
Gault, the Nightmare that wanted to be a Dream - The Sandman Season 1 

Kendall Roy
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5 авг 2022




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@basicsimp8798 Год назад
I thought Gault was evil but she was just trying to make Jed's dream a place he loves and wants to be in. Gault was originally supposed to be Jed's nightmare but had a change of heart after learning of Jed's instances. Dang, Gault is a real one.
@Jupiter.141 Год назад
does serving your purpose as a nightmare makes you evil though?
@malepatikalyankumar6392 Год назад
@@Jupiter.141 No, it doesn't. But Gault doesn't want to be a nightmare. She is good at heart and still a nightmare unlike Corinthian
@Renkencen Год назад
Wow, whose knew that a being made to be a nightmare has a limit when it come to inflicting fear!
@bored_potato Год назад
@@Jupiter.141 according to Dream, the nightmares are meant to help the dreamer face and/or overcome their fears. But Gault didn't seem suited for this job and instead wanted to be a good dream instead.
@castiel4043 Год назад
@@bored_potato gault has good purpose, to make people more understand about what should they afraid and ready to face it but instead he choose not to do his job, he dream for something not like him, not suited him.
@chetanveersidhu753 Год назад
'Even a nightmare can dream , my lord' What a line🔥🔥🔥
@thegodofimagination Год назад
Agreed it was a really awesome line
@davidgeslani48 Год назад
Gault giving Dream his own medicine: "What is hell if the damned cannot dream of heaven?"
@samsonhaze6595 Год назад
@@davidgeslani48 I thought of that too, and as much as I like the more callous/sinister/enraged “dream” we get to see so much of towards the beginning of his overarching (far from complete) story arc, you gotta recognize hypocrisy when you see it, and I respect him for not doing that to one of his own creations, much the way he doesn’t “punish” those to whom came objects of immense power & influence like the dying lady in the apartment or even the “kid” all grown up in a sanitarium who literally tried to destroy him, he just puts him back where he was and grants him an endless sleep.
@vinicus508 Год назад
When I found out that Gault’s goal with Jed was just to give him a place where he can run away from abuse made me instantly fall in love with it. What a nice character
@johnj4471 Год назад
Except if she did her job right he would have faced the torment of his life. Instead he’ll continue to face torment in the real world and hide away in dreams. She was compassionate but shortsighted.
@vinicus508 Год назад
@@johnj4471 what’s wrong with you? Is your life that full of sadness that you see bad even in this?
@johnj4471 Год назад
@@vinicus508 only one seeking to cause harm and pain here is you if you think what I said was wrong.
@vinicus508 Год назад
@@johnj4471 Did you even watch the show? The kid is fine. There was no fear to overcome. He was being physically abused and Gault was giving him a escape from that reality. He doesn’t need a nightmare to face his fears cus he already does that. He tried to sneak a note asking for help, that took some balls to do cus his uncle threatened to break all his bones if he did something like that. Also he was brave enough to try and escape many times. He was living a nightmare in real life already. The dreams he was having with Gault inspired him, made him feel like he can fight, instead of making him even more traumatized with more nightmares.
@johnj4471 Год назад
@@vinicus508 you literally didn’t even watch this scene judging by what you’re saying. Yes there was something to overcome and you literally said what it was. Be ignorant more though and tell people they didn’t watch when you literally don’t see and hear dream explain why she was wrong. You don’t run from your problems. You might want to run from this one though since you’re so wrong.
@celestialweaver8460 Год назад
Such a compelling character with a satisfying end
@anazron805811 Год назад
Easily the best change from the comic. Gone from two comic goofy comic relief bad guys to a very tragic character.
@jamyskis Год назад
Her arc's conclusion was a bit contrived and soapy perhaps, but yes, definitely satisfying. And Ann Ogbomo's performance in this scene was absolutely sublime. In fact, with the arguable exception of Jenna Coleman, I don't think there was a single performance in this season that was anything short of exquisite.
@LuciVMar Год назад
Nithmares have a really important role indeed. Makes us not want to escape our reality and face it so we can change it, if we keep dreaming, we won’t act on our reality .
