

Just the Bells 10
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My husband and I became foster parents in 2000.  We got into foster care because we did want to make our family bigger but we also wanted to just be a help to other families and these children who really just need a place to be until their families can get their lives together. We went into foster care, knowing that the children who came into our home, probably wouldn’t stay. We would just be a resting place. But we both really prayed that we would be a blessing to whoever came into our home and that we would trust that when the kids went home, it was God‘s will. It’s definitely not easy being a foster parent because you do fall in love with every child that comes in to your home, but we realized early that was it was important for us to also love their families because when the kids did go home, it made it a lot easier knowing the parents and supporting them when they were struggling and helping them get their families back together. We did adopt six of our children through foster care. Each situation was different, but we still trusted God with each one, and we honestly did not plan on adopting six children, I’m very thankful, but I do understand it’s very hard for the family and for our children. The children, the parents and us. We all need a support system when you are in the foster care system, or like us parents who are fostering other children. We were foster parents for 11 years and we learned a lot. It really helped us to grow as parents and to be more patient and loving to others who are struggling and maybe not so perfect but you definitely have to step down off a pedestal and realize that everybody needs a friend and support and none of us are perfect and when you realize that you’re not perfect, and that everybody struggles, it really does help loving people who sometimes aren’t lovable.
I just wanted to share my thoughts on how me and my husband dealt with been in foster care, adopting, children, and the most important thing dealing with their birth families.
When we talk to people and explain to them how we decided to deal with the whole foster care situation, people are shocked that we kept our home open to helping these birth families. And I’m telling you the only reason it made it easier to watch these kids go home is because we invested in the entire family unit and we knew that they would do great and some of them we still are friends with and we see how well the parents are doing and they deserve that they deserved a chance to show That they could get their lives together to raise their children.
Not every child went back to the best place. Some of them ended up back in foster care in other homes but we did try. We wanted to be a help. It wasn’t our goal to take children from their homes. Did we want to have more children? of course we did but we didn’t go into it thinking OK we’re gonna adopt all these kids and take these kids from their families that wasn’t our thought. We had David and we love David and we loved his family and if that was the only child that God would give us we would be fine with that. So you really have to
Go into foster care, knowing that yes, you might adopt some children but you definitely have to help heal the whole family unit with the birth family and for the children
Thank you for supporting our page and being a part of our big family and our every day living, our family, traditions, and our thoughts on situations that are important to us like foster care, adoption, how we as a big family make it work.
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On Instagram, we do share a lot of our same videos from TikTok but we also like to share a lot of our recipes and my son, Robert partnered with nerdy nuts and he puts on different recipes and funny videos about the peanut butter. Because he’s my peanut butter nut
Tiktok / justthebells10
On TikTok, we like to share funny moments that are a little shorter not so long of videos just a little dancing video to bring a smile to your face or maybe a recipe that I cut down really fast so people can get a taste of the things in the meals I make
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#justthebells10 #family #familyvlog #familyvloggers #vlog #bigfamily #livinglarge #adoption #fostercare



27 сен 2024




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@kamiculb9829 Год назад
Heather Bell, you are doing exactly what God wants you to do. You are an example of the word love. What a blessing!!❤
@BeepBoopBopBap Год назад
I am an atheist and I agree completely
@changeoffocus1074 Год назад
In all seriousness,, you can tell a lot from a hug… I like that she said David’s BioMom Gives The Best Hugs… 😊
@Mama_Terri Год назад
I gave up a child for adoption in the 70’s. I can only pray he has been loved by someone like you.
@misspowers Год назад
I have so much respect for you, Heather. I hope you know just how awesome you are! You’ve approached being online, with kids, in such a wholesome way. You’re one of the ONLY family vlogging channels I watch bc I know you protect your kids. You don’t exploit them. They’re old enough to give consent to being online. And you can genuinely see they enjoy interacting with you, cooking and doing challenges. It’s all just so wholesome and good 🥺❤️ “I am not their savior. My kids are the heroes.” ….that sentence alone is a perfect example of why you’re one of the greats! Uplifting your kids instead of taking praise for yourself. 🏆
@nataliefoster9318 Год назад
Would love her to do a.collab with DCP as she is doing family blogging the right way! She is the only 1 I watch.
