
Firing obstructive communist Mantashe will be big step to addressing loadshedding - may happen soon 

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Kevin Mileham, the Shadow Minister of Minerals and Energy, explains how the ANC blundered when appointing Gwede Mantashe to the portfolio responsible for SA’s electricity supply. The record shows that in under four years since taking charge, Mantashe has made one mistake after the other, his deliberate actions contributing greatly to the country’s current loadshedding crisis. Mileham says Mantashe’s obsession for coal and nuclear solutions reflect a man who is badly out of touch with reality - while his obstruction of private sector solutions is based purely on the ideological ground of a hard boiled communist. There is hope, however. Mileham says the ANC Elective Conference may well force Ramaphosa’s hand and force him to fire his long-time political ally. He spoke to Alec Hogg of BizNews.



11 дек 2022




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@mk-xq1tt Год назад
The bottom line is : these people donot know HOW to govern.
@gideonlapidus8996 Год назад
People who are used to mud hut life where electricity is not important,cannot run an electrical utility
@mikekulati7526 Год назад
@@user-vs7... They are doing better than the white lot who lost political power in 1994, who could not manage 5% of the number of people the ANC, (with all its short comings) has been able to govern till to date! Next to leverage from these racist dullards is economic power: with innovation motivation and cooperation our people are getting there!!! Watch this space...!
@MarkBrown-gc6hr Год назад
But they are experts at stealing!
@shaunmccormack6980 Год назад
Let's be real, they just don't give a fuck. They're stealing the hubcaps off the car they've just stolen.
@motlalepulesofe5636 Год назад
Where would they could have got their training from?Talk,talk.... They MUST clean the MESS left by Apartheid ruler's and their Cronin's. I'm just going to paraphrase what President Mandela once said, of all sins levelled against people NOTHING compares to the SIN of Deliberately depriving them Education!!! The crumbles we got from Bantu Education would be met with Sarcasm that we those who were' lucky' to pursued whatever Always told that we MUST be Grateful.All we were to say then'ja,Baas,Ja Misses'Today every Dick,Tom and Harry can stand and scream at their voice to critisize this government, don't I agree,of course because their individual human Rights is enshrined in the countries constitution, the same that Apartheid legalized the thinking that Black's are Inferior and that the best is to divide them in small manageable minorities by creation of ' Bantustan' in cultural groupings. Did I forgive what they did to us,Yeeeees,will I EVER forget,Noooooooo!???
@alexdeliperi4814 Год назад
Two biggest disasters of 1912; the sinking of the Titanic and the birth of the ANC.
@mandlenkosishabalala8890 Год назад
There is nothing unthinkable as blaming the ANC for the shortcomings that date back to apartheid. The time for blame game is over. A responsible civi society should take it course in ensuring that our country is rescued from the political blame games that do not take our country forward.
@carolinejeanallincarolj Год назад
Amalgamate them and wipe out 1912completely, a forgotten year
@carolinejeanallincarolj Год назад
It was a disastrous year for everyone
@Traut5222 Год назад
@carolinejeanallincarolj Год назад
1000% Get rid of the useless Anc wankers
@christinefinniss6263 Год назад
The public should protest. The public has been far too accepting of the power crises situation.
@veluccivelluccimusiker4340 Год назад
@shaunmccormack6980 Год назад
Guys, the mistake you're all making is that you assume that the ANC is still a functional entity.
@dannyarcher6370 Год назад
The mistake they're making is that they assume that South Africa is a nation.
@karelgericke9172 Год назад
There we go, you hit the nail on the head "dead center "
@shaunmccormack6980 Год назад
@@dannyarcher6370 Not sure I understand?
@dannyarcher6370 Год назад
@@shaunmccormack6980 The problem is that 80% of the population has one culture, and the other 20% have cultures that are diametrically opposed to the 80%. The problem is that the 80% do not comprehend and respect what democracy is. South Africa is not a nation.
@andrewforrest7633 Год назад
You cannot run industry with solar panels & windmills , you need base load power. That either coal power or Nuclear power
@MarkBrown-gc6hr Год назад
And gas turbines for peak shaving.
