

Paul PJ James
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50% 1

In 2009, former international model and personal trainer - PAUL PJ JAMES - set out on a life-changing journey of discovery. In order to understand obesity on a personal level and empathize with his overweight clients, PJ decided to gain 50% of his body weight (40kg / 90lbs). By walking a mile in the shoes of his overweight clients, PJ wanted to experience the emotional, psychological and physical effects of obesity, first hand. His 12 month journey from FIT TO FAT AND BACK shocked the world and brought huge awareness to the obesity epidemic. PJ also inspired countless other trainers to follow in his footsteps and gain weight in order to try and understand the struggles of their overweight clients. FIT TO FAT AND BACK is an important and very insightful documentary. Sit back and enjoy the journey!



16 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 17 тыс.   
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Happy New Year everyone!! Thank you for the continued support and I am happy that my documentary is helping so many people around the world with their own journeys. It was this time 12 years ago, when I embarked on my journey from fit to fat and back again. Gaining 50% of my bodyweight was a huge undertaking but gaining 40kg (90lbs) helped me really understand things on an emotional and psychological level. 2009 was the year that taught me so much and I continue to apply those learnings to this day. I love how tens of thousands of people continue to share their own personal stories and offer advice to others. Many of the comments are truly inspirational and as a health and fitness community, we can always learn from each other. The new year is when people set goals for the year ahead and health is usually on many lists. Goals are very important but so is action. Without action, there will never be results. Aim to improve yourself this year and if fitness and health is a priority, hold yourself accountable and do something every single day towards your goal. Consistency is crucial. It creates a lifestyle. The priority should be to do some form of physical exercise every day, just for 30 minutes, so that you can start to feel great! Food should be viewed as fuel for your body. Eliminate processed foods and sugar as a priority. There are many fad diets out there but they are not sustainable. This year, aim not to be obsessed. Just be focussed. Don't beat yourself up when things go wrong. Rather, acknowledge the mistake and move on in a sensible fashion. You will never outrun your bad eating habits. The only way to accomplish lifelong and sustainable health is to be consistent. We have had a crazy 2020 and for many, it has affected our mental health. Stress can be very detrimental to health but if you're able to do some form of physical activity every day, you will benefit immensely! Similarly, healthy food options promote a healthy mind. This year, focus on improving mental health using movement. Be as active as you can be. If you're stuck at home, make use of your time. Get your exercise done first thing in the morning and start your day off positively. As always, keep it personal. Do it for you! Go about your day and be proud of every advancement. Don't invite undue pressure by announcing your goals to the outside world. Write them down and go about things quietly and methodically. It's a personal journey and you are doing it for you! I wish everyone a healthy and happy 2021 and I look forward to hearing your personal success stories. Stay laser focussed and build that lifestyle you deserve! Cheers, PJ
@bartoszszczepanik2211 3 года назад
Just as I finished watching I hopped onto the comment section and noticed you haven't forgotten about the video after 12 years. How astonishing!
@dylantyler6379 3 года назад
I just watched this last night. I'm like skinny fat and have like no muscle but still have some flab that just won't go away. After watching this I no longer feel discouraged. I'm not going hard enough and pushing myself enough. Thank you so much for this documentary.
@zeo5170 3 года назад
the doc was great. I've seen other personal trainers that were clearly inspired by your doc and went on to do what you did gaining a ton of weight and then losing it all to help inspire and understand their clients. you should make some more videos this year on this channel. I think a lot of people would like to see more from you.
@jacobcajc 3 года назад
I love hers denial. I work in gym as instructor people like this need work 1 day at the time .
@SGT_Gram 3 года назад
Can't thank you enough for this video. After my injuries in combat I went from 13% body fat at 183lbs to 270lbs. Watch this video everyday and so far have lost 30lbs since November. Hope you are enjoying life sir, my best to you and your family. Congrats on the citizenship as well.
@zMightyKnightz 5 лет назад
To all the obese people that are scared to go inside a gym, just understand. Everyone seeing you there on a treadmill or doing some lifting. We respect you for putting yourself out there. We respect you for improving yourself and your lifestyle. Everyone I know respects people like you trying to actively improve yourself, health wise and appearance wise. Don't be scared. The gym is one of the least judgemental places I know. Never ever did I see someone get scolded over for being fat and in a gym.
@thrivingentrepreneur 5 лет назад
The fact that you're in the gym around motivated people Will motivate you over time. Everyone else is there, just like you, some forced themself and some have a routine. That will rub off on you, it's really great for the psyche.
@someguyO2W 5 лет назад
but the judgement is real. and I have really tough skin. but you can't deny the support system a gym can be as well.
@Mortalis89 5 лет назад
Have you ever seen the Videos on the internet making fun of inexperienced persons in the Gym ? I know a lot of persons in a Gym would help or sympathize with them. But still there are people that ridicule or even humiliate them ... -.-
@wynngwynn 5 лет назад
I think that sentiment is nice but the amount of people getting in trouble for posting videos of fat people at the gym and taunting them online would say different lol. Still, MOST PEOPLE should respect the fact they're getting fit, just there are those assholes.
@wynngwynn 5 лет назад
@@Mortalis89 posted before I saw yours but yep, I've seen enough "lol look at this cow at the gym" posts that I don't believe in humanity as a whole lol. People are mean to fat people even at the gym.
@Bronsons 5 лет назад
Man, what a catch 22. If he had given up and stayed fat then all obese people would have said "SEE! He gained weight and COULDN'T lose it again! So it's OKAY for me to be fat!" then if he lost the weight they say "You only lost the weight because you were fit before and know how to lose weight- so it's not fair." C'mon people. Be honest with yourself here.
@Eembuster 5 лет назад
The thing is, you don't need to know how to loose weight, because you can hire people to help you with diet and excersise plans and become healthy. If you can't afford that, that you can ask friends to help you and support you with weight loss.
@TheIslander93 5 лет назад
@@Eembuster Bullshit. 150128213 guides on net that will help completly for free...
@hassanerikson1324 5 лет назад
@Toroidal Zeus people feel really sorry for themselves. I was obese and I didn't blame genetics or some crap like that. I worked my ass off in 3 years to become fit. Those excuses are killing overwheit people every day and I don't hate you because you're fat I just care about you, and it's sad that people rather eat shit food not use their lives to the fullest because they believe that they are naturally fat. Yea I was born fatter, still to today i get fat easier by eating the same shit food. That's why I eat healthy and try even harder and it fucking works out if you are willing to give it your all, but people are lazy. And it just hurts me too see people from my situation that just blames it on everything else and just gives up
@nielsjes1 5 лет назад
@Toroidal Zeus "naturally obese" is not true for most people.. In fact, I'm not 100% sure if its even possible? Might be with some diseases or something but surely 99% of people just eat too much and move too little?
@brendano221 5 лет назад
It's true that he doesn't really understand what it's like for someone that has been obese for many years. But he certainly gained some insight. It's sad that Michelle used that as an excuse. There's also some truth in people being fat and being happy. But again, in most cases it's probably just another excuse. I've never been overweight, but I've certainly got my own addictions and plenty of excuses to go with them. I can only imagine how difficult it is to lose weight after so many years of bad habits.
@camillestorm740 7 лет назад
what shocked me most was the way his personality changed. he became annoying, and was making excuses for himself. what we put in our body really affects us emotionally and psychologically, this was a great experiment and warning to a lot of people out there. great work PJ!
@PaulPJJames 6 лет назад
Thank you very much! It definitely took its toll on me and I went through a range of personalities and feelings. I'm glad it has reached millions of people on TV and now on my RU-vid channel because it is something that can benefit a lot of people, both fit and unfit. Cheers, PJ
@catherin77 4 года назад
That is exactly why I tell my colleagues who share hairy eyeball looks when I head to the gym at lunch to just bugger off. It is my dopamine fix that helps me to deal with stress and suppress cortisol. You'd be surprised but there are lots of haters out there for people who do live and enjoy their healthy lifestyle. I guess might be coming from a place of jealousy in a way but still not cool. Don't judge and won't be judged
@karamlevi 4 года назад
catherin77 I was for 2 X in my life each for 7 years -ish plus... during both time spans it was a never ended amount of small nasty comments, occasional lols at me, accusations of steroids... put downs like... can’t you relax and just have a “normal” meal... ect. On top of this we have our normal food cravings, over train and then loose discipline and feel guilty when we go off off program ect... and then need to jump back on to “catch up”... FYI... we don’t catch up... we simply re-apply a self loving lifestyle again:-) and with love comes healing and benefits. If you see this kind of jealousy for this how much more jealousy for a happy mom? A man with a amazing car? A loving cute couple ? The entrepreneur? The holistic healer making their own way while helping? If I’m told I’m on juice (steroids) all the time don’t we understand the pride any one has in disciplined rewards when they were a previous food addict? The answer is truth. Be the love. Be the light. Let em hate. And cleanse your self and rebuild your positive energy continuously... They are all drug addicted drunks as far as I am concerned (non hateful put description)... you go to a party we’re people are drinking and high as duck 🦆 😉 and if they find out you not using something they will feel uncomfortable to be high around you... at a party... we can “get it”... but ever ask WHY? Why can’t you be sober and laughing with everyone being silly and having fun? Because your not on the excuse juice 🥤that’s why... it fucks up their okayness. Now take this to your afternoon work out??! Omg!!! They know. The KNOW! The know the after noon walk or work out is WISDOM... so they don’t do did but kinda wish they did but they don’t... Then you go and do it... ouch! They feel mega self conscious like the drunks at a party when they find out you laughing, being silly just like them... having fun... but your drinking cranberry juice not actual cape cods... To be truly fit for most people means to understand co-dependacy and heal that along with being fit. Just be thankful women and men... The ladies will get nasty rumors put out about them and snide comments meant to be emotionally painful which hits women harder... And also know, at least when young... men get targeted as punch objects at parties or clubs by jealous dudes because “he should be able to protect himself right?” But actually it’s just beat on a nice good looking guy thing some thugs need to do... I’m not saying this goes down 24/7. No way. It does not. But hear this... When I was fit, once every couple of weeks id have a chick walk up out of the blue and talk shit to me... and the same for men... the men said “fag” and women said “conceited”... when they would walk by... I know my energy is different than most... but it only takes a couple of those comments to derail most people... They are energy darts of malicious intent and over time they take a toll for most people who are just trying to be good and self helpful... If your mediocre you get non of this... but the observant fit do. You may be fit and get non of this... that’s either because you don’t see or are not aware... and or your environment is so upper scale it’s a non issue there. The remedy is to study codependency and take active positive measures to empower yourself proactively and or the other remedy is to study some grounding and centering techniques and some spiritual shielding techniques in order to keep your energy clean and using sages and occasional salt water essential oil baths or different things