
GSX-R Snowbike VS SeaDoo Spark (world record?) 

Stunt Freaks Team
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20 сен 2024




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@bob15479 5 лет назад
wow. this is like the opposite of clickbait. how did the title not say "we sunk a snowbike!!"
@chrishansen8026 5 лет назад
good content
@timmygunz7103 5 лет назад
Dangit i am 45 sec into amd just read the first comment.. lol
@StroDshiesty1 4 года назад
Mark Brand “again”
@stunter052 5 лет назад
you must mount quickshifter and do again :D
@kristapsstraupe7959 5 лет назад
@jonw12 5 лет назад
My thoughts exactly. I bet without using the clutch and keeping it at full throttle during the shift the bike will have no problem keeping momentum
@christianh.8408 5 лет назад
He just hit the false neutral, even with clutch shifting this can happen with an abused gearbox
@backcountryshitok 3 года назад
Start in third
@jospi2 5 лет назад
Next time: clutchless shifting.
@exothermal.sprocket 5 лет назад
Too much drag on the transmission constantly, it wouldn't change without a quickshifter.
@mechanicalking 5 лет назад
Yeah even if you let off it would still not sure if there is to way much drag
@rbching3535 5 лет назад
CVT boyos.
@DickCheneyXX 5 лет назад
Imagine that, they could put a CVT on it along with a 2-stroke engine and maybe add a ski!
@timyanke9559 5 лет назад
@@DickCheneyXX sounds good pretty sure it could do more than 80 km/h
@einar6229 5 лет назад
Awesome, that bike has really seen some punishment, but still alive and kicking! And your phone survived this time too, double bonus! 😂😂😂🤘
@sredju 5 лет назад
Nippon made.
@jonw12 5 лет назад
it looked like an iphone 8 which is water resistant. Mine has taken a dunk many times and still works like new.
@Snipeuout69 5 лет назад
Air shifter and small shot of nitrous.. And a upshift is doable.. I have done this mod on my vespa currently 228.3 mph on water
@christopherdosch9600 5 лет назад
Maybe don't miss a shift
@dille549 5 лет назад
Make the turbo busa into A snowbike
@alexchapman4747 5 лет назад
so when that boost comes on just shift into third
@vtecmossy 5 лет назад
Be veri expensive if it sinks 😂
@MarcoFranceschiGoo 5 лет назад
@@vtecmossy already happened, they saved it!
@nakkisampyla4460 5 лет назад
@@MarcoFranceschiGoo turbo busa might not survive it like the gsxr1000
@MarcoFranceschiGoo 5 лет назад
@@nakkisampyla4460 yeah true, the turbo for sure, maybe the engine would survive, it's a suzuki after all!
@MotoTubeNetwork 5 лет назад
76... point....9 NOOO😂
@mototoad1242 5 лет назад
Man the Dudesons have come a long way
@300zxdriver 5 лет назад
There is no good reason why it won’t shift up,he rushed it and failed. Get that record.
@calholli 5 лет назад
Yeah, He missed the gear and got hung in neutral.... You can get hung in between every gear... He failed to follow through with his foot. You could hear it hitting the rev limiter. It can absolutely be done.
@300zxdriver 5 лет назад
calholli Yes I know it can be done. But it had nothing to do with driving on water. I was a motorcycle mechanic for over 12 years.
@calholli 5 лет назад
By the way... me saying: "It can absolutely be done" .............. Was me agreeing with you about them getting the record
@300zxdriver 5 лет назад
calholli The guy said he couldn’t shift when driving on water. We are on the same page. Just a missed shift.
@bj6469 5 лет назад
Although it might have been a little mistake. When that thing goes on water there is so much resistant on that band. The second there a gear is disengages the resistance slows everything down very, very fast. Which also means it will be harder to shift because it’s not like your cruising down the street on asphalt and can just limp into next gear. He needs to be super fast and use a lot more force to get it done. It probably can be done but don’t underestimate it.