@tomsawyer4321 Год назад
100% correct. Solar can assist in alleviating pressure on the grid. Households should receive solar subsidies for autonomous residential systems and solar geysers. Any other solution is simply social signaling which the DA seems to do too much
@bridges5659 Год назад
That's the baseline. 👍
@tibos963 Год назад
Well said🤙
@bertramhall6131 Год назад
Don’t count on Ramaphosa doing anything about Mantashe or energy, he can only talk.
@JayJay-mx7oc Год назад
Yeah Cele, gwede, pravin aren't going anywhere
@marleneclough3173 Год назад
Yes his allies
@djoubert5194 Год назад
I fully agree it is time Gewdw Mantashe was kicked out. He is now just a nuisance in our country. DJ
@TheJuryIsOut Год назад
This Mantashe character is the single biggest stumbing block to resolving the power issues in the Counrty and has been for a very long time. He has a personal agenda that he has been pushing for and one wonders why he has been going after De Ruyter relentlessly. A little bit of digging will bring this to light though I'm sure those close to the situation already know this. De Ruyter is only trying to fix the monumental mess created by a bunch of incompetents who first need to graduate from running a spaza shop successfully! You have saboteurs coached from outside the organization with vested interests undermining his best efforts and they will stop at nothing to get rid of him and he gets zero support from the powers that be. The poor guy is stuck between a rock and a hard place. If you think Eskom is bad you aint seen nothing yet. Transnet is three times the Eskom disaster and one can list the entire lot of SOEs run to the ground. It takes decades to build enterprises as big as the now ruined SOEs but only a few years and a few clowns to raze it to the ground. The only reason Eskom hogs the limelight is because it affects the entire Country. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and point fingers at competent people trying at all odds to get us out of this sorry mess we find ourselves in. BTW, don't expect anything of substance coming out of the crisis committee as Ramaphala has bigger fires on the homefront to put out. mybroadband.co.za/news/investing/473583-insider-reveals-fraud-corruption-shoddy-work-destroying-eskom.html EISH, ANGAAZ
@karelgericke9172 Год назад
Agree 100 % what he knows about eskom and its problems....the causes etc is dangerous. Mantashe and Pravin gordan is the main reason why eskom is what it is, after zuma started the %$#@.
@bridges5659 Год назад
Too many Bemadi's in this country.
@veluccivelluccimusiker4340 Год назад
@carolinejeanallincarolj Год назад
Dear Harold I am 100% sure that De Ruyter mentioned mantashe as one of the pigs at the eskom troph, he knows it too, that's why he has been goading De Ruyter to releasing the names
@carolinejeanallincarolj Год назад
Like Phala Phala and the Russkies arms deals etc, etc
@dannyarcher6370 Год назад
One Man, One Vote was a mistake. Change my mind.
@mikekulati7526 Год назад
We joined the community of nations cause of it... 😊
@gideonlapidus8996 Год назад
We need to play them at their own game. We must not pay electrical service fees if there is no service.
@frankagliottisnr3657 Год назад
It is not about what he must do but he is operating on his own and does not give a damn about the people around him
@lenarddurand9833 Год назад
It is time that the politicians are being disposed of; and that rationality starts kicking in.
@Straightdeal Год назад
The pebble-bed type nuclear configuration is far quicker to build. Why people are so anti-nuclear is beyond me. It is a clean energy, and there are ways and means to deal with the waste. France generates 70% of their electricity from nuclear sources. Using Thorium as a fuel in nuclear reactors carries several benefits over uranium.
@draterlarebil4506 Год назад
South African public have no faith in anc .Imagine these morons maintaining these nuclear plants. Will give many people nightmares. They can't even maintain the little rural towns municipalities.
@gideonlapidus8996 Год назад
As long as people from squatter camps are not in charge
@gideonlapidus8996 Год назад
Just imagine the nuclear catastrophe of being nuked by incompetent people
@Straightdeal Год назад
Thorium can only be enriched to weapons grade at great cost and huge effort. It is ideal for electricity generation.
@philipcowie2478 Год назад
nuclear in the hands of competent ppl yes...not in the hands of these ignoramuses
@cathylyons4253 Год назад
Thank you Alex always informative , so grateful for your input . We can absolutely not wait 18 months for change SA is in crisis.
@theovanrobbroeck9069 Год назад
Part of the answer is to fix Medupi en Kusili using the “right” people.
