
Game-Changing Shortcuts for a Clutter-Free Home 

That Practical Mom
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@HydrogenTwoO 10 месяцев назад
When I realized I was basically just rewashing my fave clothes over and over, and the others were never used, and I kept seeing this every single week... I finally just donated the clothes that sat in the drawer. Not all at once, but now I have 90% clothes I'm okay with wearing :)
@mungbean345 10 месяцев назад
I was sitting here yesterday looking at my laundry and thinking the same thing. Thanks for the nudge.
@bhsprinkle 10 месяцев назад
I've been thinking the same. If I could replace my clothes with more comfortable and what I'd use more I would. I don't own a lot of clothes. What I do own are mostly other family member's old stuff. I feel like I want stuff that I choose. My pajamas are old shirts with random fuzzy pj pants. Only have 2 pairs left.
@leezapaints 10 месяцев назад
I have been telling my husband the same thing. he's started putting his least favorites in a different drawer and if he doesn't wear them, he plans to get rid of them. it's been years of trying to get him to get rid of them 😅
@reginabeasley872 10 месяцев назад
I had this 4 draw plastic container I never wanted to get rid of it. My building is not exactly a square built building.both my bedroom and living room have one wall that is curvy that container was taking up space and all that was in the drawers was clutter. We get a big dumpster every few months and as tenants we are allowed to get big items out of our apartments we'll this time I decided that container had to go I got rid of it and 2 more items .that was the aha moment the wake up call once I ditched that container my bedroom gained space and I rearranged my bed and other needed items now I walk into a cluttered free bedroom and it feels wonderful
@michellejames9969 10 месяцев назад
This is my biggest problem! Where I get stuck is when I drag all of it out to donate or sell and then I get overwhelmed! I need this so bad.
@CaroleBoulware 10 месяцев назад
1. Minimize your clothing 2. Never put your clothing on the floor 3. Make your bed 4. Declutter first, organize after 5. Implement drop zones 6. Work on having less stuff 7. Use the big three rule (do the top 3 things that make the biggest impact) 8. Identify your non-negotiables ❤
@bhsprinkle 10 месяцев назад
Thank you
@GravityBar231 10 месяцев назад
Great tips!
@debc315 8 месяцев назад
I have 6 adult children that I himeschooled I wish we had fewer clothing items I washed 365 days a year Monday's were bed stripping day so that was a large amount of laundry We live in northern New England where you need clothing for Changi g Temps even within the five seasons
@elib7311 10 месяцев назад
When the kids were little, I used to refer to it as a ‘walkabout’, which signaled bedtime was minutes away, so lets put everything away so it’s clean in the morning. I overheard my adult daughter commenting that she needed to do a ‘walkabout’ before we could run errands so she’d come home to a tidy studio. I actually got warm and fuzzy.😂❤
@GoblinsAreAGirlsBestFriend 10 месяцев назад
* Also, I want to very kindly and respectfully add to your note about "less tidy spouses" that there are circumstances like people living with spouses with mental issues - I had a partner with chronic depression for a very long time, he didn't even get dressed most days; no matter how cheery and upbeat and motivated I was, it never lifted him up. And I just want to say if others are in that situation; it's not because you're doing something wrong, it's not because they don't love you. I had to leave for him to want to change, unfortunately. Sometimes, even good people can't make it work. It's not your fault.
@domarigavjusmom 10 месяцев назад
"It is not your job to change your spouse" You're out here saving relationships 👏👏👏
@ArtistInNewHampshire 10 месяцев назад
Re: Making the bed daily- our small bedroom has a large sunny window that (despite being in Northern New England) I keep slightly open nearly year round. A few years ago, I watched RU-vidr Diane In Denmark sharing her morning routine, and she opened her bedroom window and pulled down the bed covering and aired out the bed for a period of time. I realized my fairly tiny bedroom needed airing, so I followed suit. I place my firm pillow sort of upright very close to the slightly open window, and it gets fresh air for much of the day, and I pull the bedcovers and fold them back, exposing most of the fitted sheet. (On very warm days, I run a small desk fan breeze across the surface) Pretty much, our bedroom is for sleeping only, so nobody cares if my bed is “made”. Result: at bedtime, our bed is fresh smelling and our pillows smell like they’ve aired on a clothesline all day, so fresh! I went from lamenting my tiny bedroom’s lack of space to appreciating its acting like an elegant Sleeping Porch. A bonus- the white sheets do not get nearly as yellowed as they used to, despite routine washings.
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
Makes a big difference, doesn’t it. Freshly aired sheets are a pleasure to crawl into each night.
@KathrynFritze 9 месяцев назад
The magic of ozone and UV light
@craftypam9992 9 месяцев назад
I always aired my bed, but once I hit the menopause, my bed absolutely HAD to be aired every day, or I had to climb back in to a clammy, damp, sometimes smelly, bed. Duvet thrown back every morning by the last one up, and flipped back up at night (when closing the curtains) solves the problem. And how long does it take to flip the cover back up? 2 seconds? 3? No, a made bed in my house is a sign that the sheets have been changed!
@SpArK4GrL 9 месяцев назад
I loved the idea of this and practiced it for about a week before I had to accept that my allergies were not on board 🥲 Mine are pretty severe though. I just end up needing to wash our bedding once or twice a week to keep it all fresh. Such a good thing to do though if that’s not something you have to manage!