@m5a1stuart83 Год назад
Reality may all be a mirage
@TheMimiSard Год назад
I have found as I have gotten older (I am 40+), things that might have been nightmares when I was a child are just puzzling dreams to me now, so I think nightmares help us grow resistant to fear. To tag that onto what you say, as we grow, we need to be resistant to fear of normal things in life, so we can cope with every day.
@Edroska Год назад
My dreams are made just to disturb my mental state more
@dianamarcekova9615 Год назад
Then why was I dreaming about my tebby bear being alive/possessed at the age of 12?
@animelover12261 Год назад
I agree i love the role he gave them they are important and helpful in so many ways i felt gaults pain but i feel like morpheus was right she could not see why she was still important and special and could still help the kid other ways
@agentchaos9332 Год назад
So much of Morpheus' power is implied, rather then shown. I think it's better that way, but the few scenes like this where he flexes on people are still satisfying
@sourluvsu9632 Год назад
wish we got more fr
@jordanproudfoot2545 Год назад
I agree it would have been fun to see some more of him using his powers but I can also see why they didn't...the show would be so boring if he just waved a hand and every enemy and issue just disapeered
@eden20111 Год назад
“Few scenes like this where he flexed are still satisfying” Uhhh what flex? To me Gault held her ground while being erased and showed no ounce of fear towards sandman. Idk about you but her standing her ground and choosing to stay pure instead of evil seemed a lot more satisfying than sandman being petty 🤷🏽‍♂️
@agentchaos9332 Год назад
@@eden20111 OK she still got banished to the darkness and wasn't strong enough to do anything to stop dream, she didn't even try. Like yeah she was brave and stuck to her conviction but that's irrelevant to Dreams power
@eden20111 Год назад
Ok but she still flexed more than him to to the point where it triggered him… honestly I can’t see anything else more satisfying than that.
@gabagoof Год назад
Gault's answer to Dream plunging her into darkness sounds an awful lot like Dream's winning move in his game with Lucifer.
@Tattletale97 Год назад
The Librarian's suit is simply brilliant.
@duyhoanguyen7944 Год назад
I was so happy when she was granted what she wished for. She just appeared for a couple of minutes but i love her a lot.
@k1medward Год назад
This character made me cry…. She gave herself up to the punishment to no longer inflict pain onto others…
@Living_Life242 Год назад
She reminds me of the Tooth Fairy from the Discworld. A being who is originally the world's Boogieman. Much like the Nightmares it was responsible to teach children to be wary and suspicious of the creeping shapes in the shadows of their rooms where it was safe, to prepare them for the real threats that skulk in the dark. Yet also like Gault, it began to feel more and more protective of humanity, so it took on an extra role. It would gather and safeguard their teeth, a solid and enduring part of them that unscrupulous forces could use in rituals like a voodoo doll. That the true predators could use to control them, to harm them. It taught humanity survival instincts, and actively protected them from the threats that could harm them from afar and unseen.
@julesmasseffectmusic Год назад
The bogeyman wasn't an anthropomorphic personification. He just WAS
@barbiquearea Год назад
In a funny way Morpheus's century long imprisonment reminds me of the times Death stopped doing his job and bad things happened in the world of the living.
@Blackdragon99omfg Год назад
This is a brillant show of Dream having failed and then learning from it to a degree. He creates nightmares, and he created one who wished to be a dream. Gault was precisely as created. A perfect mirror of Corinthian. With Corinthian he is able to admit that failure, I believe partially because of Gault.
@TheRaydiation 7 месяцев назад
the fault is in the superlogical way he's going about his realm instead of being a bit more flexable. Nightmares ARE dreams but he assigned an arbitrary label for their purpose. Nightmares may be ethereal but they are still full of life and essence and those things can evolve and stagnating that means to be a poor leader.
@woodrobin Год назад
When your most loyal follower is forced to turn away from you, it's well past time to consider the course of your actions.
@braxtonbobo4004 Год назад
I was wondering who was gonna replace brute and globb, but I’m glad she became a dream in the end
@meow9935 Год назад
A nightmare who sought to help relieve those who are abused by creating adventures instead of frights.I would like to do what she does.