@RG-jr8ym Год назад
the right people have the wrong colour, so no it wont happen.
@paulpieterse5052 Год назад
@@RG-jr8ym not under this present government with all its preconceived ideas and ulterior devious motives no this is not possible! It’s like a car dealership, they don’t make their money when you buy the vehicle the real money is made on parts and services. And when absolute morons are in cahoots and sign off on something defective to start with there is way too much money to be made keeping it broken. Total insanity doing the same moronic things expecting different outcomes! 🤦🏻‍♂️
@mikekulati7526 Год назад
@@paulpieterse5052 no, former president Thabo mbeki's fault! That's why I want to puke when I hear him criticism President Ramaphosa!
@MrDatsun120y Год назад
@@mikekulati7526 Correct! They point fingers when they ALL TO BLAME!
@paulpieterse5052 Год назад
@@mikekulati7526 but that’s exactly what I’m saying Mike , Mbeki’s fault but ultimately the whole lot of them made that decision not to fix Eskom back then when the “white paper” was released. Mbeki was the captain of the ship though…but we can see clearly today how this once noble movement called the ANC was already decaying and falling apart because of their own lack of unity. Different factions wanted different things because of their different “motivations”. Ultimately it happened on Mbeki’s watch and typically and expectantly the finger pointing and blame will ensue! It’s WAS always about the people but sadly it’s now only about those few looking after themselves blinded by greed and the movement is anything and everything EXCEPT NOBLE… CR is a bitter disappointment and should be the last to point a finger at anyone with his “new dawn” lasting not even as long as the speech. If you watch 00DEZ Moments in Time the facts are all there with dates and details. Have a fantastic blessed day Mike 🙏
@wandaloxton8167 Год назад
Fossil fuels will save our energy problems and wind and solar are iffy. Small nuclear plants in different parts SA could be built quite quickly. Do not be led astray by climate fearmongering.
@shaunmccormack6980 Год назад
@roderickbowes2482 Год назад
Very realistic and well put -- Thanks Wanda . Just remember that the war in Ukraine has made the WHOLE OF Europe come to SA to buy coal and use their old coal fired power plants to get them through winter ! ! ! ! We need a well planned mix of power supply.
@businesspins5825 Год назад
Renewables are too expensive. Nuclear is the only way to
@AmukelaniHNkuna Год назад
@seamus9750 Год назад
We've run out of expletives to describe the anc. Come 2024 they'll be quietly pensioned off to live out their lives in peace leaving the ruin behind them.
@wellinever1558 Год назад
In Dubai
@pippadora Год назад
Very informative interview. However here in Mpumalanga, specifically White River, lack of electricity is not the problem so much as the lack of water. We have not had flowing water in white river in 3 weeks! This is now becoming a humanitarian crisis. WR has old age homes, an orphanage, lots of families with small children, an SPCA, and businesses all of whom are currently suffering from lack of water. Mbombela municipality has been incapable of coming up with a plan. Only our DA councilors are working very hard on our behalf to no avail...
@tinieferreira823 Год назад
It's shocking to realise, listening to this and reading the comments, people still do not understand wat is happening in this country right now and still believe all the nonsense they being fed. Fellow South Africans, you must please do your homework properly to find the truth as to what's happening.
@paulpieterse5052 Год назад
Agreed! This is a part of a plan to collapse our beautiful country at all costs!!! Even fixing Eskom if even possible is a small plaster on a cancer that actually needs to be surgically removed!!!!
@wellinever1558 Год назад
Who must you believe. Where must we get our info from
@paulpieterse5052 Год назад
@@wellinever1558 00DEZ watch Moments in Time. All the facts from a well informed and educated South African who worked at Eskom in Nuclear and understands the grid and the real struggle for the Soul of South Africa. I know you will find what you looking for there 🙏💪❤️
@tinieferreira823 Год назад
@@wellinever1558 Yes, like Paul Pieterse, listen to OODEZZ on RU-vid for true valuable information.
@elsadupreez4324 Год назад
Watch 00Dez on RU-vid. These Guys are just waffling around the issue.
@stanphipps1650 Год назад
This renewable generation is pie in the sky. Get the existing power stations at full capacity. Incl the 2 new ones.
