
Genshin Impact... Kinda Sucks 

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10 сен 2024




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@ghoste3991 Месяц назад
Opinion irrelevant, how did you forget to give paimon thumbs In the THUMBnail
@danwy Месяц назад
This is too good, you get a thumbs up for that one.
@TheWipal 6 месяцев назад
the only winners are the people that never play gatcha games in the first place
@commanderneyo 5 месяцев назад
The community can come at me, this game fucking sucks and will be a trend that will ruin the game industry
@_Sxoul 2 месяца назад
@pontoancora Месяц назад
@@commanderneyo cry out louder
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
The game is great with some qol flaws but its still better than most 3A title's that come out in 2024 xD
@jakoby256 6 месяцев назад
The powerlevel of your character only matters once every 2 weeks for 5-10 minutes if you decide to do floor 12 of the Abyss. Otherwise you have an amazing open world filled with stories to explore where even your Amber is perfectly viable.
@Apate- 6 месяцев назад
Yeah most of the time the game is easily cleared. Also it only takes 2 patches to get a 5*. For his resin point: Even low spenders agree that using primogems for resin is stupid and if you manage your fragile resin right it's fine. Just use fragile resin on talent domains, and for everything else natural resin
@jakoby256 6 месяцев назад
That's what I've been doing basically. I'm playing the game almost sinece day 1 and never spent anything on it other than the occasional BP. I have most 5 star chars tho only 3 limited weapons I feel like that banner is a scam. @
@user-op1xu6zv5q 6 месяцев назад
yep, and you can actually easily clear 36* with a full four star team! as long as they're well invested. you can even use four star weapons on them as well.
@KatrinaAmaxas 6 месяцев назад
I would argue that the game is bad BECAUSE your power level matters so little for so much of the game. Like, I put in the effort grinding out all these artifacts to make my character strong enough to be played properly and it ended up being for absolutely nothing because there's no endgame.
@flaksi6661 6 месяцев назад
Awful dps check content that is made for the new 5 star woohoo.
@jjaze9831 6 месяцев назад
I've been playing Genshin for like 2 years now and had couple of pauses with the game, I used to be a "dolphin" just buying the welkin moon whenever a character I like is gonna be in the banner, even bought battle pass once cuz I thought the weapon is great but would end up getting benched and gave to kaeya instead. I'm pretty lucky with 50/50 so I win them a lot even at the weapon banner even today I still have plenty of 5* character that is still unbuilt. What sucks about the game is that it gets so boring and repetitive, even the story and world quest is full of dialogues that I couldn't bother to read all of em.
@anteprs7908 6 месяцев назад
then you not a players the game is made for simple as that if you dont like exploring and story that on you not the game
@marcokalendileo7849 6 месяцев назад
@@anteprs7908 why make a complex combat sistem and ask for materials to ascend characters if the only thing that matters is exploration and story. Why reduce explorations puzzles to only 3 repetitve puzzles, why make the abyss and change it every upgrade, why have a build sistem instead of just characters. spilling bs by saying the only thing that matters is exploration and story is so old by now, 50% of the comunity got interested by these games mechanics, why isolate so many people, story and exploration can be the same at the same time they expland the rest of the game
@anteprs7908 6 месяцев назад
@@marcokalendileo7849 50% are you dumb the ppl who want difficult content to use the combat on are 5% top not more or half this game us 95% casuals. The chr are meant to be used in exploration that what the combat was made for that why you build them.
@jjaze9831 6 месяцев назад
@@anteprs7908 I only. Care for the archon quest tbh and some interesting world quest like the melusines, some parts of aranara quest, and Jeht's.
@jjaze9831 6 месяцев назад
@@anteprs7908 and also I enjoy exploring the world in the game. Mainly the real issue about the game for me is the dialogues is too long and you can't skip them!
@preterliu2671 2 месяца назад
我想原神之所以在国外也可以这么受欢迎是因为你们觉得一款免费游戏还可以制作的相对精良。 作为一个中国人,我真的有挺多想说的。 告诉你们这些外国玩家一个不幸的消息。 那就是:你在中国的社交媒体上几乎看不到任何批评原神这款游戏的视频。 原因:有两点,首先是中国人现在的生活节奏很快,生活压力极大。中国人的人口中,有六亿人月收入还不足一千元人民币,这句话是我们前任国家总理李克强亲口说的,并不是我杜撰。所以中国人大概率没有足够的时间和经济条件去游玩需要消耗大量时间为成本的游戏。而在智能手机逐渐开始普及以后,中国的青少年群体终于可以玩手机游戏来填充自己的碎片时间,(包括TIKTOK)。中国玩家可能是在2016~2017年才开始有更多的玩家接触到steam(没错,也就是BUPG大红大紫的时间段,而且你们肉眼可见的来自中国的外挂玩家越来越多,这点我决不否认)所以他们在此之前只能玩到一些粗制滥造的垃圾游戏,充斥着P2W和游戏策划试图刻意营造的玩家之间仇恨,从而引发玩家之间的工会战,而后导致的各种“RMT”行为。这些游戏往往都是免费的。 没错 和原神一样,是免费游戏。(毕竟不是所有人都有经济条件去支持WOW、GW2、FF14的订阅。)不知道你们西方国家有没有这句谚语:“免费的才是最贵的”。 第二点,也是最重要的一点,中共政府长期干预游戏行业的发展,导致中国的游戏基本都要经过一个叫做:“国家广播电视总局”的政府机构审核后,发布一个叫做“版号”的东西之后才可以上市。这样就造成一个结果,中国在最近十多年基本没有小体量工作室或者个人游戏制作者可以发售自己精心制作的游戏。而能够制作并且发售运营游戏的只有:腾讯、网易、这类的大型互联网公司 ,因为他们有一定能力给这个政府机构“好处费”加快审核,我想这个可能是你们无法理解的事情。更可怕的是近十年中国政府曾经进行了”游戏机禁令”。这导致中国游戏玩家除了权贵阶级和富人阶级大部分普通玩家根本没办法接触到类似XBOX NS PS2、3这类的游戏机。在你们游玩COD和BF的时候我们只能玩CS1.6、 Cross fire,在你们接触各种各样3A游戏的时候我们只能玩《征途》《热血传奇》(各种各样充斥着P2W的mmorpg游戏)。不得不说中国政府真的影响了中国游戏行业太多年,中国游戏制作人们不是没有技术和能力,你们海外很多3A游戏大量的外包工作都曾有中国程序员参与过,但是我们却做不出来自己的3A游戏,做不出来自己的WOW 做不出来自己的COD 所以当原神出现的时候,我们当时正处于:“中国游戏市场版号寒冬”(←长达两年时间没有游戏过审)。当年轻的新生代玩家第一次玩到优质的类似塞尔达荒野之息的大型3D动作角色扮演游戏。你知道这意味着什么吗?我可以毫不夸张地说,这就像冰河世纪的小松鼠终于看到了松果山一样兴奋。它是免费的,游戏里的角色是那么的吸引人,美术风格是那么的优秀。哇,好棒的游戏,他居然还是免费的!!免费的!!免费的!!这时候你要是试图去指出这个游戏任何缺点,你猜猜会发生什么事? 我不喜欢原神的原因很简单,我是这个游戏早期的那批玩家之一,我很早就推荐我的朋友一起玩这个游戏了,但是当我玩了两个月以后,我就再也不想玩这个游戏了。 原因: 1 在中国平均收入也就3000~4000人民币的情况下,游戏的抽奖要648人民币。好的,我知道一定有人会说你只要花时间也可以免费收集代币去抽奖,但是你猜我有时间么?和美国人打贸易战,新冠肺炎的闭关锁国政策,让我们早就没钱没时间了。(8小时工作制在我们这里就是个笑话)中国政府在2023年都不敢公布青年失业率。 2 在这个游戏如果想要玩的有乐趣,你至少要有合适的搭配。但是让我万万没想到的是,在这个游戏里,不仅仅职业需要抽奖,每个职业还有专属武器!!我已经很久不玩了,但是我记得角色最高强度是6级,武器是4级。就算我不花钱,我要消耗多少时间去攒原石?时间就是金钱和生命我的朋友。 3 由于我是一个PC玩家,在此之前我接触过很多其他的游戏,wow gw2 ff14 eso GTA COD BF ARMA gears (&*(……&#!算了,太多太多了,太多太多好玩的游戏了。 我见证过奎托斯的狂暴之路、我忘记不了亚瑟摩根和他的兄弟们在瓦伦丁酒馆一起喝酒的快乐时光、尼克做着他的美国梦最终被崔佛踩在了脚下、我还记得作为龙裔和瑟拉娜小姐对抗他的暴君父亲、我作为士官长拯救过无数次战友,叶奈法还爱着我、我曾和普莱斯队长一起为肥皂复仇、在沃尔库塔监狱里雷泽诺夫对我说的每一句话我都记忆犹新,集装箱里伍兹浑身是血的抓住我的臂膀、喝下药水,在一个个洞穴里面寻找ciri的踪迹、德雷克,劳拉,她们带我去了很多我一生可能无法见证的名胜古迹(的坍塌??=D)我去过佛罗伦萨,我爬上过金字塔,我见过克利奥帕特拉,凯撒,达芬奇。我曾驾驶着寒鸦号,听着水手们唱着船歌航向那无尽的财富,麦克斯一次次的时间回溯,到底拯救了谁?.........太多精彩的故事,太多奇妙的冒险,而原神的故事,对我来说实在没有太多吸引力。它就像一个儿童读物...或许是我对于故事的反馈阈值越来越高了。 4 对于原神狂热粉丝的言论开始反感,中国玩家有一句话,是一个梗,当某个游戏发售的时候,某些游戏玩家会跑来说:”感觉不如XX” 举个例子,COD16刚出的时候,很多人会说:”感觉不如Cross fire“ 。而中国的原神玩家特别喜欢这么做。 5 游戏官方对于我们的奖励过于吝啬。在一些节日到来的时候,我们的奖励远远不如你们外国玩家的丰富。这件事对应现实有一个很好的例子。当你们白人 黑人 拉丁人 只要是个外国人 在中国哪怕是丢了一部手机,中国的警察会动用大量警力很快处理你的案子,{要知道在中国,监控头几乎可以看到每一个四角)但是你猜猜我们中国人自己去报案会是什么结果?《我非常讨厌被区别对待,尤其是我还纳税养着他们》 今年中国可能有两款游戏你们也会说很棒,《黑神话.悟空》《三角洲行动》其实黑神话的制作组在很多年前就制作了一款游戏《斗战神》,那是一款类似暗黑破坏神的游戏,制作精良,剧情丰富,但仅仅是因为不够赚钱,腾讯公司就决定不再继续给予支持导致游戏死掉。 或许有一天我们也能真正做出一款真正好玩的游戏。也希望《黑神话悟空》能让你们更多的了解”孙悟空“这只超赞的猴子。 我的英语水平很差,如果翻译成你们的语言看起来逻辑混乱那么我表示抱歉。