@SpArK4GrL 9 месяцев назад
I’ll add that I do still air out the sheets! I just have to leave the window shut. When I do open the windows I make sure the pillows and sheets are covered up.
@maureenbullis1805 7 месяцев назад
My husband was so messy I had a hard think about if I could live with it if I married him. That was 43 years ago and I did marry him and now he’s considerate, cleans, cooks, and does all of the grocery shopping! And I never asked him to, he just followed my example.
@Nutritionistheanswer 10 месяцев назад
I am also a chronic pile maker! 😅it feels so good to hear someone else say it.
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
Two tricks I’ve used re clothes and bed-making are these. 1. I fold my blanket and top sheet at least halfway to the foot of the bed in the morning. This accomplishes two things. The sheets get aired out. The bed isn’t “made”, but it, and the bedroom, look neater. 2. Hang your clothes with hangers going backwards (or “underhand”). When you wear an item, hang it back up with the hanger going the other way (or “overhand”). At the end of the season, you’ll instantly see what you never wore, simply by looking at the “underhand” hangers.
@margaretlake 10 месяцев назад
I like the idea of folding the blanket and top sheet halfway. I'm going to try it. Maybe Mikey (the dog) will the happy with the softer layers and not make a nest. Yes, that's "nest" not "mess."
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
Our cat does the same thing. Any pillow or stack of folded blankets he calls first dibs on.
@Whogirl42 9 месяцев назад
Omg the 2nd tip is genius!🙌
@DAZEY_iz_healing 3 месяца назад
Ive done the second tip for years! It is very helpful!! So glad someone shared this!
@parkerrose3590 10 месяцев назад
I have to confess! I finally emptied the dishwasher tonight, butI left a whole bunch of dirty dishes in the sink. I was helping my daughter with her 4 week old baby boy while her husband was working and she was napping in between feeding. I got sick tonight from something I ate and had to go to bed. My mother use to say, it will still be there in the morning!
@crybebebunny 10 месяцев назад
You need to take care of yourself. Leaving the dishes there today is take care of yourself, you need that extra rest.
@helenebennie3961 10 месяцев назад
My mum says "House work won't go away." Inferring that you can do it later. Yes, Kallie does make it sound like it is set in stone but you don't want to scourge yourself if it doesn't get done once in a while.
@559mile 10 месяцев назад
something I started doing recently to help with laundry....My apartment buiding has a community laundry room on the first floor of the building and nights and weekends are crazy crowded. I work from home so have the ability to get the clothes into the washer and switch them into the dryer while the laundry room isn't crowded but i don't have any time to fold or put away clothes during the workday. After I pick the clothes up from the dryer I take 5 minutes to separate them into three different piles on my bed- 1) a pile of things that I don't care if they get wrinkled like socks and underwear; 2)I shake out and lay flat the items I need to fold; and 3) I shake out and lay flat the items I need to hang up. I then go about my workday knowing hte clothes won't be wrinkled before I can get to them and I can fold them later on at night while watching TV
@soccertxi 10 месяцев назад
I have decided that I will never be a minimalist (I am a quilter and the fabric stash...well...it has a life of its own!), BUT I am daily becoming a 'less-a-malist'. I love the ' my tomorrow self will be happy my today self did this' and my '5 minutes better' make a HUGE difference. I sometimes fall down on the job but I don't beat myself up, just start over in the morning. My husband has joined me in doing a few dishes at a time and the kitchen is a joy to cook in. Thank you for your enthusiasm and great ideas
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
I think this is my favorite comment in this section. My cousin is a quilter/knitter/crafter in general, so I get it. I’m also glad hubby’s getting into the act.
@ninnymuggins5159 10 месяцев назад
LOOVE IT!! Less-imalist!!!!!!!!!! I love the 5 minutes thing, that's how I trick myself all day long!
@jeepgrl4888 10 месяцев назад
I agree on eventually partners catch up . I used to exercise and he didn’t at all but he started and one time I asked him what made you to start to exercise. He said honestly you look so happy and you seem to have energy so I thought to try it …now he’s more active than I am
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
Same thing with my partner when I first became vegan. He saw how much better I looked and felt, saw how much red meat he was eating, and gave that up. (He’s not vegan, but feels healthier.)
@joysmith4276 9 месяцев назад
So good to hear someone emphasise we can not change our partner, we can only change ourself.
@dianeguy7452 10 месяцев назад
I’m 65. You my love are wise beyond your years ❤
@sandranodine1151 7 месяцев назад
I agree diane
@catsareawesome791 7 месяцев назад
I used to have an issue with clothes in my bedroom. A couple of years ago I would throw dirty clothes on the floor and on top of my hamper, and put washed clothes in a pile instead of putting them away, and constantly would move this pile between places. I realised my clothes were making my room really messy, so I've slowly implemented the following: 1. Cut down inventory (Dawn from The Minimal Mom helped with this!) 2. My non-negotiable regardless of time of day, energy level and whether I'm in a rush: a piece of clothing either goes into the hamper OR back in the closet. No exceptions. Clothing is not allowed on surfaces, the floor or the bed. I remind myself that it takes an extra 10 seconds to put it away. 3. I fold laundry as I take it off the line. I roll up anything that doesn't need to be wrinkle free/ironed eg. Pyjamas, shorts, pants etc and stack them in my laundry basket, then I toss the shirts/jumpers/dresses etc. that need to be hung up on top, and when I go to my room all I have to do is hang some clothes and quickly put away the folded stuff. 4. I am not as strict with categories/order. Shirts, jackets and jumpers are all hung on 1 rack in no particular order (I used to organise them by category but it was extra effort). Drawers aren't always perfectly organised and clothes aren't always folded well eg some pj pants are rolled and some are folded. The important thing is that they are in the draw. Hope this helps someone!
