
FORGOTTEN FOR CENTURIES: The origin of demons in The Book of Enoch 

Brewery Ministries
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Uncover the true origin of demons in the Bible that was forgotten for centuries! Have you ever wondered why demons don't seem to have an origin story in the Bible? That's because the author assumed readers already knew what demons were and where they came from... and they did! At least during Biblical times. But after the New Testament period and Jerusalem's destruction, the origin of Biblical demons were forgotten along with their direct link to the mysterious Nephilim giants. Centuries later, The Book of Enoch, The Book of Giants, the Dead Sea Scrolls and many other Second Temple Jewish sources reveal the lost origin of demons in the Bible.
SOURCES: Demons, the Nephilim Giants, Enoch & More
The following links will take you to books on Amazon's website. If you make a purchase, we may make a small commission at no extra cost to you:
Book: Origin of Evil Spirits: The Reception of Genesis 6:1-4 in Early Jewish Literature by Archie T. Wright (most comprehensive book on the origin of the Nephilim from a scholarly perspective): amzn.to/3T2DRTR
Book: A Companion to the Book of Enoch: A Reader's Commentary Vol I. by Michael S. Heiser: amzn.to/3T2DRTR
Book: A Companion to the Book of Enoch: A Reader's Commentary Vol. II: Parables of Enoch by Michael S. Heiser: amzn.to/3sIvLVT
BEST Study Bible (by far!): amzn.to/4a2FJBk
Save $100 on the BEST Bible Study Software and App: Logos Starter pack (Referral Link): logos.refr.cc/give-100-get-10...
The following books explain more about demons, angels and what they do:
Book: Supernatural by Michael S. Heiser (Best book for beginners): amzn.to/3sGUzxy
Or get the more comprehensive version:
Book: Unseen Realm by Michael S. Heiser (Explains the Divine Council in more detail): amzn.to/3N2mU8t
Revelation Book: John's Use of the Old Testament in Revelation by Michael S. Heiser: amzn.to/3SaskQf
Word Biblical Commentary on Genesis 1-15 by Gordon J. Wenham (Great section on Genesis 6:1-4, the origin of the Nephilim): amzn.to/3uyKGSY
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@iLLEly0n 15 дней назад
When a male lion mates with a female tiger, it makes a “giant” liger due to the growth inhibition genes being unable to pass with that combo… a similar thing happened when the “children of God” or “children of the gods” mated with human women. The genes that regulate growth are different between these “heavenly beings” and humans, so this particular male god-angel and female human combo lacks the growth-inhibiting genes from both parents, leading to unchecked growth to become gigantic compared to either of the original parents.
@breweryministries 15 дней назад
That is quite fascinating!
@RatdogDRB 7 дней назад
Another facet to that which I've been kicking around inside my empty skull, is that it would appear that The Lord has changed man's DNA at least 2-3 times. First, when Adam/Eve sinned, mankind's ability to live eternally was altered to a limit of less than 1,000 years of age. The second was post-flood when he limited our age to within 120 years. And possibly the third time when he diversified our language at the tower of Babel (did he also make the regional/cultural differences then? Generl eye shape? Skin coloration, hair color traits? Build, relating to regional climate conditions?) My point in that is this, when a DNA change was made, did he also make it to be more work for the evil ones to manipulate our DNA? Were certain "locks" put into place to slow down the ability to manipulate the DNA? A greater learning curve, so to speak? Additionally, could each change made to mankind's DNA (by God) be the reason for giants to have become less large over time? Did God remove some of that ability to create HUGE beings? Take that line of thought a little further. How many "John Smiths" are there in the world? How is our identity sealed within The Lamb's Book of Life? Is it our DNA sequence that is written there? Each person's DNA is unique. And, since God Almighty made these changes, is that what happens when Jesus returns for His church/bride and we're changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye? Is our DNA simply restored to that of Adam/Eve's prior to sinning? AND, is an altered DNA the reason WHY there is no access to heaven? Is THIS part of what "The Mark of the Beast" involves? We're no longer "of God" due to giving over control of our DNA to the enemy? Is that physical make up of the DNA the sequence/recipe required in order to be found IN The Lamb's Book of Life? Genesis 3:15 is "All About the Seed". If you don't know that, get Gary Stearman's sermon of that title from Prophecy Watchers and take in that message.
