
Has the Devil perverted the words of the living God? 

Dan McClellan
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26 май 2024




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@AMoniqueOcampo Месяц назад
I'm smelling anti-Catholic dogwhistling from the original creator.
@rainbowkrampus Месяц назад
That's one stinky whistle.
@MarcillaSmith Месяц назад
Yes, and unfortunately, it's not surprising at all. As a believer in communion with the Holy See, I would profess that the dogma of the Church is more important than what (we may think) is in the Bible, and I'm glad to see that Dr. McClellan agrees 5:15
@mcdonaldsorwhatevers Месяц назад
How is it a dogwhistle when its extremely blatant?
@Brandon_SoMD Месяц назад
@@MarcillaSmith Don't be too glad about that. Dan doesn't believe that elevating dogma is a good thing. His point is "most believers are more interested in dogma than what the Bible says," and that's a direct critique. If you watch enough of his videos or his podcast or livestreams, he routinely criticizes content creators who believe their dogma is more important than the actual text. The title of his podcast is "Data Over Dogma" - as in, we should submit our dogmas to whatever the data about the Bible actually tells us, even if that disrupts our dogmas.
@MarcillaSmith Месяц назад
​@@Brandon_SoMD Well, he's still partway there, then. Hopefully the difference is clear between "our" (personal) dogma and _the_ dogma of the Church.
@mrq6270 Месяц назад
It’s funny how people are so quick to argue that “the devil” corrupts the text by taking stuff out, but they never seem to consider that the devil could achieve just as much corruption by adding stuff in.
@hardwork8395 Месяц назад
Much more is achieved by adding or changing, in fact. The Pauline epistles are proof positive how much you can change Christianity by doing so.
@jannetteberends8730 Месяц назад
The podcast of this week s about that added stuff.
@tbishop4961 Месяц назад
@hardwork8395 Месяц назад
@@jannetteberends8730 which?
@jannetteberends8730 Месяц назад
@@hardwork8395 Data over Dogma, in the episode this week. (nr 60)
@robsaxepga Месяц назад
Your comments about univocality and negotiating with the text to make it mean what the interpreter wants it to mean are so valuable to me. Thank you.
@QuinnPrice Месяц назад
The game is villainizing "them." It's an old cult / high-demand religion trick to use "them" as the threat that gathers the believers (retention strategy) and gives meaning to the group.
@KaiHenningsen Месяц назад
It's a trick used by every conspiracy theorist on the planet.
@wellhellothere6347 Месяц назад
It's as old as Great Apes being Great Apes.
@davidbible1469 Месяц назад
Really tired of being told how all powerful God is and then being told the Devil is essentially equal to God engaged in an eternal supernatural battle over Homo sapiens who evolved over millennia before this God and Devil were conceived by Homo sapiens.
@digitaljanus Месяц назад
The oldest reactionary stance in the book: "Our enemies are weak and degenerate and thus not worthy of having power or influence or possibly even existence, and yet they are also an overwhelming existential threat to _our_ existence."
@DiamondSan7 Месяц назад
Well, everytime some event or passage works in some Christians favor, they claim it's God's handiwork, but every time something very much doesn't work for them and their beliefs, it has to be the devil, because the admission that what they believe just doesn't make sense is not one they can make. They end up turning God into this nonsense character that is all powerful yet somehow the things he makes and does gets overwritten by this other character that is supposedly much weaker than God yet this patently weaker character is responsible for basically everything bad because God just lets them do bad things to humans even though God doesn't want them to do the things they do, but instead of blipping them out of frickin existence(which for some reason he can't do apparently) he just let's them ruin his work and cause chaos and confusion over the religion, then God sends all the people who believe wrong to hell despite the devil apparently being responsible for all the confusion but instead of fixing it, he just doesn't, despite him apparently caring about and loving humanity like a father his child. 😐 All doing this does is satisfy the brains need to make things make sense only at a surface level, the moment you dig even a little bit into the belief(s), it falls apart.
@MarcosElMalo2 Месяц назад
You’re not going to like my religion, Toasterism, which posits that the universe is a slice of bread, the battleground between the forces of burnt and the forces of lightly toasted.
@tchristianphoto Месяц назад
@@MarcosElMalo2 All hail the Most Holy Trinity of Butter, Jam, and Cream Cheese, who work to calm the chaotic forces of the universe.
@KaiHenningsen Месяц назад
@@digitaljanus Actually, that is one of the most important elements of fascism.
@Andrew_Warden Месяц назад
It's not surprising the extent people will go to in order to protect the dogma they are most comfortable with. Instead of it being that new meaningful evidence is revealed and people should rejoice in that, it's the work of the devil.