@martimtorres9093 Год назад
Kinda ironic, that the first nightmare turned dream earned butterfly wings, which themselves are symbols of change and transformation
Yeas I didn't notice that, good observation
@Michaentus Год назад
You dont know what ironic means
@martimtorres9093 Год назад
@@Michaentus you’re the one who doesn’t know 💀
@LordKingKamiGuru Год назад
@@martimtorres9093 Nah, he's right. Ironic is the wrong term to use here. Symbolic is more suitable.
@86Kera Год назад
This show has some talented actors and actresses. Loved this character.
@blankblank6919 Год назад
I like to think that Gault became the dream that comforts children with abusive parents by shape shifting into the child's fantasy to cheer them up
@samueltorres690 Год назад
I love how Gault’s actress has been in so many Dc properties: Krypton, Justice League (both 2017 and Snyder cut), Wonder Woman, and others I can’t remember
@devinngeorge Год назад
I knew she looked familiar
@tonymata8070 Год назад
She played Philippus, that's cool to see her in another DC project.
@izuniaberg1227 Год назад
@@tonymata8070 And grandmother of General Zod.
@walkz007 Год назад
This was the scene we finally got why everyone in the Sandman's realm ,and his two siblings and others hated him or were scared of him,he was rigid. But he learnt to listen and made a nightmare a dream.
@zitronentee Год назад
Dream was kinda an a-hole before the comics/series.
@Poisonedwight Год назад
No wonder desire and despair hate him
@ryninabin3518 Год назад
@@Poisonedwight Desire hates him because he's very serious about his job and doesn't take lightly when his siblings break the rules. Desire had broken many, and to some pretty disastrous consequences for humanity, that Dream had to clean up (John Dee). Desire is basically the bratty teen that doesn't think the rules apply to them and likes to play with humanity like they are toys to break and hurt. Which as we've seen, Dream absolutely hates. Despair just does whatever Desire does because they're twins, and Despair is the submissive twin that doesn't like to think to much for herself. If she does it has to be very important, and not much is really important to her since she is literally wallowing in her own misery half the time.
@Poisonedwight Год назад
@@ryninabin3518 ye tbh I think that’s what I like about desire he’s just a god/cosmic entity that loves to play games with the little humans who mean nothing to him. dream is obvs an asshole sometimes but he’s not a monster like desire who has no empathy for humans and I think it’s why he’s my favourite endless
@ThePartisan13 Год назад
I don't get it, he's not a cruel being. He's just serving his function.
@logologo732 Год назад
Perhaps a few thousand years in the darkness will reveal your fears. The way he said that was chilling, like what's in there that so terrifying.... or is more like psychological isolation?
@efaristi9737 Год назад
I don't think there is anything, simply the darkness and yourself. Can you imagine being alone in the dark for thoussand of years? No senses, no smells, nothing to see, to touch, only the void all around you. That must be horrible.
@logologo732 Год назад
@@efaristi9737 some people enjoy isolation. But it could drive others insane.
@efaristi9737 Год назад
@@logologo732 But that's not just isolation, it's way worse than that, there is no sun nor stars nor sky, no wind to feel, no colors or shapes to see, nothing to touch, just a dark void. And peoples can choose to break out of isolation, here, you can't.
@logologo732 Год назад
@@efaristi9737 how do you know you can't escape?
@efaristi9737 Год назад
@@logologo732 It's literally use by Dream as punishment for Gault, It wouldn't be one if you can escape. Even if you weren't sent to rot here by a wrathful god that can't stand criticism, how would you escape? there is literally nothing to help you, no materials, no sources of power, no peoples... unless you have within yourself the power to travel between dimensions, you're lost. And i don't think you can remain sane long in a environement where there is literally nothing.
@brianmcconnell1817 Год назад
I’ve never read any of the books or graphic novels so I went into this show blind. And now I can’t believe how into this series I am! I absolutely love it! 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@shadowseer07 Год назад
Dream’s absolutism is really tragic. He really believes he can’t change, even if he desired to.