@Dojafish 6 месяцев назад
I wouldn't call the game p2w ,every is possible even at f2p and at some point the games becomes easy . I would rather call them stingy .
@I.disagree 6 месяцев назад
The biggest complaint by the community is that it isn't p2w enough 😂 Still no new endgame
@PiousMoltar 6 месяцев назад
The rewards for quests and events are indeed stingy. And the stuff that actually costs money is FAR too expensive, aside from the Welkin Moon, which I guess isn't too bad. But yeah it's not pay to win. Most of the game is pretty easy. If you're not ready to level your world up, just don't.
@raihanrusli2720 6 месяцев назад
Yeah ngl. The game isnt that much greedy for me. They could make hard endgame contents and sell more skins, but for some reason they dont. The biggest problems of genshin dev are stingy and probably lazy. Lets just say they have time and manpower problem to implement stuff I mentioned, but they are multi billion company, they could just hire more people
@I.disagree 6 месяцев назад
@@raihanrusli2720 Nah bruh, they're not even lazy. They made a Loadout system that takes 10x more effort than what the community wanted, and it ended up being worse 😂 They keep making complex but inefficient stuff
@carlos2villalobos276 6 месяцев назад
Calling the developers "lazy" is crazy, believe me half of the team has more than 50 more ideas for endgame content us just the directives that don want it​@@raihanrusli2720
@ryokyko 6 месяцев назад
*Here's a short list of what longtime Genshin players have been asking for:* - Standard *5-star character selector* after xxx amount of wishes, *retroactive* _(already implemented in Honkai Star Rail)_ - Option to *save a few artifacts sets and weapons per character* as loadout, especially for "main characters" Aether/Lumine, one for each element type+add option to change element anywhere in overworld _(already implemented in Honkai Impact 3)_ - *Advanced SOLO AND CO-OP permanent combat challenges (Endgame)* with customizable difficulty, buffs, de-buffs, time, HP, etc. But also *more casual challenges like HSR “Simulated Universe”* _(it was already done in events such as : Hypostatic Symphony 2021/01/16, Legend of the Vagabond Sword 2021/06/25, Labyrinth Warriors 10/21/21…)_ - *Resin overflow system* + resin capacity and condensed resin capacity increase - *Optional old events (DLC)* to be re-playable for *new players* and be able to experience *hidden/missed lore* and *mini-games* _(plus an option to read previous story dialogues)_ - A way for *new players to acquire old event character signature weapons* in a shop - *More options and quality of life updates for every type of players* such as; Teapot load limit increase, more in game character emote and pose for role-players, more options for content creators with UI(hide user interface) and advanced audio/video settings(un-cap FPS), *skip the entire dialogue option for speedrunners* - *Togglable constellations* for content creators, testers or people who want to try challenges - Add *3 extra 10-pulls* (cost: 8 fates) to the *beginner's banner* and make the *50th pull a guaranteed standard 5-star* character. _(HSR already implemented this)_ - *Epitomized Path for 4-stars* and more characters/weapons in the Starglitter shop - Clear *buff indicators with cool-downs* in the UI(user interface) and *hp bar for shields* - *Retire the day locked domains for weapons and talents materials* - *Add controller support for Android devices* - *FIX DEHYA.* Then address the *bug reports* on characters like Eula, Mona, Xinyan etc - *More rewards* for the free to play, more than just *3 pulls for 3 years* ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。) _(PS: join us on the picket lines, and make your voices heard!)_ _[Last edit 01/03/2024]_
@ryokyko 6 месяцев назад
@GummyDinosaursify 6 месяцев назад
The toggle constellations was something they did talk about implementing in the future. But a lot of this, yeah, I dont know why they haven't implemented it. I get WHY a lot of it is in Star Rail (Star Rail is definitely a 'pay to win' kind of game, as your team that was one shotting everything in Belobog won't be able to survive in Penacony) but really, even the quality of life changes should be implemented. Absolutely no clue why Labyrinth Warriors wasn't kept around or even brought back as it was HIGHLY implied in the event it would be.
@gamingtemplar9893 6 месяцев назад
The game was released in 2020, sold as an mmorpg by content creators, the game was a gacha, so it was garbage in 2020. If you are asking stuff in 2024, you have a mental problem. Accept what the game is and then play it or not. And about the "fixes" all of those things don't fix the game, people asking for those things don't have a clue about game design.
@anteprs7908 6 месяцев назад
"- Advanced SOLO AND CO-OP permanent combat challenges (Endgame) with customizable difficulty, buffs, de-buffs, time, HP, etc. But also more casual challenges like HSR “Simulated Universe” (it was already done in events such as : Hypostatic Symphony 2021/01/16, Legend of the Vagabond Sword 2021/06/25, Labyrinth Warriors 10/21/21…)" those are hardcore player and a irrelvant 3 % of the playerbase who cant understand genshin is causal game and CAUSAL GAME CANT HAVE DIFFUCULT CONTENT that the one thinkg that make them non causal and the dev state genshin is causal open world gacha game so you wanting difficult content is a sign of how you ended up in the wrong genre of game you dont see casuals cry and ask souls game to have easy mode. mayority of the players dotn want difficult content be it optional or not .
