring flaws are noticed but are very low in the list of priorities
@kmurphy0620 7 месяцев назад
I picked up GW2 recently, and they're mostly game defenders on reddit. I think they're very similar to FFXIV in that they are an MMO.
@rare8567 7 месяцев назад
im a shadowbab, i remember watching llama when i first started raiding and his stream had a great atmosphere, i hope DT is as good as we all want and he is back enjoying it alot again.
@DICEBOY22 6 месяцев назад
My biggest complaints . Inventory . We need like 50 glamour plate slots That's it for me
@acidxcross 7 месяцев назад
These one game content creators play FFXIV for so long that they think this only happens with the XIV community. They are completely clueless about the gaming world. Go to any game community and start criticizing the game and you will see people get defensive. Go to any wow forum, League, Dota, CS, Valorant. And not only multiplayer games, but single players too. Try criticizing TLOU, Cyberpunk, zelda, FF and see what kind of responses you will get. And don't even try to compare two games of the same type. Go to any wow forum and compare wow to XIV people will lose their minds. Or valorant vs CS, dota vs league..
@extinctbaryonyx 7 месяцев назад
I mean....I've survived FF7 Fandom (*Shudders) So FF14 cringiness is kinda fun for me lol.
@24hr-Gaming 7 месяцев назад
Bruh people straight clowned on FF13 and FF15 for years. Have you played an FF game?
@acidxcross 7 месяцев назад
@@24hr-Gaming you see less people defending 15 and 13 because the fanbase for these games are smaller. But they exist. During the launch of 16, I saw some bad takes, people saying 15 was never bad, that the game is complete and it is the best in the franchise. Because they feel offended by 16. I think ff16 has flaws, but saying 15 is a better game than 16 when that game is a incomplete mess, you have to be delusional.
@24hr-Gaming 6 месяцев назад
​@@acidxcrossYou just disproved your own point. You can make more criticisms against mainline FF which is way bigger than FFXIV by itself and not have an andy army trying to jump you. Even 7 and 8 which were the height of mainline's popularity had it's share of haters. The problem in FFXIV is very unique.
@rukiaaeron5999 7 месяцев назад
1:17:45 ...We already can. Nobody gets banned for pointing out something's wrong and trying to help. Folks get banned / punished if they're an asshole in how they say it and the person they're talking to takes it poorly enough to report it. Just be aware of what you say and how you say it, keep it civil and respectful, and no matter how butthurt someone is that you called them out, you'll be fine even if they report you. Get good at communication.
@ruthnovena40 7 месяцев назад
People play this game for all kinds of reasons and are able ti enjoy it in may ways . The FF community seems to rather varied judging by the wide variety of y tube vid,s put up . there is very wide range of interests and yet manage to coexist.
@MarcusTheFisher 7 месяцев назад
My shot from the hip thought about people's pride being the problem is that people really need to become fans of something that is rated poorly and understand that it's factual bad so they will stop being so adamant defensive. I say this as a Dirge of Cerberus fan and Fisher main.
@nodot17 7 месяцев назад
Hello I'm nostalgic for megaman x6 and I agree with this for the most part
@anjoumaaka 7 месяцев назад
Overall, I'm glad there are content creators brave enough to bring this stuff up. We need more like this so that we can be more open in our in-game communications. It literally feels like living as the workers in one of those restaurants or hotels where Gordon Ramsey goes in and lights a match under the owner's behind, except Gordon hasn't arrived yet, so everyone is still walking on eggshells.
@5daydreams 6 месяцев назад
"If you can't find flaws on something - you don't care about it." This hits like a true fucking truck.
@KitaiAryik 7 месяцев назад
LOL and the thing is i read alot of the responses on llamatodds twitter and yes that one guy did put up metrics on ppl not watching him and yes they put up the metrics. the responses to him were cringe yet funny at the same time. was eating good on popcorn that night xD
@sct77 7 месяцев назад
I feel as if a lot if not most of the people who say the community cannot take criticism only do so because a lot of their critcism is just hot takes. Xeno defended the game back when Lynx Kameli made that video, yet I remember Xeno yelling and accusing Yoshi-P not playing his own game. Just because someone doesn't accept some criticism doesn't mean they're fanboys or will defend the game no matter what. Not all complaints are created equal, some are just bad hot takes no one agrees with. It's no coincidence that we saw tons of people accusing the community of this during the WoW refugee thing.