@vtecmossy 5 лет назад
Missed shift or it couldn't spin the track 🤔, why not flat shift with no clutch into 3rd it wouldn't bog when shifting as much possibly hard to know I ain't ever driven a snow bike on a lake 😂
@boosted.Z 5 лет назад
was about to say the same sound like a missed shift to me but im not sure.
@17madracki17 5 лет назад
1st to 2nd miss lol. sucks when on the street but on a cold lake ihhhhhhhhhh
@PHUSII 5 лет назад
@@17madracki17 he left with second from the shore.
@mechanicalking 5 лет назад
@@17madracki17 it was definitely first to second Miss
@17madracki17 5 лет назад
mechanical king i think so too my r6 did 100 in 1st that was fucking first off shore.
@napieraustin 5 лет назад
Craigslist post Condition: just normal wear and tear, ride only on weekends.
@jlkelly304 5 лет назад
Also never driven past second gear
@tinbanger66 3 года назад
Never a drop of rain!
@maxjudd4971 5 лет назад
Wow, I never thought they would’ve been able to start it as easily as they did, I guess Suzuki just knows how to build bikes
@nyleen 5 лет назад
Came for the record. Stayed for the suzuki. Twice you guys drowned it, and twice it has come back to life. That bike is simply astonishing!
@calholli 5 лет назад
you hit neutral.... You got hung in between 2nd and 3rd...... either start in 3rd next time or just practice shifting and make sure you don't miss this time. Or maybe 3rd was too high torque and it caused the clutches to slip? but I think he just missed the gear. It happens, that's just the worst time you want it to happen. lol
@mattyfresh9698 5 лет назад
It was 1st the whole time
@calholli 5 лет назад
@@mattyfresh9698 Did you not watch the video? 1:00 "we're gonna use 2nd gear" 5:32 "we're gonna shift up into 3rd gear.
@mattyfresh9698 5 лет назад
I actually didnt watch all of it but I was judging by the sound lol but yeah I'd get going in 4th or 5th first then hit the water you'd skim at 100 but f any ideas of changin gears on the water thats a serious kick to the sack waitin to happen
@calholli 5 лет назад
@@mattyfresh9698 This is what you need. It temporarily cuts the power for a mili-second and allows it to shift flawlessly without a clutch. I've used these and they work great. Makes it sound like an indy car. FULL THROTTLE SHIFTING WITHOUT A CLUTCH. www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/bazzaz-qs4-quick-shifter-suzuki-gsxr1000gsx1300r-hayabusa?kclid=5c3fec98-b2e6-4c37-8bfb-b3b2af7ed62f&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9IHV4sez3gIVA49pCh0dmwZ8EAQYBSABEgIJbPD_BwE 1
@walkerforsyth6221 5 лет назад
@@mattyfresh9698 my stock 2004 GSXR 1000 would do 83 mph in first gear, 120 something mph in second gear. I know they probably have this thing geared down to run the track in snow, but still..
@awdeveau 5 лет назад
Fit a quick shifter to it, that way you can keep the throttle pinned and grab another gear.
@battlebornracing702bbr2 5 лет назад
First video I have seen in a long time with 0 click bait!