that can re-energize you re-motivate you and make you feel brand new again. Philosophy wise you need to realize your attaining an elite status as far as how you look because you are answering in the top five or top one top 1/10 of a percent of people and that’s just the way it is that’s like driving a Ferrari everywhere you go that’s like being the prettiest woman everywhere you go the coolest guy everywhere you go it’s going to trigger people and you need a philosophy that allows you to except your brilliance and one thing that can be helpful is no one attacks a beautiful rose no one talks a gorgeous tree no one says that amazing view I hate it I hate it I hate it. You become a epic thing... it’s okay to be great or it’s okay to be great again. Affirmations are a great way to give yourself positive permission to be your best and to be well it’s OK for you to be healthy fit beautiful handsome and gorgeous and it’s OK for others to just be comfortable or whatever it is that they are. If you catch some bullshit... on the third time say... 1-time you did this 2- Time you did that... This is the 3rd time your now doing xyz... what’s going on with the out downs and so forth??? Do you need help with something??? Cut that shit off before it gets crazy and a never ending poison drip situation. Sometimes also you may end up changing environments because if you work somewhere and everyone’s unfit and you’re sad you’re going to get a new job where everyone else is kind of sad and kind a open minded and cool like you are. So if you’re kinda unwell and you get very well super well your environments going to change you’re going to move to a new place somethings going to change and it’s OK. Also note that you don’t have to lose all these old friends what you can do is get the new environment and the new friends and maybe a new work who knows a lot of new brand new wonderful and you can go back and visit your old friends in your old environment-year-old whatever like once a year on holidays you can go ahead and eat and indulgence day and do whatever you want around them and you can have a great time. And this way you may end up being a great inspiration to them but you need to be cautious because they may even sell you on how cool it is to be with you in the hopes of you having a second indulgence eating day and three or 10 more they may want to take you out A bunch of times in order to get you fat again if you think I’m kidding I’m not this is how jealous he works it’s kind of unconscious it’s kind of conscious it is what it is and it’s a scary fucking thing. So yeah I wrote a lot here cause I’m kind of fucking letting it all out and I’m getting fit again and this are some of my fears and bullshit that I’ve noticed and I’m certified hypnotist and I understand what unconscious pain does and why we avoid doing well with our goals and what self sabotage really is is just avoidance of pain. We believe we’re going to get pain by succeeding and that pain is all those little comments and put downs and snide remarks and moments of scariness and social situations or we feel like the odd person out because we’re healthy and happy. Well I’m here to say is that you can be the odd person out for a moment build your new life and go back to the old life and pop in and just say hi once a month or once a few months or on your birthday or special holiday it’s no big deal you can stay in touch with those people or or that kind of vibe. So you can stay in touch with that you don’t live with that what you live with is a new amazing healing positive environment and just like when you go hiking you might be alone on a trail for a little bit and then around the corner is a hang out area and there’s new people to hang out with and it’s all good and it’s all cool. Just think it’s like gaining a whole new city when you live somewhere for a long time you’re not really losing the old place you’re gaining a new place and then you can take a vacation to the old place if you still feel like it later it’s there to visit and you know it like the back of your hand you lose nothing you gain everything. So move into the new! Hopefully this helps people feel comfortable about making their changes and also lets people know who have failed part of why they failed was the social situation and feeling kind of relieved and kind of amazing and then the fear around being kind of elite and kind of amazing. It’s OK to be your best you can memorize that and you can say it to others and you can tell them it’s OK for you to be your best so-and-so. Got to go now I hope this helps have a great day.
@user-sl6ou3qb9l 4 года назад
Karam Levi Damn that was good bro I actually read that whole thing in portions because I was thinking about each part and visualizing to understand better. Im not fit yet. But I have learned self control. Which I believe is the key to all kinds of success. So I can’t really relate much since you have been fit or are fit to my understanding. I’ve never been fit. BUT what you wrote is legit, realistic and I can see it. You did a good public service in my eyes (to those who will understand) by writing all that down. The part of cutting the bs short when someone is talking subtle smack or what not was on point and realistically useful in a way that is pretty alpha male versus physical aggression or taking all the hits and be dominated by the smack talker. Thanks mate
@yowie7169 4 года назад
@@user-sl6ou3qb9l it's literally incoherent rambling.
@alexramella7191 3 года назад
Shout out to this absolute lad, he’s still commenting 4 years later, you continue to impress me.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thank you so much! I appreciate the support and I love hearing people's stories and helping where i can. Cheers, PJ
@zye.... 3 года назад
@@PaulPJJames there he is, mad lad!
@adamcroxall1423 3 года назад
Nearly 12 years later
@martin-oo4wn 3 года назад
@@adamcroxall1423 definitely a genuine guy, i like it
@fahimalam2562 3 года назад
@GameplayzOfficial 5 лет назад
I'm 28, been fat my whole life, but 3 month ago I decided to change for good, now with 46 pounds less and way happier,
@rawbacon 5 лет назад
Good job Fatty.
@Mssplow 5 лет назад
Enjoy your path 😊
@ssccoottiinnoo 5 лет назад
fucking well done Buddy!
@Hernandez2192 5 лет назад
Get it!
@MoMoneyMoritz 5 лет назад
Good on ya mate!! keep up the hard work!!
@mJax813 4 года назад
This dude put on 40kg just to lose it in the same year so he can better empathize/train his clients and this woman has the gall to claim he is de-motivating. That is incredible.
@ajinomoto831 4 года назад
Yup. She is a sad ball of fat
@bobochan4699 4 года назад
Dont blame her, she's in denial because of the sugar addiction n cravings.. Sugar addiction is worse than drugs.. Cause its everywhere.
@tedtrash 4 года назад
I kind of blame bad editing. It would be good if they had focused on Michelle a bit more. You can expect that she will be unable to explain her reasons for not coming in for training because she is not even conscious of them, which is not the same as being irrational. What we do see is her trying to make sense of it by rationalization and other defense mechanisms. It is much easier to deflect and start looking for a character flaw in the trainer, not because she is a bad person, but because it is the only thing that makes sense to her. I think that it is great that they have interspersed experts talking about the real psychological effects. She also faces no social consequences for blaming her failure on a man not being self-reflective enough, and may even have a support group telling her that her argument is legitimate. That is the danger of meaningless interpersonal narratives. They can be used to justify all kinds of behavior.
@tedtrash 4 года назад
Sorry. I commented too early before watching the scene that you are referencing. This is why personal trainers are not therapists. She is probably being genuine when she says that he demotivates her and gives excellent examples of what he is doing wrong. When he works with someone, he should not talk about himself at all - just focus on relevant and reasonable outcomes for your client. Now where I do find her judgement questionable is in her expecting that a professional male model wouldn't be primarily motivated by his appearance. She already knows from this stunt that health is a secondary concern. (edited for spelling)
@bobochan4699 4 года назад
@@tedtrash I Agree with u on that, what she really need is not a personal trainer, she need a psychologist.
@hoebitching2990 4 года назад
michelle: "my brother doesn't understand me and he's jealous i went to university" brother: "i wished she'd have a healthier lifestyle and a happier life" she wasn't just toxic to herself but everyone around her jfc
@slavko321 4 года назад
But if you understand her attitude as a call for help it makes sense. Her problems are obviously emotional and solving those would solve the food issues too. I mean just change the interaction with PJ, substitute PJ with her parents and her words show what she missed from them. Or something i'm not a psychiatrist:)
@formernozzzmang6664 4 года назад
@@slavko321 ok freud relax
@josephdockemeyer4807 4 года назад
The sister enjoys pushing other people's buttons because she's miserable. Her micro expressions speak volumes.
@XepptizZ 4 года назад
@@josephdockemeyer4807 Her amount of selfpity and unawareness were astounding. She somehow made everybody around her some kind of egotistical narcissist for wanting to help her. It's quite a feat to blame people trying to help for not making the progress. It was painfully obvious she assumed PJ would be the source for motivation, he's only there to help you find your own. I've been there, pathologically eating two bags of chips, a pound of MnM's, because it gave me a fleeting feeling of happiness. It's when you see it as the destructive behavior it is that you can start getting better, no one can make you realize this other than yourself.
@dukenukem8828 4 года назад
@@XepptizZ thats the truth of most fat people moreso fat females, i can show them the ropes and they'll cut it and blame you for it
@Wardoon 3 года назад
The guy completely changed not only in appearance but in behavior, manners, posture and apparent dip in his self confidence. Amazing.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
It was a scary ride but I'm grateful for the experience and everything I learned. Thank you for watching. Much appreciated. Cheers, PJ
@ashleykruzel1072 7 лет назад
Michelle is so ungrateful. I would kill for an opportunity to have such a committed trainer at no cost!!!
@PaulPJJames 7 лет назад
Thanks for watching. Not everyone is ready for change. It takes a huge amount of commitment and focus to get great results. I learned that I can't force people to change. I can only help facilitate change in someone who is 100% committed no matter what it takes.
@cspann33 7 лет назад
Thank you for going on that journey. I'm happy you were able to get back to your healthy life. You did well. The last young lady was ready and she committed and got results. Michelle made her choice.
@taka1taka 7 лет назад
Michelle is in denial! I also can understand where her childish attitude is coming from. Been there done that, got over it....Michele is just getting triggered for stupid reasons which she later goes on to use as excuses for her failures! Michelle just a reminder...everyone knows what's going on, no need to try so hard with those mental gymnastics that won't persuade anyone :(
@charredskeleton 7 лет назад
ashleyb003 1344 Me too, I'd have followed him into the gates of hell. I really respect what he did here, to sacrifice so much for us all to learn.
@PhilipZeplinDK 7 лет назад
Man, I don't even know where to find a personal trainer that committed in my entire country!
@sophiekreynolds1 5 лет назад
When he says "15 years of training undone in 2 months." That is the BEST motivation for consistency... I pretty much hate myself when I train for months and slip up for weeks. I can't fathom how he feels letting 15 years go!
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thanks for watching and also for taking the time to comment. I was shocked by how quickly things turned south. Consistency is definitely important and making health and fitness a lifestyle is the key to a healthier and happier life. Cheers, PJ
@biancabartolomeo7567 5 лет назад
Quazi Roberts well I’m not pj but- I believe you should slowly lean off the alcohol- like do not go cold turkey bc that could cause your body to go into shock or you falling back into your addiction. I’m really glad you’ve acknowledged your problem and you’re self reflecting. I hope you actually contact a professional and start a more healthier lifestyle. I hope that might help a bit but i truly hope that your health improves and you find a positive change within yourself :)
@playboymac 5 лет назад
Just got a call from pj he says start running and stop drinking or your lost with no help
@lys2305 5 лет назад
But when you stop to train AND don't start to eat fast food in very big amounts like him, then you don't gain weight. I used to train every day fr many years (ballet, running, weights once a week, swimming , cycling, aerobics... And when i had a full time job, i stopped it, because i had not enough time and drive anymore. My body didn't change, maybe slightly less toned than before, but nobody could see it.
5 лет назад
@Quazi Roberts Hey man, how have things been?