@royalcreations3970 Месяц назад
I've studied Aramaic over 30+ yrs and have been attacked by Christians for explaining Aramaic idioms and metaphors like "hell" and "saTan" because they take it literal. They think everything that challenges their modern theology and dogmas is "from the devil." Total ignorance.
@donaldwert7137 Месяц назад
A woman I once worked with said "God wouldn't let that happen" when I said something along the lines of there being translation errors in the bible. I wonder if she would agree or disagree with the guy claiming the devil had changed the bible.
@MrSthotwhelz Месяц назад
I guess "catholic" is being used as a boogeyman.
@drlegendre Месяц назад
This has gone on since before the time of Luther.
@rainbowkrampus Месяц назад
Which, ya know, fair. But probably not for the reasons he intends.
@KGchannel01 Месяц назад
So fascinating! At one point, he implies that because scholars base modern corrections on "Catholic" manuscripts, they are not to be trusted. Is he inclined to view everything else protestants received from Catholics with the same suspicion? That would include nearly all the basic Christian creeds. Also, the irony goes even deeper, because the version of the text that he wants to protect from scholarly correction was produced and/or passed down by Catholic scribes.
@fnjesusfreak Месяц назад
A lot of Baptists reject the Creeds.
@MM-jf1me Месяц назад
​@@fnjesusfreak I didn't know that -- how interesting! Thank you for sharing. Still doesn't negate the larger point of OP: if anything and everything the Catholic church has owned or created is automatically suspect then pretty much everything Protestants have is equally suspect.
@user-kv1po2dm5j Месяц назад
I never thought I’d see the day where Dan defends the NIV lol
@BabyHoolighan Месяц назад
When I asked my Sunday school teacher how do we know the KJV is the correct translation of the Hebrew and Greek, he told me that the Holy Spirit protected the word of God so all men, no matter their language, could know God's truth. A few years later, I watched the missionaries funded by our church struggle with translations of just the word God in English to indigenous languages. Eventually, the entire circular explanatory scheme collapsed and my minister, a minimally trained scholar in Hebrew and Greek, was forthcoming regarding the source text and translation, yet, he was certain the discovery and analysis of the Dead Sea Scrolls would resolve the challenges preachers had to carefully work around in their ministries. A dear man who did not live to see the publication of the scrolls.
@timothymulholland7905 Месяц назад
My KJO pastor grandfather called the RSV the "Devised Version"!
@djublonskopf Месяц назад
I was not prepared to hear Dan say “shug” this early in the morning….
@CanadianAnglican Месяц назад
Great reply Dan.
@Moksha-Raver 27 дней назад
Dan, thank you for correcting all the errors introduced by entrepreneurial religionists.
@lawrencegordon3453 Месяц назад
I would like for you to discuss the temptation of Jesus. Is it true? Who is tempting Jesus? And so on.
@rainbowkrampus Месяц назад
Literally nothing about the life of Jesus is verifiable. So if by "true" you mean "happened in a historically verifiable way", then no. It's not true. It is at best undetermined.
@dantallman5345 Месяц назад
Good question!
@seventy9819 Месяц назад
Bravissimo Doctore!!!
@inwyrdn3691 Месяц назад
Can we at least enjoy the fact that this guy likes a book? I mean, he clearly hasn't read it, but he seems to at least like it. That's...a bit of a win for literactly...kinda. Read more than one book, folks.
@fariesz6786 27 дней назад
making people believe in a paper idol to begin with was the devil's most brilliant move
@miguelthealpaca8971 Месяц назад
This is one of my favourite of Dan's videos. It's such an interesting, and kind of funny thing that's going on here with the creator and the charts that he talks about and Dan's corrections and information he provides are informative and sort of poetic in how he points out the implications of the creator's words.
@chadkndr Месяц назад
Do they not realize that God would have had to have given Satan the permission to corrupt the texts?
@willernst2721 Месяц назад
Most people seem to miss that part for some reason. What I find even more astounding is that satanists, witches, and all of the other occult folks miss that part as well.
@creamwobbly Месяц назад
You don't know any actual Satanists, and if you know any witches, they're not interested in your gods. Recently, the only ‘satanists’ you'll have come across are exclusively political protestors who seek to enforce the US first amendment's principle of separation of church from state, by holding up a mirror to misuse of public funds.
@wellhellothere6347 Месяц назад
@@willernst2721 Most Satanists I know think it's all fiction.