@juhooy4494 5 лет назад
Yleiset kilju-ohjeet Näissä ohjeissa selitetään kiljun valmistus pääpiireteissään, sekä karvalakkimallin valmistus. Kirjoitan tärkeimmät asiat punaisella Tarvikkeet: Tarvitset ainakin: Käymisastia, johon kansi: (tässä tapauksessa 10L sankko, voidaan myös soveltaa, mutta raaka-ainemäärät huomioitava) Hiivaa: 2 palaa leivontahiivaa, tai 25g kuivahiivaa. Myös ns. "Super Hiivaa" voidaan käyttää, jolloin noin 1/2 pussia hiivaa ja hiivaravinteita Sokeria: n. 2kg, mieluiten glukoosia, tai taloussokeria Seuraavat välineet eivät ole pakollisia, mutta ne helpottavat ja parantavat lopputulosta Vesilukko: myydään suurissa vähittäistavarakaupoissa ja kotiviinin erikoisliikkeissä (hinta noin 1-2€) Lappo: myydään yleiskaupoissa/rautakaupoissa, kuten K-Rauta, Tarjoustalo, Halpahalli Valmistaminen: Päivä 1. 1. Ota 10L vetoinen käymisastia, laske sinne hanasta 8L kädenlämpöistä,- eli n. 38°C vettä 2. Lisää veden sekaan sokeri sekoittaen 3. Odota, että vesi on noin 30-34 asteista (palahiiva kuolee 36 asteessa, kuivahiiva kestää 42 astetta, mutta 45 sekin kuolee varmasti) 4. Lisää astiaan hiivat, sekoita 5. Tee astian kanteen yksi reikä, halkaisijaltaan noin 1,5cm (Jos tätä kohtaa ei tehdä, käymisastian sisällä muodostuu noin 80L hiilidioksidia ja muita kaasuja ja astia räjähtää paineen seurauksena) älä tee liian suurta reikää; käyminen on an-aerobinen prosessi, joten liika hapen määrä astian sisällä aiheuttaa etikoitumisen ja kiljun pilaantumisen. Jos sinulla on vesilukko, kiinnitä se tähän reikään, tiivistä vesilukon ja kannen reijän välinen alue kuuma,- tai pikaliimalla. Kaada vesilukko noin puolilleen vettä. Nyt odotellaan 7-12 päivää (jos käytit Super Hiivaa, niin 3-7 päivää) Tällä ajalla voi vaikka kerätä kavereistaan porukan nauttimaan kiljua, sitä päivää varten, kun se valmistuu :). Päivä 7-12 (tai 3-7). 1. Tähän vaiheeseen päästään, kun vesilukosta ei enään pulputa, kuin pari satunnaista kuplaa minuutissa, tai kannen avattuasi neste on kirkasta ja ei vaahtoa 2. Ota suuri lusikka/kauha, sekä pulloja tai laseja joihin haluat annostella valmiin kiljun 3. Ota lusikalla/kauhalla hyvin varovasti kiljua aluksi pinnasta, sitten keskiväliltä, mutta kun nestettä on enään noin 3cm pohjan korkeudesta, niin et ennään koske siihen, koska se on hiivasakkaa, joka pilaa kiljun maun. Jos sinulla on lappo:nosta astia varovasti korkeammalle, kuin pullo/lasi mihin aijot kiljun siirtää. Pistä lapon pää astiassa olevan kiljun pinnalle, ota pullo/lasi valmiiksi viereesi, imaise voimakkaasti lapon päästä. Kun teet näin, kiljun pitäisi imeytyä lappoon ja sitten sitten siirrät nopeasti lapon pään pulloon/lasiin. Kiljua alkaa siirtyä nopeasti lapon välillä . Varo ettei käymisastiassa oleva pää missään vaiheessa mene liian lähelle (noin 3cm) lähelle pohjaa, koska muuten sakka sekoittuu kiljun ja joudut odottamaan sen tasaantumista tuskallisen hitaat 5-7 tuntia :S. Tällä ohjeella saat itsellesi n. 8L kiljua. Tämän kiljun kirkkaus on parhaimmillaan luokkaa 5/10 (kelvollinen)
@oliverheldens1298 5 лет назад
Vittu sä olet hauska äijä
@juhooy4494 5 лет назад
@@oliverheldens1298 sää et
@BavarianInfection 5 лет назад
You guys are so sympathetic :)
@xmortall 5 лет назад
Daaaamn guys i was so thrilled to see the 3rd gear. I bet that it would easily go with it, maybe even the 4th. Only issue is that is there enough room for "exit water" between carpet and swingarm and all the other..things. That there would not be excessive resistanse. Allright u got few options for another try: shift without clutch, use quick shifter or start from further away from land and if needed slide the clutch with allready 3rd gear. Anyway, good luck for another try. Veri fääst, big bools, big goals
@rlyle5804 5 лет назад
the spark did 76.9 km/h which equals 48 mph! wow, thats amazing!