@ruthnovena40 7 месяцев назад
YET he does play his own game.
@jsjsjsjs 7 месяцев назад
Unleashed Todd is definitely the best version of Todd
@avrax3497 7 месяцев назад
There's a lot of stuff Endwalker did right, but it also did tremendously wrong in other spheres. This expansion felt like a single player experience if you're not into extreme or higher level content. SB and ShB had content that brought the community together to work on long term objectives. Endwalker is severely lacking on this front and this is why to me it is one of the weaker expansions. I have high hopes for Dawntrail now that they said on stage they wanted to bring the people back together I want to have a reason to log in everyday. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, but please SE throw us at least a bone in 7.X. Relic grind would be a good start. Or at least something that replaces it if tome relic is to be the new norm.
@JohnDCrafton 7 месяцев назад
Meanwhile, people like me _are_ logging in every day and still having fun without that grind. And we don't want it.
@ArchieGamez 7 месяцев назад
Hmm i thought its the opposite, especially theres like 2 ultimates and 3 criterion savages. Even the extremes were easy to farm
@avrax3497 7 месяцев назад
@@ArchieGamez I was referring to Eureka and Bozja regarding the content SB and ShB had that brought people together. I'm actually trying to get back into extremes, but I play outside of prime time so PF is a ghost town most of the time. Ultimates have always been on my mind ever since UCoB came out, but I don't have enough free time to commit to these, although I actually would like to give these a fair shot someday.
@melissas4874 7 месяцев назад
Having to log in every day is one reason people left WoW. There is a reason certain content creators would bring up that YoshiP wants us to not feel like we need to log in daily or that we can play other games - they knew we were tired of the WoW mindset. I did enjoy Eureka a lot, but I never finished the relic grinds as I hate that stuff - I just finished the zone and had fun with it. I didn't like Bozja as much as Eureka, but if it's optional then okay. I am hoping that they are saving all this up for Dawntrail. They said they wanted this expansion's end to be a break from the previous story so I can see why they wouldn't want to add any long-term content into the game now that may loop back to the old story.
@JohnDCrafton 7 месяцев назад
@@avrax3497 Except outside of BA, Eureka and Bozja don't require any sort of interaction other than joining someone else's party and following them around. You don't even have to chat or successfully do mechanics, just show up and be a warm body. It's no different from playing a single player game with a mass of NPCs. It's all just fancified FATE grinding. Boring mindless slogs, not engaging at all. And it is very unfortunate those stories are locked behind grinding. The stories deserve better treatment.
@DarkFloyd95 7 месяцев назад
Man I love this. People just talking real talk about things they care about
@DerettoAlexiel 7 месяцев назад
I do think its funny that they're complaining about creator's having to "soften the blow" whenever they criticize the game, and yet you'll see them respond to replys that they're allowed to have fun. Copy and pasting it over and over to everyone. Somehow that's better? Its better to show empathy/understanding upfront rather then spending way longer on damage control later, (which most people won't have care to come back and see anyways.)
@tazersmurf4689 7 месяцев назад
You can tell people also don't do chocobo racing either with how people react to the Fall Guys collab. When you have to predict when to jump or to dodge an aoe seconds before hand during a race cause the game won't register it when you see the aoe or the chest on your screen. XiV is a game that isn't built with jump puzzles in mind yet they keep on putting them into the game. Or with Fall Guys chose to collaborate with a game that is filled with needing to make sometimes precise jumps. That doesn't mean it isn't a fun collaboration. The weird thing is so many also don't realize or heard that the collaboration will come back in the same vein as the moogle times. So a lot of people seem to be up in arms about the title cause they think they only have until the 31st of December.