@marcokalendileo7849 6 месяцев назад
@@gamingtemplar9893 dude, games constantly make qol changes, genshin also made qol changes, look at bg3 with 4 QOL PATCHES. stop talking about game design when we are not asking for something outside of the game and devs cappacity, it doesnt even change the games core point of interess. they already made most of those changes in honkai star rail, they can do it, they just dont (also, saying they must have mental problems for asking for changes in a game... i dont want to make asumptions but thats out of line in every possible context)
@Massivegenius69 6 месяцев назад
dude using the interactive map to 100% everything except sumeru is relatable af.
@royalvenum494 6 месяцев назад
The accent is mega wild.
@dragongamer4210 6 месяцев назад
This is very accurate. Their communication with community is literally nonexistent. You just talking to brickwall everytime you fill up those survey. The only way they hear community opinions is when they got physically threatened. They doesn't give a shit otherwise.
@anteprs7908 6 месяцев назад
they care for the casual player not it irrelavant cry babies of cc and pp lon twitter who think they are big part of the community.
@Satyr42 6 месяцев назад
@@anteprs7908 Blink twice if Mihoyo is holding a gun to your head.
@BryanVonFriently 6 месяцев назад
And the thing that would make for a good compromise in significantly easing up the pulling system for players but not lose out on profit is to just create more skins. A game that does this very well is Azur Lane which has the most lenient gacha system ive ever seen where if you just consistently play, you consistently do the content, and manage your pull currency well, it is nearly impossible not to get every single character on every event ever. Instead they put out a metric load of merchandise and skins that people buy en masse to fund the game, and people do it willingly because the devs interact with the playerbase on a daily basis. Of all the money i spent in that game not a cent felt forced, whereas in Genshin all the money i put into it felt forced. Forced to buy welkin and bp because otherwise my odds of getting 5 stars go from one a patch to one every 3 patches. Imagine if Hoyo went this path, hundreds of skins of every variety, dozens for every single character, enough merch to come out your ears and as a counterpoint pity gets dropped to say... 50, with no 50/50 or something. Whales will still whale because c6 will still require significant input but everyone can at least get a single copy of every 5 star, or they can skip certain 5 stars and instead get c1 or more on others they really want. And the players would be delighted and grateful, what more could they want. I've suggested it every single survey since launch but unfortunately i don't see them changing things any time soon...
@natalieadon1015 5 месяцев назад
genshin wasmy first gacha game and i used to spend thousands on it after the first ani it went down to hundreds and now it doesnt even reach $100 it has great qualties but the negative one just made me lose my love for it
@evilmiyoho6742 4 месяца назад
You got scammed.
@chifuyu183 6 месяцев назад
Truly touch grass type of content
@hiyagenshinfans 6 месяцев назад
The thumbnail Paimon has 4 fingers...
@danwy 6 месяцев назад
don't question
@pencilonpaper1026 2 месяца назад
no thumbs, how lovely
@kacper0563 6 месяцев назад
You can pay to win abyss faster, but at the end of the day the abyss only offers about 450 primogems every two weeks. There is no endgame in genshin other than getting better artifacts, which is stil pointless since there will never be any new hard content.
@escapetherace1943 5 месяцев назад
I can sort of feel his artifact complaints though. Right now I've had good/decent artifact luck for over a year straight, but when I farmed Eula's domain for MONTHS daily and went to roll on the artifacts I had probably the most cursed luck of ANY genshin player possible. I had over 16 on-set pieces for her with high double-crit values and I rolled crit into one of those artifacts twice, among all 16 artifacts. So yes, in 80 artifact rolls where my chance to roll crit was 50% each roll, I rolled crit 2 times out of 80. I almost quit the game right then and there because statistically that is as lucky or rather unlucky as winning a billion dollar lottery. Not to mention I lost my first 8 50/50s on my account and never got a pull earlier than 78 with an average pull rate of 82 lol....... Now I have average luck though but I think how unlucky my early experience with the game was would have made a lot of people quit.
@kacper0563 5 месяцев назад
@@escapetherace1943 I mean yeah bad artifact luck sucks but at the end of the day you won't even get a chance to show off your grind because there is no leaderboards in the game, which makes the abyss combat and artifact grind not very engaging imo. I get late pity all the time too, but I just focused on getting characters that I like and then ones that work well together so now if I lose a 50/50 nowadays it doesn't really matter tbh
@escapetherace1943 5 месяцев назад
@@kacper0563 I rarely pull on weapon banners too but to make them less of a scam I only pull on good ones where I don't care if I lost the 50/50 and just accept what I get
@kacper0563 5 месяцев назад
@@escapetherace1943 I actually on pulled on the weapon recently myself and got a skyward harp at like 17 pity so I'm holding onto the guaranteed banner weapon until something good shows up that's good for either polearm or claymore users (most of my dps are polearm with navia and neuvillette being the exceptions, but Neuvillette doesnt need any banner weapon imo hes really good with proto amber), also maybe elegy so I can slap it on yelan or faruzan
@escapetherace1943 5 месяцев назад
@@kacper0563 remember your pity on weapon banner carries over but the fate points don't
@steffy23456 6 месяцев назад
Atp I don't care about anything this game has to offer. I just don't like the smugness of "oh, for your hard work, you get 3 fates". Yeah, I'm not paying Hoyo another dime if they don't fix it
@anteprs7908 6 месяцев назад
it a free game they dont own oyu free stuff you get free content ever 6 week buddy no game does that
@marcokalendileo7849 6 месяцев назад
@@anteprs7908 in a gacha game, where the main source of power are primos it does matter. other free game dont do that because they are no gacha, the game are fun on their own and rewards are not necesary for progression. so no, genshin is not "kind" for giving shit rewards, its clear that they are able to make the time spent worth, they just dont do it. league of legends doesnt give rewards because players want to progress their elo, they dont need skins. Genshin progression depends on having the character you want with the weapon you want and the artifacts you want. artifacts are not a reward problem but a grind one, so this leaves characters and weapons, that are behind the primogems, and farming for hours and not beeing able to get even half of what you need does make people mad. Also, 6 weeks is the normal timeline for every live service games, genshin is not the only one that does that, so no, genshin is not unique on their aproach to adding content
@Stigh_ 6 месяцев назад
Good for you. Hoyoverse is a company, so the only time they will listen is when their wallets are affected. If we players want a change in Genshin, we gotta speak with our wallets.
@Andron322 6 месяцев назад
Playing from release. It's sucks. Gonna delete soon.
@Jinni-iras17514 5 месяцев назад
Did you delete it yet?
@Andron322 3 месяца назад
@@Jinni-iras17514 yep. Got Arlecchino at lvl 1 and immediately deleted. It so good without it
@Jinni-iras17514 3 месяца назад
@@Andron322 Waiting to get a new 5 star before deleting says a lot. There's a lot of gambling simulators out there. Why you stuck around this long for only that is odd.
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
Watch 5.0 live stream because genshin cooked
@Andron322 19 дней назад
@@luutio9000 Nah, I'd skip. Gonna watch story on RU-vid. Maybe.
@borisborisov54 6 месяцев назад
You are totally on point. I am a relatively new Genshin player, started just before Fontaine. Since then I've 36/36 the abyss for idk how many rotations, finished all archons and got all zones to 100% aside from a bit in Liyue and got like 20-30% of Sumeru done. Most non-archon quests are just boring with bloated dialogue and no voice acting hence even more incentive for me to not care. If I find it interesting I just do the quest and watch RU-vid videos explaining it and the lore around it. Gearing wise it is hell, you know when you will be able to get your characters to 90 with all the needed talents leveled up, but for the artifacts it is a nightmare. The true gatcha is here and having more control over this is needed. I legit can't play with a new character I get because I have to farm a new good set of artifacts. Sitting here hoping that Wuthering Waves doesn't have the same cons.