@AdventureMotoEnduro 5 лет назад
start in second gear , change main front sprocket down 1 or 2 teeth
@belligerent-irony 5 лет назад
Front sprocket down would give a lower top speed but more torque
@gadsdenjim8785 5 лет назад
lorenzo damag yep, you have to go bigger front or smaller rear to get more top speed.
@AdventureMotoEnduro 5 лет назад
@@gadsdenjim8785 why would you want more top speed ? they can not get out of first gear , ,they need to lower the gearing and start in second , to eliminate the issue of neutral when shifting up under load ,
@diyperformance1858 5 лет назад
Or with how close they were they could just go up one tooth on front and stay in second gear, would still beat the record and wouldn't change ratio enough to bog. We're talking about less than 1 mph
@joshuac673 5 лет назад
Y’all should have got a Yamaha svho...mine runs 83 mph gps! And it’s barely got any aftermarket parts
@megadave9941 5 лет назад
It sounds like a missed shift..the way she just hits the limiter...did he actually hit 2gear or just neutral?
@dominicoconner1973 5 лет назад
you need to sit as far back as you can when shifting so the front ski doesn't hit the water. that's why when we do it on snowmobiles we pull the front suspension up.
@jake24680 5 лет назад
You gotta speedshift. Don't let off throttle. Maybe, don't even use clutch... Just shift. So the track doesn't stop for that quick second in between gears
@300zxdriver 5 лет назад
Missed gear!
@jonathansloan4205 5 лет назад
Are these guys Polish? Eastern European? Guy had no presence of mind to make CERTAIN the darn thing shifted a gear? 1 gear! The shift of his life! I expect a sequel: Polish guys learns to shift dogbox
@vkrauklis 5 лет назад
not Polish, they’re Finish
@taitrunkl7086 7 месяцев назад
Wait you sunk it twice than, because you made a video that suzuki gsxr 1000 is the best bike in the world and in that video it sunk but it was a different video, so after being at the botom of the lake twice it still works or was it only once?
@rostravelventure 5 лет назад
Dont know until you try! Add floaters to the bike and shift does gears..
@area51r Год назад
How do I get a kit for on of my bikes to make it a snow bike??/
@21turbo73 5 лет назад
That’s pretty fucking neat! Too bad on the neutral slip, you’ll get the record though with that quick shifter
@neggo4290 5 лет назад
Maybe smaller sprocket and higher rpm limit with aggressive acceleration setup it would go mint on water
@convex7456 5 лет назад
This gsxr engine is IMPRESSIVE. are the 2017 2018 2019 gsxr1000 engines just as INDESTRUCTIBLE???
@stuntfreaksteam 5 лет назад
Hell no. Olders are the best
@ackesk 5 лет назад
(please like so that the guys can see it) Dont know if this is a really bad idea, however, would it be possible to launch the bike further back on land and get it up to third before you even hit the water? Maybe you could build a slowly decending ramp to to get a more soft transition from land to water? So that you dont just flip over due to the diffrence in friction. I think Guy Martin did something like that when he tried to ride a normal dirtbike on water. Great attempt though!! @stuntfreaksteam
@spymat72 5 лет назад
You guys are hilarious and nuts! Keep it up!
@A11ium 5 лет назад
Sounds like false neutral to me. Try again :)
@MarbleDemo 5 лет назад
Some old guy sitting on a dock fishing while sipping good booze and smoking his prescription is wondering why do kids theses days get all the fun toys?
@robh6638 5 лет назад
So it does like 35
@Longslyde1 5 лет назад
6:39 Sounded like a DOWNshift, not an upshift. The pressure got to him ;)
@dirtrider88 5 лет назад
he hit a false neutral. technically you can hit neutral between every gear. he was bouncing off the rev limiter cause it was in neutral not because he downshifted.
