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God Will Not Be Mocked‏ 

Sensus Fidelium
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On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court mocked the good Lord. Instead of looking towards Mt. Sinai for answers, they looked towards Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Our president called evil good and lit up the White House in the colors of a perverse pride making our nation a target for Divine retribution. St. Augustine said, Lex iniusta non est lex...An unjust law is not a law. Whether a positive human law is constitutional or not is not the primary question. Rather the question of a particular law being approved or not primarily comes down to this, namely, does it mirror the higher law or at least in no way does it violate God's order in creation. Human courts, human executives, human lawmakers, and human voters at the ballot box cannot change the Mind of God. The Most High will not be mocked. Human beings might be physically and psychologically free to choose against the Eternal and natural law, but they are never morally free to do so. We must work to Christianize the governing documents of our nation or else we will continue to have heathen laws. We must also have an uncompromising resistance within our extended families, our workplace, our society, and yes our Church, to any movement that seeks to revolt against the Divine Order of things. Rainbow sashes and Pink Triangles are unwelcome and excluded from our midst, for they broadcast their iniquity. For more please visit www.reginaproph... & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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@sdroflah 8 лет назад
Though I am angered and frustrated by the actions of those who have a confused and clouded understanding of morality, I am more afraid for their souls. We all need to pray for their conversion.
@JanValeriano 8 лет назад
+Tom Penski In love...yes you are 100% correct. This must be our Christian response. Hey, Jesus wins in the end.:-)
@nopenoneurbizzness5403 7 лет назад
Tom Penski love the sinner - hate the sin! Indeed we most pray for this poor confused souls
@keepers... 7 лет назад
Briar, "And I say to you that every careless word that they will speak, men will give an account of it in day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Jesus speaking. Matt. 12:26-27
@AnnaLVajda 6 лет назад
Tom Penski They they can burn in hell.
@lucymarion2945 6 лет назад
@@GODemon13, what do you mean by that?
@mia795 7 лет назад
This may in fact be THE best sermon I have EVER heard.
@peteg1262 5 лет назад
My Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world ❤️
@JanValeriano 8 лет назад
So when will God cleanse us of these mockers of God? How much longer must we endure this filth and blatant and knowing error? Lord have mercy on US who love You!
@jimmythedog2882 4 года назад
Wrong....God wants you to pray for them, like He did on the cross for us!!
@carloselhakim 2 года назад
We say we love Him. Do we with our actions? Beyond our prayers? We are nothing, He's perfect. Pray for your brothers and sisters, you too lived in sin before you knew God. Maybe you live in sin now. We are all fallen. All wretched. All glory to God.
@MadMax31577 5 лет назад
Fire will fall from the heavens. Chastisement is coming. God be with the faithful
@Kitiwake 5 лет назад
It's now, more than ever, a good idea to maintain a state of Grace.
@Rawbtala 7 лет назад
I went to mass at the USCCB basilica on the Sunday following the Supreme Court ruling. I don't remember who the priest was that offered mass that Sunday, but he gave nothing to guide the faithful in light of the ruling. Thank you, Sensus Fidelium for this truly Catholic sermon. God bless!
@teresaniumata4030 6 лет назад
May God have mercy on us.
@ivyvelasquez4156 9 лет назад
Amen and Glory to God in the highest! May God have mercy on us! Thank you for this priest lord!
@endtimeslastdays7777 4 года назад
Lord Jesus forgive me for being the Great Compromiser, this is who I am. Lord God help me not to be a compromise no more, help me Lord to stand for your truth, no matter if it's family or friends or loved ones or strangers, help me to stand and do it with love and understanding and compassion and not a bad attitude help me to be patient and help me to not be afraid to stand, when I know what is going on is wrong, even if I am all by myself. Please help me to do this Lord and forgive me for being the great compromiser in Jesus name amen
@lynnm.2019 8 лет назад
But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand! Matthew 7:26
@mannbradmusic 5 лет назад
You're absolutely right! Jesus Himself makes it clear in this passage that anyone who hears His words, but doesn't put them into practice will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and when the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house, down it went and great was its fall! What Jesus is saying is that it is one thing to hear His words, but it is a completely different thing to obey them.
