
Handyman Tips & Hacks That Work Extremely Well ▶3 

Quantum Tech HD
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These tips and hacks will maker your handyman life much easier. Do you know any other? Leave it in the comments below. Enjoy!
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15 июл 2021




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@Xsuprio 2 года назад
The REAL trick is remembering these tricks when you need them.
@henryxavier3751 2 года назад
just stick it in your tool box, video-
@henryxavier3751 2 года назад
just put it in your tool box
@msavic88 2 года назад
Just save the video to a playlist lol
@Cooliemasteroz 2 года назад
That can be tricky.
@henryxavier3751 2 года назад
put it in your file cabinet next to the tool your going to use, tape them together (note to tool) so that way you know what that tool is used for)…
2 года назад
Imagine having A TON of material for videos, and then NOT be able to use any of it for the thumbnail… Freaking impressive!
@AntiReptile317 Год назад
@lmbarnhart4898 2 года назад
You didn't show the rake hack. That was the entire reason I watched the video 🤦🏼‍♀️
@bigdickpornsuperstar 2 года назад
Where's the rake tip from the thumbnail? Down vote because that's the one I wanted to see.
@aussiegrace 2 месяца назад
Me too.
@frankenstein3163 2 месяца назад
same. also most of this is a joke. one of the top 10 waste of my time videos.
@dianamcanally5515 2 месяца назад
found it on another video LOL - makes a squeegee to sweep water from concrete.
@frankenstein3163 2 месяца назад
@@dianamcanally5515 lol literally... I think most ppl probly have push brumes. That's what I use.
@ficklebeast1324 2 года назад
Who else watched the video just for the rake and was disappointed? 👉
@stevenjones2437 2 года назад
me also
@benjammin8510 2 года назад
Damn it
@fallujahdan8543 Год назад
The playing card was a good idea.
@Timoshenko 2 года назад
disappointed I didn't see a single rake in the entire video
@PhilAch 2 года назад
Only reason why I watched is cause of the thumbnail
@mdevenau 2 года назад
Forbidden knowledge.
@brivvy 2 года назад
@marwerno 2 года назад
And this is why I do a thumbs down despite it actually having some good stuff in it too. Fake thumbnails should be forbidden.
@marwerno 2 года назад
@@canuck64 Fully aware of them, despise them...
@gabrielcontreras8754 2 года назад
I been a Handyman for over 40 years every single tip is awesome, I specially like the lady pouring the plaster mud on the wall and smoothed with the large trowel 🤔👊👊👍
@rshoe1023 2 года назад
I am a journeyman electrician and dabble in woodworking and DIY projects often. Some of these tips should be useful. Very good content and tips. Thank you!
@beverlytate2669 2 года назад
I am a Master Electrician. I agree.
@1EliPrice 2 года назад
The foam around the drill to speed up running a nut on all-thread would save me so much time when hanging cable trays and B-line/strut.
@vikingving7666 2 года назад
See how he does, tries very hard: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Jh2umGsEYHc.html
@ezrabrooks7785 2 года назад
I'm a master chief electrician and I don't
@lorila-northrup7748 Год назад
I'm a librarian and dabble in learning projects that my grandson will enjoy. I think I could use any one of you to help me build fun stuff! 😂😭
@marshalmathers5669 2 года назад
No rake hack as shown in the thumbnail. Pure click bait, that's the true "hack" of this video.
@katherinekelly5380 2 года назад
I know! 🤬😡
@gamergamer5115 2 года назад
It was literally the only reason I watched lol
@augustreil 2 года назад
They did have some cool tricks though, didn't they ?
@Samdawe1981 2 года назад
Just draw an ellipse and make it into a sad face
@ClinttheGreat 2 года назад
@@augustreil a lot of these area solution in search of a problem.
@KyProRen 2 года назад
Wait, where's the foamed garden rake shown in the thumbnail? Have I been clickbaited!?
@boula777 2 года назад
@dzl6848 2 года назад
That's the one I wanted to see to.