@anneaton921 10 месяцев назад
I started making sure my sink was clean before I went to bed because of you several months ago. What a game changer!! Thank you so much!!!🥰
@Mrs.J.D.B 10 месяцев назад
I know this doesn't seem like much, but I'm on day 4 of the clean kitchen sink habit and I feel amazing. I love my kitchen now, even though it's out dated and straight from the 70's! It's clean! And I never want to quit this habit!
@ajvintage9579 10 месяцев назад
@@Mrs.J.D.Bdon’t worry, some of us love original retro kitchens!! And my kitchen has yellow Formica countertops with red specks and chrome edging. Would I change it for Home Depot builder-grade granite?!? Heck no!!!
@julietannOsfan1972 10 месяцев назад
@@ajvintage9579I like the sound of your yellow worktops. Yellow is my favourite colour. I’ve got yellow walls in my kitchen.
@thewisceeeggg1624 10 месяцев назад
@crybebebunny 10 месяцев назад
🫣I did the sink thing for two weeks. It didn't work for me because my 2nd youngest got up to cook and my kitchen was not as clean as I lefted🫣. I think it would definitely be worth if it stayed clean throughout the night till my morning 😂❣️😏
@katnip266 10 месяцев назад
The thing about functionality over Pinterest perfect is that the functionality can always be replaced over time with something that is both functional and Pinterest perfect. The functionality is a placeholder and trial run for the things for when I find something that looks pretty and works for my systems.
@lauramurphy1072 10 месяцев назад
The clothes on the floor thing. My husband would basketball shoot his socks every night towards the hamper. And missed every night. It infuriated me but then I realized it was my issue not his. So I just picked up the socks. He died unexpectedly 2 years ago and wish I could pick up his socks. Side note though. He was always the first guy and still to this day the only guy in my very large family to go around and clear tables and bring dishes to the table so celebrate the positives! We can’t change people like you said but there’s definitely things they’re better at than most when it comes to cleaning habits. We might just not see it right away.
@novasoto5092 10 месяцев назад
Sorry for your loss😢 We should treat others as if today was the last. Love and be Kind. Hugs for you Laura
@Rosielu-c5g 10 месяцев назад
Sorry for your loss
@karenrich9092 10 месяцев назад
I agree with you. I wish I could help him choose a tie or hang up his clothes from the laundry. It's been 6 years, and it still hurts. A friend told me, "It gets a little easier every day, but it never completely goes away."
@meaganspencer6075 10 месяцев назад
Prayers & hugs for you Laura & Karen. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙏 Thank y’all for putting this in perspective for me. I complain because my husband leaves his socks everywhere throughout the house but this is a good reminder that I don’t need to complain about little stuff like this & just appreciate all of the good qualities that he has.
@karenrich9092 10 месяцев назад
​@@meaganspencer6075 Thank you for the hugs. It really helps.
@kat1963 9 месяцев назад
Showing by doing and not shouting works! My set in his ways husband noticed that whenever I took a dish, pot, pan or utensil to use I always washed them before using them. The last couple months I noticed these items were cleaner and I didn’t have to re-wash them. I never said a word to him about his terrible dishwashing just dealt with it and now it’s much better. He commented that I wasn’t washing stuff before I used them anymore. I smiled and said I changed dish cleaning detergent and they’re coming out cleaner. …PS I didn’t change detergent just bought a new dispenser. No need to humiliate the dish washer.
@GoblinsAreAGirlsBestFriend 10 месяцев назад
I am the messiest person in the world, but let me tell you, moving to Australia taught me _really quick_ to always put my clothes away and always make my bed. Because doing so greatly eliminates the risk of surprise-spiders 😂 true story, white tail spiders love piles of fabrics. Hell-to-the-fucking-no do I put clothes on the ground or not constantly arrange my bedsheets.
