
[FULL STORY] My Father Starts Dating This Woman and Soon She Shifts Into Our Home and... 

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My Father Starts Dating This Woman and Soon She Shifts Into Our Home and Starts Controlling Our Lives.
#redditupdate #redditrelationship #askreddit




1 июл 2024




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@Waffles435 6 дней назад
Why are people saying she is spoiled? Unless i am missing something the only thing here that is bad about OP is that she is a bit messy and besides its not annas place to be a mom to OP especially such a bad one
@pandamoon8067 5 дней назад
Its a change for both parties and there wasn't any communication how things will be plus feeling wasn't put into account
@Waffles435 5 дней назад
@@pandamoon8067 nah Anna seems to just be a ass and imposing herself on everyone.
@Waffles435 5 дней назад
@@pandamoon8067 nope Anna just wants to impose and control their lifes, atleast OP’s life. this is clear because OP’s dad definitely had some measure of manipulation form Anna since she would talk about OP behind her back clearly spreading false info aswell as the dad guilt tripping himself basically. Also the dad should be prioritizing his own daughter instead of someone women he met and on-top of all this OP was actually trying to communicate to her dad but she got shutdown every time.
@pamshort4590 6 дней назад
The girlfriend shouldn't be making rules in an already existing household, especially when everything between OP and her dad was working for them.
@TheMuricanMeme 5 дней назад
Yeah but she was getting annoyed and mad cuz she was told to clean and be more organized lol
@pamshort4590 4 дня назад
@@TheMuricanMeme If it doesn't bother the dad that the girl is a little bit sloppy, it's none of the girlfriend's business. The dad didn't even invite the woman to move in. She invited herself.
@sashabell4700 6 дней назад
Many teenagers don’t take kindly to a non-parent. For one family life has been pretty much established. A sister decided after her 2nd divorce that as long as having children best to not remarry until they move out. Woman asked to move in temporary. Didn’t waste time making it her home. Changing things. No compromise with food. But at 16 OP can cook and non-vegan groceries should also be in the home. So she can cook a steak dinner. As to a messy bedroom. Please. I had teenagers once. Close the bedroom door. Shush woman. Not the mama wasn’t acting as a mama but as woman of the house. Like its her house.
@claytonthomas1980 5 дней назад
The OP's father has realized that his daughter and girlfriend weren't getting along and it took a serious conversation to reach a solution and move on from that experience, good for them.
@sammygreen066 5 дней назад
I don't think it was bad for Anna to tidy the house but OP's bedroom should have been none of her business, and the other changes were too much for someone who wasn't actually part of the family. OP was 16 not a little child, they have their own feelings about who is or isn't family and the dad can't just insert Anna into OP's family like that. Anna is the dad's girlfriend, not OP's family, that takes time
@alwayzatiger1 5 дней назад
Exactly…like the dad seems very selfish and one sighted. Once his daughter moves out people like Ana will find another victim to degrade and nitpick, and soon he will see what his daughter experienced. 😅
@anonymousinternetperson 5 дней назад
honestly if I were the dad in this situation I would not have allowed Anna back. She's shown she can't respect boundaries, that she is rude and oversteps and honestly it sounds like she has some control issues as well and needs help. The dad should have just dumped her or at least make her find new living arrangements and repaired his relationship with his daughter.
@KrystalChris 6 дней назад
Is no one gonna talk about how watching horror movies is relaxing to her?
@Pres_Play 6 дней назад
i feel like that is a why someone would grow up and become a murderer…
@corinnefogarty7880 5 дней назад
It's a right of passage for teenagers. The Exorsist Jaws It's Alive The Omen The Wicker Man Alien Carrie The Ring Silence of the Lambs Red Dragon A few Charles Bronson movies ... Korean scary movies were really freaky.
@zerotodona1495 5 дней назад
And? It is relaxing. Most women love horror movies. They are funny.
@KrystalChris 5 дней назад
@@zerotodona1495 why does it have to be about gender? Why can’t I say anything on RU-vid without someone making it racist or sexist or adding some strerotype?
@amazingnobodylee 5 дней назад
It was relaxing because they were spending time with their friends
@spaceyeevee 6 дней назад
Idk if it's just me or the audio started going quiet towards the end of the story? Anna is a red flag, if she doesn't get act together and make the dad's daughter feel like she isn't welcome in her own home, daughter will feel like she isn't wanted and leave for good.