@willernst2721 Месяц назад
@@wellhellothere6347 you don't have to believe Satan is real to do his work for him. That said those aren't really the satanists I was referring to even though the point I was trying to make still directly applies to them as well. Here's a bit of scripture that might help with understanding what I am getting at. ‭John 8:34-36 KJV‬ [34] Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. [35] And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. [36] If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
@Nick-o-time Месяц назад
​@@willernst2721time to grow up. Satan isn't real.
@welcometonebalia Месяц назад
Thank you.
@mtreder4 Месяц назад
This is one of your best.
@roberthunter6927 Месяц назад
God is living? Good to know.
@tussk. Месяц назад
"My fifty times re-written and translated version of the bible is more accurate than your fifty times re-written and translated version of the bible " Ok.
@BrentJohnson-ki7jy Месяц назад
And Erasmus was not all that concerned with creating a critical Greek text (and it went through a number of editions after it was first published). He was much more interested in creating a critical Latin text.
@KJDogluv Месяц назад
@ChristianCarrizales Месяц назад
Haha you were just talking about this on one of your recent podcasts lol
@WFierce Месяц назад
I'm assuming the "Taken Away in Footnotes" is referring to some publications adding "Other ancient authorities lack X" as a footnote. Implying that even acknowledging that the verse isn't present in every manuscript is somehow "taking it away".
@larrywest42 Месяц назад
It's very bizarre how strongly people identify with the KJV, well over 1,000 years and 2,000 miles/3,500 km removed from the events described. And composed with limited understanding of the original contexts of those texts, and even the languages they were written in. I suspect it's a mostly U.S. phenomenon, as we have the most history of people getting really wrapped around the axle on textual peculiarities ... Plus, of course, we have the highest incidence of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome and religious scams.
@dethspud Месяц назад
Demonizing scholars trying to get to the truth? That's atill a thing? It shouldn't still be a thing and yet here we are. /Loved the "Sugar" when talking about the Rogue Tee.
@dantallman5345 Месяц назад
This all reminds me of the controversy surrounding the 1980’s restoration of Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Capel.
@perrywilliams5407 Месяц назад
@5:28 Plato's Allegory of the Cave. 'Nuff said.
@karldehaut Месяц назад
I am going to make a comparison that may shock some believers. What Dan highlights is the inevitable rewriting of important texts. The author of the video puts forward such an argument that a Russian revolutionary has never participated in such an event because he doesn’t appear in the photo, newspapers, archives of the Stalinist period. Years later, historians discovered the original negative. Personal diaries of witnesses to the event which testify to the presence of this man. These historians note that yes, this man did participate in the event. Stalinism existed from the 1930s to the 1950s. Some facts were only discovered in the 1990s. Now imagine what could have happened over the centuries….
@k98killer Месяц назад
This one is pretty funny ngl
@jasonsmith7345 Месяц назад
The short answer is yes. That is why the image of Jesus was changed.
@theodorebear6714 Месяц назад
I'm not a christian but I'm into history and stuff. I think a common version for eveyone with the unoriginal additions are fine but not without some versions that are made with the original text. I read the bible closely and I understand it- that already makes me different from a lot of people who want to get some sort of shocking pro christian message or message that serves themselves (I know something "THEY" hid from "US"). These things are revealed if you just look a bit closer. Through history and the old monks who wrote bibles in the middle ages it's incredible that we have the consistency that we have now. I wish more people would show gratitude for that instead of trying to stir up outrage over details they don't understand.
@robcecil41 Месяц назад
Seems like a chart out of Gail Riplingers New Age Translations. Smh
@funkatron101 Месяц назад
Using the NIV to bolster ANY claim is fundamentally flawed. Unless the claim is "The NIV is fundamentally flawed."
@MM-jf1me Месяц назад
That's silly. How else could someone support any other claims about the NIV without consulting it? Or, to provide a concrete example: both Dan and the person whose post he is responding to _have_ to cite the NIV to prove their assertions about what the NIV contains. This would be the case with literally any book in the world.
@robinharwood5044 Месяц назад
What does “the living God” mean? We normally distinguish between the living, the dead (the formerly living) and the never-alive-in-the-first-place. Living beings, like frogs and petunias, have physical bodies with complex and coordinated biochemical processes going on in them. But God doesn’t have such a body, so he isn’t living in the ordinary sense of the word. “Living”, then, must mean something different, but what does it mean?
@notofthischurch2822 Месяц назад
How should we treat 1 John 5:7?
@stephenleblanc4677 Месяц назад
It was me. I did it. But, the living God made me do it.
@nicklaurence3648 Месяц назад
Vaticanus doesn't contain quite the entire new testament text. It's missing Philemon, the pastoral epistles, the end of Hebrews and Revelation, although these latter 2 have been added in a 15th century minuscule hand.