@ninnymuggins5159 10 месяцев назад
When you have a cat you LOVE who literally eats clothing, shoes, toys, blankets, sheets, towels, you learn after paying for 2-3 of his stomach surgeries to NEVER LEAVE ANYTHING ON THE FLOOR! 🙀🙀
@grandmaof9857 10 месяцев назад
I am a grandma now but had 3 little ones like you and would have benefitted sooo much from tips like you are giving. I struggled and was overwhelmed most of the time. I did learn some of the tips you are giving, but i am still learning and find your videos very helpful even to this grandma🎉
@candicek.4659 10 месяцев назад
I love the concept of doing things I don’t really want to do for “my future self”! In one of the first videos I saw of yours, you said that and It stuck with me. I can hear your voice in my mind “Your future self will thank you!” Genius! Thank you❤️
@hopefullycosplay 10 месяцев назад
So, I accidentally fell into solving the "spouse doesn't make the bed" problem: we have separate covers. This began b/c my husband is a covers thief, so I started buying twin-size top sheets, blankets, and comforters for our bed, with the sole intention of not being cold at night. The unexpected bonus outcome is that we can each make our own side of the bed whenever we get up & we're each responsible for that decision. (Also, I don't really make my bed each day to help me "be tidy" so much as to know I can easily get into it at night b/c my husband goes to bed before me & a made bed means I'm not trying to straighten out the covers in the dark when I'm tired)
@angelajohnson4245 10 месяцев назад
I JUST realized you have a new baby!!! Three lovely children! Congratulations!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
@angelajohnson4245 10 месяцев назад
I like that you describe doing these tasks as a form of "self-care". You've said it previously on other videos, but its true. Rather than burden yourself (or others) with large amounts of cleaning, a little every day helps along the way... 😊
@angelacarroll9750 10 месяцев назад
When should we make our bed? A long time ago, I was told to make it soon after getting up. However, the health experts now recommend that we pull back the covers for a couple of hours, then make it. Apparently, this dries out the moisture on the bed from our bodies and helps eliminate dust mites, their droppings & bed bugs especially if you open the blinds & windows & let the sunlight do the work for you. No dust mites will help asthma sufferers especially, and you can all breathe better. 😊
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
This is exactly what I do, and for the same reason. Even if you don’t get around to fully making the bed, if the blanket and top sheet are folded down at least halfway (to air out), it looks better than rumpled bedding.
@aprildawnsunshine4326 10 месяцев назад
I remember that study coming out 😄 as Always with these things media etc got it a bit wrong. It only takes about 10mins to dry & air out. Longer won't hurt anything and had no negative impact though. The key was to flip it down ASAP so it's still warm from your body heat. This makes it dry faster and the less time it spends damp the less you have all those issues. #TheMoreYouKnow 😊
10 месяцев назад
Yes let your bed aerate for a few hours, ideally as long as you slept in it.
@julietannOsfan1972 10 месяцев назад
A tip for making the bed & your husband/partner doesn’t want to - have separate beds. That’s what my Mum & Dad did & it worked out great. My Dad used to do nightwork & when he started doing days my Mum & Dad couldn’t get used to sleeping in the same bed, so bought separate ones. So much better. I’ve never understood the thing about buying new clothes, especially shoes & trainers. In the UK there’s a shop called Primark & their clothes are quite good & cheap. Many people buy them because of this reason. I find that they don’t last very long & also can’t be tumble dried. I buy all my clothes from M&S, as they are great quality, can be tumble dried & last for ages. Also, I don’t see anything wrong with wearing the same clothes for 2 days in a row. (Unless they’re children)
@winterwunderland 10 месяцев назад
"Decision fatigue" and "drop zone"....love it. Just hearing those words takes a little edge off my anxiety with trying to keep up a a home with a husband who has mild dementia. My best drop zone seems to be our coffee table and kitchen table. My choices for drop zones are limited due to the layout of our home. Maybe I will shoot for one drop zone- the coffee table. IDK.
@yamdimhcs4865 10 месяцев назад
I've been married for 8 years and my husband hasn't picked up any of my habits like tidying up, make the bed and organize. You're right we can't make our spouse to change.
@rebeccastan6493 10 месяцев назад
Married 23 years here and my husband hasn’t pick up any of my habits either! 😂
@vondrabejot9851 10 месяцев назад
I've been married for 45 years. The last 5 years he finally started taking his shoes off in the closet like I do. I'm still working on the mess he makes emptying his pockets on the top of the dresser instead of using the tray he has for it in the top drawer.😅
@laneyoh5 10 месяцев назад
​@@vondrabejot9851 what if you move that tray to the top of the dresser? And maybe even eventually can shift it to inside the dresser? Even if you leave the tray on top of the dresser forever, it's still a contained area, and looks less cluttered than just a jumbled mess on the dresser top. 🙂
@wellhello1603 10 месяцев назад
Because you do everything for him. Like most men, they like it’s clean when they don’t have to do anything, so they don’t bother. That’s why that “hack” doesn’t work and chores need to be split so everyone does their own thing.
@andreawales1938 9 месяцев назад
Although your way of having the tray in the drawer is inspired, he may feel controlled and is being passive-aggressive about it. If it were me, I would move the tray to the flat surface of the dresser (right where he drops his things) and just have him put the tray away in the drawer when company is coming. In my case, my husband took over our computer armoire and always leaves it cluttered and open. My rule is that he must deal with it (and close the computer armoire) at least once a year before Christmas, so that it doesn’t distract from the festivities at Christmastime.
@muchadoaboutkovu 10 месяцев назад
I’m realizing every time I have a kid, my collect things just in case mode is so much stronger, causing more clutter that then gives me anxiety. I’ve panicked thinking I needed something and then return it realizing I didn’t need it. It’s been a weird post partum battle..
@traceyrees3668 10 месяцев назад
Love this, The Organised Mum, Gemma Bray calls it being your 'future friend ' ❤️ Especially cleaning and 'putting the kitchen to bed' before I go up to bed 🛌, definitely a game changer, to come into your kitchen in the morning when it's clean and tidy and smells amazing is one of the best feelings ❤ and you are ready for whatever the day throws at you.