@barrymcgrath4303 9 лет назад
The consequences of bad law in a society attempting to be good is a Cross we must either carry or an opportunity to counteract"Don't treat law as an idol.Give to God what belongs to God"
@teresaniumata4030 7 лет назад
well said for the glory of God.may He have mercy on us all.
@mariahinderscheid6535 4 года назад
"God have Mercy;i pray"!
@mannbradmusic 5 лет назад
This presentation reminds me of Galatians 6:7, where we are warned by the apostle Paul not to be deceived, because God will not be mocked. For whatever a man sows, that will he wreap. Also, in 1 Corinthians 6, Paul declares that even those who practice homosexuality will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
@michaeloloughlin4595 9 лет назад
Thank you, Father, for the grace and clarity of your analysis... May God protect those of His people who abhor the "Supreme" Court's horribly flawed decision, and seek to protect their children & grandchildren from this abomination.
@turgore 8 лет назад
+Michael O'Loughlin Christianity is the abomination !
@poisonarrowfrog641 5 лет назад
Romans 13:1-7 King James Version (KJV) 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Clearly if you consider yourself a Christian, it means that you have to obey the laws and the laws of this country clearly state that gay marriage is legal. So too should Christians respect and honor that law. God commands you to NOT disobey, which entails attempting to get the law overturned. If god wanted gay marriage to be illegal he wouldn’t have appointed authorities to make it legal. And this passage wasn't even written in the context of a majority Christian government or society, like the United States is although the US has an officially secular constitution. No, it was written under the rule of the freaking Roman Empire, a society that was actively hostile to Christianity at the time and one that severely persecuted Christians. If your God clearly wants you to submit to the governing authorities even in that context and does not take exception to a government body that actively persecutes Christians, why the fuck would he take exception to the US government for simply allowing consenting adults to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes where they're not hurting or infringing upon the rights of anybody else. The fact of the matter is that the US is still a majority Christian country where Christians are still massively privileged in many ways and you still have every right to practise your religion however you want as long as you're not trying to force your beliefs on anybody else through the government so to anybody who still wants to complain about Christian persecution within the US, you should really be thanking your lucky stars that you're not living during the time of the Roman Empire or within a majority Muslim country in the Middle East as you wouldn't have anywhere near the same rights and privileges that you do in the US and yet you would still be mandated by your own God to not resist the governing powers.
@nativeamericansede4452 6 лет назад
@tonyengland9744 4 года назад
There is but one Law, God's law onto man. The 10 commandments. Man's law does not matter,man can not rule himself or Nations. Acts 5:29,Mark 12:17.
@iwanttobelieve7530 7 лет назад
Those who support 'gay marriage' or 'relationships' or who take the cowards way out by practicing indifference are nonetheless complicit in these sins of Sodom.
@1985LISS 6 лет назад
very sad we had a choir conductor and told me I'm going to hell because I was for Trump, I said I didn't vote but yes I do prefer him and he has done a great job, but i told him, what kind of Christian are you to put him down. Obviously you give yourself away I told him. he is some kind of sinner. a closet one
@GODemon13 6 лет назад
Didn't Jesus himself tell you to JUDGE NOT?
@GODemon13 6 лет назад
Trump is the most anti-christ president we have ever had.
@hermanambriz 6 лет назад
@@GODemon13 No, tell us where he said that...
@GODemon13 6 лет назад
de la Concepcion Judge not lest you be judged yourself is one of jesus's most known sayings. Are you serious?
@acedelizo6430 4 года назад
God doesn't need to burn today's society to punish us. We are already punishing ourselves
@augusto727 4 года назад
Does anybody know the name of this wise church father? He speaks truth and wisdom. I am thirsty for more knowledge from him.