@MM-jf1me Месяц назад
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
@GratefulAmericans Месяц назад
I’m curious, does anyone know if Dan thinks the NIV is a reliable translation of the Bible to use? I sort of stay away from it, but his explanation of it sounds like he thinks it’s ok
@archivist17 Месяц назад
Closing words very apposite.
@RustyJoe Месяц назад
Since the apologists say the Bible is the word of god, and we don’t have any other sources to tell us what the Devil actually said, I think he has a better case for having his position perverted 😏
@clayfullmer Месяц назад
What's your favorite, accurate Bible translation?
@Brandon_SoMD Месяц назад
He usually uses the NRSVUE on his podcast. But in this week's episode, he answers that exactly: whatever version serves your particular needs. Full stop.
@SpaceLordof75 Месяц назад
It’s pronounced debbil where I’m from, y’all. 🤠
@trabob4438 Месяц назад
How old is the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus ?
@VulcanLogic Месяц назад
Both are 4th century copies.
@tchristianphoto Месяц назад
Both are thought to be from the 4th century.
@chrispysaid Месяц назад
It's almost as if, and hear me out, basing a religion on a partial manuscript when more, earlier pieces of that manuscript are still being discovered is kind of a bad idea
@ShadowstormProducts Месяц назад
Just remember anything the devil does is a thing that was permitted by God. Thus, if the devil changed the Bible, then it was allowed by God.
@scottmaddow7879 Месяц назад
From the subject video, the creator seems to express a strong anti-catholic tenor and is likely one of the many KJV bible worshippers, who value the text in an of itself above the contents or source material. They have in their mind a magical quill floated down and penned the KJV under the direct hand of God and no sound argument will dissuade them or deflect the cognitive dissonance that provides them comfort and reinforces by providing a proof text to their own values and biases.
@iamfiefo Месяц назад
A part of me was disappointed Dan didn't say "Sugah" when he showed off the fit for the day. Edit: I didn't catch that he said it at the start as I was expecting it at the end.
@ratamacue0320 Месяц назад
Um... he did.
@tbishop4961 Месяц назад
Shirley you didn’t call me "sugar"?
@Meowwolfwarrior Месяц назад
Then HOW does anyone really know what the authors really wrote? Hmmm
@fnjesusfreak Месяц назад
Let's not forget, when Ruckmanites and Riplingerites go on about "Lucifer", they're making multiple errors simultaneously. "Lucifer" is a result of a cross-translation AND a misinterpretation. The term as it appears in the Vulgate is a common noun, "lucifer", used as an epithet, where it accurately translates the Hebrew, but in the KJV, it merely shows that the translators occasionally abandoned the Hebrew for the Latin. Additionally, that passage is not and never was talking about the devil. It is referring to the king of Babylon, and the description is a mocking reference to the Tower of Babel story. This is clear as day if you read the verses in their proper context. Ruckmanites and Riplingerites abandon the actual text of the Bible, and make the KJV the new standard. Whether it be by positing a process of purification, as Riplinger did, or complete reinspiration, as Ruckman did, they propose that the real Bible was either lost or nonexistent for 1500 years, until God reinspired it in 1611.
@ethenallen1388 Месяц назад
I may be even less of a scholar than the creator of the video you just critiqued, but it seems to me that the "living word" is strictly oral, and once it's written down, it stops being living. Is this correct?
@randykrus9562 Месяц назад
The Bible actually makes more sense if the Devil tampered with the bible. Cuz if the devil didn't.....that would make god a horrible storyteller and teacher of morals.
@CherubEros Месяц назад
However Jeremiah 8:8 King James Version 8 How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.
@benjamintrevino325 Месяц назад
All of it are words from men.
@annaclarafenyo8185 Месяц назад
"What the authors originally wrote" is not a good criterion for a translation of a community edited text like the Bible. The scribes that fixed errors and added stories are just as important as the first person who composed the story. So it is a mistake to take out passages just because they weren't there originally, you should instead footnote those passages to indicate that they were not there originally.
@fnjesusfreak Месяц назад
Keep them in and footnote them, rather than omit them and footnote them.
@Brandon_SoMD Месяц назад
It gets even more complex when you realize that many OT books never were "written" originally - they were spoken. Hebrew as a written language didn't even exist until 300-500 years after Moses lived, sometime around 1100-1000 BC. The history in the Genesis, for example, therefore existed for centuries as an oral telling of events loooooong before it was recorded in written form. And as best as we know, the vast majority of the OT wasn't recorded until 700 to 600 BC, about the time of the Babylonian Exile. So there were really no original written forms of many of the OT books at the time the language implies that the stories occurred. So if we're going to be honest, we have to come to terms with the fact that a lot of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament was written by people who were writing down very very old stories as if they were original writings by the people named as the authors. And this in particular means that most of the prophecies were written AFTER the events they purport to be predicting.