@MustaffaCuppa 2 года назад
Hey we learnt how to roll a nut along a threaded rod with a cordless drill :-)
@jaredervin2808 2 года назад
Half way through the video. I forgot that was why I clicked on this.
@terrywebb3340 2 года назад
Yea I've noticed you never see what the thumbnail shows.
@teripage3314 9 месяцев назад
Absolutely brilliant! I will be using many of your tips as I just bought a 200+ year old home and it needs work. Thank you for these videos!
@lonniefloyd1091 Год назад
What about the thing on the cover with the rake and the pipe insulation?
@LadyLuck13 Год назад
yeah that's why I clicked on this
@kathywilliams5152 2 года назад
Great ideas. I was watching for the tip with the rake and it wasn’t there though.
@verdantgrottobarbell5279 2 года назад
Pond rake for algae blooms
@marwerno 2 года назад
It wasn't there. That is why it is a thumbs down video for me despite some actually good tips...
@49kittypretty1 2 года назад
@@marwerno I agree with you. I hate it when the thumbnail photo shows something I really want to see and then it isn't even in the video.
@mikebayliss8598 2 года назад
Hahaha the rake was why I watched 😂 cunning devil's.
@stevesmall2286 2 года назад
Tensei shitara slime datta ken chapter 64 is a is a slime ova and a man man man man man man man man man man who is a is a slime ova and a man man man who is a is a slime ova and a man man man who is a is a slime ova and a man a man man man who is a is a slime a slime spin off the the league with the the league Cup last night and the the league won the league Cup last night and the Furious and all the all the other one other one other one won the league Cup last night and and the Furious and Furious and all the all the other one other one won the league Cup last night and the Furious and all the all the other one one one won the league Cup last night and the Furious and all the other one one one won the league Cup last night and the Furious and all the other one one one won the league Cup last night and and the Furious and all the other one one one won the league Cup Cup last night and the Furious and all the other one one one won the league Cup last night last night and and the Furious and all the other one one one won the league Cup last night and and the Furious and all the other one one one won the league Cup last night and the Furious and all the other one one one won won won won won won by the winning win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win
@FatihHoca 2 года назад
Hepsi birbirinden güzeldi, teşekkürler
@sandybeach7487 Год назад
I hate it when the picture of the thumbnail isn't included in the video. I watched the whole thing because I wanted to know why was a pool noodle attached to a rake. But it wasn't in the video. Ugh!
@grayhatjen5924 Год назад
I watched it twice, second on the fastest speed and yeah, it's not there. So I googled it. It's a homemade squeegee. Two things about that though: - the zip ties are unnecessary AND would likely make an even bigger mess because it would be flicking water, or whatever you're trying to move, all over the place - it's just not going to work as well, period. The reason squeegees are awesome at what they do is they aren't loosey-goosey. They make constant, even pressure if you use them right, heck, even if you do a half crappy job it'll still work WAY better than a pool noodle/pipe insulator on the end of a rake. I was a janitor at an animal shelter when I was just out of high school and the last thing job of the morning cleaning routine is squeegeeing it so that it dries as quickly as possible. And I just keep trying to imagine doing that job with a rake squeegee and yeah NOPE. *shudder*
@andrewwallis6724 2 года назад
One never stops learning and learnt a lot in a few minutes thank you and thanks to RU-vid! 👍😊
@amzarnacht6710 2 года назад
So, where's the trick with the rake and the pipe insulation? Or was that just clickbait that needs to be reported?
@dougharper2312 2 года назад
I agree Amzar.
@RobDunn-S6PT 2 года назад
I, too, wanted to know the purpose and how to use the rake/pool noodle (tool?)!
@ChainsawFPV 2 года назад
Needs to be reported????? Get a life ya bum!
@boula777 2 года назад
@littlebritain64 2 года назад
@@boula777 Thanks!👍
@toxicbear4792 2 года назад
This was the most educational video I have watched I've been a Tradesman for 25 years and learn something today thank you for the videos
@tomg3285 2 года назад
@toxicbear4792 2 года назад
@@tomg3285 ??
@TheJrob1234 2 года назад
You must be a terrible contractor
@johnbivins 2 года назад
I agree!