@olavmuldbakken1921 5 лет назад
You would be able to shift it. Just dont use the clutch. Bikes have sequential geraboxes so you can shift whitout the clutch
@HDscreenerX 5 лет назад
Risky but damn fun .. Regards from Norway / Jet ski club Stavanger
@THESLlCK 3 года назад
They sunk a snowbike and restarted it in one video, amazing work guys!!
@cosmicsurfer5911 5 лет назад
Shifting up takes it into cavitation. You need to be in 3rd before you hit the water. Try again
@stuntfreaksteam 5 лет назад
Yeah but need place where is longer in run
@arnisnamajuns Год назад
I love the Finish accent so much. Its the best english accent in the world! 😊
@vetten76 5 лет назад
Great video. That sucker started. Outstanding. That looked way fun.
@banopanov3281 5 лет назад
Do a clutchless shift or add a quickshift as the track stops rotating it becomes a brake so yeh
@Thotdetector69 5 лет назад
Make Suzuki PV snowbike. I have seen one in the net and looks awesome
@KaliKavala 5 лет назад
You rock !!! I was so sad seeing it sunk. Wanted to see a third gear run :((
@adamtaft1062 5 лет назад
Great video..had me laughing.. maximum risk = maximum reward..or sno-bike at bottom of lake lol..
@reactorfallout 5 лет назад
boy, Darwin never gets a day off...
@richf2834 5 лет назад
What kind of mods are done to bike other than the obvious? Engine mods ?
@jaceking1988 5 лет назад
thats how you fully clean youre bike and having fun
@joelonderee2872 5 лет назад
Great Video, Guys! From start to finish excellent.
@JuhisRacing 5 лет назад
How about automatic transmission ;D
@originalotu4334 5 лет назад
@thespeednation5276 5 лет назад
You can shift without clutch but has to match the revs fast
5 лет назад
I love how crazy you are guys.
@larryleisuresuit9584 Год назад
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was EPIC! seriously. awesome. also, WOW Started right back up after all that? AMAZING!
@ollejonsson6372 3 года назад
Please do a new try in the spring, try come from land on third gear! Please!!!!!!!
@chrishansen8026 5 лет назад
Suprised the cylinders weren’t warped after that
@shaunbarlow8993 5 лет назад
Chunky Panda WHAT? Warped cylinders? Anybody ever heard of a warped cylinder? Hydrolocked=bent or broken connecting rod. Please educate me how does an engine that ingested water, warp the cylinders. Sunk a few snowmachines waterskipping and never had a problem pull spark plugs drain everything turn over motor or blow out with compressed air replace fluids and spark plugs and back on water in less than an hour. Water skip, sink, rinse and repeat!
@jakeh6986 5 лет назад
dont use clutch, snap throttle back..smash 3rd and re PIN
@AW-kq2xx 2 года назад
Yeah!!! Water coming out the exhaust after blowing out the cylinders 😯
@aries24solo 5 лет назад
Like the other guy said start out in 3rd next time we're practice shooting from 2nd and 3rd but when you let out that clutch and third all it did was spend the belt if you would have went from a second and shift it normal and letting the third easy track would have probably had time to grab the water and keep purporting you through the water hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say not being mean or anything like that
@ROTAXD 5 лет назад
I just knew he'd hit neutral lol.
@scottbradford4130 5 лет назад
You guys rule.. Much luv from Massachusetts..U.S.A.
@davepaints101 5 лет назад
Gotta love a gixxer that’s crazy it didn’t take much to get it going after
@adam1045 5 лет назад
Mistä oikeen saatte teidän pyöriin renkaita kun niitä kuluu vissiinkin aika paljon :D? onko teillä sponsorit niihin että saatte halvemmalla vai maksatteko täyden hinnan niistä?
@goose.biscuits 5 лет назад
Did you guys try bang shifting
@mrolsen6987 5 лет назад
Turbo and a quickshift then you are over 100km/h 👍
@szvitandorian 5 лет назад
What if you start with second gear?