@pencilonpaper1026 2 месяца назад
Every account I've played on Genshin, I always have 100% exploration in Inazuma because it is way less stingy with rewards. They give the sigils which you can turn into the tree so when you're done exploring for a bit you feel more rewarded. Upgrading the statue doesn't give you so little primos like Liyue and Mondstadt. And the common chests actually give you primos in the first place. Maybe it's just because of my perspective as someone who has 100% areas multiple times on different accounts, but exploring Liyue and Mondstadt just feel really shitty most of the time besides the enemies, chests, and oculi being easier to obtain. Also obligatory skip button mention. The amount of times I've had to sit through the Inazuma archon quest hurts. When I played wuwa for the first time, I abused the skip button so much.
@Neo-jty 6 месяцев назад
if this makes you feel better, I'm 2 years in, and lost every efying 50\50 on limited banner
@Rougelesss 6 месяцев назад
Haven't even watched the video, but as a Genshin player, I agree. I'm just here bc I'm a slave to my husbandos.
@sondyababa459 6 месяцев назад
you described genshins every single problem ! 90% of video shows facts , after 100% completion game feels empty max to max theres 5-10 minutes of gameplay , no repeatable puzzles i dont give a fk about gacha system but i like exploration and puzzles only if they add new thing on weekly / daily basis or simply allow chest and puzzles to respawn ( i dont care if it gives 0 primos) ill be happy to play , and FKN REDUCE RESIN TIME ! its soo boring to wait 24 hours to wait for resin to recharge lel , i would recommend genshin for 1 time gameplay wise after you complete everything .. just switch to other game as this game becomes dead after 100%
@moredinorno 6 месяцев назад
Pretty alright video imo. Imma throw out my own thoughts on the game itself because why not. Ok starting off I'll throw out a couple compliments so that the kids don't start crying immediately: the ost is actually amazing, like seriously, wow, the music alone legit might be my favorite in any game, ever. Next is the visuals: the game looks GREAT. To finish off the compliment rush, the combat is nice and simple. Yeah, you can cope all you like saying that theres depth, but trust me, in the end it does all just boil down to doing the exact same ducking thing over and over and over again, expecting to get good ish stats so that you can literally finish abyss a bit faster. And yes, HYPERBLOOM! I used to be a mono geo player once, but then i took a hyperbloom in the knee! Ok, lets go: The game itself if purposefully designed to be limiting in what a player can and cannot do. You already mentioned it, resin, basically gachas have a stamina system, that's genshins and I've learned to accept it. My true problem is with the whole artifacts system itself, and just how boring and tedious it is to farm to get a decent mainstat, and let alone a piece with good subs. All of that leads to ocf the next problem: Farming artifacts is literally useless because the end game is non existant, and the base game and it's content has received literal nerfs in the past to make it easier for casuals. Yeah, I've spent 4k + resin trying to get my Nahida over 1k em and for what? What's the point? Like literally, ik i did it to myself but dang, never again. Next is yes, the dreaded skip button, and slow your horses people, I'll get it out of the way rn: Genshin isn't, and never will be, a Story Based open world game. ITS A GACHA GAME with story based elements and open world mechanics, you can cope all you want, but there being a fancy restaurant and a pool won't make the Casino any less of a casino. Oh, but, you can beat the game without wishing a single time, and thre devs always prioritize the story by making it non skippable and making the game beatable with the free units given! YEAH, if they didn't do that, then we could call out the casino for BEING A LITERAL CASINO. Gosh. Look, i like the gacha, I've realized that it's the main point of the game and i accept it, like it even. What i don't like is them forcing the slop of a story down my throat so that they can convince people who don't know any better that the game is something other than a slot machine. Let me farm my primos and enjoy the world in piece. The game being single player and with no leader boards kills the p2w argument, as it does just boil down to people spending their own money how they want, for personal enjoyment, however mentally ill that look to bystanders, the gamba is also still there, but technically even worse since you can sink thousands and you always, without fail get worthless pixels. Note that i also enjoyed a bit of it too so chill fellow brainlets. The gacha being activly promoted to minors is another gripe i have with the game. And yes, IT IS BEING PROMOTED VIA IN GAME NEWS AND DRIP MARKETING ON SOCIAL MEDIA, OPEN YOUR EYES. Yeah, out of touch devs, we can't forget those. The hire more people argument seems like a good fix, but people need to understand that it's not that simple. New personal needs to be trusted and competent. Thr current devs should realocate their time and energy into actually usefull stuff, not an artifact loadout system that ends up worse than what we already have or artifact recommendations and weapon level guides taken from a majority of the playerbase, which can be somewhat easily manipulated and even if not, kinda takes away views from CCs whos literal job is to teach people the ways to make their units OP. Even after all of this, i do still like the game, but all of this, and the literal brainrot that is the games community has made me open my eyes, so yeah, i quit. Me quitting, and other people quitting makes no difference, you stans havent won shit with us leaving, i do feel bad for yall tho. We have a great thing on our hands with this game here, it's a pity that things are the way they are. Just, keep yourselves safe out there, people.
@littleghast32 Месяц назад
I’m currently Ar60 and I’ve quit Genshin about 3 times to take a break from lack on content each break being about 4-5 months long. The main reason I come back is to enjoy any new music that has been added. People can say that Genshin’s combat, story, or everything that relies on rng sucks but I don’t think that anyone can say that the music is trash because it really isn’t.
@actually_curious4773 5 месяцев назад
I think I lost my interest in Genshin already during early Sumeru, it just wasn't as hype to me as Inazuma. Took multiple long breaks, came back for Fontaine story, and been taking more long breaks since then. Decided to save up for Arlecchino now and even though there's a whole new region to explore and lots of stuff to do I'm just... not interested anymore. The story kinda sucks, even if it has its moments it's bogged down by terrible dialogue and a bunch of tropey boring characters and Paimon. Building new characters doesn't make much sense because I only use two teams for everything anyway (one of them is International, a 1.x team), and when I can't beat Abyss floor 12 I just give up on it. The daily grind is so so boring. I switched to Star Rail, even though I also only play it sporadically it just has so many things Genshin should have had, like different endgame modes (Star Rail has three! And they even made a mode that allowed previously shitty characters to shine!), resin saving when you don't play, automatic mode for easy content... and most importantly no Traveler and Paimon. Also they give you lots of tickets (fates) for free so even if you don't play every day you can just return to the game from time to time, get a new character, and max them out with all the resin that's been accumulated. I know the biggest difference between the games is Genshin's open world, and I used to be absolutely in love with it. But ever since the SUmeru deser I just can't explore anymore. I hated hated HATED the desert labirynths, who tf came up with that idea? And the Fontaine underwater makes me dizzy. Maybe if they don't have those weird closed space map chunks in Natlan and Snezhnaya I'd be happy to explore again, but now it sounds more like a chore.
@Ananta9817 6 месяцев назад
At first I saw the double Verdict was pog until I noticed you don't have Navia and... the r2 unforged. I know what you went through for your Ayaka bro.
@raf17420 6 месяцев назад
02:17 was kinda wild tbh
@cadeemmusgrove7791 6 месяцев назад
😂 understatement
@nepu3464 Месяц назад
3:13 EXCUSE YOU??? I am a proud Diluc main. C4 and cracking them 100k’s like nothing. I DO NOT WANNA HEAR SOMEONE DISS MY MANS LIKE THIS 😭😭😭😭😭
@danwy Месяц назад
@@nepu3464 coping
@xXzman9000Xx 6 месяцев назад
unless you are specifically talking about specifically abyss floor 12, nothing else in the game would be by definition "pay to win" because everything can be done very easily free to play. and also no matter how much you spend you can't just gear up and beat even abyss 11 overnight. i don't think the grinding in genshin is good at all, but spending money on characters doesn't give you any advantage if your artifacts all roll flat defense, and those defense roles won't let you beat abyss 12. personally i think the closest thing to "pay to win" in genshin is actually the resin refresh system... and even that is stretching the definition of "pay to win" a bit. however all that said, if its just the main game of story and exploration, and you are struggling... that's a you problem and no amount of money will fix that for you... case in point, i once helped a friend who was "stuck" on the first raiden boss fight. they just couldn't beat it. they were ar45 and they had un-leveled 2 and 3 star artifacts, were level 60 at best with most characters on 40, weapons were at best at level 30, and literally no talent levels. i spent literally 30 minutes helping them grind out a single day's worth of resin. before with a full buffing team and food buffs they were hitting just shy of 1000 damage per hit of their big hitting attacks, after i was done with those 30 minutes, they were hitting for 3.5k per hit on NORMAL ATTACKS, with no buffs with a single character on the team. and they then cleared the boss they were stuck on for... a year and a half... genshin is not a hard game, you just need to learn the mechanics and play it, and you will beat it. if you are struggling, its very likely a you problem.