@dustinthomas262 5 лет назад
Just wanted to say, a couple months ago I posted a comment on here saying my goal was to drop down to 200lbs. At the time I was 218lbs, but at the start of the journey I was about 235lbs. I now weigh in at 199.4 lbs and never felt better! Thank you for the inspiration!!!
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
That's awesome news! Congratulations and thank you for sharing! I'm sure you are feeling a whole lot better! Keep up the great work and continue with everything to mould yourself into a healthy and fit person. You deserve it! Cheers, PJ
@samg3203 4 года назад
Dustin Thomas awesome job Dustin! I hope your going strong.😀
@huntingfatloss3984 4 года назад
Damn... pretty much where I’m starting now, glad to hear you could do it!
@marxhamakhan1 3 года назад
I watched this most days whilst I was on my weight loss journey. It took me just over a year to lose 48kg. 3 years on and I still watch this, to remind myself. Great work dude, you've changed a lot of lives including my own.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thanks for the continuing support and well done on losing that weight and keeping it off! Awesome work! I love hearing successful transformations like yours. Very well done! Keep it up! Cheers, PJ
@rapinncapin123 8 месяцев назад
I have you you're 100th like. Congratulations on your success! I've lost a lot as well
@kiranbabu3426 4 года назад
This guy is a trainer to die for. Dude only gives off good vibes.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated! Cheers, PJ
@moneyball7908 4 года назад
Yeah I’ve got a lot of respect for him and what he did. Put his money where his mouth is. You should check out Jeff cavalier as well he’s a great trainer too.
@liamzammit8387 4 года назад
@@PaulPJJames I always watch this to get motivated thanks
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
@@moneyball7908 Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. Cheers, PJ
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
@@liamzammit8387 Great! I'm glad it continues to help you with motivation. Cheers, PJ
@calebwilliams3055 4 года назад
well after years of seeing the thumbnail, I did it. I actually did it. I watched the video RU-vid! ARE YOU HAPPY!?!??! But I'll admit I was pleasantly surprised by the content, EXTREMELY interesting and motivational. Mad respect to you Mr. James!
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thank you very much for watching and sorry about RU-vid lol they can be annoying sometimes. I appreciate your kind words. Cheers, PJ
@christianjohnson283 4 года назад
yea, I've seen this video for years circling around, always wanted to watch it because my dad talked about it, now I'm finally here lol
@Lola-re6ny 4 года назад
Same haha
@respectedmastermind 4 года назад
It is really worth to watch
@AZ0C 4 года назад
same lol
@jk.smalls 5 лет назад
This is pretty motivating, I feel like it shows being fat really is more of a mental issue than a physical one.
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you for watching and I'm glad you found it motivating. And yes, mental health and wellbeing is go hand in hand. Both overweight and underweight people have to work on their brain and so do people who are obsessive with food and training. Long term success comes from creating a well balanced lifestyle and a positive relationship with both food and exercise. Cheers, PJ
@cellP8 5 лет назад
personally i kinda feel it is, when i changed my habits and decided to lose weight, it was really hard at first, i started with intermitent fasting and after a really hard time(cravings 24/7) i started losing interest in eating, and my body became used to changes, i don´t do fasting as much as i did, but it really helped control my apetite.
@JollyRogerTheDodger 5 лет назад
I'm the 666th like on this comment.
@emiliocedeno369 5 лет назад
@@JollyRogerTheDodger I'm going to like it because Jesus is coming back soon bro! Love you... Here comes the 667!!
@JollyRogerTheDodger 5 лет назад
@@emiliocedeno369 I don't know about that. Jesus can't do anything here now, earth is fucked. We need God, not his messenger. Peace and love.
@evanadams3160 5 лет назад
he was fit he got fat but most importantly... he came back.
@ItsMonkeyNews 5 лет назад
@grizzly9960 5 лет назад
Minus the healthy liver and kidney function.
@legionmaniac-9202 5 лет назад
What we do here is go back
@jomoland 5 лет назад
ItsMonkeyNews what is that from?
@asole100 5 лет назад
@•Jo• It's an old meme, He protecc , He Atacc
@kennethperry7160 4 года назад
I was skeptical that he would feel the genuine embarrassment that goes with being fat. When he got caught with that pizza, I saw it in his face.
@samvelaghajanyan4166 4 года назад
kenneth perry “I didn’t have lunch”... “Alright I had 2 pies”
@he-01 4 года назад
I related to the rationalizations he was making so much
@virahpayam 4 года назад
Agreed!! As someone who struggles with food addiction, I was really moved by his genuine experience at that part of the video 🥺🥺🥺
@julayneo5472 4 года назад
@@virahpayam I was moved that he did this to better understand the weightloss struggle so he could be a BETTER fitness coach. If that does not give you feels for his caring dedication I dunno what will. Whoever can have him as a fitness coach at a gym is a lucky bastard.
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you so much! I appreciate the support! Cheers, PJ
@charanjassi4820 5 лет назад
Care to share how you cut out the macros in these phase of leaning down
@limmel3588 5 лет назад
Legendary documentary mate. Props. This documentary is pure motivation!
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
It was difficult to include everything I wanted to due to time constraints but I decided to write a book called TAKE IT OFF KEEP IT OFF. It goes into detail on all the food and exercise and has shopping lists, menu planners, recipes and training routines for beginners and advanced levels. I'm not a big fan of counting macros but basically, I stick to 60% protein, 30% carbs and 10% healthy fats. Gaining the weight, I regularly consumed 10,000 calories and even up to 20,000 on some days. I had to gradually decrease calories and ended up at around 1,800 towards the end. I usually consume around 2,500 on a daily basis for maintenance. Cheers, PJ
@charanjassi4820 5 лет назад
@@PaulPJJames thank u
@Adriann604 5 лет назад
you are right with checking on intake, if obese people would really look into what calories they are putting in, then they would understand that people who are lean are not different to them, but just have adequate intake around 2000-2500 calories or around 1800 if they need to trim down. I had opposite problem, was quite skinny, but could not put weight on despite eating well. and the truth is that my calories were around 1500 a day! (not a great fat and sugar eater to get calories higher..) Added more food a day, and now I can see I am keeping my weight where it should be. Simple things like checking how much goes into ones body would clarify to big people where they are to change the habits...
@Lone_traveler147 3 года назад
the pizza scene is the moment I believe you start to understand the struggle and the cycle that many obese people get trapped in. This video is really motivating and hopefully continues to help others along their fitness journey.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thank you for watching and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Food definitely has the ability to have a stronghold on us and the cycle out of eating junk and processed foods is a hard one to break. Cheers, PJ
@ainsmas361 10 месяцев назад
still choice though. It's a choice to ignore that voice that says don't do it. You cannot have sympathy, this entire documentaries bottom line is CHOICE
@dylansobrien9004 5 лет назад
Soooo many people are in the comments like ‘oh he should’ve stayed fat for a year’ or ‘you’ve got to do this now (lose all this and gain back)’ Why can’t you all just be grateful he literally put his life on the line to entertain and see from his clients perspectives! Be grateful Jesus christ
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you very much! I appreciate that! Cheers, PJ
@heatherpaar9479 5 лет назад
He is awesome
@marving.5436 5 лет назад
yep he definitely would have lost everything there, he is a model and a trainer, and he made a sacrifice to give point to stubbornness of people
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you so much. Cheers, PJ
@WokOverEasy 5 лет назад
Im in the healthy weight range and if i was told to gain 50% of my body weight id straight up start sobbing. No way any fit woman would be willing to do this.
@erin79 4 года назад
"I thought I was having a stroke...so I had some more snacks." Makes sense. This dude is insane.
@frankyfourfingers8913 4 года назад
Homer Simpson iq level .
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
A perfect example of how delirious we can become when we're addicted to sugar and processed foods. Just to clarify also, I said "snakes". They are confectionery, similar to gummy worms or killer pythons that you get at 7eleven. Cheers, PJ
@erin79 4 года назад
@@PaulPJJames Hahaha, gummy snakes!? That's among the worst kinds of snacks. Well done on fighting back down to good shape though. Very cool documentary.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
@@erin79 Yep, they're terrible! Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
@@caviarfortytwo4718 The most important thing is to make yourself accountable. Once you tell yourself that you must change, then it's up to you to enforce that. You have to be true to yourself. It doesn't really matter what others say to us. The decision to get healthy is made by the individual and when the time is right, the change will happen.
@DJ_PROMO_PR 5 лет назад
I have major respect for this guy. Some people have NO idea the will it takes to do what he did.
@peachesco 5 лет назад
You're wrong! Every fat and obese person knows exactly how much IT will take for them. The problem...Demotivating and emotionally damaging people that disguise themselves as support beacons.
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you very much! I appreciate it ✌ Cheers, PJ
@supremebohnenstange4102 5 лет назад
@@peachesco first he said some second an obese person doesnt have to loose the perfect body in the first place thats a diffrent kind of stress you cant compare those a fat person is fat in the first place ppl that new him saw him getting out of shape you just cant comparr it
@dr.juliansimon590 5 лет назад
congrats my man, i used to be really fit but now im fat and trying to go back :D
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thanks for watching! You're in a good position because you can remember what it felt like to be fit and healthy and that is a reference that many overweight people don't have. Keep going all the way 💪Cheers, PJ
@DreamVelocity 3 года назад
I feel like this documentary really shows how it's all mental strength
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Very true! Mental strength leads to consistency and overall victory.
@user-np8xh8hb1o 3 года назад
@@PaulPJJames h
@wadephipps5239 4 года назад
It's amazing he's still replying to people in the comments after all this time. Even at peak weight and peak exhaustion, he was still so positive throughout all of it. Inspiring.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thank you Wade! I've always aimed to stay positive, even through the difficult times and I enjoy hearing people's thoughts on everything. It's a constant source of inspiration for me as well. Cheers, PJ
@alcindorodriguesferrer7057 4 года назад
@@PaulPJJames 👏👏👏👏👏 you're great. You really care.
@udaykhanna8093 4 года назад
You look like virat kohli
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you for watching. Much appreciated! Cheers, PJ
@fabiomachado8432 5 лет назад
hows Michelle ? lol
@HelluGoes 5 лет назад
Would be really cool to have an update video on how you are now!
@Thenorthelect 5 лет назад
The most shocking thing in this documentary came at 1:01:05 was the women’s t shirt being sold for 80$. All jokes aside great work!
@fuckoffhackers8619 5 лет назад
U are the man!
@bochaberinyakundi7148 5 лет назад
can i just say.... i really really didnt want to move an inch today after an entire day dealing with preschoolers...i watched this and ran 8 kms....so thank you!! i am really full of excuses and act shocked when the scale doesnt reflect what i think is hard work...thank you!!! I can lose that last 7 kilos to get to my goal weight...i came down from 90kgs...now at 74.5 kgs as of today. I can do it!!!
@LengThao 7 лет назад
The dirtiest bulk in history.
@donaldderp1602 7 лет назад
Pure filth!