@annaclarafenyo8185 Месяц назад
@@Brandon_SoMD Moses is a mythological figure, and didn't write any part of the OT.
@Brandon_SoMD Месяц назад
@@annaclarafenyo8185 probably true. But I think if we're going to have a productive discussion with people, we have to let them believe in a literal Moses, and then approach the realistic issues a bit more gradually. Understanding that "Moses" whoever he was couldn't possibly have "written" anything in Hebrew is a starting point, at least, even if it ignores a bigger question about the literal historicity of Bible stories.
@annaclarafenyo8185 Месяц назад
@@Brandon_SoMD Taking the Bible literally as history is a direct attack on religion, making it absurd and childish. This type of attack is used by powerful people to remove the sting of religious oversight, because saying "This is nonsense" didn't work. So they invented a new line of attack: it's not nonsense! It's all literally true! This is like saying that there really was a fox that Aesop saw jumping up and down trying to eat some grapes. Not only isn't it true, it would detract from the story, because a true story carries no moral lesson.
@michaelmessenger24 Месяц назад
Why ask him such things All he knows is what he's read in books Everything touched by man is corrupted And none of us are all knowing.
@sanguillotine Месяц назад
Actually *I am*
@michaelmessenger24 Месяц назад
@@sanguillotine You and no other could ever be so. For no human being is all knowing.
@Noneya5555 Месяц назад
According to your reasoning, then the Bible is also corrupted, as it has been touched by human hands. Also, knowledge is achieved by reading books written by actual scholars and experts. Oh, and the Bible is also a book, so... BTW, no one here is claiming to be perfect or all-knowing, so your point is ridiculous. And, why are you here?
@icollectstories5702 Месяц назад
Okay, the Devil has perverted the Word of God. Now what? Must I believe you that you are not also doing the Devil's work? Sowing Doubt only yields more Doubt.
@wiskadjak Месяц назад
The video presenter is admitting, outright, that the authors of the Gospels were not inspired by Gawd but by Satan. 👺😸
@DoloresLehmann Месяц назад
I would guess that "taken away in footnotes" means that it had been taken out of the main text, but still added in the footnotes, and now it has been eliminated even in the footnotes. Just guessing.
@Satans_lil_helper Месяц назад
@drlegendre Месяц назад
@mdelaney9008 Месяц назад
What really needs to be proven, as the amount of lost people following you will show, is that the scriptures are intact and can be backed up with facts and evidence.
@vmonk2 Месяц назад
we don't even know who wrote them lol
@mdelaney9008 Месяц назад
Yes, we do. If you go in line and do a little research for yourself, you will find that the scriptures can be adequately traced to the writers. just like many other ancient writings. The same old cliches about the Bible and God are only man made excuses for not believing in God. But ignorance is not bliss. I pray you find the desire within yourself to want to know God, and I think you already do. For if you don’t believe somewhat, why are you even bothered to answer posts like this one? Something is driving you to be here, whether you will admit it to yourself or not. If you really didn’t care, you would not even be bothered by posts like this.
@natew.7951 Месяц назад
​@mdelaney9008 "ignorance is not bliss". Umm, you need to educate yourself then. This channel is a good place to start. What does "the scriptures are intact" even mean? That's not a coherent thought.
@OrdoMallius Месяц назад
I hate people making vids like those. Just a bunch of info that you need to dedicate time to easily debunk but can cause damage to those who dont have time or knowledge.
@DaveHawthorne-lk9mz Месяц назад
More fakery and word salad from Dan.
@cedarwaxwing3509 Месяц назад
Explain. What’s fake in what Dan says? How is a discussion of the scholarly research that has attempted to reconstruct the original texts using multiple manuscripts “word salad?”
@peanutmurgler Месяц назад
@@cedarwaxwing3509These fellas usually don’t bother explaining themselves, they’re likely trolls. Folks who actually take issue with Dan’s content will at least acknowledge the scholarship, even if they don’t agree with the conclusions drawn from it
@VulcanLogic Месяц назад
Ah my favorite fundy retort, "nuh-uh!"
@tchristianphoto Месяц назад
And your credentials are what, exactly?
@DaveHawthorne-lk9mz Месяц назад
Define God. Define the Devil. No primary source in the original language. Just Dangerous Dan and his merry bands of zealots.
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