@iLLEly0n 7 дней назад
@@RatdogDRB thank you for your insight here… yes our DNA was altered with the telomere caps to max us at 120 years…. Tower of Babel story is very similar to the King NMR had ordered a tower built to the heavens (with no vowels to relate to hebrew retelling) and when Enki confused the languages of the people of the world.. I personally do not think these stories are about the true Creator of the Universe but a powerful being/beings (the elohim) who genetically altered us and “created” us… YHWH is never really depicted as an all-knowing,all-seeing being and often has physical body attributes in one spot at one time in various stories… we are hit with dogma to believe these yhwh and elohim stories are about this “God” but they are really about these powerful beings in the past.. people don’t realize El/Elyon gave YHWH the land of Israel as his inheritance, El had a wife Asherah (Asherah is removed from later versions of the Bible completely, but not the Masoretic), and don’t realize the “children of God, or children of the gods, was changed to say “Angels of God” later on.. “God” exists and is the Source/Creator/All.. I don’t think the true Creator God had anything to do with these genetic mutations or worrying about humans building a tower on planet Earth, and I don’t think the true Creator God is preventing the nephilim from reaching the other side because he didn’t manufacture them in his lab or whatever lol.. its dogma.. new creatures are made all the time with interspecies mating but to say that God didn’t make them because that isn’t authorized is insanity, God didn’t make us in that case because we were procreated by our parents.. I think a lot of this biblical stuff is retellings of older mesopatamian stories and even those stories may not even be the true original tales.. human civilization is a lot older than we think, and civilization may not have even started with humans.. we really don’t know a whole lot but think we do… technology only lasts a few thousand years if not preserved with perfect conditions, just like fossils… the ancient world was probably a whole lot different and way more advanced than we can even think with the archeological finds we are able to look at today… I believe in a true Creator/Source/All/One great consciousness, but the God of the Bible was most likely someone impersonating the idea of that being or impersonating the idea of divine beings etc
@ambiguousfigz4247 4 дня назад
Neolithic meets Yamnaya
@Whatisthis94 16 дней назад
Great content and production. Had no idea !
@breweryministries 16 дней назад
Thank you! Me either, I learned about this a couple years ago in some theology classes and was blown away!
@nothingnobody6688 11 дней назад
Book of Enoch cover's this that's why it got removed from the Bible
@awesomepost3542 16 дней назад
Very true and accurate. The enemy's distortion of the truth is his greatest weapon. His stratagem remains to miscategorize, mislabel, misdirect, and ultimately mislead the world into deeper darkness. Today, he has people believing that his appearance is of an ugly monster, when in fact he is very, very attractive. However, we have no reason to fear him, because GOD has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a disciplined mind. 🫡✌️
@breweryministries 16 дней назад
Great points! The subtlety would make them even more difficult to detect.
@RatdogDRB 16 дней назад
Nicely done young man. Some supporting scripture: Genesis 1:28 "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Verses 26 and 27 clarify that God made man in his image and likeness. My point here is that it was to the inhabitants of EARTH that are given the blessing from God to be fruitful and to multiply. That same blessing/commandment does not appear to have been given for those who's dwelling/habitation is in heaven (angels). This is why we read in Jude and 2 Peter concerning angels leaving their first estate/habitation. In order to fulfill their lust for women they needed to make earth their habitation, enabling them to copulate/procreate. Genesis 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." As a creation of God, we're a unique classification of being in that we're given (by God) a soul. We are "Spirit, Soul, and Body". Jesus, after His resurrection tells us He is flesh and bone (no blood), but since HE is also human (created BY God), after God raised Him, would He not be "Spirit, Soul, and Body" (His blood remains on the alter in heaven". Having His glorified body means His DNA changes to live without blood? Yet He ate with His disciples after His resurrection. Remember, in Leviticus 17:11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." So? To have a glorified body with Jesus, is it simply a change of our DNA to exist without blood flowing through our veins, and losing the sin nature is key for the change of our DNA to have our length of life limit removed? Consider this. Adam, made by God in the garden of Eden disobeys God and partakes of the fruit of the forbidden tree. God told him that in the day he eats from it he will surely die. The serpent is always twisting what God says to APPEAR to be quoting God, but what he says is DIFFERENT from God's Word. This is WHY it's critical for us to KNOW God's Word, and to allow God's Word to speak, taking for truth what is SAID by God, not the opinion of another (mankind, serpent, etc.) The Holy Spirit will give you peace when you're aligned with God, that is our check/balance. God's Word meshes together neatly, nothing needs twisting and bending to be made to fit. We err when we begin this behavior, we begin to do the work of the serpent, do we not? I