@GuerillaMonkey 7 лет назад
Think about the mad gainz he'd get if he trained while force-feeding himself!
@099999ddd 7 лет назад
you haven't seen banzz yet or all kind of fucking mukbang.
@another90daystochangethis34 7 лет назад
Nah, the dirtiest bulk in history is the one that never finished.
@pedrobatista7975 7 лет назад
Imagine if he force feed himself of chicken brest and high carbohydrate & fiber tubercles (healthy source of calories) during a strong rotine of exercise!
@Papertin99 3 года назад
This is a legend of a person. To build a body you truly love, then to put on weight and throw it all away just to prove a point and help others only to physically and mentally struggle to come back is amazing. Like mohammed ali said “the best currency in life is the affect you have on others” this is a great example of that - hope your well mate and god bless you!!
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thank you very much for your kind words. I appreciate the support very much. Cheers, PJ
@inacook2285 2 года назад
Absolutely 💯!
@victorbustos7989 5 лет назад
I've literally seen the thumbnail for this vid like 1,000 times.. never clicked on it.. I was missing out.. I loved this Video..
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you very much for watching and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Cheers, PJ
@victorbustos7989 5 лет назад
@@PaulPJJames I was in the Marines for over 5 years.. they kinda made me want to look good and have pride in my appearance.. I can't imagine how or why you did that.. Kudos big time.. I don't think I would have..
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
It was definitely a difficult journey but I'm very thankful for everything I learned along the way. Thank you also for your service ✌
@LionessOnTheRise44 4 года назад
me toooooooo
@vonholley 4 года назад
I love how this documentary combined nutrition, science, psychology, and physiology all in one. Others only display one or the other. Well done!
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thank you for watching! Much appreciated! I'm glad you liked it. Cheers, PJ
@youngdoctor8311 4 года назад
And the reality, what obese people feel.
@Cbd_7ohm 3 года назад
He basically became a sugar salt and oil crack head lol.
@magicman205 4 года назад
I've watched this whole documentary 4 times in the 3.5 months since I first discovered it! Down 63 pounds so far with about 20 more to go! Thank you for the motivation PJ!
@sun7115 3 года назад
how are you doing?
@f.h.4552 3 года назад
How did you lose the weight??
3 года назад
@@f.h.4552 I dropped 20 pounds in 2 weeks only drinking water, Gatorade, and grapes. I stayed in a sauna 20 min , than 15 min , than 10 than 5 min a day and a hotub for 45 minutes . 14 days straight !!! Be safe with losing weight I cut weight .
@lukeseropian 3 года назад
That’s awesome!! Keep up the great work!
@donalgeaney626 3 года назад
How are you doing now 😊
@ashistired6456 3 года назад
Originally I felt empathetic for Michelle as I've been in her shoes, but as time went on and as she spoke more and more I realized that she wasn't understanding nor ready for the change. This doesn't make her a bad person, but she shouldn't be blaming him for her demotivation. It's hard, especially being overweight for a lifetime, but the change has to be your own. He is only there as a guide. All that aside, thank you for making this PJ. I could tell how much dedication was put into this.
@luisoncpp Год назад
Frankly, I would have prefer to edit out Michelle from the documentary, overall she doesn't add anything worth it and just make the documentary longer for no reason; and also, I doubt she liked the way she is portrayed there.
@kiana9941 Год назад
@@luisoncpp Right it was odd having her be a part of this experiment because it seems like she didn't care from the beginning nor was willing to put it any work
@justahuman3287 4 года назад
Just remember, everyone at the gym either started as overweight or skinny. So they all started at square one. And why does anyone care what a bunch of strangers think?
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Very true! It's always a personal journey.
@crotchy7667 4 года назад
Everyone has their own level of anxiety, that's why.
@thetruealiascas5475 4 года назад
I was fit, workout addict. Now I'm addicted to big macs...trying to get back at it. It's tough but I always thought fat people in the gym were doin well by themselves to improve and now I'm a tubby man myself. Who cares what people think set your goals and shred em fr
@alexg7214 5 лет назад
I agree!! This should be on Netflix,this should be viewed way more than it has. Way to go Mate!!!
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thanks! I appreciate it! Cheers, PJ
@KoopaXross 5 лет назад
This explains why people with a body like his are more attractive for more than just the looks. Your body is a reflection of your willpower.
@db5166 5 лет назад
i like that
@jfm14 5 лет назад
That's not remotely accurate.
@jfm14 5 лет назад
Absolutely Dreadful Is that always how you engage in a friendly discussion? Damn. To answer your question, there are countless factors outside an individual's control, including genetics, many health issues (both physical and mental), disabilities, etc. Not to mention the things over which we have limited control, such as other health issues, location, culture, poverty, little leisure time due to lack of opportunity and upward mobility, etc. These things and more can have a huge impact on physical appearance and fitness, so it's pretty absurd to assume it all comes down to willpower.
@KoopaXross 5 лет назад
@@jfm14 My dad has been overweight since I was born, yet I'm praised for my physique that I worked for and believe there's thirst among the women workers at my extra shifts workplace causing me to get work there still after 3 years. LUL Anyway genetics wise I should be badly off, in fact I watched a video where you could find out what formations on your body matches good/bad genetics and I have found bad formation here and there suggesting I have bad genes. So keep blaming it on genes. I've seen this guy who has no arms or legs yet is ripped to all fuck. We've both fought the not so good things we were handed since conception.
@jfm14 5 лет назад
@@KoopaXross Keep blaming it on genes? Seems you completely misunderstood my point. I'm talking about the effect of genes on appearance and ability in general. I'm not saying anyone should fall back on these things as excuses to not push themselves and do their best, I'm saying it's ludicrous to think it all comes down to willpower when there are so many factors involved. For example, my brother has been tall and slim his whole life due to naturally fast metabolism. He looks like he's in shape even when he isn't, even when he's not taking care of himself. Got nothing to do with willpower. I, on the other hand, both gain and lose weight easily. I have to stay active and really watch my portions to stay fit... which I do.
@pentachronic 3 года назад
When I see overweight people taking to the jogging trails, I think, good on ya!! NEVER be embarrassed to go and exercise. None of us, who regularly exercise, will judge you because you know what, most of us have been in your shoes or worse!! I always try and encourage people with friendly wave or a smile or a compliment. BTW This is a wonderful documentary and very well done. I'm sure PJ now has that extra knowledge to really shine in helping his clients.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thanks for watching and also for the kind words. I appreciate it! Yes indeed, I feel most people who train are very welcoming towards new people training, especially those who are overweight. Cheers, PJ
@cameronfarroll3616 4 года назад
Intentionally getting fat must be the most depressing thing ever.
@Lektuerekurs 4 года назад
what about intentionally changing your sexual preferences ?
@emmeli5492 4 года назад
@@Lektuerekurs what
@BrianHallmond 4 года назад
Gaining fat after losing it (When you dont want to gain it AT ALL) is the most depressing thing ever.
@jaywyse7150 4 года назад
It looks fun to me.
@oshitwaddup4956 4 года назад
@@Lektuerekurs u mean like getting into scat when ur not?
@MiaSabathy 4 года назад
This is so amazing!!! I feel like people aren't appreciating this enough. He put his ONE life and his ONE body at risk... he didn't have to do that at all!!!!!! Can u imagine throwing away your perfectly fit body and HEALTH, with no guarantee of getting it back?? He did it for OTHERS, so he could understand and help better. Legendary.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thank you for watching and also for recognizing the sacrifices. To gain 50% of your weight in an unhealthy manner is a huge risk and it takes its toll on your body as well as affecting you psychologically, emotionally and mentally. I put it all on the line in order to educate myself and also share with others. This platform provides a forum for people to share their ideas, express their opinions and also learn. People can internally heal by simply sharing their personal stories. It's an important step and it helps people release some stress. Cheers, PJ
@annen22 4 года назад
This comment reflects how I feel. It was really an amazing sacrifice and achievement. He really truly experienced the psychological and emotional impacts of obesity and then overcame it which is the part I am so impressed with.
@mildroastnescafe2 4 года назад
Man, that guy's girlfriend was an absolute Saint. Imagine watching your underwear model boyfriend transform into a slob and accepting it. Now that's tolerance.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
I'm a very lucky man!
@allentaylor5991 4 года назад
Wow how superficial, if she LOVED him then she would be there anyway
@mildroastnescafe2 4 года назад
@@allentaylor5991 I dunno, watching your partner purposely make themselves that unhealthy would put a lot of people off.
@craigjoyner9857 4 года назад
If he didn’t recover, she may have been gone. We don’t really know.
@carikabester6310 4 года назад
Otherwise she wouldhave been superficial
@domlipski5226 3 года назад
Michelle is the perfect example of "You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink". Every excuse under the sun despite having an opportunity of a lifetime. She even tried to pull the "You wouldn't understand" to guy who specifically put himself in the position to understand and then act on his motivation to change. Paul put his body, career and health on the line to show people like Michelle that its all about the mind. I'm so happy Dora was included at the end coz Michelle was probably bumming out all the fat people and spreading her negatively. Well done Dora and thank you PJ, absolutely legendary.
@LovingLightx 11 месяцев назад
All that you said there, I 100% agree with. Well said, thank you.
@leelaa219 10 месяцев назад
She's frustrated because for her, PJ makes it look so easy while she still struggles. Instead of saying "I'm struggling, I need help" she rather quits because it seems less embarrassing to her. Ego-trap. To be fair, PJ and Michelle come from two different sets of genes. Michelle has been overweight all of her live, it IS harder for her than it is for PJ. They both should have respected that and still keep on doing the work.
@gabrielcaballero760 5 лет назад
Way to go Dora, 325 lbs to 195 lbs through consistant hard work and making the time to commit! How can you not have respect for such an accomplishment? She has my respect, great job Dora and hat's off to PJ for helping her and being by her side all the way. A real super hero...
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
Thank you very much! Dora is truly amazing and has the best mindset I have ever seen in a client. Cheers, PJ
@darcywade2711 4 года назад
The happiness that was brought back to this man after such a miserable state is the most inspiring to me, making jokes again, making goals and being sociable.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
It's amazing how people change, depending on how they truly feel. Night and day differences. Cheers, PJ
@quacktac 5 лет назад
Seeing him getting depressed because he was gaining weight reinforces how happy I've been feeling since I've started getting more healthy. Depression is so frequently used as an excuse for being fat, maybe they're depressed because they're unhealthy.
@careysimpson5282 5 лет назад
I think It has more to do with his lack of exercise, There's a lot of interesting studies done on the effects of exercise on depression/apathy.
@quacktac 5 лет назад
@@careysimpson5282 Sure, exercise is well know to have positive effects, but I think just being healthy overall really makes a difference too. I used to feel tired all the time and not really notice, now that I've been exercising and eating well for the last couple of months I have a lot more energy.