@3ASY355 7 месяцев назад
28:56 I might be tripping here, BUTT I am pretty sure I've heard someone ask Yoshi P this question before. And his answer was something like in order for us to fix the latency issue, it would require us to have to game on pause for a whole year, and have a all hands on deck situation, meaning all updates would stop for a whole year. Basically killing the game for a year. Then again I might be tripping but I am kind of sure I saw a clip like that.
@Temptest09 7 месяцев назад
I'm very ignorant to that field but don't they have a test build or something else they can use instead of actually bringing the game down? At the moment, until someone educates me on the matter, this just sounds like some BS corporate talk to me as to why they don't want to do it.
@PurpleAlzir 7 месяцев назад
@@Temptest09They would use their test servers. But there would be no new content at all for an entire year is the problem.
@24hr-Gaming 7 месяцев назад
@@Temptest09 In the past they've done corporate BS speech for things that they said are "absolutely impossible" but later got added to the game. For example a lot of the QOL that got added because of the DSR and TOP controversy were UI changes that have been in Simple Tweaks for years.
@3ASY355 7 месяцев назад
@@24hr-Gaming For that one I kind of believe them though.(also I don't know anything about network engineering) I said that because of fighting games. Fighting games that come out with terrible latency issues in my experience they never can get it fix during the game life cycle, its always minor improvements here and there but never an outright fix. I think the networking/server side stuff in a video games are one of those fundamental pillars that is implemented in the beginning stages and if not handle/done properly probably will spend years of trying to put out a never ending house fire. but god damn playing this game with no delay would feel so good, every button press would feel so good. One can only dream I guess. Either that or SE probably can fix and just don't want too who knows 🤣🤣
@kahzel 7 месяцев назад
they have said the same thing about many other features, like ARR flying and retroactively adding trusts when they were just announced. Yoship lies a lot, and people just memoryhole it.
@Redwolfxx 7 месяцев назад
the dudes has done nothing but help people for years, people need chill
@Megumi-dz1mm 7 месяцев назад
I still haven't cleared p12s and I really want that mount. Lmao. It's an adorable axolotl
@norightturn7047 7 месяцев назад
As someone who doesn't stream I've never encountered any of these problems but that's like saying since I'm not a cop I don't run into a lot of crime in my life. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It just means I'm not experiencing it. Also I imagine this feeling of walking on eggshells for most streamers in FFXIV is sort of a catch-22. Most probably don't have a big enough viewership to feel like they can just be themselves or a big enough viewership to cultivate the type of viewers they want. I mean if you have a 100 viewers or less you probably just can't ban 10 of them a day for being nutjobs. I know every game has its weirdo's but I'm genuinely curious to know if FFXIV streamers feel like if maybe they inadvertently helped to cause some of this in any way? I've only been watching streamers since Shadowbringers and even then not a lot of them but for a while it always felt like they were all way too overly positive all the time. I didn't see really much criticism. Was it always there and I just didn't notice or have I just not watched enough FFXIV streamers to see it?
@24hr-Gaming 7 месяцев назад
It's because any time you're critical of the game you get an army of andies swarming in your comments. The only well known ones that are open about criticism are Arthas and Xeno, but even they get shit on a lot. The andies decided to temporarily forgive Xeno because he threw them a bone recently, but even Xeno says he's not happy with how Endwalker is and isn't sure about how he'll approach raiding in Dawntrail. But the andies prefer you quit than insult the dignity of Yoshida-sama so that's a win for them.
@Serenaya 7 месяцев назад
It is simply because the streamers tend to be louder about it and have a following. As you've pointed out it's not all of them. Not even that many of them honestly, but some. A loud minority as it were. There is usually a strong correlation with how vocal you are and how much backlash you get of course, and so add a following to that and you get a natural signal boost. It's very much to be expected and it's on us to be ready if we go out there with opinions since expecting 100% agreement is delusional, but the point is that it gets very incendiary for no reason in the FFXIV community and rarely (with exceptions sadly) from our side. The criticism is not the issue. It's the brick-wall defense without regard to civilised discussion and sometimes escalation to personal attacks or the like. A lot of people don't have an opinion on the subject, or at least do not care enough to post it on social media and that's perfectly fine. Obviously. Or maybe they do but it goes unnoticed. Who knows. Regardless, when creators say something they have a following of varying sizes, which means takes are likely to get some traffic or engagement, and that's what leads to the situations we've discussed on MogTalk since it's often misconstrued as "streamers whining again" as if we're on some pedastal. We're not. We're gamers just like you. We just speak our minds much like you do.
