
Gen Z Employees Stay Getting Fired from Jobs 

Tech Gee
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Talking about how employers are constantly firing #GenZ employees because Gen Z just can't seem to adapt to the workforce.
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8 окт 2024




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@TechGee 11 дней назад
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@fred420 9 дней назад
You're speaking facts.. We hired 4 gen z college grads. There is only 1 left because they do not know how to communicate professionally, especially verbally. I asked one of them to present their update to the change control board and they lost their damn mind... literally had a panic attack and left the meeting. You want them to run a meeting? Forget it... I'm baffled by it all to be honest.
@xander_k_ 7 дней назад
Sounds like gen X did a terrible job as parents.
@3beltwesty 7 дней назад
In 1979 this new hire engineering grad had a masters degree and instantly wanted to be manager. All he did is publish useless memos. He took a Military Handbook spec and put the corporate Logo and his name on it with cover page and had the mail room send out paper copies to 50 different engineers. He firmly believed that was work and want a raise for creating scrap paper. A coworker had a stack 3 inches thick that he uses as free scratch paper. He got canned / fired for cause since on a business trip by car he went off to sell weed and came back to work stinking to high heaven. He was there say 3 months and in sustaining engineering and a different group than I since in design work. He seems more of a surfer person like Jeff Spicoli than an engineer.
@Marella2024 4 дня назад
​@@xander_k_ Thank you!
@mr.end-game711 3 дня назад
@@xander_k_ I was thinking the same thing
@xander_k_ 7 дней назад
Why would we be screaming and yelling at work? Obviously we’re going to act differently depending on where we are. Also, gen X were helicopter parents and overbearing. That coupled with the fact that we were born during the 2000s when the internet was taking off and grew up online had a profound effect on our social development. Millennials and gen X tend to make their profession their entire identity, while for gen Z a job is a means to an end and that’s it. I’m not at work to be buddy buddy with people, I’m there to do my job proficiently and efficiently so I can get a paycheck.
@secretpeace-wp6xg 7 дней назад
This 100% this is also not taking into account that the school system also doesn't prepare most students for the modern work environment. Colleges also struggle with this as well with some using outdated information. We're always told to look to the future but when we see the world as it currently stands its all struggle, strife and heartache. Many of us were kids when the crash of 08 happened and many of us saw our parents/family struggle and some barely recovering from that. Then we go into 2020 and similar events happen again and how many were able to crawl out that hole too? There are days where I sometimes wish I could back to 2010 and relive my childhood again.
@Marella2024 4 дня назад
I totally hear you, but as a Xennial I can let you know that workplaces with gen X and boomer leadership like to see that "buddy-buddy" mentality a bit. They like to see a "teamplayer", lol. That in addition to the work qualities that you listed may help you last in a company. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who are good at their job be passed up for a promotion because they weren't friendly and buddy-buddy in the office. You have to be "likeable" as well. For millennial leads you have to be cooperative and easy going overall. I'm not telling you to give up your core self, but find a way to make your authentic self likeable and respected. Those are my observations from being in corporate America for close to 20 years.
@secretpeace-wp6xg 10 дней назад
I think I can shed some light on the socialization issue. I can't speak for everyone but for me its the fear of having a conversation turning awkward. When speaking to a stranger you don't know how they're going to react and some could also be wary of new people in fear of being judged. It's no secret the workplace has changed quite a bit especially in the realm of technology but I think one of the things the workplace lacks is when it comes to training because not every employer especially if the job is entry level isn't going to show you how their systems work but they expect you know the work right off the bat. This isn't taking into account the qualifications some are asking for. Many of the things you hear about Gen Z are similar complaints that were said about the Millennials when they were our age. In my opinion it feels disingenuous to put an entire generation in a box and assume they're all lazy. The same could be said about Boomers and Tech literacy.
@BlackPaladin2 10 дней назад
Millennials were only seen as lazy back in the day as many were against working 50-80 hours. I can't fault literally anyone for that. Our predecessors fought hard for the 40 hour work week over 100 years ago for a reason. Not wanting to work ridiculously long hours constantly is not laziness unless you just can't make ends meet, although, that's a sign of a deeper economic or financial problems than anything really. But the reality is that they tended to do their jobs and were generally pragmatic. That's not the same as gen z who literally have people having mental breakdowns over working 25 hours. That literally wasn't a thing until their generation.