@evelyntoombs8593 Год назад
@paulaclements6191 Год назад
This is a great life lesson, for not only adoptive parents, but for everyone. It can be applied to many facets of life.
@mary-catherinecroshaw6369 Год назад
I LOVE that you acknowledge the inherent connection between biological parents and children and how it's something that can't be replicated even if the situation is horrible and the parents didn't treat their child well. Even if the parent can walk away from their child and maybe not care, it doesn't work that way for kids. Kids will always feel that attachment to their biological parents, particularly their mothers as they literally grew inside them, and losing that is deeply traumatic no matter how wonderful your adoptive family is. Too many adoptive parents want to be heroes and refuse to acknowledge that while they did a good thing, there is never not trauma from being separated from your birth family. It's like they expect kids to be so grateful to them that they never feel the need to search for their birth family, but it's very very natural and normal not to feel whole without a connection to the person who gave birth to you and the family you come from.
@TheRealEvvonne Год назад
Amen 🙏 ❤
@staciesidloski2481 Год назад
Right on Heather! You are doing the Lord’s work. ❤️🙏
@ginadean4460 Год назад
What a wise woman. I can't believe some ignorant people would say you broke up families. Thank God these children had you and your husband. You both might not be perfect but definitely have a place prepared in heaven. May God bless all of you!
@NeoniaTownley Год назад
Thanks for this video, I was a single foster parent and had 16 children come through my home over a 10 year period. I did adopt number #14 a boy which I had since he was 30 days old. i would like for people to realize that many of these children come with issues. I also did an open adoption and my son see his family several times a year. I agree that these kids need to know where they come from and I don't put the birth parents down and everyone needs that love and respect. Thanks for sharing your heart.
@Olivia-ve2qw Год назад
I admire you so much more for choosing to honor your kids and their birth families instead of crossing that privacy line. That's an integrity move. Even though you're not on here for your own praise, I commend you for being respectful and considerate of all involved. It motivated me to subscribe!
@dianesullivan2809 Год назад
That had to be a rough recording! Thank you for sharing your heart and thoughts with us! We are all doing the best we can. Here’s to all the Mamas out there! Xoxoxo
@michelewilliams3761 Год назад
I cried so hard listening to you talk its beautiful they way you love your children.you got it mama
@danielledulyea6020 4 месяца назад
Anyone that does foster care gets a lot of respect from me, i know a few people that that does foster care.
@marykotalik7161 11 месяцев назад
I can't believe people actually think you're trying to steal kids. That is really crazy. And those birth parents that hate you. Shame on them! May God bless you for all that you do for these children and their birth family!
@MemphisMama Год назад
Don’t ever be ashamed of something you’ve asked. You won’t know unless you ask. You had a 50% chance they would say yes and a 50% chance they’d say no.
@weedmama-420 Год назад
I wish more birth parents would share their story. It would help so many parents strugglilng.
@AngelaNashton 2 месяца назад
Wow! What an honest woman!
@candlegirl1973 Год назад
My parents were foster parents from way before I was born until I turned 13yrs old. My parents were told that they couldn't get pregnant so they adopted my sister. Then they kept trying for a baby and were told the same thing, so they adopted my brother when he was 3 months old. Then my mom found out that she was 3 months pregnant with me. My brother and I are close in age and close to one another. I would love to foster but I get to attached and would want to keep them all. 😍 I am proud of you for keeping their story for them to tell IF they want to. Love your family and your channel!!
@luizalivinginthegray6353 8 месяцев назад
Mama Bell, you are so amazing, the way you think is so beautiful im getting emotional watching you. Watching you feel like your my mama even though we are so far away ❤ I love you for how you think and your actions.❤
@Katmcali Год назад
You are such a caring, thoughtful, woman. Bless you & your beautiful family. ❤
@aeonfluxcapacitor77 Год назад
Sweetheart, please never apologize for being human and those tears. They are simply a manifestation of the immense love you have for 8 amazing souls 💙
@tonyac2416 Год назад
I think many people allow jealousy to get in and want to limit love rather than realize that you are in their lives for a reason and love can just expand. I love your philosophy and that will keep your children feeling secure. I wasn't adopted but my Mom left my Father due to abuse. She never talked bad about him although he did a lot of bad. I respected her so much for that.