@KayMacheen 7 месяцев назад
As a WoL coomer, i agree with everything wrong with us
@evgenip.7715 7 месяцев назад
More responsive controles would be awesome. Think i would hate talents in xiv. While each group fights over limited resources content wise, it's important to have a balance.
@Padrier958 7 месяцев назад
I feel like this is a bit of one side calling out the other. There's strong negativity, toxic stances and very emotional arguing. There's a huge point to be made that the reactions they get from the minority is the same as their venting here. Immense amount of strawmanning, and assumptions being made on all parts.
@christopherizaguirre2978 7 месяцев назад
That's largely how I felt about the whole discussion. I hope to hear a podcast with more disagreements amongst the guests regarding some of the issues brought up here.
@Padrier958 7 месяцев назад
@@christopherizaguirre2978 Yeah, because this is just "they/us" fuel. Sitting in their bubble strengthening their perceptions.
@Narlaw1199 7 месяцев назад
1:32:17 Ah yeah, I remember that commenter from your podcast with Alex and Husky...
@rayc1602 7 месяцев назад
Honestly watching this is kind of cathartic. It’s refreshing to see someone not hold back and not surround all their statements with caveats and sugarcoating. The game needs it
@Neloch4 6 месяцев назад
Endwalker has been my least favorite in terms of job-feel, for like half the cast.
@terrificlife1576 6 месяцев назад
In the last few years, FF14 has become the worst community among all big MMOs. I tried WoW Classic recently, and the players are the nicest people I've ever played with.
@24hr-Gaming 6 месяцев назад
If you talk to any FFXIV player they all act like any other MMO you get bullied the second you log in. Most people are chill in general. Loud people tend to be dickheads and FFXIV is the exact same except with Karen energy dialed to 9000.
@Neloch4 6 месяцев назад
Lamatodd is so much fun
@carl493 7 месяцев назад
Signor Naya
@Temptest09 7 месяцев назад
Hot take, but any person on twitter who has an overly modded XIV character laterally has 0 reason to speak lmao. Their opinions just have no weight anywhere when their timeline is full of XIV porn and unrealistic characters.
@Serenaya 7 месяцев назад
I don't personally agree since I myself mod my game (not too an extreme degree though), I know MANY that do and it is possible to simply both have fun with that stuff and also not be a keyboard warrior on social media. The correlation is loose at best, it just so happens that some are in fact a bit too attached to their WoL.
@bringithahn 7 месяцев назад
yep. it's like opinions of pokemon fans with a ton of hypersexualized pokemon fan art stuff. they always have the worst takes on the actual games and media. but at least FFXIV doesn't have the equivalent of TCG community
@BargodeProductions 7 месяцев назад
Do you guys remember LBR? Aniero talked about those XIV problems back in 2018-ish and ppl gave him crap, guess what? Nothing has changed hahaha. Neither the problems or the ppl on "defense stance"
@rukiaaeron5999 7 месяцев назад
56:00 Some of us are satisfied enough to not feel the need to complain in-game or on social media about the problems others go to war about, and just want to play in peace doing what we enjoy. That's why I don't generally interact with the super-heated angry part of the playerbase (much less the official forums). I just dunk on their seeming inability to enjoy anything with my friends instead. Sure there are some things I think could be better, but I'm not about to start bugging the shit out of everyone in earshot with my qualms, just as I don't care to hear the bitching about stuff that I have no control over. I wish the loud complainers would just keep it contained to where the devs will see it and stop being so obnoxious and extreme.
@csrjjsmp 7 месяцев назад
Being able to handle criticism is very important. I’m glad these fine gentlemen were here to model a good response to criticism like retreating to your echo chamber of people who all agree with you to whine for two hours about the people criticizing you
@CafeCreativeYT 7 месяцев назад
This community is just plain weird, the more i play and fall in the love with this game. I look at the loud minority in the community and shake my head. Game needs alot of work. But people need to take a break and chill till Dawntrail. Everyone else whos still playing, go do a ultimate or catch-up on old content and have a great time
@DICEBOY22 6 месяцев назад
Around 11:00 something. Yeah, I think Ys'tolla should've just been dead in Shadow Bringers... It's like they've been afraid to touch character death of big cast since Heavens Ward or Minfillia.