@HyggeHomestead 9 месяцев назад
thanks for giving tips without twlling us to go buy this storage bin, that storage thing, this item, that item, rather than practical tips to be tidy/organized. buying crap is easy. changing habits is harder. so many channels feel the answer is to go shopping for cute storage bins rather than examining your stuff & deciding whether it needs a bin & what size (for a specific solution for a specific thing)
@mischaelpitt1040 10 месяцев назад
I do live minimally and am always on the hunt for new ideas for upkeep in my home. There isn’t much new information out there these days but this was truly helpful- thank you.
@racheltonner2509 6 месяцев назад
Love your videos! I feel like we're a lot alike! First of all, washing your face before bed is a MUST! Wash, tone, moisturize! I'm a bed maker. Makes me feel better at night not having to do it then when I'm tired. I know the hubby appreciates it to. I also like to do at least one thing a day, organizing wise and cleaning wise. I also like to assess and go through things that I don't need. I usually have a garage sale every year. And it's nice to declutter and make a little side cash for something else that's needed for our home. This year I might use my earnings for new pond chairs :) I'm learning overtime not to beat myself up when my list doesn't all get accomplished. Take things a day at a time!
@Annie-49 10 месяцев назад
I love the non-negotiables! That really helps make me feel more relaxed about the new day. I thought about it. Mine are - Clean sheets. Bed made is not so important as the clean sheets Shower before bed, no matter what Tidy kitchen because it's horrible to wake up to get your coffee and everything is a depressing jumble of whatever from the day/night before I want my couch to have plumped pillows and the throws folded nicely. It just irks me when my couch looks like it's spent the night in a prune box. Wow! That really helped. Thanks for this thought-provoking tip!
@nitanice 10 месяцев назад
I had teens from a very messy house that lived with me a short while for college. I gave them just a few rules: Bed made within 15 minutes of waking up Nothing on the bed other than linens or you Nothing on the floor but furniture and feet shoes on feet or in the closet Clothes in laundry basket, drawer, closet or washer only six items on the dresser only three items on a nightstand Amazingly, they actually appreciated it. They didn't realize how easy it was. In the year they stayed with me, I never once had to say "clean your room." Once they understood it was that easy, they just did it.
@festiva93 10 месяцев назад
You’re inspiring me to make the bed for my significant other. He cares, I don’t. He’s the early bird. I’ll work on it ❤
@StaceyQTPie 10 месяцев назад
I am the last one up, and I hate making the bed, but it's not that hard or time consuming, and he likes it, so I do it. Just one of those little things that doesn't turn into a big thing.
@crybebebunny 10 месяцев назад
My husband preferred I don't make the bed. It definitely helps my brain though. So if he is not home I make the bed for me. Make it a tad messy before he gets home. If he is going to be home, I just won't make it.
@margaretlake 10 месяцев назад
I've always been amazed at how clean the bedroom looks (no matter how messy) with the bed made. Conversely, if the room is tidy and the bed messy, the whole room looks messy. That being said, I just kind of pull up the sheets and covers because the dog is going to make a nest of it and goes to sleep. I've tried to put a doggie bed on my bed and he makes the nest right against the doggie bed and goes to sleep.
@xotchilt1xd 10 месяцев назад
I'm learning something new every time. Thank you. 🤗
@Trashio777 9 месяцев назад
Thank you! I do most of this stuff daily like you and my house is pretty good. I just need to tackle a few areas. These things do help when I vacuum daily and I do dishes daily and I am like you with the laundry. I keep that going. If I know I can't fold it though, I usually just do towels. I prefer folding my clothes right away so there's no wrinkles. I also do smaller loads so I'm not overwhelmed and I can obviously do that because I do it more frequently in my clothes are cleaner. Another thing that I do is I do not mix any one's clothes. Everybody has their own laundry basket and their own day to do their laundry. I do towels together but everyone has their own towel color too so they are responsible for that towel and I can always identify when someone didn't put their towel away correctly 😆
@crybebebunny 10 месяцев назад
Thank you ❣️🫣😏🙃😉😰 You are definitely declutering my brain❣️❣️ Little by little, I am working on it slower than a snail, but, beyond my pain and all the drawbacks. I am working on it. Thank you ❣️
@sharonmcmillin9978 10 месяцев назад
DeClutter first. That just hit me between the eyes. This is why I could never get ahead.
@janneville7765 10 месяцев назад
Little things today = future me "peace of mind." Thank you for sharing these great tips!!
@elmichele 7 месяцев назад
Thank you SO much for touching on the topic of spouses being different. I have not had a made bed for years because i get up earlier than he does (and a made bed is not important to him). It has bothered me but it wasnt a fight i wanted to take on. It feels good to have someone else say that its ok to pick your battles and let your spouse be where they are in their journey. ❤
@kaycarle8361 10 месяцев назад
I'm so relieved you said that about the spouse/bed making. My husband gets up 3 hours after me. So I hate watching videos that tell me I need to make a bed that he will mess up again immediately.