@debbeasher-k4764 6 месяцев назад
I really respect & admire you for that!😊🎉❤ Thank you for sharing from your heart!!!💜 ❤
@terrylynnlavoie776 Год назад
You're such a generous and beautiful human Heather! ❤🌹Your channel will grow over time and it won't be at the expense of exploiting your children. Much love.
@kristinmikes6227 Год назад
Adoptive mom of three amazing kids here. I completely agree that foster care requires unconditional love, and lifting birth parents up is so incredibly important for the healing of the kids. Thank you for sharing your heart. ❤
@carriesessum2505 Год назад
You are speaking straight to my heart !!! My husband and have adopted two of our grandchildren.through foster ..long story not going to explain. Though they will probably not get to reunite with one parent I had to cut off all family to one side for healing and safety. It’s been almost 2years and I have wanted to open the door to some of them but don’t know where to start !!! Mostly because I don’t want to reopen passed memories or fears for my kiddos
@rosemarydoran9907 Год назад
You are a great example of how to do it right!
@pitabury Год назад
@sheilaward8770 Год назад
You are so amazing and definitely took this path for the right reasons. Kudos to you and your husband.
@danaleigh2723 Год назад
I absolutely adore you as a person.
@TracyDonita Год назад
Heather, you are an amazing person! I would just love to hug you!
@pitabury Год назад
@BrendaJBarNett Год назад
I was adopted thru state foster care at 18 months old and it was closed. Of course, this was 1955. I figured out my birth family and foun a total of 4 half brothers and 4 half sisters, most I have met. My birth mom looked for me until she died. What I resented was my adoptive mom talked of my birth family and called them white trash-and didn't even know who they were...only knew a 21 year old woman gave birth to me out of wedlock..how dare she judge someone she never knew 😔
@kelliquinn1342 Год назад
Oh my gosh your comment made me cry and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I guess at the end of the day we should always put Jesus first yeah, and remember it's all about forgiving. I wonder sometimes people who cannot have children get so caught up and just having a child that their needs come before the children. I'm sure you're adopted parents felt inadequate and they honestly probably without even knowing did this to you when I am so sorry! I'm saying a little prayer for you right now because I truly hope that you know Jesus on an everyday basis and one you will be reunited with your parents again. I'm starting a bucket list for heaven as God that I could please win this you guys reuniting. Peace of Christ
@BrendaJBarNett Год назад
@@kelliquinn1342 thank you. I have Jesus in my heart and ave forgiven my adoptive parents long ago. They did the best any parent could do. Obviously in the 50s there was bigger stigma on out of wedlock pregnancies than there is today. Eventhough there things have happened ever since man has been walking.. I so embrace the newer philosophy of foster care/adoption that @theBells10 and so many other families can embrace. Love and Light 🥰
@kelliquinn1342 Год назад
@@BrendaJBarNett I will always treasure this comment! Can I tell you how you make my day❣️❣️ While I love the internet it has it's downsides too, but when people are true to their heart and true to their God you can help so many people you never would have been able to reach before and I am sure that your comments is going to touch the heart of many. While we will probably never meet on this Earth, I truly mad at I'm making a bucket list for heaven. So world when you see a double rainbow one day and the Sun is blaring you will know I witnessed these guys reunited. God bless you all
@Stepharoni_and_Clean Год назад
Thank you for not bashing the parents who have had to give up their rights and no longer have their children in their care. You're awesome heather
@sheryladams1964 Год назад
Thank you for sharing such a tender story. It was said very well.
@conniewheat924 Год назад
You have a beautiful spirit.