@iResonate 7 месяцев назад
This podcast needed a female perspective, I'm sorry 😭
@SilviteRamirez 5 месяцев назад
The two biggest issues with this is that you have people who play this game more than the majority of players - and most likely are also doing every new thing on the cutting edge of content - acting like they have all the answers for what the game is doing wrong and how to fix it. Nobody wants to admit to burnout, nobody wants to admit to an extremely narrow perspective, you have people in social media speaking from some kind of self-appointed pedestal that all the peasants don't understand that the game is shit and things need to change. You guys are the vocal minority that you chastise. Streamers are more minority than any minority you can possibly concoct to shadowbox and insinuate for blind fanaticism. You might have some answers, sometimes, but you don't have all the answers and the answers you have aren't necessarily correct. You might hate it because you brought it up in the first few minutes of the podcast, but it really is "play it if you like it, don't if you don't." It's not up to players who aren't developers and don't have metrics or the big picture to dictate how the game should be. Any game that bends the knee to forums, or streamers, fails.
@articus5961 7 месяцев назад
@19:17 if there is shitty specs, that you cannot play, because nobody wants them in the party. for all intents and purposes, that spec dont exist, so why should the devs waste time doing them?
@MogTalk 7 месяцев назад
Oh, sorry - because of fun
@articus5961 7 месяцев назад
@@MogTalk how can you have fun, if you're not allowed to play it? i had my fair share of playing odd builds in others mmos (tos, wow, ragnarok) , and my god, ff14 is god send so no, i have to disagree, if there are builds that you are sure you will have fun playing, but oyou cannot play, there is no fun to hbe had
@PKDeviluke25 7 месяцев назад
​@@articus5961Just play with people that will allow it. The answer is not making every class basically the same, it gets stale.
@MogTalk 7 месяцев назад
The idea is it gets rebalanced to allow them to not be excluded from groups. However statics don't have to adhere to meta, and luckily the static size requirements are low in FFXIV. Creating interesting jobs and allowing things to slightly less balanced as a sacrifice is a very small tradeoff. Party Finder is going to be Party Finder, as people still block out jobs now even when it doesn't matter at all.
@articus5961 7 месяцев назад
@@PKDeviluke25 easier said than done
@DjGameKing 7 месяцев назад
The whole discussion on having the story kill of characters... yeah. Like, full disclaimer, I say this as someone who has cried (not just teared up) twice in FFXIV's stories. One was during the Weapon story in ShB right at the end and the second was actually in EW during Ultima Thule (when the twins went very temporarily bye bye), yet even as I was crying, I was asking myself "why, they will come back anyway" since Y'shtola already dropped the bomb of using Azem's crystal and lo and behold, my tears were for nothing as they did in fact come back. Genuinely, at this point, FFXIV needs to do one of two things. 1) Accept that you aren't killing off/writing out the Scions and don't even pretend that will happen. The whole "we will sacrifice ourselves so you can make it to the end" bit was essentially just fake out deaths. Hell, it was Y'shtola's 4TH FAKE OUT. Or 2) Actually grow a pair and kill of at least 1 Scion again. And no, that Scion can't be Lyse. If they do either, I'll be fine. But they are currently constantly teasing that it will happen, but never delivering. Thancred goes to battle Ran'jit and beats him while forcing his body to produce aether, despite that being potentially fatal for him? Luckily, the Scions are close enough to save the dying Thancred and he goes entirely unpunished. Y'shtola jumps into the life stream for the second time? Luckily, Emet-Selch is right there and can fish her out of it with a literal snap to his fingers. The Scions are (officially) disbanding, meaning that we might get some new blood to adventure with while also calling upon the Scions every once in a while? Fuck that, Estinien and Y'shtola are right there for your next adventure immediately, while G'raha and Krile are there for the 24 man raids. I want to love the story again, I really do, but I'm currently just enjoying it. Which is fine, but having so many issues (this being only one) with the story, despite actually loving it since minute 1 including the pre-Titan questline in ARR, it makes it hard man.