@atomicgrave4340 2 месяца назад
Kinda from the future here. So they did increase resin cap, added some endgame content (making abyss harder and less rewarding in the process), and that's basically it. Tbh, after last anniversary i kinda stopped expecting anything and even these changes do not impress me, because they should've been done in the first year or two of the game lifetime. Not after 4 years! Well, i guess, i can thank them that they did smth finally and at least. But the amount of people who will scream "the game was fine, why you're still not satisfied, this is what you wanted" is really disturbing. Hoyo fix one thing halfheartedly and completely ignore other aspects that need improvement. It reminds of the term "selective hearing", and that's why i don't like it. Rewards in game are important, but the game itself also important. Call me selfish or whatever, i don't care. It could've been an awesome game, if only they started listening from the beginning.
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
And then they dropped the bomb that was Natlan XD
@atomicgrave4340 19 дней назад
@@luutio9000 still not impressed until i get my skip buttons for story and abyss, duh~ ;)
@alteonaska1735 6 месяцев назад
Genshin isn't P2W... Until you decide to have more than 2 characters you want to max out😂
@Gilbert_Dice_Gottfried 3 месяца назад
This seems like a really boring game. It doesn’t even look as nice as they say it does. I can’t believe people have to pay money to play a game like this. I just don’t get it. What is the point of this game?
@whatonearthisthat869 Месяц назад
Waifus....and constantly disappointing lore.
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
Free to play btw, constant updates, great story, great characters, enjoyable combat, casual game aka you dont have to grind you ass off just to enjoy the game and it looks really good. Its great game with some qol flaws.
@Whitebear373 Месяц назад
Imagine staying up for 2 days without sleep just grinding artifacts and even then you still couldn't get a "decent" stat artifact ( atk%, crit%, crt dmg% ). Wanna know what i got? Hp and defend main stats :) after spending hours of grind
@tama5380 6 месяцев назад
the second argument of upgrading characters kinda falls flat for a new player. Level 40 is free for every character which doesnt require boss drop and applies for weapon as well. I think A day worth of resin can get you you level 60 easily and you dont even gotta upgrade talents beyond level 3 which can be found just by exploring like 30 mins. Not to mention, game literally gives like fragile resins every level in abundance which can be obtained just by playing a few hours
@danwy 6 месяцев назад
I mean yes, I did oversimplify and exagerate things a bit, but if you want a really really good character you will need a LOT of resin, (My ayaka is probably around 6000 resin or more) But yes if you're out there to just explore and play through the stories it's fine
@davids7169 6 месяцев назад
@@danwy you did very well, I personally found your video to have many logical points which indicates my feelings for the game as an endgame player
@CrispBaker 6 месяцев назад
​@@danwy"oversimplify and exaggerate?" my dude you were trying to argue that new players were going to rush to 90 using resin from primogems of all things nobody dumps primos on resin that's just dumb
@smoothies2733 6 месяцев назад
Let me sum it up for you. I work in IT and one time while doing a server install I talked to company's inhouse IT while doing the install. We talked about how we love games and we compared games we played like Elden Ring, Wow, MW1,2,3.... Then I asked him has he played Genshin? and he said no but his 9 year old daughter plays it. That all have have to say about Genshin.
@Re_V 6 месяцев назад
Hate to be that guy, but that's not really saying much...
@kawaiimika7974 6 месяцев назад
....So your point is that children play games.... Ok, whatever
@smoothies2733 6 месяцев назад
@kawaiimika7974 Aww, did the bad man on the internet hurt you, itty bitty feelings. My point was that there are games for adults and games focused on kids. If you're going to review a kids' game, you can't complain about the same things you do for adult games. Something being too easy in a kids' game is mostly seen as a positive where the same would be a negative in an adult game.
@jonomate 6 месяцев назад
Oh no, now you're going to get a bunch of mint pickers in your comments raging.
@vidzorko4492 6 месяцев назад
honestly, as someone who doesn't care about genshin or play it anymore... gotta mention that a guy playing for 2 years only to say that "it sucks" sounds like someone who has naturally gotten tired of the game, and just doesn't enjoy it anymore. If it sucked so much, you would not have been freaking AR57 or whatever. Kind of strange to say that, only to then say "it's actually a good game" at the same time. Yeah, the game could be better, but it's a freemium chinese gacha game afterall. The core of the game's purpose and structure is already rotten, and honestly rigged against the free to play. It ain't gonna change, and Hoyo has already moved on to caring more about everything else. btw, the monetization system sucks BECAUSE it's a gacha game, not because this specific game is exclusively unfairly monetized. They all are. This feels like another one of those obvious yet pointless "rewards are bad, the updates are bad, gacha system is bad, yadda yadda" rants. The thing is, genshin already has thousands of whales swiping for their waifus until they get their waifu to C6 R5. Nothing beyond that really matters. I guarantee you we will hear the same exact negative F2P sentiment about Honkai: Star rail down the line, a couple of years later, when people, and the devs are tired of the game, but players still want significant change. Now in starrail we have a good free 5 star, the rewards are much more frequent, there is more endgame, and yet there are other problems exclusive to starrail already (it's been like 10 months since release). Mind you, that doesn't mean Hoyoverse is not a shitty company, I kinda dislike them, but it's kind of insane playing their most slept on game, and expecting stuff to change. You're not even wrong about most things here, but the weird thing to me is people hating on this game and still farming goddamn defense artifacts actively. It's like you have a gf who you know has been cheating on you for a year, but you stay with her for some reason... makes me think that a lot of people said they would boycott, but didn't actually... I guess my point is just to quit. It's better for me, as I'm playing the same company's other games currently, it's better for the other genshin F2P's, if hoyo gets the message that the only people left are the whales. And it's probably better for your own sanity no? Sorry for the 2 paragraphs.
@Coal_Clips 6 месяцев назад
This vid is great xD, I agree with pretty much everything you said. Gambling on wishes and artifacts sucks And seriously they need to increase daily resin to 200 or make it faster to regen or atleast increase the primogems in commissions. And I totally relate to the Diluc part (since I just joined on 4.2, tried to pull on Shogun. Got Diluc, but I also got guaranteed Xianyun so Diluc isn't pretty bad) One of the most truly enjoyable thing in the game for me is just roaming around and enjoying the scenery or playing co-op with the most random ppl. But yeah, after finish all archon quests (and currently AR 50) theres hardly anything to do except of the most random events with a somewhat somehow decent rewards I guess. And I also wanna add which you didn't seem to put in your video which is the annoying thing of having to wait for grinding materials and the domains have SPECIFIC DAYS
@Mr.Pteranodon 2 месяца назад
I’m playing genshin for the story that I find interesting so I’ll just endure the bad game design Edit: hopefully Another edit: now I have to grind to level 18 just to play what I assume is the final act of ventis archon quest and I am currently at level 13
@rundas2141 6 месяцев назад
I really, really hope more people talk about the stamina system being stingy. I don't play Genshin or care for it, but I play Honkai Star Rail and while we have more daily stamina, the stamina costs are still there. If they half all stamina cost, that'd be great, but could still be better. Makes me miss Epic Seven, another gacha game that has horrible balance issues and I no longer play, but the stamina system is so good that you can farm for gear for as long as you have refills, which they are very generous to give. Maybe if enough videos talking about stamina issues pop up, the issue will be addressed.