digress. Did God have to alter Adam's DNA after he sinned? Was this the cause for man to be limited to less than 1,000 years of age? Was THIS act the beginning of "time" as we understand it? How long did Adam/Eve exist prior to their sin? We're not told. 2 Peter 3:8 "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." and Psalm 90:4 "For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night." So God's word to Adam was made true, mankind never lives for a thousand years. After the flood man's DNA appears to have been altered once again, limiting our days to 120 years. After the tower of Babel, our DNA appears to have been altered once again, bringing diversity to mankind (languages/physical traits common to regions of dwelling? Now, let's look at Isaiah 14:12-14 where we see the narrative of the fall of Lucifer, in verse 14, "... I will be like the most High." A created being challenging his creator and striving to BECOME equal to his creator. An attribute of God is that of being The Creator. Let's go back to Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." This verse is God's declaration of WAR with the serpent, between the seed of God's creation and the seed of the serpent. This verse is not only prophetic, in that it tells of the virgin birth of Jesus (seed of the woman), but that her seed is now at war with the Serpent's seed. Let me digress a little concerning THIS verse. Men appear to be uncomfortable with the word "it" in this verse (it shall bruise thy head). So, men like to change it to "he", placing context of the origin of the bruise being Messiah. Is this a twist of what God has said? The Bible says "IT". What is "IT"? I suggest that "IT" is the Serpents effort to be like the most High, it's this war that now exists is what will be his undoing and causing the bruise to the head. A serpent dies from the wound to the head but may not die right away. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Creator of heaven and earth and all that is within it does NOT need to struggle with the Serpent. Jesus speaks the Word and it's DONE. Are we (as men) limiting God (Jesus) by changing "it" to "he" and suggesting that Jesus and the Serpent are equal in the struggle? Are we giving the Serpent more than what he is allowed by God? Let us not forget that when Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness, Satan misquotes from Psalms and adds to God's Word, he adds "at any time". That's a warning to me to never strive to change what God says in HIS Word. I begin to do the serpent's work. No one knows God's intent like God Himself. He does NOT make mistakes with what He says. He says what He means and means what He says, as stated. PERIOD
@RatdogDRB 16 дней назад
So, Genesis 6:1-4 begins to make a little more sense when we read it as angelic beings ("Watchers") descending to earth and taking wives (human women). The seed war begins. Corrupt mankind completely and Messiah cannot come. Pharoh (Egypt) commanded that all the male babies of the Hebrews to be killed (seed of the woman) and attempt to thwart the coming of Messiah. Herod commanded all Jewish male babies be killed (same desire to thwart the coming of Messiah). Now, Messiah comes. Jesus fulfills the law's requirements. He becomes the sacrifice with laying down His life through the work on the cross. He resurrects from the dead to complete the work. Game over? No more seed war? No, now the battle changes. What does God love most? Mankind. Now the serpent's agenda is to destroy mankind and take as many of us as possible to the hell created for him and his fallen angels. Fast forward to modern man. Darwin's theory is adopted by the science community, there is no God, we evolved. Then mankind discovers DNA and how it works, so they need a new narrative. Enter the New Age narrative agenda. Star people come to earth and seed it with mankind and will come back to help us to transition/evolve to our next level of existence. CRISPR technology is developed, cloning is being worked. Weird stuff is reportedly going on in modern times. Let us now remember Daniel 2:43 "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." "THEY?" And mingling themselves with the seed of men? But there's no "cleaving". No marriage contract, no benefits offered for this mingling. Back in Genesis 6 they took wives, suggesting a marriage contract. A dowery paid to the family of the women? A trade of forbidden knowledge in exchange for their daughters? A means to profit from this newly acquired angelic knowledge? But in the last days, nothing to benefit humanity, just the taking and mingling? We already know that Lucifer's army is outnumbered two-to-one, so he needs to build an army to war against His Creator in his desire to be LIKE the most High. He must then display an ability to CREATE, does he not? People around us report of seeing craft in the sky. People report of being visited by aliens, being abducted by aliens, report being violated by aliens, report being transported from their homes/beds (through walls, ceilings, window glass) while being abducted. They report losing track time, finding their clothing on incorrectly, ending up in locations they do not remember going to. Some of these abducted women report being impregnated by these aliens. There are reports of cattle mutilations, their various organs removed, missing all blood (there's 5-6 GALLONS of blood in a cow). And bovine (cow) blood is found to be useful as a medium for the transfusion of blood in humans. Some of these abducted women who report becoming pregnant also report that at the end of thei first trimester, they're no longer pregnant, and these abductions keep