@gull314 7 месяцев назад
The older guy is really annoying but i respect his opinions
@Mijeme123g 7 месяцев назад
Older? They all look the same age
@toasternoodle2938 7 месяцев назад
Having balance be meta swinging in FFXIV specifically would be horrible for the game. Not because of class popularity or fotm but because from a design stand point the archetype pool for each position is extremely shallow. It would basically cut the job sets in half (going my gear set types). An example of some clases being bad and some being good but it works is WoW and SWTOR. Every class has 3 different distinct ways to play in those games. Some designed fot pve, some for pvp, and some for open world but lackluster in both. This works because of the generic talent trees (i know wow recently overhauled theirs in drsgonflight) that change with the spec. This also makes balance s nightmare, forget class balance these devs can hardly balance their encounters without having to send out hundred of nerfs because they cant take in every variable properly. The amount of resources it would take to have them redesign gearing, adding alternative styles to each class, and making constant changes for some to be good and some to be bad is something that they are probably not staffed for. Sure they could hire more people but look at blizzard, thousands of people work on one title and it comes out subpar and in need of so much fixing that by the time something feels good another patch is out with even more problems to be addressed. Personally it be cool as shit if every melee class in ffxiv had both a tanking and dps skill set allowing them to fit different roles, and casters as well, you run into lore issues with some of those just not working. You could hand wave it and say "but for the fun" but then you run into this exact problem with purposely making a job bad and others good. Why when you can have them all good so people can have fun on whatever they like best rather then forcing people to play mechanical styles they hate. I think fundamentally the game isnt designed to have every class be flexible in play style but having every class lets you be flexible. This is also countered by gearing and reduction of class difficuty I honestly think raising the ceiling for all jobs and making people actually learn how to play properly by adding a little more complexity to jobs is the best answer. Maybe not for story content but make the floor of playing not good enough to do extremes or savages. Now when i say floor i mean gray parse people. Those who know what buttons do and hits them time to time but never really pays attention and lets a big cd sit up for 20 seconds and it drifts out of group alignment. Mostly what i am getting at is sometimes what other games have works for them but cant work for everyone. FFXIV isnt built for a class to be highly diversed, look at the problem that was arcanist. Now im no ffxiv dev but this is my personal look on it. Yeah some of the ofher stuff is cool but with it comes problems that would wreck the ecosystem of 14. I think some classes need to get a identity makeover the most before we get any big redefining systems in gameplay.
@socram3254 7 месяцев назад
I'm so tired of the netcode discussion because anytime I bring it up someone just explains to me how it works and why it makes sense. Like I get it, i'ts working as intended and I understand how it works, but is it good tho? You can give me 100 reason why the netcode is the way it is and I will still think it's hot garbage
@24hr-Gaming 7 месяцев назад
It is very sus. But they're not going to fix it so the only choice is to get used to it or quit. They still do not understand the basic issue of how badly ping screws over rotations even though any one of them can log onto an EU server and try out a machinist rotation and see for themselves. There is "working as intended" where it was intentionally designed that way for a purpose and there is "by design" which means even though it's a problem, they can't actually fix it. The netcode is definitely the latter. It's a series of bandaid solutions to try to hide spikes and packet losses, but it only actually works if you play in Japan and is actually a very common problem in online Japanese games. Fighting games actually went through this recently where Japanese developers didn't understand or believe anyone that delay-based netcode was absolute dogshit and that games that went with rollback netcode could actually do things like have online tournaments. Overseas FGC fans complained enough to now rollback netcode is now the standard for all new games coming out. If it was the FFXIV community they would have harassed anyone who dared criticized the delay-based netcode. That's ironically, what happened with Smash and why the Smash netcode is still dogshit and why people went as far as to mod in rollback netcode.
@danmarshall4812 7 месяцев назад
Love all 3 of these guys and their content but I do feelthis one is perhaps a rare miss. Saying the community can't handle criticism feels like a lazy sterotype.