@dimas...1791 2 года назад
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@tnwhiskey68 Год назад
Did I miss the rake thing or was it just a clickbait thumbnail?
@shazambrose3091 2 года назад
Thank you so much. Some really clever tips there! Brilliant!!
@jesusislord6545 2 года назад
Repent to Jesus Christ!!! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@juliangarces6431 2 года назад
@@jesusislord6545 Amen, but I don’t think that verse applies to the comment
@ricksanchez9798 2 года назад
@@jesusislord6545 he's even there to watch as your entire world crashes down around you...... how can anyone put faith in a being that considers innocent newborn babies to be sinners??? They can't even wipe their own ass.....
@A2Z1Two3 2 года назад
On the ceiling patch , bevel the edges before fitting to the ceiling , but also reverse the angle inwards , then when you squeeze in the filler most of it will be trapped by the reverse angle, and even if it cracks in time, it will be very unlikely for any large pieces to fall out.
@veronikaskrenkova4041 2 года назад
@cedomirkovacevic1621 2 года назад
@@veronikaskrenkova4041 m
@Jeff77398 2 года назад
Nah don't bevel. You wanna take a reciprocating saw and cut through the patch you just installed. Then take some wood putty and mix with wood saw dust, pour in a glass of milk and voila! You made chocolate milk.
@jeffwhisenhunt929 2 года назад
Sheet rock tape prevents cracking. There should be some form of sheet rock tape to prevent cracking on walls and ceilings.
@ddggttyy 2 года назад
Theres so many good tips in this video. Now,,, if I can only remember them when I need them.
@mfb6310 2 года назад
LOL. totally with you on that issue!
@steveclem7873 2 года назад
JayVCeiuzaz,PAL,ntsc,vonnyVexFoxHoontaaKuntaaStairWasteOkuntSeaIllzFieArMainzNomanolesHoseyPiserHitlaNonsoIdol'i kill Jesus said I can'toolsGangOwnIYaz? PitchFawkes
@heru-deshet359 2 года назад
Save the vid, lol.
@kathyinwonderlandl.a.8934 2 года назад
Yes!! I think yikes how can my brain absorb all this wisdom!?
@kingsbridgemedia8989 2 года назад
@bluelighthouses Год назад
I'm not a professional.. I work as a doctor and I'm a woman, but the videos are really 💯fascinating
@dianejesso3088 Год назад
Hey there ! Wanna try cobblestone look. Just quick question what to use fill in the cracks???
@assassinlexx1993 2 года назад
Now the biggest trick is remembering where I saved these and others tips.
@craigbassett1492 2 года назад
No doubt🤣
@Witchofthewoods. 2 года назад
LOL 😆 that's why I have a list of everything I watch in folders with saved videos... thousands of them listed. I'm OCD obviously if you saw them.
@assassinlexx1993 2 года назад
@@Witchofthewoods. I bet your nurse's station is perfectly organized. You could find everything in the dark. Even the emergency chocolate you have stashed. 😏🙈🌰
@Saskia.8. 2 года назад
@@Witchofthewoods. lol same with the folders! I didn honestly have to create another folder titled (TRADES) Random tips and tricks I wish RU-vid had nested folders options :(
@NiNjaTurtLe697 2 года назад
@mrbrown6421 2 года назад
TRUE STORY: My Grandfather informed me the joy of getting old is learning these amazing tricks, over and over and over and...
@onefodderunit 2 года назад
comedy & tragedy
@RocsMacho1 2 года назад
If you want an easy way to measure with corners.... Measure from the corner a small distance.... 5 or 10 inches or cm (depending on location) and mark that. Then measure from the other corner or whatever your starting point is to your mark and add your 5 or 10.
@mariachavez5213 2 года назад
I love the video, great tips, thanks very much! For the less knowledgeable like myself, would be great some subtitles... it will increased a lot the learning potential.
@AlexMcGaughan 2 года назад
one of the best collections of trade tips and hacks I've ever seen. Not just overcomplicated clever crap you can do, these mostly looked practical and new to me!