@andrea7403 Год назад
Let me just say..I’ve watched quite a few families on RU-vid and I also have a lot of respect for the content you put out. Absolutely doing this right and I hope nothing but the best for you and your family and your time on RU-vid. Definitely will be a successful channel. Beautiful family
@justlulu9115 Год назад
I love you so much. ❤️❤️❤❤❤ 14:41 your truly a Angel. At work crying I can’t.
@allthingsnichole Год назад
This here 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾God is Pleased ❤
@jaggirl Год назад
Adopted children are very lucky to have you as their parents. They are great kids, because you are great parents who put their needs first. You have a wonderful outlook on the whole situation. You are soo right, to not Diss the biological parents. Your children would be soo proud of you 2. Much respect.🌻💛
@stephanieaguirre76 Год назад
Great advice. Words of tru wisdom 🙌
@tonisangel5024 Год назад
Heather you are such a beautiful wonderful woman you and your husband May God Bless You Both for everything you have done for these children and thier biological families I love y'all so much...😘💥🙏💥🌟
@shelbyrichards9224 Год назад
Good morning! I hope you CRAZY Bell’s have a great weekend! ❤
@aprilpfeiffer367 Год назад
It was good to hear you talk about your children’s birth families and how you uplift them. Not the same but kind of I did the same with my children’s father and his family. He just dropped out of their lives for a while he would every few months call or have a small visit a lot of times not show up or drop out of their lives. It was hard to watch and most people in mine and their lives would be angry at me or for me because I would try and makeup a reason like he got called into work even though I knew he chose to take the latest girlfriend kids out instead. Everyone would say just tell them the truth and let him face them the next time he called. But in my mind it was not worth it to see them heart broken and crying because kids automatically think what is wrong with me why does he not love me I’m not good enough. In truth he is just a very bad parent and person but if I could keep that pain from them I did. Did I sometimes feel like just saying he is a bad person and all the other bad things I felt and not to worry I will be there like always yes but to let them know how bad he was wound hurt them he is their father bad mouthing him hurt them even when true. They are all grown up now and know everything they need to about him sorry to say all 4 don’t have anything to do with him. But came to there in their own time and they know what I did trying to keep them from being hurt. All have said they were grateful I never said anything bad about him.
@pitabury Год назад
Great job, April. Eventually, they do figure it all out for themselves. When that happens, it breaks your heart to see them in so much pain. All you can do is what you have always done, be there to love them, and help them pick up the pieces. You are an AMAZING mom. I really hope you know that. Peace! 💜
@ptalakai5 Год назад
You are such a blessing to your children. And their birth families. Keep up the great work🥰❤️
@shurondaadkins5944 Год назад
That is so amazing. I think that's just more love for the children no matter what their parents circumstances were. They chose to not be selfish and let someone else raise the children because that would be in their best interest but also the parents still have them in their lives all at the same time so I can appreciate that. This is why you guys are so blessed because you don't hold grudges and you don't pass any judgment so that's a plus in my book and I'm sure God feels the same exact way. Because it is not our place to judge others because we don't have a heaven or hell to put anyone in for their mistakes. May God continue to bless you guys 🙏🏾🙏🏾
@pitabury Год назад
Well said, Shuronda! 💜
@michellebridges2604 Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing ❤️ I was adopted and it was closed. I have known I was adopted since day one 🙂
@infamouszxnicky Год назад
I follow the same rule in my house with my ex husband. No matter how upset I've ever gotten I never disparage my ex. Especially in front of my son. I wanted the sun to rise and set on his Dad for him and it does. He's grown and still spends every Saturday night with his Dad. Also, I was placed with a relative due to my Mom's struggles. By not disparaging my Mom my life was better. God bless you for what you do and for not having a savior complex. 🙏❤
@ButterflyElsy Год назад
You are a beautiful woman, Heather!!God has favored you and blessed you and you for family in so many ways!
@andorastevens8300 3 месяца назад
You are an amazing person.
@olgalara9738 Год назад
Wonderful mother and a blessing person ❤️ so much blessings 🙏👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❣️
@Sweet_Southern_Pecan Год назад
Heather you and your husband are such a blessing. You give your whole heart with others. God bless you ❤
@RJB1980 Год назад
Thank you for sharing all of this with us, and thank you for not sharing the things that should be kept private. You're doing it right.