@ragingdid 6 дней назад
Every sucks here. Everyone just wants to talk over each other for what? Just have a conversation, no need to be winning or having more power
@industrialover 6 дней назад
Are you kidding me? Clean up after yourself!
@alwayzatiger1 5 дней назад
If it’s really about being clean cleaning can be done at any time no need to purposefully embarrass someone and if the person complaining is “so clean” they should just clean it themselves not be hateful and passive aggressive
@Totallynotdoflamingo 4 дня назад
Firstly, calm down with the through screen attitude. Secondly, I’m just mad about how she made vegetarian lasagna. If you can’t make breakfast lasagna don’t make lasagna.
@depperwong9901 6 дней назад
3 days you away from home but your dad just stay home, not go out to looking for you?
@Iittle_star 5 дней назад
Your friends sound like very good friends
@kcrogers1813 6 дней назад
The kids definitely an ah but to be very fair this is a hard situation for anyone to be in
@JackcatsandbassYT 6 дней назад
Op is totally the a hole. Completely selfish. Some of the things ana did were unjustified but they were minor and could be worked out. She needs to learn some manners.
@KrystalChris 6 дней назад
I feel like Op didn’t owe Anna any respect, from OP’s perspective, Anna just came out of nowhere and tried to replace her dead mom. Sure, she could’ve been nicer about it, but she’s not the one totally in the wrong, I feel like this whole story is just a bunch of misunderstandings and miscommunications.
@keturahmagee6413 6 дней назад
All of them need to communicate better. Op mentioned that she never told her dad or the lady that she didn't like the idea. How can they be understanding if op doesn't tell them what's going on? All 3 need to communicate better. Maybe then compromises can be made so that it feels like home to all of them. Aka certain areas are safe zones that are untouched by the others. Maybe a mixture of old and new dishes. They can eat them and as a family figure out together what dishes they want to continue doing or which ones are more favorites vs. Occasionally made ones. That said if dad's girlfriend has ocd that wouldn't surprise me.
@pandamoon8067 6 дней назад
No its not because someone who OP don't know to well taking over the place OP live & change things not thinking or tell OP & the dad at the end its misunderstanding plus how Anna handled the cleaning up the room can wait & talk bout that later not in front of OP friends same for OP handled the wrong way both could just wait till no friends or anyone have sit down Anna the dad OP discuss the are deal most of all the dad is at fault jumping not hearing OP out & for Anna I think & believe she twisting things making it big deal when its just miner most of all the house is not Anna to change its ok to change things yes self not the way to make the person who live before her feel its not their house anymore
@Roronoa1213 5 дней назад
Yeah I mean, she described “neatly tucking away shoes” and “hanging up her jacket” as erasing her presence. As a teen girl, uber dumb things to be upset about, others are justifiable on OP’s side though
@pandamoon8067 5 дней назад
@@Roronoa1213 yeah at the end everything is new & a change how it was handled both is at the wrong I see both point of view OP Anna & the dad there wasn't communication on all 3 parties and understanding if I do date a man who have child or children from previous marriage I would feel nervous & scared because its change not only for myself it's change for the child or children
@prettyboyflizzy7841 6 дней назад
This is one of the times OP is acting like a spoiled child
@alwayzatiger1 5 дней назад
No not really…as a father or mother your kids should come first
@thorcadail5812 3 дня назад
Children shouldn't be expected to accept change so quickly. Idk how a kid is spoiled if they are bossed around by a person who isn't their legal guardian and someone they've only known for a year. Also by a person who changes everything in the house that they've only lived in for a few months and ignored input from others. Do you honestly view a child as spoiled when they're never listened to and there's constant change? Why should a child be expected to bend over backwards for a guest while the guest bosses them around and ignores their opinions?
@alwayzatiger1 2 дня назад
@@thorcadail5812 exactly like the kid obviously never had a “mother figure” to teach her how to be tidy, so for someone new to come in the house and criticize the way she’s living that he FATHER set up that way is just so selfish and putting unnecessary stress on the daughter. Why would she want to listen to virtually a stranger that her one parental figure automatically sided with. It’s just really sad for that kid
@aliciadavis4707 5 дней назад
Maby a family talk is needed all 3 of u.. and remember u got 2years left an u can leave
@MsMookalate 5 дней назад
This is why children needs to monitored. Children thinks everything is unfair when it comes to responsibility.
@lydiakelly6863 6 дней назад
I think Op is the ah. The gf telling her to clean her room couldve been the breaking point for her too. Op was lazy over and over again and refused to acknowledge her when she was told to clean. The op has friends over while she's away, doesn't tell her, and still hasn't cleaned her room.