@johnosman8971 2 года назад
I’ve used several of these over the years, … some I figured out on my own, but others I adapted from other(s) uses, …
@lynne-sheltiesrock2322 2 года назад
Brilliant hacks I've never seen before! Thanks!
@steveclem7873 2 года назад
@riffjohnson22 2 года назад
I’m a Handyman and have never found a video with THIS MUCH VALUE UNTIL NOW!!!!!!!
@moonpiespotlight4759 Год назад
Never saw Debbie Does Dallas then.
@oldtimefarmboy617 2 года назад
Using pipes as rollers to move a heavy object. As a mechanic we did something similar to protect the asphalt driveway from the tracks of a large bulldozer using old truck tires to create a heavy rubber pad under the tracks to prevent the large traction ridges from digging into the asphalt and tearing it up.
@rhalfik 2 года назад
We used them to move stone blocks back in Egypt. Worked like a charm. The kids these days have heavy machinery, but their buildings don't hold up like in the old days.
@michaelshlifer8701 Год назад
Where is rake good video but anyway you have to lie
@heru-deshet359 2 года назад
Besides the great background music, 90% of these I've never seen or used before. Outstanding!
@cassandrahughes649 2 года назад
Awesome ideas!! Thank you
@thomaszwanink5158 2 года назад
first one of these that I actually learnt something practical and realistic from...very well done Im certainly impressed!!
@brianm6117 2 года назад
I used the zip tie trick to sort and hold my spark plug wires. Looks great and unless you realize they are zip ties you'd think it was an OEM part.
@ThePackDad 2 года назад
Always like working in a shop that has the normal tools plus unique and highly functional tools you need. I can't image how great it is to work someplace that manufactures those tools.
@carolyntaylor9830 Год назад
It's called Heaven!!!
@mireyaleon9562 2 года назад
Talento y creatividad. Gracias por compartir 🤝🇲🇽
@lynette599 2 года назад
I really admire men that can come up with hacks such as these....I won't be using any of it but still watched the entire video in amazement.
@chuckp7860 2 года назад
Love it when some one shows you a picture but fails to show the actually act of even getting that picture. If you show something, show it. Never had an iron rake with a pipe cover!!!
@mayorb3366 2 года назад
On drywall repair, cut your patch first, large enough to completely cover the hole. Then hold the patch over the hole and outline it. Cut out on the lines and you'll have a perfect fit.
@Eleonor... 2 года назад
Спасибо за полезные идеи, узнала много интересного :)
@DrinkingStar 2 года назад
I learned quite a bit from watching this video. I am no handyman so I am subscribing so as to elevate my knowledge in doing these practical and simple things should the need arise. Thanks.
@bacardistuff8108 Год назад
We all need some elevation in our lives.
@cjmars822 2 года назад
1:21 some tape measures have a measurement written on the base, that number is the length from the back to where the tape is. An alternate method is to place the tape measure base up against what you are measuring and then add that length to what you measured. Not sure if it’s as accurate as the card and clip (which is clearly a cleaver solution), but it’s worked well for me. Like the content
@herdhistruth1094 2 года назад
* clever
@cjmars822 2 года назад
@@JD-sh8ub well shit, I’ve been doing this wrong the whole time. Thank you for correcting me
@JD-sh8ub 2 года назад
@@cjmars822 😂 You’re welcome
@MF-vg3qt Год назад
Spend $30 and buy a laser measurer. They have other features that will automatically calculate SF.
@cjmars822 Год назад
@@MF-vg3qt that would be fancy for sure
@INDRIDCOLD83 2 года назад
That self leveling idea with the trash can was perfect. I don't now how many times I've poured it just out of the trash can with another person while another spread it with a squeegee.
@nigelbeaumont1109 2 года назад
Also place Joint Tape on the Ceiling patch otherwise the compound will crack!!!
@PWgadgets 2 года назад
They said this gives gives you a flat surface to work with later. Later as in when they come back to come back to tape and bed
@AlphatecEngineering 2 года назад
Thanks for making this mix! a couple of tips are very clever and for sure we will use it!