@mynamesjeff.f 9 дней назад
I agree. Some of these employers either give you little to no job training and sometimes they pair you off with someone who doesn't want to train new employees. I was that guy, I had only 2 weeks of job training and I was paired off with a terrible employee who treated me like trash. The 2 week is not entirely bad, but definitely wish I could have at least had a month of training to prepare myself, but I was more upset at how I was being treated just because I was a new employee to the company. To this day, I'm still with the company, but that particular employee is still there, never even apologized for how she treated me. Thankfully I requested to work with someone else, since I couldn't bare to work with her anymore after one month. Definitely wish corporate companies can improve on the work life, but sadly, the way I see it, management from a lot of these companies are nothing but cold heartless weasels who don't care about you, they just care about filling their own pockets with company money.
@gimpinainteasy 9 дней назад
It is qid pro quo. Wait til Gen Beta comes up. Wait til what you say. The difference is that everything is more public.
@ryancxe 8 дней назад
To me, it doesn’t seem like fear is relevant at all, it’s a lack of interest in the work and in the business. Like he said in the video, those same people are confident and outspoken in different environments they enjoy such as martial arts
@secretpeace-wp6xg 7 дней назад
@@mynamesjeff.f They are heartless weasels because work culture in the United States is stuck in its heyday. They just approach it differently due to how much the legal system has changed. Companies in their current state don't look for stability they just look at meeting those quarterly cycles. If they keep this up we're going to end up in a similar position Japan and South Korea are in where people are working themselves to Death. We're already having one of those problems related to population.
@nonexistenthandle9922 11 дней назад
I think its just younger workers in general, not just gen z. You cant tell me millennials and gen x were just perfect workers right out of high school and college.
@BlackPaladin2 10 дней назад
I only had issues with older lazy co-workers (the types that think they know better because they were there for years, even though they are 35+ and working as a fast food cook and only ever have worked fast food) when I first entered the workforce to help pay for college, but most people of similar age back then never really had problems with management and just did what they were told and kept the place clean and running like they're supposed to. That's all you can really ask for. New workers of that same age group nowadays (17-22) are so pathetic and lazy in many instances they can literally barely do their basic job duties. Like, barely can take an order. Will literally just stand there looking off to space, or down into their phone, unless specifically micromanaged nonstop. Now there are definitely still hard workers of that age group that actually want to make something of their life, but that's far fewer than in the past I've found.
@dars1961 10 дней назад
Its because in our society you do not get anywhere without obedience (if you arent wealthy), and young people havent been beaten into submission by the powerful yet. Older people had greater benefits for doing what was told, but those rewards were gradually stripped away for the sake of "efficiency", so there isnt as much merit in being obedient anymore, this isnt just exclusive to the US youth either, it happens everywhere on the planet, because its a global phenomenon produced by the way we run our society. This problem will start getting resolved once the people with control start getting their heads out of their asses and actually try to improve society instead of blaming the weak for not being more convenient to them. Or until they die and get replaced with people that actually acknowledge the flaws.
@curtisbowles9894 10 дней назад
Joined the Army at 18. Working 50 to 60 hours a week as of today. All about work ethic.
@asdfbeau 10 дней назад
I'm on the X/Y (millennials used to be called Y) cusp and I remember very clearly what the boomers said about Xers: Lazy, horrible attitudes, unprofessional attire. They didn't say 'entitled' or 'poor communicators'. I don't know that one is better than the other, but I do know (from my own age) that Z is easier to motivate, and train. People just don't remember how horrible Xers attitudes were/are- they are THE irony & sarcasm generation.
@petervansan1054 10 дней назад
@@nonexistenthandle9922 i was
@brandonfouts4074 4 дня назад
our work force has been crumbling with lazy efforts from the higher ups and now people are waking up
@gimpinainteasy 9 дней назад
I would quit in a hot minute. However, I was never lazy. Because I knew I was worth more than the BS you giving out. I was taught eye contact by everyone in my community as a kid. If I didn’t look at my neighbor. They corrected me. If I was at a store. The store person would remind me. You don’t have that anymore. “Don’t talk to my kid..”. So the ability to learn from real world experience is gone. Sad.
@jimbothegymbro7086 10 дней назад
write off young people and then complain when things go south down the line, the young people are the future and screwing them just screws old and grey you
@davidp.7620 10 дней назад
Pointing out what someone is doing wrong isn't screwing them up.
