
GBC history- Episode 3 (5 week series) : Did the Zonal Acaryas Eclipse the GBC?: Kaunteya Das 

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GBC history-5 week series; Episode 3: Did the Zonal Acaryas Eclipse the GBC?: Hridyananda Das Goswami with Kaunteya Das
GBC SPT welcomes you to join the third episode of our 5-week series on the GBC History. This series is to encourage devotees to ask any questions pertaining to the GBC body, its conception to inception to execution.
This is a specially exciting series as we welcome Hridayananda Das Goswami, who was an eye witness to the Zonal Acarya days of ISKCON and will share with his first hand experiences with us.
About Hridayananda das Goswami
As one of the most senior and respected spiritual leaders of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), Hridayananda das Goswami (Howard J. Resnick, Ph.D.) is an early pioneer and renowned teacher of bhakti yoga in the Western world. At the forefront of contemporary religious dialogue, he is celebrated for his unique ability to adapt the wisdom of ancient Indian philosophy into teachings that are comprehensible for Western audiences.
H.D. Goswami (born November 5, 1948) grew up in Los Angeles, California an began his studies at the University of California, Berkeley where he participated in the political and cultural movements of the late sixties. In 1969, after attending a campus lecture delivered by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, he began studying the philosophical literature of Prabhupada’s movement, and in September 1969, took up the monastic practice of bhakti-yoga in the Prabhupada’s Berkeley ISKCON center. In 1970, he was formally initiated into the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. During the next four years, he served as president of bhakti-yoga centers in Gainesville, Florida and Houston, and lectured on university campuses throughout North America. In 1974, Prabhupada asked him to assume responsibility for Latin America and in the next several years, he opened dozens of bhakti-yoga centers in over a dozen countries, and organized the leading publishing house of Indian spiritual literature in Spanish and Portuguese. In 1982, he took responsibility for ISKCON’s many centers in Florida, and in 1987 in Italy and Greece. Around this time, together with a team he formed, he completed Prabhupada’s epic translation and commentary on the Bhāgavata-purāṇa.

Meanwhile, H.D.Goswami had returned to the University of California in 1991 as a student of World Religions. After graduating, he continued his studies at Harvard University, where he received his Ph.D. in Sanskrit & Indian Studies in 1996. Having published articles with Harvard University Press, University of California Press, and Columbia University Press, he recently published his dissertation as the ninety-first volume of the prestigious Harvard Oriental Series. He has taught at the Graduate Theological Union and the University of Florida, and lectured at many dozens of universities in North and South America, Europe, and India.
Fluent in seven languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, and Sanskrit), Resnick recently completed the literal translation of his popular Complete Guide to the Bhagavad-gītā with Literal Translation, and published Quest for Justice, an explanation of the epic Mahā-bhārata. He is now currently working on a trilogy of the Mahā-bhārata.

Around 2013, he founded Krishna West to help facilitate ISKCON’s outreach to Western audiences. Krishna West now has centers throughout the world.
About Kaunteya Das
Born in Rome, Italy, in 1963; he joined ISKCON in May 1980. After years of full-time book distribution, he moved to India, where he is based for more than twenty-seven years and where he served, among other things, as Gurukula teacher in Mayapur (Bhakti-Sastri, Bhakti-Vaibhava, etc.). He regularly teaches at the ILS (ISKCON Leadership Sanga) and at the GBC College.
Kaunteya Das is also a certified mediator and has practiced conflict resolution in several countries.
Kaunteya Das has a PhD in Indovedic Psychology and serves as distance-learning professor of Indovedic Philosophy & Psychology at the Bhakti Yoga College (Florida, USA), overseeing students from various continents. (www.bhaktiyogacollege.com)
He authored/compiled the following books on congregational development: the Bhakti-vriksha Manual, the Book of Icebreakers and Super Sunday. He has travelled to dozens of countries presenting seminars and workshops on principles and ideas for building vibrant Vaisnava communities. (www.iskconcongregation.com
, www.bhaktimarriages.com)
At present he is serving as:
Co-Minister - with HH Jayapataka Maharaja, his diksa-guru - of the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry
Co-Chairman - with HG Gopal Bhatta Prabhu - of the GBC Organizational Development Committee
Member of the GBC Strategic Planning Team
Member of the Strategic Planning Committee for Mayapur