@LaMereACaniche 5 лет назад
Weren't there studies that linked being fat with depression? Can't talk for everyone out there but I know I wasn't happy when I was fat.
@diegoserranoperez3326 5 лет назад
Or maybe, they've just put on weight as a consequence of depression and low-self steam.
@misterelitewolf 5 лет назад
@@quacktac I agree that being fat isn't gonna help you fight depression, and it most assuredly wont help with your self esteem, and there are definite benefits of loosing weight in terms of getting better mentally. But it's the actual exercise and the getting out that seems to me to help the most. But if you have clinical depression it's not the same as just being a bit down. It's caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. I'm not trying to make excuses here as i have and am still going through the process of dealing with depression. At my height i was at around 140 kilos, and now i'm at around 75-85. I can tell you that loosing weight isn't enough, and when you are in very low place logic wont help you. You can understand that it may help, but the funny part of depression is that it saps your will to do anything. Somme can't even get out of bed in the morning. I get that it's hard to understand, and that it might seem like a cheap cop out but it really isn't. When you hit the bottom, you wont care about getting better. You might not even think you deserve to. It took me over 3 years to get to a point where i could manage to start getting in shape. Tho i am in better shape i am still fighting depression every day, and some days it even feels like it didn't help at all. In essence what i'm trying to say is that it isn't always as easy as you might think. And it simply may not be enough to get you to a good place. That being said. To all of you out there struggling with depression. It does help, and you DO deserve to get better.
@jimmyv1233 3 года назад
The woman at the end is a beast. Dora has amazing determination. The other one feels sorry for herself. She'd rather pretend she's ok because she thinks she's doomed or doesn't want to put in the work.
@robertturnip7850 4 года назад
The best line from this is "Losing weight isn't hard, it's just regular" So true. Do something every day even if its just 20 minutes.
@catherin77 4 года назад
yep, just walk instead of driving or taking a bus. Or if you must, park/get off two stops earlier and bloody walk
@catherin77 4 года назад
Nothing will change unless you change (and I am talking internally)
@wutan2528 4 года назад
I am sorry but this is just total bs. You don’t lose weight doing sports you lose it in the kitchen. 20mins of Sport everyday will make nearly no difference at all.
@catherin77 4 года назад
@@wutan2528 well yes, ideally you start with the kitchen and combine a more active life style. But either could be a good start. Remember myself a few years back getting back into cycling after a veeeery long break of being active. Main motivation at the time was to get better energy levels and feeling better (dopamine does kick in) and not for the looks. Everything is in pur minds
@doctorthee 4 года назад
It's "regular" if you are used to committing to that whole lifestyle. The big barrier for most is that mental one where even one can lose the weight but only few can keep it off.
@Lexapenadillo 4 года назад
As I’m typing this I’m crying. I’m the biggest I’ve been in my life. My stress level In 2019 was insansely bad. I put the gym on the back burner. Completely destroyed my body with food. I’ve always been an athlete and this is the motivation I needed to kick my ass back too the gym! Thank you!!!
@serus6358 4 года назад
Stay focus keep your head up it's a New Year.
@bstone5943 4 года назад
You got this.
@jhonnycaicedo5647 4 года назад
keep us posted on the progress i would definitely love to hear it
@Lexapenadillo 4 года назад
Thank you guys! I will keep you posted luckily muscle memory exists I’ve already lost 4 lbs. I’m getting toned slowly. I can’t believe I ever put my health before anything
@jhonnycaicedo5647 4 года назад
Lexa Scott right just keep at at right now I’m 120 Kilos and I’m only 5’10 much fatter than PJ ever got but i ain’t losing hope let’s keep at it we’ll make it maybe not 40 Kilos in 6 months but we’ll get there and it will stick good luck
@jn8922 4 года назад
Wow. This was eye opening. Seeing him getting depressed and how the vitality left his face when he spoke after being overweight was like a lightbulb that turned on in my brain. So its not just willpower or just a decision to be thinner - all that bad food affects your brain and affects your moods as well as your decision making abilities about food. This was such an important thing that he did. I appreciate it because learned something by seeing it being proved, not just reading about it. So glad I watched this video. ❤
@josequins9099 4 года назад
One of the scientists said something really important. It's not just about removing bad food but knowing what to eat in it's place. Veges are absolutely vital to health and eating a ton of colored veggies and fruit will make you feel way better, even if you still eat some junk.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thank you for watching and I'm glad you got a lot out of it. I appreciate the support. Bad food is not only damaging but it's also poisonous to the body and the brain. It's so important to eliminate as many heavily processed foods as possible as well as regular junk meals. They do nothing good for us. Our minds are tricked into thinking we enjoy it when in fact, we really don't. It's a false high and the only way to feed that high is by constantly eating rubbish. Once you start eating healthily, your body appreciates it and your brain starts working with more clarity and logic. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Cheers, PJ
@brozesilver 3 года назад
That womans smile at the end gave me such a big smile. I hope she is proud of herself and has kept up with her progress.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Dora is an absolute champion and has the best attitude and mindset I have ever seen. Truly amazing!
@alfie1217 5 лет назад
Bruh this dude took bulking and cutting to a whole new level
@theancientones3755 4 года назад
the look on the doctors face when he said he bought a deep fryer hahaha
@workout9594 4 года назад
beardbuddy Mist people in that exact scenario say something like, I've bought an exercise bike, but nope man bought a deep fryer
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
I think I almost gave him a heart attack lol
@scottbrown8359 4 года назад
He was so disappointed 😂
@perfpet 4 года назад
Paul PJ James what do you look like today?
@samboreham2583 4 года назад
Or when he's shopping... oh I like garlic bread 😂😂
@ianonrust5766 3 года назад
The most amazing part of this movie is how well they document the psychological part of being obese. You could just see how animated and bubbly Paul was when he was fit, and then the depression and sadness you see in his face when he is fat. When he got committed to his routine and started really trying again you could see his happiness return.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thanks for watching. It was important for me to address the emotional and psychological issues as well as the physical. A lot of people don't realize how strong a hold food has on us. Daily exercise is also a powerful path to health and happiness. Cheers, PJ
@matchopatcho5762 3 года назад
@@PaulPJJames nah you acted, good acting tho
@kingcyril9246 3 года назад
@@matchopatcho5762 nope it’s science nice try though 🤫
@matchopatcho5762 3 года назад
@@kingcyril9246 😂If you don't have anything smart to say just be quiet.
@kingcyril9246 3 года назад
@@matchopatcho5762 act right baby girl dont let your nerves get you in trouble to easy
@amandamoreno1625 3 года назад
I started my fitness journey yesterday and I’ve been running 1 mile a day and I can’t wait to be healthy and fit 🥰
@hamsandwich6685 3 года назад
Are you still going?
@DrOrr 3 года назад
@@hamsandwich6685 lmao
@teetoo6669 2 года назад
How is it now?
@43one 3 года назад
I'm so glad he didn't fall for her sob story, and told her the truth, of not being committed!
@sterlthepearl1000 3 года назад
When she's interested, she'll do it when it's convenient. But if she's committed, she'll do whatever it takes.
@sterlthepearl1000 3 года назад
And the truth sounds like hate, to those who hate the sound of truth.
@adk5997 3 года назад
Exactly he was there to talk about training and to follow it, and not to be feeling sorry and letting her off and letting her staying fat... I bet she would then blame him for not losing any weight 😂 Can’t win with her. She does not want to admit she stuffs herself and it is not the food or her body where the problem is but her laziness
@43one 3 года назад
@@adk5997 💯!!
@ghost_of_a_dead_poet 3 года назад
I disagree, I think her story was very valid. Not all people are able to get motivated by someone making a progress and telling them that they need to be committed.
@emgoodluck416 6 лет назад
“I had no lunch” “Is that a lie” “I had two pies for lunch” “You had two pies and a pizza” 😂
@PaulPJJames 6 лет назад
Self denial at it's best LOL
@bruce350 6 лет назад
Scary what it did to you. Not just physically but mentally too!
@aprilshimengg.3821 6 лет назад
totally can relate lol those sneaky chocolate and pizza, I did the same thing many times.
@vicm.8121 6 лет назад
I do this often too but I make sure i have a milkshake or schochu with it .
@darthcoffee1 6 лет назад
What is a Pie? I dont know if its an Australian thing because in Texas a pie is like an apple pie, a dessert.
@karolinakomrskova587 6 лет назад
It made me so uncomfortable to see him gain the weight. Like I had a feeling that it's all wrong throughout my whole body. Possibly the fact that he was also becoming very depressed and it messed with his head so much
@PaulPJJames 6 лет назад
Thank you for caring about my health 😊 much appreciated. Cheers,PJ
@nevergiveup9937 6 лет назад
For me it was also unbearable to watch. It was like seeing a healthy person become a drug addict.
@ceryscooper8597 6 лет назад
Amanda Ramos that is a perfect example! i felt the same way..
@sdaniaal 6 лет назад
hes starts to look like a large eminem
@DreddDiver 6 лет назад
Yeah.. it's really opened my eyes to the life style I've been living...
@carlroberson6336 3 года назад
Thank you for making this as a guy who was fit, and got fat I realized how difficult life is when you go obese. I never knew how limiting weight can be, I could fit into rides, slept worse, and my mental health declined. My quality of life went down significantly, I’m struggling to get back. Once I get back to where I was I can say fairly confidently I will never let myself get this big again.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thank you for watching and also for sharing your story. Much appreciated. It really is a wake up call when you realize how negatively your quality of life is affected by poor health. Just remember that every day forward from that day on is a step in the right direction when you take action and decide to change for the better. When you've been fit and healthy, you have an advantage because you remember how good life felt. Continue pushing forward and never look back. Create that positive lifestyle again and do something towards your health every single day. You've got this! Stay strong! Consistency with daily habits is of key importance now. Cheers, PJ
@jeromeierome4523 3 года назад
Crack up on his first week of trying to get fit that they catch him eating pizza and he’s trying to make excuses. That’s so real for people struggling with weight and he achieved his goal or trying to understand. Amazing guy for even doing this. You’re awesome dude!
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
We recorded everything and shared as much as we could to show that everyone goes through emotions and struggles. Thank you for the kind words. Much appreciated! Cheers, PJ
@DanTuber 7 лет назад
Weight loss begins in the head. That's why that first girl was never going to succeed. She was never determined from the start.
@familhagaudir8561 7 лет назад
Her mindset from the start was to externalize the responsability to the trainer. From that point the predictable pattern of behavior began. Keep comfort-binge-eating, skip gym and blame the trainer for ''demotivating'' her despite multiple weekly if not daily personal calls to try to reach to her as she was hiding away from the changes she needed to make to lose weight in a healthy way. (Instead of the stupid fad ''diets'' magic-fix she tried, looking for short-term gratification.)