@destiny_ultimatedork675 6 месяцев назад
ima just say nice funni video for the bg of my research project 8/10 would subscribe born to play video game forced to earn a higher degree so genshits the only game i have time for sadly but as a f2p since 2021 i do wish they improve resin for people with more time then i have also give lumine and aether skins cowards (personal opinion i saved for a year and a half for ganyu c2 (over 200 wishes) and got diluc c1 instead so im with you and leave him at lvl 1 lmao
@animesenpai5394 5 месяцев назад
Genshin impact is great game but this my problem 1 and most annoying is gotcha system is trash 2 second level up is leaving hell hour on hour not use paper level up faster 3 storyline suck can believe million dollars company have good righters damn 4 artifact is hell and drop rate suck good luck 5 to many characters and lot them is useless in the end game 😂😂
@Jinni-iras17514 5 месяцев назад
100 billion neurons and this guy's brain can't use proper English.
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
Natlan fixes most of these things and genshin lore/story is really good but its just painfully told ingame xD.
@hakayonder3396 6 месяцев назад
I honestly wish the base character was easy to get but their specific gacha weapon or constellations would be more expensive. I really just want to try out some characters and the trial room isn't cutting it, but I'm not willing to go double pity for everyone. Even as a working class player, the cash shop just doesn't have enough paid deals to make whaling reasonable. Once you buy all the genesis once, buying any more is just waste of money. HSR is the same in this regard, however, honkai impact 3rd sells gacha currency for money all the time, some deals better than the others, so being a p2w player doesn't bankrupt you there. I don't mind gachas being pay4fun but they should at least make the gambling hurt my wallet less by occasional, limited, etc, cash shop deals. It's positive for both parties and most games in general, not even just gachas, do it. I really don't understand why genshin or HSR won't.
@HHHHammer 4 месяца назад
I saved for like 5 or 6 months only for it all to be wasted💀 it’s shouldn’t be this annoying to get one 5 star and I Fr don’t wanna start my grinding all over for the same results
@rodrigorodrigues2129 6 месяцев назад
Genshin is EXTREMELY f2p friendly. At most it might take you 2 or 3 months to start 36ing abyss if you dont whale, but even then whaling doesnt make that big of a difference since this is just the time for you to unlock everything and get some ok artifacts.
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
It's not f2p friendly, it simply lacks content. And it takes 8 months minimum.
@3dosaber382 6 месяцев назад
@@evilmiyoho6742 it lacks content if you play more than 2 hours average daily.If that's the case,a lackof life is something more accurate for ya.
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
@@3dosaber382 It lacks content because it's a gacha with no endgame content. Learn how the genre works.
@rodrigorodrigues2129 6 месяцев назад
@@evilmiyoho6742 One of the biggest maps to explore in any game period + hours of quests + hours of limited events is lacking content?
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
@@rodrigorodrigues2129 You are new in gachas. How would you understand? Normie.
@CrispBaker 6 месяцев назад
imagine being a new player who's travelling all over the map but doesn't think to just do the dailies also how are new players going to be obsessed with hitting 90 on their characters when they're at low AL and literally cannot do that, at best they're gonna want to be like 40-50 which needs minimal drops
@EnterKnight 20 дней назад
2:08 is she pulling a sword from her body like huh?????????????????? 🤨🤨🤨
@sofariiii 6 месяцев назад
Genshin’s not p2w. It’s obviously not p2w - you can easily clear all the story/event content as a f2p, and if you spend enough time on the game it’s very possible to beat even floor 12 abyss as a f2p. You mentioned that you think the endgame has no content and that we’re forced to build characters as a result. How much content do you think genshin should release every 6 weeks to keep you busy and interested? (Sorry, bit of a rant incoming!) I think the problem with genshin is its use of predatory tactics that manipulate people to keep playing the game even if they’re not enjoying it, or spend money impulsively (for some people, a lot of money). But these things are what ensures the quality of the game. Would you prefer the game if china forced genshin to replace the gacha system with something less predatory, and removed other manipulative systems like welkin, commissions and battle pass, and the quality of the game went down as a result? Maybe you don’t even think those systems are predatory. I don’t know. I just find it hard to reconcile the fact that my favourite game is only as good as it is by basically stealing people’s money and time.
@Shattered_shards 6 месяцев назад
U just said it’s not p2w, then went to explain the money grabbing part…
@sofariiii 6 месяцев назад
P2w means you have to pay, or are strongly incentivised to pay in order to “beat” the game. And all content in genshin is easily cleared for f2p players. And the game is fun as a f2p- if you don’t fall for the predatory tactics, like most of the player base, then you can really enjoy the game and don’t feel like you have to spend money. Problem is that genshin’s manipulative tactics target people with gambling addictions or impulsive spending habits, and hyv successfully extracts a lot of money from those people. But the sort of methods used in genshin like fear of missing out, welkin and bp forcing you to play the game, masking the true costs using different currencies etc don’t make the game p2w, but still make it predatory. Again sorry for the long response, maybe it’s just that me and you have a different definition of p2w@@Shattered_shards
@Shattered_shards 6 месяцев назад
@@sofariiii ah ok. Tbh I don’t hate genshin because of the p2w thing, it’s just genshin is a giant grind and loop. It wastes time. Dialogue is boring, grinding for wishes is boring etc. Anyone would get burnt out after a while.
@Lynn.-_-. 6 месяцев назад
​@@Shattered_shards Maybe they should have just made it pay to play. Like even a subscription like some MMOs so they can keep the game quality.
@yuri-sama.questionmark Месяц назад
Okay hold up what is your search history 😭🤨
@rollingspirit2586 6 месяцев назад
Back then when Ive got a essentially flagship spec phone (snapdragon 860) and Genshin being a relevant thing, my sibling nagged me to try and play it. The first time I played genshin, I did enjoy it since it looked a proper game and then it suddenly hit me hard when I noticed just how heavy the Gacha is, Not only you have to rely on lady luck to give you your desired characters, the timegates (the resin thingy) sucks and knowing just how limited primogens around the map, and it being in many hard to get/tedious place to get those, I immediately lost interest (doesnt help my phone becomes a oven toaster being so hot in my hands and the battery draining way too fast) This video pretty much sums up as to what i feel with as a retired novice player that stops midway on the 2nd town. These kinds of games sucks imo cause they cant give you reliable ways to grind what you want unless you are willing to wait for crumbs or become a whale (and even then the rewards is not guaranteed). It kinda depresses me how theres not a single good game in the mobile department without it being cash milkers.
@DOGEELLL 5 месяцев назад
Exactly how is that even a real video game? A casino isnt gaming
@lostdrink9491 3 месяца назад
what?? " not a single good game in the mobile department without it being cash milkers",dude have you play arknight?😂
@rollingspirit2586 3 месяца назад
@@lostdrink9491 ? No i don't even bother playing anymore mobile games. If i really want to, ill just stick to emulators
@millyxz7173 6 месяцев назад
tbh, only thing genshin really suck is communication with player and reward. ok, you don't need to give player 100 pulls but 3 pull is too bad and no one can disagree giving less than last year is ok. 20-30 free wish for 4 years anniversary is pretty ok to me imo. genshin is in situation like the game is good but they really bad at communication and taking care of their customer. I mean.... it the same Producer from honkai when it has a lot of player complain about QoL and reward before it got change to new one that really care about player(and this new producer is same producer of star rail) the producer is the problems of genshin rn. ps. if anyone gonna say Am I really want someone to lost their job because they didn't do the job good enough? YES! I WOULD!! change the f***ing producer to the honkai's producer and see genshin will be much better on QoL and player's reward.
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
And lack of content.
@moana_skellington Месяц назад
I love watching genshin impact sucks videos every time i get into a genshin impact mood to balance my emotions on the game and keep me from spending money I don't have
@macrohotline8834 6 месяцев назад
10:41 how can you call this shower slop content???? Even the combat has 0 impact
@martintoilet5887 6 месяцев назад
When I saw your video title i thought you might just be a hater, but after watching your video I found my assumption completely wrong. You really pointed out a lot of problem in genshin that really can ruin the gameplay experience or the expectation for the game as an F2P. This game is not P2W but if you wanna unlock its full experience you have to pay (kinda like buying premium version of an app)
@Natalia-ns1yn 6 месяцев назад
Umm, why the offensive accent tho, unecessary if you want to prove your point
@hwe3958 6 месяцев назад
" its not what u said, it the way u said it ". Yeah keep whining.