@daisybuchanan5378 10 месяцев назад
1 small thing a day makes a huge difference. I usually continue on, but either way I feel accomplished and my space is improved. Then I don’t want to re-clutter.
@creativepotato816 10 месяцев назад
This is truly what I needed, especially before the holidays are in full swing!! When I feel overwhelmed your videos bring me peace and a real plan! Thank you Kallie!!
@destmichael 10 месяцев назад
The future me is glad the past me started working on this when she did. I had no idea what the future had in store for me.
@suzannesharpeOUCH 8 месяцев назад
Kallie, thank you for being my go-to RU-vid person for all things house organization, decluttering, life hacks, best/ favorite buys etc. I have actually downsized my list of “resource” people to make my life simpler. YOU are one of my two favorites. Happy new year and all best to you in the months to come!!
@user-vm5ud4xw6n 10 месяцев назад
Unfortunately I just redid my wardrobe because I lost a lot of weight that I wasn’t expecting. My clothes were literally hanging on me. I’m still struggling to determine my size but it’s no easy task. So this is one thing I’m going to have to skip and focus on other ways to manage clutter! If you want a laugh about making your bed, check out Admiral William H. McRaven’s speech at the commencement ceremony for the University of Texas’ 2014 graduation. Ten Life Lessons he learned as a Navy SEAL. The 1st one is “Make your bed.”
@stephanielardner9150 10 месяцев назад
I remember watching that. Very good way to start your day. I make my bed as soon as I get out of it.
@donna1018 10 месяцев назад
If you make potato chowder just add the can of cream corn to it! 😁
@heard3879 10 месяцев назад
Well as a germophobe, if I drop a piece of clothing by accident, the moment a garment touches the floor, I rush to throw it in the laundry. But now this video makes me think about the fact that I don't rush to resolve other issues. If I have an item out of place, do I rush to put it away? No, I don't. And so my house is a chaotic mess. I need to add this level of self-discipline. Thanks!
@carmenmaldonado2982 10 месяцев назад
My mom always said to never put clothes on the floor. She told me that the floor was always dirty no matter how often you clean it. .so I never put clothes on on the floor
@jainasolofel2315 10 месяцев назад
The limited clothing thing only works if you have your own washer and dryer though. If you have to travel a bit to a laundromat and it’s hard to get there, having a small amount of clothing can be difficult. Just speaking from experience.
@cyndij8312 10 месяцев назад
That's an excellent point! I also don't understand how having less clothing makes for less laundry. We would still have the same amount of laundry because we still get dressed. For example, 7 outfits for the week is still 7 outfits whether or not the closet is empty or has another dozen outfits in it.
@jainasolofel2315 10 месяцев назад
@@cyndij8312 that’s so true! It still the same amount of laundry. It seems to me like it’s more of a mindset difference that actually has impact. Have a healthy relationship with the amount of clothing you have and not feeling overwhelmed by it may help you feel less overwhelmed by the act of doing laundry?
@cyndij8312 10 месяцев назад
​@jainasolofel2315 I think you're onto something. Less overwhelming having fewer items of clothing. I retired last year and wear the same three blouses and capris when I leave the house and the same number of short sets for at home. I could eliminate about 85 percent of my clothing but it fits in the closet so it's not a priority. Before I had a house with a washer and dryer, I had to schlep to the laundromat. I hated going so much that I've been known to do 7 loads at a time! Enjoy your day.
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
@@cyndij8312when I was doing my family’s laundry at the laundromat, I’d consider it my sanctuary time. I’d bring a book or magazine, and just chill while all the clothes got cleaned at the same time. It was actually faster and more relaxing.
@cyndij8312 10 месяцев назад
@progressiveheart8333 definitely faster if doing a lot of laundry. Done within an hour and a half. It's just me but I can imagine the peace and quiet was welcome.
@biadoras 10 месяцев назад
The only cloths going on the floor for me, is used socks I intend to use one more day. Everything else goes on a stool until it goes into the laundry basket. I am team 3: halfmake bed to let matress air out a bit. Mostly I make the bed because I know pet will sleep on it during the day. X) I really need to find better ”home” for my electronic stuff. External hd, cd drive etc. That, and I hate my kitchen. Gotta love all these kitchen having no pantry so you only have the option of oddly shaped cupboards to store food in. These are the two messy parts of my life I .. avoid touching. The rest.. is ok I ”only” need to learn to not buy more stuff haha. -I guess my point with the kitchen is, I don’t want to do decluttering or organizing when I know I have no good space to organize. Even if I clean it up ”prefect” it will be a messy pile of double rows of stuff.
@roesbud53 6 месяцев назад
Bless you for acknowledging you're adventure can help us. ❣️❤️❣️
@nicoleparlor4483 10 месяцев назад
Our bed battle is... I work days, and my husband works nights! LOL. We've learned to make the bed twice! 😂
@129stacey 10 месяцев назад
Here’s a wrench in bed making. Health wise you are supposed to pull your sheets and blankets back first thing to let the bed air out and not let bacteria breed, BEFORE you make it
@user-uy4zs7fz3s 5 месяцев назад
So here's a thought...I've read 3 different amounts of time that your covers should be pulled back: 1. the same number of hours you were in it 2. they should be pulled back for a couple hours 3. they only need 10 minutes... pull covers back to air out, shower, get dressed, brush hair&teeth, do makeup,(if you need more time) start the coffee pot, make & eat breakfast, make lunches, tidy kitchen, THEN make bed, get stuff together to leave. I have cats so my morning routine is to pull back the covers, feed&water the cats, clean both the litter boxes, get dressed, hair, teeth, makeup, go back to the bedroom to make the bed and gather the things I need to leave the house, then I go upstairs and have tea&breakfast. If it snowed, I shovel my way to the car, start it and let it warm up while I clear the snow from it and shovel the rest of the walks and driveways. My bedtime is similar as I hate smelling litter boxes.