@jimbothegymbro7086 10 дней назад
@@davidp.7620 there's a difference between going "young people suck" and going "these young people deserve to suffer"
@jimbothegymbro7086 9 дней назад
@davidp.7620 there's a difference between "hey this guys screwing up" and "screw these kids they don't deserve anything", but sure if that's your attitude then your thinking meat is cooked and so is the future of the country
@davidp.7620 9 дней назад
@@jimbothegymbro7086 I don't know what country you're talking about but still your comment kinda missed the point of the video
@kevinmiller6443 9 дней назад
@@jimbothegymbro7086 Well said. I see the other guy/gal projected, then prevaricated themselves right out of here. LOL
@darkgardener9577 10 дней назад
Gen Z thinks their employment is about them and their fulfillment....their life satisfaction. Elder millennials and older realize, the company is literally buying your time/production and you have to produce to keep your job. The idea of employment is considered 'fascism' by zoomers and younger millennials.
@Demagogines 10 дней назад
Well, would be nice if they would actually pay enough, so that they can continue working and not end up broke and homeless. 60k a doesnt even afford you your own place anymore these days.
@authentictalkpodcast 8 дней назад
Gen z is the offspring of gen x.... 👀
@AxelfoleyTheGreat 11 дней назад
Everything you said in this video is 100% truth sir. They lack communication skills very much.
@Demagogines 10 дней назад
Ahh, and who failed to teach them these skills, I wonder ?
@asdfbeau 10 дней назад
@@Demagogines it's nobody's job to teach you how to communicate. The fact that you think it is someone else's job, shows the real failure: you lack autonomy, because you were raised as a housecat. It's not really that big of a deal though, what you all lack in certain areas you make up for in flexibility/adaptability and (usually) an eagerness to be part of a productive team. The curmudgeonly old Xers and boomers may have certain skills, but they're absolutely insufferable and unwilling to change.
@asdfbeau 10 дней назад
@@Demagogines the fact that you think it's someone else's job, to teach you to communicate, shows the real issue: Z lacks autonomy. Their parents raised them like housecats, and are now surprised that they can't survive out in the wild. Still, they seem to be really adaptable, and eager to contribute. They'll definitely pick up whatever skills they're missing, just like X/Y did before them.
@Demagogines 10 дней назад
@@asdfbeau I agree on the second part, but how are you supposed to know how to communicated, if you are , as you rightly mention, "raised like a housecat"? (ie. pets) It is the parents job to raise theit children and not the children to raise themselfs. Thats how you get "Lord of the flies." irl. Gen Z has been completely failed and abandoned by the generations that came before them. Everything is either in the process of breaking down or is already collapsing. Economically, socially, psycolocially. No wonder some memberss of gen z turn out to be/ turn into anti social and awkward individuals. They were never even given a chance.
@mostripe480 8 дней назад
@@asdfbeau just imagine for a second that your younger self had to teach yourself how to communicate. No guidance or help from anyone. Lmao you rly think you're gonna turn out to be verbally and emotionally intelligent? I dont think so
@myeternalsin 10 дней назад
This video was fascinating because I have noticed it too at my work. Its either those Gen X people who refuse to apply themselves or its old people who also refuse to to apply themselves. Its like there is a sweet spot of people I talk to who have "that dog in them" so to speak.
@kevinmiller6443 9 дней назад
It's called the Pareto principle. Most value at an organization is generated by a small number of people, and it's a mixed bag. But in my experience, it's usually NOT boomers or late Gen-X, because they threaten to retire when asked to do their job. Gen-Z has no (good) future, so they aren't driven.
@jayjay-iu3wc 9 дней назад
Okay so I don't blame gen z for getting fired or quitting....it's like we work our butts off but for what....rents sky high food is outrageous....it's frustrating
@BrokeAgain 10 дней назад
It is getting worst, all complaining about same stuff over and over again. But no work being done.
@dreamcream3738 10 дней назад
Lack of eye contact, meek; A larger amount of Gen Z workers are autistic. That's what the issue is; workplaces do *not* like having to deal with autism.
@authentictalkpodcast 8 дней назад
@maestro-zq8gu 8 дней назад
Work hard and be proud of what you do. Also be nice to everyone at work even if you have to fake it.