@denverwynn4 5 лет назад
For sale. Lightly used.
@marshallflanagan1294 5 лет назад
the jet ski would be a problem also because it makes extra waves when trailing behind the moterski
@ct1762 5 лет назад
i was thinking "thats a nice laaa..." and then the factory loomed in the distance
@IDKBuilds 5 лет назад
I would be worried of sinking that thing but it looks hella fun!
@zabnat 5 лет назад
Add turbo and shift up while still on shore.
@gabealves 5 лет назад
maybe if you shift without clutch you could pull off a shift on the water with the snowbike ?
@civedm 5 лет назад
There is no reason why it wouldnt shift. He just cant shift. You don't need a quick shifter installed. Just blip the throttle down a bit then back up real quick while shifting up without using the clutch. It goes right into gear immediately. Practice doing it before going onto the water. I actually can't believe he screwed that up. Wasn't expecting that.
@thejunkpunks 5 лет назад
Yeah start out in a higher gear if it doesn't work at least you won't be far from shore when it sinks. Get a longer running start.
@masterchu8044 5 лет назад
Very nice recovery wish we had the video of the recovery lol
@natebrown2111 5 лет назад
I’ve gotten my spark up to 88kph or 55mph you guys should try and shift up to 2nd before you hit the water by taking a longer head start good luck
@jdog4534 5 лет назад
Did he kill it before he sucked up any water? ..that's a shitty feeling when you know you're sinking.. Are there any sprockets you can go up or down with to take some torque out of 2nd gear and speed it up or vice versa to 3 gear? Man, when it bogged down, it happened fast. Huh? Would he have been able to save it had he down shifted back into 2nd gear in time? ..or is it a commitment thing and there's no going back?
@WindFireAllThatKindOfThing 5 лет назад
When traditional maritime physics just isn't your thing...
@trinidadsanchez3342 5 лет назад
Gear ratio change?
@eddiedahlgren7491 5 лет назад
shift up to 3rd on the runway before you hit the water, you can probably go 100, but stay in 3rd or you'll sink.
@mlgakipelailee0274 5 лет назад
tais olla am11 kone :D
@mlgakipelailee0274 5 лет назад
@Moikka Moikka onks se kahestoista ennen ykköstä vai kutose jälkee?
@frankdieber7090 5 лет назад
Sounds like your rider caught neutral on his way to second gear
@300zxdriver 5 лет назад
Retry ???
@krzysiekzeglen1253 5 лет назад
Make swapp SV 650 no the dirt bike ?
@bigsteev1 5 лет назад
Shift on land or start in 2. ?
@iant720 5 лет назад
NOOOOO!!!!! I was so worried you'd miss the shift!!
@MrDelco1970 5 лет назад
Sounded like he missed the shift. Hammers the rev Lim 5 or 6 times just before it went down.
@BLACK05GO1 5 лет назад
Come on. He over-revved the gear and missed the shift. If he had made a clean shift (not over-revving/hitting fuel cut off) it will work.
@anidiotinaracingcar4874 5 лет назад
I thought you needed some sort of official timing?
@DickCheneyXX 5 лет назад
A real snowmobile would fare better.
@walkerforsyth6221 5 лет назад
Why? Bikes have more power, it's just getting the shifting of gears right, to match a desirable full load on the engine at just the right rpm to achieve the highest top speed possible. That bike will do over 180 mph stock off the show room floor, 83 in first gear and 120 in second, that's way too high of gearing to run a track in snow let alone water. They obviously have it geared down but still..