@reijek990 Год назад
If they will continue the adaptation and follow the novels relatively close, it is also a tragic foreshadowing to what will happen to Dream later on. "One must change or die, and in the end, perhaps, there were limits on how much he can let himself change". I hope they continue and explore Dreams character arc more and show him changing little by little, gaining more empathy to the various lives he touches...until the end where he finds that he cannot change anymore.
@minomiu Год назад
" Even a nightmare can dream.." wow This show is so philosophically, i can't make my mind in what is wrong or right . I think their is no right or wrong in the end, choosing what you think was right doesn't mean other options is wrong.
@AlbertoGarcia-wd7sc 7 месяцев назад
Playing Sandman without being ridiculous or being totally different from the comics was almost impossible, and Sturridge nails it.
@libralover9187 Год назад
Some dreams become nightmares and some nightmares become dreams. As Lucifer said in the show, “Feelings change.”
@SerbAtheist Год назад
I love this change from the comics, really made it into something interesting. In comics you simply have two demons torturing and feeding him fake and simplistic dreams instead of the real stuff.
@CottonyAlmonds Год назад
Nightmares can inspire. Sometimes far more than Dreams
@helenivanic1628 Год назад
I’m glad that Dream/Morpheus decided to let Gault become a dream, instead of a nightmare. A beautiful dream with wings. 😁
@GabySaysUsmell 7 месяцев назад
This scene cuts to the heart of man in the way that we are all inherently bad and wish to be good. It's truly heartbreaking. We're merely dreams wishing to be real, as life is but a dream.
@alexl7213 Год назад
Nightmares and dreams are the maintenance work of the brain. While we sleep, the brain uses that time to "defragment" and "reorganize" our data. That means experiences- a mix of memories and emotions associated. Like hashtags, the brain mixes and matches things that we experienced, listened to, viewed, or even though about, and tests them by creating scenes. To some of these scenes, our conscience reacts with pleasure, or happiness, or a sense of peace, and thus the brain updates the "hashtags" about them, thus making them more or less accessible, and a faster emotional reaction to the topics. Some scenes, where "we" show little reaction to, the brain will "archive" them, and deem them unimportant. But when the scene gives a strong emotional reaction, and even boosts fear, panic, or despair, the brain will quickly mark them as VERY IMPORTANT, and integrate them in our "personality". These situations will then force a reaction to us, even if we don't want to. "Brain maintenance dude" - that's the scariest monster of them all.
@flowerward8728 Год назад
Morfeus shows how scary he can be xD
@jolo4938 Год назад
Gault might be my sleep paralysis demon. 😂😂
@davidstemmler1836 Год назад
Fear has a purpose. Facing your fear is generally the best way of dealing with it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
@Dee-jq2ob Год назад
This show was so good, can't wait for season 2.
@moahammad1mohammad Год назад
Gault: "I want to be a dream, not a nightmare" Morpheous: "Okay"
@moridain Год назад
I much prefer this character to the two that got replaced.
@mikewright3029 Год назад
*tears.* --I'm crying. well done. :D
@alloybust3842 Год назад
"do you think her punishment was unfair, lucienne?"
@dantegreciante7984 Год назад
He brought up important points. We do not choose to be who we are we merely are and we are proud to be ourselves as a necessity for we cannot change that which we cannot control. Second, fear always drives humanity from the plains to the caves but it also creates a spark for humanity to bring about their best selves for no courageous soul is born out of happiness or complacency. Every heroic deed is from fear conquered not from running away from it. And to face your abusers is, as i deem it to be, the most courageous and heroic deed one may display.
@korsekil Год назад
While Dream has his reasons for creating nightmares, he was wrong this time, and in fact his entire arc, which he eventually admits to at the end of this arc. He applies the whole "facing your fears" ideal to a kid who's literally chained in a basement with nowhere to go, trapped by a grown man with a shotgun, along with rats. He has absolutely no options in his physical reality except for clinging on to hope, and that is what dreams provide (as Dream himself explained earlier to John). He's not "complacent" by any means, he even tries to escape only to have it backfire on him. Giving a kid already riddled in fear, already scared shitless of his abuser and powerless against him, nightmares so he has NO escape from his abuse, isn't going to help shit. He's not going to grow "braver" or "stronger" if his entire life is torment and hopelessness. More than likely he'll find the only escape he can - from Dream's sister.