@Sqze 7 лет назад
A big part of weight loss is knowledge and understanding that we have been lied to since the 50´s! The official guidelines have F**** us all up in every sense! I used to be overweight/obese and have been so since childhood so for 30+ years and I have tried everything else than gastric surgery... so calorie counting, pills, powders, starving, etc... and this is what made the difference and what have made the difference for A LOT of people around me: www.dietdoctor.com (purely science based non profit site run only by money donated by happy users) and book called: Body By Science Those two are in every sense maximum output with the least effort in every aspect of being healthy! I have been weight stable for 3+ years at my ideal weight and at no point have I struggled!
@Cerbberos 7 лет назад
We don't know the details (or even the broad lines) of the plan that PJ had set up for her. It might have been too much. We just don't know. For starters, giving her a meal plan without flexibility in food choices (something he seems to be attaching too much importance to) is setting her up for failure. Not saying there's anyone at fault here, but it seems his approach is just not working for her. It's also on him to work something out WITH his client that will get her to her goals.
@Sqze 7 лет назад
Two ways to solve this in my point of view. 1. The best imo would be a Low Carb High Fat diet that shuts down her eating disorder/sugar addiction in a short time like 14 days since this is sustainable in the long run. 2. Almost only low calorie fruits and protein powder... ye i know its sound a bit strange but then you wont have to think about the eating disorder because you will be giving it all the sugar it wants and she would still lose a LOT of weight... problem in the long run is that i am not really sure that it would be healthy?
@Sqze 7 лет назад
What BS :DDDD I lost the first 30 lbs setting at my PC or watching TV from my bed and without calorie counting... so there goes your theory...
@matador432able 5 лет назад
Wow listening to her makes me realize how much being overweight is as much a state of mind than anything. Definitely motivating.
@mario70428 3 года назад
I'm so glad I watched this. I'm going through a chubby stage and sugar addiction currently, but after watching this I know I can beat my sugar addiction and get back in shape! Very motivated now! 💪🏾
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Great! Thank you for watching and keep pushing forward. Cut the sugar, stay focussed and never look back. Consistency is the key. Cheers, PJ
@Cantbebotheredbyyouanymore 4 года назад
I love how this shows not just the psychical aspect of how weight affects you, but also the mental aspect and the personality change. Being fat is not just a psychical condition, it affects every aspect of who you are and how you act
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thanks for watching and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Obesity definitely affects people on many levels. Cheers, PJ
@dandy6191 3 года назад
Except one thing.. There is no such thing as starvation mode. Well.. there is , but the lady in this video would need to weight around 45kg so it applies to her.
@terezinpyrope9092 6 лет назад
That woman is in huge denial. She'll get there eventually. I was 276lbs last summer. Today I am 133lbs. Dine by cutting out sugars, red meat, greasy foods, fried foods and all sodas. I basically ate veggies, grains, fruit, fish, chicken, turkey, and drink nothing but water. Constant walking everyday with my dog, home from school which is 4 miles, dancing, swimming, jogging, sit ups and flexibility training. It's hard the first few months, and often I'd platue because I would have little to no appetite and cause my body to hold fat. Now I don't deal with that because I eat when I should. And the motivation is to be healthier and happier. That's what pushed me. I didn't want to die fat. I didnt want to die unhappy. I had to do it for me, for the people I love, my dog, but mostly for me. Now I'm happier, and getting healthier everyday. I still don't consume sugars or anything unhealthy or even red meats. Seeing this inspires me to take myself further and end up going to the gym with the weights! Or get my own! Just joggin' with mi dog everyday now!
@paulylah 6 лет назад
Congrats on the results human, stay keen
@giannaambrosi9724 6 лет назад
This is so inspiring to me- I’m at the beginning of my journey, and I already see a difference ! I’m really afraid of loose skin. Do you have any? If not, did you do something to prevent it? I love your comment
@terezinpyrope9092 6 лет назад
@@giannaambrosi9724 I do have some loose skin, but over all most of it has gone down, I use baby oil and coconut oil before workouts and after. Losing weight little by little will also help your skin retract too, but, loose skin shouldn't stop you from getting to your goal! Stay strong, loose skin or not, getting to your goal and being a happier healthier you shouldn't come with a "what if" or be stalled by loose skin. Best of luck!
@terezinpyrope9092 6 лет назад
@@paulylah Thanks! ♡
@giannaambrosi9724 6 лет назад
Terezin Pyrope thank you so much for your reply ❤️ ❤️
@wolfiesjustfine6499 4 года назад
Not only is this a good documentary on losing and regaining weight, it's a great insight into mental health aspects of both gaining weight and being long term overweight. Really glad those final few minutes were included, it shows how great a trainer PJ is, and his continued comments on here show even more why he's a great trainer, the continued commitment to himself and others. Great work PJ
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on my documentary. I appreciate the support and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Cheers, PJ
@motherinmaat6947 4 года назад
@@PaulPJJames I know this is late, but I just wanted to tell you how amazing this whole documentary was and what a motivation you are. 😊👍✨ Thank you so much for all your hard work, commitment and sacrifice!
@erggish 3 года назад
I had written here a couple of years ago, with this video being very motivational for me back then... just passing by to say that as of today, this period I've managed to drop 50 kg ! I am still continuing to improve myself but I am already feeling awesome :)
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
This is great!! Well done on losing 50kg!! That's an awesome effort! Thanks for stopping by again to let us know. Huge congrats to you and keep it going! Cheers, PJ
@rererefgerg 6 лет назад
im actually amazed by the unintentional mental shift as he gained more weight, like in the supermarket, controlled by his taste buds despite years of training and intense self-awareness about nutrition, health and weight. I actually felt 2nd hand humiliation, and a whole lot of sympathy. It just shows it cant be helped when it's been built into your habit and your body is accustomed to it.
@TomasUjhelyi 5 лет назад
Power of the mind, aye? After losing 30+ lb the willpower required to avoid buying anything and everything when I grocery shop has drastically gone down
@TheOneanjel 5 лет назад
I think what it shows is that our thinking and purpose is manipulated by bad foods. He must have known that going in, it's not a secret.
@GBfanatic15 5 лет назад
honestly it's probably the part I related to the most...ESPECIALLY when he goes "I don't really need that.....I'll just take one"
@ssccoottiinnoo 5 лет назад
i actually think its more his gut telling him to eat than it is was his tastebuds. His gut flora that is. Creating cravings and shit. "Send us more sugar and fat, buddy!"
@jarrydee2799 5 лет назад
It can be helped. It is very hard for me to pass by all that shit, but I am doing it, and am dropping weight very well. It is a mental fight for sure, but you CAN win. You just have ti do it, end of story. There is no magic pill.
@Hitchslapz 4 года назад
Its so wierd how much easier it is to turn down junk food when you're in shape. I'm lean now (5'7 145) and I've been fat (5'7 220), so I can totally relate to that. I think when you feel bad about yourself already a bit more neglect doesn't seem to really matter.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
I totally agree.
@j.ptracey2769 4 года назад
Holy shit why have I never been able to summarise that feeling as accurate as this
@EmmainthePNW 4 года назад
God, this is so accurate.
@alexwangechi7175 4 года назад
First of all... you're a boss for losing so much weight. I'm always pleasantly surprised when I read stories like yours. Much respect. I'm lucky in that I've always been sub-10% body fat since my teen years, and because I've never had much appetite for junk food. It's a massive accomplishment for me if I'm able to go past 5 forkfuls of fries.
@Hitchslapz 4 года назад
subz0_gaming I eat between 1700 and 2000 calories every day, just protein shakes meat and veggies. I work out every day. Push pull legs twice a week for six of the days and then deep stretching the last day. Bjj three days a week, some sort of hiit twice. I cheat once a month. Of course when I started I failed at all of these things, I just tried to fail less and less over time. Now I never fail.
@ZepawFox 7 лет назад
Michelle was driving me insane with her "poor me" routine. Acting like you being rightfully upset at how fat you were was a dig at her. I see that a lot with fat people. They identify with their fat. If you insult fat they see it as an insult to themselves.
@sleuthchipperson7415 7 лет назад
this, the documentary was about him gaining then losing weight and she tried to make it about her
@NeoFryBoy 7 лет назад
I think the documentary just added more mental pressure for her. It was easier to give up, thereby failing on her own terms, than to actually try and fail. She certainly tried to spin it and put the blame on him --saying he "demotivates" her. But the things he said that she found "demotivating," were things she already thought about herself daily. He was right. When people are faced with how stressful the act of changing their habits is, they'll make up excuses to not change them.
@egyptianmusk9008 7 лет назад
Zepaw Fox ugh I know! I can't stand her
@rnegoro1 7 лет назад
I think it's more like any other things you do in your life. You fail then you either quit trying or you get back to it. Failing doesn't make you worthless or anything. You have to understand losing that fat requires you to go into fat burning mode - ketosis. Your body needs to get used to ketosis - it can't adapt in one day or one week. Maybe they should add a dose of phentermine or contrave to help her cope with the appetite.
@jameswayton2340 7 лет назад
that's what every normal human this in this world you idiot.
@gvidalq 3 года назад
after seeing him struggling so much at the beginning, being a bit delusional even, I finally released a big guilt... I realized how difficult it is to actually lose weight, specially at the beginning
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
The first few weeks are the hardest because that's when we are fighting addictions and we are mentally vulnerable. It's very challenging but it gets better as the weeks and months go by. Cheers, PJ
@briterry4961 5 лет назад
Wow Dora at the end put Michelle completely to shame. Just shows the trainer wasn't the issue.
@Nikenik2001 5 лет назад
Don't think Dora was on the "crumpet and ice coffee diet either". :D
@tomfurstyfield 5 лет назад
Maybe he'd learned how to motivate someone who has been fat all their life after Michelle. You don't motivate people by being negative, which is what he came across as
@homeskillet7423 5 лет назад
loadatat yeah, he felt back to himself or ,,,more? so he handled dora way different and his own struggle was over at that point. he took dora to prove yet another thing he can master. each task he assigns is completed with a certain lack of humanity he didn't listen at all to anyone. and when they were right he literally ran away from home!!
@greentip5.56 5 лет назад
He explained he wasnt in the best of mind when he was training her i mean if you're overweight and dont like it your always in a body shame mode and not positive 1:14:44
@aquaticspasticp5024 5 лет назад
@@homeskillet7423 we're all entitled to our own opinion
@nailtechtaylor3015 6 лет назад
The scene where he was caught eating the pizza was the most interesting to me. I feel like that is the moment when the true role reversal has been met. I too have been both extremes. One as a collegiate athlete with optimal training and diet, and the second as an obese person with minimal exercise and poor diet. Food addiction is no joke.
@sikeriophophet9421 5 лет назад
Nail Tech Taylor ngl. It broke my heart a bit.
@yodaclay4840 5 лет назад
Nail Tech Taylor that food addiction shit will get you. I hate when people say it’s not real
@KeepHimAtBay 5 лет назад
it was fake, like 95% things in US.
@sikeriophophet9421 5 лет назад
KeepHimAtBay ah ye, 95% of our air is fake, proven fact :,)
@KeepHimAtBay 5 лет назад
i know i know,. air is a "thing".