@Paulstracywootten Год назад
Mantashe has just waisted $8.5B - for that amount he could install 12GW in 12 months and save enough i coal purchases to replace the entire coal fleet in 2 years .. saving 980B a year.. And the ANC want to spend $8.5B on 270Mw over 7 years.. India installed 2.25GW 24/7 grid quality Solar for $1.4B in 2020..
@thabisopharoo5605 Год назад
Is the 2.25GW in India reliable?
@paulpieterse5052 Год назад
The problem is the time period! Money mysteriously just vanishes…that takes pure talent (CRIMINAL TALENT)
@samanthaholm9634 Год назад
I can see why India has the fastest growing Middle class
@Paulstracywootten Год назад
@@thabisopharoo5605 100% reliable - its a solid state solution not some boiler and high speed turbine with a huge number of mechanical parts to break down.. - not to mention the cost of 1/2KG of coal burnt for every kwh. India would not be planning 175GW (5X SA grid) if it were not only reliable but Multiples cheaper than coal & Nuclear. Why SA takes 7 years to install 1/15th the power that India can in 1 year shows just how useless SA is
@5801160052086 Год назад
7 years to build a power station...no no no my friend. The old Eskom in it's early days managed to build and commission a CFPS every 22 months, yes 22 months. Check it's history...
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
Hangon the bbbee engineers screwed up with medupi and kusile so what miracle are you expecting?!!
@garethbarry3825 Год назад
The other thing not mentioned here as to the question as to how Mantashe can get away with this- the answer is simple, he can constantly blame De Ruyter,and here is the truth- the majority of ANC voters agree with him...
@draterlarebil4506 Год назад
And gordan baying for the chaps blood
@wellinever1558 Год назад
Because tgey can't read
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
Highlights the degree of ignorance but yes agree!!
@JK0628 Год назад
ANC Goverment must GO!!!! And all the minsters and our president that is a empty can.
@mrsdoubtfire534 Год назад
Take generation and distribution away from government.
@garagepie Год назад
Private roof top solar is the quickest option. Must be pushed with a 1 year subsidy to get it done!
@shaunmccormack6980 Год назад
Very weather dependant. My folks have fully solar house. On the Escarpment - patchy weather and super kak eskom means they sometimes have 24hrs of blackouts. Lack of wifi is the big killer...
@garagepie Год назад
@Shaun McCormack I'm not saying off grid. I'm saying it's the quickest way to alleviate the problem because every house or business becomes a mini power generator. The only thing stopping it is that the ANC cannot make money out it.
@@shaunmccormack6980 then they have wrong solution
@mahargleopenaws Год назад
Yes. For residential. It can't do it for industry
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
@@shaunmccormack6980 generator is plan b for solar. You can therefore manage your supply.
@phillipholt6130 Год назад
It is as simple as your program suggest, take out the garba.. and place a qualified person in to get the ball rolling.. Excuse the pun.
@marjendemhare5892 Год назад
We transitioned too quickly after 1994. We should have retained the people running the infrastructure and economy and gradually brought in people with the experience and credentials needed to perform their tasks in government.
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
I was a proponent of the mentorship style but these guys didn't trust anyone white so they grabbed the reigns with absolutely no experience or knowledge to administer a complex economy which has naturally failed and SA is a broken state thanks to ANC arrogance. Too late she cried.....
@Traut5222 Год назад
@christinefinniss6263 Год назад
Solution = #VoetsekANC
@peteropperman7982 Год назад
@yusufabrahams4179 Год назад
@frankagliottisnr3657 Год назад
He wants to keep the coalminers busy but he knows that if he steps down he will be shoot from the minners who are just as confused and are grouping on straws
@jfiftysixhomes7213 Год назад
Renewable generation is a complete waist of time and money.
@peterlomax7143 Год назад
7:57 The problem is that our transmission grid was designed for coal power stations in the north and north east distributed down the central line. With renewables that has switch away from the central line to the peripheries. We need to double or even treble the number of transmission line to accommodate renewables.
@nolaspeaker5656 Год назад
Renewables cannot ever provide the same amount of electricity that nuclear and coal do! Never. Even in the UK right now, wind power is only providing 2% of the demand.
@shaunmccormack6980 Год назад
Plz define renewables ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eDWq7-eP5sE.html
@nolaspeaker5656 Год назад
@Shaun McCormack Renewables are anything that isn't fossil fuels, wind, solar and hydroelectric.