@dantegreciante7984 Год назад
@@korsekil That's chilling. But regardless my first point still stands.
@abealmerol3541 Год назад
I love this scene so much! Got tears welling up in my eyes. 🥺🥺🥺
@rocks65 Год назад
were you dreaming while in tears 😊
I felt rather sorry for Gault here since she was only giving that kid something to hold onto while being abused 24/7 with nothing else to hold onto. And even though she's created purposely as a nightmare she's quite the protagonist
@commandermercury6654 Год назад
Morpheus, I love you like the emo and occasionally jerkish older brother I never had, but I’m 100% siding with Gault on this. I was legitimately relieved when he brought her back and made her a dream.
@Aurora2097 Год назад
Gault was one of the best changes inmthat show from the og graphic novel!
@Stormkrow280 Год назад
I always wondered why supposedly good or at least morally neutral characters who control dreams would allow nightmares to exist, but Dreams logic actually makes sense to me, nightmares exist to help us face our fears.
@santiagobarratt-boyes5558 Год назад
and make you want to live in the real world not just hide in dreams
@CM-xh6uc Год назад
Beautiful acting.
@coleharding9439 4 месяца назад
"She wanted a place where she could rule" If you noticed how she behaved in Jed's dream, he's not wrong, but it's like she used her nightmare talents (being the monitor, acting as a security guard/command) to be his mom and sidekick instead of something malicious. The most wholesome thing I''ve seen in a long time.
@93hothead Год назад
at the end dream inspires more than that spoon feeding nightmare
@srichael2713 Год назад
Dream has a point though, humans can't live dreaming indefinitely. Sooner or later a person has to face reality and make his/her dream a reality.
@tevatrox Год назад
The reason why this scene is so powerful is precisely because both of them have great points to defend. Dream is not wrong, but Gault is also right, which makes everything come down to choices and consequences, where there's no good or bad. I love it.
@srichael2713 Год назад
@@tevatrox In some ways, this scene shows that Corinthian's rationalization about him being true to his nature to be completely hollow. Unlike Gault, Corinthian choose to be a monster.
@korsekil Год назад
@@srichael2713 Not really. He was indeed "true to his nature", which was to be a monster. Gault REBELLED against her nature, and Dream punished her for it. And just like with the Corinthian, whom he "created poorly", his assignment to Gault was also a mistake, especially if you look at how he explains the purpose of dreams to John at the diner. Dreams aren't just fantasies or lies, they're hope. What Jed needed desperately, as a child with no real options to escape his torment, trapped in a basement with rats, was hope. He didn't need any more fear than he already had. Dream may have had a point in other cases but in this one he was dead wrong, Gault recognized this, and eventually he recognizes that she was right too.
@slurpeexyza17 Год назад
This change from Brute and Glob is really good!
@efaristi9737 Год назад
0:46 well, in this case, you are the one who made her so she might be unable to choose... but you can.
@NtoTheM Год назад
Exactly. Hypocrite edgelord who talks a lot, but says very little.
@noahorakwue2653 8 месяцев назад
Its ironic the one thing a shapeshifter wants to be, is the one thing she can't change into.
@milamila1123 Месяц назад
She has such balls. I adore❤
@marcelosadasilva1973 Год назад
Improved a lot source material. And were not talking mere scribs on paper. Nor radio waves. Nor circus act or theatre play. Nor painting or oral tale. Nor dance or sculpture. It was a magnificent masterpiece of Graphic Novel the likes of Books of Magic and or Black Orchid. No mere toon could even scratch its surface maybe not even superb anime. But as StarDust the movie has proved when done with film artistry no media can rival VSFX movie magic even its 4 tv. Dream gamers cinematics.
@rogeriosousa9474 Год назад
Eu realmente amei esse diálogo Muito reflexivo e profundo. Um pesadelo que acha melhor passar milênios na escuridão sozinha, do que assombrar as pessoas. "Até um pesadelo pode sonhar, milorde" Linda cena
@Rebellescum Год назад
Lots of the characters os the sandman Is about becoming more than your programming
@jonathonpolk3592 Год назад
Gault was right. And although Dream is usually wise, here he's just an asshole unwilling to change. Like a boomer punishing his kid for questioning his unwavering support of existing hierarchies.