@rethinkryan7082 7 лет назад
Michelle has got it completely wrong. For her to say it's his job to motivate her and "get her to the gym" is such a helpless mindset. It wouldn't even matter if she managed to lose the weight cause she lacks the internal drive and discipline to keep it off. If you get your mind and motivation right the body will follow, but if you project your problem onto other people and hide behind excuses you'll continue to gain weight.
@PaulPJJames 7 лет назад
Thank you for taking the time to comment, Rygon. I appreciate it! I believe that taking ownership is a big part of successful weight loss. It isn't easy but hopefully this documentary inspires many people around the world to take a step in the right direction and improve their overall health and well-being. Cheers, PJ
@SS-wk3fc 7 лет назад
Perhaps there are some psychological reasons behind her habits that haven't been addressed. I mean that in the most neutral way possible-we don't know her life story or full history
@xyntiacat 7 лет назад
The really sad part about this is that you still don't hear what she said to you, namely that you demotivate her by your attitude. You say that she has a bad attitude and is uncommitted, but maybe the reality is that she doesn't want to walk down your path because your path makes her feel like crap where she is at. You can't motivate someone by telling them, even inadvertently, that he or she looks like crap because they are overweight. You motivate people by encouraging them to start where they are and accept both where they are and where they will be going.
@mashedpotatoes8580 7 лет назад
There are two forms of motivation. Positive and Negative. I feel that when it comes to cutting weight and curbing obesity, negative motivation works too. Obesity itself is bad. It makes you look bad too. The hate garnered from your body shape should be sufficient to drive you to lose weight. Obesity is the consequence of a wrong lifestyle, and the road back to the right one isn't full of roses and fluffy pillows. Most people who are successful at cutting their body weight, or at least those videos I've seen, stems from them realizing that obesity is bad, they hate the way they are living, and that drove them to lose weight, rather than feeling positive etc
@emobuddha 7 лет назад
I fully agree. You gotta dedicate yourself. When motivation fails dedication takes over.
@S-B-R 3 года назад
I'm 6'2 as well, I peaked at 126kg. The part where he gets caught eating the pizza hit me so hard. The amount of times I'd think to myself "I've been good recently the pizza is a reward." Or something like that was unreal. Through a life style change I managed to reach 110kg. Simply going for walks and cooking for myself. For the past 4 weeks I've been doing body weight training every day and I feel amazing for it. Something people rely on so heavily is that number, I've been climbing back up weight wise but my body shape has changed so much and clothes that didn't fit 4 weeks ago are baggy now. This was a great watch to remind myself how far I've come because sometimes we get caught in the trap of worrying about how far away our goal is.
@debugme52 3 года назад
Good for you, you deserve this.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thanks for watching and well done on turning things around. Awesome work! You a developing a positive lifestyle. Keep it going and do something towards your goal every single day. You should be very proud of your achievement and you are now starting to see great results. Great! Cheers, PJ
@yahyeet1758 5 лет назад
She really played the victim card like a plus 4 uno card
@mistikalnawe 5 лет назад
@niamhoconnor8986 5 лет назад
Such a predictable move yet so sad...
@emanthegman9511 5 лет назад
So true, I saw it coming from 10 miles away
@MicrowavedHermione 5 лет назад
Yeah all those excuses...
@graceclover8697 5 лет назад
yah yeet she played a reverse card
@johncandler 5 лет назад
It's so apparent how psychological all of this can be. This documentary really shows that.
@PaulPJJames 5 лет назад
It's definitely more of a mental game than a physical one. That's for sure. Cheers, PJ
@laroystuckey9105 5 лет назад
Yup it's definitely mental health that gets most people not to hit the gym
@ancientprezent7916 4 года назад
@clap5 7 лет назад
I'd rather deal with the minor aches and pains...from working out hard then to be unfit and still deal with the aches and pains from being fat and unhealthy. ANYDAY!
@PaulPJJames 7 лет назад
I agree with you on this. Absolutely ✌
@angelgodplace 7 лет назад
you can do good form, light exercise and still be ripped.
@misssydney5999 7 лет назад
ArmaRes omg I couldn't agree more well said!! ArmaRes your so brilliant xx
@misssydney5999 7 лет назад
I would rather eat too little and workout more and be know as being to thin or to vain... rather than living in pain by being overweight and unhealthy by choice of eating to much.... this is coming from a person with an eating disorder and I personally have been 180 pounds and now umm I'm 110 pounds 5'7.5" age 25 female!! So I can't believe when people say they can't or they tried but it didn't work..... NOOOO ITS YOU STOPPING YOURSELF AT SELF IMPROVEMENT!!! Xx sydney is my name some say I'm vain but I push through the push-ups pain everyday Vs the getting up outta bed pain... lol Ps hey PJ!!! ✌🏼😊
@daniellehinton7108 7 лет назад
I actually love the pain you feel the next day after a really good work out
@lamanodrama9294 3 года назад
I love this documentary. What you did was incredibly SELFLESS, you sacrificed your own body for a bigger cause. You're amazing PJ x
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated. Cheers, PJ
@starsorion9803 7 лет назад
I'm overweight, and have gone up and down with my weight, and it's up to me to make that change. Michelle shouldn't blame PJ for feeling how he did when overweight. He has had to self-motivate himself and finally got there. Michelle could too without the excuses. I know I can lose my weight in my own way, in my own way, but I won't blame anyone for my weight.
@PaulPJJames 7 лет назад
Thank you for your comment Tracey. Much appreciated. I'm also a big believer in someone being able to do anything if they put their mind to it. Totally agree 👍
@starsorion9803 7 лет назад
Paul PJ James It's true though. I was shocked watching Michelle blaming you for trying to encourage her. Wish I had a fitness instructor dedicate their time like that. I also just realised I was meant to say I can lose my weight in my own way, in my own time. I'm at my heaviest of 92kg. I'm usually between 69 - 74kg. I know I'll get there and when I do nothing will stop me. Your documentary was definitely an eye opener and encouraging.
@Postermaestro 7 лет назад
And how are you doing atm? Are you in that 90-95-percent group that just fall back to the bad habits right away? Or are you a 5%-er? Shooo-paaah!!!
@thunderSTORMvision 7 лет назад
Tracey McGlenchy lol I am fay too
@burger5082 7 лет назад
I feel sorry for the guy. Going from the top to rock bottom is really hard.
@PaulPJJames 7 лет назад
Thank you! I appreciate that 😊
@hamzahalbar3003 7 лет назад
Paul i was wondering did you have any issues with your loose skin or how did that work basically?
@PaulPJJames 7 лет назад
Hi Hamzah, yes my skin took another 2 years to get back to normal. I was worried for a long time but thankfully it recovered.
@misssmd7078 7 лет назад
burger5082 What about the stretch marks? Insightful documentary 🙏🏾.
@PaulPJJames 7 лет назад
I only ended up with very feint ones but not too bad
@stephaniebrizard8657 5 лет назад
And yet, for all of Michelle bashing PJ for not motivating, choosing to attend a session or not was on her, here came in Dora who proved his point. She stuck with it, he used what he learned to be more empathetic and a better trainer, and a year later she looks great and is continuing with the sessions. You can lead a horse to water... Michelle may never get there; many never do.
@tomfurstyfield 5 лет назад
Maybe he'd learned how to motivate someone who has been fat all their life after Michelle. You don't motivate people by being negative, which is what he came across as
@ssimms8995 5 лет назад
@@tomfurstyfield sometimes motivation isnt enough. i can tell you all day and night how much better you will feel if you dont take drugs. But you also need to hear how bad it is for your health, how it could kill you, and how terrible you feel while in the addiction. you need to be real with people. positive motivation is great, but things like this can also be accomplished by scare tactics and such. it isnt ideal, but obesity can become a matter of life and death. saying "you can do it", doesnt work for everyone
@tomfurstyfield 5 лет назад
@@ssimms8995 he demonstrated that negative motivation didn't work, she left and stopped. With the new woman he seemed to be more positive with her. As a last resort go to negative but if that's how you start I can't see it working well
@ssimms8995 5 лет назад
Loadatat just because it didn’t work with her doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. And anyway, he probably wasn’t even going for negative motivation. He was going through the journey himself, so those were his own negative feelings being projected rather than him being negative towards her to try and get her to change. He was in a different mindset with Dora. He was training Dora, but he and she both stated that he was going to bring Michelle WITH him. That is accompanied with his own struggle and feelings as much as she had her own struggles and feelings
@joshuawhitley5819 5 лет назад
Loadatat I mean he even went through the effort to seek her out when she stopped going to sessions and she still wasn’t committed. How many hours of the week are there? And he is training her 5-10 hours out of that week? The rest is up to her to make good choices and she is just to weak to do it. She is on her own 99% of the time so at the end of the day, PJ can only tell her what she needs to do
@syauqirazak4478 3 года назад
Back in the day where people produce real good content on RU-vid.
@QuineMD 4 года назад
Laughed so hard when he said he bought a deep fat fryer to mix things up .
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Scary times for sure! Difficult to watch. I was totally delusional.
@sunflower-oo1ff 3 года назад
I think the doctor was like “ uh what ???” 😳😂
@DrOrr 3 года назад
@@PaulPJJames lmao it was like you were a man possessed during that period
@oliderzetouna2891 4 года назад
The craziest part is not seeing how easy he was able to gain weight(except at the very end of the weight gaining), but how his mental health completely fell apart and how he kept telling himself over and over again that he was fine until he actually believed it and was so oblivious to the fact that he wasn’t losing weight.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Thanks for watching and also for your comment. It's scary when I look back at this and see how delusional I was. Poor food choices definitely affect your mental health. Chemicals in food have a strong 'drug-like' effect on us and turn us into zombies. I'm thankful for the experience but relieved that I was able to get over the withdrawal symptoms. Not a healthy place to be at all.
@khoulamarzouk1610 4 года назад
I wish i could loose weight too but i cant
@robynsmith6909 7 лет назад
I can't stand how Michelle blames her issues on PJ instead of herself. PJ was successful in his weight loss because he took full responsibility, just like everyone else who has been successful. I've been fat, I know.
@raz0rcarich99 7 лет назад
It's called having a victim mentality. Victims always blame their problems on other people rather than seeing how they're causing them themselves. These people lack inner motivation by nature. This shows up in many facets of a person. You can see it in how she is a smoker aswell.
@True2TheBlueYoViGang 7 лет назад
why the hell do i have to starve off the last bit of weight every time? doesn't matter what i eat either it flys back on with a vengeance. How do ppl eat massive and stay lean? i dont have ed. I eat 2-3meals a day.