@Buttercup203 Год назад
Heather THX U soo much for how u handle ur kids Birth Parents! All the RESPECT IN THE WORLD goes to u bc I’m sure it’s HARD sometimes! God BLESS U + ur fam!!💕🌈💕🙌
@tamikawhorton3831 Год назад
Humbling and so much truth. As a fellow foster parent ..very well said.
@karenelswick2593 Год назад
You're an amazing lady!!!!
@Traveler-nu8xc 5 месяцев назад
Love them because Jesus loved us unconditionally ❤
@jenndpbudgets Год назад
I love that you don’t over expose their stories or blast their bio parents
@jennysmart3672 Год назад
From such experience. These are wise words from a humble place. I’m so glad you have said this. The most important place to start from in fostering is that the children will always love their mum/dad no matter what lived experience they have. And children that are not part of their birth family because of adoption or fostering will always want to know of their roots. It helps them with their identity and having safe and no blame contact with blood relations is part of supporting their growth. What big arms you and Luke have in gathering such an extended family and what healthy boundaries you keep. ❤
@angelicapfitzinger6836 Год назад
This was SO HELPFUL!!! IM struggling right now with the siblings I have right now. Thank you!
@pitabury Год назад
Hang in there and be strong. With God, all things are possible. You are in my prayers, Angelica. 💜
@chandratobolaski1249 Год назад
Me & my 2 brother's were in different foster homes, because my mom developed cancer and couldn't take care of us physically or financially. I was 4 or 5 when me and my younger made it to our last. We stayed with them for 4 year's. During the 4 year's they told us terrible things things about my mom, even went as far as making us prejudice. Come to find out they were trying to adopt me and my brother. My other brother was in a different foster home and he suffered mentally. In the end me and my younger brother went home, my oldest some time later. But they had me believing so much crap, I couldn't be friends with her, I couldn't bond. I was conditioned to believe she wasn't allowed to have boyfriend's. I was conditioned to believe African Americans were not good people. My mom's boyfriend was African American, the neighborhood she lived in was mostly African Americans. This put a huge strain on our relationship. I started skipping school in 6th grade and running away from home. I spent more time on the streets than I did with my mom. It wasn't until I was 17 I became pregnant and finally started building a relationship with her. I always loved my mom but was conditioned that everything she did was wrong. I'm 48 now and 3 year's ago she developed dementia. I'll never get that time back with her... my heart is broken.
@pitabury Год назад
I'm so sorry, Chandra, that you had to go through all of that. My heart and prayers are with you. 💜
@enidsanchez6327 Год назад
Thank you, I’m going through a personal situation with my own child and your words uplift me. Even though is not the same situation but your words touched my heart thank you.❤
@sugarsnap1000 Год назад
I admire you a lot, I reared my son solo for various reasons and didn’t say a bad word about his father, knowing that regardless of his father’s position there was a love there. They reconnected when he was 18, there relationship will never be one of father guiding and minding his son and that ok, but for my son, he knew and knows he is loved regardless and can reach out to his dad knowing the reality of the situation but also knowing what human nature is about.
@renondagregson1363 10 месяцев назад
Love is the key to raising kids.❤❤
@jessie4827 Год назад
😍😍 oh I love you even more now! This video is just heart warming and refreshing! You're an amazing mum/mom ( I'm from the UK)
@jessie4827 Год назад
Was not finished my 4 year old is diving on me 😂 its so nice to find a RU-vid mom who doesn't bash others and actually picks them up instead of tearing them down it's amazing
@takingthewheeldillard9039 Год назад
I agree 😢your so right it’s their story to tell… never judge it’s true. Enjoy your video.
@neenee_marie77 Год назад
Every family vlogger should take advice from you.
@donnamcmullan2027 8 месяцев назад
God Bless You All!! ❤😊
@jacquelinecasey1361 Год назад
Thank you, Heather for your honesty. You truly are a breathe of fresh air! Happy Holidays!