@alexsmith30542 Год назад
Yoooo I thought I was tripping I’m like I didn’t see this all saw all 7 eps to realize they added more backing to binge watching
@annakempinsky3825 Год назад
love her💙 for being brave and powerful and loveful
@toseeupload8855 Год назад
Gault only appeared for a short time, but she's amazing. Each line she said is powerful. It makes me hate the MC.
@ghostx4862 Год назад
This almost mirrors the situation between Lucifer and God (mythology). Because of the gift of freewill Lucifer did not follow the path that was set for him by God, he wanted a destiny of his own but was exhiled because of his wicked choices.
@dominictemple Год назад
Yet another display beside his ex-girlfriend in Hell of Dream having no chill whatsoever. He may be recovering from a century of captivity but he's clearly not in a mood to talk about promotions from a unruly and absentee employee.
@civivva4501 Год назад
And I think Desire & Despair had something to do with his ex.
@WeebGamer69 Год назад
@@civivva4501 If the show follows the comics then no.
@Vesperitis Год назад
Woof... If you've read the comics, you can see the parallels between the stories of Gault and, well, Dream.
@alejandroevl5890 Год назад
The dreams and nightmare are servant of humans , to inspire and makes you more strong
@RStartGaming1LOL 2 месяца назад
He forgot his sister changed from delight to delirium
@Disturbia-8081 Год назад
I hope this drops a DVD set because I want to watch this so bad. 😔
@walkz007 Год назад
Just watch it online......
@hotaru-chama Год назад
It's on Netflix
@sethrafaeltabigne5806 Год назад
I think Gault is my favorite character in the Sandman series.
@twilitetide Год назад
I was completely impressed with Ann Ogbomo, the actress playing the character. I hope to see more of her, she was perfection.
@epicwhat001 Год назад
Dream: Damn it Gualt you have created another sniveling . you are suppose to present the child an opportunity to overcome great fear. 1000 years of banishment for you.
@tobubiify 7 месяцев назад
This scene is just so complex
@wintersoldier164 Год назад
if you watch it without context it looks like morpheus is the bad guy. if you watch it with conext morpheus is just wrong to do it
@Taylor20125 Год назад
1:34 god dam....
@colin8696908 Год назад
The ends justify the means, clastic excuse by every dictator who's ever existed.
@thehumanrunner 10 месяцев назад
What happens to your mind after a few thousand years in the darkness?
@m5a1stuart83 Год назад
He said he was created? But by whom? The Presence exist after them.
@SWACBUZZ Год назад
I like that she didn't give him any satisfaction by screaming or begging to stay. Made him waste his time. I didn't like Dream at all he was a prick and such an off putting character with a very smug face that got on my nerves. I know he was written that way, but I never liked him even after he tried to right his wrongs. He only did it for himself. Still found the show interesting even though I know as a straight black male I wasn't the target audience. I'm a movie buff though so I will watch almost anything Sci-fi fantasy. Will be watching season 2.
@hansellancephilippe4075 Год назад
That's probably why desire and despair hated him.
@lexysraymont9627 Год назад
That's a shame you cannot like him, tho your description is rather true. Dream is dreams, and dreams have their purpose in humanity. Dream has been created to protect and serve dreams, meaning himself. So of course, at the end, everything he does is for his very own being. That's the point of the character, he is not a hero but an anti-hero. As for myself, I found him a bit too nice and too ready to be kinder and listening. Not the way I would imagine a billions years old deity to be.
@hansellancephilippe4075 Год назад
@@lexysraymont9627 wow that made me understand him a little bit more because i sometimes forget that he is over 1,000 years old
@minatodroger7890 Год назад
It's his nature he can't help it sadly
@NtoTheM Год назад
He's such a miserable edgelord, it's not even funny. Would love for shows like this just once to actually use a senior actor for the role of an old entity and not some angsty-looking weirdo with the freshest beverly hills rebel teen hairstyle...
