
GBO2 RX-78-3 G-3 Gundam: An untouchable raid?! 

Avenger1_ GBO2
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This video contains two recent matches I had with the LV2 G3 Gundam on Gundam Battle Operation 2. The G3 is a 450-650 cost raid with consistent midrange poking ability and amazing strafing ability which makes it great at avoiding being caught by enemies. It suffers from being incredibly fragile, having mediocre boost speed, having mediocre turning speed, having wet noodle melee damage for a raid along with having long instant stun cooldown. The G3 is definitely a suit that suffers from a lot of issues, but despite this, it is one of the only 450 cost raids capable of decent midrange damage. So despite the lack of killing power, it has a valuable niche in a cost where it can be nearly impossible for melee focused raids get past generals. I thought that both these matches went well but the second one unfortunately had a disconnect half way through, though we still managed to pull a win out of it. I hope that you enjoy watching!
The primary weapon of the LV2 G3 is a set of two bazookas with 945x2 power, 10 ammo, 7.4 seconds cooldown, 16 seconds reload, 2.5 seconds swap time, 355m range and 30%x2 stagger value. These have decent power along with a large splash radius but suffer from long cooldown and swap time. You can start combos with these for ideal shooting DPS by comboing into two beam rifle shots. It can also break LV1 MA if you combo it into a beam rifle shot.
Its primary melee weapon is a beam saber with 1995 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap and 80% combo modifier. This weapon has pretty low base power along with the suit only packing 17 melee modifier, but it can still output decent damage against supports thanks to its combo modifier.
Its first sub weapon is a head vulcan with 67 power, 30 ammo, 498 DPS and 2% stagger value. You have little to no use for this weapon, but it can still be used to finish off weak enemies.
Its second sub weapon is a beam rifle with 1550 (2150) power, 1.5 seconds cooldown, 45% (85%) heat, 15 seconds overheat, 0.8 seconds swap, 400m (550m) range, 2.5 seconds focus and 40% stagger value. This has great overall stats, basically an improved version of the original Gundam's beam rifle. It has decent damage uncharged along with long range.
The G3 also has a 2750 HP shield which grants +15% walking/turning speed once it is broken. This is the ideal scenario since the fast strafing ability of the MS makes you hard to accurately shoot, especially when your walking speed is buffed to 155 (161 with cruise control) with a broken shield.
The LV2 G3 has 15750 HP, 16 ballistic and beam resist and 22 melee resist. Your overall bulk is quite poor compared to other raids, but your high mobility can somewhat make up for this issue. As standard for raids of this cost you have LV2 Maneuver Armour and LV1 Emergency Evasion for defensive skills.
It also has 135 walk speed, 200 boost speed, 65 thrust and 63 turn speed. This appears poor at first glance, especially considering that the MS has LV1 Forced Injector rather than LV2. Your boost speed is slow enough to where it can be difficult to catch up with supports or run from generals. Where the MS makes up for this though is in its amazing 100% side strafing and 90% back strafing speed. This means that you will move at your full 135 walking speed when stepping left or right. Abusing this strafing speed is going to be your primary way of avoiding shots and staying out of dangerous situations, it is very useful for playing around cover or kiting enemies with.
Overall I feel like the G3 Gundam is an outdated suit which still retains a niche thanks to the fact that 450 cost has a near complete lack of mid-range capable raids. Melee focused raids have no chance of getting past overtuned generals like Jeda or GM III Powered, but G3 can bypass this issue since it can simply shoot at the support from a distance. It also doesn't have to try and get close and personal with Woundwort, since again it can just stay out of range of the claw while shooting. I think the issue is that you just won't be taking the support out in any reasonable amount of time, even with melee you won't be doing that much damage to them. I think that it is overdue for an rework. I think that it should get +1500 HP, 205 boosting speed, 72 turning speed, LV2 Emergency Evasion, 6 seconds cooldown on the bazookas, +100 power on the bazookas per level up, 1.5 seconds swap time on the bazookas along with getting vulcans that have better DPS and stagger accumulation. It might also be nice for it to be able to choose the Prototype Gundam dual sabers as a primary weapon choice, otherwise the modifiers for the single saber should be heavily improved. I think that it would become a strong suit if it got these changes, but it can still do ok as it is right now. Just don't go expecting any spectacular results. Thanks for watching!
Music used:
Dynasty Warriors 8, With Vengeance
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, Mirage