11 июн 2021




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@Meenadevidasi 3 года назад
Management is always a headache. Respectful obeisances to those devotees who take on that headache. Hare Krishna
@Jayabhadra1 3 года назад
whoa - intense and revealing - these interviews are a much needed and appreciated gift . . . many thanks . . .
@atmapurusha 3 года назад
This was a much needed interview and I appreciate the initiative. Those who are interested in ISKCON need to know these things. However, as someone with a background in journalism, I would give some tips to Mr. Kaunteya Das for future interviewing : -the best interviews are where you ask important questions while also being fair to your interlocutor; if the interlocutor perceives that you are being unfair, you will not get the best of them; the main reproach I have is passive-aggressiveness and a bit of a bureaucratic approach to asking questions -don't make passive-aggresive comments while asking questions (it annoys the hell out of the person being interviewed). If you want to ask a tough question, just ask it outright, don't put it as a parenthetical comment on the way to asking another question (e.g. minutes 25 - 27) -don't look amused and smiling, while frustrating your interlocutor with bureaucratic "It's my turn to speak..." moves, and then dragging on the question with powerpoint slide gotcha! moments; the interviewee is more important than the interviewer; the role of the journalist is to ask questions, not to demonstrate something in depth; that would be a debate not an interview I hope it helps
@Aroncare 3 месяца назад
Thank you Acharya deva, hare krsna 🎉🎉🎉
@julio801-jambavandas2 7 дней назад
Acharyadeva es not a name, is a title, is a way to refer to one´s guru. Prabhupada called his own guru acharyadeva. It was also a huge mistake to accept the devas and padas titles as if they were personal names. This is why the GBC In a resolution prohibited them from continuing to use those names.
@jivanamurphy2694 3 года назад
Yes the birth of something is always a crazy time.What was asked of those young devotees like your grace and what was achieved still seems impossible. But if it wasn't for all of your sacrifices, we may not have an Iskcon today. And if we don't acknowledge and accept our history then who knows what the future will bring. So thanks again Maharaja for being honest.We the grandchildren of Srila Prabhupada owe you, your godbrothers and godsisters a great debt. AGSP
@alexandrearaujo9201 3 года назад
I can attest that in Brazil, all leaders of the movement appreciate Hridayananda Maharaja's leadership and have established great relationships with him.
@Devadaranaddysharris 3 года назад
Srila Acharyadeva, please kindly accept my humble and sincere obeisances. I have never been more proud to be your disciple than I am right now. I am so sorry for your hardships in Iskcon ( I have had hard times also) and I pray with as much devotion as I am able to muster, for your protection by Sri Nara-nrsingha
@julio801-jambavandas2 7 дней назад
Acharyadeva es not a name, is a title, is a way to refer to one´s guru. Prabhupada called his own guru acharyadeva. It was also a huge mistake to accept the devas and padas titles as if they were personal names. This is why the GBC In a resolution prohibited them from continuing to use those names.
@annabelapurva-madhuri4861 3 года назад
Thank you Srila Acharyadeva 🙏💐
@nevilmoncher925 3 года назад
Many inaccuracies.
@food4lifecycle4life 2 месяца назад
The movement would have grown even more had these 11people / gbc accepted the officiating position 1) consider the no of disciples who had to reinitiate several times over and over go thru pain 2) the no. Of wounded devotees who have been thrown out / banned etc because they asked the correct question to these 11 gurus
@ramakisoradasa5814 3 года назад
Vaisnava care and serving Srila Prabhupada's mission is top priority!
@ericjohanson7430 3 года назад
Pranams. Jaya Srila Prabhupada! The title, after hearing the interview, should have been, "Were the GBC (and all the other devotees) confused about the authority of the zonal acaryas." I was an apparent disciple of Hansadutta dasa (then Maharaja) in 1980 in Berkeley (Vrndavana Candra dasa aka Eric Johanson) when HDGoswami came to fill in as "god-uncle" during Hansadutta's disciplining. I had been on the pick and came back after most of my "godbrothers" had taken off to avoid hearing criticism of Hansadutta. HDGoswami personally convinced myself and ACBSP Candrasekara dasa (now Maharaja) to stay. One of the first days I asked HDGoswami during japa, "Who is the disciple's real authority, their (apparent) guru or the GBC?" HDGoswami answered unequivocally, "The GBC." A couple of months later Hansadutta and Tamal