@ShortChangeH3ro 7 месяцев назад
Honestly, and this is a hot take that no one wants to admit i think, just because you put 27,000 into a game doesnt make your opinion right. Sometimes i feel like streamers live in this echo chambers of validation and reassurance from their communities that they start to believe that they ARE the voice of an entire community, which is so far from the truth. This happened time and time again in the Destiny community. You can look at that game and its "community" and see how divided it is. D2 has gone through so many changes because the "community" (just bigger streamers) wanted changes to the game and they had a platform to yell from. People get defensive against streamers and because, sorry guys (Tood/Frosty/Serenaya) but, YOU dont get to speak for us. Most of the people playing this game are quite happy where it is. Most players never asked any of you to go be our voice. Again, juat because your communities agree with you doesnt mean you should go and voice those opnions as "truth", because it not everyone's truth.
@sophiastorm8616 7 месяцев назад
@PKDeviluke25 7 месяцев назад
The comment section reinforces so many of the points this podcast episode makes.
@Cfishies 7 месяцев назад
damn the people need to chill it's just three of them voicing their opinion there is no need to be hostile about it. the game have ups and down but yeah the community sometimes can be so unhinged and downright cultist over any criticism
@LegendaryBrandon1 7 месяцев назад
This is the main reason I quit is because the fanbase is so stubborn in not taking constructive criticism, not only that but they will ATTACK you for it. I love FF but god damn... I'm playing WoW.
@aaronsound 7 месяцев назад
If the fanbase is the reason you quit something i do not understand how you can play wow haha. Brother just enjoy what you like, why would you care if X game has toxic or bad fanbases, most content ever would be unnacessible for you, all the popular ones for sure due to popularity=size of the following bringing bad mofos. I know my most favorite games i like or shows i would not be able to watch if i went by that metric. You are the only person that will care what you like, truly and earnestly man.
@LegendaryBrandon1 7 месяцев назад
So far I've had no bad experiences and having fun with DF... so that's all that matters not some rando's opinion on why I should be having fun in a game they play@@aaronsound
@Temptest09 7 месяцев назад
​@@aaronsoundBecause it's an MMO so a community does play a factor into someone's decision to want to play that MMO. If an MMO is filled with nothing but yes men and talk down on other MMO's then people wouldn't want to interact with them and would prefer to try another with a more leveled community. The amount of yes men in XIV and the amount of people who have this weird hate boner for WoW as an example is crazy.
@aaronsound 7 месяцев назад
@@Temptest09 You choose the individuals you interact with, skip the yes men or whoever you want. This goes for anyone. You do not talk with the entire playerbase, just filter this like the people in your real life, this goes for any game or medium, block/ignore and we good.
@24hr-Gaming 7 месяцев назад
​@@aaronsoundThat doesn't change that some fanbases can be insufferable. Sometimes you want to watch content or see discourse about stuff but if you have a fanbase of whiners, it makes it way less enjoyable. FFXIV content is very neurotic because you have to walk on eggshells or you get an army of smoothbrains angry that you didn't cry at the right moment.
@InfectedReishiki 7 месяцев назад
I don't think there is enough irony in the world to have three guys complain about people being emotional and defensive to then turn around 3 minutes later and get emotional and defensive. There are plenty of valid points being brought up here, but presenting yourself as so above it all is just weirdly offputting.
@MogTalk 7 месяцев назад
In this situation, we are flushing out the situation between each other. The responses to the criticism we are talking about isn't that, it's unreasonable kneejerk reactions to criticism. Also, it's not clean in a professional format, it's friends talking.
@Serenaya 7 месяцев назад
To add to Mog's response, the message is people are allowed to disagree with each other, that's basic human functionality after all. In the context of FFXIV however, the nature of how that happens is the problem and very often it's one-sided at least in our experience and so we are sharing that with each other. Nobody is "above" anything here. It's not "us vs them" or anything of the sort. It's wanting people to understand that there's a way to go about discussion that is far more healthy than a unilateral denial of any problems existing. Whether you view them as such is up to you, but that's no reason to act how some (not all) do.