@TheMightyCookieShow 10 дней назад
I think it's because they're smarter than the rest of us and figured out that working a job 9:00 to 5:00 is a scam and that you can't build a future doing it.
@WilliamBrwn 10 дней назад
They just don't need them, there are workers that work for less!
@HunterWest1984 5 дней назад
@TheMightyCookieShow 18 and worked for 3 months... yeah you got life figured out.
@stevennpitt 10 дней назад
Everybody is on the spectrum - what a croc...
@megacide84 10 дней назад
I'm sorry to say this and I know I'll catch hell for what must be said, but... CHILDREN ARE NO LONGER ARE FUTURE! NOT ANYMORE!! THE FUTURE BELONGS TO A.I AND AUTOMATION!!! We are rapidly approaching an automated, digital society of a 21st century New Machine Age. As the workplace becomes more streamlined and mechanized. To the point where there won't be as great a need for a large workforce as in ages past. With the aid of A.I. automated systems, we'd only need a tiny fraction of the current workforce to keep society going. As whatever amount of new jobs created in that time period won't ever offset the amount destroyed. I truly believe this will be far more horrific than the loss of manufacturing and industrial jobs decades ago. It will be become painfully obvious that educating a large population will be seen as a massive waste of resources. As most will graduate to a lifetime of brutal, crippling technological unemployment. What I eventually see happening is... Cities and states will close public schools en'masse beginning in the early 2030s. Whatever schools left open will have a more streamlined curriculum and reduced to the 7th grade. Afterwards, if parents want to continue their children's education. They will either pay tuition for the child(ren) to attend high school (similar to Japan and S. Korea) or... Enroll their kid(s) in a company training program and hope for the best. As only a select few will be picked for whatever open positions at the time. Sadly, most will be left behind in the shadow of technological unemployment and no... I don't ever see any form of UBI ever implemented in our lifetime. That's just copium for those unwilling to see the coming reality. Also, it would be far cheaper to let the masses fend for themselves. It has come to the point where I and countless others would prefer dealing with properly calibrated machines and automated systems as opposed to an incompetent workforce.
@svendays 10 дней назад
You better hope you're one of the robot polishers man. Otherwise you'll be joining the "incompetent workforce."
@kevinmiller6443 9 дней назад
The US will sooner be a third world crap hole, than some kind of techno-utopia. Especially since the regime is picking fights will ALL of the countries that make everything, including microchips, transistors, solar panels, electric motors, etc.
@HunterWest1984 5 дней назад
Stopped reading at "are future"...
@NeoSoulCrew 10 дней назад
You sound very bitter. I agree Gen Z is full of entitlement but the way you complained for 20 mins is not a good look for you
@Master_Timothy 9 дней назад
Did someone force you to watch for 20 min?
@PlatinumPoint 5 дней назад
From an educator to another. I do think your view towards education, especially college education is limited. After all we need more highly qualifed professors, so some people are meant to remain the field of education. The problem is that for the sake of our society we need a balance of workforce training as well as academic training. After all the innovations that you train others in come from those career academics. With all respect you misunderstand education at the higher education level. Often times professors are looking to find those who will continue to the work to generate new knowledge and insights. Should there be a balance, yes. I also am in a similar part of higher education like you are, but I am trying to help while also informing others we need to train people to be both good employees and good knowledgeable citizens. In America especially where the literacy both regular and political literacy is barely at a 7th grade level. So we can't just focus on job skills and workforce related skills, we also need them to work on their civics skills too.
@TechGee 5 дней назад
Appreciate your insight. Thanks.
@WilliamBrwn 10 дней назад
Next: why bad employees are good for employers!
@rbhkg3 10 дней назад
Bro how were you born in 1984 but went to college in 1998? You would have graduated high school 2002.
@TechGee 10 дней назад
I said I was born in 1980
@user-zo1pk7bi2o 7 дней назад
You failed basic math. 🧮 🤦🏻
@alexcerny5881 10 дней назад
Is that because zoomers are phone junkies?
@unclejovan1913 10 дней назад
This is cyclical, might as well watch my car wheels spin than hear this nonsense about how bad a generation is
@aquaboyman 10 дней назад
old hating dude washed up smh
@elreytriton 10 дней назад
who is hating on someone that cant keep a job and cries on tiktok?
@aquaboyman 10 дней назад
@@elreytriton both of you must be projecting
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