Krishna Maharaja were said to be triumphantly returning armed with a quote from Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja that the GBC's disciplining them with exile in India was a "death blow" to the (apparent) guru-disciple relationship. Knowing that HDGoswami was on his way out I again asked him the same question. This time, however, his answer was, "I don't know." So from the interview it is clear that during this period HDGoswami was very involved in both the GBC and zonal acarya activities and decisions. Shortly after he was also among the zonals who went to LA to convince Ramesvara Maharaja to return his Vyasasana to the temple room, etc. This kind of contradicts some of his "I didn't want to be guru" remarks. The conclusion from his second answer above is that even in 1980 neither group thoroughly understood who was the real authority, either spiritually or managerially. This apparently didn't become resolved until the reform movement and the GBC's forcing Kirtanananda "Swami" to either accept GBC superiority or leave. So although HDGoswami does much to correct certain historical misconceptions in the interview, his selective omissions lead one to believe that his account was somewhat self-serving. He is hardly one known for admissions of guilt or responsibility. He also argued somewhat ruthlessly with Pradhyumna prabhu for zonal domination at the spring 1979 "debate" in Vrndavana. Pradhyumna had represented a group of well-meaning senior devotees organized by Yasodanandana Maharaja. Virtually all the zonal reforms the group proposed were later adopted during the reform movement, yet all members were threatened if they didn't remove their names from its petition. HDGoswami tends to leave out the negative roles he has played in the history.
@suksma108 3 года назад
"Careful" inspection/inquiry into the situation...that is the key point! A lot of clearing up presented here...thank you both 💓
@Krishna.108 2 года назад
Maharaja makes some good points but his display of anger at one point was quite ungoswami like! He sounds very bitter....
@harvardorigins 2 года назад
Hare Krishna prabhu, this discussion is very important and thank you for organizing this. I was wondering how can I reach out to Kaunteya prabhu?
@food4lifecycle4life 2 месяца назад
Srila prabhupad said many times “one lie is followed by many further lies to cover the 1st lie . This is what hridayanand maharaj one of the eleven is doing . 2 of the eleven have given a testimony that they were never appointed Diksha guru namely tamal and hansadutt !!! When will hridayanand confess !!!
@thomasdunne6409 Месяц назад
"He's is the best of all lairs ,how dare this THIEF over ride his spiritual master.This fool and his little henchmen are actually booking there tickets for Yamaloka ."SHOCKING"👹
@julio801-jambavandas2 7 дней назад
the zonal acharyas eclipsed Srila Prabhupada, and the GBC is to blame for that. As Tamal Krishna Gosvami declared, Srila Prabhupada didn´t appoint anybody as guru. Only those who were qualified according to the principles of guru tattva that Srila Prabhupada established, should have become initiating regular gurus. The GBC had to admit that the zonal acharya system was a big mistake, and even the BTG issued an apology by supporting this corrupted and unauthorized system, that caused havoc in the Hare Krishna movement.
@food4lifecycle4life 2 месяца назад
Jayapatak lied purposely when he 1st visited the gaudiya math . He told them that they were appointed acharya’s and not the truth “ officiating Gurus “
@julio801-jambavandas2 7 дней назад
Yes, and Tamal Krishna Gosvami cleary said that Prabhupada did not apppoint anybody as guru. And who can know more than him about this issue?
@food4lifecycle4life 2 месяца назад
He is putting all the blame on goudiya math and the pressure from his godbrothers . The honest answer should be they all wanted to be controllers and not das Satsvarup quote “ why should I be just a priest . I want the pie “
@julio801-jambavandas2 7 дней назад
100% right! They were inocent and not responsable at all for creating this mess
@food4lifecycle4life 2 месяца назад
The gbc never had the the authority to over rule prabhupad
@food4lifecycle4life 2 месяца назад
He does not make any comments on the 9/7/1977 final order letter but goes on and on Lies covering the big lie
@territmoderitmo9190 2 года назад
this is satire, right?
@food4lifecycle4life 2 месяца назад
You mean prabhupad chose conditioned Diksha guru ???? What rubbish is hridayanand talking about. Not convincing at all
@julio801-jambavandas2 7 дней назад
Yes, and Tamal Krishna Gosvami cleary said that Prabhupada did not apppoint anybody as guru. And who can know more than him about this issue?
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