@jensingerlady 2 года назад
So many great tips! Thanks!
@PJOTERSPAWACZ 2 года назад
Fajne rozwiazania 🤔 pozdrawiam 😎
@robertthomas6127 2 года назад
2:00 the pencil ...I couldn't stop laughing 😂
@ThePorritZ 2 года назад
yeah that one had me shaking my head.... same with the pipes under the large bulky wall section... that has been a well known "hack" for at least 8000 years...
@TheIdeasGuy 2 года назад
Marking in small, awkward spots is why we carry old, very short pencils in our pocket beside the nice new one while on site 👌🏻
@muzguz7276 2 года назад
I've been a tradesman for a long while now and learnt a few things. Unfortunately, when i turn off the computer i'll forget them all now but thanks anyways.
@connieg.439 2 года назад
Email them to yourself.
@eyesalooking 2 года назад
All you-tube videos have a "save" feature at the bottom right. Click on it and you can save to review later, favorites, or create your own list. I have lists for Ford, Jeep or you could name it Genius Tips or any other name you want. As long as you have a Google account they will be there the next time you log into you-tube.
@user-xc5wg8xl6t 2 года назад
@anthonykennedy5324 2 года назад
Save to "Little gems"-which they are!
@traciebarrass6612 2 года назад
Wow really enjoyed watching all the hacks 😀
@JeffKuhn 2 года назад
Good tips in here… yet the one with the rake used as the video cover wasn’t 😢 Just a trick to get me to watch the whole thing?
@donnamarie4443 2 года назад
Fantabulous! Thanks for great must have tricks and easier ways to do things.👍👍👍👍
@general5104 2 года назад
I loved all the hacks. I never did see the piece of foam on the dirt rake idea. What was it for?
@coreysevenker2312 2 года назад
I know. That's what I clicked on it for.
@paulvelte 2 года назад
@@coreysevenker2312 Me too. :(
@Snoochie-Booch 2 года назад
I bet they use it to pull rocks back onto the driveway from the lawn. Could be way off, just a guess.
@johnpope574 2 года назад
@@Snoochie-Booch .,
@timothy2935 2 года назад
@@Snoochie-Booch lol maybe
@jbmotos5808 2 года назад
Ótimo trabalho gostei
@migmagingenieria 2 года назад
Great vid guys!!!! Lots of really cool and useful hacks, thanks for sharing!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@mattlovelace91 2 года назад
Self-leveler out of the trash can is quite possibly one of the smartest things I’ve ever seen.
@zolli6769 Год назад
@monsterbutters9074 2 года назад
This was actually decent. Not like those cruddy, wannabe videos of the bombast hacks I've ever seen. This one is actually useful.
@frankytrevor7 2 года назад
These kind of videos are the best of the best, getting to the point and not wasting my precious time!
@cezexploresvlogs 2 года назад
Very good techniques. Thanks for ur workmanship.
@josinora 2 года назад
😍😍😍 love the string method for drawing an ellipse and the use of a washer to curve of a wall to fit in a pice of wood. Guess both methods will work for other shapes, too. Will try it for own projects..
@Bear-fe8vp Год назад
Not a carpenter but my comment will probably make that obvious. Would you not have to allow for the width of the washer instead of cutting directly on that line?
@mflynnnj1 Год назад
@@Bear-fe8vp not if that was your first piece
@IngefromGraz 2 года назад
Thank you, I learned a lot!
@javiercastillo3201 2 года назад
9 minutes of good music and good useful techniques😌
@raycapella498 2 года назад
Hellz yeah. I came here for the jams 🎸
@beeyatwo8ight58 2 года назад
Yeah I liked it until the jackass used an unrated socket for that trailer Jack.
@Dol_breaker 2 года назад
좋은 information 감사합니다👍
@francesluck6597 2 года назад
Absolutely brilliant, every single hack. Thanks!
@metaspherz 2 года назад
Only brilliant to newbies who have not seen these so-called hacks a hundred times before! They are just tired rip-offs of other videos.