@yankeesuperstar 9 лет назад
this is probably the best lecture that could be used as part of a Homily, I have ever heard. who is this man speaking?
@poisonarrowfrog641 5 лет назад
Romans 13:1-7 King James Version (KJV) 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Clearly if you consider yourself a Christian, it means that you have to obey the laws and the laws of this country clearly state that gay marriage is legal. So too should Christians respect and honor that law. God commands you to NOT disobey, which entails attempting to get the law overturned. If god wanted gay marriage to be illegal he wouldn’t have appointed authorities to make it legal. And this passage wasn't even written in the context of a majority Christian government or society, like the United States is although the US has an officially secular constitution. No, it was written under the rule of the freaking Roman Empire, a society that was actively hostile to Christianity at the time and one that severely persecuted Christians. If your God clearly wants you to submit to the governing authorities even in that context and does not take exception to a government body that actively persecutes Christians, why the fuck would he take exception to the US government for simply allowing consenting adults to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes where they're not hurting or infringing upon the rights of anybody else. The fact of the matter is that the US is still a majority Christian country where Christians are still massively privileged in many ways and you still have every right to practise your religion however you want as long as you're not trying to force your beliefs on anybody else through the government so to anybody who still wants to complain about Christian persecution within the US, you should really be thanking your lucky stars that you're not living during the time of the Roman Empire or within a majority Muslim country in the Middle East as you wouldn't have anywhere near the same rights and privileges that you do in the US and yet you would still be mandated by your own God to not resist the governing powers.
@PLA5207 5 лет назад
A "new chapter" in the promotion of severe and diabolical perversions.
@user-oh3tl7je1q 6 лет назад
Amen! Well said, Father!
@1965roper 7 лет назад
Well spoken. We simply cannot Condone what GOD strictly Condemns! Pick up your Bible people and READ IT!
@1985LISS 6 лет назад
Pick up the original bible. The Orthodox Bible where it all started
@poisonarrowfrog641 5 лет назад
Romans 13:1-7 King James Version (KJV) 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Clearly if you consider yourself a Christian, it means that you have to obey the laws and the laws of this country clearly state that gay marriage is legal. So too should Christians respect and honor that law. God commands you to NOT disobey, which entails attempting to get the law overturned. If god wanted gay marriage to be illegal he wouldn’t have appointed authorities to make it legal. And this passage wasn't even written in the context of a majority Christian government or society, like the United States is although the US has an officially secular constitution. No, it was written under the rule of the freaking Roman Empire, a society that was actively hostile to Christianity at the time and one that severely persecuted Christians. If your God clearly wants you to submit to the governing authorities even in that context and does not take exception to a government body that actively persecutes Christians, why the fuck would he take exception to the US government for simply allowing consenting adults to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes where they're not hurting or infringing upon the rights of anybody else. The fact of the matter is that the US is still a majority Christian country where Christians are still massively privileged in many ways and you still have every right to practise your religion however you want as long as you're not trying to force your beliefs on anybody else through the government so to anybody who still wants to complain about Christian persecution within the US, you should really be thanking your lucky stars that you're not living during the time of the Roman Empire or within a majority Muslim country in the Middle East as you wouldn't have anywhere near the same rights and privileges that you do in the US and yet you would still be mandated by your own God to not resist the governing powers.
@Happy_HIbiscus 5 лет назад
dude, he's right
@chriscarlson6403 6 лет назад
Their rainbow isn't Our God Almighty He has 7 Colors -> "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple", and I am waiting for the pope to actually do it for he even knows he will Loose...
@keig6161 5 лет назад
Yes father I'm nauseous over this myself. This reprehensible behavior causes me to cry for these poor souls and even more for those that have bought into the gay agenda, bent on destroying the Christians.