happening. Hmmm... "for the life of the flesh is in the blood...", " and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.", a mixing of fallen angel seed with human seed through abduction? Attempts to create a soulful being? Giving artificial life through the blood of a cow during incubation in the creation of a physical body (lacking a soul/spirit)? Well, a demon can possess a body to manifest. A hybrid being? But not made by God. We have reports of "the black eyed kids". They're reported to have odd behavior, don't quite fit in, and their eyes are just black. We're told the eyes are the window to the soul. Are the eyes wrong because they have no soul? That's one side of this macabre tale, now let's investigate another facet of it. We have a soul, we're created by God. Mankind's science community is working on CRISPR technology, an ability to alter man's DNA. Wait, GOD created our DNA! We're God's creation! What if accepting an injection into our body could change our DNA to combat disease, prolong life, help us to evolve to our next level of existence? "Transhuman"? So we're no longer a creation of God? The Book of Revelation tells us that those who take the mark of the beast are damned. Have these people willingly become what God did not create? Is this the serpent's attempt at claiming to create? He's a thief, coming to "Steal, Kill, Destroy" John 10:10 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
@RatdogDRB 16 дней назад
Luke 17:26 "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." Nephilim existed in the days of Noah, hybrid beings who's mothers were human and fathers were fallen angels. Modern times... fallen angels=aliens? Inter-dimensional beings coming to earth? Our "space brothers"? Jesus states in Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." If we truly grasp Genesis 3:15, we understand the narrative of the entire Bible. There's but ONE true God, creator of all, and His name if Jesus. Anyone proclaiming to worship anyone BUT Jesus is leading you to worship the created being. And the chief of those is The Serpent, Lucifer, The Devil, Satan. God bless you, young man. Love the fruit of your diggings. Love sharing perspectives of what we're reading as we study.
@breweryministries 16 дней назад
Great points, especially about the wound to the serpent's head not immediately killing it. I had initially thought that prophecy from Genesis 3:15 might refer to the end of time when Jesus finally judges evil, but it could be Jesus' work on the cross because that was definitely a crushing blow to Satan and death. It's very interesting that the serpent changed the quote from God when he tempted Eve. That does seem to be how evil works; subtly so we don't even notice.
@breweryministries 16 дней назад
Thank you so much! I enjoy studying scripture a lot. I have wondered where the theory that demons are aliens originated. Recently I read a research paper from Harvard that studied alien abduction victims. I think it was by Richard McNally if I remember correctly. His research was very interesting. The abduction victims all told almost the same experiences. McNally himself didn't actually believe they were abducted but he did believe they believed they had been. But this part was interesting: he said the majority of the abduction victims had shown a long time interest in New Age practices and other similar interests. It's worth reading about. I'm not totally sure what to conclude from it but it sure is interesting
@RatdogDRB 15 дней назад
@@breweryministries Buy the book Stolen Seed Evil Harvest by Karin Wilkinson. She reports having been abducted since a child and was impregnated three times, and all three times her fetus removed. Years later she had another abduction attempt made on her after she became a Christian. She (at first) recognized physical features of the three attempting to abduct her and realized these were those from previous experiences, her fetus' now grown. She rebuked them and said no, and the attempt stopped. L.A. Marzulli assisted her in publishing her book and it can be bought off his website. L.A. has 14 books he's written in the subjects of Nephilim and UFOs. He's also produced three DVD sets (30 DVDs in total) concerning these topics. The videos can be bought/streamed, or DVDs bought ala carte or as three sets. Jesus redeemed L.A. out of the New Age and called him to battle these entities' attempts to hide/deceive by educating people. Karin's story/interviews are contained within the DVDs on UFOs.
@Nazarene_Judaism 2 дня назад
We use the book of Enoch in our fellowship
@brigopsailor7989 14 дней назад
Speak the word, straight from the scriptures. Do take away or add too it.
@Pork_Hunt 15 дней назад
What is the source for Egyptians claimed to have seen giants in Canaan?
@breweryministries 15 дней назад
Hello! It's an Egyptian text called The Craft of the Scribe. They called them by a different name though; Shasu. Their height is mentioned and were encountered during Egypt's own conquest in Canaan. I'll post a couple links: I cover it briefly in this video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-S2vN7T_ZqvE.html My source is this published paper: etsjets.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/files_JETS-PDFs_50_50-3_JETS_50-3_489-508_Billington.pdf
@Pork_Hunt 15 дней назад
@@breweryministries Thanks very much. Have you also encountered the reference to the Watchers in Papyrus of Ani?
@breweryministries 15 дней назад
I am not sure, I have seen some biblical references to the Book of the Dead but I can't remember exactly what they were. Now I'm very curious! I'll read up on that. What's it say about the Watchers?