@InfectedReishiki 7 месяцев назад
Oh it's absolutely not clean, that's why I enjoy watching Mogtalk, just pointing out that in the moment you very much fell into the same patterns that you talked about. And you all three share a very similar experience of interaction with the community as content creators. So when you talk and share what I'd call negative experiences with the community then you yourself project an image of us vs them. I guess what I'm very poorly trying to say is that listening in from the outside this came across as very one sided and just lacking in a moment of synthesis.
@Zedword42 7 месяцев назад
Lol. Lmao.
@booblaa9734 7 месяцев назад
Maybe they have had enough? Because ffxiv has a subset of gaslighting cunts who manipulate and lie to put people with opposing opinions down. Let them vent.
@captainziggy82 7 месяцев назад
The fanbase has become a bunch of complacent losers man, act like we can’t criticize the game lol
@25xxfrostxx 7 месяцев назад
Telling Todd not to read someone's name is part of the larger problem. Those of us that are sick of the insecure gatekeepers aren't allowed to call these people out and deal with the problem. We aren't stopped by the whining degenerates that tie themselves up in a videogame so hard that any perceived negative statement becomes a personal attack against them, we're stopped by the rest of their victims, which is stupid. These people will publicly call you out, insult you, and damage your reputation. Refraining from dragging them out into the sunlight only helps them hurt you.
@MogTalk 7 месяцев назад
I will never encourage witch-hunting
@25xxfrostxx 7 месяцев назад
@@MogTalk Witch hunting is one thing but there are degrees. There is a difference between instigating a coordinated attack on someone just for the purpose of causing damage versus publicly rebutting and openly addressing someone acting in bad faith. While I hate to use it as an example, it's a bit like Asmongold when someone says something willfully ignorant so he opens their chat on stream and makes them defend their position in real time in front of everyone. If people understand that they will have to stand behind their statements, they tend to think before they speak a bit more. Sunlight is a great disinfectant.
@_..Osh.._ 7 месяцев назад
​@25xxfrostxx that's not encouraging thought behind statements, that's encouraging agreeing with strummer or you get harassed by a bunch of people that witch-hunt and send unalive threats. Public callouts for small things shouldn't happen on a large platform
@paragon359 7 месяцев назад
Counterpoint: FFXIV good
@donimmortal7692 7 месяцев назад
You guys want to be able to call out what you see as stupid but when we can't call out your stupid takes without being labelled as "ffxiv defense foeces" ? Funny how that work.
@MogTalk 7 месяцев назад
That's not what is happening.
@toasternoodle2938 7 месяцев назад
I think its more of the people who run it at 100 rather then being leveled. Ive seen people post takes and you get people who get hyper personal and come out swinging for the fences over mild takes. I think if you say something dumb or out of touch people should be able to comment, but not comment in a malicious or hyper aggressive way.
@LegendaryBrandon1 7 месяцев назад
You are the problem
@Temptest09 7 месяцев назад
What is blud blabbing out?
@christopherizaguirre2978 7 месяцев назад
​@@MogTalkit's not what's happening but it does feel that way. It seems similar to Serenaya's take on the downfall video. Idk if a discussion like this does anything to combat a vocal minority itay only make the problem worse. I overall enjoyed the video and I understand the need and desire to vent but the salt on display seems to only add to the noise.
@YueShenDian 7 месяцев назад
@jasonbourne7120 7 месяцев назад
Sorry man not watching anything in relation to Llamaweirdo. Dude needs a massive reality check.
@LegendaryBrandon1 7 месяцев назад
you are the problem
@sct77 7 месяцев назад
Did something happen related to him?
@jasonbourne7120 7 месяцев назад
@@LegendaryBrandon1 Lol, ok bud. Luckily for me Llamatrash has done so many weird and egregiously bad things that this doesn't even warrant a serious reply. Educate yourself.
@raymovizion 7 месяцев назад
@@jasonbourne7120 wtf are talking about? Are you on drugs?
@extinctbaryonyx 7 месяцев назад
This sounds like a personal issue with you and Todd. Doesnt need to happened in someone's yt comment section. :)
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