@Shattered_shards 6 месяцев назад
@saltykitty9215 6 месяцев назад
He's literally Ukrainian... that's the accent the average Ukrainian or other Slavic people use when speaking English xd
@enigmatic. 6 месяцев назад
​@@hwe3958Some people need to harden up man🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️
@NPC-ro5io 6 месяцев назад
Because it's funny. Get a sense of humor.
@hunt7533 6 месяцев назад
Terrible Devs and a trashy endgame pretty much which ruins the game in general, don't get me started with the terrible gacha resources players are able to get naturally, Devs literally spit on their consumers and they laugh it off like masochists. Oh btw, the gacha is garbage, idk how people are ok with that, oh right, they go into debt lmao.
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
Well if you dont like gacha dont play gacha games xD. Its not fucking rocket science. You wouldnt go play cs2 and be annoyed that it isnt third person shooter. Its f2p no one forces you to spend money.
@hunt7533 19 дней назад
@@luutio9000 So ironic, "it's F2P no one forces you to pay", the reason you're able to play for "free" is due to other people spending, if no one spends then no more game lmao. Anyways I do play gacha games, I played PGR, Arknights, Nikke, Azur Lane, and etc, yes I played GI and it was dogwater with the endgame, it was the worst gear system ever at the time. I'm glad they updated it recently though which is a W for the fanbase who deserves better but that new gear system should've been a thing since the beginning, like come on.
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
@@hunt7533 Natlan really gave gave lot of qol updates but what you mean by "gear system"? Artifacts and weapons?
@hunt7533 19 дней назад
@@luutio9000 Yea the Artifact system, my bad I play too many games so I just say the gear system as a default thing. Natlan really delivered but it's crazy how long it took for players to finally get a selector, pretty bad.
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
@@hunt7533 Yeah it took too long but that what happens when you got no competition. Just like with tech it only gets better when we have competition. Hopefully they keep adding more content and rewards.
@md_plays 6 месяцев назад
Im a little biased to ToF bc I actually like it and it has a pretty fair gacha system but the dailies get pretty boring fast, not to mention the underwater exploration there isnt even half as good as fontaine. It can be a potential competition for genshin if they didnt copy the select a twin option (which gave away the fact that they dopied genshin). Looking forward to future gacha games that will give genshin competition so that the game will be more f2p friendly. But I doubt it bc as they say, genshin became too big for its devs to care
@WordsOfTheTeacher 2 месяца назад
Idk why I clicked this it makes me hate the game more lol
@BulletSponge71436 6 месяцев назад
Great video! Please don't listen to these Genshin bооtlickers! They'll always find a "reason" to defend the game (and company that made it).
@BryanVonFriently 6 месяцев назад
Overall valid points but resin i'll have to disagree with, resin is a complete non issue once you're finally established, i have like 100 fragile resins and it keeps becoming more because itll happen like once every 2 months when i get a character i want built that very day that ill use up like 2 or 3 of them and in the meantime from the battlepass or other places ill gain like 5 or 6, resin is not an issue. What IS an issue is that forcing a 5 star to drop from 0 primos saved will cost you several hundred dollars, which is unacceptable. Plus i still feel like they should update the textures and the voice acting for this game, god knows they have the money to make it so.
@aktony6223 2 месяца назад
This game sounds way tooooo over my head. I would rather play ultra nightmare on doom till I beat it.Much more simpler.
@jameskirk3 6 месяцев назад
So, run genshin twice on two servers, then go to Honkai and wait for more content on Genshin and circle back 😂😂
@sevith5277 6 месяцев назад
Honestly I agree. I am an F2P and I had to save for a full year before I even maybe a wish. I say it can be fun to be F2P you will just have to accept the fact that you will never have more than 20 characters. It is a game of patience. Also like I have so much to do. I find must quests boring same with exploring. I just like the combat. But like I usually play it when I am watching some.
@PiousMoltar 6 месяцев назад
What are you talking about? I'm also F2P and you are talking complete nonsense. I have way more characters than that. Save for a full year to wish? What!? These are just lies
@Shattered_shards 6 месяцев назад
Okay the first part is bs BUT the rest is fine. To be fair you will never have more than 20 5-stars although it will take a very long time. Stop defending this dogshit game
@bird5724 6 месяцев назад
Dude, I have 59 characters and 21 of them are five stars, including standard ones, all of them are f2p. If you know how and when to wish (for example, avoid weapon banner at all cost) and get around the pity system, then you can get more than enough charas.
@3dosaber382 6 месяцев назад
@@Shattered_shards First of all,it's possible.Second why should you have more than 20 5-stars?Reason it,why?Anyone owe you or promised you?
@Shattered_shards 6 месяцев назад
@@3dosaber382 literally part of the game is to get characters idk what u are trying to prove 💀 Also if you like five stars or want to actually be good in abyss you need a good variety of characters for diff floors
@tamatu_ 6 месяцев назад
blud made an entire vid because they were salty on losing their recent 50/50
@srinivasmore8424 6 месяцев назад
I dont its fully paid. we can even be strong with f2p.
@Goremize 6 месяцев назад
I mean Genshin is a terrible game and has ruined a lot of media and phone gaming. Everything about its existence sucks. It makes so much money. It is one of the most expensive games in the world and has a terrible story telling method with no skip button. It takes 3 years to get QOL features people asked for at launch. Its basically the biggest legal scam of the century and people will defend the game as if their life depends on it because they are addicted.
@Shattered_shards 6 месяцев назад
Fr. I stopped playing a while ago and it hurts to see how people dare to defend the game
@weeshi-art 6 месяцев назад
i so agree man it's insane 👌
@connie3011 6 месяцев назад
Touch grass! Lol! You're chronically online too much.
@revivemefellas9637 6 месяцев назад
​@@connie3011genshin is dogshit 🗣️🗣️🗣️
@Yes-qh9hv 6 месяцев назад
A 100% agree with you.
@Iwantapookie 6 месяцев назад
Iam so ready for wuthering wave and i heard that kuro games actually listen to the community so if many ppl go to play w thag i hope hoyo will change and if they to that will ve great and sad at the same time its sad bc compatition needed for that change they have to change on their own but they never will so lets hope wuw will change hoyo
@ded2thaworld963 22 дня назад
I stopped playing because combat bored tf out of me
@krittintheidiot703 2 месяца назад
im still playing the waifu game youtube man i dont care
@danwy 2 месяца назад
I recommend you play Wuthering Waves then. You will *love* Yinlin.
@JeSt4m 6 месяцев назад
Genshin only have 1 problem : Greedy condescending developer... and I argue the deal breaker is the condescending part other than that majority of what you said is not a problem,,, especially on the difficulty balancing side. Because I would argue that early Genshin is when the overworld balance is 'just right"
@rezadenyssen4196 6 месяцев назад
I actually have no idea what to tell you if you found ToF snappier and more intuitive than genshin. but idk maybe it's just not really a fun game for you. have you tried PGR?
@RealNotallGaming 6 месяцев назад
imagine to cry about a F2P game and is so F easy to play and win how about to enjoy the product or "thats the door" ?
@burgerkingfries4941 3 месяца назад
If he does not like the game, he does not like the game and he has every right to point out its problems that people like you will happily ignore just because you like it. If you do, that's fine. Just don't be rude about it. 💀
@RealNotallGaming 3 месяца назад
@@burgerkingfries4941 and you are? his fuckboy? a fanboy? an internet lawyer? just a keyboard lion? su pls
@critanddam9031 6 месяцев назад
Ok the comments are lying, genshin is just grinding and p2w
@Inzainex 6 месяцев назад
Calling genshin pay to win is possibly the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time, I BEG you to play a real gacha and see how it feels then
@jamesmore3791 6 месяцев назад
Who spends primogems for resins? It's the worst deal ever
@Mahesh_2800 6 месяцев назад
i agree with the lack of content and bad rewards, but i dont think the game is pay to win, as the only place where you need built characters is the spiral abyss which is braindead easy, also the RNG is too much, however when compared to any other free games, i think genshin is still a very good game that can make it into the top 5. The gacha is trash tho, and lack of content is real
@Cheese-ou6lf 6 месяцев назад
i'm your 420th subscriber hell yeah
@Shattered_shards 6 месяцев назад
Hush I’m 450 >:)
@chewbacca9706 6 месяцев назад
I hate genshin. I play since literall begining. I feel betrayed.