@colinvanderross5825 Год назад
Why cant ESKOM employ people like you that seems to know what needs to be done???
@nolaspeaker5656 Год назад
@@colinvanderross5825 You already know the answer to that question.
@felicitydowning7970 Год назад
Thank for the information. Makes sense.
@gideonlapidus8996 Год назад
Mantasha should be playing in his kaya
That's the bloody problem...don't be reactive to the ANC! Tell the SA people about how you can fix it. It's bloody obvious!
@vamangcobo7344 Год назад
At the end we all in darkness. DA politicking as usual.
@benjaminsolomon3918 Год назад
It's like about the money, if looting, ore opposition receiving huge monthly wages, they will hang onto power , its not about the people of South Africa ,all skelms
@francoisnvn Год назад
All the while, it seems everybody forgets, the biggest source of mercury poisoning in the world is burning of coal. South Africa's coal is particularly high in mercury content. Soon if not already the worlds most important source of protein : Fish will be completed contaminated by heavy metals, if it is not already. Typically continuing on outdated policies and technologies, with very little benefit, we should be adaptable and renewable and keep on assessing our impact on this planet
@Straightdeal Год назад
With Gwede you must try a little harder, because he is utterly useless.
@jonye7511 Год назад
Gwede has his own vested interests in the running of eskom without a "policeman" like the current CEO. Nudge nudge wink wink.
@paulpieterse5052 Год назад
@@jonye7511 yes it’s a cash cow 🫢 oops did I say that out loud?!
@martinnauta4385 Год назад
Voetsek communist Mantashe and the ANC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@garagepie Год назад
All good solutions that involve the ANC not making money is not on the table.
@BeingHumanInSouthAfrica Год назад
The DA can hold ministers accountable by doing Mandamuses
@cathylyons4253 Год назад
This would be an excellent step in the right direction.
@GrowMyBitcoin Год назад
Written during the 4.5 hour stage. Stuff you Eskom!
@wannabeegonnabee2593 Год назад
sorry mate rather say f the ANC?
@MarkBrown-gc6hr Год назад
Mate Eskom warned the grubbermint many times. They were too busy siphoning money off to their own accounts to worry about funding Eskom. You are blaming the wrong party.
@christinefinniss6263 Год назад
Gwede Mantashe still mining for Hazenile.😂
@BeingHumanInSouthAfrica Год назад
We had an IRP 2010 updated in 2013. The DA are responsible for load shedding in the Western Cape.
@frankagliottisnr3657 Год назад
So get rid of the Unions fire them there are millions of unemployed people who are not Uniontised damit these Unions leaders are living a luxury life !!!!
@andretait2817 Год назад
They should rather have build 12 new smaller coal power stations all at the same time. At least then if some aren't finished or broken at least some will work. All your eggs in one basket. I would guess it's quicker to build a small one than the largest one in the southern hemisphere
@deannewarman6625 Год назад
Tough job!
@MarkBrown-gc6hr Год назад
Renewables are even more unreliable than the broken network Eskom has. Small gas turbines are quickly deployable and can be in installed close to load centers. Shock/ horror they can be run on diesel. Get over it. Do you want to power or not?
@marksmith8184 Год назад
Heard rumors that De Ruyter sister, Genna Ruyter , is becoming Eskom CEO in March
@mikeb4178 Год назад
And where has the DA been for the last 10 years?
@elsadupreez4324 Год назад
In bed with the New World Order
@mikeb4178 Год назад
@@elsadupreez4324 yip. They equally to blame for this.
@laurie7-mo5gk Год назад
But if we can remove your Mantashe,Pravin and cele I think Anc can do better bcoz I'm scared of Coalition gov
@wildgoosechase7700 Год назад
This Alec character can't hide his support for chameleon ramaphosa
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
Who is an alternate right now?!! THAT is the biggest problem!!!
@deeps011 Год назад
Horrific …..
@alangardner1746 Год назад
Better place to live so long as you are middle class!
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
What middle class?! It's rich or poor full stop.
@elsadupreez4324 Год назад
If the crisis is immediate why don’t you fix it. Stop selling the good quality coal. Give South Africa GOOD QUALITY coal. DA is also working very hard to the tune of UN, WEF New World Order.