@Pork_Hunt 14 дней назад
@@breweryministries The manuscript refers to 'Watchers' as follows (and was written around 1250 BCE): “Deliver thou the scribe Nebseni, whose word is truth, from the Watchers, who carry murderous knives, who possess cruel fingers, and who would slay those who are in the following of Osiris.’ May these Watchers never gain the mastery over me, and may I never fall under their knives!’ ‘They are Anubis and Horus, [the latter being] in the form of Horus the sightless. Others, however, say that they are the Tchatcha (sovereign princes of Osiris), who bring to nought the operations of their knives; and others say that they are the chiefs of the Sheniu chamber. And in the Egyptian Book of the Dead: May their knives never gain the mastery over me. May I never fall under the knives wherewith they inflict cruel tortures. For I know their names, and I know the being, Matchet, who is among them in the House of Osiris. He shooteth forth rays of light from his eye, being himself invisible, and he goeth round about heaven robed in the flames which come from his mouth, commanding Hapi, but remaining invisible himself. May I be strong on earth before Ra, may I arrive safely in the presence of Osiris. O ye who preside over your altars, let not your offerings to me be wanting, for I am one of those who follow after Nebertcher, according to the writings of Khepera. Let me fly like a hawk, let me cackle like a goose, let me lay always like the serpent-goddess Neheb-ka.'”
@breweryministries 13 дней назад
Wow that's pretty fascinating. That seems to fit pretty well with the Divine Council concept
@jolenedelilys2589 День назад
It is never mentioned, but there were probably Nephilim women born as well.
@nathanaelito 3 дня назад
Ναι Συμφωνώ Απολύτως 💯 αν ξέρεις δεν πρέπει να το πεις 🤐 Μην τους πεις 🤫 Και δεν μπορούν να κάνουν τίποτα με τον ΘΕΟ Ακόμα κι αν τους πούμε την αλήθεια, δεν θα πιστέψουν.🤨
@maryblessing2205 6 дней назад
Michael Heiser was right. Disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. It’s not weird. It’s Biblical. 📖🙏📖✝️📖🙏📖
@breweryministries 6 дней назад
He was awesome. His material was always so good
@philipwethington7965 8 дней назад
I won't think you are a odd. You won't have to balance it out for me. It isn't that weird. I am going to still watch you. I think they are REALLY TALL
@breweryministries 7 дней назад
Thank you I appreciate that!
@danielpenn1734 3 часа назад
Demons are the neflim
@heathicusmaximus8170 15 дней назад
"What are they" *creepy thing descends* ohhhohhohh
@breweryministries 14 дней назад
@matthayes533 22 часа назад
Its almost as if the "spirits cant have children with humans" crowd forgot how Jesus was incarnated.
@breweryministries 22 часа назад
I have wondered about that! It's almost as if Jesus was born in a way that answers the birth of the Nephilim; like God almost took their idea and did something good with it
@allme2547 2 часа назад
@@breweryministries when they were being banished from the garden... God reassured Adam & Eve that from their line would come their salvation. The enemy heard that & tried to spoil/ influence/ manipulate the situation. So, it was originally God's idea to begin with. The enemy only knows how to steal... not create.
@Kevin17Crocker 5 дней назад
Demons are the spirits of the dead offspring of fallen angles and women, according to the book of enoch. They are not angles, they are evil spirits that have no host (body).
@dans78 День назад
It shold be the fallen angels themselves too who are demons
@Alexander-wq7qo 3 часа назад
They aren’t evil though
@dans78 2 часа назад
@@Alexander-wq7qo Who are not evil you mean?
@howardsonscementproductsin883 5 дней назад
Ummm, bigger than nba players !
@TylerHabig 10 дней назад
Loved the bit at 6:00 where you talk to yourself plus the Purdue basketball callout XD I like the difference you presented between soul and spirit, as well. The soul perhaps is the moral part of humanity that connects the human body and spirit to God. Also, the point of who Jesus speaks to during exorcisms is interesting to me because I feel like many lifelong church goers do not ask those critical questions when reading the Bible. I know I didn't for a long time. Thankful for your channel!
@breweryministries 10 дней назад
Thank you! That's a great point about what soul and spirit could mean. I've been wrestling with that myself, I had no idea they were seen as different things! I think it's great that you're starting to ask more questions too, it's a doorway to more learning!
@mansaw100 День назад
Nahhh the first generation of nephilim were titians and as big as Godzilla or bigger !!! There bodies make up some mountains n hills
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