@brischmick 10 месяцев назад
I’ve been making the bed first thing for years. It’s automatic. If hub is still in bed, I just make up my side. Over the years, he now makes his side when he gets up.
@randomcat4052 9 месяцев назад
This was pne of your most helpful videos. Thank you! I really enjoyed it. Especially the part about living with an untidy person. My husband is actually the more clean person, I do like cleaning, but for some reason I find it hard to get started. My husband, however was more influenced by my lackadaisical style of life than I was of his more rigid structure so now we're both slobs.... I'm trying to change that. The house was cleaner before kids because I like cleaning but I like cleaning alone, which isn't conducive to teaching kids to clean. Instead they just think it's mom's job.... I did this to myself. *sigh* oh well. Now I am working on fixing it.
@shandalaventure4715 10 месяцев назад
Those are some hard-core non-negotiables! 😂 even when u r sick?? My only one is washing my face and brushing my teeth morning and night. But if I'm sick even that might go out the window lol
@jacquicardillo4537 10 месяцев назад
This is a great video! You remind me very much of the Flylady system (no affiliation); shine your sink, make your bed, and get dressed to lace-up shoes when you get up (so your brain knows you are in "work" mode and not "relax" slippers mode lol
@LiveByDesignNotByDefault 9 месяцев назад
Oh how I love you.... in a girly girl, fellow organizational nerd, declutter obsessive kinda way. Rock star. You ARE!
@lindamyhre323 10 месяцев назад
LOL! I am the Lark and hubby is the Owl. I am right there when he gets up and the bed is made instantly!
@jm_sunflower_girl4910 10 месяцев назад
The clean your kitchen sink hack I got from one of your videos has stuck! I never go to bed with a dirty sink 😊 thank you for always sharing great tips with us! From a long time viewer of your channel.
@sandralauersdorf6268 10 месяцев назад
Early bird catches the worm! But who actually wants to catch a worm!
@helenebennie3961 10 месяцев назад
Birds that are hungry. LOL.
@ADHDACNH 10 месяцев назад
Sadly there’s no making the bed in my house 😂 My husband currently works till 2am and most days I’m out of the house by 8:30am. Ah well lol
@ysamaldonado5687 10 месяцев назад
Early bird:) but I enjoyed the alternate options! And yes, 100% agree the kids observe what we do and will implement what they see👏🏼
@meaganspencer6075 10 месяцев назад
Thank you!! I couldn’t think of the correct term after she said it & it was bothering me! 😆
@destrygraves 10 месяцев назад
I’m a pile monster. After I am done watching the sun rise and drinking my first cup of coffee I make myself spend 15 minutes dealing with the pile before I have my second cup. After I retired I gave away most of my business casual work clothes. I kept one more formal ish business suit, 2 long sleeveless dresses that can be dressed up or down depending on what sweater or jacket I choose and my most somber looking black dress. Just that alone reduced my hanging clothes by 90%. I remember asking myself often things like where did this even come from, what actually matches with you, does this even still fit? That was 8 years ago. I never regretted giving the clothes away. I’ve worn that black dress to a funeral twice. It’s linen and buttons up the front. After each time I changed the buttons. I wear it other places at least twice a month. Everything left hanging or otherwise is either a neutral or one of three desert colors. All of it is mix or match. I still can’t believe I had all of those clothes and actually wore most of them regularly, all because I was afraid my coworkers would judge me for wearing the same things. Thinking back to my coworkers I can’t remember a single time I thought that about one of them. I wish I had given myself permission to just not care back then. Good video. TFS
@matat5549 10 месяцев назад
She just gets it.. so many helpful tips for me to use in my day to day. Thank you!
@ephemeraphilesbytomi 10 месяцев назад
Flat surfaces are the nemesis in this house.
@mariacabrera2850 10 месяцев назад
I also make my bed in the morning. It's such a simple yet positive way to start the day🖤
@alextaylor5311 10 месяцев назад
Would love to hear about how you avoid accumulating clutter around the holidays
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
Joshua Becker has a lovely example for holiday decluttering. Questions to ask when decluttering. Do I need it? Why do I have it? What would I use if I didn’t have it? Re the last question, a woman had a Christmas platter. You know, the tree/turkey/super decorated ones. When asked what she would use if she didn’t have it, she replied that she had a nice plain red platter she uses year round. Also, what about quality over quantity? That will make your extra special holiday decor really stand out.
@livingoncoffee 10 месяцев назад
Both people have to compromise and respect and care about each other.