@steveclem7873 2 года назад
A(knottAX)tunObukOToolzFurJarDINactWaitLYBorzDoDowooLookOotAXisGliBalkChoirboyobzComA1hitlaaRunWerkeyKidYoofeeLernDynzWooluzTeeChezRolBallAtlazProffSazdIToffizyallizQUEENcomENwelpsLijeUSElawnLordtLazeTuhDineFaToyristBjordzOsweedoghAkAmunkeezKuntA? InfoLookOootzDataindazWerx?
@dpz9872 2 года назад
A card and a binder clip ? Which handyman would carry that ? A pencil make a mark and flip your tape measure around if you can add 👌. And if your handyman ask for a pencil or can't add simple inches and feet trust me and fire him immediately. 🍺
@mfb6310 2 года назад
My son came up with a simple aka genius solution when I got my truck stuck going over an old stump on an uneven dirt road in a forest that was just lumbered. Anyone was free to come grab leftover hardwood branches and pieces for winter firewood, and right in the middle of it, one stump was angled just enough that I was airborne on two wheels all of a sudden. So my oldest son took the chainsaw, found two large stumps in the field, and cut big angled wedges. Forget what they're called - biscuits, pancakes, something. He put them under my tires. As I moved forward on them the truck lifted off the stump and over it! Free! Phew! I never would have thought of doing that. I would've started on a long walk to the nearest phone for an expensive tow lift. Those wedges went with me n the kids on every wood haul!
@Anahido700 2 года назад
Logic. Real lumber Jack. 😂😂😂😂 Of black cat . 😒😳🥺 Not a dog afraid of the dark. Dog in the fog ? Some Kind of ? You newer know what gona haapends ? But hesheit haapens sometimes twice of trippel of multi . Newer know. Stay Safe witch correct person by your side. And you have an army. Greatings. You dont need FBI . When you have MFB. Hali for the king baybe. 😂
@aprilgeneric8027 2 года назад
@@Anahido700 that fact i understood what you wrote right down to the mississippi accent is hilarious, keep on trukin brotha'
@Anahido700 2 года назад
@@aprilgeneric8027 That's the point of view. 😉
@jims9406 2 года назад
I was going to say Waffles. Guess I'm wrong. Kids do have great ideas but we must train ourselves to listen and act upon them.
@reekreeker3375 2 года назад
Too long, didn't read.
@jeffrichardson5647 Год назад
What is the rack hack? It wasn’t in the video 😊
@rebeccacarlson9166 Год назад
Exactly! That's why I clicked on the video.😆
@davadoff Год назад
Me too. Click bait picture..
@deeppurple883 2 года назад
I used this black rubber as draft excluder on the bottom of my internal doors. It works brilliantly. It's sold in DIY shops for that purpose and it work's.
@boominator64 2 года назад
What black rubber? Do you mean the black foam for protecting water lines in freezing cold?
@NordicDan 2 года назад
Did anyone else with a maintenance background go into OCD overload watching the piss-poor cutting of the zip ties on the very first segment?
@cgcme8823 2 года назад
I thought everyine knew to use flush cutting pliers. The sissor cut ends will open a big gash if the skin hits them.
@StewieGriffin505 2 года назад
Yes. And as a computer/network tech my first reaction was "Ain't nobody got time for that".
@daltonx6177 2 года назад
For mixing paint, I would pierce a hole in an old can cover and then spin away the mixer like crazy without fear of splashing paint all around ! 😉
@jeusgarcia8597 2 года назад
@BluetheRaccoon 2 года назад
As a passionate handyperson, I find your videos thrilling!
@jadeenglene 2 года назад
I’m impressed - with tips like that you don’t have to use a false thumbnail…
@trendyinsight9080 2 года назад
Who else thinks that Quantum has the best ideas! These hacks are just great!
@guszoleta3514 2 года назад
Amazing tips for DIY persons 👍! Just subscribed!
@AfricanSunProductions 2 года назад
Some awesome tips in this one!
@ghoppr71 2 года назад
Loved the card trick on the measuring tape. Never thought of that.