29 сен 2024




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@avenger1_gbo260 11 месяцев назад
Feel free to follow me on Twitter as well! mobile.twitter.com/Avenger1GBO Feel free to join my competitive Discord if you want to talk with other new players or ask questions of veteran players! discord.gg/s5tDQcbNY8
@Mod_121 11 месяцев назад
Painting this suit in RX-78 colors is a really good way to throw someone off, since the only real giveaway that it’s a G-3 I’ve ever seen in matches is the double Bazookas
@strikezero92 11 месяцев назад
G3 is my favorite raid just because even though it is a ranged raid, I feel like I have a flexible enough toolset for any fight and means to support the team at 450. Dual Bazookas is no joke.
@dubborino979 11 месяцев назад
your matches are so different from any pc match I have ever played. Enemies stop chasing you even if there are 3 of you, they turn around from you even when they could probably get the upperhand. I'm not insinuating everything I can just never vent my frustration enough about extremely bad PC players who somehow got to A ranks with some of the worst aim and team coordination possible. Supports that can't hit a Xeku Zwei, generals who don't understand that they are supposed to be the frontline and raids who don't understand how to be aggressive.
@existentbeing7935 11 месяцев назад
I completely agree with this, i have been bouncing back and forth in A and A+ due to severe inconsistency of teammates
@nm3k511 11 месяцев назад
I'm just suprised that my teammates don't bother trying to push up if I play as Raid. Support and General I am fine with as I keep finding myself either raining damage/staggering against enemy generals/supports as a Support or proceed to aggro the ENTIRE enemy team to attack me which prompts my allies to start being aggressive. The aggro partjust happens and I am usually on a level 4 general type because I have heavy armor (10 to all forms of resist at level 4) + ballistic armor. As for mobile suits to pick, anything you are good at is first choice, but never forget to try to push beyond what one is good at if possible.
@avenger1_gbo260 11 месяцев назад
PC players are basically learning the game from scratch, while many console players had years to learn how stuff works. They might have some console players giving advice but otherwise yeah, you will probably see some plays that don't really make sense.
@existentbeing7935 11 месяцев назад
@@avenger1_gbo260 well having never played console, i learned the game 70% from just your videos, your content is great :)
@nexo42069 11 месяцев назад
Funnily enough I was playing g3 earlier and got to a- and people thought that I was inspired by this video when I just had no raids I was semi good at and now that I'm watching this video our playstyles are very different
@blackarotthegreat8191 11 месяцев назад
I would love for more ranged oriented raids over heavy attack spam riads. Nu FF has easily become my favorite suit and I barely ever use the heavy melee it has since it has such a great ranged strategy.
@baconflaps 11 месяцев назад
same. and i guess it's easy to agree since Nu ff is so strong but i really enjoy suits that have heavies but aren't balanced around spamming them.
@avenger1_gbo260 11 месяцев назад
TBH I feel like the good ranged raids end up being way more OP than good melee raids. Some are pretty well balanced but ones like Nu FF and Stein are big balance issues for their costs, heavy attack raids can at least be walled out. It is a fine line between them being balanced or overpowered I feel like.
@delirius6256 11 месяцев назад
@@avenger1_gbo260 yeah because shooting raids dont need to get in close to do the job, takes out a large portion of the risk, you simply cannot wall out bullets, someone's bound to catch them, i think this is why people on PC decides to do shooting team comps more than console because you hit shots more reliably, and also you dont get walled out because you dont have to go into melee range, we all know mnk has innate aiming advantage compared to console so you hit more shots on average.
@Forgetthereality 11 месяцев назад
Getting your shield popped off in a g3 early and having that extra mobility is a god send
@Forgetthereality 11 месяцев назад
Really want the g3 himo
@baconflaps 11 месяцев назад
with how crept it is overall, i never thought about the turn speed on this thing. supposedly A Baoa Qu specs so it should have Alex level turning like you suggest
@avenger1_gbo260 11 месяцев назад
It feels like a victim of early GBO2 balance. IIRC it was the first ever banner suit in this game and they just didn't know how to balance it correctly, Alex with 72 turn speed came later.
@user-mj9xp3lv1t 11 месяцев назад
sucks how it gets absolutely slaughtered by other MSes, but god damn does it feel amazing once you find the rhythm
@TheRealCakekey 11 месяцев назад
The G-3 has been one of my favorites Raids ever since I unlocked it as a newbie. It's always been simple but rewarding, urging foundational skills over gimmicks. If I could make one change to its toolkit, I'd give it a unique version of the Beam Javelin that actually functions as a thrown weapon. Like the Moon Gundam's Butterfly Edge, it would count as a melee attack. This would give it another option for pinning down enemy Supports, while also improving its ability to defend against other approaching Raids(and the ever increasing number of Generals with MA)
@charazanble1439 5 месяцев назад
You know i wonder how'd the G-3 would play with the hyper hammer
@RynerGT 11 месяцев назад
It's funny how the younger sibling of the granpa has a lot of range despite being a raid, meanwhile the general granpa has one of the most powerful melee weapons. Fun times
@justincholos.balisang6884 11 месяцев назад
Magnetic Coating Gaming
@sero8586 11 месяцев назад
Nahhh, fuck all these buff ideas, just give bro a Heavy Attack instead. On a realer note, G-3 is really just a prime example of how much 450 is pushing raids completely out of the meta. Hoping to see some massive changes come this month for some of them along with some Woundwort nerfs.
@avenger1_gbo260 11 месяцев назад
450 has always felt like a cost with totally awful balance tbh lol
@jaykossjay 11 месяцев назад
450,600,550 are the costs that I feel are unbalanced most of the time
@gordiausprime614 6 месяцев назад
Nah woundwort is just fine
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