@dena-mo118 10 месяцев назад
If it were up to me, I'd have a fully made bed every day. Hubby isn't a fan of having to take off pillows and a bed spread every night. So, the compromise is having the bed made like it's ready for the bedspread and pillows. Our version of making the bed. 🙂 Still looks neat since the bed isn't like we just jumped out. Funny part is if we are leaving out of town, the bed will be completely made! Also if we know company is coming.
@maysflowers9770 10 месяцев назад
Why are your babies so cute?!?!❤
@starlawalker8106 10 месяцев назад
So helpful!! You have helped me to be so much more organized over the last 3 years! Thank you!!
@crystalroldan-leben6522 8 месяцев назад
Just finished watching this. Now I'm gonna grab a notebook and rewatch it and take notes!!! These tips are so good! ❤🎉🔥
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
Kallie, I think this was absolutely one of the best and most helpful videos you’ve made. And that’s saying a lot.
@amykrupa-wyckoff4601 10 месяцев назад
Loved these tips! The non-negotiables are really great and helpful as well.
@Blessedtess27xx 4 месяца назад
I wish you were around when my kids were little!
@JodyFisher 9 месяцев назад
Agree on clothes! All clothes live in the closet/drawer (clean), the hamper (to be washed), or the washing machine (being washed). Also, I find one load a day for a family of four keeps the work in check. And I make the bed EVERY DAY.
@karenrich9092 5 месяцев назад
I have never done laundry every day. It has always been weekly. With a family, laundry day became my "lazy work day". Start a load, then start mending things. Meanwhile binge-watch some TV show or a bunch of movies. I would set a timer to switch the wash, then move on to the next "show". After several hours, there was a pile of clean folded laundry and the items on hangers were ready to go in the closet. And all I did was watch TV.
@kafrank4325 10 месяцев назад
I put all my hangers all the same way each season then at the end of the season, if I haven’t worn it, it makes it easier to know what to donate
@shelleyjohnson345 9 месяцев назад
This is good!,, I’m getting a bag of clothes out! I’m a clothes addict! Make the bed, you are right! Keep up the good info!,
@lyndanickerson1373 10 месяцев назад
Early Bird! I'm a pile monster as well! My husband says I make towers with the dishes!
@darcyfritts9325 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for always putting everything into perspective.
@elenachavez9938 9 месяцев назад
The early bird catches the worm! Lol. That was cute!
@maryclarelewis594 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for this info! Every time I hear more about decluttering I get motivated to try again!
@haleyhenahan8018 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for speaking about husbands who don’t have the same desire of cleanliness. I clean the kitchen and then head to bed…my husband, who is a night owl, will cook and leave a mess for me to be greeted with in the morning. Just let it go?
@thatpracticalmom 10 месяцев назад
Communication/compromise or let it go. If letting it go is causing resentment then it's worth using communication/compromise. Chat with him about it, and work on finding a solution that works for both of you. Every relationship is different obviously but if it were me I'd say something like "hey, when I go to bed I always tidy the kitchen because it really starts my day off better when I start my morning in a tidy kitchen. It'd mean a lot to me if you could just tidy up your kitchen mess before bed." And the compromise part is accept he might not clean/tidy it as well as you would and might leave other things untidy. But if he's working towards a tidier kitchen for you it's a compromise
@jimtami1 10 месяцев назад
Yes. Unless you haven’t tried to tell him how much you would appreciate it if he did his dishes.
@emc6511 10 месяцев назад
Maybe he does not know how to clean up after himself. Start there. LOL Or buy throw away plates; cups; utensils for his picnics. @@thatpracticalmom
@soccertxi 10 месяцев назад
I tried leaving his mess when I got up the next morning, but tidied my own. I didn't say anything. It does not always work, but it helps my irritation.
@shaynaformity1384 8 месяцев назад
Your comment about not putting clothes on the floor got me thinking. It's been years since I put clothes on the floor, but there are a lot of other things that accumulate on the floor. Books. Yarn. Other crafting supplies. I have a system for laundry that's working for me, I'm intrigued about what kind of system might work better for me for these other objects.
@mindys1198 10 месяцев назад
I have a work schedule that varies and so this is like impossible for me sometimes I don't get home until so the dishes are not going to get done.... I think this works but only for people with reaching schedules I'm going to have to find a different set of tips that work for my lifestyle
@HeronCoyote1234 10 месяцев назад
You’ll eventually find what works for you. It’s not about someone else’s perfection. It’s about what’s comfortable for you.
@Joce123 9 месяцев назад
I love the pace of your videos I do not get bored!
@andalltheangelssay212 10 месяцев назад
The early bird catches the worm xxx
@retiredsockmonkey7257 10 месяцев назад
Thank you. I love that you talk fast!
@lorenet.2182 10 месяцев назад
When Admiral McRaven made the speech about making your bed I think it got a lot of guys on board. And now it’s a book.
@prisc.l4051 10 месяцев назад
love the mantra of doing things that the future you will thank for. I am a messy person but i.e my non negociable is dishes every night because the day after will already have a lot of things to do and I will not be happy to also have mess from the day before to deal with as well
@Hashifighter15 Месяц назад
For making the bed, it is actually better to leave the blankets/sheets open for a while to air it out (dry any sweat left on sheets) to fight moisture and dust mites.
@BL-rb7jm 7 месяцев назад
My biggest program is I overthink things, and when i stop, my brain works better.
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