@MrMercuryW Год назад
You have to love them again to tell them the truth, and do so in charity.
@Hjgfrfjufdetivjiu 2 года назад
I was fired from a well paying job yesterday for refusing to create a pride month website. Fired from my “brother”Christian.
God continues to be mocked.
@kellye2013 4 года назад
Churches forsake our lord when they crawl in bed with governments and politics. The Old and New testament are stories of God and Jesus OVERTLY denouncing any dealings with the lot of it, but Christians prefer to be lukewarm about their faith by following Paul.
@dariusvilla5680 3 года назад
Isn't the Traditional Catholic Church which is consistent Roman Catholicism, supposed to according to Catholic Popes like Pope Pius X, before V2, supposed to be in bed with government and state? Not that it really matters since Roman Catholicism, including Traditionalist Catholicism, is filled with contradictory and unbiblical man-made traditions. The Biblical Christian church is to be completely seperate from church and state. Discipline for homosexuality, fornication, abortion, and heresy, etc. is all to be dealt with just within the church alone, not the government. "For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves (1 Corinthians 5:12-13).
@jesusfollower.3392 6 лет назад
My god almighty.
@zoltron30 8 лет назад
now I know why America isn't mentioned in prophecy
@sirreepicheeprules7443 8 лет назад
+zoltron30 Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18 fits America to a tee, read it and remember that the statue of Liberty is based off of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar.
@almeggs3247 7 лет назад
Great job quoting the immutable absolutes that have kept civilizations progressing
@38075540 6 лет назад
Good riddance, Obama. You are, in my opinion, the worst President we ever had.
@jollycrocodile6211 6 лет назад
Do I know you on discord sensus? I want to talk with you
@pawbard 9 лет назад
Who is the preacher?
@SensusFidelium 9 лет назад
The priests want to remain nameless That it's the message not who is giving it. As it really doesn't matter their names
@kenadamson4535 9 лет назад
Who the priest is does not matter as his message is what is important, if the content is fully Christian and not watered down to make someone feel good is what we need to look at. Any theology or "religious dogma" that makes is easy to sin or allows future sin without fear, is a theology or dogma of Satan, not God or Jesus ...
@etherealcatholic5711 6 лет назад
It matters because we need to know who ordained him.
@anng.4542 6 лет назад
Theo Weath: The priests recorded on this channel are traditional but not sedevacantist. You can investigate the links in the show notes if you wish.
@ext5834 6 лет назад
pawbard 9
@sweetheart-eg8yo 6 лет назад
a sad day in u.s history
@famousinbattle5687 7 лет назад
ohh no
@heverguillen4323 8 лет назад
May God heal your soul
@robert112uk 6 лет назад
Gay "marriage" may be and probably is the countdown to the world's destruction. Dear Lord we have learned nothing either from the deluge or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Have mercy on us faithful catholics who still love you despite the massive spiritual confusion and apostasy and heresy going all the way to the top. Let us cling to the final two remedies given to the world, devotion to the Immaculate heart of Mary and the Holy Rosary.
@janellejett5216 7 лет назад
i dont understand how they are going against GOD and JESUS and they know they cant win. yall could never hide the presents of GOD and people like me always believed and felt GOD in our hearts. JESUS is coming and when he does these evil people deserve to feel his rage and anger apon them. its time for yall to pay for going against the Almighty GOD and his son JESUS christ.
@AnnaLVajda 6 лет назад
Show me.
@gpfeia 5 лет назад
Clericalism at its finest. Bravo 👏 👏
@user-kg7vv4tf2c 9 лет назад
Just want to set the record straight. Four judges dissented. It was 5:4 in favor of gay marriage.