@aliciahavard3268 Год назад
After watching a large family vlogger. And I was confused on the parenting. I'm so glad I found your channel . What you are teaching is unconditional love too all. You are doing a wonderful job. Ohh... Joshy makes me smile... just want to give hugs to you all . God bless and Merry Christmas.
@maegardnermills4292 11 месяцев назад
Heather, my Niece Heather is single. She was foster mom. The mom, her mom and her mom all put their children in and out of foster care. The Judge let my Niece Heather have three precious children. She had tried helping the mother but it went nowhere. One was recently baptised. Thanks for everything you said. It will reach families. Good people need good experiences from people like you, Heather.
@kelleefarnesi1277 Год назад
Thank you for sharing Heather! My daughter gave my granddaughter up for adoption against my wishes. My heart was breaking so bad at the thought of giving her up. What I didn’t realize at the time was, how brave my daughter really was and how she wanted the best for her daughter. The baby’s father was not in a good place and my daughter knew she could protect her by placing her in another home. My daughter carried her baby during her senior year, she is my hero, she made the ultimate sacrifice, she could have chosen abortion to make her life momentarily easier. But I didn’t raise her to think that was ok. We have an open adoption with my granddaughter and we are so blessed because of it. There’s more to the story, but I’ll stop here. I just want to say thank you for loving your kids and for loving their biological families. The Bible says He turns beauty out of the ashes. ❤
@cindystremick7779 Год назад
Heather , you are so inspiring! ❤
@kms3063 Год назад
Your a great mom And a wonderful person
@jackiealessio9143 Год назад
God Bless your family❤️. U have given your children a beautiful life I love how u speak about this So many on RU-vid tell way too much and make it tough on them Love ur videos !!
@brookekelly12 Год назад
This was such a wonderful video. You can feel the love you and your husband have for not only your family, but your community as well. I’m 34 and I don’t have kids, yet. I would love to birth a child of my own, but I am most excited about foster care and Adoption (if it works out that way). I want parents to know and trust that I will keep their child safe until unification can occur. That’s been my dream since I was a child. I am learning so much from this channel. Thank you for being such an inspiration ❤️❤️❤️ I hope Hayley’s little buddy is doing okay. Do the family’s in your community need any Christmas gifts? You could put a list out and let some of us send items to help. It doesn’t have to be for Christmas. It could just be to help the community kiddos. Keep up the good work!!
@CheapsKate77 Год назад
Although it's nice of you to offer gifts to families in her community, why not just help families in your own community? There are people in need everywhere.
@maryjayneslate902 Год назад
Thank you for saying what you are saying because when my daughter was about 18 months to 2 years old I started to divorce her dad. In the process I had a boyfriend to help me stay focused with the divorce (my ex-husband would have manipulated me into stopping the divorce if I didn't have my ex-fiancee to keep me on track.) While I was going thru the process of filing for divorce my daughter and I would go out with my then soon to be ex-husband and then fiancee. People would look at us strange for the dynamic that we had and my thought process was that my daughter had more love and what was wrong with her having more love and less hate? Thank you for being the cheerleader to the children that legally became yours while they had the difficult road with their birth families.
@karenlevall8313 Год назад
Love your videos 😊
@yolandawilliams9262 Год назад
I just want to say thank you.!
@laurarivera8136 11 месяцев назад
You're amazing
@marietajalle391 Год назад
Good evening! Thanks for sharing your videos. You are blessed with those beautiful family. I have my grandkids through foster care (long term). I'm hoping my son eventually will get them back but for now, they are my joy. Hafa adai and love from the island of Guam 🌴🌲🎅🤶🌴
@terryk7822 Год назад
110% maybe not always like but always always love. Everyone needs to understand this. Parents can have more than 1 kid why cant kids have more than 1 set of parents?
@pitabury Год назад
Not an adoption story, BUT...I am my husband's third wife. At our youngest daughter's wedding, when the officiant asked, "Who gives away this bride?" she had all five of us, her parents~2 dad's and 3 mom's, stand up and say "we do!" Needless to say, it got quite a laugh from the crowd! She was so proud and had the biggest smile!! We are all so very blessed. Also, yes... she is my daughter as I do not believe in the word "step" where family is concerned. 💜💚
@miasgirls3778 Год назад
@annieireland623 11 дней назад
@sugarsnap1000 Год назад
Therefore the grace of God go I.