@tatsuo91 6 дней назад
Not a drop of sympathy to this brat, shes going to be a Karen
@jenniferhalstead3680 5 дней назад
You did screw up, this is why kids aren't allowed to make decisions, you should have been recording everything that she was doing getting all the proof of how she's completely different when dad's not around.
@tinabonn7265 3 дня назад
@nswort 6 дней назад
You sound spoiled and entitled for being upset that someone cleaned and expected you to pick up your own crap. Your mom would have made you clean up your mess too if she were still alive. All the things your dad’s girlfriend was doing seemed reasonable, in my opinion. You sound selfish and spoiled. Change is inevitable. The “clean your room now” thing was too far, but by acting the way you did, you made everything worse. Your dad isn’t your best friend. He’s your father. Maybe instead of pointing out all Anna’s negatives, you could do something to make her feel welcome too. It sounds like she made an effort in the beginning towards you.
@maqh_at9545 6 дней назад
the OP and her friends sound like AH, How is the OP trying to get sympethy from us because her shoes where put in their right place and her coat was hanged like it should be. I think the dads girlfriend was a bit unjustified with the only vegan food and the Go clean your room rn insident but it was nothing major. the dads girlfried just improved their quality of life which cleansines and wasnt even rude and the OP was just spoiled.
@SeraphimSigilist 6 дней назад
While I agree that op may have been spoiled, you can't just flip the script like that, from being spoiled to having nobody support you without having them lash out, especially a child. it's grey, everybody sucks, not just OP
@pandamoon8067 6 дней назад
I don't think its that because really OP felt her place is taking over which its OP & ops house another person come in & change things plus what I see is Anna don't get & understand she's dating a man that have child from previous marriage Anna should be more understanding but wasn't thinking for other people she's living with
@pandamoon8067 6 дней назад
I'm not siding with anyone how it was handled was wrong from the beginning Anna change things not thinking of others need to fix that Anna want respect that is earn not demand
@thorcadail5812 3 дня назад
Children shouldn't be expected to accept change so quickly. Idk how a kid is spoiled if they are bossed around by a person who isn't their legal guardian and someone they've only known for a year. Also by a person who changes everything in the house that they've only lived in for a few months and ignored input from others. Do you honestly view a child as spoiled when they're never listened to and there's constant change? Why should a child be expected to bend over backwards for a guest while the guest bosses them around and ignores their opinions?
@pandamoon8067 3 дня назад
@@thorcadail5812 that’s what I’m talking bout seeing many comments saying OP is spoiled the comments not seeing the are deal someone OP don’t know to well move in changing things not telling or asking or hear OP out just like I said how it was handled was wrong in both parties & misunderstanding glad that the ending OP dad hear OP out & Anna seeing what she did wrong & admit to it & fix & do better same for OP & the dad
@Ace_The_Face 6 дней назад
Idk… OP sounds like a pretty selfish spoiled kid… sure the room thing was inappropriate but the rest was fine.
@chaosandhugs 6 дней назад
It's one thing to help keep the home clean it is an entirely other thing to start trying to parent a child that isn't yours even legally as a stepchild, then nitpick everything your SO's teenager does and continue to only make food you like without consideration for others in the household. Anna made op's home feel like she wasn't welcomed there, that's where the problem started. Op's dad should have talked to op about having Anna move in and have the process be a slow one to make sure toes were not stepped on. Yes op's dad deserves to be happy, HOWEVER, since he IS a parent he needs to think of how his choices with Anna will affect his own daughter as well. He should have done therapy with op so that there was a safe environment for op to share and express how everything was affecting her.
@chaosandhugs 6 дней назад
I will also clarify that I am not defending all of op's actions. I had to explain to my own birth mother that she did not have the authority to discipline her boyfriends teenagers be ause to them she is just their dads gf and nothing more. The same applies to him, he does not have any authority to try and parent me or my sisters, we are adults regardless but still.
@jesusmartinez1358 6 дней назад
this young woman was not spoiledshe responded normally to obvious disrespect😢 I wish my daughter was more like her😊
@SolveigIvarson-z5s 6 дней назад
@evanaafroze9484 6 дней назад
@squadmaster1466 6 дней назад
@VinayakAgarwal-kp4ry 6 дней назад
Fourth 🏆🏆😂
@CalmEditss 6 дней назад
@Youravragemaxfan 6 дней назад
@alwayzatiger1 2 дня назад
Awww it’ll get better hun ❤️‍🩹 hopefully you guys can move forward and become closer as a family
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