@seanlingham5254 7 лет назад
I know exactly how you do that. I've been at 100+ kilos before and i've been ultra lean and been an athlete too. And right now, i'm lean. You don't do those diets. They never ever work. You go all nuts for about 2 weeks and then you bounce back to your regular junk food. Then you end up having more weight than before. What you do is to eat regularly, in fact.. 2 to 3 solid meals a day or several small meals. The key is eating clean and healthy and having a regular, sustainable exercise routine. Anything that's not sustainable (diet and exercise) is not worth pursuing because it can't be maintained.
@True2TheBlueYoViGang 7 лет назад
Sean, thanks bro. I do eat clean mostly. I have strange stories that make no sense. I can eat like 4k cals and lose weight then eat it again and gain weight. This shit makes no sense to me bro. I tracked and weighed food and beverages on scales. U are right tho u go hard 2wks losing then gain it all back on a binge. Its like I either over eat or under eat. How do you figure out how many cals u need? I was able to lose weight nicely when I had a easy job. I work so hard now I walk 15-16k steps in an 8hr shift (I used a nintendo 3ds in my pocket to count it). N3DS has a step counter. I know eat more meals but eh I don't lose weight. Can't figure it out... The funny thing was when I smoked nicotine i lost weight because it suppressed my hunger big time.
@True2TheBlueYoViGang 7 лет назад
Sean, forgot to mention im vegetarian. doesnt seem to matter how clean i eat. perhaps, i wont lose weight. sometimes i lose weight when eating more other times it backfires... ugh i just wish something would work. i was losing nicely until last yr when i got a new busy job... darn it, I lost weight easy when i had a lazy job. im screwed. I know i gotta eat more than 3 meals but i can never figure it out :/
@JR-lq5eh 3 года назад
This video always pops up when I need the extra motivation to keep going to the gym to lose weight and workout.
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Awesome! We all need a bit of motivation during these times to keep pushing forward so I'm happy that my documentary is helping from that perspective. Cheers, PJ
@josepharan484 4 года назад
Quarantine got me goin fit to fat without the coming back part ☠️
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
You're not alone. Try to do as much as you can and stay positive. Nothing beats a healthy lifestyle. Good for the mind and soul. Cheers PJ
@hailiesbong2734 4 года назад
Fuck the fit part... I've always been fat
@eliteinventor 4 года назад
Push-ups and sit-ups pull ups and squats and hand stand push-ups
@vankowe6338 4 года назад
@@PaulPJJames man you are amazing, I went down your road as well and I appreciate all your effort you did for her, it is tought of course- the physical aspect and the mental one as well. Stay safe everyone.
@lalakuma9 4 года назад
Actually I've found it much easier to lose weight during the quarantine, because I'm not stress-eating like I used to when I had more things that I had to do. I'm a lot less irritable, and I don't feel the compulsion to snack. Maybe try intermittent fasting. It helped me reset my level of appetite.
@emila7841 6 лет назад
The fact that u still answer on comments for this video is insane! I admire you, PJ. Started powerlifting 6 months ago with fine results!
@PaulPJJames 6 лет назад
Thanks! I love interacting with everyone and joining in on the discussions. Awesome! Powerlifting gets that blood pumping! 💪
@taarunmalhotra3125 6 лет назад
Looking forward to my reply
@dcenvironmentalist 6 лет назад
@@PaulPJJames 📈📉💪💪💪
@Silverbleedy 5 лет назад
"I rather go hungry than eat the wrong thing" is what saved me too.
@bobc2032 3 года назад
With my luck, I’d run into my old high school crush on June 30th
@NoName-oy2km 3 года назад
I was thinking same lol.
@billylee5335 3 года назад
@peace2u4eva59 6 лет назад
THIS GUY IS NOTHING SHORT OF AN ABSOLUTE, FREAKING LEGEND. Seriously, can't describe how much I GENUINELY appreciate the documentary and am SO, SO sincerely grateful for his efforts.
@PaulPJJames 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for yoJr kind words and support. I appreciate it! Cheers, PJ
@yee5163 4 года назад
There RU-vid. I’m finally going to watch this. Leave me alone now.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
LOL thank you! I appreciate you watching and I hope you enjoyed it. Cheers, PJ
@IconProduction01 4 года назад
Wtf is that crazy octopus looking text in your name? It goes down so low that it overlaps letters directly below in your actual comment...
@yee5163 4 года назад
SWIFTY_WINS if you wanna know just copy paste my name into google.
@IconProduction01 4 года назад
@@yee5163 Funny you should say that because I did and it came back no result.. Closest thing I could find was a link to a text symbols site and of all the different symbols it didn't have that one.
@yee5163 4 года назад
SWIFTY_WINS Well I don’t exactly know either. Looks cool though. So I recommend you add it to your username too.
@0xd34dx0 5 лет назад
michelle had a free trainer and a free gym.... and still made those excuses
@Engwayave 5 лет назад
They were talking about emotional eating in this reportage. Huge issue, hard to break - especially without someone backing you up.
@LJT9393 5 лет назад
He needed to set her up on a proper diet. And I feel like lifting all those weights off the bat isn’t too good, and really hard on someone who’s been overweight their whole life and never lift weight. But he is a personal trainer so I believe he knows what he was doing.
@ezioauditore5616 5 лет назад
the motivation have to come from within, like anything in this life
@thisisavivistanaccount7866 5 лет назад
exactly!! PJ was a downer, but she also wasn't putting in the work at all. she said she didn't like training with him, but she could've easily found another trainer
@johncip 5 лет назад
​@@thisisavivistanaccount7866 yeah... I'm sure she was telling the truth about not liking training with him, but it did also make for some pretty convenient rationalizing.
@appanpappan 3 года назад
A true inspiration! I gained twenty kg during four months of mental problems with medication which increased my apetite. Watching this is very good for sticking to my weight loss plan. Thanks!
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Awesome! Thanks for watching and I'm glad it is helping you with your own journey. Stay strong and keep going all the way. You can do it. Daily habits is the key to longterm success. Cheers, PJ
@icehockeylvr 7 лет назад
Put this on Netflix! More people need to see this!
@PaulPJJames 6 лет назад
Thanks for the support! I appreciate it! Cheers, PJ
@imnotKane 4 года назад
"I don't think anyone cares" 4.6 million people: 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@labi2999 4 года назад
It's 4.7 mil now
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
Gotta believe in yourself and who you are, even if others don't.
@pfw4568 4 года назад
@@PaulPJJames Thank you for this. Seriously. This is motivating as f*ck. Great job my dude.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
@@pfw4568 Thanks! Much appreciated!
@chaliejoy224 4 года назад
I wanted to see that guy get interviewed after this documentary got popular 😂 what did he say
@kerstinthomas3193 5 лет назад
You can just see his mood change it’s sad and I like that it shows the perspective of how bad all the foods out there are being sold
@helenaivanka3767 3 года назад
This needs to be part of the highschool curriculum!!!
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
It is being utilized by some schools in Australia, The US and Europe as a tool for health education. Very proud to be able to help school kids around the world with health and fitness education. Cheers, PJ
@kemikunle9360 5 лет назад
Oddly enough, Michelle was really the most important part of this documentary for me. I saw in her all of the excuses that I tell myself to protect my ego and to make myself feel better for slacking off. Please comment if you’ve had a different experience, but I feel my personal trainer’s only responsibility to me is to text or call me to schedule a gym appointment, to train me and give diet suggestions, and to answer any questions I have about the logistics of losing weight. I have never seen a personal trainer expected to become, essentially, a parent or a best friend, making incessant calls despite missed sessions and striving to constantly “motivate” me. If he comes away from this experience with just a better understanding of the mindset of food addiction and how to tweak regimens, that’s good enough for me. I don’t need him to become an expert in parenting his clients.
@briankaul1201 5 лет назад
I felt the same way. There's this razor's edge between success and failure. Since Michelle failed to go to the gym, she got locked in a shame spiral, cut herself off from PJ, and the pain of failure was so difficult that she rationalized away her responsibility. She doubled down on not being a "gym person." But had she managed to go, and she succeeded, her rationalizations might run the other way. It's odd; her perception of the situation seems totally based on her success/failure.
@Flakzer. 5 лет назад
no but they partially have to become a "teacher" in a way of throwing sense and logic at you when you do come in, its not just giving motivation but giving realization , something i think some of them miss or forget. But it does come down to the heavy person to develop and strive for better willpower to follow through and LISTEN, if they dont listen or try than ya it will all fail
@Qbabxtra 5 лет назад
Probably one of the best written comments i've read on RU-vid, ever..
@ndukumusyoki9835 5 лет назад
@stephalete 4 года назад
When he is caught eating that pizza and he says “it’s a one off”.... I felt that! Been there plenty of times.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
I think many can relate to that. Looking back at that scene and remembering how I felt, I was embarrassed so I tried to brush it off with confidence. Deep down, I knew that it would more than likely, not be a one off. Over the years, I have learned that the fastest way to overcome lapses in eating regimen, is to acknowledge the reality first. No one is perfect but until we admit our weaknesses, we can't move forward with confidence. Cheers, PJ
@stephalete 4 года назад
Paul PJ James yes that’s true, it’s hard though isn’t it? Admitting it to yourself and other people.
@Brandandorf 4 года назад
Paul PJ James absolutely bloody amazing you make this quality of a comment after so many years. I’m glad I finally watched this. Having never been overweight, I’m tempted to try it to learn to connect with overweight clients instead of always just training other skinny guys
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
@@stephalete It is very difficult but just like any addiction, the healing begins after you take accountability and move forward.
@PaulPJJames 4 года назад
@@Brandandorf Thanks for commenting. I enjoy hearing from everyone and I try to answer everyone in detail. I appreciate you watching my documentary and it's great that you are thinking of challenging yourself by training a wider variety of client. It truly is rewarding and it will make you a better trainer with a stronger skillset. It certainly did that for me as well. Go for it! Cheers, PJ
@Gildazon 5 лет назад
"I get better results without you"...where? when? I'm just so perplexed by Michelle.
@jordyvandeven3954 5 лет назад
Bailey Holmes and she even said: “i think he is just scared that i will do better than him”. Yeah cut the shit bitch
@ozaamigo3130 5 лет назад
i laughed so hard, i bet she still looks the same to this day. anyone have info on how shes doing ? if she made it then good for her but she toxic behaviour is brutal.
@Stormbringer090 5 лет назад
Well to her credit, she got better results with her "scone diet" lmao
@vyleart4488 5 лет назад
One thing people forget is the psychological baggage that can lead to being overweight. If you do not take care if your mind, your body will never follow. Psychotherapy can be of huge help, and is just like a trainer for the mind. Body and mind are one, I think Michelle desperately needs help on the mind side to break the barriers she is facing on the physical side.
@breakfastattiffanys741 3 года назад
She is the ultimate Karen.
Mad respect man.
@ritikgiri8852 3 года назад
Media motivates him. I am also focussed but i just need media, to take my pictures too .🙄
@tinocabral4201 3 года назад
Hey man love ur content
@PaulPJJames 3 года назад
Thank you! Much appreciated!
@elise6724 3 года назад
@@ritikgiri8852 take pics and get started...
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