@DickCheneyXX 5 лет назад
It's more a problem of suspension and track. A Summit 850 154+ would dominate this bike. You can make a race bike "work" as a snowmobile but it has too much torque, unpractical gearing, no CVT (beyond the ratios), not enough rear suspension travel and the track is too small. I mean it's a nice project from a hobbyist point of view but practically speaking this will never outperform a snowmobile on water or snow. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-iRonRtbnI9A.html
@walkerforsyth6221 5 лет назад
@@DickCheneyXX I don't know if you're getting the point here, I think their goal along with what I want to see is to get the fastest speed across the water possible. My point was about the impractical gearing, but I'm sure lower gearing can be worked out. In the video he hit false neutral while shifting between gears, the high load from the track in the water was probably a lot to do with that. They need to install a Quickshifter and try again, it might just work then. Yes, a cvt might make sense in concept, but they have limitations also, like they have limitations on top speed potential, they get hot and slip, there's a lot less power loss with a mechanical gear box. I don't see any issue with the suspension, a stock GSXR 1000 has around 5 inches of travel on both ends, this should be enough, what it the problem with this, these bikes have very high-tec and well engineered suspensions, they are probably vastly superior to what's on any sled out there. I guess it could possibly be too stiff and harsh for bumps or waves out on the lake, but revalving and maybe a set of softer springs can solve that, it would take some testing and trial-and-error to find the best setup, hell It probably needs to be stiffer, The Wave Runner doesn't have any suspension! It looks like they scavenged a complete track setup off another sled and retrofitted it to the bike and so it may have the rear suspension from whatever sled they took it from ( maybe it was from the sled in your video link, it would have been a good candidate) I also beg to differ a wider track wouldn't allow a higher top speed on the water as it might offer more resistance, again testing and trial-and-error is needed. I did a little research on the Ski-Doo example you provided and it looks like it falls short in almost every way other than the concept of a constant velocity transmission. The bike they are using in this video is a second-generation GSXR 1000, those were only made 2003 and 2004, that bike stock made over a 150 hp at the rear tire. Some modern 1000cc bikes today with some mods are pushing past the 200 rear wheel hp mark. The specs on the Ski-Doo sled say a dry weight of 439 lbs, very similar to my 2004 GSXR 1000 with a full tank of gas weighs 441 lbs. I bet the track adds a bit. I couldn't find any info on horsepower specs on the Ski-Doo. If anyting my bike was lacking in low-end torque, under 5000 RPM there's virtually no power at all, it's all at high rpm, it's definitely probably a challenge to keep it revved up and in the powerband out in the water. The most that I can find on the top speed on the Ski-Doo from others on the Internet is that it's around the 90 to 100 mph zone. I'm pretty damn sure after they get all the bugs worked out, the bike can do well over 100mph on the water, I bet others could do over 120. So you see, the sled falls short in almost every way for this job, they just don't have enough power or speed capabilities to beat the bike.
@amberlowenstein6731 5 лет назад
Walker Forsyth really? The new 800/850cc 2 strokes are all 165-175hp now, now the track, skip a 16" wide 154" track along water, or a 120" 13" or 14 wide track just turns into a knife, old 340cc sleds can waterskip for miles with 40hp, the underside of the tub, bulkhead and everything is rounded to be able to surface when you pound through deep snow, a bigger track on a sled doesn't turn into more drag, it turns into a bigger area, staying on top instead of trenching in the water requires alott less hp, 600cc 2 stroke 120kmhr records on RU-vid idk where they think it's a record
@walkerforsyth6221 5 лет назад
@@amberlowenstein6731 yeah.. really.
@aumua2876 5 лет назад
vaihtakaa 2 vaihteelle jo ennenku menee veteen?
@craigholm4985 5 лет назад
Gear the bike down and add clutchless air shift...or drag bike clutch less autoshift. . and you got it no problem
@TimberTrainer 3 года назад
Sounds like you can lower the gear ratio.
@philipp4109 5 лет назад
Try Riding it BackCountry
@nikofox1275 5 лет назад
It went into neutral! The rider fucked up, not the bike.
@tyszakacs 5 лет назад
Maybe try shifting up without the clutch
@zuestoots5176 5 лет назад
i thought jet skies where limited to like 59 or 69mph by the US Coast Guard? obviously this ski isnt one of the big boys. also, why not hit the water in 2nd...?
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