@turgore 8 лет назад
+蔡天賜 And dozens of lower court judges in favor of it. 95% of them to be exact
@poisonarrowfrog641 5 лет назад
@SM Romans 13:1-7 King James Version (KJV) 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Clearly if you consider yourself a Christian, it means that you have to obey the laws and the laws of this country clearly state that gay marriage is legal. So too should Christians respect and honor that law. God commands you to NOT disobey, which entails attempting to get the law overturned. If god wanted gay marriage to be illegal he wouldn’t have appointed authorities to make it legal. And this passage wasn't even written in the context of a majority Christian government or society, like the United States is although the US has an officially secular constitution. No, it was written under the rule of the freaking Roman Empire, a society that was actively hostile to Christianity at the time and one that severely persecuted Christians. If your God clearly wants you to submit to the governing authorities even in that context and does not take exception to a government body that actively persecutes Christians, why the fuck would he take exception to the US government for simply allowing consenting adults to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes where they're not hurting or infringing upon the rights of anybody else. The fact of the matter is that the US is still a majority Christian country where Christians are still massively privileged in many ways and you still have every right to practise your religion however you want as long as you're not trying to force your beliefs on anybody else through the government so to anybody who still wants to complain about Christian persecution within the US, you should really be thanking your lucky stars that you're not living during the time of the Roman Empire or within a majority Muslim country in the Middle East as you wouldn't have anywhere near the same rights and privileges that you do in the US and yet you would still be mandated by your own God to not resist the governing powers.
@poisonarrowfrog641 5 лет назад
​@SM So you oppose gay rights because of the Bible? Well, unless you also try to outlaw shrimp cocktails (Lev. 11:9), cursing (Lev. 24:16), women's jeans (Deut. 22:5), arrogance (Prov. 16:5), lying (Prov. 12:22), bacon (Lev. 11:7), adultery (Deut. 22:23), working on Sunday (Num. 15:32), then you need to shut the hell up! And don't try telling me that these laws were 'just for a specific people at a specific time and place.' You just told me that God's law is 'the eternal law' so you can't have it both ways. "I believe in traditional biblical marriage: One man and his sister. One man and his dead brother's wife One man and one woman and her servants One man and his rape victim One man and many women One man and 700 women and 300 concubines One man and one woman and her slaves One soldier and his virgin prisoners ...just not one man and one man. THAT would be immoral."
@poisonarrowfrog641 5 лет назад
@SM It's also hilarious that you're trying to appeal to Martin Luther King to make your case. MLK and the civil rights activists were fighting for equal rights for black people just as gay rights activists are now fighting for equal rights for gay people and both groups were opposed by conservative Christians using the Bible to justify keeping them oppressed. The Bible has long been used to justify slavery and the oppression of black people in general (The Curse of Ham etc.), just as it is now being used to justify discrimination against LGBT people. Supporting equal rights for gay people is by no means unjust, it is the exact opposite. The only thing unjust about it is the fact that they didn't already have equal rights beforehand. For you to appeal to MLK while arguing that a certain group of people shouldn't have equal rights makes as much sense as a segregationist (or an anti-interracial marriage activist) appealing to a famous suffragette while arguing that granting black people equal rights would be unjust.
@cavemanbricklayer4008 4 года назад
Everyone needs to let go of religion and have a relationship with Jesus only forget all the rules in the catholic occult or any other gangs like protestant or Baptist leave it all behind get together with Jesus Christ only
@etherealcatholic5711 6 лет назад
FSSP need to be ordained by valid Bishops,not 'novus Ordo bishops."
@dandostie9293 5 лет назад
Is this all that you got from this good sermon
@johnderosa2276 9 лет назад
It seems that some people are just cursed in life. I could understand how anybody cursed with this affliction listening to this might want to jump off a bridge. I'm not for but against of course but geez what a condemnation to have upon you.
@CanadianPolybius 9 лет назад
John Derosa Not at all! This was a good homily, there are many of us who are chaste by God's strength, though it is a struggle.