@thusspokezarathustra Год назад
'Renewable' energy (solar panels, wind turbines) are not going to rescue SA. The only possible renewable solution would be concentrated solar energy generators; which are only effective when installed in geographical regions with an abundance of sunlight. There's one other more feasible solution, which is LPG gas turbine generation. Mozambique and Zimbabwe have large pockets of untapped gas which could be piped to large turbine stations built close to these states borders with SA. Such a system would be much cheaper and quicker to implement and could generate sufficient power to bridge much of the shortfall.
@LarryTsikwe Год назад
We have to have contesting ideas in such interviews not ppl who agree with each other and hold the same views on how to deal with issues.
They're speaking the absolute truth the cANCer delinquents are too stupid and corrupt, carrying on like the uselaas morons we always said they were.
@elizeleroux6388 Год назад
He needs to go Gwede Matashe , they need new material not old cloth, does he not know where people go after this life? Him and others must read Gods word, what is waiting for world leaders the other side, what the Word say happens. then people are going to see who is Boss, the reality only strikes people when they realize, they weren't really meant to be in charge, and to hear they were failing the whole time, because they think they are the main ones to control the country, but they harming others by not delivering, because they want to stay in power
You can change the past...fix the future!!!!
@chriskok9442 Год назад
Don't think renewable energy is the answer . the environmental impact is huge. The land area required way more than nuclear power
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
I don't trust nuclear in the hands of inexperienced people and takes too long to develop. We need to be bailed out yesterday. The talking just goes on and on....
@paulkristiansen3450 Год назад
All the truths are in the comments - meanwhile Alec - please track the recent R1 trillion World Bank loan ( another financially crippling looting operation ) to build " windmills
@lucianodenobrega5319 Год назад
Gwede doesnt care
@colleenward3425 Год назад
all are rot ....
@dannyarcher6370 Год назад
So glad I'm out.
@11941leechie Год назад
Kiss your behind goodbye 😅😅😂
@jeannotnelson4048 Год назад
it is because of a much bigger agenda - take a look at a world wide pattern - take a look at who is on the SA board of directors - a lot of foreign influence.
@jnicolettebailey Год назад
SAfricans have to change their thinking. The solution is not centralised electricity supply. Those days are over. Answer is decentralised
@politician7084 Год назад
Decentralize to who?
So Weird, this dude's "speaking style" exactly like Johnny Steenhuisen 🏃‍♂️😱🏃‍♂️🙈🏃‍♂️
@mikekulati7526 Год назад
Alec, what is the matter with you, not very long ago you interviewed a certain international energy expert, an American citizen, who told you categorically that, to all intents and purposes renewable forms of energy sources, are too miniscule to contribute to the grid. You did not even as much as debate the issue with him... You took it as biblical truth! Now another non-starter from the DA contradicts the expert, mouthing irrelevances about renewables and you are all with him! No questions asked... Your guest bedeviles his working relationship with minister Mantashe by caricuturing him. The sa government economic policy is free enterprise, (from which you derive maximum advantage yourself) Gwede is one minister, he does not effect his ideas on the entire cabinet. You both lost opportunities to inform your followers and listeners. You don't listen to your guests, or you only listen to those you agree with. It seems to me that while people like you control media and consequently shape opinions, we are far from solving this country's problems... The Third Estate is sleeping with the enemy!
@elsadupreez4324 Год назад
We’ll said. Couldn’t agree with you more…
@nthabibotsi9855 Год назад
You nailed it
@goodbarbenie5477 Год назад
Yes I agree... Fire the whole bang Shue of them... Hah..
@jamesbowie6057 Год назад
Gov should get every home a solar system and only biz on base power
@jaapbronkhorst3155 Год назад
Crux of the matter no solution is presented here. The same retoric of moving bad appels which is replace with other bad apples by the anc. Same with the president's position. None of the opposition parties know how to fix the situation. We need to create unity out of need to address urgent issues. Put politics aside.
@tantalisinglabrat Год назад
I don't support the WEF ESG public partnership agenda 2030 carbon free by 2030 policy. Putin also is against the green sustainable energy policy. We need to privatise energy.
@thabisopharoo5605 Год назад
President Cyril Ramaphosa quiet frankly is an EPIC fail, things are much worse under him than they were under Zuma crime at an all time high, unemployment never seen high, loadshedding absolute disaster why the guy is still there he deserves to go.