@mrthejayvion8211 7 дней назад
Personally I would enjoy being a nightmare
@Justitia_Nomen Год назад
Man that made me misty eyed
@az21bob666 Год назад
do you think they came back becouse of love or becouse they were afraid of what you would do to them.
@Beerbottles123 Год назад
I wonder why Neil decided to replace Brute and Glob with Gault?
@arthursouza9641 Год назад
Because brute and glob was relationed to hector hall sandman version in comics. And they exclude all super heroes stuffs for the show. i think sandman work better without super heroes.
@duyhoanguyen7944 Год назад
@@arthursouza9641 Indeed. And tbh compared to Brute and Glob in the comic, Gault motive in the movie is very touching and more natural. She just wishes to protect the child and deserves to be a dream instead of nightmare because of that.
@davidgeslani48 Год назад
Because Gault's story fit in better with what they're trying to show here. I think a major change from the comics is the final theme - in the comics it's change or die and dream, being unwilling and unable to change chooses death. Here, he may be more welcoming of change that he doesn't need to die but adapt
@hihihi531 Год назад
This shows that Morpheus knows nothing about his jobs despite has been doing it for thousands and thousands of years. Odd
@ixbalamque6809 Год назад
El lo ha hecho desde que apareció la primera criatura con capacidad de soñar, no solo atiende a los humanos sino a todas las criaturas del universo con capacidad de soñar
@Mcherri Год назад
It’s because he doesn’t want to care he only thinks of them as jobs which in his eyes is understandable considering how old and powerful he is.
@petsbiology9316 Год назад
The Endless are not human, they are not supposed to feel for their subjects, they just are. Death just chose to be compassionate. The Sandman is Dream's character arc though, as it was stated in the comics: everything changes, but nothing is truly lost; you either change or you die.
@tc-channelhobby4051 Год назад
@@petsbiology9316 would it be funny if gaiman ditched that for the supernatural series version?
@allreli6943 Год назад
I don't think you get his character...
@okeithmartin Год назад
...💜💜👊😾👍!!! ...😈🧙‍♀️Good call 🇱🇷Tx.🌠
@Rachel-qr8kv Год назад
Does someone know the name of the Gault actrice ? Thanks
@kendallroyclips Год назад
Ann Ogbomo :)
@Rachel-qr8kv Год назад
@@kendallroyclips Thank you 😊
@ChadWilson Год назад
Dream was correct, though. Nightmares expose our fears and failings, so that we may face them and step to the otherwise stronger. It is a gift to have nightmares, not a curse. The same with Death.
@serenitychozen Год назад
So unfair
@true9089 Год назад
Is that the lady from krypton???
@civivva4501 Год назад
I had to put the subtitles on to understand the main actor.
@Cobalt1520 Год назад
interesting how the most successful shows are adult versions of fairy tales.. tells a lot about people today.
@waltonsmith7210 Год назад
Fairy Tales were nit originally for children. That idea was an accident of twentieth century culture
@midwintersnight Год назад
I don't think Gault entirely understands her role. From what she says, I think she thinks that a nightmare is ONLY supposed to frighten, but if that were the case, then EVERY nightmare would be no better than the Corinthian, a nightmare who rejected their role because they wanted to just scare humanity, then feed on them. A nightmare's role is to confront humanity with their fears so they might wake up with the courage to overcome them in the waking world. So, in a way, nightmares DO inspire people. It's just through fear that they do it. If Gault knew that, then she might have been more okay with it.
@korsekil Год назад
No, she would not. Not in this scenario where Dream proves inflexible and foolish. This could apply to situations where people have the power to change their reality, but not to a kid chained up in a basement with rats by a grown man with a shotgun. The idea that this kid, already terrified to bits of his abuser in the waking world, would somehow "wake up with courage" by being subjected to more powerlessness, more brutality in the Dreaming, is ridiculous. What's even worse is that Dream himself explained the need for dreams, not as the "lies" that John believed they were, but as hope for those in desperate situations. Here he forgets this for a kid who's in a far more desperate situation than any of those in the diner. It was Dream's mistake to send a nightmare here, rather than a dream, for the child to cling on to hope.
@cheesepuffmcgruff30 Год назад
...you guys do know a nightmare is a dream....right?