@willowthelyxra Месяц назад
14:20 GaMing seen, i shall like the video
@Dell96kill 6 месяцев назад
good luck bro
@Chiichana 6 месяцев назад
I think you might be one of the few people in the entire world who thinks the combat in Tower of fantasy is better then Genshins 😂. Other than that i pretty much agree with your arguements.
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
It obviously is.
@YelanSlave-Tao 6 месяцев назад
@DOGEELLL 5 месяцев назад
"The game is way better than strike counter" stopped there how can a casino be better than a real game
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
Its better than cs2 atleast (i have 4.6k hours in cs). If valve could actually fix its shit cs would be better but rn genshin solos
@jerryeljeremy7790 6 месяцев назад
Try Honkai Impact 3rd Or HSR if you like turn base
@danwy 6 месяцев назад
Have tried it, didn't enjoy it, not my thing.
@masterbanyer8754 6 месяцев назад
2:17 ok bro the what corn?
@rus.c.gabriel 6 месяцев назад
Done ...first argument he got is stupid af ...pay to win ??????? in a pve game ????? halllllo !!!
@-poon-382 6 месяцев назад
why is paimon missing 2 thumbs💀
@3dosaber382 6 месяцев назад
Exploration is the playing through itself,yet you explore only for primos,skipping stories for primos.The game is enticing,however I've no sympathy for those enjoying little but the gacha addiction.
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
Gachas are just not for you.
@3dosaber382 6 месяцев назад
@@evilmiyoho6742 yes I've no special interest in Gacha.But Genshin is for me.
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
@@3dosaber382 No, genshin is not for you. You, being in genshin, only makes genshin worse.
@kayleighdriessen 6 месяцев назад
Maybe Hoyoverse can be a little less sexist, less racist, less sexualizing towards their overall playable characters especially towards the female-characters, less constantly shoving boring NPCs into our faces instead of allowing us to care more for the playable characters in peace, more consistent with it's balance of lighthearted and dark aspects, atleast imo.
@GummyDinosaursify 6 месяцев назад
Hoyo has definitely toned down the 'fanservice for the sake of fanservice' compared to their previous game, Honkai Impact 3rd, but it does get annoying that every new character from Liyue has to be big booba 'mommy' characters with skimpy skin-tight outfits. We already have like 5 of those, design something different already.
@Bluzlbee 5 месяцев назад
Genshin is for people on naku weeds, trust me, self reporting in
@LordMaksIII 6 месяцев назад
I would like to address some parts where I disagree with you, like when you said books take AGES to farm, when players need to spend primogems to refill resin and fact that resin is time limited - limits new players. First of all, new players get tons of rewards which includes Transient Resin and when player reaches AR45 you can have like 40-50 of them and even if you use some during this time you still have enough left for future, plus existence of Fragile Resin which you can get, not easily but not so hard, from the teapot. And replenish resin with such high value currency as primogems is pure nonsense, I can`t understand why you even included such a thing in the video. Like, if players can`t be patient or so clueless to use primo on this it`s honestly their own fault. Secondly, when you complete exploration everywhere you get tons of books, I had such experience in Sumeru, when time came that I needed to upgrade Sumeru characters I had enough books of any type to upgrade to lv 8 or higher. And even if you say "what about new players, who haven`t done exploration" they have items to replenish resin and farm it from the dungeons. Also if player is not casual and want to take this game seriously they would know that it is more beneficial to wait until higher AR to farm everything. So they would just minimally upgrade one team and do what ever quests they could to farm AR and rewards too. On average it takes slightly more than a weak worth of resin to farm books (and mora) to upgrade talents to level 9, and this is all three of them, and there is tons of characters who need two or only one to be maxed to be most efficient. So yet again all this commotion about resin, time and ways of its replenishment is kinda over exaggerated imho. As someone who played this game for 3 years, is AR 60 for a year or more and have alt account (AR46), I think I know a thing or two and can give comments on that matter. And last note. It`s god damn game with gacha element, what you expect from it? It`s gamble so of course you can win and you can lose. All can agree with me that this is that sensation of risk, of winning or losing is what makes gacha experience exciting. When you know that you will get desired 5* you are happy of course, however you will not experience that drive of risk, I don`t think that a gacha game where you could ensure a desired 5* all and anytime will be an interesting one. Yet again if someone can`t restrain themselfs or don`t have a will to save primos for the character you really need and want (not simply want) it`s their fault, if you want gamble so much - go to other gacha games. Plus as F2P from all exploration and quests you get pretty large sum of primos anyway. And to "clear" Genshin youn eed only one team (two if you go for abyss) which can easily be made by having genshin`s "power five" which all 4* characters that either present in the shop or frequent on banners. Lastly Genshin gives you such number of primogems and rewards because that's enough for you to clear the game, there is no powercreap in Genshin, every single team from 1.0 and onward who could clear the abyss can do it now all the way to 4.4.
@mrbrikcs 6 месяцев назад
Wtf is this yapp lmao. I lost the count how much times i have seen this type of videos im gonna kms
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
Go ahead. One genshin hater less.
@mrbrikcs 6 месяцев назад
@@evilmiyoho6742 this is what following faircra does to mf
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
@@mrbrikcs This is what being a Mihoyo whiteknight made to you.
@mrbrikcs 6 месяцев назад
@@evilmiyoho6742 what is a whiteknight? A new form of racism?
@evilmiyoho6742 6 месяцев назад
@@mrbrikcs Like you wouldn't know, whiteknight.
@elmuhtadiihab5702 6 месяцев назад
that trans gay furry porn killed me
@ithinkimdying-kira 4 месяца назад
I like to play honkai star rail, it’s like genshin but the actually give us pulls AND A FREE 5 STAR WHOS ACTUALLY GOOD???
@voidgodazathoth666 6 месяцев назад
You should play Honkai 3rd or Honkai star rail next
@danwy 6 месяцев назад
@user-gi5lz4ox3h 6 месяцев назад
mint pickers will raid u 😂
@carljohnson6128 Месяц назад
i hate genshin impact so much especially on mobiles. it's just ruined the quality of mobile games out there. and the graphics sucks and also overhyped with all mindless cartoonish
@luutio9000 19 дней назад
You just got shit phone xD. If genshin is your example of "bad mobile game" then give me your "good ones"
@carljohnson6128 18 дней назад
@@luutio9000 even on iPhone 15 pro max ultra or whatever it's graphics are cartoonish compared to RDR 2, Witcher 3 , hell even Skyrim Ps3 had better graphics. and why would i buy a 1000$ smartphone to play a garbage mobile game? don't we have handheld consoles like Rog Ally, Nintendo switch 2 for that?
@luutio9000 18 дней назад
@@carljohnson6128 So you dont like anime style graphics XD. What? you expected it to look like RDR2? When its clearly anime style game. The graphics are great but you cant compare them to RDR2 or Witcher. Both of those are meant to look realistic while genshin is meant to look anime'ish. And you can play genshin on pc too btw its not an mobile only game.
@carljohnson6128 18 дней назад
@@luutio9000 there's a difference between gatcha namby pamby anime games and genuine triple A titles. but there are some good games on mobile like Alien isolation, Grid autosport, Xcom2 etc which are the real ports of original pc console triple A games. unlike gentrash impact
@luutio9000 18 дней назад
@@carljohnson6128 what? We were talking about graphics werent we? Genshin does the anime style graphics really well and the game looks really good at least on pc xD.
@bacongod5759 6 месяцев назад
What did yae do to you? 😭
@srs9717 6 месяцев назад
I love this
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