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
State capture under Zuma is what started the downward slide into hell for SA. Yes agree Ramaphosa is weak on leadership and big on talk. Bottomline is ANC sold us all an empty glass jar and they are totally incapable of administering the country. There are not even any new young blood folk coming up through the ranks. So we are dealing with a vacuum. Only the thieves are happy and getting richer!!
@ColGaddafi Год назад
Who is he obstructing from what??
Communist 2.0....really??
@karldrogo9765 Год назад
This channel is starting to look schizophrenic...one podcast says Mantashe is right but needs more backbone but is also the devil..which was is it?
@marjendemhare5892 Год назад
All that money over all those years! We are no better than Ukraine who can't account for the billions given to them! Bring in the young who are two to three generations away from 1994 leadership. Most of parliament are a result of Bantu education, and it is understandable that people who never had power or money will be corrupted, even their children. We now rely on the grandchildren who are able to come into leadership with their new ideas, since they are plugged into the modern times.
@politician7084 Год назад
What does Bantu has to do with power... If you think DA has that space, then you are lost... ANC will be replaced by EFF...
@loyiso5803 Год назад
This is absolutely ridiculous propaganda. When Lynn Brown was minister of public enterprises, she was blamed for load shedding. Why is Mantashe who doesn’t run Eskom being blamed? Why are Pravin and De Ryter untouchables? This media and DA BS is getting tired. The SG is not in government, the DA is desperate.
@nolaspeaker5656 Год назад
They just explained for 20 minutes why Mantashe is being discussed here. Which part did you not understand?
@dianek1220 Год назад
@Loyiso, Eskom is a State Owned Enterprise, who funds SOE's?! need we say more
@angiemac8066 Год назад
You don't know what you're talking about. Be quiet and sit down please.
@dannyarcher6370 Год назад
OBE-educated? Your comprehension and deductive reasoning skills are lacking.
@politician7084 Год назад
Very true,, DA is good in media solutions,, they don't even know the real problems that people go through
@nthabibotsi9855 Год назад
The evil that we see now is better than the one prior 1994
@deonkotzee6641 Год назад
You only think this because you cant see half the time as we are in load shedding. We need power and jobs.
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
Oh my oath people are starving in Soweto due to unemployment dude. The country is broken. Nobody wants apartheid back but we need qualified people for serious jobs and that's not always available only in the black community. I say again only the thieves are happy and getting richer now.
@peteropperman7982 Год назад
At least the country was functioning.
@merlegouveris3166 Год назад
Unfortunately my friend that's not correct as we now have 700 odd broken and bankrupt State Owned Entities, ALL the ANC municipalities are Dysfunctional and most technically bankrupt. We have those same municipalities not paying ESCOM which when added to the burden of theft and corruption there by disgusting disloyal employees has technically bankrupted ESCOM. All you have that makes it FEEL better is you can live in the suburbs, educate your children in The suburbs and eat at any restaurant of your choice. Unemployment is probably more like 60% than what they claim and they have no idea how to improve or stimulate the economy so that, that in itself will create jobs again. The poor are worse off and crime is through the roof with one of the most corrupt police forces in the world!!! So bottom line is there is no rainbow nation and Precious little in real democracy.!! Reality check!
@elizabethlovett5130 Год назад
The government before 1994 kept everything working and were not bloody communist terrorists!!!!!!!!
@yourself-016. Год назад
The person to fire is Eskom CEO
@grantvanantwerp1680 Год назад
I think you mean all the corrupt officials who got us in this mess. Not the poor fellow called in to clean up the mess
@GrowMyBitcoin Год назад
How about we just replace every single one of them and give the private sector the chance to provide?
@angiemac8066 Год назад
@christellevandermerwe9559 Год назад
On what ground do you base your comment....
@paultappan9055 Год назад
Where did you pull that idea out from?
@truth-Hurts375 Год назад
Ha ha ha...And who are these Einsteins to told who must be hired and who must be fired.
@alexdeliperi4814 Год назад
The two biggest disasters of 1912; the sinking of the Titanic and the birth of the ANC.
@politician7084 Год назад
ANC delivered South Africa from evil... Current problems are nothing,.. EFF is there to cement the final freedom..
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