@victormagoco9752 Год назад
Not in this context
@DarkOneSixtyfour Год назад
If gaunt really cared about Jed why didn't she tell his sister where he was or the police? If the Corinthian can exist in the walking world so should she. Seems to me she was just being selfish and taking advantage of Jed to feel important.
@beyonderssupreme Год назад
Now i knew Sand Man a member of jehovah witness christian, he talk and preaching just like them in annoyed way, talking about responsibility thing that sound like total slavery and enslavement, they merge enslavement with responsibility into one.
@starscreamx7 Год назад
Gault had good intentions, but failed to see the big picture. Nightmares are horrifying indeed, but how can we face and overcome them if not first confronted? Dreams are an escape, but not always what we need. It was not her place to decide or choose, and arguably favored her wants over the mortal's.
@Mike-ev2eb Год назад
as a programmer, a code that does not perform its purpose must be rewritten… i totally understand where Dream is coming from
@dawkdog666 Год назад
so happy they are making decenmt films in africa now
@markrobinson4982 Год назад
... can't help but wonder how the conversation would've gone if Gault's tone wasn't so arrogantly defiant.
@johnnyhellfire6 Год назад
They were soooooo close to making a perfect adaptation... So close
@taylorstratford9717 Год назад
Yes, cuz EVERY SINGLE COMIC/GAME/BOOK NEEDS TO BE 1:1 when it becomes a fucking movie or TV show, right?
@johnnyhellfire6 Год назад
@@taylorstratford9717 you got it :)
@taylorstratford9717 Год назад
@@johnnyhellfire6 You're wrong. There's isnt a single comic-show adaptation that does it 1:1.
@johnnyhellfire6 Год назад
@@taylorstratford9717 sure there is
@taylorstratford9717 Год назад
@@johnnyhellfire6 Name it. I'll wait
@justiceavenger275 Год назад
This is why I don't like Gault , Morpheus created her to be nightmare but she rejected and perhaps destroy the purpose that she born for. Humans need Dreams and Nightmares for living in a mortal reality.
@TheVassal Год назад
the 70th black woman in Sandman. literally where are the Asians
@xaldinfash8252 Год назад
Go watch Shang Chi....
@TheVassal Год назад
@@xaldinfash8252 No.
@kaptainzdragon5478 Год назад
@@xaldinfash8252 😂😂😂
@jjj7790 Год назад
Cain and Abel are Asian.
@cicolasnage5684 Год назад
Would have rather have seen the actual playing house issue done proper with brute and glob. That’s my one criticism of this show is that it took the very bizarre and strange elements of the comic and dumbed it down.
@Airahar Год назад
a lot of the stuff they changed were to make it more palatteable to the mainstream audience, and because of copyright and use laws.
@klaojungwiwattanaporn6927 Год назад
Just because it is changed doesn't mean it was dumb-downed. Brute and Glob were too comical and contrast the serious tone of the rest of the story. Gault provides a much better story.
@cicolasnage5684 Год назад
@@klaojungwiwattanaporn6927 Cain and Abel were overtly comical in the series as well and they were still used. So that doesn’t hold water that brute and glob were to comical. They really weren’t quite honestly.
@cicolasnage5684 Год назад
@@Airahar copyright laws is understandable being they were Jack Kirby creations
@androkguz Год назад
Gault *looked* nightmarish. She looked very much like a human but also very distorted. Her rebirth didn't make her that dreamish to me. She had the wings, but she was still too dark and human. Maybe it's a bit of an internal racism thing for me, but the huge contrast of her eyes/teeth and skin made her somewhat unsettling.
@samcalven12 Год назад
“A bit of an internal racism” no such thing , just acknowledge your racism and save us the cover up.
@Sir_Gerald_Nosehairs. Год назад
@@samcalven12 Oh shut up you pompous prick. They acknowledged it as a fault which is braver than most do.
@hbejaia3814 Год назад
You wanted a white Barbie 😂 what a racist comment
@Crispr00 Год назад
@@samcalven12 YOOO 😭😭😭😭😭 not the internal racism 💀💀💀
@notme8652 Год назад
@@samcalven12does that make "The smiler" a racist symbol?
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