@lindaeyerman961 Год назад
@ashley-cz1sl Год назад
I have a question in one of your videos; you said you couldn't foster any more kids because you could only have 8 at a time. Now that your kids are grown up could you renew your foster license and hope your home is up to more children? What an awesome video this is.
@sieadronson519 Год назад
I see Christ working through you! God bless you!
@pitabury Год назад
@karenturner7983 Год назад
@lynnbuchan-connolly4894 Год назад
You are Amazing
@marielarene7505 Год назад
Love you heather 🩷
@christinehorst443 Год назад
I am the biological Grandma of 4 grandchildren who were adopted to two separate families. I haven't seen the oldest 2 since they were 3 & 2, they're now 8 & 7. I've never seen my 3 yr old grandson and although they are together their adoptive parents have cut off contact with us after 5 yrs. My youngest granddaughter is now 17 months old and has an adopted big sister. Her adoptive family is more open to being in contact with us.. I plan on putting my information on 23&Me so that if the day comes they can find me.
@tonetonee4383 Год назад
@llmj02 Год назад
@lynnbuchan-connolly4894 Год назад
@vanessalewis5616 Год назад
Hi I recently started watching you by chance I have ordered had the sam
@meggshuf7761 10 месяцев назад
You mentioned that some of your kids parents don’t like you. How do you handle that? Of course like you said always praise and never talk bad about them. But how do you handle those encounters? Maybe if your child wants to meet up with their birth parents, how do you handle the awkward situation of “you know this person doesn’t like you”. I want to adopt and I am like you I love people no matter who they are but I get hurt easily if I’m being super kind to someone and they just hate me for no reason. How do you handle that?
@vicgamesvt9682 Год назад
While I do disagree to the statement that "all children will seek their mom no matter what she did" its true that you shouldn't be negative about a foster child's bio parents and deffinatley do not share their story. Leave that up to them.
@vicgamesvt9682 Год назад
Alicia from Dougherty Dozen needs to learn a lesson from you. She's always exposing bio parents and talking about how they drank while pregnant, sold their child's items etc. While these actions aren't good it's just absolutely horrible to use the child's story like that.
@pitabury Год назад
Oh my Lord, how absolutely horrible!
@bethbussell9743 Год назад
I guess I'm naive. I hope you and your family don't receive any negative feedback from any of your videos. I bless you all. Thank you.
@taylenciesla441 Год назад
Why is she talking about this? People already know this about foster care and adoption. Not a secret at all where I come from. This video is just her bragging about how she’s amazing because she’s so thoughtful and nonjudgmental. This lady loves being a savior… 😂. It’s so obvious because she keeps repeating how much she and her kids love each other. That’s wonderful but… we already know. Just feels like overkill. It’s like if you keep saying “I’m not lying! I swear! I’m not lying! I can be trusted, I promise. I am not lying. I promise on my moms grave. I never lied, even as a 2 year old. Truth is my guiding light, my everything. By the way, did I mention that I’m not lying? Yeah, I’m honest. No lies here. Pure truth. Honest to god. Im not lying. I promise. Again, I’m not lying! I swear! “ like OKAY I GET IT. PLEASE STOP 😭
@taylenciesla441 Год назад
I couldn’t do it after 15 minutes… she could have summarized this in 2 sentences. She even goes as far as to mansplain and explain what it means to love somebody, and how to be a parent… cringe. Then rant about how she loves the birth families, also repeating herself so many times as if she’s actually trying to convince herself. She seems like a narcissist 🤷
@thenoseyspectator2 Год назад
You love your kids? Then why do you put them all over social media???
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А вы играли в school boy runaway?
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I met my birth parents after 23 years of silence.
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What It's Like Living in Foster Care | PART 2 | Origin
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Adoption from Foster Care, Our Story
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