@dannymanriquez2304 6 лет назад
God loves everyone that’s a fact. We’re waisting time judging people. Judging homosexuals is not our goal. Being homosexual is not a bad thing. All religious people should be more focus spreading the word of god. Love is falling apart and judging people will not help love rise. We should all love each other and spread the love of god. Before love falls apart.
@danielanthony256 6 лет назад
Danny Manriquez No thanks bro.
@jazmincamarena4137 8 лет назад
Mystics do not speak for God..
@scheis123 9 лет назад
Yet, Homophobia, Inc. mocks God daily by perverting Matthew 7:12.
@mamande4800 9 лет назад
And look at Matthew 7:13. Before you attack catholicism, know we have God with us.
@koalaknight59 6 лет назад
That is one of the most blatant contextomies I have ever seen. If I were you, I'd still being cringing after all these years at how stupid you were being.
@akr01364 6 лет назад
The bible never condemns homosexuality as we understand it today as it didn't exist in the minds of the time of its writing and it is nowhere actually condemned in the bible itself. You guys are the ones in error here as you're not reading Paul's letters properly. He coined the word 'arsenokotai.' A participle (two words joined together) in his Greek referring not to homosexuality (we ourselves didn't even have a proper word for it until the late 1930's). But, as a reference to the Hebrew phrase of 'making one's bed with' as pertaining to a contract of some sort. The Hebrews as nomads believed that whichever group you made your bed with was the group you were a part of within in the greater Jewish people. This was because your bed in this instance was your house. In speaking of 'those that lay or bed down with others' he was speaking of making a contract per a temple prostitution with men or women as the Greeks in referring to 'people' used the word men and didn't have a wholly separate term for people as other languages, such as Hebrew did. By saying that one is mocking God by condoning homosexual behavior you are being blinded by your own historical ignorance.
Maybe that's why tel aviv is gay capital of the world, it's their culture from their father the devil. As we understand it today people like hepatitis, aids and stir in the shit. Good luck with that.
@akr01364 6 лет назад
Romans 14:2-4 Coming to God doesn't just merely mean satisfying your own senses.
@danielanthony256 6 лет назад
Good Lord man get a grip. It's very much wrong . God intended sex for a man and woman to produce offspring within the sacrament of marriage. Where does man on man fornication for into this ? Pull your head out of the sand .God is father we are designed and subject to him. We all have weaknesses that are meant to be overcome to gain the graces necessary to merit our salvation .
@akr01364 6 лет назад
Fornication is not what we think of it today as being. In biblical times it was a property crime as it was to use a woman's ability to procreate for your own pleasures without giving she and her family the benefit of marriage and the potential child that results its proper care. Two men having sex by the ancient definition is not fornication. Furthermore, as the marriage in Cana demonstrates, marriages until the 16th century were seldom sacramentalized: done within the structures of the church. They were mostly a civil matter. Unless, you were of the local elite. In which case the outcome of your marriage affected the lives of many others. The waiters, the overall lushness of the setting we're provided with in the story show that this was a high status affair. Prior to the Council of Trent in the 1540's, most simply declared they were married for tax purposes while the local power families were married in a church as their dealings affected everyone below them. Their children were to inherit their authority and everything they did was seen as being a blessing from God. Everyone else, however, were just churls whose marriages were merely a formality. Get grip? Get a history lesson.
@julies570 4 года назад
No sorry it's clearly in the Bible that same sex relationships are condemned by God. You are deceiving yourself with your false excuses. In the Old Testament it is called an abomination for a man to lie with another man ...this is repeated in the new testament in Romans. Don't kid yourself!!! God is holy! Sodomy is wrong and sinful.
@emilioramos7109 4 года назад
Ok boomer
@jacquelineharrod6386 4 года назад
Silly comment.
@pamryan9696 9 лет назад
Turn away from quasi theocracy and back into the light of secularism. Time to kick out the crazies
@johnodonovan1760 9 лет назад
Pam Ryan I will pray for you.
@pamryan9696 9 лет назад
John O Donovan Go ahead.
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