@rollogic2988 2 года назад
I liked that too. Another trick I've used is make a small mark away from the wall and measure from one side of the wall to the mark and then from the other side of the wall to that mark and add up both measurements for total length. Can use tape if its an area where a mark shouldn't be made.
@redddogg2461 2 года назад
I’m with ya pretty cool trick pry one I would use often.
@redddogg2461 2 года назад
@@rollogic2988 I do that one all the time. Measure about a foot away from what you measure is how I always did it. Like cars truck to tho.
@minicooperusaf4624 2 года назад
Some good tricks, thank you!
@carpediemwithLesli 2 года назад
Love the hack about coiling the extension cords!! I'm definitely gonna try it!
@silviaraymundo7946 2 года назад
Me too! Excellent!
@varrjames186 2 года назад
Make sure that you unwind it before using otherwise the wire might overheat.
@silviaraymundo7946 2 года назад
@@varrjames186 thank you so much!❤
@varrjames186 2 года назад
@@silviaraymundo7946 You're welcome. I got taught that when I was an apprentice.
@carpediemwithLesli 2 года назад
@@varrjames186 thanks!! I appreciate the heads up!!!
@ahill4642 Год назад
There’s some brilliance, innovation and artistry here! Very cool.
@RawFitChris 2 года назад
What is the rake with pipe insulation used for (it was never shown)? Also, it looks like these tips are cut and compiled from hundreds of existing YT Videos.
@umlaut22 Год назад
I agree wanted to see what the rake was with the insulation but yer rite... no more info. Now i just bypass this crap...
@cindithompson2187 Год назад
@cindithompson2187 Год назад
I put the link for the rake with the insulation video here
@jeffrichardson5647 Год назад
So where is the link for the rack?
@cindithompson2187 Год назад
@@jeffrichardson5647 look in the comments. I put the link. It is just to make a squeegee. Nothing exciting.
@Zonatapio 2 года назад
Clickbait. Never saw the rake "hack". Also those cobblestones looked like a pathway of giant turds. Holy crap...literally
@sabrinarankin9704 2 года назад
🤣🤣🤣 i thought the same about the cobblestone hack! Then i thought, "How embarrasing to roll ur ankle on a cow patty." ...I need help, it's true. 😄
@augustreil 2 года назад
Probably the first tips and tricks video I've ever seen that was really good, bravo !
@angel061607 2 года назад
Go to tool_tips channel most of these tips I've seen on the tool_tip channel but that's a really cool curved wood edge he made
@augustreil 2 года назад
@@angel061607, thanks.
@deathstalkr_ 2 года назад
I got a bad feeling that one day this too will become like 5 min craft life hack.😩 So far so good.
@WoodRabbitTaoist 2 года назад
Yeah some of these were either pretty lame or fairly common knowledge.
@audi3318 2 года назад
So many great hacks to take away. Thank you!
@powertools130 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing
@alajosmolnar4289 2 года назад
@jesusislord6545 2 года назад
Repent to Jesus Christ!!!! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@stemmentor9700 2 года назад
@fouoii gyhh agree,, and can stop spending $$$$ on paint stirrers for drills. always something neat with these vids 👍
@MrSF247 2 года назад
1:20 Tape measures have the distance of the body on it for measuring inside corners and such. Don't need to bend the tape, just take the reading and add the length of the body (usually 3 inches or about 7.5 cm)
@robertthomas6127 2 года назад
Not all have that (some are rounded and bad to read), but one could measure it before and just add it to the measurement one has taken. However nowadays people go to college that should have never graduated elementary school. In addition one can just lay down any straight object (piece of metal or wood ) and measure between the two pieces.
@thomseng 2 года назад
"Talmeter" measuring tapes, all else is Mickey M
@peers1111 2 года назад
@@thomseng THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!!
@robertthomas6127 2 года назад
@@thomseng ... Yes a simple solution. In particular for people lacking experience. Now I am wondering how many people reading this know what one looks like. 😉
@marwerno 2 года назад
I even had once one that had a clear window in the body with a measure line and the tape visible there. You could just clearly read it from there with no calculation needed.
@bsmithsonian3324 2 года назад
Great tips, but let’s be honest, those cobble stones looked a lot more like road apples than cobble stones.
@commonsense411 2 года назад
The real trick is finding the thumbnail trick in this video.
@timb8373 2 года назад
Retractable cord is trouble in the making! Put high current/heavy load on a coiled-up cord and it will melt. Pull ALL of the cord out before using it.
@robbarber7253 2 года назад
They sell retractable extension cord spools at the hardware store tho?
@jeffcarroll6553 Год назад
@@robbarber7253 Yep and you are meant to unwind them before you use them. Storage purpose only for people who do not know how to spool a cord so that it undoes without knotting.
@robbarber7253 Год назад
@@jeffcarroll6553 we have one at my work I use it all the time and it's fully wound up.... Guess I'm living dangerously
@kmw4359 2 года назад
Some of these are clever, but the fake cobblestones unfortunately reminded me of a bunch of piles of💩
@smokingcheeba420 2 года назад
Some die in the concrete to make them different colors would help.
@deletesoon70 2 года назад
And of course they had to be not only brown but glistening.
@AG_92 2 года назад
Doesn't melting all that plastic release toxic fumes?
@escapedcops08 2 года назад
So many wrongs in that cobblestone crap... Looked hideous.
@JasonGamingForever 2 года назад
@@AG_92 Yes, fumes that can kill you or people nearby.
@lquinn7212 2 года назад
Great tips! and I'm grooving to the tunes !🎵🎵🎵🎵🎶🎹🎶🎵🎹🎵🎼🎹🎵🎼🎹
@gracemariebeauty9101 2 года назад
SMART IDEAS! Thank you for sharing!
@peterrivney552 2 года назад
When you did the drywall repair you forgot to put tape it will crack all along the joint with the tape being there.
@wingerrrrrrrrr 2 года назад
Without? The blocking should immobilize the patch pretty well though, which should minimize the chances off that. Far better fix than some repairs on some videos I've seen that suggest just using drywall paper as a patch, which I found hard to believe was actually a common technique.
@TheIdeasGuy 2 года назад
I thought the same at first but I’m pretty sure that what they showed was just them filling the bevel with fresh plaster to then pop the tape on top of.
@larrybe2900 2 года назад
@@TheIdeasGuy It would have been interesting to see the completed repair being a textured ceiling.
@vivecawhite4097 2 года назад
Thank you very much! This helps a girl like me to have extra skills in my purse! Also, your music is AWESOME!
@vivecawhite4097 2 года назад
Well thank you my love! When we encourage others, it's my gift 🎁 to you! Only the best love will continue to fill me up with that Sunshine just to share some loving words, OUT-LOUD telling you your blessings aren't your secret, "I see you your GREATNESS, too!"
@DanSanChannel 2 года назад
That rake idea they showed was AWESOME!
@unseenoutdoors 2 года назад
Oh I get it your just trying to piss people off....😁👍
@lincroyableprocrastinateur5414 2 года назад
The drawing the ellipsis one.. it's so damn satisfying to watch!
@jesusislord6545 2 года назад
Repent to Jesus Christ!!! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
@riverraisin1 2 года назад
@@jesusislord6545 Jesus told me to watch out for people like you.
@woofbark4475 2 года назад
That pathway with the concrete in plastic bags looked like...dare I say it... crap! Otherwise some great ideas!
@jamesp77701 2 года назад
I completely agree
@st-dm5mr 2 года назад
@hope2029 2 года назад
Patching that ceiling or wall--- awesome thanks!
@XTSY 2 года назад
lol ikr
@steveclem7873 2 года назад
ENc ,o,God inn a box,queenZA0wnBordaDekoRekaBiljpompCruxDIYcozeeFanTwoTeasDoneAlkWiggeezWirkEncyclonepediaz,eh,latborzNayVerWontFirNatIngzEh?NoFireKno
@zaptor1514 2 года назад
There are some great techniques on here.
@kaluabox 2 года назад
but the thumbnail wasnt found - bummer
@wayneshingler9664 Год назад
They never showed the foam rake head thing from the preview image. What was the point of that supposed to be?
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